Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 09, 1869, Image 4

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daily new era. i OK ■uurciuptiok • For Dolly, Por Annum *10 00 " " Six Month* S 00 " " Throo Month* - 3 00 “ " Per Month I 00 Weekly Ett, Per Annum 3 00 *«■ 1HVAK1ABLT lit ADTAXCR. Jt I demand aft.-r t bo first lu- wtS Advertisements married at iuterval* itw MCh Insertion. % UftUPftUtsuU, UVNUMm«aUuud«r the head *»f "Special Notices,' tweuty o«uU por lino for first Insertion, *ud 10 ctuU for •ach nal» sequent bmrtton. Toliiniir; eouimuiiicattoiia, containing tuU'Mln»! m port mi i newt, solicited from every auarfe-t. Ne^ loiter* iomth» variouscount!** of the mate esp*< tally TUB EKA OFFICE h Iff THK BUCK BI'IIaI'INO OK ALABAMA HTKKBT OPrOMTK THK PO8T0FFIC*, BBTWKKM BBOAD AND WHITEHALL. MILITAftY DIHKl TUin . Bbkvet Majob-Gknkual Alfred II. Terry - CoumuuuRng Department of the South. PKBBOKAL STAFF. Brevet Lieateusnt Colonel K. W. Smith, Captain U. 8. Army, Aul-Ae-Cump. Brevet Lisnteiutut Colonel O. II- Graves, Captain l T . 8. Army, A id-de-Caw p. Brevet Capfain I. O. Telford, let Licuten- nut U. S. Army, Aid-de-Cftiup. DKPABTMENr STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. II. Taylor, Assistant Ad- intent General, U. S. Army, Assistant Ad- jutaut General. . Major Robert P. Hughes, Captaiu l. S. Army, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. Uotseopillei, l T . S. Army, Acting Assistant Inspector General. Major D«Witt Clinton. Judge Advocate U 8. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Iluim-s, Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, Chief Commissary. Bit*vet Colonel A. U. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. 8. Army. Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier Geueral W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Million. Surgeon l T . 8. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith. Sur geon U. 8. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S, Army, Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. 8. Army. ROSADAUS, BLOOD PURIFIER. Owrat Scrofula lu all ft* various forms, »u*b ■■ Consumption in it* earliest stage*. Kulargement and Ulceration of the Olandea. Joint*, Bone*. Kidney". Ulema, Chronic Rheuuiatlaiu, Eruptions of Ihe Mktn, Chronic More Kyi-*, Be.; also, SYPHILIS IN ’ALL ITS FORMS. X)l«oA«oai of Wornoni I"N* of A I'pi lllr, Hlek llcadarhr, Ltvci a omplalal, l*aln In the Hark, liu- |iru«trnrr In 1,1 ffr. (travel, Guu-ral had keailh, and all dlna* » of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, II In it |M‘iTrt t mioviilot • HON \l> reducing the slight- IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND r£Ul Pleasure Seekers. JL only cLrcct route to the iVirginift Springs, ALL NORTHERN CITIES. TEE CHES1FE1KE & OHIO R1ILR0AB 3 tlio Greenbrier While Sub 3VTO STAGING-. l'EED, COMFORT and SAFETY, If you d -sire STEED, CO! -ia the Great Virginia Apply to Ticket Offi-i Pa-ppctrer Depot. B. W. WUKNN, Ticket Agent W. A A. It. H. Kn'ommended by Ilia* Mill inti FbciiMy uiul umny tliotisnnil* «f «lir tout fIIIjm iih. BBT For testimonials of remarkable cure eadalls Almanac” for this year. 1‘rtqiared only by Dra. Clements. Itivea A ufa-turiog ChemljU, formerly J. J. Lawrei CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Berks Street*, Philadelphia. 1 Beam Kngtaa, 11-Inch cylinder, four foot stroke, made by Hutton, witli bi iMiiler*. 40-inch diameter, 41 fast loop. 1 Beam Engine. 18 inch cylinder, four fool stroke, made by Sutton, with 3 boilers, 3ti-inch diameter, 4(i Holler Looms, 42 inch, 6, 8 and 10 treadle*, 1, 2, 3 and 4 shuttles. 25 Crompton Looms, 42 and 45 inch, 12 and 24 Har- ies*. 3 am! 2 boxes, pick and pick, aud also 4 i tiOz48 1st breaker, 48x48 2d " | 4S2spindl< ng'age COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hudson's make, large size, speeder 341-inch, two boaters, 4 Cotton cards. 36-inch, sclf-strippers and grind*- 50-iuch traverse. 1 Drawing frame, four coffers, Dumford's drawiu frame, six coders, i Condenser, feeder, 24 deliveries. 3 Spinning Frames, 2-inch rings, 168 hpindlea each. "l " “1 Vluch •• 180 “ •• With shafting, belting, Ac., Ac., complete to run tb cotton machinery. Mills b ; Machine, 60,000 Bobbin*. Will take part COT TON In trade. ju 30deod3m THOMAS G. SIMMS, Agent, bffioe at,the Clothing Store of W. B. Low.