Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 14, 1871, Image 1

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ATI.AN'I’A DAILY NKW KRA. volume vii., no. 02. *s——w ■ ring ©****©» *> rSoMitolM m »»««*I lw— »« 1 —** ktf« I«,*t i<w | » • (Mtl* *t> VIM Iwm liUMik '•ft; NwHMfM Tr».» imwk • « » « t«M D—4* M U|l iy«i< ">|M Tw am*** • m » m k 4U Twb be*m * IS I- n* !«| fft— I lift ■> Tntft ftrntM * n p m I 1 «W4B i—«*« f lift B MowMfttb ft/t.xMKu,u4*ii <ft trn««ft ft ft* a m "M«m Mviuklftftft A*««Mnik tu 4ftl...>ft l«a» (Kp a ■» ■— l ■ BUSINESS DIRECTORY nr* of «■ IIM nr l*sa i»4m Uus K«tl In •*rl*d fur I wrest? 6*• .Khara fur •>»• *—/ fin*rn 4#t »'• ■« maeth* tau dollar* for Iftr*« iutU.l Cn dollar* fur ot»* ftuonCft FayeM* I* ad—ar* LAW CAKim. J4HKO IHUO HHITAKKk, VTToKJO VAT I.AW iruvn. Obuiou WUJ l"*rA«' li tbe *rrrrtl !'"trU *tat* and Fad-rai I<u*wm -ntruat-.l will rrcftvi jte#-rwp« ftii*i ' ,fn ** '©”•! room. o»-r M«nri Foro* • ah.* #u.r* n Hlftii har t flulldiftft, WhlUhall Mr**l® In. 40111 A. WlMfi*Y. VTTnllJttT AT LAW Oflk* Corn-r Broad fti.J Mftnrtu airrou. Atlanta. »»a Will pra.ur* | D all tb* Court* ailtin« iu AU*>.*a. all th* Hup*ru»r l ourts ftrraaaiUa By Collar ti.-n of ntaiio* prompt. Ij atlaauad to. aspk-dly NEW AI) V E UTIS KM ENTS. OUN 01 It ANti 0 ! HLlnrt. KF.KMI A CO'S KLI ID riTHACT. lb*. win J-rfui rrmnly f .rTtfinr, MyptUa. H- rofuia. Hcftrt. l*ului i ary Complaint*. Hail ltbruni. in l all ('hr-mir Blood Dl•«-**«a, la ©rapaml from If.* **:.o iu* t ondurauKO Hark, fr*»ui L*.)a. fc. uador. *r<-ur#4 by lb*- of Uie ar.tborlUes of that country. It la tLn m U.I rffr.HiT*. prompt, and certain alt-ratir- and blood pander ktiowu. h II by all ,Irn*#gi*t* su j ini tx'Ul** bavin/ on them our nsm*. trad a mark arul d:r*«-riona Hrnd (r a circuit* off -and Laborat » y. No. fiOtVdar atrial N V. Morton hoi hi#.. a >*• N>.ab*n. >. *«i by tb« author of • Valrn* Aylmer ivi- ( .a P*r. four lU atrali-ma Pno* fI; cJ.<b $l.»0. It t* a • lory of tba ftotilli. thirty y—r* ago, and th* town* la laid euUrstyr in that ration Tba youßi: aolherae*. w: .1a a lady of No-th Caro* hua. baa. in bar aor*>n 1 effort. iiuur u.l u»k.u tb*- llr-i H*Rt ft—by mail, to any .addr**#. ,-l. tbr r* ralpt of tbe nrl.**. D. APPLETON ft 00.. I‘ublisWrs. Now dork “WIDE AWAKE I».r «>f *>ip-rb Frim h «Ml Ohrmno* snbj-,u I |/k Kl/K rt iniatta far alrnll** of original Oil Famtiu** OIVfN AWAY to every *ub#ATtbrr to iilmiy waiii> HKKciirjt's «»r**at Litarary. Ilalifiou*. Wnnklr N*w*pap*r Agnwta harißg gr*a« ewocaaa. Onn took I.mho nan.a* in 3 ■»“Mh* another fi7l in M day*. anotbar III! in <>iia wmV on* 47 In on* day. and mat.? othara Minally WAll. making from fS and |l<»t*> #* . p*f day. takra mi aigbt An ..Id a*-i,| *li-K.Mt.WA. aaya •• I think It th* httalnnaa for rar.viaaAra at*t offrrad. Horry I did o*»t aocnar Para t>*ttar than any book ag-acy A HUtK CHAM F. TO MAKt. V»»jtp\ LO< U. ACIKNTH \V\NTKI). IntAlbgant mm and «<>mru wauiA.l arcrywhar* If you wtab g.Kid tamtorr arnd iarly l> r Airrular and I. rUi*. J. II rORI) A CO . ;7 l ark Pla.-*. N* » York II ttromfila! t alrnAt Ii u. Mw, JHA W**t kl* ia<>u *ir*«d. I’bi.-ag'i, HI WfinflJC HOr-vfIIOI.1) MOIV7ISI 1* f*Arrd WUUIi o • ulia.nb*r of Mi-rry • Muarotu. tba T.»l*do IU»U l^ier He , wbkh ta an 1 Awftf# Ra wmHh”*n"l (Kipularfty. Horary OreelAj JamA« p*r toil. TbMNlorrTlltou. OairTnn.ili >n,’HrT'wr.tA t> r , Iu dubbing, tt nfftin three Aral rlaaa p*rl nlical* for ' (b« price of on* of tbrnt A rarkty of premium* on i equally liberal terrua It t* an . ft rat rla*a Yolumr X beglti* wiU» Jan fT T tiff rv.piH* free Addrcaa S h WOOD, f*w n7sr .HI V J AMENT* WtUf.ll KOli Tbo Year of Battles. Tb* Htatory ni the War bat worn Franc* and <l*nna ny, am bracing ai*>> Pari* »»nd«r tb* (rniuratibr Ififi ll'iHratnuia . Ml pag** . pHc* |J SO fiO.nio c- plr* ftl raady aold Tb# only couplet* w<»rk. NotbUig aqoala I It I” ••11. Making lo.laatropir* per m >nth now In Engllah and tfterman 1 -rwi* oncptale.] Outfit |126 A.ldreia U 8. CtOODhl . Kl> ft CO. 17 Park How, Naw Tort fVL JJTC rj *" '■ ll ‘o mi ss a !«., *> 1 119. law 11^11P»]| s: Park H"W N Y l arnly fi»# yaar*' *sprn*u.« Paiupblat* ooalaliniig PaUnt Iftw*. with full dirac tioaa how to wtitain paOnU Frra. A honad niluue ..f ll* page*, containing tho NEW CEN.HCK by oountiea and all Urga niiA*. 14U rngrav Inga of mechanical movement* i<at*nt laws and rule# f >r btaming palcnta. mailed on receipt of 26 cent* 'l.iu: HAR.ttttbl K<* r»M,I V COKMUItZUUI <•»> 1 want age-iia a* ».*ll Ibmr Family I ornabrllera , Heat Invent ion of the klu.i Holla at ftigbt Profita t»-y* For drcwlar*. »Ur>«» ELtlLdLa bNI L'£H. , Iraaacrar. lx* k Hot 9. Uarriaburg. Pa Bloomington Nursery. 111. .k/VTHYKUI! 6nn ACRES * IS OIIEEN nOt’HEH : J. \ f Ijargaal aaa.'rtinent Beat atock l»* Mice* Tree*. Hhrutia, Plant*. Dolba. Set da. Htocka. ilrafta Ac. lt*o {«g* il’ualratc 1 catalogur, 10 rente. Bulb. Plant Re t Cftlalugnae. all far 10 ernta Wbrt’,r*alr ( price Pat free. Rend for tbra* brfor* buying rlae* r K PHtItNIX. Bloomington 10 II M A Ott tit Pfl lit 1? n w!'Hwi'iu'i!i 'j 'fiir-u rrw.'f. tu* fV# v Itcft**t fire a with the arnatcMcomfnrt to the • »ar*c. Ilaa uo aUei to irriUta ihr p#r»>n. llrceir** Ibo from all who ua# It ft**.>man*Bde»H>^*S3iOiO>fty aidant Full direction* Try o«e •angle Tm*a 66. DouMe Tru*a. t*o pad*. fTT"™ #ficOrdAr* tnrloatnj^promp-lr filled A.^t^^T ,, " L. RcnEvtfflftC^Cu^lgeiit. Atben*. Oeorgia i V » 'fk for ua than at anything alee Boatna** light and permanent. Particular* frea ti HTINHON ft i>7 . Pi ia Art Pul Maher* Portland. Maine Aiftr « MONTH I flora* fwrfilahed I KipftMei pftML H B HIIAW. Alfred. Me a folb yOACiit A ncum ...early IfcdtwrtwOon /V. fAb»*i*J nerriqa debility, premature decay, etc . baling trie! in rain arary advertiaed remedy, baa di# •rera.' * *in»i>le mean* of aelf core whl- h be will •rod U> hi* feft >w auff r*r* A Mr*#* J. H. BEEVES. 