Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, March 27, 1861, Image 4

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S6ILTJET1XRWl /COIN F/E5HE!R'IA C<Y< m MiwrttMHM m «K* miMM Chnrchl Worth. •Ill UttWMtMaiilMlii A MIICI CKamUrtiuri, JfurcA }9. Tb* ooaaiUM *» III* «t*l* *f Ik* otordh thnitMrn|«i X & id M*«k Ik* *p**M *fd*r (Hr Mm* laid 0* Ik* tab!*. Tk* roooluiiono war* *f*ia road aa follow!: 1 /frtofrHkffkkl.kHfc* *f Jk* Kut Baltimore Conference, ikt substitution of iU «*» for tin old etapfer •• »m on unnecessary Sad injariooi change. ami it ought, thortforo, to bo repealed. 2 Ami** iWt^fere *#• bee# tdmlstre tie# ua4tr mM mv oh op tor io this ooefer* oMO «. W—fes< That no roopoetfolly oak tho sevcrel.aanual eooforoooto, at thoir onouing *oMteos, with 1 vitw t« tho havuuy of tho wholo church, to giro thoir aMial to (ho fol lowing: “ That tho next Qoaoral CoaforoMft bo and io hereby Mounted to ffpeaUhe chap ter on ilaxgyy, aal l»Hil thUOOdT empower each aooual confer*aee withia whooo houado the rolatioa of at***! axial* to make oueh regulation* upon this subject ao io thoir judgment may beet aoboorro tho iotortot of the Meaner* Kingdom among them.” 4 Remind, That tho Biahope bo* aid are hereby, respectfully requested to OObmit tho above reaolutiono to tho oororal aooual Conferences for thoir ooooorroooo. The ayeo and noeo wore ordered oo tho quedlon of their adoption, with the following result— ayeo 106* note 9. Itportant Church Movement.—The Coo mention compooed of lay members the Metho (list Episcopal Church within tho limito of tho Lialtimoni Conference,^met at Btaooton. Vo. on Wednesday laat and elosed its labors Saturday evening. its action woa highly im porthat, being tho adoption of a memorial ad dressed to the Baltimore Aooual Confadanea, alao assembled in convention at Staunton, asking that immediate measures be taken to sever the connection heretofore existing be tween the Baltimore Conference and tho Moth odist Episcopal church, North. Tho history of the struggle of tho Southern Conference with the Methodist Episcopal ohureb, North on the slavery question, Is Justly regarded as important, exhibiting oa it doea all tha pha ses that have characterised the more impos ing contest between the Northern and South ern States on the same oubjeot.—Richmond En quirer. Important Speech.—The Baltimore An nual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has been in session several daye past at Staunton, Va. On Saturday last, among the speakers was the Rev. Mr. Tebbs, who avowed his purpose in the outset of his re marks to separate immediately and uncondi tionally from the Abolilionixed Church of the North. Longer anion with it would be both dishonorable and calamitous, and for the sake of peace and the interest of the Conference, we should at once declare our independence of the Northern Oeneral Conference. Our pledgee to Virginia Methodists, and promises to pro tect the membership of tho Church from tha pestiferous doctrines of Abolitionism mutt bo redeemed, and he appealed in earnest and elo quent terms to the Conference to stand by the iutorost of Methodism in this and the State of Maryland. His concluding remarks brought several preachers to their feet, and his res ponse to certain questions, elicited warm de monstrations of applause from the crowded mass of spectators present. Black Republican Items. Old Aee as an Actor.