Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 18, 1869, Image 2

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P5i ; n»wk *0* toting teem ,rf Emory Collage will ba opm»4 on the 19tlt of Jeauary. ,aatwadasaaC"’- In Albany, On., a vary aatMMtafT mnj. ^maa* prevail, by white ya« <an*H Iwo^Uin «*n of WOOfor opproptMloa to aaob asm- piny. lia ftamrevltt* QuoMa team* that * mu of Boawell Stephana, £q., at Upaoa aoioty, fail Area a high fate. . nil of which toll aaraaa and inland him ao badly that ha Olroolt -TbaHrnate ia < auecabt*. Tha Pamooraia will r*u*)n to a4Joaramaat WdflUer.—Th# to* moon Waa Taltapooaa Oinalt. 10 •• Atlanta Oiraaii » " BomeOireoit 0 " Ctreroka. Oireatt <1 “ Bio. Enid* Olroolt II •• Circuit • •• Northern I Hlddla Oirauit U " Oomolga* Circuit 10 “ Baatern Circuit. 4 " Btnnawkh Oirauit 0 •• Pnoaiona 17, 1069. Tha Court mat purauaut to aiUoornmani. bm^M ‘ ste Patauln Citcuit-Shaw Ireroauy, irom Ban- ooucludad. Maaara. call It, from pnrant thati o paming tha i aa they cold ■ loading good*. I dacnaat lor Tba foreign Committal ot lha Bonn port nad tha Cuban qaaaUon UU attar the boti- Kail Deoemb-r IT. -In tha Oorpe ot Dap. utiaa, Eitanealiu expraaaad hoaaaga for tlao Orlaaaa Prlnoan and ragrattad their ooutluaad banltemaok Panada protaatad. Kateaaa- liu raapondaS but waa cailad to order. Naur loan, Deoember 17—Jt apacial to th* Herald aayc that the ioaurgaata have re-ooeu* Kapha, aad are in toaea tot tha noighbot- bnyloS . nateck.. m in an Paw Teak it pea aaat dlacooat i aelllna Opr. Cotton.—Baoalpta to-day warn good- about 140 bate*. Market opened briak at SIS*, and oloaad qaiat at 291 to Ml; L 99, Good Ordinary Olo. Va Avguinaol iu No. 4, n. tha State-81 atpia STtSe-SKSUM » in attor, and A. Eood, E*q., for defondant in ■ ware el eel ad Alderman: Joreph Samuel MfiOomb. £. Trice, J. W, , P. Taylor, and Henry Tamptea. No. 0. Pateula Cironlt—Ailiaoo, Troataa, fa. Alliaon A Atkina—Equity, from Randolph, waa diamiaaad for now compliance with tba 10th Bala ottbia Court No. A, Paten la Circuit--Atwell, executor, va. Hra. Holliman—Do war, from Quitman, n weak aince, aaje tba Amertcna He- . aa nc«d mao, a reaiflvut of Lm county, came to Amariona, with $500 ia bit ~t . „ i . „i^„ti(r ie l Hit money - ._ I WW _ _ money waa alao gone. He died two dajra atnoc. It la involved in mya- tery. Tha OarterwiUa Expraaa anooaragiugly aaya: If oar place continuaa to grow tor tha next year, aa it baa tela, wa abal! gat op to tba dignity of a village, inetted, of a ‘'Ra tion on the W. A A. B. B.“ Wa notice Save ua from inch an ioflta- dubbad oitiaa 1 lion I Tha Marietta Journal aaya: Wo are to be able to pen .tha gratifying Intel that our failow-oitlxen. llenry It. C even St in hit deep interval lor the proaparity of Marietta, to deed to the Trustees of the Marietta Female College 46,000. in the pro- petty of the once flourishing and popular Marietta Hotel, but now in rut at, with the material on it, of which them ia enough brick to build, no doubt, tba prospective College edifice. Mr. Colo reserves in the deed only •1,000, thus making a donation of 45,000 to tba College. Tha Savannah Advertiser of Thursday aaya: The brig Carrie Bertha,'Captain Soule, wan cleared tor Liverpool yesterday by J. H. Orey- bill, with a cargo of 1,997 bates upland cot ton, weighing 579,619 poaoila, and vetoed at 4937,098 60. John HTOardoer A Co., also clewed the bark Wentworth, Ouptnin Bent, for Havre, with a cargo of 1,654 balsa upland cotton, weighing 750,155 pounds, vetoed at 4901,047 79; and 990 bald saa inland cotton, waigbing 69,044 pounds, and valued at 436,- 738. At the annual election foroSocre of Augusta Chapter No. 9. Pv A-.- M-.\ tha following companions were duly elected and installed for the anauiug yew: Wa. A. Rich, M\ • Ex\ • High Priest; Wm. J. Pollard, Ex-. • Xing ; Augustus B. Blalock, Ex-.-Scribe; Wm. J. Goodrich, 0-- H-.-; John Pendleton. P-.- 8-.-; Jama# L. Gow, B-.• A-.A O. Small, Mv 3d V-.-; CharlesS. Bradford, M-.- 9d V-.- ; P-.- H-.- P-.- Christopher F. Lewis. M-.- 1st V-. • ; John T. Cox, Treasurer; P-.- H-.- P-.- Benjamiu B. Kuraall. Seorelary ; John E. Navy, Sautinel. Tba New York Herald of Iba 12th contains the following dispatch: -Liverpool, Dee. 11, 1869. The American chip Crescent City, CapL Colefleld, which left Savannah, Ga, rot this port on the 30tb of October, laden with ooi- ton, sprung a leak at ee« and wan abandoned, •: tur 1m No. 7, Pateula Olreolt—Cook, exeoutor, va Rutherford-Comp aint, from Qattmaa, waa withdrawn. No. 8. Poalftlo Oiroaii—King ra. Tb« 8Ute- Big»aiy, irom Webster, wm argued bj W. ▲. Bewklne, for plaintiff iu error, end by Col. A. Hood, for defendant in error. No. 0, Pateula Oirooit—Birrine th. Griffin Motion to set aeide a Judgment, from Web- •ter, wee argued by N. A. omitb, for plaintiff in error, and by W. A. Hawkins, for defendant in error, No, 10, Pateula Circuit— Grubb*, adm’r. ?•. MeUiauu—EauHy, from Webstor 4 was argued by N J. Hammond, repreaeniing 0. B. Wooten, for plaintiff in error, and by W. A. Hawkins, for defendant in srrror. On eooolusion of the argument in the oese l&et stated, tha Court adjourned till 10 o’oioek a. u. to-morrow. MUccUsbmu. The New fork Hot*?l is to be sold at auo- lion. An Englishman wishes to know if the chil< dren of Ham wars Hamerioans. Harvard has now, for the first time in sev eral years, more undergraduates than Yale. Yale 618, Harvard 663. The Newporters are luxuriating iu the tumps. Every second man, woman or ohild said to have his or her fsoe tied up in a handkerchief. A Urge quantity of arms were shipped on Saturday from the Fenian headquarters in New York. The destination was not known. A little boy having broken his rocking home the day it was bought, his mother be gan to soold, when he ailenced her by inquir ing: "What’s the good of a horse until it’s broke P’ Loose cattle about the railroad station in Houston, Texas, eat more cotton than their boada are worth. A few days ago a number of bales of ootton were eaten perfectly hol low. falmaseda writes that hs most bars reip- Mnasuls. One-third ot hit men are siek. The Marino infantry loet thirty-two men from Vomito in on* day. Bomx, Deoember 17.