Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 20, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NLVV KRA. VOLUMJC VII., NO. 97. buhimbbh dirbcttort mm wmrnm* «n«* k«4 t» sxyasrgywr,ac r. U* <tu« *»••» »*i» oaiTitm. £z7" HmTT *•»!•• 4. wtarii Al>Mn at 1.4 V '-an r«w> M»• ■•»“**•»—••» ii*M» 0. wS MU i. *•• «-mm •>«», ~ ill., M la* O<M«. . ■—..'■!* L, nui ti titia. M.l* l> .!*..,.« A. M, fa lit NEW AIkVKHTISKMKNTH. CHICAGO *t?T DESTRUCTION. A rru -* M rmmpimrn kmrnn ta <%lfa#. kw |M< 4 > r,ll|t '»•••• »MA ****** «m>,m i» I **4 foU IrtMii ta Mm Hbhm, i,j k. p ! M>4 J » MmMm. »4>U«r« ..f Ufa* «*>«•*» TVI *••• f IR »»• fata Ml lilMd. I* M NU; toft MHaiy ABE NTS WANTED. »CM r.i.iitiiiM c«. C kut* m. .« | rtUTEBM, fuses*, * uikdl.h r* THE AMERICAN FARMER, 1 ■ari'W WIIA Til. Mar.l «MM.t, i* Mil „UlrtMti, M «• . Roma Mr~l. . •tiRMM. »1. ItbitiL S*.o. A Mn« I, I. it. ; ?•(•* JOUIRti l» A toot Ir. UI.I n. .... "Mr • Aw A, IMT »fctnr I .rlo A. I lIMIMM,!.. I.n |l M. ,w 10 Alt.. * I -"V"-. »», II A* *lO ».0.l lor rroopwl... Vr.u.l - I.W». UNIVERSALISM. S**J> »» »•• —»»■■ • c n w ,k * cwbxbtuw I. BARK* * Ami ol*— wtetekty imimsl. pvbUwh-rt br tt< NrvTßrk RUte, of rnirirwi .il •*4 NMUtfaUi Ui« »m«u DM R. >l. ( H«C. «* T*m* S'i M |Mr fMr A<Mr—*. Puftluhcr CIIHINT!AN I.KADOii. Its* Browdwu. Kww Tori cMj. —mm bKA«. NEW YORK OBSERVER. • 3 P*T tuDun. isciudiUf Y—r Rev* fur l»ll HIDHWY B. MOMR. JB .kOO .»T Ifark flow M T ■AMPLE OOMIR Plt E E tffflfintft Hol’HfcllOLD MAUAEINE t* off* WUUU O fr— darlu* U>* ixmuimß y—r u> ium MibcunW us Marry'* Uuwaiu. Ufa* TuMuhlfai. Ifofoocrst. *to.. whioft U sc -vld#tifa..f 1.. * 'tli mil i *•. Ord'-J. V\, ftgu.T%*a4#f TMftuw. o*lTlsflCjir*ffwriftrTC wmbw ” In riablfaim. it agtfrw tl. raw Ami oUa* jwr..Wheal* for lh# prim taon« ta tftsm A variety of pnuumtui ou •U*taUj liberal formas It I* au ongiaai. ftrwt rUu Vtaem# X begin* with J*n onptf fro*. Adrtr—# H. R WOOD.SmT HTTsTV T ~ a aB I? I* Off A L fpWIBS^IWYt OVKBONK DHHDBEI) AOEB. pHatod In Hr..! oolur*. oo Mperb UuU I p*p r |\>ur Aun tre.l j Rawer*. pUn..> *u4 *«h«UMm. wilL AaaoftpUon». and TWO COUJRBD PLVTKh. D*ftHtloh« for wfaking walk*, lawna* far dcaa. Be. Tha tuuulaomaat a*. ) Uwt Hunt!. OI'IDE in iha aorM / All for tan raou. to thoae who think of bayrnf ***.U Notaqnarter th« ooat. »k*,o»*. *o|,i «f Urri. IdHreaa JAMER VIC*. ,« * .. . ' OtTCDCI f**timber muubar. prto* *V> , rt I Lilt# ba* ltf pteoaa ronal and it»*txu»a. u bT ■lllmpl I for Me. 4 tor Mn .or Jaa loHa. ’ll MUOIUN Lfnr |1 W (regular pfina, s.l 1» ... t for UITI, «Ut aid** abd ralgra. |.V Tha ■oak' i* by May*. TTu*n»a*. Ku. linn TUI V* 1 *tc Ad Ires* J L 1» BUN I nlwlTlilU). WN Broadway N Y 1 (> U..» 5419. Bloomington Nursery. 111. i)ATI TEA HI «00 AOBJM: It GREEN Hnf’HKil! all / IfifMl aaaoriai*nt Ba*4 Mock Low pn<»-« Treaa. Ahraha. Ptaata. Dulba fawli. Btuok*. Grail*. Aa. I(IU pagr iklTiatrated ID oaaU. Hull. PbaaA. thal Catalogum. all for lu eaau. Wbolewfai# prto* llat ft - **. Road for IL*aa hafore butiag *la» whara. V. k PMtBNU. HEHRUOMjUTmnu Bh triF • Wtth tb* l.» tb# aprlns* Baoatraatk* hi£h—t |*ra>^?"froai all who o*« u ilrlin* full dlrwu.M.. Try on*- -you Ptogle Trw*« fft. PouM* Tmoa. t«o pad* fTo"™" »#- In. leal ng«a3n uHT* l ■cH£\WBW? l TJ?s^ltx«'nt. Athene. Utortli Kmv„ •' "'I COCOAINE II J ii/ C •«*»■*•t (hi. Arknnwl alfallwftwl araaMdero/’ikr grew/* awNfeww/y aFMaJbUr *3. mvtfT kM . IW»l<>n. Ma«*. tk.hl by all arnggt*C». />«*« r laHUie*. 4 IFS TH WANTED AyenU wfaako aior* a<e«r ai work for u* than af anything *|ae B«*in**« light and P*nnaa*ut parUntlar* *w. O. BTINHoN k 00.. Pie* Art Pwbtl«h*r* Portland Main* n a Vi \i k AGENT* WANTED I g)e\*\lv/ mouth Bead ataaiL. fbrrfroular*. ho Addraa* JAM ICR E TATE, W**t folut. Ga • J4E * MOltTBl Hera* famish*.! • Btpen*e> 1440 I'* ' H B RMAW. Alfred. M. A tulD y( ! Ai kH -A rtauai u. *arly HdUareti.-n. oa"* , o« norroa* deblMty. pmmatar* d*<ey. *tc.. haring triad iu rain *r*ry alrertlaal letwedr. ha* di* oorared a atm pi* man* af **lf cere, whloh hr will •and I*, hi* follow *nßrier*, hddiea* J H REEVE*. T 8 Maaaau okreel. N T THIRTY IP.AK>' KXPKRIKINCK T phyUotagtoal rl*w of marrtar* Tb* rh**j***i »*‘>oh *rar pwhHabad-aoaka wlag naaHy thra* bun died rmm aad no* hundred aad thirty fla* plate* and Migraringir of the aaauway af th* human organa to a Hat* of health aad diaaaa*. with a troatia* an ear ly error*. It* deplorable »waa*q**me* *p-<* th* mmd and bogy, with tha author * plan of traatmeoi tha only rational aad —r. «a*Tnl rnttmrn of oar*, a* shown by a report «f <-aaa* traabd. a tmthfal adnaer to th* married and thoa* n> a tarn plating raarrrlage who an t»rtain d*ubt* of thatr phyatoal eo»4t*u»n Batii frea of postage to any addrcaa on roeatpt of taenty fiw **at* in *lamp* or petal rerrea*p. by addrteautg I'R LA OBOIX. Wo tl Malden tan* Albany. N. Y Th* anchor may he oonanlk** wp»»o any of th* dUaaM* upon ehtah hi* Iwot treat*, atthar per*mally ..c by mall, and m dlotn** **nt to any part af worl I IK THE DWTIUOT OITrBT OP THE ITNITItn 1 BT4TRM. PORTIIK NORTHERN OUtTßlin- i»P GBOHGIA -t» Haakrujery In th* matter af Malm.m* k AfoiaaxUr. bankrnpt* Atlanta. Georgia. -Thia >a to glr* nnkto*. on re a waek for three ret*, that I hat* W*o appelate I a—tgnee of tb* **Ul* of folnmi* A Alatauiw. who hare been *dnidged bankrupt* upon th* p*titl<wv«*f |b«lr rentltor* by tk* Diatrtrt Oaun of •aid lßatrtvt. NOAH R IXIWLBR. Aaalgner rnaaCttntlon ptma* ropy da* t-lawsw THE THEOLQOICAL, AND ROM K OP THE NOI KNTIFIC WOI« 14 M or EMANUEL SWEDENBORG, And *U th* OoUataral Worfct of th* NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH. Ar« kept A»r ml* by. aul can b- proc*r«d foot* th* rniBLIMUXNG IIOt^K Os th* Q—cal rv «w*anttun of the ,NKW JKRmrF.W IN TMKI.S. Nn. RO Canpar I nlaw, tl*w Vwrfo < | <r . Ud fhrwtabad on app«lo*kio«. aov It tldk It R. SWUINBT. Manager A HIATIC ixiWrjg A KFECIALTY. Mr rmci or nimu urn oocuk* n 1 »M low iwmti H «n On l ilm ■ Um MUM, f«r «, kiui.,M .