Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 10, 1869, Image 1

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f©SH00 aSStta, geoSqTI, w: me, noy ■J *»<* two tuefer* tt* the ttiaatoi. Of CMtfornu. twenty-two thousand dollar*. thousand dollars. Mid fifty-five, thro* 1 eighteen iiispecle, for educational eighty-six dollar*, for oearten of tends, mt ttete treaty May twelfth. rtgbtrou hundred tour, end BeniMs smesinntant thereto, elite Uanbyfire' tilth ef tv it the dittorttUen of the twelve hundred dottere. isslst in working «he tutu* i for miller, in lieu of gun- : etocke, held by the Secretary of the Int i, Um two -mmUn (sevenths) of Me pea* it on eevnn hundred end ninety-six U ilinill-ctl iliJUm Virginia utnclr i hundred end thirty-four, and fourth June, eighteen hundred and fifty- id elxty-two, per twenty! sssieunas. and aixty-eeven, tweutv flve thousand dollar*. For tbte amount, to be token from the inverted fund of said Indiana, and to be paid to the tribe, per capita, to aaaiat them lu establishing Uiauteelv** iu their new homes, per twenty-fourth article treaty Feb- raary twenty-three, eighteen hundred and sixty-aavon, Uiealxt UMhe^dlrection^ Mta PreridenMa^ Urn fmrohxs© it*, either a* hunter* oifherdsmen, per fifth article ity July seoond, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, leceaaary cost Ipr Chippewa* article of the for sixth of twenty instalments, to be expended, der Ike direction of the President, lu the purchase such articles as he may deem suitable to their nu, either ss buster* or herdsmen, per third artl- ■ treaty July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty- LUKE wmSKCl- of annuity in asooud Februa- trvsty third August, bevecteeu hundred and ninety* five, seven hundred and twenty-four dollars sad sev- For*perm*neut annuity in stiver, per third article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred end nine, three hundred end elxty-two dollars end thirty- nine cents. . *iT, For permanent annuity la silver, per third article treaty seoond October, eighteen hundred end ekfk- teen, one thousand eight hundred and eleven dollars and ninety three pent*. For permanent annuity hi money, per aeeond arti cle treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred end twenty-eight, one thousand four hundred end forty- nine dollars and fifty-tour cents. For permanent enntatp in specie, per aeeond article txbaty twenty ninth July, eighteen hundred and twen ty-nine, eleven thousand five hundred and ninety-six dollars and thirty-three cents. For life annuity to chief, per third article treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundred and tolrty-lsr©, two hundred dollars. For life annuity to ehtete, per third article treaty twenty-sixth September, eighteen hundred end thirty- three, seven hummed dollar*: Provided. Hast satisfac tory evidence aha! be shown to the Beeretary of the Interior that the chief or chiefs provided tor by said articles are rtlil living. For education, durirg the uleaeure of donereea. per hundred end slxty-rtx dollars and sixtyhW* cents. For fifteenth of thirty Instalments of snnuity In goods, pef third artiele tr*sKy twenty-second Februa- ry,^eighteen hundred end Sflyllt, eight thousand For fifteenth of thirty Instalment* for purposes of utility, per third artiste treaty twenty-secud Februa ry , eighteen hundred and fifty-tve, four thousand dol- lers. a XJTwXx For fifteenth of twenty Instalments tor purpoees of education, including compensation ft teacher, per third article treaty twenty-eeooud February, eighteen hundred and flfty-lve, three thousand dollxrs. Fur last of fifteen, instalments for support of two * nil the and smiths’ shops, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, two thousand dollar*. For last of leu instalment* tor pay of an engineer to grist and saw-mill at Leech Lake, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen honored end fifty-five, six hundred dollars. OUIPPEWA8 OF THE MISSISSIPPI. PILLAGER, AND LAKE WINKKBAOOBHIfiH BANDS OF CHIP* For insurance, transportation, end necessary pefises of toe delivery to the Pawnse, Ponca, and touHtoulnU.i.,111 aiuultj «ut provuk s»rroS‘j"“ uU7 eoodi -* nrpas For actual necessary expense* inmm d. am) mat mter hereafter bo incurred, by officer* of the Indian re ^°* ?* pvteonks from Indian tripes end returning them to their homes, and for ex penses Incident to ths arrest and confinement within the territory of (he United States, by order of such of- ssQsms* n? a ,T* r Z? r> T“ *» UkJug anil ot Kortli Carolina Cherokee Indiana, two then t»ud five lmc- so much thereof a* may In, j,,.- wsy&ttiaesg- #ssg»^£ss&is Sasas Bgjgjgjt- rv emtdorees for one vesr. ilHrt* Uw.