Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 07, 1869, Image 2

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DAILY NEW 'ERA. by »-ajJtTM[igAm>. OffioiaT Journal of the United States THUBBDAS MOBN1MO. OPT. 7, 1WB Tm PlDOT WUO OAK AND WltL OVID* TB* Sair or 8tat* tAMii mmouau 1T»HT tiros* STATE ^EW». Tb« America* Uepabliaw) report* fro»l- s»r*nn»h i* bating foot-r*c«* »n<I ba»ob*ll inrteb gun**- Only * In State p*por* were reoel’ca jr«*. U ril»J, Mid * dearth of new* reocived In them. The eity of Savannah i« »boot to h»T* * atreel nulroa.1 Work Till commence on or »bont the 15th inetant. Several enler|>riviug femur* of llall county have commenced the cultivation of clover on an extensive scale. The Kevenuo Collector of llio district re port* that not a lawyer in Colombo* returns any income. Bather suggestive. The Commercial »*ys; 'Wo learn that the Templeton Troupe will make thciriappearance in Borne early in November. Wo hopo to have scenery iu oor llall by that time. The Dougherty Farmer'* Clob, says the Albauy News, will attend the Kioto Fair, and will camp on the Urouuds. Members of the flub will organize nuaaoa, and each mess will manage its own domestic offitir*, and provide its own "ways and means." Speaking of cotton, the Monroe Advertiser savsirhe receipts of cotton in this market h ive fallen off considerably. Farmers seem to be holding for higher figures a policy which is sure to benefit them in * pecuniary way Wo advise them to hold it ns long ns price* are below thirty cents. There have ! i shipped from Forsyth, since the 15th of Like the clever railroad agent here. This, together with W) bales of the new crop now m store at the warehouse, swells the receipt* daring tho present season to 1)12 bales. The Savannah Advertiser says: Colonel T. 1>. liobb. Collector of Customs for this port, has beeu authorized by tho Seoretary of the Treasury to accept from importers who have to pay duties at his office u certificate of de posit, issued by tho United SUtes Assistant Treasurer at New York city, certifying that he has deposited to tho credit of the Treasurer of the United States n given amount in gold coiti on account of duties on imports. This ar- r.bucemeut is made to enable merchants to avoid the risk, expense and delay in transport ing coin, and will prove an economical as well ixs° convenient system for such persons as choose to avail themselves of the privilege of fered. We doubt not our merchants will fully appreciate tho efforts of Col. Robb, which have succeeded in effecting this arraugeinont, as the public generally have to thank him dur ing his administration of the l’ostoffice lor an evident desire on his part to advance the com mercial interests of the city by every means which his official position placed at his com mand. Xrwi of the Day. There are over two hundred officers o( the army unassigned. Thirty-nine deaths occurred in Memphis during the past week. Edgar Raker, of Worcester, Massachusetts, died suddenly, at Springfield, Illinois, Satur day. Marshal Barlow denies that tho steamer Al abama carried any Cuban filibusters fTom New York. Colonel Payne, of Nashville, Tcuue^.see, was run over, in St. Louis, Saturday, And quite badly injured. The Nashville hotels are filling up rapidly, m anticipation of the convening of the Legis lature on Monday. Provisional Governor Peas-', of Texas, sent iu his resignation, and will take tho stump for Hamilton. Amos Kendall has been ill for several weeks at Washington. Dr. Dexter, his physician says he can not recover. Both political parties iu New York are mak iug preparations for an active campaign tbii fall. The Boston. Hartford A Erie lt-iilroad Com pany has purchased the wharf frontage or Brc ad and Federal streets, Boston, for nearly $:j,uuo.uoo. A new bank, called the Citizens’ Saving Bunk, has been organized in St. Lon' capital of $200,000. Joseph O'Neil dent. The receipts of fractional currency for last week were $005,000; shipments, $800,287; amount destroyed, $176,050? total National Bank circulation, $209,818,715. The steamer Europe, laden with arms and ammunition for the Spanish authorities in Cuba, has been released from Government surveillance, and has probably gone to sea. Ex-President Pierce has been very ill for some weeks, and his physician pronounces him very low. His disease assumes a dropsi cal form. His recovery is extremely doubtful. Consul Plumb advises the State Department that uuless measures are taken by our Govern ment to prevent it, the mai’a for the United States will be seized by fhc Spanish-Cnban officials. £ Eleven persons were wounded in the riot in Philadelphia, on Friday night, which aroae from the attack on the Keystone Club proces sion by the Invincibles. Three were hurt se riously. Captain Henry BnfottY* hot- o Blackwood, three years old, trotted, at the Lexington, Kentucky, fair, Saturday, a mile in 2:31, the fastest time ever made by a three year old, by six seconds. Governor Senter writes to the committee in St. Louis that Tennebseo will be represented at the National Capitd Convention, which will meet there on the 20th inst. This makes ten States that will Ki nd dele gates to the Con vention. Coroner Clawson, of Pittsburg, held an in quest, Saturday, on the !