7« Naaaan atreet. N. Y. GASTHAUBZURBTADT MAINZ . IICNTEU STREET, ItKTWEEN rOUSYTU AND TUOMBON STBEETR IIY WILLIAM IIKN DEK, ATLANTA, .... UKOH(*IA. oct 16-Sm THE THEOLOGICAL, AND HOME OP THE vtoiKN riric w o it kw or EMANUEL .SWEDENBOKO. »«* «a U>« .VUManl Wort. V tb« NEW JERUBALEM CHURCH, »"I.R tm Kl,»r. Ui«h mnniiM >k« ciniLieriiNo iioune Os lb. Omml Oub,«MJcq of R. new JKHI N VLr.M IN THRI .t R*. *0 f*ap*r I'alaa, Ham Tat ft City, l,i#l fur*4afc*4 on appUrwUem •or ladfdb R M. RVfMVET. Maaagar V. lan tt# Oaan Row* tew. u ifc, ttn mt Daw Maatoa. kaiwaaw Ua laalW, W te Ua foDo. ■ua *ra«Mt/. lein* Mtetera (M) ai(»< kaaiaai la. aUf ate i»l aUM kaUM mi #«kir ate. u. Ua »hk (Mk. tekrai ate tea a.teaa oMJttwate aaiM*. Iwrte a* aa Ua prafanf of tea lunMattwM) al» Haul ilaaa Dawaaa (a r##M Oaaat la kaar af Oaarfa 0 Maa ate ■ r 11.1 l a te#v>aai<> .tea. frapn* , rail a. I aM kgr te as. onekaa If. Mil o 1 rwU R'.RATIO TATTW. Mkanß. Mom an m • a a»,* ■ imball H**«* (»Mi**6»a At*. ’f *• and. : ft-teTT>*la Tee.. • a f> »» ft ,*Hf «»t**Mft ! t(Uv«> »•*»• J*»*aJ«ftfwa I* ua «a h t an 4 tie w H « tel <*• Maa W -Saewtate ft. ft ft arte. We.*w. • r\ J f n*«aea ,**. M ft-#*... N • a I#e Bt* Mew*e« P » M 4. w * • '<4iiat* • ft Ren. If Rk 'M a* I aa 1 J g i y l». T Hilly** »? «* <*ehe *• J A «k|**M.*f 1... J ti l«na *w HA « *awf.w4 i u-. r,.« a , m < kbwiMM *la J I a4w a <•* a i l■ A* » * ladr ft J* t>«* 4,. » 1 \ u w .... ■ Ift m*. tea# <te Ia H. # ft. 4*' Hea.ltee.te. \ H , M •*. aaa 4 I 4e .1 J lae ? 4 *1 n» t t. JI hMteWk dA M.te tua. , . Jft M#»i#i 4 ftatfe. r t? 4a ft I. *t. A- ! fc*» tb. 4. Ml k*u.p>-» 4** < < fi»v h«a s . j « ft * lft* I » t--A-U-* ... n** 6ttte*e ? ..a J , At i.l WT*. (is Ifteratidi.r V 1 -71 L*t if If .iitefttw Aie, . .#.« I 1 >»*a Hia ! (hank r n for .hrertm« ikt at U<nti«>ii to a roi»uk* into winch I va* !1 h, ! Wft taatiroony Ufor* the Ru K -ul < n.iuitUe > in Wa*hiii k 'toti la»t aumnirft. in rrlatjnb t* t‘,« kiUii| df Dr Dkfdwi WuiMfoi Mj l**:an* o% that atil jcct waagm ~lf u. rumor. <»r h- w'faay klcfir aa I «u n and a n*i •lent of or Id Warrant.>u al tlvr time < f tl*« occurrence. Hy recent reference b< the print*#! ilatamafita ma<l* at the time, and | mor* imrtiralarly by reference to tha rar 1 of your too. ( apLajn f’harle* Wallace f.uL liahed in Li* |«*|*er. the Wartenb n blip |»er. _)n*t »wf re th* travel?, I find timl it * < aptam Wallace who ha l applied f r adwn*# aioa into the Maa ,me L«fg*. ai. | ?. #t hr , 1 Nkidfifi, *» ftiao i ,i. ij i,, . ihe | tinued exciU-rnent C -iiac-jOcnt upon the * Ts rta mad* to produce the inipr«*e*i -n that the p« nje of Gtrorgla were Uwlea* and <)• ftant f federal ftfitt fitj, | MUM 1 I gr| mib.l the imftioi. iran^j.and r. itut <-v tent my recoilecUon wtwi wrong My recollectioD •**. and m. that hr iMr-l*-, claimed to he a Democrat, hut Die end. ur. you auhuut to ro« now tin* point, and the card of ( aptain WallaPr, to which I hfi>. ju*: referred, ahow* that he wan n garth? 1 hy th» p*M»ple of Warn nton \» a scalawag <>r Radicwl, and that the qttarrrl wm, t > a cert no • ktent, e p«ditical one. 1 sincerely regret that from failure of mom ' > ry, ar. 1 fr«>m roiMnf >rma(i*>ti. tnjii->ti. .> may barn »*wn dona in my verni >n of the nfluir he fore the committee to the memory and rharac I< *r of t'aptaiti Wallare, who, while living, wn a perwoi.u! and |>oliti« al frivud, an t f.»r whon# I entertained the higheat respect aa a gentle mart of ncldetuished honor and incorruj tihh integrity. Very rcapectfnlly, .Vc . A. U Whiwut * UEOIU.IA. i IMI creating Hew* from all Pail* of the Py Ma . i tb* In* - ‘ (JaifFiN. Lnat Friday night, while Mr Key and hi* family, who r**Mde some fceren or eight mile* in tho country, wrre viailiug n neighlxir, hi* hotiag* accidentally caught on fir*, and wag entirely ilcatroye 1. with every thing in it. The Middle (fcorgi&n of the Utli x.-»' Tha ahooting affair at the ctrup* of Lvon McLendon A Cos. night b* fore last > urr* l iu.j the following manner One of i l. (iriAn's ban»lh, by the name of NorriaTrowel ~I r ! had at. len from Col. driftin'* lent k cl. rh ing and hlankeU. and carried t.» th< camp- at Law*on # mill Cd, dnffiu pursued and arriving at tho camp tome tiro© afterward apprised Mr kiuuy of what had taken pla«*«- thuv imoiadiatoly proc.-* d*.| t.> Ui# tent ot j aaid lYewwt, ftoeowpaio*»l by tbe oearawara. 1 and found him playing cards, with thcu>i»«ing , thing- in hi- |K*a»©Mttou. They celled him j from tho tent, and were in the a t of -lafUng back t.i enmp when tome unk:iowu p«riv fired into them with nutuU r u *h >t, from aleiut fifteen yards distance, w unding fit ven white men nnd two colored « ..1 n* l driilin recaitud at veral fihot fn tho arm; Mr K.nny iu the hentl. neck, an.l shoulder twenly-wtght , -hot; Mr Valiant in the thr.»*t and in. -»>v ernl s‘.. • Hr l - vi olu U baad; \i. S w bonac iu the face, neck, and aftm. Mr U A ut id ' (tie head, and Joh . Colima on tbe .’ shoulder; one colored man iu the br» o' and tha other in the foot. The |w;n»on who fir* ! I ihe itnmedt&laly UcJ CapUiin Lv made every effort to find torn.- trace • t tr. perpetrator of th© dt«.l. but. as rat. La- I unnucceaMful Dr Dreury rx , nut-1 t: wounds and pronounct and some of th in scri -u- Forairn The formal dedication of tl. new Methodist Church will tak* j lact# ml J Sunday morning , Iliahop Fierce offlciatiio' ant iit ft:it % m.w s. By Mail to U» Lu* ; Forty-one emigrants arnv- and »»t Norfolk, on Wa*lne«4lAy, from Lnerpool, twenty -«i.:ht I whom are F.ngtiNh, six Scotch, four Welch. ; tto Tnab. and tmr Hungarian. Lightrc-n t-1 . th© number will reiumu iu Virginia, «ixt><-n i will come to Tenneaaee, aix to Mianis ppi au 1 one to T. xaa. The Grand L#nlgc of Free and Accepted , M iaous, of Alabuni, met in M >utg ouery n Wadi— day. The following are the offic. r elect for th«* ensuing Masonic year, vi/ Jo seph 11. Jobnstou, U M .0. Frank Smith. D. G. M . iaaiah A. Wilcox, G S. W.. l»al mer J. Fillans, O J. W . Daniel Sayre, G Swcretan, W. H. Dingley, G Treasurer, •Jamea Davidson, <i Tiler . Kty West expects a Urgo influx of uniu j i lion from Cuba. The Dispatch says The recent order of the Captain Grurr.«l. ordering all nativee of the island over 1H jm© of age either to enlist iu the volunteer corp or leave the islaud has created quite a puim among the Cre«>l«*H, alx>nt five hiindrvil <#i whom were making preparation* to l*av, Hu vana and its cnvir»nis, betides large number frorn other parta of the island It ia hoped that when thaae people domicil lhorn*e !v.