„.V.V.i atoreer id, together with a pair of woolen hose for each, per ninth article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hun dred and sixty-eight, far the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, four thous and five hundred dollar*. » For the first of ten Inatalrasato to be used by the Secretory of the mterlor la the puroheso of such aril- eke a* from time to time the condition and necessi ties of the Indiana may Indicate to be proper, the sum of ten dollars for eaoh Indian roaming, (one thousand niue hundred end fifty-thru# souls), par alnth artiste treaty «f May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- United State*, after deducting the amount of land net apart for individuals), per third article treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-threo dollar* and thirty-two cent*. For erection of a dwelling l oust) for the agent of oeid tribe, a house and shop for a blacksmith, and dwelling house for a physician, per seventh article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and six- seven, six thousand dollars. For first of fire Instalments for the support of s physician and purchase of medicines, per tenth article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred andslxty- eeven, fifteen hundred dollera. For first ef five instalments for supplying said tribe with tobacco and salt, per tenth article treaty Februa ry eighteen, eighteen hundred and slxty-eeven, three bundled and fifty dollars. To pay the claim of the Sace and Foxes against the United States for stealing of a took, per fifteenth article treaty February eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty- seven, sixteen thousand four hundred dollars. For amount neoeesary to pay the expenses of nego. tiatirm this treaty, per nineteenth article treaty Feb- ruary eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, fif teen hundred dollars. Ur*, (being fourth series), under the direction of the President, per fifth article treaty twentr-slxth Janua ry, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand d alias*. For tenth of twenty instalments tor the support of aq agricultural and industrial school, and far pay for suitable teeohsrs, per eleventh article treaty twenty- sixth October, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, oue thousand fire hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the employment of s blacksmith, carpenter, former, end a physician, who shell furnish medicines for the sick, per eleventh article treaty twenty-sixth Ootober, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand fire hundred dollars. TABEQUACHE BAKU OF UTAH INDIAN 8. For sixth of ten Inst elm ants tor the purchase ef goods, under the direction of the Secretary of the In fo-tor, per etgkth article treaty of Ootober seventh, eighteen hundred end sixty-three, and Senate amend ment of Kerch twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, taw thousand dollar*. For sixth of ten instalments, per eighth article trea ty, for the purchae* ef wrsrielsns, seder the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollar*. For the pureniheof iroh, steel and *■* “— i ridied and other atrolhng bsndi tton of Idaho Territo Orfcgou. on the Fort cember, eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, one thousand of the pupils, per seoond article treaty twenty-first December, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, twelve hundred dollars. aivwWa . ^ fl NISQTTALLY, PUYALLUP, AND OTHER TRIBES * AND BANDS OF INDIANS. For fifteenth instalment, In part payment for re linquishment of title to lands, to be applied to ben eficial objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thou- aand two hundred deHart. . For fifteenth of twenty instalments for pay of In structor, smith, physician, who shall furnish medicine for the siok .carpenter, and farmer, per tenth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred and For the construction of a school house or mission •ulldlug, per third article treaty of May soventb, eigh- »»^udr^|»hAtoKtYw > lclit, two thousand five hun- For the erection ol a steam circular saw-mill, with a n«t-mill and shingle machine attached, per third artl- twentirth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and fourth article treaty October .-twantyreveath. eighteen hundred and thirty-two, five thousand dollars. For permanent provtoton far the payment of money la lieu of tobeooo, Iron, and stoeL per seoeMI article treaty twentieth AsptcsMtor, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and tenth article of the treaty ol the fifth end seventeenth June, eighteen hundred end ffrty-slx. two hundred and seventeen dollars end for- t for three blacksmiths And 'enth, eighteen hundred and rtxty- muter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, r tenth article treaty May seventh, i and sixty-eight, five thousand two n of a warehouse or store-room for at la storing goods belonging to the 1 article of the treaty of May eev- idred and sixty-eight, two thousand stionof an agency building, per seme »ty, two thousand dollars. I of a residence for a physician to insubrtsfing*Ud Indian* Sr^ dt their settlement un said reservation a MJ. 5”*» <>• OIPMUM until •hen be so Mbblkhrt, end to be applied tto fiseratory of the Interior sgafl be eatiSEd that 22 n*med have observed the treaty stipulations under which such payments have btoomstfue. and also the provision* o/anyot™ t£. ~ W be par- tool* ty, two hundred