* * «MM> M tiLM.,. lur ,ik» lie. a V. WWHH T. • hot tm mum. rtfeduiMM. r, r»« tin>M mm* *m rite »i,im Immmlju. ir» KOlOeei l» >« Tor*. iMI FlnH far tarnrMl r»e». fa Mm AH rfaHMifatl* bWW u.«. Ml r.rti fWMIkM M ItilM W rw*. M, irn I. * *OU* tiei i«4 fall Isak ttMfl, Tee eakeee •• M* Pwnp** T*a#a wma i •* a • rtar rwa* Ig I ream •***••# '*•» • 1 IMP fo*iwg I font h*et a at a m I Pe-a it** •* Maw ?«t a* * •* r w m*n* •«m mm* atnn .r i Mthi foaw r »foW**at*ni Miy* WlMh* Paaaawpar *haAa ham I 1* y m aratem I a* p e Mg saw—j ma*— I » • « Nf hoar Yearn mm M* , t l- • « j |M ( KmaHtga* •**' *» *' R* »» •'o at ' *3ii 'm‘ m i Day fkaaMklfa fowa arroo Day Pea*■ age* DwaUs*** t * i * *«n a***MM uaua* amts* «• bam fmalg Awtap ***p i 4 | Wi«h« PnawM gn 1 rata amm* ft 14 a m I I my Paaaaegti bwa I ear— *l*a »« I t»»ew W • ms*tm* Aoma»«f*iv<« nrrtmw am* ... NOTBL ANHIt AU. H In* hall Mew a* « rtllradrw Jk tm. I If RlUatt *ad mnm Ron* « Myaallifaf Maua. u laami * h T W (ft iea.« Hr M M i- «»•♦. W m . J W Mar*hell to R ntee»rV at |mk l» I *• tael lean, J M « beng aw I fall* Kt U i -ly »k Hl* a,. halt, da M W Ifamid and»» H w lU*kt «»a in* oh. Ha** W G W*hfc Hal P N.d.U i»a II km* ft* umr.*e < W Raid*lt> 1 1 n . <*a. t> Han.llw. de. « M Potter NY G • Mib. r .1 J ¥ MfaWy. and... M ftlG.t. 4 i. (h* C H Johneoi Wash>ggt»a Olty J T tint. tka. » I Hw.ho Pfa, M Uo..itnwA .»* N B Whitdeid do 7 Naßitrd, do. <IT Roger* aad lelt. Ala. T J WdU*n># i*a. W H«md*raoi> H O. I» W Hogad. .h. ft P HruUm do. R Needham. NY. OH H*fa«i, and... I H M.noCm. *ity. J H apart*. Ga. W H Nayn. mr, N Y, H Mela, dv OBUBUIA. Iwtareallag Nrws fram all fart* af Ihr ■Ult. Hy Mail to th* Ea* Rome Tba water work* era Lcrotuibg qoita popular. New boom** am tgking water •tar after day. and ail ara delighted with it. Tbd tank bold* 2KG,000 gnlioti*. wbi<’h t* • uoogh for all. Tb« tanlT of rate* will I>< bate RO<»E The kleaar*. NoLU will turn tbi work o»er *o the city at*«»ut tbe first of Jauu ary Katie Putnam and tioap* opi u h« re toiuor- I row night. Ou last Wodnewday the Order of Good Templars bartod oae of their member*, who died last weak, for tbe first time niooe their organisaLoii. A unoiU r of tbe memUers ware out Id regalia, and the reremony was both beautiful aad im preset te The Lodgo is now in a flourishing coudition, there haung Iweu at the last meeting eight or teu appltcationn for membership. Galßßsyilul The Diigiueer Corps of the Atlanta ami Richmond Air I.ioe Itailwsy are to have holiday, and are daily looked for in this city. Vpwards of fifty families arrived in thin city oo baturday aud Suuday last, from An deraon and Oconee counties. H. C. t «a p*utc to the WeaL Mr Janie* WoOtird, of the firm of 111 A Wofford, at their ruilln, eight mile* from this city, ou Wednesday lost, had hie hand very badly lacerated hy „ circular saw. It cut whole length of the band, sever mg the *uperAi't*l volu artery, aud a deep seated muscular branch, which bled pro Mi—>p» —* fa*4 aw w* UUgaU'd The saw alan touched tha drat metacarpal boneio it* whole 1 'ugth, making quite a horrible and painful Niwnsn. —Simeon Orr hu* beeu bo aad ove* ou a charg* of alttn-pting n.utdrr Mr F K Johnson on Satnrday night last. Kayannau -The Savaunah branrh of the Freed man’s Having end Trust Comptay re jvirta throogh Mr. lirmckerhoff, th* ca«hi«r, for the month ending November loth Depot, j it*. $22,544.00; draft*. $20.08X40; gain in deport*, $2,400.54; now dep<>»iU>ra, 170. present nurulxr of depositor**, 2 MJ, lUpwib on band, f Idl.Tod U The Savannah Advertiser of tbe 17th say* About twenty minute* before eight ochxk last evening a Are broke out in tbe two story frame building on Hrysn street, running vast from ltarnar 1 street to Hreauan ■ lintel, and in a abort time they were completely destroyed leaving nothing but the outer weather board mg JoNßinoao. The Clayton Time* say* A good deal of property has changed bandt* about Jonuaboro lately We h«wr of a no:u her of new citi/em ooming. and but f**w m >v ing away This I* a good *igu Mi on About 8 o'clock Salurd iy night a fire was discoverwd in a room at tbe llrown House, bnl vm imm«di*tely etlißgnished without oalling into requssitiua tho aeainUueo of the fire detriment. The fire wav caused by a defect iu one of the due*, and might have been eoriou* had it occurred at a late hour of the night Tfc* Law »f SwlrlUr. The Supremo Court of Mineachusett* bun finally decidad that auicule i* not a crime known to tbe laws of the Comtuouwealth The opinion la in tty* ca«e of The Si ato ye Doom* The respondent wav indicted for attempting to kill himself, bat the Judge* have ruled that the attempt at /Wo and« $t i« not. by the etatutc, an attempt to commit murder. Wo are not anre that it would not be otherwise by the common law. which, however, in Mas aachoaktta, has l»een auperseded iu criminal practice by legislation. It i« now proper therefore, to snggeal the nec«awity aul pro priety of a statute framed to m«et canea of this nature. Upon ru>*ral grounds, av well a« those of public policy, suicide should be un tier eorne legal ban, and the same t* true of the attempt to oomiutt it. The caa« v are very f»w in whtoh a mirviving person could lx m dieted aa aooaaaoiy. but theae • h» the la* should be framed to reach whiner r it doe* 00l do so already r ftu Tuesday last, at 8t Petersburg, the Csarowioh Alexander Ixeame