- among o«, their fortunate friend* will uk naina to instruct them in the true spirit ot onr free institutions, as upon this will depend, in • a measure, their future prosperity aud h.ipj news. ” Tl»* I'BWir of m Noble I’ot p#>*> If man or woman wi-het to realise tb. f .l# power of pertonal beauty, it must be l v ohenahing noble hopes and purpoec- . by having something to uo aud aomething to live for, which is worthy of humanity, and which, by ei|>aoding tho caparitie* of the acul. giver expan-ion aud ayrometry to tho body which contains iL I*rofe*»*or I'pham. in oue of his letters, illustrate* this when he deacnt>es th« captain of a vewiel in which be was about t. sail. ‘‘A* we were aUmt to start,” aaya the profeaaor, "I maw him move to an elevaL* I powidoo above the wheel, and it was interest mg to see how quickly and completely the in ward thought or purin>*u altars the outward mac. He atoed a few nioinautii silent aud thooghtful. He gave a quick glance to every part of tho whip, lie cast his eye over the multitude coming on board the ahip, atn utg whom vaa th* Amencaii Kmbassador to Lug land, who. if the captain may be aaid to rm binty the ablp. may ba uid. with e ]ual truth, to ambodv in his official peraon a Dalion’a honor lie saw the hu*handa and the wives, tha mothers and tha children, intrusted to In* care, aud hie slender form, as he gave the orders for our dapartura, teamed at ooce t > grow mnra erect and Ann; the musclea of hi* face awaited, hi* dark cyaa glowed with anew fire, and bia whole person expanded aud beau tiled iteetf by ib M pwwer of inward emotion Horn# of the patoee realised at tha aal© of I tba Olay bollaoUon of ooins in Naw York j*£f twday. wwrwtba fottivoing A oant oMThi brought oixty-oeveo dollars, a caul of IW3 thirty —ran dwUara, a half eesit of 1797 twoa ky-three dollar*, and a oant of 1909 forty-three dollar* The rwnlkfw of the prune were effHhßy h%b ATLANTA, THUKsDAY MOIt.N INti, DECEMHKII 11, 1871. hBl li Ml HIM. tl Ml LtniMl Mte*u (h i, |t.*«k In a a H yU J,rt i* J .J . U, |vai*r ||*iU«i Irate * f aba*i#.« aa* v r«ntad U» Mm* ' i . ;t»«*n ar»4 A.nderwei I r* ( ort «fti # t ti nolle* >« th* Huve < f i>k _mi • «m .. ~i ! Mr Iliurtkii -ONI ih.t -rirt L.utr*.| c>» j. .1# II a ft|M. •! rrier i r t© morr • Carnal I Mr Ml KM .fc* IT red th t .S.-eiag • - ...<k. ! f - «n*KJwa f tfc. ftaw •- I Mr iliui.Tib Lv redtl.a rea«4uLon. It is n il!.** p-li<yn| th* puie to intpoea talc* uy a H.rjf m. and ♦. s *Uy aucb a* j mal'-i laby benefit tb* pntdir ThecolLoHoo l f UI". f r past Wars would be very onerous. I and hr h j-eii that in ..r* would be *l - tb* r-- lution A slroi i-r j r, }- -itnro La i faiiesl st the last swdij of i Icc-Ltar*. He knows of no principle * Li.-h loght t-. elf nipt nr- •» *j apers from Uxa Lon Ltrge am< <ml* -f capital are invented lii this U*y Which yield* rrmnneranva in c.iujea *-pejfr- 1 . i, .« and. inand tha f.aUir oig tr* f lb© Slat m* a nrw m*iilution Wa *r« t. i I th.»t they ar.' th** ©dicator* of tha I • ph , but tl.. v ar*- at least no more so than th- pr.-ii hero t -acbero. and lawyers of the country, ut.d they ar.« not exempt from taxa UoU. Mr ll:i., .Lit -red with the geulleuian tlml no cla-• * 1 im ii do m -r«# to e*lucate and < W vat.. ti. p. | than the .awy. ro. but he r » * ■“* •** . hr.rig pul i ation of amw-pap* . tnsUtutioo, tor his ex pen©n . inll.* pru. uco of law had proved w him the contrary Mr Siwxi- s- . 1 tin*, r. s -luti- □ d»*ea not I r. j t . r. i.« w-p*|.«ra from Uiauon, but merely to suspend the Oollecliou of the rtoDf until t:a• L«-gi-l.ftt ire van tnllv determine ti*.- a t iu January «... «n »n. It w nil be ift great hardship, ro th. prea- if Ulad Dow. • t ft« r b ii.g r.-liev. 1 hv LiecutiTa proclama tion 11 si, p irtc l the amendment at b ngt h. Mr. In dt opposed th» r'-aoiution on the .-round that th.- newNpaperv had received from the (Hivernmenl immense amount* of money ui payment I *r th- publication of Executive proclamation*, and taxation la but a email return Mr. Siux: repb. and that the publication of | l x-cutive prociaiuaUoua for j ay could not b« | ;s. and a amst the pres* anv m ire than a ‘m.'unt of w* rk p.-rs irmed by lawyers, and Llui class* .. f n, n, f r he*. ...uld L- used ftgainst 'diein. Mr lD.».sr. again pp s< I the resolution. It was eutirely r. pugntf.t »•' U* aouae of jaslice I fcl •MM than , any • r - • f i m i; and least of ail : ugh: l l- r. ,*-v.d ir ii. a proportionate “bar- «and IL. i xpen-i --d gv. rument j Mr. Sm :ii Uv r*d the resolution The 1 tiew -pa| er'. more than literature, have a direct ! ■ Heck ir 4 enlightening and rlavatiag th© people, I and the return thus road, is axnp a Mr |b i-s* ff. r-d Ibe foil..wring proviso I l'r vi i. .1 mi,| ,Ul| not t* n-j | 1. I. 1..1 l, »,.» |'«|«l lm. ,lun. kDT MI ».S I pi . . •- i | r » U 1 r It.- ii. I i-cutii. W ithilrivii Mr. (fi - ' W in* \4 - »*i - x 1.4- r*. n lUstk. Brisk. Br.wu. Hr..' I» -ft.u.r..! ai.dh-,. ivirmaa If rar. i j H. ft-. II i M >*. J.r - Juues, Kirkland. Me- H ' < » . • 11 >.». vi •• i • «*•..« I(a ■ <*ft'ftii.lii4ysrfturUa. ! Kil.'te- l • -t* i MalLi a*, ©nuu. i»*. fioiltli. aaj firl! I burn -II Mr U an wb i \*a- np)ftomted by tb© [I n sid*-nt .u th* - "mmitti ©to lovesLgate tb© t. i. t of th- Auditing (' mmiwion of th© ; Vx «-.-ti rn .ii.d roto lhulroa I. asked to be ' li.-cha . I Ir# ui th.'it Ci'ii.-iniltt©*, f..r th© rea n that his hu-iu©iii would materially af li* *d by th© Deccsaity of altcudauoa iu the .• ting « t the committee which would tbere • -re. be exceedingly inconveuient. ! Ih© I’m siDtvr aiat l tint ho appointed the committee with a view t » th© Am©** of 1 the several tut*tubers, an l having exercised | tho r*-s|MtiiHibb* duty »>f ap|>ointin©nt, he wa* j unwilling to disehargo any racml>er. Iho S* oat- I y vote, assentexl to the du j charge of Mr. ItnowN from tho oomiuiiteo. ( 'n motion of Mr llmtcn, th© matting then • h -urued until 1•» k vi to-morrow. I\ TIIK ItU'UESKMXTIVEH' II V 1.1.. Wk: nesdat, December 13. iu ih«* Ue| rtwantativca' Hall the citizens as-eu' led wei© called to order by Mr Bmitb. ru- r„il W.A 0kll«4. Journal of yaeierday was read andapproved. Mr I'im.Lir- c'iiairman of the t'ommitle© ou Fnvilagea and Eh ti na, BMvad to take up th© r. port of tin com millet' on the can© of Mr , I'arver. m*-mber from llaker county, who wa* ■ harg. and with 1 ng u non-resident of that county Ih© evid* nc© nh*»w \:iat *Tr. Tarver pays i tax. i* and and serve* ou j in©* iu j that county. 1 h© rep rt of the committa*. which de ' clans that Mr laiv t r is entitled to his seal, I was adopted. K< •lutio’i by Mr DroaoN, to authorize th® lli'Q Mr. Glover‘to draw th© per diern and l noivag.