—The Cooaeil has so far failed to frame the oomssUeion to regulate the relations between Chnreh sod Slate. “ uneasiness regarding the Pope's health. ; NIGHT DI8PATGHE8. WamtimTon, Deoember 17.—Bevenue to day •388,000. The 8tar says Stanton aaooeeds Grier. General Sherman endorses a report of outrages upon tha Indiana : That a citiseu may murder an Indian with impunity, bat if ths Indian retaliate, war results and ths United States must bear the expanse. The President nominated Amos T. Aker- aa, Attorney General for Georgia, and S. W. Wither, Oirouit Judge for the 6th Judiciary Circuit, vice Yeatnaa withdrawn. Sxiiatm--Without any action on the oable bill, the Georgia bill wee resumed, and on motion of Mr. Williams, the adoption of the 14th amendment was stricken from Mr. Mor ion's amendment, so that the adoption of ths 16th amendment ia now the only prerequisite. Meaars. Ferry, Edmunds and Oonkling •poke in opposition to ths amendment. The Senate still in session, sod will probably oon* tinue so until ths bill U disposed of. Luxdon, Deoember 17.—The rumored dos ing of Suez Canal for new exosvations is au thoritatively denied. Latest Mall Mates, Iodement weather in California makes trade on usually dull. Wm. Aikmao, one of the defenders of Bal timore in 1814, died laat week. Fears are entertained of the breaking out of a revolution io Portugal. The new poetage stamps are to be one-third Low middling AmBm*—Ws quote at $4 60 to 6 00 per barraTesd Weston us high as 87 00. Md Ihwt-Bnying at $1 10 per dwt The prioes vary according to tbe mines from which it is taken. Vills Bios is worth fl 18 osr dwt., sod Lumpkin county mines vary from $1 00 to 119 per dwt. MutWT—Market doll in Goeben and Wee- taro Beserve. Tennessee and Virginia quoted at 96 to 36c per tb. Th# quality varies grsstly. Good ooontry butter sells readily at S3 to 40c. Bacon-Not much doing in baooo. We n i o. sides st 2l4o; c. r. sides and shoal- 17. Bulk Metis—The market is wall supplied with bulk masts. O. sides are quoted at 16k. o. r. sides 18 and shoulders at 141 to 160, for meat 60 daye in salt. Meats 96 to 30 days in salt, for shoulders 14o; 0. r. sides 17401 «• •ides 18o. Burrisf—Stock equal to tbe demand.— Quoted at 96 to 8O0. Bale Hope—Quoted at 74 to 9c.. Com—A full supply Demand good. Prioes unehsnged. We quote prime White new $1 30 to 1 36; uo old in market Cora Meal—Demand dull. There ie s good apply on hand. We quote it at $1 36 to 1 40 Cheese—Stock fair. Demand good. Quo* ted at 21 to 93ko. Coffee—Demand good. We quote Java 36 to 37|o; Bio 90 to 954o, according to quality. Cotton Ynrne—Demand fair at 32 00. Dried Fruit—Peaohes, rough 64 to 60. Pealed 12 to 16o. Eggs—Scarce and *high. We quote at ftOoper dor Flour—The Stock of flour ie very flue and embraoes a great variety of grades and prioes. Demand small. W e quote super 36 00 to 8 60 per bbL Extra 37 00. Family $7 26 to 8 00, and Fanoy $8 00 to 8 76. Hogs—The market for hogs has fairly open' ed, and tbe peokiug business oommenoed. “ quote st 11 gross 134 n®t. ... . ■* ■* —^ >iy. It T*tfc4rw»i44f Swrcifil narSMai noted rfastlv. - finite, and NNiAcaSlos^iBiay 9a ante a* ww #ao LA- tuWftiUbeal Okie* MsfioAvr cranniu tbs* ■ OhriateusTrate (or ttu r w 10 Jotetelrol Sna»Ji£ l oro ferula, a baaoWd lalof Oaten £*toajp»; ffnyanroto., P “ r,K " ** ho U-ti* M. E. KENNY’S New Ale Depot, ■TO. 14 PRIVA UTHKKT. K unity te 9TATE AQ6HT far tea Oalabnted OLD WICKLIFFE. Ohloanto Al1«. K BMMT U agent for LOW DOB ROYAL NECTAR Oil. TOM OUST. not be excelled m OO AND SEE KENNY, AT HmmwlTlMD, 0* HEYNOLDH’ TURBINS WATER WHEELS. oth neighbor that "he bad given bis hogi euopgh fodder to last till be came back, if they were prudent of it” larger than the present The mother of Mrs. E. D. E. N. South worth was buried in Wsshingtmi on Saturday. A bill to encourage immigration has been introduced in the Kentucky Legislature. A fund is being raised in New York to de fray the expenses of McFarland's defence. February 8th has been deoided upon for the day of the session of the British Parliament. Mr. John D. Hughes' barn in Mecklenburg, with 3,000 pounds of tobacco, was destroyed a few nights ago. Governor Scott, of South Carolina, stands e good ebanoe of representing that State in tbe Senate. John Baseell Young, late of the Tribune, has been offered a position on a Kadioal paper in Montgomery, Ala., salary, 310,000. It is reported that a Vigilance Committee has v York, to be called tbe E E8ITUBB1MJ MmMMMM* sIta th* grvaUat •oamomy o< «*«•*, seaple# Huy—A fail- demand and good supply. It other iTheSaTbeee^Anrtcb TurM»!il*oont?Da«^toper. Quoted at $36 00 to 38 00 per ton for Tim- term their Lahore with little Interruption from floods *• or drouth*. Ia moat locations no fli a lane expense. MJE I , MW&onee. BoUIng Olotbe, Mkehtaery ter drlvlnf rolling. Ootton an# Woolen Mill*, ell of flret-clxae, rap. piled to any amount end at reeeoneMe prtoee. IUns- treted pamphlet eeftt free On application. Addrees, OxOHOE TALLOOT, dec lT-tin If. O. Box 11W, M libertyet.. 