Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 31, 1869, Image 4

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BLOOD PURIFIER, The Beit In the Wprldl Ovor 10,000 In XTnnt W1U 4» mh work wit* Hu mao* »■*•■»< SHOES, SMITH S TONIC 8TBUP, ros xb* cor* or AXiUS3 AND WJCVJCB. CttlUiS AH© FE\ K». ((iTIinOI MttDIBPUITiaU." Bt TRUNKS UM «f Ai»«Ulc, Nl«k |lr«4arkv,«r Pain m Ihr Bark, lm> piarturr !■ Ufi.iiravcl, (feudal bad health. and iU dlmai of the Blood, Liver, Yldneyi, and Bladder, It l» * prrfwt rwiavatiii, Gents’ BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE THE CHURCHMAN. i« ss largest ’sajsrs • Protestant KpiaoopaL Qk«jxh. Boat VKKK for .*m^nthfbroMinlAa9o?k»daa January 1. 1870, now subscriber* for the! roar. f 3 a 7«£* to •*’ mo% H. B. MALLORY b 00-. Hartford. Ot. Ladies’ o( BULL'* P^ol Misses’ Childrens’ ot a secret Quack Remedy. The articles o i is made are paMfcfced around each bottle. Boots aiMTCoiigresg Gaiters, A. W, FABER'S LEAD PEHCIL8. THE ERA OFFICE For Retail, Jurt Reoeived. c. H. a A. V^FOJIC^ Whitehall Street, Atlanta, CH of tiu SahibiMon wt , , BB A. W. ribtl 1 ) B.w Pmlll «f BT VN^StM^SUBg*!bS Lord ud dur.blo, wriUM tttoolh, Stock ud olwo, 1 tbo but puefl KW ArtuStM, Engineer! ud doeunl K.b.r, 123 William It. H. V., SOL Aoxmt of oil k. W. ruxa’a PmoiubOmAToH. Sun no. Bold Ly UR on no ud Pooloro mirirtlB Kmommauded br the Medical Karullj and may UtaoMi of Mr beat citbeee. rWonilSS? prnarml „ WORM AliUlU^lp Id Prepared sod sold in say quantity Wr L. H. BkXd>OL0 WHOLE jAU liRtOOiK Price $150 per Bottle. *** •T fold by Druggists generally. Atlamta, Qa., DaoMakwB i Dr. J. Baappuld. Dear Hr: I taka ow, InBnir UutMimc lima ow* 1869. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Commanding Department of the Sooth. We take gnat pleasure in annoanetof to me Bust execute, in the Highest Style or tlae Art, Urevet Lieutaaaot Ool»uel K. W. Smith, Captain U. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Lieu tenant Colonel C. H. Graves, Captain U. 8. Army, Aid-do-Oamp. Brevet Captain J. O. Telford, 1st Lieuten ant U. 8. Army, Aid-de-Camp. All Descriptions of Job Printing 1 HALS BJWULATOH, pupated u*u K Drug Store, Wset Point, Oa. fee had bam! EnTeoou rwU^TITtoklSS 00 ^^ ImiaitkDtl.mumiknilMlI ' NEW SCALE PIANOS. K Iron Promt, Overitnmg Bran and Apr aft Jh SsIsdeMl aud Cabinet Organs, beat manebetaesd. Warranted for S y Hot ‘Brandreth’s—not ‘Ayer's*—not .‘Wright’s, BUT Brevet Colonel J. H. Tailor, Aasietant Ad- iatant General, U. 8. Army, Assistant Ad jutant General. Brevet Major Robert P. Hughes, Captain U. 8. Army, Acting Awdetant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain <i W. HoUanpiliet. U- 8. Army, Act inf Amis taut Inspector General. Major DoWitt Clinton. Judge Advocate U. 8. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Heines, Commissary of Subsistence U. 8. Army, Chief Commissary. I>i evet Colonel A. It. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. S. Army, Depot and Staff Qflkrtermaater. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhau. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. l St. Louis, l&napolls. mail, reduced fir (tort. «w Tool*.. Ptonoo *1W indmnr.r., few. Ctobbi.t Orgu. «U u. tpmrt- Buond-bud lnitnirtuto MO ud npwwd. MouthIj Intt.ltueuU rwdirt Win Room., 40k Brtmduf. R. T. Homao. W.TW Louisville, Mem] Cincinnati or : “Which Is bound to taks tha place of all ether* 2 apu Ijr vegetable PI til (togar oostsd) and of extra or dim eMcery tor Coeti ven**a. Indigestion. Dyspepels, Urn aches, Herrons Debility, liver Complaint, Ac." (Medical Journal Sep., 8. Poeitivrbr the best Pill la the World And eseblee uetooompsie emeoeeefnlly with any Prlwtleg Establishment in the South. Indeed, prepared to print anything, Tour* truly. Passenger* by ibis Route have Choice at TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES THU BUT TYPE, CABlIKTI, PRKt»SB* a*d Ptll.VTBRN’ MATERIAL*, liMfa ang furnished by VANDERBURGH, WELLS k 00, Raw Yon a. Qotd Stood* Maud Cylindert for sale, T VLEK WAT ICR WHEELS.