- A Cc M A M M O T H PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. L H. BRADFfELD’8 COLUMN* „ DR. JOHN BULL’S Great RciUMik D *: ioffiTilEl. Manufacturer aud Van dor of ths Celebrated SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, 70S THE CURB OF AGUE AND FEVEli, -sOR—- CtllLli" AN1) PEVHU. Ths proprietor Of this oalebrated wodii lne Just y cuin. for u • Mwrtwttj o»« •“ ad to the public for ths sale, oertaiu, speedy and po maueut cur* of Ague aud Kovar, or Cnil'a _»“■* BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE! I'lVIfi POWiiLi PRESSES I Aud an EndlofM Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! J-£A\TMO added Icvaral Tkoaisaail Dollars worth of Job Type to our already EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! v more fully prepared than Atlanta, (IPortia. 1 I£ff YORK STEM EIGIIE Ctt Manufacturers of Emriue Litths, Flanern, Bolt Cutters l’j> right Brilln, Mu< hiui>ts’ Tools of all D( > scriptioii8 a ry of every description, ami Stationary ami Port able Engine and Boiler*, Patent cold-rolled Shutting, Leather and Rubber Belting, and all article* needful machine or railroad repair ahopa. Office 136 and 128 Chai r York. GEORGE PLACE, President. JOHN II. CUEEVEK. Sec’y. CUAH. F. HARDWICK, Seo’y. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISH THE BISH P PILL. P PILL. All Descriptions of Job Printing ! Our New Additions wore selected by an Experienced Printer, and comprise all the latest improvements in TYPE, PRESSES, ETC., lit In the South. Indeed, From « VISITING CARD ton MAMMOTH POSTER ! lu a Style to anil the mnxt fastidious. FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! N I'M ON 10 COSTAR S” BISHOP PUL ■Which 1* bound to take the place of all others; a pure ly vegetable Pitll (sugar coated) and ot extraordinary efficacy for Coativeness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Head. Positively the best Pill In the Worl 1 Thousands of Boxes now used. All Druggist in ATLANTA *oli them. That Cough will kill yon,” • death,” ugh It. «d> ■ughs, Ac.,” . V’ t ough Mem. . ide world—audit True; and We *»y «$ **»■. A,, a aai DR. SIMMONS’ lil\ 1.U WVAil UTUn, ot spirits, heartburn, . pain in tlio head, fav. r and ague, dropsy, boflk, pam in Wk and Haha, A*th- ma, cryaypelas, female atTectiona, and btlloiia dla.-twM * H. W. It. It. < v»l. K. Hpark*. Alba ■ K. It.; .1. Lunsford. Kaq . < ... lu- tor h. W. son, Fsup. Hheritf inbb c<mniy; J. bridge, tin.; I)jk«* h *vr' . . di- A. Butts, Bain- C 0 S T A R ’ S ” Standard Preparations ARE HIM BEAUTIFIER. THE RUCK TII0RX SALVE ! , it.. IIIH <'h,cV><'., K\|« rinln ft Powder. why at., N. Y„ ‘•roitarV lied ltu K ki “Csitar'i" (only pure) In. Address ”Co*T*»,” No 10, Or John F. Mknut (HucceNnort Deiiu* Bar lie* k Co., 21 Park Uow, N. Y. B*“For Male by J. A. TAYI/m, L. II. RRADFTKLD and other Dnigginl* in ATLANTA, <■ A RUmVlNB k FOX, xtjeut., AtUuta, (o «i;t>. S. THOMAS, is V M ttntOT'll HOK CVLlAIlKn PHKH8, And i* a Hugo piece of Machinery, the largest of the kind ever brought to Atlanu. This Press Is {especially adapted t<> OooIk Prlntlus * nd XiArce Fo«tor«, . NI'MUER TWO Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, r than the drat, aud oue of the best Newspaper Preasea in the State. MMBKK TURKIC IS A MBDrCJM HOB JOBBER, do^riptloB, Uif hu been KonounreJ by NDHBGR FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM IP OTTER P.’RESS, F,.r rrlntini! FI ROOT,*RS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, ia of rerj xoperior qiulH,. ItFMBKK PIVK POTTER. IOA.RR PRESS, a outwork with a rapidity that is astonishing; and, yet, In the neatest and most With these extensive facilities for all Linds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, to the public — — • ineut cure of Ague and Fever, or Obll'a »nd Feverl whether of abort or long standing. Ho relars euUre Waatera and gouthwaaUrn country ^ bear him t* the truth of ths aaeerUon U»*t In no ?*** -ill it fail to oure, if the directions are -trict- and carried oot In a great many case* dose has he*n sufficient for a curs, aud whole -• h«ve boon cured by a single botUe, with a pef-r feet restoration of the general health. It i*. bowavv prudent, sod in every case mors oertaln to cur*, if ita ■ i.** !