Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 24, 1869, Image 1

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A. TOP^i)AX^OEmifG, NOYEMBEB 24-, 1869, -i—.f. ."-“.gg iTES LAWS, , of inch article* m mar b* . _ A# For tri •>£ 1 POIIOAB. For the tilth of toot Instalments ef tiu “to bo paid to thua or expended for par eepood article treaty twelfth March, dred and fifty-eight, tan thousand doll* thin l/i hk I a census and htmrtlflaMng tho qtatea of loyal M Indian* and freediuen, per fourth article trea* Ao fourteenth, eighteen hundred and alxty-elx, I lmudred dollar*. A \ 1 OW>W8. ■* V . • | 1 1 Oral Af thirty instalment* to tupply male per* of twenty instalment* upon two hundred necessary medicine*, in accordance with third article 1 of treaty March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and i sixty-seven, three hundred doMri. For lncuranoa, transportation, and secceeery cost of delivery of ananMfoo te4 provision* for Ohtppewe* of Mississippi, In aecordanoe with tilth article Of the treaty ot March nineteen, eighteen hundred end sixty- oeven, Are thonaand dollar*. hundred dollar*. muatot>foaDth£ *An* over fourteen year* of age with a suit of good ■ubetantial woolon clothing, conai sting of coat, hat. pantaloon*, flannel shirts, and woolen nooks, per ninth article treaty Mag seventh, eighteen hundred and aix- ty-W.t, for the fleoal year snding Juno thirtieth, sigh, teen hundred and seventy, ten thonaand dollars. For Ural of thirty taatalwecUs te supply each female i>Tnr twelve year* of am utik a flannel aklrt or the oua and nocfiatary, seven thoueand five FOTTOWATAMH8. For permanent annuity in silver. par « y third August, seventeen hundred seven hundred and twenty-four Be enty-aevon cents. For permanent annuity In afiver, per third a* treaty thirtieth Beptembor, eighteen hundred fourth article I and nfnety- ■txty-4wo dollar* aud eighty-nine cent*. MI4MU»-W!>.^lt8. r For permanent annuity In good* or otherwise, fourth article treaty third Angurt, seventeen hun and nJne-flv*, five hundrad dollar*. For permanent annuity In good* or otherwise, articles Meaty tweuly-Aral Angust, eighteen hun and five, two hundred and fifty dollar*. eighteen hundred and nine, three hundred and land fifty-five, ten thousand nix lx datura and aixty-afx sente, lrty instalments of aanaltjy in and alxty-eayau, fifteen hundred doUam. JlW u ■AO AUD FOX INDIANS OF THE MISSISSIPPI. For amount necessary to pay to the 8ac and Fax In- diaua, parties to this treaty, at the rate of one dollar per eeN far one hundred and forty-seven thonaand three hundred and ninety-three and thirty-two one- twelve yards of oaliou, end twelve yard* ootton ■tic, per ulnth article treaty ef May seventh, »en hundred and aixty-aigbfc for the fiscal year « June thirtuth, eighteen hundred and seventy, first of thirty instalment* to supply the boy* ne thousand eight hundred end isty-three cents. *, Per Mvanth article S£2^htS^un ’ eight hundred and t» be. expended in I iris who. in the r thrU profitable 'Ulnth Article treaty 1 sixty eight, for the Ighteen hundred and For fifteeuth of twenty instalment* for purposes of education, Including compensation of teacher, per third article treaty twenty-secoml February, eighteen of,™ •mitfea and smith* ’ shops, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred aud fifty- “^nSaaa-CSilS t. tor nay of an engineer to grist and saw-miil at Leech Lake, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six fiuodxed dollars. CHIPPSWAfl OF THE MISSWSIFPI, PILLAGKlt, AMD LAKE WINMKBAOOSHIWH BANDS OF CHIP PEWA INDIANS IN MINNESOTA. For sixth er tea tastslxidnu aatf Indian* with ten yoke of good work oxen, twenty log chains, two hundred grubbing ho«a. ten ploughs, ten grind- la, and for the pay Its of which to be al baffle, per second r exptnee* incurred in taking census of North Oherekee Indiana, two thoueand five hun- thc purchase of auoh orti- of Ira dollars for saoh Indian roaming, (one thousand nlnt hundred and fifty-three son)*), per ninth satiole treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred aud seventy, nineteen thousand five' hundred and thirty dollars. For the construction ot a school house or mission all thy confederated 1 Hoc rotary of the Interior 1 For Ufo annuity to alitor, per third article treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundred arid, thirty-two, two hundred dollars. For life annuity to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth September, anteefi hundred and thirty- kuil^inlkn. 