Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 17, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NEW ERA. VOLUJf* VII., NO. 95. BtjsnsnEss directory - - aw*M MltlKM, vn natfn jnmuit mmlk. ■■**— *-»* T WTIMH for.JV^TSZ' * *»*■«.russssa JOm A. WIMPY, ~ MBnK^S&IUgS NEW A3\ EHTLSEWENTS. GHICAAfI DESTRUCTION a usirinss P*** ' w - **’*“ aOHan of .h. Oku.. Trv JWSC. - MINTS WANTED. J~/»S£:"5 rtlflL om>mm r * ,u * kt *« °» m. u, miTKBM, Fill BEILS, * yfiMMjMK-S —»fiwwtee rra THE AMERICAN FARMER, W‘JV, SPliS’i -* U Tfc * *■«! H*«l«txr, Buaikljr u »o. ■ tfoct* itmi. *">»■ »jturs. Sum t Im. It u u. (>UM«t iuuiati im aiwm, rmA wi our mt *• !•" bj o»r **ol4* ! ttev aatUa (1u JUW) IM. 1171 II to. IH, Is sITMWX • sts“-“.*»*» UNIVERBAUBM. §.a»35%5£, i ?arSr MtfaoMMUS. Ifc.WM.MOa. K. K. CHIP. '* SI WUUS. £?% S» IM>TII YICAH biEW YQRK OBSERVER . II »•» uaaa. luiufca. | W Mo. so. ten. •*•>** * Mofcfcr, ii. i 00.. n i-u. im. ii r. ■ AMPLE COPIEI r»«E wnnniß mauazi»* « mm fifUUU O Pru> Jnrui. tli.<lo« rmr DS m.rr mDwiW of Merry x Mumux*. ite foUtfe^tei. **»«*■ j t i*murm. mo., .huh u ur.TnrsjTrn: ‘"2j^J^OP^2^oo t^l^3*UTnjO; ,i,i.r In ctebbln*. II atfTxrx thru lr.l cUu porlotfUal. lor >fc« pMo. of on. of lh.a> 1 iin»l| gl pnalhu oo Ukuu tana*. II h U OIUIUM. am clou SiaCjM. VohMte X brgtas »uh lu. "fl—ftrg SS3BEm£SEI22—£s» *' Ur *‘* 1 * WOOD. "Sl* r JB FLOfc.t Ovt* OMR ■ITRPRRD PftftKft. printed Im two oolort. on aaporb tin Ito paper r>»nr faunrirto •agTartßjro of Bi.woro. plim* and *«•*♦•( .bier wilt dMartpli ■*>•■ and TWO OOLOMt) PI.ATX* IMrwrunt.o ato plan* for matin* walks Uvdi. nr 44MM. hr. Tto ha&daumret #»•! t» Ih# world All tor tow rant, Vi tboer wbn think of bwyinrwmd* Rot a quarter the rntt ton 000 *4.1 of Wl. Atoraeo jAMICtt VICI. Rnehaotor. S. T. DCTCDS) The beoember number, prl#e»«.. it I LnO hM 1» ptoroo vocal and Inatrmuro taf pURo mail worth %i to ainpi farm. We Will Rkl two bark M<mi miain ||f« me... % tor mo., or im. i<>Dw. *n. lUOI V M Lfor HR iwultr prtn. |1 Bound tor 1171, fflt tidaa ao4 odffm. |V Thr mnik Üby Wmj*. Thou,a*. Am MnilTUI ¥*"*»• f»*««od. rtr AdlrwM J. L rr. mUW I nLITER-H. fil» Brawny. N \ V O Box Nil Bloomington Nursery. HI. fcIATH TEAR tMO AX3RBII U OBUUI SoUMM I &\J las—t MrrteMt Bmi (took. Low p*ur. Tram*, thrmba. Huta. Bulba. Aaada. AlaoA,. Or%iia. bo Mb pup lllwtrolßl aotal-KUP. 10 . infta Bulb mat. Band all for in aauta. Whola.a.. prtaa Uai firm. Bad for tbaau baiora buyiur alaa *w*. F A. HUES IX. Btuomumbx. 111. NRRIIA on RIPTVRK. B. jiinimiHwniJi win., tue * sm|^r v<(k u« SPl you waTTr^r Hlngta Tmaa fl: fVmM* Tmu. tao yoN »>w aJFStbrr* ly Alla L INJMRvffrtnuTXST^ATut. ■COCO AINE A of ( «>*■',.fr. 4«B«0U| oUwo4Mr Aa« Jwuwfrr uflbr frwufk «ud W.u/y uTlb* W - M SSlim b 96.. Homo. Muaa. SuiU by all UraßSiakß. Btmort of buftafi ■» A a ANTS WASTED-ARabWamfeo mora mouay at ;V wort Aw mEm at Mitklm uUu fewaw iU>i mi ‘| —i HrttnVw fruu «. BTOUIUN 4 Qtt. % fiM AM f*T*~Mt w — podßnA Mrlttt F AaA loiniiT fßlßrr' |»MI p*. i),l H M P uifc Ml Munp fcvilmfcn. fcc lIM Ikum E TATE. «MI rUtf. Ou _ fciAr A MOKTIII Bow fclili> iff »!»■■... S4/3 »utf n n ««**. Aifntf. m. A Toiu SK A. Art. « «i~« .. mriy 111 1111 nfc » A --—it MffMl iWMlltjr. fiwlar. taf. M. , HMUitiUtf Ii Mnurdiilllill r.M.Ap, fcMtfM i>.«M»tf l mmmrn at «ls csp.. wfctoh »• will Ml.bu fcfcw Wiu MMiiuna. THIXIY IEAK.V EXrKRieiCE ~ lUMtfml of ohrralf ml siiUUmw * AMtf in - Mt* u fcsstfntf Md Ihlrtj Am |kw ul JL . with . W-Tlu. lj arrora. Ita daptnrabl* nuuaranawaaa upon tka aaiad duw. lu ih. "f . —.u^- -BiT. |r». at pW. to Mr .iiitoto m r.nMfci W Imolj f•* M» Ih tf.MM m pwtol MTI, fcr AtftfMtolSA DC. LA OEOIxTKIiUmAm Lmi, AlbuM. ID* ‘m. Wfctol fcto b.uA WtoMlw'lMMllr wr bj ■uti. mi Mtowiml tom >n>Wa. wMttf. m&Mw% ft** wwttoo. oooaa waab for tkrua wraAa. that I kura m«R tppotnlM Malftiaa of th« aaUka of Balm on* A AIAKAMtor. who bara bM adjudfad baaArupU upon tka softinoo of tkair cradHon brlka DiatriM Court of ■ailinMirlol VOAH X TOW LU. Amtgno* OouMMWoo plaaaa copy Me 1 lawtw THE THEOLOGICAL, AJtD HOME OP THE HCIBNTiriO W OBKH or EHASUEL HWEDENBORU, HI 111 ih- - Tin- -‘ ~ I—- ■*■- NSW JEMISAUM CHURCH, AtofcM* hWMtohr, Mtf to. M ~l M.ltWoM lb. PUaUMHINO HOVNB «* IWlMMOamAstf 4*' itKWJKXUSAiKM VS THAt’.K. ■b M T.>p.r PMm, Am TwE 1117, m» I* MAh AUiAtIC poaVlh A »MCI A ITT, tnnfcartaM., S.T* P"" 11 ' WMStoMM. IM. ■I«A1 tWtotoi. I TrM. h... im, . Dm mm 1 It p . Par bi«su mu Ito.M tm. m Pmi Um to Bm TmA Ito. M 111, , MOM m rwm. Miami. IWHwm Dmimm I. top. s ■ ~. - . ■ ||,,, Par hwii.ll Tm.miw iu. . r>M fc«iu I. Ttoto lto» . ... in,. Par P.MH. r Dm Mm u Mmm IK,, nr Dmmpi dm Imh «Mr, .IK,, ■Mill Ihtoto.' Tim. toW .M to «IM til.. Rlrbl Itoup. Imu IM- . Mm... 11l , „ mm* an win rorxi uuao*d. Etfkt hw*o|tr Train am*aa fl a& a m Nt|Wfn«i4» Train Uaraa 7 r» p Ml Day Eaaaan u * r Trata amra •uol, m Oaf kaanr Train laa««a AM I m'. _ ‘"i. 10 * *■“ aerauuua ua-uai Biuotn RafaW Paaaasmrr Train arrtm 4 an p ■ uafiuar Baaar » m r Tmia tem ..:m> a. u*! ™ u*wu.»«a (aowowr *f UAiumt *i< TrmtmM Dm %. »u fayi ■ ifkt Vaaaaafar Train amraa . » aa a a* EWkflJU—ugir Train Ihn* a Isl a. m runaaufwc Traaa laaraa 7 lo a m ■toM JDufcU AntoAifclj >B url,.. in, . Btoaa KouuUia ▲oMNanaedataoo laama .«au pm. hotel ARMIVALI. Kimball liana*— CrllUnflca 4» < •. A Hwer. R T. T i Bnx>ka. tia, (i A V .anxmo buci. do, A Isl RlptiiLlb. do. A I> Muuaally. du. r h Aodnrao*. ija. I B On*n k *if», do. j T WaLa *. City, b 1 lofcaam . do, W L and a i V i P Onfßa, (*U. B 8 Tool. and.», b A White, do li . UaL do C Woteott. do. CChadter. fU. R I> lUmn* nd. do' W H lfow«. Ry. (» M Croaat. Tann. Mr« brown, li* 0° *“’*.