—Linoon appears to bo a versatile actor. He began kis adminis tration in tha character of Hotspur, in Ring Henry the Fourth—whose language was os follows, wkh tha oxcspiion of tbo substitution of the words f orte for ihot of Scott, in tho text of Shakspear: March 4lb i i'U keep them all. By God, they ■hall not hare a fort of them No, If a fort would save thoir seal*, tboy shi I’ll keep them by tills hand I Twentieth of March.—Lincoln as King Lear; (a orowd of young Wide-Awakes calling upon tha old king to lead on tho armies to tha fatta): First let me talk with this philosopher. What is tho cauoo of thunder f The New York '‘Tribune” says: “With i care of indignation and sorrow, wo may man ago to acquiesce in tha abandonment of Fort Sumter.” When Greeley hoe done crying, and bio indignation paaoee off, wa bop# he wilt take the momeata of calm which follow to refleot upon tho part ho hao played in break ing up the Republic. Tho Portland “Courier, M a black paper, speaking of the surrender of Fort Sumter, say.: “ Tha depth of iofamy to which even James Buohanan dared not deaond, it appears is ra- »we| to Abwibam Lincoln to sound.” Another fUpubliona paper soys of It: " A Government oo cowardly, ao craven, has sunk itself beneath the respect of a brave and loyal Pooplo, and the quicker it is dead and buried out of tbt nay of sight and smell, the better. Ob, for an hour of James Buch anan !" Senator Sumner says he “blushes at the im pudence of the Jefferson Davie Republic.”— Mr. Sumner compliments himself by admit ting that anything this side of Pandemonium can make him blush. Tha “Tribune” began eight years ago to tall about hemp to a substitute for cotton, ami U ia still strong in the faith. The only wonder is that every editor in tho “Tribune” building hasn’t tha fear of hemp before bit eyes. A CARD—TO THE LADIES. Mrs. J. M. Boring Anaounoo*, with pl«**ar«, to Ikt friend, »nd p*toou«, that ah*i. prepared to nit th.m with ( | AIX Til* latest Alio Molt Fathionablo Stylo* of Bonnots, ■XJLVB, O’Atol**. ’ When III trill b* hopn. to receive k Lffcertl Nuts tf the Trth Atlanta AMD 6UABOUNDING COUNTRY. W oahtb end for Mtbod-OMo* I* .ton 0 TWTKM. Kmu *<*, ,• vnuiirmn attention, militia I ELECTION FOB TWO MAJOB*. Atla.ta, Ifanh IS, 10*1. F ulton *oa*t, .b*uto <mi**tm* to two Battalia*, i A* Tint (ball b* know* a. P***hTr#* Batulto*. aad •ball lulada Ward. 4 aid » of tba «l»r of AUaito. aid Cany'*, BtohtoDd aad Oak Orora Diotrlot*~toI*f th* North- portion of th* count,. Tba Boaood Bat- laltoo.hall b* known a. Wkttabalt, owd tkall ioolud. Ward* l, 1 aad I of tk* otto tf AO*n la, aid Black Bail aid OtoaaW Diotrlato—ba- log tha Sou thorn portloa of th* oMity. An aloetioi is her. by ordwrod hi bo hold li tba Mveral PracinoU in aaofc Btolnltim on tba Utb day of April n.xt. Tk* aloction far that C rtlon of Poach-Tra* Wblb* tol^*- *** and. of tbo city will boboid otOoww In tbo office of Jn.licOl Thom*o tOd and for that portion of tb* ott, wbWh to In Whitehall Battalion, and within th* oHyllffi. ito, will b* bald ot th* City Hell. Tbo mana- faro of tbo otoottoa. In tb* oounty will Moot with th* nanoMra in th* eity on tb* Ifondsy following, for tb* parpoo* of eonaolidatln, and cartifyin, tha roturnt to tb* OoTOrnor. Th* Oaptaio. will proceed, oa noon a. elect ad, osd eommlMiontd, to enroll, according to law, e**ry man liable to bear ai ms witblo b It District or Ward, between tb* ago* of eighteen end forty-Sra. It. F. MADDOX, •nlO-lto. Culonel Command iag. AHAITA MEDICAL OOLLEII. T HE Seventh regular Course of Lectures in this Institutiou will commence on the 1st Monday ia May, 1811, and ooutinue until tho first of tho following September. FACULTY .