Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 05, 1869, Image 4

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TIUU or ■tiMCHAiwni for Daily, Per Annum J3b-4| “ ** Ci. UAKlka S(> Month*.. Thro* Month* Par Month-. EnA ftOSADALlS, liraax Wtfikl¥ Era, Ptr Annum ••••• 2 00 W INYAEIABLT XV ADVANCE. -JW KATKI Or ADVKMT1UMU. Number Mqiuni. Four Hqi ritd rtqturM His Squares... Quarter Column... f Oolurau....... Two-thlrde Oolutui» One Column 14.00 to.ool 24.UU *1.00 30.00 40.00 .... 44.001 70.00 90.00 03.00 40.00 103.00 73.00. 100.00i 114.0(1 Advertisements fur * longer period Uieu thrw montlM will be inserted et e deduction of twenty per cent, from the above rates. For each eqnare of 10 Uues or lees, for the first laser' lUrn, 11. and for each subsequent Insertion 40 cents. Ten lines of solid nonpareil, or its equivalent in apace, make a square. Terms cash, before or on demand after the first In sertion. t / * n -j. ■ . ■ m -i... „ Advertisements s notices ol advertisements, sr« chargeable at the rate ol . hue for each Insertion. No notice will appear for a less sum than ofifi Doi i-aa. Advertisements nuder the bead of •‘Special Notices," twsuty cants per line for first Insertion, and 10 cents for each subsequent insertion. Voluntary communications, containing interesting or m port an i newt, solicited from every quarter. News letters i rom the various counties of the Htate especially desired. TUB KRA OFFICE H IN TUB BRICK BUXLMNO ON ALABAMA HTBKKT OPPORITK TBS rOUTOmCS, SKTWSSN BROAD AND WBITKUALI- MlMTAuV D1HKITOKY. Buevkt Majob Alfred H. Terbt— CommancMi* Depurtmeul of the Month. PERSONAL STAFF. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain U. 8- Army, AiJ-tle-C»unp. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel C. H. Graves, Captain l T . 8. Army. Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Captain J. O. Telford, 1st Lieuten ant U. 8. Army, Aid-de-Camp. DEPARTMENT STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistant Ad jutant General, U. 8. Army, Assistant Ad- ] itant General. „ . TT Brevet Major Robert P. Hughes, Captain l . S. Array, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. Hotsenpillci, U. S. Army, Aotiug Assistant Inspector General. Major Da Witt Clinton. Judge Advocate U. 8. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. nuines, Commissary of Subsistence U. 8. Army, Chiof Commissary. Bievet Colonel A. R. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captaiu G. K. Sanderson, U. S. Army, Depot aud Stall' Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. S. Army, Mwlioal Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhau. Surgeon U. 8. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon l T . 8. Army, Attending Surgccu. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army. Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. 8. Army. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND Pleasure Seekers. rUIE only direct route to the tVlrgiuin Springs, ALL NORTHERN CITIES. T^XCTRHION RETURN TICKETS to ifltho Celebrat- JLJ chI VirginiaSprluga with tho Privilege of atoppinr over at any intermediate point, have been placed or Halo by this road at greatly reduced rate*. THUMB & ID MUD ) the (ircenhrler White Sul NO STAGING. ■> Ticket Office, Passenger Depot. U. W. WBENN, Oen. Ticket A~ent W. A A. R. H. he symptoms of liver plaint aro uneasiness pain in the side. Some- The atom- i, bow- a general costive, sometimes alternating with lax. Thu head is troubled with pain and dull seusation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with pain ful aenaation of having left undone something which ought to have been done, often complaining of weak- , debility, and 1< Koine times, |thc above symptoms attend the disease, and at other ca very few of them; tbo llrer Is generally DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER RUUVLAIOR. A preparation of roota and herba, warranted to b BLOOD PURIFIER. Orxhb fiersfbta in all it* various form^ ewck as OMumanMoa ha Hs eariles! stages, EalargeniMt and uWnMeti of the Glaodoa. Joint*. Bonos, Kidneys, Ctorva, (%runie Bheunutism, Eruptions of tbo tfltio, Chronic Sore Byes, he.; aiao, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. datoAttioai