engaged in a private dispute with tbe Minister of the Ger man Empire to Russia, and the former *o>4ax. lost his naif possession as to make a personal assault or tb« ambaandor, They were *. pira ted by friends. The quarrel waa thought to be entirely of a private or social character, but it caused great eieitement and anxiety, lest it should interrupt th* good relai. n n i»>- lween tbe two nations. An Knghah writer ha* recantlv aa*> ib at th* undo* proportiou of lime in tbe system i* the cause of premature gray hair, and adust** n* to avoid hard water. eith** r for drinking pure or whoa converted i*ito tea, coffee, or Reap, heoanae hard water is always sirouviy impregnated wiih lim«. Tlaril water may lx •offened by boiling it let it beoo«B* cold, and theta wae it as a beverage Madame Maaaena, who claim* rrlaDonahrp with OM of Napoleon * great Marshal*, edit* tha MagviaMa. a New Orb wo* magaone Tha Htaaase* twine are row over ai&ty, and whtt* see te pertaaliy healthy the other is lying YBfy HI AM hie plantation aad expected to dfte. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, *KD*KmI>A\ MORNING. DK'KMHKK 2G, UTTI. •«*« v naat »*«• I 11 * fop rt i*t U»* (ft**a4 M»*•!* k» •he Aftra*»4 a* « at M x.Agfa**,.ry »e|e*M«e a » imEtg Mfae ar, ta the Man Th* »•*t*«*nltfa Fla Era any* * * Thee# »r* »»vw Mam vitkott r«ar of the late faftal twwe li ha* «tl*faf»| saeeil a* a*ie**ftl| m*4 mywtevtov** If a* It mhw ftpii as The eeveval froafte w* have bad a. J vll, diapwiwl it* «as—a aad m*w llel w* Lev* bad a |*»d Ire**, w* h*v» ne reaer>a te a|>pvrhetftd (to appearawce agam ** Tb# v*aeva)de l»v ft Ixrt J of Kentucky. »• *at«l l . he auadil; 4Mka<ii| in Lea'th au l thcr* is bule hope that he wio live tlirvMtgb aaotb.v year Hfta tateJteet. how ' ever, ia ftUil air >•*«. aud hla willy sayings a»* *» |*otated an I hi* humor, n* saying* a* \ a* ever ttilliaiu Hutu. Eet| a well km.wa Virginia . geollrman. died at hta reudaoo*. a«ar Hill* 1 borMfh. on I'rvU.T nonin, Om-mdlm 1. in ! th* ** 'ib GHir of hi* age Mr Hull* wa* Uvft I in Shepards town. Y irgmia li* was a I Li*mcU«ut in «’• plain Van IWuiuetl • eompaay j man bed from that place to iiaiUmor* I during tbe last war with Kngiand, and paitft<*t J of that city After hi* t*rm of ctilftatcneut expired, be joined the artillery company j of Captain liolxrt Wileon. of Martin* i burg and went with officer to Norfolk, I Virginia, where he of i'raney Ulaud. against lb* itntlah. For Lie . gallaut conduct, and soldierly bearing daring the war, bo was, at ita cloe*. designated ae one of tbe* r officers to be n taineil in tbe. regular *.>rvice, but declined the position aud, and settled in ililiaboroogb. where he had resided ever since. The Richmond Whig presents a gloomy pio turn ol atYairv in that State, tl any* that in the wheal, tolmcoo, and graxing districts there is grnerat dihtresa and increasing poverty. It add* "I he ap|>«lling fact stauds out every *bcr. , that produrltuu u iliuiiuiahing the crops each nacceediug year since 1865 have been leas than the preceding year.” Only in one part of Virginia i» there an exception to thie rule, and that, sa\v tbo Whig, lathe liaiUvl region ou tide **l* r “a hero trio king aud pe<a* nuta abound. “ 'Uhore the people, tv means of tbo vegetable* to Northern market*, and vbich aro known by the generic term ••tmuk,’ are kept in comfort, and have ready money, laotbir purls of the State, tho Lx collector has sold out the people, and, as one writer vays, tl -* farmer* have been ’* grinding e*xd corn.'* If this story lx true, the condition of things ut not only Singular, bat deplorable. In the absence of drought or floods, the de riine in crops mu*t be the fault of tbe people themselves. UEXKBAL ITEMS. B> Mail t. the Ksa . lb n«rai Kilpatrick wili go for an i xtendod stay to Chili, in a f*w weeks, his wile being a ua'.ive ol that c inutry Iho e.xtcuaive farm of th« great stock tra der. John T. Alexander, of Illinois, ha* been sold for th<* benefit of hie creditors, for the stun of $450:000 s The New Tort Mail assert* that “Many fashionable ladies who aro partial to low ufteki and dreasiu and have net a pretty neck, weur a false B*ok of w*i nr alabaster, which, When a !.*wivy net klaco i* worn with it, can hardly l 1’ detected frr*ti» the real artrtde " A woman lately hnng herself because bar tiusliand ol yecteo to her ron verging with tb« j male boardera, and l«>ft this last wiki and tee | Dmvnt ebalked on the lierk of a tea tray i " Ibmr Jim You have driven uie U> this little ! .{lair LU good to the dog. and a»k Mni. Ut- ' tb. to be kiiiil to the birds " The estimate of )oaa«is by the Chicago firv* are coming down From three -hundred millions it dropped to twit hur lnd milhoßs, aad now the Chicago Tiiuca pat* it. after a careful -lamination, at one hundred and fifty millions Even at the lowest reasonable fig urea. It will t»e large enough to aatufy oven Chicago ambi tion to have tbe biggest of everything. In Boston society, according to the New York Mai!, everybody snobs ever) body else, in New York eociety everybody g«xiu|ia aboat • voryt ly < l*e, in rtnlnJelphia aocietj every )*<Kly attend* t > the morals of everybody else, iu Halt in. i»• society everybody tratemuea with everybody e. h\ an I iu Chicago Rnciely j isl ,»t preasnt everybody ia borrowing from everyt*ody vU««. ILfoton. ttierefora, u ariato ralie, N- w • »rk and Philadelphia democratic, Hal 11 more patriarchal, aud t'hicago ooiumu rustic. The report* «'l the various life cinsjmuimi f‘X the preacut year will be ba>ked for with m re than tbo amount of intereaA I’obey bobiers. and thoae aboat to borom* Mich, are determined, we believe, to know for tbemselvos some cf the mystenea of "gnm ivet*. *• gross liabilities. " ” grows income, '* an.l " gr"v( expenditure* . ’* Tbe war lu whtek money is scatter»hl broadcast t-y the officers of ' h« eoin|»anics is awakeumg ffxople to tha magnitude of the monetary inl.