andTwenty*dollars. For pay of blaekamith end assistant, a* per seme ar ticle of aame treaty, one thousand one hundred dol lars. For Insurance, transportation, and general Inciden tal expenses of the delivery of goods, proviaions, and stock, as per same article of same treaty, three thous- For permanent pcwvlstou < aeslataots, and for Iron and —„ xrtl/-U treaty sixteenth Oosoher, eighteen hundred end twenty-eight seoend article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and second arti cle treaty twenty-nlmth July, eighteen hundred end twenty-nine, two thousand forty-two dollars and nine ty-four cento. For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article of treaty twenty-ninth July, eigh teen hundred end twenty-nine, three hundred and sev enteen dollars end nine cent*. For Interest on four hundred and sixty-six thous and and twenty-seven dollars and forty -oight cento, at For this amount to he applied toward the support of a saw-mill to be built for the oommon use of the Clnp- pewas of MlMlmippt, and the Bed Lake eud Pembina bands of Chippewse, as long aa the President may deem it necessary, per Sixth artiele treaty May sev enth, eighteen hundred end Sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For pay of services and traveling expenses ef a board of visitors, to oonaiat of not more than three persona, to attend the annuity payments to the In dians, and to Inspect the fiehta. buildings, mills, and other improvements, as stipulated In the seventh arti- iwtIMT- tw0 “““'“slonoM.Uajtr ofrebrti.ry •txly-Mioa. wilt Um ———. .... J five hundred dollars. Ew tob urounttB pu for .ubu.trnco, to tk> Pono. Indttn^ by dlncUtm ol tho lodlw nr., , commission, under a contract mad# with j \v w,,. IS’cinU 0 U “ >U ““‘ d l*undr«l doU.n miJ"yr«lj. fprtitwucB lucu.-rod by jr. WUKIomh. Vuitrfl Bf.tM .grot for the Arlrk.rrrr, aro. V.ollei .„!! Suntan IndlH., nndrr lnUrncaon. from lh. *ndu 'i p*u» coounlMku, to nuke uld Indluu, u Ur b* toe President, as per forty-ninth and fiftieth aVn *“* Mo »” hundred 1 eight dollars end tarty-eevcu cents. For this amount, inter— dr.i ihe Ouocu Ohlckssewa, August edghth, eighteen hundred, tv-taUM nm IhMn ht,nr.»,l 11 1 te-tith article ti teen hundred sties, two thouMud five hundrod dollars. bnudred and sixty-sight, three thousand dollars. For the construction of two school-bosses, as per fourth article treaty of Marsh two, eight hundred and sixty-sight, six thousand dollars. For construction of four buildings, for carpenter, fanner, blacksmith, and miller, at each of the agen cies, fifteen hundred dollars each, per fourth artiele treaty March two, eighteen hundred sad sixty-eight. For ths erection on said reservation, near each agency, a good water-power saw-mill, with grist mill and a shingle machine attached, as per fourth article treaty of Maroh two. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, sixteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may ForpaTo? two carpenters, two millers, two formers, and one blacksmith, per fourth and fifteenth articles treaty March two, eighteen hundred end sixty-*igbt, five thousand two hundrod and fifty dollars. For purchase of Iron and etoal, and the necessary tools for the blacksmith shop, per ninth artiele treaty March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, two hundred and twenty dollars. For first of thirty instalments, to be expended under the direction of tho Secretonr of the Interior, for clothes, blankets, end such other article* as he may think proper end necessary, per eleventh article treaty March two, eighteen hundrod and sixty-eight, thirty thousand dollars. For annuel amount to he expended, under the di rection of the Secretary of the Interior* in - supplying ■aid Indlaua with beof, mutton, wheat, flour, boaua, and potatoes, until such time as said Indians shall be found to be capable of sustaining themselves, per twelfth article treaty March two. etghtoan hundered and sixty-eight, thirty thousand dollars. For this amount, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of tho Interior, in providing each lodge or head of a family In sold confederated bauds with one gentle American cow, aa distinguished from ordinary Mexican or Texas breed, anl five head of sheep, per thirteenth article treaty March two, eigh teen hundred and sixty-eight, forty-five thousand dol lars. GENERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE IN DIAN 8KHYIG8. AIUMKA* For the gonsral incidental expenses of the Indian service in the territory of Arizona, preseats of goods, agricultural implements, and other nsoful article*, and to asaist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sus tain themselves by the pursuits of civilised life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the lisa thereof, for t exceeding five dc sixty-eight, forty thousand dollar*. For eeeds. fanning Implements, work oetils, end other stock for fourteen hundred families. In conform ity with seventh article of above-named treaty, one hundred and forty thousand doltam. For survey ef the Mevtooe Indian reservation, In conformity with fifth