Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 12, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY NEW ERA. mfiSTov ttmvMrnin i FcrD»lly t P«r Annum*10 00 Sh Montht Thro* Month! Por Month WMkhr Era, Por Annum * 00 W INVARIABLY III AUTARCH. -»» KATYN OK ADYRHTIK1MO. X,.nM-t «,»•«»• T i\ i f i ! r f i ? IJJ2: *J*2 ThLm Three Squares Four Aqnare* GuatVr Column HaH Column Two-thirds Column... 0«* Column 3100 40.00 40.00' 10.00 44.00 46.00 M.OO 44.00 10.00, 00.00 80.08' 104.00 ItKMM lJ6.»u AdvsrUseui.’iit* for a longer jh>cih1 than thrw mouths will b* Inserted at a .t«'-lui'tlon of twenty per o«oi. from the above re** 4 Par ear* square of in linns or less, for the first inter- Uoi, ll, Md Ibr Mkk luhHqiiNit Insertion 50 eeuls. Tm tines of solid nonpareil, t.r lit equivalent In »i«ce, tusks a square rum* r Mb, l*»ft*r* or un AdrerUsoweuU must l»e marked for aspecified lime. AdraitUwnnii inserted at interest* to bo charged as u'Wearh insertion. AU alv,.rtiseui*uU. or uutioao •« iilwtlMinwiU. under "City Budget.' are ehsrgeahb* at th* retool TWWTf'fivi osrta m lino for each tnsertiou. No Hviiu. mul iv>! • i«i* SmaS thin cits rr*?.:_s.r.. \dvuruaenie nt * under the bead of ••Hpecial Notices." t wsuty sent* per line for Oral insertion, and 10 conta for a*ch aubnequeut iuaertioti ■ of the HUte especially TUB BRA OFI UK IX TBS BBICB BVIUUNO OX 4UIUMA sTUKKT opposite the pghtottu'K, between BBOAI> ASP WUITKBALL. Mii.iTAnv uiKmimv. lluKvr.r Majob CIenkhm. Auuti* H. Teuuv ('omtnnmliiig Department of fha South PERSON Al. BTAPK. Brevet Lieuteugot Colrmel E- Suntli, Captain l T . S. Army, Aid-tlo-c’u«nj*. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel c\ H. (.raw?, CapUtu U. 8- Army. Aid 'le-1 ninp. Brevet Caplniu J. t». Telford. l«t Li-uUn mu U. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. DEPARTMENT BTAtT. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistnnt Ad jutant General, U. 8. Army, Amigtant Ad jutant General. Brevet Major Robert 1\ Hughes. Captain l S. Army, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. * Captain C. W. llotsoupilloi, U. 8. Army, Aeting AaaiaUnt Inspector General. Major DeWitt Clinton. Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Atlvocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, Chief Commissary. Bievet Colonel A. R. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, l r . S. Army, !>«'|**t and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier Geuer.d W. J. Sloan, Surgeou U. S. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Miliiau, Surgeon U. S. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. lv. Smith, Sur geon U. S. Army. Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymasti r. offleo at Charleston, South Carolina. Brovot Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. 8. Army. ROSADAL1S, TUX OXXAT BLOOD PURIFIER. OurM Scrofula In all 1U various forms, sucli aa Consumption in IU earliest stages, Enlargement aud UlreraUua of the Ulaudes, Joints, Bones. Kidueys, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Eruption* of tea Hkin. Chronlo Horo Kyi’*, Ac.; also, SKFHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. OlvoAMon of Womoiu l<««* of Appetite, Kirk ll«itil*r tic. 1.1% rr I'oiii pin I nt, l‘«l» In (lie Uni k. Im- prM.feiiee ft! f.lfe. Cravil. (• turret Ud lieallli, and ail li*. a-» of tl» Blood, Liver, Kidneys, ;uid Bladder, II is ;i perfect n iioviltoi. It is perfectly harmI.-op, never proi est injury. It is not a secret gua< k Ueu.. d> Min. h ii i. .... (■utdi.Uvd -r.,u>. Re< omim iulrtl b) Hu* .lledintl I'ueullj timl many thousands of oilr lies! cltl/mis. 4a* For testuuoiiials of reiusrkalile i tires. ■««' ’‘Ho- sadaliH Alnnniu " for this year. Prepared only liy l»r«. PleinrJan. ltivea A (’<>., list.