Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 04, 1869, Image 4

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BRADFU&B’s BOOTS STEWART COOK STOYE ! The B«»t lu tho World I Over 10,000 to Um+l BLOOD PURIFIER SHOES, Hurley*! Ague Tonic. TRUNKS Th, only Kthody for CfelUa and term. or *«“• »»> favor, IMUofnclx ti|«M upon is Huttop'l A*u. Tonic. Vmm Onro boon taounnmln ourad W uoina 11 who ten triad Uia uni rantettea kltlwU NEW YORK 0B8ERVER The oldest and Bert Amity *** teomt of A pint Ur, Hick HiMkikr C«W|tkftlai(, I’nlu In Ikr llsi k, prwdmrr Im Ufr, Urav«l, Gents’ WORTHY or ATTBimON, General ted health, aud all diseases of th«> Blood, Livar, Kidneys, and Bladdor, It in * perfect reiiovaU.1. THE CHURCHMAN. 5JUfiH9RHB Ladies’ POWER PRESSES 1 Misses’ and HON ADA LIS eradicates every kind of humor and bad taint, and restores the entire ayatem to a hvaltLy ooedJtiM. It la parfertly harmleee, nevor producing the •light est Injury. It la sola secret Qnaek Kenedy. The ankles o which it la made are published around each bottle. Childrens’ And an Entile* Variety of a city paper, and I determined to give it a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret It. One bottle restored me completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred eaaea in which It aoted with equally happy results, and would oertaialy reoomtnand It aa prefera ble to any other tonio before the public. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Louisville, Ky., June 15, 1856. # Boots and Congress Gaiters, A, w. FABER'S LEAD PEHCIL8. THB ERA OFFICE nr m bkick tDjutaa o* ubmu nrroorrn *■■ Torramam, smna bboad un> wttniiu. Recommended by the Mwllcal FhciiHj and maaj thousand* of onr bast olliicna. Oraoi OM Medal md Cron iff Ik, Upiim of Honor of tho XtkMUm m/ am, U61. A. MV. Pftb.r'1 l«W Pa nail# of Slkarlm Land In 10 (rrndaa ora ..parlor to n, pwiclla ... mada. A. VV. Vnbar*, ntanonropnle, bdn hud and durable, witUM uaooth, BUoh u< Mean. I th, but poach lor AnAUxU, togiotm and daonn For Betail, Just Received. C. H. A A. V^FOJtCJj Whitehall Street, Atlanta A trial la all we eak. Prepared and sold in any ■ nanto» w_ l ii. muDpOij *iouuunt3j Price $1 50 per Batik** AST* Sold by Druggists fenwaflj. ITUIU, Ga., Dr. J. EUAnriKU). Lear Hr: I ww_2 tatiu* that some time prevlouato the lm ££ 'AVIKG added Several Thuuiaml Dalian worth of Job Type to our already MILITARY Diaacioai. Bunt Majob-Gbwbai. OommAndine Deparinrant of tho South. Bnltfmon, Md. For esle by Druggists everywhere. JUS- 1869. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. T Ol an a- « • *a»»» • * “"“-t ■ gold bj auuotiere and Potlcra oagrytaltara. JIIW 1HALL waPAISTonr HOlIirh” We take great pleasure In announcing to the Bualnoss Public that wa i execute, in the Highest Style of the Art, Brevet Lisoteunn* Colcmel E. W. Smith, Captain U. ft. Array. AiJ-do-Onmp. Brevet Lieotennnl Catooel O. ■. (>»•»<*. Coptam 0. a Army, Aid-de-Cowp. Brent C»pt#in J. O. ToUord. let Lienten- ant U. a Army, Aid-d«-Qomp. DOPiBTMKXT STMT. BKJ?‘l2SSmberi 1>. HogbejCapluinU. 8- Army, Acting Ahiitant Adjutant All Descriptions of Job Printing ! NEW SCALE PIANOS. fc Iron Pro ms, Overttruna Bratt amdAgrafft Bridge. Not ‘BrandrethH—not ‘Ayer's’-not ,VVright’a,, BUT New Additlooa were seloctad by aa laperienoed Printer, sad oompriae all the laioat improvements la TO THE NORTH AND EAST, -VIA- uisville, Memphis, St. Louis, Cinolnnatl or Indianapolis. WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. 1 to take the place of mil ethers; spurt i (auger coated) and of extruordiuir ven>aa, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Head ability, Livar Complaint, Ac. " [Medical Journal Sep., 8.) sHy the beat PIN la the World ..