The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, July 02, 1860, Image 4

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FOR PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, NIAGARA, &C., MISCELLANEOUS FROM CI1RUST OR & IIVURIH Cabin Pa»»aseto PhlladclpbU, — $15. Do. through to ^'ew York, 16 Do. “ Niagara,.. 24 Deck Pannage to Philadelphia 6 Through Ticket* Atlanta to Phila delphia, 21 Sold by General Ticket Agent, Atlanta. The splendid side-wheel Steamships Keystone State and State of Georgia, now ran regularly every Ten davs from Charleston and Savannah to Philadelphia. The KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Charles P. M«r*h- man, will sail from Charleston on the 10th, 20th and 30th of every month. The STATE OP GEORGIA, Copt. John J. Garvin, will sail from Savannah on the 5th, 15th, and 25th of every month. For speed, safety ami accommodations these ships are not Inferior to any afloat. River navigation 1<MJ miles, only two nights at sea. Agents In Savannah, HUNTER A G A MM ELL. “ Charleston, T. 8. A T. G. RUDD. “ Philadelphia, ALEX. HERON, Jr. Juue 22-dim ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, 31-2 Miles from Shawsville Depot, Montgomery County, Va. milE PROPRIETORS having purchased this WATER- JL ING PLACE In October hist, have thoroughly repair ed and furnished It with entirely new furniture of the best class, and will open it for the reception of Visitors on ' THE 15TI1 DAY OF JUNE. Having increased accommodations, and made liberal arrangements for thecomfort oftheir guests, they flatter themselves that but few (If any) Watering Places will atford the same attractions as this. It is situated in the oounty of Montgomery, 3>£ miles , from SHAWSVILLE DEPOT, (Va. A Tenn. R. R.) on the i hanks of the Roanoke River, and is surrounded by some of the most beautiful and attractive scenery to be found among the Mountains of Virginia. The Water has ac- , quired such a reputation in the last few years, that it is unnecessary to say anything in commendation of it. It ! is now considered a specific for the worst forms of Dys pepsia, and a remedy for all Cutaneous Diseases, disor dered conditions of the Stomach, Bowels, and for pros- I tration of the nervous system. We might append a num ber of certificates from Physicians and others acquainted j with its merits, and to these might be added ad infinitum. Passengers will be met at Shawsville by Four-Horse j Omnibusses, to convey them over a new road to the | Springs. Persons leaving Baltimore, Washington, Rich mond, and Petersburg in the morning, arrive at the Springs the same day ; those from the South will find the same conveyance oh the arrival ofeacli train. June IS ...dim. BOOTH, COLHOUN A CO. Georgia, Fayette County: Sherrod H. Gat, 1 Bill for discovery, relief, dis- vs. ; tributioa and injunction in Thomas B. Gat and f Fayette Superior Court. Isaac P. Gat. J T HE complainant ia the above case having filed his bill of Equity in said Court, for the distribution of all the real and personal estate of one Robert Simms, late of the county of Clark, In said State, who departed this life in the year 1840, after having made his will, giving all his property to his wife Johannah, during her life, and after her death, to be equally divided among the heirs of Daniel Carter and John Simms, of Rocking ham county. State of North Carolina, and the heirs of Allen Gay, Joshua Gay, Gilbert Gay, William Gay and Thomas Gay, Joseph Thompson and Jeremiah Walker, and praying that the heirs of the said persons may come forward and make themselves known and establish their right to said property, and have themselves made parties defendants in said case, in order that a proper distribu tion of said property may be made by a decree of said Court. It is, therefore, ordered that all the heirs of the above parties above mentioned, do, by them selves or their Solicitors, appear in this honorable Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, to be held on the second Monday In Septempber next, and establish their identity and cause themselves to be made parties defendants to'said case. And it is further order ed that this Rule be published once a month for four months in the Atlanta Intelligencer and National Amer- can, HUIE A CONNOR, Solicitors for Complainants, true extract from the Minutes of said Court, at March Term, I860, this April 2, i860. SAMUEL T. W. MINOR, C. S. C. ATLANTA FUR COMPANY. T HE subscriber has located himself permanently for the Fur Trade—Furs of all kinds bought in season, from 1st October to 1st May. and he hopes, by the liberal prices he paid last season, and will pay in future, and from the accessibility of this market for the South and West, to make it one of the best South, and equal to any North. He hopes, by correctness, to share a liberal pat ronage. HOBNS, TALLOW AND BEESWAX BOUGHT. Marietta street, five doors from corner Whitehall, at th sign of Malone A Johnson, Atlanta, Ga. BERTRAND ZACHF.UY, Sole Proprietor Atlanta Fur Company. Oct. 1st, 1359—wly Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound, Dennis’ Alternative, Prepared by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Georgia. For Diseases of Vie Liver, and to Purify the Blood. It contains is addition so sarsaparilla, The Hydro-Atcholic Extract of Queen’s Delight, Stilligia White Ash, Grey Beard, or Fringe Tree, Chionanthus, Tincture of May Apple or Mandrake, Podophyllum, and Blood Root Sanguinaria, In small doses it Is Alternative and Tonic. In large, doses it acts generally as a mild Purgative, with some as an active Purgative. It is useful in all diseases in which Sarsaparrilla or A1 teralive medicine are indicated. p^In Pint. Bottles—One Dollar per Bottle. For sale by Druggist generally. June", 1S60—w2in MISCELLANEOUS. CHEROKEE REMEDY. TO CAPITALISTS. SALE OF LOTS COODSON, VIRGINIA, —AT— / AUCTION. - T HE Proprietors «f about Four Hundred Lots, lying within the corporate limits and in the immediate vic inity of the TOWN OF COODSON, Washington county, Virginia, have determined to offer the whole tract for sale, at PUBLIC AUCTION, On Wednesday, 1st August, 1860. The tract has been laid off into Lots of different sizes, to suit the wants of the public, and there are locations suitable for Stores; for Mechanics’ Shops; for Dwelling Houses; for Tanneries, and for any business that may be carried on at this place. The