>ody of a miser named Auerbaugh, forty-five years old, who died from exposure. He lived in n celler. One thou sand dollars iu gold and greenbacks were found in his apartment. Business at the Denvir Laud Office for the month of September shows: Homesteads en tered, 8,700 acres, cash sales, 54,092 acres. — This large amount of sale is owing chiefly to the public sales. The greater portions of th land offered have not yet t>eeu sold. The burglars who robbed the Norwalk (Con necticct) Bank, on Thursday night, carried * away over $100,000, of which sum $30,000 be longed to the fund of the bank. Tho vault was pried open by tho burglars, who then blew open tho safe door—a mass of iron, weighing four thousand pound with pow- dor. General Thomas Duncan, w ho started from j Fort McPherson with the Fifth Cavalry, on an expedition into the Republican country two weeks since, surprised a band of Indians on Prairie creek, September 28th, killing one, wounding several, and capturing a consider able quantity of supplies und camp equipage. *■' The will of E. M. Samuels, of St. President Orsst sad O^flM-Tk* stttntloa amt Its UMtf HriulutUKi* The Radical "Darnocratie" paper of this city, having abandoned Us warfare upon Ganeral Lougstrast, is now exhausting its energies upon President Grant—all to the end that the Administration may bo brought into contempt with tho “Douiocratio” faction In Us issue of the 5th inst, it has a labored artiole purporting to show “How a Texas lUdioal got office from Grant," wherein it is asserted, without a particle of proof, and oven without a roasonablo probability of truthful ness, that the President bestowed an offioe upon a Texas Republican who had no other qualifications than a blackened eye, reocived at the bauds of some Ku KJux. Growing warm over his subject, tho editor gives vent to tho following cataract of words: “He (Grant) chooses the wouuded, the buugcd-eycd, tho bloody-nosed, the gouged, the tb urn pod, the thrashed. Let tho aspirants get geutcclly kicked by some irate Democrat— battered over the noggin by a disloyal Ku- Klux. • • I.ul them proaont thcmiW’lveB bo- lore the great Grant, uud unveil their loyal suffering’ll, • • • and the reward will be I tain." This is very flue writing. Adjectives are words used to describe and qualify n*»j They also servo to fill space. They arc coii-j venient substitutes for ideas. They are gene rally in high favor with young writers. When compounded with adverbs, they muko excel lent jiugle. They make flue decorations to empty assertion, and all this whether they offend Limlly Murray or not ! When the Constitution begun its career un der its present editorial management, a few months since, it gave promise of moderation. It promised its readers something rare in tho way of high-toned journalism. It deprecate tho slang habit iuto which it said too many ••Democratic” papers had fallen. It was tc bo a bright and shiuiug light to Gooigiajoarn alism. no less an example aud a perfect model of its p.uty tactics. It even curried its fastidi ousness so far r.s to propose the dropping off tho worn out name of its party! Tho name bad become offensive to correct taste. It had boon degraded by slang whanging “Domo- cratio” editors. Henceforth the party should have high-toued journals; should have a new song iu its mouth; and should be baptised in a new name! Alas for “good resolutions!” Bhakspeare says tho highway to perditiou is paved with them. They aro made by tho worst of us when in a mood of repenianoe. They are abandoned by the best of us in an hoar of temptation and mental vacaity ! Thus we go; always repenting, and yet always making fresh work for repentance ! Always promising to do better, yet always falling an easy prey to temptution. Always plucking at external motes, yet never discerning internal beams. Alas! alas! for the modern high pressure “ Democracy ” of Georgia I “ When doctors disagree (or fall under their own ban) disciplos then are free. ’ Wop* imo President Grant will survive this “hign-toneu assault from the exempla ry, scholaily, “ Dein'eratio” organ in Geor gia. At least wo h pe so! And if it bo misfortune for one of his appointees (“a Texas Radical”) to wear goggles, let us hope that that is (he least among his misfortunes, he bo possessed of brains he is “a man for a’ that.” jSiF* A clergyman, in tho county of Dur ham, had taught an old man in his parish to read, and had found him an apt pnpi!. After the lessons wero finished, he had nut been ablo to call at tho cottage for some tirno, and when he did, he found only tho wife at home. “ How’s John V” “ He’s canny, sir,” said the wife. “ IIow does ho get on with his reading?” “ Nicely, sir.” “Ah! I suppose he'll rend his Bible very cuiufuitable, n< “Bible, sir! bless you, ho was out of the Bible and into the newspapers long ago. Intelligencer will Fltait Read Title. “My dear, did you say or did you not say what I said you said? becauso Mrs. Grundy said you never did say what I said you said. Now, if you did say that you did not say wl I said you said, then what did you say? 7 r *t' Ah George W. Shanks is about estab lishing a cotton factory in Florida, spiudles- shanks will be popular in that State. Napoleon has beeu forbidden by his physicians to devote us much time and atten tion to business os formerly. His sedentary life has greatly undermined his constitution, notwithstanding which he still insists on de voting a largo portion of his time to the trans action of official business. The general opin- n in Pans is that ho