Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 16, 1861, Image 3

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jtftfMi&SEmr (S><3> n r*M*to*d to .tto. that Otpt Ballard n , ^t -»-t-VH—T wlU Imv* ,ud w to gladly MTV hat ttoir Mi h*M may <•*■** BbffiSffSiriSt “■ ■ to •ill' jut*** *• ki * AMuesil!* UM.mir*dtotln»*Aa****>ntlo* w - im« nu*p ***** «*v*toc*a *«*tottot tody i to ‘ ■r. o*d*Mto*i *t to tftkkr Di_. SltotoU to p*bU*tod I» a. fcto ml v>i 'otjnbmtu 4LH,.4TlI*i SrJVtotU «t dO tm* Lump* u be* art * j &jj ucr w»to ft* oft >—ll<l «o DMloffobbad ArHttto _ a It. toH>M.-f>ii dtetin- l*ad palrtrt pa>*d through thk moral*!—arriving oa ttoOeetg ia ^•^QStStXlrJS^tooat who, ob tanMing that Hr. Stephana k to hto>BO«t«Mt. Ntaratoposoo, bo ttottoploMora aad aUnoatottom ■Hnaaate daring tbo abort timo tha rotappot. Hawtota**tv*dwUllWAr- l ’""!* tbo courto of bio remark., boal- Linooln'i proclamation, end uid It |aiF»rav*ttty-8ve tbouoood Uou iov- tboaaiod bob to iotiaidotoao, oad Mid pot bo dona All th* fore* 1^*1 roaght against ui would not folk* oo logon J. Pillow, of Ton coboo, who t arrived oa tbo State Bond train. Boa Had ooL Ho apoto a few worda-aoid ■a bii way to Montgomery to Undor to ttaib**t too tboooood volant*** aid nliotad ia Toooomoo, to protoet, tor a bordar, or to mi rob oa Woaalaftin Otofed dm An would toatotto* to ithranad aitolaWBMlf»da1Wto*k I Sgbt oar batOlM, irVtaoldoot D»vi. MBt thorn ‘ :U »dl nooo tpato oooa ia too tbo boador BttoM taka MO oa Roan ia tto tto* tooar Goofed- Nodedft HM of (barn will bobdwll- W opproaottof mmIob (t OokgfeM, no—an aoto Moadapwaofc.. -.j i:tw Im (j, |yni wua in MDpiif with t^.aimoahlt way to Montgomery w tbaoditor to tbo Habbiillo " uiiloti "■TOS tbiTmoBoo ■ab^lt tobaolatbofeeo », Emoro>a«tb. . . feioror to tbo ear to Block who bal boon lurking about Cimpbo bat Tonnouoo ii • io in a blaao Bt to Linoola to- , oad gall a glow, ■ioa mooting which vtoeon Saturday lait b—abaagao. lag aocounto ft—i oar Oloriouo ol^Tainaaaoa Lot BgmgtbabuoMbo rmkooodo; aid io i fafoctioa will rapt- loot of llaro Territory, to (bii Boatbora to a moon tod ogai—t I-ioooln, and lHUiagto-UoduroMpOtirond at aad oowardioo than to r oiary lool I ratal ag waopo for tto difenao to kOity la part^mlar, aad tbo oabjn ia Booth la goaorai. Tbo Oororoor kpaatad tk laato a atmilar war mm* aad ban that Stall pat upoa a p far tto purpoaa «r raadarlmg aa- Liaeola'r fellag gonramtut, foal law to to oaoblo to .eorry oa Wraok" t to faado fer Ua daily aoooaattioo. t aaa war If it wort bob ua- '£tU’ watrot, tboir OortmOri aod htrtog baaa laeg tiaoo elected, f raferynoe to tha praaadl Mata to aatblag of tha kind bo* loifW i taka tha raapooaibil ling ttoir paopla lata a Bar with to toaUialag Uaholo la bio at opprokoad they BiU I trwoblo at b««o. [>wtoU'bwiki«tlM»: Horrii, ^gOmo^Jnth. •lag tbo amount of obJto Ssoaoy tto dk»<— A AtUatlo Boll- to month oUfankr SWmv.vty,., limm>ito<|ilto<yt^i*Hi|iB^iil. mto»^Nir4toto, iytolti#4l brrtlt. bda^to—<a>u. 7M —cko. u t-"fi ^ilsjl ■ ^ ■Gpr»N,aM ‘ ^a£abT! ^utb, 1861. pan plaaaa lat ma ralaablo pa par, If than Impropriety, ar rtelatlea »f to tto Saattora Caafadanay, Cam pony la aid Baa agaiaat Waahiag- tiag •I— atoa a la to oa Aram yaar diagram. wmmac'ku. W* It did aol eaanr lo aa at tha I; natloa cf Baadoy moraiag wu writtoa, la aarutaly traa, at elaimad by Mr. Maakla, that tto daaiga adopted by Prealdiot Dario fer odmlrod Hr. Mocklo'odmlga boforo it waa for- Bardod to Jadgo Wright, oad do aot kooitato to my that it in tadoatioto oritb tbo