rapid growth of the towns of Goodson and Bristol, which are one town in every thing but the name, points to this place as the one more likely to increase to a large commercial town or city than any one upon the line of Railroad between Lynchburg and Memphis, and the past growth, while wonderful of itself, is a good indication of what the future will be. Five years since there was but an open meadow, where a town of over 1,200 inhabitants may now be seen, and at that time there were no railroads and no leading coun try roads. Now, two railroads have their termini here, and a third, to Cumberland Gap, will probably be soon under way from this place, as the surveys Indicate that Goodson has the advantage of being much the cheapest and best place for the eastern terminus: the route from here being fourteen miles shorter, with better grades and curves. Included in the above property is a large and elegant PRIVATE RESIDENCE, situated on a beautiful and elevated site, and command ing a view of the town and of the romatic scenery of the adjacent country. The building is of brick, in modern style, has commodious out-buildings, and a well of water on the premises. As much of the surrounding grounds will be sold with it as the purchaser may desire. The property Is one of the most eligible, either for a private residence or for a school or seminary, in the country. Maps of the above property may be seen, after the 10th of June, at. this office, and with J. W. MORGAN, Esq., of Goodson, Va. ; A. K. MOORE, of Petersburg, Va., and SCRANTON & JOHNSTON, of Savadnah, Ga. J. W. MORGAN, V. KEEBLER, and J. A. SPERRY, of Goodson. Va., will show the property to any person de sirous of purchasing, and either of the parties above na med will give information as to terras at which the prop erty can he treated for privately before the day for the public sale. Terms liberal, and will lie made known before the day of sale. PROSPECTUS. South-Side View of “Cotton I* King;*’ ; or, The Philosophy of African Slavery, T HE supscriber has now in press, and will publish in a few days, a phamplet with about 35 pages, under the above title, presenting the subject in an original form ; dedicated to the Ladies of the United States. Hitherto, in the discussion of this great question, wo- ■ man’s vanity, more than her judgment and love, has ! been invoked iu behalf of humanity. The new features of the work, may disnlgase some; j but if the author, in going beyond “36.—3o , and “the ; like of that,” shall succeed in interesting those to whose ; favor it is committed, he trusts the little book will not ' not he in vain to the world. Price of Phamphlet, 20 cents—postage prepaid. Address, MARCUS A. BELL, Atlanta, Ga. pT Editors of newspapers, North and South, by copy ing this Prospectus, and sending the author a number of the paper containing the same, will receive a copy of the work with his thanks. June 6—dltwtf B. Real Estate For Sale. F IFTY ACRES OF LAND, on which is a good Dwelling House, with line rooms, a good garden, fine water ami very desirable situation, on the W. & A. Railroad, four miles from the Car-Shed in Atlanta. Call on R. J. COWART, Nov 16—dtf Atlanta, Ga. Slate! Slate!! Slate!!! T HE undersigned begs to call the attention of the building public to the fact that he is now prepared to cover roofs with slate of any required size, and of quality that can not be surpassed in any part, of the world. tw Roofs warranted not to leak. 1ST Specimens can he seen at the office of WM. GABBETT, Sole Agent apT-tf for the Vanwert Quary, Polk Co., Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA,! Superior Court, April Term, J-IS60, Present his Honor O. A. DeKalb County, j Bcll, Judge. JOHN HEERY, ) Libel for Divorce, vs. L EM1LINE M. HRKRY, | Rule to perfect services. I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the Defendant does not reside in the county; and it further appearing that she does not reside in this State it is on motion of counsel ordered, that said defendant appear and answer, at the next term of said Court; else that the case be considered in default and the Plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in the Atlanta Intelligencer, once a month for four months prior to the next October Term of this Court. NEAL & PITMAN, Attorneys pro Libbellant. A true extract from the miuutes of DeKalb Superior Court. m9—1m THOMAS R. HOYLE, Clerk. I Thomson’s Corrugated Skirts. T nE DOUBLE TRAIN, The Parisian Belle, The Gaso- raer, The Woven. See that our names andthecrown are stamped oa every Skirt. TO RENT. B Y ORDER of Campbelton Lodge, No. 76, will be rented to the best bidder, before the Court-House door in the town of Campbelton, Campbell county on the first Tuesday in August next, a large and well fitted up Dry Goods store room, under the Masonic Hall, formerly occupied by Camp A Watkins in said town of Campbell- j ton. Rent to run from that dav until December 25,1S61. i June 28—td A. C. WATKINS, Dep. Sheriff. j "JACK’SMITH'S CORDIAL. One of the Safest and most reliable Re- i medies ewer otiered to tbe Public, for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux, Chole ra Infantum, Summer Com plaints, Children Teething, &<*., Ac,, &c. It is no humbug, but its efficacy is guaranteed. The I MONEY REFUNDED in all cases where it fails tu do ! good. For sale at wholesale and retail bv P. L. J. MAY, G. j K. A J. L. HAMILTON and MASSEY A LANSDELL, and HUNXICTTT A TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. Remember it is sold under Warranty. June 2-d*w8iu RAIN CRADLES, See•—Grain Cradles and VTSc.vthes, complete, of 5 Patterns—Grass and Grvin sevthes and Hooks, “Snathes,” Stones and Rifles. For sale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. GEORGIA-Fa) ette County. T WO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate of Matilda Graves and Wiley Graves, late of said county, deceased. June 7-2m VINES GRAVES, Adm’r. To Bridge Builders. milE INFERIOR COURT of Fulton Couuty, will let to 1 the lowest bidder, at Buck Head, on the 4th Satur day in this month, the contract for building a new bridge across Peachtree Creek, on Peachtree Road, near the resilience of E. G. Collier. None but good heart timber to be used, and to be built upon the order, or after the plan of the old bridge. Propositions received on the day, or before that time, they may be left with myself or either of the Justices. Atlanta, July 4-td DANIEL PITTMAN, C. I. C. Manhood.