Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 08, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NLW ERA. VOLUME VII., NO. H 7. l airtitiKlT i Iftmoi, * • • Mill M Wllk fcl i«| • JLhi fGhre# area AreaTMv rmmtimm Mil N»4»*I«MI mi III* ft • I M ||i I*f« n« til (mil •••.*•. uni i*i% 4ML.A*. in M<»rMii|| ray third anr nai MMff I* »K® law * iwa* 4 u( IW o*>»erte*»ev»t, H frfy»uir l*» U at M te hih Ora* 4 wring «».* |.«*< yrn» •«>•->*• |M y M,* «ff H*l . ~,, M |» #j| |## § fnerad ii-ra lira •Uiote fotofo Pra |*olicy V— ra* •* i*<|uire i(*w lA* <4 iW li*« ilvra<ly *•«» to Inn their «f*trn iH IftHlt. **»!•*) wfaNv then i< ©or -tiafftt IV* (M«i *ni imm> li4n I *in I 1 »w wide** a. Un •*»• Ci I |« ii«»J pmynMf •• H»* ralkm •**howwrer, he«l »tti«d*4 wtfh toot© tra! cL«*L m«*4iU II Um lira of lif* r» I ii) •I'Tbj wd lr» Ttim <lra*> •*m hav© •Min! to rati forth lb* beet f tuniin tuVuft In *»or country. and to d* i*h-p# « frl. ifdakip w* -w. lira |flrt of tot «e»»«*a«, *Y>kh trorat I.r toward »l !©vi sting tb# df«tt>nf| er©e4nn#4 by ihH# nutate I t *- Tb# Ulu>rii««l til IMVI | ' K*L«t>>U»!i bar- I their tuirnm with lbs riotite* us IW iMKIi-n* n* *»l| reap the r reared Id the* <*ol f havlrjg perform©*! 1 ftrtlde art. —slid in 1 .« ! vi|„- tin tlmbka us uifi * >'« .ilTdl«n, »h..*r •nlf^nn r . I U~r h«V| relieved n»c r- L.U..i.« of th© Utuiraft fiwtlea with friwijß powsn roillii* fa Ira fneoffl* Tb© vi-*rUft« b©«u *n rr«niful one Id vitmniiv I*o nr©et »*tiou, g on* Wagner, end having « ... iineag©, settling bv peace! ol arbi tral* ou dicpaiM of lung cUmtlug. an,) liet.hi fit *t;v time to bm.'u (boa© nations into bloody ■ui I co*lly conflict. Au • xaoipie ban Iba* b»cr »--t wrlmb, it 4iioc4M*foi m m final imw*. nny b*ifoifoztc.| by other civilised nation* 1 finally l*> tl»o uiraua ol returning to pro >Jucbv« iuiimtr)' uiilliooi of men now mam tain ad to notilu i!m< iita|)uk« of natloM by the t nroTict n<i broads: In. I transmit herewith a copy of the treat) alluded to m ! has been conrle«tod #u»u • the ad urn man I«>f with her Rritani< u*: l 0 copy < f the prolocoU or tlw • ui. , f the. Cw.-siaiaaioiMn by a bora it ' 1* t»« k’ Thin treaty provide* math ( r ", ‘''"‘A iba qttelioui ba l*ecu »l e tno iiAtituv \ ar. ■ .* ,j-»« vlmua bra lo Ira adjusted by ar l itrMti. 1 r., in.«• end ( onpre-.ii at au aavlj day (o u k *bc ncoitmiary pmtiatoua fhr Um ,Tll ' ’■ '"-'a, and f««r tb * several coiu - : 1 part o| I niU and State 4 ciM.d I r » i iba treaty. Hh M vii • Kfnif of Italy, the l*r«d ls *> l ■ : v« t otiffHlaraUon, aud hu Haj • ■'ty t l .. r.u p. r-r ( Brazil bate each oou ** f d* and. the jmnt mpieat «»f the two INivru, 1 1 ‘•■■'■ ait.p.ral* r ! r tho Uihuual at Oa t o*. Ihu (SUmhl my thank* to Ira suit ' > ''i'll r tl-.- nadinaaa mtb which ) ;:t t-fJUc%t lai bet U CotOpllC«l with, by t...< .j*fv itixuj t of of ftninenc'e o *t U* i niiif to thcMP irup >rtaut positioaa. II '! *t\ thu Imperor r»f Ucruiany ha* It) cutspiy «i»!> »h- j'>int v« rmneuti. an.l has conaautad * • whitrator of the disputed w.-ttor * « (ed BtntM mi I< in .it : 1 1 < jMrtioi in the treaty have :■ -trd tut Ix-tWron th«nuH*Jec* ■ !'• if public law, for which the i U. v, 4 . niciidnd from the o»>ru fti.Mr hi .lory. They have alao • ! r.l tl.-*»- pi nit 1 i)lra to lira knowl ♦ • • *h« r nmntmic rowen*. and to lu them. Negotiation* '•1 :•••■» to the form of the uoto by u ilU.n n i* to » c eatend«l to the ctti. r I'. w , , 1 u -M. tth h-gialatii n t*-o. asary on the •••.*'. \t: • l.Ullod StfttN t" hilu*| 1 n(<> *ir'n :»a of the troaty relating to th. n. . uud to the other ir.attcra touch i» : ii. of the United SUlci u **i 1 fWihe'.iUi North Araurusnu po— mm n.n*. to b'-mi iporative ao whiu aa tin* proper h. ..m ...ill bo had ou the |art of (ire>it Itrit u..i and it* pixseaalona Uis much to bo do- Hired that tins l<*yinlalion may bec.uiu** opera tive before the fWhertnen of the I’oitcd State• ! to make their arrangement* f.'r the com ing season. I Imre addressed a communication, of which a copy is transmitted hcreaitb, to tbr tiovern or* of New >ork, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indi ana, Michigan, llliuou, and Wisconsin." unt* log upon the government* of thos* States, m hjractlvely, the necessary action on the r part t > carry mto cfTocl the object of the article of tuo treaty which contemplate* the ua«' of the mala, i*u either side, c.innectod with the nav igation of the lakes and rivers forming the boundary, on the terra* «and wtjaniity by tbe »«- l.ahitaiiu of both c*.ll utxiaa. It is hoped that the »mi>ortaue<* of the object ar.d the bencfltr to flow therefrom • ill secure tlic sjraedy air proval and legislative h motion of the Stat* * Is uew the • ion for ta appro the n rtv » 1 • » id “t latitude, where it forms the I ■ ■:»! ! between the fulled S* . 1 t! . linti h North American t>oe • r Th. ~n Tfag , tr n ,*n of t'ongnraa ou thisTecomm» u the power oft War Xl. , t l places loro* in the field during and i*rtl row >m r. 1.. 1 m.ption of diptomatio relati a be- Im. n f’rai md (l imany ha* euabled nu* t gn . r.cti n for »Lr withdrawal of th* I itix lion exl*t)d<<i lo UrrOMM it Franco by ii : I * , r 1 un i consular repreeentativen of • i * tSt ites in that oouatrv. It is juat t ad l 1:. t the drljcal* duty of thi* protection »,,, , prtforued bv the MtuMtcr and th* . .Kb u nl at P-irivatTi the v*rioua consol* 1.. nud- r lit*- sup. rvuiou of th* latter, .... kin il*•*>» aa wall as with prud*tic« I t r 1 t.cir couriM* has received the com . 1 •, of the Govcniment, and I . ,i..b 1i! » sosoeptihilitv o! lira Freuch. < v. rn avul ol the i:oi|raror of tier f't ncs to manifest a friendly feeling 1... \ :died SUt«M, and a do*ire U) bar p.ti lbs modetate and ju*t pobey v , , m i« v*rnint*iit nisintatn* In it* rela -1 ~ a- *li* p* Mils, as *cl la* with the * Republic*. I have given . 11 i that lio* frieudiy l.raitng* of that (Pm . .id are fully *b*rt*d by the United Then’..:, lion* of iht consular aud uatural izaUou c»ovt ntior* with the Am'tr**-Il«ngarun Kuipirc u*v.- richauginL 1 Us n offi ully iuf'Ttuc! of the annex* lb. Mab«of the l burch h» th* King lt .lv. au 1 the removal of th* capital iv-i. i •* u> Book , lu conformity with il . l.;i>Ud pobey of th* Uuiwd Stale*. 11..,* r ©ogui**d this > h*ngu. I’ll* ratifloa u -f th- n*w treaty of <x>m»oerce Iratweeu • Vuif i S ft. lan I Italy h*v* been •»- . l a*. fc * 1 Tli* ««-• iVwer* hav* agreed in tt : * . y t; ’ projrarty *t »ea *h*:i \ • x m .Mptnre in oasc of war between t. ; 1 Tb# ITailed Slat** have - sr, l r. > ••p,-oi»nnity of f.ib'orporatiag thi< r*. at It* third aes* i 1.1 , . appr Iprulmu for the orgaotaa I >omii*sioa for adjudicating • f •/.m of th* MM Sj.ii,- .• i.n. gr-iwltig out of the 1»- I ml commiraion h»* i. 1,; • 1. 1 traiunnit herewith i, t .* (*«wptMjtfiitH> r«‘»*tmg to tta |.*r*u*tiou tn>) tv»n**d«->n»n. Ii is hoped th*t tbt* cem mtsd m will alTorvi the clalnnnti a cMnpl*te remedy f.»r *hrir input** I» hi* U>« mode the *gr. cible duly of th* I *, t s-a*»-s tn per«. |r over n conference at v. >l* ■ i between Ui* FUutpo leu li* ric# ol I wu * n -1 tb.- islUvsi kh<-ith Aurancan ihspob wl*i. '» h«a ivMiiai iu a«i armistice, with (caAoial*. aaauraucv of a pwrmaDeet ■ ■ I I'li•' twtiu»*». friendly relatora* »h*eb bav* !.