will abdicate on the 16th of March, 1870, at which date his sou becomes fifteen years of age. Fm Iks Atlanta Constitution. A Trtbau IV t* mtmorjf *J Amfit WkO*J*r, daupfifer */Uu Jfo*. JmrU I. fWHraAarflfinj jttSti - — :=r r az u r» 0 r ,, “ c ‘‘' AatumnM lUdow* chilled my fevered fnuc. Am! .treoec foreboding, prereed my Mbln* Lr»lo I Wbch lot awlfovlugea Uio hrevy summon, omuo, Tn Join rey nHinnlnum 1* * (UMreJ tral*. I at morning prayer ; closed foreveriwore; _ ^ ar troubled car, Is that soft voice that iiamea me, sweet sad dear, tv. Iu the Silvery light of memories dear, The smile that won the heart osn atul be ours; But when we gather 'round that vacant chair. We'U think or Bprlug without hor fragrant flowers. They labor, Nannie, not thy love, la lost; Thou hadat uo (suit to hide beneath the clay; Sweet opening bud, thou waited not the trust, That blight the blusMoma of the later day. gtniua, < Wo wau lied thy progress up tb# cisasic ltapt by the stories on tho Urocian page, Thy young hosrt bounded liko s mountain rill. charm, d l>y the untaught graces of thy soul, Wo ouvied not the higher gifts in thee; Well plf-wod so Hi-o thy native powers unroll, null unfurling for a broader soa. Lrtjvod, not lost, thine be a sweet vacation ; Tho bell will ring then back to books no more; The "perfivtt star" shines on thy bleat vocation, wintry tempests roar. Daniel Boom-’* grandson died roeently iu Miuoari, at the ago of 88. Cuptaiu Hall, the American explorer, is a Cincinnatian. Inane V. Fowler, formerly of New York, diud at Chicago Bept. 29 h. Dr. Chapin gays that love of gold in Wall aired Ims macadamized the ten command ment Dr. lI*iy«-8 will lecture on Arctic explora tions this winter. Ban “Brick” Pomoroy is seriously ill from a se vere attack of congestion of the lungs and in termittent billions fever. Train, referring to Anna Dickinson, says : “I never load a camion to shoot a canary.”— The shrill-keyed Anna a canary ! Mrs. Rawlins was a governess iu Vicksburg, and was captured by Goncral Rawlins armis et arrnore. Train likes Anna Dickinson all the better for having called him a harlequin. It is grat ifying to know that ho loves a truth teller. Bishop Slevons, of Pennsylvania, was lately married at Wilkcsbarre, to Miss Anno Con- yngh&m. The great desire of CadL Hall is to reach tho North Pole, and an effort is to be made to fit out a Government expedition for that pur pose next summer. The New York Express says Mr. Bigelow has resigned tho editorship of the Times, and Frederick Hudson, late of the Herald, is here after to be managing editor of thnt paper. lion. Horace Greeley wrote to somo gentle men in Lynchburg on the 17th inst. that they wero welcomo to use his name in p.ny way to promoto the renovotion and prosperity of Vir ginia. This was before he was nominated for tho United States Senate. Mrs. Ottendoffer is the sole proprietor of the largest German daily newspaper in tho city of Now York. Many years ago her hus band died leaving her a largo family of chil dren and a small paper. She went to work and now controls a very rich nud powerful journal. She drives to her offioe in tho morn ing, looks nfter its affairs, and returns to her elegant home at 3 r. M. admitted to probai■ S.u estate to bo in a good condition. After payment of nil debts uud i xj-i iikc-h, there t be about $50,000 to divide among tho will nnd children. Mr. Samuels wai tho bank President who comraitbd Hnoudo recently. The Dial ot Bellaugoi fo« tho murder of L: Houle, hiH wile’s paramour, terminated at Montreal Saturday night. Counsel tor tho de fends cited tho Sickl« s nnd Chaloiier casus, and inodo a strong apical in favor ot the pris oner. Tho jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and the Judge expressed his approval of tho verdict lopsHiKitot Clapp, of the Printing Bu reau, has notified the employees ot tho Govern ment Printing Office that ho holds hiinsc-lf re sponsible to the Government alone for his man ner of conducting the affairs of that institution, and will no longer tolerate outside interferen ces, whether coming from Printer's Unions or others. Arrangements for the entertainment of the delegates of tho Commercial Convention, in Louisville, are about completed. Tho pro gramme mentions a grand concert, a banquet, aud a steamboat excursion. A grand proces sion, two miles long* and embracing ovury trade, will be one of the features of the opeu- ing day. Ex-President Millard Filmore is to be tendered a public reception. Mr. Lockwood, the New York bauker, iu his statement, says be retains tho treusurership of the Lako Shore Road, but will resign at the next meeting of tho Board No stocks or other property of the company lisa been used or jeopardized by tho firm. The Directors of the company are iu full accord, and tho most wealthy and influential member* insist that Lockwood A Co. shall resume business. . The President on Virginia. Tho New York Herald contains the follow ing special dispatch from Washington: Washington, September 30, 1869.—In con lisution with Lieutenant Governor Lowir, of Virginia, who recently visited Washington, President Giant said : “There will be no dif ficulty uboul tho admission of Virginia after tho mooting of Congress, and all that is re quired is that they act as though they (the Legislature) were acting in good faith and de sired to renew their relations with the general government.” He spoke at some length about President Johnson's duplicity towards ihe South, and said that hi* (Grunt’s) whole ac tion had been with the single idea of restoring peace. lie was confident that Virginia recon struction would not be further retarded. Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, who was present, at tho interview, expressed himself decidedly in favor of tho immediate admission of the State under tho reconstruction laws, and said tliut no further obstacle should Lb offered by Congress ; that they were tired of tho long delay and hoped for a speody restora tion, and th it he would cheerfully advocate] the removal of tho disabilities of every who should express himself willing to return to tho old government in good faith, but cau tioned against the adoption of the ideas of tho Md political hacks and stagers, who v counselling acceptance ot admission only u the grounds of their qualifications to off The President had been frequently solicited to] express his preference for the gentlemen spo ken of for election as United States Senators, but declinod offering any expression out of delicacy, und said b« had no objection to cither gentlemen proposed, but said that it would ho required that Virginia Senatj should take the iron-clad oath. The Finauccs of tho Government prosperous condition, the receipts of internal rev«nuo for September amountud to $13,029,- 286, and I the quarter ending on tho 30th ult., ftgg i *(• .1 $49,631,742. For tho months of July, . v : ; , ' September, 1868, th comes from intern'* revenue amounted to $39,000,000, an incru. of over four mil lious and a half for thr sa o« period In the preaont year. This is a gratifying augmenta tion, and should it continue iu tho same proportion lor the in muining thruo quurters of tho fisosl year, the total receipts from internal revenue will toot up $200,900,000. Last year they aggregated $160,000,000. This is a good beginning for Messrs. Boulwell and De lano, aud they will, no doubt, coutinao as they have begun, despite tho adage of the new broom. The future vitality of the Re publican party depend! on retrenchment and an honost administration of the finxncial de partment# of tho government. From what has boon done thus far, its lease of power will probably bo affirmed and rc-affirmed by the people for a century to come, or at least until National debt is paid, specie payments resumed, Cuba liberated, Canada auuexod, and a omul through the Isthmus of Darien brought aa near completion as that through Suez is now. Adams, Kimball A. Moore and Pelliston and Raymond, aro among the firms or New York brokers who wore reported, Saturday, as hav- ing failed. The failure of the latter firm wan caused hy the defalcation of their cashier. John W. Moore has been sentenced to be hung at St. Louis for the murder of Mrs. Mc- Adains last July, after attempting to outrage her. Rev. Henry Brown, of Brooklyn, has been arrested at Montreal for obtaining money un der false pretenses. A IKooklyu police officer tho otlior moi-uing shot threo of five scoundrels who were at tempting to outrage a respectable woman. One German named Bedway stabbed another named Sohad in a lager beer saloon in Now York. Tho affair was about a woman, and Schad will probably die. Edward M. Samuel, President of tho St. Lonis Commercial Bank, cut his throat last week, because he was unable to endure the pain of a disease of long standing. Napoleon Davids, a Now York hatter, who has been for somo time separated from his wife, called to see her .Saturday morning, nud being refused admittance, shot himself through the head with a revolver. Boston is excited over the sodden death of Mrs. Hartington, her little child, nnd n brother. Mrs. Dumphy, wife of the brother, d Mr. Hartington aro under arrest on sus picion of poisoning the deceased. Two of the clerks employed in tho silk depart ment of A. T.Stewart A Co’s wholesale store, were arrested on a charge of having com mitted a series of extensivo larcenies. A du plicate pass stamp used in tho store for the outgoing parcels was found in their posses sion. Quite a number of ladies have been victimized by female pedlers who 6old them “Irish pop lins,” which on close examination proved to be cotton with a slight covering of silk, some cases tho edge was silk, but when ravel ed a little way the silk disappeared, cotton taking its place. Tho charges against United States Marshal John A. Logan of tho Southern Distriot of Illinois, for presenting fraudulent accounts, were made by tho Deputy Marshal, who states that he prepared the accounts in questic knows them to be fiaudulent. BY TELEGRAPH. A a MOV!AT ED rMMEM DUTAT0BM8. The distillery and flouring mill of IV A Atwuter at Canton, III., was burned Tuesday. Lots $20,000. A fire occurred in the moulding shop of Hawley A McClure's foundry, Utica, N. Y'., which destroyed the shop. Loss $10,000; partially insured. An explosion in the oil refinery of Edward Downer, in Utica, last night, resulted in ter ribly burning i'hilip ltadick, and tho destruc tion of tho main refinery buildings. Loss $5, 000. A destructive fire occurred at the corner of Illinois and St. Clair streets, Chicago, in tho HtableofE. U. McDonald, containing twen ty-two horses. They wero all destroyed. Tho to‘al loss is $8,000; insurance $6,000. The Wfil. Jaokson, Mich., is growing rapidly. Tho lover and ague prevails fearfully at Montezuma, Iud. “ Social e vils ” appear with gorgeous four- in-hands in Cincinnati. Gen. Hancock is on a tour of inspection through his Indian department. San Francisco incendiaries make use of an infernal machine, composed of two pieces of hardened clay, six inches in length and two iti breadth, inclosing a small phial filled with powder, and huving a fuse attached to it. Tho machine, except the fuse, is covered with cloth nnd twine, saturated with oil. NOON DISPATCHES. Washington, Oct. fl.