- utaeturiug Pbemuts, formerly J. J. lawrenee ,v tlo , ItslUmore, Md. For Hale by Prue -iHU every*here. Jjr IK- THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, O lull In, Ifl'oiiiin, FOR III YORK STEAM E1SRINE CP. Knglne Laths, Planers, Boll Cullers, | p right Brills, Maehinlsls* Tools of all l)eseriptions«] JOB PBOTINd L H, BRADFIBLiyS COLUMN. ft s DR. JOHN BULL’S Great Remedies. M A M M O T H ’RIMING ESTABLISHMENT. A''r> able Ki I/eatliei IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND Pleasure SeeUers. rpHE only direct route to the .Virginia Springs, ALL NORTHERN CITIES. E XCUR8I0N RETURN TICKETS to all the Celeb ed VirgtnlaSprings with tl»*» privilege of Mopping at any interiuedlato point, have been placed on sale by this road at greatly reduced r THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILROAD j\ro sTAGrirja. of til gene rally imufved.— DR. SIMIVIONS’ liveu Hiaa t.vuut. It has been used by hundreds, and kno last 36 yesrs as one of thu um-t n l.aLIc, and bar in less preparati n ing. If taken ri gularly "1 l-T idly, It Ih Dyspepsia, beadaclie, Jsnutlice, eostlv.m m. » \ L- .Ida. 1 Bat)i Hons (f ttio bUddM regulator! B ^ ness, Chius, (lio sses.. skin, impurity of tl.< . m of spirits, heartburn couo or paint In th« boucls, psln **— *•“* ' and sgne. dropsy, boils, pain in ba ms, errsypelas, female affocUons, generally. Prepared only by J. II. '/.Pill*IN A DftlKgists. i.i - Pries |1; by mail Sl’Jt. Tbs lollowlug highly reepec*aide i^rx.nM C4n fully | attest to the virtues of tliiM vabubb in< in me, an.l whom we most respectfully refer: Gen. W. H. If oil, Prr •odeiil H. \V. It It. <’ It. v, .1. I R. Peblsr, Perry, t»a ; «n|. K. S|,*rlie, Aibuny. da ; r. ! J. Lunsford. E»|., « *»i I t.-r s \V. It. It.. <’ U u«U r. , BOB, Esq., Kberiff Mini) mu l_,, .1 A. 1 utl , list bridge, Gs.; Dykes .V Hp.rbiw:. ..In..,. ••KbmdUn.- Tsllsbassee; Rev. .1. w Burk. . Mu. ui, da.;\ir^i| Powers, Ka<|., Hupertutriideiit M. \V !l 11.; Imi.i. 1 Vml. , lard, Bullard's Hlalion, Maroti v Dnn wick R. R., | Twiggs county. Os.; Ora«-uvllie tvo-• i. Wood's JVt< • ry. Macon, Os.; Rev. F. K. F.s-t.-rlmg, P. I H nd., | cionfersnee; MsJ^r A. F. Wooley, Fmgstoii, «is.; I' ll 1 tor Macon Tolsjrrspb • may y JAwflin | tJUN'I'EK igin*M and Hollers, l'atont cold-rollwl Hhalting, and Rubber Belting, and all articles noedlul duo or railroad rej>air shops, 1*2*1 and liV ChamlHTs st. New York. GEORGE PLACE. Presid. nt. JOHN II. CHEEVER, Bec'y. t C1IA8. F. HARDWICK, Seo'j. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISHOP PILL. COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILL Which Is bound to take the place of all ethers; apun- r vegetable Pitll (sugar coated) aud of extraordinary fBcacy for Costiveness, indigestion, Dysr>epsia, Head, .•lies. Nervous Debility, Liter Complaint, Ac.” (Mtdical Journal .V-j , H.) Positively the best Pill in the World "That Cough will kill yon," Try “i'ostnr "Colds a • F..r Cr-nips-—Whooping Coughs, Ac.,” Try ••Costar’s” t ougli Krntrdy ••Costar rays it is the best in the wide world—and it He says so—It’s True—it's True—it's True; and We say Try it—Try it—Try It.” (Jfeminp l'aprr, Aug. 76.) All Druggists In ATLANTA noli it. “COS f A R’S ” Standard Preparations ARE If 1.8 BE AUTIFIER. THE BUCKTHORN SALVE! HU *»t*ostnr’s M l(al,ltosrh,Ar., Katermlnntor* “CoHtar'n” ltr«t Hug Kxteriulnstors. ••Conti* rV* (only pure) Insert I*o\v«ler. Address •Costau,” No 10, Crosby st., V V., Or John F. Hknuv (Successorto) Barnes A Co.,21 Psik Bow, N. WFor Pale by J. A. TAYLOR, L. H. BUADFH.LH and Drogglrte In ATLAM ,\, UA, RED WINE A FOX, agents, Atlanta, (ia. foh’.HVc GKO. S. THOMAS, AttornriY ft t Hi ;» v ATLANTA. BA. • s* Office, Broad »t..Gov. llrown's Bidldiug novia-iy DR. niCHAU’S (^OLI)KN HKM T :i>IK!S. Ask (or no other, take no other, and you will suv time, health *nd money. fl.ooi REWARD for any e* •• of uiseast In any stagi wbi< 1. they fad t<» cure. •fills, Ac.; is the vsior, Alteralivii and Blood Puriti« r known, rcinoi all disease Irom tie system, and 1. aves the bloo«l pu and healthy, Dr. Hint act G. Affections. Kli.