article treaty of June first eigh teen hundred end sixty-eight, thirty-six thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. For insurance end transportation- or the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred end seventy, fifteen thousand dollars. For dafictoncy in the appropriation for amount of deficiency expended In subsisting the NertOoe* at ths Bosque Redondo, according to the contract made by Theodor# H. Dodd, from the twenty-second of May, eighteen hundred and slxty-etght, until their removal to their old homes, on* thousand on* hundred aud fifty-five dollars and ninety cento. SISSITON AND WARFETON. For survey of reservation for the Slssltou and War- reton bond* of Dakota or Sioux Indian*, as per third, fourth, and fifth articles of the treaty with said Iudl ana of Fobruary nineteen, elghteeu hundred and slxty- eeven, forty-flvo thousand dollars, or so much theroof as as may be necessary. KEZ PERCE INDIANS. Fur last of fiv* instalment* of second sorieS for ben eficial objects, at the discretion of tne it. sident, per eight, and fifth article treaty of May sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-rix, two thousand three hundred er forty-ninth end fiftieth art.; y-clghth, eighteen hundred and * mc 2« XUfat U,roto - with the awa. fl.i/mn aiWJ thirty- JM tnuifiiJ Kid Indtai, und.rSitTkw'iJiS™ three, five hundred and fifty dollars. WALLA-WALLA, CAYUSE, AND UMATILLA TRIBES. For last ol five instalments of second series, to be expended uuder the direction of the President, per second article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For tenth of twsatv instalments for the purchase ol ell neoeesary mill fixtures end mechanical tools, med icines and hospital stores, books end stationery for kohools, and furniture for the employees, per fourth article treaty nleth June, eighteen hundred and filly- two, two thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming opera tions, one farmer, two millers, on* blacksmith, one wagon and plough-maker, on* carpenter and Joiner, one physician, and two teachers, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand four hundred end fifty dollars. For tenth of twmty lnatahnento for the pay of each of toe head chiefs of the Walla-Walla, Cayuse, aud Umatilla beads, the snm of five hundred dollar* per aanum, par fifth artioie treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, fifteen hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for salary for the ty-slght, on three hunSred* thousand doilsrs trioi f/.r aatil Indiana ,L.. i . .. . cento,in g to **14 trlL may be neoeesary to pay tke who have Eons that —— priated: Provided, That no part of said belonging to minor children shall bo psi to any person for them, until such chUdr attained the •—~ h '- d " a 3T his amount, or se much thereof as mav be r to onablff the Secretary of the Interior to n* y tta fn™ -• — ~”«"w five liuudrod tho pro se Of the ■ Of Indians, or so much of said sum as * members ef said tribe awn from their tribal iAU> i, and under said treaties have become cltixenJ of Jolted States, be, end the same are hereby, appro- .j. «—* •"*-* * 1 money dus or id to them, or •- .v. v-.—ren shall have > eg* of twenty-one yoers: And provided further, That before the President shall cause any money to be paid out of this appropriation, or any K tents to be Issued, he alMdleeasu evidence to be to- n and shall be satisfied that the recipient* are en- tit’ed to the same under tho aforesaid treaties, and he may require tke Secretary of the Interior to cense to be sold such proportion of the bonds held by hiss In trust for said Indians as may be neoeesary to comply twenty-second January, eighteen hundred end tlfiy- Ive, three thousand dulhtfa. For tenth of twenty instalment* for the establish- mnri and support of a smith and carpenter shop, and to forntah them with the ssr ss—ry tools, per four teenth article trosty twenty-second January. eighteen hundred end fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twsnty iustelmsutefor ths employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, former, and physician, who «heH furnish msdtrtnee for the sick, per fourteenth article treaty twenty-second January, eighteen bun- toed and fifty-five, throe thousand six hundred dol- FLATHBADS AND OTHER CONFEDERATED TRIBES. For the first ol five Instalments on one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, being the third series, for bensfiolal objects, at the discretion of the President, K fourth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hun- d and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the support of an agricultural and Industrial school, keeping in re pair the building*, and providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred unpaid vouchors audited and allowed by jjcscocommlaalon, twentj-two thousand f For this amount, to be reimbursed from needs of their laud* in Kansas, for enbslstenre of Great and Little Osage Indians, thirty thousand ik!" . or so much thereof as may b« uo and furnishing food and trnspJr- Indians with which trestles h*v.. j****® commission, under r- — — Brevet Major General W ft n«r Bey, Incurred alnco October first, elghtoen ’ hnndre i and sixty-eight, fonr hundred end *SS5vf fisS? wdreren hundred and elghty^our dollars and twX! For the payment of [such] damages sustained ».v “■* «»■-.