Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 21, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DAILY NKW ERA. VOIAJMK VIL, 90. H. BUIUW IHKJBJTOfn *" juum Sib' V|nm». A L 'JZ. ' .■* iJgSigjßraS -»«-*■««• WMnHMPMi ■*•» vbw iinmxaoTH wiTmjrii*. "•("■to, NMHW, *MMH» THX ▲MJUUCOJf”FOJWOiH Bggj&i ßffiasfFjFs £?L’7LZ£IZJ “«/ mth ram. hew roxx oMfim. •nm»» ■oiu.a.Voa.»t m BrttTii. * ■ >iui aorta*' mi. WIMIfIIB W»*»ou> Bumian k«m ggf&sraaurafflirag rite rtfttete. «0_ rtMk S„ ;l *n»n»«««li« r*ri.M 111 te ****** **■> *<* •FT*~YVf* (taftf-iatl “SSL’ST’ -ETaM •“■ wot*. IMU. mm ratjj* ssasaMflawsS ~ —; *■- i, PETEir jgNgfftfflgg^^rS SL^syg^gAS- vl MIH Bloomington ITuraery. HI. i> t. tus IS* 10 *» ImWUftl *H wIM H* ,1 mflTCrSlSrSftr*<*a»> *rafta W“ Ofr7wkie tKk^iSruan^jli^ aABT* i*- •oafttwßCßWU—i Adfftft tiwfli ■mi -—I mm *m3 —«bmß w »tu "“~* J *• “* T »' THIRTY I*A*»‘ muiIMCE | I'g^^g'l^'Tr iiCTlaiji of ■ ngi to any iftifcß dftrarajpl ifli|||>4w HIM mW Hint I M ■! •'■**»*''' M<inirkt.MMaM*H ».IMM>H• rt ar Ml. **4 aiiWHiWtniwuWfOw^- tt££siS?s!liivisE?? inraffisßsj^ OMIMM J4MJ. «*rr *■ |S«I. THE THEOLOOIOAL. A*D *>B! or TS« aCIUNTiriO WOKKM EM ANUEL SWEDENBORG, waaiMiMi.a NEW JERUSALEM ONISCH, tna,iaahl,.«lMt>pHMt*aiai 1-UUI.UMIMO UOVNG «atalomm4 ta. NKW JKRtTSXLCM » THE l .H. »•. M «■,» [ .u», im twa Oil,. T >.. |- mm iMMt a a noBH. aiMH ABIATIC rOWLW A SPECIALTY. . ‘ »*Mk MMt MM, mSSSoW if:: aaßßer &SS.Z || dSSlii^ If I tiarwa ha, / I Hera til, de k Wat end wit. tor. 0 » Maater It fftlu.K W 0 Mad*, hr yyathart. da g hr* an apaa, T... WMOaht. tiahkd a tiaataad. o*. a T Malta. *» n 0 teamed rats i ■ Marker ■y, w w rhue rate faata. * T Utar, iC. 1 1 Mlitahaia aad atta. (ta. Mr. tonadadttda^liw4a da. » H>*Sr f-. T fir Mat aad wtikl*. c Drit. da. « Btoaaad Ur ua • Bart*. Bp. * tlaaaaart. Oa I Mama ll.tio. anal halm I # drartto Ml I Kaawta*. a TANARUS, J da f I> tram da hi Cagtik I I tie tiagk. da iwr.a»» n«i. H»w<, .a. cUum k> b* ta. m at » »**JUj *•« T«rk OUf ilnfjwtia.Kt.ui. I* •■*■( mm a Lmurio. *Bu|*d *IU teffvy. Tlmm h* rt Owfal Grirtt, T»m wa ahnrrtt** ud mm bar raw At iMi aa <»«»t* tk. bar room, m a bteU >Ud .t Imm a. nfHA Mi *.d pasdaal aitoadaac. Hanrj UIumII., mmm at UK yt*ynrutr, m ■**" M «•* HflTfctk ioaraai. and wham* • hcmbonb. (or anal d»jr* part ni not now and. ha. Bod to Korop* with as unm.rrlad Udy of that cdj. uawiu W»a Babtad turn a wtU aad u .BOAn. It U rtnud that Übtarlio taok .way with him **T*r»l ihouanj dollar, baioagiug to hi. tUti mother A Bottom dialer hi Ohartirtra. South Caro liaa. lately *dr*rtrrt>d lot mad . won akin firm in the Bonatatoa aaou . toe had has. Ha waated to wnte to lita hr < ta atop, bat ooatria l ap.ll the word to a... hi lila, bo ha jort got mu) end laclaaeo ,w ahuiqoapia. ta a Uuar, end u>M " Ptaaaa deal aaad ta. aay more o' thorn ttrtnga. Th. Bor. Gaorga K Wycba, tb. an(orton.u> minUirr, .treated .1 Naeh.ille laet Watloaaday. waa aoat bark to hU aati.e State (HBrth Ohio I in. I Sunday eight. H. >u met ad lMMt>" b»>. aad from* tatiwi to the Baletgh .aytarn Hander .Ten tAtt. tor aboal fifteen tmnat*., b. hail . "Isold {•MrMI" aad diaoaaa.d the eertptath. mroeM tf, lanraidlt. aad qaoung runny ring! lln Ttndtnation of hi. rite. Sod atlffi. iaaliard turn head, ud all hr. Matty Til DCtiO. or HUE 8T11.1.. Atartr BMafelag >M ta., itaaaa la Owaat, In the Halted Rdsgd out, in ISOU, there war. 150.5H9 t.T.rn. In that year the mdi <-l airi.aM.do3 w>. .p. DI or tiriLks. «b»cii wa> • k»rir*r sojoont by naor* than £30,000 thsi fwap«(ialKß il. l'h«rf «»a uu«* m11«i of liqoor to ototj S3 hoosoa. Th# aioouut < t grntr* eottMOMd to nrodor# lb# drink* in 1 M.i tu txmvn bwh#i. Thi«, it 1* e.ti mated, wbald. If atilt into brtad, bare produced aooagh loa.M to par. a road tea yard, wide MOM I baa 1,100 a, tie* long. Ho wiya th. Kei O EL Tlbbart, m quoted inphi Beaton Joomal. wha bu (m. to KagUud to Uotsra no It in prtaaea Th. rmntd (MtUmui .!»> urt that b. mw la "Ml or more" liquor «ho|~ in Maarailrt More dnaktag mm aad •nun oat a rtnjli Uatarday eight than ha bad lean ta mi yaaM la Maw EagWud. It meat be re collected, fcjwitar, that tn Old KogUnd. ow lag to the abaaae. of prohibitory taw., th* dnaktag » Aaa* in tba htghwaya while tn Saw KogUnd, through the an fare.input of prohibitory autote* th* artillag u dona la th* ky-aut On tba otber bead. Mr V. aay* * there ar* naadrwt. of partab-w where mo liquor ta patrtilttii lo be mold, and isalanrea Low Moor, a aittaga ta Irtnraabtre. eonUnftog a popnlaliou ol 1. 