*°- ■ © tWubaui. m Lama V , Hotilton of Ik* Moulton Troup*. Mr* Rmimiib do, .J U W«kii do, (1 W Colby, do, J B<>wk:r. do. T I ovum. d*> I* rarranU do. C A ChlaaoU. do. H Vradhant. H T. Mia* Harman. Qu. Ck a* Clark*. Raw Had fori. <) Walter, do. i N Mawmu. * Y, lIH Kdward* Varmont. II Tate man. Halil. T H Trml. do. WUHtuLOa OEURQU. latrmilaf Irwa from mi I»*ria or ih* Mat*. By Wail to tk* Cju ActaoaTA. —Harry Hofmonr, tba trmgndiau, if flill drawing large aadienetw at (iirardry a Opera Hotu*. The Catholic Fair U a bnlutnl aaccesa. The CooKitationalmt of the 14th **y». "From Mr. Thomas F. Turner, conduc tor ou the Mar. u and Auguau Railroad, we gather the following It mm* that a .lay or two ago Mr. David W. Dirkeou, tho well known planter of Hancock county, wan robbed of $3,000 i& geld and silver coin. A negro named Warren wm ananeoted of having com uitted the robbery, bnt he disappeared tho morning after ft was committed. Taeaday thu negro got oo the paMeeug«r train on tho Macon and Auguata Hoad, at Warrentotf! Mr Turner had Ixeu given bu deecriptioti. and rcqouKed to keepsaharp lookout for bim. and. after satisfying bimeelf of the identity of the thief, he promptly arru*t<*l him Warrrn waa searched, sod on bia peraou wax found $142.25 in silver and $39 in gold, several f*upera belonging to Mr. Dickaon H - was brought to this city, and delivered up i . the proper authorities. He will be sent hack to Hancock county for trial. Dxltom. Speaking of the Dalton and Mar gnotown lUiiroMil, the Dalton Citizen says “This railroad company was re-orgaui/ed on the instant, by the election of tho follow >og hoard of Directora Den. C. (Irecn, D ■4 Walker. J. A. W. Johnu >n, K l* *r 1 Wbit*, Smith Treadwell, S. M Carter, John 1 Cobh. Ou the Ulh (Saturday ) tho new hoard unan ituounly elected Den. kl Green, President. Edward White. Secretary and Treaxorcr. and ii. T. McDaniel, Chid Engineer. (imirti*.—The following officers were elec ted on Tueaday night by tb* Mayor and Couu oil for the muoicipal year HT'J Mayor pro teui. J. D. fteorge . (’Uyk, and r J. M DNode rth. MafwLwi—T. G. M.n wy Deputy Mtf*rabal W L D Warren Policemen A. J. Gibe*n, W. W Huff, Samuel For, H«el>oru liawk. City Attorney K D Hammond. City Physician -T. A Warren. City Sexton B. W. Doe. (-lurk of Uie Market I>.tvc Drown. Street Overseer-Quince Uonu SaVAX.fcAM. Th* Repubicau of the 141 b •ay*: * - The steamship, (ieueial Barnea. which arrived hem at 7 o'clock y*eUi-Uy morning, brought seventy Hweediab imrni granta of both aexea, who come to make Geor gia their home. They am a hoc looking body of men and attracted ranch attention by their floe and healthy appearance Tbs female portion of them were particularly noticed " Savannah. -The parade of the invincible Fantastic brigade, on Christinas day. bid* fair to excel in point of number*, costume*, etc., any similar demonstration ever gotten up id this city Already opwarda of one hundred name* have been entered on tb« list of the Brigadier Cyclops, to be so-.-d at tho cigar •loro of F. Molina, on Whitaker atreeV *lj « can be seen the regulation* for the parade It I* confidently expected by the Cyclops and ataff that opwarda of two hondr -j invincible* trill pot in an appearance on Christmas day. to join in the street parade, and afterward* to oonlead for $l5O In gold prise* at the Das* Ball Park. Hon. Wm. T. Gould of Augusta, Hon. Rob ert Tootnb* of Waahiogtoo, Hon. Linton Ste phens of Sparta, lion. D. H. Hill of Atlanta, Hon. U. W. Montgomery of Augusta, Colonel Wm. Dougherty of Atlanta, and Hou. John D Pope, United State* District Attorney, of At lanta, were in attendance u(»on the United State* Circuit Court last week At the hut regular meeting, at Savannah, on Monday night, of the Georgia Historical So ciety, owe of the member* presented to the so oiety a volume printed in 1492. Tears after the first book was printed on tueUl IJP* The polio# force of Savannah consist# of 114 During the last twelve month* the j nuns bee of arrest# made in Savannah is 2,M‘J4 Tho report of the Chief of Police shows that , there are eleven hone** of ill fame in the city | and 2C5 prostitutes. A rarer a Russian Warren, the oulorel man who robbed William 8. Dickson, of Hsu cook eonnty, of the sum of $4,501) in specie has been arretted, and SIBO of the amount sb len recovered. ATRRNa -The supper given on Tuesday night, by thß ladles for the benefit of the Menuortal Fond of Clark county, was a most ban wilful and nUraotive affair, and waa quite largely attended not I HKK.U tK\t *. By Hat! to tka laa ] | Tho ech *ol children of Richmontl, Vs., have j raided a fund to erect a public drinking fowetain. The Lexington, V»., Gaaeite report* the death, a law day# ataeo, of Old Tom Tel#- papk. the finest anddle horse ever brwt in Virginia He wee V) years old. and wm the pwnylj! of Dr. John A. Mot lung The Clegg Copper Mining and Amelting Ooenpany, aempoar I us New Torkara, are ■ratling $ thin time gigenttc smelting work* In Ohelhmn uewnty. North t%ndtna, Ibr the P«RpM us email tog these ore* from the mines « OMMhrn. CMMNrtK. and Dnvideon eonnUrn ATLANTA. GEORGIA, BUN DAY MORNING, DBF EM BEK 17, 1871. I * f im tax i iiii LiR. A < arW fiaai Ri«Oa*«ra*i nun ■. ArtARTo. Ua.. Iternriihet Is, 1871 ! Mr twins Sortty. M'-i» KtnyUm 'Eg I hi- lour pnrale circular, dated Washing* | U>o. Dec«Uiu«r 9, la«l. sol a<l-ir— 4 to me ~ l ihia place, has Uue day teen laiflirnd I which lam tk#** words Mr I>Raa Hie A lavement is began to ee car# tb* |«si K '" ff an act by < oogreee lo pre | v«ut tue further abridgment of iLe ngkt to vote by lLa aveeaetAeat ami aasemuiaiion of ‘ II taxre. You ran render material aid lu j the !