—'Tk» Supremo Court all present but Field. TkaCouitU bearing tho gas light case, from Memphis. Nothing whatever has been reeeived here regarding the Tennessee Legislature. The New York Tiiuoe «ayfl they have adviooe that Johnson men have been elected presiding officers In both Houses. New Yoiix, Oot. 6.— A Chinaman named Oong, killed Charles Arohoo, his own wife aud himself. Cause : jealousy. A negro butcher killed a wito man. Havana, Oot. 6.—The first Cuban eable U unserviceable ; the second, which lauds five miles East of Havana, commenced working to-day. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, Ootober C.—Revenue to-day over halt a million. The proceedings at Wilmington, against the Hornet, wero ordered by the Cabinet yester day. A printed report that Fish bad been notified that tho English and French Governments bad ordered their fleets to pursue the Hornet and hang tho orew is untrue. Attorney General Hoar has rendered opinion to the effect that the Secretary of War cunuot preclude claim agents or attorneys from prosecuting business in his department in all proper coses, but where thore is reason to saspect frauds, the right and duty exists to snspoud such business intercourse, it being proper and obligatory to protect the Govern ment from fraud. Tho Agents or attorney should be furnished with the reasons for sach suspension, The opinion was rendered in cases, alleged to affect the payment of bounties to color ed Troops, it being said by an offloer who in vestigated similar claims that hey were taint ed with fraud. J. II. Van Alstiuo, in behalf of the Now Or leans tobacco merchants callod.on Commission* er Delano to-day, and Asked hat purchases of tobacco iu Virginia and Nor h Carolina may bo allowed shipment in Bond. The course of Mr. Delano promises relief to New Orleans and Mobile merchants, as well as to Southern manufacturers. In the matter qf Benjamin Brown, Eli Wood, John Hulligan, Grenville Rose, William Anderson, uud Phillip Stonemetz. Hon. W. W. Boyce, formerly of Sooth Car. olina, asked loavo to file u motion for writs of habeas corpus iu these cases, and the motion was directed to be argued on Friday. The prisoners are charged with murder in Texas, in June last, and it is alleged that thoy aro now being tried by military commission. New Orleans, OcL 6.—This mornings Pic ayune on the Custom frauds, alluding to Kel- logg's regime, mentioned the British schooner Ilarkaway as a vessel that cleared for Ilonala- la with a cargo of whisky that one twice her capacity oonld not havo carried, ? rm a **venii np< A Co., throw the whisky on the market from their bonded warehouse, and endeavored to cover the matter up in this way, and says: “The bonds, which were mere bonds of straw, wero accepted after some hesitation by the bond clerk, and tho papers went through the Custom House until they reached tho entry clerk, who, on comparing the tonnage of the vessel with tho cargo, at once saw the fraud and reported the same to Mr. Kellogg. The bogus shipment was consequently stopped.” Richmond, Ootober G.—The House chose T. 0. Crittenden Sorgoant-at-Arms and ad journed. Z. Turner was elected Speaker of the House to-day. He is a lawyer, aboat sixty years old, and one of tho first advocates of the recon struction acts iu the State. Ho was an old Whig, changed to a Douglas Democrat in 18G0, and was shortly after defeated as a Union candidate for the Legislature. In the House to-day two resolutions that the iron elad oath bo now Administered to mem bers and temporary officers of the House wero referred to tho proper committee, when it shall be appointed. A protest, adopted by a Kepabliaan causus last night, was presented. It is lramcd with a view to nnswering Attor ney General Hoar’s argument, and protested against any acts of the Legislature at this Ses sion, the members not having taken tho iron clad, and |tho body being therefore illegal It was referred. Tho following nominations were made for Speaker: Zephaniah Turner, of Rappnhan- »nrV ; B. T. ifnddoxnf Chnotorfleld. and John B. Crenshaw, of Richmond. Turner, who was nominated by a Conservative, obtained 87 votos ; Maddox, nominated by a Wells’ Re publican, 41 votes, and Crenshaw 5. Turner was doclarcd elected. In the disoussion the point was pressed that Turner *now has an application before Congress for tho removal of his politi cal disabilities, and it was explained thnt though not ablo to take tho test-oath, he was not disqualified by the 1-lth Amendment. J. 13. Bigger, the old incumbent, was elected Clerk. In the Senate tho samo protest of tho Re publican caucus was presented, and a resolu tion was adopted laying it on the table on the ground that it wus manifestly an effort to ob struct reconstruction, and was in plain oppo sition to tho intention of Congress, as ex pressed iu tho reconstruction acts, and in di rect relation of tho interpretation of said acts by tho Administration. A resolution was adopted informing the commanding General of the organization of the Senate. Adjourned. Wilminoton, September G.