-ms Mercury nr other caaaes; gives u i*a«*«. No dieting necesary. 1 li tihcat. s proving the miraculousmres effected by these RnmedlSs. I n. « . t either N<». 1 <>r No. <j f.VCd tie, or two bottles for $'J.ou. I»r. Ki. BOOK AN1) JOB PRINTING OFFICE! I''l\' K I'OWKI! PRE8SK8 I Ami an KikIIi'sh Vurirty of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! II i«l Thousitiul llollu rlh «f .loll Type to our already Our Now Additions woi . EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! tjullf ^A B r U ,'! ,,a “ P " W ‘ C tU ‘ ” *” "°* ra °~ "• All Descriptions of Job Printing ! "•looted liy an Experienced Printer, and comprise all the latest improvements in TYIPIE], FINESSES, ETC, AuilonAblu.nalocompetetmrcasfiiUy with wiy l*rln(ln. K.labllalunrnt In lire South. Imlooi). wc are pr< partsl to print anytliiug * From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER ! In a Style to suit tho must fastidious. Wo have now up and in running order FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! NC'.MIIKIl ON K DR. JOHN BULL ICanufaomar and Vendor of 4ha Celebrated SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP, FOB THE CUBE OF AGUE AND FliVJbJK, llllliliH \%U VFAEH. The proprietor of thla oalebrated medicine last > * - ■* —— -»• —ever offe r - i lslms fur lt a superiority ovo* sll vomsdles ever off® ed to the public for the salt, certain, and i*o of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever whether of short or long standing. He refer* to I entire Western aud Bouthwestorn country to bear him testimony to tho truth of the assertion that In no cans whatever will It fall to cura. tf the directions ere strict ly followed end carried out In a greet many cases * single doao baa been sumdeut for s cure, and w hole families have boen cured by s single bottle. With s |>er- fect restoration of the general health. It Is, however, prudent, aud In tVery case more certain to cur®. If iU use Is conUnusd In smaller dotes for a week or two af- U r the disease has been checked, more especially In difficult aud long-standing cases. Usually this medi cine will not require any aid to keep tho bowels In good order; should the psdent however require a ca thartic medicine, after having taken threo or four dos es of the Tonic, s single dose of UULL’H y KG STABLE FAMILY PILLS will bo sufficient. i»r. JOHN BULL'S Principal office: No. 40 I’roia Slrc»t*l,l liOul«triUo, Konttiolty ffflDWINE & For 1 ','ttir -r ;.rir • r*r T II £ • d with full directions. Price |;|.IMI per little. L’llAf’s Goi.mRn AMot H. a radical cure r General Debility, in old or young: bu tt receipt or price Remedies will »„• shipp'd t«, any Prompt attcutlon paid to corr<e|iondnute.- *• g. nuino without tl.e uitu. -DR. UICIIAU'I. LIJKH RKMF.DIKH. I». It IlIOHARD'H, sole pro|.ri- DR. treat .til private yildls, • Patients requlr- C ONTINUED all forma gonorrffina, gleet, atrleti plstsly eradicated. Thai nuim roUH cla - ■>! . . • r. suiting from sclf-shuse, pr<xbiciug uumauii',*. «. ner vous debt litjr, irritability, eruptions, tvioiual <tul«- ■lona, aud dually Impou u< y. i»criiian«*ntly cured. Psrsons afflicted with delicate, Inlricale. ,-wid lor, standing constitutional complaints are poltt. I. invited to call tor consultation, which e«»sts nothing. Ktperi- encs, the best of teachers, has enabled lum to |» ifect remedlea st once elfieieut, safe, penuaiieilt, and which Id most cases can lie used without hindrance to bitti ness. Medicine* prepared tit the establlahluent, whlcli embraces office, reception and weltlim rooms, also, boarding and eh eptng sp Ing dally pars insl at tent | baths, thus cuncei,train,1/tb< f.u - t ruli.ersl spring*. Both sexes, married or Single aulTi: n g from Indlscr. - tlons, ludulgencles, or eipmure, - apply and I- cured. Mo matter Who have fid-! )unr,v Read wliathc says in bln paadihU i. »• i t p, any .. dress free. ThoUKshdsof <«s«a in ..i.-d aimuaily at lies and all over the country G n.u utlon fr« i sonally or by mall. Office, No. l«i Hurd htr« . t, i.