— -—i,y,. lCbnLiS; & iovfojitli« (tantoa Rio,,, kitty .11, u itatll, [bi «Uon an<tor Ih, dUuon lh.6«„ t £,T r ^“^ (MJor, who .h.11 .ppotat • , u«mIuloti to J?,?..;?,; ^ "■■‘•'Sm. n exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, to be divide JLL JSSSE! T ^S3 Io»» la kha you ol*btoin bondrod ud olii. hundrod .and .It doltar, 8*0. 3. And be it further euected That >11 aud merchandise furnished any tribe ’or band St%1* dians under the provisions of sny act shall bo tm pror by 11,. OfObl or .oporlntondint o' mob Jhl ™ bond to Uu dilof, of U>„ mb, or bond ln bnlk i^i ? r Uio oridinol pooka,., aa ueorly oo prtcUcoblo !i! .'i**? 1 ” 1 '" of ti„ lar*. For this amount, or ss much there oeaaary to pay expenses inourred iu paring homes, fur"'-’-* - lug utensils, cattle tatlon for bands o For the sixth of fifteen Instalments for same objeets for Pembina bend of Ohlppewas, per same treaty, four thousand dollars. For sixth of flftssu Instalments for pay of one black smith. oue physician, who shall furnish medlcme for the sick, one mtller, and one farmer, per fourth article of seme treaty, three thousand five hundred dollars. For sixth of fifteen Instalments for the purchae* of iron end steel and other articles for blaokamlCblng purposes, per same treaty as above, one thousand five hundred dollars. For sixth of fifteen Instalments, to be expended for oarpentertog and othor purposes, per same treaty, rue For sixth of fifteen Instalment*, to defray expenses of aboard of visitors, to consist of not more than three persons, to attend the annuity payment* of the In dians, three hundred and ninety dollars. for insoranee and transportation of annuity goods . tnd provisions, and iron and steel for blacksmiths, for tho Ohlppewas of Red Lake and Pembina tribe, five thousand dollars. OHItiKASAWflt For permanent annuity in goods, per sot twenty- fifth February, seventeen hundred end ninety-nine, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and slxty-nin<\ aud for the fieoal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundrod and seventy, fix thontand dollars CHOCTAWS. For permanent annuity, per second article treaty sixteenth November.eighteen huudred end five, and thirteenth articia treaty tweuty-seooud June, eighteen hundred and fifty firs, three thousand dotlers. For permanent annuity for support of light horse men, six hundred dollars. For permanent annuity for support of blacksmith, per sixth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred end twenty, ninth article treaty January twentieth, eighteen hundred ahd twenty-fir*, end thirteenth article treaty twenty-eeoond June, eighteen hundred and fifty-Are, six hundred dollar*. For permanent an nutty for education, per seoond article treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty- eeeond Jane, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, six thou sand dollars. - For permanent annuite for iron and steel, per ninth artlclo treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred end twenty-fire, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-sec ond June, eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, three hun dred and twonty dollars. For Interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ninety-two oonts. fit five per centum per annum, for education, support of the government, and other beneficial pur pose*. under the direction of the general council of the Choctaw*. In oooformlty with the provision* contained In the tenth and thirteenth articles of the treaty of tsrentysteoond June, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, nineteen thousand five hundred and twelve dol lars end eighty-nine oents: Provided, That It shall be the fluty or ths Secretary of the Interior to sell a suffl- per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hun dred and thirty-three, one thousand dollar*. For blacksmith and assistant, aud tools, end. Iren and steel for shop during the pleasure'of the Presi dent, per third article treaty thirteenth of May, eigh teen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand end rat ty dollars. For farmer, during tho pleasure of the President per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hun dred and thirty-three, sit hundred dollare. QUI-NAI-ELT AND QUIL-LEH-UTE INDIANS. For last of four Instalments on twenty-five thousand dollare (being tho fourth series) for bensfiolal objeota, under the direction of the Presidont, per fourth arti cle treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-ire, one thousand three hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the support of an agricultural end industrial school, and pay of gulta- iug necessary tooto therefor, per fifth article treaty eleventh Juno, eighteen honored and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for tho employment