■ i imllsnsad tn smaller doses for s week «ir has been checkod, more especially in FAMILY PILLtJ will I Hr. JOHN BIJLL‘8 Frinolpal Office; No. 40 Fifth Crow Hlrt*et,j Uouiffivillo* .ftontuoliLy Bull’s Worm Destroyai*. To my United States and World Wide Riadera. 1 have received many teatimouials from professional and medical men. aa my almanacs aud various public cation* have shown, all of wbioh are genuine. The following letter front a highly educated aud popular physician in Georgia, 1* certainly one of the muBt sen sible communications 1 have ever received. Dr. Clem ent knows exacUy what he sneaks of, and hi* tcaUmo- ny deserves to be written In letters of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL’8 WORM DESTROYER: VillaWOW, Walker Co., Ga., June 29, 18. Dn. John Bull—Dear Sir: I have recently given your “Worm Destroyer” several trials, aud And it won derfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single in stance to have the wished-for effect. I am doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for T J _ . I . . the regu Ur line M. D*a, but 1 see no just cause or good sense in iitcarding a remedy which wo know to be efficient simply because we may be Ignorant of its combination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and any mcaus to alevlate suffering humanity which 1 may he able to command—not hesiUting because some one H • ingenious than myself may have learned its ef first, and secured the solo right to secure tliut knowledge. However, I am by no moans an advocate •porter of the tnousauds of worthless nostrums that flood the couutry, that purjiort air, most respectfully, JULIU8 P. CLEMENT, M. I>. > lirsiUtion In Maying to the public Ilia t work a* rapidly as any Establishment aonth IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION AH we ask A. FAIR TRIAL We are prepared to print, L H. BHADFIELD’8 .COLUMN DH. J. It HA l>H Fl.ll’H FEMALE llirlLATOB Woman’s Best Friend. f|1H18 valuable Medicine is prepared for Wownr < X duaivsly, and to be used by woken only. r * adaptad erpnsl^Iy to thuan caaea V disordered, and will arTausaf-. LAToais of almost uulvenal spplh stioi check of the ’'monthly oouraes' 1 ti om c &EDWINE 4 FOX’ OCLUMN I gaoeral rsatles** iptom* pass away BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. A <«ootl Reason for Uie ('aptnin's Faith READ TIIE CAPTAIN'S LETTER AND THE LETTER FROM HIS MOTHER. Bknton Barbaok’s, Mo., April 30, 1868. J Dn. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency of your Sarsaparilla and the heal'— - ■ - qualities It posaessea, I rond you tl ineut of my case: I wu wound'd two 7»ra , c „_ w and conOnod for sixteen months. Being moved ™ ten. my wounds hare not healed yet I have not ait uu a moment aince I was wounded. I am shot through the hips. My general health U impaired, and I need something to assist nature. I have more faith in your 8arsapariUa than iu anything elso. I wiah that that ia genuino. Please expresa me half a dozen bottles, ami ohU**, Capt 0. P. JOHNSON, St. I amis. Mo. written April 30, 18<M>, by prisoner, New York, whs re he died leaving the above C. P. John- nonto mycare. At thirteen year* of a*e. hshad a hronic diarrhona and acrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. It cubed him. I have HANDBILLS, • Office, Broad I •ANTA, (■ A. t..<*ov. Brown’* Building Dll. niCBAU-S «OLl)l-:P( UKM’r.DllX l.ich they fail to - ry, Maco .. Conference; Major A. F. W«. tor Macon Telegraph. f k f ■> TTT T X.T r PXrn I t>l » ,lt ’ «^l». Horotma; ho.; I* Uu- lJli. Ini L-' -l>i 1 Hj_ITV v "I° p * A’U’fativi an-1 Blood PnrlAer I I all <li*ea»e Irom tl V *yatem, and leave end tutalihy. suiting trem * If-abuae. pro-l iclug • vous deiiihty, Irritability, « mpti-t sioiia, Aij-I finally liupobu-y t***r* cal! for co»,*ulta< euce, the hot of b- remedies at ->nce effirlent, • l be l|»e t SjlllOUtl imricate, aud loug- ■h «* niabicd li ife, pemianent, and which iindranoe lo busl tAitlUhnionl, which i'lng rooms, also, r patients rrqulr- the blood pun . RheinnUain, h Bai * No. 2 c •res Mercurial an ti* lorins, whether from give* immediate relief in all necesary. I have thouMi H i* of < « r • — i — a ffected by these 2 $5.00 per hot. nobrari« . *,•», rroept) Itoardiin/ *U * p’ng ap lug daily \n ra all- n'l. bath-*, ti.„. tin* the fan.e i mineral springs. Botli sexes. ".