5. T. FLOUR PROPOSALS. ion, apron# a mu at wa «m m* abandoned, ■ Tha swell umi in aencioua •a it waa evident obaronM riot be kept xfloaL" anffoauioo, like on. singing a sweet Bong awaj In delicious Thongb very briel, aaya the Savannah Ad- Tartiser, it rrrcta tha flrat tmpreaaion whioh prevailed here that the accident waa attributed to fire. W. shall await with interest farther particular and details ot tbe disaster. The "Creeot-ot City" waa looked opon as one of the ateuncUeai veeeela entering our port About II ». u., yesterday, aaya tha Sevan, nah Advertiser ot Saturday, a young man nauned Henry Jonee, while at work at the drill pries in the foundry of a W. Gleason, by some means caught hie clothing in tha machinery und waa quickly whirled njH.ii th. revolving belting to the ceiliog of the room, when the engine was .topped aud he was rescued Irom his perilous eitoatiou, not moment too aooo, aa another revolution of the wheel must have ceased hie death. His juries were of a terrible and painful charac ter, the right side aud arm being bruised and torn, tbe latter fractured in two places. Tbe foil extent of hia injuries could not be ascer tained. He was quickly removed to hia boarding bouse, corner of State and Jefferson street*, where his wounds were dreeeed by Dr. W. B Waring. Mr. Jonas is unmarried, and about nineteen years of age. Washington Fact aad Uontp George H. Boiler ia iu Washington looking after his oonArmation as Conan I. It appears that Senator Chandler Is making some oppo sition to his ooofimation. The New York Son learns from Washington that the Spanish Government have organised a large and powerful lobby to operate upon Congress thia winter and prevent any legisla tion favorable to the struggling patriots of Cuba. The prog rate on tbe Census bill in the House is very alow. It i, expected that a vote will be had on tbe propoeition to increase the number of Representatives to 300. It will meet with lively opposition, bat tbe opinion prevails that it will paae. Great objection to tha bill has bean developed among Senators, especially with regard to the increaeed Rep- reaentaUon proposition, and it is fesrad the Senate will delay the hill and adjonrn over without passing upon it. In inch aa event the bill will be^ irrevocably lost aa by law tha Garuns will bavs to ba takan nndar the pro visions of the sot of Congress* passed in 1850. Tba frisnds of inflation seem not ba dia- eooragad at the vola of tha House on Saturday by which IngeraoU's bill to issue 144,000,000 additional currency was referred to tha Com mittee on Banking and Currency, although a majority of that comlhitiea fra oa raoord again.l any further inflation. They thought tha bill would hare bad a better chance of a favorable report had it gone to tha Waya and Means Committee, bat should ibs satl-nfl.- attempt lo smother It in committee and maha no report, they claim Ibay eon oarry a majority of tba Hones in compelling the committee to make a report, so that Iba qnee- tion may ba debated in open hon.e, Ingereoll is determined to push tba matter, and after waitiofl a reasonable Uma for a report from General Garfield's committee, should ll fail to oome, ba will ask iba House lo call lot a re port. Tba Ttlbuoe'a Washington special say, the trouble rage,ding Iba Circuit Judges Is deepening, and tha present iodioattona are that unites some of tbelr names are withdrawn from the Senate by the President they will be rejected. Tbe opposition Is mostly confined to thraa, six : George H. Yeoman, of tba OMe Circuit; George A. Pram, for iba Maryland Ctrenlt, aad Wm. MeKeniun, for the Penn sylvania Circuit, aud la developing with great vigor. Tba most objectionable of ibe nominees ia Teaman, and the burden of tha against him ie that be Is uot In toll eocorduios with tbe Republican party. Tha objeettoue to McXeunan are that ba ia Incompetent. Penns Is opposed ou several acoohute, aad it ia rumored that bis record ia not qaita aslte- tocterj In regard to tome Interoaf Roveone matters in his diotriet It appears that V tame number of Bfufliora are dusotiafisd with tbe nomine** iu thsir diotiiaio, because their awn reocommaodationa sad threw of lb* Represented re* wars wholly disregarded. Two tsau war* playing card* fbr a shot gnn , whan on* got angry end In Lotbfopa, Mo., wbau on# got angry und sabring the gnn, ha presented It within a few toot of Wa oppoaent, and discharged il, kill, lag him instantly. A prominent lawyer and poUtimaa of Philn. deipnia, noted for hie aaceaaalnj^voohvttte* during the war, and >1 one time btolster to China from** Polledfitubas. baa, It t*report- AsssssKsssa"^ Jxg&TJiaagsmis fcsSstr aawsc under the bedclothes. 1 The jury in the case of Mary Walton rs. Wiihor F. Story, editor of the Chicago Times, for libel, gave a verdict of 33,820. A new trial was granted, without argument. The other day an impudent rat ran beneath a Fort Wayne lady's skirts, and climbed op. She lay down upon the floor in strong con vulsion, rolled upon tbe rat and killed it The dpiiniah gunboats are not quite t pleted, bat work ou them ia being pushed with great rapidity, and eighteen of the ▼esauis will proceed to Cuba in a abort time. A Philadelphia paper says that the Gar* illy think that Dr. Paul 8cbo#ppe to submit bis thorax to the twist of a three-yard length of inspected clothes ho#." Syracuse, N. Y., ia to have a grand barbe- cne on Christmas day, for the poor of the city. A fine large ateer ia to be killed, and a apit erected where the ox ia to be roaatrd whole, and there difftriboted to the poor, together with five thouHAnd loaves of bread. A Canadian pontmaaUr had a keg of dam aged powder, and one night thought be would we if it waa good for anything by throwing a lnrnp into the Are. The lamp jumped back