Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, December 22, 1871, Image 1

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ATLANTA DA] IA NKW I<;HA. t... JT „Ilff BA*.: - - VOLUME VII., NO. WL HI THIN ESS DIRECTORY • ■4IV. tm sms »—> KnU* to —«vto- Law (aiml HIM IIWII WNITIKkH Arroara a* la* vw Oatn. toto. M K*ii *" •**• •*■•* jon* a. wiirr 1 TTuMtBT AT U* u*n Osw , ~ sm£ i\rsaL"-ii*rajs. jr.rcLr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHICAGO t» DESTRUCTION. A . —A *** toter— —M. .. .lUimMi *WA to »• Mm, t, <M. r <>*•"• Ml * ■>»>■. Xiun to Lb* I'bmp Tn *“ mm “• PM“ MM M iu.«r»- “••b *< !• MM paiAj Mr WIM, A6ENTB WANTED. *"“■ ***“*“■• Om. map. m. m rUJTMS, UUltt, A UARBEWJLS THE AMERICAN FARMER, V 0 ’ •••**»•* VIM Tht Bar.l hfMrr. •»** *•»*»#•( MMIAir M Ha > Xonb ami. Rfetlmur. BA. b, lura lua A tote. It to U. MM Aar.cllurM Jourul lb Amu ml VM «a A«rw« <-r*r M run b, oar maior 1 Hr. ana b. (la. Jto-tor, Ito. Un. |i w. ,ar la ntnm I a’ lbC **“■ ®** a *** Pr ~P* l “- (IM- UNIVERSALISM. SPTD ft»»ftue Mtrii «nos tw CHRWnAV LOADER. » Srat Haas weakly iotml pebh*L. If lb. HrwTvl wain tV.mb.ic of 1 n i mill I »M bWWWIi. l>» warn at DB. B. H (HAP 1 " T.rto. frm », AilArrM pablMbr, CIIAItTIAN LXAPkI. IB Brmln,. In 1,1 MTTH % RtR. M W YORK OBSERVER. II par »•■». lacladw• )ar 800 l for inx WIDSATB. BOHBK.JB.. A CO, *» fwß How. W I • AMPLE coma PEEP ■mnnts ho ™hmp »*otinr* >. „»....! WUUU 9 Ira. lorur te. rualH ysss W ..>r j ■oXMM to W*rr, « (ana. Lbo T.i10.1.. r'W«»T'l OovooraL *tr,. vkich to of it. *"-*■ ton] popaWiU H «w» Irma, liaa Fto Tblfaxi .-toil '. i ‘ Jr.i* ! - r*orp aMi bar la tt nAara thro. Aral ctoto pan.aSlrßla for *Aa prtaa of raa at tkaaa A -I praiaai oa niimllp at* tto aiaa II a a SHf-tol. Brat rlaa. Valaa. X barn, vut Jaa fl“ftriC l^BßPreoptaa fraa- AiMn-aa A g WOOD, TRY ’TnTK f” " “ Vaius P ILMIAIb VKK'otSn Ovm UM HUNDRED PAolLi. ptuM two **■*• «u wpw«» ftsMl pa*-v Puor ftundrw-1 • 4ti*«r», twcu asd vaffaSaMa# w:U> iiwinint. uJ TWO COLOUR(> FUTU torwiw at»4 imam far mkii« waiS-. li.m «. Ac Tb* bAAdwwaMMl wa-I bwwt rir< kAL <• i t’k ialtowwU. All (<u IM MU*, lo U<W Vkn Iklkk N t>ar&«*#eda Hvtwiiuwrtwr th# rcwt. »i(>. aoi-i U lATI Address JAMU TICS. ko#h#e*ar. X. T PETERS’ JWStMTiSftfiL: «»1 pISSo WWW* , Wont) Si ua *l>r«l Aavub W. vtii imal tww bwcA ko« UItUTP A I fw SOr. . * ft»r *uc.. ur rfbw. laitec 11. NfuUrirt« »J How,M HTi, fill u4m Mkd <4tn. Tbw MMc t« by SUtb, Tb<-U M Kto ftinilTUl V 1 ‘>o« A ltrwww J L.H WUW I FlLlTilU. MW MrwlWij, I Y r o S« UiJ Bloomington Nursery. 111. f)ATI mil ms iOUBW 1* OMDi HOTHIQR! <3U LMfMi Bwwt MuJl. lyrw wu« w hub, Mk t—dw. Stows*, orwru kc- ISS-fMw tilaWvwtwd WMD. > w. IS owH Jtol'- mat. IMlkklßnn. wM for is wwmw. IMw« ikt ftww Swot for Upm bwfurr t>art&| tlw HBHUA OH HIPTIKK. Ri wI'IMBHI.H TIPU ’WfWW. the • with i, tuw wpriM« t’^EE^TPT'jSerwon wll whc aw a -Aar Try w— yow Wa*u Tmww |S. DoahH TrmwD, l»w pods H l ?™* !■ riiMisffS^pr^wswl^^n sAF l senn‘!3HftC^Rs , pA*.--.' ASH. Oworfl» ■r-■ VN ' ' • ■ ' - - ICOCOAINE A rowtptHimlcf (tms wmt Ol(,#w. ▲sWmostl «\rd ft^Swwfsrw—Wrr o< fW u i wsHS mm 4 Swiifp &oM By all <tn«ftats Iwwri * A QEm WUITVD-Hswk art* »orw aswwy »> /V sort tor m UHO M aayWMSf wtoa Ssdsa. ■ ■.tfht a»>l permanent PsrtJraWw tows » STIkSON S 00 . n»s_JLrl Watar &QQO?£ s &gLjJSLZ Sw. Aidraws JiMISS TATS, Wwst Foist. Us. # J fir A mown Morws rnmtwawd lapwißSAß. H b SI A W AlfrwdaMs 4 YolS WaOIUI-a n*mm wwriy talsnrsaog awawtaa mtonu fsklttf. prwowtarw dsoaj kw* .*« lis4 us rata srwry alrrrUwwd rwaasdy. hu dis wwvwrwd a Haaatw ssawas of wslf car*, vhfok kw w.U •Sliand tAj kw THIBTI IB 4BS* K II tlw SrwaOawat of rhmai; aa 1 wwiuaJ diswwws. a rtwv of aw maws. Tb* rhsapswt f-M paifsw.^aaad 1 tkirty haw pUt«« *i>ll mrrtlHi of Um asafcnay of ft* ksrasan orfwas ts s staWs of bwalth wad diwsaae wtth s trwwUww oa <wr- Ir errors, taw tiplwMi wwiuaw apon Um aitad aod body, alts thw aatbwr'w ptoa wd Wiaia h->od oaty riMwawl wad awMwwsftwl ataiH of wars aw whown by a row wet of eawsw trwatwd. A trathfal adwMsr to U» ■swrrtwd wad ISwws oowiraiplw>la« wwrmwt*. «So so bruia Ae*Ms cf tSwtr pfcywtoal roadsttoa Swwi frww of pwa«t«* to way wddrwww aa iwso< wf twwaty tn rants Id stamp* or peatwl rorraacy by wddrsaataf I>& LA OBOIX. W<v St HwHtra Law*. Albaay * ? Tb* With >r away b* roasaH*d spon way *4 tb* dlwss... apMt Ska bool trwwls. atlSwr pwrooswUi or by rawtl. wad aMdtctawa w*at fa say part ai tb# world. f | TB* DISTRICT OOORT OF Til UIIT*I I rr tT» roiTß* hobtbrr* dottrict o» (flOHtllA —4a Baabruptoy la tb# BMttrr of Swlrv as * Akus lcr. bwr.hra.p4a. Aiiaatw. Oworfia.-Tbi* a u Mrs Mhos, oaoaa W*w» for tbrw# aads. ftsl t bar* baaa apa kwtwl wsatfaaa of tb# saWsr# of Hsiaosi A AWcwndar, wh . bar* b**n wd ■odf#d baahrstpw opoo tbs petit low ad tbwlr rrelWars by tb# lHatrtrt Coan af sat 4 Dtatrtri. N HH K r>WUUt. Assam#* CsasltNUM fffwwas royy. doc l lssfw THE THEOLOGICAL, A*D toMt: OP TH* HCIICMTXriO W O UKM OF EMANUEL SWEDENBORG, Ajs4 HI Um OaOahaaal IsrUa af tb* NEW JENSMUM CHURCH, AM M* Bp BMa n. ■*• MB ka proems Ua PITRUNIIING HOl’Mi: Ut Ua Plain I Oananaatu af Ua KKW JUtrSALEM II THEI’.H. » l*apr> tßlaa, In Teak Clip. LAM hnabx m ir i m* >•**. S S. mixti -—| - AHIATIC FOWI.H A SPKCIA LTI. M T ,n ' “* or •*' ■■ a» amd <mnn n fes s2r=r^ : «Sr ;:; B. <MBBI EMM. BbXSmu P. ftt*»" CmABUMMIB ba IMP rti 1 P.Ma. M Ua BM MM&M tAM IMLMIUM.