Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, November 22, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NEW ERA. V'»| LMK Vff.. YO. 70, • ****** **» sMasWSf MS m*o* •*•* —>■» _ jjjl: rs T>* . mm* m*-» <sl • %*(*■• eg—»«»• THw mrr' » »■* Mi l» • *• * Tit I * -Cl CJT* * Zi v —»*■ # i* f » IMM KTM •»»» TVSIa tMMM I IU » * \1 l»i» ~ \|r M ‘.eAttoel. x. M*M IS I B # il*««l Am««W H* wttttMT t»u i> (UK t UmW H ’>•» ii i, « 4 1%. *| k It •» k k K n.-f! H r* A t II TwrwkOto. M»v» W If ».. w T W<**r# rVSnr. k ' H “* • ‘*»k*rt 1 c h«s» i*«-*via l *7* ’ ”"*• * U'BtM. J , -to -4»m *, ~.,rt» U H HltorA'or*. AMEtoJ*.*. * I'fv** * IB A H Vatu |-^|| P J >-**-• M 0 Leerv onAs * l' fowLaa nc t Be* NM Sbiml "h- u ii rwiu*. »•* t«**u ‘ * 4l*faMA W a SfTJ toua 4 te««k> T H iMlua (** lu.« V f Mm-im, t«U 1 J irsiMi. »•• T«l > rt*U* I W filr*; Sun it ±*> t« Kotk S--«u* >- x J -t rs .> t J r MoSlj lal * J««** TANARUS«« U a Mmn. ta» 1m« A a UoA a a M. iw a—* **■ m NfM a wife. ua *•'■• ■ <• «u J a Nail. a* l *• »-*■ IthArsS I * 4 k v i»rt K f NowwJl. dtf • *)*• loan* Vrt I >rt * H UtiUsa lU^* Om H Johnson U«,4u r f *n**d » ft M Hr—ea. itnia J K HolL* *> • H M lUM-ffc IMU m-c# fc STllUsm*. 4o J i Hwni Olk. 111. HtU. tfo a s*u*. NuJbu .»h>» Je*a hmms. •*« f . (iKOHCiI %. I HlrrMllßu t*Ma 4t*M All a«H* •( Ik# *r Mb,! to t’.c Cia 1 \ *; * Vistula wtnl* a iloUvUi# po l)«w V- r j sow v"«*ca rwg"’ *nag. (Hit) »tmr.ui Tfott A H ft(eph*r* xr •' 1 a ca-v# id c urt, lent Friday, for th© flht C a t - LV* Ocluiubas are br «g * \ \ al » r Iho V rth in 1 Booth liuitrua l Orauj - from Nortelt ar« ut b> lUr U>*l ! »ad. Iha kau, of lh«s Hat, Th r« -tt’x r*fMr W J Mint, a tmh s ' i U-rti un i rtir I in Uu« oily, who dtad lo v l ■ *i * s,n I%y, wi>ra yr*trr Utr • • t, t Ul . *» «b l iuurr»d iu ear o* m >■" II a » • tt«r.Ur of U»s Oiljr Li^hl .ItMrtj Uxe a*r Stuoa IHCi Lv « M’m h- • > i ' -ur city whrrw h« hat maor ’nc »sU at> \ * i^muaria. i xt «M*ia«Tt in H 'ahiag of lha re»t.u H * , t i*t ChareW paw* Forty p*«« wr* rculwvl jr«v*iarday TUa aim sphere waa rtlhor lucloajoiit hn'luJiDkC lo p*r v'ccl for eh arch axp«u»c«, fire rvnUl aoionuftsl u* ♦ 1 711 Sk> 1 her - ar* o jswr yet t*» In* r. Usl. a hulk will itu'ntitaa Ihtu am *u»l ra: r. Ihe Lifbaal Ud «aa IIW. (U«a . \:u* life al SUO each »cr**u al ISO, two at $ 1 ur at f|7» the maaindar at h>wcr flgttraa s Hthria Nrwa- • i t Mb 11 a. • * North- |- k, keU arv iha >» . . I.* ot*lU of l A't \n b u amatisl for a luaalttxl a white lady. > f Charlcwtoo v B. C.' who left v yellow fever are rw t i nutuhtrs. I ratary af the Tr*a»ury luu deoidod a ; I’n’W of baihi cannot h* ' I • tbo M woaaipp Eivtr in the tr*t»a I* ■.v f grail fh'ra St I*o<iia lo New Os loaiuu i'hw J*fU'Bri!U Coiv>n a*y« Tho ooiuple t»ou of tba railroad to t’anaaool* and hi >bila ‘lean cot far dbtanl, if we may judge from tba determined effort* now being p«t forth by thoaa having the ahalter is eharge. A party of explorvni reaaotly dog up a.wne thirty human akeletoiM from osa of the lo* Moamia near Peoanooln. The aheletana were found vrithiu two or three feet of the aur* faoe and were alt complete, though the bone# erwmhA and to paerea apou txaaag handiad V,rm«*rw in Triuce county, Mary* . t, my Ibtrn aev r has oucurtwd a more fa v r» •» »a*u for canug lolmootv than lha pro- V and lhat the crop from that county *ent t<* ui irk it nil apriug will bathe flacal a .i| ,• ni for many Ttvara. Inf >iiuation ha-* l*een received of the mra ter ts dlmpp.*amnac of Ramxl Uarha, an x.-j.h M Muk*. of New York. He »M • j jK'int. t AaxiaUut Kagtneer with lit*.-*,* llawl, and engaged in ear raying the ■Vm>. .4 I'b'UW Kallroad from JefTrrwoo, T. t w S tml days hare rU(«al noce hn OiBp ; ♦ 4n»*oe. eat no it Jin gw of htw where abviute tev'eired These fearw have t*eeu in . r«v4 1 *iua*a A j'ariy detailed by Oeoarwl l*uwi have searched through hi* fold of labors. MMI !<•%• k Ml* ,«j Um u 4 kuu t \. » Orlnuu l'v'.J,lit" lo » volt nil ti > .-.l giro, lb# Itoling #lp4Vto of Um ■.>o' jff Ibo tor •r|i*£ J on# > th. lifTl, ftC'O* «b . b »« itoi lb« .xyorio of lb. s.-otti-i i St,to. r-'O-i,!. lo r.0u.1 ourul-orm. M M. fUl.t>«.Uoo tab. Mo. •kXOUO.fttOt w.. s-mit.. tJ itK'iMx), <*l. *l'-.. . .1 tsrjs nt ■«'. 91 tllttl.OOU. proiial-ioo, l;i -u 00W.0-4), w-hxl. ♦&.- V4..0U0 In oil *974t1*,U«1), of *M.«».000 I >r* tr. «o » Ik. UMal of oil lb. ilo lottiik t:o|K-rio of tho Voilr.t Sfeoto, l’; i%'.tl«.t.-o Ne*k of up It h-u t- oo ,k-.rtatood tbot Mr J k Alpon. .bo tor, l~.i uilm!u( hrr ,rtr , ooob. ood »b ttSMppooranoo bu 0.-ro.-onod lb, ol ■ ; mm; artioog bto frioorbo. ••• »*n loot s»tu ri%) ißrntOoo OH hi. W%J. ot-l-oroullp, to th. Wpot ol lUo <f-HbM*rn lUtirood. oxl x I. MnoiooJ that ho bu konoi.-lkl lo loot, tlio • '..Ur h y m ol tho Ooni.n •ir.iuon hmi V.-rAO, |- tho hopo of .ln|-.Uitm, t'v klion.-k of «s.nk ond ooooolottmi*. th. bppo , !i -olm, lotto ood by hi, ikorril wrroior, ood clotolttk. l..|b *4r«. i«.o(b b-oiti y ohooroor roo hor. ,n a, p i .. Tlk ro I. oot th. -oaioMoi corMlf t« !»;#! .J Ui, nunolk 14004 fill of Um I iu.! r that dooo not fn>t o.iuk ••rol.l fn-to Mo root oonmlMoo, prortonsl bp hoagbly looSh tor obaktoH th.-innrr uiau Tho blood noooo oooro Uvolr prvUblj no ikoßlMt, oMoirto. or ,iul coodittoo 1, diotioctly motfllkorl -H tsMToyo a dtlh-r. nt impiiwfro to oil tho «r> tfottf of tho b-sl,. aa It nab thoa 0* Sal painoho aoou. j-odf. *hoo tho aoa to lan*hinp. than II .t>M al olhor ttaoo. Ao4 thoo tt a tho* o f-rod lao(h ho|*— • ab't »*• hr raoooplno a Aattnot aod l*dttton«l •Maoko to tho Hal «M iw* i,-lata. * turn*. « *a»Mi.M« Sf Mo Sskpoto UnfHS foe MtOM S-f lIM I ItOfSMSO •» W* • •»* | try? vr.rrcrr. rr:..s— lktrtH. bkrtb «.kkt.o* woof, Mat of Um Soo Im% tbiWa raimoo a j - p M. Mo box «<■>»■" Os m. ho Slot j ion oo u iioo mOon a . W,poht!,ho4! I OM of In Motor, on 0-rtdoy Iran raoao of th. , : of ohwb hr.oobw. oo hod lo din. I am oiM.pM'fl n-Mwubbwll ftbon- l t| twauy Ngs. ta be follow tag to i eery tm-• hsims ii is fold Iwivuia ftsstt ■ »'flina, N k.SMn.fat lutfc. and i fssi •* std , fowa. AoSety foh| (»«<• IS S (rt«l nawtswl >4 lft«t‘V . •and and rW| e»a*i Ka Mn frw*u ih# » m | id tb« CHft* !• »S »*x k *‘B h ‘foeltMo’k or in ! wsw"*-* drawn by meias. I- rej"rt themaal*«e to M*;.