Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 02, 1861, Image 3

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s'© TOaaiECRsri mo n f®;d:e hra© crz ItfAWIlWf ( l&flU ■>, ,*a sat' 5AY, MAY *, MM. rfUuhuJh I »*»w ke as dlapatsbaa tor u, aa ba M CiMil^Ovnit **** w,rk lk “ bs**Mdo.'Wa do act dsabt Sgafgg ^^raouiff^aiao [*••“«• *U1 bo giro* tonbwiib lo vaubUkivv lb do, prsaptly, oil iko tfnrk v Fared. Our kavtvg rodgood, wo koro writ ion lo Mo ogowt, i Ikon nor o» ■VRSSSKS , tbit osay of car ( loftboV “ i unit« l In ooroB! t Ini olow jonrool. To I • or tbiiiy godd I ol by oorly appHaattsa to l U. HOI SHOOK, Ho! nod (Jap Maaahckirer. ■« COMMERCIAL. ^ynuBBCJraar T r ftttlviai g fill Liio *t h orltr rniooo priasa. , rales M It, 1*} aad IS, ond It. ttofbono* Vpsech. i atwvvptsd oa oullloo of tko ala- k of our Vioo Prooident ol iko Do lly night Wo on ssnvlbto of tko ■ of our report Our notea worn r the moot unfavorable eircumitan- i tk if. In port, ae 0 palliation of * “ ycottUI :2)j j * J fl The Address, I AgHoulturaliM of Qoorgla, by tko I of our Btata Agrioulturat Soeloty, lo ily crowded out ft oball appear to- Puklle 1 Attar*. laetory Lecture to tko onoutag I tko Atlanta Medical College will bo Dr. H. V. Brown, on Monday, tko at 11 o'clock, A. M., at tko City ■ generally, and tko Indian partie- e laritod lo attend. Liberal and Patrtotic. Aruttra, Amt BO, Mtl. ■ CoariDiaaoT: I hare, on Wkito- , eight econo, twenty toot equora, | hereby tender rnf/reo to dooiitnto f Soldiom who hare go no, or may go, ir, *c long no the war aomlnuee. ’ Yourt, be. LARKIN H. DAVIS, j g waa crowded out of our ieaue Tko noma referred to rented 00: The patriotiain of Mr> I>n- indable. We doubt not tbat other knee rooma and houaea to rent, will at the eeroiee of auoh faaailiae aa if them, whoee huabenda, fathera gone to fight our battlea. Alabama Troops, i laet alluded to the aubject, the fol lea from Alabama hare panned city CM route for Lynchborg, Vir- try True Bluer, commanded by el Cowlee—106 men. Codeia, Capt. T. M. Saeda—121 County Daauragarda, Capt. M. L. -106 men. fiao, from Colon Springe. Capt. ell—106 men. }pku Light Ounrda, Cnpt. £. 8. Rendy ■ Light fntoniry, Cnpt. A. Gra mm. itatl Guarda, Capt. f. H’. Hunter— Ught Infantry, Capt. W. 0. Id man. Ounrda, Capt. Wm. Hartwell— platan the two Ragimaota, which Rata furnlahca to Vlrgiaio. Nobly Kly hoi aho reapondad ; and aba da- I highcat mead of praiaa for ouch I of the potriotlam of bar none. Be Pradeht. I grocer J mercboata oad daaloro la hill pardon na for making a auggee- I adriea them to bo oaraful not to 1 ‘took of groin, bacon, Ae., too 1 earn to keep enough on bund to wanla of oar own community, i wa barn the moat cheering pron- e wbaai crop. Oalsvv rant, atom, odden oalamity bafalla it, wa akall r the haartaat whnnt oropa that baa I gathered in the South. Bat boforn •led, oor own eilieena ia Atlanta 1 Q e*d of all the grain aad Hoar i kart oa kaad. > Oot thie auggeatioa, aad haps it, r conilderad by erery man In the .7 .4 Military, hltaa Ulnae, order eommaad of Capt. |taratd out la full fprea ycetarday, I Vary hand*trail appearance The > alio oat, oad altraOtod muck at- ilica Drogoaaa, Capt. Witaoa, aato- > trat laairenory by a parade with ILL the Utiniga Light Qwhrda *■ Smith, aaar IW Vlrgiaio. grautadl to thorn eho kora Ik lever, that httMaol v laay -eh u loecd TUMnta'e ehogar- kor»-l. Vtfl ,.r —y. *u bring u lend TUgtnia'1 rhore •■•rp-glarr rueb aa mma. ra.kt-AT Uvlr M«t dnia hare wo t otherlaadi jiJ • aoewtaawekenldgaaa. » fiaaida, wttk hearts et Wad aid ready • ha f«e 'mldet bottle's Irrcsvt blase » Ol Mr dorr bvrdv ekoaU stag, (rkaadaUaa «mraolarktmda«Maor who will ae doubt •tnlgkloa aoilora spsadlly. Bbip oa Fir*. Naw Oaidbana, May 1.