— EI MfIBfmiMIPBA 'UA. b Sbc a. a WMpss. Aw*. •M «M> UU Emmi ftatslssd Sata* ■#* FwH'rtS ll Tm*w w«t»n iSs * ■NS NssmS* tab Ma#*s WSr a P* Mm-M- TMtavr.-. L ST fb* Ida* w Bow l«t M*a at I4f • 4s»SB Huns rnwsww Mbs a •tfb Nmnw fmm arrows IS sa p ■» S*#w« Nassaw TMa laws I N r * Cay Tsasw ssw» ■■ I *• p sw »«ay ban«si Thu I i*» s taar Nassr* TsaSw arrssws at Isw# t a* s s Day Ps■■■*!! T'wlw law* Hanna t 1* a be btfbi lassaaa .rasa arrs*«w as Ma#s t m |> a* l«At fsasafo nwa ka»wi ia>« km pm AtustA warn vast rurn »«■■ »■.■ • W Trasa aritn . I(»aa Cat* Tsaaiaa i Tm» smw t ,* J. bay Fsaarwan Tbasa lwa*«w this lanb» Ibasssfa Trsts sfr»a s a> i a lUfwJar >Wst<M Tvata Ms»a 1 baa r «» tiaasiA isDoras« wsiljm»a» fVasa# /%s% WWa). anyisd bUbt Tms HT.IT t i*t p » Üby raaaaa c n Trwaa am#w# ID y a J Hy Assn : to a a. HOTEL ARRIVAL 4. RL lsssbai l Itaass -CrtlUadw A(s. STKabbard. NY: B * LttU*. IsJ « « Taylor. Oa. Hws fnur, do. R L Woodward. 40. C T WO* , do H M MiUaswatl do I» M Wait# t> U.«# Lh. .. UW. Mias Krbosa «r Mrs Taru#w *ru. sj* 1 rbild It ia CBAaia B D Potts Us H I r M A. i II Baldwin, do W J WaMb. bI. W h ttmitb and > Mr. Irtnlar. Ala llMoise. Bsl i 0 Klabt :. <i» W H Jubawoa. Aka. W M Baroos 4a. C N laaaa. S I. J • Mrrwra Ohio. A M rorrwll. ,s J |> Hud*.>ti. M.s# j W Jon#a. V*. Mrs Diaaton > \. Mrs Dwstar. <»s Mra ( oka and family, do A M . do JIM > i#y. K T . T J Raaimc do W H Mttcb#Jl do. V Kan *a«n. Ga, J H Tb- ins<»n and fssu y, N T J lo>y. T«U ORAIRUIA. islsmllsi Nswt from all Fails of tbs •tat#. By Mail to Ua b, Foum - Tha formal icdicatioo of the M. E.. Chart h took place BuD<iay ui> rn iag. liiahop Pierce prracbed lo a auJ nloliigrot abtlionca Tba* dlaconra was to • xpoaiUttu of the doclrtoa, gor» rnmml auJ WT?r»b\p of tba Method: t Kfnacopal Cbarcb, and wan eonatdorcwl as a mastetiy prod action, beat, cLaate. and wcL -larl)’ IkDtAb SPLiMoa. -Tb# cUtseoa of Indtan bald a asaeimg last w** k, aud pasaed rea lotions unanimously reqQesLng the town eommiaaionars to incrwaae the muutc ipal aubacription to tba capital slock of (be Gr.lEii and Madtaoo Railroad to §25,000, provided ibe road abould be located at a po.nt within the moorporation. The council app-oiuted Killer, Collier, and Saunders. •* com mittee to meet the directory, whiob duty vt ’] be nn tertaken al once. UKtKHAL kiwi. By Maal U» the Eaa.j Dr. ilellowa describes Mr Beecher as a " MooopbiaUe of the Antiochian] School,** and Mr. Ilevcber want* to know Low long Dr. Hallows baa had "Alwwlo on tb* tirmin. It la probable that the Lord Naptrr who represented tiraat Britain in \Vaabiugton during part of liochauau» PreMdeOcy. and who afterward served in nearly every court in Korop*, will auoceed Earl Mayo ia the V.ce Koyally of India next year The office us al most (sjaal to the chief mat: -.try ot Any Slate in Europe, and far axoe>-la. In aalarr aft-1 enaolamenta, tha Preatdeucy ot the United S-atca. Besides two palace*, the salary is $ lio.OUU a year. Joaqwia Millar has given up bta contain plated laoturw in Uregon, and a few days ago took the steamer from bis Portland h me for Southern California, Arizona, Lower t 'alifor oia. Mexico, axi-1 Central America, lit* (rip will probably b« prolonged to S..oth Atnerioa. thence h«>u»#waxd in a year or two. whan be proposes pnbliabing the practical re# a Its of his wandering-* m a companion volume In the ** 8004* of tba Sierras * Govamor Walker, of Virginia, i* a notable instance of the destiny that abs|M* human as roars In 1865 be was practicing law m aod, caaosMy getrg to Virginia t<» attend a alight legal matter, found, after a few days m Norfolk, that a truuldr-v :ne ca tarrb, which ba-1 fsateoad upon him in Cbi cage, had entirely disappeared. lie returned to bis home, was again beset by bu old nisi* dj. and, b*cana<- of bis health alone, returned to (be State of which in a few year* be was mad# Governor. Five passenger trams from the Wat are mow bownd at Laramie, on the PaeiAc Rsii rued The Wilmington, Colombia and Aogcsta Railroad baa been c-.gipleted to Columbia booth Carolina. liady Mordauol s friends are atiil donbt/ui M to her aoundneaa of mind, and she has bean placed under the oare of experienced medical men in England The cane us of Democratic member* of the Kentucky Legislature nt Frankfort on M n day weeing, the iHth tnatant. nomiuaUd the Hon. Thomas C. McCrvery for United States Senator, to an .need Hon. Garrett Dan*, who*# tana expired March 3.187 X The voU on the Brat ballot stood for McCreary 51, lie k 26, Humphrey Marshal 19, Gov. RramhUttr 17, Boone 1 Before the eecond ballot wa* computed nil the candidate* except Mr. Met reery ware withdrawn, and his nomma lion was made uuaniu.ous not THktM* IKWA. By Maxi lo tha Lsa JV>hn C. Murphy, a leading merehnut of Je(- feraon, Texas, died the other day Mr J *nos. of North Raglan.l. and Mr bowl os, of Wales, practical, educated iron men. have bean visiting Hirmingh-vn. Vlsbama. Hoi Smith Reaseli. the rising ronng come dian of the Barger bed ringvra, was bsptizexl into the Eptseopal Choren reoeutly in Cnuto . Miss The proposition for a OomMrmMve state Camventiioa in Mieameippi i* favorably r •-‘rived