into the keg. and the building waa without a roof in a very abort time. It ia rumored that a vigilance committee baa been organized in New York, styled the ‘‘Law and Order Regulator*,” with tbe objeot of axecuting summary justice on ronghs who escape punishment through political influence. It ia said certain Judges and looal authorities are to ba inelnded in its proposed notion. A meeting of physicians, chemists and jo- rinta, held in Washington on Saturday, re solved that no evidence ol a scientific charac ter was presented on tbe trial of Schoeppe which proved that Mias ftteinecke died from the effects of prussio acid or other poison, and that the aggregate of the evidence points to a natural death. The maddest man in Indiana Uvea at Pa* toka. He told hia wife he waa going down cellar to oonoinit suicide, and did go down stairs and fire a broadside into the pork bar rel. Hia wife kept right on knitting, and after a while the man came up stair* swearing that tbe womau hadn't got any feeling. It was found neocssary to subdue tha ele phant Borneo, at Covington, Ind., last week. To accomplish thia he waa thrown down and lie leg* fettered, and then for eight hours he was belabored with stout iron rods, and wounded with tbe spear innumerable times. When released from his bonds he rote to hia feet iu a very scriy plight, and, aa his keeper ■aid, a child could drive him with a rye straw. A woman in Graud Traverse oounty,.Michi gan, told her hosbnnd, who oame in and found her giving the child something io eat from a piste, fctiat •• tba liUla soul would be io Heaven in ten minutes, and she would not live a great while,” at th# same time eating some Of tbe preparation herself. It proved to be strychnine. The bnaband ran to a neigh bor for help, and when he came back tho ohild wal dead. A clergyman was once endeavorii •obaoriptiou in aid of some obaritabl _ _ out of a close-fisted parishioner, who attempt ed to excuse himself on tbe ground that he already owed a great deal ot money. "Bat, Mid the minister, "yon owe God a larger debt than yott do auy one elae.” n That ia •o, but then ha ain’t pushing me Uke the bal ance of my eroditcra. " In Madison, Connecticut, domestic infelic ity baa Manmed achronio type, several parties having been divorced during the pest year. On* ample who had married in early life and rattedsiWg* family of children, discovered ooa night, that their temperaments were dif ferent, and soon after the wife left her lord, returned to the home of her childhood, and procured a divorce. The hasbaad then mar- ri*d avvemao, fat .06 forty, who had turret! bean dlvoroad. Thing, went woll till tba noruinf of tba aaoona daj, when tbs wife fltova her husband from the house, and be ie Row again trying for a ditorca. been organized in New 'Law and Order Regulators.” A large number of arnoe were shipped from he Fenian Headquarters in New York on tnrday. Destination unknown. Tbe Nova Scotia papers My that the Preai* dent’s message destroys all hope or reciprocity and makes annexation desirable. The reference of IngeraoU’s bill to the Bauking Committee ia considered a victory for those who are in favor a contraction, The citizens of Washington are endeavor ing to effect a compromise between that cor- aration and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ompany. Ten or twelve Lake Superior oopper com paniea have been indioted. for iaaoini stamped checks to tho amount of mouth. Tba Otareflo board °< Ipobllo worm 43,009,000 lost year. Arisen* edriore stats that the Indiana are satire and hot* captured a bard of Govern ment oalllc near Apech* part. The public school, ia Suarte, JIL, bar* barn closed aa aoooant of lbs prevalence ol tha steal 1-pox. Ths Sou Francisco Figaro rev* tba fast Ufa of Utetaitr la to b* preferred to "lb* Ooo- uaUoul style of .Uynatto* »hroo*h Ufa and forgetting who you >M before you are dred *' The California and Oregon Railroad la b«- Ug laid el th* rate of a ante a day. After reorelng lb* 00mplated Pretear Hirer bridge fM will run forty mite. In a direct line toward °, r ? r “jy? 0 *' Ut *' l>tao covered with rirta Tblrtyrelireof ib. road willb. 1 by Ik* lot of Janaary. Father Hyacintbe nailed for Faria on Satur day in tba steamship Periere. Another miner, named Edward V. Hardy, 79 years old and worth 460,000, died in New York last Hon. G. Upham died at hia resldonoe at Concord, N. H., aged 08. He graduated in Dartmouth, in 1890. Horace S. Taylor, of Boston, a wall known shipmaster, waa crushed to death by falling between a ferryboat and tba pier. Mia, Lizzie Boynton,‘of Indiana, apnoaoces heraelf for Congress. Bbe has bine eyes, abort hair, a prominent note—and nek ebeek 1 Rev, G. B. Frothlngham, who officiated at tha Bicbavdaon McFarland marriage, deliver- sermon on "Tbe Foee ot Society," among which be inelnded editors end inter viewers. M'lle Seeei, tbe new soprano, who baa been ao mnoh preiood for tbe bosnty of her hair, baa been engaged lor tbe Royal Italian Opart in London, at t ulary ot £400 a month. Peter TaflJe, a well-known ataok dealer of Whitehall, 111., baa failed and suddenly dis appeared, leaving an indebtedness of upward of $60,000 behind him. Hia creditor, are In pursuit of tbe fugitive. Vinnie Ream baa been sbaklog her ourls at ore, and the impressible young man baa made a sketch of nia "Joditb" for bar, and rent it with a pretty note calling himself ber "affectionate colleague." Clapp, the Government printer, oballenge* a minute examination Into tba manner in whioh be has conducted the affair, of the Government Printing Office. An anooymoue pamphlet has been olroulated to bis prejudice. A Mrs. Blair, of Boston, ia oreaiing quite a sensation at Stafford in painting piotnree in water oolora while blindfolded. She shale freely while engaged in her work, and readily detec la any removal or exobanga of tbe diebee containing th* prepared oolora. Among tbe deaths lg the vioinlty of Provi- denoe within a day or two are Amass Martin, aged 74 yearn, for a half a oentury a landing Providence merchant; Rev, Dr. George Taft, aged 78, for forty year, rector of St Paul's Church, Pawtucket, R I,, and Dr. Johnson JoloRM* and Syrups —blocks equal to tbe ' demand. Qualities very various. We quote its figures ranging from 60 to90e, though some are held aa high aa 3LI6 per gallon. Data—A good demand for oats exists.