«aa*£f' of aurh an act by famishing In i *tano«e where ciUxcne have been preveeted j from voting by r fallen gee for the nourpnymeni jof tax*a. It will be necessary that etch facta I•• MUbliabel by aTfi-Dvil, specifying the Lillowiug items First Lai from ou* to AfUen «>tote ill 1 acril>e the name affi-iavit Second, stat*- the amoaut of taxes required Third. At what election the nght to vote *u denied. Fourth. The form or aoletance of the oath rrqaired lo be «worn 10 th#> vote. Fifth. The number of ciuaeflM in the county thu* prevented from voting The objeel la to *bow that the Slate of Geor gia. by thus a*««*Ming. doubling, and accumo* I Uuug the (>oll Uu« from year to year not ) only " abridged ‘ but “denire ' that right to ' »*# which is guarauterd by the second section j of the Fourteenth Ameoumout to theC oustilu ] lion of the United State*. If instancte Lave not heretofore ore a red, let rasas be made up at this election, and if Dem- will not challenge, let Republicans challenge each olh'-r. Her the Tax Ccl.eetor and a*- « rtaiii the amount of poll taxes required in order to vote ibis year. These facta will show that Georgia require* and enforce* an impomible qualification in violation of tho Fourteenth AiaoutimsaL I ait theso afiidavita be obtained and forwarded to the *ub»«-nb« r here with the least poaeibla de lay. endowed on blank affi<iavUa to facilitate the work. Y’our* respectfully. Isaac hax lit In reply, I have to state that 1 cannot, in any way, participate in the movement begun, as you say, at Washington, to scours the pass age of an act of Congress to prevent the fur ther abridgment of the right to vote by the ai*. Hsment and accumolahou of poll taxes, Ac And I regret that any one calling him self a Republican should attempt L> resort to • neb means xt ih pr posed by you, in the Bkn te«DC« where you say, "If iLstancee have not heretofor occurred. I#t raacs be made up el this election, and if D< m< crat* will not chal lenge. let Republicans challenge each other." Doubtless your object will be to eonvinee the present lb-puhlican Cangreae the! the Democracy of Prinugia are, by unjust legisla tion, preventing Republican* from voting in thi* Mato, and lo f*-»ten that conviction upon the mind# of tho member* of t'ongreas. you propose, if no iQ«laticea of this sort of abuse on the pari of th«> Democracy eau be fonnd, that the Rcpblirat>* chalieDK# each other, for the puip-*%« of pr«>ducing the impression in aid of your movement. This would, in my opinion, be a dishonorable trick, practiced for th» purport of deceiving member* of Con gr«SM. and misleading them, to «mmm I mm! no Republican in Georgia eill l«od himself. The Republican ('onveulion which met an d#r th*' K.consiruction act of ('ingress, of which you v. i re a member, incorporated into th< ('.institution of the Btat» the following l.vury male j rr- u. born iu the United States, and every male jwraou who has been natu ralized, or who has legally declared hi* Inten tion to become a citir.-n of the Unite*! States twenty one ><ara old. or upward, who shall Lav resided in thi* Slate six months naxt preceding the electi >o, and shsll have resided thirty days in the countv in which he offer* to ' awTto • fOJMfI which may have lieeti r-qhired him. ami whisk he may have bad an opportunity of paying, agreeably t-> law. f.r the y«atr precetliug the election • xcej t a* hereinafter provided) shall bt> deem, and an elector Tb# exception* refer to sailor*, soldiers, h«.l mariuee in the service of the I'nited States, pt-rsi uh onvieletl of felooy, larceny, Ac., Ac And in another part of said Constitution it h provide I that “oo poll tax shall be levied, except for educalieual purpose*, and such tax chall not one dollar annually on each poll ” Now. as I have already stated, the provie ion* were incorpotatod mto the i oueUioltoa of the Slate by the Republican Conveetion, and wtre emui fired wise and juat, and I am aware . f no legislation in the Btate of Geor- K<s which interferes with the rid lit of any voter, w bite <*r colored, to «xerciae the elective franchise, who ban paid the taxes required by tin# provision « t tho ( onatitattoo. In case th voter Os* no property upon which ho M re«|uircd to |ay tax, ho is assessed but on# dollar annually, as a poll tax, and if be pays that, within the time prescribed by law, them U no further penalty, or disqualification. This, to my tniuJ, i* just and right Each citizen of the btate who has all the right* of citizenship, including the right to vote, guaranteed to him by the Couatitution under which he lives, should bear some pert of the burden* of government, nn<M think it will not l»e contended, by nny rmsonable man, that one dollar annually is an no reasot able burden, and the citizen who fads to discharge thi* light burden baa no ju*t reason to complain if he u denied tb# ngbt to exerotee the elective franchise onul be ha* complied. Nor oeo be rmseoabty complain that the amount of Ins is kwerwaaed a* a penalty for noapeytueul within the time presented by law. This la a rale that applies to all tax payers, in thi* Stole, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of servi tude . aud U matter* not whether the voter be white < r coLm l. Remoeml or Itofmbhcan. the ruii- should be «-nforoed. The propriety of thi* smell tax imposed upon each voter l* the more apparent when w« reflect that lbe convention wisely provided that it should t>e applied to oduoAtiooal pur {Kme* ah>ne, no as to euligbieu the citizen* of the Stele, and thereby the hwHev prepare them for (he wiee and judicious exercise of the elective fram-hies. You enclose a printed blank form es affida vit which i* in -it* following word*: Bnn or Gxoaou [ f “■ Penianaby apfw-ared the subscriber*, oaoh of whom. Iwing duly sworn, depoeen ami awy*. that in the month of . ... 