'TV,.* sixth October. tight** hundred and fifty-five, one thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth pf twenty Instalments for the employment ofa blacksmith, carprntur, farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per amvsnth article treaty twfoky-fixih October eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand five hundred dollars. TABLQU ACHE BAND OF UTAH INDIAN* For sixth of ten Instalment* for the purchase of goods, under the direction of the Secretary of the In terior, per eighth article treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundrad aud sixty-thro*, and flsoete amend ment of Marah twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand dollars, For sixth of ten instalments, per eighth article trea ty, tor fhe ptnrhtee ot provtvUme, under the direction of the Secretary of the interior, ten thoesand dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel and necessary tools low blacksmith's shop, as per tenth article of said trea ty, two hundrad and twenty delta**. For 1 pay of black smith and assistant, a* per same ar ticle of some treaty, one theumnd one hundrad dol- lam. For insurance, transportation, and gonenl Inciden tal expenses of the delivery of goods, provisions, and hundrad and ftfty- CLA0KAMA8 IN- ■ V ALLEY, he third series df an- For education, drrrtvg the pleasure of- Cot tlftrd article treaty of October sixteenth, eigl fourth article treaty October twenty-seventh hundred and thirtyAwo, five thousand flollai For permaneot prevision for the payment in lieu of tobacco, iron, and steei. per. eceo treaty twentieth September, eighteen hut twenty-eight, and tenth article of the trea NIBQCALLY, PUYALLUP, AND OTHER TUB SB •fidled), twenty epadte, a, per fifth article treaty red ana sixty-four, ouo irpenter*. one thousand Q blacksmith*, one thou- M farm laborers, two pm; one physician, one u ana lesdlcine for the nttnftUti* treaty May flNM^*feas r st:vou thou- Ut toward the support of oommon uso of the Ghlp- MLde and Pembina n» the President may nrtitlo treaty May sov- ixty-four, one thousand penter, farmer, blacksmith, miller, 'mw'aiawnss -chorne or store-room lor ng goods belonging to the <t the treaty ot May aev- aixty-cight, two thousand agency building, per same donee for a physician to ■ ‘"Aty.lwo thou- < ticud objects, per fourth article treaty pifeuty-elxth December, eighteen hufifired and fifty-four, one thou, sand two hundred dollare. * ■ For fifteenth of twenty Instalments for pay of !n- ati uoter, smith, physioiflu. Who ebsll furnish medicine pM the eiek .carpenter, enfi^fhrmer, per tenth article frfiaiy twenty-sixth December, etshfoen hundred and fifty four, five thousand fldDarfc For fifteenth of twuuty tbstafiuento for the support ofanagrioultuval and Industrial school, and support of smith and carpenter shorn and providing the neces sary tools therefor, in conformity with tenth articlo of treaty December twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, fifteen hundred dollars. . eight hundred Mdc, five hundredAfoBafl seventli, eighteen MpuM sand seven hundred fioflN Fer this amount to he fif a saw-mill to be built fur pews* of Mississippi, and bands of Chippewa*, ap i deem it necessary, per si •iith, .- ghfoen fluudred si dollars. *’ visi°torii^?wp*ui persons, to attend diana, and to lnspeq|HH enth, eighteen hundred *u five hundred dollars. For theeouetrucUon of article of same treaty, two thousand dollars. For the building of a residence for a phy said Indians, per same article of same treaty, < sand dollar*. For the construction of five buildings for o farmer, blacksmith, miller, and enilngor, i hundred dollars each, per same article of san seven thousand five hundred dollars. For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and assistant*, and for Iron aud sled for shops, per third article treaty sixteenth October. eighteen hundred and twenty-eight second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and second arti cle treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand forty-two dollars and nine ty-four coats. For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, pgr second article of treaty twenty-ninth July, eigh teen hundred end twenty-nine, three hundred and sev enteen dollars and nine cent*. For infogast on four hundred and sixty-six