—-Audi of Boxaa now need. All Druggist in ATLANTA sell them. "That Cough will kill you/* Try “Coatar’a” Cough Itemed} “Colds and Hoarseness lead to death,” Try “Cottar’s” Couch Remedy “For Croupe—Whooping Goughs, Ac., Try •Coatart’* Cough Remedy "Goatar ms* it la the beat In the wide world—sad Hsaays so—It's True—it's Tirua—it's True; and We u Try It—Try it—Try It.” (Morning Paper, Ana. 36 All Druggists In ATLANTA sell It. “Which Is b< ly vegetable: efficacy for G ana upwaru. s*nn — Second hand Instruments $40 and upward. Monthly tnatnlmeuti received. Wara Boorea, *S1 Broadway, y. Bobacb Waters. T1IK BEIT TYPE, CABlHKTS, PREIIE) and PHUTEKI' BATEHIALS, If ado and fnrnlahad by VANDEBBCKQH, WEUS k 00 , Nrw Toll, good Scami Bmi CyliodtTi/ar rain YLICK WATKH WHEELS—Orer 3,000 In oparaUon. Addroaa tho manufactarora, ,1 uUitan ymckine Cb., Clarnumt, N. B., for rMocod prlco Hat. GREAT ATLANTIC and PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, NO. 8 CHURCH STREET. P. O. Box 5506, - - New York City. An organisation of capitalists for tha purpose of Im porting Teas and distributing them te merchants throughout the country at Importer’s prices. Estab lished 1869. Send for Price. LuL reetiona of the Bouea, Habitual Costlvi teas, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Kry si pells, Female Ir regularities, Fistula, all Shin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofu la, or King's ttvll. Syphilis." And enables us to compete suoceaataUy with any Printing Establishment In tha South. Indeed, we are prepared to print anything. Passengers by this Bouts have Choice of TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT ROUTES From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER ! Major D. Witt Clinton. Judge Adroost.U. 8. Army, Judge Adeocte. Breast Brigadier General T. J. Haines, cTram^Sj of Subsistence U. 8. Army, Chief Commissary. Breast Colonel A. R. Eddy, Major end Qoat- term eater U. a Army. Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. a Army, Depot end Staff Quartermaster. Brent Brigadier Qenetsl W. J. Sloan, Surgeon XJ. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milhan, Surgeon U. a Army, Assistant te Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur- hia, Baltimore and Washington. rs holding tickets by this route to New Ida or Baltimore, oan visit Washington Da. J Bradyixld—Dear 8b: 1 havt i saying 1 have witnened tka moat dtdld « y effects of your Female Begnhtor hi Shj ood. WH.Er® I believe it the most wonderful medicine bofore the public. Nothing under the heavens could induce mo to say so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore I apeak willingly and positively on the subject. My daughter has been afflicted with akin disease and stlflhaaa of the Joints lor several years. I em ployed the principal physicians of the city and they oould not oure her. I gave bar your Marsaparllla not expecting it would do much good, bat to my great as tonishment she rapidly got wall, and thank God con tinues se. Hag sba bean taking any medicine I would not give this certificate: bat your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt oi Its medi- FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES “ C 0 S T A R ’ 8 ” Standard Preparations ARE HIS BEAUTIFIER. FARE SAME AS VIA KNOXVILLE OR AUGUSTA. D*. 