Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 03, 1869, Image 3

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r«* Uie third Hand*;’ ir, m w* iUt«l i. —Obi dM) It'lud '* d*»d thins" in porerj the election; that it «aa not "deed" euongh e 00K0. ■ KxvnL-A. II. Threeher, Eeq . wee ‘ to Uiee loelie, deughUr ot Jod, ea, In the Flret Beptlet Chorol flee o’olock, yeeterdejr evening. Cm*—A peirof our friend* wed- Wedneedej ovening, and were enough to eend ue a fair portion But. an we ere rcqoeeted noi to s wont. It hue not yet been determined upon going out of office, the preeent 0 Aldermen will giro eu oyeter, er e >or. Something ueet u ejpeeted; Both the old end the new Boerde preeent with a eeleot number and their ohoio^et wit and window jokee and epeeebee. •Like llarLBOAD.—Tho contracts for 1 and masonry of »n additional wiles ol Uie Air Lina Kailroad wan ay awarded lo Memr*. Scott. Boa AlUuih urnl Messrs. Grant, Alexau- Tbw contract taken the road to in Hall oonnty. The work will be at once and nrged forward to lie, «*t.- At Mosers. Chastain A Fox’s re saw their chamber set of farni took the premiam at the State _ unly for elegaut design and exqnte- kmausbip it narpaasea anything that l>een in this fc-tate. It is as massive sized cottage building, heavily and elaborately carved. 'There is e work about it It is all done by is an eloquent eulogy on the skill of meohanio. Fox, we understand, • have a mattreHa put upon it and a place to loaf between sales. There ' i pieoes in the set, and the price of »hundred dollars. Govz&nmknt. —The result of the electiou gives the following city t for ngxt yeari , WILLIAM EZZAKD, MAYOB. ▲1 dehmen. -D. 0. O’Keefe, W T. Castleberry. —James H. Calloway, Voiney Dunning. ’—James G. Kelly, W. C. Anderson. Evan P. Howell, M. Mahoney. —Anthony Murphy, A. L. Fowler. Mayor and Aldermen will enter ties of their offices ou the first hoary. Thzatkb. —The Savannah ■ os follows of the performance in Kip Van Winkle -by Mrs. Oates’ xonpe: “‘Rip Van Winkle,’with f which all are familiar, v ed, and to say that it was well Mr. Sheldon would be but the I the unanimous feeling of the The poWer of eloquence was ongly exhibited, the audionoe to laughter and hushed to silenoe delineation of the character ~ted but wayward Rip. The ran a masterpiece of fine ef- enthusiastically reoeived. *r. Sheldon reoeived from the i particularly Mrs. Allen, as ded to the rendition and made off smoothly. *Rip Van Win- pcAted this evening, and the Gtoth of Gold’ this afternoon, at on both of which oceanious of the 10,000 women end Be*. Dr. WiiBm pee lor, end pi eight in the First Beptiot Ohvoh, Be*. DhlftilTm Subject: ”Ti» HuSerluge und the f lion* of the ObrMten* tu Turkey." Of Mr. Bowden** bbor* In Sew Orieune * few 8«b ^hTnSiS^u&T^. N~J Ohurch ui eight, u well u the morning oou- gregetlon elDr. Welker’s Ohureh, listened to the end tele of nhristiea sufferings with eu In. 1 end attention worthy of tie *J»pethy of the people of Hew OiW wlOeh .they mure MbSutteil* meulteetedby thsllbenJ offerings lo eld of those suffsiers of TorUeh cruelly"The eerrioe# to both of tb*M churches wo highly interesting.end Iheoooeeloo will be eaaaotly remembered by thoee whose fortune .. was to listen to the dieoourses of our Nesto- rian Christian brother.” We would also state that, by the consent of Dr. Wilson and Dr. Fuller, an appeal will be stadMtn their respec tivs oh arches tor sid to relieve the preening and immediate wants of those Cretan women and children. Mayor Elkot. — The election on Wednesday resulted in the choioe of Hon. William Ezzard for Mayor. Mr. E. is one of the best known and moat respected oituons of Atlanta* of fine nooial and professional standing, and one whoHo integrity has nsver been impeached.