* Alexander Mrars*M.D.* Professor of Cherois- •trv and Pharmaoy. 21. W. Brown, M. D., Professor of Anitjmy. John W. Jonis, M. D, Professor of the Poetic# of Mediaine and General Pathology. W. F. WeefMORiLARD, M- D. Professor of Prin- ciplts and Practise of Surgery. Thomas 8. Powrli., M. D., Professor of Obstet rics. Joseph P. Looar, M. D., Professor of Physiol ogy aad pisoaoca of Women and Children. J. G. Westmoreland. M. D., Professor of Ma teria Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. W. V. Adrohold, M. D., | H. D. Capers, M. D , J N, D'Ai.viaxir, M. D., Curator of the Museum. J. G. McLrv, Janitor. pees: Course of Lectures, $105 Matriculation, (onoe,) 5 Dissecting, 10 Graduation, 25 The Trustees feel warranted in stating that the facilitiea for the acquisition of Medical knowledge, in connection with this institution, are equal to those of any other College. The several departments have, from time to time, received such additions and appliances as have been found necessary fo fully illustrate the va rious branches of Medical Science. The An atomical Rooms will be opened and furnished with sound and inoffensive material, by the 15th of April. Good board can be had in ike city at $3 to $4 per week. For further information, address J. G. WESTMORELAND, Dear. Atlanta, Ga., March 21,186L-lw. .gif GC ATTENTION! HUTUY COMPANIES furnished wito UNIFORMS AT SHORT NOTICE AND LOW PRIOH*, BY LAW SEE Sc PURTELL, AT THEIR MERCHANT TAlLOHINtt ESTABLISHMENT Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, loot emu ft TB2ADWZU b non*, ATLANTA, Wont Omt* Now BrmAy “tsttgisugz, 8W «leuwiSoS^Aki^SMa!uNTi !n> AND ENGLISH CASTINGS 1 Hf| CAM* ffibn,' o’ wXfottarte prtoto. RMM ^enmn * Wieadwbll. HOI HO JOS PRINTING 11 D O DO D O YOU WANT YOU WANT YOU WANT ANY ANY ANY KIND • KIND KIND O F O V O F P It 1 N T I N G PRINTING PRINTING RULING RULING RULING O R O R O It BINDING BINDING BINDING DONE DONE DONE WELL DONE WELL DONE WELL DONE NEATLY NEAT L Y NEATLY AND AND AND QUICKLY QUICKLY QUICKLY A T A T A T HONES T HONEST HONEST RATES RATES RATES G O G O G O T O THE T O T II E TO T H E FRANKLIN FRANKLIN FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE PRINTING HOUSE PRINTING HOUSE AND AND AND BOOK BINDERY BOOK BINDERY BOOK BINDERY O N O N O N ALABAMA ST B A M A ST B A M A ST ATLANTA ATLANTA ATLANTA SIX PRESSES SIX PRESSES SIX PRESSES A L W AYS ALWAYS A LWAYS RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING THREE THREE THREE BY STEAM BY 8 T E A M BY STEAM KEEPING KEEPING KEEPING THIRTY-ONE THIRTY-ONE THIRTY- ONE PERSONS PERSONS PERSONS CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED EMPLOYED EMPLOYED DO NOT DO NOT DO NO T FORGET FORGET FORGET THE THE THE FRANKLIN FRANKLIN FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE PRINTING-. 