Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 28, 1861, Image 4

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r OTfiaW WN <Y bix PMumumne n qEmRNW?7HE3! w wtfoltisAlte' : fflffif' RETAIL. hULluxajx. jsauL-jjiaa a X a aoatiauaee* of Ik* Min*. I *gai* taka piaster* la Iniormlag them that I kava tow la VEDYN it Savage ^RCJfclTECTS Saanwaak. dSwgte, FRftHiaiH PRINTING HOUSE t> wham «a kava eUadadad, and aka taulad la ika aaaatry loag ksferqXSA WWWM >*< WOOD, HANUEITEH, MCE U CO, k.i mm? FURNITURE art# la Ika year 177#, t/91 Wrtty aaitiara kalag removed, opanad lata a eara of laiiaaaaa magallade. 0.1 Tka aidaa af tkia apaeloua apartment vara (band apaa aiemiaaiteMSAte eat la laafcaa ar a part Mata, oeoepitd bj figures rapraaaat- Daelre to direct pablio at- laatlca to tkalr ueaqaalUd qA foailitte* for lha aapattor Jjj^V NK- aad prompt aiecutioa kll weak la tkalr Kaa, from A IhU Card to the Urgart T#kuM I The aatabliakataat, la Ita various departtnaota, la perk ape tka moat complete ia lha wkola Southera country. It ia tka otjeat of tka proprietor! to 00- takliih on a pormaaent baria a Sotmntajt Punuea- tae Bouse ! thereby effectually ramoriag erery necaaaity for aeadiag North to have works issued. Tkus far the enterprise kaa proved highly aacoaaa fat, and tbe proprietors feel assured that tka beaatcial retails of Bock aa undertaking have ya ( to be more fully appreciated by our people. Tbe several departments receive tka personal su pervision of the #rm, and sstisfsction guaranteed to each aad every patron. ^ THE BOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT U handsomely Atted up with all the modern improvements aad conveateneee of that breach Blank-Book* ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Mage since, Me., bound in suy style desired, and at prices that cannot fait to five satisfaction. THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Ia specially complete in every particular ; constant additions are ^Jh i being made in the wny of *mh improvements as nre introduced bA into the Ty|K>grs|ihical world, by which the proprietors are ena- itled to furnish Tine handnnmeM printing in the Con federated Status! K very thing, from » Vi>iting Card to a Mammoth Poster. . ‘ iHrilefully exeeuled in miy style Milt! rniur de.-irctl. Three o(^^L by Sn.oi. mid kept hi o|>eratinn A Bank Checks, BUI Heads, Railroad Blanks, Professional Cards, Programmes, Circulars. legal Blanks, Letter Heads, And every imaginable variety of Priming promptly at tended to at prices but a small advance on New York rates! Printing in jBVBr3ft * mudatovrSev I. .»t Z°*r ^ <*• OklaZ. FRANKLIN sssniW&irtSfS! by that MQpla, three tksaaaad faur baud rad and aeveMp4c*-ye*ra pvavioaa ta tkla diacov- ary Is Kentucky. Tka cataaamb was aapabla af kaldiomiue tbauaand snbjaoi*. Again, there Is fauod aa tka Ohio,, near twyn •ad am la almost daily raoaipl of New and Varied Styles of all klada of Faroiture from U wall kaowo Fa.**,* . 1 A ITT W I i f C t ft HOUSE of whlah F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the JYoaaty Work*. Colombo*, Qaorria, is Forrvil. wh, la a sadBUIakt gum** tea that aU lha Cork Wees Ika ABOVE FACTORY apitu tka par gubataatiai quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD Priaaa from IS to It par seat. lower then any other Fuauituax Stoss ia Geoigiu. * MATTRA88ES, LOUNGES. LOOKING GLASSES, WINDOW SHADES, CCllaOh CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand. Ftorrii Ftufas Mils /adTuferrgi, iigilr4 id* WaiWa dad d<#|Mdk. {) COFFIN OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. Nov.