Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 24, 1869, Image 3

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naffo* in to-<Ujr’« laac*. Eai it raa of it* Xu |<w of Hi* Ei- •reeMooel Oct- m on Muucl.j Wn onli th* attention ol oar reader* to Mr. t. r. anJr't *a*«t>MB*nt or tu Railroad (Uoon—wh*» may b* found g*ouln* old Irish and Sootoh Whiahy. Tabiww BUly Out ink** * benaBt to- night, wh*n th* *etir* troop* will appear In ■ n*W and altreotiT* programme. Lot arery. body attend. 'HK 8UB8CMBKB most r**p.etfully Inform* th* c!t!***a of AU*nU, And .urroeadiag oountrf, that h* will, ***a"«Ub*fnllrd*- an****, wMh to** of , non Roaaaon, djo d*oh, iaor*a**< dot FOR THE NEXT 8IXTY DAYS Ml let hi! aatlzi *took at a rodaood prfoo, try fta* of goodanroand thorn, bat It la naublng rap idly a* th* paopl* crowd in In order to b* “in aaaeon.” H» h*» all to do that **n poaalbly b* dona by hi* fore*. Thoaa who want to b* aooom modeled by bint moat go in early to day. Thin la hi* aaralmL ‘‘THE LIVE DRUG % Still on the traokwith renewed speed, and the largest * before arrived* laaculation* that hare it laglelrtloo of Con- , w* hear, upon th* X. Bnlbcrt mention- a United Btataa Son- *** ****.. n ._ J f —■ n*. [ --- Tobacco Pancake Balls, Bright Niry, Stonewall Twist, W. Brown’s Bright Ponnd, 150 dosen Pipes, from si per hnndred to *4 a piece. Dali aoon, or ,oa will lost a SarfWaID OMh orl.r*promptly atuadad to by JOHN FICKKN* llotol. Tam Wan *oa Cnsoonua.—H. O. Itaik- ham again call* the attention of th* paopl* of with him for dtatrtbntion, a large lot of goo da maoafaetared apeoially for th* holiday*. In buoy dxaaa ahoaa, elegant clipper*, batton boot* and other good* in hi* Una hi* Block baa no rlrel in th* aearkat Partiee wiahiag to makaapraaant that ia a praaant, hare their attanUon called to this a took. It wUl salt, -an a tf: gar-avi rsr vra A M , the following appointed for the oo- ;o*. W. id.; o. Par, 1. W.; B. H. Oood- aUam, Secretary; L. Bennett, J. D, j W. Wh’.tuer. Steward*, ^JALtwremiattren-talhmrJBcmA.-VTrwPPfr*' WHITILAiMar uigreaa*. uarxore FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS Is Unequaled in the South. ImroBTAKT. —Thoss who hart attained to ibt greatest eminence in the octane* of Medicine, and who have bj a life-long siadj of, nod experience with, the human organism, obtained great iMight into tha origin and pa thology of diaaaaa, ara jet, notwithstanding all their profaned and iaarnad thsoriea, oon- feaaadl j groping in tha dark aa to tha first oaota of anj and all diaaaaaa that affaot oar raoe. Bat thla maoh baa boon clearly eluci dated, and ia becoma an axiom with the loan ed profession that by far tha greateet number of oar ailments are direotly traceable to de rangement of tha digestive function*, and if “good digestion wait on appetite,*' health will Jto the almost uniform reanlt. Acting upon this axiom, tha inventor of Da. Hualsy’s Cklkbkatkd Stomach Brmma baa been emi nently eucceeeful (judging from the many tes timonials that are constantly pouring in upon ooiaplexlon of pare, satln-llke texture ia obtained.-- The plaineet feataree ere meda to glow with healthful bloom and youthful beauty. Remember, Hagan's Magnolia Balm U the thing D Express office in r and robbed while to & Western road leap on the train, as Botning further that In Atlanta. Be had ton he was aroused liscovered that his papers were goae. VIRGINIA & TENNESSEE RAILWAYS. ,mr,i ALL RAIL ROUTE. e on the train with who committed the rdaewbef*. ia minstrel troupe owda at Pryor Street re witnessed its per- th its originality and ill remain in the city I Saturday afternoon for the acoommoda- ot And it oonranient To can oommend the ?