of Womonj livneral bad healili, aud all diseased of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, If Is a perfect reuovator. UOS VDAi.lM eradloj bad taint, v * rootnro« th ooudlUon. H Is perfectly harmless, never producing the •light est injurj-. It is not a secret Qua* k Remedy. The articles < which it is nude are publn Tod aroimd each bottle. Recommended l>y the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best < ilixen*. Us Ahnansc" for this Prepared only by Drs. Clement*. Rives A Co., Man ufbeturing ChomlsU, formerly J. J. Lawrence A Co., THOMAS G. SIMMS, Agent, Office at ,th* Clothing (Htoro of W. B. Lowe A Co. Atlanta, Georgia, FDD MI M STUM E1IE El Manufacturers of Engine Laths, Planers, Bolt Cutters, I p rlsht Drills, Machinists’ Tools of all Descriptions, A LSO, manufacture and sell Wood-working Machine- Xm- ry of every desc ription, and Stationary and Port able Engines and Boiler*. Patent cold-rolled Shafting, Leather and Rubber Belting, and all article* needful t machine or railroad ropair shops. Offloc liG and 128 Chambers at, New York. GEORGE PLACE, PreaidenL J01IN H. CHESTER, 8ec’y. Je19-tf CHAS. F. HARDWICK, Sec’y. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Berk* Stmts, Philadelphia.! 1 Beam Engine, 22-inch cylinder, four foot stroke, made by Hutton, with IS boiler.-., 40-inch diameter, 43 feet tong. 1 Beam Knglna, 18-inch cylinder, foot feet stroke, made by Sutton, with 4 boilers, 36-inch diameter, 38 feet long. 40 Roller Loom*. 42-lnch, ft, I and 10 treadles, 1, 2, 3 and 4 shuttle*. 23 Crompton Loom*, 42 and 45 inch, 12 and 24 liar- ties*, 3 and 2 boxes, pick *nd pick, and also 4 boxen. J 5Gx48 1 st breaker, 1 Mulu 48x48 ‘2d •• j 420 spindles 40x42 Condenser. ) l.Vin.g'age 1 40x42 1st breaker, i Mule 36x42 2d •• 5 240 spindles 30x42 Condenser. ) J Vin.g'age 160x48 1st breaker,) Mule* 2 '« •• 148x48 2d " 5 432 spindles (48x48 Condenser. ) lj t -iu g’age 2 Mules 360 Spindles each, 2> 4 -inch gauge. l^Hxrgent's Burr Picker, large size, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hodnon's make, large size, ai>eeder 36-inch, two beaters. 4 Cotton cards, 36-lneh, aulf-strippers and grinder, 60-inch traverse. | l vrawing trume, lour timers, Dumford’s drai frame, six coilers. 1 Coudennor, feeder, 24 deliveries. 3 Spinning Frames, 2-inch rings, 168 spindlescac I 1 •• “1 '4-inch *• 180 With shafting, belting, Ac., Ac., complete to run cotton machinery. Warping Mills by hand and power. 1 Balling Machine, for candle wick, Ac. 50,000 Bobbins, Will take part COTTON la trade. ju30<leod3m THE BISHOP PILL. M A MM O T H PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. BOOK AND JOB FEINTING OFFICE! .fiv:e POWER PRESSES! And an Emiles* Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! JJAY1NG added Several Thsaiaad Dollars wortli of Job Typo to ottr already EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! w more fully prepared than ever] t All Descriptions of Job Printing ! Our Now Additions wore selected by an Experlenood Printer, and comprise all the latest Improvements In TYPE, PRESSES, ETC., And enables us to compete successfully with any Printing Establishment In the South. Indeed, we are prepared to print anything From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER ! In a Style to suit the moot fastidious. * up aud in ruuniug order FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! NUMUKU ON 16 IS A MAMMOTH llOE CAUADLU PUF.SS, And is a Hugo Piece of Machinery, the largest of the klud over brought to Atlanta. This Press Is (especially adapted to Pino Book Frintixxs and ijargo Pomtora. Nl'MHKK TWO Smaller than tho first, a Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, oof the boat Newspaper Presses in the State. IllIMBKR TURKIC THE THE tISHOP PILL. ilSHOP PILL. Nut ‘Brandreth’s—not “COSTAR’S” BISHOP PILL "Which is bound to take the place of all others; spare ly vegetable Pitll (sugar coated) and of extraordinary efficacy for Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, f ' “That Cough will kill yon," Try “CosUar’s”Cough Remedy "Colds and Hoarseness lead to death," ■"ry"' •star’i” Congh Remedy Whooping donahs, Ac.," Try »‘t'o*t»r*a” Cough Remedy 'Costar says It la tho best in th# wide world—aud