00 paopU, where no mtoura tbig tiaaor of any kind ta mold, aad wbar. "Iliac* b u.ltbar a (HtUreaua, pnaoa. pawn baahar, dortor. Bar Uwyar " Tb* Halted King door Alliaao*. tnaagormlad In I HU. ta ad to Mttag a parMtartaa htU, by whwfa the tababi taota af aay dirt not aay aote tb. rate, of lioaaaaa tor the aaU of Itqaor by a aote of two third* of the whole another of rot*, polled' Aaaoag tba aappatten of the Alllaooa ar. aaaaa af th* aoat diatlagwrahad mao la tb. many Th* prlaotpUa of th* Alltanea are rapidly gaining groaad la 18T1 one bnndrad and thirty elx atom ban of Parliament de oUrwd tor the jpamiaataa bill, again*! only ainaty-tonr In 1M». aad it waa ooaredad by the bgaar tUalara that th* Haul adoption of its pcoeirtua* waa oaly a qaeatrna of Um. Than eaa b* so doabt that it the aamhrr of rwaa abopa. both ta Ocaal Britain and In Ihia auaalry, da nan dad apoa th* alU 1 of the rotera, I harm weald ha eaaatdarabU taottaniag in tba make af the kaapara of those aatebUahoaaat. Mr. Vibbert paaphaatea the aittaata tnampb af the Urtpacaant aaaaa la Urant Britain, aad tarttaglyof the apart*! kiadsaa. abnwu Mat aa aa A Manama, ta Loodon. Ediabargh. Ohwgnw, Maaehaatar, aad sihar plant al wtnah ha a Ida, n i I taaaparaaoa aaaaaihUg.. rctcTitnui. Vk« PMUwpfcy m€ Faint lll#htr#l«4 By ■mwlta, . <f Thar, la great aaralrateraa if not igvormrra, IB th* Matter of panel natrou, whereby nrorh BUawadaaataadlng arlaaa. Maay paraoua on Mas late the aa at mat writer* la leering oat all Marka or dlrtatoaa nl aay kind. Irk* the bar ber who wrote wear fata door, " What do yon think I ahara yon tar nothing aad gtr* yoa a dnak," wbUb tea* taterfi i tad by bom* to in. ply aa aaay ahara aad a aaonung trppU to be got for tha aaklag. Bash, howaaar. waa not th* mearning af wwr worthy loaaot. who. on being arraigaed bafura tha aaagratrate tor what eaoMid a olaar earn af daaaptiua, nolatinad, "TTnolt do yoa thiak I ahara yaa ft r noth lag aad giro yoa a dnak f" Patau war* Beat weed by ArUtOfth* om a (TartMariaa of AUxaadria. *OO raaca H bat wars sat family aaad Ball I th* n, dr aartau waa latrodaaad at tha i-agiaaiag of the rtxtoeeth aaarnry by a Uarnad priater of Taatea named Maaatioa Pata.oati.iu not oaly aareaa to make aa aalbor** maaaiag plain, hut oAaa Mrs* It from bat eg entirely mtaaaai oalrad. Aad than era maay aaaaa where a change of petaU oompUtelr aHar* tha aaaO aa*r L The Udowing aorodota af aa Engiiah ■ Uiaamaa, who owe* took admatag* of ihU fart lo fra* from an aatfiarrajaipg po altioa, la aa amaatag illoatraUon llaring obarged an offioar of th* gorarn anaat with dlatiOßaatP, be waa required by Parttemaat. a a Aar a Weary penalty, pabbely ta rwtMot tha amaaatloa la lb* Hobm ol Cw IBM* Al tha appelated Um* b* anpeare.l with a written mmaunnn. ahtoh be read rtowd aaMtowi •■! laid ha waa dlahosMi. it U tree, aad I am Barry tor It" Tbta wet aatWhdtary; hat what waa th* aarpna* of Phrtlifl th* laUowtag day to ta* th* ra laarttns patated la Ik* paparthsa " I aatd be waa dhtoaaaat. It ta traa, aad I am aorry tor tit* By• atMgdetmig. law of th* waa. mam# .to- -to-J - Mu> - rrTlrf \kw* U hawtag made aa aaaaatadtea bat mi aa haa- Ikh Amp la #a wary Mae af ATiaANTA. OBOHUI THUHMI>AY JIOftNINfI, DFX KMHHH il, 1871. rwaaawaa aaaaa 1 ja. a.- tha aa. TV* ‘ aaaaa. age tea .aadua i | u aateipa aad paal as a am t.aa It hm tea hat a teaig atm» a* aaad af Me teaaea * a~~* UhM aad hah wfd. he pie <e j M-mtter tgtt la Kaaartn* Me Irt af faaa 1 *ey. I*nt da* th. idt af tha Chat in , j (tahaadt Th* htlggat aatd taaaal wart tlaag tha la ■ |rt tha Baa*malt* aad k...tarty Mmi.tmd ham | ha tetrty "recta alt t aad pdaaad ta aaylth ttcdrt. M that aaaadaate aaa art lihagy la -earn I titan*! kasbaa Hart*, btathat es JtM (Mate j eaa btUed at Orltabm Mtaa aa tha thth lartaat bp a taw par Mtaad Mart. Bahaagaa.l • a pel mte duputet waa mart rad aeataadart IW Im-eu hf + tWk«ui kM«k«ui tovtat WiDi*a> T#fWir mi t«##i#«|« mt mmgmk t HwyyniniM, v# •##• m •* «MMrt y-l##rtay. b 4 bkk, #4 kx i Ihm« rwtßfn! t* bM family IHMwfti It# «aj«4 #4 Um kw of Mr. i» im Um \mmm a#4 mi Abut imb tj HU io#4i(M (b«N in4irnU4 • 41ao#Ur*<] miMft *m4 h# k#p« mpm f bm W ftm»« u> KftOtnU#. o» UMiitteky Tb# t iMtUsßOog* r«« mi IU DHL mmrm *■ W# Idtjn fjjtn m y#pti»— trxmt OooftsTiU#. U#t »(URudl L*iU# vii fought m Um *U>t« ttftOMKi quMt iilU# rUiftf# it ###«u ttel tft# 4»AciUly ft»i mm Ut*Ma Hr T»b# WftWj and OUrUy Bwtoft, to th# aw Vorm o t tft# Utir, whitb*»r Barton ftnd ban inviUd by BUJf>y TUr dUi— Uj *M #«>p» r#«»tly ftboMt ##«U#d. vlHn /. W. Ora Ute. Tftykur Hrkinney, #od OftfhUUn 11 