110 PRINTING HO AND •* AND i.a a p B O a K BINDERY BOOK BINDERY BOOK BINDERY A L R E E T It E E T R E E T I FRATFR5AT) JffiCORD. Confederate States of Amerioa. J EFFER80W DAVIR, ' Of MiMfHippt. VICH PRKtinxNT: ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Of Georgia. X. U. MaUorjr, ef Florida, SeoreUry of Narr. J. H. Roftffan, of Texas, Poctmaeter-OraoraL J. P. Benjamin, of Loaraana, Attorney-General. conoaaBB: Preaklent—Hon. HOWELL COBB, of Georfda. Secretary—JOHNSON J. HOOPER. Eeq., of Ateban MI8€lELLANE0Ug1 T*« A»*Mi*i.aTi»aor La.aiao.a-1 * growing trnd.nry Id th.. .g. , 0 .pu r „Tk,V th. moat .iprtaaiv. -or.l. ol „tb<-r laogi ™ and altar awhito to uuwriwrata u,.,,,” owq: thus tba word Opbalir, wbieb u fal' th. Otook, .igoifjiog -L thihrad,-'?.^ beooming pdpclariaed in rutinretino mo. y , HpaIdiog't great Headache remWy, butTtJJ • oon 1 ^ u#rd «B • »*ore general ^Tl” MOCIVTZYOIV ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, Be. 14, Bkeeta ; A Wor « Cephalic will become a* common M El- eft the eeeeed aad foarlft Meed ay alrbte In eaeh trotype aad many others whoa* diatioction .. ATLANTA LODGE, He. Ai, f. A. M-, Meets en lh« pa, ead Rad fourth Thursday ntehte In saeh mnulh. LEWIA LaWPHE, W. M. Jour tf. Bogota, Secretary, FULTON LODGE, No. tlTTf. A. M., meete on the flrst and third Tburfdoy nighte la D. umm David mayer, w. m. Alabama—R. W. Welker, R. H. Bmlth. J. L. M. Cur ry, W. ?. Chilton, 8. F. Halo, Collin J. McRae, John Gill SUorter, Daniel R. Levis, Thomas learn. Florida—James B. Ovens, J. Patton Anderson, Jack- son Merton. Q—rg4a—Robert Toombs, Howell Oobb, F. 8. Bar tow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Niabet, B. II. HIU, A. K. WrUht, Thomas R. K. Cobb, A. II. Kenan, Alexander H. Stephens LmUoiamt—John Perkins, Jr., A. L. DeCIcmet, Chas M. Conrad, D. F. Kenner, G. E. (Sparrow, Henry Mar shall. MUH—tppt—W. P. Harris, Weller Brooks, N. L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. 8. Barry, J. T. Harrison. South Carolina—R. B Rhett, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, L. M. Kettt, Janies Chet nut, Jr., O. O. Memmtnfer, W. Porcher Miles, Thomas J. Withers, W. W. Boyce. STAND!*# COMMITTBKR. Executive Department*- Stephens, Conrad, Boyce, Shorter. Brooke. Foreign Affair* Kelit. Military Affair Rhett, Nlsbet, Perkins, Walker, -Bartow, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan, Koval /ffaire—Conrad, Chesnut, Smith, Wrights, Owens. Finance—Toombs, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. Commerce— Metnmluger, Crawford, DeDlouet, Mor ton, Curry. Judiciary—Clayton, Withers, Hale, Cobb, Harris. poetal—Chilton, Boyce, HIU, Harrison,Curry. Patent*—Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. Territuriee—Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nlsbet, Pearn. Public Land*—Marshall, Harris, Fearn Indian Affaire—Morton, Hale, Sparrow, Lewis.Keltt. Printing—Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Perkins. Accouute—Owens, Crawford, Campbell, DcClouet, ^ LjToiIlsl, a.*. C. R. HaNLoiTaa, Secretary. JASON BURR OOUNCriToF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, Be. 18, meets Quarterly, on the first »ueo- day In January, April, July aod October. LRWtf LA W*H* la. lot ti Jeww M. Bowmu* Rcaerdar. - *J ABA Till CtXUR DE LION COMVANDkRT, Nd. 4, meets on the flrst and third Wednesday in each month. W. W. BOYD, M.\I.\ W. T. Ms**, Recorder. ODD-FELLOWS. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 28, meets every Tuesday night. T. P. MARSH, N. G. Willi ah Wilsuv, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENtTno. If, meets on the second and fourth Friday nights. WM. II. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Plbhimo, Scribe. MECHANICAL. FULTON MECHANICS’ ASSOCIATION meets «d Fri day in each month, at Engine House, No. f. C. M. CALDWELL, President. Jamas Noble, Ja., Secretary. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Jontru L BaowK, Governor. Jobe B. Campbai l, 1 H. H. Wattem, VSecretarles. H. J. G. Williams, ) E. P. Watkihb, Secretary of Stale. Jouv Joses, Treasurer. I’mtkrson Thwkatt, Comptroller General. A. J. Bogobsh, Surveyor General. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. TiiKODoaa L. Gcekrt, President of Senate. F. II. Wist, Secretary of Senate. C. J. William?, Speaker House of Repreeentativee. George Htlliee, Clerk House of Representatives. PENITENTIARY. Eu McConnell, Principal Keeper. Charmcb G. Talrird, Assistant. W. A. Williams, Book Keejier. Chas. W. Lane, Chaplain. Da. K. G. Cask, Physician. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dr. T. Green, Superintendent Lunatic As.vlum. Da. R ti. White, 1 D. G. Cahpbrll, VTrusteos. Miller Grievk, ) JUDICIARY OEPARTEENT. NCPRIME COURT—JUDGES. Josrph niNRT Lumpkin, of Athenn. Richard II. Lton, of Atlanta. Charles J. Jenkins, of Augusta. PKPORTEE. George N. Lestbe, of Marietta. CLERK. Cuarlfs W. DlBosk, of Sparta. DISTRICTS. 1st District.—Brunswick, Eastern ami Middle Judicial Circuits. Tina or Session—2d Monday In January and June, at Savannah. 2d DiratCT —Pataula, Macon, South-Western and Chat tahoochee, Judicial Circuits. Time op Session—4th Monday In January and r*l Monday In June, at Macon. 8d District—Tallapoosa, Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge and Cherokee Circuits. Time oe Summon—4th Monday In March and 2d Mon day in August, at Atlanta. 4th District.—^Western and Northern Circuits. Time o» Stauoi—4th Monday in May and Nornuber, ; Athens. 5th Distsiot.—Ocmulpre and Southern Circuit*. Tims ov Sermons—2d Monday In May aud November, at Milledgorlllo. A. Austell, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Alabama Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. AGENCY OEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY— OQice on Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent. Perino Brown, Cashier. J. P. LOGAN, President. FULTON COUNTY. JUSTICES INTERIOR CIVET. Z. A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Watkins, J. N. Simmons, K. M. Taliaferro. Sheriff—<X 0. Green—Deputy, 8. B. Love. Treasurer—J. R. Wallace. Tax Collector—A. J. Collier. Tax Receiver—'William Center. Coroner—A. R. White. Surveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. CITY OF ATLANTA. Mator—JARCD IRWIN WHITAKER. Ward I—PeHx Hardman, P. C. House. Ward II—William Watkins, J. U. Crew. Ward III—8. B. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV—J. H. Mecasiln, James Lynch. Ward V—8. B. Robson, Thomas Kile. Committee o Love. Committee or casltn, Robson. i Finance—Coundlmen Robson, Crew, Ordinances—Coundlmen Watlrins, Me- i Streets—Coundlmen Crew, Robson, Wells, Pumps and Cisterns—Council- Committee Lynch. Committee en Lynch, Kile, Hoi Committee on Lamps and Gaa—Coundlmen KUe, Me- caslin, Crawford. Committee on Market—Coancllmcn Hardman, Love, Lynch. Committee on Fire Department—Coundlmen Meoas- lln, Robson, Watkins. Committee on Police—Coundlmen Love, House, yuek. Committee on Cemetery—Coundlmen Hardman, Wat- Ina, Robson. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds—Coun- okkmm Home, Drum, MeoasMn. Tax—Couoclteeffiw Watklas* Orawterd, lin, House, Watkins, Rile. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Meets quarterly on the third Monday evening In Jan* I nary, April, July and October. ! WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. P. B. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. K. F. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. V. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN F. EZ/.ARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets first Monday In each month. s. 11. MKCABLIN, President. W. K. Masoe, Secretary. MECHANIC FIRE COMPANY, No. 2, meets first Friday night In each month. LEVI RICHARDSON, President C. C. Hours, Secretary. TALLULAH FIRE COMPANY, No. A meets 1st Wednes day In each month. JOHN F. E2ZARD, Presid’t. John Mclknuon, Secretary. THE ARMY OF GEORGIA* FIRST REGIMENT. (Jolonel—Wm. J. Hardee, U. S. A. Lieut. Col.—( has. J. William?, of Muscogee cm. majors. 1. L. B. McLaws, U. 8. A. 2. Edward R. Harden, Whitfield county. CAPTAIXH. 1. Wui. D. Smith, U. S. A Company A 2. Wm. J. McGill. O. M. I “... B 8. Wm. Martin, of Lumpkin county ‘*....C 4. Wm. G. GUI, U. S. A “....D 6. Jacob Read, U. 8. A ®. John G. Patton, of Bibb county “....F 7. George II. Thompson, of Pulton county “....G 8. Francis T. Cullens, of Clay county •*.... H !». Alexander M. Wallace, of Fulton county. 10. 8. P. Hamilton, of Chatham county tirst libutemaktr. 1. Arthur Shaaf, U. 8. A Company B 2. St. Clair Dearlug, C. 8. A.. 8. A. F. Com* U. 8. A 4. Thomas J. Bsrry, U. 8. A 8. T. S. McIntosh, of Chatham county.. 9. John M. Branch, of Chatham county •• a 10. Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin county •• J 11. Bcdney F. McDonald, appointed by the Colonel Quartermaster 1st Regiment, Company J. SECUHD LIKUTBEARTS. 1. Thomas A. Mattox, of Chatham Company A 2. Garnett Andrews, Jr., of Wilkes “ ...B 8. John F. King, of Glynn “ 0 4. George P. Harrison, Jr., of Chatham U ....D fc P. M. B. Young, W. P. C., of Casa.- .. ,K 4. li. 8. Willis, W. P. C., Chatham •*.... J 7. J. G. Blount, W. P. C.,Talbot *‘....F 8. J. Alexnnder, W. P. C., Fulton u —O 9. John McPherson Berrien, Chatham “ H 10. Michael Casa ••....! 11. Joseph A Blanco, Polk.. “—I SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel—Wm. W. T. Waleer* U. 8. A Lieutenant-Colonel—E. W. Chastaie, of Fannin. MAJOU. 1. Wm. M. Gardiner, U. 8. A. £ Alfred Cunuulug, U. 8. A. CAPTAUta. 1. Jatnoa McIntosh, U. 8. A 2. Thomas McConuat*of Liberty. 8. Alfred Iverson, Jr., U. S. A 4. John D. Walker, of Scriven 6. John R. F. Tatnall, U. 8. A fl. R. A. Wayne, of Chatham 7. John 8. Fain, ot Union. 8. Miller Grieve, Jr., of Baldwin 9. Lewis H. Kenan, of Baldwin 10. Abner Bmead, U. 8. A FIRST UBCTBHAXTS. L John T. Mercer, U. 8. A .Company A A Robert H Anderson, .U.S.A > ft. R M. Thomas, U. 8. A < fl. Joseph Wheeler, U. ft. A ‘ 7. Kobe A. Crawfoid, of Fulton “ 8. II. D. D. Twlgge, of Richmond * f. Henry Cleveland, of Richmond •• J 10. A. P. Brown, of Forsyth “... B 11. O. Whitfield Anderson, of Fulloa, “ J HtCOXD LUCTRMAMT*. 1. Jeha Howard, Jr.,of Muscogee Company A 2. P. L. Wade, of Serevan, 3. K. If. Bovdre, of Bibb, “....0 4 K. If. Atkinson, of Bibb..., *\.,.D 0. F. M. Myers, of Cobb. “..*.■ 8. J. Barrow. W. P. C., of Clarke “.... F T. John A. Went, of Morgan “ G 8. Lewis Delmgle, of Richmond ** H t. G. R Lamar,Jr.,of Richmond. “,,„I 10. RobertLRubt*of CeblL ••.... J 11. Henry W. Trippe, of Houston J DENTISTRY. HUB St mt DUNK! Deputy Marshal—Duke H. Brannon. 1st Lleutennnt Police—B. N. Williford. 