diagram (Iron ia onr loot. For tbo Defence of our lokHIII Honor. To morrow tbo Cominiuionort for thifl oity, for tokiof Iho loon for tbo dofoneo of oor Con- fedorooy, will opon tboir Book* ftt tho Affoftoy of tho Georgia Hoi I rood Bonk. Ia one year from to day, this loan wi.l bo. the beA Got eminent stock io tho whoU cItU- iood world. Tfco stock of tho “Old Wrock, M whon peace reigned throughout oor border, woo worth from $1 18 to $1 SO per dollar. It had that Tolno in tho market because the Souihmm SUtes were in the Union. If tbo stock of tbat old corrupt concern was worth sneh a pramU urn, only because of Southern prodnote, how muoh more valuable will oor own stock be, now that wa are freed from the extravagance »d peculation of the North ? Every man who has $50 to put out to inter act, cannot do half So wall any other way, as to invest It in this loan. Desperate Negro Captured. We learn theft 90 Friday night last, in eta fragement more fatal than tha lata eapiure of Fort Sumter, took place'near Campbellton. A runaway slave of desperate character, named If aeon—formerly the property of Col. Latham, bet sold some six months since in Alabama— who has been lurking about Campbellton for ‘ and K|g*,itytgo fuatlamco aimed Kihg nod Moody, in the fol lowing manner: A aoraant of MA Booboo Brnrari all ucod aa a decoy for Ac rocawi^, god, .boot mid night, the gentlemen before mentioned auooed- ed in findjag lhe runnvny in tbo wood* Boar CampboAtoe, drinking whiihy with tho Mr. want of Mr. Boarert. When called npon to •armnder, bo fled, aad waa, ianaoiiiataly trad upon by Moody and King, Tbo runaway ra ta reed the Bro, end ihot King tbrongb the band; but bo waa ao badly abot himialf tbat ha oonld not meapo. When taken, be bad a largo bowio-koife, a Mango-looking icytha- blade, and a piatol. Hn cannot nurrirn hit wonnda, u ha Em (fteen c to proper, or a rlolatioa to oar Coattitetiea aad law* fer him to do ao bn propoee*. Oar baa adopted all the lawe of tha Dal- ltd Btataa, aklek are aot iaapplleabla to oar relnlloa with Ibnl Qovernment. Among tkaoo are tto aontralily btwa, wklek forbid tto gut- ling gp to nzpeditioka tgalagt /oraign gar. aramcoli with abieb wa an at paaaa. -Vom- feeilp, wa art at peace with the Called Slate* j aad each proceeding aa “laden” propoeeg Would to a violation of ear lawi, ikould thorn to an war. Bat war abatomo onr eitiMne from all obli- gatlont to obeorvn neutrality lewarde aatieag with wkieb we may be at war, nndekenld hoe tlUtit* to deelnrod by either government, lb* raining of troop, and invading or toiling up on any portion of territory within tha juria- diction a( tk« enemy, WonH be ao vlalntlen of ear lawe or obligation. We tbia morning pablieh the proclamation of Lincoln, mlliag for aa exlra teeeiaa af Coagrem, aad hr troopa from tha Slalta to eappram our •‘robolllon,” an to larmo It, and to “ropoMtia all the forte, plteee and other property,” which wo hare, ia Mlf-dafanaa, Miaodapoa Wbather tbia, with all hit ra- Mgt daauaatratioDO toward! ua, including the late action at Charleston, will be, by our gov ernment, considered ae virtually a declaration ef war oa the part of the United States, we oanaot say positively—not having any eertain information 00 tbat point. We, however, ven tare to give eur opinion, that it is war, and will be so considered ia the sight of our laws; aad tbat uader existing circumstances, there would be 00 violation of law in doing what M Index” proposes. We will further elate that, should war exist, ii will be our polioy to invade the