—An entertain ment on board the Cuban sloop of war, Cuba, was attended by a largo number of ladies and gentlemen this evening. No new developemeuts concerning the status of tho Cuba, but tho public mind here is unanimous in the opinion that she will be leased as soon ns an investigation is made.— Her release by tho United States authorities at Philadelphia and by the British authorities at Halifax, and tho fact tfcnt sho is a vesssl of war regularly commissioned by tho Cuban Government, aud not fitted out in any Uni ted States port, seems conclusive that there is no justification for her detention. Hon. Geo. Davis, ex-Attoruey General of tho Confeder ate States, is ouo of tho counsel for the Cu bans. Tk« Cr#u Mark. Sahacrlkor* who roodr* p*p*r* mufccd X mtf too* tlurt tk«k ■ubaoriptioo* willtxptre in »d»jr or two, Md mart hmU uooelfeglr or «zpMitb*Ui WE CARRIA6E81 CARMA6E8 !J ^Mk<tO*ilwt**rtrt|rta m* Mean. Kimball Brothers di Co., of Boston. Um moot MteknUd m*n«fo«t*rw*1* tfc United Htotoa. I h... now on bond th. flnert itocl ..or offorod in AUnnU. nod Ibolfott I n. P r W™ to luftu.foctur. to ordor *mf kind of v*ljKii« that 1 noodod, or lo ordre tko am Won tko Itft on «ko» nollco. A mi.mdo.ot rtouk of h*rn*o* rtwn,. kopf onluad. An koretoliwo, »7 morto U-onfok rtjrt *^ ■mall profit#. A. T. FIHHffT* oot 7 -dOw BopoaltorJt Mo. 8 ttlwoiU Block. | WHITEHALL STREET STORES. Cplteliot, derlrlng to InTMt In Flrat-OliMia Proporty. ire Invited to onll at in, office. 0. W. ADAM. G. W. ADAIIt, Auctioneer. Approaching Auction Hale* of Valuable City Property. O N HttariUj mornlQK next, the 0th iuaUnt, o'clock, I will sell on the pretnlee#, e nice E Iok Lot on eeat aide of Foray th atreet, oppoalte 1 aiuima’ residence, end near the Firat Baptist Church. It ia 60xH6 leet, with an alley in the rear. Is the centre of the city, end e No. 1 Cotta#® Lot, with undlaputed titles. Term# caah. earth; remainder In 3 and 6 month#, with lutereat. O r. m., I wUTaeli, on th# promise#, tho Abbott Houae, on Foraytb street, near its Junction with Whitehall, and near Phil. Dodd’a Palace on Whitehall. It la a comfortable, well-arranged oottage of 0 room a, on a large lot, with street* on three aldee. Term* oasli. Bale positive. Titles unquestionable. G. W. ADAIR, Real Batata and Insurance Agent, Whitehall street, near Railroad Grossing. oot 7—fit TAX NOTICE. y Taxes for this year (1809). requested to call and aettlo as early as practicable, as the time for payment is short and cannot be tended. I can be found at the Banking Douse of the Georgia Loan and Trust Company. JOHN M. HARWELL, T. O. t 6-3t FOR SALE, A Nice Little Two-Room House, HOWARD and IRWIN STREETS, Eastern portion of the city. Apply to J. M. WILLIS, oct 6-d2tw2w Georgia Loan and Trust Company. FOR SALE, .A. NICK IdlTTEiBd RESIDENCE ON Haoo Track. Street, Near A. B. DAVIS. Cheap. Apply to J. II. WILLI9, At oct 2<l?tw2w Georgia Loan ami Truit t’o. REMOVAL. \ < bought 0 Kenny’s Son’s Ale House, Alabama street, where he will continue to do buei He will keep constantly on hand FINE WINES. QUOK8, CIGARS, Ac., as usual; also, Foreigu and Do mestic Ales. FINE TABLE CUTLERY! SILYER-PLATEI) WARE! DKCOHATED DINNER TEA SETS! LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, &C. Society and Fashion* Low-uocked shirts are the latest fol-ilo-rol for gentlemen Hilk robes embroidered by hand are in Tho Woman's Lighters in New York oity have split upon the pantaloon question, somo contending that wotnou should wear them, and others deeming it entirely improper. Near Komcrvillo, Fayette county, Tenn., on Thureday, a negro stopped a lady on the pub- lio highway, and attempted to drag her into tho bushes. Before ho succeeded iu his de signs ho was frightened off and eoon after ar rested and placed iu jail. That night he taken from tho prison by a men, who hung him to a treo. that the wretch was the aamo individm outraged an old lady near Homerville two weeks since. It is supposed ’ual who Teicgraphic *Harh> # Mir ports. New Yoiir, September G.—Cotton a shade easier; sales 3,000 bales at 27jjo. Flour a shade firmer on low grades, with more doing Wheat a shade firmer with more doing for exports. Corn closed qaiet and unchanged.— Fork dull at $31 to 31 50. Lard unchanged. Whisky dull at $1 18 to 1 20. Sugar steady. Coffee dull and heavy. Molasses quiet. Naval stores firm. Freights unchanged. Money easy at G to 7; gold closed at 31; ter ling quiet at 9; stocks weak and unsettled; Govorument* steady ; Southern securities weak. New Ouleans, October G.— Cotton activo; sales 5,050'biiles; middling 25jo; receipts 3,553 exports to Barcelona 210. Oats GO to file.— Mess pork held at $^t. Bocon; shoulders 18jc. Sugar; prime 144 to lljc. Coffee; fair 14j to 15jo; prime lGj to 16jc. Other grooe- ps unchanged. Gold 131. yterliug MOj. Now York Right j discount Mobile, October G.— Cotton—domain! fair nnd cloned steady; sales 1,200 bales; middling 24ic ; receipts 748 bales; exports 234 bales. Louisville, October G. — Provisions quiet Mess pork $32. Shonidors 17o; clear sides 20jc. Lard 19c. Whisky hoavynt $1 20 Cincinnati, October G.—Whi*ky and held at $1 17 to 118. Mess pork iu fair de mand at $31. lard lower at 17c. Bao» changed—no sales. BALTiMonK, Oct G.— Cotton quiet 27j.