— He has held many offioeu of trust in this ooun ty and DeKalb, where he formally lived. H< was Maj ror of Atlanta from Janaary, 1856, to July, 1857, at which time he was re-elected, and continued in office until the end of that year. He was again elected and went into the office in January, I860. He will make a good Mayor, and one in whom the people have con fidence. cm UI31K.ET. Rxmkmbku that Dr. M. Bernhardt will olose bis office at the United States Hotel, on urday, December 4tb. Go while opportunity offers. 150 One Hundred and Fifty Watches of all grades, from Eight Dollars up to Three Hun dred, just received at Sharp’s Live Jewelry Store. Geo. Suabp, Jb. pov23-tf FURNITURE FOB SALE. Parlor, Bed-room, Diuing-room and Kitchen all new and in excellent condition. For further particulars, apply at the dec2-tf Eba OmoB. PEASE A HIS WIFE. Splended furnished Rooms, all couveuienoes connected. Apply at the Restaurant. dec2tf In order to reduoe oar stock as much as pos sible between now and the 1st of January, we selling at reduced prices, decl-tf McBkidr A Co. houses." Railroad.—The Ma- e Kailroad, one of the most in process of construction in -pidly nearing completion. — egraph, of yesterday, mention- says : “We understand that in the oity yesterday for the par- ng a silver spike, with which -t work of the Macon and lroad. There was on Tuesday only three miles between the ap- i of workmen, and by Satur* Kpect to announce that silver one at that, has and that the Macon and BruDa is completed. The interests of theastern and central portions ve long been involved in the of this great work, and it will be by all classes of people in On Monday next, Macon and like two sisters that have long d from the family circle, will sach other’s anas, and what a gay U1 have. Macon will tell Brnuny town she is; what great mer- clul man she has; how ~ly her with baoon, oorn and oe; and iiuls Branny will tall ~t her fine fisheries, her inag- ber lumber trade, and how her supplied with oysters, fish nriea of the seaboard. Bravo, Branny 1 -The agony is over. The thing e public is out of suspense and ie nstionsi pulse beats arth has returned to its * and the sun rises and sets as great issues involved in our mu* “ have been decided at the bal- no extraordinary convulsion of Uowed the proclamation of the majesty,’’ the people. The vsa, and satnrn still weaiis his and the earth's sstelite still f the election, however, does f important and greatly vexed that for some time has agi- *aud been dismissed from “Two- ' to Kirkwood, and from West 'Stone House," and that is “which orpin in Atlanta?” It is t this question has been decided . or the people would never 9 decide the matter for them- sye now betwoen us," was de- petitors to thfl controversy, 1 its wares as the only gi- ff “A 1" in the market— lid not determine the mat* the iogioei wall with I itself in. The more the ' their several claims the more Rested ilself. Both, tho peo were grey meres, but one T color. But which? Then ingle that finally wove itself *i the party got ont of by rity" of fifty-seven, proved itself to be one ->•1 difference. The elder - by its sedate frock-coat, •Uvery hair. The other i> its “nobby" castor and its ■xre in accordance with the The age is’young and i.a * diejioiiUon to the old time and ado>n it- •nt. 8o it went wilh th6 the organship of the party, mind at ease. The Demo* w rest easy upon ils pillow to the tone that its organ i tympanum. decree bas been issued, as atatton, and both parties — 4 of argument They there would bar# been a so oertain that oor . ... We have jost read tich Is copied on , and it looks as ... looks like a grass- the old ohampton bbou and doss not -blio can only await be dreadfsl, •w* . upon the pnb- i template. The largest and most varied stock of splendid Nickel Silver Ware Ui the South can be found at McBride A Co.’s. PEA8E A HIS WIFE. i where the Golden Friee Are made. dec2-tf Babe. Beautitul, and Enduring.