of oue superintendent of farming, and two farmers, two milters, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gun smith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plough-ma ker, nor fifth article treaty eleventh Jape, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight tbeusand five hundred Interior, seventy thousand dollar*. CXUTOBXIA. For the general incidental oxpenees of the Indian aervico In California, iuclading travelling expenses of For teutU o( twsnty instalments lor keeplof iu re pair blacksmiths’, tin and gunsmiths', carpenters’, aud wagon and plough-makers’ shops, and providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article] treaty six teenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hun dred dollar*. For tenth ef twenty instalments for the employ- For tenth of twenty Instalments for keeping In repair the hospital, and providing the necessary medicines and furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, three hundred dollare. For tenth of twenty instalments for pay of • physl- .clan, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred end flfty-flve, one thousand two hundred dol lars. For tenth of twenty iaetelmoBts for keeping in re pair the buildings for the various employees, end for providing tho necessary furniture therefor, per fifth ar ticle treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundnwl and fifty- ire, two hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the salary of ■uch person va toe tribe may select to be thrtr bead chief, per flith article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For last cf four instalments to enable the Indiana to remove aud locate upon the reservation, to be expend ed In ploughing land and fencing lots, as per llret clause fourth article treaty June ninth, eighteen hun dred and sixly-three, fifteen thousand dollars. For fourth of the sixteen Instalments for boarding and clothing the children who shall attend ths schools, providing the school* and boarding-houses with neces sary furniture, the purobase of necessary wagons, teams, agricultural Implements, tools, and so forth, and lerfoBeing ef each leads as mg be seeded lor garderttag and farming purpoees for the schools, ea per fatftti clause fourth article treaty of June nine, eighteen hundred and alxiy-threo, three thousand dol- For salary of two subordinate chiefs, as per fifth ar ticle fireaty of June nine, eighteen hundrod and alxty- three, five hundred dollars each. For third of fifteen Instalments to keep the black smiths' shape fei repair and stocked with toe necessary torts sad materials, per fifth article treaty June ninth, eighteen hnndred and sixty-three, five hundred dol- For third of fifteen Instalments for repairs of houses mills, shops, end so forth, end providing the necessary furniture, tools, and materials, ss per fifth article trea ty June ninth, eighteen hundred end sixty-three, two thousand dollare. For salary of two matrons to take charge of the boarding schools, two assistant teaehars, one farmer, on* carpenter, and two miliars, as per fifth article treaty June ninth, eighteen hnndred and rlxty-three, seven thousand six hundred dollars. OMAHA 8. For the second of fifteen Instalments of this amount, being third of series, in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty sixteenth Maroh, eighteen hun dred end fifty-four, twenty thousand dollars. For fourth of ten instoliMnt* tar keeping Hi repair a grist end sew mill, and support of blacksmith shop, per eighth artioie treaty March sUUeath, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, end third artioie treaty March sixth, eighteen hundred end sixty-five, three hnndred dollare. For pay of one engineer, twelve hundred dollars. For fourth of tett instalments for pay of one miller, per same treatise, nine hundred dollars. For fourth of ten Instalments for pay oi one farmer, per same tea a Use, seven hundred end twenty dollar*. For fourth uf ten instalment* for pay of blacksmith, per same treaties, seven hnndred and fifty dollars. ment of two farmers, two millers, one blacksmith, on* turner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and on* wagon and rlfmgh-malrer, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundrod and fifty-five, seven thousand four hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments tar keeping in re pair sew and flooring mills, and for furnishing ths neoeesary toels and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalment* for keeping in re pair the hospital and providing the necessary modi- clnos and furuUuro therefor, per fifth artioie treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, throo hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty l&stalmenls for pay of a physi cian, per fifth article treaty sixteenth Jnly, eighteen hundxed and fifty-five, one thousand four hundred YAKAMA NATION. For lest of five Instalments of seoond series for beu- eflelal objects, at the dleeretion of the President, per foarth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, sight thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the support of two sohoola, one of whidb ts to be as agricultursl end Industrial soboo!; keeping lr. repel* school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, end sta tionery, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars For tenth of twenty tratatanante for the employment ‘of one superintendent of toeohing end two teachers, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employ ment of nee esperinteudent of tanning end two formers, two millers, two black smiths, one tinner, on* gun smith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plough-ma ker, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hun dred and fifty■#!