*: f -ci I--tween th* United htatew and Ui- v < »tn tm uudi*terhe4. Tb* visit of the 11 itd H MU •-< ih« Fniperor l* a prog UisJ - .• - • i • ti th- t-art of hta (K vwrw -1 i«mt i t l ibtoh lb roidialfy of those rrla- U-- TANARUS!. h ulalde f««DU'»n which be* • rai k v«ii t > lira (iiand I>uk* I* a proof M.. 1 ir vld- we r*».ite tbs wtibea of that Civu f .u# .L The it *icuaaU* ooanaa of lh» lU. uu UiaO>ur .1 WMbliHt*** MB. it to »,i i« null, ni »o t~r!ioe I to rotn ib«* fnuottoßMy m * 1 mUb-rrj, It *u Ua^oatbb, • U or * tirjiJ MttiitoUw Htijr tb. . unit}, to pwmtt lit . 1 to Gottumw lo U-U iuUiwiwii *IU tin. I * tomaawal afW bin p»eai»»si ei sea #f ‘ 4-v *W>M#i wfllsasU sa4 Asm. g bra pmm**— ' [ lfiwrfwtaft. Ul; -e**. I idsbtsM i*t*»M. iw t itiio«i nuMafMninr* l - *w* In Mep-4M~ wMb Sly tbbflß U.B itonnsarai U* b* mm » f f w*k*» I* iwmara WMb Mi » slrwi * **4 Ura too m* orart nf to- •fl-. m wf th* l*>pertaJ i raw* Ira Ira* fraer. I irtr Ura two t* -f • f •».M. ora* | Mllivwty ••rt^reSbioet.te ' tlik Joe* sre matte w* ten lull 1 t.J*— Tl** ItfcMnet nf |t,» M ido i b*t*. •«»*• Ura^c Ura* -f th* la*i *#•**.-. f « ! itsfsiUurMa of Mimiumu,! [ h*** r*s*- n !tu tbmh (hot thi* Miecti , |« ,\%m l snap I peaete*lun rs tbs dt*iaa*#*%v*do«** «g ia* [ |*d»*y which tb* I taud M*U* be** »rar* s*d u»ward* i«p*n It U osr drartre t*. to st.iMUm Ik# rtw*ste*e>rated and ••# „ Me» with « %•»* a* writ a* Japan lb* - .rv*a r «.- leaar Irai sn.Uta*! hev» stow* ih*t tL-re U uo dUt|Mi*!Uoo 00 th- part i.f lit# <}»**** lueiit to •*((«• fr m |m .*t»l iiiu.J tMMir*» Tfotepted by a daalrv to put an ai.d t. tb* bnrbnreoe hraatuiwut oi ■-ir •Utpwrrcbcd sail <»r* on tb* 1-mso ooa*t, I ueUodetl « nr Mm latar ai Tobin to *OiUa*ur to . .radud* a ran van tins * Mh (V*r«-a f*»t aaeaong tti* aafsty aid human* treatment f»u b Uiannere A lo.i r*l Rodgers wm. 1 irairunted to acct.tapany » im with a atiffhttani force t-» pr< toi hiui In « aa* of nessl A Hiiiali aurveyiug party *«nt uut, f*m n«eiii3|{ th* -rail, was tr*-arh*r(»u«ty at ' tacked at a disadvantage Ample om»>«tuui- ty wa« given for 1 &|4anati. .. ard a|K>iogy f..r th* lusuiL Neither catua A ton* *»» then 1 alidad After ao anfs-ius march over a rug gad and difficult country th* forts frotu which tb* outragn* had ba*n mrnmiiUd srera re dared by a gallabt sMtault, ai.d w«r* dw»Uoyml. Having thus puniah*d th« criuimal*, *n.l hav. Ing vindicated the hoOur of the flag, th* » »|>e dtUcti retnmad. nudmg it impracticable, un dsr th* rircumataucc*. to courted* th* d**ire«t oouvenliuu. 1 r**peclfaily refer to the corre *pon<t*ac* relating thereto herewith aiihmit t-d. and leave the *uttj*ct for »uch action u* i nrgrraa may srr m to lak<. The Republic of Me&ioo ha* not y*t rep-ah -l the very objecltonat-l* Uvi iwtabtUhiiig shat U known as tli«- • Free /,n.- ' on the froutier of lii* United hlatea it ia hoped that thi* may be done, and ai—» that more measures may b* taken by that Republic for restraining I*wlra« prreony ou it* Iru ili-ra I hope iitni M* no-* by iu own action will aoon relieve this Government-of th* difficittie* «i |Hni nc. I from th-a* c,»ut.*s Our r- Ufi 'Ds with the variou* republic* of Central and South Aiu-11 -a contitiu-, with uno . » . pti t,. 1 . t - o«*idial and frieuily. I rccouiti)-udt<l h.-tne aefi *n by Cougre** r-ggrding thu "Y«idud Ina tall men ta under the asur-l «f Id- V.ik/ucl* Cliiisa t'oinuiteeiou of l*von Th** internal diNaenalon* of thi* Oovern&icut pn tit* uo juatifleation fur the ab*cni rof . fl.ui m*cl their - kran treaty obligations. The nil tint 1»n of nu cxtra«lmou treaty with Nicaragua has been cxchaugod. It is fa aubject for coogratulallou that th* great Koipirs of lirazti has taken tbs* India- W ry Rtep towar-l the aUdttiou of alnvery. Our refstiems u;th that Empire, always cor dial. will naturally be made more so by thi* •and. It t« nut too much to hojra that the G vrrnuu nt ol Ri*/d may hereafter find it fur it* uilcrvat, as well ** lutrinsically tight, lb advance l ward mi lire Muaneipaiiou more rapidly than the pna -nt act content plates I'hc true pi ■ \ and gr-atn-as .*f ans 1100 is to b* floaa Ihi Ibe eievntkre an l Mi* oaiiou of its laieireni. It in a subject for regret that th* reform* lu th.N direction, which were voluntarily pr-ni.ised by thu ftUltumnu of Spain, have not (UtrriM out in it* West Iu li* colon!*# Hie law* and rrgulati■<:.* for the &p| armt autfiiUun id alavury 111 Cub* and Porto Rico leave* moat of the laborers in-fiomlsg-. w ith !"• hope of release until thuiv live* l-ecota a burd- u to their employer* 1 a- -ire to direcl your att-nUou to thu fact that citiAaD* of the (Toitcd States, 01 persons fUiiuing Lo be cilimu of thu United Slalom, are large huhiern in foreign land* of tin* •pe ri * <-f |.rup( rty fori.l.bleu by the fun l.vm- ui*! law of their alleged country. I recommend to Congre-R i.» provide, by atriog.-ul legisla tion, a Muilablo rMiicdy against th hobling, owuiug, «»r dealing 111 *liVr*, or being in-' ter rated iu alavu property iu for. igu lands, either a* owner*. hir«r-i, cr niortgageis, by citireuft of the United Stab* It m to be regretted that the dUturbM c.*n dition of the Inland of Cub* continue* b» t»e * •oi\ro# of liUßoyauc* and of anxiety. The ex istence <>f a pru’racted atruggle 111 such cio-».« proximity to our «»wn territory, wbitboui nu parent proapoct of an early termination, can not Ira «db*r linn au object of concern t » a p*.• j)!c wh>., w hile abstaining from interference in the aM«irw ol other power*, Baturalir d-sire lo *ee *v ry country in th<* undisturtrad enjoy an nt of paar.-, liberty, aud thu bluaaiugv of fi«* institutions. Oar .Y»val es t »ui:.i.kuders in Calvin water* hav • been instructed, in case it should become ttvr «av. to spare uo effort to protect tho Iter-, aud property of horai rule Amcnoaa citic 11s, aud to maminiu th dig- nity of the flag It M hoped that all pending question* writh Spam grown.,; out ol U>«- aflairw in Gu'oa may t>e adjusted in the spirit -*f jraac* and cot.-'iii atror. vrhich ha* hitherto guided the two T •*- era ia thoir treataicn; of such qaeetkm* To give imp.-rtance, and tu odd to th<- cf!\ ciency of yuir diphwnatic relation- with dajiaii and China, an l to further aid iu retaining the g< -h! otnniuu of llioau (raopUra, *n»l to a« - nr* to the tnited States its of th* oomn» re*> deatiaed to fl -w between thou* nation* and the balance of the commercial world. I earnestly recommend that an approj>ri*tion Ira m*d<- to support at least four American youths iu each of tboAo cpoutriua to serve a* a part of tire official family of our Uiiniater* there. Our reprvscntativaa would not < veo then be niaced uj>ou an equality with Un* representative* of lireat Hritam. and of some other I*ow*ra Aa now situated, our rcpreaenUtiv** in Japan aud China hav* to dejn-nd fur interpreters and translator* a|K>u native* of those countries who know our languago in.perfectly, or pro cure for the occasion the »c>mce* 0/emplu v. es in foreign boaincss houses, nr the inUrprvtcrs to other foreigu Ministers. I would al»o recommend literal maunr.s f.