<. tween Green and Walnut, near tho 1‘osUifflcn, . vllle, Xy. Office honrs, V a. m., »o 7 i M.; Hundsy* in a. a., to 12 h. Jy I—ifly rt EORGIA. If Alt A1-SON COUNTY. Whereas, F.haa t|on. dulv filed and entered on record, that she ha* fully admlulater-d Perryman’s estate : This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin drad and creditors, u» shaw cause. If any they can, why said administratrix should not he discharged from her administration, and receive letters of dismission oothsftrai Monday to October, I MW. This ftb day . f July, 1369. July30-m4m A. D. WOODH, Oadinsry. Printer's fas ft 4U SOl.ll IIV AI.I. <iRMI!RR. inly '4-dly •JOHN 3PEID3L., AND COSFEOTIONKU, MAItl El IA HTHKKT I > akes . v.-ry variety of Bread and Oak< s; also, man- I> id irti'iY* candies, and keep* constantly mi hand ALL KINDS OF FRUIT And a general assortment of PREMIUM CHESTER WHITE PIGS ] )«*re While Holland Turkeys, Kin Inni* I'oolin Foh U, IConrn lliirk*. I Utf s of Ini polled r.ivv I*. Pile. Also, choice Fruit Trees and Vines, anmng which are the Mount Vernon Fear, Westchesl* r lllo k Cap Itsspl erry, Double White liyncintl.H, st.d wUur bul bous roots of all sorts. 1,000 Toixss* Ou/tnoi secured for my customers. Heed Wheat, Rye, Harley, Gra*sos, Clover, Luaerne, Agricultural linplnm nt*. IU;'glng, Ties, Halt, Ps{>cr Hags, etc. I Ain s are In- vlb d to i-xandne my list of Imlbo *- ‘ *P IT c Jy IS-dly REMOVAL. 'ought o s Ids frl« ml* lint ho has Konny’s Son’s Ale House, Alabama street, where he will continun tod>> business. He w*U keen constantly on hand FINK WINKU, LI- QUOItH, ‘ inarm, Ac., aa usual; also. Foreign and D«« mettle Alas. oct 4-tf IS \ M UlMtVUI UOF. I V LnillV.U VUl.SS. Aud is i Hugo 1 i«v«* of M tcliinery, the largest of the kind ovor brought to Atlanta. This Proa.* is lospcclally adapted to Fiiio Ooolx. PrintiiiR ""J Ijargo Po*tor». Vl’ TWO Is also a Hoc Cylinder Press, (Smaller than the Aral, aud one of tho beat Newspaper Prom os In tho State. IkUMBKR TURKIC IS A. 3VTEIDIXJJVC HOE JOBBER, For llio rapid and neat elocution of JOB WORK of every description, am* has been pronounced by oompi tent judges the finest press in the Htate. N( FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM IP OTTER PiRESS, For Priuliug CIKCULARH, LETTER 1II AD8, BILL HK.VD.8, hc.,nud is of very superior quality. ni MKKIt FIVE IS A. POTTER ICARD sPRESS, I* a mod, I of Beauty, and turns out work with a rapidity that is astouishlng; and, yet, in tho neatest and most o fa. ildics for all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Hull’s Worm Destroyer, To my United Seales and World Wide Headers. I have received many testimonials from professional and medical men. as my almanacs aud various public cations have shown, all of which are genuine. The following loiter from a highly educated aud popular physician In Georgia, is certainly one of the most sen sible communications I have over received. Dr. Clem ent knows exactly what ho speaks of, aud his teatimo- Villanow, Walker Co., Ga., June 29, 18. dcrfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single in stance to havo tho wished-for effect, I am doing ■ pretty lsrgo country practlco, and havo daily ject in 'writing you is to 11ml out upon what terms lar lino M. D’s, but I see no just iiscarding a remedy which we know to be efficient simply because wo may belgcoran'.« Mtscombiuatioi . For my part. I shall mako It a rule to use all and any means to aleviate suffering linmamtj which 1 may be] able to command—not hesitating because hoi moro ingenious than myself may have learned feet* first, and secured the Bole ri.rht to secure that knowledge. However* 1 am by no n> eu an edvoeete or supporter of the tnonsanils of worthless nostmm that Hood the country, that purport t.