-Triad .ir aui’erli.g from India* ra- n*. tmUilvtvnc'* *. or exiHanr* . may aj»piv aud N 'V 1 N , • Ulo your oa«n. ad what h-*aya in hi* treni>.l.b t, ** nt !•- any a i- :aa tree Thoiiaand*of ca^<•* ir. ate*l annually at ol 1 and all ovar tb.* country 0->a«u tat mi. free, par. sonallj^or by m*IL_ Ollhs. No. 18» Tldrd Htrnat, b*. ‘ ‘ the Poatoffic*.*. to 7 p. m. ; Hnndaya 10 Jy 1—dly WHOM, nAIULSON COfTNTY. W»,< reroTEbza' U-th Perryman, adiuibistrati tx of the < ati i Party mao, repro*«u s to the court m h. r ton, dub AIM and anterad on record, that il led, kin they , refora to cite all person red and creditors, to ahsw cause, If any toy asid administratrix should not i* dtachargsid from *r admit.l*t ation, aud recvlve Utters «yf di>aaiaatoa Pjg 1 Monday in ochibar, 1SW. Tms fitto day of ^ | I A. D. WOODS, Oadinary. Printer's tea $4 <0 safe, speedy, pleas- bottle. i radical R ; im- I miraculous I Retumlte*. Price . f either N<». 1 *„ N- He, or two traUleator uo. Dr. RtniAU'a Oot.nRN AimnoTr. ant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangi componl. d with full directions. Price |3.t Ur Rim au'n Gor.i.rN Exit.ib Aworn, a for Nsrvoua or General DahUlty, tn old or yanngl jartinf soergy with w-mW-rful effis i M.w fl.ou liottle, or two h«.tti,« f,, r |g no On of price ltcm H ,li« M mil h« *l.lpm-.| b, l; 1 ' ■ l»" m M •«'•"«.». 1*1.1 R> . iR-i-o traniltll* wlth-iia Iha n.m, „i ■ tit RlcHllr* HOLDEN I1EMKDIER, l> n UMlUtt.iH,«T. Tho Pun s., Borland Choupcst BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, Perfect success has at- effected in some cases ot voro almost miraculous. I am SaraaparUla. Ha la fearfu 1 of getting a i V pn°rio" W U> *°" r hanco hla writing to you for it. IDs wounds »nd general debility, tended it. The cure* scrofula and fever aorea very anxious for my ipnrioua article, rible, tmt I beUavo he will recover! iluapectfnlly, JENNIE JOHNSON. fever, hi or stomach,’ aatlona, burning of tto* art ness. Taken iu tima all tnea* syu Immediately, without Injury to the a ueutiy, however, ths propar remedy is not appbed in me, the dl eataa bacomva chronic, and Umfoundation laid lor nujuberlasa avila to the constitution cf Uic wo man. Tlu* n«xt "turn” come*sronnd aud there is "show,” or pcrtiapathe "whites” will appear. Th« will b« aoioa uueaaiusae shout the womb, bat vary 1 tic or nous of th* natural fluid escaping. The com plcxlou Im-coiuo* sallow, bow*-l* swollen, a sortofgnwi Ish caste about tho face, constant dull acbiiig pain about Uie bead. Weight lu the lower stomach said bocl with or nithout whilsa, palpitations of the heart, pal lor, oxnausUou, indigestion, weariness, languor, ac* ing across the lotos, loss of appetite, join In left hrea. lightness across the chest, cough, and giddiness. 11 still allowed hi go an "green slckocaa” will be fully de veloped, the headache become* eevere, with loss of memory, diminishing sensibility, air* stomach, dys pepsia, uo relish for food, loss of flesh, increased flut tering of tha heart, aw cllijio or tub mi, leg* *ud body, and occasional spitting of blood. The slightest effort causes uusbikp nskathing, almost surrocA- tion. The skin is flabby and a "doughy feel.” This la a sad picture, but it is the condition of thousands of women between the ages of fifteen and forty live who are brought to the verge of Uie grave by ignor ance or neglect to take the proper remedy. To all who are afflicted with any of the symptoms above mention ed, lu connection with an irregularity of the "monthly sickness," ws earnestly say TAKE DR. J. BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounce# ti ken you will at once eiperlence its benefits, and witli a little patience you will be fully restored to health. This reroody has been extensively used for upwar. REGULATOR Is preparred for WOMEN and to be us by Women only. A trial la all wo ask. Prepared and sold in any quantity by L. tl. UltAItFIKLD, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, Atlanta, Georgia. I’rlce *1 50 per liottle. tW Sold by Druggists generally. HUtmg that some time previous to the late war, I used, with the utmost success, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared thru at Bradfleldta Drug Stole, West Point, Ga. Shu had been suffering mg in Atlanta, sound and well. I will statu, further, that I know of its being used, with equal success: on a servant girl ol my brother- in-law, Professor Rutherford, of Athenn, Ga. Tlda woman had, I think, bean dieeased for six years.