-reeta com unttevl annually to the car* of theae odicsn, sud to tbo ntH'oHsity of holding them to a fain ter accountability. TIIK JKWft AT IIU.VB. M w Tfc. y are P*re*ca«rt aa4 rr*- errlfoed. In Jeruxalom, as at Rome and elsewhere, the Jews are shat ap lu a ee|wnato quarter, and tiiat lit* meanest, darkest, filthiest. One twilight I cause unexpectedly into their settle ment E was a mad lane, lined with mod b>\ t !*. tb rough which a funeral proceaMwo »a* si wiy laoviog. the Rxly U.rn.. or men’s shoulder* »o the dress of life, a perfect tatter d aialK-u crew wailing as they followed Com mg to tbe cf Trotmee to die. many of thria ar.» robbed on the way, and all ara preyed upon after they arrive; so that, 1 ap pti bend, there ia nothing real about them Mat their wr. tcbediieaa. They have no coaeaka to interfere when a tax te exacted the second lime in the am* year If mlnred. they suae* suff. r in silence, if plundered by Arabs, they can hav# no hope of ivoovrry thily eonvwe • would make them Outwardly comf.wtable, and that they bat* as |tcrdiUan. (leoevou* . die Ip is <Hin*tantJv w-nt them fn>m abroad, bat r>-«ne to.* much, though the amusing story is laid of Sir M.iaea M .ntefioro having »p*ci all hi* money m aim* at Jerusalem, and being obliged to borrow at usurious interval frona one of the beggar* he had relieved, that ha might get bark to London. />pp»i*c St * V*/ (lliftC. Geo RvK '. ran* ie naiog those spleMdid en orgies which during the war pal km in the foremost rank of military men. in bringing into practical operation narrow g«uur* rail roads througbont the Weal, particularly in California and Ohio Tbe total < i|xuaee of salortaising Alexia are about SIOO fkkV He paid his own hotal bilks He ha* gives the new furniture sap, plied by the Clarendon, at a coast of tW.OUQ, proprietor of tbe hotal Wendell FfcUUpa ia called by a flnntllaii sbaei, la Rdiubwegh, k aoH ftf Isaariiaa RoaheAnrL (lambetu. aad Vidov Ht«o •+*** ftRIROMa" TELECRAPHIC. t o«cr*a*«a*l rt"rfa*«fa. : Dbm I il(«i JOfalmr (l> loftfar ■illmil. Ufa fall r*i IVtOlfa la Sr will. Voartaaiiw mmd t falnailfaai ( ««ri UfalaU** I'ml , Raali Vailfara* ta fa- Yoi aiKid. from (o-orrl*. Sratrt - Hutuni'r llanU a Si.iul*' Trrm for (far PraMi-vi. 01 Ira I Alcan Sarriid. Srlbodlnt |tt,bop llalcr D)inc. InterefatiuK lorrlci Nr»». see NOON DIBPATCHEB - Wuxuutoii. OwMstwr 1$ The rteuala u discnasiog the Chicago appro(>naUon lu lb* House CoX lutmdoced a bill to re •trtet tbs sale of pobttc lao t* in l> aiaiaaa. Arkansas. Florida, Alabama, and Miam*aippt Myer* lutrrduc. and a bill Axing the tax on to bacco at 16 cents NEW YOltK. New i’liXX. iN-ecmber 12. The small pot i» apr.lading il Jersey City, iioboken. Newark aud l'raiiioo. At a auettog of the Federal CemmaaJ of In leruationa>« )*•! night, the Cnspiu, Typo- ' graphical and Jeweler*' Union* affilialed with them aad became part of the lotexaa- ItoßaL Wm. ihmat Laving saved hi* wife aad seven children from his burning house, par:shed with the eighth child Wm M Tweed has sold the Metropolitan Hotel to a couple of railroad ticket agents. Aa erder has beeu sent to Loglaud for the arrest of John tl Heexxan. charged with being conueoted aith the voucher robbery. hmell pox reports from Brooklyn are un favolatile Small pox is sprealuig m ail UJ recti one. NEBRASKA. Ofcrtn4. December 19. —Paeifle trains move slowly They are from 48 to 90 hour* behind time CUBA. Havana. Decamb<r l'J <Jaar*Dtjn* o* ves sel* from Gernasoy b M Im. mti.l. FRANCE. l*AXia. tveceoitker 19. —ln the Assembly to- | day there waa a heated dieruaaion ou tbe qocetiou of crating the t>rl*an* Lriocea. DeejardtiM movrd that the Orleans I’rißSßi lie restored to all their rights. 1 Thi* motion wae violently opt> wed by tka deputies of the left, but fiaallY a *' •*+*» *NfT-n «><.„» an advice or nwrjxvaaibitty passed with but two dissenting vote* ENCLAND. I»VOON, lieoember 19 - The rnuce of W ales i« coo valractug rapidly He wfll proba bly be out in three or four day* EVENING DISPATCHES. WASHINGTON. WaabINOTON, I>eoember I'J The Seriate confirtusd tba lotto wing tuna mail v>n» Tor hart. Consul General to Havana. Wood. Aa aeaaor First Texas District Thera was a full Cabinet to-day, except Do tami The following nomination* were made to day Wb U. God«lard. Judge Kae4ero Texa* Circuit, James F. Ifturer, Collector 1 irth (HN*rgia District. Reuyußiu F. Ball CodecUm rimt Georgia District. Tha royioei af the Civil Kerviae CuiAOua mon«r gives the Preside:!t alwolute pt'wrr to remove oft oar*. Vnaancfte* L> be filled Ii cnoftpebtive examiualiona, o|*eu t > alf. who u*net enter the la seat grade. Promotions moat be mad* from the lower grade* by ooxnpeiibve axsmiuation* Tbe IhfoSKieot approve* tbe report, whloh will go into effect January I. INTI The Chief Justice annouoocd to the bar that the opftßftooe ia Mm lagil land, r >-aeee would be read at an (tody day, altar th- re.- that tha dalivtry of the aptatoa* ha<l Lean : postponed at the re|UMl of tha miaom y Iu tbe House, the OWWMMttee tm Ranking and t-urrency war* d.rectod to taffum* into th. recent bank fail are* ia Maw York A tall wae passed making addition .. aijwo pnation for in* Ku Klmx Ooaamitt m- making the total nppropiattoqi fbr that purpose tv data, exclnaive of printing, tilty : a* thou sand dollar* Labor and edaoaboa ware dtaroaaeJ. and the House adjooratsL In the Heoale, a UU waa paaaad with au amendment, appropriating four tuillirttn for ! Chicago The t.ommittee on Hetrwuchmic.t wa* ordered to investigate the general order of; Luaiueeft at New York. AroendaMMNß Ware offered and a 1 >pird cov •hop Ih, vtMfa poMltofa ohi—r.v ol ill* UafaMfa Hum. iad tfa eofafa«atioß with ih« , fate mNMM fa S#» Vwfa. Tfa v-if •» ymmtt.mmsmmmm. hunt (faTr aim. Uml fa* ««ul.