Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 31, 1869, Image 3

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( 1 * SPECIAL NOTICES. 0«l«7. for Ml*. rwtOjtUr Unwktoi ud OumnunUaw, at Dan. L/ooh'l Boo Too vwthaK. No, no, Ur. T*U(taphl Oali off ^^S8RaSS«e£r& you hav, *11 hJriy noonnd from th* obilia, Too u; ololm (hot Uoaoa U o food plooo to Pixsrrwiap OTOtora bp tho Quart or OoUon, Frasb Pi.h ln« Ohorlaatoo, for ado. oet M-St tmitTimm roriotjof boaotlfol, good bow and tutor*!- tag toy, now atjlee of ©onfeoilonery, in faot many soveWte that will be great agnaatfoni throughout the holiday a. Jack'* jobbing trade bee already oomtneuoed, and before ma ny week* roll around he will be in the midet of a tremendooa nuh. Bathe will have an assortment left which will make the little ones of Atlanta open their eyes when Ohriatmaa PHASE A HIS WIFE. Ten (honaand of the Golden Grown and Punch Began, partly Havana. To try them, it to oome again. oct 29-3t CDfcinwATTi Laom. at Dan. Lynoh'a Bon Ton Saloon, next door to the PoatojBoe, Ala bama atreet. oetSO-SU FINE ABT8. YeeUrday wa called on our frienda, nriiata Dill A Mai«r, at their new gallery on White hall street, uud we do think that they hare done theiiiiMdvea proud iu fitting up their suit of rooms. it u ui eate.e fur ux to ny that the gallantry oi the artwu will always be extend ed to the liberal patronage of our people.— Upon the oppoeuo page their advertisement Will he £(raiui,«utl we call special attention to iL fthooldam, l 8* India 38 Bale Kof»« Y ft Maohlne-mede.. 9 Hand-mad*. ■ran—per ton $80 i ■■tnr-e ft Gothen no Country *0 LOOHRAIII ft CLARK, Attarn«f>^-Oa floe on Broad atreet, over Echols’ Seed Store. Practice anywhere In the State, United States Supreme Court, and Superior Oonrta. ^ Jy 25-dly L< O. Oarii, General luaraact Agent, what ia termed a inate candidates for Atlanta, and jft if made under ends not to have Coffee-t n. Rio Prim* 34*4 Good 31*4 Ordinary.. Java Candle*—Y ft. Star Perafln* to.. Cotta a Yarns— \ No#. 8 and 10 $3 0 Non. 8.10.11. a 0 St of Atlanta, and pto offioe who is M do ties of the Mil We advise tfvs men not to ■Wtent" This Iter" did not ex- Mfte was held on If the Intelligen- • -of the principal lave been rather Mice. Can it rmonopoliEe the BYdoasion; and I ao successfully, poarats by per- 17ftl7* WHITEHALL STREET. FREE CONCERT 8AL00N I hkrkbv inform my frienda that I will give a social party by the Sd day of next month. William Bxndkb. oct 31-2t Clam Soup served at the National Hotel Bestaurant at 11 o’clock to-day. Atlanta Cigar Manupaotort.—Attention of the "indalgeri of the weed" ia called to the handeomo advertisemout of Mr. John Fiokin. He ia permanently located on Peachtree street, and his gpods need only a trial to secure the liberal patronage which Atlanta so freely gives. mHluad*rtlgned taka groat pleasure In Informing thecitlseus of Atlanta, and surrouDdiug oountry, that thay 1 have opened lu the large and oommodlout store, formerly ooouplM by J. H. White ft Oo., next door to Meador ft Bros., Whitahal! etreet, where wo intend to keep permanently one of the largest stooke of feme frienda in [Yhown all the feed a sight of lay, in the hear- Me, Bob says: better than I do Itetion to come hiat and ooan- ■teered Tom, Mean lie abed Rhe morning, P There aro no ■n’t hear the ■timing in or Isturbing your rnd yon never lover the street that's no,” says \perpetual clat- le new bnild- I find ten or lift here to send the city. And la we don’t find A yards, all in Now is v bought