H. DUUrd. omom op. mtmmd wnh pntt b. «Imb, bIW m Imm woftU m iMbMriwMls Ani« mam il. mU of mmid pMM4«« b#«Mg ~j— n— bm «m, »kl r—aKfti im Um wftu a 4 CfMtMftMT it U M»py—Pi Ms . •mi ifte •ii#» MMdiM( of McKjoimj tftd Barton MAlLftOAft MKWM. Th# Houth#ru IfiDDMoU Bnilrond ComjmMJ ftr# alioat tn n*# for Tn#! in their loramo- Urw W« nr# uJonuMcl by auib«uUr aoaro## that or mup* mpfiLt nr# boiag counatanntcd fur baiid inf the ffr#nt AUabU and tUvnannh air-iUM thorough lor i>. A party ia London Uto ad ▼ooe# tb# mon#y #o uji th# tmport, and a contractor liviug in New J#r»#y in in carry on tb# work. Tb© natl i# to pitirt through Mill#df«til|ft. eru#« the Central in Johoaoa county aad pnffi through KnjßDOfl It may b# #oa« y#ort jat Wot# the rood i# bnitt. bat «• tbink it prot> obi# that It will b# done before a great nrtuka Tb# U#apka ATalaache moke# tb# follow ing report of this #tn#k ia tb# M#oophi# mar ket on Saturday. Doc. 9tb: Tb# d#Oiand for M©inphi# mad Charlaatcm Hail rood Block ooutinae# ulaady, aad U># t#a daacy u to 50, bb r#o#atly ad too# tod by tb# Avblaoch#. Sate# to-day iMoiadod 300 a bar## at 13, 10»> do at 36 do 46. Th# r#port giY#n by * eoaumpo rary that a holder of $400,000 u# tb# flU»#k r#itt##J 40 in lawimrt No #n«d> pn#>- boa bfd>n offer' <!, but tb#r# i# a holdar of »K#> amoant #ho would aril a portion at 50 ar i hold* th# b tiaot'# at a hlgb#r price. raattioN item*. Wool KITBBOimY. -* L# fancy fur wuol ©mbronhprT #bo*i itaalf in tb# chaim. aofa rushloaa, footauxda, umugrr, tabic, tnoau co##ta, and mga, which adorn m- maav Wisca A# a armmi d#al of tbi* '•ork irt dime by tb# \»aog kadi## bf tb# family. »© bar# ©DdfMTorad, in unr oboarYotioa# o! tb# tufft-rent kind# of rnubro»4i#ry. to atoglp ■»nt bm# (larucuior atyi#, which wooul b# ■ ffet'liT# U» gir# uatialoctioo. whtk< d# mauditq; but littl# um# aud litti# #xpt u##. Th# eoibrutdery which 1b don# upon 81-ALU CABYAi DOTTED WITH OOLD DM OH.HU ba# rrwnrdoii an for onr ##ar#h. A pi#c«, which i* either bait a yard. At#-eight, or three quarter# i« rctjoir#*! for lb# backs of c hair*. A patu-ru ohuwuwK enmaon r«M aod buda, with tb# dark green and off## brown tint# for leave#, make# an exceedingly rich piece of embroidery, ia which tb# black can van, dotted with goi.l or Mlv#r. form# an rdUc t»v# backgroQod The M|uare. wb#o flout bed. i« bordered by woralcd vhemla, worwte.l too •eU or tkaiU for the end# A# Lb ere i# so KxCKamorKD to voai, it require#, wb#n compo*ed of other atyle#, but little womted, wtnie it take* bat a *»«k, giving two or Hire** hour# a day. to embroider • a elate -rata |<att#ra. Ill# ou#t will b# from three to flee dollar*. I>*rk nolora, parti<mlarly among the olive brown#, should ba akoaeu. White, paU bine, or yellow, or tW pah* tna p>o(a colors, do not honMonia# wtth lb# background, th# Utter ia prettier dotted with diver than with gold. mnßuTPß**i> mmrm ar# in favor for ornameoting Ik# back# of odd- 4 chair*. If (hr## are worked, which t# geeer al»y the cam., th# centre will abov a different jettern #ogaeiim#s the moMogmaa of tb# owner, wbil# ih# two «>utold# #tnp#a may b# ahk#. or they may be different In tb# pret tiest bock we have earn, every atrip# showed a different vine. Pi#c## for Ik# MftU or# also worked for the## chair* j w all roixrra, although they are #oa#bm#e mod# of blank walnut or roe#wood, with embroidery extend lug over th© front, may bkof imstekanad; the mold# lined with otlk. and tba owOmd# eovwewd with i-mbroidery. Superb pKaewa far arm chalrv are embroidered upon cloth. To do this, the cauvae ia ftret tacked ko th# #k>tb, aod. after tbc embroidery la Anloked, the thretuU ore drawn oat. Car# moat be taken to let every stitch go through tb# aknik. »iAI arm ram vlsmo, and vanoart other ornam#ata, or# also adorned with this gay vn»rk. Work hsskwks and paper baaketa orv ornamented ta th# anaan raannef in fact, it would be itnpowaabl# to enamerot# the article# which. In earn# way or manner, • ibibu lh# prevailing fancy. ••MiethlMg flftr (he Piibb te UeaeMwr. A Indy writer preface# a Uofn| hinnl noUgn of one of her fnends with than# pertinent and suggestive remark* M 'VoaU not Uua world he n better world if the proas gave more ap#*e to Um record of virtno, and lews to that of vie#? If. tn tetead of police reports, the saying# and do ings of the vicious and depraved, oar papers brought a* areeauks of rood >i#wla don#, good words «nok«n, good hvee livnd, and hop## of boUsr words and deeds sod liven in th# grant future, would they not furnish a better sJinmt lo Ik# #onl whtl# the b.xiy in rt/rankod ky tb* morning aod evening meals ? 