if lie says no—it'sTrue—It’s True -tt’a True; and We say Try it-Try it—Try it.” (.Vomina /‘aptr, Aug. 26. •For Croup - All Druggists in ATLANTA sell: and harmless preparations ever oft log. If taken regularly and persist cure. pula, headache, jaundice, In a<la* •tioiis of tho bladdi p dysentery, affections if die kftltieys, fever, firr- ou*ne*F, chills, disease* of the skin, impurity of th« ressiun oi apiriu, heartburn colic^r pains in the bowola, pain In the head, fsvei and ague, dropsy, boils, paiu in bark and limbs, Astb- tr^x, srysypelaa, female affections, aud bilious diseases) **p£t»£d "nij ly "• /.Eli-1' * <«.. Prlc *1; by mill *llt. Druggists, Macon, Oa.^ R. Felder, Perry, Oa.; Col. E. Rparks, Albany, Oa.;0. J. Lunsford. K*<i., Conductor H. W. It. ll.; C. Master son, lsq.. Kheriff lUbb county; J. A. ButU, Bain bridge, (is.; Dykes A Hparhawk, wlitora "Floridian,” Tallahasse*-; Ilcv. J. W. burke, Macon, (la.; Virgil Powers, Eaq., ttnperlntcndunt 8. W‘. R. It.; Daniel Dul. lard, Bullard's Hutton, Macon k Brunswick R. It., — * -# county, Ga.; (in < tiMll. Wood, Wood's Facto I—To all whom It may concern.—William L. Hay having in prop form applied to me for letb ri of administration ■ the estate of Angnstna Williams. Iste of said conn! this is to cite all and singular, lit- rr. a: next of klu ol Augustus Wtllisius, to b* ami appear my office, wtthlu the Urns altewsd bv law, and show Witneaa my band and official *ig:,attire. 1869. ’ * aep UT9dprsfor |« lUgust 261 DAM1KL VOWLKR, Onlluary. RR. HUNTER S ONTINCLS to treat all private diseases, syphilis, all forms gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, Ac., coin- •ly eradicated. Tliat numerous class of caaes re sulting from aell-a)iuer, producing unmanlinsss, ncr- lo oall for consultation, which costa nothin.’. Kxprrl- ence, the best of teachers, has ensble«l hint to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, permanent, and which in most cases cm iMtueoi without hlndrawco to bust- noos. Medici not prepared in the esUblUhan ut. whirl, embraces office, reception and waiting rooms, also, boarding and sleeping apartments for pitiitnts ruqulr- tersonal attention, and v* * —■ • s concentrating the fame* married or single. ■ufiei._ w —— — tions. tndnlgenciea, or exposure, may apply and bo cured. No matter who have failed, state your case... Band what ho saya In Ida nambhUtt, aeut to any ah drees free. Thousands of cases treated annually at ol flee and all over the country. Consultation free, per sonally or by mail. Office, No. 183 Third Htreet, be- tweoa Qreen and Walnut, near the f'ostoffiee, Lotifs- vUle, Ky. Office hours, 9 a. m., to 7 p. w. ; Hands; A. M . to 12 M. Sundays 1( Jr i-dJy “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations ARE HIS BEAUTIFIER. THE BUCKTHORN SALVE! “Costur’s” (only pure) Insect I'owdcr. Address “Oowrxn," No. 10, Orosby st„ N. Y„ Or John F. IIknrt (Successor to) Dumas Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. AW For Hale by J. A. TAYLOR, L. II. UIUDF1ELD and other Druggists in ATLANTA, OA. RF.DWINK A FOX, agents, Atlanta, Ga. feh20-c GKO. N. THOMAS, A 11 o r n < niCHAU'8 GOLDEN 11EMEDIEH. Ask lor no other, take no other, and you will save time, health and money. $l,0uu REWARD lor anycast of disease itt any atage which they fail to euro. ^ I)r. Rioiau's Golden Balsam No. 1 cures Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Throsi and Mouth, Hore Eyes, CnUne- ous or Hkiu Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotches, Bore- ness of the HcaJp, Hcrofiils, Aw.; is ths greatest Reno- vator, Alterative and Blood Purifier known, remove* all disease iroin tbs* system, and loaves tho blood pure and healthy. I>r. RicnatiH Oof.nNN Balsam No. 2 cures Mercurial Affections. Iih< luatlsm, In all its forms, whether from Mercury or other causes; gives immsdla4e relief in all rases. No dieting uecoaary. I have thousands of oer tifleatea proving tho miraculous cures effected by these Uamsdie*. Price of eithsr No. 1 or No. 2 $4.00 per but- tie, or two bottlsafor $9.00. Dr. Riciiau'n (lotitEN Antidote, a safe, speedy, pleas ant and radical cur* for all Urinary Derangeroot ts, ao. . nmtwnb d with full <tirscttsos. Price $3.00 per bottle. Dr. ku:nAU’K Golden Kjiub Amovh, a rashes! cur# for Nervous or General Debility, in old or young; Im parting < uorgy with wonderful effect. Price $5.00 per bottle, or two bottles for $9 00 On receipt of price Remedies will be shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid to correspondents.