28 , at lha election of .he < ff seed to vote, and being challengrd for the of $ poll (asee. and l»#ing re*)uire<l to ewear that he had |*aid all taxes required of him. was prevented from voting at said election, and that scores of voters in this oounty were thus prevented from even offering to vet*. Th.* *<ll davit i* worded, so as to luiriead ignorant |m reons, aud cause them to stole, under oath, facta which are not true, 9bv the purpose of deoafviag member* of Coagim You not only propose that lbs voter ewear that be was prevented for nowpnynaunl of (axes, bat that *our** of other* in hie ewwnty were prevented from even offhrfug to veto. Iguovant | imans might late this oath, with ont duly oonflsdervag fin UnporV but U la bard ly reasonable to kwpyaai East they nonid Mtajr wilnliN«..o(lfc«i<nkaMifclp. a* rama at ctffcan wan tram *■*> to To!.———fc-M to to MM Ito mj to JO*. niMki tWI Ifc* OflMltoto*** rnmt toa tuna to (to.*, ». toka MMij tinton *fcd mm «l*u iv xjggiir isrtftTs. rr.T pMfMMSVr mnJ Mtotoa to ifc* t<m ito#a —III II I to to. <%■*■! Iltoc to tfc* CtotoOtoU* In Btoi*u« ifcto ran*,apt, I rnn*r% tfctotfc* Ifcx Cfcfc toll* fc* 4w*ltoto am iiwnitontf i»to nny n>tar wbo Am* fcU doty u * cltf to, fcfctf pay, Ifc* anuJi amount to Lax ani* »Uy vfctafc ib* CxmalxtoUoe aa4 lava nqntr* to him. -Hoc do tfcaa* lav*, ia my tfcxai 1 I.brt'lg* or daty aoy rf|M to lb* eHlxao faar ••toad by ifc* amaai to Waa to to* Voar l»i*Ui Am'i. Jtaaal to tb* Ooaatttscfo.i of U>* I aitotf tttou* Thai aartxoo ratara to Ik* «y pottioamaol to rapraaantatxna amoag tfc* dis Cmato Buiaa. aad dadaaaa tbai - Wb«o tfc* ri|bt to rot* *x **y .I—V. fa. •V <toto*a to *)*oton lor Pramdcoi and Via* I‘rMXl.rl of tfc* Uax tod Dtotoa. H«prMMiia txraa la Oaayxaxa. tb# axaeaur. and jadinai oSoara to a Htoto. or lb* m«mban us lb. Lagiatoura tbarato, i* daxuad to any of lit* mto* uxbabilaaU to aoeh Mate.' Mv I**oll-OXI. year* to mg*, and eiuaao. at tb* United btotoa. or in any way aDndgrd. *u*,l far n*m*l|»*ltn* In aabtobao. ox otter max tfc. baaia to npmxnfcboii tbatain aball b« radaoad ia tb. proportion vblcb tfc. aaxabar to aaah mate aitiaafc* toaJI fcaar to tb. aboto a urn Lai to mxxia ntnanr tv«niy-oi>» yvn to ixx anofc State. Th* only pxuaily akxafc Uxfcgraaa Ua* xxj nfcbt to iixlpoa* apoxt Ifc* fcxmiß. natxx tbi* a*c txoa. lor d*fcyta« tfc* cxfcfct to rate, xa to ndna* bar nambte to Uryim.uXadrM to i ongarm It aaama to m* it ean hardly be ciaxmad tbto thi* Motion to tb* ConaUtnboo to intemltd to d*oy to ifc* Ate l*. tfc* povar aiway* and rxxrnmxii by tfcam to aornylling tb. fay UMXtt to tb* taXM n*o***ary to anpport tfc* imoafcl. btoaaa lb* tax yay.r ahaii .i*m> Una right to tfc* ciLix.a It ix rary ciraf, at l*a»t, tb*t it xrai tb* tfc teotxoß to lb* patyl* to tfc* Uaite.l Ktatm in Ifc* adoption of tfcx* am.odm.nt. to i<ar« that inflation to tfc* State*. aabjMt only to tb* y*a ally xlrxtoy m«nlion*il. to Ifc* kaaa to aaprxfcan telian to tb. extent that tfc*j dan tad th* tint t to tm. Nor oaa tfc* Fiftoaotb Amaodmcat axaka any afcanga xa U.m paxUaniar. Wbxla it daniaa to tfc* United Malar, or to any Htat*. tfc* poxr.r to profcxbii any on* from Toting tm account of ran*, ate ox, or pr*rxoor oondition to armtada, it exxn not. andrr any Jo* l *>>•- xtmction. an lb CUM Ooogram to ialarfm vitb tfc* lights to tfc* slat** to raj tor* tb* pay maul of tnxaa, at to Impma any otfcor naaon atde roatriutxona, a* proparly yxMbnatxon. ada aational qualification, or the Oka, upon rotem. prondad tfcara ia no dxatiaatxon mad* on aa oonot to raoa, ootor, or prarloaa yedition at aarntoila. nod ail ynuu, vbatb.r vfcil* or ooiorad, ar* maxi* .otqrat to tb* aaax* rnl. and placad upon aa aqaafcty batfur* tfc* U* Tb* K*pnhllcao party ba* barn onwwil v i veakanad, until II la almoal daatmyrd in (>—w gia. by tb* rapaatad act* of Congreax, dmiag the pano.l to xaeoioitruiiUam. prompted no doabt by anvxa* conn** I ion profpming to •p«ak for tfc* State, aho altnrr mibscdmlood tfc* trn. ooaxfcUoo to thing, bar*, or wil faliy miarapraaantad it, In *itfcar <*. tfc* cffact vaa tfc* tuu l ongrm* Im. b**n muted and popixiar motimaat bar* ba* fcaan toriaai to aa utaul, that baa raadarad It tmpaaaihli for tb. aapportaa* to tb* admlntalration to aland b* (ora it vttfc any pmpxot to anna am I think it is licxa Ibia an ton* lagtx lalinu abooid ».» . and I protnt againaf Mrib.r .oactm.aU of tb. ebaractm oontmaiplated by yon, and oib.ra sbo aaatet yon, in yonr proposed morrm.uL Tb* vxamt thing. In my, that I j* graaa coaid do for ttoxMgm, would b» to <mo . iliat* bar pterpi. and Uor tfcsvi that it la Ib. intention to daai jn.tiy and libaraTly by tb.n. If a general set war. passed. *w**paig Ir on tb* a'ntol* book, tb* teat raatig. of political duability that riata opon any of bar ritl>> ax. and xfca war* left aa other suaaa are. to m*u age bar ova internal affxirm, in ber own way, It would do more to re*Lire p**c*. harm ny. loyalty, aad good goranxmenl in Lb* bxair than anything ate# that is now in Ih* power to lha Federal Oorarnmant to fir Ueapectfoily, Jcmttru £ Ba wjr. a ueavt nutcut email. Tfc* Urn Txr# (.in* raltare*. Tram tb. fcnuxl ktfeertnw : New koxx. Docamfcar id - kite *xcite mexat praamted ia tfc* ontfiao market yea tar 1a y in - 'nxr [Sanaaof tfc* fcxtinra af aereral bon*«a aad rnmoiwd xnatorvnay to May atteen. The arnall taoafipt* to setfioa Rat wxatr. aa com - latfad with tfca corrmpaadiag lime test yaar. and faara to abort crop thmaby angaadared i . gitffcar with tfca raaa to aattoa ia lararyex