1 think ike smnrrr *y#o. and that w# might as wn4l hop# to Imm healthy hodie# by eating decayed flood n# healthy eouis by feeding on the garbage of cna, Baatkma Tb* Soalbarm Ola its* ** laaatertaann aasl Ibatr Aral (sport to IB* Uataaa at g n riaaaU tiaaaaa IB* MU iaatea.l Ttoy atete test 10.000 olatM* bad Imao Iliad «UB tßaa an Is tb* asd of XoTimtwm. lamtlrtart Mbs asMFa •ste a» ol aaasriy UtoMtoOOß TV. pmmtm- MIMb ol mow rtstern Bm anm.artist toUaa (# Brtt N I* Uoßßht Ua* II tesal at. kstf *« IBs artsl* BSMbaa Bsas Boa Bm Btad. ■ r isrszrjm* isnrzft BMLMOOB te HUaW T I LEO R A PH 1C . T 4ftk ? '"ftfc. % » rrtifrtMtMß. NmLB ( Aral 1m I gkSW Heart (lan for IBtinar NraU. If litifrtclaj Hr.x»t mUI Sr-s(CM Ibjmo list Ia IrtortOs Milt *sk» • Om 4 mai. A fokl tttMtikrt IrtrtM. I (Marti Lera a t ( sbs lull (Ac Prrts met (i*A«f ew or .vee fomi. Ki»ml of Hrtrj TorlrriDiit Hm»ll Pol on liar lUmpagr. InlrrMtiMß Foroin Xbms. ROOM DISPATCHES WASHINGTON Wfnwi, Batirtlm M.-Tte Iwaala ft **« ss H|iraßrian.xs tor U* nprttia taa Aar IBs teMty of Wart iaftoa Tk# bIU impAsc Ik# iesinsss ahatim bsa baaa tnntjarratl Truro Ua Jadtasry to liu OoMißtltM oa EW.ltooa aad Pnrllagaa b IB* Uoaaa IB* QaaaiUaa oa OrU Iter ates tears dbsrtad to fsqair* Isis U* axpsdl •mmj ad a lav ateeuag poaftiiartara by tb* P^tr F .a t rout# bill pa—d. Tk# labor nod #dn##non MU was rmumed SOUTH CANOLINA. Oww, PiMtobar *O. -A raaoMtea M>i pMoBiSM CKitteSut Hsrtl te pasting. Bovate —a twajCTis, (WUnsy btiWl MU; ts State a* n arm aariaftii. Mate) tbsl (tootfaoo total! to (Ba totoaty-tero rsllttorra of dotlan cd frasdalMt Boads asd wrtßii Um* days IBs Trassomr, Parttar, dsdsd U* Lafialstar* to ptoaasd agaiort bus ban* tea* ad Ua lagtelati r. n x(iv(rtas lln.M, M avdar to oßMiu s ear tsm iteo-Uirda, tea Bad (Ba port paa am act vd Ua uppMotimaail i«salaltatea aatil afur tb > txrteteM* mm U a Ml Wateter nfortsd U* isaaatxra, Bossn vosid raaort lo U* ooterts U* Bad ptedpad blteaalf to aaaiat. wtlß arfdasM aad otaar aaa, in ordar that Ua Otertraur aad o(B*r guilty olßotala might ba rtrtakud. II ia nwand that Scott, ad ml (Mag aoorictioD by IB* Baita, aaya that if Impaaabarl by Ua Boom ha will raaiim PENNSYLVANIA. Iwn Caaaonu. Iter camber *a —The iron aorta Bar* bar* baaa daatexryad. TENNESSEE. liiarlii. I'raaaabar la—A man larkiag avamnt wban Ua rxprava robbtrnt vara >«■- ■dated ia Uatea. Tw.aaat. killad a potion MID. aad arooadad aaoUar. Tha lartiar aaa rt—Hf-OMWN Tb. yM wee eftei nWfftl MoViu opCEi by atecd men, who killed the exprem robber NEW YORK. New You. December 30. - No otrontA were mode lost night Th# grand jury were caiiod together this morning un important inform# Uon being r*##iv#d by the foreman A Herald ep#ctal dtepnlnk aay# it in *u» P#cte»i that a statement of the ofte# Ij LLe United Slate* before the Onoevn a. lost io November. Ml info the hand* of tb*' Bcitub. Wbd* U*dd ft to th# disadvantage of lh# L ulled State# Tb# Time# enye that it U evident that M*y.>r Tlali ha* frieod* amoag the jory wbo will make a maaij flftht to prevent Lte indictmeol At a me©ling af th# committee of seventy U was reeuived that they b*d nut <haug#d their views, that William M Tweed and Mayor Hail should r—gn, Th# nommuine had t%»- Wrtatn#d no compromise. Coli* n<l#r, lb# National Bank ecanxincr, ba been arrmted Ho te charged with having re oevved fTS.OOt ns a bribe Bum the On#nu Bank UTAH, Hauv Ltd, Dveember Al —A heavy snow prevail* ta tb# saining canons Three i#ct or mow fell Oom monies Uon is ffHftcn l MIOCO. Manaoui. IteoaMbrt til Tb- ii-arpaat aTtopatbbnr* bar* baaa Basortsrtiaal-ta.l by Ua aacualka >.( ltergoa by Ua aa* Intiou late, and may n i nil ■ MM* bcntittUm at any ■Mail Ttia narif rtAa, af Shapea t., a mail tors* taltiates r.aatoHna ia Ua iteata ol Tama lip.. INCLMS. LuMwiixa, nmaitiu SI-—Ttia Pnaoa ol Watea raatad qatetly teat (rtgbto #ti raoorary H aalntrrnjpUd, aad hrsoatedMen u aatWac tory to hia pßyrtateaa EVENING DISPATCHES WASHINGTON. rtpM*3»*feMteSd Wb > ?CT Many yiatiiualMtertuUteate Ua Boti- T Y*Mw9wmHU. Oto. Im'.rad amt *U ti UMMB ton IBUartri. Ttia faaa ttoart Bataaftec bUI ba paatotatad by U* aaatat •aorMtiU *° Ma Bus haUt atowta! Artaaiat jfotaimfctit rs Vetera Tba Htnrrtary of Ua Trternary ana aotm Uatlßa bated* rt Aaa tteMltei ateaa. Marit AA, INI. kteam m aoapote boo da. aao aad aarte*. at Ua art af T -tatean. *5. 186A rta 80a. A&.000; «-«0a. AW,tan, 7*5 iaolaair*. IH. 13. AM to #B*l 800a, TWA to lto it*, muk u.m to r.BM wmu «m»i - 000, also fteriaton! boa. ms to Ml. lOtia. &.on ia van. Nth. a*m k> l.uotv 1.100 to U,U». L«<'«B LAOS to 4,1091. 