••, sight thousand five hundred dol lars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for keeping in re pair saw and flouring mills, and furnish Id g the neoes- sary tools and fixtures, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred end fifty dive, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for keeping in re pair the hospital, and providing the necessary medi cines and fixtures therefor, war fifth artioie treaty ninth Jane, eighteen hundred flfty-fivs, three hundred dollars. mt For tenth of twsnty instalments for keeping in re- Ml* KI.-W-.ltk-> M-W.Hk-1 — -• - - • hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for support of smith end carpenter shop, and to provide the mr wary tools therefor, per tenth artioie treaty first July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollare. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employ ment of a blacksmith, carpenter, an* “*• - physician, who shall fhfliieh medieii per tenth artioie treaty first July, e and fifty-five, three thousand six huu ROGUE RIVERS. For last of aixtoeu instalments in blankets, clothing, forming utensils, and stock, per third article treaty tenth Ucptember, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, dollars. psopriated the further stun of two million* of ttoJulS' ore* ranch thereof as may be necoaaery, to eiJhii,% President to malntalu ths peso* amotur ami H* # various tribes, bands, and parties oflndUnt^ana^* pros.!. olTUU-Uu-* Mid ladkuU b3»i wlMtj UMttcdH., u»ou r«Mir»lioo. c-.m!U<!«, uid cimraraf. their rflbrtTrt Mlf-miill, 1 ! report of Ul npnidltnrea tmd.r llu. .■onuBtH'i* b.tu-d.ludoUil toOoti.roMlu for the dutdam of #n*l>ltno iH* n..“d Service In Montana Territory, presents of geode, agri cultural Implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abed**, and to sne. tala themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended uuder too direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifteen tlttusaod dollars. V8VADA. For the general incidental expenses of the ludian service In Nevada, presents of goods, agricultural inl and doilsrs. for the purpose of enabliug the Prrejds^to^xi^?/ 1 the powers conferred by to]* act he fa herebv pm-1 tw«o( um and to pay tye necessary eipcuse* of first of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, el five per oentum per annum, for education or other bene ficial pnrpoees. under the direction of Um President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeenth, eigh teen hundred aud fifty-four, two thousand eight hun dred and Mventy-flvo dollars. KANSAS. For interest In Itea of taWeetmeet on two hundrod thousand dollar*, at five per centum per annum, per aeeond article treaty of January fourteen, eighteen hundred and forty-six, ton thousand dollars, KIGKAP008. For sixteenth instalment of Interest, at five per cen tum, on on* hundred thousand dollars for educational and other beneficial purposes, as per second article i article treaty June ninth elghteon hundred and fifty-fire, five hun dred dollar*. For tenth of twenty Instalment* for the pay of a physician, gar fifth reticle treaty ninth June, eighteen huudred and fifty-live, on# thousand four hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping la re pair the buildings required for the various .employee* and for providing the necessary furniture therefoi, per fifth article treaty nirth Jhne, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, .three hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty lnstahnente for the salary ol such person ea ths said confederated tribes and bends ef Indtans may esleet I* be their heed ehtaf, per fifth artiele treaty ninth Juae, eighteen hundrod and fifty- five, five hundred dollars. YANCTON TRIBE OF SIOUX. For first of tsu Instalment* (seoond aeries), to be paid to there or expanded for thrtr benefit, eommenc- with the year in wbfoh they shell remove to and settle and reside apon their reservation, per feurth article treaty nineteenth April, eighteen hundred and fifty- eight, forty titoassad dollar*: Provided, That no pert of toe mooeys appropriated to pey annuities duo the severe! tribes er beads ef Indiene mused in this act eheU be expended Dor any other estielee ef tood, cloth- lag, agricultural or mechanical Implements that such m shall be agreed apon by tire cfotefo sm* headmen of retd tribe, In «general oonneti held tor this purpose, presents of goods, agricultural im- r useful articles, end to assist them «u .