* Merntl n.sko rvrt.f-*. aof mH a 1 pen <1 wbsi lb*v ko«s »Ua( Lbs k*n ou l i “* u. r . fo'isa, rtvwnfoiiig s •! U mu J want Ar. The nawh* i paeoisd »** this J meiner is SOW oVrf haadrexl Tho j imrtmg inyaneti »u Ibeso u»«-u gel from the; Mai -t m lltslndl Aiussoi wM»*l ! y ' Y-ua | fv b« tin*, end star ihsrr and niu I roar own . bnsisos* and *b»n pw'rs wsnfed yowll be j seal for 1( Va'U hs»o l fold all you know it will b# the w»«r**- lr*r ▼-»«. for it will all eome out ] bsf rs ss gat theoagU “ Ihe troubled h« Kiui >• sewnllr maeh rsli#»al al Iht*. He i •sy. -Thank you. Mayor." and shuffles to ; Use da> r. fufontix ku dirty > id al rch# i hst and sUrle for horn* *iU. a great weight ofl his tuloil When Le left his log csUn iu the J moruiug he fee real he might sleep in the yail ( Ual mghk and many sigh Is lo corns, and bs i goes berk lo bis aiatteruly. suuff dii>pmg wife, *u I troop us ra«rge,l, diny, yellow taoed ckil- | ft- past three • efca. • losafo.xanlly - mac does & - fMfitaa flaeuy J , that h-hn, t] toM the truth, end that lost#» ! -»f iunny l»een I uly a j»aa-ive Uiei*l>«r the order, obliged j to J ha Kir bis awu pr it a U »u. h- baa b* -u actively enjfaa*- !tu raiding l*h- Major mt«. quietly. ' I stu v. iy -*»ity Sir. but I •hslibses! to sen I «oit lu 1 know in if afo-nt V»*ur 4 than y«n -«« la jstro*!' sail be to the d<v>r rslls a guani. and «*▼». •A'orporal. take This m»n to jail sod deliver bun to (.'apt. Ogdeu " The Ku Klut is marched off. and a * iwlbis eloons eoiuea over the cv'UiiU-uance > flu« friends waiting outside, a* he (vassrs thruugh their midat II aomeluue* bapix ns itml a mail who Cf'turs iu wu’i a ptaiixihlv trade up story is astonished to find that Hsj r or Merrill know* hts whole history, (ha uuinvw of all bte •n'quamUoec*. and us every nn r.tlver of the Man to which he ke >oge«i No so«»aer has he told his name than tlv klsj<r talks U> L'ui suinewhst iu tins way. •• You are the m«Q 1 bare been wanting to see , for an'ins time \’.»q live on the Howell s Kerry 1 road, and l*rlong I > the Rattle-nake Kiau j You «m in Ihe raid alien Jitn Williams «as ( kiiial Now 1 U*>u t e*a you lo tell auilbtug. i or make any promise, but tl you wish lo make j a stalenieul you can do so ” The jv*. r tlevil forget* Ike ii< a Le ha-1 invented stu) blurts out | the truth There are hundreds of men. however, who were forced into the order again*! their will I Some srr* l iutally wlupjvd l»rf.>re they could | l*e made lo j *in <)ne man wvs sel astride a steer and whipped lor live miU-e along the road | t*i the gathering place of the Man. Hi the j tune he arrivaa.! lh*re he in r«ady to take the j oath A great many < f the c ufeaatous are like this Th- NUippiß|{ ,0.1 li;l»:.<k W»»k K 'IU ->n all ab«<ut out part of the eooutry, aud it jut jesrv-1 lika aa if uo man a.** aafa. I wa* oitghty sk.wrvd for fear the) .! come 'oa me. furthered tnaTi 11*r-***• *. m«de agin me, aud -•m* night Jim liman lo- t erne to tuy house ami aanl as how if 1 dt In t j to the Ku-Klui they was a g*xm' to msk -a r*» !on me. and I'd dt w*ed mighty rough. l done joiowd so as I aould live in joasce Hut. Major, I never be lieved io it nohow and 1 never went on no raid Tiara likf as tbongh they iinln'l trust me or want me along wh-u any dwiluieut wa gom’ on.** They area har,l hadting asl ol meu. these eels convicted K i Mui t i«t thr >ug about the Toat CnonaasNler's offles. bat they are not near as ill looking a* their c.-nirolf* in yart. who wtd oot <Mnfeas. wh ' ,t that they are •' as ioiivcant a* the -I al." asd who never ] beard there was auy suck thing as Ku Klut uatil they were arrested The average whits ] man of South Carotin* is the poorest spect , men of the Caucasian race 1 have ever lea ou ' either *ide of the AtUntio. The rno-T dur j oounsguig about him * he -how* «.» do- j airs t * iuii rove hi* r -oditioo. 'Uni cau be eipecte*! fram a ms • who wu! not take the j tr *uMe to pul a wiuilow in tie bouse, and ; sb>> keej-a t.ts door -hut by putting a ••chunk - ' of Wood agatuot U. bacaa— l*~ is too ektfHaas k> Whittle out a latch ut a b(1 ttOD. Itftt • tal, cowardly, end iuoonoaivwtdy ignoraul, he is a Ku Kmt by nature There are, of course, a few intelligent and worthy man sprinkle,) over the c 'entry, or the semblance >f civilised e**ciely would n-»l havs been }*** aitde. and these men in the old time controlled the lower ordara as absolutely as tiid the Bcot tiah chlvfs their elans. Whenever, tn this State, such tuen have opposed lha Ku Kluv 'rganixation it has nrver ha-i any headway l T ofortnaateJy. m this ci>uuty, and m Sjiartan burg, l'uit»o and t'heeTer. these men. with ex ceptions so f*w as D*'l to be worth mention ing, all loins,l Iks order- some from chotcw, others through fesr. Os the latter class we bad a good eiaiui'le, yesterday, iu t'ld *Saoirs Hope, a venerable sad sensible tnau of 7H. who was initiate,! by hia bcvUher Justice of the Tsana. ‘Squire Hrowo. who told bun that the old ui-o must join to control tho young, who were getting too wild. Brown, however, is shown to have been himself a raider, and one of his sons wa* the Chief of a Rian. It is scarcely aa exaggeration to say that Um organisation cm brace, i TBX WHOIJI WHITE VOTTWO M>»*l UTIOW of the county Major Mernll o*>ncludea. fr>ni hie svx Boaih- herd work invsstioatiag Uie cotiapirscy, that of the S.!K)O whPa voters, th*re are not JtA) who have aot basa lattiatod, and sonnni-n»as were the a*'tive members that there is aa d.>abt that the (Trand t'hiaf or Cyclops could, any time In the spring or sum near, foes a—emhleii. in Iwaaty-fcnsr hoars Uaie. ow» MO mounted men. well armed with guns aud revolver*, uniformed in the dtoguioss id the Older, and as thoroughly obedient »«> his command* aa discipitne,! sol dtara If au oryanimtion of Ihte strsugth in a aiugle countv Is uoi a awwfooracy of saActent siaguituds to warraA Ihe (ten- I seal Government tn taking it in hand it hi not easy to ses what wooll be fortydvs Emm are known to have existed ia York aoaaty. Hoase of thoaa have fonciful | or fsrooioaa aamaa. such aa the Rattlaanske*. 1 the Tiger*, the White Panthers, th# Black | INmthera. the Whits Kaagora, the IMat*. the l Avenger*. Ae, and othora to*'k the aame* of their Chiefs or of the boahtioe wh#r«- they wore formed. Kaeh KUu elected ill own chief, hie Itmtenaat. asd tww or three ••night hawks. " who war* eoert-Q ccttfv to the mesal»er* gatherings of tbs KJan, aad l*» coni msuteeie with the eeatrai aathonty in York villa. All the memlter* had pistole and rau«. ■u; h.J WiarbMh t r rUU, whirh Uim la mm u> b»IM... m N,.