~ Flour quiet and weak. Wheat steady. Corn dull. Houtliern white $1 05 to 1 10. Oats 1 57 to 1 58. Ryo $1 10 to 1 20. Pork $33 00. Bacon firm, shoulders 17 J. Whisky flat $1 21 to 1 22, Virginia's old 45 bid. Havue, Beptempcr G.— Cotton closed firm. LiVKurooi,, September G. —Cotton firmor; uplands 12jd; Orleans 12jd; sales 12,000 bales; whereof exports 12,000 bales. Oha uleston, S. C., Oct. G.—Oot (on firmer, sales 700 bales ; middlings 25 j to 25 j, receipts 998 bales. Augusta, October G. -Cotton market open ed with fair demand, and closed firm at 25c for middling; sales 400 bales, receipts 011 bales* Savannah, October G.— Cotton receipts 1,794 bales; exports 1,203 bales; sales bales; market firm; middling 25jc. apurewhitecarbonoil. FiroTestl76otoieOo ioS? 0:1 ,,ow • n * i,c - B,,rm »J5L£i$a*SK*“ T SAFE - ■« Ooo- Partridge Sc Co., Prop’s. Oil Merchants, St. Louis, Hs. GOLD ZB^ISTID AND WHITE CHINA! TOILET SETS, VASES, &C. IS THE SOUTH, .T McUKlUK At CO’*. THE POPULAR Pi ROUT ■■mss The South and New York PHILADELPHIA, WA8HIKHT0H, AXD OTSSE SAMTEBN OITIEi VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. T. A. CHASTAIN. CHASTAIN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL S'O* ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIME TABLE, AUGUST NORTH: {SKtiESSSS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Arrive at New York SOUTH. Leave New York *J®'U Leave Alexandria ] JJ * “ Leave Lynchburg * •*: \ ■ Leave Bristol f fj J J Leavs Knoxville Leave Dalton.. ® }® ' “ Arrive at Atlanta »lfiAM Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hours 15 Minutes. T>* OHS AT Mail betu»cn Atlanta and Keut York is carried i •Juslttly by this Line- Sleeping (loiiekf* on a. Mf lit Train*. Through Tickets GOOD UNTIL. USED, AlfD Baggage Cheeked Through TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. B. W. WRENIf, General Ticket Agent. K. B. WALKER, Master Transportation K. HULDEHT, Bupt. W.4AB.K. ■ep 25-3m 1869. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. FURNITURE DEALERS NO. 4, GRANITE BLOCK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, CEORQl W E have now In atore the best assorted stock of Furniture in the ettv, which we offer at competition, consisting of Parlor, Bedroom, and Office Furniture In suite or single. ***• Iff Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oases, Wardrobes, HatRaoks, Washstands, Etc,, Plain and MuH Tho Largest Lot of Choirs that was ever lu the city at one time, all of which «« a f W|| Wholesale Factory Prices In Louinville, Kentucky, Now la your time to bur cheap and good bargains. We are determined to sell goods i ov * ^ bought here. Dealers will do well to examine our stock before going North, as they wiu are 7 * tatiou. Ladles especially are invited to call and examine this stock. Don't forget he pfaea. GREAT SOUTHERN PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTE! TO THE NORTH AND EAST, —VIA— Louisville, Memphis, St. Louis, Cincinnati or Indianapolis. Passengers by this Route have Choice of TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES TO NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Baltimore a n Wa.liington. Passengers holding tickets by this routt York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, can visit Washington without extra charge. FARE BAMR AS VIA KNOXVILLE OR AUGUSTA On and after Angutt 15, I860, TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA Daily at H.15 a.m. and 7.45 p.m fl9- Check baggage to Louisville, and It will be " ' ‘ * ‘ “ trains of Louisville and rival at Louisville. MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample Time for Meals at Good Hotels •ASK FOR TICKETS VIA LOUISVILLE GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, ATLANTA B. W. WREN!, General Ticket Agent. E. B. WALKKK, Master Transportation. :S ASTRAL OIL -NO CHANGE OF LAMPS ss ’1 ho Hancock Journal mys : We regret to announce that a Are broke out in tho Gin House of Col. 11. A. Clinch, near this place on WedflMilay I uit, about noon, whioh spreading (dings In a very short time, togei with agio and 2j bales of cotton. It Lb i posed a match was dropped into tho ootton while being picked, whioh came in contact with the M«i of the gin, igniting and doing tho damage. Loss about $2,000. IF YOU DOUBT IT, COME AND SEE. W E have on hand and are receiving the largest general stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY, aiLviin and Sllvcr-Pluti-d Warn, Clocks, Ac., EVER 33rou«lit to wA.tlant», And having purchased DIRECT from Manufacturers WHAT fS It a nice home when you gi old ? NE 1 r CASH PRICES, Able, Willing; mnrl Determined North, South, East or West. We have better facilities for the purchase and sale of certain classes of mSTH WATCHES Our only reference la Twonty-Oxio Toara i the Jewelry Business In Atlanta, and to those who havo traded wfth the Old Establishment of Er Lawihe. WI 1UVI umi AJUUNOEMENTS THAN ANT HOUSE IN ATLANTA, rou Repairing Watohea and Jewelry. Mpltlm UWIIII*1UT*II. DO Is It the ability to entertain your frisndsfwell.Jfor to help the charities of the world f * 4 YOU If so, save your monoy—and in uo way oan you be ll to do this better than hy buying good Roots Jand WANT? ffiNo person sells better once, or at a lower price, than I. T. BANKS, ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, CHARLESTON. COLUMBIA, Charlotte, Ralolgh, WILMINGTON, WELDON, RICHMOND, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. IONNKCTION8 