««. ... yv..™ent abodes, end sustain themselves by toe pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Ietortor, twenty thousand dollars. NEW MEXICO. For ths general incidental expense* or the Indian service in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultu ral Implements, end other useful articles, audio aeelst them to locate in permanent abodes, end sustain there- selves by the pursuits ef civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, forty thousand defter a OMOOM AHD WAAttteOTOS XKEEITOBT. For toe general incidental oxpenees of (ho Indian service in Oregon and Washington Territory, includ ing lasers nee end transportation of annuity goods and presents, (where no special provision therefor ts mad# by treat!*#), end office and travelling expense* ef the superintendent, agonte, aud eub-egeota, thiriy-flv* For five per centum Interest on two hundred end fifty thouMud doilsrs, to be paid aa annuity, per eighth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred end fifty-six, twelve thonaandflve hundred dollars. For interest on two hundred sad fifty thousand del- tar*. at five per oentum. to be p*|d as annuity, (they having joined their brethren wart), per eighth artioie treaty seventh August, etghtaea hundred end fifty-eix, twelve thousand five hundred dollare. For interest on fifty thousand doilsrs, At the ret* of five per centum per annum, “to be paid annually for the support of eohools,” re per third article treaty of March twsotrftree, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, twenty-live hundred dollars. For tntoreel en twenty thousand dollars, at the Bate of five per centum per aenuai, “to be paid annually/' for the support of the Remlnole government, as per third article treaty of Maroh twenty-first, eighteen hundred end afiUy-etx, ea* thousand dollars. TRIBES AND BANDS OF IN- IN MIDDLE OREGON. Uw> *“»* -xl»*nljTVUi0M and dollars, or so much (hereof as may be accessary 8xc. B. And bell forth r enacted. Tint" . shell be so eonetrneU as to retlf* WJolTer. end plough amber, per fourth article trsatytweaty- fifth June, eighteen hundred end flAy-Ave, three then reed fiv* handred dollare. For Uath of twuaty laettlrweats for pey and subsis tence of on* physician, ono sawyer, one miller, one superintendent of forming operations, and one school iroobw, par fourth artiele treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen hundred end fifty-*™, live thousand alx hun dred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for salary of tho h «***hta*rtrel4ooufsdereted band*, per fourth arti- [ u n tr »*ty twenty-fifth Juns, eighteen hundred end fir eball be so construed as to ratify or ant,t ty made with any tribes, bands, or pm-t since the twpntlcth dey of July eiofiJL sixty-seven. 8eo. G. And l>e it further enacted, Th Di lation of one huudred and seventeen fare made to the State of Minnesota eighteen hnndred and slxly-fon,-, to mir oy in the appropriation March third dred gad auty tbfro, for tho ooeta, chi K nee# properly incurred by said flute I dian hostllltirn in tho yrar eighteen nun slxty-two. be. end the seme l* hereby, extern brace such expeuflKun * Incurred In the vea hnndred and rtity-thr. e, to the amount thousand four hundml and eight dollars eente: Provided, That oiilv so much of such •hell be paid the State of Minnesota se ah hundred and For sixteenth instalment on two hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in eighteen hundred and seventy, per seoond article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen rfl ANI) MODOC HOMANS, re HtoM tirte, to be «pMed- under reel drat, repes seoond article treaty *hd dollars froi and silty-six, U made with the i hnndred and el thousand five hundred dollare. UTAH TEEfirrOBY. For th* general Incidental expense* of the Indies semes in Utah Territory, presents ef goods, agricul tural implement*, and other useful artlclo*, aud to re sist them to locate lft permanent abodes, find sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be ex pended under the direction of the-Secretary of the Tn- terior, fifteen thousand dstiare. For th* transportation end tfeoeetary expenses of delivery of provisions to the Indiana within the Utah anperinUaiancy, ten thousead dollars. For this amount to carry o\it the action contain plat- »*b. and twenty dollars, at five per oentum log value of fifty-four sections of tai said treaty for educational purposes, four hundred end fifty-six dollare. For interest an three hundred tboc fire per ceatoas per annum, to be paid in money or such artistes as th* Beor tartor may direct, ea par tret artioie ti b«r twenty nine, eighteen hundred an it where otherwise provided by treaty etipnietieu. IA8EIA8, WEA8, AMD PI ANKE8IIA W8, OTTO WAR government by the Senecas, per etetarKsn^raSre dffire” * To pay for thirty thousand acres United States Mall Stag* ►flare to be distributed er of paying annuities, rff thirty-first July, rtf h- fttljr-one thousand five ATLANTA TO DAHLONCCA n-MttWiisEWTVLaK I i».tOtrrt. nut «4 wlltta,