thoue and and twonty eeven dollars and forty-eight cents, at five per centum, in conformity with Seventh article treaty of June fifth and aeveutc<enUi/eighteen hun dred and forty-six, twenty-three tlunoissri three hun dred and one dollars and thirty-se^ea oenU. To enablo the President to carry out the provisions of the third article of tbo treaty of November fifteen, eighteen hundred and aixty-one. with the Pottawato mie Indians, a* modified by the treaty of March twen ty-nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, by paying to certain membera of said tribe whs hava elected to bs- osme oitixens In accordance with said trestle*, the proportion of the cash valua of the Pottawatomie an nuities to which they may bo entitled, the sum of two hdndrvd and thirty-throe thousand one hundrad and sixty three dollar* and eighty cent*, in currency, and the muu of one hundred and twronty-tbreo thousand six hundred and nlnoty-ulne dollars and sevnutythree cents, in gold, to bo paid out of the funds belonging to said tribe eft Indians, or so much of said sura as may be necessary to pay the members of said tribe UMPQUAM AND GALAPOOIA8, OF UMPQUA VAL LEY, OREGON.’ ’ " FOr last of five instalments of the third series of an- For Hfe annuity to chief, per private article to sup elemental treaty twenty-fourth September, eighteen juudred and twenty-dtno. to, treaty of third October, slghtean hundred and eighteen, one hundred dollars. For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty dol- ars, at five per centum, befog the value of thtrty-aix ■—«--* My of uigMssft hun ion per Senate rasoJu- n hundred and thirty- May sixth, eighteen , to be expended as directed [article November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thoa- ^ForSstef fifteen Instalments tor the pay of a physi cian aud purchase of medicine*, per aixih articlo trea ty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred sad fif ty-four, owe thousand five hundred dollars. For the fifteenth <d twawty tswtehuenta for tha pay of a teacher and purchase of books Sad stationery, per sixth article troaty twenty ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. UMPQUA*, (OOW CHEEK BAND.) For sixteenth of torenty Instalment* In blankets, clothing, provMona, and stock, per third article treaty nineteenth gyptemb— '*- v ‘— v —*~~ A *" J *‘**~ threo. five huudrod. WALLA-WATJjA, three hundred mQce travel, *t bniulred and eighty dollar*. Fer pay of feamtotoCmaera rj Uous to instruct Indian girls one thounsUd dollar*. CTI/PPEWAS OR RED LAKE / ” j OF UHIFPB 'For this amount as annuity to be paid per capita to the Red Lake band of Chippewa* during the pleasure of the President, per thfrd article treaty second Octo- tier, eighteon hundred and sixty-three, and second ar- flred and twenty-nine, fot edc tion January nineteen, eigfc eight, and fifth article troaty f'or HMM (bvr twnnty- , three thpos- hundred and fifty-six, two thoueand three’ hundred *D PEMBINA TRIBE ^eafinetynpinlVnn^ilihUi.wffiu^iuflSK. fcrU diljoli, ud Sraata unraduaA dboahwi aud Oktukaana. Maas Saudnd aud Uurtr etgbtdollaza and fbrtv-ecven cent*. wirty For thie amount, foterest doe the ChocUwe and SSSSSS Aiartltwautr-^aUt-., eJ/fiU Tr. hundred and lxt,^ix rw IkU lakil, ar a. «„,h thmofa, aa, b. . ca*T h, enable tha Secretary of the lutorlcir to bit unpeia vouchere audited and allowed b, the Iu&I g«Kaooim.]«don, tweutj twothoueand Hr, hundrS For thta eeuouut, to bo relabuad from the nm oeoda of their lands in Kauaaa, for anbatotauco of the (Jreat aud IJttla Oeage Indiana, fhh^tooSSnd dol* por this snout, or ao mneh thereof aa max bo no- coaaar, to pa, upeuaes luourred In maktm and nre- SSssfeara Taaa-fiS tha uiparrlxloa of Bwratlfator General wTfl. if„ ney, Incurred since October first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, four hundred tug righuSve^ST eud ievenhundred and eighty-four doliaiw nod tw«i- action of the government In ruoriou the Bantla fiinTT* upon their tande In the rear el.Etoen, C SSSr" ShS^tSf a eSSSS^to ' and report the amount of the datoegra auatatW^TS axoeedW flfoton thouerad doJhS^brdSfoS « low* lw the year elghteea hundred and flftJSra? taoueand nine hundred and six dollars and thlrtyfoJJ 8*o. t. And be It further enacted, That all mwu iM mMchaadtoe furnialwd say tribe or band dlans under the proviaione of any act *h«u be in. afeggaagfatfwTS&'g the orhdaal nackew. a* neariv aa r»*u<fo.i.i. . : most valuable rteenth article | hundred aud forth, to the tad four hdn- ImrulrctL dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for Die estabUsh- ment and Aupwoet of an agrtcultural and industrial school, and to provide said school with a suitable in. eteuetoe or Instructors, per fourteenth article treaty twenty-eooond January, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, three For tenth of twenty i mi nt an.l mtpport of a to famish thei- -'**• “ U*euth article t.