Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, June 07, 1861, Image 1

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I Mum l< MbItIO 4»OOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. £#«&*** €*fifrdctaq[ FfiATEBNAL RECORD. ®Z*M meets' off Oh MRS. DURAND R M&FEOTFULLY ttMVMM tw Frida#, Util Af rU f (ipitMt.) will be her regular opening day for the Seeeon, and cordially ex tend* to her patron* an levitation to examine her styles without farther notion, ap 11-tf. Tho sum logic of Events. Tb* rapid fulfillment of all tkt prediet ion* of Demoemin speaker* and vritfr*, a* to whbt would lakd place to our beloved'Oooctr/ lo tb* event of a Motional triumph la the elec- tioa of a President, need not be attributed to any gift of prophecy ; U la the reOnit of the Storm Login of Renata. Poorly road la (bo biatory of Goeernmeni, aad a poor aiudoat of human na>ure v mt»*t ho b* who, in the face of warfare which the Black Republican party baa baen for yoora wagtag upon tho Instilutloea of the Booth, could not have foretold the die* rupiioa of tba Union, and tho disaster that might atiard that disruption. Now that wo has* catered upon oivil war, 1st those who would read the story of tho fu ture. appeal to that same “stern logle of eeeata.” What doss u teach T W* speak by its iaatrnctiooa. It loaobes that, if Abraham Lioeolo aboil persist ia attempting to carry out tba policy indicated in hia reply to the V rginioCommis sioners, tbs fiifteeo slave States, cumbering more than 12,000,000 of poo pie, will oaito ia a common coast of defending their firesides end bon cs. It tenches that every man, within their lim its, espabls of wielding a sword or levying a rifle, will taka the field determined, like their r# volet ion at y fathers of old, to ropsl the inva der, sr to die ia the attempt. It teaches that sooner or later tho fate of tvory Northern army sent within their bor ders will inevitably be that wbioh overtook those of tho British tyrant which were landed on our coast to rivet on our forefathers the cbeins of elavery. It teaches that the armies of tho North may meet with occasional triumpba ; may burn a faw oil ice, and devastate a few fields ; may rob the Southern mother and her tender chil dren of their peaceful ai.d quiet home*; may here and there incite servile insurrections ; bat successes like those will only provoke the wrath of Heaven, end raise up for the Souih '* armies to fight their battles for them.’* It loaches that at last, after one, three, sev en, or tea years ehell have passed sway, af ter our armiee have vanished before the never failing aim of the Southern rifle, the irresis tible chargee of Southern obivalry, aad the terrible ravagaa of a Southern climate ; after myriads of Northern homes have been made desolata. aad poverty and distress shall be gin to stalk abroad in ihs etreeta of our citiaa and villages—then the hearts of our people yearn for pesos, and will come. It teaches that the Independence of the Con federate state* will be reoognited, and that the North will bo compelled at last to grant that which, in accordance wi.h the spirit of Ameriean liberty, it should promptly and cheerfully concede. Such ere the teachings of the stern logic of events. We put them upon record end invite all who read this atitelo to remember predic tions founded upon them. The authority of the Federal Qovcrameot will never again be established within the limits of tho receded States. Tbs people of those 8tatee will nev er again recognize that authority voluntarily, nor can thoy be oompellcd to do so by force. — Bangor {Me) Union. The Colons has Boys at fie well’s Point. Several acta of individual daring by mem bers of the City Light Guards, ia their fights at Sewell’s Point, have been reported to us.