- < t 11 u. Wright llra<ly. deceased. ! r tl i : < tit of th latt©r*s famlv, was ! adopted I lie Lii 1 .ii wa-taken up. and several SenaL 1 amendments w. re coucurrexl m. Th© r« p«»rt of the Committee «>n Frivtlegea ipd Ki.ctions ,ro th© ca*« of Mr Sargoant, ] K. publican member from Oowi ta county, was taken op 1 he> • ah#>w©d that Mr Ssrgeant waa i a » aptam in th© war with Mexico, that h© was j a J - Ci© I’*ac« afLrwaitla, that Mr 1 Ssrg. ant -trilled a company of mSnuta men j ( nfederal imt but t*.si he ex-1 jr.— and 1 n- Is* opposed tv> the w A r during ‘ lb© latter part cl it rhenp.rtof th© committee i» that he is ineligible under tb© lltb Amendment M-v-rs v orr. biMH'sa of Gwiunett, and Ui iMr.i.i. opp -©d th© a.(option of the report, ! urging that Mr Sergeant va* not ineligible j uuder th© 14th Amendment, find that th© prin cipal an l only voluntary acta b© rendered ; during lh© w ar w,i* to feed helpleaa and starv ; mg worn, n and children. Fending argument by Mr Fhiliips, chair | man of the committee, in support of th© ma jority Jre |*ort. th© no ct inf adjourned until IU a vi to-niorrow itkllimn ■* \orr.s. By Mail to the I s* ) Th© Fop©, it is understood, is favorable to tho ehctii'U of Cardins! Capsftlli, au Italian Je suit, aa hi* •uci'essor. Dr. Hurt writes that lh® Fop© hss just mad® ru, r© than fifty new bish 'j**s, which swell* th® pres.rot inmUi of Italian bishops to about : three hundred. Th© free think* rs of I»udon, at a lata meet ing, r©s, to establlkh ag©nciee ihrougbooi th® country for lh© circulation of tracks, to provide for lectures and for th® equipment of laiaeionariea, and propagate free thinking UdiML TR© t'ongregatftvnal Mint*!*®. Club, of Saa IWiaro, has been dtaruHesog the qaealtoa, * May women preach r The averaje opinion of tha body ms ms to be *• Under certain cir cumttancre. y*n.'' TELECRAPHIC. I ORffralniul l'rvcml|>(. Sufßlif# I tnluraal* I nwtu. S* n»lr Vom I nit lon «. ftu Klu a I rial. In South t aiollßa. ( onfitelon of a ® Itu.-n. la.go of ( ItliNii !n lllrh ill i, mi. The I nhiK.ll I aw# SfllN. Mill Other lailunn. in Nrw liirk Ihr MitK-arhu-Hli. Ooffrnor-hip. j KvlrrnH* I lliu v# of 11 ali#« I‘i.#!«.«!> a lloax. IntrrralinK liilrlA-O N«#Wn. NOON DISPATCHES WASHINGTON. W*-»iiN.*roe. ILvr 13 Fbe Adminia tration csocu® has triumphed. A KpAcial, m •tnad of * joint romuutu»r. >u ordcrtAl H*»r. «tc rraolution appointing a < i mn.iiu# of aev. n on retrenchrov-nt, to l«© elected nsoth-r coTTixmtteoa Truuibutt, who fsvored the y int comnntt©**. opp* w«-d th* amendment itxetrm ting th© com mi tie© to do orUiu things Tbe Adaiiointnx tion wing is fighting this. NIW>ORK. Saw Yuan. I>ec©mber vl A Msumora© special saya th© conference between (*euerai* Falncio and (drUna and the Geveruiusnt Treasurer reaulte-l in a call upon tL* tnerchanle for a loan of |»d,UOU. Th© mere ban la refold (kvrtina u» auppoaed to be in league with th© maurgrnU. Sonous trouble ia apprehended (*©nerai F*lacio is alinuat isolated. It is rumored that Lola has pronounced f »r Ihaz. which slop* tbe only r ad open from Uotm to the rapitah General Querraga has hft Monterey for Mier, with a nurobrr of cavalry, and may reach the latter place in a few d*ys General j Werins will follow with a |K>rt4«>n of hu army, and it ia expected that he will try to reach this place. MISSOURI. I Ht Lot is, I)e©©mb©r l.t. Au emigrant | tram camped iu Ssim© county. Nebraska The man who went for w«*od. not returning, th© women went in search of thexu, leaving the children in the wagon.* Only on© »m •ev©d Ssvetiteen of th© |*ertj were frozen to dtaih ITALY. li©rw*. iWetuhov IS. —Th* Italian Fudgel show* ad« ficteucy of one huudr- l and aiity million !i vree PRUSSIA. Bnu*, December 13 Kerr Von Ann n : has been appoinu«d Mimattr to France. ENCLAND. Loxmb, December 13.- An official di*put©L received thta morning says th© oondititm < f th© hues is no*Hared. IL take© foovi and xtimnlants; ha* twice lucid; sleep Is badly wanted, condition i* somewhat m r* boiwful. I.srxa The Frince of Wales aa* a.ive at noon N • chaiigo for th® brttor. Laxoivuiiam. December 13, mort.i’ g The l'nnr© |MftMv*#d a reetlea© night Ih# r,# i# D< l improvement iu his condition Noon Tho Frince'w condition at ibis hour is unchanged. EVENING DISPATCHES. WASHINGTON. WasßivoToff. December 13. -The following i uominations worn maitv* U>-dny: J J M< u ('-o I lector tnh District of North Carolina G Richardson, Collector id Distri't of Vir ginia, 11. W Taylor, A*a«**»or 31 District t Texas; 11. Brooks, Assessor Ist Dialrtct of Virginia. In the Senate the entire d*y ha* Uh u c, d •nmed in argument upon retrench men t. Th coromittea report no action. , Mr. Sivenccr introduced a bill grant:r.g land aid to Flonda railn>.*d*. Adjourned. Iu th© House. Mr Hoar, the Commit t*-o on Ldncatiou and Lab«>r, reported a bill ; providing for lh* appointment, by lh© Fr©*i dent, with the advice and consent of lh© Sen ate, of a commission of three to hold ofti -r for three years, nnlee* tb© duties shall hav® L©eu sooner accomplish* *!, who are to inveeti gate the subject of th© wages and b«>ur* of lahv'r. and of the deciaioo of the toint profits of latorr and capital between tbe laborer and tba capitalists, and the social, educational and sanitary oon«1itioo of th* laboriug olaaae** of th# Fulled State*, and how th© sara© ar. affecL-l by ©xiaUng laws regulating commerc©. rtnanc • and currency. The commissioner are to receive a salary of fo.OOO eech. may ©rnph'j an account clerk, and shall report th© result of their investigation to the Frimid©nt. to be bjr him transmitted to Gongreea. Th© discussion fibow©<l| that ail aides favored th© bill, but it went over with the morning L -nr The apportionment bill was retained. .Adjourned | The patent for Daniel Pratt’s cotton gin. 1 I extended July last, has been r«u*uod eith new claims. SOUTH CAROLINA. I .Columbia, December 13 In th© Ki K ;x Court 10-xlay a witn* ns conf©eee*l that h© wa* a member of the Klan which, he said, wa* i formed in lNfgi for self defense, aud :#■ pr© I veut incendiarism, the town ot Yorkwlle i was threatened to be destroyed by the ne groes, aud many giu house* had already l#em harned. Th® defense produced witneaeee t»* show the urgent need of an gfor defensive purposes. VIRGINIA. Kjch mom I*. December 13 There is a large meeting. repreecaUng all portions. progre*uut.g here in the interest cf immigration Tha Court of Appeal* to-day roods rev! a d© ciaxon ia the case ,»f ei-Mayor George Cabox>n. berwfiofore e*»ovicte<! of oompJkcuty in for gery, affirming the judgment of the Court be- Tbia cane now rests with the Governor, to whom the jury, in convicting Gaboon, rwcora mended him to mercy. CALIFORNIA. Saw FaAN*T»oo, December 13 —Th© Ivcpnb heau eaoca* nominated Hargent for SenaL>z This U equivalant to Meotion. MISSOURI. Rt. Lorca, Dmbn IS.