—How Lost.—How Restored. J UST PUBLISHED, in a sealed envelope on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and In voluntary Emissions, inducing Impotency and Mental and Physical incapacity, by ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the “The Green Book, <&c." This world renowned author, in this admirable lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without Medicine and without dangerous surgical opera tions, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lee ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the re ceipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box No. 4586. feb28tf LIME! LIME! ROGER’S BIBB'S EYE LIME! Read, tlie following Certificates. I do hereby certify that I have worked Roger’s Lime for several years, and I have not found any other Lime, made South, equal to it. WILLIS PECK. Atlanta, Ga., June 6th, 1SC0. Mr. A. K. Seago.—This will certify that I have foi years past, used Roger’s celebrated Bird’s Eye Lime, and I am now fully satisfied that it is superior to any Southern Lime 1 have ever used,-and equal to the besi Thomaston Lime. CHARLES SCHNATS. This is to certify that I have worked Roger’s Bird’s Eye Lime for several years, and find it the best Lime made in the South. GANGWAY MARTIN, Plast. and Cont. Roger’s Lime is sold in Atlauta only by A. K. SEAGO, ABBOTT A BROTHER, MALONE A JOHNSON. My stock of Flour, Corn, Bacon, Lard, See.-, is large and prices reasonable. A. K. SEAGO (Successor to Seago A Abbott,) Comer Forsyth and Mi tch ell sts, Atlanta, Ga. June21-tf BALDWIN’S COPPER LIGHTNING ROBS. I F any mac can satisfy the community that he has a Rod which is more complete protection from Lightning than anv other he may rely upon avery large business. L. S. Baldwin, of St. Louis, Mo., has deviseda combina tion which we deem better than any before known, and for which he received Letters Patent on August 9th, 1S59. —Scientific A merican. After having been engaged for many years in the Lightning Rod Business, and trying many experiments at great expense, L. S. Baldwin, of St. Louis, has invented a rod which embodies all the requesites for a perfect pro tection. It is made of Copper—(that metal being one of the very best conductors>—with four flanges of a Tubular Spiral Form, thereby giving it the greatest degree of strength in proportion to a given amount of metal, and the hollow tube gives it a large extent of surface inside and out, as from actual experiment it is admitted by all scientific men that electricity passes upon the surface of a conducting body; it. is but slightly affected from long atmospheric exposure. The CoxnrcTixG Power of Copper.—Prof. Henry makes the conducting power of copper 6 to 8 times that of iron; Prof. Morse 6#, M. Pouiilet 6)6, Prof. Faraday 6% times as much. Now, Baldwin's Copper Rod has 4# inches surface, while a half-inch iron rod has but two inches.— These facts give Baldwin’s Kod a conducting power over an iron rod 20 inches in circumference. Copper is eight times as good as iron of the same sec tion in conducting power, therefore to be preferred tc iron.—[Scientific American, A oL 10, No. 6. When Electricity is communicated to a conducting body it does not distribute itself uniformly through the whole mass, hut exclusively upon the surface.—[Draper’s Chemistry, page 105. Every Powder Magazine in Europe is protected by Lightning Conductors.—[U. S. Patent Office Report. State and County Rights for sale. Rods at Wholesale and Retail. pt&~AH Orders will be promptly attended to. Rods put up in any part of the City or Country. AH work Warranted in every particular. D. B. LADD. Sole Agent, June 12—dtf fbr Georgia and adjoining States. GEORGIA, Fayette County. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Ordinary of said couunty, for leave to sell the real estate of John A, McBride, deceased. June 2, lS602m ANDREW McBRIDE, Adm’r. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to j the Honoi able Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, for leave to sell the real estate of Jeremiah Sullivan, de- | ceased. July 3-2m JANE SULLIVAN, Adm’x. * GEORGIA, Fayette Couuty. T HIS is to certify that my wife has left my bed and board without any provocation, and I therefore fore warn all men from dealing with her at my expense, as I will not be responsible for any debt or debts she may hereafter contract. June 11, I860—w4m SAMUEL COX, “The long sought for, discovered at last” An unfailing Specif c far all Disease* of the Urinary Organs. ffWThis “Remedy” cures when all other preparations fail. is entirely unlike every other medi cine prescribed for Private Disease*, as it con tains no Mineral Poison or Nauseous Drugs, being prepared from Nature’s own “Reme dies”—Roots, Barks and Ideates—and lias been handed down from one generation to another by the “Medicine Men" of the " Cher okee Indians.” is offered to the Public on its own intrinsic merits. E3plt performs its duty quickly and thor oughly, striking at the very root of the dis ease; not simply suspending the poison, but removing the cause upon which it depends. rsr’A few duxes Positively remove all Scalding Heat, Chordea and pain, and i strongly recommended in those old Chronic Cases that have baffled Medical Shill; in these cases it never fails, and recent ones it cures from One to Three Days. not only eradicates all traces of poi son from the system, but it invigorates the most delicate constitution. H®*lt does not affect the breath, or inter fere with any class of business, or require any deviation from the usual diet. j^“It requires no assistance from other medicine. SSTAiul what enhances its value is the en tire absence of all Nauseous Taste or Smell, be ing a pleasant and delicious syrup. ffgflt can lay on tlie toilet-table, or in the counting-room, without ever being suspected as a “Remedy” for Private Diseases. £7g?“A treatise on Sexual Diseases, with di rections for their permanent cure, accompa nying each bottle. SSlpFor full particulars, get a pamphlet free from any responsible Drug Store. E^pPrice, $3 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. POTTER & MERWIN, Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, Mo. fc-gpSold in Atlanta by Hunnicutt dfTaylor, who will supply the trade at proprietor’s prices. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the southern States. March 6—lyd&w BALTIMORE BELL & BRASS WORKS, \o 53 Holliday St. Baltimore. MO. REGISTER & WEBB, Keep on hand and make to order, BELLS Of every size and tone, varyiug from 10 TO 10,000 fiBB. Which are warranted in all respects equal to any made in the country. Also, manufacture every variety of Brass Faucets, for Water, Steam and Gas. Also, BRASS CASTINGS, BABBIT’S and ANT RIC TION METAL, all of which is sold upon pleasing terms Send for a Catalogue and Price List. March 13—d6m CATOOSA SPRINGS. o T HE subscriber having again taken a lease of this well known Watering Place, justly famous as the SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH, And thankful for the patronage received last Season, will again be prepared to receive visitors by the middle of June next, and will strive to merit a continuance of that patronage which heretofore has been so liberally be stowed upon this Fashionable Summer Resort. I shall endeavor, at all times, to provide my table with all the attainable luxuries of the Season, and have made arrangements to keep on hand a const ant supply of ICE. I shall also have the best Cooks that can be procured in the South, aud shall provide a sufficiency of faithful and attentive Servants. I have also engaged the services of superior Musicians, and those who delight fn the “concord of sweet sounds” will be abundantly gratified. The Medical virtues of these many and varied Mineral Waters are now too well known to require an extensive description. In addition to the Red, White and Black Sulphur Springs, many of them combined with Iron and Magnesia, there is an inexhaustible Well of the purest Free-stone. Mv accommodations are very extensive.— I have many pleasant Cottages separate from the main Hotel, where families can be as quiet and retired as in their own homes. Catoosa Springs are in Catoosa county, Georgia, two and a quarter miles from the Western A Atlantic Rail road. A fine Omnibus and good Hacks will he at the Platform on the arrival of each train. The Springs have a direct Railroad Communication with Savannah, Augus ta, Charleston, Macon, Milledgeville, Atlanta, Montgom ery, Nashville and Chattanooga. Terms of Board: Two Dollars per Day, Ten Dollars per Week, and Thirty-Five Dollars per single Month. Visitors who wish to engage board by the Season, with their Families, will be boarded at Thirty Dollars per month—children and servants half price. Those who wish to engage board by the Season, would do well to address me at the Springs. May 4th 1S60—d4m J. J. HARMAN. MAGIC SOAP, MAGIC SOAP, MAGIC SOAP, IS NO HUMBUG, IS NO HUMBUG, IS NO HUMBUG. I IO R general Washing purposes, Removing Spots, Grease, Ac., from Carpets and Clothes, Cleaning Paint, Jewelry, Ac., Bathing and Shampooing. Families furnished from 1 to 25 lbs, at 5 cents per pound; from 50 to 100 lbs. at 4 cents per pound. Hotel dealers, and large consumers, at 3 cents. Orders from he city and country respectfully solicited. Manufactured n Atlanta by J. A." Broome A Co., and for sale by MASSEY A LANSDEL, Aug. 31 ...dtf Sign of Negro A Mortar LEGAL, SALES. Fulton Slierlfl' Sale*. he sold before the Court-House'door in the city of Atlanta.lon the first Tuesday in August next between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: City Lot No. 156, lying on Gilmer street in the city of Atlanta, tlie same being part of land lot No. 52, in the 14th District of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Levied on as the property of James Garvey to satisly wofi. fas. from the Justices’ Court of the 1026th Dis trict, G. M.. one in favor of L. P. Grant, and one in favor of S. J. McMichael vs. said Garvey. Levy made and re- tturoed to me by J. C. Itasberry, L. C. ALSO, a part of city lot No. $7, in block 14, iu tiie city of Atlanta, heing part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th District of originally Henry, now Fulton county, describ ed as being ten feet off the west eud of said city lot. No. >7, fronting on Wheat street, and running back north to oitv lot No. >6, bounned on east by D. B. Ladd's lot, west by city lot No. 82 of said block. Levied or. as the proper ty of Hillman Williams, to satisfy two fi. fas. one from Fulton Superior Court. Jackson A Bro. vs. said Williams and A. R. Allman, E. S. Mell, and W. R. Smith, securities, and one in favor of Ilenry G. Dean vs. Hillman Williams and A. R. Allman, both of said fi. fas. now controlled by T. U. Wilkes. Property pointed out by controller’s at- tornev July 6,1360. C. C. GREEN.'Sheriff. ALSO, at the same time and place will be sold, city- lot No. 47 of Block No. 2, in toe city of Atlanta lying on Houston street, the same being part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th Dist. of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Le-ied on as the proiierty of John Erminger, to satisfy Jasper S. Smith vs. said Eruiinger. Property pointed out by plaintiff. ALSO, five acres of land, lying one and a half miles east of the city of Atlanta, immediatelyjnorth of K. Burn ham's, the same being part of land No. 47. in the 14th Dist, of originally Henry now Fulton county. Levied on as the property of James Blackman, to satisfy two ti fas. from the Justices’ Court for the 1026th District, G. M. in favor of Win. Neshit vs. said Blackman. Levy made and returned to me by S. W. Thornton, L. C. ALSO, a negro boy of yellow complexion by the name of Billy, about 3 years old. Levied on as the property of J. C. Wells, hv virtue of seven fi. fas. from the Justices’ Court for the 930th DL-t. G. M. Catoosa county, in favor of A. T. Hackett vs. sail! Wells. Levy made and return ed to me by J. C. Rasberry, L. C. ALSO, the West half of City lot No. 14 of Block 4, in the city of Atlanta, the same being part of land lot-No. 76, in the 14th Dist, of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Levied on as the property of Albert G. Janes, by virtue of a ti. fa. from the Superior Court of Fulton county, founded on tlie notes for the purchase money of said lot in favor of G. B. llaygood vs. said Janes. ALSO, part of City Lot, No. 130, in tlie city of Atlanta, fronting on Cobb street, whereon Mr. Connel now lives, the same heing part of land lot No. 52, in tlie 14th Dis trict of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Levied on as the property of Thos. Sheridan, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Fulton