« 9 ra,, with fas,!, rairad Ih.ra fbr ttm Kutjht thouran.l of thra, arm, ara known to kara Iran hfoawkl ko Bow-k (trotim atara th. I Ka Kill lruat»M b-tfao Hal of th# men who now paaaM ikmm ifuna n#»#r ha.t m.wtr; ( #Boa(h « w, MB* IB h» M, for Umt owl I 9Wk |H mm*. m 4 Ii fa owrWiw that ib.m. | lIM, tWMI Mat— from tin wagro ralHtia war. (iwwalw (mm b; Mku.bolr I'b.j all wall aupfiM.l wtth Mi# pwowltra .am..,it, „ th# (HIM rajuirwJ. Th, IwMplltM of th. KUm •MtMMM. At liMriMM Spring. In Npwr I wkna NMtf- • »li|>p*w« pent waa #*t ud, wbwrw AtwbwdM*t turMbon war# tootfM. IM wool u l u># Cilia nt k»w to hia Kian. *■4 th. ,MS> M tho Grata Ghiof Wa, law to Mr«t»#* Vw wit ottM—y oaaaa of wktppmf tail ahwwwj an.l diraipltoioi than HUM. UM rhtwfa loHatt o* thatr own trap twri btlttj, hot whww arr lM|a<rtawt aatarprtaa wa# twlmihlid th# ;not waa WiJ by lha Uraa.l flkhf us haa Omul, us uftw dMpwtohad kj **%bt hwwka" «■ ttM UM, who wwr# ra Otulwd to to tMik, lo iw-ka a dotail from Oatr Wtu ul Ml tot to tho imiitrnw al aw Mar appaiuto* (ku. Hu Um rtolroad tolbnth M Monti, to pwrwt tho troop* few* float eg ku*. us th* told to Mil th, o*MMfjf Till totor MM Mtolfl. ahowt Due warn tathUtfumu mot* fOcui Uwtrm ATLANTA, (iEORCiIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, IH7I. kfosW » s* t 4 k tv* n.-tix# at (I* iitw sod spf«r*|«ted tt I#-a U ref'-ww VWV •4ee ' aery Wet. ia» ki htss ws— tl r » 10l at V hi—s sefoss n-* > - •# t VA . a tss «—4* Isl. 1. tm • and so psit—t •w* Ifo* Aseei f *ee tn* k« -ihesi d< wwv ask Ks4Uat hs pr— afoOssf tfoss g-«et bkMif ,1 wpfo as— is lb* ntfoi «oM** « ben - r apt Jim William* was h’lWg IS till c uaty, UifM K >«u* wet* i>»for ,ed t - uui t Use sasrd,r Thai —el at sos r*Xale*« .* in aa >d |h»*# Ae*J. and wars I they vm **>.all»l. Lie I ■ its* fJu»#vt.- »*fs ayaif-i with ordrr* from the 'lrasd * boS t take tv«ei>»*s i No owe bet k meed aa l the i t'kislt knew what wo* to be A>oa Itw where they wer* to so ll* , uaexched iw* peity in Haiwam * bOX*A i *»d s i*ss th p's itcVtnz wa* taktti /rua* | tbs ana. 1 f > w skn«ldsg #tf«. < tbs wse * to hang hfoi and fW**4wesM tbs —|W I br ught along f -■* the pory tr " Hums »** [an kMMst ikteilirriit. bard wrirkiug n*gT>i, who wa* tuu(d«r«H! t * *‘,*e h* b*J be*a asp utn if a miiuito - #m[suiy ltrwtaos «w a highly mp ul » pra. u. log physician is Yorktilic II ied th? ccustry as sniu as the ' Kresid* »>v*e prM'iantsii u x««»»• I Wb- s th* n«*;ro nsthUamen ••(* rosasscr*-! at ('finw tee leel ~*U> ild u Wcra bruught toga!hst to do the Work, and It is eatiu*ai<-,l that a* many a* i.taa* mors sere wu th* vus I. Use or ders having been scut to all ths K ens in a rwdtws off *rty miles Hpsotsl trains ou lbs ratlrv>ad brought l- *dies of eru**-l iueu fr >rs t "barlull*, tu North tar and iuo»bsr », in th* county south of ('bfwter. And all this so* i>eca>tse *4foiuy ti*gr> m. 4m had for- 1 to march tbrongh th* t-'wn *n-i CampTo agn v* near by They had iisrt nofo«dy. but. alsrin-d for Cl«str lives by th* harrasaing of the K<i- Kiux, tin y had aw»eu*b!od to insure, a* lh»») thoocUl, their own safety The rranTt nf tl*e attack <>a them wa* mi* white rnao wounded is tb* fog aod sfvtsen blacks killed | 1 gar# to * dtapwttib iiuo# ; .tit! I t0..4;,, t I «-*.» «f Ui*a* Situ W, ImM a- Up t’lWpti ., . 1 »>#*■ 1 • tfkthwt tram Start*- Sara #nmi j att.l 1 bar# alroa.ty |ttv#o a copy of tit# ronaU ] aud by-law* us lha Order in T->ik coug |ty its prevVis lofosr. iSo * intsougnerK* 1 “I sp>krs eith a ii*t.»a,h o | I'he party hailed, if a brother Ku K.ux. . » s»tT. and. "Yon -way what' t* which th 1 lI.W lie-!. •* Nettling The JiaUv-ui word wa^ " tv»UhohS*“ whicit*l* a corruption ifo*. w*#rd Ambalau, c. that woe -'vtuiutw. tn t >• | rebei army ['lie dlsgui*,'* wrr - not each Kuo ilixctU* tor tfosif |u th- *ai o: colors. The gvuera’ regulations rtximr. .1 t * .at the diaguto-e shush! consist of a Irniv *v»»ri coming high np on the neck and rnaching l the Leial*. with slum, a h *O,l covering tb*- entire hc.-wl. an-! a ma«k The horse* wefr ! covere«l wait white cloth. This disguise 1 wa- perfect, lor oo part ot U-.< wvrrr or ill* ordinary dries c,»md b«- Mtx. tveu bis uock ti<* was concealcl and bis trowacr* down to his txsola and his hofer w±s utirvcoguixabl# j | Ihe Ku-klai slier a lusr h»‘ess»# eanekw* si'out their droMt. and cflea went out withes: ! their gewws-soaieHmes without masks ami J ! it wa* through this carriesanee* that tuasy 1 were reoognlred Thefr ydhces oT Yandrxvo*> . | were field*, wood*, r»«ada. mill*, and «w j iHH'taiiy churcbt'*, where they Wonid pa* | around won! of a rat 1 at the fotndav evesiog service, and start oat after they had received I the benediction to malt reel or murder a-ins cl Ood a poor. Uciigtuo had oo toward 1 making villain* tuemful. tin <»n# nc caaton four uuu who hc!j»v,l to kills n< gro on 1 Knitsv went to th» Comrausirm table ei*l j partook ol the Sacrament ou the next Sttof.y, - I the minister knowing that th- y ha-i beeu * o i*ern«-d in the tuur>)rr ! Ihe murder* were generally -l me by a large 1 fares a* the couf<*»*tug Ks-Kiut «-tprv** tt. |by "a right amort dr -v* of qk u Sixty s.on kiI1«h1 a negro named U >uu«ltn>e iu th- uorth *rti jvxrt of the county, two or three KUo eoa» mg from North (eruhua to help, lathe case where four u»ru killed s negro by order*, it era* ih >ugbt aafn to imphoate the wh *l -and th- Chtei summoned them ail, led them to th* place where the body bad hung for throe dey and had it sank iu limed riv«w Whl1» s well a-*, hi* k* were th- vic ( j tmi* i.f r» nft* one iu*u h r Ulkiug of (he Ka-1 Klux isdiecrectiy. another for teaching a i negro school, and other* ht-cau** they Were 1 j *Ti -d Radical*." The l<aker s dozen of | white Kepablioene in tbs county were naturally quite jubilant at the turning ! of the tables os the cowardly ss—lrs They say that no such terrorism existed for then) i *v*u flaring the war, a* for Republican* dur >.014, the post year Oncol Itiees men. “lUg Bill U ilaon." he i« ealle l, after having been ••raided" two or three times, bad to tears h> I nor his life. H«i caiuc lieck not k'Bg *SO, and pnhhthsd a e*Td in the village pa|*cr 1 ■a*ring he bad not returoe«t to prosecute the Ku klux. but to Mv* in peace till be nouldgst 1 his family away. U lore he vu vwsdy to move th* arrest* romm-ticsd The oth. r day •Big HsU" rwdn Lgr Ihe .MailuabJMt'* hoWee. A aod soring a crowd of Ku Ktux in tho yard ( oui* to confess, wh.»tt he got near th* m ho ( -T*« year ol lias ooae Re«uru y« r»ie.»o,| einucre L a>«. A ml i aiut (mug to awve To th* colored people, UiU instant an«! | (bomogh cruxhiog of th* K 1 Klux vilU.ny in a relist long proved for and ,leepairml o? No os* cau luiag 1u« th* sutler mg- luce, po< r f r«*i tur-w have eutl •■ro.l iu tli* |<o*t year- tl * t n nbie anxiety lb* souetent fear es scourging aud luuider. tin- shcjnng tn llw w-'o.ka • luting i th* cold winter nlght.9 and iu tho rwigs «and spring. an«l ict iel tcrtwve that hbndrt U i«i durr i whose am* so bornbtv mangleil bv ths blow* of their brutal naailan!