^-, Imndrod ami fifty- Pbr this amount to the Pembina baud of Chippewa*, fifty-five dollars! and umatii CATUBI the direction of ths Secretary of the Interior, for dothe*. blanket*, and snob other articles ss he may thiol proper and necessary, per eleventh article treaty March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, thirty thousand dollars. For annual amount to be eigen dad, under the di rection of the Secretary of Ike Interior, in supplying said Indiana with beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, and potatoes, until such tiaae aa aaid Indians shall be found to he capable of sustaining themselves, per during the pleasure of the President, per sumo treaty, five thousand dollars. For sixth ot fifteen instalments for the purpose of ■applying the U*d Lake band of Ohlppewas wNfl gill- lug' twine ootton matter, calico, llusey, blankets, sheeting, flannels, provisions, farming tools, and lor such other useful article*, eud for each fllwr Metal parpos-s an may be deemed for Iheir beet interests, per third article supplementary troaty o eighteen hundred aud sixty-four, eight, lar*. For the sixth of fifteen Instalments 1 for Pembina band of Chippewa*, per 4 thousand dollar*. For sixth of fiftfiMMAlMmenta fori smith, one phynlsta»,-flrfco Mali fftmic and support of For last of fiTtt Instalments of second series, to be expended under tbe direction of the President, per second article treaty ninth Jana, eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, six thousand dollar*. For tenth *f twenty Instalment* for the purchase of all necessary mill fixture* and moehsaloal tools, mod* iotoe* sad hespitel atera*. boohs and stationery for schools, and lurttitara fas the ecuptoyaea. per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and Iilty- two, two thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalment* for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming opera tions, one fanner, two millers, on* blacksmith, one wagon and plough-maker, one carpenter and Joiner, one physiol an, and two teaohere, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred aad fifty-five, eight thoueand four hundred and fifty dollar*. Tor tenth of tweety instalments for th* pay of each of the bead chief* of the Walla-Walla, Oaynae, and Umatilla bands, the sum of five hundred dettars per a-anum, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred aad fifty-five, fifteen hundrad dollare. Far tenth of twenty instalments for salary for the eon ef Plo-plo-mox-mox. per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred end fifty-fire, one hundred dn|t*rs. ^ WINKKBA03X&. For interost on one million dollars, at five par cen tum, per fourth article treaty first November, eighteen hundred and thirty-**ten, and joint resolution July seventeen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, flfty-thou- For twenty-third of thirty instalment* of interest on eighty-five thonaand dollars, at five per oentum, per fourth article treaty thirteenth October, eighteen hun dred and forty-six, four thousand two hundred end fifty dollars. WALL-PAH-PE TRIBE OF SNAKE INDIANS. For third of five instalments, to be expended under the direction of the President, as per seventh article treaty of August twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty- five, two thousand dollars. YAKAKA RATION. For last of five instalments of second serio* fob ben eficial object*, at the discretion of the President, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and Ofir-Av*. eight thoueand dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the support of two schools, om of which i* ta bs an agricultural and Industrial school; keeping In rsnatr school buildings, sod farpeovftfltng mMubte furniture, books, and sta tionary, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars For tenth of twenty lcatalmeute for the employment of one snpertnteodent of teaching