by the press of that State. Tba area of Alabama is 50.722 sqwarv miles, or 32.462,090 acres. Os the pnbiie lends in the Stale there remains undisposed of at preeeot shoot 6.700.000 acres, surveyed aod aabjeet to antry under the provtmons of the bomaaUmd law of Jans 1866. Tbs PalaUA, Flondn. Herald mra: “Tha article called vanilla, which grows so abund antly in oor woods, is exciting more than ordinary attention W* have received several taller* from lbs Chief of tba Agricultural De partment ni Washington oa the aobyeoL ~ The Tampa (Florida) Paninaular has Urn "TV Pmimblsi Railroad has reorgan iced, with Hon David Tuiee President, and has •ontmrted tor the laying of the iron on tb* graded track from Waldo to (koala, patting boatb Florida in thus near orwnmantesu -n with the periphery The o mpany ts poa essned af vesoereea ai r— ry to eonplrts the hiding si the read to tha moat aaosßsiUe <*wlf #o*rt pert, and we may look at any bo msl Me tha asvtvnJ el n tbrmaaart tone of tree Mr the kRJFtef ml the Isaak hens* northward te make om iXfiissllin * ATLANTA. (JEORGIA, «tB% n h • asnrt ni* m. m * >«■«* « SArepns# nnawn See Ik r*s Tha hu.-wlng arbrte wrfUea Is Re* W T ‘ BvenMy, 1> U. tn tha IUDg»»«» ! Herald * fee (Gy* ag- M* e*tb Ih ( rawhed hagaa , | u 1M«. ahortiy aA#v my ftr»t |«*h>enl nub kiloaaif will; tb* Hsfittsl t bateh TWh bu Rv hf-r at an MsAisibi*!* tba wmatry. and T. upviug tbs aa n* ( a THi and bed. w# had tba o|i*<>nwni(y of #a< tea* mm ni great »ar.#ty of tape 1 meet aowtnan W fradiug at lb* Um#. < « #ia#re(4* pndn in tb# j a* to ->ar moke of (he eec of a man wbo. ia hsa day had t «ee lbo m et .Ullagetehed stttnM In tha Hiaic. < tha Hon Wt» || i eban ibe aot> was aa djeUagpdahsd ns a scholar aa it# fa tht j bail twa* aa a staleasAr In aarly yoath. Dr C o«>una<teit hkmaaif wttb tb# I‘ra.hyumn cbarcb Wbaa, however be lM«am* tba fatb#r of rhildrwa, h# bln mio*d to #lamia* tb# Hcnptnraa, with th* view of aaocrtaining whether tbeae aaneUonod , thoe# arltrl#* of his rborrfc which re I quirrd tb* bapliam of infant* Ha breagt ' h. lb# snbj. cl lb# whole f -re* of his kceo an 1 discnmtnaiiog intellect, Lot La oould dia I cover r 1 bus *ailh lb* I>*r-1 ** for I'aloLap 1 tisiii Puabiug bu ;n«4Uiriue furtbsr, be be- ! omwr *■ -nvino i that n -thing ia baptism but a "bun*i with Christ Acting out his ooevtc b ’it*, without conferring with d#eband blood. h. preseitu-d himself for membership in lb# Baptist church must convsnictil to his rest d#nc»- At this lime no Isyinsn in the Plea byt#ran cbnirh lu ‘ »#< rgia was more asta#mad *bsn he Profeeecr »'f MaLbcmaUtis in their c<>l.»-s: in high repute for learning and m«>ra worth, he cou.d have eomtaanded any office in tb»*r gift. But constrained by principle, i. joined a Baptist Charch m .the country aud thereby relinquished all these prospects I>r. ( rawlord was soon licensed, and then ordained H# was a (>eetor for on* year in \t s*biL.gton, (is , and the same length of >mih -ii ('barltetnn. H. C. He th#n idea tilled him •eif with M« rear University, where, as Profaa * r « ! Theology, and subaerpienUy as Prem -lent, he ;*s»»*,J many y#ar* of his Ufa Prior Li the war, he was s Profeaeor. lor one year, m a in UiasisMtppt. and fur about the «un# time in keotocky Iu 1M66, ha beoam« I‘rvak but -d Georgetown Collage, Kaotnckj, where he remained until last summer, wheu he reaigntnl and retarnad to his native Stau I>r ('rawford’s scholarship was accurate *nd rxU-nsive. OonnectcKl with tha class tn which he graduated in the University of Geor gia. th r« w#re young mm of decided mental |>ow#r. and they aubarquently made tb#ir rnaik on thir age. but at college h# lad thexu *ll, bearing ff th« first honor. The Presi dent of the l niverß.ity remarked to the wnter. •hat no yout / mau La-1 ever t<een ronnacte t »uh th# inaUlal.ou wbo (K«Ms#ed such r» - ruarkab.* powers for the of kuowl *'Jg# as lid orir d<jarted brother. This schol arship b uiatntainei through life Rhi I# l’reaidrnt of the college, he could take the -t of any professor who vrss temporarily I .fi-ncnt. bearing a recitation in the higher branches ■ ! kku the rustics, or Chamiatry, or Natural Philosophy, or Imtin. Greek.’with much fu tlity a# though it had been the 'i«|artOßr*l aja-cialiy confided to kis ear*. Asa preacher, Dr. Crawford did not, or dinarily equal the expectations which hi-> acknowledged talent and scholarship had *wak«ned. There were times, in dead, wheu h# spoke w.lh c< aimandiug sloquanoeand th# moat mdtintf pathos. liis di soon rasa, too. were uniformly sensible and instinctive With hi* piety an ’ attainments, they could scarcely have tern ••tharwise. But his mind did not -• #u:. as v general rule, to grasp and elucidate his tht in • with that masterly force which one won 1 expec' .rom lU native vigor. He was ?>u defective iu analytical i*i*cr; ha needed *Lat Horace so aptly term* the lucido urdv, ihe ahiniog order, which luttsU even com m si pla-'e Ih. aghU with iut«reat, and without which tho beat thoughts pr'Hiooe but iitlJn "uprcsMon Still be was alway* heard witn inter* nt, an l mist he raoked among the most |Mipui#r itM.I . tlodiv# |>rwa#b#rs nf bta day There wa* one_ trait of character for which oar brother was remarkable, and that ia oau d--r. N • man *le#j ;m*l more than did b* misrcpr.