— Hliu was a house servant, and seemed cured up to the time of "freedom." 1 do not hesitate to indorse your proparalicn for tho purpose* for which you recom mend it. Yours truly, JNO. 0. WHITHER. of Dr. Joseph Bradfleld, or this county, and aa a med ical man pronounce it to be a combination of Medi cine! of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases, 1868 Dn. J Buadfielu— Dear Sir: I Lave much pleasu lu saying I have witnessed tho moat decided and ha. jr effects of your Female Regulator in this neighbor- ood. WM. U. FINC1I E.N. MOUHTVIT.I.B, 1 68. Db. J. B*Ai>riELi>—Dear Sir: I have repeatedly used in my fkmily, yonr Female Regulator, and have in e ery case, met with complete success. G. L. DAVIH. I also prepare aud have for sale a YEAST POW DER, equal to the boat, and for much leas price. ggr I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now 1 by many of the best housekeepers iu the city, and pro nounced by them to be very superior. L. H. IIKAUKIKI.I), ])F«t(i[iat, Atlimta, <in. Sole Agent for Geo. M. Hay’* Sure Cure for Intemperance, DR. 0. S. PROPHITT’S Family Medicines CONEISTINO OF 1I1S rF.I.IlRATED 1.1 V K K M KDIt'IN E Aiioilint- Pain Kill It, AIN r l\-IJIL.LIOIJH PILL*, AGUE FILLS, ItysmUry Cordial, IVmn/c Tonic PUHIFYING riLLIS T HE excellent remedies of O. S. ITophitt, need no reoommondstion, their well-known power lu removing the* peculiar to our Southern cli mate having already eaUhliahcd for them an enviable reputation in Georgia and the adjoining States. As the majority of persona living in the South arc predisposed to disease of the Liver, it is grauted by all intclligeu physicians that most of the pains aud aches of our poo pie are due to organic or functional derangement o; that important organ. Prophitt's Liver Medicine and Anti-Billion* pills strike directly at the root of tl They cure tho Liver, which in nine case* out of „ at the bottom of the Oougha, Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob- structlonfl, etc., so common among our people, ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neu and bodily pains of every kiud the before eiiralgli ProitliUP* Pulii Kill It Together with LABELS OF ALL KINDS. All Descriptions of Railroad Work From u Ticket to a Ledger. *'• A* «• prepared to do all kinds of Juiy20-m6m SOLD BY ALL <-HOCFJi|. Ju>,u-dlf » .»■ .TfU FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. BOOK-BINDEEYI We ala<> have connected with < r • No. l Dook-Dindary, In charge of on# of the Tnnsam ^^ lu lh * u 11144-1 -UU «. who can do all flascriptions of work In tha BEST STYLE and SAMUEL BARD. • : IT A BILL'S C1DB0I HITTERS! AUTI1K1VTIC DOCUMENTS .inK.fivfs cun.ii. Tcatiniaajr #f Medical Men. 8m»i Ponrr, WWI.Oo,, Ark.. U.y ja, IW w D». Jon Dmx—DMrfllr: LutF.brn.r- I n. Id I.uUrtllo iMirrhulu. Dm., uiA I *o< nw „f ed oil the Ulti.-iM. and *oon found his gem improved. Dr. Stat, who hu bun III DU lir.lUl, .tod Ulam .,,,1 Ue also Improved. Dr. l',.IT.«, who hu l». Id but hulUi for uranl -ur*—atomuh .oil Ur.r - h, lt&provM nuch bj miloM. MuS.'th. c. any othoi chronic diseases, use Prophitt’s Liver Medicine. It is safe and reliable; pure VegeUble, and a liqui ready for use at any and all time*. Price $2 a bottle- 33 1-3 per cent, discount by the dozen bottle* or mort If you get snake bit, uso PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT. inli-ru.1 ud oxh-riial. If -mi have . wooud o ui) «ort, u.o tli. PAIN KILL IT. Ii von (ini iI.>k bit •Pl'ly thr -AIN KILL IT. DII. O. 8. pnopnm- S Anti-Billious Vegetable Pills Purgative nml I'ebrifUfe, aafe and efficient cathartic in teaaes of aU kin. DR. O. 8. PROrniTT'8 V EGKT A lllxK MWK PILLS A "ofo and,certain reine«ly for Ague aud Fever, Chill* and kever, aud all kinds of Periodical Diseaacs and i* aafe and reliable lor all to take at auy time. ’ DR. PROPIUTT’fl Six (Ireat Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only romody for UUlU* aud fover, or Ague and Fever, that In or can bs depended upon Is Hurley'* Ague Tonic. There have been thousands cured by using It who h tve tried the usual reniodiea without benefit. WORTH V OF ATTENTION. To Dr. 