here, tatlon. Ladi HA.TM And GENTS’ EimNISHINOr GOODS KVKB BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. From our oontinaed oonneotlon for the past thirty years with the manufacture of clothing, especially adapted •» Aha B-rntb*™ market, and the many facilities and advantage# we enjoy In New York city, where, exclusively, we mauuLoiare onr good#, we are onablod to offer yon our entire stock, whloh comprise# all kind# *nd will sell our goods for CASH ONLY. This will insure fair dealing to aiL Please oall and axamlna our good# before purchasing elsewhere. HaanflMtorr 44 Karray It., R. Y., Iter* la Imaash, Oat., No. 146 C**. St.. and 6ft It, Jadlaai It., Store In Charleston, I. C. # 1»T Meeting and 301 King Street. fil’d Sh. 3-4. fil’d Sh. T*8. Bl’d. Drill.. FFF Cincinnati Laobr, at Dan. Lynch’s Bon Ton Saloon, next door to tho PostafBoe, Ala- abama street oct30-3t A. K. Sraoo, merchant, corner Forayth and Mitchell streets, ia now receiving immense atooks of Flour, Corn, Oats, Bran, Bulk Meat, Bacon, Lord, Groceries, and he ia datermined to aelL Don’t fail to oall at hie store. oct29-4t Wemsutta. ft ft* 1 Pacific 18 Arnold’!... 10*1 Feathers—new, 75ftto Floaur— AilenU Mills, fancy Y hnn- ] dred ft 00 i Do do, ex. family 4 so Dodo, family 4 M Dodo, raltoa LULL I family 4 00 Dodo, superfine 8 71 Do do, Georgia XXXX 1 Dually.,. 8 40 Do do. ship stud 3 00 I Dodo, bran 1 M Frnlt—Y ft and bbL Apples Y bu ...l.78ftXaO do unn’d.... 8#7 Oral a— Y ha. Corn. White.... 1 SAftl 38 Yellow.... lMYiSfi Patty- GA. 1 9 8 lbs. 8PEAK’S FBU1T Rlce-Y ft Salt— Y ee toSE* !; Don’t br Lett Out.—Printing of Directo- r commences this week. Now ia the aooept- 1 time. Hanlritrr. Canvasskbs oannot deviate from published Directory rates. Don't delay work by cavil ing about price. Hanlritbb. Merchant hers, L to death with time to talk to m; it looks ho O see crowd** of idiug about toe hotelH. talking rhat U likely to tarnation would Know Man, that no man can afford to be left oat of tbe Directory advertisements. Be quick. oot StS-tf WM. WOOD & CO Mrmobanda Cases, with name, $1 00. A kinds Baling and Binding. Wm. B. Hanlutbr, oot 28-tf Granite Block, Broad Street ad been an at tained to his i that was very rotated: “The UNDERTAKERS AID UPHOLSTERS, XT ID on bud nil qnnUtlM at rink'a M.tnllo Bnrt.1 IV Onun; *l*o, nil kind, o! Rood OolUn.. Will »t- lond to Fnnornln «» ur how, with n boooUMl Ant dnu Honno fanilUod or for biro. Oorrlo^, oto, will Hu fnmlnKnA A11 V4.A. .< "-n-.-. -A— - nlono Jolyt-dly M pnff bock and (bight—than bring 'o of balin' hide-cov- mp-tnilod ototr, with on trading off n lot nrd tall of tallow- u>d< of tnrkoy-rod. loepleaa with oxelto- iauta. —Macon Ttlt- it that onr aleoont OUnby would have aomnoh to hurt? Joke ho doe, perpo* (* “» *°od pleoe to l" wa *. we referred t In hot weather teble for "gooben" [to Bleep in Macon. teUebed with any toen who can ene- • Ufotwiaa man of Ihe Inaeota, vhieb bnatard prodnclion land tbe napping ton of that itreem a 8. KENDRICK * OO. Thie eulerpriaing firm eeemingly monopo- ltaetbe Oarftt Jhkfe. Front their adrertio- meot tbia montlng we obeerre that their etoek of Oil Oloth, Bag^ Sale, Ac , ia complete, and n Bam to doabt that oar patarooa will coll and appreciate u well a, purchaea; and we will here add that the ooarteoy of the hoaee ia extended to otatrreti M well ei to Ihe pa tron, of Atlanta, etc. A PIOMOI MOtnor.