Xortb-<~“to oerry the war into Africa”—aad thus keep it away from onr own boats. An aray of beam Southerner* can meroh from town to town ^-lery contribution* end subsist on the North era people, without any expense in money to our goveraasent—leaving general min behind them, wherever their victorious marches may extend! At the same time, our privateers can attaok the commeree of the North on the high ana and thus keep the United States aavy away from ear eoasts. Such a polioy aa this will eonquer a peso# with them ia thirty day.- la his body. Reavers*?ae eeverely though net very danger- ouafty (wduiraed. ^ Iff. £lng*s hand damaged. is severely Fensftsk Cols Wade Hsmptoo end John S.Preeton,of South Carolina, wait at the Atlanta Hotel yes terday, on their way home from tha West. , ^ R%r, B. H. Myers, editor of tha * Southern MhraJan Advocate,'' paused throogh this eity yesterday morning, on hie way to Nashville.— He witnessed the fight at Charleston, and had many intareating incidanta to relate. >1 Hon. W. W. Boyce, of South Carolina, passed through our city last svening. w — ftr The following h iho result 6f the elec tion in this county for Major of Peach-Tree and Whitehall Battalions, at the election on Sat urday last: Petek. Tree Battalion. Danial Pittman, 1M Elias Holcombs, 138 Whitehall Battalion. Thos H. Williams, 201 Jaa. H. Partall, 153 Homs—Port oi T^stl^r-^Bea~rd of Com* ■area. Our sifter eitj, Rome, is lookiog np. On the ltth instant, a masting of tha msrohants and basin see men of the place was held at tha City Hall, at which a memorial to Hon. C. G. Mem- mi nger, Secretary of Treasury, “ praying him to establish Roms a Port of Entry," was adopt ed unanimously, and Cols. Danial S. Printop aad Wads 8. Cothran were appointed Commie, sloners to proceed at onoe to Montgomery, and present in person the memorial aad an acsom- paaying Statistical Report. They were alee M empowered to appoint a third person to assist them, should they deem itAxpodient,” A resolution was passed, asking the City Council to defray tha expenses of tha Com missioners to Montgomery, out of the City Treasury. From Uie Moomaaajiog report, wo iMra, “ that dnfitag the tan etrfretat yedr,'ending July 1st, 1849, were shipped over the Rome Rail road to Rome, 148,816 packages of merchan dise, besides over etaa htandred ear loads of iron, ooel and ooke. Thera was shipped from Borne during the same time t “ Cora, Poaada to Flonr, Lard, i»,r« 314,17* 43,113 1«,1M 43,333 fUki 3*6,443 Titoaaa, 207 Caatiag, “ Pi, Ira*,- IM,M* JSStfihTiOT ^ lo iba vaar 1443, ttora ware ikiBpad from Bmm I ST,671 uoaada to driod frail, 146AU SS^s&BRMiika toipprd aaaatolv torn tome amoaato to mil- Ifew, aad that tto worth of m*r*h*adiM ahlp- Cld3» g A aTp^i. W. A Orthram *adT)T£ COMMERCIAL. aaroMWB mailt my wm. i. bauiw. ATLANTA, April 14. Yeeterday's business waa quiet. The war nows oocnpiee all minds, aad everything sus pends for a general rejoicing at lha termination of tha aflair at Sumter. But although not muoh was sold and shipped to-day, tha orders were large, and te-morrow's business will be livaly. Prices, in all dspartmente. ru'e the esme. Flonr is dnll, but ao deorease In price. Lard is in fair supply—modarata oall. Cora—Stocks heavy—shipments and prices firm. Provisions generally ara ia fair demand. In- ducementa to buyers good. Reeeipte per Weetern A Atlantio Railroad for Atlanta yesterday war* aa follows Corn.. tm.to4UrtM.rt. Flour.... Bacon Lard Dry Goods Whisky Wheat 3,545 sacks. 181 barrels. 