— Supply light. They are quoted at 80. Holoofl—Onions readily bring from $4 60 to5 00perbbl. Offal—Bran is worth 31 60; ship staff $1 75 to 2 00. It it in good demand. Potatoes—Good Irish potato©* are in de mand at $3 00 to 3 60. lye—Demand fair. Stock moderate. Quo ted at 31 40 to 1 50. 8ugar—Brings irom 13 to 19o according to quality. We quote refined A18 to 184; d°- B I7| to 18; do. 0 164 to 17; yellow 16 to 16*. Wheat—We find a wide range in wheat. W# quote il at 31 46 to 1 70 for primo red to prime white. 8took light. Small demand. — Prime white eells readily at 31 60. Tobacco-Unsoundpounds..... Common sound pounds 60 to 66c Medium pounds 70 to 75c Fine pounds 80 to $1 Extra fine ponnds $1 95 Liquors—Market active. Dealers are sell ing largely and prices keep up welL Brandy^ Fr 37 00 to 12 00 American 1 50 to 9 00 Peach 3 00 to 4 00 Apple * 3 00 to 4 00 Gin, Holland 4 00 to 6 00 Amerioan 1 50 to 2 00 Rum. Jamaica 4 00 to 8 00 Amerioan 1 50 to 2 00 Whisky—Corn-Country 1 60 to 2 00 Rectified, do 1 15 to 1 40 Rye, do 1 26 to 5 00 Robertson, do 1 60 to 3' Bourbon, do 1 25 to 5 00 Wine-Maderia 2 75 to 4 60 Hherry * 2 60 to 6 00 Port 2 60 to 6 00 N E. Rum 1 75 to 2 25 Telegraphic Market Reports. Nxw Oumunb, December 17.—Receipts to day 6,840 bales; exports ooastwiee 1,020; re- ptsforthe week, net, 36,283; gross 37,- I; exports to Liverpool 10,264; to Havre 8,001; to Bremen 3,886; to Vera Oruz 839; to Malaga 900; to Baroolona 2,234; to New York 1,662; atoek on hand 123,801. MobIlb, Deo. 19.—Cotton—Receipts for the week 16,428 bales; exports for the week toGreat Britain 3,806 bales, other foreign porta 2,392 bales; ooastwiae 4,107 bales; stock 57,088, of whioh 20,808 balaa are on shipboard; Hales of ) bales; to-day 3,000 bales, and firm; middling 24 oenta; receipts 37 bales; ex ports 2,210 bales. BaLTiMOU, Deoembor 17.—Cotton steady at 25c. Floor dull and steady. Wheat active; prime to ohoio© red 31 36 to $1 40. Corn, white 86 to 88c; yellow 85 to 89o. Oats doll at 64 to 68c. Rye 31 to 1 05. Provision* weak. Pork 332 to 33. Bacon, shoulders 16 fo 164o. Lard 19c. Wbiaky 31 014 to 1 02. Lrvxnpooia, Deoembor 17.—Cotton firm; up lands lljd to lljd; Orleans lid to Hid. Tallow doll. Turpentine firmer. Cincinnati, December 17.—Grain market nchanged Wbiaky held firmly at 98 cents. Pork dull, offered at $30 60. Lard dull. ~ oon nothing doing. 8t. Loels, December 17. —Corn firmer, yel low 92 io 95c, whita 63 to 97c. Whisky firm- 31 00. Pork dull, $30 60. Baoon, jobbing, shoulders 154 to 16o, clear sides 18| to 19o. •BOU«L Oy flotei i. > WAIL ROUTE! OmoM Chief Commuoi»t or Btrsasmcz, j DspAKTiaurr or tu South. S Atlanta, Go., D«c. 1C, 18M J 40,000 Rounds EXTRA OR FAMILY FLOUR, DOU, ri'BU'J, DflW, UU WOritew. Bidden will it*to whether it la ptopoaad Ut farnlah the floor Id aacka or barrel*. The flour to bo delivered at tho Oomaiaaary Store Hoaoe at MoPhoraon Barraoha, Atlanta, OiAon tbe 25th day of January. v Baraptaa of floor In.. pany the propooala, aud the naoue of tha bidder be marked on the box. ^ The oonlenU, name of contractor, place of bualneM and data of pnrohaoe moot bo marked, upon o* ' ago of flour when delivered. propoeals to be In duplicate lndoreed " Pro posal• for Flour/* and addreaaod to. the nndenigned. ^ | T. J. BAIN EH, dec iaet t of tho South. (J. W. ADAIlt, Auctioneer. 12 Lota of the “Dabney" Property. O N Saturday morning, tho 18th lnotont, after sell ing property at First BapUot Charoh, (too adver tisement), I will have conveyances ready and oarry tho crowd to that high hill on west side of Williams •treat, between Walton rprlng Branch and Peachtree street, where I will sell Twelve Superior Building Lots, about 50x900 feet each. This property To In a good neighborhood, and convenient to the business portion Terms—One-half cash; remainder In fl and months, with interest. Q. W. ADAIB, Beal Estate and Insurance Agent, No. 88 Alabama street. MARK W. JOHNSON’S PROPERTY UOTION. Cottage Residence and Three Vacant Residence Lota 0. 0. HAMMOCK, Auctioneer, ILL sail on tha premlees cn Monday, December flOMM otroets. The property all fronts Fraser street. The msldenoe contains FOUR ELEGANT ROOMS, with closets to each room, flour flre-plaoea, tan feat ball, veranda In lront and rear: well finished, with store-room and double kitchen, stable* aad carriage* hoaie. fine well ot water, fruit trees, grape vUt strawberries, with other lmprovementa; alao, 3FineVaoant Reaidenoe Lots Ad joining. • Um. red pl*M, > lot of Com. Tod- .ottolM*. a-otete tadteate. uaurtaf atetea red a r «rim< •* *• 4“* - *“ vrewloaltoM te pretest la dafrtac to* civil lav. Mteaof IMatete* to so* to U that tba finMttflffi be sit farther tat* reared dtetered te a, rete «f terete. «*. M te btetevad. tea vfeoUf wltaret Intereat to. a# rere*A I**, tea irate** of tea »*i*. It talk* dal? of rear? ooatOt. ton. ** teuatapal ii'umate reteteliT w laaore tootoot pvotetelo* loa _l.redPTOM«rte trerr re**-* don: Aad -s-rere U may caooo, too