*, dtf. For JOHN D. GRAY. able work af aatiqnity. oava with smooth Atrip level floor. Tkewkns’dt aokaown to tka present gaaaratM*. The eat la aaa af tka great ait curiosities oa the Dili eafUjd 1 asAatetsd with a dark, dismal haHri %r:^&.r.nt-..kd..mlT l AlTIaA nta ILICBS1I1TH SHOP j BRASS FOUNDS OW BPMIfll WESBTi or tkalr arlgia. Thera ara eettral huodrada of theta work* |q the valley of lha Ohio and Miastsefppl'rivers, And totue ofib.m i« round :u?,:^.».vv3f.^r. , o k f*iv posit af Ika dead. They alio bear tba sp irit**. aad tka pnWia gaaarally, that| kaa eateMlahtd. aa above, a " ~" Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, had alio a BRASS FOUNDRY where be la prepared tado all klada af t la Ms line. Ha ioiietts a akaro of patma had will ganmeUe to giva antira •atiafat la all that Olay anlruat him with their on Order* premptly attended to. eAd4g«oui |o koAte ' jambs e gullatr, yWHe baa oa hand aad (or tala two DUTl heap (ar Chad. Attaata, Jan. g». Hardware, Mechanical A Faralag Teels, HeHse-Farnishiag Goeis* C UTLERY and FILES—A large and wall TT0E8—Five aiaea anperior Cast Steel Hoes, assorted stock for sale by AA for sale by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. Tba following ia a tree copy of a apaach en unciated by a IItula boy at a pic uio ia this neighborhood on Saturday. We ara sorry, for tka sake of the future Historian, that tka asms of the author aad epksksr ara witheld : [Co/uaahur Enqttmtr. Gentlemen, Tjtrtftet, Fetlme CUieet,e, horeee and time, and humbuge generally— I arias at the spontaneous, unanimous and mnUilndiuous call of my follow-cititooa to ex plflfeata on the contiguous, homogeneous and conglomerated adjacent olrdnmatanoas. I look around mo to day with a paroxysm of onmitl gated delight at tka primeval graadiloqatace of these aativa forasta, and call upon original, indubitable and hyparbolioal genii of tkia iasSs- tude (o land me tba loan of Ibo wings of soma eeariag’Fegatus fthst I may rise to traman. daao kltltndda of laeomprehensibUlty and in- divisibility. Llatan, ye bewgags, while I ob- Itlwm pit Iht ihaotml iiid iucmifraoua vl- amenla «( yonder paratabulatiag araak. Sas tkooa rippling (aantaisa, teaming with tad poles aad catfish, gurg)iag o« la its perpetual flop la tk* beoom of the Fatty deep. Do you Malt! If yen do, It’akalesr case you’ve got no land ia your wyes. At R iwlls along I riav on oiv^jiw^LCTrdtsr. tkoogkt af pswW imypvTaaK Oya antique Ud humbug*, l am a crtal mao. I’m too deep FANCY COLORED INKS, 'annery for Sab. ad offers fer sal* tkalr MS •ituatad on Daaatar SH I Mill. Thera ar* site ag Vats, Lima-Houss, Ok [Lafla, aad Sboa 8 bop, i ohlatry aad Tools. Ate, tws-taory Brisk Haaaqi , tw* walls, aad a krsasl through tka lot. CapiM i af tbe beat invatlnaakl ,y. Apply, oa tka prMl ULAN A BELLINSUn )LANES and EDGE TOOLS of tka best make, . in great variety, for sals by mlO McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. IHAINS—Trace, Coil, Log. Fifth, Breast, and ’ Halter Chains, for salo by mlO McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. T HE attention of HARDWARE u.erclianU. and others, is respectfully oallsd to the lore- going adrertisements. We are prepared to All orders for all goods in oar lino at tba lowest prices for Cash. McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. Keyetane Building, msrchIO Whitehall street, Atlanta, Go. I RON—Sweden, English, Refined, and Cats county Iron, all ahapoa and aises, of our own “r^'iLN^HT.OBMONDACO jBr The Proprietors, confidant of tkeir ability to five ant ire satisfaction, solicit a share of public patronnge. Orders