I. when lb* aappty it rary 10*0*7. kaa aaoaad alarm Iter arratal Aaya past atoong tfc* abort xauraat ia tfc* markrt Tbia result ad in a sodden and marked ad race m prxaa, which aariowaly aatamxaeJ those dastern aba worn > mgnil by aaatracia aad ranfimafi aoma anafcU to fiaOU them Three fcdarea are nfifiaialty aanoanccd, name ly; Wm- T. WngbtfcOn. fcdotpfcaaa ttchae fst 4 Ofc* aad l. laayarall. Tfc* fail area re sohad from tamfefifety to th* partem to MU 000 to Ifc* axarkrC Wright 4 On. place their ladebUdaaaa at thirty sum Itixamd dollar., aad bra ready to nnmpnaaf at fifty cent* aa tfc* dollar. Thay axxpaol to *a*Ue at bur aad eaattafca tadaaax la a be days. Snbaxlxr 4 Cos., gd LaajeraA bars |an*d for xnaaxdambte axaraafc. bat fill la re them aalres nnabi* to atata tfca aam to tbxnr obliga txoaa Tb*e prwfiaaa anafidaaa* la tfcsxr abil ity to aattia with tfcair araditon aad eontino* bate lima Many raxe-rr bar. baao del thu •vaxtiag. aftaotxag ttm aafieaaap to afifcar firmv bat no afifcar txixa».x tan beta ofiteially an aoxxaosd Nomr to tb* ilaaliiaa xapnrted to be ia difficulty h*e* rrialmax I to aanoa* fimbar raa.ruent wfcaa qarteioaad oa Ifc* aobrect, bat axpraamd tfc* fcaUto that they woaid b* abte to " txda a ear* tfca laaafcta Ibaaywa Thx laaoelbg Um* ar* to to kwatf in Teor.jM.'x teat jpateai A tew ■■ m*.il Jtoxima maam?lm!r Aafi atxmr itrxate am l**te ite y* ■* 7tewb'A teateatf. ante bteaxam* fiaarvaafi xfcm* Oteaatf tabafiy wtfcteeefima it 1 1 - a 1 immmfiatl. tefcabmtam mrmxxxaatsaaa ttw ■MI.. axaaai*t,t» totem■ aa Ax. tk. foam man tee. tea* *ll* whtfc to Ifc. teats. at to. tor ffi. Earn m xatgmtety awma. xxc a. -fitewa to a mmmart tax. sS?S®3SS : S2FS p«tla tfc* fcaaltfc to fib* fc*4y tataftmte, aad Lnrl" Sfc «#M fc*** wHad that tfca «r --mgm t»a. waffitxm aga maffig drt.rn.Hl fcy la ttflltolfiMtoffim Ttaaa amaM to ga* la Ma amp, mtf M m»a taaalry TELEGRAPHIC. >' lawlatel rnw Xlixpaxxkw. Tit# C<y(t<xi Crop 1,5041,000 Hair*. Hank '-Latriur ui. Tweed In Utr ll.uhL of the .Sheriff. irml «f •iolril Kont'Ts. Tke Prlnte of IValea Cootak-sring. Iftil My Colton SUttomrnt. Cmdoll)t*» Ball a Hair Million. Grand I.lterarj Dranini; in I/ia isrille. Ex-Mayor Cafauoii Pardoned. Railroad Arridi nt in Virginia. Interrstini; Foreign Nrns. MOON DISPATCHES NEW YORK. Scv Tufli, lW»u.Ur 15. —Tke TVocl.r 4 ( men ■ ÜBU>n took no ectloo npuw ike woee'icm ( of jotning the proceeiuor: of Ibe inter'.# UOfc#l#. A Sfweml from Fan# wve the! the Ofiant; Print«e onJ liiMra Jknvw Hral eo outi.- nlh | lAUfT.i W I bid re I vr## endeavoring l-' »ntfi-p*-*< thr Ofnm'.x u. , hi* hfivur Th»» DeAum«ie <ii«ewotfi#d fr m Tht«n reiorw-d the evi l-v»«v of hi- interview wilh the GctfcdiZxai# #u4 ooucindwtl I'V fit' Q(. "1 doubt not your eiea i» putroOe, bnt .h- ea pressedm fr# nr# not in with >ar ffigrw#m#ai 4 l>«Aflm#le terali- Os 4 th# v #r view bjr Rah) king that he wm. I cornu It hie fVion-Lx ti to tb# proper UtS’* to uuu Lie Beet CANADA. T nuivi », e rawuiulion expu-wuN.* of n w*nt of . ndj nc« in tb# ministry by on# m*jontj WASHINGTON. W#*uiN..rDeccmbwr 15 -Vgn. u’.'-ura! 1 oiliest# that the cottoß crop will b# about 1 900,008 bale#. Wm. M. 1 w«»ffi(J we# nrrvvtfirtl #sd remain* In charge of tb# ebcnlT at in-- .:*#r, Hofei Tweed i# ludicteJ f-r felony, end t*#i* wm refused. A *ia*iler warrant wax* M-rvcd 00 Coshnlly nt Ludlow jeif. a* ratal our. *L old b# ##care tmil on fir*t loAictmcnt. Tw- rd* leffiiiuionv cover* one hundred pay'v#- Tw«*rtd raat brd court under cßarg# of two j ekenfLi He apoeffired udcodc rued. lie I m#xu cherg# u fraudulent] jr auditaig oxvwUU. OHIO. ICrwi'tjnuTi, December 16. —Ow-rg. M oad, elin* J. W. Sweel, >lim .S> :i Drown. w«e \ wrreet' 1 here UmLt on *u*pir: u of couiUUt ! ting f irgery UeD<inld hw 1 two cotupem »ne her#, giving th# dmum of 0. Hunt »n 1 1». Welker, wk<> diffief>p#wr«wl Lo»t r»m- ( iy. Hunt * rml ufiiDft u auppx-mwal lit Ini Bridgeweii. *nd Welkwr ia #upp*'«r l t*» Ir h.v *»c Peruee oerue from the he h#s been • pe ratfeg recently. ENGLAND. IxOXucn. l>«cec&ber 11-- The Trix. of j Wffiiue hake e«iWv«d up -n L.% &r*l oL»g ' r*- 1 cwvcry There D every in.i:ration *• Taixl I tngbam tbe( tk# iifgir »- ove l .1 tm- I h#ve be. u diM*' ntiuued | Tb# Alfred l*eGr#n i V 4wu lt ! > £ the DnntaL const oa th- 'Mi*, #u.i kwh The Genera urbitrat -ra under'the VV*> ton treaty met. end adjourned U> April The ID*** ll be# returned to Wmanor Ihe Duke of 1 #nln he# r#iurufi»d to London LiVLUBuJiaN. D ■'«n,b#r 1C * v The OoUVaUe.'fi-nCe of the Price* of fffilw k#» commenced with *low end eteudy pttvqrew EVENING DISPATCHES. WASHINGTON. WfijiHiMoroi, D'cemltcr 10- Tl- cott' n return# ree«Tx'l in Dev#mb* r *t the Depart ment of Agricu'ture erw #ia*ia#r iu On r ! the N *vember ray-#.*n, fUTIy *Q*>t A:i.iug *hn l •r«u promise of improvem* nt up n the - e whet gloomy view* prevent**! in O-tobcr. i# ibe change it no: so marked a* to mold. Kete-naJiy the prospect for ibe 4 "w -• in 1 * monthly report# ft* Jely #nd bepo, uibwr The laUet returns would intfical# an mo«t identical with that of th# September report for a favoring autumn, which con Id ecererly bring a crop eiceediug three and t*u< third million of belea. Froefl* have been delayed Ull November, in eomc locnliUr# till the Aku, and the wanther he* boen gwnerallv favorable for picking without waste or diecoionng of fabne. A fair m©denng o< tke reoent Uxwi , eetimabw, which have Ihxo norwunßy num«r- { one end c<xnplate, give# a tntal aggregate of ] 3.800,000 boee tb# prweeii eipfictermo of the entbm yield of 1*»71 Ii ii state.! ujhiu itflllk I Util ntv ihal | the Senate Committee on EL . rioan and I'nri l*g*# have decided to reoort adrerweJv up r. Blodgett a and favorably apon Xorwo d*. claim to a aeat in the rten»t. newTork N«w Y kna. December 1»V The Iwu*. st.ii meat ahnwaa loan* of nearly ekv en million dolkn; opecie itw win and two ar and a half legal lewder .increase of our eighth of a nilliu. (W)< decream of lour 1 and a half millions, circulation decora#* one million. «peci« payment* over half a rnillnn dollar#. John V Nor tor. prat 1 <5 e Jciaulter. haw 1 bar n arreebkxl (.ontrofikkT Gonwouy •> h*«i ha* I'e- . named #1 owe-half million IL M Blatchfor 1 vu roLL and on th* afreet of ssd,<kk) la bon.l* Tweed v>i bearti j chevi J by hm fn« id* when hr,'tight into Court He waa cr>mni!a«vi I lo ibe Toomtw witboat t«a4., Dm. -Tweed wa* broacht before Judge Ptamerd on a WTit of hab«w r-ofpu*, ir- Uaeesi him on five tbnurand dolkn bail. kenVucky. 