Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 30, 1861, Image 3

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SOU/T,HCO,NPJlI).RPiA;P(^ . # CKftfctttXfg AY, MAY *>, 1*1 -CtnuS 3S1 , MtiM, • l*rf» W H«- til;, iwaM el the City Ball Hi* Iua> Ik* Mayer Hr. 8. Boot nl ekeee* ffeereto- • ia p weroef * w; lataraat- , ||4 M iutraetive apaaak m j(r. Ckarla* 0. *eyler, »• the Trade, Com »*reUl ledepen- of *tul*l*in( aar OoT- tk* preeeet cooteel. jouremeet of th* meeting, tha Commerce of the ally af Atlaata, l al which important ration »u ak*U pnkliak tk* proceeding. in ll*|*-Ineledlng tk* Pereeaal. Otnerkl Walkar k*s baan ordered ; aad Gan. Beauregard ta Cor- Ntbkar of tkaai go la Virgin!*, kanlafora ra port ad. TOE THE - SOUTH EES ebirntnnAi memm: t but dlaUTUIaga*, ul ia tka au da aadar the clrcaaatuoaa. Oar raUara will, tharafora, maka due alloauaa hr tka >>r»*oaaa and contradictor/ akaractar of aoma af tka tflapatckaa] Military Mevemeate. ajaa af tk* (tk Regiment loft fbr Virginia—tha Mitekall lad# Look Out Infantry by th* 8t*ta lakar Fir*.Satan and Gilmer Gaorgia Road. evening tka Montgomery Gray*, baloaging to lb* Alabama Rifla pt. J. G. Hardaway—arrirad, lor Corinth, Mlaaieaippl. pant** of Ool. Gartrall’a Regiment ay and want into Camp at tk* : Lad»■ who ara a* kindly angag- ng to ntaka np flaldtara' Clothing, Hall, will plaaa* nut again at th* to-day at a* urly an hour aa eon- Flne Barley. Kelly, of DeKalbeonatj, baa left lag Room a apaciman of Baarib imported aaad. We eoontad aar- ka, fully heeded, from on* acad.— foil; developed, and fkall of grain, ion of thin apaciao of Barlay Cor ea the attention of onr farmer*. Killed. la annonna* that a aoldiar be- Company from Graana Caunly, aalarday morning, had hla akull eoniequenae af pnUlng hla head eara while they war* In motion, aplnat a water tank. The an na* laft al Nawnan. Hi* broth- a member af th* Co mpany, waa b him, to taka aar* af him. But ~f hit rtoortry are entertained, i that a aoldiar of one of th* paulea, which left bar* day bafbra aaiog for Virgioia, waa killed by : conduct at Lithonia. kwh and urate in tkl care. -ent— Election of (Ulcer*, of the Eighth Regiment of Geor- re were elected on Tuceday, at th* following rceulti ...... A. V. Brumby. E. L. Thomas. ..V. Conyeri. ....—.Joe McConnell, nt, wo ioarn, will loon rondca- te. amer Excel Burned, in the Sarannah New*, of yea- ' Excel, from Cbarlectoo for 8a- burood to-day at Jebone I .land. p a total loa*. ••earner took Sr* wkil* anohored 1 aad waa bora ad to tha w*« Fira hundred and Sfty-aaean bale* ara daatreyad. Sarao bales of •asad—with tkla axoaption tha and lha ahip ara a latal 1#*#.— owned by H. L. P. MoCor- rlaaloa, aad ealuad at $10,000. '• inaurad at $56,000. *r Leonard, loaded with Cattan, oa Saturday ot Jahaiaa, bat th* oh coked. Balk tbaaaeaaaaU war* vueab, with tha CeUaa for thlp- tbat port la Liverpool, on th* naall aod Quoboo. Piekcaa hu, by Praolamation, order of the 9 h February last, Uiraa’e Island aad Ik* mnrahu at^eceot uadar Martini Law, aa la Sown JUt o wnara or eaenpanu Snlliraa'a Island for tka season, raaidenta; and *o aa to allow th* and from the Island of atkar boaia 1* eharga af tk* Quartarmaeiar'a Exovoi ran Paaraa*.—We keard wa alec* a tolerable good story of anllamao. Tka araat aeoarad du- big blow an th# Miaalulppi, at •a many rafta war* awampad and -shoots lost thalr aky-rigginp.