*r the par)Mwie of *apportiug the Anuri.d lium of Mteeu). is now plying iiotwceu Hsu Francisco and Japan and China, and the Australian une— almost our only remaiuihg -1 nc* «.f ocean «tcaaa«ri-and of thnr servwua. The National debt h*s b**n reduce-! to th* extant of f1nti,067,136, tk) during the year, and by the negotiation of National booiU, at a kiwar raU of interest, the iuUrest -n th© pub lic debt ha# baen ao far diminished that now the earn to be waived fur tbs interest account l-i nearly •17.bU0.000 lee* thou on th* l*t of March, 1869. it wa* highly d--arable that this rapid OmMnnUu.i abonld Ink* place, both to strengthen the credit of th* country, and to convive* it# aiUtca* of thnr euttro sl ility p> ui- -1 every dollar of lielu’ity without bank rupting them. Rat, iu view of th* secern pliahinenl of the«ra dceirwlflc end*; of the rapid develojwnent of the resource* rs the country; it* ixiertaeinf uMdty to meet largo d-mauds. aud the amount already paid, it is not dretira ble that the j-re *ct if reonarcra* of lira euiutry •hould continue to he taxed in order to con tinue thi* rapid paYtumt. I therefore recom mend a nKMftflcauoa of both th# tariff and the internal tax law# I recommend that all I' taxes from luterual aonroe* tra aboluh-Hl, ex cept thoae collected from spirituous, vinous. »n«t malt liquors, tobacco in it# varioa* | forms, and from stamps ( In readjusting the tariff I suggred that oarc ful estimate be made of th* amount of surplus 1 revenue collected unuer the present laws, af | ter providing for the enrreot rtjrauvra of the Government, tlie interest account, and a aiok ; ing fund, and that this surplus te* red need m | inch a manner as to afford the greatest relief j 110 the greatest number. There arc many aru- . oiea net pr aliv «**t at kr:#c, l-ut which enter largely ini * general consumption through arti- ! dm which aru manufactured at home, euch s* medimoe* c«-mj**nnd<Hl. .ta, Jte., from which vary Uiti# faveaae is derive.!, but wbich tour ! isto Maenu uea All »urh article* l raoom-1 wratvd to be plaea*! on tte* ••free l»*t," bboaid \ a further rwdwrtv n pixrae advtmbl# I woaiJ t Ummi reeomnraad that it U made ajaui Ihv-te , #Mtalea whmb ami beat base it without drat alt* | b»f hmws peo4aevh>a «>r redo- mg the wagre of 1 American labor I U»» Ml —I—I isM W.M* to 40 -U •'■•WI b. ta «hM «iU bt M>4 b. fc*» jo. t. Ik. rap*, ai a. ikmUM ol tfc» TrammtJ TSmmml kw» «oU«Minn w mva* fmf mB.M— ai marnama arnaii ATLANTA. GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER h, |h7l. dra b#< jertiit ter *M»« -Iraear ia all •bl. b. m* |Wte «|mi I- ia g ratof ,ra»wau t »a.»- tba a-»ra»|.. ,##'| q Mltrig jm bd» u • w a ware e-ewrai b Me* if (Is* syalaaa ***** ,*i w*** w >fc | "•’'tol -MIJ II bola osl aw talsa—rai ia ibme -Mat » . b« las ta Mac ai* *4 gradate SOabra ttew fes«l*r to baV* large* f vttad te this atdijaet r«r r I C'onUaaai f1... la«t «« in lira vnlaaal woO. a* cor- |M»r« and with tb* Noi rasl - ufreraef la*» • u><«( .l*m*| 1g • ff m t «)***• tk* iM iraw a 4 -t- »►*. |-h <*m >4 %4-< c otlT) aa haapscg wp I ft-ws *4 all artie •• % ,*era««ry la (Very <Uy Ida It l ater* a *q4rit of gaudding i-rejafll -ral silk* U NatiUMai ra -rate *1 1 tb- Nat. -.ral •aacvraa If U-* qaaKtoa -ran tra ia«d a* te how utg|ts * ba«>* *«i<ie t- ar vuirea *, •l -H vain* ronafantlv snd nutfrernity sppefwir{.. mu *er> d-ra rabh- sf^j»d '•y-i-u...,... .j **" ■ -set sad ©«: - imp*- —i » aeaduci* ! j under (he aujratvunoa of tha W»i 1 *. jrartarat I I ref»r y<»# b» the areufnpawyfa»- rep rl of th# I rvecrwtsry of War I call % -ur sUentiuu to i»r< vtai-ms of the -*« 1 ii m.gitras ajqr-vtl Ms ret. 5, which .lißConUnons prum<»Uut.« in tha staff ••up* of the army until pvuvtd*-l fox by law. ! 1 rraramiurnd that tbs nuiuUr us Klfitsra id j each grade of the staff « rjra te fi»-d. ami I that, wlisuiur tbo namher Ui any --ns grs Is j falls hcluw tha b -inte r au ftlai, that the vs ; nancy may bs filio*! by promotiMU from tha j ijml* traioa 1 a*eu re utuuraud that. wh»-u i tha offlera of chief f x c >rj.R I-econura vacant, ilm. place may tra filled by ocle<Mi >a fr..u* lb* C'-rjra in which the vacancy tmb- The report of the hM ieUijr ui theh»>y •liowr an iruj-ruvoiM- tit »u the numtrar ai J rflici-’Dcy of the naval farce wiUiuut ! mcr-rane m the exjranse of anpp. rtti.g it !':'•* ailuf»Tr.T. ah I i<* teiug • lira tided as material will admit, of using smaller te-uwls os ©rnieers on th** eeveral •tati >DS Ry thi* m-ran* we have het-n enabled t-» occupy at ou- * a larger extent of cruising grouod, to vUit mure frequently the wh- r«* th- prose#. « ot our flog n draorabie, and gem-rally Ut dS».- . hsrge ui-iru affi- n-utly the appro pruts dutl-s of the Nary in time <>f jraacu, without excafd. mg the number ul tuiu ur th - «1 jranditare auth<<rtxrd bv law. Durinc the f*u»t * .vvr sh. N .. * has, iu al dition t<> it* regular service. snppUsd the non uflofl ackl rite vasaMa •: tb# Oo—t sur vey, and ha* complete and tha survey * author ised b) CongrotH us the i.thiuu* of l>*ri- u and Tehuantepec, sn.l uothr like aulli >nty has sent out mu expedition, ooiuphdaly far utshed sn l equipped, t 1 explore th* uukn -au ocean of th« north The aoggaatious of tL-- rej-ort u* n«. ceesity of ami uupruvuiK’ the ma te rial of the N tvy. and th© j.])tn rec >muicud-«l for reducing th* pcrsonnW of the service to a peace standard by tbo grulual abul.ti nos certain grades of officers, the reduction of others, aud the employment of aomc In tbo seriice < f the commercial marine, are well considered, and deoervo the thoughtful atten tion us ('oDgrtra*. I also reontmactnl* that lira promotions in the Navy above (lie rank <>t captain tei by te lection instead of by seniority This ooarwo will oecare iu the higher grade* greater effi ciency an 1 h 11 out au in©, olive to young officers to miprtWt) thcaiMivcm in the kaowl edg« of thetr profession. The prevent coat of urn tu Lou mg the Navy, its c<t*t compared w.lh that of tb • pr*c« ding roar, and the estimates f» r the ensuing year are cunlaim 1 in the i c ipauy mg report of the Secretary of th* Navy. Flic enlarged reoctpl* of the Fuel - 1 i iu«! t. a* abofi t y lb# mm naßtiyilg report of theOlA-stfuastn ( exhit-it a ratifying iucr\s© in that blanch of th© p«|b c aervicc. It ii th* indtT of tbo growth o( vducstion. an-i-ht the prosperity ot tha ]>#o ple, two (iJmeuts highly conducive tu th© vigor and stability of republics. With a vast territory like onro, much of it wparwely y-opu laird, but ail of it requiring tb© aervioasof tb© mail, it i* nut a! present t te ex parte. I that this l>epartmcn» enn h© mad* self sustaining, lint a gradual spy r -ach to thi« end. from yaar to year, is confidently relic ! > »i. and th«' d»v is nut far 4l;*taut wb- n-tt.u t*^ccl>r f til 1 1 prove a much (jraitor bh * ,■ to thu wrb >’«» y-eople than it is now The suggestions of tbo iWUxia-Kur flstifVal f >r improvement* iu tig) l)v .>art.m-ot prraubd ! ever hr him sre carncsUy reo. uime.ub l to I your special stUuUun. Especially do 1 reeotn tn n I tavorsble consideration <»f the pl.m f.«; nulling the telegraphic system of the I’rd.