1 Lmt*ttuj. December 1A —1 k# great l’ob Ihe Library drawing vu. comtneti.'vd thin morning The find lan rum bar* drawn w#ra lee fallow# 5075, #4.172. 17U2. 25 S4O. U, ■* 20,5« t. 51417. 23,577 15.fid, .•»*’ CCORCIA. | Sava.NkfiU. December Id, Uobb, CoUcctog Ia! Um ptofc omimi A full and free 1 «»n the part of tb# proeecubou, and und.-r the statement «*f the Putrift Att*»mey aud rlury* | of the iNvurt wew hooorwbfy acquitted by th« l jury without leaving their box. •»♦# - MASS ACHUI£TTS. Ifcwmiw, Deeeflwber IA -Wm Rrown. ..f Lynn, killed hi* wife with a dirk, and in rrm+i lag afrewfl stabbed an officer, who shot and killed him. cauroitNiA. fcxjx Yaaitaacrx. Deraauber 111. - Th*rt ia a fcUl natoiliag to Ifc* l!x*U I*, teal■»* ku a oa fclato Japan aaft .Cfcte*. raaMct. Fun, Oaoaabar 1« Tfc* bafifte to ifc* Iteaax* Violator M. I' .lxi ifin*rti*r, xLavx a aarpl a* to lanrtx it aniiioa Iranca. ViRCINIA. IticrauTC. Itocaixilwr 1C -Tfca* nxnrax-to th* c ileete* oar to Lite material toate (to ifce 1 ircinte anil Tear wa. tfctuwa lx) tie batloaa al lfc* lana* wfcxl* iraatex, to* trlltf* near Batena. Tk* ettodmto*, Kwfcart A. IWnx. autj * eolotafiman itomiil Uaapball. wuta fir.eJ. The eowtwnU of the «ora esc dra to the car d#«tn ying It awd honung op it># two badiae. together with eevetn2 jpai.i of tb# bfidga Governor Walker ha# pardo«a«d tvMayor f eW'ti. hrret/ (or# twice oowneUd of oom pllcttjr in (h# HauciaaUin fargery. Very gee «rai • Vifcfacuon in expr##■#<! at Uie acUnn es the (korerwifr, who stalm the! hae principal i r«fl*'t* 1* so doing ia that it was mini—fly j r©- otsrix* nded by a very large naaahwr of eortLy r.uaem INCLANO* Duel, Tierembflr 14 —fit* uilon of the J Ack«ricau ship J*m«# Biwtt, iving in thn her- i l#»r at H*vrr, were acci.lanlsfiy drowned jee lerdey. L4MLIXI. B4M, Decern!>-r 16.—The Prince es i W#!«s !• xnore tranquil than neon the fever •tl— 1 Fewr'e progwieu ib nil raepseis Mtiefn ciotj. T L* >r,Y<apflnM by Frtncea# Louie* and other meo.ben» of th# Royal family, ar rivrd at Wiumoi Leekfa tbi# aflernoon by n ; «pt(iel train frur. Landinghnm MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. WASHINGTON. S'* Axniaoiun. December 14 - Before the Coo.uiuMu.m under the Weehengton treaty An Ut-my laarriay v* ibe Untied Hflclee. eieimeet filler*# tuat vbtie a r mil rot es (icewgle he did not intend lo banga hn etiegannre from tM/ffit l*ntaiu, an 1 that he con plied with the tjw#-p e proci#m# tioßof t.-nfmaiy Hepteed# uie PiH*il.-#t fi prociafiLaimn> eoaheaUeg pop erty pfiamni: ttvm innimti —ry In icyei Hu lee. aad a.inn vertooe eeu of ptnmiar by rveerujen • foerra, and the oeenfiefliora es taro of hm plantsooas b» Hheraenn • order. Her rimy ciain:« $275 OUOi The Cm ted Be# in deem* that tb# eon* filliged by Berelay ennautou a valid claim under the trwaiy. j fat tne r oiled IN etc# are noi tenpoambfe, at 1 that Lbe rimmani by dominie aa an 4 «e- • utled m Bntoeh sabynet nndiw the Uwaiy TLe Dnuan ooemml ahum the wanton A true • u»a at bereflay # property was t*A a mriamry i .i.chLbi of the war. aor jneflitni fry the laws , of Ltd wa lojnnee eo niffiraed arenndraeeMy i s proper enthral for n riemeflnm ib oaa# of a neutral 1 be BnUah oovinaa! adaoila that > ifirtE pore ry sal*-glance render eertaen eumn lUfirrft to one p eer, bnt <hirn permanent • ia*gian«« U. tolrfdifr When the two ©on flirt ump T*ry iriv-* way to p- rmanent alln giaui•* Th# i-orn [Ri*efii n decidee that th* Are* piwLion i* ehtolhfisr theCommanuon have jarm cnctiou. which drp*ofile upon whether the claim an: h a bnuaii nahjeefl within the meentng cf b« treaty. Thia umkmbtnd plea that claimant • r* K. i« L* # in Georgia excluded him from the treaty wax denied The whole demurrer may be -involved, bet the Uaifeed Btatae Gwvern ment i* at liberty, if it sees it to. take near 1 up- *n th* fa**# alleged in the warrant. Pi' i.4»iixnm A rain storm, probably ac c©C.peni*d with high wind#, ia apparently llre«t*niag th* coast cf California. An area of 1 w lfi#r kmeter. and threateoing weather, u.n probably ou Saturday extend northweet ward# t ward* irkaomi enwtbeamteriy wind# an 1 « ' .ody wuafhei prevailing oo tb# Gn!f coa«T Heesant weather oontißar* in th# S.uth Atlantic fit#tew. with aoutheriy wind* Tb* low barometer oa lake Huperwr will more mt and enulheaetward with north weeteriy minds ou the upper lakes, southwest wind# in tk lower lakes, middle and east err. Sutcffi. with threatening wrather in New York »r.J \l* Tlngtaad. Canbouary mgaai* con tinue *. r this evening at Chicago. Milwaukee. (Triad FT.iven. Detroit, Toledo, Cleraland. Buffalo. RTrheatcr. and Owwego Wxiifu hi Morns. Tb* high haiuaietsr which waa, on Friday afternoon, oenlrai in L . ana ha* cu v«d east and uor*hes>tward 'er the .Nonlh AlhuiUc where clear weather ha* prevailed today a/tar the rai a o( Fiidsj. ( ‘oud:n»*a has genarally cleared aw*iy from PeumiylTeaiA to M*iu< 1 ouTy TU be rewewt»4 i-mm Ike* after noon a a liar c* of the area of low ba r iu • :*r and thrvate&ingweather that ha* pre vailed over th* kakea. Tb* centra! aud lowest t.r« teaure alter moriiiog waa south seat ward aod ha* i rnn.l to thr northeast and caaL Lriek aod high tx-uthweat win (hi have prevailed on I*nk* Michigan and th* pfwuwnre hes fallen I quitto low in California^ ADVERTISEMENTS. -v O T I CeT 4 ft c’lilUHAl ifiMOftatftbw «» to \ »-; »•* tb* fn -r>~m or uknM .