—-nuuon ot flattery. To^his most in tin- at« friends be wa* perfectly outspoken un the Buhject of tbrir faults. When hit opinion was m ugbt about men or things, you ; tu’ght be eur# that nothing was -Tagytraii 1 -»r Cbrkeet Af Incorrect, y«m h#ar«t Lis I onest arntjui- nU. Chanty, too, went han.l in h«nd with Irsukaasa. Without gu.le hun»rif. h# suspreted uune ia ocher*, unless the proof of it* • xiat#ue« eras too ob vi-jus to b# lceietod. Hi* heart was leader and syinpathaiic. He was res*lily touched by the auOt ring* < f other*, and ha eras alway* r* «B4iv to relieve them, n so far aa his nreum slances ptriuittc-1. 1 '-oiling L» are him, a nad Ixen *X|>#cLil. at our S- ulhero Baptist . Convention in Baltimore, in lgr.B, I aakeif ' him aubarquently wt»y l»* was not present. | ••I fully intended to go," he replied, “and 1 had pul a* i\ fifty 1 dlar* to (»ay my traveling xpenst s. But. » day or two before the tuna f leaving, I r*-c#ived a irtter from a friend in li-ti.%# lagging me. if poesibla, to help huu # little bo 1 *■ nt hint lbe a Lfty ilo.iars saved u*r Convention ri|MiMM, sod I remained at horn* Here was an act of charity which, buts rn * (juralioo, would never have trmna *fvd Ml \ - I, I have UA doubt, would ■ e di# ! -j I. were the #♦ errt history of oar lr L.r # I . veu t tbe world Slranger* *1 is- KLI *--piaiutanccH might think our tr- ther reserved and rsUomt, bat thos# *h-» knew him better found in him a companion most genial sod com manic* tive. Ut* memory was pecaUaHy tens cioua lie seemed always to have at com inand everything be had ever read or beard Though far removed from levity, bis eoaver •ati >n abounded with humor, and be seemed to h*v# an ineibaosteblr fund of anecdote or of tnculeiit. with which to illustrate a truth, or t<> entertain a friend. When, at some fu ture day, the historian taka# up his pea to do tor ‘(aorgi* Baptists wb%t Dr. Taylor baa done fnr those of VirgiLia, Crawford will be rcmerolwred as one to whom God gave intel lect >ial endowments of tbe first order and *h ■ iaii r ve-1 his talent# by assiduous eak turr, s.i-iing to mauUl quahtias moral axcnl leiici •* which mad* him s man of gaoaeoo* •onl of unswerving integrity, and ro—efcea iu os dcToUon to the truth aa it ia In Jasua. I fully it 4 1 pula* TKXXRLSIKR XBRft. By Maxi to th# Esa.! K lam Forrest is dalighung tbe citix< ua of Saab villa AJh- rritle tragedy took place at Uaioa City la*t Moo Uy night, which resulted id the morder cf Mike Kelly. Doliomnaß and El. Russell The -umajmiu was arrested. Tb* machuaata in~*L« kaoxville railroad shop* wer« on a sinks a f*w days ago, Tha Knoxville C*hro&icl« ba* the fbllowteg Oa last Friday night a fire oaearvad at Kings ton nnJcr rather aisgukr circumatansaa. eoa sidnng the facts. Colonel J. M Thombargb was proaeeuting a man for ftdooioaa asmult or malicious abooting Th* facta ia the ease being about as follow* Tba prisoner fired a pistd at someone, but struck a hill* girl ia tbs lag and woutxfted bar so badly as to require amputation. On Friday ths >ury ware isn paane!ed aud it was expeeUd woald demda the suit usxt day. bat that night danag Oat. Thom burgh's temporary absence from tba boo*# where h# was boarding a fire broke out iu bis room aod consumed bis books m 4 pa per*. t gether with bu overeoaL Wb n fl'il discovered, tbe vafis wees a I aueet of fiaxue, suggesti r# 0 ( p«troleam Saa punoo p-uatal to partial xutareffiad in th* ec.t pan-ting, though noAAtng chantnattng any one with iaeen.iiary inUnt waa disco re* ed. Tba oa*# waa decided, however, and tbe men aea- UNicel to Ua years ia tbe peaMaatsary. Th# wife of Hon. R J MrKiaary U dead. A S«w Ymk mr . A. T. itoaK. UM I.KlIUu# M»»K «E A A- , -e iM#, MX ritME mm bmm TELEGRAPHIC. - IbimVm latmallM ItrriMl hi llr(hltMi;B Mrr lu4r4 Ihbl. V«W PVr4rU#« tormtp|<'<t and Kittled CoairtMloiil rn»c«dhit» FaWI KoJlmad ArHd--nt. —__ IHnorr Imin at Lrl4i|iikni i# .-wntk Iwrln l ijchliiiK In Loir Tillar#, ArLau-an. ( (ioßi-rniurnt Troop* Prtitlonrd lor. InUrr,(iuic KorrUr# how*. NOON DIBPATCHEB o - NEW YOSK. New Tom. Hiiimß ir N.-TM U—M. special diopaUb from Mala mores of the 29th says that Americas mlarvenUoa ia confideuiiy #x|wcAeA. Tbs a* rmprmmm lartwes asa isqaas *<l to favor tba intervention. Conaieo u threeteaiag Miar. Cortenas' ellegienc# L> Jaerax isdoobtful. Martinox u on Bau I»au; and Naverjo oa Bocalros Tald#x who was reoaotly pronounced at 84. Oartoe, x» maiabtag towards Mortwrey Tba amvsi of the «learner with funds fr >m Tnaspseo is sm pectad. and aafteae lb* foods do arrtv# a pro •wsosaaifo bare is probable Ar 'at Balmont to a card, dmoemee tba Tudv# as fala# aad calumnious tn several ar tides which ssaoclau# him with eorrast men Jacob Sevan (negro) was committed te iail at Trenton fur attempting to burn tha Otty Hall. Daniel Drew encored* T wee ! as Direef or on th* Rns road. Tb* oar bearing Alexis waa threw a from the track on the Grand Truck Road. None were seriously hark OHIO. Cixcixratx, December 21. Th* President's lather, th* Covingtoc. K#i>iacky. poetmaetar. became paralysed sad fell m tb* peek offiea inaenaibls for an boar, but has recovered. Tbe tram on tbe IdUlo Maimi Road collided with a wagon which contained ten woman sad one boy. Tbe boy waa killed, and Mra Wal ker, of Teotuaeae. badly hurt Tbe thermometer at reekekill stands at xsro to-day vircTnia. Eu!jnom». Deeaaiber 21. Tba Senate passed the House resolution etayio K ' th# fund ing State debt, and Uauahxitted it to the Gov ernor. The police raided err#o far banka making ft clean ewes;-. Tb* first interference sines tba *ar ENGLAND. Loaxx.x, December 21 The Prince of Wai*« ia gradaslly gaining efewagth Jfe. Gull ia ho be mad* a barunri. and Dr. Lov# will b* Knighted. EVENING BISPATCHES. WASH INC TON. W.