— Rev. Tho*. H Jordan, chaplain of the oompn- ay. writes to a frieod ia this city: “1 will only nay that tba City Light Guards of Col* umbits, from the Captain down to the very last man in the ranks, acted nobly. But Dr. Taliaferro and Privates Freeman and Mayo, deserve, fer their seta of bravery in the en gagements oa Sunday and Tuesday,to be rank ed among heroes.” Tbs brave conduct of Private Msyo bee at- Wa are informed that DHY GOODS Mahkhut. BLOCK, fi. J. Misarr, flecretarjL^ ^ ~ MOW OOlf ROYAL a BOB OB AFYBB, N«h Ifi, aneeto 0. R. Haxlsit**, Baeratiry. JAM)If BUSK COUNCuTcTf ROYAL AND SKLECT MA8TCS8, No. ifi* meets aearterly, oa the first mm- day In January, April, July and October. •n, Dr. Imi. Atlanta i RaT. 0. V: tr*f», I A. Tartu, Ehq., 0)1. Naloon T!f», Cot. W. . Lawton, Henry Tdrrer, Alba*7-. J«> Id. Mrs. J. M. Boring H AVING jd.t return,d from CKirlatm1, ik. purehaeod bar praMnt ditto, Good., take, pleaanra ia ta.itin, bar friaado ami the public In an impaction 01 th.m. Her .tuck ia quite full, and embreoee all tb. latest btjlro, which wilt be offered at prieeu to cult the tlmee. Roome ia Psrknr'c new brick bailing, on Whitehall atreat. AprilTl. CHINA DEPOT COLE St WYLIE, Wkdeaak and Retail Dealert m rWINA, Olnee, Sltoer, Pitted Ware, Vaeee, V Parian Fife roe, Kentone Lamps Caadte- tUoka, Tea Troy*. Table Mate, Baalists, Glue Shades, Tabla Cutlery, Ac., A., CHEAP POB CASE. White Granilp aad rommon Crocker/ at wholesale, at Charlealen price., nearly oppo- elU Bhadh A Boot's Whitehall ttrwt, WSVB Vm LIUH UUEBINDUr. HO. «, mt«tS OB tU Brat sad third Wednaaday in aack n•nth. W. W. BOYD, W. T. Mean, Recorder. ODD-FGLLOWB. CYNTItAL LODGE, No M, meets ovary Tuaaday night. _ _ _ T. F. MARHH, N. 5. William WiLtoa, Secretary. ■NffM INOlfitnifl 1 , No. 12, meets an the second and fourth Friday nights. WU U. BARNO, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Meet. T. P. Flbmuio, Scribe. MECHANICAL* FULTON MECHANICS’ ASSOCIATION meets 2d Fri day In sack month, at Engine House. No. 2. . a M. CALDWELL, Prerident. Jambs Noils, Jx, Secrotary. Clrihiuij §isll MEDICAL M. inn a. wiaTMOHbland, \FFICX 00 AMbhme .treat, oppoeita Itfaf rtl l Heart. Can be found either nt hMotoe* r next door nhoee. March M. WRIGHT * JACKSON, milll, C0BBIIII01 —AND— FORWARDING MERCHANTS BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. allbi a. waiaav. as. a. jack so*. DKFEB to Captaia John W. Anderson, 0e- XV vannah, Ga.; Ciaghora k Cunningham, Savannah, Ga.; Boston k Yillalonga, 8avan- nab, Ga.; Erwin k Hard os, Savannah, Ga. ; Carbart k Bran., New York; T. W. Flemming k Co., Augusta, Ga.; Svrsn k Bro., Fornandi- na, Fla; Bisbee k Conors, Jacksonville, Fie.; H L. Hart, a ; Pslxtks, Fla. ; Simon Merritt, Hnwkinsville. Ga. Agent for tkn Everglade Line of Mail Steam er* to Fornshdina, and Stoamers Isaac Scott aad Oak. to Hawkiaavllla. aprlt-lm. Bm». ALEXAKDER dk BHEEMY, ORlas •n Marietta Street, Norik side. "YR. Alkxandbk's residence mr Marietta fit., J SoMhafd*. Dr. fin bast ttiaY bo fewwd at tho Trout Hone* Manib 87. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Meats qnartorly on tho third Monday evonlng In Jan uary, April, July and October. WM. BARKIS, Chief Rnginoer. 8. A SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. K. P. MADDOX, 2d AarisUnt. P. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN F KZZARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY*No. 1, meets first Monday in oaeh month. $. H. MECA8LIN, President. W. K. Mason, Secretary. MECHANIC PIRR COMPANY, No. 2, meets first Friday night in aoch month. LEVI RICHARDSON, President. 0. C. Ronas, Secretary. TALLDLAB PIRR COMPANY, No. S. meets 1st Wedaes day la each month. JOHN P. EZZARD, Prcsidt Joe* Mclexdok, Secretary. ATLANTA HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, N-o, meets first Saturday night la each month. FRANK JOHNSTON, Foreman. DB. W. F. WESTMORELAND, DR. H. W. BROWN. /"1FFICE—Marietta Btrwt onr J. D. Sia U Stock, H. c.u b« found ut hi. jeefdeoi oo GfAnna itarMt, nrar th. Medical CollefO, marcblStf Eddie.n.n A rink JAMKS H. ALRXANDRH, ATTORNEY AT LAW WHtlkiiffkii, Qmryia. T>RACTfCH8 lo Wllhw mud hdjqinin < A tkro. Rtohn tk Gkor,. G. Hull, la AtUalo. ■ FOSTER & QUEEN, GROCERS COMMISSION* MERCHANTS, B. F. BOMAR, Agent, BIBCEB A FBOTIIIOIV HEHCHAHT 2d Door Weel of the Fulton Bank, Alabama Street -iSfeTsassr Eaeenrage Hta« Literatire!! RAILROADS. Atlanta,. .Georgia, THOMAS a ABBOTT, ATTOfcKBYS AT LAW, Atlanta Georgia. 0Mm In 8ntort<k Building, Wkitek.U itrato. <h a Tnanrt, jnldf Bu. F. Annon. SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE, P IVOTED to Literature, Agriculture, Horticulture, edited by gentlemen of eminent ability, in their sev eral departments, Is published every SATURDAY, at Angueta, Georgia. EXPRESSIONS OP THE PRESS. **Ita writers art the moet dlutlngnlihed in the South.” Delta, Nm* Orleans. ** Stands in the very first rank.** Presbyterian, Charleston. “ A paper, indeed, for the South.'