—The An niversary Bridal and Holliday presents at McBride A Co’s. PEASE A HIS WIFE. Ladies don’t hesitate to come, you will be protected here. dec2-tf fitr JEWELRY -Wt Jus received fifty sets of the most beantifal jewelry I have ever bad in this market—all new •ty 1 es—to be sold at short profit. nov23-tf Geo. Sharp, Jb. PEASE A HIS WIFE. For sale, Cellery and Oyster Crackers. dec2-tf Magazine! Books, etc., , Musio, Law Books, Blank bound or re-bonnd by Hanlei- novl4-tf. Vashti, by Miss Evans, one or one hundred copies for sale by Phillips A Crew. nov25-lw. PEASE A HIS WIFE Are prepared to feed all the hungry that didn’t get office. deo2-tf Subsorxbb for Hanleiter’s Atlanta Directory noui, and havo your name in bold type. novl4-tf. PEASE AND HIS WIFE. Yon have been to Maoon, come here for your Golden Fries. doc‘2-tf PEA8SAHI8V: IrUb Porter, imported direct. m. Tu LuauI uid cheaper t lot ol tern t**t oOsnd In Atlute, hu jori boon roooteodby Join, 1L Holbrook, Whitehall rirMt. NlttH PEASB A HI* WIFE Delever, Roketa end Bee,' Pel, Ale. ‘ deek-U . . WEDDING PBESENTS Tbo lergeet elook over exhibited la Ihie tUj. 0»er two basdrod preeent*--no two eHk*— jut roooirod DIUEOT from the feotorj, end will bo eold 1ms then How York prloee. dome oerly end got e eeleotion. notM-if Gxo. Snexp, lu. LANDHBERa'Ml LUMBER YARD', (OpveriHee.,B.a. DnxH. AUwrte, Ue.) SPECIAL NOTICES. HYMIRBAWBROWN^oyiVK^llar- rled, at the r*aldsnoe cl the Bride's lather, « first day o< Deoesabor. by the Bev. D. W. Owln, of Montgomery, Ala., Ms. O. I. Baowv to Miss Msooa* daughter of Blohard W. Joyner, All of Atlanta, Q*. NO OABD8. doc 8-lt U«or|la State Lottery, tor the Benefit et the Orphans’ Home sad Free School. Combination No. S70. The following were the drawn num ber. December 2.1#M>: 86—87—1—63—14 —5J—4S—45—1—12—#4—75—28—S9 ideo »-dlt HOWARD k OO., Manager* Notes for December, Addressed to th« Ptoblo and DebUitated.—This is s trying seaso invalids, indeed, for ail who are not bloaaod with ro- bnat constitutions and iron frames. Gold has oome upon ns suddenly, sealing up the open pores, and sxalxxq nr as it were, any seeds of hat may have been lurking lu the system, bit which remained undeveloped so long as the waste matter of the body and all acid and unwholesome hu mors were freely discharged by evaporation from the Ngrfaee and through the bowels. A tonic, aperient and alterative medicine Is now nieded to invigorate the vital powers depressed by a low temperature; to stimulate and purify the secre tions, and to fit the body te endure, without inoon- venienoe, pain or danger, the sudden climatic change which ushers In the winter. The only preparation which will fully meet this al most universal need, and will thoroughly and safely pdrfprm the important work, is the leading tonic and alterative of the age, HOSTKTTSit’B STOMACH BIT- TIBS. This popular specific improves the appetite, invigor ates the digestive organs, regulates the flow of bile, enriches the blood, calms the nerves, relieves consti pation, promotes superficial circulation and evapora tion, and being composed solely of wholoeome vegeta ble elements, with a pure stimulant as their diffusive vehicle, may be taken by the weakest without fear.— The flavor is agreeable, for although the BITIBB8 are potent medicine, they oontaln no nauseating element dec 1-lw The Hair Coloring Preparation* Doom ed.