< cure all mat ner or disease to which humau flosh 1* heir. Pleas] reply soon, and inform me of your beatl sir. most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLFJIRh , M. D. Wo have uo huHitation iu saying to the public that We can turn out work as rapidly as any Foitablishmoitt s IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION ! All wo ask is A E A I H TIirA.iL. tVe are |»repiire<l to jtrint, HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS. U1K.C0LARS, LETTER HEADS, bOSINFSS CARDS WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS OF ALL KINDS. Together with All Descriptions of Railroad Work ! From a Ticket to a Ledger. We 4rc also prepared to do all klnda of FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. 13 O O K ■ B I 1ST L T-C R Y ! Wu also have connoctod with our office, a No. 1 Hook-Blnd«ry. iu charge of one of the TtTTOT nTIULEn H in (he Unfb-d ffUtes, who can do aft descriptions of work in the VEST 8TTLX and with dispatch. SAMUEL BARD. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A (iootl Iteaaoii for Hit? ('nptain' Faith. Bkmton Hauuack’h, Mo., April SO, 1866. J Dn. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficiency •ith of your Sarsaparilla and the healing aud Ix-ueflcid qualities it poHsesacB, I •etnl you the following state ment of my case: I was wounded two years ago—was taken prisoner, aud coullncd for aixteeu months. Being moved no of ten, my wounds have not healed yet. I have not sit up a moment since I wan wounded. I am shot through the hip*. My general health ia Impaired, and 1 need something to assist nature. I have more faith in yonr Sarsaparilla than in anything else. 1 wish that that is genuine. Please express tue half a dozen bottles, and obllgo, Capt 0. P. JOHNSON, 8t. Louis, Mo. P. S. -The followluK was written April 30, I86A, by Mr*. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Dn. Btn.1—Dear Sir : My husband, Dr. C. 8. John son, whs a skillfli! surgeon and physician in Central New York, where ho died leaving the above C. P. John son to my caro. At thirteen years of age, he had a chronic diarrhtea and scrofula, for which I gave him vour Haraaparilla. It cured him. I for ton years recommended It to many in York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fover and general debility. Perfect success has at tended it. Tho cures effected in some cases of scrofula and fever son a were almost miraculous, very anxious for mj soil to again have recourse to your Haraaparilla. He la fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for it. His wounds were te rible, but I believe he will recover. llcfli*ctfuUy, JF.NNIK JOHNSON. BULL'S CEDROI BiTTERS* AUTHENTIC DOCUMFNTS. jtRKmJJirSmlS UE.I1M FtUP.R. Testimony of Medical Men. Hromrt Point, While Oo., Ark. May a.\ IWkJ 1)r. Jonts BtTT.i/~D®4r Sir: Last Feb. tary I was In Louisville purolkMlng Drm s, and I got some of yunr Improved, Dr. Gist, who haa been In bad health, tried them and he also Improved. Dr. Coffee, who lias been in bad health for several fears—stomach and liver affected—he Improved very S uch by the we- of your Bitter*. Indeed, the Cedroo tters has given yon great popularity In thla saiUe. ment. I think I could sell a great quantity of yonr madiefnes this faff, especially of yonr Cedron Bitters and.Hareapartlla. Bhtp ms via. Memphis, care lilekott h Neely. Respectfully, O. B. WAI.KFJL All the above rometliosfor sale by L. H. BRADFIELD, OUUGQJHT, Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic No Arsenic—No Mercury. PF.UFKCTI.Y HKLIAULK. The only remedy for Obllls and fsver, or Ague and Favor, that iu or cjm b* depended apou fs JTorfeyV Ague Tonic. There have been thousands rim'd by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit. WORTH V OF ATTENTION. To Dr. 'ihomaa A. Hurley: 1 hereby certify that during Isat year I was attacked with tho ague whilst in Vicksburg, Miss., and used several popular medicines with but temporary relief. On reaching home the disease returned in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered (juin- iue in large doses—frequently aa high aa 60 grains per dav. and which moat have cost mu nearly *100. I con sulted Dr. Brnith, of Louisville, and found he prescrib ed quinine and arseuio combined, which 1 refused to take, preferring to let tho disease take Us course. 