Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 26, 1861, Image 1

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. T' VHWWa m r Rn^SFtt TtrOB THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE;. Mi ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY , MIL 26, 1861. NEW SERIES; VOL. I-NO. 62. with ta. pflvUtf* Of ctUkQfff, vlU MVWtatr<*»: nenlkla m • month » » .£■; lying doable colnmn, will be not marked on copy for a Ibked until ordered oat, and ebarfed above mice. . _ - Inserted In the Daily, end WibklT ltd 90 per cent, additional to the will be limited to the apace eon- — be charged extra at regular rale* Remo rale, Copart nerehlpe, Notice# to hot will appear In the Weekly paper te to be lneerted In the Weekly paper on. lar Interval* In either of the papers, will per square for every Insertion, candidate* for State, County, and Muni- » abebr-to bo paid in ndvwnce In erery nenti for Charitable tnstltnthme, MIHta- ■ panlee, Ward, Town and other PaMie charged half pride, deeike are pobUshed as news; but I and funeral Invitations cea In Local Column will be charged to RAILROADS. aanUir omww. Uanta, 171 Mile.—Fare, ..—95 6*. YOXGE, Superintendent. ua ruunu taaiw. daily, at...» — *.»5. A. M. 3**L“ t.n. .1 9J6. A. M. ‘ tak!..™"..".!... 9.46, A. M. PAHIHII tun. »■**, P-M. |utu at — >.**■ A. M. U at - *•*•> P- JJ. teat .... lt.«6, P. M. ■ is eoaaeotlon with the Train, Carolina and tha Savannah and a Auguita. a Waat-Taint Railraad. «t-Point,97 Mile.—Fare,-!* 66. Q. HCLlTBnparinUadant r riMixai, Tain. 4, daily, at ......16.1*, A. M. t-Point at 1.19, P- W. 'oint, daily, at — 9.99, P. M. Jtn at Ml, P M. ■T raaaaaaaa raaw. 4, daily, at. - *.39, A. U. ,4-Point at _ 6.4«, A. M. 'Dint, daily, at. 1.16, A. U. 4nta at T.69, A. If. mnecta with tha Montgomery 4 «d at Vaat-Polnt * Atlantic Mailraaa. hattanoogaTlt* Miloa-Para r ...ti. W. LEWIS, Suparintandant „ at 7.09, P. If. tenooga at.... - 1.46, A. If. Santa at ....10.00, A. M . kwob wayjwltb tha Rome I road at’ Klngatod, tha Balt Ten- Qoorgia Bialraad at Dalton, and tha I Chattanooga Kailread at Chatte- Xaaon. 19* MUaa-Para, 14 69. ID la TTLEfh Sn^rinUndant Ur raaaaaaaa mu, iteai...^*,.. -.11.99, A. M. aaon at .... 4.65, P. If ■ at - .10.69, P. M. laata at. ... 4.00, P. If. aiaar axraaaa mn. ' *t 19.00, right. ">•* a 7.16, A. M. »»- 19.00, Eight. » u *t ___ m, A. M Wraitawill not ba run an San dock Wight Train from Atlanta, iJLJ Train trow. AUanta, connect, with fbr Sarnaaah at 10.00 P. aatarn Bail Road for Co ess, r. m. _ Tlekata «rwn Atlanta to Eaw dint Omaibsa Am la Savannah, n. i. aaaaiL. Jam a a anoaaa i RANDAL & GEORGE, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, \X7ILL attend punctually to anj end all bus- ™ tnens entrusted to their eare. Office corner Marietta and Preach-Tree streets. March 28-daw. JANES H. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Walking ton, Georgia. P RACTICES in Wilkes and adjoining coun ties. Refers to George G. Hull, THOMAS ii ABBOT!’, ATTOBNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Office in 8mith*s Building, Whitehall street. G. 8. Thomas. jal6tf Ban. F. Abbott. ItOBT. L. CRAWLEY,” Wholeulc sad letall Dralrr In PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, —AKD— General Business Agent, IITILL attend promptly in any business «n- VV trusted to him. Btorein Franklin Building, on Alabama street. m16-ly BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! —AT THE — New Book Store! —AT THE— SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Street. THOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MEN CHANT, For the purchase and sale of Western Produce, Cotton, Groceries and Mermanrflze generally, franklin Building, Alabama Street* ATLANTA....!......GEORGIA. Aprjl 5, 1861. WILLIAM F. PARKER, ■—WITH—• THOMAS W. MURRAY, . Formerly of 191 Chambers 8L, New York, importsss a wsolzsalz dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars, AMD COMMISSION DEALERS IN BUTTER, CHEESE, Ao., •M». SOT, Bay Street, Savannah, fia. April 10-dAw3m. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Mumifnetur* m and Dealers In MEN'S h BOY'S CL0THINS, GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS, CASSnfWRKS AND VESTINGS Markham’s Iron-Front Building, White hall, Street, t. m. brtsoi, ) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, r. m. bbaumont j April 2d, 1861. CENTER ft TREAD WELT WH1TIHALL STREET, ATLANTA, Fear Doors Below Brady At Solomon's, —DEALERS IN— CARRIAGE HARDWARE A TRIMMINGS SHELF AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE I 8WEDE8, AMERICAN, CA88 COUNTY AND ENGLISH IRON, AND CA88 COUNTY AND ENGLISH CA8TINGSJ —ALSO, IN 8TORI— PC A CA8E8 Shoes, at Manufactures prices. 0\J Call and see us before you buy elsewbpre. You shall bo pleased. juneM CENTER A TREADWELL. J. W. HEWELL, wholesale azd zbtail dbai.kx in Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Corner "Whitehall Ac Alabama Btn., ATLANTA, GBOEGIA. Feb. 16—ly» JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In HAVAHA CIBARS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, &C., Whoiaaaia and Retail, at tha Sign of dU«M Cigmr .ff own factory, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 2*. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAS WORKS. A LARGE quantity fur sale at tha usual price ef 124 Mat per bushel. Feb. 21—dtf. J. F. WARNER. SupL WW*W—WWy*WW"W——■——» DENTISTRY. r fi.’HUSTINGTOir. IL Dw nmvTxaT, U| UXXlV OFFICK in Rawaoa’i new build- Ing, corner Whitehall and Hunter Street.— Reeldenw tnt bouae to the left of Col. Tan- oey’a Raraananac Hob. R. F. Lyon, Mr. K E. Ramon, Beach 4 Root, Rov. Mr. Rot- ere. Dr. logon, Atlanta; Rav. C. M. Irwin, P. A. Vaeon, Ea^.. Col. Xelaon Tift, Col. W. J. Luwtoa, Honry Terror, Alhony. Jan 1*. • E. t. A R. W. CSATHH, nsarrisTa, HAS! remorod to thair saw Block, id airfeadM rooaa In . Beaoh * Roota, whoro they aro prepared to wait on all who may with thuir Mlniatan, whs an neutef* eh tawed halt, priaa. Cull, from a dlitawei attoedod o with prnapteaoa, tv>el9-en*w AGRICULTURAL BOOKS of every description. ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS of every description. MEDICAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAINT INGS OF LANDSEER and other Artiste. TEREOSCOPE AND STEREOSCO PIC VIEWS. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—from 30 cents to #30. VIOLINS—from 75 cents to 875. All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest, at the Sign of the "BIG BOOK!” OCte 23—tf. j. McPherson a co. DR. J. H. MCLEAN’S STRENBTHENIN8CORDIAL BLOOD PURIFIER, Q REA TEST REMEDY MOST DELICIOUS Delightful Cor dial EVER TAKEN. •re dRUy taring Mc-Jff.. Karfn# . 'Lean’s 8trengthening 1,,cr Cordial, certify that It la absolutely an Infalllable ren edy for renovating and Ihtiooratiho the shattered and dleeaaed ayriem, purifying wnd enriching the Blood—re storing the tick, suffering invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH. There U no mistake about It; It will cure Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia, Dlarrhaia, Dysentery, Headache, De pression o( Spirits, Fever and Ague, Inward Fever L Bed Stomach, ■ Bow- breath, or any disease of the els. ^rOENTLEMElf, do yon wish to be Healthy, Strong end Vigor one? UF” LADIES, do you want the Bloom of Health to mount to your Cheeks again ? Then go at once and get McLean’a Strengthening; Cordial and Blood Partner. of the Womb, Barrenness, or aay disease ar1«lng from Chronic or Nervous Debility, it is au InfalUabla Reaxlj. For Children* Lrah’s Strkhqtbrjueo Coesial, (see the directions each bottle,) It Is delicious to Uke. 0T One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, la a sure preventive against Chills and Fever, Yel low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. |ffiT Cauttow.