Inferior Court in favor of S. T. Diggers vs. Thos. Sheridan and Thos. Reynolds, security. Property pointed out by plaintiff. July 6-t-d S. B. LOVE, Dep't Sheriff. Fayette Sheriff Sale for August. W ILL be sold before Court House door in the Town of Fayetteville, Fayette county on the first Tues day in August next, between tlie legal hours of sale, tlie following property, to-wit: One yoke of Oxen, eight bushels of Wheat; levied on as the property of Wm. H. C. Dodson, by virtue of a fi fa issued from Fayette Superior Court, in favor of C. K. Bennett vs. said Dodson. Property pointed out by plaintiff. ALSO, at tlie same time and place, one lot of land (No. not known) in the Sixth District of Fayette county, whereon Robert C. Bridges now lives. Levied on as tbe property of said Robert O. Bridges by virtue of a fi fa is sued from Inferior Court of Fayette county, in favor of Isaac B. Williamson vs. Robert C. Bridges and Richard B. Bridges security. Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land No. 197, in tlie lower 13th District and 709th G. M. District of Fayette county. Levied on as tlie property of James W. Sikes, by virtue of an attachment fi fa issued from Fay ette Inferior Court in favor of John W. Throat vs. James W. Sikes. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. JACKSON MARTIN, Sheriff June 25, 1800. Campbell County SlierilT’sSale for July W ILL be sold, on the First Tuesday in August next, before tlie Court-House door in the town of Camp- bellton, Campbell county, within tlie legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro girl named Ann, dark complexion, 10 or 12 years old. Levied on by virtue of four Justice Courts, ti fas issued from tlie 1184 District, G. M., three in favor of F. S. Fitch vs. James It. Jennings, one in favor of P. II. Brassell, controlled to Hugh Buchanan vs. James R. Jennings. Levied on as tlie property of said Jennings, pointed out by Plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by A. J. Short, L. C., and other li fas in my hands. ALSO, 125 acres of land, more or less, part or parcel of lot, No. not known in the Srh District, originally Cow- etta now Campbell county, whereon John A. Boswell now lives, bounded East aud South-East by lands of L. B. Watts and Richardson, levievd on by virtue of a Supe rior Court fi fa issued from Campbell Superior Court in favor of Elizabeth Parks vs. R. S. Bartlett, Principal, and John A. Boswell, Security. Levied on as the property of said Boswell, property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attor ney. ALSO, Grocery house and lot in the town of Palmetto. House in which John Miller now keeps a retail grocery and bounded Soutli by family or wholesale grocery of Garrett & Zellars, No. not known levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Campbell Superior Court in favor of Chafee, Amand & Croft vs. James M. Strong surviving, partner of Strong & Penn. Levied on as the property of said Defendants, property pointed out by Plaintiff's At torney. ALSO, Lot land containing (202>£) two hundred two and half acres, more or less, No. (154) one hundred and fifty four in the 14th District of originally Fayette now Campbell county. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from a Justice Court, of 652d District, G. M., in favor of G. T. Richardson vs. Joseph B. Camp. Levied on as the property of said Defendant. Levy made and returned to me by J. J. Milford, L. C. other fi fas in my hands. A. C. WATKINS, D. Sheriff. May 30,1S60. td CITATIONS. Georgia-Fayette County: W HEREAS, William Head, applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of the minor orphans of James W. Head, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 14th day of May, 1S60. [w4t>d] GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fayette County. W HEREAS, John O. Brown applies to me for Letters of Dismission from tlie estate of Alford Brown, late of said county deceased. These are therefore, to cite all and singular, the kind red and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at. my office within the time prescribed by law, then and there show cause, if any they have, why said letters j should not be granted said Administrator. Given under my hand at office, this the 24th May, I860 GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. 1 GEORGIA—Fayette County. W HEREAS Martha McLeroy, applies tome for letters of dismission from the Guardianship of Martha E. McLeroy. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why said Utters shall not be granted tlie applicant. Given under my hand, at office, thts 25th June 1S60. 80d GEO. 0. KING, Ordinary. Georgia—Fayette County. W HEREAS, William J. Russell applies to me for let ters of dismission frsm the Guardianship of Jona than Herring, orphan of Thomas Herring late of said ! county deceased. These are therefore to notify all persons concerned, to ; he and appear at my office v. itbin tlie time prescribed by law, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said lettersshould not be granted tlie applicant. Given under my hand officially at office, this 7th day of May, 1S6C. GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Fayette County. H UGH DRENNAN ofthe490th District, G. M., tolls before me an Estray mare Mule, of the following de- I scription, to-wit : Light Sorrel, marked with a brown streak down eacli shoulder and along the back, four feet : high, supposed to be three years old, and appraised to be worth seventy dollars. Given under mv hand and official signature, May 24th, ’ I860. ’ ISAAC B. A AREA, J. P. ! A true extract from the Estray Book of said county. FELIX B. THORNTON, C. IS C. May 20th, 1860. j Georgia, Fayette County: | TytTIIEliEAS, Parker Eason applies to me for letters of | dismission from tlie Guardianship of Wm. S. Mil ner : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons j concerned to be and appear at my office within the time ; prescribed by law, and siiow cause, if any they have, ; why said letters should not he granted, i Given under my hand at office, this 2Sth May, 1S00. GEO. C. ICING, Ordinary. \ May 30, I860. 40d [ Georgia—DeKalb County. W HEREAS Andrew Wells applies to me for letters of dismission from the Guardianship of Alonzo C. ! Giles: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary, to i be held on the first Monday in September, to show cause j (if any they have,) why Said letters should not be granted j the said applicant.. Given under mv hand, at office, this 17th day of July, i I860. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. CITATIONS. &c. Georgia—Fulton County. ' W HEREAS George H. Hopkins, Executor of the last will and testament of Solomon Hopkins, late of said county, deceased, represents to the court by his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has Tully ad ministered said Solomon Hopkins’ estate: T his is therefore to cite all persona concerned, kindre and creditors to shew cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from said executorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September, I860. 6m J. H. MEAD, Ord’y. Georgia—Fill»cu County. W HEREAS Mrs. Jane Sullivan applies to me for letters of administration, on the estate of Jeremiah Sullivan, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said decased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause (if any they have) why said letters'shall not be granted tlie applicant. Given under my hand officialy at office, this 19th dav of May, 1S60. JOS. H. MEAD, Ord’y. Georgia—Fulton Comity. To the Clerk of the Inferior Court of Fulton county: N OAH HORNSBY of the 477th District, G. M., tolls be fore me, as an estray, taken up on the freehold of 'lint the said Noah Hornsby, in said county and District, 11 bay mare Mule, marked with the collar,’four feet ten Inches high, and supposed to he about 12 years old. Ap- i praised by Mathew Morris and Thomas' Hornsby, free holders of said county, to be worth One Hundred Dollars. Given under my hand and official signature, this 23d j day of June, 1&59. AZARiAli M1M3, t *>. A true extract from the Estrav Book of said couui^. j Feb. 22—tf DANIEL PITTMAN, C. I. C. CARRIE L. TERRELL, 1 Libel for Divorce in the Super- vs. Vior Court of Fulton county, Ga. SMITH L. TERRELL, ) April Term, I860. I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Plaintiff, that said defendant is not to be found in said State, ■ and by the evidence herewith submitted, that said defend- | ant resides out of said State. It is, therefore, ordered by . the Court, that service he perfected by publication in a public Gazette of said State, once a month, for three I months previous to the next Term of this Court. A. W. HAMMOND & SON, Pl’ffs. Att’ys. j A true extract from the Minutes of Fulton Superior i Court, at April Term, I860. B. F. BOMAR, Clerk. June 6, 1860—mo4m Dawson Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dawsonville, in Dawson county, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The west half of town lot, number twelve (12), in the north-east division of the town of Dawsonville, Dawson county, Georgia, levied on to satisfy one Justices’ Court fi. fa., from tlie Justices’ Court of the 1178th Dist. G. M., in favor of the Justices of tlie Inferior Court, against James M. Bishop. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney, as the property of J. M. Bishop. Levy made and leturned to me by Sylvester Edwards, L. C. TROUT HOUSE EXCHANGE! T HANKFUL for a patronage so liberally extended, the undersigned would inform his custom ers that he has now opened his RELTAU- RANT, and can furnish them with Bonescure,' Norfolk and Savannah OYSTEP Also, all Kisds of WILD CAM IN ITS SEASON! His Bur is Stocked with the Choicest LIQUORS and i Cigars, and with polite and attentive Bar-Keepers, and a strictattention to business, he hopes to merit tlie contin- i uatio of their patronage. Oct.n 21.] W. W. SPALDING, Proprietor. Postponed Sale. Also, lot of land, number three hundred (300), in the north half of the 18th district and 1st section of Dawson county, levied on by virtue of, and to satisfy a fi. fa. from Dawson Superior Court, in favor of Ellis & Wardwell, against W. W. Odum. Sold as the propertv of defendant in fi. fa. HORATIO TATUM, Sli’ff. July 3d., 1SG0. ITU] ton Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Alpharetta, Milton county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land, number 10, of the"2d section of the town of Alpharetta, levied on as the property of Dunwoody, Arnold & Co., to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justices’ Court of the 1175th Dist., G. M., in favor of Jas. Bentley, vs. said Dunwoody, Arnold & Co. Levy made and re turned to me by O. ML James, L. C. Also, lot of land and mill, in the 1st district of the 2d section of originally Cobh, now Milton county, levied on as the property of Ji. T. Martin, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justice Court of the S45th Di.-t., G. M., in favor of D. S. Anderson, vs. said II. T. Martin. Levy made’and returned to me by James M. Dodd, L. C. Also, the north-east half of town lot. No. 22, in the 3d section of tlie town of Alpharetta, levied on as the prop erty of J. J. Stewart, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justice Court of the 1176th Dist., (>. M., in favor of John T. Paden, vs. said J. J,, J. L. and A. M. Stewart. Levy made and returned to me by James M. Dodd, L. C. H. TV. PARIS, Sh’ff. July 3d, 1560. Forsytli Beputy SlierifT’s Sale*. W ILL he sold before the Court House door in the town of Cumming, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Oxe house aud lot iu the town of Camming, containing one acre more or less, No. not known, it being the place whereon Maranda Swetman formerly lived, levied on as the propertv of George M. Neatheriand, to satisfy afi. fa. issued from Lumpkin Superior Court, in favor of William Martin, vs. said Neatheriand. Also, one lot of land, No. 90f>, in the 3d district, and 1st section, as the property of Allen May. to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justices’ Court of Whitfield county, in favor of Sterling Moode. Levy made and returned to me by a bailiff. G. W. HALLMAN, D. Sh'ff. Julv 3d, 1860. Georgia, DeKalb Couuty : W HEREAS, P. F. Hoyle, administrator of the estate of Merril Humphries, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from Iris said administration: These are therefore to notify all persons concerned,.to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to siiow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted tlie applicant. Given under my hand at office, February 28,1S60. 