{ >t »n «lrij Iu Intel (fall » jotat t**ol*llML n»tr i.-t- Isa, lfa»Tntelmy te np> Uru. »H«4 *f o«.i«te, m *«IM. Ujteltet NEW* YORK. New York. Deaeaftber Is.- Wirt Bykc* mar lied Olive Logan. The gTand jury has indicted Hank Smith. lie publican, and James M Sweeny tor nog fra aba. Anaim*. Itaoetaber It.—Tha rafK'rted sick oeaea of besrard ie an Goa NEW HAMPSHIRE. Oowoofitx, December It. -Rev Ovwsn C ' Baker, Htahop of tbe Meibadtat E|'*cojal , t'hnrcb, ta dying. RENNMYLVANIA. liiuoanu. Dacanaber 19. Th* Fourth National llauk ha* been placed in the hands of the Receiver It ia thought that th* de ;Halts, which are fffffilX(MMV will be paid, hot the stock and surplus funds have vanished KENTUCKY. r*,a*»M.T. PurMfai in. tfai UtCnmry vbom SfapfaMonbaamte hw (mml d.'» i ! nited to umcml IMtm la fa* l nlte 1 State, I SatM. by , Dim infar te, c, NKBJIAIKA. Oiiftßft. Dacamhar IK -The wtarui* on the CIMOIA. Iteteu. Dtetefai 14 —Tfa, fa tell o, Inr te fall fa, aa»faiM I ten, te Haifa • ten (tea *M tfaa uteiim wrrn fated ta (teor (fa Ofay 1000 Wa ten potted ta Wafa fated Mtety. m In Juate M Haifa, m fa. gftr^Lrcite^tra te ifa- fate, a- Hte-x «, I. It. i tefa faaateat. Ha I. te iihm «. .n tfa* *•»«* fate, fa- - ten fte.te te «te te.M MtMIQHT 01SPITCMI! W AOHINCTON Vtaaie• - -• laww-Ui t Tl * I .. .... t * ftßfiNr* nek tm *4 ' u %m ts% - «** tnp ♦ the tin: #•#%. ♦ Ia i#e i * • im* r«wtadeei • oataw 11-..» i«weia«..fooa »•» the* are M L.fal t.f B.*a aad mat m f wofftl t< <1 I t Lio •*- W. »* M* rmm •* ' foef>t* S parte saw tb vs Vd nf j rtr IT MUr-Hft \ *h*v and a*AS to? mj l ft* v- wu. Is* ••* !**«.**•• t» a. «*lt; o*l a# r-ft'OM m n ; fliTtisNiMMio TUarr*..!. .Ur * | Vt#f *h* t. Waa If b4*| stuff. > *. foßlfftl ».» ’ Ifasaae a*4ls Ma*. he* ifi ’v. 1 n»«C keaet lw yead «Ms •--• •• • • ratinwt| uana hj rher *«*tbH \ dulnHaifaw «I.ftah i waa Indtaßted *• rxietiog M Modal afi v -a to Ihmmyrb Hf*(«'kj u-.rth b■ r ..- a*> p» -It a* 1 • rap. ! ewf ir**m r«R»*«Mr« io Mi t-igna and hew | f fig land. wb«W* It I* atlil an wing lT.a l»Bu , ■ ter*torw f«..«,till>i#w very lew so i taiiirg fn m ] lwwa aund 2 to Vt yucuiug lb# ► , port* frvoft CaliibfYUft rv>«.»« 1 U dev i!.«« • arversl *U>vbi* praiaiird tt oo %1 m hoy hut have new Lae riawG rapidly at (L« 1L ky M antair. *U | tnnM as far a* baaed from ’ I’x*•** ftiunr* The duturbanea na th Pa-I i nfis IHW4 wiii fNrehahiy pass uunu n »i i Muftith* sod fcuilfaf lornonHM *fa<i n- > leoiprraiure will prws'u * u Wedneaday ta U.> Ko- xy kfoontaiua The high harun.* rt a rth of Minaouri will m*r m«t with di mini*bed , (Mtosaure. and co*d UwrtLwcst w t n4* vg* nf the A(iaiachiao range Cloudy weather with] wvavrly winds will prw* ( ; v.ry gm*-r*!H .n * Witaineadsy akxig th»- Atlantic' c-a-t ('-ask winds from North CWohu* to M%rylsa 1 j Navigbtb’i! twiog closed uj- n tl < Ui>*. tha | diaplay of raatiouary flftgnaie will U ik;«il 1 at the Lake forts lanng the winter ILLINOIS. Chu ai* l . Ikvcem)*vr 10 Tt* *tna!l pr x u incrussiiig It i* mostly ach&cg the tt&xi -o»nu. FRANCE. Faiu-h DcceniLr 19 Duke D’Atxmalo s*. 1 * Ihinc -' I>e Joii.riUe Um k their scats ia the! Geoeral Assembly l*> day. Tltil ftj .nifif r ft i created no tc the body ▲ Lul has Lx a iutro.!uc**,l providing for tbe j release of all (’ommoniat pne .m who Uc.d ne rank. ENCLAND. LoxiteiM. December IU. —The pr*«* cf th* oily ftbow much anuety over ID.- largely m- . cnaA-l itnmtgr**aon of wi rkui«>a t>> the i’tu- j led States, and recommend retard**! mr**- « area Ut ftFKffol l. (Uml AMvtee—Let Uoe %All. IH Prelit h y It. | We clip the folio a ing from the w York Home Journal Dyspeptic* fthoUld avoid tha following er rors 1. They should not weaken the <4 j fftawatiwii by giving them too kata e to dui ' Tl digveLv* organa are largely Os mnsoles. and srw suppitahl freely with 1 system, an l tbe brain sud »p»ual c.-rd, aad ia their ex< r -« On should l»e g v. road hy the asm * law-* as the muscular *y*t.-m to feaovst. 1(. fore, tbe eUimsch be not sappl: ! with I l •afftac-ai* to give it needful ewplc neut it beoatui * del by, Uk# ft* am that bas I mi Ued to s sling *»r s log that hs« lw n taster) ! .; in a Iractur- box A radio* n.-uk* with} dyapepit.'s is L- make their * *k dig o-tixe i •" rgs»'( still waak«-» Ly gyring n: t.*o iu-. rest. The tsLie* cf Dr iWauu. ni. uk *iug \ tha reist ' i feta different article* of i. bA»e *r (i k -ht much evil in van m* way*, anpect*: v to Iv,p. pt. who are prone to a iect fr >m the list Lh •»< sr Deles which are most rspi liy ml.• chyme In the stomach ru.rvi- r. n»eu Lav. tnni to live on hoe, rs* *vo*. sod other com|i*ratively mn iln i Ja »ut*otA' oea, which. 1 1 according 1« Beanmont. reTTAir>e<d in th acb of VU:u. ou wham he . - tieMUai, only alxvut One henr « r one hour »t>,f * half A mCKUI lart. sud stid tn <T V aer; u* vt living on Xv‘ 1 that ia in s «.-rv *L rt ume. i* thst the body In*c -mlvi lly * 'ar liLed. snd crewv weaker, snd *.h»e w.ta»k-:e«» i reacts ou tho digreUT# « and msk.-s them still more incapable ol ft: rarug :h. funcUoaa. 1. They ahoald not allow the aL mach t > . long eciptv Tht ir moiL> should be L> • .u.i* ami es: if necessary, (our or five Uuies s day , bat si ’ no time t * load the delicate t rv*n» vrub s bir den that they cannot bear Tbe l*w t* ilk*i Ita **ftb: lid Burt I4f) T 4 the Ii» h* 1 l..