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsa parilla, (which they can buy cheap,) by saying It la just as good. There are even men base enough to steal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid suoh liiiaosous pirates and their villainous compound* [ Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean’a Strengthening Cordial and Blood PurUler. Take nothing else. It Is the only remedy that will purify your Blood thoroughly, and, at the same time, Strengthen and Invigorate the whole organisation. It Is put up in large bottles—$1 per bottle, or six bot tles for |&. DR. J. H. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sta., tt. Louis, Me. DR. MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL FILLS, For Liver Complaint, Milioueneie, Htadaekt, he. T HERE has never been a Cathartic Medicine, offered to the public, that has given such entire sails faction as McLsah's UaivxasAL Piuj. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly Innocent, and can be taken by the most tender Infant; yet prompt and powerful Id removing all BUloua secretions. Acid, or Impure, Feted Matter from the Stomach. In fact, they are the only Pills that should be used In malarious districts. They produce no Griping, Slckaese, or Pala, In the Stcmacn or Bowels, tboogh very active and searching elagte d and mo Unlven are test _ _ sent by mall to any part of the J, H. McLEAn, ooie rropneior, Corner of Third and Pins Sts., St. Louts, Mo. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil LluL- CONFEDERACY FLAG# OF ALL BIZE8, UtADK TO OJtDHIR -BY— J. 23. PLATT. .».r« CnrfM. April 92—dlw. Land fbr Sale. I ^ORTY-TBRBK acre* of desirable Land on the East tide of Atlanta, just outside the city limits. Also, 13 acres fronting on Decatur road—a beautiful site for a country residence. Apply to W. 8. GUNBY. Residence just below Rolling Mill. apr22tf. OLD DOMINION SAWS. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA I N consequence of the secession of Virginia, we shall hereafter offer our stock of “Cir cular," 14 Cross cut," “Mulay,** “ Mill Saws," Ac., at foreign price*. MSM No duties added.* mcnaught; C apr 22~8m. ,ORMAND AC NOTICE! Quartermaster’s Officb, Savannah, Ga n April 16, 1861. S EALED propoaale will be received at this office up to Th 12 o’clock M., fur the delivery of the following fubi'stence stores, via: 229 barre'e Mess Pork. 187 “ Mesa Beef. 40,000 pounds Pilot Bread. 30,000 pounds Navy Bresd. 115 barrels 8uperfine Flour. 150 bushels good White Field Beaus 3.000 pounds Whole Rice. 5,400 " Rio Coffee. 10,000 " C. Sugar. 900 gallons Cider Vinegar. 1,125 pounds Adamantine Candles 3,600 “ Colgate* No. I Soap. 56 bushels 8ait. The above stores to be delivered, free of charge, at such a point in the city of Savan- the Quartermaster may direct, and the nah i The Beni MYUmal in IA* World, for Man or Maui. r lOUUAND# of hUBkan briags hava been saved a life of decrepitude sad mleery, by the use of thli Inval uable Liniment. It will relieve rain almeat lnetaneoal ly, sad It will cite am, purify sad heal tha fonleet Sore In an |p«uredlhle shart time. McLsah's Tou asic Oil LtxiMEXT win relieve the moat Inveterate case* of Bheu- matlsm, Goat, or Neuralgia. For Per.lysis, Contracted Mamies, Btlltosee or WaaJnmm In the Jehrie, M wee lee er Ligament*, It will never fall. Two appllcatloaa will cure fora Throat, Headaeho, or tarache. For Bame nr Beside, er any Pain, It la an lafhWable remedy. Try It, and yen will Bad It aa lodlspecjIMa remedy. Keep It always on hand. . . ... Planters, Farmer*, er any aaa haring eharga efbara- eave meaey by aring MaLaaa’s Yeleaaftc OU Ua- li Is a speedy and Infallible eare for palls, I, Chafes, Iwetfing, Leeaeuem, Sweeney, Sorea, ea, will • flaritns. tetarwwiub. Mmh 7, !66t-4.