—Tko abip Iroooidr, koaoo for Urorpooi, lodoa with . . buodaad baton of CaUoo, rod eight thousand hernia Floor, eaught fin at the Bor loot alglt. Boola Ban mat U bar sssiataass, aad Ika kaoda pmployed la pumping water hate bar. *• •- Cotton, Moatu, May 1.—One buodrod baloo of Cotton won fold yoalordoy, at 10}(Si11 oto. The Mint for three deya amounted to ooeoa buodrod ood fifty belta. Receipts, DSOkolos. Frelghla, }#fd. Maryland Lcgialatora. FttDaaicK, Md., April 27.—The Bootle adop ted on addreea to the |teoplo of Maryland, ata- tiog that the IsogMIptura will not pota on net of eecaaiion, but if the people daairo it, it will glee them on opportunity of doclnriog for themaelrea their future doatiny. Tbn Houae baa not acted thereon, but ban appointed a Committee to report an net calling n Conran tion. Scott, of Baltimore, ia the Chairman. From Maryland. Faaaaatea, Mb., April It.—Senator Muoa being ae rounded, laid n reconstruction of the Colon win impoeaible, aad Virginia vympa- tbinad with Maryland. Rercrdy Jobaaon baa a latter from Liaeoln, laying Maiylnnd ahould agree to an arniiatieo of Maty dayj. Fence Propositions. Bnaauncta, Pa., April 26.—C. J. Ingaraoll ban invitod the living Bx-Precidcnto to arbi trate betwooa the aoetionn. Tbia aboWa how small Is Mr. Ingeraoll’a a- mount of good aeuae —Eds. CoantnaeacT. Encourage Hone Literature!! 4 1 turn SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE, TXKVOTID to Literature, Agriculture, Horticulture, 1/edited by gentlemen of eminent ability, In their *ev- eral departments, la published every SATURDAY, at Augusta, Georgia. EXPRESSIONS OP THE PRESS. •»H« writer* are the mo«t d!*ttr.irul*bed In the fioefh.” Delta, 2i*w Orleans. “Stands In the very first rank.’* Presbyterian, Charleston. “ A paper, Indeed, for the Sonth.’l—Xews, Savannah. “ A •»<>« aoceptAble paper .''—Christian Index. * Equalled by few, san>»»*e4 by nnhe.*’ Times, Columbus. “The best Investment of two dollars that could be Mimatriftn. fit. Iouis. “ Deserves the most liberaLpatronajre ” Baptist, Atlanta. “ We cordially commend It’ to Southerners." Enquirer, Richmond. “ ltd contents are varied and agreeable." Christian Advocate, Mew Orleans. * Calculated, eminently, to Improve the soil and the mind."—Esquirer, Jftmphis. " filled with the choicest reading matter." Journal db Messenger, Macon, (ia. “ An excellent Journal, edited by competent gentle- men.’ , -C/.ronieU dSSHUnel. Augusta, (ia. - Best Literary joernel ia the country.” Journal. Louisville. “ A Southern blessing."—Argus, Norfolk. ** Every reading m«n in the country ehould ake It.” Republic, Augusta. "Qlves full value for the mon^y.’" Southron, Jackson, Miss. •* Worth ten time* Its subscription price." tiusette, Chattanooga. » Wit Ue«t a i leal-the best Oust cornea to us.' 1 Repress. Vicksburg,Miss. *• Invaluable to every mu a of literary taste." Register, Mobile. * Tha beat family paper published." Courier, Charleston. ** Equal, If not superior, In literary merits, to any Journal published."—Standard, Raleigh. “ A welcome guest at every flrestee." Advertiser, Montgomery, Ala. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—PAYABLE AL WAYS IN ADVANCE. Single copy, per annum 9 t. Six copies, " J®. Ten copies, " *&• Twenty cbplea, ** a 10. Specimen copies sent gratis. The FIELD AND FIRESIDE will shortly enter npon IU third volume, and Is sow FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. It la handsomely printed. In foUo form, for binding, on fine papor, and with clear type. Every exertion ia made to vindicate Ita claim to be TIIE FIRST WEEKLY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. James Gartaer. Augusta, Oa. ‘ TO ADVERTISERS., T