— None genuine without the name of "DR. RICIIAU'8 GOLDEN REMKDIKH, D. B. RIOHARD’B, sole proprti eti»r," blown in gtaa* of brittlni. Address lb B. RICHARDS, No. )l‘4fi Variok street. New York. Office hours from 0 a. m. to 9 p. m. ('irculars free. Ijy4*dty Tho Purosi, Host and Cheapest xs a. ivrBXJxm^r hoe jobber, K^,MS d p^i l "rK r,0B ,0 “°'" ,rT .Hoo,. n , h-b^npnmonoeMb, IVUMBKIt FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM IPOTTES PRESS, For Printing CIRCULARS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, he., and is of very superior quality. NUMRRR FIVK IS A. POTTER ICAIID PRESS, s out work with a rapidity Uiat is astonishing; and, yet, in the neatest and moat With these extensive facilities for ail kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, 9 hexitation In aaylng to the public that we o t work u rapid); u »nj EittbUiament touth IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION All we ask is -A. F AIE TRIAL We are prepared to print, HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, OR. JOHN BULL ' t t«m«i r* gL SMITH’S TONIC SYBUP, roa tbx otn> or AGUE AND rEVEH. '^)M— ClllliliM A3D FVAEH. mancui cur# of Ague and Fe' ^ wSiMrafsisirsssc km. tMttmony to the truth of tit* aaaertlon that in no oaa# whatever wiU it fail to cure, if the directions are strict ly followed and carried ouL In 4 great many oaaeei a .tagte doe* hae been sufficient for a cure, and whote families have been cured by • ^ feet restoration of the general health. MM" prudent, and in every oaee more certain to U6 C »Is continued in ainaUer doaea for a weak or two ti the disease has been checked, moro cweciaUy in difficult and long-standing oases. tJsusBy Utia• cine will not require any aid to keep the bowel# in good order; should the patient however require a Uiartlc medicine, after haring taken tiireeorfour< ee of the Tonic, a single doee of BULL 8 ' KGKTA1 FAMU.Y PILLH will bo sufficient J»r. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office: No. 40 Kiftli Cross Street,, lioulavllle, KontuolLy um. 7. WSfrmjD’ts itrijAii imutub Woman’s Best Friend. saiWtewafeasyt j^nbtfjr^-gv.’qgg Hurt.,-, aju® Tonic —““'ssMSSSffitS ?2%3i&££a£ •n^ltneao ^mptoSaga- *way WIU S. SOM SUWWlWM. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United States and World Wide Headers. I have received many testimonials from professional and medloal men. as my almanacs and various public cations have shown, all of which are genuine. The following letter from a highly educated aud popular physician In Georgia, Is oertainly one of the most sen sible communications I have ever received. Dr. Clem ent knows exactly what he speaks of, and his testimo ny deserves to l>e written in letters of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL'S WORM DESTROYER: Viluanow, Walker Co., Oa., June 29,18. dcrfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single in Ject in writing you is to find out upon what terms I can get the medicine direct from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. 1 am aware that the uae of such articles is contrary to the liscarding a remedy which we know to be efficient simply bocanao we may be ignorant of it* combination, For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and any means to sleviate suffering hnmauity which 1 may be able to command—not hesitating because some more Ingenious than myself iusy have learned its facts first, and secured the sole right to secure that knowledge. However, I am by no means an advocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrums that flood the couutry, that purport to cure all nor of diseaao to which humau flesh is heir. Please reply soon, and inform me of your best terms. 