— At ft moating of tft* o*tero of tbo Wootorm Boilwite ctooo r«g nlotiote rofftrdite *»oo pooooo voto ocloptoJ A oommittoo Wfti oppolntot to coll o mooUOK of tfto roiiroo#l „*■■« of Uw Wool and Sooth on Jftoftory 11 ho tho ptifMO of or(OBUin( on OMOCfoUo. *» motftal booohL aiw youkT !*■« You. Dooombot Ift Tho Nouottftl f«oo*«i.b-..n. i-i t* ft .. , IKOIO* to to tft th* 1,0- ,? NI W NAMRIHIRI (Vft ,o laotefttaM IS Tt. hmmi.# Ltct.. Zjr-'z'i MARYLAND ■f tks !lkarUYW ©*«• *r> • •,»**-*' i#> w ? INCLAND Vmi*y* I<w«ul*r IJ A hvjMlrh »r« I th* ta< K ©tb mi •*«...!# it . a '•User* iaa th* » <al «,;-*» .f tk ml TR* -**..!.» I *« • 1. i rm* t % . a spatial rep# fog a Uvnagruamstd hetweea iMßav,* 1 t • ».' 1 f.l 1 ..c 4 J ft. L. rn* the <i*m#>n Vs i.inUf t lie A .ia if- #•- aa led lialLvws *A t *r ,ii tq«f»',G th* paffifs* TW© i* a lift* .a, a . ■ . i V "•es l ’ eue»i» * have r- f ©#e*r>fied the ©»•# f UMFHm* » f Watr* w ro- than tt rrotly is in y4bi t# B»aka eywipa’l y I r i • I'r.p. aud uialMtlmi | mar | iMarriwniUM. Deren b*r 13 tr w Th* Friars nf Wale© V M l»l s Mil 11. «ft# r. t»*~* Ih> gravity 4 L.« svwph/ia* -r# au shated CUBA. Sai*.# : too .fftUo, tboT»..- .... MiDHiGHT Di3PATCHE». WASHINGTON. U«mUr 1) 10t..# . f Jffthfc 11-lfnro IlaltU* vv United h . If r# | the American and H:i©d r, iuoaiak. t I. it Wa* 4# ©i led tL-l th. Ild l Suu-v t !•© held iiahle f *r injurt*®, c..u»#es| t v th* m# ■»f lh. r*b*la, cvi r when, thry cold ex. r noaontr and. and which acta they 1 ,»-| a j- *#r U> prt-r*ut on this ground, and without giving any i pu.i# u •ro « 'h«r fw'HV> r*i-*l »o tt.* rlUßft* which will vther cases the claim of J,.»hu iio'mra iiauna 4*. th* r«-l r##. I vs .. hMTiIIB v » n i‘# Th* i © bar r t. • - wlflrh wa* Tuesday *-v©n!Dg ir V #rth*rn I l c"4» ha« id *ved curt nonhea*>>t t » laa* Outa ni. and l.a* iiUidel soCL*-what tetutheast osar Nrw York l rody wealht r, w.:h *#n w and ram. have precedf tUs pri* K *r*## an ! now ] rev*;! In N’«i England an 1 N#« 1 ro. 4 old iwrtLw*Vt wiudv. witti ligLt follow* it* •ours*. The t«ariifti“trr Us* risen, but ag*io fall* n in t Lt* south west, an I n*< j**- ciU©*i.y iu th© northwaaL Unxk ax. 1 high wiads bavf been r*j>orUd fr'm Lakes M, hi gan and Ontario, but have n w generally *ob aid. 1 Th© pressure ha* n*eu in M utitu tfui i ißrgou. t ut I,*- f v#.en on the Ushtornia #aa-- Au area cf high Ur met* r L+* * { ja rcntly advanced i. rth-a'•t U.r- Washing* Um Temtary. PKoiumuiit* Tb- barometer will prr»ba bly na« thron-hout the Miaeourt xidl-v. but (all on Thurodvy on th* Ouif r. Ch.udv want;#, r w,;l pr bably prevail frcr.i Kentucky NoeUi and 1 #ftt. with snow to night very g»n# ©rfilly from Maryland t > tbe nort).ea©L Th© lotßt-st baromau r wa.l ptobabiy a-lvanc n rth eufit ov«#r New England, preol Led by in tag **aU-rly winds, and f..».0w l ,u TLar-Uy by frrob northweat wn. Is and clou W s^Luer In th© Middle find Htates, t'toady w«eitl.*r will probably oanlinu© - u th Gulf «v)Bat t’kiudj WAatLer and ruiicg tempera turn iu the interior <d the Golf and S >ath*ra •Stab*. Gautivuary signal* continue at N- » Y’ork, "Oswego, and It Chester NEW HAMPSHIRE. | Comoord. Otccmbir il-Tbf I»-!„ .'i' I ('oaiciiliwn vaa organ:/-•! \ v*\ J I* | UauJ. of !.i<4>oa. i*re*ijrnt,* eitL ». \ >• , I' ]. nt fr>tn **»rh coantr 1- \n. i l; in 1 ! rondo »u fitfodfHl *|«vch. rt?vif*w»ug ■ pm*. Dt Admibia'.rat. n. attacking it s«-rrr-'j i umi ronirasling lii r<« j!- . f lb- |.:«} ; ■ *ud Dem-oreti Am l„- < L.t tLir,;i : !.** roamf-et* -I a to j*m with •*. ?t» rnodrrmb.- KepulGicans as n hurt - l Trum ball, or ev*u home** (juv.ev, ia order to de- I f.ut Ku-Klui h-glilaiL-li t'i » ,t» r TlreMO | UosolutiouA ware Aii pu l and tho < uvonlian i adjourned. PENNSYLVANIA. ! Tuii-a: tiiiiu. I> ::.hrr I ' At th- Na j Uodal Council of tin l ui >n I .*gn« b< 1 !.• r« > to-dav 0,-vcrtmr (, rv u- % \. a .jwh, wxrr.- , .ng th.> Ih put !;. ,»:*• I th \i- • n*«« f the , Democrats, ehioh bed Ur- 1 * . •*r \o *utr.ij> them. % SPAIN. 1> • tuber 1 t It j-a rum r- \ tba t .ilmw,rulm.» r » Urn.- »at:..„. i dissolution "f tho c'ortr- is lu.n.tLet.! INDIA. j UoMHiT. IliWeJn 13 Tt.< I'.rw. , of I this city Lav* oftcr**} up |*ruv« r* f r th.- r. *t - , j ration to health f the l‘r;: ■ ,f ENCLAND. L■stv.x. IVcumbtf H Tho Pnusb Far j *ign Oftio«» La* s*-ut iQj-trucU -n to all it* Agents | *hros«i to ioTt-ttignb- the ■-rcan’#a'.i n■: the rartous branch.a f the Internal! 'val N.*t*- tiea in the coaotnr t* which th- v hrr rupee lively sccr.-Jitrvl, and report thereon. The atnk* ».f the trl.graph * ui| \ .m iv ing out. and the m« n are retnrr. i;g to e >»k in ad the principal ciUcs with- at ac ra; cun; tin ir ohj-ci.-uiui the niovi m. .; L.i- ; • v. la (ailare HAVANA. | Havana, DccrmUr Id. Ad.- .r.t ha* I l-can isAUcd by prominent insurgent* wh } have lately mrm, lervsl to t* • (» ut , hod which u by the two L . oak, Nan I dinar, aerera) Agoars. the three h •-.■*•**, IV lonconrt. MuJchoe, Inrua!. t t» « \.r naa. and t»Tfr thr»>a huu ir«>l and fittv other* f 1 lea* importance, and is dat s.l J‘ue!t > l*rm ! cipe, an I saw* that in tnture » wi.l j ’ vihere to the throne of Spain and I *re now disposal to aid the (• 'n rumeui i 'Vs have our illosn ns ramah U catw th. • country fauUl to snpp rl n«, aud l >retcner* : failed to send na aid. Ihe ikirerniuent v»t Spain ia now anffin. ntly strouw to mAinta;u j tbs of the u-rntory. Ihe document ! further max* that the n w m the field are mostly negroes nndtr the leader- I ship ol l<tiain' A^roruont.. who rstwiUd against Sot a hou*e is left standing m the whole country be twee a ! la>s Tuna*, and Mar>n. and t: . )r --elation that prevails ia terrible All hp. * »>f the luaurgeuta suoce.xling p. '..ti **ily hav< been given up. and the destru tHtn* of tha gantry ia rw|wdlj Ming on The tkegron-* ar. working to make th.ciaelve* maeicra I th* situation, and are d-'uiinar.t in the d.»tncu lately held by the InAnrrectioawl-k. Tbs aurrentiered inaurgsnfe who aignexl Uie dkX-ument at La* Tuna* protest against the prolongation of the war. and consider the mi vation of the country