10.0UUB. am in 4,n>, ww almbmol Ite Ua Haaate a raaolattoa aßoviaf (Ba B*- traMeßssat ObMB((Ma to bald a aaaatoa to S*« Toati aaa adofdad. Daria oflhrad a naalation Utaeftag Us aaaartMto* to teak* toMaritea aontl., tba wßote (rvtead <t Ua * Hagai gotnptroaa Mortoa vaated a raaatettoa adopt* 1 to aqaateb Hi* raanlaUoa vast am. ltobartaoa call ad ap Ua Hoaa* larinrtj foil. _ teas nA(SB# CWteHtoa. adraraalj, aad Uoteteßt Mr Daria aad othan aßaald Baaa b, all Map 1 Aloora Bratad tba bMA Mr ttoau. CBaßteaate af Ua BteKtox Oom ■ iteai. Brorad Ua brtlaa (rtattlag Mto pra aarrt Art *■ Ktoa ntetratraa. aad atetevteaood UteAßa teteteU mate Aw Ua MU. sol aa a mal te> af grama bat tem; 18. Mrttertaaad la itelaAte itttoA ta ■Mrttia naiteaMM aa i iteai At Ortrif ttiaArt •Um Sail iI. mfrtrttertrtimw «< anr too P*" *" Oteto rt Ua dpti at Bteteba. UOa Oi ■■*>■■ aa Hlff Af- •msAti-ui • Ibm* PtoftiUtoi Wi -w* < • mm • •Asft*e should Im |#wti«*iq titwtiM eut, »b* IgkflNSng »sii«r«e# and ksuu«| the vra • < Mm mCmrnm W *h* w* n*m INm es *n Shkeui ****** it u«. whkeh wee a4 f(*l If 104 feu ft* The ten ee ( m*-i ip »» tue fw Nines wnitiWAtoUAN wke * Imbß kii ntV« i t •ne yon# Tk# #—an>m*ußW#v cs U> Im Ifoa Hnl Hl*, a*4 «m » le U# |**seie*<>l . [ lAwut«4 with tb- WlMviag la nr«wl Jli«n J ,a V |rtrt(.*#foMi.«u *e* (w t» »*##| ni*> #f j prl2L ,W4 ~‘ —- J “"i OHIO. I (Vwvvvirv fv-wG»w« ft>*« Jrik* Mot i nosey ku #»i J>+m Km* re a p*mtrtiMNa( N*|riiaktii f«A # <ty * lift. edv<l > St Mart IferrtA. rrap.M *f I Ibe AbirttiM*- r te*rit A, l«e#v, y lebd 'r- I »he Leftckj i*4*. Ike tnetiArt Lt.tiv «** two itegvrtM h e* *cvc at i. »n# | NEW YORK | Now lona. Ikecweaber A) Th foi*cr%) of I 1 leery T 1 wlrrn, i w«a Un-d- t l^y I Ukaa to Hal- a tor Inter r• » t j r tAa b»ra fMßrtrn Tigbteewi LeVe be* i* AqA-d L» lb# ) meAlieal uieV Ifi flgbt the timed jftk Bmvmol HnH* tn WtD«am*tNiri: h*v* t>-w-a u> i travel, s* they are imi^LtiX A 'i 1 Iwawbae Special nyi flbe * • • » bae soUed. conveying the gULIx/ni chevmet < tbr»»n r b ih# BpaairtL war turn****. Il*j oii Lf»t lolerfrre r.nstwn*i*nl tnqwtry into the rviin iI • r- i dor nf hmknewe errttee tim' b Int# rmt sm-Nig I the imp -r *r» \ ' u lueUpn# ( «tl . .1 toruon. i. inartel (Cullender • bail i« f 'a r ( V Patrick f'lyißn vu uniKWrel L«mr !.l* r» m denoe ;a lfubokeu last night. NEW HAMPSHIRE. * Cwnrv si*. iVcemtor 20 Bui r> Baler is deed A. and 5'J MARYLAND. Bu-timc oe. Dec#-mb#r JO K '< t M Smith. Who wo* before ihe D.-tr ct < -urt k*rg«d ■kl:. ©OlbfXXilDg United MrtU fund* Lo# been up Bevmber Hi —Ur Wdliuoi* ’©#- that on the laet day. he bai. at U.t re qftaat of the Htat# aat bon Um, di«nt© rrv*l the hftdy of Kelchnra. and bronght tb# ttvwr < ne kftfltiry epieen. and sir ioebee of thr intea tfoe which join* th* »tomvh M©<l:cai evi dacce acco m uua Ur* that ketf ham did n t d»# a Nftlaral death. MAINE. Toanjuri.. Iw*#icbcr 5) -L. A.*#, prorr.t rof the I‘rebl# lioae# ecmc-iIUJ »b- Mac to-day. ENGLAND. I»vi>f)N, December 30 Heenaa threaten* th# 1 tenter News Company with a litwi *uit for connecting hi* name with the voucher thafU MIDNIGHT DISPATCHER. WASHINGTON. WsojiiNaWoN. December JO -The fall is a *yuopeie of Uj# weather f<»r the (ad twen ty-four hoar* Tba lowasS bnmtuefer coatinne# tn New ' having fallen very decidedly sure Tueutiay evesuug Sb'»w ha* very generally ceauHtei. except iu Wc*t«rn Rmtocky. Ta* high lonimwlcr which wA# meet of the kite*:*- *api>. Lo* extended euat to the Bla< ih igc ao<l Iok» Ln. with n*lng r r*** :ru, fto i c J * northwest wind* from 9-w Ycrk W» H>>ath t‘*r oiina, tTi k westward The or#* f gr -»uwt I oold having p*Mwd euntheaet t> 1 k- Mi ..i | gsu. clear w©«bUi«r prev*i!rt very g-n-raly *u-t 'of the Mttiasetpyii Ftcej>t on lh' aef lake#, th# harosneswr no* 4sl!©ti with n- * t iJnm Mvlmw at tts« L*cky M ** uvu *mtu^.b. Telegraphic «' >muiuu:oali -a uiv i oostit te atiil interrupted Powsabiijrrtn# Foiling barr». •\m and doudy weather vr»:h n*mg teenj*er*turf will protabiy prevail on Thoradsy w**t of kit 'la gan an l Aiabama, with rain ur an- * to Dak tab aud Wyoming tcrrit-»nra Fresh north west wind* with tailing letups ralarc and clear | weather from Flori 1a to Virginia. Th'- an * i of groatrtNi Cf»Li ©stead* over i‘-nurtylvatti i aod 'Newr England, with continued c >ftb«e4 I » uTkis m tL# Middle and Koetern Bute#. SOUTH CAROLINA, CkAkunoa. lieoeubW iu Lo the Jll-K rx court l > day the dvfcnae introdoced t. -*un uy to prov# an alibi ia the evuee