2d Lleutennnt Police—J. M. Letter. City Surveyor— H. L. Currier. Clerk Market-J. D. Wells. City Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim Superintendent Streets—II. W. McDaniel. Dr. H. W. BROWN, Chairman, k’S-Tssttab*. RL a aa?- PORT-OFFICE* ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS, Sc Ho HUNTINGTON* M* D«* DHXTI»T, ATLAX1A, GEORGIA, OFFICE in Raweon’a new build- , iug, corner Whitehall and Hunter BtreesL— Reaidencc first house to tha leR of Col. Yen- oay’ft. KaraaBRcag: Hon. R. F. L)#n, Mr. E E. Rawaou. Meaara. Beach A Root, Ber. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vason, Eaq., Col. Nslaon Till, Ool. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan It. foreign word, ba. b**a moro .woy'b^’USUi i.e.nd loih.ioMo, 'ordly Realized. Hi '..I 'o 'nrribl* ’e»d«cbe tbt* h.lterL*,, hand I tt*pp«l into tb« b*|«ibw»n,* .»,. bi io lb. tu.n -C*o y.,„ hr... „„ . eedache? "Doe# it hache ard,”aayi ’e ••H,- «*edi»gly,' # eaye bi. hand upon that e tna a Cephalic Pill, band poo me 'oner itW od me »o quick that 1 'ardly realised I ’ad sa ’eadaebs. HT HsiDAcas is the favorite sign bv which nature makes known any deviation, wjj«u, T , r frotu the natural state ot the braiu, and view ’ ed in this light, it irajr be looked «n as a aafe guard intended to give notice of ditease which might otherwise eaeape attention, nil in* to ba remedied; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be claiai. tied under two names, vis: Symptomatic aud Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceed ingly common, aud If the precursor ol ■ . r m variety of diseases, among which are Apuplaif, Gout, Rheumatism, and all febrila diocuaiJ In its nervouv A*rm it is sympathetic ofdi». ease of the stomach conatiiuting nick headed*, of hepatic disease conalituting bilious /tcedsak of worms, constipation and other dieorderan 'he bowels, us well as renal and uterineafa. tioci. Diseases of the heart are very frequent ly attended with Headaches; Aniemis ltl( j Plethora are also affectiuns which frrqiwaUr occvsion headMchc. Idiopathic ilesdscb# ia alao very common, beiog usually distinguished by the name of nervous headache., Aometitnet coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health, and prostrating at uncu the mee' lal and physical euergiee, aud in other ig. stances it cotuee on slowly, heraldrd by depm- Sion of spiritR or acerbity of temper. In nisst instances the pain is in the front of the bead, over one or both eyes, and sometime* pinvid,’ log vomiting; under this class luay *j*o b# named Neuralgia For the treatment of either class of Headacbt the Cephalic Pills have been found a sura and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains ii a few minutes, and by its subtle power era die- ating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. • BainofcT.— Missus wants y<>u to send hu i bex of Cephalic Glue, no, r bottle of Prepared Pilla— but I'm thinking (hut's not just it nij. ther : but perhaps \e*H he atier kimwing wbal it is. Ye see she's nigh dead *nd gone wjtb (be Siek Headache «i,.i wmh»r *om. more of that unit as reiaiv. d her behure. Druggiet —You must mean PpaMing's Onb. alic Pills. 1 Bridget.