*i. the Icve able he is to boar, aud it t« the weak sud nervous sDo ar* tu -frit, rto i to ta*!. To go ov. r * uiosl i* a Usd j-uxey :«>r dyapaptses ui thu generst. *o h ■» » r c * »and , lh# troatuirut uiay have be#u f- r tl.e , m> of tb*- naid.lij sgea. f A Ther »h>old not o-mfin# ttattwlv-*- * » •Xrlasivalj ONua# aud lo ftcuivj Lshl Next to not at all, or »-uug too lilt ■ is th# cmel habit of living on brsn brwad gr:;*. and fruits, iu order tr* care tb« consUpaD a that is ao often aas-sriGe 1 *uh i tVvnwupsuoa is s result of laAigeal cn s*. ! ’ ill health in general, far more than it i» cause. If the health every way be col. a 1 ■ tii# .Ugftsti wi what it *h >al l b>, tb * will take car- of themsalvs*. With on. * res- I s.vnable sad anvorying stteutiou U> ibc rc llsr ' performance of their funcii nv A great oh|ccDon to urn of th o*n iood that ili*|m ptic* so fJtwa tak# is ihst it t* urpalatahie which i« objection enougf. . but. more than ,i* Oftentimes hard of j in dig wst! ou that it overtasks th« feel!# stom ach. and mskss tb# whole process of as.*.mi Istion still m >re faulty, and wo aggravate* the very constipation it wav designed t ' care. j i ll a dreary busioea.- to take food as modi- ■ cine. The notion that coarwe fbod, gnta, etc., are so much more nuiriciotu than fine flour, j J which has beeu so industriously cirvulsted by writer*. t« s# untrue ss it to wi«i«U beak ved 4 They should not ever »i«rrtfa< t rain or i muscle long a* the orgsrs of digewtion are uuable to ftaiia,UU a fair quantity of cutri- J meat. liHctUan totrlo In Kg) pi. Os late 14n kix l«:aui Lava £AI i«sl an um&b<« Dv>ion« ty far ailnuatr%s irarel It t» a (vinucrt to cfervuicU that. efcemer they ■ do rueU*x in wL*l cun# Ibov doi lb#y an» rrowYAti wiiii iuaiLc.l eoartrar. And I aa the PfprwwnUtTf of a fTvat, jv w«*rfui. aq.l fro* iuUoa A o.'rro«; v>rui»>ot of tb* lleraLi. writing (ram ut« that lb* Übrel ttorpity iu li.* Un i i'l tbe l uAr*- !.« t» U-# }iwacßo» oi foarlmc «>>UD£ AiornoAn kdmk. wbo ir« mekiotr at* jr ('I U*r world | Par AA.t i'lm«ur> Th<-j ira ao- ! by oomwtiMit suardiAn*. \irvAJv Kata fttey vieitoJ Engbuid. Ireland. SrotlAud. KrADoe. ii««MaT. And Italy. mi 1 now lh**t appear in JhffrpA •* r*m:e etui further NmC The Kjnparor of itruil who te a two in tb« iHifdl n« prwwl, rwfud tbwrv. gTATAoOAIy. And. by a *tra coincide©** s>«-t | thorn Adv*ot*r—otsa deu*tUar» wf Colombia j baa—th Ibe sbid-'e o# th* l'T.-ea L Dawson Sheriff's Sale. I I'ftHAuiA. Ba«» M W wee he \ 1 Awe te Oen Maw doer. a Uk Wwe | !«* eaeetda term a Mm mm! h *ere M an.*. ta. re low mg |ia ee. Lea a mm nel»n ,<na« «|hi kt»4rM w 4 eighty and ,4*l Mg** It*«n4 and a—My «a a ia AAA «ma> <tau>A mm Am ■ ae Ia teem «mmt u»a «m ia p*mru ■*# a» : Jem ia Om a emf* it A 111 1 te— [«•«« aw I Arm cm a Ibeur a tiiinge tk Wot- U 4 ■ r !Wl e Maw.i - rwymi paM a— by da a tut omiir it. mb i I Mftvl H»»ktnu T4TTM te-rtft. i ivi nru*T rTmwr cla— mm mu uns J *\ r-'d aerw wr eurt rniwl A* k—ft a 4 l»V KKTtaRBBJIIX tr, rx j -SL-str “ 3r - -1 U. W. AD.UK. AaCfetaßeer. I I Km Hmh iti *tel im (tew. Ite. Itantef, *lte Itefate. te »« Ote*. » a. J <ta»Rte STUB *» •• r*a.fato«te f mm fate. >-<*.« a W S S KENDRICK A SON ■or RI*OTKP tITIUU urw Asa-we - '.as W i Mfieii •aT aa4 ms mm sew rmym* tat rfiax'i a sou Ul>« MARALta in iMftfaM ft m A B Rfafav rfosir* IS B#Si B—sto YS fate x: ntafisarw leis, im*4 • fwn <w to* w*i m • . B mrrmf soar Ufa* Si oß«ta XNS*| Mil* ’«* • t*V ‘ 'WfafaOfa *| 14 te’eSsr* sow fa*««r » wfa fr-** ■- Siagwfo tarw fa tW«A—* TYfa RM'< • ia ftfa* i fa Uhsi i**slMy R*s MU ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. ALL RAIL liMp tasasfor *< Metal i , PASSEXGERN SX>R M ONTti OMERY, Selma, Mobile, and Tuscaloosa, Ala , 31 i: It IDIA3 ,j iaclte*. (,reaala, TW-ifaant, OfcaU ■t, aa4 Cariatk. 1U... NEW ORLEANS, Shreveport. Monroe, I .u., I .letlei-Non , Uatveatop, 1 a fat *u r-weu is l«us a ml StasCtom sfaJ Gissmi LEW ING ATLLYTA TIICE DULY *i * *3 9 rmr%. a k . fata ta Ttafttaaoi. r u , vis ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD * >o*A* 4.. art tH*tofat»ar,4 wtOR Ufa Sbuvi *#fatal . plscr-* Trs. »• -ua tKr -agfi to Senior | rry. ttbe*t rhsaw* 91 M3 Wiles Shorter TY tgofatery. W >ftaV. sad Jfo ttsa BJw# , M ttataß «VU k.B««aK> Sfal 8.-OIV 288 MILES SHORTER Tb»r) ‘<r rvi»ti3->vA Gvanl Jaaoufa sal Conn Ik. : t New virlwsa* sai Gsftvwoftoa 357 MILES SHORTER T ivarwi ■> rt so 4 ftwJVr*xx, Taiss. Uhas #7 CYistts | is ’•»>.» sad M inpais, svosAtotf IU mi to* Yt •«.**.iv- i-vcr fassfa^fattog raMexjYni Lcuiiug Atlanta a: Torn • .i smv* .* u< Ui fa. tw.» am u t tsc faj*sis* osrt-vr tosa ns Biw* U*w* ts.e k Jla. IVvnrer* Icsiinc Atlanta At ft fafi. 4 fa. WUI srrlta* iS M'fa4R-m*rv si MG w h wr ul twwuur-ftm fasnM* esrtwc tasa U. - M -onu.a fcute I‘iwijrrn Leaving Atlanta At A) < -tosh. r. te . will smvw ta Colftfatxto si 4IS 47 MILES SHORTER rbsa sayr -«w u> Rolfas. Marvilsa. Atoo* ss 1 V Ustfai Dwt MtfatM* *fa i ft# Ihtccaxfvwt at putadfarv tore ssJ .Ulal V' to tormissi ;» isto S#“ r»m *■ tow m mv xhfa rowfts TXr»»ftg* u. 4- u for Wfata si tUw 4 tSe ttasaral TvcSwt t|- into- rikw |-Mtata<te in AUtota v - * I falto lI.GU sos the Siv^fatafaAt* t.A«a at torrtMN wJ ttoiiwa. si rtoaital rafts* 1 . F. SMipX n j not nrem, bv*-i P4«w*pr Agx Ssc fait («. W. .11).UK. Auctioneer.! 30 UtMIttKXIK IO VV \i • tpvtsiut m at t ocuat r « ro«T : TV pueat on Tth 14. om axvwi «Aay *elk*r t eil a*fl .xw th* pria-wee. «• w feiadf. th juth a l*vgmtw*. el I • <*» | a D« lAnee. THtHTY MIM mKMIDCMTC LOTA. oe lh* • rwi • 4<* •V* M ,*aci*l MIWI. a after! <ll—a in ewtii a L. r W •?