1 wu almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pronounc ed with enlarged Liver and Bpieeu. About thla lime, 'he advertisement of Hurley s Ague Tonic appeared iu city paper, aud 1 determined to give it a trial. 1 did ), and have uo reason to regret it. One bottle restored te completely, aud since that time I have seen nearly hundred caeca iu which it acted with equally happy •suits, and would certainly recommend it as prefera ble to any other tonic before the public. JAMRH MAHTIN, Engineer. Louisville. K)., June 15, 1865. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. HURLEY’S SARSAPAR1LU WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. Affection* of the Hones, llabltua 1 Costive* ess. Debility, Diseases of tbe Kidneys, | Dyspepsia, Kryslpells, Female Ir regularities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Diver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofu la. <»r King's Kvfl, Syphilis.; subject. My daughter lias been afflicted with skin disease and stiffness of tho joints for several years. I em ployed tho principal physicians 4f tho city and they could uot euro her. I gave her your Haraaparilla not expecting It would do much good, but to my great as tonishment ahr rapidly got well, aud thank God con tinues so. Had she been taking any medicine I would not give this certificate,' but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt of its medi cal qualities, aud that it alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth and honesty of the statement, will And mo at my residence, corner Ninth and Walnutstrect*, Louisville. T. JL CHASTAIN, CHASTAIN & F O x r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS, NO. 4, GRANITE BLOCK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORqi W K havo now lu store Die best assorted stock of Furniture In the city, which off, r at competition, c<.n*islltig of Parlor, liedioom, and Offlc# Furniture In sulhs or single, Bedsteads, Bureaus, .Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and lull Marble, Book-Cases, Wardrobes, Hat Racks, Wasbstauds, Etc., Plain and Marble The Largest Lot ol Chairs tlist was ever In the city at one time, all of which »„ „g er M Wholesale Factory Prices in Louisville, Kentucky, & Now is yonr time to buy cheap and good bargains. We are determined to sell goods lover t>, bought here. Dealers will do well to examine our stock before going North, as they will Mv « K tation. I.adlew especially are Invited to call and examine this stock. Don't forget llie pi**. w "M* GrXlAKriTB BliOCK, BROAD STrVEBT HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Mt-aer*. James Ruddle A Co.—Gent Jem cu—It gives me great pleasure to say. after using all the other worm remedies known to nje. with but partial success to my children, 1 was advised to try T. A. Hurley's. 1 since using it my children have become quite end il JA8. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, Juno 13,186H. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS. FOB Debility, Lues of Appetite, W eakness, In digestion, or Dyapi pain. W ant of nd Ion of I lie Liver or Dlsorilcrnl Stomach There are no billers that can compare xcWi these in removing theso distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store in the United States. JAMES HUDDLE k GO., Proprietors, LoulRville, Ky. To Ja*. Huddle & Co| I This is to certify that 1 ha and tried all tho t< nics I have hoard <ifoH tiaod, with little or no relief from miy of the: to my aitrprisc and joy, before I finished I felt a great deal better aud firmly believe that two occasions it was tho inoaus ot saving and prolong ing my life I conscientiously recommended them all anfferers as the best Hitters known, st.d advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley'i no other. Yon can uso this a* you think proper, if it will benefit oUiers. V Louisville, Ky., Dot NOTICE TO MOTHERS. :dk. seabrook’s : INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Use ill tho future only HEABKOOK’H, s combination quite tip with tho advancement of tins age. Tleaaant to Uko, harmless in Its action, efficient and reliable in all isee. Invaluable In tho following diseases: Summer Complaint, Irregularities of the bowels Hoativeness, Teething, Ac. 