Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 01, 1861, Image 4

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/aO , NFE2I)EH JL(l<y ROPELLED BY STEAM ! ^ MECHANICAL, -,■>% ■ WITT wtr>. T.O., w , 1TJ BRUYN & SAVAGE ^ ARCHITECTS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rftlAtMFUL t>r th# pMt patronage otm^ttmerooi friend, and ousiomers. ud hoping li continuance of the saint, I igalh trtt pleasure la i u form jog thorn that I hoot no, FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE la Bottonhjrl Vo# Brisk Balldlug, ciodJbuaA Ilk Movbo«Md4l* M light aad hoariif, to nreld tha ooaooquoocoi of boiag a wiiaoao. Yoa are oollod la tha olaad aad plan jour hood aa a copy of Soria, turn ia abarpokio kiodiaf, with a cron ah OBI Joidoi aad aooo oa tha otbor, ta aooom- modato either variety of Chriillaa faith. Yoa v&ttsnaasa-s ore 01 bio lido, tha other eyeing you oarogoly for tha oppoolto raaooa. Tha gontlamoa who :sum*EKxuts%e roloallaoal/ kaada yoa orrr to I ho other, who proooodo to ihow you that you are aatiraly mistaken ia yoar aappaoitioai; ihatyoaaor- or nw aaythlog that you hare awora to ia your Ufa ; la abort that you hare ooBaiiitad diroot perjury. Up waste. to haqjrdt you hare arar boon ia th* f tal.t pride*, and I Moo your dooial with tho air of a man who thiaki you ougljt lo hare boon there. Aoka you all the qpeatiaaa oror again ia different ways, aad tolla you, with an awo-laipiriag lerorily, to bo oaroful what you My. He waate to know if he uadorotood you to any to aod ao, aad wauta to know whether you mnat lomathing elaa. Haring bullied you and aeared you out of your wila, aad eonriotad you ia the oyoo of tha jury of prerariaetlaa, ho let# you go. By and by, arary body yoa bate at*, foil- en out with ia pul on the aland to awMr you are the largnt aoouudrel they erar knew, and not tobe believed under oath] Than tho oppoei- lion ooonnei In manning up, palate year enrol photograph to tho jury aa a character It to bo handed down to all lima u tho type of infamy; m a man who hM nnapired agaioot iaaooaaoo and rirtua and atood eonriotad of tha attempt. The judge ia hie charge, tolla thejuiy if they beiicee your loaiimony, he., 4c., indicating that there ia a judicial doubt of your reraeity, and you go home la your wife, family, aeigh- bora and acquaintancea, a auapocleu man, all becauaa of your occidental preaence on an un fortunate occao ou. Who would be a witneaa ? BOOK BINDERY, Bra lhair pommel ait, if Eaildinta ia any par lion of Baildlaoa ia any part of tha Rotor to tho Utiaeaa of Sarannah Maroh Ig-ly. WOOD, IIANLEJTEU, RICE & CO. nUdiH MACKIB, nMO PAINTER AND GRAIBI ^ £ C nr »\, SATWO located | >1 aboro Bran the. in all their dote? ITT8R8 buum lo order ia any m Ssx'dHS&sdS AVtVMI Too Daaat. a'b.-o. TA Desire to direct public el* tentiuu to tlieir unequalled facilities for the superior and prompt execution of 1 ail work in their line, from franklin FURNITURE •tor before offered in Atlanta, and All of SOUTHERN MAKE, end om in almoot doily receipt of Now and Varied StylM of ell kiado of Furniture from ti well known Fooiory of arOCMEXlW ■ » « MM. A"W 9 of whioh F. W, FLYNN, formerly of tho AWfy Works. Columbus. O tor pa, 11 Forrrjn, wh, i la n aulBcient guarantee that all tho work from tho A110VI FACTORY 10 gttd n . tho torn •ubotantial quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD Prieee from 1ft to 2ft per cent lower than any other Fukkiturb Storb in Geoigin. MATTRABSES, L0UNGE8, LOOKING GLASSES, WINDOW SHADES, CGIIaOK CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand. PicTVBR FaAMBB made and Fdbriturr repaired with neatneae and despatch. COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. N. YOUNG,j%£enl Nov.S.dtf. The establishment, in it* various departments, ia perhaps the most complete in the whole Southern country. It is the object of the proprietors to ee* tablish on a permanent basis a Southern Publish* ing Horae ! thereby effectually removing every necessity for sending North to have works issued. Thus far the enterprise has proved highly succese* ful, and the proprietors feel assured that Ihe beneficial results of such an undertaking have jre^ to be more fully appreciated by our people. The several departments receive the personal tu. pervision of the firm, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron. THE HOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT Is handsomely fitted up with all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch Blank-Rooks ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Magacines, fire., bound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. g®* THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete in every particular; constant additions arc § being made in the way of smh improvements as are introduced .wSpSpa- UBL into the Typographical world. I>) ; which the proprietors are ena- X Med to-furnish the- handsomest printing ia the Confederated States' Everything, from h Visiting ('aril to a Mummolli Poster. tastefully executed in any >lyle ami color desired. Three otjej^ in o|H-ration ABB t,] HOUSE rally prepared to uxaeuta in tha bast m rftry description of CAXYINO ig| En will niM gin particular attnathh ffttiwg ap nf Stores. with Shalvas, Coaeta aflar nay plan; also, tha internal d m of puhlln Hallo, Cfanrchea, Ac. Wm- Old Furaitora of good quality « repaired at nhort notion in thn bait wan THRO. MROCZKOWIE Marietta .treat, oppoaitn Su Vi lyjeail ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHIP —AND— BRASS FOUNDfi] OM HtJMTEK STREET, BrTWRBR IfcDoiOUl AID BCTLSR has Near tbs City Hall. T HE Bubeeriber begs leave to iifam friends, end the public generally, Ad has established, as above, a Blmekunith and Wagon Shift and also a BRASS FOUNDRY whan ha ia prrperrd to do ill in his linn. He solicit! n ibare of patntM and will gnarentre to gire entire ittiatte to all that may anlruit him with Iketrwd Order, promptly attended la James e i.cluti pNt~Hehee cm herd sud(oruletweDIg Cheap for CkaJL Atlanta, Jan. I*. GRAY 1861. 1861. SALMONS & SIMMONS, Whole vile and Retail Dealers la Bank Checks, Bill Heads, JBJF i] Eailroad Blanks, Professional Cards, RAA IBjii-J. .y#?:’■ Programmes, Circular,. EtB Legal Blanks, Letter Heads, And every imaglnntde variety of Printing promptly attended lo at prices lull a email advance New York rates! Printing in Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Bte. Atlanta, Georgia. Hardware, Mechanical & Farming Tools, House-Furnishing Goods. C UTLERY and FILES—A large and well TT0B8—Five sixes superior Cast-Steel Hoes, assorted sleek for sale by XL fqr sals by n>20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. NEW SPRING STOCK! O NE of our firm having returned from Mar ket, where he has just completed an exten sive purchase of our Spring Stock of Steam Tannery for Sak r THB undersigned offers for isle their STB X TANNERY, situated on Deeater tffi near ihe Bolling Mill. There are aited thirtv-six Tanning Vats, Lime-Houss, Cm iag Shop, Drying Lofts, and Shoe Shop,* allneoeasary Machinery and Toola. Alas, the premises, a two story Brick Hoses, I frame Dwellings, two wells, aad a bread! Water running through tbs lot. Capihd| will find this one of the best iDVistaosbe offered in this city. Apply, on the pren to mcmillan a bellingmah March lS-if. FANCY COLORED IKES, ) LANES and EDGE TOO LB of tbs best make, . in great variety, for sale by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. IHAINS—Trace, Coil, Log. Fifth, Breast, and i Halter Chains, for sals by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. T HE attention of HARDWARE rrerchants, and others, is respeotfully called to the fore going advertisements We are prepared to fill orders for all goods in our Hue at the lowest prices for Cash* McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. Keystone Building, march20 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. we take this method of advisidg the public of the same. Our stock of STAPLE A FANCY GOODS were neve? more aUtaotita. Tho supply of BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINQS AND SHIRTINGS, Ao., is amplo. I RON—Sweden, English, Refined, and Cats county Iron, all shapes and sices, of our own mportation, for sale by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. ^HOVELS A SPADES—Ames' and other m j kors, for sale by m20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Crrpt nojnglmts. WANTED! or ten good iournyesH 1 aad Fur Hats. St* l ?i 1 SoLBli8S,hll Barege Jmgtaia, French f 'hinls, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Moss and Hair Mattresses! Grade Rhine, and a splendid assortment of rimin