HE McKinney (Texas) Messenger, now in ita seventh volume, la published In the heart of the i (cheat portion of Texas, has an extensive circulation, and Is one of the cheap*at advertising mediums In the South West, aa wit ness the Mlowln# istes per annum $ (llalicashi balance 1 "()Is'»quErrS"lines) |lOt 2 square* $15 :ft sqsres 91$; 4 squires $R1 ; 5 squares $R4; 6 squares $27 ; 7 squares $80; 8 squares |&4; 9 squares $54 ; 10 squares $3®. he. fTgpascaimon ia advamcb two pou-asb. Address, THOMAS k DARNALL. April 80. Publishers. idf Marble of nil (inner!plums prices lo mil Cali nod sou ap««iinena,_ni Wtm ] Tnrd. oppoaitn Gsorgl Biosin fond nad nrdnr* enn bv Altai I# Urge ."KS. ore prowaloat at tha W«o» that Pro vision# will ha allowed to pui Cairo, b# Lka trwlh of tko report boo tan 10 bo deaktod bp the Tko^advbatoHOf thVSorkoto Swath wiU oaon bold oat oaoh lodneomtain lo ova. the stoat aim of the Wooten dooloro, that they win Sad nteaaa aad .oaoy to lay Out goads at oar folitiof wllibrnnk f«rtlL BnM %mj *M 4««L( Our Rwilmnd rtcaipia at this point AM Uf kt, u wo Aovo anticipated. Principal roenipt* jnoter4aj nr# Dncot, Com, Floor, of V*!t& n koodoo wo quantity eomo to hood. Thirty two ear-lnnda of ooldlofO Wool op tho Woo torn A Ailootio Koilrond yoolordoy. MOHBTARVj Somo oo yootordoy. VIRGINIA STATS CONVENTION. Reception of Major-General Robert E. Lee— Eloquent Speech of John Janey, Esq., Presi dent of the Convention—Gen. Lee's Reply. In conformity with o resolution offered by Mr. Mcl'nrlaod, in tho Convention, on Monday night, tho 22d in at.. Col. Robert E. Lee, late of the United States Army, waa formally received by the Convention oa Tuesday, and the unanimous confirmation of hie appointment to the office of Majer-Geoerrai of the military ami naval forces of Viiyinta, mode known to him by John Janey, Esq., President of the Convention, in bubal f of that assembly. We give the particular* of this reception. The Hon. A. U. Stephens, Vice-President of the Confederate States, entered the Hailaccom* panied by the Governor, and was introduced to the President by Mr. Johnston, of Lee county, n member ol the Committee appointed to invite and conduct that gentleman to the Hall. Mr. Johnston next introduced Judge Allen, a member of tha Advisory Council to the Goter- Mr. Critcher next introduced Col. Smith, of the Virginia Military Institute. Mr. Morton introduced Capt. F. M. Maury, late of the United States Navy, who, with Col. Smith, constituted tha other members of the Ad* visory Council. E «rory delegate was on his feet during this ceremony. The Governor and Mr. Stephens were as signed seats on the right of the President, and the three members of the Advisory Council on tha left. At Ibis time. MajorfGenera! Lee entered, lean ing on the arm of Mr. Johnson, of Richmond. Chairman of the Committee appointed to con duct the distinguished military Chieftothe Hall. As they reached the centre of the main aisle, Mr. Johnson said: Mr. President: I have the honor to present to you, and to the Convention, Major-General Lee. The President.-Major-General Lee: In the name of the people of our native State, here represented, 1 bid you a cordial and heart-felt welcome to this Hall, in which we may yet al most hear the echo of the voices of the states men, the soldiers and sages of by-gone days, who have borne your name, and whose blood now flows in your veins. We met in the month of February last, charged with the solemn duty of protecting the rights, tha honor and the interests of the people of this Commonwealth. We differed for a time as to the best means of accomplishing that ob ject ; but there never was, at any moment, a shade of difference among us as to the great ob ject