-d , Stale* with the poatiil system. Illa IndteVi-d that by such s copree the cost «'f telegraphing could Ira much reduced and th. servio© as'’ ; well, if nut better renJared. It would secure I the further advantage of extending tho tedo- I graph through portions of tho rouutry , when* private nuterprm© will n -t construct iL (ommeroc, irwdc, and, above all. tbo < fforts to I bring a y>e«»ple widely separated into a com j rnunity of mtcrcat, are always l ranch trd by a j rapid intercommunication. E lunation, the groundwork cf republican iostitutioni, ta «-if courage 1 by icereaaing th© facilities to gather | a needy nr.vs from *ll part* of the country ’ Tha desire to reap th© benefit of such uuprovc : lk-i.U will ntimulate education I refer you to the rey-ort of tha l k i ratio act - r Genaial for full di-tails of tho operations of la.t yaar and f>r ©omjuirativc aUtfuicnbi of rosnlU with | former year*. ! There has been inipoae.l uj»ou th© Execu j live branch of the Government the execution )of the act us t ougrew* approved April ‘Jo, 1 an 1 coiamonly known a* the Ku-Klax law, in a jHvrtion of the htstc of South Caro lina. The necesxily of the course pursue.! 1 will he demonstrated by the report of the 1 l umumtiH* to Investigate Southern Outrages ’ Coder the provisions of the abeve act, I I issUtd a j ; K iamati a calling the attention of (the yraotd* «and tho Coiled State* lo the same, and declaring my reluctance to excreta© any !uf the eitiaordinary p’*»'en» thereby Oou ferred upon in©, except In caao of imperative j uee-wwity. but making known my parpoao tu 1 eternise *ucb powers whaoevar it shotted be , come w#oeweary U> do »u for the purpose of , securing to all citizens of tha l f nitad State* ; the peacolul enjuyiueut cf the rights guar an - Ura l te) thorn by the t onsUtnlion and the taw*. After the jrasaage of this law, information 1 1 was received fnwn time to Uiuo that combine- ! i tiotxs of th© character referred to in tin* law •xis’ff|fekin i were powerful in many part* ni , tb© Soofca. u Stales, partiooUrly in coiUiu C 4 ui.ti« wov ibe -ate us South Carolina. > Careful iuv<ratifatu n was tuode. sad U ’ ascertain©! th »i. in nine ootiettea of that . State, aneb oombtnationa wvre active And pow | ertul, etnbncinf a sufficient portiuu ol tho i citir. :.4 t » cuutrul th© local authority aud bar ing, among other things, the object of dejraiv . itig th© •uiiociMta) cla-ra of the sulratantial te neflts if treed >m. and of prerwating th© fr« © pohliual action us thtrae citizens who did uot 1 •.yuipatbiae with their own view*. Among their operation* were frequent acourgiug* and i tracaMonal awiresi#al»o#a, generally p-wpetrat e.l at night by diagunrad pereor , th© victims In alinoet all cases being dtUca# of diff.-reut poUtowal eanUuMMita Iruui their own. or freed persona who had shown a dtwpoaiiion to claim 1 ©qaal right* with other ©Risen*. ThovnanJ* j |Of iuuffer -*ive aud w «ll disposed cituoM ware th© kuffrrers by this lawierai viMoocc. ib« reopun. on the of October, 1871, a proclamation was iseaet!, in terreui of tb© law. ' owllmg upun the mombera of thoea combiua tious to disperee within five day# and to de liver to the marshal or military officerw of the United Mate* all armv, ammunition, uidforuis, diaguiMM*. and other nieaue on<l implenxants owed bv io*oi tor earvving oat their tuilawfei | P “t? is warning uot Laving bean LesdwJ. ou 1 | the 17lh ud October auothvr prenteamatiou was tamed, wnapeoding the privilege* of the Writ |t>f hfibrcu tnrjmt lu nine conntiea in that Statu. I>irwrlio# was given lte-1 wilbiu iha oounHea ao Jaaijraate-d perwuna aopi*a#atl. apon erwdtla -1 hie mformatiM). te) tra *#ml*ua •( «wch w«i lawful cotnUnatious ahuuld be arraated br the ! unUUry foroaa of the United Steele*, and dr- S hvarvd tn tha maiwkal, to Ira dealt with ac cording tn law Iu two of aai i rountiea. Toek 1 and Spar tan bn re, many arrvau have baan made. At th# Mat a»aol>. the iwater cf perwpiM thu# ares ward was ora# hondrwd wad laixty-eifht. ff©v#»%l haietre-1, who#* ©fimi nraltky wae aareetahrad tra ho of aa iahitor tigTii war# iwUraaml far th# peaaaah Tha## I ffafck ► iAmmt iMvitamit At. iti ■* airrata rarad aoteNMlMraaf lira racy* H *• IraJrava# that w mm A* raw* u * The prvrajiow *Oi tra k*td fa ngohi uiral *a the ‘aliail inlarah of tha Utotted hoatera • As noea a* *' rayntf that the asfLuettta# of lira t'iS'wi Mate— •#• afraa>4 In l*k* »Df ■vwa# m s#*a»*a te ae’uhi lira law mraj |sr* • Hra »'*• *ik-I akJ lira* U gt«d gt ran I Lra Ofpaaf l»e ill g wraeh perewras hare vto* htef the W* A frail reran*t *4 ehw Um tore daraw raradra th'ra Ura a.II tw s*U.m*d ta «<a r»n * y the AU* rwey ffahsial Ira C«ah U.-re #Ufl r©areins a r*«araaaH of hav tansra. rejraa rarat tee netirati a. te- Aeosory. aad to Ura raee *4 the I wiled IMaira foe tonal « A rare harass**, have traau tosad wte u I are wiling te frarfavm the-r daty la a a pint us eqteiij aid wH tea 4a* ene raf taalaioa* the . urajsaty cf the Uw h rat her ps;#xa>j »ur aaj *Hhor «. saiwa of eueuaf eU»wi-» wite he . i-MiaiUM \ wttteia th* tramuay *f th* l aitol Htea'*»« it ts a#d Witte the r».|gM*« <*f th* I raif* elyied rauila Ueal we are u»>e dsrarang. bat with Uiur |*(ar4i©«a They wil Ira |.r>le.iMi kt tha worship us Grai as© »rdiug te* the 4i»' | Utos of Unit o-ouareeracaa, but th«ra wiil uot he I p©ru>itied tn violate the laws ua Ur lb< < ioak of relSgi n It tney be advl#al»l*> for Cougrwaa te> MiuiJ'f 1 wrtrat. la the rtuntlot of tb* laws against | potrepwmy. (a to tra tbe wtafua of plurei wives •tw threr offwpnng Tire pvof«n ty <f too craws passing an enabhag *©t aathortziog ths tmitenal I/©giai#tare of U*sh to lejptimtxs ail cbiblreu orior to a tuna Axed in the sot might te- joauAed by Its humanity to thews innocent children Tteh is a eaggeeiiou ualj. and lauf a recooi mendatioo. The p iiiry pureira-1 towir ia the Indiana has r-raultad favurehlv e» far aa eau Ira jndgwd fruoi the bmited Ume during whirh it teaa Im/, iu uprratioh. Throngh lira «x« of ol Jura *»rioa aocawtlaa of t ten*tiann to whoui h/a terau eutruaVed tha rxecuU>>n of th© p<4- ; if and the hoard of fjniamisan TneT* aritto-rr urttl by the law of April Iff, IVT.I, many tnlra# of Indiaua Lava been tndu©#! to seula up.u reaervaunua, te» < wtt vau the ©oil. tn jra-rf >rm l.rodortiT© lab#r of sariuaa km l# aiul to jrar tially accept rlvi?izA|h>n Tb«-y are te*ing cared f<-»r iu aoch a way. it la h«>pe<l. to indu©# th ks slid purwuiug their old habit* of life tn embrace the r hly opportnnity which is left them u» avoid *xtnrunirat> I couiiuend liberal apprupriatiuns to carry out tbe ludian peace policy, n*M only bacaueu it U UUU.AD.', Cuukum bar. and •( •T'Orwl, but becAuae it is rigUL I recommend to your Cavorabla eonaidr ra tion, also, the fK»U©y of granting a teminrial government to the Indiana in th© Indian Ter ritory west of Arkauaa# and Missouri, and wooth of Kansas. In dnio* ao. every right guaranteed tq the In han by treaty ah u! 1 U •neared. Such a ooaree might, in time. Ira the means of collactiog tnoai of the India n now boiwreu th*- kLseoQri and tha FaraA •, aud aoulh of the Rnbsh p isacraiona. into unw Territory, or one State. The Secretary of the Interior has treated upon this aubjact at length and I commend to yoa his augfp-*- tional I renew tny recommendation that th© pwb lie lands be regarded as a hentago to cor chib dran. te- Ira duqxraed of only aa required for occupation and to actual awlUera l Uo*.