'a* health to tho child and rest l 0 the mother. Narrviujc, Tin if., Fob. 12,185H. Jas. Huddle A Co., Louisville, Ky. -When living in your oily I uaedsovoral bottle# of Dr. Seabrook's Iu. fat it Mouthing Syrup, ami found it to do my child more good ami it would real beitc-r after using it than any oth°r rentody I ever tried. I can Bay w 1th confldenoa, it la the best me Heine for children at present known. I with you wonld got the druggists here to I... p It. If one rtfVes, please let me know; ii r.ot send me dozen by express, and 1 will pay for It at the office here. Write me when you mt nd it, and oblige MRS. HAEAHL. RANDOLPH. DM. .SEABROOK’S Elixir of i’yrophospliate ot' Iron and Oalisaya. Thla elegant oouil ..ati.ui possesses all tho ionic properties of Peru via i Hark and Iron, without the dia- blo taste and bad effects of either, separately or .« preparations, of thi *o valuable aedfclues. It should betaken tu all cAaea when a gentle tonic I,, Presalon is required after eonvalesoenco from r*v» * or delitlltatlng dl*ea*rs, or in those distressing irregu- '"I'P.YZW U ' fon,E,c "' "houlAlie with! *ut It. if liable to such Aseaacfi, f. r nothing can wul- lake its place. James Ruddle & Co., PROPRIETORS, laboratory JVo. ll, Hullitl strrrl Louisville, Ky, GREAT SOUTHERN PASSENGER AND MAIL II O U T E ! VIA ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, TO CHARLESTON. COLUMBIA, Clinrlotto, Ilnloigli, WILMINGTON, WELDON, RICHMOND, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. C toNNKGIlONH by this hue are ino»t cerUIn and ) sure at all seasons. TUB EATING HOUSES on (hi* i oughly overhauled and refitted. / for meals, aud at regular hours. CONDUCrOHS on this lluo are affable and court** our to passengers. NO CHANCE OF CARS BETWEEN Wr4 Toiiit, Ha., 4iii*l Wiliiiiu^lon, N. (’. QUICK TIME and SURE CONNECTIONS, VIA Ct ooi’it i n. H. a i 1 r o n d . Passengers can purchase THROUGH TICKETS and have their Baggage Clieekcd 'I'll rough From New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Columbus, and Atlauta. to Richmond, Baltimore, Wash ington, Philadelphia, and New York, Hy Four Different Routes via Auguola, Via Kingsville, aud Wilmington; via Columbia, Char lotte, and ltalcigh; via Columbia, Dauville and Hichmoud; via Atlanta, Augusta, Wilmington and Bay Line. FARE AS LOW BY AUGUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TWAINS LEA VINO ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. Paweugc ra wishing to go North by Soa will find a splendid line of STEAMSHIPS from Charleston. 8. C„ to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and Now York. TUE CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS offer every in ducement to paaaeugtu*, with tables supplied with every luxury the Northern aud CharUstou markets cau afford, aiulfor Sa/tlif. Spent, nnd Comfort^ t'MUVALLKD ON Montgomery, West NEW YORK VIA CHARLESTON UK COAST. STEAMSHIPS. J. A. ROBERT, x-nl Ticket *«.-(((, OoorKl. lullro»J. A. ERGENZINGER, VPBOISTERKH, An.l D.-i.l.-r In Fnmltnn im.l MANUFACTURER OF BEDDING Hunter street, Uiree doors frou* Whitehall, A^CTjANTA t !K.() lta I A. NoTIOB . WKHTF.RN Ac ATLANTIC RAILROAD, gkvick Maotrb or Tranhpoutatiom. Atlanta, Oa., Sept 20, 1860. 1 J-H provided with proper credentials to XJ the Commercial OoBveution to l>« hold in Louis- lj tf , p2t)i proximo, will bo passed free over the • * Atlantic, Nashville A Chattanooga, iirmraiTBUMni MODESTY A VIRTUE! AT SHARP’S LIVE JEWELRY M IAN he found the most l*Khionahle. tbe U»m • aortmeiit of Diamonds. Watches and J©.