oi the Uo.fJ .Stale# vs Whitnei In* aod Hit hell, charg-d with eluspuscr The ruuug «>f tb# court m previous osam i# «atuM In, and the en will be nad« l»*r the Supreme l irt a* lo th jurisdiction of }'#dvr«l mart* over dosaeet: crunee. In the H >u#e of Ih prw« r.mtiv# w to-day th# debate #u Ik# uapuac. n*esit -d {»v»*:v.uor ScoU wa* re#un*tod Boweu #pok# for two hoar*. ll# said gruat prmwurv Da-1 hc-on pat spun him U lodnce Lm »■’ wahdruv chary©# He state 1 tb«t th© State #L*ck j in tb© Ikreeartlie and Koa 1 wa* i cold at $2 75 while othu pertic# would have given $5. and that Scott rufa*#J to the tfanefer nr.til hu brother-in-law w#e giveu s4i',tW. H© exponnd the tr*n*nrtKm* { tb* land commiaatOL. ahosriug that La:, i* werv ( boaght at five and six Um<» their vs.*#. LI-- #n>d the afrvreilannd Und ecnp vw ft-pon-i sold at eerenty-two and a half cento, but he knew man who peod eighty four o#&N for it Bowen ws# f* Bowed by several ■ smk ri wh«> (Lenoaoced iui nok?*. Joace charged tiewea with pevjarr, and read a dispatch *er.t last Sommer by Bowen while in New York begging hooU to revoke the nnthontv givan Jadg© Har rht, lo pfvoertd again*l ksfarui aivQt kimp ton. It i# eaid that Scott hs« eecnrvd estough voles to toeaee B*'wnn‘s and A lets mined effort# will be mad# in that dtrrc'-i m. NEW YORK. Nix Vote*. Dtrtmt et til— Dialnat \:t r oay Otou fettlrt joaiiltei in Mying that Urr nan’t iu» has not bras inant: on*J brforr tha gmnJ jnry ta otrateaeuoa *uh roacbM th. (U So anttala baa* baaa ma.!-- to-dar Ftir aßrrißa BoM ten tearmnta Tbr .-ran i .rj raportc I no iMbciinrate to-lmy Ttealio Daw eaaraof .mail pox U rrpjrtad to-day K. C. r tlartiß. a lanaar of Br <rh!yn, u dead Bank lurcimr Collandar t.val-rrxs reirarrtl oa 3311.01*1 bail. John » Wan darn. Ittfor Dagaa. to.) Cortß (iamtl wbo tear* a-nil nog Irt - Ota, Cbr cot roanta, Brkaaaaa, for tha mnrdrr of a nr gto Bteyar, war* aohate onl by a aigrn mob and abot tel Ttia nrgrora took poMaar-ion us IB* town. vßich Uay now bold. A nninbar of th* nturaa Aad tor aotety. fwMUurtix I term bar ja Tbw irr B bte'J. and it u rxlmnrl) oold. ENCUND. I/OKrox. Droambat S.— Qaoaa Virion* iwaatard oougratatettotia butt, Ur Fr, 3oh •apabn.’ apoa Watea* Iwroaary Vngtlah j mroala atpmaa rrgrrt at Sobeak . romptMation with pnaal* apaewlateoat. SWAIN. Mutant. Drarmhar *V A gaaanbar of thr lUdeatefxi aiautty haa laaignad. Th* tor I ■■ten* us a teaw ter Many ba* baate Mir Bated | to Aagoate. (toowata bu ottera-1 (oar portAo- I Ite* to Ur tteartiU faruna, nil of which w«t rgftirtd. FRANCE. font Dnewteb** »> Ik« Baa artioted IB* Aapwtelaate that Ua Frra-h pcolaatiat r* Mrtten aad igwaMlT will a* taatMatwad Ttite COM teteißl thth ar* pr>xrrMrtitf imp. key. TB* a*■ bar mad ia IUIL of abate two Uowaaad ate* bnadrad aad ttewaty two waa* aote noted. orFlllAL AUVmtTMOIKtiTK A PROOLAMATION It K O A U I 1 NY ItrNJkllt (o*l.Bl, ttatanwr at «A* Mali. i •• »——te mi ap.. at. a*rt te toat tetiktea te •UM IAMM I ft aUßte «. #■»•#, 3*4 •#• M 4flf •* ABB ’•» #r-a* tbfrjaoSy W <m* #■»** by mmm ti • r **4 If tfoUcteg k**e n*4 trmm jmm i »»w t> iml im, I A# rma ana* #f >r—<*—*n a.****? eMnuq • *•■—-! mt TWO ICIMUD UOU ' AOS teur# Art Ote mm ft tiawla* e*k4 itiSi'Hf mt ns* party, tio fti* NOun# mt mU «w*m% ##4 Ma. *■ writer uie« tour mmf ke keawgM to arvai I m (h* «*we* w*fc •bMll Itotery WAA I CbtoW*4 Itorew ker »a tt« ye#r ** enr Levi tl#H*Aui Wmai Qri I oft-1 OuWi rio. *«b4 <# Uu laniNliA# es an* t waara toa»i at i*rtv* tn# iiMbhaaa. « kOJAUi ooviJtt Hy tOu * timttio* !»•'» « Cum*# to ■ rM>ary mt OWSu tovtotoaft nvpuUie*# -wf 4ur B marts N KIT AI) V E KTISEMESTH. Fen r tovwvOL * Ctote «•, Cbjas new. a a. raw ami. # Oa. m rose Im. | u»n. ■ u*t/na k Mieasia. ft*. ( T i»rra wtatw wttt mmn ftuftift j vira i r*r»TT or osotua- Ms ass. I WLitoft.r toMaftrafO. kavts# | iMM i# l l fee * 4k» Mtor#*d arte ■ ■*!*» Vfo eptNM^o*thl M Itif oi iuuuury. IFTY. al L 4 * Oaek. a. ■ . Mart Ne#to ur Hart. X B< Aitoato. t* . to mew com* why (foe prey ■v to turtmpi Bhoatil wv ►» pwtirf TW me («. W. ADAIR, Aofltienecr. C Koen House and Half Am Cermer LnL, Oa Osike aad Crew »i ito l hur>4*j,*l«t ImU#L «41 OVLsrff, p. mu Iwn*lr mllxaim pvemRRRRk Ttoraav ant mm kmm I**re aad Lm. *u pur pat i ***** es C*ww aad *to *ll to fcwtW to OBty ft*U Hwn , • fw* mmt htoi ftitoe iL ami mrviiwtod Wy (be | torn of arigabwra Deal toil Se a**md atoe mto. U u .if*>rtjewerly. uud -nil mU util nwrvi lNm--l*if wi. hotoaru ta *e Save, wvtt naw ! wa a*to p**tu«*. a. w. adajo. dm tan %ml I Mto*. OgewL ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. A L L_RJ\ I L PISSEMiEHS FOR M O>TG <> M EH Y, ISoIIUh, lit rtnln|ba m Br.d Tuscaloom, Ala-, >1 io if i i>iA^i, Jrrttat, l-rrnndte, Vkßaßterf, Maia t.n. aad (a net It, ■!