-Over 8,000 in operation. Addreea the manufacturers, ffaflfcga Machine Oa., Claremont, N. U., tor reduced prios list. From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER ! In a Style to suit the most flsaUdiot bla, Baltimore and Washington. r. holding ticket, by thl. root, to Mew bis or Baltimore, can visit Washlnwton GREAT ATLANTIC and PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, NO. S CHURCH ITKEKT. P. O. Bax 5306, - - New Tork City. An organisation of capitalists for the porpsae of Im porting Tees and dlHtrlbatlng them te merchants throughout the country at Importer’s prlcea. Bstab- 14. to 1 Oita Cud Smp Pn>i f ill FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! 1809, On and after Augu.t 15, TEklWS LEAVE ATLANTA Daily at 8.15 a.m. and 7.25 p.n. After arrival of all Sonthsrn trains and make close connections to above named pities. Surgeon U. 8. Army. Aasibt&nt to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. 8. Army, Attending 8urgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. 8. Army. Chief Paymaster, c flic j at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L Allison, Pay master U. S. Army. Tuo Purest, Best and Cheapest DER, equal to the bast, and tor much Imsoen MMT I also prepare a LIQUID BLUBS, mv b i by many of the best housekeeper* i* the} nounced by them to be very superior. And 1* a Huge Flees ot Machinery, tbs largest of tha kind ever brought to Atlanta. This Press ‘la Jespecially utoptai to Pln« Book Frlntlnc ud Xjnrsc Foatern. BUCKTHORN SALVE! DrumrlHt, Atlantfl, Gi Sole Agent for Oec. M. H*j‘i 1 Sure Cure for Intempmn* marli-sodlj Check baggage to Louisville, and it will checked to destination on trains of Louisvll Nash fills Ealkroad before arrival at Loul* villa. MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS Is also a Hoe Cylinder Pi'ess, or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrum* that aood tbs eooatry. that purpart to ears all man ner of disease to which human flesh is heir. Please reply soon, and inform me of your beat terms. I am, air, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. Or John F. Hkrxt (8uoceesorto) Demaa Barnes A Co., 81 Park Row, N. T. gfr-For Sale by 3. A. TAYLOR, L. H. BRADF1ELD and other Druggteta in ATLANTA, GA. IHK m agic: comb will change any oolored hair or beard to permanent Black or Brown. One inb seat by mall for $1. For sale by Merchants and aiglets generally. Address Magic Comb Company, DR. 0. S. PROPHTrrS Change of Sc keel mi e on the Georgia Rail road. UEOKOIA Railboap, Acocsta, April 9, 1869. On and after Sunday, April 11.1809, and until further WANTED- - - EVERYWHERE. Good Agent* for our dew work, “HOME BOOK OF WOKDERflj” Also, for tJio “COTTAGE BIBLE,» Containing Notea, Indexes, Maps, Engravings, Dio tlonery, be , be. Peel lerrnt given. Over 300,001 copies sold in the United States and Canadas, an< agents reporting from 10 to fO names per week. Fo: circulars and terms, address A. BRAIN AMD, Hartford, Oonn., notice, the Passenger’ Trains will rnn as follows. DAT train, (Sundays excepted.) The symptoms of liver GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, ATLANTA. ■. W. WKENPf. General Ticket Agent. B. B. WALKKK, Matter TransportaUon. B. HULBBRT, Bupt. W. b A. R. R. CONSISTING OF H1H CELUKiTB Leave Atlanta. and pain In the aide. Some times the pain is in the ihonlder, end la mistaken for rheumatism. The stom- sppetite and sickness, bow- •timea alternating with lax. n pain and dull sensation. For the rapid and neat execution of JOB ORE of every description, am* has been pronounced by competent Judges the finest press in the State. Arrive at An« Arrive at At! Lea\c Augusta.. Leave Atlanta... Arrive st Angus ala In general ooetive. M The head IS troubled w considerable loss of mat ful asnaaticfl of having Anodine l*ain Kill It, ipanied with palnr i sometlilng which kplainlng of weak- TTvRAlN PIPE AND TILK of the best quail I / for Btreet Be were. House and 8tsble drain Chimney and Green Rouse Fines; for convening wot from Springe; for supplying of Houses, Stable*, Fu Ponds; for thorough undrrtlrslnlng i Land. Can be sent safely any distance. Sand f circular to 0. W. BOYNTON b 00., Woodbrldge, N. J. TABLE CUTLERY I^ave Berxelia. TWfcin. Arrive st Augusta . 