aad two teachera. per flflh article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. Fer tenth of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of firming end two former*, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, oaa gun smith, one carpenter, and om men aod plough-ma ker, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hun- For survey of reservation for the fiteeiton end War- rcton bauds of Dakota or Sioux Indian*, as per third, fourth, aod fifth articles of th* treaty with said Indi ans of February nineteen, eighteen hundred and sixty- Mven, forty-five thousand dollars, or ao ray ffe..thereof ea et may be necessary. NEZ K1ICZ 1HWUH8. For last of five instalment* of ssoort mMm a*r be* efldal objects, at the discretion of th* President, per fourth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalment# for the support of two schools, ons of which schools to be an agricultural and induatrlakschool. keeping ts repair *chocl build ings, end for providing suitable furniture, hooks, aud stationery, per fifth article treaty eleventh Juce, eigb who have actually withdrawn from their tribal rsla- tihn*. aud under said treaties have become oitixens ef the United Statoa, be, and the same are hereby, appro priated : Provided, That no part of said money due or belonging to minor cbMdreu shall he paid to them, or to any person for them, until each children shall have attained the ag| of twenty-one years: And provided ftaitee*. That before the Preatforut shell cause Any money to be paid out of this appropriation, or any patents to be issued, he shall cause evidence to be ta ken and shall be satisfied that the recipients are en titled to the same under the aforesaid treaties, and be may require the Secretary of the Interior to cease to be sold such proportion of the bonds held by him in trust for said Indian* aa may be nooessarr to comply with said provisions, Kh-fOtriTOMBM OT HURON. Far permanent annuity in monoy or otherwise, per second article treaty of seventeenth November, eigh- strnctor i . twenty-second January, elgk five, three thousand dollars. ^ instalment* for the establish- a smith and carpenter shop, and with Um necessary tool*, per four- twenty-second January, eighteen _vo, five hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for tbo employment of a blacksmith, eaxpoator, former, and physician, who shall furnish medicine* for tho idok, per fourteenth articlo treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, three thousand ait hand rod doi- FLAHtfiBi AlD OT*Ek (JONFl!DEBATED rTr - Til (BUB. V - Foe the first dj five toeteltoente on an* hundrad and twenty thousand dollars, being the third series, for benefiolal objects, at the discretion of the President, per fourth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hun dred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. Forl6nth of twenty tnstnmehts for the support of au agricultural and industrial school, keeping in re pair the buildings, and providing satiable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty inetahaenta for providing suita ble instructors therefor, ner fifth article treaty six teenth July, eighteen hundred afid fifty-five, fine thou sand eight htadrod dollars. For tenth of twenty instalment* (or keeping in re pair blacksmiths', tin and gunsmiths', carpenters’, and wagon and plough-makers’ shops, and providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article! troaty six teenth July, eighteen hundvkd sh'd fifty-five, five hun- found to be capable or sustaining uiemseives, per twelfth article treaty March two. eighteen hundered and sixty-eight, thirty thoueand dollars. ne objects foaty, four ’lea. hers Ml article For this amount, to be expended under the direction (the Secretary of the Iaterfor, fan providing saoh >dge or head of a family In said confederated bauds 1th one gentle American oow, aa distinguished from rdioary Mexican or Texas breed, and live heed of tieep, per thirteenth article treaty March two, eigh- mu hundred and sixty-eight, forty-five thousand iol- tho sick. ef name treaty, th For sixth of filt iron aud ateelsu GENERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE IN DIAN SERVICE. onoiui For the general incident*! expenses of ths Indian service iu the territory ef Arizona, preseats of goods, agricultural Implements, and other useful articles, and to aasfrttlisu to locate tAperamnent