*' jdnx*. TA« KWe ta vML and are xntr.ta bwa Dm at hwnMrwd yerda ot Um awl hati r-nf Ifae-A Ham WwM wHA Mm pr-.Ulaye «i (Me at nine omi I Aeaw earn—l grael hm-gaia* •Ah* « as— 1 gp»' oe lend A ait A*- lAi- alar Ihte. ac t AvA w! fur rmat AaTT -aah, Ueea ia three na elAa. with tetarwwl O. W At' el A. Ac* 1 Ait Aee. Imm« Agree l iytilkAUM for INauweg. ( r^' A A Aw». a gOOTyrr view. JAI " titieni leAree. lea a ee«4 ri—ly h xiwl reg*- r*w>m O' »•> At their pMinw Aely IM ae4 mAwI 4re r>| u* Rt* Mkw tee* ttty Aeaw fAUy aMamaiw arert ei.l eeaaTv TA#ee gra. Miwrwgure. A> <»»• aU .vWkrwreeM. hinvlred eed iwi4»u«re a ea*d ew- I Ala a Ae M i aggMer el AJ oMAw «A *Ae Am M oeAa« (u. ter A. WTA. 19 I*> ’ *- a. Am m 4 »Aw-w W> • S->w .-ewer if u> lA«* .me l alt mm 4 etwliaalm ■ .WU . . to n.u. totorM <toa M.. klmisisM 1 toto. Tkia Itotobtof «. k>:.. j~ i] •to. itoTixL nmn. ombhct THE CHRISTIAN CRUCIBLE. a itii-iutmu I Kri.HIIOISur LITULIKT JOI RMI. MACON. O -A. . I l t ». ssmisws. aiw a»a r I Tw. tMWr* F*r Aram, ta leun. Tm l iyta fcr 111 W. I fc I to It. utto liltatai *f M, Mi ft.eie»taer»u. i 4 •* Ae VAe imm a the th ■ i lagi ■ I Mweee wtU Ae MM mm 4 a tel ■■ «D■»« a tAe (At a TmCTI «e 4 KUtOR aAAr.- i«. l r v tmm I HgMtf Awea^ia EItIMANS, ('lnthicr* and Tiiilem, ran rt 4 »ii w!fo« 1 ta* ’«* •fa* Sfafa fa fa—te • Ia 1* »•» • tm tow *M| 'Jfa* tafaft a*’* iw- Sota-t fa (to e«# •ft «ea*i#«* lu Re# ft #• “fa !••*•> • 1 fI • • la 4r>ta • * « ft ft*. •• •• •#»«*. •• Ila file ft* m* •#a» *l *ltftf** ••a vary ta yv Id fey Irttft •*•«• Iram Aiftfa tl*. #v*ft*aaift#f wfY wrato fate* ftWtaMV >wfa to ta $» 6av *M ta W ...» fafato fa mm | ■ fa*Ri Baa. fata# fata ftrwto •I • Ufa ta* fa** fttoS* fa owdta fafa to* tofa»ed Itofa Isa »•*• < to *Rfaivi < Write** 11 • i (teas • r *fav wwto* kMfa ta #»•4* toa. IwtorS was to wtofa fa to""t'ta-* # WftArS Iv fa|t- fifay Sara- 1 WVfa mwrymmms mmywimmm Is for Vfcte* to*i afafcwas »*ta rwa wui ta# ftfa: fatal aU tote fatal teteMUM kfa tel*-l fa *2 ft*«ta 4 fay atatawn Stotfate . a w• a I** *Tt 'faftiM fa s#afa fat* at•hT • « * >ii ■* Mfo fctafa Vtii ta Stall— • ■ r wVff • svw WR Ufa* Mi atotawy ■far fa fafafti fw fttataCitaß. w* ftatete fa ftfa* psrtte u Isr pa.u* Utfttaft ttw* ta tor fall es much Ia ■ far rnwifci ta Si. tote* tod • *r*st« ss! fwsir Itote < a a * * i foil « o ft# •!«•—# wfaft star —ft ■ •ft faf. e»tote. sa 4 fosfttejfasftto 4—U-C t EItEIO A DUO. AIMiIUXKE’H HA EE. BT rtif ta *n *>4*r faSRi J by U« hnwrahW u« Called toitalfaft, tor Um Xorlftara District ta ■ toaegto. wtß ft* fated AT PUBLIC OUTCBY, OS TOBEUIAT. Seo.mber «7, 1671. COIOIXXCUIfa AI Ift O'CLOCK. ***!> ■sTr^ij) tefaH Ufa KuabL Bsaste. ta Anaato. Gs tftte taa •rw fan* fc ta foofa* us we. a« la part us Hats < tpa. Trunks Furs, ( ukittUk Bftftts hhepft. Ac. Sais ft* fafataaa* trrma rtsy w> isy «Btil cQ is cl —4 •at Bata a* to* fropfrty ta Rfaaso— ft iftataw, faßtrwiU. Tmw* eata TV* Ufa ta Jay t Dacrm ftfa. wri YOAfl B. rOVUUL Am IAM Nft-SY >**.#«—■ FOB MALE, TWO UNIMPROVED DOTS OS MtDOXOUOH STHMMT. on n ua ran rwujrr «t Mi mr nwe. i —, 4, im *oirn wrlote. faooo. ANY; 14 Ftei kit*} ta the mr te b*U Ufa APPLY AT THIS OrriCK. •M UC THE BEST rtMDII il> OF THE S4I. qnat okbat imu-u grtiriun. *»!• I and by tfc. UmH fc«it it- rttifcM tirMi. t>. Tort, ti Ifcfcl MttlK t&r (tor, >■- UM ■Tfc. liatarii Tfc. Iml. 4<tii r!y IU riteta. Tftte wWWlVfafateT to* iw w Tto UnLte, sfusrter'T tovvwv paUsftw*! rttotaory April. Jaly Or Sifter toft B?fa A wo»! • Eaiaburxft Mssaenr A too | ta—ifa ta tftte wifi as! ) HMfate Meta » mm cm w Minn 1 r<w asy ou# Rwwtew pMimnnu:. : Tow toy two ft** .evi . . T 00 For any tor— H*n*w« 10 «> i raw toy Iwar Bwvniw* IX 00 f X toclvjod • XfaM.D • *0 Fw BftatawcfaU toJ iw tov eww to A) rw Rftsrftw in* I tod torw.v Dew* IS «0 | For ltol«otafaJtfc«lfar tovuw* U M IMtor twu faQfa • Saab*- t- ft* preps: • by to* ' gtoftr « tote taM ta ftfawr? A dwrooßl ta twaaty pwr —t will ft# toowd te I eftaft# ta Saar or pf—i Ifta# soar <vp*ea ta t Hfa-kwutel fa fa fate k#vv*w Wirt tow teasl A n— srt | Am— f r sll «V turn yu* ta tto tear fievww* tod Ifo-tvcbd sow t** aad •• to. Tte teftabw fa l#a fa fafafa VS faftl:faua ft* tto sftw— Atfa-fcfaav • copy frau* will to siiewort to tto avtarr up ta tto fa aft Hiißinft. New —fterrifttera for tto mar IS7I fasr tow v th •at ftsf i. tto aafator* tfa tto I—4 «osr—c ta u*Tl ta ■soft porttedi ■l* tfttey fa*y ftwrnft# Aw. \W i Hill ta tto *ft#w>. sww HbsTibwi ft) say twvt. toms, iv ft*sr ta tto shorn yirltakali. ms* have w 111 *ii■■ oa« af to* -YYfar Itoner* for IST 1. mi ■ tern torn to sB ft** mmf ftsm two ta tto “f-ter Bfa r www for IftTl. la to fas total”*, ut— tto fafary .• r.5..tt0.l 4. | r—t to tto paftftstors Bo** osa to girmn fa Gafts. Tw *#e*m pmetfawM. it w« to »>. ‘•mry to ®sk» —rtv arpn-wSM* m tto •*•> * tviffti* for tost par | *T*r.‘aisrw with farttor partfa~sMrs ntsy to had oa mtotMA TUB LBt'NABD BOOTT PCHMDIO CO.. left roitoa luwt *rw V rt Tto Lsoasrd (total PahiMhtad 00. also pnbbsrt to# rtrart • Gwta* to Br>wsnto ato rr*tak>al AgWfaUam Hv UAO (Wpft.Ste. r E. a l.4ioftar*N. 4;,A tto Mi* J T a—a. fmftfa f ta St isetifo Agrtefalftsm tc Ysl* - rlifa-r Nww Ustwr. Two vv— Ifa-yai < V**ro 1 'flu pag— snrt i»m*p*a» •Rgraeißga Yrtos fr by umul. pota t—A. p N E W ROUTE TV) ■•MO. S*w Orl*uis fki»korv, ui TfT»». BLUE MOUNTADf ROUTE tia % IKLMt. ROHE aa DtLTOV H ULHOAD axd m oo»**mo:ta T>t«nORJU teatAg A Meat* by «Ae « e. a £ ftrtwa a WiMm tel iUMto leimt. hma« el Ami !« a. w eiliftg ewe aitt FIAT KXFABM TEtD of Alei, Reen« end Dallue Aeliroed. a AAi 4 110 r u . ml aieliiutf etwee nnnini with hrwift a All Aw OfteMei Ke*> mt onrtag M lAwrvliee. « a. • . Jetem. 