itself; and now Virginia, having taken her position, as far as the power of this Convention extends, we slapd animated by one desire and one determination, and thet is. tbat she shall be defended; and tbat no spot of her soil shall be polluted by the foot of an invader. When the necessity became apparent of hav ing a leader for our forces, all hearts and all eyes, by the impulses of an instinct, which is a surer guide than reason itself, turned to the old county of Westmoreland. We know how pro* lific she bad been in other days of heroes and statesmen. We know she had given birth to the Father of his Coont»y-to Richard Henry Lee, to Monroe, and last, though not least, to your own gallant father, and we knew well, by your own deeds, that her productive power was not yet exhausted. Sir. wa watched with the most profound and intense interest the triumphal march of the army led by General Scott, to which you were attached, from Vera Crux to the Capital of Mexico; we read of the sauguinary conflicts and the bloodstained fields, in ail of wnich vic tory perched upon our own banners; we know of the unfading lustra that was shed upon the American arms by that campaign, and we know IffCLUDIKO BARMQS ANGLAIS, ORQANDIES, pRINtotD JA CONBTS, la wvs, o o ne a DE CHINES, CM ALLIES, ’" SILKS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, KMBR01DEBIB8, LACES, Ac., Ac. O CR Slock will bo complete ond large, and will bo void tor CASH. ot tv low priccv oa Good, bare over been of fered. BEACH * BOOT. Kerch 4, ltfil. LaTTTEN & MILLERS, GENERAL COMMISSION —AMD— FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Savannah, Georgia. PATT1V, "I f 4. MILLER, > i J. MILLER, J ( enonoa ANDREW WALTER march 18-3m. e glory of those achieve- »to your valor and your military that ments was di genius. Sir, one of the proudest recollections of my life will be the honor I yesterday had of sub mitting to this body confirmation of the nomina tion made by the Governor of this State, of you as Commander-in-chief of the military and na val forces of this Commonwealth I rose to put the question, and when 1 asked if this body would advise and consent to that appointment, there rushed from the hearts to the tongues ol all the members, an affirmative response that told, with an emphasis that could leave no doubt of the feeling whence it emanated. I put the negative of the question, for form's sake, but there was an unbroken silence. Sir, we have by this unanimous vote, express* ed our convictions tbat you are, at this day, among the living citizens of Virginia, “ first in war.’’ We pray to God most fervently, that you may no conduct the operations committed to yout chary a, ihqt it will soon be said of you, that you RM •* first in peace,” and when that time comes, yon will have earned the still prouder distiaetion of being “ first in the hearts of your countrymen." f will close with one more remark. When the Father of his eouutry made his last will and testament, be gave his swords to his favorite ftepbews, with a» iajunction that tho? should never be drawn from their scab* bards except in self-defence, or in defence of the rights and liberties of their country, and that, if drawn for the Latter purpose, they should fall with them fa their hands, rather than relinquish them. Yesterday, your mother, Virginia, placed her sword in your hand, upon the implied condition that we know you will keep, to the letter and in than ih«ohj«ct tor wblob It lv fLati IherO, ahull S. !u T yu>tp4toB d Murt.lZ Mojor&oaerel PnoiduM and f*«- SI.toK.uUi.. Figure., nod FuToi.b- aa approving conscience, ... Iho old of ay tot- low, I derot. ayoolf to tko service of behalf aloof will I ktjljKuro->i (HD OIL Inst revolved ea