* that they will never fully rcoov. r •l t il y u. aak a negro said to m*t>di\. •*,* e*• migJtUj broken up Hi. I U .<f us did >Ure(l<-*p moor ho«ix< -* f-r fiv - months W« j-n' *!• *ut guv it up, utid and » *<- th >ugbt lU-'fv »»< no help' for us, Wi w.i- alias ou K aids id th- Korf, but It 'peered lik* as if dr N rs ilidu*t know 1 it and wasn’t g in’ to do nufllu f r tie * The oonfm— ug Ku Klui agree tn th* t» dn a-t to what tb«-v und- rsto«vl were th* pnrp«"«r« ol th.* organisation. On* uiau oajs ha wa-* told it WtiM to ‘Snipprees l.ial. «aat». »%, MtiTsUp j'-wA ti*e Lfo:iy*cr*tdu party ■" an ih*r tli*l it wa* to ‘•keep the negti'ca from rising, another lha* the porpos«> wax m • k«- p fusse* down, and colored men atiil wliil* a omen apart and *0 «s tb rough Vuatiy v onsi*eS* of tb* asm* j»«rj*r>e*. un«l< rxto,Kl hr afl, namely. iKMHihty to the wewroe* awd W» She Re—sbu .. 1 party. A i -wstduiAbie pwtpon of Ku-Jvlm wrr# t 'a ign rant t*> knot tsuch of puiith'w or partim.. but they vrerr ik»4 slew to a* tl* ad vantage* of be n*’ able lo abuse with impunity J Ui* black men an 1 women whn ft rod in their neigld>orlio<td. His atm of the intc.Sigsut I was to control this poor whits element fr 1 . their jediticsil advantage, and to U»v r. ugkly , crush tit* ftpiril at lha nagnie*. * * that they . | roald l»e mad«» t-» «ith<Mit s»g.*i » and rotoj 1 a* they were 1.44. 1 s|«eak i's this Kn Klux business in th* past \ j tcos«* f»r a* York c-ninty is concerned, it j !is a thing of th* pait. It is extirpated, root ’ and branch But tu nil th* olher OOWStle* es } th* ('roo)aiaseU di-tn-'l there Is •—s to t>* Hass that tht irdor la m povortai aa star, si thougli prutleuliaily inactive at preoeut. In | Fair At hi c-ustv, Afteen new Ki voa at* known : to h»ve been orgatuiawd tn the os -nth of As-f gust lost bl*n- 1 fwwhabh' the! the work af * suppressing ths cosej'ifary wtil tie carried Uy.-n l tii* three counties Af York, j Sj«*rt inl''i'g *nd I’nion befrwelk*(Viwl ms*4e at (Vluiubl» »ti the *J7lh. if ihe werk ta pros rented tit all the coitnlitMi oiulu ssssl hi th* | procUwati-'n with th* thoronghnea* with ; which it has l**-, u ilou* hire, it will l*s a labor of malty mouths Whit IH* INlsuv taa Its. Thr I/omw*Hfo ('xmmercial sstw *'Mw ths j Great of IUtaMO. married a peasant git t, wh-' afterward Ihkmuus a great Iwnpetw. Ws l know that this josrnel ta sodoisMsil aathonty , njw»u many thing-* Bat as ws never hear.i wi , swob a w-t.dsrful and radical change of sex, wwhsg le* v* to inquire what h>atssias has re- ! corded Ilf"- (ihuvi j t'sftetsly. sir Wa ssswex wgh a>fosSf* < That woxid*rfril feat Was petf-'misd Ky on* . who has don# us rs Ac «svs<(lt |he raw txlfl of fl#t{onfl tb*!. * r#t. lit- nr-l lion.- port*; hr mm who B.iM .ra« tra *hW, tho miOiMflot »oifn(' rara, IMh ih# diMl of hflHittlwlioH, or fliWlar* tb, «f Mfltntw, to hi- o»n twral wtU, oi «6>m* Mn’i n thrt.WN towiflfllN to • "ton#.' who ran *4bo t M», » "Utlw*.-* at, «(U • *»T* a# M> bond, ton » *hoi« MMtpb into , "toaloMan. to,.- Dm Oo atom—to Itof 1* MhnfMfii-i-lotiii* (tontotototo LKSiaLITIXL 0» ti IX) KOI A. —— e--d- IkSATX Kl|kiMslk Har's rrnitoll»4> Tfosut N. «an#bm Jl. IkTI Ths fossfo me* at id a. ■ KresaJes* Pa. w v»ut*fo shstr l>aV*t V» R»» Asnnci WfeMir __ Tb* r->lt was esHe-t. and th* Jowrua! r*sd and •IP'Vtod . A Uh *u ritieSe psrUes pW*i ig Ui WfUiS *s*« from the operatios o* an act to *xt> sd tb* U*n wf set oit aod eseowfwwsni to ad Übt* ( contracted before Joss 1, ISA.* and to f ri id lit* <v4lsrtl(JS of tbs sam# until all Ufa! taxes di*s ifoasos shall ha»* he*a pud. Uung ths ' *p* Ul dr for of th* day. wa* the* tak»n op. Ih* fu I iMj CsaaiUss rep rte-l a* a sab stltuts. a UU to rvpwai aaid a t to *xtru ) th* i hen of sstsf. Ac Mr N»« Mote moved to ley th* whole matter . u lha lahla. t#»rned by U>« !<•«*•/«iug sot* | liar av « ai»x*l*»U. Hsrt i > *«, <>ajr*oe. t*s ••»» 'man PlnsH M -via. lift van I X.ntMto# l#t |S' hseama. MacteaUy *».».«• and immU it **e- k»an Hr»n. Owasas > ss4Wf Ratis Hi. ka. Hillymt M*.-#.. t >44 y h—-m 1 Ht-l#ar-l»- NOsJasi Xg!» « Vtilb-irii m 4 w«k * I U. * I Bills read ths third time A btll to Incorporate the Ogisthorp* Menu ' factori/if Compeoy. Passed A UU to amend seoxton hot of tl*e t od*, tb nlet ion to Sheriff* fee* ls#el A bill to amend an a*t to rsquira the **V- ral ! J udges of the Hapswisr C >arts m gtv* apeciel j ly in charge Ui the several gaaad jurxsai ol tbt* Mate ka-eos as 1 4441 f th# j ' air, r- at tag 4o dlsiurt'ing omgrrgattous saj gag -d iu isilgluOS worship I'aaaed A bill (.< smpuwir the Ordinary t l ui fi ; county b> c instruct a public mad In sa J county Passed I A led so pro tide h-r a-ijniiaUng U>« rtgh?s I of psrusa Oti lsr Art* le 704 the ( mast*! Must>. - relating to tin- Mriliug a [‘art us h.>UUSt*a<l a' and | ttre rj*Tnr-r..ii Os l>.-ually and sUowii.g the piaiau T Is foe an adidasil that the prnj- r-y j l*%»«*«t C»| il subject to execution, a&d tl*r I roprrtv i -U- sold Paase,! A bill t. r. p. al aerti -o lit of ti.* t-U. • hioli d-clar-a a minority candidate elec tmi ! whoe the iuaj4>ritj CandidaU# vet-not le t * thr lU. . . l»a— -1 \ bill toalxiish all offi.-.-a DHidet t. .ft with I4he be' r a Mini Aiiawn so. ttwod. P*ess l ' AIII 1 • .*# #taiNi#i . M.aiMl -itlNßfl-. 1 Mr Ci-in m'T-f—"it u.#Dtl .-m to# pi-n-.d i that ii w.'tiM give iiw,» to a grt-at many n t ! I >n«> Jod *Ol u Mr Hti t .»pp ->r,» th.- bill a* ralcuialsU t.» restrain tb* pmaccution of euminals l-e I cau- th ' ail*g»tion nec-aaary I- pro. irv it» j warraut f -r firrod would t** in.ln tol-lr Mr Wbui.soxM siip|M>rt«-d the biii as tin 1 teat means of rtisekti g th* unb->«jn«i i li< .*• which is so nie iu th* country Mr. Nti Mata offered an auicudinont, pr » tided Ih# trtth may so given ts svAfoao* u juetifloati in a* iu lilad Ad<>p(*-l. Mr I'ahx*i ta tn>ived to an««-nd by excepting lan*Miag* of bousewivo*. cook*. A- ha! Mr# Hi m* hoped the bill would nut |**s Ths but wa* passed. A MU !• change the • i:n f i. < Hie Superior ( «»uru in Fiiut Circuit Faaaol A t-ill to iucor)»orat* the U>wu of iKirsvill#. tu Dekalb county I'aae-'d A blit so s«nsn 1 an sol lo lscerporats the tr»wn of lWatur. DcKalt* county. r.oK»--i A bill to incorporate the town of Luthcrt vtlls. M« ri wether county I‘aaa*d A btll to provide a rwuiody by which money or property stolen, or unlawfully <s>uvtul*d or deleittisl th* Slate or Ihe Western ami Atlantic Railroad, way be recovered, arul lor other purposes. Mr. kiKsaut moved to wake tha l id tna *j-e i cfoi or for tut taflxanrfos (forviad A lull to -Kange the tiui* of bidding tW [ Sup-not Oosrta ia Uas Kaatara t ir« > and IW-I A tail t < amend an act lo grant to the Ne vor nab. Skidaway an>l Baaboard Kailr-ad thunpany tba right to < >uatrw> t a mxlrtsmi «i tba street* of H,vanaah hwwd Am act to a«ith-»r«i* tb* Ordinary of Oiero k«-a cwuuly to i»«u* t»--u.l* for ibe pur|hm •of building a c*»urt b->uae l‘a—ad A hill t-* fix the r <mp<-nsaUOQ of grand au«i |>*tit j iron of DeKalb County ffTing th< -»arat< al f- . r 4» per day Passed A biil so provide t -r ascertaining the anionst of b%>u«is ibuli h*»* ftetto-M la.