— jnat amorging from Laka l'apin * 'am# aa. In an lnalant th* raft and writklag aa if anddaaly drop- fybdis, wkil* iha war** brake orar apraar, and aipaai lag Inaunl Happening ta open his ay aa an —;r«l hla aompaalon not aaga- , bat peaking a pola Int* the wa ul the raft. at jar doin’, Mika," said he.— joerkaee* now, far lhar* ian't ••a* as aad Purgatory 1” Fai," said th* ether, aa k* oo>l- ta poaah tk* water with hla pole; ■ I Wkat'a th* ua* af prayiag «** latch kattam with a pal# l” Pnuy goadapaaimaa af a large “lane wk* peeler to omit prayer Maw Oriaaaa Balia allodaa la a Ians ia that «Hy ta tka war — *«'>•*»» kaa glean *4.000; 'SSMSSRT’'"- *«vt Imwis, Hay M.-Bird 1 . Paint laaaawptad by thn Federalist*. Geo. Haro ay haa authorised the formation of Horn• Guard*, and tha Union tana nl Han* nibnl* 81. Jonaph, Kauaat City, nod otbnr fUoss nr* to bn furnished with arm* and not- Umd Into tbn service of tbn United Butts. All tbn State troops hart Isft Jefferson City, bat two fcaadred, who oonstitaU thn Govern or'n body guard. Wainmoron, May 28 - Kli Thnynr hat boon appoint* d CommittioDtr of Patents. It Is sold Ibst Bank* fsrors throwing 380,000 msn into the field. The Secretary of War requested New York Seventh Regiment to remain three deys long nr, nod, consenting, they left to Uke posses sion of Acquis Crook. COMMERCIAL. Baltimobb, M.y 28.—The oflcer bearing Judge Tony’s attachment for eon tempt of Court against Gen. Cadwallader was not ad mitted into Fort McHenry. HYMENEAL. PACE—HARALSON.—Married, in Trinity Church, Atlanta, on 28th instant* Mr. Jambs McAllbw Pacb, of Covington, to Miss Lsomo- mo Hugh Horalsom, of the former place. BANK OV FULTON—Alabama Street. K W. HOLLAND, President. A. Ahstbul, Cashier. AOENCT CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Offloe ea Alabama Street. A. W. JON IN, Agent. AOKNCY GEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—OSce oa Whitehall Street near the Railroad. WK W. CLAYTON, Agent. J. P. LOGAN, President LOST, O N the 28th instant, in this city, a small Pocket Book, with on# note of hand on It. 8 Waters, Esq., and Drury Lee for fifteen dollars, payable to Wm. Crowell, one on 8. J. Cheshire for ten dollars, one on Kent, one on Mr. Lamson; also, a drayman’s tickets and other accounts and papers not recollected, or ders, Ac., on Griffin. The makers of said notes are cautioned not to pay them. The finder will be suitably rewarded on delivery to May 30. D. N. PITTMAN. THK ONLY COMPLETE SOUTHERN EDITION IIARDE E’s'tAC TICS, With 69 Plates, showing every position in the Manual, and every movement in the Company and Battalion Drill, And consisting of 20 Pages MU8IC, Roll Call, Reveille, Ac. I N PRE8S, and will be ready by the 25th in stant. HARDEE’S RIFLE AND LIGHT IN FANTRY TACTICS, (with 50 pages additional of Oolt’s Revolver Manual, Ao.' In 2 volumes, 60 Pistes, Muslin, per mail, $2 50; per Ex press, $2 00. RemitUnces by mail, or orders by Adams Express, (par foods,) payable on delivery of the work to Express Agent, will insure an ear ly supply. J. W. TOMPKINS A CO., P. O. Drawer 138, Louisville, Ky. JM* A liberal discount on large orders. Nails! Nails! Nails! T he etowah mining * manofac- TURING COMPANY, located in Cass coun ty, Georgia, are now making, and prepared to fill lane orders for any and all sizes of, a very superior CUT NAIL. Address. or apply to W. 8. COTHRAN,) T . A. 8H0RTEK, J ArUilWB - Roms. Ga., May 24. 