tori oteolok utloo tedtet woano la ooaare thlo re.alt, tbaoDodotesraowllMD oock Utelte tore, kario, a material totaaol al olak. ar Ik* boat lauoaaO of to ■taualbokrt-oboaldoMta u tore yretepO mrerere. ora at once token nttdtr the civil lew to erne* end to pontohmegt the member* of these or«u>lxa- Uoas of secret robbere end eeeeeetne. Under the etoL atee at present la leroe, fas Executive Is from taking active meeeflree tor the ouppreeoloo ot dril disorders, and tt to therefore aO the saere Impor tant Met every good dtisen akould fleel It Ms lndlrida- at duty to beoomea pease oncer, and to old In oecar Ing to every Inhabitant that perfect protection gaerun- teed by Ue OoMtltattton and wlthont which wa eon never enJdJ either dvU or material prosperity. Outrages, Mob as have Mrstetoee. end, ere again disgracing our Mete, cannot be tolerated < meed wlthont lnralvtog the whole community. The time hoe arrived when these outrages mnet oeaee or the good people of the whole Mate will be held respondble 1st thrir oonUnuenoe. To Hie end, that no motive may be wanting to slate the people to actaon In bringing to puatohaaent tbe vkdotors ol the lew, I hereby offer a reward of Five Thousand Dollars aaoh tor tha arrest (wKh evidence to convict), of the person or persona engaged in the mdrderof Hon. Joeeph Adkins (white), e Bepwbtleen Senator from the lfth District. And of the pemen or penene engaged U the flMBder of Dr. Benjamin Ayer (white), e Bepublloen Be»r taUve from the county of Jeflomon. And of the peraener parsons eng^ed in the ©ah rage committed upon the person of William Hordlmon (white), o* the ooumty of Oglethorpe when, on or about the Hat day of Oatober last, he waa Med toe tree and brutally whipped, the outrage baring been oOma by e body of disguised men for no other reason, ae la alleged,'than that Hordlmon woe charged with being a radical,. And of the person or persons engaged In tbe outrage committed upon the person of Hon. Abraham Oolby (colored), Representative from the county of Greene, who, on or about the flOtk day of October Uot, wu ttek+n from his bed at night and enseUy beaten, tha outrage having boon committed by a body of twenty- flve or thirty disguised men for the reasons, ae la al leged. that be. the sold Oolby visited Atlanta end quested of the military authorities protection tor the freed toss’s eobool locaiad in the town of Greensboro’, in the oounty of Greene. And of the person or persons engaged in tbe depre dation upon the otocs of ths fc sesame of Internal Rav. sane for the United States Government in the town of Washington, oounty of Wilkes, on or about the night of tbe lfth Instant, when, ae Is alleged, the offloe broken open and books, papers, ho., scattered and de stroyed, and notions left warning tha Assessor to leave the District And of the person or persona engaged in tha assault upon the house of the Hon. Ell Barnes (oolorad). Re publican Representative from the oounty of Hancock, when, aa la alleged, a body of masked men at or about the hour of one ©’•lock on the night of tbe 10th Inst, surrounded hi* incidence, find by threats of personal violence forced htan to leave the oounty. And of thr person or persons who, at or near tb< hoar of ten o'clock, on the nlgbt of the 15th Inst fired ten or twelve gunshots Into a camp of oolored laborers on the line uf the Macon A Brunswick Ball* roed, to tbe oounty of Telfair, whereby one man killed and another severely wounded. And of the person or persona* who, on Thursday night of court week, October Term, about midnight, •aid to be a body of sixty men in disguise, surrounded the residence of the Sheriff of the county of Hancock, demanded and obtained from him the keys of the jail and released from the Jail one James Oxford (white), a notorious outlaw awaiting hia trial for the murder of John Taylor, a respectable citizen of said county. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State at the Capitol, in the city cf Atlanta, this twenty- ninth day of November, Iu lb« year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Handled and Blxty-Hlne, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Ninety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: Da VXD O. OOTTOfO. Secretary of State. nov 90-dl4tw4w Pretty, Very, *T NAUGHT, ORMOND ft CO., IU PORTERS OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IKON AND KTKEL. DEALERS IS Guns, Rifles, Axes, Hoes, Chains, Ac. Also agents for the sole of BriatT'a Universal Plonrh«, Fairbanks Standard Sea]ft, Dn Pout’s Klfle and BIoiUbe Powder, Old Da* minion Noils, K ESPEOTFULLY call the attention of the country trade, and the pub* * ‘ Marled slock, embracing, _ oomplete assortment of Builders’ Hardware, Me chanics' Tools, Anvils, Yloteo. Bellows, Horse and If ole Rhoea, Ootton and Wool Oorda, Circular and Mill flaws, Leather and Rubber Betting, Nova Bootle Grind- ffaSare red Btotte. Eta «u4L*oum into, goto, arete. ka. Oil vJarpet, Aa, Aa, Aa I of which they offcr at the in quantities to rail pare hat. m Whitehall tatrest, Atlanta, Oa » rail purchasers, at their old stand, In passing up a street the other day we met wo girls of • two girls of soma seven or eight sararaera, who seemed to be enjoying vacation finely, (1 IV A HAIR AYlotifkllAAi* and nil to themselves. PsMiug through the lX ‘ ™ * AA * AliX> » AlM lIOIie^r. Mm. Kate A. Corra’a Lai oa FarxvUi St., Opposite 1st Baptist Church. INCORPORATED 1869, Counoil in MoaaachuaatU. Literature, telcac. ana Art* Eaallah retail bookwllan bare fll*(l order, for 30,000 uoplea of T,juj,on'. new volum*. Mr. J. H. Baadle, aa editor who recently narrowly aornped murder la a Mormon ooort will econ publlah a book on "The Amerioan Saint, ia their Territory.'