-J. M. Holbrook, at hla Emporium on Whitehall atreet, ha, jut received the neweet “thing that', oat,” which la tl)a “Don Oerloe Hat.” It will ba the rage. He ha, aim a large etook of older etylea, which may pleawi mum folk, bettor, and if ewer there wot e fine etoek of ladiee' end Mhuea' Fare in Atlanta, Holbrook hoe it. oet 31-St PEASE * HIS WIFE Have the exolaeive aale of CluatorfUld', Oo- tewha Win,; eteo, e pare artiola of Irtoh For- o*jMt NOTICE. Atlanta Tam Verien. Performanee and Soiree at Tara Hall, Broad atreet, Friday evening, Ootober 39th. Ticket, eon be hod at the door. oct28 4t CoaunTTu of AnunaamiTa. MONETARY AND OOMMEROIAL Dim, D.ili A.w Boa, Setnvdey Ivenlna, Ootober W. lib Bn^dnq. 8. ATLAltTi WHOLBSOL* F»OB OriBBldrr. I veil, to am to or. oouin,*ie —to to ■.near. 8.0...! i Quavered Country Oynaa of Nr-nonu. Watch Oo. ,) 159 & lfll, Lak* Stohit, V Chicago, Oot. 13, 1869. ) Meurt. Lawthe it llaynet, Atlanta. Go.: Yoor lettor of October 6th, to Ur, P. S. Bartlett, General Traveling Agent of thie Com pany, wherein yon mention that certain etate- nfonte have been made ia your olty, detrimen tel to the oherooter of the Elgin Wetchee, far FlnirA end DurahUify, hoe been referred to me, and I itoeire to note briefly in reply ae foUowe: Firet, ae regard, the finteh of onr movement. Upon thie point your oun opinion, with the pnbllnhed teetimonlele of the moat preotioel end experienced watch-mekere in the ooantry, and the medele end diploma, that have been awarded to them for “perfect oooatraotion end fint JinitK " at tight Aifftrmt BtaU Fain, within the peat two year, then id be ooncln •ive to yoat oaetontkrto Second, ae regerde Durability. The only poeeible oritioiem upon thie point ia “that the wetchee here been bat e abort time in market, end althoagh without doabt they cowld not hare gained the repate- tion they here, without being morr than onto eerily correct time keeper, end of handeome appearance, it cannot be known whether they will hut.” In reply to thie, I hnn to aey: Fint—Thai the wetohea Mid by a, two and a half yarn ego are in •• good condition to-day, wlure they here had proper uaage, ea upon tha day of their pnrehua. Seoond—That the uae of maohtnory in the oonetroetioa of oar mora. menu, end that of e enperior kind, enable* oe to nee e herder metal for pinion, cod wheel, titan can be fonud in other wetohoc not oonitruoted ln|n timber manner, end M- cores Icm frietion la the watch train by Un greater exectOM Med ntoformityof machine over hand labor, end we know, end every mechanic kuowe, that wetchee made npon oar Amerioen principle ere enperior to, end will oatleat twice over ell other,. Third-To nettle thie point deAnitely, you ere eathorixed to cay to year enatomm’ that if any watch bearing onr trade-mark ehall, with proper tuaga. within ton jmn from data of parckM, want «at, ia u to become melee, to the otonar, wa wfD give a new movement of the aame grade therefor. Hoping thie will meet all ehjeotione enable yon to add to tha largeaaloa yoa have alraedy made of Elgin Wotahea. Into you* ^ .r.fon . . » T. H Am, Prato National Watch Oo. u, meat .< tbaOrpbw,' Sum, ud Fra, lebooL Ocmbtnattca Glees, No.130, The folWlnt were the drawn nun bars Ootober SO. I860 : 68—Tfl—81—64—W—4)8—28—Ji—48—84—IT—4ft—St oot Sl-dlt HOWARD ft OO.. Manacers ProfttF Wtoto***—A eeaiparatlvelf Sow ladiee monopolist toe beauty as well as the ettontlon of soeietj. This ought not to bo so, but it Is; and will bo while men are foolish, and single out pretty those This aezMiU be Balm, whloh gives the bloom of youth and a refined sparkling beauty to the oomplaxlon, pleasing, power ful a ml natural. No lady need