obtained, atul look for ward to r*C\>n*tructiou and an ear v peace. ! The sign, rw praias the qual.tie* of Voinaaaa la and hi* btdicy to attract luaurgeate. and aak tl«' Ki:tg to make couccea.oua to the Idand after pop# dal have boss eatahiiahrsl, fnaming as a apecialty a so cial Constitution. The signers abjure their past errors, and believe that they repreesnt s majority of their party. fUtos* thousand insurgents bavo aurren ders.! during the peat year in the (Vntret L>e- 1 Crtment, and they state, ludividuaiiy and cot- Uraly, that they are ready to perform whatever duly may bo required of them as | food and honest Spaniard*. Tbs Ceceia newspai'er will publish the document of the 1 surrendered insurgents in its edition to-mor- I row. The document is coosi-lemi s severe ! blow to the tnsurrwctioa on account of the iu fluence of tbs alguei . V tmiw. CBLIMtKi AMD DIMS AIN 11 to la Ue MtW mi i ii i ni;vi i :• ix lkl.l\ t H t HOI M MRS. MOULTON, • weai. *■© -hiwstwwv *t«.«»e T ft»**wi mss mi « e .a To AM J imi (iKWii WLLTHY (SMUTS ! I« r M a4ej I vraiag. (Wenhrr awd U»«4ai I irelsr, IWeakrr 19th, 1118. CHARLES lOULTON. * ’ * »• • ' » r-' »..»*• •-«•! *«.• ts.! .1 W«»*r HNII.LI4IT TMII RPNI a-* f*| iMeiaa. »*te MrWMBM s»4 XK- Mr lIH •.■#«'-» <K fcoVl IJ IK. IS* rts* Tw» * ► »»l«h*SlI Uk* *te»H r.Ci teMttef Hwr liftkft MK. JAMU M WEHU, j r * — * *° *** Mr <*|l, w fOLIVT MSM.SI twrorfcw fc'AU or re. i< Be • A li*tft*v it, M*r. t 1»« nwrv.l arots l t i i I'vr i I*©. b 4 I or*** i ir< tr I 11 ! -i. I « firwrtf 1 —st*. r*muy (fieri* 1 ft® a i lave -f. n« iMmelwr it. > * Tfc» a *r .*raak l * wv ae4 u *. ro* M » *.t- A* i rw*n* c A CIIUOU K uur* Mas** ' • r vi r* f- r*ftftufr « ft« r- #.*# ( )*r*f n*y • ft * u.'-. r*| ft ft . 5 Ifcry w..j Ite '•ar*fal •ut row* NEW \BVEKTISEMENTsJ • m * \» « Turns 4 .swTft -f lao P FtnWVT l » Oo , 44 I. «■ K w - M P*r?i*ftfu a Oo rr.uK * 1 ir« H»! r-w •** v .ivtv -flam* ft li re*** M#v 4 a ere >auT L. IV. ADAIR. Auctioneer. 1k« Uttb Frnperty, on UrLm, Rare T ra« k, and Mrphen StreeU. Nine Lot * and a Ten Room Hmu^©. Iwiu. hell, on ro* rt« Tn4my. th* lftth &•» H -- I r « Nii»» L-H* ftfttery ol* fy. •■•* assrWtfulij . Ifiry kft *U nefi a* a ganXaa F,». - t t r. lATt.n Srt.t %•- rco lUr* Tra. fe. •u 4 «»•. mm mmpm» a*. Ia l Oas =n U a two slori, It isi • *-.! t M- hfc • ft- • #*«• fi.kit* offer* ai MCS-*. saxusl r**»r». . wart * »#-*#jufu, . '.-ay, iaa.'t fail M> *n*n i i-'ifft ftft-r* Tft.'ii.*- 1 Vm thirvl rash bslenr* uj ttr*- *; I*■ i nv -dUa*. .ntrrftSX. €1 W ADAIR. ilac 14-21 BmJ l*fc(« Af«l to THE 111 ILDING PUBLIC! #p,!E W, -I;K In >0 l:rA# rt fto#k *te#«r,. 1-1- 1 l * arr »• lon tor lh- lest is. -t»th# by tb* •t*; * ratnrfi T j-orh. Mr .*t» -*c thl# <-*ty. i* saw-. 'vaofiteO. Aayun :. to have sorb wteit , I i n. #!t6,r Kuhhlo or Ashlar Masonry f u.ftt fftti. Uia« te*%:ilir sn©- #a»*a* of which -a* • .1. • jiwri* #4 ifi- ilj cm* aj'fJy to Mi Joai. •- er f jrxusa » yrsobat Ma»a Ma*-. •r t tl. ■ l ir, atm of said Ewtat# I LIKE Ll'S* U. ;aM«X LDfH. s*.- IJ-lw Ru ■lnr» riu bint rntioikKn> or thk sat. -[■#*»■ n*r»T nuinf Q-nvnaoftft ahb 1 Hlaekw'crft. M*,ur «. rwfwtnSsd hy :l- Lenaartl Brett Pul4;*b!o* i ••eupsay. I*o Fm ;oq •(->•1 N*w I rh. al afcwi ©as Ihigvl it* yrve of the -©i* ,**i*. Tb- » i r t*nr,-h H-rw* Th- •© Qwar«*r*T H*- # * • **W R-v « Th* BrUwh I* 'urn pal fth-tti n^ftrrwctv—4«a«ary Ju.’v. »ft -r - *4HI Ba# *».«! • Krowbarrh M*«a* a*. 4 fa- - ft- - . ii.* lAi oittftL J H )U.J flaws ce ir *ftxmo» T - any ©*►« L- v.r • 6 4 00 p*r ft" - an. ‘ r say tw H-i voo I r*: } tb--* K-vv-w* 10 <K» I- *ny ti.rKp% »#-•*. 11 ; rov . Mstefiftiw® two ! Tin B.arAw •• ! m* Revi-w 7 *» - y 1 Pterkw sr» 1 two Hr> w* 10 0© i #r Hit# l*f-H ft* I Ihr*' R-vtrWs 13-* I • I:.* -*d ftal tb* tamx R*ty-*b la \t* I'teta. « i» rut.iDn»b« a# o» preps 1 by lh* ' a-.u *t tL« -An* „f daltvwry. v • t f tw*etjr p-r ,-wat w..l b- ai»owte| to ■ - r #r m rr {terwutk* Tba* t <*xt oym *#f .te 1 • -- ■ - • K© -w will h* **bi ow- tel I?##*» f— fix* foer -rtpa of tb* fo«r K*n*w# ftc J lUa aw «i r r | k\ ft» i su oa ©V un -r ti. #r- m ad.ttv. r. v# tb- al- ▼* * * TI wu. U ft#. w-U t th«**tt«r-ap nnnm - * -ft/ \9ZI «u*y Lav# w.b hftr.-- in- ujti.i»r» |a< lb - .ft-i ot i*7l of klip!, ■ i ft*» ft- lb-» lAA* • ten. IT I *i-a! H Ua- ftb-vw, a«w M!artars to %nyfw\ • r f.-ur of th- atft'sw p-rKulu-ol*. cut b*»- ( *a ;*• « nn, •- >f row • r,<w Ka*mwi f t l*'l. »vh. r•-rm u- ft,. st» ,-uaj fca*w two of Lh* "Poor Oft »;#w# • Sir INTI v -Iber pr#* Iu *aX>*rnb«-ro Ke diarrant fir • -ftn ’ %• w-,1 th* m '«tei t* r-fß.ti*#i di r*.! iv u. ; .•.u.fcfirra. No protaiuns* oau a* g.*r*i u 1 . *e j r-n_ r.n * u wi", b* m i e*ST7 l© mak ' ap; •« -l. ft* tb- •*<« k avaiiabi- Kn ihmi par ar* w:t*4 farther paru.-oArs may lw ha.l osi liir. :.£• •> ARD aiXITT IT HI J.*HIK » OO . lid Fulton 9u*rl. Jt*w Tft«ck Th* ; r.ftri Pus *htr.rf al*' pahlukl. th* i lou • r « • a V t# •b. «ec !.fir an 1 i'’-w4ka. u.rar- . U* H -m*--, • » F h « L: iHcrgb anJ ib- iat.- J I' ># rt '• •• ; of §cu i.nfc. AwTovUtur* ia Vft.- :ugr. M*w Hawwa Tw t .• R TANARUS%; Ift tar.' IRQ peg** EC. 1 CBttrWl I I U. S. MARSHAL'S SALE. I’ Nii 1. !tr T.rto-- la aw tsugs ierl Fa as. [iH.H.H. r*t.» il- [»iSr,.:c. n i ■ t • '• i t th- n ru.*m T <M>or . . '»* -r f U»- pUiStiff. iAa 11 Wa..a.r. -a ta« John II- Wallace vs. Patrick O Krck. ! Lac* U-cv-vt op- a u th<- pr-party of tk* .i*f*n 'At t K.. mat tr* : >r parrel f lsn.l in tb* city , f iv t—ia* a ;•.-( lar.i kw uuutcr e»"etr *! l '* ■ iL» f -urte*ath ilistxvs of f.<nsNit Hro '» r. • riit n rwisty, <raß<e.lnc on Man-tia at thr • itj-vart -rrw o( M imh«r m « . k.t :\.Zi ng f .sex *n ST fi**i as. t Mrr*(. •-* *rS MVrutc-alne “»> faat. t.> tb» rlsht ■'( wmy ‘ f W «**t. ni AXI ant. Ka.lrxad. lb-n.-* a ulb vnii f ** aiTy-erssa ST> ISatSo Ueowcr ni K - mi ‘W.v caat aevwaty-ataa aad t«aa balf '» , i ihr ! fc-cnifi/eriruer. krf>wn In th* pjui •! eutvl-o >» -r. of Impirr Irvsj S -rki m ks sum N-r •****! ■ ronta.ninjr e»*-*4cbtS: .-»f an arr* tu n-- •a v v«(hrr «ntb all lapovfmrnS tbrr-. n and * M IT «a.T at pub! r au. tl >n at tb#cx>ur« betas*, oj*' • t> tOaato. cx-saty of T .it <t. and Msa. oi b-lrat lu.adar la Jaaaary Maal, t-'tweeu the awful h'urv <f aaJe LW- iai Atlanta. M-. noa. N »«enbec MHh IS7I WILLIAM M SMITH aov il last t C. S Marshal. U. S. MARSHAL'S SALE. I ’N 1 il. a ' t .