«m-ioTt>». IV>oemb<r 21 -Tl.. nport to 'il. S.n»l.- C-lhao DtttMra «b(HM ID •troctioo. to Um BBfil ufi'W to prot-d \bhvh,u etturoo, la-j throw no ohjwto id Um »*) of i-*M .pin( ( v Dh*n. who. «pou rrweb inu Aiutricu t-oiiom*. in to b. In lb** (Waul-- Anthony w—i rl»-c!-i! dent pro lets. Sumn-r ißtoodared hu owe term unnJ —•wl U -Xooo noi nffect the oeil term Inf >r motion ni M» Z tbe Seme o« tiny (roar the Cos jmitteeon Retrenrhin- nt. with power tn imß Im pawn end peper . Tbe rewilntion ndmittinp Ool4lbw.ii. fr ru AUb«m* went over with the ■tortun-; h -ur, Hberm.n on the ground In.t\e*ld thw.uo bod boow oXocixl by MOMBor. ot Um kdic ot whom wore oooted by trond aod w>ot«ww». tot othon who worw and. qoahtod Tho quoaUou of oameoty vrmo noutned Senator Morton a amenAmenl tn moke in valid tho eloetioß for SeaUora or Kocr-waoto ttvoo on* oUlaoio, awato vns adopted l poo ttoainor'a motion to l not ad. hio Sopplem.oiol Civil Kifhto BUI objection woo that dwmooV B MU owiy aooawwd . majoru i hm] tt>. aigaataia of Ibe Praudeet, wharawa auoaatv Mquiod two tbirdo bat not tho -iffMtar* of tho l’rooMftswt- Mr Sqmwoi'o omondaowt ni reacted with owl any notion oa the MU. Hefon the Soweto adjaaioij a large number ot üßaadaoawta owe rnyunj owd loot. Mr. Mortoa a being tho awjy owe adopted In tho Boaaa, aAov a waiol doboiv ad parsed to tha Mh day of joaaory PENWSYL VANIA. Tin-new. t>aaaaibn tl. Tha ooatorm booed mail tiala ran off tho tnoX near W -t Nowtoa, Pa., ow aaanaal af a Mohan rail. PdMaa piMaapi■ vn hart -two latoi.y. TV- avpnoa oar la ia tho Hvor. fiiutauau, Donooabar. 11.—People rr-wa tho Lkalawaao rioor oa las oppomta tho city. MASSACHUSETTS. Imwbu, Oaoßaibw SL—Tho tharmoniot.r ia eight dogTooa haXow am SIWTORK. Xiw Yoaa, UooQMbor 11.—death Aaxmcan iatXon rvpart My dwii nf oarlhqaMLw. n niaa boon at tho town of fhaa. Tba atre. u opoaod and every boaaa twwMit tn rsina. A vtiwoo ban bent forth tn tho peon ore Jo •looey oad Author ash Uranian c 'ram 1 tl n along tho line of the Imhi ora apprrhrn-l—l. vircimiaT KtcawoxD. T-eoeoobor 11 —Martin Allan, who kUXad Robert Pwtanaa two Month, at ore. boo boon enartrMd of murder ia tho or rood degrwo, oad eoeteword to otghloon year, im prioonaaoah SOUTH CANO LIN A. I'.urua, ruaoaahar 4L —ln the ha K'ux C-aa 80-day tho daiawaa latrodaaod Mat-mo r-y to bMw that tba Ihnato of whipping and earning tha w«X»m poaaodod tho ootrage. npoe lbo ooioowd pioaU A nom boo ot hdtotMawto vwi pnwentr I by tho grand jury, who wore than diachorged an Hi next owh Ia the Lagtoiatnro ter.lay tho Oovemor'e (nan da Hind to tom a rote ow im poach meat, bnt were defeated HU la rngard. J oa a «"» vneoagy by the Map took i ra TxiMsaaaca. Hume L'-aaoebor H.—Tho perron wbo toot aoaparl (vote laha TiUagr hoard the iwnarni of the woman and rlUSia Bb-w ho MW twotea# don a to tho tore. The itonf of the uenly boo appHed tor Prdornl Iroopn. toaatag (Ua aa ton I mUmM wonld traiorniaa «MU aa laaoif into Bvorv white priwoa ahto to aUtota latilto-B haa ton tho ooaaty. Tha OororwM af itowaMO haa Mat hio Adm toot to Mo aaaaa. had to So mm daw- R. MUIW and nuMOniU I MtoU hare nat W to a pdSOto Nr wySr Uoopo. rsAMcs fua XtoornSto *•—* hr* Mtoaat »t »AY HORNING, DK( KMBKtI l>2, |H7I lofr sea ft Users ■**» h# fill the* ss l 4 H frffisss<4 !■■»«•» toNo«## Tha a••• to ! rt#4B4 m> mom fc»* a 4 f U»# I° INCLXND. i«toL(4MM.f-U a-M Itmo Laverp- Sv Pwtow.M >M total:; .1 yoaMV-la* (f Stofy Into- t. -to to .<•! ar. ho-, powto.l css*. HlVaoa. ltoo.a.Uv II Ur II «., l .no boo bewn ...Ur. Irtal ■ .. (r . I. , *•.. t. • . , .. . t iu.pna-hto.nt MIONiJHT UI&^ArCHE'. W aSHINCTON. i Wa#«i*-»tv*s fV»<-#«si*#r 7* i .<* L*lW>wictg Js lb# w*wth#f rrj#.vt f t tb# pssl (w#t.ty ItHSf | Laws Tk# Lsr-m#ur hs# r»*#n p* r ! v sir## j Wsfin—rlsy.sawrfc/wvQ ,**t nt thn .», H « I nvar. m * !»%*> # of th# »r*vA. Th# bigham hss *sf»v«*l frouu Ark i.«4h# tx"rUi«nst*«r4 u tb# m*44i# A Us* rv » list w#*fh#r. with *ohi nor»h*» i wi .1* h*« - jirt>r#-i ad Ibis ffi'iVfUimt Ih# sr«s of i -w-at tsmpavutu-# is fas*Mttir «*v#r Ibe sk-s asst ward %r> u-rth--n N w Esgiasd I to* hsn>Uo«t#r is bew Isximg tr-m ‘h# B-n# tfrdff* h*4 Übs liri# htoSWhrf Do lk# Mx#»*»- Stpfrt k.<nbdSSt«i ) uxuds u In* booth Aiisotic cad-, win «h. -iih.rly w.ofe from TesiißSt# lo MuhigsL a*4 westwar 1 (>#4y end lbrss«#wur>y t#sth*r i* rmom u<l from FWtds sod Obia t-o *xm and ss v In m Mb.bfgso to Mi*»an. sail we*iw«ri. No r#p«*rt* bsv* uesm iseund from th* i*se:fir PsttdlUJTUa ibe Mdßii-htf siil | rot-S --hiy couiiLue to in N * LngU -1 ».ik s Isiiiog U-sutwralun. A fsimog Lsr- UeaLrr wdi Srsvsii >u 1 ruisy v«ry g#b>ratij *%ht f tb* [tasia* i. with c; id* sod -v w f th. ApslsctiLsii rsn/#. Ls»t wini# *..l I'.- rvo.*# m tha south AtLotir *.