|ip aa entirely un- TO THE WORKING CLASS—We are now prepared to furnish all danee with oooataut employment at KEROSENE OIL HAGAN •ry ease, met with oouplete tuoceee. ’5TL DAVIS. I aleo prepare aadhave for sate a YKA8T TOW- PER, equal to the beet, and tor much lees price. MT* I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, bow In uee by many of the beet housekeepers la the city, and pro nounced by them to be very superior. L. H. BRADEIELD, Druggiat, Atlanta, On. Sol* a^ot lor (Ho. M. Ha,’* Sure Core for Intemperance. him through the mails and press) in preparing a remedy to dtoet and “nip in the bud” all this long list of obwurs and distressing de rangements that render “life scarce worth the living.” We are glad to learn that the publio here are beginning to appreciate those Bitters upon their intrinsic merits, and That they can be had everywhere. See advertisement in another oolamn. dec24tf ldsd offer: To such se are not wall mttofiod, wo will ss«d $1 to pay for tbs trouble of writing. Full par ticulars, a valuable sample, which will do to oommence wart oo, and a oopy of ‘The Peoples' Literary Com- panion”—ons of the largest and best family newspa- PMS published—all seat free by mall. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address K. 0. ALLEN k 00., Augusta, Maine. *ov to-wI2w Pjjgrnph of yester- jR-the storm which Vbeeday night wa* •ioinity of Forsyth U the city, a Mr. I dwelling blown off tto from tha bouse, and trees uprooted, erday morning, the I this city and the Time Between Atlanta and New York 68 Honrs 15 Minntea par Th* ORE AT MAIL betuxen Atlanta and New York is oarried excktsivcly by this Line. I DEFT COMPETITION In Lamp 0IL8 being as cheap or cheaper than any bouse south of Baltimore. i also keep a good slock of Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Wioka, Shade*, in foot everything pertaining te FINE CHRISTMAS MEATS. We are prepared to furnish our customers and the trade generally with fine fresh Beef, Park, Mutton, Lamb, and Btar Meat dec22-3t Sparks A Tin. G eorgia, owinnett county.-By virtue of an order from the United BUtes District Court, for the Northern District of Georgia, Issued by A. 0. Fos ter, Register In Bankruptcy, will be sold befSrs the Court Rouse door, In Lewrenoevllle* In said county, %£ ssERsttus, £ uusradssi real and personal property belonging to the estate of Thomas J. Waters, a bankrupt, to wit: That tract of land (numbers unknbwu), containing eight hundred sores, more or lees, known ss the Geo. M. Wttais Diutation In saideewntv. .. mi lows: On the west by the Chattahoochee river, on the south by lends of Howell and others, on the east by lands of F. M. Wardlnw, end on the north by lands of nald Wardlaw and others. Also, that tract of land composed sf parts ot three lots (numbers unknown). In the 6th and 7th Districts of said oounty, lying on the Peachtree road, and bounded as follows! On the west by lands of James Harrington and Un£a formerly owned by Wn. Knox, oo the south by Unde of the late Even Howell and Mo- K In lay, on the west by lends of aatd Howell and Ward- law, and on the north by lands of W. Cole and Isaac Strickland. Said lands to be -M surest so the claim.' by said bankrupt, of s homestead exemption of fifty sores. Also, two dark brown males, one bay mars, tbres cows and ysarltage, two bulls, two saws and pigs, two old form wagons* plow stocks, plows, gear, axes, mat- torts, hoes, cradles and soy thee, oorn shelter, house hold aud kitchen to ml tare, Ac., ho. ALSO, 10# Baskets, more or lees, of Red Wheat. M Buckets, mors sr lass, ot White Wheat. 1M Barrels, more or toss, of Oorn. Sen* Bundles of Fodder, mors or less. « Bags, more or less, of Cotton. A quantity of shelled and sheaf Oats, Shacks, Ac., Ac. creditors of said bankrupt. Terms oash. This 8th day of December, ISOS. 0. T. RaKJWTRAW, das 16-tda Assignee. Sleeping Cnneken an nil Sight Trains. n*AMTXHB. —Inthe An- [ Wednesday, we find ; ** Wm. L. Jones, of ^MtoaauiUsd to jail Hfctooo of Mr. H. Q. Mhn the laroenj of Hlnwer of the Globe MB from confinement ■ gentlemen having 1 his appearance at ^ In sons quarters, ' in the innocence ot CQB18TMA8 DINNER. Come Tharsday and Friday for the mate- al. Sparks k Tth. dec 22-31. GOOD ITJXT1L, USED, Baggage Checked Through TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. PASSENGER AND HAIL FRESH MEATS. Come and get something nioe for Christmas. dec2a>3t Hpasm k Tut FIRST CLASS MEATS OF ALL KINDS. No extortionary prioee charged. dec22-3t Spares k Tyk CONBIATINGJOr HIS FFF spar, publishc Mr. Fulwood WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ATLANTA and AUGUSTA, Wawtsd. —Two rooms and board