'lbomaa A. Hurley: I hen by certify that during last year I wa* attacked with the ague widUt in Viuksburg, Mi**., and used m veral popular intdicinea with but temporary relief. On reachiug home ilu> di*e*ae returned in a worae type, if possible, alien niv medical attendant ordered Quin ine in Urge doses - frequently aa blgb as CO grains per dav, and which must have exist ino nearly |100. I con sulted Dr. Mmtth, of Louisville, and found he prescrib ed quinine and arsenic combined, wbish I reiused to take, preferring to let the disease take it* course. I waa almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, aud prunounc- od with enlarged Liver aud Spleen. About this time, tlie advertisement of Hurlcy r s Ague Tonic appeared In a city paper, and I determined to give it a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret it. One bottle restored me completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred cases in which it acted with equally happy results, and would certainly recommend it as prefera ble to any other tonic before Urn public. JAMEB MARTIN. Engineer. Louisville, Ky., June 15, 1865. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. BOSLEY’S SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. Affections of (lie Hone*, llahttunl t'ostlvt* ness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Kryslpell*, Female Ir regularities, Fistula, all akin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Imltgcsttan, Flies, l'uimn- iiary, Diseases, Merofu- la, ur King’s Kvll, Syphilis.; wonderful medicine before the publi<‘. Nothing uuder tho heavens could Induce mo to say s<> without proof of tho strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on the My daughter ha* been afflicted with skin disease and stiffueas of tiie Joints lor several years. only remedy employed, leaves uo doubt ol it* medi cal qualities, aud that it aloue cured her. (Signed,) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring tho truth and honesty of the statement, will find me at my residence, comer Ninth and Walnut streets, Louisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Mem :at pi die# known to my children. I was a.U iiwd ami since using it my children well and healthy. The children wonld eat it all' the time. It ia ono of the best, safest remedies known, aud as such, recommend it i*M| ~ * " h Louisville, June 13, 18fiH. i, with but partial success a lrjr Ti A> Unrler’n, have become quite Railroads ic *«8.A. 1 7Tf^—^ -WDd. “• I . Ododoi* Kuuoad. kvuvo. . On ud afb-r Hiiod.-, April u uoT’ ^ •- lab poUc, Iha PMaacaer hffii' »45* •41. ■•sa» Leave Atlanta.. Arrive at Augnata. Arrive at Atlanta BIGHT T Leave Augusta. Leave Atlanta. Arrive at Aaguata. Arrive at Atlanta. mcbuua Lsavo Augusta Lt«vu lierzelia. Arrive at Anguata Arrive at Uerselia. V.V.Y.’.W «• Paasengers for MiUedgaviUe WaMn,, '. l-aawmipn. fur W«-at t-olut, Idl-t and Ni'w -Irhai.a niu.t F-»\e ® . -irit, i .PUb,' ll -'-*s* IW-ll,. r» fur N-uthvilk-., ‘ —i-inphi., IjjtilavUlD and 8t. L>ui, ami make close conm-ctiona. Tlirough Tl. ki U aud Bagifaijc tin- above phuuw. Pullman's Palace Nlcepiug ('ora <.» .n ger Train*. No change of car* on Mail Train* Ivtween AugusU and wJJpJj Assistant USsHi CTIAMVK OF SCIIKDIXR ^ Ko rHAf,OK ° 9 rA “ »*fnrBiig hAVAj,,.- XHI> MiVMTOOMCBY, AU. ** Ormx or Mamtku or ClkimUL IUII.BOAII, HaVannaH, Aug. ^ Leave Bavannah Arrive at Macou Arrive at Augusta. Arrive at MiOedgerilh- Arrive at Eatonton . ,** f-k 'ounceting with train that leaves Aigii£a||£' Iaeavc Havannah Arrive at Mscou Arrive at Augusta ■t*. IJkh. train that leave. Aagatta g § rr WIGHT TBAIM. SS^I ting with train that h DOWN NIOIIT TIUW. Leave Macon Arrive at Havannah Arrive at Augusts Leave MiUedgcvilk- I a-a ve Eaton ton « w l L 8u, ?. d, >’" f *cepU‘d. I. M. Train from Havannah connects ritk - Mail Train on Month Carolina R.R. WSV from Savannah and Augnria with - westcro and Muscogee Railroads. WILLIAM BOM (Signed] Acting Master of T V. S. MarHlial’s Sale. U NDER and by virtue of a writ of fieri a*,-' sued out of the Honorable, the Dutriet tw the Uuited States for the Northern District di in favor of the plaintiff, John Van Nee*, ii uL ing case, to-wit: John Van Nesa v*. Benjamin HabuH*. I luve levied upon as the property of Besjmh - iltiin, lota of land number eleven, In the Mb and 2d Hec. of Cobb co., containing one hnaiiG