<*#(. with thr*-#-. niag wusthvT sod rsin ,*v.ulh»a-t win 1# with rs.i. on tbe CKdf coast 1 - » osev* aorthtsat over sol M * w.n Cloudy w«'Sih«r wilt «-xtsnJ ov#r U - M i ll* snd Ls*t#ru SUxtea with -mh* - wn, .» By Fruisv sllsrnthoo the srss of low##: Will pASAS north sod tos»t into Nt* i-rut.a Psßg. ruua wiimla sre noi sntiCo|<sL if r th# cusst to-msht. FLORIDA. Kxv WifcT, December 21 V news lst>r from Usvstis stAt»w Lhst Srt-ur D*|#z RobVrL, ex-Govcrnor of Ha vs ns, n ths l'tth oa s stasm«r for Cmlix. H# wseseeonrpsßicd to the vessel by s lsrg* naiut>et of mfloew'is eitizcuA, sod \"iubt*eni m dtijnms drvws. He bfl with bis friends s fsrewel! mAßonil. glYiog sa seonuut of sod defending biA sdssioisira Woo of the sflair* of the rity. Ibis dueaavT.i. eontmry to the u#Ag«. hs- not t>*e« |/Ob iuha 1 RUSSIA. St. 1 trrjiFsrsr.. Dee#mtM r 21.—Th* Me* **Dger, tb* olhmsJ orgsix. ns* ■ j f r the first time th# rtm<>v*l of t slseszv from WsshiLgtoo. owing, .t says, to t-tuoua dft eulttes which might prejuduf th# good r >#- UOtxa eilsUng betwerii U(N#-., aU-1 iLr I.S U-; Su'.se Th- asm* otbcis. suth-ntv. ic sn sr tici# on the pr*s#txt sst-i*Ct L. I* Kay# the other power* should ee« i#o 'i*n ger to them*#lvca in t: -» frietxdAhiji belsesix Rosais iLittlm&vcv *3 c* ajtnon interest* *r,ffia-e# to ex;’a:a tb#tr mstbal Nit*cm Bui no litsle htuxi. l a • (sr count or liu-uviA a forbesrsnes ss to th: l k of sb«ori>4A«< snotber. An impsrisl nkst rusk#* r ’roj-oi- rv tb# u«# of the Kuomao in tbe -rt x>.-» of Holland. ENGLAND. Losuo*. Der-Amhcr 21.—7b* c 1 hr. • I Tichborne tns! hsa rr*cb#d *f • s* Tb* plaintiff rn tb- css r' •-t t- -d k y. s:. i further bearing •*# ) >•:; <. . ui ÜbJao * lath. A tr*D«q-ort srriTr-l fr. m *- y a*:L MX*> eoJdi#.* to rtoixf >rc« Ia h- r PRUSSIA. Bmm, liecember 21. l‘..e K®;-r r has proryiwd th# towtoioa of tl.«- I’m■.«.*a until lb# *'ih cf January. 1872 Bi«m*rrk hss s**nt * dispatch to tb* G#- av i repr#«atilsliv* at Fans setltug fcrtti the he i j caused lu (»#rmAuy by tb- u'.rse*a p. q- Uate-1 on ii> r • id»« i«* in Frsi.< 11-i-r-* run uolstn# in th* future th# swiv.ui w.. - #sc«j*# into tbe u* tgbbon 4 t»rovn.c#s sr-* ii*ol«sl«toi Lu U*l u£u • j tr.# Kreueh sath hum, su»i dovlsr*- tha*. nnl* th«se burih*« outrages cease ‘.be army of oorn psti >n shsll bs la t*stsl, art i th • XpHW s hurt Len if its sup;** rt, which u \ i ty Franc*. 1 hall be doubled. FRANCE. F*w». Deo mlisr 21. -Tl r« hss i*«u ands decree di* >ing tb# U-out If Algiers. SPAIN. Maosih, Deosaber 21 Aim .rul T \ e sad Manor Angurio hcsutsle to see* pi the 4 - rt foiios offered them ua Msgosts. KtOLAK D. TH# CaaiMsalH* sn«l (Hrlr t*#st(si. The following speci.vl dtspateb to tt.e N * York Hr raid has b#«n received from * c- r-»e --fvoßdsQl im tb* ospitni f Great Britain Lowtvoj*. Deceaihsr DL —The <4xl Tiv* news iNfwr. tbe press orgsn of lb# l'i>mmasi#ts laoodon, wnting on the subj-et of th- e>»n .1- Uon oi health of tbe heir apparent to the lit Kish turao# somw few days »iao* Mid **Tbe Prises of Wales' Hldam is so me J :»t I in oar internet t*x KiLuiri or me • xxr-x Thee# politics! perwvn* ;»■* merely pr v; r Honed tb* probshihty of tb# Pnne- dying in j sororvlsnce with the fart that s namtver of th# 1 leading merchants < f Ijonttoa bad forwarded' order* to their sg> uis 00 lbs G*nUo#at direvM- I mg them to make heavy purchase* oi m >nru ing poods for the Knrti«h market xstaliaticn bv mt o TUNxiv: Tt is considered that tbe foreign (\>mmam»U have soueeat tbs bi>epils.x.y of th- Rug.iwb people id affording tht ci s »el age say lam. by action such sa th'.* Tbs Secretory of Slots for the II rue 1 >#- 1 psrtsssul will most liksly r>que#* the piriis nssat lo giv# him authority to expel Qsri Marx from lbs United Kingdom Mari 1 rasideooe be. :i place-I an ler watch of lbs agents nf the polict It is rwlstsd that shin tbs life Govsmor I Bigler, of Osllfiiruis, was Minister V> i hili. be pvocureil s sttusti >n tor Harry M ig* in s aiaresutiU boss*, tbs latter betng then under baa and su sxiW from OsUfiwnis. Tb'-fn.ud ly act was rem-ml—red bv tbe now S-’iih A men can Railroad King and mitbousif. and less than s year ago lbs Govsmor rt> - ived a check by which ha srss enabled to pureti*## s comfortable hometoiamd in Sob FVsuoisoo. is whiob bis last brsi h was drawn. Tbs Hew York Weekly Witness is in eight l age paper, full ot lutnasUng maU , . i-ieiad iug now*, markets, an t a»pmas Rfrtraou from feedtng jomrnsi* L has also tba coiuuieaoe m*nt ol s sertsi story us deep later Tbs specissea sambsr wilt bs M'Dt tmtll' aa been (vers, to addition to tbs valsn.-. *htrb will Begin with the tml Mstunisy nf tbe new year Tbs subscript in* is o— -lot a* f—r sn ■um, te be seal to J -trn Dos**tk Us 1 Wit ! ■ sa*. Hml Nsasesa street. New York. On Thursday \m# tb# t« agrsm was seat from Ifsxr Y >rk lo th<» Loa ton **THs Fells#* fttrwei Prayer M*-li»| sod <4b«r praying aasemhit«s iu Amcrtcs units wttb the Gases sad pec,** <J EagUud ta ffatly .spyUoi s to Alvw*«tMf G<jd. At the tils o*d salvation of the FMoos of Who, arrimL iißMmnuiTN A PROOIJTMATIbN UKOfifllA HV NOUilll (UHIV. t#wv rnmv es mM frfrit ■ wasaas# 14W v » Imm Ml ■ Ss# Sms m iiW* t ■4 » ■*«*>#« am %sas ts# Mr W now wrists* Sy mmm Umum* OmSSS -t —SI aaS VS Uh# M Oaf *# SO #**#• ms. •*■* Uh# My ut la Baras* Ss #a# * «sr# na ra#«aa « ummrmu sr 4 mm m# ss*4 Bs Us ## 4 W.S4MI Un B#S teas /aeOas bM, «.wi . to tmu ai'Daaau au7 ssx4 mumry Bea#v lout in I rt ao4 <o# wSasas HU* j, W» m# SOerrX ut *U tumuSp rmS mum Is ar4#a lUi u.