—Beware of bottled dyes In the /ihape of silver hair dyes and sediment fluids. They are all pestiferous and dangerous. Phalon’a Vitalia or Salvation for the Hair, a perfectly pure, transparent, harmless and agreeable preparation, Is tho only agent that will change grey hair to its natural color without risk or a ay disgusting consequences. nov 3fi-eod8t SAWED SHINGLES and LATHS. FRAlQBOuid oaESSEO LUMBER. Nash. Doors, and Ullnds. TWO DAYM' NOTION}. LUMBER SAWED TO ORDER, no* ocit-lr GREAT SOUTHERN PASSENGER AND HAIL ROUTE TU ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, TO CHARLESTON. COLUMBIA, Charlotte, Ralolch, fflLHINOTON, WELD05, RICHMOND, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CENT8 PER POUND. /“10NNI0TI0W8 by this fine i Vj sure at all seasons. » meet certain and a this fin. we affable and oourte* NO BE BEAVT1PUL.-If yen desire beianty you ahonhl uaa Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It glvea a soft, refined, satin-like texture to tho plexlon, removes roughness, redness, blotches, sun burn, tan, he., and adds a tinge of pearly bloom to the plainest features. It brings the bloom of youth to the fading oheek and changes the rustio country girl into fashionable city belle. In the use of the Magnolia Halm lies the true secret besuty. No lady need complain of her complexion who will invest T5 cents in this delightful article. e Kathalron is tue best hair dressing In use. LUVURANK to CLARK, Attorney*.—4>f- Broad street, over Echols' Seed Store. Practice anywhere in the 8tato. United Statoe Supreme Court, and Superior Courts. Jy 20-dl y MASONIC—Atlanta Lodge, No. 50, meets every Seoond and Fourth Thursday night In each month. Fulton Lodge, No. 215, meets every First and Third Thursday night In each month. ML Zion Royal Arch Chapter, No. 10, meets every Second Monday in each month. W. H. TULLER, H. P. A. RoaumrsLD. Secretary. PEA.8E AND HIS WIFE. Irish Porter and Catawba Wiue for sale. deo24f My Fall and Winter Stock, selected by my self is now complete, and I invite all my lady frisnds and other* to oall and inspect my goods. They will find the latest styles at unusually low prices. Mils. Fbank, Decatur street, Opposite City Park. nov7-9m PEASE & H18 WIFE Are prepared to smooth the rutted minds of disappointed candidate*. deo2-tf For*.—A large aaeertment of Lady'* and Misses Fa is at prioe* to suit every one, at nov7-3m Mbs. Franks'. Memoranda Casks, with name, $1 00. All kind* Ruling and Binding. Wm. R. Hantjutrb, oct 28-tf Granite Block, Broad Street. Call and nee those beautiful Scotch Plaid* and Arabs, at Man. Frank’s. nov7-3m PEASE k HIS WIFE. The Goldon Crown, and Pnnoh Cigars. Try them, boys, try them. dec2-2tf Mrs. POWERS’ LANDS AT AUCTION. 0. G. HAMMOCK, Auctioneer. W ILL —11,1 U» Oil, Bril, Ml»nU, it 11 o'clock, on flr*t Tuesday, the 7th day of December, IMS, Mr*. Power*’ Laud*—-THREE FARMS- 680scree. These well known Farms, called the "PET1IR8* BURO PLACE,” (in Campbell county, Oa.,) are situat ed on the main Campbell tun road, S>« miles from Pal metto. Farm No. 1, 126 acres, partly booed, small improvement*, 12 sores fine bottom land. Farm No. 2. 262X sores, well improved, frame dwelling, carriage house, barn, stables, smoke-house, bo., and five aoree excellent bearing orchard. Farm No. 3, 202 % acres, small settlement, about 100 acres heavily timbered.— These farms are situated In a delightful Motion of Georgia—excellent neighborhood—good schools and churches, healthy, and adapted to the cult! ration of fruit*, oareels, sod cotton. The owner has purchased property in Atlanta, and these farms must absolutely l>e sold, under order of oourt, to pay for the same. Terms: Half oaah; balance in 00 day*. Capitalists, termers, and speculators generally, will do well to at- ■■■■ BELL A HAMMOCK, Real Estate Agents. Offlee first floor, next door to James’ Bank, v 21-d3tnov21-27bd*c7 Whitehall street. VARIETIES THEATER, (Decatur St., near corner Peachtree.) OI?E3V EVERY NIGHT, 50 Ota. iLdmlMlox qv o-lm rHAUGHT, ORMOND ft CO., IXPOBTKB8 OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IRON AND STEEL. DKA.LBB8 IK Guns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes, Chains, Ac. Also agents for the sale of Brlnlj’» UnirenuU Plonyhs, F«lrbankft’ Standard Scale*. Da Pont’* Rifle *nd UlastiuK Fonder, Old Do. inlalM Nall*, varied stock, embracing, in addition to the above, complete aeeortment of Builders* Hardware, Me chanics’ Tools, Anvils, Vioes, Bellows, Horse and Mule Rboes. Cotton and Wool Oards, Oi renter and Mill Saws, Leather and Rubber Belting. Nova Scotia Grind stones, Hollow Wi ' “ material of all ' Eluin Watch eh, Eloik, III.