1861 -ml6-3m. DON’T FORGET DANIELL A McENTYRE H AS 60 Casks of Bacon, 20 Tierces Lard, 100 Barrels Flour, (Extra Family,) 600 Boxes Tobacco, Vary low for Cash exclusively. may 25 BUTLER & PETERS, (ftaccwmon to High, Batter A Oo.,) Commission Merchants, T B JYJVE SSK E J* H O D V C Jt Cotton. OrocerlM, Ac. ATLANTA GEORGIA, H AVE in *tore. at tboir Fire-Proof W.r. Houm, od the corner of Forayth street end the Railroad, (oppoelte th* State Road Depot,) 100 BARRELS LARD OIL; 60 BALES YARN; 100 BARRELS LARD; 200 KEGS PRIME LEAF LARD; 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. M.y 4. IIRE AND LIFE —AND— MARINE INSURANCE AHBICY. T HE subscriber represents four First Class Southern Companies, and eight New York Companies, with an aggregate Cash CapiUl of SEVEN MILLIONS. The honorable adjust ment and payment of losses without any un necessary delay, words hers need not bs used to prove. Tbs proof can bs found with those who have suffered loss, and wars so fortunate as to procure Policies at this Agency. Marina Risks, both Atlantic and River, taken as usual. LIFE IN8URANC The attention of both sexes who wonld se cure for themselves an important benefit whila they live, and also provide for their families ana laved ones In the event of usaih, am in- vitad to examine the superior advantages the EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY affords over other Life Iosurano# Companies. Information relating to tbs principles of Life Insurance will bo ohserfoliy given nt my of* Ace, in tbs second story of Connelly’s Bond ing, eornnr of Whitehall and Alabama streets, ▲MantaGeorgia. SAMUEL SMITH, marsh 39. General Insurance Agency. iaMnenn n*av nr wk a. naaaan ATLANTA, May"It, lMl7 No unusual demand yesterday. Tha ahip* Main were lair, and trade good. We quote as fallow*: BaouB—Sidra It; Hams 14; Hatas (eanvass- ad) ltfi i Shoulders 13. Stocks very full, end any raaaoaable orders nan be filled. Floor ia in fair supply at $3 40 lor Flos; $7 @18 for fieparfins and Extra Family; Fancy aod City Brands $8.40. Some Fansy Braids are bald at $9. Corn is in extra supply, but moderate de mand. Prime Yellow is held firm at $1 @$1.05. Extra White commends $1.10. Lard Is steady at former quota! loan— 13@l$4- Coffee bss advanced about 6 cts , and is now held nt lt@29 coots par pouud for good quali ty. by thn quantity. Tbn stoots of Groceries are very good, aad adequate to any demand. Tbn Dry Goods trade is soil vs, and ample arrangements art under way for faturn sup plies. A large quantity of Drugs has arrived from Nashville lor one of onr leading firms, and al so large lots of Leather lor another. We honestly believe that thn existing war will tend to develop tbs immense resources of the South to a greater extent than any avent that oould Save occurred. Cut off at onee from our dependency on the North, we am compel led to draw upon tho material we have at homa, aad already, in aeteaiahment, we wen* der why we have not long ere this, improved the talents entrusted to our oars, and all are waking to th# reality that from our wealth and onr productions, has this Govsrnmoot de rived its grandeur and power. MONETARY. There is not much doing in tbs way of dis counts. The monsy market is gsnsrally assy, and dealers generally have fins balances to their credit. Exchange is quoted at 5 Y cent, in Maoon, and some large amounts have been negotiated for a shade less. GEORGIA BANK-NOTE LIST. Auousta Insurance A Banking Company, Augusta W. M. D'AntlgBHc, Pres K. Walton, Cash. Bank of Augusta, Augusta. John Bonos, Pre* J. W. Davies, Ca*h. Genuine Os with e4>unterfeit signatures are in circula tion—bettor refuse all. 10s, fssaale reclining, man with sleeves rolled up. 10s, vlg. Mercury and sailor on ssa-ahore; uni. gen. 10s, vlg. wagon and team; unlike the genuine. 