abodes, sad ins tate therasel voa by tha pursuits of dvllixsd life, to be expestiUd under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventy thoueand dollars. (uurouut Far the general incidental expenses of the Indian service In California, including wavslllng expenses of superintending agents, five thousand dollars, oononaoo xxxmrroaT. For the general Incidental atp eases of the Indian service In Colorado Territory, presents of gooda, agri cultural implements, aad other useful article*, and to assist them to looato in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilised Uie, to he ex pended under the dlreetiou of the Secretary of th* In terior, twenty-five thoueand dollars. twenty thous- MRIOR. Hhf In coin, per Himbor, eighteen M dollars. • in goods, house- toper fourth article Hundred aud fifty- H for agricultural t and other tools, Irticio troaty thlr- Md and fifty-four, Bta lor moral and id dolUra of which kd yoxrfy, to ena- Wr village, per ptomber. eighteen and dollars, uu for six smiths arthlea treaty tblr- sd and filly-four, oard uf visitors, to oonaist of not more than throe ua^to-attsad the annuity payments of tho In- , thro* hundred and ninety dollars, insurance and transportation of annuity goods rovisians, end.iron aud steel for blacksmiths, for bippewa* of Red Lake and Pembina tribe, five -Wor farmer, during the pleasure of the President per third article treaty thirteenth May, tightest! hun dred and thirty-thrao, six hundred dollars. QUI-NAI-ELT AND QUIL-LSN UTB INDIANS. For last of four instalments on twenty-five thousand dollare (being the fourth series) for benefiolal objects, under the direction of the President, per fourth arti cle treaty first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand throe hundred dollare. Fer tenth of twenty instalment* far the support ol an agricultural and Indus trial school, and pay of Baila ble instructors, per tenth article treaty first af July, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollare. For tenth of twenty instalments for support of smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the neoeeaary tools therefor, per tenth article troaty first July, eighteen hundred and flftv-ftve, five hundred dotlam. For tenth of twenty teetelmente for the employ ment of a blacksmith, carpenter, aad farmer, and a physician, who shall furnish medicines for the sick, per tenth article treaty first July, eighteen huudrod and fifty-fire, throe thousand alx hundred dollars. ' ROGUE RIVERS. For last of sixteen Instalments in blankets, olothing, farming utensils, aad stock, per third article treaty tenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, two thousand five huudrod dollare. SACS AND FOXKfl OF MISSISSIPPI. For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per third article treaty third November, eighteen hundred and tour, one thousand dollars. For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five mi eeutom, per second article treaty twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eeron, ten thou sand dollars. For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per oentum, per second article treaty eleventh Oc tober, eighteen hundrod and forty-two, forty thous and dollars. SAC3 AND FOXES OF MISSOURI. For Interest en one hundrad and fifty-seven thoue and four hundred dollars, at five per centum, under the direction of the President per second article tree ty twenty-Brat October, eighteen hundred aad thftiy- seWen, seven thoueand eight hundred end seventy dol lars. 8EMIN0LE8. For five per oentum Interest on two hundred and fifty theneaad dollars, ** he paid aa amntily, per eighth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-at x, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For interest on two hundred and fifty thousand Ao4- dred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employ ment of tw* farmers, two millers, one blacksmith, one > S2S9%WWEflRja July, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, seven thousand four hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for koeptng in re pair saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the necessary tools aod fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty aixteeuth July, eighteon hundred and fifty-flvo, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty lnstahnuats far keeping In r» pair tho hospital and providing the necessary medi cines