#y o«i la W#wi< w. trial As O* »*«■ whtS •* ft (Wf mM !*■#*» I al Uh# ( SfNwS Sh A Hast* SSh# Nm*i4 S#V #T L-msW. la tW rum -4 <of Lor4 ngtiias IseOraft sad S#»#t,iy tmu s*4 <4 lb# Ta lay—l*» ut IS* f ’‘ **--* hum* ' *m#rva Ik* Wls#Syßitt UHJAMII OOlLn 1 h ft* ftn*«rik(V D*m> O ' - vrvrsM >»#■(*) ot MS* *s«*sasft ft* I—l I res ray? 4sr XI -4S>w 11 WAX ADTEKTLSEIEJTTK. I'e* »*• Yeas unm - 4s> p Bi —i ft Os. SS. Cass k.<*, S M ranssuu A Ou.. r Pass BOW . ova fcai-raeoaa I.lm --Gssrrtv t N#wrw#s. Ba. * locil Sts os r PREMIUM COAL. Ikl/lt ta ssUiog ts# prumxmm turn Tanawi Oast j Oumfmmj‘9 east wsirft tsuß ft* psmsm a* Ow A llanta Vtolx, 1071. 1 as iftxrtf eaota pm Iwikii at ft* js#4. as ftSti (kr*> s*4 as# t*.-4 touMSSittrO. las sU qaasOOaa ##or '#* bWhftaxs Sac ffi-lst WANTED -A PARTNER! iwrra a cub a To xurrLsmsbnlf msaeaatlss FIRST CLAW DRUG STOUIL. is l or-mDca* cm. 1 srw wt 2 e vuMiabaS sod d-4a* s H Baalr ms A 4-1 raa*. oatft foil aas*. •• jr. Hi. C./» Box No. H7A A TLA XT A. OBPBOIA. nv BAHumar. 1 la tl# I'vatv.c* Case* ut tfta Osttad fftslas foe ft* S rthms DWrW ut Oaorfla. ■ la Ui- tasuar at HAN (XL BA Bit. BwiSrayS. XortO tre IftstrWt of OM|S as V WARRANT tt MlrsfUy W# Was leas*l hr i o 4 Court qsits tb# i itttt 4 Saasnat Bard mt j tn# mvsty of Pott#*, sed ts# Mss* m»* rgtt. is sm4 J Dutn t, *t. » so# burnt. 4alf adysSfaS SssSraf C oo . ; psCXus at him meOitres, asa ft* paraas af aav I 4##>U ar I U. mMumry o( aaf per p>nj t-kiagt* g w? ■tout hactropt V» bos wtorlia saa. aod tba Ml | fur nt ott r fty Una ar* t ift Mm by ttw A lof Wa -ataS# nil S WWp*' t h» s<bl l#t> at 4Usaia O * iwftt. is sa*d SaaCrv-t oa ' tb# 1L U. -»f Jasaar-r A D . IA at IS a alocA « w »l th* Banal rr • Bf*. as kJmtmmo at r#*t. u. ltj r-rfOvlaew* WarA Ba* . ana of tSa B#« ;n Rtakrxylrf. for as*4 ISSnrt. vm ■ mm learts Os rw*»M «tm 4a# mil j ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. ALL RAIL (Bicep* trss«f»r s' Nafctia > i* vssi:\uKBtv for MOMUOM E HY, Se’.iai, Mobile, Birmingham ai.d Tu&oalooaa. Ala., ii i: k i in a> , I J Irion. I- if Dili. 1 lfk-tor(, Ohala na. aad (torinth, Siaa., NEW ORLEANS, Slu*(- v«- (»<>i*t, Monroe, 1.n., .Jein>r#cn, Onlveaton, 4a! a.- Hat* -a T#tas sa.' B vU*m and .'utrsi a—*# LEWIXfi ATLim TWICE DAILY A: * vy. .1, # h md al ?*» o <4oet. r. m. ns ATLANTA AND WEST POINT ■ R AILiRO AD * 4l« d.r#n russattosa v>u th# shav# aasH puss* Train# run thrsafft to Maatfun scy. withoat chasm- **** Miles Shorter TV) MnHoMTT. Mofe*. ud.W OrWM. U—a B!o» Mouatate KiN«W Bom) or mm otaar hJ 288 MILES SHORTER Than by Cln uaooo. (>ra»d Md r or—. w> X<.« OrtMM m 4 iWtM. 357 MILES SHORTER To Sbra-port ini Jrterson, T»in, thu by ObaUr- a—i Rraaphia. «14 bUm MiwiiiTi nm MwbUooU^. rucricm Lmtlkc IUuU l«<> b^ara»ad is* a.n«M —rUar than m Bfeto >*>•• mm Iwm. FuMinri U»U( Alkali m «'■» •*«•*»*. i * . ww» ■» tesu U—* tUMU. F««nrn Lnifif Atlaata »r «* « rftnrft. r. ■.. wtA «Hw ta Ootiabw M 4 M Mil » *nis» 47 MILES SHORTER Tb— nay MW ro«*a to *»ia«. larttiao. JW—. ■to TVW| Way iMiiaaa ■ patt to bMiki vtil an, Mi dtoM •T Wm ban m> ate— aaMto TkrMgl u- »t* for rato to tea dU to tea tea*— mi TWW W« to Wt—■ o"* uiT auiMat ! tolW a m i mi:m i :k ivi Brnn irn opi.ka hoi hk. F'ofr rtsa stssva <ivii nasas a assi ■abb #**•< nix »»t attfiAVttsv eras oarm is rv* emip ■ W 4ll» smni SaMiSMafttoaito. ■ 9* <Vli IttttAt fft*l«*fu •» NMrss -» a. *.« m r aaiu. MMis m# «mw w g—•*. StesKirr' ■■ 4»i a* mrnmmt Mis i i*»» -« a rOJU iuas ▼bs mmuum •« W tsssimi i m VOftßMl n. #W ff lift as atU ummm m Wai af ft. -burnt Tumm Bsas* OftßS MU ■* M. ,« m>«« ■is 110a* ##la ut MaBMtOU is taeSi * pav-aia. pm%. II TL' rovaloro. JkW’ix M il# hi* Buonn Iwaii ... MU# t»Xll SA btaa W PTBBBIBS Baa* . .. Umß Uumm tHrumm 4 rtXMuIM n -»«W »*—isq. TM—har XS. 1171. FHA 1)1 A VOf* A, tnb abba Bcuarm ■# txxuii rm bsbmjmabs a# pra l>uv,.i_* MB*. Iff, aa BT I.ADT Ald>'4#B ' AILPOIUin. I __ . ( (tLATTON W PoRMXB | ** Atm , BWh MM WXjmj. H aa Ur»D Alai* OSH CAM. BRAUR aSI #0 liitviii ■ BRJUBttRJL «* TRt I.aXDUJRb a ruDuiiM wrnu'kL dvrcttor rndsy Pesemtiir » ISM. will h# pra4aae4 tt# ’Hi*#** laaawMAlTli WrOy iMnWR Osrl Vm waftar'a WS«tt warX, DA M PRAT BCWT7TX Paturn af artmttrtao—Baaarvad aaatt ts Orrbassrs of DruOM. 11 eea-rsl aOmtmeia >! m wtoe-d pltsry |1 OS or r#a.r*i imM al rSUBg.i * (W. D—•—***r MS. a* Sa cSocft «W* Uw* i aas W ut> Ma#d BARRY I. sTXBh. Aqaac 4m B-4M EIBEMANB, Clothiers and Tailors, PAH EXCELLENCE. Wa sail tba #o#s thoa af lA# rtt laaaa us llxacrt# asd IS# (Mae* of (Aawr gl A ta asr aa 11 r a Sort at ready am4# cloCAlss (or sms and boys. vohcS ** save jaat racai#to4 tm th* tmL and wtalar trod#, sod wkheft will Sa (oosd ss oraojitas# is sxi roayrsa aa thss at say dWNi* saSshCaaaiari tt tba attj Os# atom wa ts## imrrtssiil al tft# lewaas Or**** *•# sasft. ssd is none* \m*m m wIT. W sWa So aah m ft* vary jovest yrvaaa. Tha stark cosalat* tspsrtof sfl tba Istaat stylos la dr#os s ■ and b«at tail asits. nlliklt ftr par sssa af si) sgaa ssd vary ispr l#a far drsss suits t r o ta IMS to |lt ftaasaas salts