—Och ! sure now am) you've *»d il here'a tha quarther and give me (he Fills and dont be all day about it aiiber. Conztipotion or Costiveness. No one of the “many ilia flesh is heir to" ii so prevalent, so little understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits, it is regarded as a alight disorder of too little con*e<puoce W» excite anxiety, while in reality it is the pre cursor and companion or many of the most fatal aud dangerous disease*, and, unless early eradicated, it will bring the sufferer to an ns. timely grave. Among the lighter evil* of which costiveness is the usual attendant, are Head ache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Ilrealh, Piles and others of like nature, while a h ng train of frightful diseases, such as Malignant Fever*, Abcesscs, Dyaentary, Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Ry. pochondriaaia, Melancholy ami ksanity, first indicate their presence in thv system by this alarming symptom. Not unfreqaenriy Vh% h\%- eases named originate in Constipation, but take on an independent existence, unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. Front all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, aa their timely use will expel the insiduous approaches of disease end destroy this dangerous foe to human life. — -vaw*aet- Grrat Discovert.—Amor.g the most impor tant of all the great medical diseoveriee of tbie age may be considered the system of vseein- tlou for protection fiom 8mail Po«, the fepha lie Pill for relief of Headache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by suffering humanity loag af ter their diaooverara era forgotten. NervousHeadache BT GEORGIA RAILROAD. Ito*. 4*11,. «t 11 44 T.H., .04 t.OO A M. CtoM..4tfl,, .1 A00 A.M., 0*4 AO* P.M. IT WESTERN A ATLANTIO RAILROAD. Doo, MmI........, J.10 F.M. CtoMO.4.11,, *»:. t.OOA.M. _ IT ATUm 0 ERW-FOWt EA1UUMD. D««,<»n,,ti;.. ~»p.h. CIom., 4*llj, *1 A0* P.M. Close*, dally, at... ILftO A.M. Untfl farther b* kept open for &. L A I. Iff. CNAVBN* DBNTiaTa, BAR tomoTod to thoir mo *od aplondld room la Paoeor'i Bloc*,* Boooh 0 Bool*, whoro tho, *ro prop*rod to wott on *11 who m*jr wloh thoir ■orrioo*. pnaatM**. Br tho uio of the.* Pill, the periodic .ttoet. ol .Vimcm or tkek HudmeJu mo, h* pr«T.»U*t ood if tsksn ot the coumonoomeni of to »• lock immodiol* roliof horn pain .oil .ickow will b* obuinod. Tho, ooldom foil in remooiog the ,Vmua.nd RoadaoA* to which f.niol*. or. to lubjcci. Tho, act gootlv upon tlw bowel.,- rriuoTito (Vsfi'ofuMi Far Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female# and all persona of eedentary habits, they are valuable aa a Laxative, improving the aypeUU, giving lone and vigor to the digestive orgaaft and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of th# whole system. , The CEP HALIC PILLS are tha result d Ion a investigation aod carefully conducted ex periment#, having been io use many years, during which time they have prevented an* relieved a vaat amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating **• system or from a deranged state of tk* OeSuday* tfceOl a'cteek, 4.M., aod f Th#y ore #ntiraly vegetable in their ftitioa, end may he takeo at all times wil ® jJJ* feet safety without making any change ordw. and tie absence gf any disagreeable render* si easy ia administer them to children. BEWARE OF 00DNTKRFKIT8! Mill.ton, who or* j«to« ch.r«d h^f- ! DrioA Ooll. from . MtoRd^wltt. j oUl „ W.fc blCKHT, ' jSFb 1 "* * ““ pr,P * W (UMMffi on MMSAMGAL pqimr •(, CKMTO V I All ordm* O*old to .ddromto to w-vaxa—i opH^rrirn-^.1 ■vastatw- t. 0. ROW ABO, fo.wi Book Dtotw. top!4twl,r Bow. It. dAwt,.