and fnrulture therefor, p?r fifth article treaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, threo hundred and fifty-five, one thousand four hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re- pair the trainings required for the various employees Aud furnishing neceerary furniture therefor, per fifth article troaty sixteenth July, eighteen hundred end j CHOCTAWS." For permanent annuity, per second article treaty aixteeuth November, elghteea hundred sad five, and thirteenth article treaty twedfty-seoood June, elghteea hundred end fifty-five, three thousand dollare. For permanentaunuity for support of light horse- randred and twenty, ninth article treaty January twentieth, eighteen ^hundred end twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-aeoond June, eighteen I And fifty- twenty dol« lve. two hundred dollars. Foe tenth of twanty instalment* for the itlaiy oi such person as the tribe may select to be their head chief, per fifth article treaty eleventh Juno, eighteen hundred and fllty-flve, five hundred dollars. For last of four Instalments to enable the Indians to dred and sixty-three, fifteen thousand dollars.^ •Tor th* eurouth Aops. per aco- arUeloM'eaty tw entloth January, eighteon hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth articlo treaty twenty- oeoond Jena, elghteeu hundred and fifty-five, six thou eand dollars. For perraauent annuity for iron and steel, per ninth artloteVresty twentieth January, eighteen hundred aad twenty-five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty-sec ond Jufea, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hun- § for Ohlppewas of ( hundred ami six- Mfoop. during the fclftli article treaty rad Aad Arty-four, gh^elghtero hun- luring the ploamsre treaty September Ity-four, and thiid c hundred ud six For fourth of the sixteen Instalments for boarding nd clothing tho children who aball attend the schools, rovidiog the schools aod boarding-houses with neoee- sry furniture, tho purchase of necessary wagons, tarns, agricultural implements, tools, and so forth, nd for fencing of such lands as may be needed for ardening and farming purposes for the schools, as er fourth cHhee fourth article treaty of June nine, For this amount to pay tha balance dun on certain ootitrade mode by D.W- Ballard, governor and ex-of- flclo superintendent at Indian aflkire fer Idaho Terri, tory, In July, eobteen hundred sad sUtv-navsu, for subsistence, and so forth, for Indians In mat Territo ry. eight thousand and forty-four toiler* and seventy •sc. A And be it fei proprlated th* further or no much thereof os President to maintain— various tribe*, hands, and partis* of In promote civilisation among aaid Indian* water* practicable, upon reservation*, re ceaoitie*. and encourage flhelr affortTst. report ef aU expenditure* under this aa be soeO* to detail to Oongrees In Decera for the purpose of enabling the Praalda the powers conferred by this ad he 1* hs tied, at his discretion, to organise a boar etenere, to ooasiat of not more than ten Deraons~trTh^ •elected by him from men eminent for thdr ^nteuT ker, per nnh article treaty main June, eighteen Hun dred and fifty-five, eight thousand five hundred dol lar* For tenth of twenty instalment* for keeping in ra- pair saw and louring mills, and furnishing the neone- aary tools and fixtures, per flflh article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, five hundred dollare. Tor tenth of twenty instalments for keeping In re pair (he hospital, and providing the necessary medi cines and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred nftyflvs, three hundred dollars. , 1 For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re pair Muckaiwlths’, tinsmiths', gunsmiths’, carpenters’, and wagon and plouglwnakera'a shops, and for pro viding necessary toots therefor, per fifth article treaty June ninth eighteen hundred end fifty-five, five hun dred dollara. ftor tenth of twenty instalments far the pay of a physician, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hnadred and fifty-five, ono thousand four hundred nuer enacted. That there be op ium of two millions of dollara may beneoeomn. to«"-bleths 1th the and to terior to soil a suill- Unitod States hold » enable him to pay pproved by him *n Wright nn- um ymw [-.