.' Kanlbeck I, fi&id to be engaged in the t poeitlon of a pietnr* reprawntiug our Saviour driving lha apeonlator* and aaif-aaaken out of Iba Keomehioal Coaneil. Daapreoa dredging haa avvaalad tea faol that on extraordinary abnndano* of animal Ilf* ox- late In tea ocaan’a lower dapthe. Animals of high argaataaUon and with parted aye* have been brought op by Mr. Owyn Jeffrey*, whoa* Intereating report haa joat been mod. before lb* Bngliah Boyal Soclaiy. Tha Hoaonm of th* Lonvrt in Parti haa j**t booght a group in Ivory repreaanUng V*. nn« bound by Oupid, for lb* snm of 47.000. It won originally praaaated by Loal* XIY. lo tha Oblnaaa Embaaaador, aad wa* takan by a aoldlar it Ib* reek of Ib* Rammer Palana, aad •old for 49a Tree tin,at of email.Per l gnat dieeovery ia laid lo have been re- eantly mad* by a surgeon of tea Brlltoh army In Oblna in tbe way of an affaolaal remedy for CBall-pox. The mode of treatment is as fo|. Iowa: " Wban tea ptaaedlng few la atlta height, and joat before.tea eruption appears, tea an**t ia rabbad with eroton oil aad tertarlo olal- maoL This eauae* th* whole of tea eruption to appear In teat part of teo body to tea r*H*f of tea reek It alao aaasrre a toll aad ooa- ite eruption, and than prevent* th* dlerere m attacking the internal organa. Thia la now th* ottabflabad mod* of treatment la tea Engllah army io China, and ta regarded tt a rrha flrat pnacripttpo wa ton pabUaliad i id w. axpaot boom doctor to toll •• that It eartain daain.]—ffirJUwmd Ditpalck. Edwarf Bjjtotai'tea re^nytot, Lta Iskeu up hia raridairaf At Yookan. street, unmindful of what was going on, they seamed as happy a# two larks, and looked m beautiful m they seemed. Stopping at one of our oandy flbopa, one of them made a pur chase of eaudy—a large, nioe looking etiok— and breaking it, gave her little companion half, satins aa abe did it, with tha utmost simplicity imaginable, "Hera, Mary, you ms; have the largest half, as yon are the email e#t.” Dear, Artless child, what a leeson of unselfishness was contained in thy simple words! God blsaa you, and suable yon through life to manifest the Mine geotle and O ti - p, . —t Church Far* SOiugs, t will ssfi a beautiful CENTRAL UNIMPROVED LOT, 60iM fret. With tn rilsj la lb* rear, betas one of the r Lola," Utoly parchootd h- anil Ml, poeiu.e. sweat apirit. "Here, Mary, yon may bave^the largest half, aa What Ko. M AUtoma street, salt door to Express Office, dec 18-St PBATT’S Th* design* bavt^aeo mlscted for the n«w " ASTRAIs” OXXa, smnatotoka tba nloea of t tULIE1 mroy olh« mnmta.tta, oils, la PER. _ PEOTLY PtfBE, Sod free from fll odlltereUoi. re mlitaroa ot toj Uud. It saslta no ofTMUtra smell •kUalrarainmiiTw soon son briutsntiighl, sndrea baosed with tea same saarsaoa of safety ss ro~ Obamlsts prowoonw it tea BEST end AxrteT tDnml- aattag Oil over offered to teo puMtai aod lnsureneo eoaspantre tadorre aad nrgo upon eoaaamore the use ot teo "Xetrel" Oil In pntenweo lo say other. B b barred by teoarand, of Ikmll am sad ta no ta re has say accident occurred from 0* are: a t.—- Iliad elte it, If upset sad broksn, wilt not oxnlodo.— *0 PRETEXT 4DTTLTERATtO*i. tho "l«e»l'“oU it lacked only ta tea Ouarantr Potaot Dana, of I ballon and t gallan, aaob. and sank can Uaaalad ta a manner teat reooot bo ooan bare tad. Every package with an- act Mai wa warrant. Ea aura aad gat noa* bat tea gaqalre arttab. PraSt a "Oalral" Oil, drebra vwywrere, and at wholraaia and rataU by ib. pro- Otl Boom of CHARLES PRATT, P. O. Boa I.M0. 1S« rulb».tra.t, b.T. fond fire etroakra, wlte teUlmboM. and price Hat. Rnotoaaalaaapa tar copy of tea "Astral Ligto!" ■*—i*f ^taf-aoddm 0. S. Marshal's Sale. UKrTEB BTATEA KARABAL'g OITIOE, 1 ‘ 1 atk, teas.) Saturday m ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, CHARLESTON. COLUMBIA, Olxasx-lottre, Rselolcb, VIUUHUT05, WELD05, BICHM0HD, W&ahington, Baltimore, Philadelphia aud New York, ptOEHltmOESbyteta Uo. ar. meat certain are V sun at all ssaeon*. for meals, and ol rafutor hours. CONDUCTOR* on this Has ora aflabta sad ooorto> NO CHANCI OF CARS DETWEEE West Pnfat, «*., and Wilmington, H. C, quick TIME ami SUNK CORSECT10R8, YU Goorgla Railroad. ^ Praats^re. can pnrebasa THflOCfffH liOEtlE and Baggage Checked Through From Mew Or toons, Mobil*. Montgomery, Ootauabu*, and Atlanta, to fttohmswd. fiklmoro, Wasb- Ington, Philadelphia, and Hew York. Bf Wmmr Olffirsnt Ream via fi*fo«ta, Via Kingsville, and WUmincton; via OolnmMo, Chat lotts, aod Rataigh; vlo Colombia, Dan vills and Richmond; via Atlanta, Augustan Wilmington and Bay Hn*. FAKE AS LOW BY AUGUSTA AS ANY OTHER ROUTE* PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS OK ALL NIGHT TRAINS LEAPING ATLANTA BY THIS ROUTE. Passengers wishing to go North by 8m will splendid Tins of 8TEAM8HIP8 from Charleston, to Baltamorsw Philadelphia, Boston* and N«w York. THU CHARLESTON 0TEA1MHIP8 offer every _ duosmsut to puMngfln, with tables supplied with every InMry ths Northern end Charleston markets oan afford, and tor Safety Speed, and Comfort, UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST. Through Tickets on Bale at Montgomery, West Point, flail'd Atlanta, TO NSW YORK VIA CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. J. A. ROBERT, Oeneral Ticket Agent, Georgia BaUroad. 3. It • slOUXHOli. Superintendent, Anrusta. G. T. AIVUERSOiV, Agent, Atlanta POSmVELT TRE MW. JAMES bublbujbk Woalc.clcM„. 