-* al ready granted have traau to great |*art 1 Os iu ©uch a way as lo eccurw aooesa to the hal anc*- by th« Lardy eettlrr who may wiah te) avail L.ia*4'lf of them. Rat oauLiou ahould be exer©iand even in aUauaiog ao desirable au obj#cL Educational Interest uxay wdl bo #a/vod by tho grant of the pr >c«#ds ot the aal© of publto lands te) (-.tUera Ido wish to bo auder ©loud aa re-commeuding in tho least deg res'a curtailment of what is heiog don© by th© G>~n erwl Government for tha encouragement of © l oeatum. The report of th© ftecretary of the Interi r, submitted with tkna, will give you all the io fbresntKvn r dleetad and prepared for pabiira uo# in regard to the eeaums Lakan during tha tear D»7d; the ojrarationa of the Bureau f EiucaUon for th© year, tb© office, the lVnaiun office, the Irand Office, and tha Induu Bureau. Th© report of th© Commissioner of Agricul ture give* the op«raUoa4 of bis department for the year. As agnenlture is the ground work-of out p tosl pen ty, u>o much importance cannot be at lac bed to the labors of this De partment It i« in th© hands of an able heal, with abl- aatidin’.*, aJ xaaloaaly d©v -tad t<> infro-Iu ing into the agricultnral productions ■ 1 Dm- n-aion all useful peodooia mlapted tea any of ihe various c .mates and soils of our vw*it tertt wy, *•*•! giving all owfal inform* 1 *•» a© to the method >f ciltivaii »a, the plants, 6 r #, ;.n Ifitbff pr daots od q>tod to par tec .la localities tt j. bnt imlj tb \ r cultarnl R-.r an re woiking a great nati <nal ’ood, s .and if li(wrally tha mor w.dcly i’s ferffitocu will tra extended and »h© i#m*> (U-pvadwn* w* shall be upon th# pvoduc » of torrign c--*w*»*ries. IT* aahjsv*i of compcr.aaticn to the heads cJ ' boreal; ..nd officials holding poaitiuira oft rasj oiiihiiily, and rrqniring aUlity and char arter to fill properly, is one to which your . attention i© nvitaL But few of th* official* rewiras n unpausen *n ©»{*>*! I# tbe r«raj• ble aup|>ori nf a family, wail# thwir duti©* ar.- ! hu. bas to involve in il luma of iateroet In private life service* demand comjwnvvih i. ; • -qnal to tlic Mervirrs rendered A wtera ©© • >my would dictate* the aama rolu in the <b» iiuura-nt artvioa. I have not given ihe aatamatew for tha #uj> j»ort of Government for the ensuing year, n<-r th* ouioparative nUiamewt between the ©x jranditurae f -r the year just passed and the • >ns just preceding, beuauae all these figure* ore contained in the accompanying reports, or in those presented directly to Cougn.#- ihawe rate metre have my approval More Ilian six years having elapksd ainc. th% last hostile gun wsa fired between the ar- : tuiae then arrayed against each other, on* for th© perpetnation, the other for th# deatrue lion of the Union, it may well be considered ; whether it is now time that th© disabilities imposed t> the Fourteenth Amendment ahould be removed. That Amendment does nut ex clude the ballot, but only impoMes the dis ability to hold officra opon certain clam** Whan tbe parity of th# ballot is see ore, nia j >nt»«w aru tare to elect officer* reflecting the | views of the nuqonty. I do not are the ad vantage or propriety of excluding men from •fftc© merely because they were, before th rebuilt on, of standing and character aufflrwui ! to be eir. tad te- poa:Uone requiring them to , take oaths U> support the Constitution, and admitting the eligibility of those entertaining j'recieefy th© aim* view* but of leas standing 'in their cocomonities. It may be said that tha former violated an oath, white th© latter did n<it. The latter did not have it m their jowrr to do to. If they had taken this oath it cat.not be doubted they would hav* broken aas did tha former ckaao. If there an* any great manuals, diatingoialied above all others : »r the part they took in op(«oaitio# to th© 1 Governmeul, they m cht. in the judgment of Con gras*. Ira c xrludc.l from such ao amurety Thi© aab;©ct ia aubantted for can*liil •onwid*raU un The ruudxuou of the Southern States is, uuhxppilr, nut such ae all truo, patnotu* citi zen* would like to a#*. Social oetrecism for ( jdoiuu a sake, personal violence or threats t.-wwrd pervon* entertaining political view* opposed to thoae entertained by ih© maj -nty of the old citizens, prevent iaaMgratiou and the flow of much needed capital into the Statu# lately tn rebellion. It will be a happy condition of tb# country whan tbs old eitizrn* us there State* wiil take an lutaraal in pabiic affairs, promulgate ideas honestly «WAertamrd vote for man representing their ri«vi, and tolaruta tha asm* freedom of axpraaaiou aid ballot in tbone aalartaxnxag different politic*: convictions. Under the pro visions ot the act of Congress approved February AI, Iff?I, a Territorial *ov*ma>snt waa ornamued in tha DtetrwS of t oiumbra. lu run tea draws thus flhr Nolly re ail zed tbe ezpocutiowa of iu advocate* L'adet th© .Urecti -a at tbe Tamtonal die are, a ayetem of iraprurera—M baa bean tuangura ted. by uAa> of whieh m ayilb beoomuig a aty worthy fl the Nation a oap* hoi. Tbe muxttoa of Ura IMaMtaA bavxug eat unUxrily taxed tbameelvea la a karge amount ; fur thu parpuau wf uatribulkag to the adort twfnt of tbe ueut of Govummaat, I reaamraan l hbweal apprvpriuMaau oa Ibe part at Onagrem. la order that tbe !> any boar its just share of iba eipamoa of naming uoi a judtoOaws riyi im of bpanooth By tbe greal ire In Obtoafo tbo moot tm e»*y wwv* -wweii TW- i-»»w-3T fowl a< JJtM V*' ura iQOif itaeli u Iml * kht 1 ul ia %Lm* prow eg •*«, **.\ teitu te tb raw f»an tin 17 .wQ. t a-u 1 tWreOera Ural a# «ra tra ma 4» luuibiUlj to ja»©has- M.» Maa -tw# *f tba o 4 aare *ra w< *t th* Uiim-< tra. 14 uqu wtenefl |#un<U*t ti rea to jef<-ie«4 «t a trap vuieraraa m pa- * L-i I***; ura I-v *♦ tw<.a »l l*‘i» m will |«mi raw awlkofto *.£ m« ate-* aa appe- *4 ara raw* s raraj m Z'S. U.'.klv rd “ Iba aamirai t »mm**e»u, .. . .aal us war law# tral .ra A- . e-raa mlo rat <^ra»i*y waaOw-i« trae mn gr«a« aa I tb* la»p»- Rilaoaa iraaeuerat ap a ifon *> aaaeraua* and ffagfteat that 1 ewgg* *1 C ugnram. ua. aeti--a tew JMVtocttoS II raraa.* to. ora a fa.r •aUgii of tegta'alion toy f rag raw* I <aa i»u« now mu a© lu.ij ae I ilrao Ura tratarv of the * Mato I V iranugtat.U of tk© Ural ra isj U»ey rwr-W© trail will -a-toavof to Jo a© 4urio#r i-ra ■— ins of t/;ar(ra>. partraateriy il tbe mif+n rraav* y wr tUenti-m It tea© >-- «4 tL* skd of lit# Admibietrsti-*e lo sof**rre h riraiv and rffiri«»4*y In all pub toe efltora tevsn iratotr aervaat wbo bee ) to*late 1 ura trwßt plare-i in hun lura trarao pro * -ra.Jte-i agaiuet with ail ti*«- rtgur of the law If bad Oran have nn-l pia©ra it La© Wa Ura Ui. M o 4 ibe »f»Uw raUi«..l--f 7 law an i cueiotxi tor umkuitg apf't pciaU.raa. or th* fault of luuw* wto* r*c uiomb I If Govern D..ql parson< not «nAr.©nl.y weii to»va lo j-**r% raaliy or wno kov© ietterv ludoOhlng Ura chars* Ura of offi- - a*raker» wittoa-i a |-r per ararar of the gear* raw(<*mai biii% wtiirh soch a r -cra devolves cp a lb©ol A e»v»! eervtee r*(-*rtc which can cor feet IL.i at.ura- »a laonh d«*-red. lo idVrcai.