by this lino aro most certain and ’ sure at all seasons. THB EATING HOUSES on this lino have beeu thor oughly ovorhaulod and refitted. Ample time is given for moals, and at regular bonrs. alT-ilde and court®* NO CHANCE OF CARS BETWEEN Wist l'oiul, (ta., anil Wilmington, N. 0. QUICK TIME Aud SURE CONNECTIONS, VIA Dooriln Railroad. PsHsongers cad purchase THROUOU TICKETS aud have their Baggage Cheeked Through From New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Columbus, and Atlanta, to Richmond, Baltimore, Wash ington, Philadelphia, and New York, lly Four Different Routes Tin Augusta, Via Kingsville, and Wilmington; via Colombia, Char lotte, and Raleigh; via Columbia, Danville and Richmond; via Atlanta, Augusta. Wilmington and Bay Line. FARE AS LOW BY AUGUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING OARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS LEAVING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. Passengers wishing to go North by 8oa will find a splendid line of HTKAM8H1P8 from Charleston, 8. C*. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. THE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS offer every In ducement to passengers, with tables supplied with every luxury the Northern and Charleston markets l afford, and for Safety, Speed, and Comfort, ABE UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST. Through Tickets on Sslo at Montgomery, Wnt Point, and Atlanta, TO NKW VORK VTA CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. J. A, ROBERT, Oeneral Ticket Agont, Georgia Railroad. NSON, Superintendent, Augusta. lf . T. ANbKHSON, Agent, Atlanta. ■ep ii-3m G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Highly Important Approaohlng Real Estate Sales, 4 ON THURSDAY, 7th <1«J of Ootober, on th. • premises, commencing at 4 o’clock, I will sell the COL. J. K. POWELL PROPERTY Consisting of that capacious Store on Alabama atreet ttupied by Lowry h Son ; and Un unimpioved Cota at the corner of Alabama and Broad streets, diag onally opposite the Poatoffico. For plats, fUU doecrin- tlona and terms, call at my office. r O. W. ADAIR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, No. 6 Railroad Block, Peachtree Street. •epao-tda A. ERGENZINGER, CflliU.STKHKIl, iVncl Dealer in F’tirnitvire nml manufacturer of bedding Hunter street, throe door# from Whitehall, ATT.jLNT.A. OB3f»IteH A . tupniTiminn MODESTY A VIRTUE; AT SHARP’S LIVE JEWHIT _ aortment of Diamonds, WatchM ini - brought to this oity. AT SU ARP’S LIVE JEWSUI AT SHARP’S LIVE JEWELII Can be found the largest stock—tlu sto* Lll G-old JT owolrf AT SHARP’S LIVE JEWQX! AT SHAHP’S LIVE JEWELBT i largest sins In t AT SHARP’S LIVE JEIIEUI Can bo found the Proprietor who hsi experience in the Jewelry Basil time in first class Jorge houses. AT SHARP’S LIVE JEWELRT Sharp’* Lire Jewelrj SUrf, tn* Day It Opened Until the I Hu htd th. ENVIABLE repuuUon. beat and largest stock: also sri|toH|i onable Prices of any Jewelry 1 ever beeu or la NOW in the citj A". U.—Sharp's Lit e J. .11 trays Intends to MU Bnrtable ReptdaH* WATCH WOW- The Live Jowelry Store, havlm i than tha proprietor can do, has secun Mr. T. 8. WOOD, the oldest, large* beat Watch Repairer that has ever h This the dtlxens already know. N. B.—THE LIVE JEWKLBY 8T0i* to continue selling goods at luasoM** keeping nothing but first-class, all fOM We are Just out of Yankee Oom ■ Eaters. GEO. shark NOTICE. WK8T1RN k ATLANTIC RAILROAD Orrtr* u. m . «« tm •epSO-lm BAKER AND OONJ'BOIlMIrt MARIETTA HT B um «t«7 ..rift, of Brmd ufkcturea Oandlea. and keep* ALL KINDS OF F_ And a general aaaortmNiH* WINKS, LIQUORS R«d PREMIUM CHESTER NOTICE HIOJU1Y give Biy oonsent that my wlfa, TURNER, stay, from this data AIR LINE RAILROAD. M Director* of the Georgia Air Line Railroad Company, on tha ITth day of Sm>- umber, IMS, it waa “MMifiini, That requisitions be made for payments on the Capital Stock aa follows, vts: Twenty-ire per oent, nayahie on or before tha 1st day of Octobar. IBM. and thirty per cent., pays hie on or before the 1st day of November, law, and that the Treasurer publish such I prortdrfwh tnoet cMmui, to XJ th. Cutumarotal Oonv.uUo.ifol. h.Id iVT iS.u ■»»Pforty. western m AttaaUe, Nashville h maSMun . LouiavlOa k MaahvlUe n*Hmafia c **” MWKj *K *. B. WALK KB MACON & WESTERN Railroad. ■aaumaoe of tha Hoed that, upon prompt payment thereof, the first Division of twenty rnllaa wilfbaeocn- pleted, equipped, in operation and paid for during the month ol November, and tha second Division afihfr. ty three miles ha at one* pnt ends* snntsasl and ten DORA A. free trader, aep ll-w4w* TF YOU WANT JOB WORK r _ _ 1 style of the art, and at living prices, bring it to the NIW IRA JOB OFFICE. ^ “ WolEST 0 * Treasurer, Leaves Atlanta Arrives at Maoo- Laavaa Maoon., P ure White Holland Tnrfcel* Brahma Footm Fowl* Koaen Darks, . K ffff s or Import^ Also, choice Fruit Trees tnd VB*^ are the Mount Vernon Pear. Keapbeny. Donbto White Hyacinth* bona roots of all aorta. 1,000 Ton* ■soured for my easterners. Grasses, Clover, Luaerus, Agrlcsn" aep lf< Jy 15-dly ■Midi* 1 NOTICE TO SHI Arrives at Atlanta.. p. m. ■oan. !:W 9. H. fisfll A. n. B. W. BRONSON, TO CONTRAC (JULIII fOOPPOAL* raw uoaM. ^m » tafiiawirt.aW'V 10. futhfol *abn*«fon of ***-,_ ■,m*n<lT». m* a» ii» . I* nf**l foMrtaO too.