«., NE Vf ORLEANS, Kin*** vciM.rt. Mon !•<►«», 1.a., * Jflß'rwon, CaalveNton, In) - poult in T.tu aad Sarthna tel Caoteal •LE Wf\G ITLL\T.I TWICE BIUT Ai C o ti Aek. a. a . sad At TW m tHuk, f. M-. vto ATLANTA AND VEBT POINT Wto-w* Trwm rue to N«m«e try. wftkml chaag* K SRCff Riles Shorter T V -el - rtXßory. M >»utiu. sad ft#w Orlaeßh, lto* Bu U rtfitia »«a Stages©# aad ft<#a*i ar b*j esn*r roam, md 288 MILES SHORTER Tka:. Uy Ok* Xanotya. Or aad JaocOo*. *O-1 Cotaaft. to 3few Ltirtooae and Ootvaafttka. 857 MILES SHORTER T aarprrtgurt sad i itowiA, Tmna to* Vy Ctoto v*#a aad y«*:pto*. Rwaftß# Old ato V sinafv l nvar etmcabaatlag Dame ognrv JLemvtag AUnn4n itrx'r.anil wvtv* a# MaalgoAoery. al (JR a. w. *voh ir* A*J to# m-asto* qitof Uaa tie Mne Mam tarn titout*. ruvipn Loot lag itliiti %»•*•• ' ffNt-v>,w.. jvtift arritte ta ** •■##•■ rt»te tiegrr u*-1 t ■ i#»/-2tv mtosSne aerttor hiwiffn Tdrartag AtLsaU U T ## eVtoch, r. m . will eertv* u* CuAaeenoe ei I U 47 MILES SHORTER TW aay otor Krtrto to Crttu*. MerWkoa Jmekmnm. ml (MhaWig. I very m#Wi# paid to to .'umtort es pmwagwra. Begpag* km ft-d wttk ears, end totod to ell ucmiool potto* •W rare e* tow ee an# aSWv n*R Y krongk ita-Wto Nw *eid> al tb* wk ■ mt to* flmevaJ Tticket 4#m»i ia ik* L'obmi bm ig* Oepot la aatoaßo. { ito, mmm U**AAi euti» u.-Oeto ntokwaam l r. atm, Hte?i W. J. ifoa'i ram*aigi* 4g*L d*. to-if BLANKS o« ranter itetetmim—. ram ouMtiAKYw cuosa, wnires, tn Itwncftp or T*l FKACK (LLVanote iub itu MW 181 MAIjIIA J*e oroc* Mirn oreffi iocSitj UL.mvm «rat i r t*ra nanei 1 r ftaaa (»aawr> 'iftii rtta nniiTiwv via* 'vjsswaat in rma *..sui> trmrn Aril aavni w«iw • mmm r*~m » a* (-tush* satAtonn w m* v«* l ■ to I'lUiA mt aw i*. f«a ***,„. ■ W- mar.IIIAW - —, sc. •**■ si aa a. aw - a igm j ““I nraftTN ti.ctiti*,.. | Ljdr a 'arnwT' can; UateteaMte' m'wTJi,' Il 'lVoTiiloi'e. LBoaotu MTte anna Bourn ■tat MK. DCICna tea Ite. V PTUMrt Nr i*l a MMJMftft ftaia JdHpl liwDinto a rftUtifclAM TWwada# Inm#. Pur— hm* to. ISTI, FRA I> I A VOL A, WWk ttu Mtori*« OHdraAea* —I - ft Ttia A## A ftonrm a* iuiivi TW lamcitoa* v ua ra* PUVui i ft to ■Man rt* M t AADT siAdunw caftl. rOOMM. » -- I aLACON i w runiftft j ™ i . ftftrro MM fimjri A. LOftP ALU OSH UtiL blAl'lAllll u UISOL lunau. *M THE UXLLOftII a. rt&MOaM MCEAGOL DUUCTUB PHfo !>*—#■» to. letl. rttli W yrudunud to rilie>**Bl dfotefo MjIETU a Ruftaurduy. Wutiw SB. oral ▼rn WuOur'rt UUMTOI work, DEE FkEl - newer/- aod Dr—Otoato SI g>airul W>—n# SLM, o*A«—i jalieryjl 1 flai* •** r mmr —>■ mt T% Ay* k Crew“* M ' m9 ° V^aTKn.rZml^ due tx-iim EISEMANS, Clothiers and Tailors, PAR EXCELLENCE. Weeafl no* «f ra#a IW era** af tour |U leear • ■lire ready amdu rrnatktmm ter —a oed Way*, vtikh we Wv* Joel feemred star tW (oil M*d wtaSer trad*, ead vtiul waft to (wad a* pleei ta eU hum city urn* eSueS - r-^j^rrknriTa Ml tie—w tiimrtei tor oee*. ead ta meuma «» wi# motto to e*il to an* very 1 1 toll prtou*- Tk* etieek Mieliie laperlef Ail to latieaa atyle* la me* aal tan ■ #•# asila. MliAblß far per eea* es all egea ead vary lapr le* fer I rtee eaike fro** •to le 111. tow— enilrt from lto tiM ft#, overcoat# of every evade aad ?aaiKy from fd to M 0 Oar efteeß es toU ever eu— le ee pertoHy flae. md —AA ft— •i e taa «* *a*o —a. t# actor eaiia »©r rwrtim ire fr— to flneto (to wwr i Otovtoia ft • 1 toe e r my eator kiad es geode ttol pm asee mmm *iim, euaupSee es f wfttica toe rttyW* qmmktj dm N « Mtiaty Mto peWw. eaaaot to ft* •tira eorpaaead mmrwkarm. la tor- While toU aaantog p—to yea «tU dad ton Kiwi aa tort wtoMrt aovokirt*. aad tout a* on Umrnm ft ran —nrt —at to ee leet to—, is to* v« detoru ae tkm gMiss in wsa |es ■■■Mr er pmd*' Tar. ■ l rt ff f©*n* rtf Bay eared toy will •*»• wan alto# ead rneary ky causa# aa as wtiraim err*## WWW r* touAdao# Weswtiwia tea pmtocw tsr pwGM t# IW aetor (lea es ear fall af erase » a « far 7 «(W of all ageaead pa real# sad gaar dew»* eaa a*«to*ia* dectddf IKBftkl dk 810. ASSIGNEE'* HALE. HI vnm* of as *rder tmmm*4 to to I m—til* tW C*i**d SAuAmm Com. rt. for to SortWr* L—rw mt (ti—gift, will m eotid !AT PUBLIC OUTCSIY, Oft vntDftDDAT Oooom U>o r Q 7 , 1071, CO!U4KftCI>H Al 1# O'CLOCK. aad enattsaßsf to— dev So day. ra tto aw koae* re rmmtty ae sfi ii ay mw— * i «aWr ee D» mar Ate*At- to—to lto* SuetioU Hum*, ta All— Ua to m Or* rtfcvA af g©od* ia mtideftnr* wa !