90s, on left end portrait of Washington; genuine haa a portrait of Jackson; 80 on the lower corners; the genuine has XX. Bank of Athens, Athens. Stevens Thomas, Pres A. P. Dearing, Cash. Bank of Columbus, Columbus. W. H. Young, Pres D. Adams, Cash. 8s raised from Is. Bank of Commerce, Savannah. G. B. Lamar, Prss J. C. Perrill, Cash. Bank of Empire State, Roma A. K. Smith, Pres John McPrjrds, Cash. Bank of Fulton, Atlanta. K W. Ho land, Pres A. Austell. Cash. A few Imprtssions, 10s and 90s, (old plates. Nos. be tween 2,000 and 8,000,) are in circulation, with forged signatures. Bank of Middle Georgia, Macon. Isaac Scott, Pres. A. H. Powell, Cash. ‘ank of Savannah. Savannah. Lewis F. Harris, Pres W. B. Tinsley, Cash. 6s altered from Is; vlg. a steamship, a female on tbs ft end, bust of a female on the right. 10s, vig. female standing; *'Bank of Savannah" in black type; X on the right end: mhm on the left end. Bank of the State of Georgia, Savannah. 80s, vlg. female sitting, holding flgnrc 50; three oval dies on the right end, with "Georgia" across them, fifty across left end ; Imitation of old plate. 80s, vig. female holding a rudder In her right hand, at her fset sheaf of wheat and scythe; locomotive cross es bridge in th* distance; unlike genuine. 00s, have a steamer on left end with 100 over and der it; small 100s around the whole margin ; " State nk of Georgia” on the back in red ink ; unlike the genuine. 100s, not like genuine; vlg. female seated beside a bridge, sbsaf of grain, waterfall, and small horse drink ing ; locomotive in the distance. Central Railroad A Banking Company, Savannah. K. R. Cuyler, Prss G. A. Cuyler, Cash. City Bank of Augusta, Augusta. A. Gould, Pres W. J. Sams, Cash. Farmers' A Mechanics' Bank, Savsnnah. J. Richardson, Pres.... M J. B. Gaudry, Cash. eergia Railroad A Banking Company. Augusta. John P. King, Pres. S. Milligan, Cash. 60s, vlg. three faces, the middle one Is indistinct— poorly engraved. La Grange Bank, LaG range. Thomas Burch, Prea W. H. Tuller, Caah. Marine Bank of Georgia, Savannah. [Formerly Marins B firs Insurance Bank.] Charles F. Mills, Pres Wm. P. Hunter, Cash. 60s, vig. beehive, male head and two 60s on right end, me on left end, good Imitation of old plate, s' Bank, Augusta. 8. Metcalf, Pres Milo Hatch, Cash. Mechanics' Savings Bank, Savannah. (8ee Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank.) Merchants' A Planters' Bank, Savannah. H. Roberta, Prea A. Barrie, Cash. North- Western Bank, Ringgold. W. H. Inman, Pres A. B. Cowan, Caah. lanters' Bank of the State of Geo G. W. Anderson, Pres H. ' Timber Cutters’ Bank, Savannah. C. Epplng, Pres. J. 8. Hutton, Caah. Union Bank, Augusta. [Formerly Bank of Brunswick.] Rdward Thomas, Pre ism mini mam, - , KBimawB ccosYr *a*4*u. 