-'Or-b to r quire thsaaui.) lo Ih icglil. red. and for other pur jKiecfi The Finan * Ca utuilU* nporisd a* a sub stitutr *ll I to protect the jwn'ple of this Svata from th-' illegal laaoe and nrgoliattno erf b *n is. pro?id ng for a cotuunastuc. of Lhr-v. one to (>e ©lofted by the Senate and two bv the llou-**, 1 t-i inrcMligali' all |wx*t trsasactii'Tis if that cli*»« actrr Mr Bn w h contended that the *ui>*titate provided lor the election oi parsons outbid* Utn General Awtablv uj>on this commiwHon. 1 'afitTltf* opfwiacd intrusting^the uiatu«r U» aqy such iwisnoi aa poatiary to pvweedent and nn n ectskwar > He ni>»e*Ki t > strike oat *Vom mi* ai -nora • Isuiwl" and insert • committee »p j -intml " Th* in 'U ju prevailed, by yea* -!*. f-tto rafflwt -to »4»iA»l «ad ih* WU pfltorJ A bill to allow contraHne* and sak-c- n tree tor* ou sailroad* a lien on th* wamo for lai-or don* tu the e«-n* true turn there >( Mr. lia-iwm oforwd au arusodmenl “ f r a-1 Ulw»r .lone under contract nux<le with any Kxtfroad t'onipssy Hr HitlMH ground that It glfra tbe seiuo right to sab ,*x•: tnrtnni ■> to ccntractora \lr NYnxaixx thought that the ptiufi|su reasAin for th* {wux-iage of the bill w»» tHs-an** it protects the poorer men who are unable to protect themeeivea. Mr.i ANui.xa oppoa si the bill a* injurious to the rights of tho -Mate to mads to which aid j bad been granted Mr Hnraom objactsri baasim* the tall would . require the Freatdeut id tb* I t»' sc«- !-> the i payment of th* wage* of all the laborer* on 1 the road. Mr. Hhxykii tl. »ught that th* tmaappropn aUon if fund* hy •oatreeiom oagbt to b<- ■ punished aw a oriw«- Th* hour »'l adjoinmneut having arnvtwl. |».*«d(ag th* dtaesaston tb* ffonale waa so. , , dared adjoqrncd. lloriK or KRPRICikVTtTIVM. Kl|Mr*alk Dap* rremHlag*. IfsNDAT, Nov*uil**r 21. I*7l. The Houat met pursuant to adjournment, 1 fqisaker hwiTU prsaidisf Prayer by Rav. Mr. Übiot Journal of sHmfoy s proceeding* was read . RjftMftLto change the time , .'f holding the TVmrt# iu the Mrddlc . I Ouosil, wa* read ths fliot lima I Alto aWH tv* 4t>ooVj»oeuts the city of Ran , dvr*vitie Ou moliou at Mr- Uxax, th* rule* were ill . pended to take op a resohitios providing for tfo* appoint*®, nt of a joist rcasmiMsa to in pur* kilo the legality of ths ksass of pamtau tiarv convicts. htr (buJtositii foinftkii thal\>Bßtmtta* on ! the lVstisatfory haws alremty mad* the invse I kfitioD, sad voaM report le-foy H* theca- j | fora mm»d In My Mr. Gray’s rssolutfon oa the Uhls. Thlx'mottou prevailed. Tb* wolluiahod hsusssi. lo wit: the ball to appiwat a earn—ties to tnvestsgau ths of tbit Rtatc, wax rsssmad Mr. rnuxtr* continued htaacguioeni Maim | ing that Mr. Rosts hsU psoposss In organlx _ a wimtoatoa wiMi lbs pomsaa of a court, aud if ths gauUemou who srs pmmossd ax ruem i br ns at that saturnism s* ate aWvxmas to the \lYtb Amen-lineul Ibry could sot ee4; that U* 1 Is no new dejarlunsl and doss not favor tbs XlYlh Ameudmsnl. bat he*is aswUling to ere any aoteos taken skiok might be ■■ li poltti ; v'al capital by the Republican party sad rmnxli ! In damage to oor Btate. he Mvored ths sobs - -1 tuts whmh t*r»sifowl lot ths appoints****! of a Jakai Oamm44#sa foam lbs Oemacai Assembly to make thu iQvestipaUoo. Mr Booroxs of (JwuxhsU argued that It ix | tbs foskp of lha msmhxxs al kbfo its makw «hb isvsm%sites, amd tbs psopl# *» pad them to do It Ths himtlwfnii of out , aifova would soosUtols a sort of soarfo ood ts any of Ms mssahafw moss abosmnsi Is ths \IVtN AwsssfosssA or ahowrid tall sv dec It os to act, Mr. (Way wo«M hoes tbs right to asoks appoiotmxmki to ill smssmsksa Hs sp> poosd tka hih tfo mm Ikxmi pimH . aod op- PMhd Mr. fhimph xmhxaMmas o« As mood AM Ao MbMhn piwipMid h too huge, ood ***** MW tho kfononi MM, DavA sf Newton dihgkt AM oMoifo ]of the g lAlty |wsrt4os uo -<s« car ! rs any W |at As magailods of A* frs-idw wh eh has, bowo psrj'Otmtod --*0 A* H4*«e Jn imttrt nt fhsms parties t* an fmnsssttv* Inti, and tb owily pMsltrs to be decided it wh • * sab it# u«wUpQas H* A*->ral ths k> * H sAM hse* mew* ttm* Than m«si**n * tb* ItpsiSsr? i tit- Mhu-us ssld M*a vbs»»w M itHstrj - sgwtoxft h»«fc «Armis *w» m ttw -w-l ' tb», lead I»k* the V«obsr* M fogw pi asd tt,*- ’ eharge* «aH f-w vmwtn'v isveottgafi-n »n 1 bx Lug i-b u#e doty »( mahiig if) . t t'-totsmi fail* upas A* afo-ukier* ©1 tie nsu i i>*n of ihi* (»«Loral iswir ' » Mi U. kliu.AN rsvteso 1 lbs *i.oai. -o. ami j j ivlsris 1 lb* mtxi rteos* of trur pa pi* is a i •y>e*cS repUtc with ebu, » uxf!»'us.* an I *K> I queoss. Mi Ft*, sai l that whan the btll pr©j>>«sf | i try Mr. kooU wa* Aral pre«*--u:«d. be waa up i p**> wi b tt, bat a(ws Uirther rdretn r . f,.- , * b’nk* it t* »k* sira*!»r* wt-vh *l> nli b } adopted AH * admit (bat an iovs*tlgati «t, : , V I*l rat to be suafo. asd tu* SuD&ii ut S*aiußf I»( mss* Ut b* the only <t*fb r, ic* If it w j J true that ttie time hy lav f r tha **w ! as'sx sf This Gaosral U tow abort u t >«*ahs a tk-wwwgs lavevttgsti rs tnrwugu it- ! * eotpmttSiee Xkoo tbe b»( plan b> f>*w Iff f Rm(|‘# hßt TKat be, for one. ts not afra.-l '»< , rtoepufMXbllity. but he want* tb* pnt.itc good | Urwt - - aer» t#» L appwtakad cedar the hill a;a non off#. -r*a* i wroal l be affecSo*! bv the 14 b An>et# inv**ot. j then VI ft equally apply t-* an Irish man or Hvvde. or otUr |>«raub aunt tu Etw;--- te l 1 bring issizntn tu t*«r>rgi* Ur Jmi*>i<slW Iti** nv»vi>ni qu* n j tba rail v»* o -t sv'Taiocd 1 Mr It*, i* wa* ,-pp< <* 1 t ■ the pa-aa.'* of i ■ the bill, sal mg that t#- dll n*l re- -gnu tbe j •la *4 that a. u»t*r, if |!.in (eenecai A*» tub'} > arr. wasting to *lh ity aod 1 Lai | ' promicei taw i . «rur-l. u> ik* wa* uns....i g I • ter a Imrt that T-erc-tto . *toto ] , tb* tr bvit ia arc twaaigiDie Aas lu time It ie flu,- that tbe li.v » igatuws car not be J -tb iosgtiiy mod*- before Ih aeaoiuu rxpirws, f • hnt the mvMtigati'.o by tb- msoitu- u.,1 • be n-stinu 1 after adjourumuut, and it • mem 1 so r* owuld evrUiniy ►p-»(» as much* r i a« li. ia* aVTvrw wko etau>i «t U#a tiaa-t f the - pyiffraMmi M«. 4v«4» , a/ I. N,«.l •- ttol i b**i, t*«a*rkiu«t that t .am« sk*t*s( Uk- Legts ; uturt ai* coU{viui>t and *.Ding to m..k*i ILK j It: «oaUg*i*«'U. Ibey « (• «l cU-l I t lb*- pt)l I I p-***. 