*, lifhtto this citv. 0— brought tu this city AT Sll AIM'S LIVE AT SlltWP’S LIVE Can be found th® larges! All Gold JEHKI.UY stub stock of l'Uui iDd JEWELRY STOU k-the Bins: fi^au^gj «T owolry viUo Weal. _ Lonlarilto A MaslivUI® Railroad. aep 20-Ulloct J J Master of TramqmriaUon. MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. rAs*KMHF.n. leaves Atlanta,........., Arrive* at Alacon Leaves Macon Arrives at Atlanta mnnT rAMamniKR. leaves Atlanta.. Arrive* at Mac<ui Leave* Macon... Arrive* at Admit: Getobcr 3d, 1H6U. oct 3 Ad U(. .bov, good, for Mb hj llF.DW11IC * rox ATI.ANTA, OA FOR SALE, Ni<»«» Iilttlfv 'lVo-Hoom TIou«o, tk»raer of HOVVARK !ntl JHWJN HTRKIIC8. Suum por((on of tho city. Apply to j, ||_ WILLIS oct o-d-jtw-2w Georgia Loau and ■hmst Company. FOR SALE, A NICK L.ITTI.K HK8IOKNCK Al' SHARP’S 1.1 VE .II WU.RV SWB Can be foun iu< >at varied in the city. AT SHARP’S 1.1 VK JEWITHl S1W Can lie fonud the largest stock of sol 1 Vett Oug and ChattaHin Chain* in the city. AT SHARP’S 11 YE JEWELRY STOI! Cau be fouud the Proprietor who experience in the Jewelry Bush time iu liret class large heuscs. AT SHARP’S LIVE JEWELRY SIM Call be fonud the most beautiful ae*’ rtiuent of fll Sharp’s Live Jonclrj Sluro, fromtlxfW Hay It Opoiird I'ntil tho Pretoil, -V. U.—Sttarp'a Lire Jnrelry * .lltrays Initials lo Http III Knriablr Hr/>iilnlioii. WATCH WORK. Tho Llvo Jow.lry Store, hivltiit morr Whd* Hutu lb. proprtrtor out .(o, ... Mound tli. Mr. T. 8. WOOD, tho ohlo.t, l»rsu.t rip«-f N B. THU L1YK JKWKI.liV STORE huowMj to contlnun selling goods at reaeouahle keeping nothing hut firsix-huui, all-gold Je» ’ Wo are just out of Yankee Clock* am Eaters. GKO. eilAHP. JR Thomas lUlaud, administrator of the « mrem Crane, doceased, represents to thew*' . M petition, duly filed and euU-red on record.»» “ ntlly administered Hiram Crane's e*Ut«; Jhi* fore, to cite all persons concerned <«> • h0 * "Tu Any they can, why said admtnlftrator sbowd b« discharged from his administration, and recen* of dismission on the first Monday in D Tills August tho 2d, I860. DANIEL FOWLtt angl7-m6m prafeoffi oni** G W)R(1I*. HARALSON COUNTV. aeph II. Brown, administrator of *■ "^3 •'presents to the court in his petition, dnlf E entered on record, that h- ha* tolly King’s estate: Thla ia therefore to cite all person’s dred and creditors, to show cause, if * nT wn why *ald administrator should not l>e >1 . ^ Ida administration, and rerotve letk>rs nil Dio Arm! In /Wy.IJUA Till* 3“* Hnoo Ti-Aok N. m A. II. 1IAYIH. CbMp. Apply (o J. M. WILLIS, Al oct MK.1. O.orglK Loon anrt Trail Co DA WHOA NIIKIIIEK SAI.KS- W ILL b. .oht on Hi. Ilr.l TUMd.J 1“ before the Court House «loor, in l'awsouvillc, said State and county. ****** 1 hours of nalo, the following property tO’**- -x land No. eight huudre<i and seventy tonr<*™ in the Fourth (4thl District of the First (l«» ^ ■aid county, containing forty acres, uiotsp. Levied on by virtue of ■ Jtert fa'uu oWteg" H. Covington, a commissioned NoUry county, aud iu the 9b»th District, <*. •*., I" x M. Bishop, against John Holcombe- i-imol out by defendant and levied on a* h 7 Tenant in poascaalon served with notice, w by a Constable aud returned to me. Tenu^gi C gust 27Ui, 180). B. M- BAE *Siil top 4-td«praf«e$2 60 rsermab ssksitp* p G E lORdlA. TOWNS OOI’NTT.-Win first Tuesday In November next, M0 , 4 House door, said county, within the **T. -h 8* ■ale, lot of land number 167, la !8th flwjjj* ^ •action of originally Cherokee, now To" further known as the Ivy Mon at Mining 0l g the property of said Mining Company *> *•" J f» .4. /it. issued from Hatsanham K. McConnell, G. W. GilUsple, use ot nail. Virgil P. McNohi®, besrer, and "**1 aep 28 Id Appllcjtion for ExfurU**’ -«to| apwt u4 ntiuu,» ol PM. upon IS. n. U10 o-ckK*. A- 65ol»r, IMA it my oOc 1.