—I been Mlling this mako of watch for the ln*t four teen month*, 8o f«r they here gir.n elegant Hetiafaetion » e Railroad Witch. I wilt aoll them from thia date at the follow ing prices, with the eatne guarantee that any ona clue wUl give: let. Name R W. Raymond, fall jew- elod, Expaaeion Relenoe 150 OO 2d. Name Culver, fall jeweled, Steel Balance 30 00 34. Name H. Z. Culver, fall jeweled, Expansion Balance 85 00 4th. Name 1. T. Ryereon. aaven jewel! Steel Balenee 15 00 5th. Name O. It. Wheeler, eleven jew el*, Expansion Helsne. 22 60 Sth. Nam. Uat Inflen, eeven jewels. Expansion Bel.noe .,....,..,20 00 18 KL Gold Hunting Cenn, elegantly engraved, from ,M0 to 100 00 18 Kt. Gold Hunting Cue*, elegantly engnved, from..... *60to86 00 M KL Gold Hunting Ckxe*. elagxnUx engraved, tf<lt'...A. ,1451bTO 00 10 KL Gold Hunting Cm**. elagxcUy engraved, from *88 te 50 OO , , ] Stirling Silver Hooting Ocean, from *0 to if 00 Bontemplele. Thee, are the men./*riurer', priew. I wtU te be ne po-1 aelleny M the above named Wetehen it the** *ty y,T J 1 price*. Goo son Saxon, lx 1 oorT-dM Live Jewelry Store, OUente. fare, Rugcj. Carriage and Wagon kind*, such aa Hickory flpokes, BtdrSjySjfc'b£k Axlf** Oili>s, Bolts, totetoand Ba—selsd Lcatosr, Kaamel* Olotha. Oil All of ' and in 60 Whl thtooldvuad, TATE OF (MBOBOIA-OAWBOM OOUNTY-Whsre- QtAT Hiram Craua, dsosaaad, rsprsssnts to the Oourt in his pstMiou. duly filsd msA suterad on record, that he has Killy administered Hitum Cruas’s sstete; this te, thsre- fors. te rite all persons concerned to shew cause, if any the Joan, why said administrator should not he discharged from his administration, and reorive tetters ot d!emission on the first Monday in Deoember, 18**. Uto August the 2d, 1M». DANIEL FOWLER, aaglT-mfim prsfosfd W Haralson Sheriff Salea ILL be soM before the Osurt Hours door, tm the J tlfhi sore* r !*•%. Levied on es the property of Jemm W lo satisfy sJusttes Oourt fi lu teMed from th District, O. M., of Osrrell eouuty, lu feror o tap O. Ylosroy vs. midNewtoo N. BaHy tod Jam* W. fehOg, aueurity. This November llth. iSil. JOSEPH M. WaIdBOP*. uev 264ddpr*fiM$2 60 Osrcuer arid Aottf flh'C ippUaUten ter Dtralmloo. tioiou.axBxuoNoorornf.-wtemm, wm. T r. Waldrop, MflrinMreter of the mute o# lam WriXr-o. THnawta u Ik* Oewt to Ola petM-n. G CM «4-ntem* •* neer*. tOM he Inn MteS CHANCE OF CARS nmn We»t P*int, Go., and Wilmington,». C. QUICK TIMS and SURE CONNECTIONS, TIA Geor,l* Hnllrond <*» perekM* THROUGH TICXHTS end Baggage Checked Through From New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Columbus and Atlanta, to Richmond, Baltimore. Wash ington, Philadelphia, and New York, By Four Different Routes via Angnsta, Via Kingsville, and Wilmington; via Columbia, Char lotte, and Raleigh; via Ooinmbla. DauvlUe and via Atlanta, Augnsta. (ton and Bay Line. FAKE AS LOW BY AUGUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. PUIiIiKAN'B FAUCI SLUFIN0 OARS on ALL NIGHT TRAINS LEAVING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. PM—M-ri wish Inf to go ICorth by Bex wiU and •plandld ltn- ol srBXMBBIPS from Chtrlraion, S, C. to Baltimore, PhUodripblx. Bo-ton, and lt-w York. THZ CHXRLBSTON STKXK9BIP8 off.r -vary In- duoamantto paaaanaara, witk tablaa aappUad wltb ovary larory tha Hortbaro and Obarlaatou markata can