8 ;ifi s. m. Arrive at Bcrzclia. 6:00 p. to. Paeaengerafor MilledgsvHkWaebiugtoii end Athena. Ox. must take day Fi Sengr~ Train frt>m Augusta and Atlanta. Paceengen for West Pufot, Montgomery. Reims, Mo- l>ile and Now Orleans Must leave Augusta on night Passenger Train, to make close ronnectlonx Passengrr* for Naebvflle. Corinth, Grand Junction. Memphis. Jx>ui«ville and Ht. Louis can take either train and make close < onoertion*. Through TicMtkt and Baggage checked through to the above places. Pullman's Palace Bleeping Cara on all night Passen ger Train*. No change of car* on night Passenger and Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point 8. K. JOHNSON, Assistant Superintendent -.iptoina attend , and at other few of thorn; (*r is generally _ .joet involved.— iMver wltfy For Printing CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADB, BILL HEADS, be.,and is of very euperiorfqnality. SILVER-PLATED WARE! Dytnifery Cordial. FnMfclW itiel of lteanty. and turua out work with a rapidity that Is astontslilng; and, yet la the neatest and moat accurate style. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be etrteoy vegetable, and oea do no lnjuiy to any one. It ba# been um d bv bwndr< <1*. and known for the last *6 years as one of the most reliable, ertlcaciout and harmless preparation* eri-r offered to the sutler Ing. If taken regularly and persistently, it 1* aure to cure. Dyspepsia, headache, Jaundico, coativeuesa, rick headache, bronic diarrhoea, H Maffections of the bladder, I regulator! ^ BULL’S SAR8APARILLA. Sraasnssi: A Uood Ueaiou for the Captain’, Faith. .mention,.mention. Every JBtin Who hai a Hows* to Paint. Heady-Made Color*. Known a* “Kwilroad” Color*. Guaranteed to be more aeonoaicaL move durable, and more convenient then any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled “Plain Talk wltk Practical Painter*,” with asm pie*, eent free by mall on appiloation. MA8URY b WHITON. Olob* White Lead and Color Works, 111 Fulton 8t., Naw York, Bowai a of Imitations. Established 1886. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, AC. gggpBHHHPHMHHI tlie akin, impurity of the UooaTmelanoholy, or depression of eplrita, heartburn, Mile or pains in the bowels, pain hi the head, fovor and ague, dropsy, bolls, pain in back and limbs. Asth ma, ervaypelas, female affections, and biliou* diseasoa Omci or Mastcb or Tran*toxtatioii, 1 CextBal Rsilsoad, Savannah, Aug. 14. 1869. ) flu and after Sunday, 16th fnst., Passenger Trains n the Georgia Central Railroad will run aa follow*: OP DAT TRAIN. mwparlUa sod the healing and beneficial it posatouaa, I tend you the foOowtng state- ounded two yean ago—was taken prisoner. ied for sixteen months. Being moved so of- ounde have not healed y*4. I have not eft up [ since I was wounded. I aa shot through My general health la Impaired, and I need [ to assist nature. X have more fklth In your la than in anything alas. I wish that that k * majority of pmuene living fo tbsfoska to disease of the Uver. it it gnakAj Jijrrtotall. Urtt pto an am to oituto OTtra^rtMJ that Important orgeu. Prophltt’* I^*J AnG-RtfomM Pills strlks directly at They cure the Liver, which in si-fog at the bottom of the Oouahs. Headache, Rhaomatlra, Conrilp*»*< * We have no hsaitaMoa fa myha to to* puhlie that we oau turn out work aa rapidly i of Cincinnati, sal Druggists, Macon, Ga.7 Price $1; by mail S12f. Tha following highly respectable persons cau fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to b. ». c, m. j. R. Felder, Perry, Oa.; Col E. Spirt*. Albany, Oa ; O. J. Lunsford. Eaq., Conductor H. W. R. R.; C. Master- son, Esq.. Sheriff Bibb oounty; J A. liutts, Bain- VMgu, Ou.; Dykes k SparhawV, edilora “Floridian,” /allahaaaec; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Oa.; Virgil Powers, Ksq., Superintendent 8. W. R. B.; Daniel Bul lard. Bullard’s