•< ft* I—— ni iftr •«««•. «and Ml— Itoil—rl I7IM to •raor of Mb a ton* I —naMbte ted onto . uj :a Jw.uat. mix 11 ■..» a* feubita*. lli termnc k> sabmu wiliaw to to! -*te- | a Hr*- IM to be bear'd a tern are bar at 1 notated t bn than and tbor* yri—t Any poraon inmnng to cnatk.fti *« w m t—* tenter to *• Im w«d.*ut to Itoft}. vrt toi 4» rk ftr Mtor 4* r ~to< b> Waaategtanj. «te ! «c*«Nr *. U? 1 V M HBtt. Chairman Unu. • aMUfttoA. r»4 Ttegtef* and Mi—yr. j 4».1 i. bawa -to atol itotttonr! adsorb an aabl ft* ftrat ft 1 abU? it J*a. iM~l~ to told U. S. MARSHAL S SALE. t'KDKUand by rat— tea writ ad start term* MM , oatte It-* .a.rabl* tba Dtotiii I Qatar* ad ft* Tbitol rttalan f.-r the > <rft*ni Dttetat to teorgto, to f U»r piaintifla. Sarah La ana Loyd and Miwrn Liu L yd, ta lb# tuLowtoft <toto. to-wu tarab Raiaia aad Wlarrm Mila Lay ft »t. NaalravUDC. Rallaa. I bare Veemd t(*a to to* of Matatemlto C. ail tba* trato to toad, attaato. lying aad bauag I ft* AMit-ft »w*a toj tbi* to tlitogh .oa tba r«Nra of IgtOr Rirar. aattatof ttttoaaa krnftrrft and wfraty-oa* arta more or ton*. aftynnatni bad to ! ItoLi and tobrrm. toa« ft* 1 ani Hat was mvcyal bT 4 p baMto to tomtowatoto C. Faftaa. by draft. dated Kb Jutj IMP Uto* tba» totoftto totoft, itnter. trMft tod bftaf s Hh* (toatf to tlart* and ftarta to 'tenrgia. to WUJ (tot an 1 Mia CraaA. ~nftaiaiag cbraa toonarnd arrax. more or lean. ml La torn aa •• Lfteatok ** Atev all thorn two into ta tba conaty to dart* aad b * »1 ft. c.abUimi in anch uaa, tbraa acraa toe raft an-* teawo-ntee paten. And wftt rail tba annate poM* toMftlto. to tba Peart H om. ta tba city to A Unate coaaty to Fftto aad •*ate to imorgm. o^tba Tartoay la Dteiibw ant, btewran tba taafn* bonra to tote _ DM ’ll iutox <M*te tote OraSlori ft ItXAAM ■ RMYTH. a Oftw Patted Mataa M* rate I ATLANTA WATER CURE! THl* plar* t» <*•«* ataft nmana. Cbaatadtoaa* to ail k all mwal and ntt largo MMa Ontekte wy la-kt a Oar a.U cora ail a ate dinar ao 1 radar to thr f.itbra .n« 11 ranter ta itteift. who tot* bran, aad are in* : rented to aaj aatabftnhmetit Hr J ft. R kA«t to I'bapteac. Ratoar a On. , Mayor T ft On, to t'«4 b HtU i.Hftd 11 T ft HOL T J Ktghtewar ft 1 (W. T Hriab*L »ormna b tubvto. Mr. Rao. Smith. Mam® • Re-naan •*U tebte DR. F. ALLOW Nr Msatatoi. / 1 EORtIA DAWftOM oonrnr ftWaaa. labs VI roato Md Jordan l a *i—. tiatoMfr 4n to Abftrrato. tote to auft oofttoy Aaceankl. rag raoenl t-' te« by Ibair f iMHaa ftftto Iftd toft tofi I [«ra«* x«orMd. Lindraft and -wdituri ad tekd » | at* hi bo toft aoear to ■> adftoo to tba RraA ftaadM 1 r. Mar b. U*. J. bjto o ciocft. a. U*«a and tbe*a u> ab >« muaa If any tb-T aabl w%9 tetJ aftteiateftaaora ■ bated bto bn fbMy JC* targ-ft ftete teak ifttetetom ton rib 1 ■ariltebar 4. IftTL .* 11 ateu UaSLKL rOVLXM. Ordinary TO THE HLILDESG PUBLIC! qrtHX WOU lb all kinfta to Ante Htotory. bte 1 ftan coma! .« lor tb# teat «\gbt to ton •to- to Pterv A Lfftnb. Rr tete to tkl*l a»ty. b igan i ate. •tft*** F " Rubble or Ashlar Masonry Ot »bnl fateitea Mbaa Orablto to" rtw ■» to a blab *«a LfftfJ. iaMKft LTv M AmIAI* Rgiaartara. AMLHKxHKIIiTM hum mi MIRE. MRS. MOULTON, AJfXJLI! fit UIUrnT IllUlk ■** uintn ham ru Bunon to ar TWO GRAND WILTON CONCim I jVfiT fitotej Kxx-ninc, Iterafcrr IMfc, I , »»fi TncnO*) tvni*», fimnter Ittfc, MRS. CHARLES MOULTON, tfifififlfifi'i (HSfii BasiMrtfifi, •• BMMrawflsbM tm Miwip 111 ar.a i—n«>fi art rumflii. kvkw rt l—* wwl powsr* w* «t '|WHi awnse, fiffit sflUr Bar iwml ■OtT 11IUJ4IT TUEMggf la »w Tort. BffiMoe, Bow Qri.wi. md Wm f-nrmm mm oi tm Vmtmd Mama where rte hm -Mill to* ftetoxte -•- vim pram tetf IXX fc*. -to teto* tec *w« xy wmaamm to liltexi, amtotefi amTtlfjlnnant ‘boxtijol tte "if WEHU, Tte *r**x uX Xtoto**« n*Btte tel* I**X tetet to Ite Mj dfco. w. GOUT I*l.l itoM** acAite or rmtem. i »- * !■>— te bauty utfd* 1 «D M i fiirvi t Family G irtim It* dsßerleffi to Oerw-a tor*, od thorny DfiMWtaTif ■t * 9 chock Tho - ifc#i> fifc*#fitot nss ffiTfc fififi# St ablbe Maii«uiN«nfi C. A CMIZZOLa. OeSre* too —lfc Wa— >um ■■#<■# pflaffiM —«y he wet hr wi—! or wepma. «# moy wtu m «wde tj fiimirl fc*. 4mm tk fid SEW ADVEIITLSEMEXTK Or# Vgv Tows aesvrw. —Oeo f Bo# rx* k Cos., flt. Fane sav. ■ ■ Kwttpmu k 00.. K Pas* Bow Ova B*i.ra*owa unm —ifiasrrni I Ifcfiimi Be. fl tom tram 6. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. « BOOS 801 SE 05 CBEW STSEET. J WILL gLhtp*fiU« prwieaa. e'eUr*. e room. mmt,t*m.™c *on iL.* on eorwer at Oarto» and Crew SthN awd lilviin mpfifiis flw ■ iis ■■ fc fiat e*u>fifiSl MW ray twfl w*y TOM w fitfio wev • nontolfiMfi k— aw# to ■trafifi« Ifc —lily Rfi too ■■—rys*«t. ic—vwfiiwl V tSfiitk-. fifii hfcinww a aoffi r— lial TIUm ar« isiHeyutolito. aa4 tb* ptoofc win b* tolA wrtbowt re toe IT-II B*ai KMat* Afipiat Jason Barr Council, ■O. 13 1. 4k S. H. . a kJL ICLAB OOBTOCATIOB of Jmmom Bwrr Cwww \ cal. Ba. 11 R 4 ti ■ . will to tohl at liM Me fcffiw K*.. Huwtoy aiski IMS las Mal. u Is, o'rinrk I ifcfifiki fc*r.