-.WW.. «, —* * HIMW a.ul of the twty ooucluded with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians oa thousand five Lun in trust for the Choctaw Indlani the amount of the awards heretofore i In favor of Joseph <*. HoaM and Ran der Vhe prevtetea* ef th* fiftieth artic the twenty-eighth day of AprU, elghteeu hundred and •lxty-alr CONFEDERATED TRIBES AND BANDS OF IN- DIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. For last of five Instalmente, second series, for bene- Adal objects, at the diaerotlen of the President, per ■flcoad article treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen hun dred and ifty-five, six thousand dollars. For tenth ol flftean Instalmente for pay end eubela- tencs of one farntor, one blacksmith, and one wagon and plough maker, per fourth articlo troaty twenty Afth June, eighteim^ hundrod aod fiftyWlve, three thou eand five hundred dollara. Fer tenth of twenty Instalment* for pay and bubals- tance of nnephyalcUn, one sawyer, ono miller, one superintendent of farminii opurotione, and Oto school teacher, per fourth article treaty twenty-fifth Jnn* mills, shop*, and sb forth, aod providing the aotrnnrj furniture, tool*, and materials, as per flat article trea ty June ninth, eighteen hundred and atxty-three, two thousand dollara. For salary of two matrons to take charge of th* boarding aonoola, two assistant teachers, one former, one oarpeutor, end two millers, as per fifth article treaty Juno ninth, eighteen hmidrad and texty-thrae, seven thousand atx hundred dollars. * OMAHA 8. ' For the second of fifteen instalments of this amount, For fourth of ten instalments for keeping in repair csjwiss ftsarma hundred and flfty-fotar, and third article treaty March sixth, ettftlMHlmnflrefl text***, three hsa.Med dollare. Fsr nay of ono engtuear, twelve hundred dollars. Fbriswrtfirbftou teste—Irate tinny of dm rattier, •ary books and eta- •/ of April seventh, •tight hundrad dol- ■M for the loutruotion fcpBrotuuq of seeds, ■tide treaty of April ptixif-six. eight hun- pte of annuity lu mon- rthird article treaty of f and sixty-tlx, three rate of annuity la pro- »e,aa per third article to hundred and'sixty- ■Monte of annuity In 1 tided article treaty of M and sixty six, six tefy cost of delivery of ier sixth ertloie treaty Ive.l add aiity-tix, ono bar the pursuits of the direction of th thousand dollar*. For Interest in lien of Investment on two hundrod theueand dollars, et five per centum per annum, per seeond article treaty of January fourteen, eighteen hundred and forty-mx, fon thousand dollars. KICKAPOOS. For sixteenth Instalment of Interest, at live per cen tum, on onehuttirrd tl^usant' * and nth of bctieftoisl purposes, treaty May eighteen, elghteeu five tkonsoigl dollara,, , pair the buildings required for the various a and for providing the neoeemry furniture iteen hundred and fifty-six. e paid annually Ira article treaty and fifty-four, dollars, to bf paldlri eighteen huh dred and seventy, per second article treaty eighteenth May, eighteen huudrod ami fifty-four, seven thousand dollar*. m»tA^rtonlS6i!)6Cri>uiA. J •f October tourtoenth. elghteeu hundred and »lxty- idmiwss on twenty tnousana uouare, at toe re« b per oentum per annum, “to be paid annually, n support of tira Hamluole government, ns pc nrticta.tasaty of March twenty .first, tights* red end sixty-six, ono thousand dollars, till# amount, being th* lu forest on fifty thorn tilan from August sixteenth, tightest! hundr* Ixtir-eU, Ute data of the ratification of tha treat with the (tomUteks, March twenty-one, rigtitee red and sixty-til, fie November twelve, tightve [HHStesij’i’i, nent snrmftynn money, per fourth arll- weutb August, oevahtaeu honored and Ifth Mticte traety seventh August, tigb- I aod fiUr-aix, ou* Dv'usauAflvo hundred sout annuity tn money, per second ortl- toeuta Juno, eighteen hundrad find two, Me treaty seventh August, eighteen hun- r-tii, thro* thousand dollar*. . tout annuity la money, per fourth srticte For iuU-reti t»u J ud twenty doikn if value of fifty-1 i per third article of treaty of March on hundred and tixty-atx. flue thou- ehta for the purchase iud flour mills, osrpen- plough-makers’ ahope, [or th* manual labor raty of October fbur- sIxty-ftjPT, oae tboua fourth article ) bmifred and' •t tioohd-sarlea tn tigh radefetih arttoto tr Wy Ihuudred and fifty .four ■•h MM, tihhteon hun- >n«»nd five hundred dol- United States Mall stage •raood series for w* treaty fourth A’.* tc ■ ri lUi% ( u Lr? x -jfw f >*) m d ti « arr to- 4 nw* . . A/ A-ni *s r-ti