■ port at Matte, Cnp*, TrmaAte, Ptin, ritirHNi. fob, Mrten. Ac. •te* te tetetete bwte Br te my tetd tel te tent I •at Wtid *» IW Rrnpraty mt lelainw* ft Atawam. , Wtinufo Term* —e. Tto* to XI day mt fa— t tor. IfTl ftOLH ft FOWUDL dm AS-}«-an«T Itotipa■ i. FOR. HALE, TWO UNIMPROVED lots O.V McDOSVCOU STKOT. ok ■■ mi ran rteorr n ■* rra aam. **ea n* rt« , M rteteT rtiuteT kr te VteteT Dixr Prtote. rtSOO. TERMH EASY. IK Port All*J Ite ttite rteteT at BteU Ufa. APPLY AT THIS OmCE. •rt nut NEW ROU T E ■o*l, Vtew OrlMtes VirkUterr, *■.! Thu. BLUE MOUNT AO ROUTE Vtk tKLRA. ROftft Md ISA LTO ft ftAJUIOti D asmoomcnom pitoOtiMi neemy jnee ky mj l sl omjSMT Ute ittn^rttet*Cxtk~iteL*te , | l te>»te l t ,teLT*tete? te Oklm ti* twite* «*te* M* Bona Iteritet t** t teTSteTotetete 4r» *■ te r *" TW nte Bam ktet rtf .7 tMtete. Mte (te* .**!»■ Irt te^BteteTtel^ Bj MJ ■ te. »lllte IW UUmUMImIi ur OTIttMCTI ■te. te te *™*™* _ JOjPI »■ right l t». uun tkMtei "i ~ ■ UiC ctimu. ute mm. n.> < ammii teVra __ THE KKAL, KSTATE TRUBT COMPANY ua. nr •■t.ri.r <•« vnm, A««rtU mat Tt—tet n Ur ttite braUtet of Mteteter U Rtenl ar I>n»—l Pro port, I Fttrtetrt Ittefte .Dt.rt m Xiptttte of maaaj, ilterttttriMrt.jiiMH rt rtttbte tetri'rrteTk ‘ ZSJL.'STZi goto BM* ft Into WILLIAM I. MLT. ftitoidwi anvM-la Wow iMftft ftfto ftftow ma ftcftnrftMTftM WHOLE li**-. raiuMLHHt >IU>TI WINK Aftl t*».. >«. S 3*r»*li« NlteVft. w isattfi g^P-agTTy?!"- NOTI€M. ■JMCK.YB9. TV* •k* s«d* «f tikt Tw^rt m 4 kOmmii* mM r«d. par MMt •*• to (to TNwnr 4 to> to tolMfttf to (to MM tM *f IlMrctA to«H tto mr»in«. of t*. IN atom toJ Itill tet to «.1 *k»to to p mii to to toAtoia W—i, TM -to* toTitotor, m* «<M fIdMW —* I— to <* *to4 m—tor»M**totoo» “*«*• •*»* ~*rmr*mj *»• Wa ■• ■ r t ■to4 nM. «r to top W (to p+rpnto aw toll la j u to toto toto to* atoito to mi toi «r to top to tor »OTtom wk to .ra mis iimt « pmttto «f cte «td totem rmgmißp lb itocr too*!* Ktoncm rwn. Ttoi to* *Nmto r* «T Um -??njtotop.tod * “t j ao 4m lo tto fctoto m toor* «*t lurt*. No»»w. Tkto naikimg im to fura«toAf rmnl« iiXti X. UOTB- Siwator us tto Horn. to fafiwnmi r, - J D. WAUOCJU CtoHr to tto ■««.»( to t MWI ... L. «. TKAMItoL, Itototpl T. W 4. BUJU to- ri Ury to tto VoaU> Approwrd. Wom*W IT, WH. WLV4AMIM OlMlto, Own* giwrnii' D«f itnm, lium. ft*-. ftuaWn » mi. L«- ■ l IMnwi, t an ad im >MM IM. y-nn t. da Ml M». tbdl tto l»l|lto add ■»***■. M a tod tod MM oefi ad a natal., b paaar t by tha Oaeaaal fcaatoMy at Ita paainu aaaa tod by tot Ooaartor a. > iTCiftftoa. ntn nurwi omci fauna, fid ftmm to im r« fta data 'ftLary tod to aid to I Tito —at lto ton la onyh—aa wuk tto feragataft itoMMaa. P«—a I br Into Bon at a. tad aPvtuaad to tod Oaaar ■to. •■dtoto to—T *«T todatotod to yaa ftto pay. Mnto mafia. data* toa aarri an al tod Waaan aad Utoaftr U tread wdjat in [ iaaaftaa a I tod ■toto dad 1 add ltd nd toaato aad JT to an toa ■ddto-tt » H»W.«toal>totoM N O T 1 O E. *» *H AIRMAN £ to. On—k* ;n of to« w.mra m* litetoi liitoto I ky to» tom •rmor or tk- km I kmwky ft*. Mtom (tel cum ■*>■» «Ui mmmmrnmm ■■*■ to mrMlm* i tw ■*»«. —hmitmd top«m am Wmto*« ■toy to Jmmt? irikrtit ib urn rvwm tMdu« All ptofMM toirv t< Mkait mtowto n4mn to to ikm amt tton p—» A»« ptoM hWCf to ■-<aakM«Bicßto with BM to tk>« mIW prt r to tV lut Urn* 1 * m DMWtol. tin. W if MM. n>tftol to. rtotoitattto. Lu. T*W*rm* tod f.muftf —4 Clrwiik tod —m * uwto* ttott tow «-■• w. to.Btoy to town, UTX to|At: I' imi mm v him m % vm* ' ; tot O# (to Bwowbl.. ito THmrirt Oototto to. r*«to* am «wr tow towrtoßi n DMmtfiMk ta torto •■* Wlw.rvß CHb td*pd w«. 'zxuLgZ ££: bp a r n—top » toßtrv.dda rtot. ifM. dbtototok /mlj. Mto Ato ir«t «f tod. «i Mto. t«M ito mm ib tobm*r*(tot Mtotoiiki iitoßifU > mt to* Bbm Gtoto. rtotoißHnt tkrto tooowpp* p*rm. •w.«bmtMdbto«*w ‘-t-toatoft - bww» «r Him IsmuiTh «m' iinij MitoWn to «m to> i him i inywOtonf ■ rx*i Ud poku., ted wto mfi to —ktyibbetod i. Ham. to to. ntp to AMfcto <C Mto as ! ttoto at Oimtoi. «to KM Ttotoaf tto Bnitoiir toft, niudi.ama aaddja* end Madaalbraaa SI mncrmtoni * Annu*J PikHliiiiin, P BOO,WOO WO J IY TtUTTABTiB -M'F'lfl! m HUI (HRILHIS 110,000 IN iJIKHICAN' GOLD . 110,000 IS tMOSOAV totru —— "^iIttOUACKS! Tta Prft*. ftaftft ft * KlaafoKSEad^San—*^<sßSSr*** Fla, ■awaaaad -||n. jnaO^dll.... Fia tkmm* Worth Uft ftatd aad daUw On M. wfttaa 1 >- a« T VW. r^V -Bsriinrtftd"* . ..„ m*. Twan w, -« M. M»I Wi Tan. Bftto* Odd oi Ii 11-mato .dam a Oman ~ •-■‘■aaarsL Moratim. CAIX AT TU Os BU Kwi I L « T «n n» Oi •aro nnuauniuiljaan art MMadMMMafUaa irui tomol Ato.M. UtoVfla