-Waw «4 ng ti toe ’h* aw—taw 7*** toe 17-11 B. F MOtjU. TV. L ■ EISEMANS, Clothiers and Tailors, FAR KXCELLICNCK Woosh tn* um mrnat fltoeto IffivWS Off HlfiNfi fcffill fl t a 1 • oa r Mori at ready -ato nmkimm tor men to toxya wfeM-s wo ho«« feet I vwcwfifcwd flto ato tod awd wtuflar wear. R2kd tofcw-h wtn» ■ fowad am oomphmtm km mL la UU cTty Owr afiorfi ww Ko»* pwrr liov Iti U< krfcoo* I|orte* tar ewt. swd is moH|iii cm wIU to fito lo *NI so tto fcwry low—> prififi o. T b o • toe# ooasioio la part of aU ito latooi fitylofi fa toiaU kaaw ■ oelts, sullabloflor ysr* «#•• 4t *ll ** o• as# vary ■ p r leo for droofi isito to mm i» to sll. buiafi— flail* from Sl# to $lO. ovfcrcostaof ovwry flrwilo awd ywahtj to— i. M to to# w potash; to—, awd mil fir—w •I • tm Woffifiou to* to —tor tto wmorw. Ctowfioaa. Hoi taw* J o r awy mthmr kJwd at pw4« Ual pwr too may towrw. mmphmm o t • whack ORB to fcfioa a* all tim—. w • wbwb for fiflyW. yaahty. «arw ff tony awd pno», mwwot to M tofifi ttolfifl flwoto yww wtß ft to toll I flflrwot- Rll tto Wfioofi wovwltow. ato fltetflt. at all fcaw a mu n»<c Rfioan fio aa Iflcl frwm At to ww toflsrw W ttot pare— is w aat of rrfTT", ft! to wul —I —a. our ■moT 4 ttoy wffl* '.Um too 1 1 m • aad Reery by cmlUrn* afi M Wbtotofi IKTioTm 1 Zm^S ler pwao la Ito ffioloe ties of owr fall ato wta tor ssart e l e*o*n tag fee f—Mto es all mm ato fiLiv:: ::Tisr. ntl fijjMmU^ tolttf Slftßlil A ARBIGNEITS HAUL By Ttnaa ad to arftar laaate by ton banaaabli tor r alteft Mate*Cowl tor tbn fturtbara Dbtorftl of n 1 ibgti. teM bn ante AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, OR VUIUMUT. Dooftmber ®7, 1871, cuumc’iw At it o'clock. orntjy irmltl My feabMte A Atnaate, an Ban a . ta Atfteato . ton an tten tone* to gnadte In MftatexMa- La port «T Hfttft, CftfS Truki, Pfen, l mhrAU*, Bftotey Ufc—, JUw tote te tetter* froto bay te bay nteO al to ate- Md m ton progarty of tobMH b Hamnftar, Ito Ira par. Tar—ateb. Tb» tor M toft te toeto bar. teTL ROAM JR. MNHJK toe HALE, TWO UKIMFROYBD LOTS OJT McDOSQUQB STRUT. OK* IS in FOR FftOBT BY W VWD BKO. Prloto MOO. Tba rftbar to 44 ITT FROMT by tot FKTT DJEEP I-rlo*. 4000. TERMS EASY. IN r*rt AlVy k tfe* mr «r bate AT TUXM OFFICE. mm *** THE CHWtmAR CRUCIRU. ULUUMIai UTIiURI JWIUL M4.00N. O -A- . r. #. r. AXDRIWS, Alur W fta, T«. Nlui r*r I ■■■«, ta thaw Tr. r*M** tar fl* W. iran a .unioouu.«mMii n»te*n 1 w .»i*n**aiuta l *a . Mlirtiii *f IM, ui ■ i itoiitei to to YTftiT ffW —f WfllliW teaßtebft. to tor a—te Iteyto a tto ton *£3^7l ! J»SSL WHOL* iUOI-im'S. PftILAOCLmiA ash ACMWOt WK* *4O W-. bAe Agnate, tbftatertete.i ftio. 3 UrinUt Hiork. \riKUiuj TtoiFto ni mswav *hih. TT bbAbUUB Md WtlUJI* tor ft* notice. Knnikteto. Tbte Btc UU Tmnrrr of tbn Yftbrn —"* "‘"•wnft, aoft otbar odftrate toft arar.U ..f tote road, fay toa.dbily. *o l4t . «Mm . « ton lata dT fit ugti tb I'M tobg id rmm tou< in tbnir bnteto balaapig to tbn ante Sdten oft ttenmapof tba Vagtarn and Attend taCrond wbltot In fonmaatoc te told fttato •Hbnr adbeara and aft—to of tote fttottoft toft I Wtoil JUUiteft. aba* ate fa* to any te tba IMa tear, of tote road, or to any te too pamoa* now teatmlng to ba otoorm te tote rabft. artotoy ftania agfndntrft by to tot man tba a Bair* te Mid rote. <w to »kj teber parnoa nb übm*«. gay part or &/ tkr «a.-« baton.-* reran! a tag in tbalr band* •■miTTo rrvrm. Tbte to# Tltoift te ft.. aoft aganto of tba Waatrrs and Aftonk* Rn**roaft Un • naftiatni), and ftamapft of tb*-m tbatMjnacte te ato cy no da* to tba Mat* m bbara ate forth Fterrnaaa. That mba g to toft fteaga ar Mtedu tonftba 1 rntomat aa iipiii mg ton aanao af lb * Hanna tbtotor hgtotote iftmtoi I bg tbnaatt otoa* ate agate* aaa tba ngte baiaaoaa daft J AMI ft M. RMITH Sf>eabar te ton Honor of lUipaite t*r .. J Mb lAHttebU Ctorb te too Lionnate "IgiT hi In * X. K. TRAMMKiX. Frradftant of tba Saank T. YT i MFLI.. Appr- nod. Btomabag 11. IFI. bEXJAMJS OUKLAT. OorrtteW. KliamVf DEFAKTMEXT. AruajrxA. to*.. Kovanbar 3t. 1 jTI I. R H Afbiaaite. ftarraiary of tbn Etec Jtln* t**- paten* fto baraby tnrtofy tone <b* furngiteg and pnanad by tba ua—ral I ratonli ly aHUprnteal gtetoo . nnft agpronad by tba Ou armor * H At KTMBOW. rtaty Tuarmi nrr.rr. truM4 On.. Itotetr m itn. Tm to Lad* "/tear* ate ignii «a irnan andA *** » «*te* and ftflanftr jfmtrnnf tona la rnapiiaato antb tba foragteag raftolnttoc*. pnaaod by and by tba Oonrr T >'’fad>|rf»My toty to Arman 1 te pan toft pay aaateto tSTNtonnma te toft tote te Hi argil, the Hdtoian mnaatoiag in yonr bnafta bataagiag to tb- I tear of Onoagu. btoag tba anrotaga te tba toaatoni and Altonoc laibtol nbitot to poaaraalon te tba State And l now dfaafl of enrb and (9 of yon. tba toad atoaara and agntea aft to arraara. to# tna»to> j pnyanrat into toe ante Tifggry tba Ate batonaa of I 000-7 ao dn« tb* State nor tots *. L. AWOfKR. toatr Trnnni ir TU BUT PKBAOBM lLNtf Til BAY. T** jitiAT qr sy i> tba Lr«nted ftcuit Prbbnbtng Cte&panj. I*o FoR -n •treed, tow Ton, at aboto ana totrft ton pMaa tetb- L hiw T.UM.«M* B. n.l in i ■MR.n.Mnkert, ■ - mhST." 4 * ... 11.1 m r« ■; m Ixm. Tta Far my tbraa Eaniawa . WHO r r Btocbvoaft ate’Snatonaw.... Too For toi ibwi ii md twn |wi*w» ..M to Srsrtteßteton? u s Ptetogn twnnanba n nawbat. ta ba Stop*** by tba snartar at tbn atooa te fta&rory To .dnbate tan nr arar*. to ad Jtoun te ton ate*- OO iVteatteton abnwa. nan mbnmbain tenayt. ■rrtewato teuton stay ba*« twn te tor “Ftor Re ctaMwinSS u --m •**- ‘ 4i i*l»>i|rtl*ni. 1 n.1.i.1 !■! ' I |l ii ™* “"^“sssjszsrn!.^ tw r *taatatonta|ton. i> - »ta**ta. M*i»e4«n L. l f ft T S Aitmnl BWiriYutHMi. •.taw—ma tour/ m aw ruoo ,o o o oo ! xar yruuAblg jrrrii SlftiS® r^r^}|«te»esß! rtaa ■rmn aaft >Ml<m. wttb •ftlvar ■ ail i mmw tm liil to tow Hb» ■■eh ta*e*nteiwteni|iata.Jii' Msratoa."*^ Broad SUwat. Atlanta, lie nr gin .