from t»to tit; anroitMt ewy fmda end qaahty tram M to ft*- m aa feswfiy An*, ssd asQ tram 8) • IB w* also axaft# So v4.f On* •■*#*. Cb##vass. Hal ua* a r isy osbar ftisd af g# da that i*** b* #to#o ts sh Omit ft wfticS far ftyk i—Wt Sara N bsAfty. and pumm. -anno* W M | Whxto- rarym( sajwftar*. Is far XTu*v hah a*aft:ng f#o* yea wul Asd bsU j nmv sU tba ana navaga, ssd SSrvt nasi tt*a Is 4 1 fkMx.. Axl ISM wa daasra sa IWI s s Sod* of any kind wvii •* smx*»# os r #.a»#S* r«. oorod (bay wilt as#* ftatb time ssd mosey by cnlllSff M M WbtSaSsll amass km rw ftaildia*. Wto ftsv# ** kM parur* lsr psxne is tbe win ties of ear fall asd win la# *Bnrft a f <Ufe t a ff far yomth* mt a M arm asd ps rests ss4 soar <-au *s a set (sxi t e W jlaamd wxsk uor wall i 4m 1442 **" €% KlvCllt A 810. AfiNttVKrH HALE. BY wrto* ut as order Sand by tb# bearrabb tb# 1 Cat ad SiaSeaOeost. for tb# Bnrtbirs DiaSttif of | AT PUBLIC OUTCMyJ OX UTLPXKBOAT. Dooomber 87. 1871, mmfrxcixo nn o-euxrx. and r—atiwstag fVam dsr so Asy nt lb* store bum a# m antl.T u.-qpaail by Ail nan* A A «-x»r.-I#r os Dacntwr 4tr##t lb# Km bail W* asork at ffthod* a ii—i la part *f Hals laps, Traahs Pars l MhitoUas Stoats !S— s tr. mu W nu. tto Mr to tor MU to w tom I bto’-:;-. TwiMto, Tte. te. to tor to Dtovto> ter. ItolV XOteH h. Jvivrutn. (to u-iste-n ito>«M. FOR HALE, TWO UNIMPKOVED LOTS OX McDOXOCUB STBXXT. ox i u ua rnrr norr wt m nn our. Prloto a OOP- Tt. tobto to m nn rmovr a* ran ior Prlo*. MOO. TERMS EAH Y . is F«tot llto; la the rvar al bath Lata. ARMEY AT TUIS OFFICE. mm UK NE W % O UT E ■•bito, Sew Or)»«»», TicfcSarf, aa* To#. BLUE MOUNTAR ROUTE ' VIA ■XLHA, ROME sad DALTOft RAILROAD ABD m OORBttTIOBB. niMMOI taawtty by a. Rama Mia. raadL at Marsdtta. 4 AM.. Jsoftaoa. 11 AS a. ■d OsttsaTwl?'trains cf Awath ssd Xostß IftSmi till a Baw Urttn*. IB » m Tb* sand bm Was r*rangy i |Hpii L smd tba I -JJ not aarpasaad by asy us tba Bants lav ■SrsngVß and Weaty mans. FAJLKrb LOW ba by mj°OTHU MOI TB. toto2 »##» # xTtelteTatoM T " >l ~ 0 • auun, . (teton# tetoalto ■lts C&OTBCU Ltol a# V I DtoMO "•••toe BLANKS or ktwbx HBCJurno2i. fob •aanußrN <ix*w% MnEßirm, iU JUSTICES' 01' THE PKACJt utmoi uni ttm iiv,iti laaoKj iia mb *mn mioic .tn. iw>«j raiLiaai mt • YfCSkMt* wlvik abb uquoirite. No » 4.r#wl to MitetS. •LBUUEUUM' f 'U WML ttote o t i r i: . ■L— i*.raa. Tto Um W Tia—ar.a of tea W —tora »*<■ Wanatep to tea a— 4 tota to <—•— tou« Ux—miMiai Um i|4 AUftlx *•!'»■—l •bdai to ».n.-art.n to -to Aato Bmhvm vmvu. TBat safe* Mi TT-bhi * m>i 1 B ■i. atoil >a yap to —r at ate late M— to an* —1 ar to any to Itopwonr aa~ tel—4 to btbtoanaimirwL aa to —y ya—u— app n—t.d by Bates B Baßarb. Mto to 3- n—Ms -nr* to Wto rate tea item of aa— —ai. ar to y Utt— pa—M am— —■ say M« aa parte— to tea ate I—in-tup rv anaaa, TW Ito Tluarw to Ito Btota. aail a»ua tea tot* Ttaaanrar Bad tokor’ dMorrs —d MMW to tt>« Wan— MMt AftoaO Bate lad te , Dns nßm mi tea »Ms#'is< r—Uu iwas ba ooatotr—d aa i spaa—um tea —m to this ila— ten tea kateaa— ton i Had ty tea a—l ctecar* »to if—• ara tea rea. bate— daa. /xtfTa m. nrmr. t*—ter to tha Rao— to l ipnimni J. A. WABbBLL. cm* to Uto Bn—i to M*p——**«** L. JL m»MKU. Prwini to tea Baas I T. T.i. BILL. ippfvito. Va—bar H. ITU. BK3UABIB (MBIT. Bo—M EXECUTIVE DSFOmim. Ar.-uu. As. Bav—bar A. IC'. I. B» B nlia-a, tor—rj to IBa lucsUn Da partnaafc. too bars By oartsfy. teal tea foray ia« an*, a. ten*. ta a tnw aa4 co ~raal aapy to a isa lafl :■ pa—ad by tea o—sato laaaaahfy to praartaa—l MiappnMibyßafiwi te B. A3BIBBOX VTATE TUUBrBBB*« OfFICT. ' irurti, Os. So—bar B. IfTl fb *r Late CyLara W ip—l> torraart —A Ur paaaato by Bate M ibbbm a»4 appwnato by tea itoaar aar. aa baaoaaas mj —ty u> laamai to yoa tea pay —ana ter twn wto tea tea— to vliargn. te« to— i—— la yaw ba—to bilaapiap tbr BM— to OwapMs ba—f tea —pi af tba lubm —4 iibat- BMMi i i vbiM la p ar-—na to th« mt —to n i MB —aia Trmir-.rwr > <)T I O E. AS CSsrKBA* to tea Or—Sß —pi all Ito in to tea W<toaru —d sUaau. Ballmad by te*> bb dor ana— to ten—aa*. I ban by anal— teaba—4 at>— tea mattar sto«« Nt—ttad u> M. tea a— W«tor. • —y Jia—ry. toll si 12 a. ia ter i aputo B—kbn« ta tea roo— to tba Fbialß—t to tba te—to LA paranaa —r«| fe> —bartt aaM amn mit—a —d to ba b—to lafcta te a— 1 ialy a— i aa ba tea ato teara p— Lay paaa— iaana. I • ■■— Ban wxte a* te— nactar pn -r ip tea B/«t Wto——j la iaaoa'y. ItTL a— Ba so by b—r and nnal aa a»Vyo cWra Wad—a—T ,B Jaaaary ÜBS —a tend ■—— - LT^rTPnkMs uumciffl uuid Annual Distribution, To M Dnn Mu St. Jrnrmrr IS m 011200,000 OO! i* va.lua.bijß »tn»i m um uhtu runs SIO,OOO IN SK£KICIN QOLD! tio.aa n smkkicjln sii.vee rrri.“jiMKtovKS! o. $■ w »>■>■! *s»»a ascwi,* .MSMIIM-allS Ftra FM-toM4 | hj Worth um mimi *s<» tmw Magra—a <s «»i •MS>a*>iaas - a«M« t i«» . ‘ TMrt, <* MSOOO. UMMIkaMS* Mil’ pn maa—via Ba va*d. ■«>. BUM IS as US* US M" 1 MS TrilMM Ss TIMJS m n,il«M|« OMo os JAM— COMBBI MMI.S UNITED BTATB B rrrr ivb naTVirrrrr foundry PEINTERt’JviiKJENOOSE, c—Baa-aad Ban BB nu t ßaM Tartu ff£S5SS£. ss (SwfflAl jl" m b U tora tea U—uyj—Mteßlg^— to >*•«- HTSanr bstot Lto* afw3 mmmW* f—• »«b< boMato -bMiS I |g- ‘»i «HB*F ana, tea MB teßteto —* «rto iw OwTiCu t— b<C* aal M P Cte Jfc^teßß—te Fiapato»p—iito b Ito ‘■—,. > —s»« B«MM MwittSWJ. Ow(l*