BUtion, Macon b Brunswick It R., Twiggs county, Oa.: OreenviUe Wood, Wood's Facto ry, Macon, Os.; Rev. K. F. Easterling, P. E. Florida Conference; Major A. F. Wooley, Kingston. Oa.; F4I- tor Macon Telegraph. may 9-dbwAm Leave Savannah. Howl muds It in six months. Se cret and sample mailed free. A. /. JW- Arrive Arrive at Milledgevill* ha Arrive at EetonSoa Utf Oouneeting with tratu that leaves Augusta .4« A PURE WBZTE CARBON OIL Pire Te«tl75otol90o " 8n - <l on now made. Burn* longest, brightest.and beat. -o GOLD B^VISTID genuine. Please express ms half a doxen bottle*, and oblige, Oapi 0. P. JOHNSON. 8t. Louis, Mo. P.B.—The following was written April 90. 1966, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Dm. Bull—Dear Sir: My hnabund, Dr. G. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon sod phyalelan In Central New Turk, where he died toevlaf the above 0. P. John son to my cere. At thirteen year* of age, hehad a chronic diarrheas and scrofula, for which I gave him *>» — ***- HBlMIl nu T *- rour Doctor or Dregglit fbr SWKICT 7 K—it equal* (bitter) Quinine. Manufac- Ntxaunb, Fa*a k Co.. Chemists, New York, I'rophlft’t Pals Agents ! Read This ! W K Will pay Agents a salary of $30 per week and expenses, or allow a largs commission, to sell our new sod wonderful invention*. Address M. Watoms b Co.. MarthaU, MM. 0Qfl F13R _ »AY 8Cft*r^ ~MaU~and~Femak.Z #wU Salary or Commission, to sen the Haase. Leave Savannah Arrive at Macon Arrive at Augusta Connecting with train that loavt T:30 p. m. 6:66 a. m. 8:13 a m. Augusta at 9:33 p. m. Tiio Pur is , h'.snmid Ciieapost York, Ohio and Iowa, for oorof and ganeral debility* Perfect . tended it The cores effected lx scrofula and fever sores were almost: very anxious for my son to again hav< Sarsaparilla, He la fearful of getting Respectfully, JEN: Arrive at Savannah .8:10 a! m! Arrive at Augusta 3:13 a. m. I>«ave Mllledgevtlle 4:30 p. m. Leave Eatonton 3:40 p. m. ( VumeetlafWtBl train* that leave Augusta at9:»j). i A. M. Trains from Savannah and Augusta, and P. ] Trains from Macon, cor.nact with Mllledgevtlle Tra at Gordon daily, Sundays excepted. P. M. Train from Savannah connects with thrnui Mall Tratu oa Mouth CaroMaa R. R., and P. M. Tn from Savannah and Augusta with Tula* on Soul western and Muscogee Railroads. ! Signed) WILLIAM ROGERS, Act fug Master of Traoeportetlou. 'We are prepared to print WHITE CHINA! TOILET SETS, VA8E8,*C. fTANDBIT.LS, BILL HEADS. 0IB0ULAE8, A GBNTB WA8T1D,-|1 •IB. II will hem. feU. sUtoh, bl broldet In a moat aupcrlor manne SOf.n BV ALL OKOCKRS. Jnl/ ll-dl. MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. LETTER HEADS, WE ARE COMING). Ml •Uil'OllOHAL DOLLAR MLR ot DRY mM FAKCr OOODH. ,n4 will Rrrtnt to BUSINESS CARDS WEDDING CARDS, VISITINGCOARDS, PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL UHYV liaf .RO I IIAMCa OT ttok l: .wl.iiot Oft lo Mixiw,^ -WiBnot K i HS io^oo. (Will* ij-Ofkrrr* hi*bo Ly 1. H., fiuv,Y'-'i' piollod LABELS OFBALL'SKINDS. Together with All Descriptions mi s mm limisj THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, ORDfl OF WSftOM tor young a passion in youth and early mat Or the errlna and unfortunate. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENT*. 4HMJLr*ta HEJLRO FROM. TmUmiomj of UMIctl *<«. PTTdh si. rjUutran.iU 11. Female AUiuU, '.dMonrla, PHOSNIX LUMBER YARD Ofvoatto Qoorglo Bollrowl Do»oL (WASHINGTON HALL PHOPERTY,) ATLANTA. UKORpiA., K W ooaortaOy oa hood oil kUAo of BDILD*M' TIUDU. FLAM, JOUI* of oil toofUrt tnd -aa.0— 1 Seasoned Lumber of Every Variety. nrouwt ud lUUhnl Fluriac udbreMod A. EROENZINGER a Ticket to aQLedger. PURYFYINO P .. j... Mrttolort ““JV k a W# ere also prepared to do all klada of A.n<I Dealer In 1 Furniture nn«l MANUFACTURER OF BEDDING] ■utocrtML thno doo« from wMkoU, |j ATLANTA .OROHOIA. If 9o, save your mousy—and lu no way jtotodq Ule better than by buying good Enfflnt LaUu, PUocni, Bolt Cutter*, Up right Drill*, HaeUnbU’ Tool* of *11 Ducriptlonn.) Dtwion Poatponod Slier I IT Sale*. Hash, Doors, ana HUnAe •«,10dly