-.rtne r a wr.i of Seri fb*»aa. :aaa*.l L vJ Itr li aarsbl*. \be DaatruS cv>un ni ihr \ s:at«*a. f r the N rthem thacrvt of id !a« r of lb* p«a.llnet*. Sarah tma* Loyd ao4 kiaam 1 a 1..-*4 m the f w-U4 -as*. Uvwit '•rah kaaa aad Ml acre a Klla Loyd ws. Moat raw 111* t. PalUa. j 1 have IrrreS spun, a- tk* propaavy mi MoathmO* C. Taft n. all that trs. t t tan 1. altwala. lyttbr an i ba.n« i thw vxmntj of itrmmu axvl siau- oi on Lb* <*<-« letu* Ml car. o -utaiSio*; tbirWn*. I an.l airuvrvnc area n. re * laea, adjotaloa lan.l at • 'only Twiite! Mr* I‘ Wvudliu, Avstarly ■'••Dec and -ibera !* #»• lb aaaie that cu (XMiVwyad i c x T Deanutf ».< M utn ».;i* C. Kulton. by deed tat. and *lh July, iva Ala-, that trad of land, aioats. Ida# an l hafna n ' tlie . -ustc *d Clarbe an t HSxse >f «#«or»>a. .*n Wil l v at and (VI, ■ nia.tmm Hire* Lh 'uaand acres. ni>*re or less, and la * u a* • AeSotaAal. Also, all two iota Is tha cx>aaty of Clark# sad town <>f Allen*, knows in Thomas ssrvwyaa naa ter* i * sad ». roataxaUM »• «aah sa threw an* SMe ru& sad i*aa() bib* palaa. Xnd will asil the asm* »t pt:h|*c anrWoa. at the Own I low as. ta tb* stty of Allan ia. cx-untjr of Faltua an ' i e 'at* of iAaoryta. <e Ik* riraA Tanday !■ Paesmkwr ant. tetweaa the lawful boars of sale fYoprrty potbtad out by p ska tiff's akorne* lMS>d at AUafltb. Oeorsta. SMb (Vtoter. ts4l WILLIAM H KMTTR. sorsetw Pal tad State* MsrabaJ MATWI VOW ALL HMDS OT rmiffTTWi* fwaS Ti «• mpHtmUorn at tk* MBV BOA Boot and I J«b Tnoliag Umhw. U. H UMIII, tiiilluiKTr. T%%0 Uim Os) (OTTU.L «►© v* **a ar sum i I a 'ft »* I-te* ■* ft#Ml <*4- #4 *kte> *•*«—♦ VKAS Till kIMHM.I. 1101 ki; fc-tej*j*wfc rwuf* |» |tef mmmtA MplLw*’ wte row-. •MO.M I MNklra r*ft. Vote r Ute* *-* a* >a-i4 th* aft* wa-a •... i#. rm fcrv» TV» )«!#•«! te Ift rw#-—*-« Id Um» j . ,* ail ate* ib. mite *r. iMm*qiA. fw»w.ft Uftl t**4 Ksua*-# i* 4hrw-a»’l *•* Mk--.<!,* w Ift MMM #, W . h-kr Ik M R-tei I *A*<- A«m I I O l« HAL K, two ijnimphovk;d lots on MtuonovoH sthk/ct ore u iei nn ngiirr rt «w rwrr Price, fidfio Tb* e«h«* w M FRIT FRofil by *• FRI T I Ft F Price. #noo. r r K H 1-4 KAH V . I*l I«d Alky Ib the rear es both lot*. APPLY AT THIS OTriCE. aim Ml Ir rwr. DIWTRI.T ooriT or tiir t Mrri» 17*11®, Fob THK fi JRIHIJiR DINTRU T > » it* He-*I * Id Haul' JJ*. y la U-ma«4-r Halm >»• * Aitefia*<Wr. baatrwp • 4Maa«a. <**«-*-.* Thl* .* u flw* aiHi * ,IKD» te—ft fte thr— w—ft* that I b«— hi— appWftcUkd *—lftft of u>» -4*l- ot HaA —ft* a Ate taod* r vb't Bar* h—o a\ . I**4 i*ulni| *j upw th*p*tttli’B f U»-ir fTtel!’ r* by (ft- In*« rut < <mn ,tt aa i hai-.-t «>i4M R MWI4U hasfcr—* < osrotxxnuon pi—— rowy ] u*lw ATLANTA WATER CURE ! TH M |>«a- a op-w u ail • ***ol rhr»*aLr Jl*»a*-* eg ftU ft .u.U Arwa>» 1 wit# tar*- so n—. iM*t*A#lr ay iMLUtwu. wUI rw* *. a# at* #1) «—• I r*f*r u * Lh- f liiteWiaw i*r* u* in iUftfiW wb<.- «,*•- Iteteo. ai-<l ar* tte*n« '—at*#l at tuy —«aMahni-i.i Mr J W Hmlrr *f <*ft>aps**te H»«A-r ft • Ma te T W fox. af lom h H « ay-tain T W HUI. T J H.«h'#>w*r ft G“ I FVi*h#i. t—raft a hubru. Mr It*-- Hraith Ma. or an 1 T B,:!. N*w_ar. • DR. F IAL<>W THE CHRISTIAN CRUCIBLE, I >KAI-ai)«TIILl KK1.11.101 Sand LITI.RARI JOI KVII. MACON. O A . 1- > >» ASVRt:tr.\ Biilnr Jftj /‘j, I I Tw• UttlUr. I>r Annum. In A>liuir«-. Ten Cepicfi for fie 00. TMi-S .* a Lirg JOCRShL. d*vu<*4 to th* ropo*i- I bon aa-1 d*f*a©* of U>« l-itrui- of th* Fathrrkoo-t of f#te. »nd Ik- HrolkrrhMl of Saa, .a lb. ©AAL HOI.ntBW ftad HAPPIDtso of ail n»*tei A* lb* nan- lmpluta. ail lh* theologim, •rrwr* erl!l b* in*l aa.l a.I ,Umi >bs *xpo*a<l W> lh« ligU of TRUTH aaJ khAifcro a Mr—• DR. L. r W ARDRrw*. wp - dl/ Macoa Ovorra PrmciphJ Ofßcw 101 W. Fifth S3, Cincinnati. 0. Tb* amtf Bshsbl»«iiA Ifcefinlisu m im tb* Cow try L. D. SINE'S KItiHTEI.VTH I.RAM' Annual Distribution, Tubs T>r*wa Men Jay. Janoary Ist. IJTJ. Jd V* 00. OO O O O * IV VALUABLE OI FT3 Tit (MID DiriTU PBQB! $10.0»“, IN AMKRICAN GOLD ! *lo,0»j IN AiIERICAX SILVXB f greenbacks! "fc * i paa f Matched li r*e*. w ih Fam.> ''arrvae *;. 1 S.!\*e.M*oat©4 Ham—* worth |l.fc* Usees* a teat Bs||lm. wllft lllvrc Mow wire liars-—. w*rtb 1600 Rath! F iv« Fifv#-T on#d ©©Mwood Pihnoh, Worth S>X> Each ’ » Family firwtßd Ma.hro-«. Worth |VXJ —ch : !.*>. */*J «*i Aft.rr- Lrvmr /f—ite; fihoUi Ate 1 WnrU frmm S2O to |.klu ate'4 la#D fV4,t Ite-rtia- and iWtu •—4d V—« Chains. *a:>4*l ami I»ou 'v*- Flat-.i niivrr Tabl* sad Ft teA’crapa A.bum* J-wwXry. fie , ft,- fie. lesihvr *f bin* e>.mx>. Ttrhvu Ltaiftlsd te IOO.UOO. Aewnt* vac—l to —a b<h*ft*. u» wbwm Übwra. pro ■tern, tel A. pte. ■NUftgW* TVftru |7. Bit Tytsti |» Tvsfvi Tlrhtets §*• TV»ftty-rii» ru'ft-t* |4d CrorwlarocoataAiuae a fail iiea of pnaas. a liißnp baa ot LA- suart of irsw oe aa4 «4h«r tar >rtn* I ti' tia ref-r-u.• to tb* 4:str hub n%, w\ll h* **at l< aay on* them All ’-tt#r* racst N« aUr— : to L. D. Ilf K, Mai <«4. ©u>rt*am. Ofc«a OfL-w. 101 W 6th SR. acv Sl^fteodftwxLiaal ippHration for Letters of idm mstratisM. GF-* »K< «ia. PAUTWUN OOPWTT -T« ail whom s ma? ootKem. Andrew J. BeiWy. banag. in proper ( ■re. applied to m* hr p*rmai>*ct letters oi administration on the estate of Maory Ledbetter. Ist* *f sa*J oowaty. deceased, this is u> n*e all and aincu (ar tba rredilors aa.l next of bis of ssk! Manry led betaer to te and st-tear at my uOkw wuhm lha Um# prescribed by law and *b >w rauar .f any they -we why permanent ad a lustration shwiid not be practed to Andrew J hr Ley on said estate W tnea* ay oSkiai stgnatare. dec IhvJAl* LaMUL FOWIXIL Ordinary GUARDIANS SALE. State or x*i.*<o..ia. i»AW>toß* ixjCXtt -By ▼txtua(>f an rter front tba U toon of ordiaary of said oxtoty wtU b* a id at pihb oatcry. before tbat'.wtrl H oe door, in the town of Dawson villa, to as l state and c.Hipiy. wubui iba legal boars *f am*. '• ‘he ftret T-j-eU> .n X -xetnWr nni. all Iba real relate baLtMTUm W> lha m.nor baas of John llyde tala t»< sai l roaaty. decewaad oaattiiur of all that port* n *»f lots of las t Mm 1M liT. and ITA. la the Stb dtatru-t of Ist section of said cwwnty. lytig on me east aid* of the .TeeA ruuxiiu* ihroush aa.d lota «*f land and on the north side of a small water branch -mptrina ink-said rre*k. an 1 b*tuc 'a 1.4 No IT* Natn« snd jwrxwl of the Jbrm .m whk h said J ha Hyde owned at the time of h»« death sad ostaiauii A* a-Tea m -re or loaa. tN>ut IS a. r*e l*eir.»- improvad. and ihst 15 area .if that bains gi>'d creek bottoww land in a food «teu ms . ultivau<wi M>dd for Iba bane -31 of sa.l minors. *a 1 miarlian dewirmg u> r*a..