*iy. TVr », BAMItTOxTiL'kY MAMBT ih Um»«A and Daaldrti tvarywhara. . delivery to commence on Msy IsL Bids will be opened in this office at the above stated time, and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder, who will be required to give two good sureties for the faithful execution of the contract. Letters enclosing bids must be adressed to the undersigued, endorsed on the envelop- “ Proposals for Commissary Stores.” 8. J. SMITH, apr22-5t. Quartermaster Georgia Army. R U LINBMAC HINE. D EPOSITED with us for sale, a Ruling Ma chine. It is a new machine, in perfect re pair—Hoe’s manufacture. Owner gone to the war, and wants is valne to support a family.— A bargain can be had. without freight and du ties. Address this office. ap20-At. SAM KIRKMAW. JOHN W. LUKE. KIRKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1T6, Second Street, ST. 10UI8, MISSOURI. Refer to John Kirkmaw, Jaukr Woods, W Grbbrpibld, Nashville, Tenn. jan 9—3m COLOHED PHOTOGRAPHS. P ORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the Pnotgraph- ic process, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Miniature site up to the size of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypes of their de- oeesed relatives and friends, now have the op portunity of having them copied to any sise ney may wish, and painted up to the Life i OIL OR WATER C0L0R9, OR PA8TEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeness in every reipect yeW Gallery on Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Georgia. * C. W. DILL, Apri 3. Photographer. i. o. McDaniel, wnoLBSAta dbalbr iw BRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, AND LEADING GROCERIES, Hunter Street, between Whitehall <6 Loyd Slreeie, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April 13, 1861. MARSHALL HOUSE, WM. COOLIDGE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. U.reh 16. COX, HILL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AJIO DIRECT IMPORTERS OF WINKS, 1.I4UORH, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AC., Peach- Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 23. ATLANTA Clothing §iall. I HAVE iuit returned from th« Forth with & luge .tuck of READY-MADE CLOTHING, end em reed, to tupplj the citisens of Atlen- te end the surrounding oonntrjr, with Colts, Paste, Vasts, Skirts, Handkerchiefs. Neck-Use, *oeks. Hits, Oefe, end everything site Hi the Clothing like, o! joodquefilj and at’LOW PRICES. All who bargains should give me • cell. J ewelx’y! Knives! Oombfl|i a And other Notions. marc bill/ Whitte»<^rf^roppteih - - - - A Card from Han. C. L. VaUaudlgham. Dattom, Ohio, WedneBday, April 17. To the Editor of Ike Enquirer : I have a word for the Republican pm* and partUaaa of Cincinnati and other place* abroad, who now daily falsify and Bu!*repre^ Bent ase and natter* which concern me herein Dayton. My position la regard to this civil war, which the Lincoln Administration has inau gurated, was long since taken, is well known, and will be adhered lo to the end. Lot that bo un stood. I have added nothing to it, substtao- ted nothing from it, said nothiog about it publioly, since the war began. I know well that I am right, and that in a little while “the sober second thought of the people" will die sipett the present sudden and fleeting public madness, and will demand lo know why thir ty millions of people are butchering eaoh oth er in civil war, and will arrest it speedily. But, meantime, should my own State ho invaded, or threatened with invasion, as soon as may he, then, as a loyal native