1 at sir, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. dffl&MfffL' k. brabjteSV .flOLtnlnr rjdwine ror cbttiMs x^^tVF=*xx I ■ f t It I - — TV- ■ v- Six Great Remedies No Arsenic—Mo Htrcsry. wns with or without wh!U*. polpBoBoo. of ttakart. tightness across tbs chest, cough, and f^J®**** . M ^ still allowed to go on “green sickness" wUlbefuUy de veloped, the headache beoomea severe, with loss of memory, diminishing sensibility, set stomach, dys-. ^laVwreUsh fartod. loss of fletix, increased flub terin* of the heart, sw sixmo or TMxrxiU’, WlttJ I body; and vocational spitting of blood. The slightest Tios. Tbs skin Is fiabby and s "doughy fssL" This la a sad pictnre, but it is the ooudlUou ti Ihoosands of women between tbs ages of fifteen and forty-five who are brought to the verge of the grave by %nor* aaoe or neglect to take the proper remedy. To all who are sffiioted with any of the symptoms above mention; eg, in connection with an irregularity of the "monthly FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounoee ts ken you wiU at ouoe experience its benefits, and with * little patience you will be fully restored to health. This remedy baa been extensively used fbr upwards 1 physicians of Georgia, We ret eat that DA. J. BRADF1KLDB FEMALE REGULATOR is preparred tor WOMEN and to be used by Women only. A trial is all we ask. Prepared and sold in any quantity by La H. UKADFIKLD, WHOLESALE DRUOG1HT, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1 50 per Brittle. «7* Bold by Druggists generally. Atlanta, Ga., December 29,1868. Dr. J. Beadvtxld. Dear Star: I take pleasure in stating that some time previous to the late war, I need, with th* utmost sucoess, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Bradfleid’e Drug Store, West Point, Ga. Bhe had been sufferti severely from suppressed menstruction, and this Mo lcine soon restored her to health. Bhe is, to-day, 11 lag In Atlanta, sound and well. I will state, further, that I know of its being used, with equal success: on s servant girl of my brother- in-law, Professor Rutherford, of Athena, Ga. This woman had, 1 think, been diseased for six years.— Bhe was s house servant, and seemed cured up to the time of "freedom." I do not hesitate to Indorse your preparation for the purposes for which you recom mend it _.. Yours truly, JNO. C. WBITNEB. STATE OF GEORGIA. Taocr County. This is to certify that I have examined the receipt of Dr. Joseph Bradfield, of this oounty, and as a med ical man prononnoe it to be a combination of Medi cines of groat merit in the treatment of all the die# ■ of your Fomale Regulator in this neighbor- noon. WM. H. FINCHEN. Mountvillx, li*68. Db. J. Bbadftfxd—Dear Sir: I have repeatedly used in my family, your Female Regulator, and have in e~ cry case, met with complete success. G. L. DAVIS. SST I also prepare and have for sale a YEA8T POW DER, equal to the best, aud for much less I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, by many of the best housekeepers in the city, and pro nounced by them to be very t upertor. L.. U. HKADEIEI.O, r)n«|firlMt, Atlanta, On Sole Agent for Goo. M. Hay’s Sure Cure for luteinperunce. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Reason for the Captain’s Faith. Burros Bamuce’s, Mo., April 30,1866.1 Db. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency of your Sarsaparilla and the healiDg and beneficial qualities it possesses, I Kond you the following atate- Being moved ■ aud couflnod for sixteen n P«- . _ _ something to aseiat nature. 1 have more f*iih In your Sarsaparilla than in anything else, l wish that that is genuine. Please expr# oblige, b half a dosen bottle#, and *•—'The following was written April’ 30, 1865, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Db. Bull—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. C. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Central New York, where ho died leaving the above 0. P. John son to my care. At thirteen yean of age, he had a chronic dlarrhcea and scrofula, for whioh I gave him your Sarsaparilla. It cubed him. I have for ten year* recommended It to many In New York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, lover aorea and general doblllty. Perfect euoceaa has at tended 1L The cures effected in some cases of scrofula and fever sores wen almost miraculous. I am very anxioua for mj son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. H# is fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for