- lite parauiU IL* l'U#:ne«a uian who give# a tetter of reeommrandaiv.n to a friend to *u atd# Liin Lx ffitaiu credit from a stranger is regrn -1 ae moraitjr resp -uiMl/lr f r lira mteg ruy of hta fnen l and bie xliittj to m©**t hra t-lig*'. A j • • • • 1 -rut. Il*ra pfttedpra Rg*: u*> aTi , r ra- f*-A f perflhi a for pabiic piare would insure great oaufitou in making rwomnrendaUoCß. A sal u'ary l«aw*u has Iraw-u taught th© carvlewe and tb* wftah<'De«t poLlic errvant in tbe grret nam ber of prosecutions and coniUou*> us the la.t , two yrarx It ta pratifying to i*<» tha fax or* bie , ch«nr- which is Irak luk pUc* througboul the country in u» pumraaueut iu--© who ; Lavw proven rwrrrent to to« UaaU e -nttial to tLttca, and iu ek-vatiLv; t » pobli© office noo© bat Ih -a© who p rwaeoa IL.-- cunfiiruce of Ura h-;neui and the rirtuc-o-t. wb », it wdl alwayt Ira found, coicpru- th© maj nty of the cotn munity in which they live recouimended a rc-foim in the civ.l acrvice of the country. In conformity with that rxotumcndaUou, 1' i.grra». in th© ninth fraction of "an act snaking appropriation* for sundry civil expense* cf the Government, and for ether purpose#,’' approved Marca 3. 1871, guv* the n<vewaary authority to tho Exec utive to inaugural© hvciTil eemco reform, and placed b;tn the reaponaibiiity ot doing ao. Un-ter the aulhoruy of aa;d act I convened a board of gentlemen etninenliy quaKfied for tho work, to d'-vra# ruka and reg ulation* to effect lira needed reform Their IslhAh ar© n t yat complete, but 11 ia beiitved thatßhej will auccaod ui devumg a plan which can be adopted to tteo great relief ol th© Lite ntiva, the L-ate (J I>e|>artinesta, and mein- U.-ra«.f Ccugreaa, and which wiil redound to lira true iu lores t of Ura public aurvioa. At ail #vents tho exjrariount shai! hav© a im. r trial I have thui hastily lu.Titnwd cj- the opera tion# ..f the Government during the last year, and made such suggestions as occur to in© to l»e proper fur yv*ur 00 naideration I submit 1 th*r~ with a confi Irnce that y< ur combine 1 aclx#t> will be wise, auu-aniankkc, and in the I bewii .teresU of the whole country. T. s (iuvr, Ex *unv© Bfanoiou, December 4, IS7L anuiaiNa. Iwlereallag ltw» frutw all Part* ut Ihr • Hair. bj Ms*, lo Ura La* •Szva.vaxn.-Harry Seytu ur, the tragedian, ia playing Richard 111. A private of Coaipanj- H. Third United , States Artillery, named Aurtey, fell iff th© and < k at Fort Fuuwaki. on Hatorday t veoing . laat. About *ev©n o’clcn k ll© was on© of th* boatmen, aud Lad juat returned from the city. ( lira Imh 1 y waa recuvared a*un afterward, and buried h'.niay with military honor*. The Central Railroad aud Banking Com- : j »ny I*A4 r- cobUy .Rvued IT.G < f vxriotu dw-j which ar* racu.vad by ih© road lares. Adotwta Tba Uoastit iti * »t of tbt 7th Th* 1 bt-wly t-teclod Direct. r» ol the C’uttoo Statue Mechanics' and Agn ultmrai Fair A*»- natioo met last evening for tho ptxrpoa*t of decitnj ofiotn for tho enzuing y**ar The following name 1 Directors wee* pres ent; Moral * Kollo#. I'iatt, Butt, Ciaxk. Bng em. WaiaL. My era, Uarwiia, t* -udrich. Barn it. and Itere «tn »u.c The Vice I‘rea.deLiU w*re elected ae follow* , General K. Y lLarria. Jo»*ah s.t.tev. V. L - It mhani, A- Ik NVrigLt, and Gvvjrge T. Jackson. Mr. Bcrdkman* was al<-. u*d Pr« i«ot. Meawni J J Cuhea A Sons were tie ted Treasurer* Mr. £ 11. Gray n* ©lerUvl Secretary Hi© H w-rokl# t'harl©« Efte© w\* eb-ctc-l a>> | a Itor-cior in plac»* of J hn U. Meyer. fr»m th© City Council, who*-* t« rtn of oAou exp red. Tbe full Democrat. • tiv *,« t b-r Mxr. rand Cc'aacil has b©e> eltcte l. UOt I liKU.V Ute.Ua. »▼ Matt te Ura Ea* ’ Cbariea O'Ccmor Jec’.ine d* thj South Oarolma Ku-Kloi The Virginia volunteer c- njam-fiv will b© %rru©d with th© new and iicprovtx] r fl©d SpnngfieEl musket. The Mooltfocaanr W**it* hulpbur ; Ya.) property ha© Urau sold to a party of gen- Ueurau in Alahama. It is to be cuuvertad into a female echool WS-lor Iht chirps of Dr. S. k Cob-nai J. J > .aisi*.--.. oi ura (aptaiu A G Il.vro. . htor of the M*-reory, U»lh pobiiab-d at Mt ridian, been arrest.>*l by the Unite.i State* Mar-ha 1 un Ura charg# of being h i-K ax. A number es prominent cUixoira are a*ra> among tho nuuiUg. The Richmond Enqa.r. r nay s '* We Lave weo a letter frx>ui ei-ifoveruor 4 R Nance, of North Carolina, in which he stale* that it ia »iup)y hi* intenit >u to hold the position l of Sanator until he can gvt a vote on ia# pete ; tiuu for relief from hu dxcabiiiuea. and if that vot# is against him ha will promptly resign. ia M. tViter. Speaker of the Loouiana House of Representatives, was tak« n daeger oosly ill on ths TJd. with symptom* of arseni cal potwouing. The New Orh*aiu Commercial Bulletin remarks thereu|K>n, that This eoinetdenea with th© death of I/ieo teaant Governor Dunn is not a bliic caicuiatel to propagate among credulous and excitable peopla the belief that a conspiracy has been gotten up for cxtenmuating by poi©oa the more prominent and formidable merab.-ra of the itrant-Dunn-iYirtcr taction of the Repub lican party in thi# State. Fathers Dowling. Gore, Noonan, ami Yign*- roaL th# four R>man Catholic pruwte who Lava su. eived treran the prepagatula at Ruin© the ■laaion of c.vovoeung lu Ura iv-uiaa Cath olic faith lira wbola oegro population of th# Unit#d Stataa. and wbo have bound them sefos lo devote their lives to this work, have axrtvwd in New York. They ara von to bn followed by forty morn priest*, who will devote tbeanaaTxwe to tha aamo mu*, n. and fFetn time to Ume these mia#tou4ri<ra will bo rw-a#forced by others Tha work wilt begin »n Marytaud at>4 IV, h«ft44<»r.m o( tb* ■IM* will b* «*>*bU.h.J t* IWUmof. Il M w 4 lb*l am tb* ln4 es J.*a»rj Q«iji WiiUui ('eru* will amim» the puatUou us -Me. tat *4u*f of <h« K*« York l iaa. -Ir* Uoi* J )*uuc TELEGRAPHIC. lifer Hall t’lprltrl from Ike I almi t ill. Ill<■ au4 I>m of I,ll* |p lirjlinf, Tao Sore Ibfauller* Irrwlfl. —»nlh lei.iim* In Kirn Triala. Comrri —iomU I'lurwllwru. lUiili Uuu-.- Adjournrd liter lo Moodav. Natioaal lU.jr.l of I rail) in SC Ixtui. Inlrn-atini; inrrlrn New*. NOON dT^PATCHES. 1 Me)■—-1 I raei liiweslrtera | WASHINGTON. Wiiirv .T©*, I>er««il>er 7 Th* Huu#e ia • l*gog< and f m I© «Lal ftSaafs. i h«- ivusu- ra dira-naaiasr wl.rifo-r the wit uewi wbo tb© K-i hid ;c r-mteuipt shall b- arrsated by a corn urraut r.soluUoa or by action of the hnrate aiotra. NEW YORK. Nrw V ti, I>e©cmber 7. - The meeting of th© lammany Hack ©in* for the alleged par poee ( expelling Teesd had no quorum. Ihe directors of tbe l aion ( lub have ex jralte-i Mayor Had f *r e*)nD©rUou iu tha no# frauds Tb* Tnfc-c* *ay* ti;* Gram! Jury will in dict on© high Mate official and a large num ber of city officra,v for briber? and ©or MARYLAND. Hi4»traTusi, Dwcemtier 7. Th# church and court house are baroed. Several were killed by tLe fa-.iog done of Ura court Loose. 1 The record# were savsd. The wind is hign. I 7 be fir© continues at last aceounla. louisTana. " New Oiujtaaa. Iteceuiber 7.—TLe number 'of deaths from yellow fever this season amount to twtsnij-Lbrc®. TLe first (tenth 00- c urre*l on tLe 4U» of August and the last on ■ the ith of Itecamber There waa a heavy frost this week, which exterminated the fever. , Second day * race* - Madam# Dudley won Ura first tec©*- Tune—234). .Halida(won Ura : second. Tims jfo2. Monarch ia! won th© 'third. Time -3 Z2\ The track waa in bet | ter oonditeon than on yesterday. NOVA SCOTIA. Ilium. December 7. —There wo# a heavy , gaie fin. Ura coast of Prince Edward * Island whirh prfratrated tence©, trees, hooaee. two cLoreh©#, and telegraph iioea, and wracked twj ▼caaela. MASSACHUSETTS. Snivonxui, 1 lerrmber 7.