g Fancy mike, Silk JSantlee, Hi tat era, R$m may be found among our assortment; also, LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C., PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE AGENTS FOR— Wrigflit’B Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. WHOLESALE CROCERS maylT WHOLESALE Produce Beak AND OBNBRAL FRESH DIMICK, WILSON & CO., (.D0C1MK.B. TO OIUICE . MIX,) Manufhcturerx or and Wholeaale and Re tail Dealers la BOOTS, SBtM IN* MBOMNS! Also keep constantly on hand Oak and Hem lock Sole-Lonther, French Calf Skins, Lining and Binding Skins, Shoo Pegs aod Shoo Find ings—at the Sign of the Big Boot, l. M. DIMICK, I ChsrokM Stock, WM. WILSON, V PtMk TrH StrMt. A. MIX. ) Atlanta, Georfta. sctlft SILVEf t DOUGHERTY, ^ ( HORCROS8’ BUILDING, Junction Whitehall Ac Psaoh-Tres Streets, Ah tlstTitas, GkMorglst, H ave juat rareteW, and Ub/ao# apanln» tha lai*rel stock of Good, th.y hare «»r offered In oa. Muoa. Their stock was bought cxclnsircly for Cash, and will ha prlred allow Bgurca. They hare arery variety of DRY GOODS, from Brown Homcapnaa to the fined Drew Biikei nil Unda «r freak ladies 1 dress GOODSfjtfaaeakiiOljjaffoH r MASONIC HALL BUILD# iOppoeitc Fueeager Depot,) ATLANTA, <3^ Corner of Peach'Tx’oe & Walton Sta. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ftf xKOitpt attention -M pm- PAID TO ■«* pm- FILLING ORDEIA' J Great Exciteaeent at tha shoe an# Leather Ea- purlaat at Olaalek, wiu.aac.,, ON PBACH-TRXB STRUT, A large lot of BOOTS and SHOES, juit received from tbs m.aaiaetory, aad will be sold at prieee unprecedented ia thii market. Ladle.’ Patent Posad Laee HmI Gotten, at tlUapafr. Ladiee’ Sawed Morocco Lam Haal Boot,, at fit II a pair. Mea’i, Boyi, Miaaee aod Children’! Boot! and Shoes, proportion.!)!, cheap, aad warranted. Oaote' French Calf Water-Proof and Pump Boots—new atylea—juat raeeWad, and will be •old at prime lowrn then any Houae ia this city wifi aell aa good a Boot. t,400 lha Hemlock Sola Leather, juat receiv ed and for ante at Charleston prieee, or fewer ih,never before arid in Ihie market, M dotes French end American Calf Skins, of various brands, this day reoeivad, aad will be sold at a eoeimraaioxt ea Haw York prime. Laate, Boole Trace, Pep, Lining, Binding and Morocco Skins, Findings, Ac., proportionately cheap. Thom wanting Good Boats, Shoes, or Leather at low prices, will find it to their interest to give aa a call Wore purchasing. DIMICK, WILSOH A CO., deoil Sign of the BlgBaoL Keep constsntly on hand a heavy Stock of all kinds of GOLDEN EAGLE. i ncluiU BgXlnena, Lewoa, Place Goods, Cal teoea, Ginahama, Ac.; all kinds or HOSIERY and FANCT ARTICLES. Alao, a large aamitteeat of Watchesi, duo. In thalr Bammaut Rooms, thqy have an ala. gnat aad fall aapply of Rildy-Mide Clothing, SHOES, BOOTS, &o. embracing all alam, and a great variety, far-Lte dies, Miaaee, Mas, Boya and Children. They repeat: thaiadlpolr la vary hilt, aad they are datermlMMtffTal). . Tha public an respectfully invited to call aod examine Uielr atoek and nrfeaa btebre pur chasing elmwhere. HADE ON - CONSIGNM1 BUSINESS TRANSACTED 01 CASH SYS ro unetjuilwi fhdUliM for thk par I and Direct Importation of goodi, the n would reepectfully call the atten- iyeieiane. Merchante t Planter! end le generally, to their extensive new LIQUORS, wmm . BRANDIES, AO, Rally aalaeted a took of DRUGS, MED- PErfumeryTkahcy ARTiatSfi, . OILS, AND DYE BTUITS, which now prvp.r.d to nit on tlra most rea- Artea for Cash or approved paper, la to their atoek of Steple, Drugs and Wholesale Produce I MOW OS BA NIK LABD LaRD, 1 Barest {001 LARD, J A Firming, ( MAttOHTC BALL. In SUrt, BACON, 1 At ( BACON, l Barra. T BAOOH, J A Flaming, ( adltttea to thalr atoek of Steple, Drop and Chemicals, they have a full assortment of TOOTH. NAIL, HAtR AND FAINT BRUSH- ES. DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, Aa, Ac. jiv They are alao Sole Proprietor! end Man- ri-DYSPBPTIC maroh SI ’ll. MTT One pair Carriage HORSES, wall Cenede HOR8K8—all on reasonable Xfe-t BOOGIES, TROTTING WAG ONS aad TROTTING SCLKIES-all maao- fceturad by Ns. 1 werkama. A—tv Si G. 0. ROGERS’ TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, BACON FLOUR, GRAIN, &C., &C„ FORWARDING MERCHANTS RAY STREET, (AYANNAH, Ok! R efer to oaptaia vaaoah, Os-i Ola TO WHICH THEY LNYITE THE ATTENTION OF ALL