'PHIS c*Ubr*t*d Watering Flee* will b*op*a- 1 *d oa Ik* Mlfc al May, **d ***ry CMaiorl provided within oar tench, fcr th* MB detioa end pleasure of visitors. W« tevnspnr- •d BO pale* or up**** ia patting th* **ub- lishns*Dt aid grounds in osid order, aad hop* I* mril on Inert*** of th* litoral pauaaag* heretofore tootewed. Th* minsrsl prop, rtf#s of ear water* or* uarlvsllsd ia th*lr toa>A*l*I itlutM over sll th* dlaeeMS where Chelytoan, R*d tal- phar, »r Whit* Sulphur Waters *r*n,sdid Th* huodrad* of invalids soffhrlagfVtoi Dyspepsia, Diarrhws, Kida*y Dlnssss, Iedlgcsu**, Less or Appetite, CuUneoe* Oenatitotlo*. *1 or aeciintal Irrvgalatlee, Ac., wh* hove found almost miraeuloet r*!l*f, are a* widely diape reed through th* Southern Confederacy, that w* dee in it unoeoeMary to eay anything more of their merit*. To ths pleasure seeker, w* recommend our elimete, mountain elr, healthful amusements, ehoies fruits sud good aociety, as worthy af no tice. A splendid lien of FOUR-HORSE COACHES will run daily from Wm( Point to tho bpriogt, ond through tickoto eon be socoiod ot the Roilrood offloee in Mowtfomory, Columbus ond Atlanta. All poekofoi and all moil matter prepaid to West-Point, ear# of Jeaas L. Ad am*, will arrive at the 8prior* daily. Good Hack* and careful drivers will be found at Qriffio, ready to accommodate all who eon* that war. M. R. MARKS A BRO ptP Montgomery Mail* Columbus Eoquir er, Columbus Times* Macon Mesaangar and La Grange Reporter fPPJ ia doily 1 month. May 17. ..John Craig, Caah. Broken and Claoed Banks. Atlanta Bank, Atlanta Closed. Bank of Greenesboro', Grssntsboro’ Broke Cherokee Insurance A B’klng Co., Dalton Broke. Commercial Bank of Brunswick, Brunswick. .Closed. Exchange Bank, Grtffln Broke. Interior Bank of GriMn, Oriffln Closed. MannRtcturerr Bank of GriMn, Grlffln..60 «1 c. ala. Planters' A Mechanics' Bank, Da' Some Bills sai 1 to bs good—oth tankef Whitfield, Dalton. Thla Bank Is not current here. 'outhem Bank of Geor\ Timber Cutters' Bank, I FLOUR AND MEAL. STEWART * MOORE H AVE eoaeUatlj eu hand fteeh Faesilyand teperle* Flour <tf thsfr own maka; alee. Corn MeeL For eel* at their Depot, Decatur street, Atlanta, Georgia. all la. teuton (Mitefg, —IT— HANLEITER Ac ADAIR, Atlaata, Georgia. T he daily southern confederacy, under arrangements just completed, will contain all tha latest Intelligence of every kind, reported expressly for us by Magnetic Telegraph* aad the Mails. Also, daily reports of the Atlanta and other Markets, Local Inci dents and Itema, Ac., Ao. Price $5 a-jear; $3 for six months* or 40 cents for one mouth— always in advance. The WEEKLY SOUTHERN CONFEDERA CY is made up from, and contains thecreasiof, tha Daily. It ia a large sheet, and gives more fresh reading matter than any other Weekly in the Confederate States. Its Market Reports will be full, and mada up from actual transactions. Prioa, $2 a year; or $1 25 for six mouths—in variably in advanca. pM' Postmasters are authorisad to aet as our Agents In obtaining aabsciibers and forward ing the money—for which they will be allowed to retain, as commission, twenty fiva cents oa eaeh Weekly, or fiAy cents on each Daily sub scriber. ptr Persons getting up Clubs of five, ten or more subscribers* wul be supplied with the copies ordered at 124 per cent, less than our regular rates. 0W No name will be entered on our bonks until the money is paid; and all subscriptions are discontinued when the time expiree for which payment Is mada, unices the same be BEACH & HOOT Are now Receiving a foil Line of SPRING GOODS, BAREGE ANGLAIS, ORGANDIES, PRINTED JACONETS, LA WNS, DK CHINES, CHALLIES, SILKS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, (ft., tie. O UN Stock will be complete and lerve, end will to euld for CAfiH, al ae low prices es Goode here ever been of fered. BEACH A ROOT. March 4,18(1. Land for Sale. F ORTY-THREE acres of desirable Land on the East side of Atlanta, juit outside the city limits. Also, 18 scree fronting on Decatur road—a beautiful eite for a country residence. Apply to W. B. GDNBY. Residence just below Rolliug Mill. apr22tf. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign aad Domestic DRY GOODS, C ONNALLY’8 Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama Street. aprll. Me NAUGHT, BEARD A CO. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, BA T STREET Havannah, ------ Georgia. Wm. McNsuobt, ) f Wm. K. Bsard. Jamis Ormond* j mar20 [ Joan Dbmbam. I MONTGOMERY L1TTLI, I Bhelbjrvllls, Tsnn. POINDEXTER it LITTLE, 8LAYE DEPOT, MO. 48, BAROni STREET, NEW ORLEAN8, F OR Receiving. Forwarding and Selling, for Merchants, Planters and Traders. Also, keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of Field Hands, Mechanics anaHousa Servants. May 13. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealar in HAVANA CIBAHS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, «tC., Wholesale and Retail, at the Sign of Atlanta Cigar Manufactory, Whitehall Street, Atlanta* Georgia. March 26. TO EPICURES. J HAVE just received 14 Head Fine Young KENTUCKY _______ BEEVES, tha finest ever brought to thia market, a portion of which will ba of fered for sale at my Stall ovary morning. Atlanta, May 15 G. C. ROGERS. tick pay* newed. ▲ddreaa, HANLEITER A ADAIR, ▲Uaato, Georgia, LUMBER I LUMBER! 1 HAVE at my Lumber Yard, naar tha Mer kel, a largo quantity of aeleet LUMBER, which I propone to sell Tory low for Gash, or good notes payable at Christmas next. Atlanta* May 15. A. H. BROWN. Collector's Notice. /YUATOM Duties will to required ea da’ltbh vr Geode raeeived by th* Wooten A Atlantic Railroad from thiedate. Importers will report the arrival ef such goods to FRANCIS R. SHACKELFORD, April 1,18*1. Collector at Atlanta. LAWSHE & PURTELL, Have on hand a Lame Stock of CLOTHS, OAS8IMERS, ^STINGS, MARSEILLES * LIKEN GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, and TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS. OUR STOCK IS RICH AND FINE. MLITABY mum, SWORDS, EPAULETS. &Ce, SASHES, iiirmi <&o. WHOLESALE PURCHASERS Are invited to examine our Stock. We think we can offer them uncommon in ducementa to BUY FOR CASH. We are Agents for the celebrated I. M. SINGER & CO.’S SEWING- MACHINES. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 10, 1801. Ncgroec for Sale. 1 ’HK subscriber offer, for sale Six Likely Ife- . gross—a Women, 87 yean eld. a feed seek, washer end Irouer, ead auroe i a Bey, II yean eld; a Boy, 1( year* *14; e Girl, I yean oM i a Girl, 4 yeaie eld, ead a Men .beat IT yean lod. a good head (a a Tannery. Apply la Merck 18-tf. WM. B. McSULLAW. W. 3T. HERRING & CO., Invites _A.tten.tion to their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS —FOR THIS— SPRING’S TRADE. Ii ia the largeat, choiceat and cheapest Stock we have ever brought to Atlanta. We invite the special attention of CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, Aa we are prepared to offer extra inducement! to CASH PURCHASERS We would aleo cell the itention of Military Men to onr Stock of TRIMMINGS —AND— ACCOUTREMENTS, SWOBDS, EPAULETS, A SASHES FOB OEKZKALS, COLONELS AND THEIR AIDS, MAJORS, CAPTAINS, LIEUTEN ANTS, AND SARGEANTS. KNAPSACKS finished at short notice, at very low price* W. F. HKHBHG A CO. Kareh *0,18«1.