~Wn.)gfttwa. who m j-vatmaalcr h©re for fonrteen years, and * UWk of tt>© Hods* of Bcprv-eentwtivwa for nx years, ra dead. MEXICO. Hi MtTui lu. I‘©©vtnber 7. Yeater Jay. after ! two flays bard fight;wr. the rebels succeeded |id the toco patron of iralUUo The revolution .«ta are ap(*arenUv gaining groand. A second rebel loan ha# been enacted at Many ter—gw am have ekmtd i th©ar bouoea Mexican reirtttb are ©on pclH and t - pay or enter the ranks EVENING DISPATCHES. in JU*4 Preea Pi—US WASHINGTON. Wij.hix .to*. Lfooember 7. The Secretary < t th© Treasury tawwed a aoUce that on and after March 7th, 1872. th# principal and ae ©©pied interest on five-twenty coupon* and registered bond*, known ae ■©cotv! sene* of tb© act approved February 25th, 1 will be pai lat th© Treavury Itopertaoeo Tha fooh amoaut to twenty million doilariL Another bat©n of ad interim ncm.nation# « *J *©nt to th© Senate to-day. Tha Serrate had a short execute? j mwuoq, but ©vxiLrmwd n-> uomiaatiooa Frederick A. Mordeo. Chief of the Diwe oiOD of Accounta in Treaeorev's OAca. has l>©eu arrea’ed by the Government, he is twelve tL oaand doiiara short. Mar tom is a Massachusetts man Senate committees show no changoe in - ■■innetraliip itoaoi aaoee* ft# k pen see un tha Cotnaulte* on Mne>— ippi Iravres. other La ages are unimportant. Roth Hoo»«e have ad/»a rued until Monday. Th© pr.>oeadinga are ummiv>riant .Vxioiher defalcation has bean <.Uaoovavwd ia Treasurer Spinner • office Seth Johaeon. l aying Interwet Teller, u short fifty thousand ioliara. 11© has been spacalatiag m the New Ysta market. PENNSYLVANIA. D'cember 7. The jury ren ’ !c-re«! a verdict cf guilty ia th# case ol James | F Maroet on five count* of of ; public money Th© ctaamrr T >nawzn«!a. from Savannah. Th© a booner Wm. B Cox. from Newbem. tbe crew, seven in all, and t -wed her into Chester. MARYLAND. Hioua©T\.w* December 7. Tb© fire* had D > ©n eximguiah#kl soon after 3 o'clock this rn. rsmg I-—, court house 350.(XA), cLureh IJU.OOO. ENGLAND. iVcember 7.—Th# Urtncw of Waiei I ia eteadily improving. > FRANCE. ratx, IVceuaber 7 A meaear© from Thiers ar.noon©©# that be has notified (treat | Britain that h© intend# to abrogate ihe treaty | a# stipulated, but will continue negotiation# ' fer a rea*!jnattr©rt. MISSOURI. Sr. Lo.Tto. IVcvmber 7 —Tb© National Board of Tra-i© appointed the third Tuesday in October for lira annual mealing, as | amended in their constitution, to ealarg© the number of delegates. The IVmidenl of the Ikmrd of JV# 4 !* of th« Ifominton of Oanada waa introduced and ad I drew©p.i th© weaamblT. He bop©*i th© conaul j U'lDO voqM rewult m a bvoafil to N'th coun tries by thi* present entarchang© of commod ities A resolution wan offered in relation to asking the Cfoverumeot to guarantee lx>u ' raiaua, Mieatmippi an>l Arkarraaa to iaaue bonds, to the amount of FA5.000,000 for levee purposes It was amended #0 aa to tax coun ties b©o» fitted. SOUTH CAROLINA. i.'ouuiA. IXmaabtr 7. Jodf* bo»>l ol the I'citad Slates Circuit Oovt daiivarad an opinion 10-Uaj oo a motion of tha and rfiow to qaaah tb*> lodtoUucnt against Allan Ooaby an J olbwra, charged with violating tfca railroad law. Tbn Oovt JMtdM that two of tha nievrn omul* tw« Rood, that an wwra bod, and that on Uirwa count* tha Goart «H di* rviad. Tha aaoUoa to ywh won nawrrolad ( hUdera, from York countj. wan hrrhijpaad and |»l«ad not Rollt j Tka defamna siwHakgnd a juror pnrampkonly, to which tha liowwm maol objwotnd. Tha loort raaarved IU damn lon notil to-morrow, ALABAMA. Kiuaa, Dneetobnr 7. Tha Afnnukofai (Vm- ! t*ww aftev aa tateeweOeg aw l lepAdail aaa •tow a4/«i'wrtra 4 ra 4m f to I e ton# r # to . ra.: .r. £_ t • 4 if M>i K i %i*r, >4 L*>A—kj, !—»♦>»» Ti—j—t CANADA. | W *** . 1 rawwali— 7 lira t— ante too Ito ts dwgreew befow zee-, waul 17 to Altova. I TU- i*L* to Imm wra»7 mitoto ewANca. V'&ara, l>ee»u.t-r 7 T ♦ appoinlaDeui us Jwlee Favre a# Na,«ui lo W Has j !e»e offietally aaaoab©*-l The Hgare eaya arflrea were tent to Chev t bonrg ud Brwwi to prvfiart m«»U to eixirae 1 I about the >met of Fraarae. ao>! preewi 1 tu ■ totot te reiwrw frw Use Elba ENGLAND. I/>vr» v 1 rareenber 7 The Repaid ire a wetoiiift at Hirmiagbani and Kratiiaf ware draordarly. A Readiug wraeteeg broke np is a row !)»r James York ftearicti, Iseut. General nt the Br.Lah Xjaty, is dea l Ha was Ti years * NP MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. toWDcialto friw hwylitot; WASHINGTON. M'AVwrwerr©#. Dwcetnbef 7 Tbe followteg m a ■yncjpara of the weather for the past twee ty four Loan The low Laronratwr which w*a Wednoeday ftfUnot# over upper Michigan, afte r moving ■ool 1 least ward, turned to the n<*rtn©aet. and m now probably off Mam©. The dtsuufcaace whieh waa threatening the Atlantic rowel, after ©analeg brrai wind© and snow from MaryUud to Maine, ha# daring the day baen followed by clear mil l weather, with 1 wtoemt © from tbe Gulf Metre to N#w Ragland. Ctoady aud threeUuog weather cootmaas on the •skew, and increasing eoalhwret winds, with ©toady weather, on the T©*a# coast The ban m©ter has need decided I j frets Arkanaa# to Mici.igan, and westward, and brrak winds Irave thra evening rapidly pwral over Lake Michigan. l%r-»met©r and clearing weather are rt- i from Oregon te Mon tana. DaoSAßinrum. Itostag barometer with ctoar ing wuather and fresh wo**, winds ;a probable fnf Friday on Lak©# Kop©ri<>r wad Michigan. Southw©et vnode with cloody weather eon tinaee weet of Miamaaippi Moathwaei wiad* with («artraliy cloudy and pleasant weather cou- Lnua on th© aoulh AUantoc coaat The area of lowest barometer move* northeastward, with break wind* for a abort Unra on the lak** Part rah y clear and clearing weather in the Middlu and Eastern Mate* Cautionary atg nai# cootinu# for the evening at Oswego, and ara ordered for Buffalo. Cleveland. Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, and Milwaukee. NEW YORK. Sr tiers*. December 7 —At a #re#icm of the Methodist State Cooventsoa to-day a mania Uud, looking toward tbe re-eatahuahment of unity of the Chnrch North and South, wa# | offered and referred to the B lain rea Committre 1 to be reported. NEW HAMPIHRE. Com oat'. I>eoember 7. Tbe Labor Reform { State Convention rearm Lied here to-day and Dominated Lemuel F. Cooper for (tovemor Resolution* embodying the object of the Irebor Reform party were ad. pud at soon; also thanking Tloracw Greeley for hu effort# to expose and reform abuse#, frauds, corruption#, iniquities, and naurpation# of the Grant }ui uiimatrstiotx. FRANCE. Vuaaxixxs. December 7. —Thiar’a m wae age warn# the Depmtere newer to Intgat to what depth# of wtvtchednere the empire wa# in. and aaya that France should now look to God and to time for complete reorganization. Il was her policy to endaro dignified peace, and should war occur, despite her to remain at peace, it should not be her deed France must resume tbe preUa to whkh •he wxa an tilled, not only for bar own good, bat the interest of all naturns SPAIN. Ma d«it), December 7 —The municipal elee tiuos are over. Os the Madrid Council, the Radical# elected seventy-five the Republican* ©ieeted twenty and the Mitustenaliate only five. The return# come in stow from th# Frovioco, but those received ao far, indicate that the Radical* were sacoeaafal everywhere AMUSEMENTS MBS. MOULTON, Amulils a atiiniT BiNaKh. u raa-.