1. Baadyixld—-Dear Sir: lhani in my family, your Female Isolator, i ary case, met with complete meow. 6 1869, On and after August 15, TKAW3 LEAVE ATLANTA Daily at 8.15 and 7.25 i>.m. After arrival of all Southern trains and make eloae connections to above named cities. Tho Purest, Dost and Cheapest IN X MWIMOTU HOF. CY LINHEH PHF.88, tnr 1 also prepare a LIQUID BLUlia,m b by many of the best houaekeepera In tkc$,aj UQuncod by them to be veryaurwiot L. H. BHADEIELB,. ]/rii£gia(, Atlanta,n< Sole Agent for Geo. V. Hij’i 1 Su)*c Cure for Intcmpwi marlt-eodly nge Piece ol Machinery, the largest of tha kind aver brought to Atlanta. This Preaa *.ls ^especially Pino Boob. Printing *" a Xjargo Foatera. BUCKTHORN SALVE ! HIS CoatarV* Rat, Roach,Ae., Kxterminutore, Cottar ’a” Bed Bsg KxUrmiaators. Costar’s" (only pure) Insect Powder. Address “OoeTAA,” No 10, Croaby at., N. Y., Or Johx F. Hxmby (Successor to) MAGNIFICENT SLEEPING CARS In also a Hoe Cylinder Press, r lE MAGIC COMB will change any colored hair or beard to permanent Black or Brown. One Oomb sent by mall for f 1. For aale by Merchants and Druggists generally. Address Matfic Comb Company, .9anUaAt ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Ample Time for Meals at Cood Hotels. ASK FOR TICKETS VI A Demas Barnes k Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. da^For Sale by J. A. TAYLOR, L. H. BRADFIELD and other Druggists in ATLANTA, GA. RED WINE k FOX, agents, Atlanta, Ga. fobao-o Smaller than the Are!, and one of the beat Ntwepeper Preases in the State. Springfield, Mat*. WANTED- • - EVERYWHERE. Good Agenta for our new work, “HOME BOOK OF WONDERS;” Also, for the “COTTAGE BIBLE,” Containing Notes, Indexes, Maps, Engravings, Dic tionary, Ac , Ac. Best term* given. Over 300,000 copie* .old in the United HUtea and Canadas, and agents reporting from 10 to CO names per week. For circulars and terms, address A. BRAINARD, ATLANTA, CEORCI Messrs. James Rnddle A Go.—Gentlemen—It gives le great pleaaure to aay, after using all the other — w to me, with but partis) success dvised to try T. A. Hurley’s, children have become quite . children would eat it all the > of the best, safest remedies known, and aa snch, recommend It to one end all. JA8. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, June IS, 1868. GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, ATLANTA. B. W. WRKVN. General Ticket Agent. E. It. WALKER, Master Transportation. IB. ULLBEKT, Uupt. W. Se K R. R. sep 26-3m worm remedies known to to my children, I was and since using it mi well and healthy. time. It is 'or the rapid and neat execution of JOB JORK of every description, am* has been pronouncod by competent idges the Aneat press in the Slate. Is still manufacturing all of W« Arrive at. Arrive at Leave Augusta. FINE Leave Atlanta. Arrive at August*.. D RAIN PIPE AND TILE of the best auali for Street Hewers, House and Stable drain Chimney and Oreen House Flues: for conveying wat from Spring* ; for supplying of Houses, Stables. Fti Ponds; for thorough uiulerdrulning * I.aml. Can be sent safe'y any dlatanca. Bend f circular to C. W. BOYNTON A CO., Woodbrldge, N. J. :40 a. in. BES2EUA TXAIK. Leave Augusta P- “• Arrive at Auguata *• “* Arrive at BerxeUa b.-OO P- »• Paaaangcra for Mllledgeville, Washington and Athene Ga., must tide day Passenger Train from Augusta and ^ Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, Selma, Mo bile »nd New Orleans must lcavo Auguata on night Paaaeuger Train, to make close connections. Poalene-n for SaaiviUa. Corintli, (Irani Ifemphia. LoulavUle and St. Lenta tan tab eltkar train and make clo^ connections. , , . . Through Tickets and Baggage checked through to ti *Puilmau^a Palace Sleeping Cara on all night Pcasen- ger Trains. No change of cars on night Passenger end Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point 8. K. JOHNSON, Assistant Superintendent 1 TABLE CUTLERY! HURLEY’S For Printing CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, to., and is of very superlor.qnality. CONSI8TIN0 OF HW |Cure the liver with STOMACH HITTERS. SSStSi r cn - and “Kj, TSfJZtZlio rapidity that is astonlahlug; anil, yet, in the neatest Aiioilinc Hal* DECORATED lMNISKH accurate styl# Debility, laoss ol App. •tigckllnn, or Uyi uctlon of the Livar or 1 tile, Wenknesa, lu- it pklM, Wont of HsordvreU Stomach 1 ANTI.BII.UOW 1 1 hire are no bitter* OuU can compare with these in rtmoving these distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store In the United States. JAMES RUDDLE A CO.. Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. .mention, Attention, F.t'rry Jflan Who bus a House to Palnt. neady-Marilo Color*. Known as “Rallresd” Colors. Guaranteed to be more economical, more durable, and mora convenient than any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled “Plain Talk with Practical Painters,” with samples, sent free by mall on application. MA8UKY A WHITON, Globe White Lead and Color Works, 111 Fnlton St* New York, Bewai e of Imitations. Established 1836. aeadache, hronic diarrhcaa, I REGULATORirs;; % Vvousness, chills, diseases of ■MHHKKK| the skin, imparity the ilgH^BelaiiekMy. erdetswasion of spirits, heartburn, cotta or pains in the bowels, pain in tha bead, fever — * A y, bolls, pain in back and limbs, Asth- fomale affections, and bilious diseases CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O CHAXOE or CABS BETWEEN SAVANNAH, ACOtWTS AND KONTOOHEBT, ALA. Ome* or Master or TranstowtatW>x, 1 Central Railroad, Savannah, Aug. 14,1869. | 0# and after ganday. 16th lnot. Paaamger Train, —.—« vlll ran ■■ f.illotra • BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, AO. To Jet. Rnddle A Co., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen Thu la le eertfly that I have been tor years a suffers r and tried all the tcaioel have heard of or seen ad to r Used, with little or no relief from any of them 1 heard Hurley’s Bitters highly spoken of, and triad a rsypelaa, Establishment south turn ont work as rapidly Dysentery t ort Prepared only by J. II. IE1LIN A CO., Druggists, Macon, Gs.1 Prlco $1; by mail 1135. The foilowiog highly respectable persona can fully attest to the vlrtuee of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: Oen. W. H. Holt, President S. W. R. R. Co.; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. 8parks, Albany, Ga ; G. J. Lunsford, Eeq., Conductor 8. W. R. B.; C. Master- son, Esq., Sheriff Btbb county; J. A. liutts, Bain- bridge, Ga.; Dykes & Spsrliawk, editors ••FlorldisB,” /allabssiee; Rev. J. w. Burke, Macon, Qa.; Virgil Powers, Esq., Superintendent 8. W. R. R.; Daniel Bul lard, Bullard’s Station, Macon A Brunswick R. H-, l'wiggs county, Ga.: Greenville Wood, Wood's Facto ry, Macon, Oa.; Bcv. E. F. Easterling, P. E. Florida Conference; Major A. F. Wooley, Kingston, Qa.; Edi tor Macon Telegraph. may 0-dAwfim V/U Will WUVCl wuuuaj. n the Georgia Central Railroad will Leava Savannah How I rnadi It In alx moa cret and sample mailed free. A. IN STYLE AND PRICES WE Arrive at Macon. apure white careTon oil Piro To»tl75o to 180. to?^ o j2h!^ u . T „ r a c *hr t f.°“ n< " r ma ‘ 1 ° 3j,,rn ’ will benefit others. Yours truly, etc.. ASK your Doctor or Druggist for 8W KET tUININK—It equals (bitter) Quinine. Menu fee- urad by Stearns, Faub A Co., Chemists, New York ( Leave Maeon. JOHN W. DIX80N. Louis villa, Ky., Dooember 10, IMS. Arrive at Savannah I Arrive at Augusta. • - 1 Connecting with train that loaves Augusta i trr moor train. Leave Savannah Arrive at Maoon Arrive at Augusta Agents ! Read This ! W E will pay Agents a salary of 930 per week and expenses, or allows large commission, to sell onr new and wonderful inventions. Address M. Wagner