73 packages. ......68 packages. .. ,.. HW . r t cases. ..35 barrels. 450 bags. MONETARY. Deposits larga aad money assy. Exchange is doll at 31 @3. Geonria and good Sooth Car olina foods advanced west Specie called tor to some extent to pay duties. Selling price 8 <&4 ^ oenft. River News, NAsnnLLB, April 13.—Arrived—C. E Hill man, 8t Lonis; Minetonka, Paducha; Red Ro ver, New Orleans. Departed—Minetonka, Padncah ; Jas. John son. Now Orleans. Tha river continues to rise, with 15 feat wa ter reported oa tha shoals—weather mild and rwsk Hillman, Ceptaia Corbitt (apart* to-day at 4 o'clock, P. M., for 8L Louie, Tk* May Duka daparta for Puduok to-day to 14 M., and tk* Oau. Aud*r*oa,to tb* hum boar, far Cairo. TALLULAH. HO. S. T HE mamton of tk* Tull* tub Fir* Company, Mu. 4,. ar* requMtod to mato to tbair Eugia* Houa* oa Vudauuday uiiui, >7iu la- •UuL A full attaadaau* ii daairad, ai baaiaaaa of importoue* will to IraamOi apr 14. J. Praaldaai. Otlothinj §(bU. T HAVE juei returned from tb* Itortb with • 1 larg. atoak to RHABT-MADB CLOTH I MB, aad am raady to*app^ tb* attiMna^of Atlaa- <89 Paata, "™Haadbarcbtotb, aad ararrthing ; SStoto^toTll tkooid giro BM a atol. Jewelry 1 t -n >3R»tgew»t5 Combs! six pftMSi ■nV&'me&W s^i (team 1 ill av on imp near in uat i rp n , -- i JUSK .-AU-p BOOK - BINDEBY. _ WOOD, HAP LETTER, RICE Be 00, Deair* to direot paMi* at- teatioa to ttoir uuaquaJled faailiuoa fer tb* •upertor and prompt txoculion to *9 work i* their 11m,from A Small Card to tk* Larg6«t Volume t •Jb* aalablitomoat, in it* Tunotia departmeula, ia per ha P* tto atuet complete in tto wtot* Bouttoru country. It !• the abject to tto proprietor* to e*‘ tabliib aa * peruieueot b**i* a SotiTBaatt Pluuih- ivt; Hoi’su ! thereby eiTectualfy remoring 'every aeceaiily for rending North to have work* iiraed. Thu* far tb* wuerpriio baa prorad highly racceii- ful, anil the proprietora fell uaured that tha beneficial reiult! of auch an undertaking hnve yel to be more fully appreciated by our people. The aeveral departmauta receive the peraonal au- pervi.ion of |b* feat, nnd .atiafactioa guaranteed to each and every patron. THE BOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT Is handsomely fitted up with all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch; Blank-Books ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Magazines, fire., bound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot foil to give satisfaction. ftS* THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete ia every particular; constant additions ase being made in the way of such improvements as art introduced into the Typographical world, by which tbs proprietors a re ena bled to furnish thx handsomest printing in the Confederated States! Everything, from a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Poster, tastefully executed in any style and color desired. Three their six Presses nre propelled by Straw, and kept in operatk day and night! Bank Check*, BiU HmAi, Railroad Blanks, Profeadoiml Cards, Programme*, Circulars. Legal Blank*, Letter Heads, And every imaginable variety of Printing promptly attended to at prices but n small advance on New York rates ! Printing in FANCY COLORED INKS, AND WITH GOLD AND SILVER BRONZES, IN THK HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART! The Proprietors, confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, solicit a share of public patronage. Orders from all parts of the country will receive their personal attention, and •II work promptly forwarded per Express or otherwise, as