6m J. B. WILSON, Ordinary GEORGIA, DeKalb County. Clekk’s Office Inferior Colrt, May 28, 1860. A LL persons interested are hereby notified that Nathan Clay, of the386th District, G. M., tolls before Nahan Turner, one of the Justices of the Peace for said District as an Estray, a hay horse Mule, thin of flesh, fourteen hands high, and about four years old. Valued by John G. M. Williams and Cyrus Twilley, freeholders of said county and district, to be worth ninety dollars. The owner of said Estray is requested to come forward, pay charges and take him away,or he will be dealt the law directs. KENDRICK A. BUZZELL, C. I. C. May 30, 1860-wSt Georgia—Cherokee County. W HERAS, Alston Worley, administrator on the es tate of Wm, Wood, applies for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. JAS. JORDON, Ord'y. August, 20 wCm. Georgia—Fayette County: W HEREAS, Henry Mitchiel, Executor of the last will and testament of Danvile Mitchiel, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand, at office, this 12th day of May I860. [w6mj GEO..C. KING, Ordinary. State or Georgia, DeKalb County : 'VST'IIEREAS, SiuieonHall, applies for letters of ad- TT ministration on the estate of Ann Lawrimore, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted tlie applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of May, CA J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. I860. Campbell Mortgage Postponed Sale. O N the First Tuesday in August next, will be sold, be fore the Court-House door in the town of Campbell- ton, Campbell county, within tlie legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot or Parcel of Land No. 120, in the 9th Dist. of origi nally Fayette, now Campbell county, more fully descri bed by reference to mortgage of record, Ac. Also, part of Lot No. 113, in same District and County, containing forty acres, more or less, more fully described in the mortgage. Levied on as the property of Wm. Trentham, by virtue of two Superior Court mortgage fi. fas., issued from Campbell Superior Court, in favor of Andrew Smith vs. said Win. Trentham. Property pointed out in said fi. fas. A. C. WATKINS, D. Sheriff. May 30, I860, td Notice to Debtor* and Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John Burk, late of Fayette county deceased, Till please make immediate payment, aDd those having claims against said estate will present them in terms of the law. MATHEW READ, ER LAWSHE, DEALER IX LOCKS,l WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, 7 ABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Whitehall Street, ATT. AWT A. GEORGIA pf* Watches carefully Repaired January 2, I860—dly Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL PERSONS indebted to John Ratterree, late of Fulton county, deceased, are required to make im mediate payment; and all those having claims against the deceased will present them in terms of the law, properly authenticated, to June 12-40 ALEXANDER RATTERREE, Adm’r. Forsytb Slierifl' 5 * Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Cumming, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following property, ty-wit: One town lot, in the town of Camming, with a store house thereon, occupied by W. E. Davenport, levied on as the property of James A. ISagale, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from tlie Superior Court of Forsyth county, 1 in favor of Hickman, Westcott & Co., vs. James A. Ba- gule A Co.; one in favor of N. A. Cohne & Cohne, vs. Bagule & Rees, and one in favor or dark, Wells i Spear, vs J. A. Bagule Si W. P. GrunnelL JAMES MILFORD, Sh'ff. July 3d, 1860. Georgia—Clayton County. T WO MONTHS after date application will he made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the es tate of Dr. C. W. Smith, late of said county, deceased. JOHN C. SMITH, June 22-2m JARED I. WHITAKER, f Adm’rs. .Notice to Debtors aud Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of T. J. Foster, late of Campbell county, deceased, will please make im mediate payment; and those having claims against said Estate, wiil please present them in terras of the law. A. S. FOSTER, Adm’r. June G, 1SG0—40d* Georgia—Fayette County: T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the laud and negroes belonging to the estate of Charles Clements, late of said county, deceased. May 14, lS6Q-2rn L._F. BLALOCK, Adm’r. Ni otlce to Debtors aud Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the. estate of William Rus sell, late of Fayette County, deceased, are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will present them in terms of the law. DANIEL D. DENHAM, Adm’r. P. ARMELIA RUSSELL, Adm’x. July ll-2tn Georgia—DeKalb County. 'HEREAS, R. M. Brown, administrator with the will annexed of Ann Ooilby, represents to the court that i he has fully administered Ann Ogilby’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin ! dred and creditors, to siiow cause, if any they can, why i said administration should not he discharged from his ad- : ministration, and receive letters of dismission on tlie 1st | Monday in September next, 1S60. Given under my hand at my office, February 23, 1660. I 6m J. B. WILSON, Ord'y. Georgia, DeKalb Couuty : W HEREAS, P. F. Hoyle, administrator of tlie estate of Jesse L. Williams, deceased, applies to me for | letters of dismission from his said administration: ; These are therefore to notify all persons concerned, to he and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, February 23, I860. 30d J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, DeKalb Couuty: W HEREAS, James S. Elliott applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the estate of John Adams, late of Said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite, summon aud admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before tlie first Mon day in October next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under uiy hand, at officially, at office, this 22d day of March, 1860. [6m | J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. Georgia, Fultou Couuty, l Court, of Ordinary, July Term, 1860. f JOHN 8. WEAVER, Movant, | Rule Nisi, vs. Defendant, f*. j to show cause why pro- l Wm. L. HIGH, Ex’r. of Will | hate of Will should not if MARY WRIGHT, Dec. ( be set aside. I T appearing to the Court, that said Wm. L. High, Ex ecutor as aforesaid, has propounded tlie last will and testament of said Mary Wright, deceased, in open Court, and proved the same in common form, and it further ap pearing that