from all parts of the country will receive their per tout I attention, and •II work promptly forwarded per Express or otherwise, as may be directed. All letters should be addressed to WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE & 00. Atlanta, Ga., 1661. Jt HOVELS k 8PADE8—Ames’ and other ma- 5 kero, for sale bv tn20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND k CO. WILLIAMS & MC LEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN WASTED f QOMBairhtur tan (sod ionrayasai O aaaia Wool and Fur Hat* St« meat and good wages. Apply to ml*. J. M. HOLBROOK, At ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! IHsss aad Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C., PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE AGENTS FOR— Wrlglxffii Spxln^'Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. WHOLESALE GROCERS WHOLESALE Produce Dealer*** AND SBNBBAL FRESH DIMICK, WILSON & CO lag iatarpaUtiana must wind u elan, 1st ms say tbkt otrrk ia a ear Itdita aga pmffy, tor puak HUNNICUTT, TAYLOR & JONES, -'WON OF THE MASONIC HALL BUILDUP, « fOppoaita Paaaangar Depot,) j ATLANTA, <3- a *d aaaap kMSSXap. aad shrsuaMocute aa *«wy ssSI paad. - Gntaariesa add beautiful hmtf- tntlsal loag may y* ravel among lb* "11011. avfc’k Bntflatlam-vttfssns, 1’vn nvapnfkfad— hand mp k «k»» »» lobaoao. Comer of Peach-Tree & Walton St*. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. )*- PNOMPT ATTENTION T* pm- PAID TO -*k pm- FILLING 0RDEM1 Grant Excitement at the Keep constantly on hand a heavy Stock of all kinds of parlnm af Dlallt. tv 1 laoa *W44, ON FBAOS-TBkl STB1KT, A large lot of BOOTS aad 8H0E8, just received from w lust received from the manufactory, and will be told at price* unprecedented in Nun market Wife’ Patent Foxed Lace Hekl GsUers, at Sewed Morocco Lace Heel BooU, at •iMjSair. V«o% Boys, Misses and Children'* Boots and Boon new sty leg-just received* and will be •old at irieee lower than any House in thia altv wia tell as aood a Boot ftH Ika HemfiSi Sole Leather, jusi receiv ed and for fi|da at Charleston prices, or lower then ever before told in this market. M doaen French and Amerikaa Calf Skins, of various brands, thia day received, and will bn cold at a commission on Now York prices. iUate, Boole Trees, Pegs, Lining, Biuding and CASH syst; H aving ak*qhaW fainti** r«r * chose and Direct Importation of me Proprietors woe Id respectfully call Qmi tion of Physicians, Merchants, Plante they ar* now prep*rad to soil oa tbo me •ooablo terms for Coab or apniwvod nop, addition to Iboir stook or Maple, bna, Ohomieala, they have a fall aaanHai 'ia Ttfeava^ ** °r° U LIQUORS, wntis, BRAHOtE5,2rC. Whslssals frodsee: mow OP MAUD. TOOTH. NAIL, I IS, DENTAL 3 MEETS, As., A*. a*-They area u footuran of TA ELIXIR. AND PAINT NkbSH- SURGICAL IN8TRU- BAOON, ) ay f AU OBDBB0 ) at (, fMACAiW. OMnfkMdhM OcflciUd. A# 'a. . a . m. .. ^ MM I, •maio, anom avwoa, rega, timing, niuatng ana Morocco Skins, Findings, Ao., proportionately I, WILSON A 00., Sign of tk* Big Boot. TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGMS, BACON, Also, hr tala, BUGGIES. TROTTING WAG ONS aad TEOTTINO SULKIES-all naauan- hetarad by No. I wnrkaaoa. 9* •Mo Stable, Loydtegot. \ir* have now In Stem, a large lot of Ultra V> Heavy,Daukla-fltelo Rnaaot Brngaaa, made wltk two haavy solas af the beat quality ofYfMMti fell Laalfcar aad Oak Upper*, witk Eivlt Eva aaama, wkleh w* kav* aaada axpraaa- i FliOUR, GRAIN, &C., &C n H300HG aiAeatklOHW m/ VO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTEHTICM WALL ’ ^ ^ w „3AjSssBBii? .auuas -mmw. cr^c;vpn