may be directed. All letters should be addressed to WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE & CO. Atlanta, Ga., ISC I. LAWSHE & PURTELL, Have on hand, and ofTer for sale, all kinds of MILITARY GOODS AND EQUIPMENTS, SWORDS, SASHES, KNAPSACKS, &c. We are now prepared to furnish tvery article in the MILn'ARY LINE, of any quality, and in »ny quantity, suitable for every gradt or department. Our stock of CLOTHS, OA88IMER9, VESTINGS, MARSEILLES & LINEN GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FCBNISHING GOODS, and TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, . w IS VERY TOM* RICH AND FINE. BEACH & ROOT w>'r.d'-r^: : IHObOOno . . tv, OR GAN DIMS, PRINTSl) UOONMT8, LAWNS, ~ - i DR CHINNS, ” CHALUMS, SILKS, PRINTS, r ^ I fl & u j ;r r % ^ w ' GINGHAMS, • it SUBU OIDXRISS, LACKS, Ae., At. O US Sleek will to eempluto and larga, Bad will to (old for CASH, at aa low price, u Dead a haw* avar ton of- farad. BEACH dk HOOT. Kerch 4,1461. 1861. 1861. SALMONS k SIMMONS, Thalmat. and total I Dmto. In Corner of Whitehall and Alabama St*., Atlanta, Georgia. NEW SPRING STOCK! O NE of our firm having returned from Mar ket, where be hoc joet completed an exten sive purchase of onr Spring Stock ot DRY GOODS, STAPLE 4 EJECT GOODS wer* never mar* totraetiv*. Tb* aupply ot BLEACHKD AND BROWN IHECTINOS AND SHIRTINGS, Ao., ii ampl*. Crept D'JfnglaU. Barer* -inflate, French t ktnlc, df«IBitt|W, Grade tthine, and u iplendid uaortmnt of rkrf* 4T Fancy Mika, Silk Mantlet, Buttere, ft., mnj b* found among our *Mortmeut! uleo, ALXIASDtk Elk 0LOVES, SILK MITE, 4*. Every variety of Ladle*’ and KiMea’ 8H0E8, manufactured is Phil*d*lphi* *xpr*aaiy fer our trad*. A more beautiful lot of OARPETUIG*, OIL CLOTH* AND MATTINGS w* bar* never dieplayed la tbia market All of wbioh w* will Mil low for CASH. Ordera promptly attended to. SALHOXS A BtUKOXS, Atlanta, Hank 31,14*1. S1LVEY X DOUGHERTY, N0BCR088* BULI DING, J unction Whitehall Ac Peaoh-Trea WHOLESALE PURCHASERS nctstTWA.!*! or c '’ * w *° ! I inviteid (■> ctaminv our 8t»k. We think we cun offer them micommon in- liucemtnts to BUY FOB CASH. aiu R, j^74l'.., Ir 1 ‘'fyi) 1 .wi — • -'h 3 * . W* are Agents lor the tolohntsd 1. M. SINGER it OO.’S moI OfAtJiaa tit* L«a h# e«M I SOM ttgua ,1 ,lii4. , vatawr a ’ H AVE juit reeaind, and ar* bow opraiag, th* largeet stock af Good* they have avar oflerad in on* man. Tbair atock was bought eiolualvely fer Cuh, and will to prioed to lew Sgura*. They kav* ovary variety of DRY GOODS, from Brown Homeepaue to th* 6ua*t Draw Silk* I *11 kind* or frwb LADIES’ DHX88 GOODS) » larga *MOrtm*nt to FANCY ARTICLES. AIm, » larga aaMTlannt to *t Ifet JEWELRY, WATCHES, too. In their B*Mra*et Room*, ttoy b»v* aa •)•- gnat and fell (apply to Romly-Mad* CUthing, and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, to. AIm, abeat $10,00* worth of SHOES, BOOTS. Ao. em braving nH aiaaa, and m gnat variety, fer La- die*. Uiaato, Mu. Buy. and Children. They repeat: tbair (took 1* vary full, and they in determined to Mil. Tba publie ar* rMpaetfUlly Invited to «tol end ez.mtae tbair tomb sad pvioae before pur- ^X'^^tLVEY A DOUGHkHTY. WEIGHT k JACKSON, rAITIll, 0IMKIS8IIV FORWARDING MERCHANTS BAY STKSEt, SAVANNAH, OA. AI4.BB B. W*I«*T. W». A dlCOOB. pxrxk to Capula Jeka W. Aatonos, «.- uto. Ga ( Erwin A Harden, . Carbart A Eaaa , Haw Tavb; T. WltoleetaoiB* H. L. Hart, PaUtka, PlA S Mm* Merritt. Hawklaavtlfe. Oa Agaalfev lb* Everglade Lln*toM*DSta»M •rate Fnaadlna.and IMBBB Im* Smtl Q ENCRAA^OOM MISSION fetiuMTimuns.