afford, and tor Safely, Speed, and Comfort, UNRIVALLED ON THU COAST. r. m. i C A S D y W- ». OKiaOLM JACK A CO., T 0 Y S nnufnoturero o ( S T BEHOLD ! WE COME ! l “THE LIVE DRUG STORE” Still on the track with renewed speed, and the largest stock of goods ever beforejarrived. REDWINE FOX 0ALL apooial altantion to tbalr UBAW aupply of WHITE LEAD^of aU tradMSOU tkokj of FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Is Uneiiualed in the Houth. OCR KflPBOIAL IMPORTATION of Tooth Urushea, Combs, Hair brushes. Toilet Goods. lParf amena# Iko.. ivpass any aver offered In this market. ’ * We aro offering]luduoem6nt« to dealers, in our CORNER OF ALABAMA AND WHITEHALL STREETS, ATLANTA GEORGIA JOHN KEEL.1T, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRYGOODS R EfiPfiOTFULLY sails the attention of the public to the faet that hs has now on hand, a wall selected whlah has been purchased since the rsoont decline, AND WILL BE OFFERED EXCEEDINGLY LOW. i solicited towards CHBAPt Black anti Brawn (English) Waterproof Cloth*. All Colon In Ladies’ Cloths (all wool.) Every Color In “GUbert’s” Opera Flannels. 10-4 Blankets, Beantifnl Quality, (exceedingly cheap.) Lancaster and Marseilles Quilts. ■’ AOBOIOBLOTOr Irish Linens, Diapers, Towels, Table Linens, Napkins, IFOylies, Eto., Etc. A large lot of Dress Goods, 50 cents a yard—worth 90, Balmoral Skirts $1 25 to $1 50, Excellent Quality, Oheoked and Figured Flannels, in Great Variety, A Well-AsBorted Stock of Oassimeres, Eto. Df SHORT, everything required to oonstltute a complete, and wsD-assortsd stook, ^Ina^c^N^of which i Cormur WIUtuHshU asd Hitter ■ trusts. ATLANTA SEGAR MANUFACTORY ! Through Tickets & ntgsussryr. West Poia i Sale at t* sand AUaate, NHW YORK VIA OHAKUMTON BTKAMffHIPfl. J. A* ROBERT, - — Gaawal Ticket agent, Georgia Railroad, ff. K* JOHN BOH, Sapsrlatsndent, Augusts. Q. T. ANDRRIOR, Agent, Atlauta ssp 114m THE POPULAR PA88ENGER ROUTE The South and New York PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, EASTEUN CITIES TU Waatera rite ALtlamtlo AID VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ALL RAIL ROUTE. T1MK TAULB, AVGUST 15'1'Kl, FORTH: Leave AUanta Leave Dalton Leave Knoxville.. »Bristol Arrive at Few York.. 2 Max 11 11 a m uve Mew York lave Alexandria ste Lynchburg Laava KucxvlUe.. Time Between Atlanta and New York 66 Bonn lSDfinutea pp- The 0 It MAT MAIL brimnn Atlanta and Stu Fork It carrird mdutiuly by Mix Lin*. Sleeping CnMhen m nil Night Trains. Through Ticket® GOOD UNTIL USED,) AMD Baggage Checked Through TO ALL IMFOBXAFT FOOTES. ■* W. WFSiniytoMM Ytekte A iKMl, MUrisr TtamunrteMm W. ft A. fi. B. aSSSSfiSKSBR . D. WOOD*. Oadiuary. Frtutsr*slM |4M nHB BUB80BIBKR ■ fit* Mil Mli Of A Manta, and eurroundlag country, that he will. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, Sell out his entire stook at a redtoed price, by gths WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, 200,000 Segsrs, price *12 001« $80 00 per Thensnsd, Tobacco Pancake Ralls, Bright NaTy, Stenawsll Twist, W. Brawn’s Bright Poamd, 1(0 tan ripen, fr*m $t per hnndred to *4 « piece. Oall soon, or you will loss a bargain. All oash ordtrtpromptly attended to by JOHN FICKEN, >*t M4te We. 11 Fuaklm Street, eppealte Wetloael Hetel. IPLEA8E READ THE NAMES ATTACHED TO THI8 TESTIMONIAL. -A.’EGA. NT A.. OA, September let. 1800. OfiMi A. H. OOLODITT, Vies Prsaldent Southsrn Lila Inauraace Company. MAJ. J. B. MORGAN, Special Agent Jttaa Insurance Company. W. T. PHILLIPS, Phillips A Grew. OAPT. J. MOBRISOF, McFaught, Ormond A Oo. J. O. BRUOKFFB, Atlsuta, On. MM. fi. 8. OVfiKBT, Atlanta, Oa. OOL. fi. F. MADDOX, Tobacco Marohaut, A Manta, 0% J. M. fiOKN. JK., Coal Merchant, Atlanta, Oa. JOHM H. Fl.YMM, State B. fi. toon, Atlanta Oa. MELfiON J. DOOlalTTLB, Conductor State R. B.