1Lwa FOEMo 0*. THU BAILBOad TO i earlofeoee For Crete of tWtaitcrm^, THB JAM! THEJto, dss lfl-lt PRYOR STREl THE TROUPE C 1’OHONE WE Ek( Uommenoiiig Monday, j BUM8EY & NEWC LEbbOg NEWCOMB’S raxcE&axaoyfi only year, rc prcfM.ioSnp^j^JJJ Moaagsr, W w. W. NEW< jreSSzasiLi^iSi; Xtoualcn *t; gdlcty 11 , FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. T HE First Edition of Ons Hundred and Twenty Thousand Copies of Vlok’s I Hast rate* Cat alogue or Seeds and Floral Guide, li pub lished and ready to send out It is elegantly printed on fins Unfed paper, with about *00 flue wood Engrav ings of nowera and Vegetables, sod a beautiful Col ored Plate- consisting of seven varieties of Ph Drumondii, making a fine BOUQUET OF PHLOXE8. It Is the most beautiful, as well aa ths most Instruc tive Floral Guide published, giving plain and thorough dlrecttc ns for the into, whioh is not half ths i THE POPULAR PASSENGER ROUTE BETWEEN ’ and New York PHOADKLFBU, WlSHISGToK, AMD oruu eastern cities vu Wc LtlsbXXtlO VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ILL RAIL ROUTE. TIMS TAULK, AUGUST NORTH: Leave Atlanta. * Leave Dalton Leave Eno*villa H32SS:':: Washington.. at Ifsw York. .. TMra .. INtR .n it • a . TMrM . 100aM . CUVM #*0rat a INflN Laava New York.... Lsavs Storaadrta.t. Leave Lyoohbmg... thooe now In um. Th* new ,tamp. will b* •boat ona tblrd larger than tba praaant one*, and will aonatat entirely of proflfe baau, from atandard original marble. Horn* of Ib* atamp* bava already been engraved, and are raid to ba tha moat appropriate and elegant of any hitherto ire aad by any nation. ■"Yon ought to acquire tha faculty of boiag at home with tea bam •ooiaty,’* aald a faahloo- ■ blc aunt io an boneat nephew. "1 manage tbatauy enough," reapondad har nephew, "by ataylng at home with my wife and chil dren.’’ Ah Indlanapoll* ooonotlman, In a recent apaach, mid: "day Judge who would Irene anch an order aa that or Jadga Bin**, U a jackaoa." Forgettinc blmaalf, a little further ba added: "And I am the pear of aaob a CAPITAL $350,000. J. F. BOZEMAN, President. D. F. WILLOOX, Secretary. CONTINUES to furuifib perfect Motrlty tow or dfimife bj ffro on all kind* of iMurabte property at adequate rated. TVlTYTngh Tickets Agsnt* can b# found at uvary prominent point IN THE 80UTHERN STATES, to whom applications for insurance may b« iANDSBI LUMBER YAl Opportta Go., E k D*r* Nash, Doors, sa4 Made Upon Short 1 GOOD UNTIL USED, AND Baggage Checked Through LUMBER SAWED Tfl TO ALL IMPORTANT POIHTR t r •• Encxvilto.... 11 « Xtotoon... |< Arrive at Atlanta. .fij Time Between Atlanta and New York 58 Hour* 15 Minutes pm- Th* 0RKAT MAIL Mmtn Atlanta mid No to York is carried exduoitdy by this Um. SlMplRg CtROhen «t all Nlf hi Train*. Merit or Transportation I on racord, Uut she has tha Unltad r±xORGU, EARAIROH CXHJETT.-Wltaraaa, Elisa U bath Parry toon, *dmlntofratrlx cf tha satata of Ut A. Pi-rtymsB, rsprssanis to ths oourf In her p«U vd Pvrrynsn « bra to oils all i bar admtnlstvatkmi ap.i ratoira IsMsrs of dtamtaalM M ths irat Mctatay in Ootshsr, HR. This Mh day ot A. D. WOOD#, Oatonary. Printaristas |4 M □ TiTl OF GEORGIA-0A WrtON OOtHTfY-Whara- O to Thomas Ratond. adnUalatralor of tha satata of Hiram Crana, dsosatod, r*prsaa«U to ths Court la Ms ■station, duly fitod and airtaradan rarard, that baton folly administers# Hiram Crass** mtote) khfe to, thars- tors, to oita all paraoM iffnunl to atswamm*, U This Aagust ths fida IMfl. Ioa(17-ratal prs^ssM ■glfifteaBonjrabu.te,mrertci Ocan re And trill sail ths soma at pnMtoaustiM at titeOmi* ferrate. JmeSg re55ri**oMa Pint Twred.y ta tauiT Uni, brtwiretea iavfol boon ataate. »npartr petered oaf by KtatiP JOHN C. WHITNSR, ACINT, BANK BLOCK, ■To. a Alrebrenxn Btroot, dm nn^tlS? 1A ^ 0-&-. Appllcaltea for Dlfiuilxfilan. LECTUR; CATHOLICITY AltD ] ^ LECTURE ou ths above subjsct « AT THE CITY ( Tuesday evening, flat lnstaat, attk ** benefit of tha new Catholic Churefe to a M. O'Connor, D. D. 8. J., of uZiZL 1 - isr sola st Phillips k tor aato at Phillip. kOiW^T Jb>hn Ryan s, Peter Lynch's to oQm tha door of tho Hail, " 4U*t#4l l. svsniag of Um beto* ROLLER SKA’ ra kink win ojm logs from 7 to l Friday iftornoa from 9 to U o ladies aud chUno, |i a rpflK SKATING UINK will I* urdsy even! Wade sad Every fri ohild ran. Teachers will be In atteudanos ssmbUss, to teach gratultoiuly u Admission free for lodi< * and afternoon assembles. Hall over Glean k Wright’s, etui Railroad. Packogsa of 11 Tlckrta 81 ogle Tickets Half TlekrtM Uss of Skates Tickets for sale at Philips k Crw'i A dec Rtf MU WM. WOOD & UNDEUTAKERS AID UFBOU T7-MP XV Ore tend to I otoaa Hearse furnished or lor klrs. _ be furnished. aU kinds of OpboMwy t Furniture repaired, varnished, eta Office In new bulldlot on Broad sir Ena office. All orders win be promptly If JulyKlly POSTPONLD. AT AUCTI0I REnVICGAVlt Ml OFFICE CTOF 0 DIPARTIONT tT ATUum, CUre I WILL sell at public suettra to •#■, oowmretec * a, te. Oovarnmeot SubU, ntaW Krreta, te. followtaa pobilo ItateT Sixteen (16) Mulei, Men* iua ({ngrtermuter’a Storm ■cFheriM “ J_ Throe males are not sold h Mnainaiossaofthenamtor hay may be aetm on applet dent of the stable, st any turn By order Brorat Ootooel L AT AU0TK Mrreta. tec foUowioc public V One Set Double One Doublet lj cedar cf Breed dM ltd Twol DRESSED and FRA® 801 ma w*, -w mavtaawdb, ■angr * rite K. IICLHKHT, flupt. V. k k. R. B. sap M-*» S.T AUCTION. A Valuable for lal. at Auctl.u, by •. W. Adair, Awartaurer rpajl PAMOMaaa bdoagia* «« tee fire . "rrefiu^mteire ut rewtjJtarered jrere.Jdte •tear aoatwareoare. LocaUou reatral red jrofreite coartturty rereartdg ta valoa. mire ytetad fol* la froat at tea prewertj. Trona reada iaowa at tea **!!•”**** *• Application for 1 AppllcAtlooform^! S3SS0^ Administrator with tl CRAPE VINES. •re olaoiuaui flaxto. cm rlOtJRXA w . J08X80B. . "rem* »>WF Ah