more or less, distinguished and known u tk* Gold Mina Lot, on wLich is sitoated the Q Mine. Also, one steam engine, (horsepowerm boiler, and the entire- machinery, known ia. guished as gold macliinery, now attached le~ Mina. Also, lots of laud Not. 146, Ihh n,^ Section, 169, 13tb District aud 3d 8ef»b'Al^ , District and 3d Section, 184.13th District udi J tten, 187 18th District and 3d Section, leg, jjg trlct, and 3d Section, 389, Pith District end 14* containing ill ail 866 acres, mere or less. Aud will sell ths same at public auction It tk ‘ House, in the city of Atlanu, county of tot. HUto of Georgia, on the Firs* Tuesday In, between the lawful hour* ol sale. Teme euk. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Alton** w. Mom* oct 3-tds C.S.MaSt Poklpn.iFd l’. S. Miirshtl'i U. NDEIt and by virtue of a writ of flare t*^^ out of the Honorable, the District Cout 4 h ing case, to-wit: C’liarlcs P. Crosliy 1 . Gersham C. 1 - properly of 0 HURLEY STOMACH UTTERS. Ility, Loss of A pp.lire, AYeakiu-si illffeatlon. »>r Dyspcpaln, Wanto. un of the Liver or Disordered Sloumrh There are no bitters that can compare with In removing these distressing complaint*. For sale or can l>e had at any drug store In tho United Stales. JAMES RUDDLE .k CO., Proprli tors, Louisville, Ky. tt-J 0 ?*** A: Co., IxmlavlUe. Ky.: Oeutlemei ThU is to certfiy that I lia\o pecn lor years a suffere ir^d "li the tcnk al have hoard of or seen adre tisod, with little or n ° rellsf from auy of them heard Hnri«*y a Ritters highly spoken of, and tried _ bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and before I finished one botllo, I felt * great deal better ami firmly believe that o W “" iht> mo * n ' , of wvingand prolong- 5, g “2 U,e 1 conscientiously rccommendmUhem to all sufferers as llio heat Ritters known, and advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley’* and have a.,rt£r*a/!2 Ct " T tUl * M you proper, ii will to-nefit others. Yours truly, otc , L ln .. n , , JOHN W. DIX80N. •■'Die, Ky., December 10, 1808. Bitters hi ment and 8arsaparilla. Ship ma x » Odron Rlttors e Rtckett 0. B. WAI.KFR. All tha above remedies for aala by L. H. BRADFIELD, OHUOOIMT, WlllTBHAM, STREKT, ATLANTA, GA A safe and genuine remedy for all kinds of ifowri Dis eases, Dysenteries, Diarrhms, Bloody F,«x. 11 may be givsn to sli sizes, agns aad sexes, and at* oil times, with perfect safety, where there ia anything «>l that daaa Indicate' Female Tonic, PURVEYING PILLS NOTICE TO MOTHERS. :dr. seabkook’s ; INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Uac in Uu- future only HKABROOK’H, a ooniUnaUon quito up with tlm advanoeiaant of tho age. Plaaaa&t to take, harmless In its action, efficient and re-Uablo In all case*. Invaluable in the following diseases: Bummer Complaint, Irregularities of tho Imwela. Ileativotiesa, Teething, Ac. ’ Give* health to the child and rnt to the mother Nashvili,w, Tm»N., Feb. 12, IN*. Jau. Ruddle A Co., Louisville, Ky.—When living in your oity l uaa.1 several bolUcs of Dr. Hoabreok’a In- rant Hoothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good and It would rest better after uaiug it than any other- remedy I ewer tried. I can say with confidence, it is the bast madiome for children at present known I wish you would get the druggists here to keep it. W auy one does, please let me know; ft not seud me one dozen by express. «nd I will iiay for It at the office here. Writ* me when you send U, and oblige MRS. BARAHL. RANDOLPH. I have levied npon a ... Rogers, all those City Lots lying au'i M* « U Donongh *troet and Mobb’a alley, in the rityd - ' lanty, county of Fultou, originally Hmry. — Georgia, known as City Lots Nos. 25, 26,27, which couslitutes Block No. 7, iu land lot U, h 14th District of said county, coutainingi a or less. And will sell tho same at public taction, it House, in Uie City of Atlanta, ouuty of “ ' State of Georgia, on t)i« First Tnemloy in November, Next, between the lawful hours of sale. Termieui Dated at AUanUi, Ga, this 4th day of Z 1869. w. h. surai ’ U. 8. MAKSIIAIAS SALE. U NDER aud by virtue of a writ of Den hdii' out of the Honorablo tho District Coot 4 United Htatos tor tbe Northern District ol iu favor of the plaintiffs, Henderson Verier ui in the following case, to wit: Henderson, Merkcr A Bird Tucker k h I have levied upou as tlia property of Tnehrt 1 ' And will sell the same at Public auction it lh» House In tho city of Atlanta, county of I State of Georgia, on tbe First Tuesday In Norembsr,lak botween the lawful hours of sale. Twoucnk. _ as, Thomas Roland, administrator of ttw Hiram Crann, deceased, represents to tha— , ttition, duly tiled and entered on record, tid fly administered Hiram Crane’s eiiats;ffiliiA fore, to cite all persons concerned to any they can, why said adminiitrator 1 discharged from his administration, and rsoM of dlamfsaion on the flmt Monday ii This August the 2d, 1869. aagl7-tu6ui prefect6 DANIEL G eorgia, hahalson county.