*©' • iwn Hnn id two mte MOIXIXWC COW mnv Xurais j ae*i Twc©#ar Xtoeemter lack ae# leva IOTI. imuil a? Ur Br©uta©we© ftewter. Timor at#— r r— I—il wovi# nvraud WarH.*ra Mkv as# Mr JrawW W©SU. tb« IN—» UraoraC Mr «teo V. Oflbr. flasool Urwtar. 4m Deomrs opera house! GRAND OPERATIC AXD BALLAD CONCKBT. ONE AXOHT ONir. MUirli) luilu, Uw.kfr 9, 1 (*J 1. MAD. ISABELLA M’CULLOCH BRIL. VOLI BS«f TO AW WO A »Cfl rpH lT ah© will give mm jml tareweU Coaraert. 1 poor to k©r teyrUN for Bere#*. by the ta« povaler T«eer. lira lew Tori Imltb; of Mrae. a#wor I_ PLCIWT. «be Matraet Bartvoa©, trem thv Ira Tort irvliey of Wwete. Mr A D aSWa. the teteara t Piaarat* nmmxlj from tmrofm CoMdartor. Mr fl. D LNNA Xdraraetee oae floDar. Tlrr-i — ‘ rare* <ra© Bolter and Iffy mats TW*ea# •ted *l vaUM* * Crew s omaLai. RIWIOfM! iTXJJRA in. Sawah-r te. I#TL - xii-xn in daptecete. will b* reotered at !) tSU Ao*. onto 11 a. a . Iterrenter te. l#Tl. (or rumtaAie# te© tete Ite*/ reqwtred bv ta© if*l—tel* ra* tn p*rtte*nu ltt.M raMea*t)da.dwrter tet aratte. (OiiDMaii Jumwj Ist. I#TL Intornettee m to i|u*liiy at hoot, roadiuoa*. p*#*a#aU. tu . can b* ob teteed by ar;>U>-an«<a to (HO fl MOTT. novll-St Lraal l#te loteotry. A. C. A DOBSON & BARLOW. HOLTON, KNULANI). ,b*4UM A. D. I4K| «i(w jxb r, r«.vm.T IM PROVED "maCHIX EBY, rom PREPARING AND SPINNING COTTON, 41*0. l>.,klM)ll-4.r tew 4)1 M.. .Ml K«l(. IUU. *u.rt* r Vlw. teipto, apiKli o i H 4» .tew MM *» CLAHI rUteLACOO. tew- ».*»< w*l wUteteL pmtwtet «!1!» - «>H '- M* » ■> w, . I iriii. or K> P o. tk-i WM. tew Tort. FOII HALE, i QOMJTOKTAHJI TfUl >OOI COTTAGE. iTnraw es Pvwsar ae-1 ELAerdaoa teraU HALF ZiTian LOT t moil f n*d. food water. Aa Apply *• 0 W. ADAH. e© ltotf »te*l totete Agaal NOTICE. Ths POX PALLET dOTTOM FACTUBT OOM py ■ es root oewrey. reaj>flM w .<vrw* » ■■ I w * *1 IM «te ■ W»iw W~)te»« ■■■.*■ I* teteS. P*» 00, |- rtD mm te M ~~ I ■■ H ew. ot tea rtooa. flerta# tee Ml re ot the fish teture MB. E fIUTWr Attests. Oa. fleveraara t. IflTl rat I#4tee WHOLE NO. ll>B7. HEW IDfBKTnmSTB. ■»« ■« . l Vl»r* ' “am* 0 Bw ■**. he nNHßmrrt rn Aoa mx* o x*r IRION EOT4TOKI, |)Lail utrri md ornimr. p»arl habui 1 liiAUUI Oaf MIAI, ÜBfl fJUmt'* '»t lh « nit inoor oars. Pa* mfta *» u~ mo w«ir irr oiirnw ft od Aar a-M LKA it PKHHHH 1 HAI7 C E •• tn * oin uoon lirci." > »i*wm apt an and Oani><a and a u aart al*4 fw Ha On* | I «M ks Ban Lh* a PEAIUVn to ! !■»«• Mi turuee ■■aft MM •* »*aiu•* uunaterfetto Ji»Mt NtMt A oni. j am Owila AfMU Sm T«t AUCTION AAIiK or ocmiauT protesty. uPTICE FOOT -vt Al.Tl.kM/um a. N< rHKßooii lutuun*. • iTUJTTA, Oa.. Bmabtf W in. yy IU. be *nM at t>a ;. Mnr.rOa. arday I>MMiba ju. um. i.uuu Ht. OKWa or U-ae. of braatr mmtha omr t-rj CJRX A HuXT. ll enfteaiait INN laAatrjr d«M( A- A. <*. AL. U-IA. Ana? fHILADBLfNU AID ATLASTA WINE AND Liqi OR CO./ Rote A C oat« fur tha celebrated Na a l*r»nlle HlorV. . lE/MOMRAUI DEALER* IN PURE WIMLS. QIWA Ts BALAMDIES aad WHISKIES hre Aa TS OT I C E . Bbocra. Thai tha Ma Tratawrwc of tha Waatarn ana Itnalm Madread. and <*h«r cOAara and aoaaAa of •ad rand, pej mint 11taly owar la tha Traaanrrr of tha Slate at Uaocgte tha ba lancet remaining tn thalr 1 hands betenging to tha «atd State of Oaorgm. being tha earnings at tha Western and Alien tu Railroad whim* la jaawmum of ated Mata. InotTu reßTua. That mid late Trmaorar. and afthar officers and egeate of aatd Waatarn and A lien u* hadruod. ahad not pay to y>7 of tha lata officer. of aald road, ar Vo any of tha paraoas aow rial mm* t» ba officers of anal road. «to any parauoa appointed by Ehhm b Raßeah. late teeawmnr. aa Ooanmiaaumara to look Into tha aShUra of aaad road, or ft* any other person whomsoever. any part or portion of tha aald talaarw remain ag tn thatr hands. kaan nn win. ThnA tha Treasurer of th*. mat*, aaII span tha lafta Tbsnanrw aad other officers •ad afMH af tha Waaftara and Altentir Railroad tea mediately. and famaa I of lham tha balances of money ao dne to tha State aa shave am Bwib flonMA, That noth: ■* In tha raaatn Uaaaa that tha halanaaa admlWad by tha aald officers aad ifrato ara tha rvai baftarwaa dw JAMES M. EMITS. Speaks; of the Home of BaprwaanmtfTta J. D. WADDELL. Clark of Aha Honaaaf kaprwaantoflTra L. >. TAAMMELJU " Fraat taat of tha Senate T. W. J. HILL. Sarmtary of tha Senate Approawd. W.ynftmktt TT. TSTI. BAbJAMIE OOhLAT. Hsnor EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Aa:TT», Qa.. Vorraabar St, U7l. I, A H Aftinaan. Sacraftnry of tha Kiacatm Da yntniat ha haaaky aaittfy. that tha hwfotac and wtfthm. la a ftnaa aad turwaaft aopy of a raanfaftton L■ in I by tha Oanaml laa ibii Uy at tfta praaan l aamtim. and ipproTtd by tha Uoianor. A H ATEUtSON. lnwwkary Dacofln Dtpartaaftl state ntxhhiTunrs omet ATVaVTa. Oa., loaambar S, IITI. To au L+u Ofxxrt mmd Afmn %a drrrart all Jto WcaArm and dkanfir JBaUroad Bna La anmphanaa with tha faraffrtac raaoluhona. ;aaaah by bath ■aaaaa. and approaad by tha Sowar namtibaa—mmrhkkrm ki i nmt of yon the par ■aal to tha Trmaarwr af tha Utah of Oauarta. the talar -a ramamlaß la your hand* bato&ftatf to the kftnft* of daerfh. bane the armo4a of the Waatarn and ASwkr MhoaJ whilst in pnaaamlon af tha kmm. And I now lima* las aack and nO af yw. the puynaani into tha Mato TTaaaorj Aha fhU balanrw of oaonay aa dna tha Mata. nor fk-ftf A L. AVniZA State Treasurer ASIATIC FOWJLH A SPECIALTY. MI ROCK OT EAAMMAE AND COG&UU IS naawrpaanaA tam now prepare.! t AD ardara toe mm alma aarty Mkahad apaoamaaa. aafthar tern hlhfttmn ar hraaitnt. *• aaoharaka rate* Sand stamp far pvftea Mr. D W WMBSTIWE. |Uv A BmAi MAh Mi eat. Tlilb laßhia. Ph. Tha ahoee akoeft ware Eu-at Kraaalnm wlnnaraat the niMiaakm. ia«h Eahlkthan fn Saw York, and Pint for Imported Powta. art the last PhiladaApht* ExhfH waau and rtaal rramtwaa at OwiaNorai Park. October aa. I*7l J. X. OOLMMA Apaat, oct ktotf Atteotn. Oaord*. NEW ROUTE TO Mhbile, Vw Uric kh v, TfcAhbsrj, sad Teih*. BLUE MOUNTAIN ROUTE YU SALMA. NOMA and DAI.TOS RAILROAD AMD ITS OOMMMUTIOSA ntSKNUIM taawtk* AAanfta by the A a. n. 1 «*to naf Wamara and llbatk Bbhrna I. write u Rome Aha. malm* aftana ■■■■at Hui wttk PAST EXPRESS TMAIM af Raima. Lame nod Dolton EH trend, arming atWelten maAin* road, arming at MarbWam. 4 a. m ; Jackaua. 11 AO e. ■ . Tteftnan, INr N aftan. mate rtoaa roatectloa at chlaoa wtSa teaCba of Santb and Xorth Ala home ■teitena 1. mtkrftaw hi Manki a iry. IJOr. a . MohUr. T 45 •_ R; Yew Oatama. 4 « r * Tha sand hoa ham raaandy and the in lam 111 not aaiyar J by aaty la the Sowth for aarnagtfc anh hnanty of laid run thrungk Warn Roma na Ifniißam irr to Motela without change. ram m LOW m ky aay OTHER ROTTE. fvrtoa nr hate na Etwfaaon aft Oaoarol TkAwt ahftcw, or at the R. L I m ball Mama JOHN R. PWCK. E. <». BARNET. Oanaml Maparlntandant. B. v joMMSOH. Local Agent. Ma. A Klmbnll Ham. aaplMM X** O R HALE, TWO UKIMPKOVKD LOTS on MtDoyouvn street. on a m rmrr rmnrr wr m mn d to. I-rloo, »OGO. n. uuo w m rin nun e w nun uu/ l*rt«e. MOO TERMS EAH V. 18 reel 10c; la tt« rwo rs teU Lata. APPLY AT TULA OFTICS. ■n aee »tu m aaa»n nf~~*‘*** "• « wn Me oaiuna. *w> MM»m naiMeni. tu UrMl Ail*,<a.<C-.r(1..