>»* them to tha *tta<* of Alabama Tosawai- yi«»n lamadiaialy Terms oaab —l' 8 tfTsenbacAa Th.* Neplembar », I*7l UODA HTDK. •ep 1 J-wtd Xaiural uuar.iian. Ac. U.w.on Mfrif. Sal-1 Stat* or ab>K>tiA. oocinr wui b* S'Ul before th* court house door la the town of iMwsourdla, is said county of Dawson, on Ike Brat Tuesday tn September next, auhta the legal hours ai sale, th* f.dlowtnir property b> wit Ic*a us las*d stun 1-era IM. MM. AM M area east ada of MIL and M mrea eas« side of ISA, and T a-r*a soulhaaat -—srr ts 111 Xx« bd and fM Iba undivided bad interest of U*<s No. am TBt U 7. KX 118, t*K M». MO. Ml. ft a-r*a of U 4 Mo. MU Ml acree of Mo. » . M) acres the north aide of Xu f«7, 10 area of Aka west ada of M<* l»v M e 79\ m. all of said land lying in iba »mlh ! half of the IJU ttatTv-t and 1M aaotlou «»f mid county. I*vied on aa lha property of Jaa»«w M CoMm ►- aattafy a Ask issued from the Bapenor Court of Dawa o amaty ta fbvor of Mrpbuu Cantrell #**sa* said Cobb, proparty teauled out by pkint.lTs Sgeut R M Me Chsra TV* tenants In poaaraa«.>a war* served withs aouca tbia/sly a, U7l. H TATUM aog b-wU Sheriff. ANI VTK POWJLM A Sl» EC I A LTV. MT STiKXOF DRiRMAB AMD COCHTMB IB snaurraeee.l 1 aui now pr* ( wred to AU orders for Aret .-laa* early hatrhed *|o* nueua. either for ax (or prxoa UaA. D«. UUfTIXL 9 ho. 5 South 10th btrsai. PS. Tb* shove «m* ware First PrtnltM a Iba at a 1 tka Dwraanber IfTk. Exhlfattloa ta MaW Tort, tod PM r w Lmported Fosrta. at tha kst FhDadaJphta TtiThl*~* turn., sad First Prwmrua si QaUAkwps tak, -Tin “JTlkAf J * h aSJS MKWTWAMTB. CAIX AT TSX XTW BBA 8008 sod Jab fnsusf Hotssk OM ALABAMA ffTOffffT MBAB BBOAD. TOO WHA Bad Ike RIW BJU Baub sad Job fntusf ÜBot WHOLE NO. mv. rsii Miki iuiA a kit irttffPf him; ano Liqioit ro.. Hit :» 4,r»nllr UlorW. kului i» rr'Hl vine* ar*«. u 4 tllluu Am nTotic i : . Raait Tfo. Thai tba lata Trwaswr-r af tka Vaaters ss*d Atlanue Mailroud. aad -Hhar otoara aad meats of aa*d road, pay Imsaadkaksfy <**wr to tka Traaaawr >1 tb* Mata of ivnrf la Iba ha Is a res reseats! a« in tkair bands Udmsging ks tka said amts ai Oaorgta. batny u«e earninye 4 tba Veatarn aad At tout! r Bailraa.l tavuviD rravnaa. That saal Isto TnwwiW. aad •Uker odkwra aad *a*ata of aa*d toaakeru aad AUaati. He r*wd. shall not pay to say of tb* Isle atonare of ■a*.! road, or U> any of tka persons now Hatming to be •(%<--ra >f aaid road, or la any appornksd by R ifaa R Hsllerl. lata Hourxor aa yatataiaaioaers U» land Into the adhirs 4 said rout, or lo any other P'VW-® wh uaaaavsr. say part or port) at of rha aat<l twianea remaining ta tbatr baa da Ks» lird rrarnn. Thai tba Tnstortr <4 Ikis ***** «sU apr* the lata Trwaaur*v aad 4ber ofßorra ami asauta of tba W*mrx and Aflantlr Ballroa.! Im mediately. aaj demand of tkaot tha babmewa j< money an dne to tba mam aa abwva eat forth. Pannnan. Thai nothing In Iks foregoing rasolu u rns be roort/nel sa exprsaatag Iba aaam .ts tbl* U .ua* that th* haiaaoae admitted by tba said ««.-tre an-! agsnta era tba -v«l balan<wa loa JaMFR M. HMTTH Hpeaber of Ike b. uaa of Bapraaaomtive* J. D. WADDELL, CUrA of tba Boom of R*presaw tall vee L N. TRAMMILL. President of tka least* . T. W J HILL Secretary oi tha kotp Approvwd. Muvambar 17, UTI. DEMJAM2* OOVLBT. Gwvarnor. EXBCCTITE DEPABTMFMT. Iruir*. Oi., Muvctubar Ml, I*7l. I. A H. Atb inarm. Bev*Ury of the Executive De partment. do hereby corUtj. that tha f-wegotng an.l wtth.a. ;a a true aad correct copy of a reuoluUwo by the General at its present aabsv-'c, ■ and approved by the Governor A H. ATKIMHuX. SicTstary Esacwtivs Department. STATE TKJ.AXrRKR'B OPTICE. Aiurr*. lie, November a. 1171 To tkt Lair OJAcert Mi dpruM ia Jrrrmrt ad lA* n'.#t*-* aad dXiaa/«r JEaLread Stas la r.mpiaass with tba fors«<Mng reuolutiona. pasaed by Uub Houaaa. and approved by ike plover * new. it berimes my defy to daman. 1 of yon the ymy mant to tk* Truiafir of tba Mate of Georgia. #Jt* in law «w reaanintng in yvasr bands K ti-srii( to tho , tost* jf Georgia, bamg tho «» of lha Western and Allantic Railroad whilst in possession of th# *toi*. And I now dr mood of each aad aU of you. the said tAosra and agaots eo in arrears, tha immediate pnysaect mto tka Btaio Trenaury tka fsU kntoocw of monay to due tka State. aov to-if *. l AMG I Ell. State Traaacrsr TO EMIGRANTS the BMST KOI ta IKOM ATLANTA TO MEMPHIS IS TU WESTERN AND ATLANTIC AXD MKXPHIS i ( llikl.i.sro'l KtILHOAII. LXaVT iTLASTI «*>.,» 10 SO r h RLU H J4t«l H:s Mil and»? 13 IS r a 10:11 p, ■ * - BO UTHKU HOI TK OVKHI IXU BI.K DAILY TRAINS TO IXY POIXT OX THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER MHTTII or Ciiao. i Miles Shorter Ihan any other Una TO >1 EM PI I IN. Mating L“Btli t'oNM BCTIGIB with lha only test a from Memphis to LITTLE ROCK. BiartiDK from Atlanta at 10 to r. m . you leave CW tan -age I SO a A, arrive at Memphis 10:10 p. u.. leave Mam phis for Little EooA T JO a. M. If any one ahould offbr ladnnsmsnm to you to g > via Nash villa to Little *oek. rata am bar that there ta but one Crain on that rouka which leaven Atlanta in the morning starting 12 hours too aoaa. you are au a tedious journey t bourn touger. amt arrive tn lia phu only te meet with 7 hour* more detank au than ts you hod left Atlanta on th* Iff 20 r ■ train, and gone dirert by Ike ONLY RELIABLE ROUTE. IU you srs to ffo by bowl from Maaapkra. iasvs At lanta ia tba morsiag. brrtvtaf In Memphis 11 If p. it. Boats Jesvv at I 00 r. sllnwlng ampJa time for trsnafbr sad avoiding ooaftoai.m FIND OTTII AGENTH, ooa to ilasin you. W. i um. Agwut. Iltanbi I- P (JUDGE*. AgSMA, ISBim. B. F. PAJUUB. f—l. isim Imi Or sddrsan. A A BA** 80. (Jau. TVkH Aper.l. EXB(XTBIX*B Sill OF LI 50. nUUffiVT TO 4XI O*DBB OF BALE PAJBED i by Iks BsuamMe Oaurt «f Ordmary. bald In aad tor Iks swung* of Barstos.. and toaSs of flisnf am IBs Irak Monday Ik Vavsmbar OsL pnasndnl fclti an, Lan asaaatortx of tka atontaaf Jaka M. Uw. 4a wansnd, InSasf id soaagr pruand tonaß an tka ftrst TSanday In Jaaaarr next, badsrw tka Court ■sum Onar ks gks iqksd Uddrr. wtffcftn tka nasal ksuvwaf ask. seaHatn tonal of toad fcaowumWa WA talk# ukdtouwdaf cwssß. nowßmku suauto. ba limsiiif m> ton swanks «f ton atod dsaaOauA saotokM na ssiavtokd Bamtototoof atod Buns. niuf Pinraani rtwrr clajb rm j- V tamadoul to ton Iff B*A Bead aad Jwb Mto, as Bouna. Brand Be real. Altunin, (*«**« ta.