11 a a. A. VhM»ur|, tit r. ■ ate.', ea km ctea exeuMCtloe el 'linn with trace* ot Month and Vortl AlaheeM BetAswl. mtitiv M M atgewry t 10 r. V . MobtW. Ttt ». A. Mww OrtiMi. I A r ■ TA. rM te tee recently and tAa (gftipea ta eot anry— ■ < by aaj u* tAw Aoeth lor Mr ii eg th and bweety M Ante We a aera > 4wue Rctw and AM me. - petarw ('era rwa tArwngA Area Aaaea rm P iU aa LOW «byay OTHER ROLTR. m hir Ml Aea He Aiftteie a Aensaei TVRM aArw. oralAi A l. ItetaJ Hone JOH9 B. WCT Onwtl teaggw Agrnt B. (1 BtR’VET (Wftwti Ai| ifAlMAigt A. V muoma Lwel IgMl. Rn g BhMAeM Boner «eg> lAUtoi THE REAL. KSTATK TRUST COMPANY | i«to« Hi Tr—fti ter U* Umtanl •f Im*j ta «*•! *r IVrwul rrw*rtj t Fw fto oNt Htorto. to*aHta W toto.- which MAT At 'Awchnd o«1 at rienr* Lw rmt. m. *. y "* Aeta ar A* Pul £7“ L>nUK'T\>AJ» ▼ K cnprpqKHt_l»riMliht TBaH. A DATtW. mA Aeteeftß. JeaawaA Thow, Jot A liAiAl. tagseM T Meywr Ate K Vwn D. ■ KaeAftar. I til iiehaem. AebaM AaAeU. lln W Dttwwo. I.rtte Aewe. A. T tUw. (X C. AhAlvtA. W T. MoA rat Kdwta I Mnto WILLIAM L. KLT A MAiy ■em-la NO ntfWOB aUTBAIAX 1 MAl> AT TU ILf HU Reel te AeA ftlliag Mwwae. WoUID. no Ilut TBKIB iniYt* rrn teaM M te WWW BAA Beni ae4 AwA hte . >ntoiK jfc/tw rNIIUHiIAAII AMB MAhSTR AI hi I Nl' LUfLMH U) . r'4 < *WiM ! * (3Qc*V« >o n «,r*Ml<te Bitet U’luMJtAo f nitn» m Hn «mi »hk tea Ml tW and tel te te Aw > ot i c i:. aA»4 *weA. par MAtaateMf Ate th te Tteym < Lee A* Mwnr eg a» tAa te HI- af n—gflA teta« tAa Mnuagi a <A* OWBre a*4 AOmU* BnMr e-l ; Mite la po.Maa>a aMA Mte * *' han't r-m rrgrm, tWi ted’' tea TV an»ar * j wAftW 'dhftWft aeM Maahrm ate AAMe > ■ MDte eheM eat pny m any ate Me eßtea f «M rued mho hA| ate paraigM WW ten g A» ha MAr»tw *f an .1 mad. -w M aaj pweti it Bufuft B BelArtk lan* Oeear»-ir e« vtivnAeenr* i Hnt taha thft ater* a Bad rend V fto eny Ate-r Wli. anU qpee tAa aha Imua ta i■» Am atevra an i a tAa WftwherA a&4 Aflaet.- Beilrued taa wwtAHy, aed i—inf V texa UM a Mery ta) An* hr* te Ham Af abawa «a Ml Peewti an. TW eiteg a the AngAftg MAAIa H uar UM Um ii i—i eteiiift lUy tie aaa otears te agate ere te te teaghm 4te AAIUB M. AHUM. Vil« a U>« boon a lipiMtetitn i. D. VibUILL 1 (Ark ate Bote a BepaneateMt . k I TBABMILU Btetega teaiAH X* If. KZLU BacrafAry ate Sanatr Approrwit BtliUßt OOBUKY. Qiwwot uaounvi DBivumiT ArLejrra. Oa.. Voraaiber W. UTI. T B. r Atilten. teragery ate Bactea Da pence rtn. dn hereby certify, that te ft rAgeag and wuAia. ta a traa te carrwa aopy a pAaeed t j Um oam«xal leuahj •« Hg|WiMAttenoi. and Afppean 4 by te Ooeurmot. R. H. ATKWOS. IrnAry Lucmn DepArtoaaL rr vTr Tvunxn a t otvkx. Iruert «* . B ». im TV ft/ Left '-JRrtrr* end Apraft in Amiera «mU (Ar WVafer* and ii enfi ladNel Bdm Ia ?renpinna wttb te ftinfiiMg NMhrttoAt pate by both B.tee. te apruta Ay Ut: Qbte dor. it beooaa aj duty to detAte a you jffP ff- BMbi ia te Xhaeenvwr a tha State ate banooft rteiir e> 1a yonr hand* bw. te aareiepa aT teJßlte te HMenn lute I whdat 1a poatetetfte Bite Aea 1 ace Armani 1.4 aaefe and ad d£j»< te Ate ->A<nrt axel ir»a « U» «>*» Um _ Boa tei! A. L AAOIBM. Bhaaa Ta^Sp. > o r i c Bk A S COhIEJUN aUm CnmeUttre Ag«pai»i|te te A vmigewi ia« (a-mrea .-r uafhlrtMMM a teflte o/tbft Waftn and Atßaaßt MaAte.nd by «he RMtee. amor aC Una ten. 1 tb« eater thin MUawted lo tL Ki U*> IU Wertn*w t*j le Jaoaary I*7l. at ii M. la Um CMpltel AlO 1 ug ta th* ma atm sty igUalftMhft tenate All yrnma Aaatrt— to * lAU«rU*anh>aeA«n , miitwa. and e. b« hate Mur. it, are AareAy a«tia*d le> tn thee te Umt» praeant Aar pera« .brain na ft. i )-aneni.Mi with me an thta meMrw ha te Aral 1 VademUy te Janeery. l*n. aaa de ao Ay late 4t r i ml ft* WfteiiiegUtat. ua. IwanbacAlm. W. M. RIHt. OAetrVAan I Awn Or>na>K»Uon BAu Ttegweyh and Jtenian^• IViwdnanlAT JS ten nary. l**i- dec 10-Ul U. S. MARSHAL’S SALE | T WLW.II and ts «irtnw ot a »rU o< Pan te taa. iaeaed 1 oat af the Kv-noraAle. tha Dltertrt Omv* b# th* T'nlhtal Atetea 't th# N Itert of teftua. n fa» >T .4 Uj- I’ tuulU. dareh { Uk u-rk a to. lift w— h. to •*- tank taa. >to ilfttok ■•■ •»• Mtoln.lllt C. * !■■■- I k»to >rrto>«*M. tolto |M|lia »«—Wtoto. . . ruto. to Itot Utot ft toft. town. UU| k»4 ft ft. cftißU ft cirtok kftl *to» ft (taftMto Uft nl.n ft UkO. «toft —toftto *»■""; W»-lr>'. i—ft. Utoft Mto. Fftktok »111 i*tonjc *^L— by A. t Daenag to BnatrovUte 0. Taßba. Ay daed. dated hth July Mte Alan te te ot tend. Ml—M. lyttte and teutg la Um eenagy adllteate Mate 4lJi—l. WU4 OM and feme Cvweft. .wehaiet— three tho—and acre*. Ain.s ail Ibeea te* h— ta te may mt CAM- and aewn ot iihm t hmowe in Thenai may aoetbera ta and te. —nim— *a oomA ana, three aeaea ana rod and twanty-eiee p itea. ted win mil the aaru« at petdlr anrteon, ah tea Ooert H ue mte Oty ot Atter— i—y ot Itetepti and AAte etfteicytet Uta Flrat Taaedny IM IheawnaWr neat. betarvwa the lawful bawre .4 Ala I*T»*gw»ty {wen had rmt by .j«Hi ate are ay lute at llteelte teueguk- MR Orftter. l*Tl WILLIAM K SMYTH. MUtw onteadHAte»Mntel. Pnneipa O'*” 'O' W - tt.. Ctaetaflsli. 0. TtotoU liinkli WBktatakiii 1 L. D. SINE'S KM. kITKKXTA (UUXA Annual Distribution, TANARUS» to B*»kr» Htotar. >w—7 tta an gIiOO.AOO OO! I 4 VAW7ABLB GW *TBI th hoi unm rmc SIO,OOO nt tIfBRICAJt OOLO ! SIO,OOO Ci AkOEBICUTSILVIB ;::rrL~|;MHN«Mi - ; r '^ iJZSTm'ZLSWSX Fito FftTtatemt IW Wort* ■ rufti/tatoto nwitoiL ttam Rtatork i v» CftO-ft Sftr- totoX n Oil. *ta, <• ftO I toft.; ftftTT*. ■»■ I Qtoto. Ft HiywyA AJAnmi. liavAf. tehTteW te 1 fete af Ullte I Tlihm U-teSla »M.tes| *wft»««tatoto*wearn «* «*•■ m-fti M X»*T.toft. », a> titoft. sm, T~ift )'*wl UO.V I« * « n n Mxs, i.rro. cttJLkT f*» s•* n* kmAM LtSftJVSSafcg ” pkj'TCTu. ta g*wma ft •• m am | Bren • teawwe maata, t—w*g ta