4a*-d ate buuau le u#«.i cuttoli uail- to ii : vb* u fa>i duty is live mater Mr. Rn ax »«w» so. j <*i pwl t > , h | thought tb* ui -at bar* „( tL (J. : • i+: A*** -pi t* a* to lb* laak aod u.i: », « t - of getting cutaid* parties to oudertaSe ti Mr. iiiuus said *i.a* ttie obi saving, that ‘if J' n want a thing drrse, do it yoarwelf. if yrn and u"t a.iLt il loir, aoisJ a**ur*body rn« to do >. appors ut UiM Caoa. 11*- e*ul Inal poraiu f »M j-ir.ew want ihi* invaaUgaiiou ma*le j jn I hr th that ra*mbers of both p -IsL a i prai Uos ahoubi be appointed on lb* cvinatillr-e <*» that ail p*rt,es may U aaU*fl.-1 with th-- ! report, and if tha charge* are fun i to U true I he for ooe would be g!a It< *«• pun:*bm -at ? fall cm all who S{* abuWU to dracne IL j Mr fnrus favrrrs-i the crigioal bill, aay | ifig that thr* s|ytrtt of the bill u to exp -*e fraud j Couinuttad sino* IKK, and the beat meu wu i -«u ha obtained ought tw b* appuiuio*L .A (o*kl I * wysr. a pr* “and banker, and a good mer tutt | should b# appornted. who are each experts ia j their profane! Oise Ho naruvl T’Liiiip ( mylot ( i Junius iUil'we. aud John ▲ l>osuie as pcrsc'c* * mineutlv fitted by expenoow* ability lor the dntr' y.r PHitxnwi accepted th-* *nSwtitut* offered by Mr. Muisetw of Uvti.ti«U, a< au emebd susat to hts eulMtitllle. Mr Tiaai x fxvored th* adoption of the suKotituie, mnarkiug that I hors has l*een no a>k«nranr* given that the ooteiia roumiiwt ** , .u» would sens it ibay Wars appointed, and alihoagh b was uot much incltue 1 to pay at! Afina lo tIM hgaArd am admantx i Iks * ■»"«»■«“ of the I’uitod Htatc-s Vet he was i vwsdy to fid lew act the no iky <4 this Host and respect tliuse lu-nV.-iifi ax law nbl they arv rej-eaied If tUeu they sr. t -l>- ra*p< cted tba mabgibthty >n tb-iM g mUaUMXi would b« -Ur to lball fui: dtscl.Arg I lU d»t\. In the • ■ read bv Mr. hcctl ou ta * tenixy. from the Pcnnsylvioia Bsport, the nf'tnrou vu iu dev- -t p« r ty l y me: wrbooa« halwotvr and aep-'n* wars a« uuta; nialxenl ax th*? emiin* f!i*r urrr > Were snob 1 uru now to expound the las . he a-mid Ih* vril | ling to lxu*t to thnr decision, but su,-h :n. u and suen arc u- -t u: u us. and th* *«» uoloide - >mrataa!->nvr- wmild b« declared 'fßrvr* and ; held to be IMligibla. He hoped thAt the rois j miUeos to make this iavoelt »atiOu w uld Ih» i appossiod brvm tbe treoerrd Asaeuibiy, be lu*ving. as hs (iova, that thei arc equal t - tb Mr 1)0X4. fevorvd Un aub-.itub l ao I s* 1 \. ; viMild go along way tnwaru n-*-ou« msg fc.rn to vising for th-- bill if he kn- w the gentlemen I naiutvl iu the bill could and wootd n rve, an I I thowght that Ih* btll might I• * • an.- nd- Iby ebaotre ->( mkxaa* sad featur*»s that Mr So n | its riarsct, would hardly ku w hts * ffmng Mr. W D. Anuaxh s Was ncilher for the bill nor sul*wtitulo4. He was gUd so hoar rix-oißiuo a upon tha I□ talitgenee of this (»<-neral Aaemibly an i wo not | unwilling to ad utt that all tn* intelligence ot the State trflts nu lt-r disai ili ias, nor w akt | be bs as-ler»XK>d to attempt to d* tract (r -tu . ths learning of ths gsntUm*n who ar*« pro- j j-oeed for outoA*le cv-uitmaaioti*m (‘alrsges have been cmiuttu 1 upon th*' finances ct Georgia, and that sot..e tuvratigation must b» made u apparent lo mil, Imii oomm*>u mmax* otie ltd prevail, and ths divisions of gentlasseti Aliowbl lint Iw* construe*! as reflection* on the I/agixlatan' or • lhcr», but fairncaa, da-tigenec. and tnlogniy »houi«l I>* s -ught, aud be wa> ;Jeonotl with th* practical -uggeatums mad.- by Mr PWpbw Mr. Amuuuiox and« tailed thi J.fflcalt.ea which will bs ewaosiitarvd by lb# | *ruo> who are to 1 make this in Vest 1(W tier. lb# diAeuitiaa i4 tracing up the skillfully arranged plans of said mad Vrwadw. * f iulntcat-- hnnk acconnU. Ac. lie fiiv*>m! the apn**intxnent of a small j out oomniUU'v who wv-old I*e authv»nre«! I*' employ an expert Iwnikrr.a skillful lawyer, so 1 an experienced raiipw*l to ferret out Itvoas vtUar.isa Th»* idea, he mid. hod b*-eti • uggsstrd to him by Mr W.o*i • f Wxlkrr Mr ffoxJTT said Umt be dunked agaan U* in trude himself iu the debate of tbt» qa«eU-WA, bat on see. Hint of its magoilu-ke he dto explain the mottww which prompted him to tbm bill H*.igaiuurgrdtbevi«wsbr *-X|wsawad ou jrexkoxdsy,adro.-auag bw lull, and tY# I«nfs>r4a:?cs' r( the mew-ore tn a aporwh chsrxctrnxM with his uxtvalrlr - t nneo. Mr. Riutx oaßed the pravt us qucNtiow. Ti c call era* etasunaed. On the motion to ad*.*r*t the substitute the yoos and nays wars called for. with tbe foil- wr tag vwaaU. Yea* lfct; nays IA The torn an tie* on Internal la.provenr.nit | ropexUnl Ui favor of adopting memorial ad dr seas and to Ocigrni ta rsisti-ui to tbe «-asa! latvesn the Misaioaippi River xud the Atlantic (.fossa, and tn rviali-'ti to th- app*'intmeut of a commltte© to visit Washington lo forth•« Ui* massomb A issaasge from the (iowTsoi wa* received, but ao| read T\h message returned the bill to oidar a special election f r Owvarnor with* vsl amhwsL Tb* Hows* waa d*-rUr< 1 adjoern-d nnttl a w k> morrow a dew fmaatrftval Star. II rtenee Schneider ia a baafonwi* woman, not ull. but stout, with an aaossduig’y ph-asaut face and the most miarbiavcus gray eyes that ever twinkled over (he footlights There is ii.-th ing #ilrnordinary in her voice But there is in her gestures. And she h.v**» I the slightest laar of tmunng bar feature* by tba gvttusc#* ska makes Bh* vpone bar mouth aud shows her month unit* alarmum to uorvou* pe-opl*. Tbs aid tallows is Ua* pit, however, didn't ■asm to bs afraid There t« an abandon, a freedom amounting to ro- klamness in her iinvsßsskU, that would bs ibognating is any* boJ, •I*# bfll il flit no ostflrmilT Ui# iiff iw to * honor toniprroa-rnt jo« c,u', tad II to J 0« lo VUm# hor. II J.'n .U.I fo o wooki rorotoo roar joJ,ur#u. th# inotoul too hoo«t to- loo,h Tb-ra. no vtkluton.l.o, too raotopii to ,hot rtar>(. mraiool, Jolly * Schooliflf # JUm.ui 1# oro voo.Ur(uL to too jmm totoo Os OM iu.tindtol Th#j, too to Wo Korol Traooory ol Droodw —HWssssn TELEGRAPHIC. Orrtuiu.. l aklM 1 moriru Mark*. T»H Mill Oiy, Pniilkkm-tol. Hi.mou SulTravr Bill lu Hj.-mlnr l KrpoirA. UrrrUi 19-rlimra ■■ OH*#. CbaOK'- Iu Sup<-r9Uloc DlotrlrU. j Thr trrlT*l nf lluk# Ab-tl-i. Hi* E-roptlon (a Vew York, lie i> Hrlroaind by Uearral Ilir. I o-l Cm*d* Wiinpv, HU laadiuK- Kmoilnay (Ully Itororalnd. Th.