it. His wounds were tor- rlble, but I believe ho will reoover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON. LABELS OF ALL KINDS DR. 0. S PRv PHITT’S Family Medicines. CONSISTING OF IIIS CELHRATED LIVElt MEDICINE, Au»<Iinc Fain Kill It, ANTI.BILLIOUS PILLS, Ague pills, nysrnlrry Cordial, Female Tonic FUHinnwG fixjIis JL i>m4SI r In removing the diseases peculiar to our Southern cli mate haring already established for them an enviable reputation in Georgia and the adjoining States. As the pie are duo to organic or functional derangement of that Important organ. Prophitt’s Liver Medicine and Antl-Btilious Pills strike directly at the root of tho eriL They cure the Liver, which In nine cases out of ten, Is at the bottom of the Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic, 81ok Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob structions, etc., so common among our people. Ear ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily pains of every kind flee before Propliitt’s Fain Kill It like chaff before the wind. If you have Indigestion o: any othei chronic <T Dyspepsia in any form, c Together with All Descriptions of Railroad Work MOLD I1Y ALL OROCES9. July U dlj From a Ticket to a Ledger. We are also prepared to do all kinds of FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. BOOK-BINDERY! W$ also liavs connected with our office, a No. 1 Book-Bindery, in charge of one of th* SXWX" I3XRj M > Idi i In Hie United States, who oan do all descriptions of work In th* BEST STYLE and with dispatch. SAMUEL BARD. BOLL'S Clllll BITTERS! AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. ./HK.UXfS fff:.!f<f> f'ftO.TV. Testimony of Mcdictri Mou. flTOWST PoiWT, White Oo., Ark., May 2k, 1866 Da. John Bull—Dear Sir: Last February I was la I-oulsrifte purchasing Drags, and I got some of your Sarsaparilla and Cedrrni Bhters. 7 My son-in-law who was with me In the store has been down wMh rheumatism for some time, commeuo *d on the Bitters, and soon found his general h Improved. Or. (UM, who hM boon lo bod bMltb, tried them Mid be also Improved. Dr. OoOo, who bM boob to bod health for lerenl jeori-ototMob Md llrer offoitod-bo Improrod rerr g»* V norm of FOOT Bitten. Indeed, tbo Cedron »Wisr^*«4asiHS lUepeottolly, 0. B. WALEEIL AU the above remedies for sale by L. H. BRADFIELD, DHUGOWT, WHITEHALL HTREET, ATLANTA, 0A I Prophitt’s Liver Medioine. It is safe and reliable; pure Vegetable, and a liquid ready for use at any and all times. Price $2 a bottle— 331-3 per oent. discount by the doxeu bottlos or more. If you get snako bit, use PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT. internal and external. If you have a fresh wound of any sort, use ths PAIN KILL IT. Ii you get dog bit, apply the M AIN KILL IT. dr. o. k. PROPHrrre Anti-Billious Vegetable Pills Purgative and Febrifuge, be retied upon as a safe and efficient cathartic in DR. O. 8. PROPHITT’8 VEGETABLE AGUE PILL& aafe and rollablo for all to take at any time. DR. PBOPHITT’8 COMPOHID BTSEITERY CORDIAL A safe and genuine remedy for all kinds of Bowel Dis- “— Dysenteries, Dlarrhcsa, Woody Flux, Ac •■•A, PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy tor Chill* and fever, or Ague aud Fewer, that is or can be depended upon is Hurley** Ague Tonic. There have been thousands cured by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit, WORTHY OF ATTENTION. To Dr. Thomas A. Hurley: ereby certify that during last year 1 was att* with the ague whilst in Vlcksbnrg, Miss., and used several popular medicines with but temporary relief. Oa reaching homo thedieesse returned in a worse type, if possible, when mv medical attendant ordered Quin tus in large doee#—frequently as high as 60 grains per dav, and which must have coat mo nearly $100. 1 con sulted Dr. Smith, of Louisville, and found he prescrib ed quinine and arsenic combined, which a refused to lake, preferring to lei the disease tako its course. I almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and prom ed with enlarged Liver and Spleen. About this !■ . the advertisement of Hurley r s Ague Tonic appeared in a city paper, and I determined to give it a trial. 