in a pri vate family. Jleet references given and required. Ad- dreen W., P. O. Drawer G, Atlanta, Ga. dec 31-tf fnas become a atty of da- lAttenU. The completion bswick road has made it [hencs* whatever eonoenni as os. The appeal is not |t is devoted to the devel- Meml and industrial inter mits mission is a high one, togement. We would like I take a clever Hat of sub- pen ha leavoo tbs oily. FURNITURE DEALE CHAftLESTON. COLUMBIA, Olmrlott*, H.jklnl(h, WlIJinilHTON, WELDOS, RICH HO.IB, I Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Tork. GA.' asom. “WALKINGDOWN BROADWAY.” You will not find a obeaper and batter se lection of Ladies’ Fun than at Mna. Fbahe’s, tilfeb7 Deoator street BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, a H. Tacktr, D. D„ Uairenitj.pMMd tbroogk H mi* for hi, horn*. H* Hr Bom* timx vh*r* In |r dirin-s, be hu been ■traction gretailaaalT to |M Bcptlat minuter*— ■ elvrgjmea of Ocorgi* Bu «ng«g„l in tbl* «ool- B**n or* B*v. H. H. Took. B of Meroei Calrer.itj, BD., of Ha.cnnfth, Her. U«I AUant*, H*t. E \V. ■B otb.r (?-nU**nen of W lure be«u engaged in Faoatb, vith the moet E Their in*traotion aw Ret eager ariditj, cad It tMMtd* of th* eolored race [will t*k* root **d ipriog gait thirty, »ixiy end »n FUB8. Whit* d*tr*kh*n, dluk* 8*bl«, 8ib*ri*n Squirrel Sett, da. *t Mu. Fuxx 1 *, tilfeb7 Deoator .treat. Ov*mtery Cordial, Female Tonic ’ tOHHHOTIOIfB by tbl* lit* W* meat earuln **4 Bedsteads, Bn-eaua, OHINOHILLk CLOTH and Cloak*, Arab*. Shawl*, *to„ at ■ Mb*. Fmink tilf*b7 Deoator atra, Bidebosrds* 1-4 Msrbleisad Pull Msrbla, Liverpool and London and Globe Fire InBuranoe Company. Aeeeteln sold *11,MO.MO. Book-Oeees, Wardrobes, MILLUiEBT IN ATLANTA AT NEW TOBK PRICES. Every deaeription of Iftdias’ Hata, Bonnet*, Millinery good*, at' Hu Sum, tilfab7 Deoator atraat. Hat Backs, Washst&nda, Etc., Plain and Marble quid TIKE gad SUMS CONNECTIONS, TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT, If yon wiah any artiol* ia thh UA of Watoha* or Jewelry, Sterling or Coin, Silrer Table Cot- lery or fill Mr plated Good*, Gold Pena or ex tra Hoe Pencil and Pan Holder*, Gold Tooth- pkha, ate., Baaiag Boxea, OSore hod Hand- kerehiaf Boxea, Cigar and Toilet Satand*, oall n«IU>,Ht iot a! Chain •*» »*• ***r ■ th* «lkr *« «*e *»«. an ef^whMi w* **kr at Wholesale Factory Prices in Louisville, Kentucky, Etc. ! J .. toatii W* an aetenaleW t* eel (aeta toww thee eeo hi aPS3SaS3SSS3Bi«rj»»sSBfc- -— Application far Fxnmpttaa. i 31A, TOWNS COUNTY.— DavM Thomas sppUad for exemption of pwroowalty* and •art and valuation ol homMtead. and 2 will i tha aaaaa at 1 o olock* r. w..ou the 3d of * 1810, at my office, in Hlawaasea. Thla 18th •luoidaUa the man- lament is regarded by man looks at an id* ^Pseeengers oaa parchsm THROUGH TI0KFT8 and Baggage Checked Through I) ua New Orluana, Mobil*. Montgomery, Oelambus, and Atlanta, to Richmond. NaRtmora. Wash ington, PhllstUlpbla, and New York, By Foar Different Elates vis AagatU, 81 a KingsvlU*. and Wilmington; via Ooloabla, Char- lotto, sad Balaigh; via Columbia, Can villa and lichmoDd; vis AUsota, Augurta. Prompt Attention QivenltoUl Orders At th* Old J.w.lry Store of Er Lavaba, daolH lw No. 60 Whitehall atreaU MARKHAM Tn Ltaoare and ohaapaat lot of fare *r*r offered th Atleota, haa joat baao raeeirad by John M. Holbrook, Whitehall atreat., i torn* ap hi* ho** at It. h* read* it all throogh ha aiaoolata*. "Hara’a | again » aoodeta li there ie any- • tblake it might poaai- Wroptkttt's Liver Medicine Cake as low by acodsta as any other route. Maourem, Mono, Law JSooaa, Bun Boon, na, boaod or ra-bound by Hanlal- tar. norli-tf. BOOTS uAuISTID SliOL tfrlF LKATNSS. calf skin*, shoe findings, UMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA- GEO .pplkatUM IVr DlnialaMw. One Ox, One Oi Wagon, Twenty-Three Gallons Whisky. Mato, in the hsude of Llndley. of 0 Any imeen efetmtug the mm» Is reeulrto Is s| 4 Bsske each claim within thirty day* Rum COUNTRY MERCHANTS WUl fbud It to their advantage to examine my (took, aa it ia mxamowmeo wxt* »nwA-r oaxai o afford It ba area palnfally UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST. Liver and Digeetive Powers