A Co., Mar,hall, Mick. As heretofore, and willeUe#41 Uno that cornea to his <*»<* Will prescribe tor patients wm amine any that coma to hit <*»■ Uon given to NOTICE TO MOTHERS. TiioPars ,B 3sr, nnd Cxioapest H)R. SEABKOOK’S Leave Macon Arrive atHarsnnah Wo are prepared (o print Leave MiUedgeviUc YEAR guaranteed to Agents. Ad- M /. A. Heaun, 8 P. O. Are., Bal., Md. TOILET SETS, VASES, &C A H GKNTN WANTED-173 to tsoo per month to tell the original and improved Com- mon Sent* Family Sewing Machine. All complete for $19. It will hem, fell, stitch, bind, braid and em broider in a moat superior manner, making the cele brated “Lock Hutch.” Caution.—Do not buy Ms- chines under the some name aa ours lrom any one ex cept those having cartlfloate of Agency, signed by us, aa they are worthless east-iron Machines. For circu lar* and terms, adiraaa or apply to G, BOWERS A 00. uaux, obiiuoj* «*w*’f**-"- ainfrom Savannah rounocts with through i on South Carolina R. R-, and P. M. Train ouah and Augusta with Trains on Honlit- ld Muscogee Railroads. wit r tiw n/vmifl HANDBILLS, P.11L HEADP, ^Use In the future only SEABKOOK’S, a combination quite up with the advancement of the age. Pleasant to take, harmless in Its notion, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluablo In the following diseases: Summer Complaint, Irregularities of tlio bowels, Beetlveneaa, Teething, Ac. Glvee health to the child and rest to the mother. Prompt Attention Gi»® wl SOLD BV ALL GROCERS. jot, tt-air OIROULARP, LETTER HEADS, BD8INES8 CARDS WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, ILABELS OF ALL KINDS. oct 2-d3m MAOON & WESTERN RAILROAD. WE ARE COMING. T hk great original dollar balk of DRY and FANCY GOODS, and will err sent to any person sending us a Club, a Watch, Silk Dress, Piece of Sheeting, PriEB OP COST. Send for Catalogue of goods and aamfile-delivered to any address free. J.l. I1AWK8 4CO,, 136 and 130 Federal ak, Boston, Maas., P. O. Box 0. N. H—Samples given oa application for Catalogue. D R. WHtTTIBR, 9 WyUe Street, Pittsburgh, Pa-, of Union-wide reputation, treats all veaereal diseases; alto, seminal weakness, ImpoUncy, Ao , the ..onU nt oaltonu Oa n 4 tan » ProphUt’s Leaves Atlanta.... Arrives at Macon. Leaves Maocja^-. Arrlta, of Attcata PRAJTS ASTRAL OIL NO CIIAKGI or LAMPS llluminaliag Oil—Strictly njtnU Win aot Explode - iN^J.rcol higiier Oua is .. j,-'Unequalled fog Bril- v.t •“■A-a.l-nl a»r*.t 8 U a nb-o home when you gat old ? mtatolnathatacfanBOo*-^, . J* a Fluid ■MW*-'-™ J1 hj Wfi night, and can c “ rt “.Sft most robust There n <A porlrrdy lo Mixtur*, No 1 * *4b dogroos (I* 1 by H. W. BRONSON. Master T ransportation. DR. SEABROOK’S Together with All Descriptions r OHDS OF WISDOM for joon, man oa th, rnitn, paaataa tn youth and aarty manhood, with a,lf- for tha arrtnf and nnftxtnnste. ttenl In mnlod r MTolopM, frw of chars*. Addrrm Howard Aa. itfoa, to, p, PhUndalptria, Pa, oof N tf THOMAS G.II8IMM8, Agont, Elixir of Pyrophoipbate of Irou and Oalisaya. ity to entertain your friends well^r to Ilea of the world? ** A. ERGENZINGER VFHOLHTKRRn,- a Ticket to a Atiantn, yrtargla. RED JACKET AXE I*d’e ere also prepared to do all kinds of And D*al*v inlFomiturc iukI MANUFACTURER OF BEDDING Hontaroft—i tkrM door, from Whitehall. James Ruddle to Co. Liver and DigerfT* .OBOROIA' I.|fa» Lolhi, PlHMro, Balt Cattera, Ur Hfht Drill*, Sack hi lata’ Ton la aft AIIMINISTRATOK’S HALF,. 8 | in December next, at the Court House door, In saw* county, within tka legal hours of sale, the Unde belonging to the settle of Thompson Moore, of said county, deceased, bontalntnjr scree, more or st.“* WANT? laboratory A'o. 41, Until list reel Louisville, Ky,