eon- woo carol ia tha iatreduotioao of delegates ta taad fcr>l. bjr J.maMtowarol,Lro^oad ljy,toad*r to Wat af 5V otaaaoaload fattoala by (aa^T iCTLU* n. a. McLendon, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND DEALER IP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Tobacco, Cigars, &o., —ALSO— BACON. LARD. CORN A FLOUR. •ftV 8, Cherokee Blech, l*r«rA-Tree St., Atlanta. Georgia. T HE attention of close Cash Buyers is re npectfully invited to the above stock. March 28 p. e. McDaniel, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AID DEALER IR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Hunter Street, between Whitehall and Prior, Atlanta, Georgia. March 20. McHAUGHT, BEARD A CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, BATSTREET Savannah. ------ Georgia. Wm. McNatout, I f Wm. K. Beard. Jamrs Ormond, ( mar20 ( John Deniam. DAN1ELL & McENTIRE, Wholesale Dealers in BHOGEHIES, PRODUCE, AC., Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. A FINS supply of Corn, Bacon and Lard al ways on hand. n>27. A CUPCRLATIVt TONIC,DIURETIC, DYSP£?5j imyicorafTkc cordial W OLFE’S celebrated SCHIEDAM ARO MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept In every family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fect* of chauge of weather, and, as a beverage, it is tha purest Liquor made in tha world. Put up in pint aad quart bottlea. Also, UDOLPIIO WOLFC’8 Pure Cognac Brandy, his seal oa the cork. UDOLPHO WOLrrfi Pure Port Wlua, id bottled J certifies! aad tke best quality. UDOLPHO woLrrs Para Skerry W&ue, Imported and botted by himself, the same as tbs Port Wins. UDOLPIIO WOLrrfi Para Madeira Wine, Imported aad bottled by blmsolf, for private and mod- ‘ * ‘ « WIm ever offered to ~ Is varrsnted perfectly CDOLFHO WOLFIT! Pure Jamaica Bum, St. CraU Rum, Scotch and Irish Whisky. To tho Public. wkat | pledge aad testify to with my seal, my label, aad —y etefiaesaa> k smnmal *aa be raffed upon by tv- ffWdslaas wka ass UmwmrM give tke pt tee tale by all rasp I WJ F- r, ifffFft 011 to t ^ ieir stook of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING iv evJHt Mo! AND ueiLal ae, Dsbuttmel td l era r»d > id a oia v^di 1/ di rib•• >o— lea si l »o jqvt Li; Ji a *>T •» * W Wlata aad Uqaara la tksfr praa- . preference to theeo article*, respectable Dragglste aad Apotfcsca- WOOLffHO WOLFt, Me Nanafoctorer ami Importer of fckledam AromaUc No. M. Bswsr traffic New Yark, ;; i ; t |gnwnt, unoi s m* WTiolaaalw 41 r>nta « Atatoba. Owa nUm Uikan.—a GENTLEMEN’S fURNESHING GOODS, •* ^citi «i •»***, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINOS —FOR THIS— spuiTsra’s trade. It ia the largest, choicest and cheapest Stock ire have aver brought to Atlas ta. We invite the apecial attention of CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, Aa we are prepared to offer extra inducements to CASH PURCHASERS We would also call the atention of Military Men to our Stock of TRIMMINGS ‘ —AND— ACCOUTREMENTS, fiWOBDS, EPAULETS, & SASHES FOB GENERALS, COLONELS AND THEIR AIDS, MAJORS, CAPTAINS, LIEUTEN ANTS, AND SA ROE ANTS. KNAPSACKS furnished at short notice, at very low prioea. W. F. HERRING & CO. March 30, 1861. LAWSHE & PURTELL, Have on hand a Large Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, MARSEILLES & LINEN GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, AND TAlILOR’S trimmings. OUR STOCK IS RICH AND FINE. MILITARY COCOS, SWORDS, EPMLm. &c., SASHES, IllFUCU. &o. WHOLESALE PURCHASERS Are invited to examine our Stock. Wa think we can offer them uncommon In- duceroenta to BUY FOR CASH. We are Agenta for the celSntW I. M. SINGER St CO.’S SEWING MACHINES. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 10, 1M1.