-£ w seph U. Brown, admlniatralor of J- E - epresents to the court in hi* petition, dw. entered on record, that he haa M'V King’s estate: This is thorefero to cite all person'! dred aud creditors, to ahow cause, u why said administrator should not be 4 his administration, and receive letter** on the first Monday in October, 1869. July, I860. July20-m6m A. D. WO0I* mm*'" Dawson Postponed Shfrif W ILL UK SOLD beforo 111, Our. H«* the town ot DawsonviUe, said 0MW-" of Georgia, within tho legal hours of ■art*- Tuesday in November next, lot of land s«*». hundred and forty nine, (749.) in the fowj" triet of tiie first (1st) section, said cottnff. favor of William Jones and agalnatmidr^ and William L. Ray. Property point* 1 tiff. Levy made and returned to the stable. James Baber, tenant in “ with notice hereof. Terms cash, her. 1869. KOBT aep28-td 1)R. HEAR ROOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphato of Iron and Oalisaya. ASSIGIMKK’S SAKE- W ILL DE SOLD, on ThnnuUJ, ft* 1*^ next, before tha Court Hou#e door “ . Carroll county, Ga, aixty-foor (64)acre"" number 174, in the 1st district of Cairo* . hundred and nine and a half (106tt}***" her 323 of 8th district, mid oouaty; forty-four (144) acres ol lot number 226. District Court of the United Htatf* tot* District of Georgia, frao from aUlein* »»* ' Georgia, f. part of roil estate of Tho*. • d.ndge.1 a bankrupt. BepL 25. 1869. sap 29 td ISAAC X. *» V . ' •** k+mo* Lust iney are rvcom with the Uvar Msoldne. without the Tonic, wh«-A there is any lndlcaU.m for them, imeh aa Hhortoesa o, teaath, SwrtUng of the l>«t or Face, or a Pale, Weak state ofthe Blood or a Flabby state «.f the Mnsrloa, as generally follow Fever and Chill* and fryer. . AW Of the above Medicines sold by T»r«ggt*<» . lul ^Sold^*" ff^craflythroughout ths Soiffhbesf. W. A. Lanad.-ll, Red wine A Fox, Curtis A TJo*-.i Paniberton, Wilson, Taylor A Co., Atlanta Go. 05 ’ 1‘repaved only by DR. O. H. PnopH ITT, All tha above remedies for tale ky ( orinitfon, <}». L. H. BRADFIELD WHOLE8ALK DHUGOIST. ’ WOTtttlLL STRUT, ATLAKTA, OROROIA coml:u>Uan imau. »n ih. I-ropmio. of ISiruvi, I Hark *n,l i r0D .it) 1(lllt ,| j, MreoU. U.t. ,n.l L.,1 offoof, of eiUl^r. ,Vo»r»U , or » ol.i*rju-i»r.UoM, of th,io Yu‘«JlctaL lUbnuld«n in all iwn wb.n* R.ntl. vme t , ***»*."«** oon-.l.. M ,.S from ■* A.bUttrttD, or iu UiOn <Litro..ln« lr,ru„ Unti,. gnidw, “‘riSttSaSfSSwtfttlT Wnn.'*Btt , " oh ,oc n " u,1 “« «• «J- Jamea Ruddle & Co., PKOPIi IETOR8, Laboratory .Vo. 11, VullUI sired Louisville, Ky, All Uie above foods for aaloby RRDWIRR 4 FOX r- A ' r, ANXA ' U-***«f UA1V8UK 8IIKKIPP 8A W ILL be sold on tho first Tu before tho Court Uoaaa • Dawsonville, sold Slate and cou hour# of aala, th# following pn-i~.w laud No. sight hamtred aiul ,< ‘ Tcn .V_rT 1 M iu the Fourth (4lb) IflsUictof llie Flr«t said county, containing forty Levieil on by virtue of a fieri fun** '"S^_ H. Covington, a corn nils# foned Noory.—. county, and in th# 989th District, ft *1. Janie*. M Bishop, against John pointed out by defendant and levied<*#■ Tenant In possession served with none* by a Couatable and returned to gust 2TU», 18C9. R- “ sep 4-tdsprsfee$2 60 POSTPONED SHEBirrS **** /I EOBOIA, TOWNS 00CNrT.-WIUV-|| U first Tuesday in November f House door, said county, within “**K| mis. lot of land number 1ST. in li® tTS aecUou of originally Gherokee. Airther known as the Ivy Mount Mtoffil ‘ a property of said Mining flu lam ad from Haberahaai SapwwjTK MoOonnall, O. W. Gllliap*. «»• » ulLVlnUD. McNubW. wrtut asid Ivy Mount Mluing OffiFF IWpt 18. 18b. MP 28 td Application for . G eorgia, dawson county. ha# applied for s»*ffiP*toa " l voluattoa oi .1 in nvtock. *-