oomplaln of a red, tanned, freckled or rustic oomplaxlon who will Invest T6 oents In Hagnn's Magnolia Belm. Ite eOeota are truly wonderful. To preserve and draaa tha hair nae Lyon’s Kathai- II MOW FMPABSD TO OFFER TO THE TRADR ARY QUANTITY OF THE CELEBRATED PETRO OIL, ti ^4aba<tqte“rll/.H |/ jf|0|i-EXPL08IVE KER08ENE OIL. a th “ fa imps, Burner*, OhimneyA Widks, BlUleA ia foot ■rmi oxxi anx> t.ami» btj«di I MB meHulv. M»nt le tbU oltr tor Dt. Darnh', Tmtt *om«r-,nF«tor to mj yrt atomd to tbe pee. ^Tsfssafiws- “ <l ^ tSwlSwoMhe T«d* end Oraecent Bum.™ moat be trimmid ebont «ery deto. “• “ “® u “* TESTIMONIAL. ATLANTA, OA^ September lnt. lSO« • MUTUAL FRIEND ” Oooklng Stove, mannfactnred by the •• The Vfri «h* naderslgned, are using the •*MUTUAL FRIEND" Oooklng Stove, manufactured by u»e "The W Mnttonal StoveWorks," of New Tort and bellovlng It to be Mu beat Oooklng Stove in the market, cordially recommend them to all who desire to ynrohaae a fint olaaa article: using the — v Yerl o yard h. aoLonn., [JfUoetalAgeot Atna In#nranoe Company. Tfoftni***. MBS. R 8. OVERBY, Atlanta, Oh. OOL. H. F. MADDOX, Tobaooo Merchant, AtlanU. Ga. J. M. BORN. JR.. Coal Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. JOHN H. FLYNN, State R. B. Shop. Atlanta Ga. NELSON J. DOOLITTLE, Conductor State R. R. JOHN A. DOANK. Atlanta, Ga. R. J. DAWSON. Atlanta. Oa. REV. JULIUS T. OUBTI88. Atlanta, Ga.J J. H. GOLDSMITH. AtlanU InteUlgeooer. sate Agnate InAttaoU for "The MatlonalfiStore Worki," and keep eonsantiyon handaoom- COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, We are authorise* to sauiMi Horn. William Easard a# a candidate tot Mayor at the a*- proaehlng eleetton. oot ftbtda DAWSON SHERIFF SALES. 4X7ILL be soli la mid county, within the legal VY hours of ■»#, on tha first Tneaday In Deoember next, betoi* the OonrtHouse date, In ttw town of Daw- eauvutob tha following prouarty to-wtt: Lotof land No. the 4th district. 1st section. i&swSteiw property of John Holeombo, who la In poam##4nn by ordar of eoftAhyWrtne of u Notary FubMoOonrtfl ft In tevor of James M. Bishop, and eontoat said John ssttSzsjrsE? 1 ' bjl ~~ * ****■ AIM. »t th. mi ttm, id, pUo^ will b« .old, lot of nd, Ho. Hi, to ti. Kb dUtrici, lit racUon, of — jentv. Lntod 0*00 M lb.prop.toy of to. 1. Bala jEsramSS SMCTggrtoSSvsavsAs ^IkSttStommeUmeand pteea, lot of tend* Re 888, In tea Mb district, 1st section, of laid eouaty* as tea paapaaty of William J. Oroy. \tev4ed upon by vto tea of a Molmgr Public Court ft ft againet said Otoy. In tSA‘Ae-tt £±t station. LottedupaubyaOcaateblaand reiamedto Su5XL,l2t‘ - tluS&T™ mi neiwnta HHf, be. ItoriC. me. s. THOMAS, • ttoroev to* Xj«.fo». uunt, at. 0*e», One* A.«rv. AT FACTORY l’RICEN, And also a fall atook of Honae Furnishing Good*.|} D HU1BTIR ) HOPE. HUESTIS & HOPE, Markham’s Empire Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Sep24-0 w. P. CHISOLM, S T AND Cr ackers WH0LE8ALE, 8 CENT8 PER POUND. CORNER OF ALABAMA AND WHITEHALL STREETh, ATLAHTAl GEORKI A ; T. A. CHASTAIN. w. K. FOX. CHASTAIN & FOX, WHOLESALE AND RET ATT. FURNITURE-DEALERS, NO. 4, GRANITE BLOCK. BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I. L. FA.LK & GO. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —.X):— NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! NEW SYSTEM ! MARBLE BUILDING SALOON, ATKLY occupied by M. ■ KINKY. has been re- J opened and thoroughly refitted by FRANK HD- -BILAN. The beat of WINKS, LIQUORS, LACKR BEER, And tha Finest Brands ofSogaru Always kept on hand. F. B. will be glad friends at all times at the MAKBLI 8ALOO] DR. niOHAU’H GOLDEN REMEDIES. Ask for no other, take ne other, and yon will aave time, health and money. $1,600 Ml WARD for any oaae of disease in toy stage _ t Uloecutod gore Throat and Monti ite tha greatest R#b - JpilMft all dteaaaa from tea system, and leave* the t TFTI have now in store tha beet assorted stock of Furniture in the dty, which we offer at prices that defy TV competition, consisting of Parlor, Bedroom, and Offloe Fnmltore In enitea or single. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oases, Wardrobes, Hat Hacks, Washstands, Eto., Plain and Marble Top. Th* LttgMt IM ot Chain that m* mr In lb. Ml, *1 no* OnM, aU at whUh v* otm *1 Wholesale Factory Prices In Lonlsville, Kentucky, Etc. nr time to buy cheap and good bargains. We are determined to sell goods lower than oan be Dealers will do well to examine onr stock before going North, ea they will save oost of transpor- a especially are invited to oall and axamlna this stook. Don’t forget the plaoe. tS” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, THE MOST POWERFUL AXD INFALLIBLE VEGETABLE AtTERATIVR\KN0WN. WARRANTED A CERTAIN CURB FOR All scrofulous diseases, nicer#, chronic rheumatism, mercurial and syphilitic disease* In all stages, and all>kln diseases. It quickly removes virus from the constitution and blood, and restores “ patient to perfect health and parity. Trait and be sontinced. Prepared la the Laboratory or PEMRERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, * CO., Wholesale Drngwists, Atlanta, Georgia. uow micEjs i 206 Gals. Spirits Turpentine, 2,600 Founds Putty, 100 Pounds Calomel, 200 Pounds Spirits Nitre, 100 Pounds Refined Borax 000 Gallons Linseed Oil, •00 Boxes Window Glass, 00 Os. Sulph. Morphine, 100 Poonde Bine Maas. •00 Gallons Varmlsha, (all sorts,; to Pound# Iodide Fotaaetum. Large stooke of pure drugs, medicines, chemicals, instruments, patent mediolnee, photogra[ On hand, and for aale, at tha lowest possible price*. Oall and sxaaoine stock and prices. PEMBERTON, WILLSON. TAYLOR, *CO. v sag 20—ten Atlanta, Georgia. 166 Kegs English Bicarb 806 Os. ftulph. Quinine, 180 Pounds Balaam Oopalva, 200 Gallons Alcohol, 260 Pounds Gum Camphor, phio ohemioau, stock, fto., DEALER IN BOOT© AND SHOES, SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINCS, SC., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. OEORGIA- COUNTRY MERCHANTS . wm fini it tetkffir siUSti^l to enuile stock, a* it it IB Xill CTHS W XITiS O-ZIXIAIT o A. FL B f And parduupd exolailvely for CASH, From the Best Manufacturers. ' , ..1. a>i-I i ~ i / i ( ) O 71 Gants’ and Ghildrena’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. Ilte .'JUWAf M. O. MARKHAM. REDWINE Sc FOX. ATLANTA, GA., ~W HOLESALH And Dealers In BXKD, OARNBIOH ft ANDRUS’ Standard Chemical Preparations, A Pare Article of Sperm Oil, A Fiwe Quality of Wool Oil. Tha Best Brands of Lard Oil, Strictly Pmre Strait's Oil COMBINATION SPINDLE OIL. FOR MACHINERY. REDWINE & FOX, 1IEAD0K & BROS, T O B A. C C O COMMISSION MERCHANTS Manufacturers of Cigars WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, OA. 3,000 Boxes Various Brands, Styles and Qualities of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, ALIiJAT— MANUFACTURER’S PRICES! We nuke Oigsn oi thfl|BMt8(*teri&l, and OnanuitM tha AnraHng Quajj. tie* and Worknuuuhip u Good u any made in tha United State* Ma a«»ato hr E(T. FliUitwifo Broato to Cb*wia« ail ■—Tibin , .. J^RUITS AND FLOWERS, COMMONWEALTH. *0.