said John S. Weaver has caused to be served upon said High, a Rule Nisi, to show cause why the pro bate of said Will should not be set aside: and it further appearing that said Wm. L. High is now desirous to prove j said Will in solemn form: and it further appearing that | some of tlie parties interested in said Will, reside outside t the limits of the State of Georgia, it is, therefore, hereby ordered by the Court, that this order be published once a week for the next ninety days in the Atlanta Intelligencer, and that tlie same be considered as full notice to all par ties at interest, to-wit: John S. Weaver and his wife, Elizabeth Weaver, John 8. Wright and his wife, Nancy L. Wright, of the State of Georgia, and Wyatt H. Watly and his wife, Sarah Watly, of the State of Texas, and Mary E., widow of Thomas Wright, of the State of Florida, anil B. F. Bomar, Guardian, ad litem, of F'rank Wright, mi nor orphan child of Thos. Wright, deceased. The above being all parties at interest, known to said Wm. L. High, that the last will and testament of the said Mary Wright, deceased, will be propounded for probate in solemn form at October Term, 1860, of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Granted July 2d, I860. J. H, MEAD, Ordinary. July 3d, I860.—90ds—$12 To A. G. Tuber <& Jas. Brcun GEORGIA, Fulton Couuty. W HEREAS A. G. Taber and James Brown, on the 9th day of June, 1857, acknowledged themselves held and firmly bound unto his Excellency, Herschell V. John son, Governor of said State, and his successors in office, in the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, if default should be | make in tlie personal appearance of the said A. G. Taber j and James Brown should personally appear at the next. I Superior Court, to be held in and for the county of Ful ton, on the fi st Monday in October thereafter, and not , depart from, said Court, without leave thereof, and to answer and abide by whatever should be adjudged against them, for the offence of buglary, in the county aforesaid, and which said recognizance bears date the duy and year first aforesaid; and the hands and seals of the said A. G. Taber and James Brown being thereunto subscribed and affixed; and, whereas, at the October Term of said Court, 1857, the cause came on for trial, and the said A. G. Ta ber and James Brown being thfee times solemnly called and failing to appear, their recognizance was then, by order of the Court, forfeited as appears of record. W e therefore, being willing that what is just in this behalf should be done, do hereby give notice to the said A. O. Taber and James Brown, that they he and appear at the Superior Court next to be held In and for said county of Fulton, on the first Monday in o ct °b er next, to shotv cause, if any they have, why judgment should not be en tered against them for the sum aioresaid, according to the tenor and effect of their said recognizances ; and have you then and there this Writ. Witness, the Honorable 0. A. Bull, Judge of said Court this first day of June, 1860 B. F. BOMAR, Clerk. HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON 1 Governor, &c. \ vs. }- A. G. TABER and | JAMES BROWN. J SC1RI FACIAS on recognizance in Fulton Superior Court returned to APRIL term, 1859. I T appearing that A. G. Taber anE James Brown, the principals in the recognizance in the case above stated are rot to he found in Fulton County, it is ordered by the Court that service of said Sciri Facias be perfected by publishing tlie same, together with tins order once 8 week, for the space of three months prior to the next October Terra of this Court, in tlie Atlauta Intelligencer. THOS. L. COOPER, Solicitor General. April Term, 1860. A true extract from the minutes of Fulton Superior Court. B. F. BOMAR, Clerk. Georgia—Fayette County. W HEREAS Allen Reeves applies to me for letters of Dismission from the estate of William Reeves, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, then and there show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said Administrator. Given under my hand, at office, this tlie 19th day oi March, I860. GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette County: W HEREAS, William T. Thurmon, Executor of the last will and testament of James W. Head, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said etters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 1st day of February, 1860. feb4 GEO, C. KING, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette County: W HEREAS, Thomas J, King, Administrator on the es tate of William P. King, late of said county, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at rny office within the time prescribed by taw, then and flljjre to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shout!: not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Fayetteville, this the 1st day of February, 1860. feb4 GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette County. W HEREAS John I. Whitaker, Executor of the lant wili and testament of Oliver M. Pearson, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish an person* concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given'under my band at office, this 12th day of July, I860. GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette County: W HEREAS,Kissiah Walterson, the Administratrix on the estate of Daniel S. Walterson, applies to me for letter of dismission. These are therefore to cite and aamonigh, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and ap pear at office, on or before the 1st Monday i r 'rnuary next, to show cause (if any exists) why said Ie.te.-s of dis mission should not be granted. Given under my hand officially at office this 19th day of July, 1S60. GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. Georgia—Fayette County. W HEREAS, Dennis Stubbs, the surviving administra tor on the estate of Sarah Stubbs, applies to me for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law', and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given tinder my hand of ficially at Fayetteville, tins 20th day of February, 1860. 6m GEO. C. KING, Ordinary. Georgia, Fayette County : W HEREAS, Francis P. Jones, Administrator of the es tate of Daniel K. Gilmore, late of said county, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, there and then to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 8th day of March,