1 did so, ana have no reason to regret it. One bottle restored me completely, and since that time I have seen n s hundred cases lu which it acted with equally h . . . results, and would certainly recommend It as prefers- bis to any other tonic before the public. JAMES MARTIN, Engine* Louisville, Ky.. June 16, I860. cll **«* «r hkM.u •*kss*ssS?, J-MkAUlpirt..,. “ an Atilt, AAWM.— irrive at AUauta.. Leave Augusta.. * lmzrUA »*ais. D««ve Rerxetia. 2Lr“ ■gSTOSl^-. Psesengtf Train, to make Passengers for KaehrtUeo.H^ Memphis. Ixmleville snd!tlJ2u h ’ aiti make close ronne<4iomi U * ttr Through Tickets and Hegn^ m » the above places. llillman s Palace Maeplng ger Trains. No change of Mail Trains between Augn#UmS Anrtsiaii UIANUK OK Hi Or ncv. or Maittxk or t Ckstusl IUilboal. 8AV**2i,IJ On and after Sunday, icth , i tho Georgia Central Railroad^] Itcavt) Savannah., tr . DAT T * Aai ’ Arrive at Macon Arrive at Augusta. Arrive at MilledgcrtUt Arrive at Estonton Connecting with train that l«*Ve«'il Arrive at Savannah PURIFY YOUR RLOOD. BURLEYS SilSiPlBlUl WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. Dyspepsia, Krysluells, Female Ir- regularities, Fistwla, all Nkln Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indlgestloa, Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Serofu- Louisviixk, April 4,1866. Harley’s Sarsaparilla is what it Is represented, and I believe It the most wonderful medicine beloro tho public. Nothing under the heavens could lnduco to say so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on the subject My daughter has been afflicted with skin disease and stiffness of the joints for several years. I ployed the principal physicians 6f the city and could not cure her. 1 gave her your Sarsaparilla not expecting it would do much good, but to my great as tonlahment she rapidly gut well, and thank God con tinues so. Had she beeu taking auy medicine I would not give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt ol Its medi cal qualities, and that it alone cured her. (Signed,) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth and honesty of the HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Mossrs. James Ruddle A Oo.—Gentlemen—It gives me great plrnauro to aa>, after ualng all tho other worm remedies known to me, with but partial success to my children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley’s, aud since using it my chUdren havo become quite well and healthy. The children would oat It all the timu. It is one of the best, safest remedies known, and as such, rocommend it to one and all. JAS. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, Jnue 13, 1868. HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, In digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of action of the Liver or Disordered Stomach* There are no hitters that can compare with these In removing these distressing complaints. For sale tu>° BtaMta* Oo-. Louisville, Ky.; Gentlemen Thta Is to certfly that I have been lor years a sufferc r WaXS"**” 1 h * T * b ** rd «« *««n ed-' - bottle, to my i I felt a t»0 OCCMjon. It ing my life. I conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers aa the best BUtors known, and advise th *^K* lw * ,r, ' 0 “ k, ‘ >rDr T - A ' Hurl*,'. Mid h.Tr *' rot<,r ' i, “ Loulivlllr, Ky., Dtcombor 10, ” Dn80N * NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR SEABROOK’S I INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Dm la U|. ftilura only SKADBOOK'g, . combln.Uon quite up with the advancement of the age. Pleasant to take, harmless In its action, efficient and reliable in all otoes. Invaluable in the following diseases: Summer Complaint, Irregularities of the bowels. Restiveueas, Teething, Ac. Gives health to the child aud real t 0 the mother. Connecting wltii train that uesA Leavo Savauuah I ** nL Arrive at Macon Arrive at Augusta Connecting with train tlut l**** Arrive atHavannali **^*”-.. Arrive at Augusta... Leave MUledgerille Leave Eatonton Connecting with trains that leave i‘ __A- M. Trains from Savannah and Train* from Macon, connect with Su,1 fl»y" excepted. !