* l‘roT(*<wion Two HI to* l/oni;. NOON DISPATCHES. a- isAwJ l-rsae L ■ytlSM , NEW YOillC. Saw Tou, Nuvsnxhsv 21. Ik* Weather is very fins. Tb# reception ' Vlexiu was according lo tTw prr^fwuiw.. It ta stated that tha OoLm■«, lasiws uers bave orders f»r $lO lIUU Ui af American stark and railway shares Chari** Ui’-sb r tbinka, tbruogh a fls* in the iadwtllWSt. Tweed will SSCspe pastak Blent. I ■»* %v \S L igiaTi!, patdjvher of the Ran. hs* l » B v*. n * i-f TaUic Js strarUon. H -rac* Oro, *vy pvp»tjip««yv!hr dee hum the I*r**4 i. l i \A tbe Ifoparnaant of Pablic Parks v.c* Mr Swvsmey. Tl • stosmboat owners have forw>e*l a per □Qatjvnt orv’sntta'.trm »sd adopted s pwtouon t- C<-ugrsa# to amend the at*aret«nat law* N .t* Dion the first of three gome* of five ban)red (musls for SjOO. Dion gave M:' lr r ''a** Lotjdrvd and fifty pmnts. and Miller ac--red four honJrvd and wtrstj-cirf points. MASSACHUSETTS Xowsmbxr 21 A man rLarged | »;th th*. soduction of hia Mater -au-law. and a [ doctor accused of abortion us the case, have Jt«app<arvd. CALIFORNIA. i Kan Fkiscraiu. X -veraber 21. lb* gseod ' jnry in investigafuig tbe recent stage cnaah * rolleriM. atUibote them to la*ltans The A|<ache« are sgaut oa lha war path. Moat of the parvons isapiMOlnd in Iks Los Vngeloe CLineoe isaamevs have fled tke ooan ! try. WISCONSIN. RiMmih N 'vombrr sl. Waabbwme «ns ! , rily will not roach Id.soo WYOMING. ('ut.vxvHi, November 21 Hixtae is j-eale*? w -man snffrage by a vet# <4 nine to [ three ENGLAND. i L -:-*iv S eat-..her 21. The hark Mary Raktr, of Boston, for Liverpool and the Bar ruudaa, anJ a Rnudi ship from th# Sicily has for Liverpool, which collided is Ihe Moffsry. I so-th sunk, attoi all wer# kml Advice# Constantinople report vary C>ol a-slher. I Ihe cholera is doily decreasing t . EVENING OI3FATCHES. lakiMtol Pt«m Duralrte WASHINGTON. XV aoßiwoi*)*. Noreosbar 21. Tha Frassfont ha* ordered that the sapor*leery fostnel, osXD 1 pnsirg AUbsms an ! Mississippi, bs annexed an.l uettr-i with ths State of Tennonse#, and hrrssfter c netitotc bat ose supervisory die i’txict txaoeral Walker hoe been apposaled Oa#s mi*sj.>n#r of Indian Affairs, bat will oontinxse t * anpennten l the cecsox aotil it U corn pleiad (t*x*ral SfManer a report rc«s>mmands that dtoheqaent Natioauxl l«anks be charged in terse! f>r every tan days' delay in paying taxsa. Hs says not a cent waa lost lo the Government | daring the year by the employee* ia hu office. He slate* that tbe (vovsnsnssnt has nooe of the new fiv* per coals for sale NEW YORK. NTs V lx. Net. aiber 21. 11 o'closk tb.- ult-fUttog lb*- wl we leal MalJ ToSaR, sUk th* rvcf-pCion committee, end a boat five hnn lre*! persons, ino lading s large number oi In* dies. prooeede*l down tbe bay. Over one thousand person* wrr* assembled at tke {for to wiima* the departure. The steamer was gaily decorated with Knn «i*n <iml American flags, and nearly all Iks ie*v Is tu ih© bay were drams 1 with Isgs \l-\ny of them displayed tke Hn—a oslora iway u thronged with person* awaiting the parade Great number* arrived from ihe country on the early trains. Building* an Broadway and other principal strsefv era dec orated with flags. Ths Nations 1 Gasrd ts oat tn tali force The weather hi ffne, aad tke ra ceplKwi will be brilliant. Tb* crowds on Broadway are so dens* that locomotion is almost tmpoontbi* Krary win cl.iw sad speas from which a vxsw can be ob tained wa* occupied Ten thousand troop* w*rv in line, extending two milaSL AWxie lande 'at half past one, when ih# pro ressßut nomL Daring the interval oi rn ceptioa Major (General ibx addmssvd Iks IVicoe a* follow* Yorn ixrxxiAi. Hionxna* la Ike , uAtne * f ihe ettiaens of Xv* York. 1 , Uav* the honor to lender yon a cordial wel cosss to ths I'nita*! Hts lea 11 ka a great grat ification to ns to are within oxr harbor tke squadron which has brought yon to oar sboros It ts a still greater gratification lo aa to ss* cesve among a* one of tke imperial feasaily of lUaaia. wiuws icnlastnosM shies has dona I so roach fbr civihiatioxi. and In khmi bauds the {Hiassssius of power ksn. uadrr guidanoe of I’roviisnn* been da voted to Ik* noldest si asm >1 sostal and political stsvuMon si Anas whs soma within ths *>n*r* of its Mxrfox Tka long and amu terra pied kindly Eskstisss bet warn Russia and tka UfofisA Males, knew nsforoßj t reated |Mron| sympslhy so #m part In all that concern* berwelfors. and ho* aanssd m to ragasd wtth dsop tuMrad kxff xtsody psnfxfos I ssosai I 4 *4lin* *i vasty ed*sae* Iks Ufki j iof CktisJaa rvetUmtieo ever r» v mo* ssk#i > So W tves bsrisf for tfw IQ f-mpsaßw (krl i mss \ <•#« liopenal Hi# bases wtfi, o* dsni4 . Asd O'ueh to oar samitry wksrk Is «s*s4 u ~ kar'-pas -a, aod Wfioeb wui hs reossmkess. •» s ses see el seed at eagpaaitoe le patina! son #* f Is ths Pesos al tka r tueam is wn>n* he , hot* 1 ted. i bee dec yve a is* *srs ssissS* The trmnm rap teg as ieitess uaixeu Ihjl. Uuin eon uanr ran i I beg to sspraos my tea Hoidt tec ths a*oe ner ia which I hav* Um mfivsA Tbe leefiof sLick Blasts bstesee Raaue aod the Unifod States is ss sUvsg as tl ia ie*t#ug asd aotkrag con disturb lb I shell pose rapidly through New York to pay my raspects so u* Framdent, whoa* high character ta greatly ap prsesated svarywhsrc, hot on my return I ahel. hava the pteeeur* U> accept your h -epitality so krndlj tendered m* ENCLAND. Lamido*. NvvsaUf 21 -Count Vox Roast, tke newly appostiled Austrian Am I*—a dor, ka expected her* Uo* vsm. FRANCE. Faab. November AL— The(wmsosest ha* resolved lo rapport th* usotsoo lor iks ra osoval of ths seel of government to Tan# al Iks next ssaons of ths Assembly. ITALY. 7b>irx Ncvemt-ev Jl The Kmc "f ItaJy sod President of th« Heweke are vxnswied I* errlTw In th# d(j SPAIN. MaDXII). Novuuiber 21 The AiMeioq of tke Cortes wa* pmrofri*'! u-,ti! February. IRT2, Strif! which time it i- prcbotds tbe r*— r > t Mirlstry will oouriuur in - ff!os In tbe mess Umc. the JeciMoo of iron--vant qsxntion* nasr pewding is postponed until th<* rmsmmbliniT .of ,tbe (ortea It t* an non need that among other meant:rna, th* Gorarntnral knx runolvsd to defer the impomtiso of lb* ta* of sighfotß per e*nt on the inter-wt of Spanish bonds, usti! it bat been approved by tho Cartas. NOVA SCOTIA* Halifax. November 21 Th# cholera has broken oat in th# eastern sccf.oc of HiHki county. It is suppoeo! tha* au an employed x* eook ou the tl earner Frsnklfo box brought •be disease into the c**mtry R© lx recover - tog, bat other* who cxnght th© lnfecfloa from him have died Tb# local government* have i.iopte l neexs «ary mcavure* to prevent tb spread. The contagion health officer of Halifax ts wHoagf* bUruo! for neglect. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHER Be i rasei rvwea Xlim« > r> WASHINGTON. Wuuxixorox, \omnber 21 The f>iHcwing tx the sysopOM of lha weather for the last $4 hours Tbe area of lowott praoeur# oooUnne# In t ana la. exleodisg e>ath«oat l*>wartl the Xocfth ( orohrut coast The pre**ur* ho* (alien vsgy gsmmafly along tW A:Uo:»c cisl with cioofiv wusfkor. and nix Urn Kwaeeo fram Florida ta North Carolina- Brisk, hat not dangerous south waster*, j wind* continue on the tomar lakes, eoathwesterij win-i* oo Ike upper lakes with falhng temperature. Th# barometer taa# taken in Wjoining xn l Colorado, with eiooffy aod thrsatsoing weather matward to the Mie sixsippi. Il ooaUoaa# high and riung on tke Pacific ooaat. aod aled »t- TeXM. Ptotoxturtto. I’#rti»!i» eiaadv *nJ pl#to uil wrattor isl probflbU (jrWtvlaratoj for to# S< >a Ui AXU&U# nu J liaif coral*. Th* low to rooraUi UI CuiJ, U10»«1 •uttiij, vito •oatovflflUrlj viaU an Ui# tokflfl. vecnag to to# north vrat. »nJ intoj wrattor #Ttrmlfl rerj gmoetmtif to* muUl# kl tonUc coral. Tto » ‘## I #*.■ il) vratora etoi- Uoaflfl from to, Ohio Yflilflji to th« oppvr Lntofl anJ wratvnrU. l'#ng--n>(u wind, nr# not fl«Uc:pntoJ tor oar corat tou «rerun#. NEW YORK. N«v Tons. .Ho*wntor9l -In toe Covrt of (totil Sravoan thin morning Jadg# B*4fortJ to to# ctorf# to to* grand jnrr on ftovd# flfnin«t to, nlr. »u(rr##t#H to to# jnry to rand tor Chnrira O'Connor to Itost them in toe Immediate nod rigid io#eeto|rntioo to nit Bonnrton, fraud,, witonat re,pert to peranne o# politic! pnrtiee It mnrtered not tont mnBT of the nilefped ertmineie bed tod the covntr-. toe lev von Id reach them It ie momi thmt Jra. Id. Sveenv, toother to Petra R Sweeny, to, ded to Knrope, end tont e-ndene# L, in toe hud, to Otoe. -A on no# to frond, by him. in #e-nneettov vito Tweed end other*. Th# World fltßtee tont to# rhnrtonto nrrarnl Sflfltnp, bnnkm. owned by mem bran to toe Ring, do not evatnin prneiraoeu f.w tbe fwi' tection to tbe pvWie. which nre h-avd in nh | obnrton to other Serin*, books. COLORADO. Dt—tt, Noeember tl The wind i, blew ing strong Snow eight ioch&r deep, nod to# railrand, blocked br drift*. Another Inter ■now itv.rm ndded mix inchra more. A ire ongionted in n bnrber ,hop »t KU Perron. The Kit Perron House. P-ny Hove*, eereral dry goods end grocery rtorra, end two htltord ratoon, were burned; else, the poet office. Lira So tcuranee. AUSTRIA. Vtim, Norvn.bra 91.—Tbe chug, ia the Ministry to toe empire, end toe Intlure to Heron KeHernpery. revder, veeweeery n men fnnitfl*i—i es tbe Pooucll ot Mlnintnra tn* Aaetne. ned it tn protnl i, tool Prraon Adolph Amenper* will will be eeikral le tone the Pinteitoen oebtnet. ENCLAND. Loxdox, N ember 21.—A dirpet. h hue Haag Koag eeport. to* mi el toe ship Ynaßteenerhow, for Nov Tort Six to the amv lost PRUSSIA. Rorembra 21. A dtvnraton in I*»klie meal to-der dereioped tbe tect Ural toe ftwnnnl oeK .stee led to eetobdeh a an ral poVto to eoeoed rank FOR HALE, i (Ttaroirtiu thmb boom oonwn, JL ra raw sad ■ krail.ira rarraw. RAV ecu «trr. tottmto iralvto. to iMhb u w. * train, ra Reel ton *eral. T)iiHR«. in trier mi* ra to* m «R* , XtoLtonte* «m. Wnol K NO. 1904, amlnkmenth , Deca vi!7 opera" hoto& ; t . 141 MI m-m- At*. 1 |-| 1 ITT • T|l rt| l» M H..i-U*p a... Mrs Hy r *« n* <>>K WKICK ONLY ojm-.m—ma m*W to. Ml. <4 m. mim i:m*» johuH ! kM«■ ifvM lUM«.aa .4 iMAhan mot raoi . , urn.* iukjt*ooT. Knout'’- »»iw* v»mu>i. un iwMi tm. •IUJ II ut' __ Ml'H KFKIK .JOIIMH, l>,r. »Li L ...MWt«tevUliwr»r i» Ik. mww pad »***• It***, ww«U*ed . t <’ II K c K ! NutVw far Wr ##“ Prl.-** m aw**aL lutt raw h* obtat**d a aHMUHItoMi. SEW ADYEirriSEMENTN. >c» J»» Tom —Qm f ItfwiiJL 100,10, ruu KM. I. H ft UtK. m Pai >m Ora Btinmi tdnm 4 R.cra ttrtur STRAY MVUail TiKLI up ,o K 'oOur morwiag. SMk MWL • ilir n( m>. % aaaw-fqtnrwl Mar* «hw i-U*- a black Utr. «*di ba»-04 but oifjiju Tb« 11, t*****!*. u 4 ggy ■ 4(r - ons irrmuTOt>\oß*_prtmtrJ m ■>-3 Oe'.ort, « irwjwvH Tint«t» P*ftm— roir Infra! Bofraviac* of FMwnl.Fts Mi TaftUltei. Wttl* l<r«n f fc~.»*TW.- ('OLi)RKD PLATO Ummh an-1 I’lwa t r tonkin* Walk., Liiu, ic Tfce bioXubeat u<S fcwt florol (.■Mr hi «m W.rU All fbr Ts» ( ran. to taa *hn think of baring Sana —-Nat a<j inrtar tha Mat *0,0)0 »uU of IS7I. A.ldr™. UXOt TICK, T. aorUiß Del JIVE’S OPERA HOUSE. - • m« AUOB Dlllliu ,L4>wAkl DimUr, W lilUw IUr»(« I*I*OARI>. rv\ two wiLsutm «»w.i. Moydat ayt* rrwur. *rr, rrtb *a«i fts nmt H>l WW «4 mm |ii«lir o»» mmm. Lun t*rM Md tW.r if irk »>pwra m 4 ob»»*T Onmpkdj id two Mnilr«r.t #ot»rtsf*m«b. ißci fM to dM inUIRM I, Yx LiagMrrl'D laabadf* • p—tpfi— of tW tot* a. ft. UK. full pvlk-übn :n fitwu p.l»«kU—mwwl* ftw—cu«4 mu •a «ato *t rklAtpw ft Orwwr noTl-vjt K. g. Alim. fttiM— Ml—fir Tlfß UFA I, ESTATE TRUBT COMPANY 317 »M. lw»r. Knw laan. Arc 111. mmd Trnira far ten IkMlßril af Ittrj l« Kml ar frrnul rropn-fj! r«MLT pwr owak iPNfMt allowed on deewfU of tuottr v wYkl miivftlftft ewtwt |ln pi aw. b* puMta caw bests 1 Um«|h rw ip«s4>U tlßff COfffUM. Rank*. WRITTOIS V I KTgTpftOY, rrwoawrt TWO* A. t>ATIW. k t«w Piultoal, A- Beliefl. Wm. Wrnm ar Rea HD a. Jo aw«b kelifxaui, Jna«« »- TW«. Jam. A. Iwumoc, HtcwadT Iftf Mr ti Rbw l> w Kfgbr A A. RtMMlNub. Robert Schell. CKm. » Liwwftofw. 'infltb Bov*. R. T WiUuo. C. C Baldwin. W. T Bkxl gwk*. Rdwta R. Mwaftw WILLIAM L KLT. Swcrstor? RWWRI-lf mm PrmctpßJ Offieft 101 W. Fifth St.. CwiPt—lfß, 0. TRw omlj ftplkihAw OftA OfCrtbwUoa la Um OMiky La Da SINE’S UMHTKEKTIi IIU\D Annual Distribution, T.Wl»—«aah>.k»nrl*U* O O ! IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! tvs uui ciriTiL runs! *lO m< is AMFUTTAN OOI.D ' 110.1(10 IS AWP.Rir Os KILTtU:! i greenbacks i $1 WSK* ttpua of Mbl bwal Borwe*. wt*k T+milj Carrif* pad SilTrr MouatWkl H*rn>-**. worth tI.W | riv« U4TM4 mmd Mwftftt**. wIU Rilwwr- I R*««t«d Himm. wwrth wooh 1 J 5 TxmP.y Srwtt.i: Mwrfctn*. W wtb |M fkft !».»• MfflU Mrr >>■»■» W If. ffti •./» RorU /rs «• *J*>MM*. UftM' Ordd ft ibwato iMd >pf Ct*in*. ! *W»*l pad IhMihto-Pftwd «W TmMb «**l TfipiH.DK, Ptofßf* ONf fiwM. *w ■ ■■lift nr M fUftt RVBN. TUkrUUmllrd tw IUU.IMM). A4«*(« wuulKhl V> b*ll Uokof. ta wbooa liberal pra m'.ttßiK will Vi paid. ffb Ttaftakw |« th VUVti fiO; Twafww tHoli tt) ; T Rf Its > Tvcftwf KA vknwlam ifiaUft a faR Ms aiprtaaa. « ftfritp. boo us Um TRir- of drawing, and otbwr ia/or»*- to— f SMfAIO » ftiWt'.MD. wttl bw fRt lo OOa, HI T Hi It L B A A PKKKIMi' lAIC’E riwMMl ajr Ca.BilMiar. • •van oai.i vuvd nidi." n anw — 1 mm u n aart caiak (in 1U iacuc. a•,. knead by «m» LkA A nUll( to allunMa kaklxTal Vo It HALE, TWO umifFROWID LOTS OS McOOXOCUU STKJOT. on u itt.rur TW)KT IT |w ran dw Prion. 4000. TV. Mi. la la rwrr rnoirr by m» tot our Frio*. WOO TEUMS EASY, ih i«l Alter Utewri Wk uu. AKKf.r AT TMIM OrrtCE. mm Mtf ' AMMKTOI. UIAUbCHA p«T ay maah Wr aat. aaa. 'CBACKBU TOt aaa 4 -•—fwcfsr