« JOHM A. DOAMK. Atlanta, Oa. ptetemnorimsintsf thul*" ** AllMto ,or »b>va Wsrhs,”and kesp eonanafiy ea hmtd a com COOKING iANP HEATING 'STOVES, wiuop nuu, auousis in urrati. ai FAUTOHV 1* H*X C E M,| leatriMW *w etete effiUoaae r.r.labia* Ox.84 ’ • UUESTIS & HOPE, Marfchsau’w Empire Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Oa. WHOXiEIBAIa: DBPAHT M HNT, and ask an examination of our stock before purchasing elsewhere. REDWINE & POX, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, Atlanta, Georgia. T.A. CHASTAIN. CHASTAIN & FOX, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS, INO. 4, GRANITE BLOCK; BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards, 1-4 Marble and Full Marble, Book-Oases, Wardrobes, Hat Hacks, Washstands, Etc., Plain and Marble Top. r lu tho city at ouo time, all of which wo offer'at Wholesale Factory Prices in Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. Mow is your time to buy cheap and good bargain*. bought here. Dealers will do well to examine our stoc „ .. .. tail on. Ladies especially are invltodto^all and oxamino this stock. Don’t forget the place. , GRANITE BROOK, BROAD STR3Q13T. The Largest Lot ol Chairs that i M. O. MARKHAM. BOOTS -A. 1ST ID SHOES SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS, &C., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it toitheir advantage to examine my stook, as it is XjUD OTBD WITH G n EAT OAHU, And purchased exclusively for CASH, From th© Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. t’* 1801 M. O. MARKHAM. I. L. BA.LK & CO. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS » NEW SYSTEM ! rpHF undersigned take great pleasure In informing the clUaens of Atlanta, and Hurronudlng country, that they A have opened In the large and commodious store, formerly occupied by J. H. White k Oo., next door to Meador a Bros.. Whitehall street,'where we iutend to keep permanently ono of tho largoet stooks of READY-MADE CLOTHING, fCA.T» and OBNT8’ FTTRlVISIIIRra GOODS SVBB DROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. From our continued connootlon for the past thirty yesrs with the mannfsclure of ci.xthing, especially adapted for the Southern market, and the many facilities and advantages we enjoy In New York city, where, exclusively, we manufacture our goods, we are enabled to offer yon our entire stock, which comprises all kinds ot superior goods at vary low price*. rVI 1 **" h * v ® bot OaTB PRICE and will sell onrgood* for CA8H ONLY. This will Insnrs dealing to alL Fisas* call and examine onr good* before purchasing elsewhere. aafseterr 44 Marrsy fit., IV* Y., Here In Vavsnssh, Qs.,No, 14d ( ongrcn fit., sag 44 fit. Jnllaa fit.. Iter* In Hlamrleston, M. C. t 197 Meeting nari .W3 King Btreot. '■ L F fo LK W,lSP.^ asp 144m PETRO OIL JOHN KEROSENE OIL T. HAGAN to.FOW FKKPARfiD^TO OFFKB TO TUE TRADK AMY QUANTITY OF THX CELEBRATED PETRO OIL (and the best quality Of J. 0. JONBT ’fio-OnUsd” NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL. I DtoT OOKFBTITION in LAMP OILS bring as cheap or cheaper than any boose eon th of'Baltimore. j also fesep a good steek ef Lamps, Burners, Ohimneys, Wioks, Shades, in foot evorytliinglpertainine to 9W I-*, axahuXva atfaM 1* tbl*attj tor Dr. Darrah'x VaaW -ittertw ** akterear. vad Mril* *M a panriU o( aaoka. r **» Um. txw^u o, m* rite tea m o OU I KNOW U n* »mcr -aspertor to any yet offered to tin ps*. oot giving mttefhriML «« be Mm hnsk »Bornere most be trimmed ebon every ten day*, and *1 ne lime The Ptero OO I KNOW to not explorive. »pd wUl give tte to any 0P8 who will snntods ta. —-«1 j lksM8|ri8M|ri tom any vessel may he sxplotted or bureted withstesm from water. £?!!*£**? ?"1 fsperiteayInvited to eenrtthslr ordsnfor ritber of the above ells sr any* “f » tee Ump tins, te JOBIV T. RaSu, *4* *4 ** Bad nag, Attrote,