*• M-Train from Savannah co&afck Mail Train on South Carolina lui- from Havannah and Augusts with 4wL r western and Muscogee Railroads. Il>, * [8igned] WiLhtig- GREAT SA REAL ESTA rpHE undersigned will sell for CAtt,* 1 Tuesday, the 5th Day of Next, at the Court House lu the dh Morgan county, Georgia, the h ELEGANT AM) well and cistern all superior. Al*o Six Thousand Six and Fifty-two A MORGAN COUNTY lying ou the waters of Sugar Ora*. lta» brace some of the Finest Cotton aedOafi country. They will be soldfu levenl afford an opi>ortunlty to a good nttj Procure So It is aeldom tliat such an opporttaltf chase farms so favorably located. Strangers desiring t GREAT ORIGINAL would do well to attend this sale. The lands tie within from ouc to 1 ton, and are composed of the fan* * Oh the same day and the day 1otio**r t the residence aforesaid, tho apleadtl PARLOR FURNI And other noueehoM Goods and and other valuablta Carriage and and a great variety of personalty tatea of said deoeased and his widow, m of whom also w* are executor*. t Tho aale to bo made under the orw® _ Ordinary, and the Wills of the deOfiJM?- poeo of pay bag legacies, and tor < 0,. party Ls unquektloncd. Thi<la»® ^ JAMia n- chebtd Madison, Ga., August 14, !$$•• may U givou to all eirea. ugea aud sexes, and J ».« Urnea. with p*?rfect safety, whore there ts anything of that class indicated. Female. Tonle, PUHYFYING PILLS Ths Purifying Wlls and Fsmate Tonlo are associated together as a full preparation, a you see in the Bills *» f * lTen • l 'tion in my practice fbi the last twentyy ears. In all ca . « that they ara recom- meudedfor Tho Piti# may l * taken in oonneetioa with the Liver Medicine, with- t the Tonic, when titer* is any indication for them, >ch as Shortness o« Braath- SwxHinf ofthsFestor? % or a I’ale, Weak siateof the Blood, or a Flabby sh c of the Muachr generally follow Fever and Chills ud Fever. AQ of the above Modi cine# sold by Druggists end March*#ta geoarally throughont the Southwest. W. A. LanadoU. Bedwlne A Fox. Ourtls k Lloyd. Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor k Oo^ Atlanta, Oa. 7 ^ ***** oaly by DB. 0. I. PBOPHITT, All the above remedisa for sale by L. H. BRADFIELD, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST. Yrmrwu.L nut,, ATiarro, ■wau. Nabhviixb, Tkmn., Feb. 12, 1868. Jae. Buddie k Co., Loulevllle, Ky.—When llvltg In your city I uaodaeveral bottles of Dr. Seabrook’a ln- rant Soothing 8ynip, and found It to do my child more good and It would rest better after using it than any fr' , “«dy I *▼# r tried. I oan saywlth confldenoe. It is the best medicine fbr children at present known I wish you would get the druggists here to keep It. If *uy one does, please let me know; 11 not eeud me one doxen by oxpreae, and I will pay for It at the office hero. Write roe when you aend It, and oblige MRS. WAR AH L. RANDOLPH. S tate of oborgia-dawsok^ m, Thoma# Baland. admlairira**" Hiram Crane, dsoeaaed, reproerati petition, duly filed and entered op }** fully administered Hiram Crane^MtiJ"* tore, to cite all persona concert**" »ny they can, why said adm'nHUwwr- discharged from his sdmlnistratios. of dlaatisalon on the first Monday » - This Angnst the 2d, 1869. dakul *Ugl7-E a prafce$6 1)R. SEABROOK’S EBiir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Ttilselsgant oomtination possesses all the mnn pr.'MTUM uf r«uitol lark Mid Iro„, rtUioM •arMbla u.te Mia l*a «ff<wu ot .Uk.r, Mp.nt.lT or If i. 0 "? <* Or am -My: BSS, ” It should be taken in all oases wheels teatle tonic K. preaslon Is required after oon vahwoenJTftJ or debilitating'diaetseo, ev in SSd?S»2Sn. -si James Ruddle Sc Co., PROPRIETORS, Laboratory JTo. 41, llulUII Street Louisville, Ky, Oil um Mkit. (ooO. tor Ml. bj KKBWUM 4 KOI „ ATI.ANTA. OA I *- / 1 KOHOIA. DAWSON OOUNTI^hW VT onlM'lropi Oi. Court ol ' oountr, will b« mM on the IMA Uth. Court Doom door,In wMj Uio ah houru. lot ol hud. »*■ dtalHct, litMoOou.o/Luiuphtooou.U' broMlt of Uu hclru Mid cndltort of JOURBA* ' ASSIGN E l* A . trlot of Georgta, I will e*U door, in the Sewn of Marietta to —- day of October Hsxtatll o’oeloek^ Noe. 94 and S8, with the from all Hens and eocumbraHeeh urty bolMflU, to tfe. OMMO of DUOMJ sftJKCiiErAtfJSEr., ■mckehouas, stabtea. Ac- yards of the pubtio square. T, £ M |^T r sap lAwkUd T& UthMufon to oil. ,11 P-Tf'V drwt ut menu, to wk. Mid MMfoMnt.r *0.14 Ut« ■> Kto MluilnlitMtlMi. und iMla ji OB th. C IG«4at lu Octotw. H*