born son of Ohio, ac knowledging my first allegisooe to be to her, l will aid in defending her to the last extren ity, asking no questions. Whoever shall re fuse them, or hesitate, will be a traitor and a dastard. And this sams rule I apply aa well to the people of Virginia, Kentucky, or Mis souri, as to any of the free States, North or West. As (o myself; no threats have been made to me personally ; none within hearing ; no violence offered; no mob anywhere; uone will be; nobody afraid of aoy, and every statement or rumor in regard lo me circulated orally, or published in the Republican preaa, it basely idle and false. Aud now let me add, for the benefit of ihe oowardly slanderers of Cinoionsli or elsewhere, who libel ms daily, that if they have any business with me, I can be found every day and at any time, either at home, on the Northwest corner of First and Ludlow, or upon the streets of Dayton. C. L. VALLANDIGHAM. Andy Johnson Sainted In Lynchburg—His Narrow Escape. Ltnohbibu, Va., April 22.—Andy John son, late llnitod States Seoaior front Tennes see, passed through here yesterday on bis way from Washington to Tennessee. A large crowd assembled and groaned him and offered every indignity ho deserved, including pulling his dobs. Every effort was made to take him off the cars. The demonstrations were first suggested by Tennesseeans. Great difficulty was experien ced in restraining the populace. Johnson was protected by the Conductor end others, who begged that be might be permitted to proceed borne and let his own people deal with him. He denied sending a message that Tennes see should furnish her quota of men. PIoun Anecdote, At a “patriotic jubilation" recently in the capital of Indiana, a pious aneodote was told. The extraot is from (lie Indianapolis Journal: Mr. Newcomb related the following story as illustrating the difference between two sec tions of the country. During the past winter, said the speaker, Robinson, of R. I., was un- fortunats enough to form the acquaintance of Wigfall, of Texas. Wigfall was blustering away in his windy style, about what the South wee going to do, in the event of war. Robin son listened until he bad finished, and then replied, “Mr. Wigfall you don’t understand ourpeopU; you acouee us of cowardice. You are mistaken. You of the South talk big— than yon take a drink—then put in more big talk—then take a drink. We Yankees don’t operate that way. We sit down and calculate the cost, and what is lo be gained before go- ha into anything. Having made up our minds, we say let us pray," and after praytrt you may look out for hell /" The Voice of a Veuersble Patriot. R. C. Foster, Sr. sends us the following pa triotic proposition which we gladly publish : N’, April 22, 1801. To the Editon of the Patriot : From nge and infirmity I am uoabls to do servioe on the battle field for the rights of the South ; but I am £a volunteer, with nny num ber of Tennesseenns under like disability, to pay annually to the Governor of Tennessee two hundred dollars for the comfort able sup port of the wives and children of Ibe citizen toi lers of Tenneasee, whilst serving in defines nf ths Constitutional rights of lb* South. R. C. FOSTER, 8m. Patriotic Liberality* By reference to the proceedings of Ihe last masting of our town authorities, it will be seen that they have appropriated $200 to each company that may be called Into service from Athens. Noble generosity, indeed bat nothing) morn than was to bn expected from the liberal minded gentleman who compose the body. We also learn that each of the Ineurance Companies, here, have appropriated $250 to the Troup Artillery and Athens Guards. Thin ton, in another gratifying nvkleoceof the spir it that animal an all close## of oureitiseae, and will ant bo forgotloa by thoan whoa it is meant to benefit.—Athene Manner. Major Loyd J. Beall, late of the United Sinus Amy, hen resigned his oommianiea, nod hat gone (a M«atfOta«rjr I, off.r fat, nr- vi«M U Ik, Coof.iier.1. Stale,. He 1, a st ile. of Meretaod. Hu ftiher uretd u a Ctptain in Howard*l Ytteren Brigade in *79, fought uador Wwlhlngioo at Monmouth, waa in all af Orraue’a haul,, in Sooth Coro line, and (bough ndf.aotd in nge, want Ihrongh lha war af 1812. Major Bull gradual*) *4 Weal Point, and wai than »ent bj lha auibcr- iliea 144 Washington to lha Military School In Fnnoa, where ha recelred a Second Dagne. Ha baa recently been n Pa^tnaaire in tba Uni ted Army; Wta leal atationed at St Louie, bat reaigned bin aoutatleaion Ibe Dement ba beard by telegraph that lha fighting bad cummancad at Fori Sumter. He ia tbe eon-in-law of our dielioguished and highly netermed fellow- towoemen. Col. A. P. Ilayne.—Charltiton Courier. Hir A letter bae been received in thin oily from Col. B. Huger by n member of hie family, dated Baltimore, April 16, which etatea that Lincoln personally lied to Oen. Scott, deceir- ing him throughout. Col. Hogerreeigned tba moment he heard that hostilities bed comman. oed —t’harleilon Courier. n. a. McLendon, WHOLESALE GROCER, AHD DEALER IK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Tobacco, Cigars, &c., —ALSO— BACON. LARD, CORN «* FLOUR. •V*. 8, Cherokee Block, Peach-Tree 8t, % Atlanta, Georgia. ■mm. S B. OATMAJf, proprietor, and dealer in • Italian, American and Egyptian Marble, Monumenta, Tombs, Tablets, Head end Foot Stones, Urne, Vases, Marble and Enameled 81ate Mlintels, Statuary Figures, and Furnish ing Marble of all descriptions. Alwavs on band a fine assortment of Monu ments, both Fl&in and Carved, of all sizes, and prices to suit. Call and see specimens, at Ware Rooms and Yard, opposite Georgia Railroad Depot feb25-tf. AROMATIC C A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, v v M AT1C SCHNAPPS should be kept in every family. It invariably corrects the 111 ef fects of change of weather, sad, as a beverage, it is the purest Liquor made in the world. Put up in pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLPUO WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy, tha best quality, with I bit aval on the cork. > tba bottla, aod Th. (N. C.j I’rcgrc.t, iprak- ing of thrfreo negro population, tiyi: W. learn from Mayor Lane thet 16 cr 20 more free negfoeo earn, fbrward ye.twrday moraiog and volunteered their ecrrioe, In go >• the Pert aa<l work erae.Lt in the ddfenne tt the Fat(. If required. Lekerere eaewgk baeiag gear 1a tba Fart, they were ant eeat dowa, bat reqaented by Major Un |. kotd tkomtelrea ia raadiataa.. Awd th. WtMugtow Jo*real *dde : We are Informed that the free eel or ed popo- latiea of our town an ready rod wlHiag to do anytbiag that they aay ba oallad npea le da UDOLPUO WOLPtt'S Pare Pert Wine, je. run til. certtllcel nd th* beri quxlltj. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and botted hj bhntrif, tbe saa# a* tha Port UDOLPHO WOLFrs Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled bj himself, for private and med icinal use, tha best Wine ever offered to the irada In bot- Uaa TJri* Wta# ]* varraotad perfectly pmn. UDOLPHO WOLFrs Pure Jamaica Rum, St. Crete Sue, tteoteh Ul g IrUb Whlaky. by blawrif, war- Tn the Public. I win atake my reputation aa a man, <ny standing aa a march ant af thirty yaarri rariSiaci ta Naw Tort, that what I ntadga sad taatUy to wtlb my teal, my label, aad my esriWcato, tv correct, and can ba railed a pan by er- ^HJrictanawbo oaa Wine* and Uquor* In their prac- Waa mouM »frv ^ bf a UDOLPHO WOLFE, tee an# laipar«w af Ml . So. 9*. Hearer Street. Mew York. J4USBJUUI1, SATMS * JOdM, . -e* ~*’Jk.tlauite.'«Nrtr#U. rtarwr? U, U41.-41 ■ "*** 1