!—AVtee, Savannah. “ A most acceptable paper.”—Christian Jndetr. Equalled by few, surpasaed by none.” Times, Columbus. u The beet Investment of two dollars that could be made.”—Missourian, 81. Louis. “ Deserves the most liberal patronage ” Baptist, Atlanta. “ Ws cordially comineud It to Southerners.” Enquirer, Richmond. “ Its contents are varied and agreeable.” Christian Advocate, Noso Orleans. “ Calculated, eminently, to Improve the soil and the mind.”—Enquirer, Memphis. “ Filled with the choicest reading matter.” Journal At Messenger. Macon, Oa. ” An excellent innmal, edited by competent geatle- men.”— Chronicle At Sentinel. Avgusta, Oa. “ Best Literary Journal in the country.” Journal, LauietUU. 14 A Southern blsasing.”— Arpue, Norfolk. “ Every reading man in the country ah< uld aka it.” Republic, Augusta. ' Olvss full value for the mon-y.^ Southron, Jackson, Miss. “ Worth ten times Its subscription price.” Qaeatte, Chattanooga, * Without a rival—tbs bees that comes to as.’ J3rpress. Vicksburg. Miss. u Invaluable to every mao ef literary taste.” RegUtsr, Mobile. “The best family paper published.” K EEPS constantly on hand a choice selec tion of Freeh FAMILY SUPPLIES, which have been bought, and will be told, exclusive ly for Cash, thereby enabling me to offer in ducements to ceeh buyers. In store—25 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 20 Barrels choice N. 0. Syrup. 8 Hogsheads choice N. 0. Sugar. A complete stock of An* Sugars, Coflea, Mack erel, Flour, Caodlee, Tea, and evervthiog usu ally found in a firpt class Grocery Store. April 10. K EEP constantly on band all kinds of Pro vision* and Family Supplies, buy and sail nil kinds of Tennessee and Country Produce; also, sail Goode consigned to the beat advan tage, and render accounts r.f sale promptly.— Patronage rasneetfully solicited. ▲ fins lot or Pure Country Corn Whisky on hand, and for sale by FOSTER k QUEEN, may 5. THOMAS F. LOWE, DUtmRMN MtRQHANT, For U)k purchart inf tkl. of Wtetefn Produce, tkitn, Grootrla ud H«ron.ndli. Krowillj, tramkUn Molding. JUubama Strut. ,GEORGIA. N. A. MoLENDON, WHOLESALE GROCER i. o. McDaniel, WHOLUtALB DBALUB XV BRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, AND LEADING GROCERIES. Hunter Street, between Whitehall At Loyd Streets, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Tobiceo, Cigar*, &o., —ALSO— COSAN. LARD. CORN k FLOUR. 2ge. 9, Cherokee Blacks Wrack-Tret Si., Atlanta, Georgia. r hB attention of oloae Cash Buyers is rc spectAilly invited to the above stock. rone in connection wit Pneolina and the fini dreads, a Augusta. ATLANTA,. Apffl It IMI. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, kunktnMn and Brtkn te MAN'S At BOVS CLOTHING, OCNTLCMKN'* FURNISHINO GOODS, CLOTH*, CXWMUnta AHV rtSTUTO* Mirttkk'. Own-Front Rkltdhif, WAItW koto, Mrwnt, t. k. atraoi, I ATLANTA, GKO KG LA. ,. h. HAOMotT J April Id, Utr. ATLANTA, .GROKOIA. • Wrtt-PoUt, K Unto—F«fn^-$*‘M. SX G. HULlT BnpkrlktotdenA TBAnr. rt.Poijtt. dkUy, to r.*», P. U. MARSHALL HOUSE WM. COOLIDGB, 8AVANNAH, QEORQIA. Muwh II. SALMONS & SIMMONS, Wholesale ssid Retail Deelers la roRH6N A DfiMSTM! DRYGOODS, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Sta., Atlanta, Georgia. COX, HILL i CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD D1RB0T IMl>OKTBKS OP WIRED, LIQUORS, C IQ ARS, TOBACCO, AC., Peach■ Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March SS. ready bean reported. Private Freeman left (by permission obtained by entreaty) n pleoe of seeurity at which hn had been placed, rushed imothe fight, mount ed en old oennon that the Capiain had deem ed unsafe, aim»d it by tbs aid of his thumb as a sight, end fired ft by striking tbs sap with n piece of irew; and it was bis shot t hat knock - BOOT. L. CRAWLEY, WtriMth art ItiaU Dealer ia •MonW tohW..,— T.M, A. M. M tonnMtonrttk ttn Mkrtgitonry * NEW SPRING STOCK! O NE of our firm having returned from Mer kel, wham be beejnet completed en exten sive parches* of our Spring Stock ot DRY GOODS, w,Ukk thi. m.thod of kdri.idf th, public of th« Htni Oar •tosh of STAPLH A JUSCr GOODS work MOW work toWkktikn. Th. supply of 8LEACHK0 AND a*OFN SHCKTINO* AND •HMTINM, AO. io ktoplo. Crept Sang* S.ftmt», Frtnth, dfstotoffM, Brad« Shin*. ond o oplkidid of PRODUCE m PROYtSICHIS, Courier, Charleston. M EqusL If not superior, lo Utyrory marita, to any journal puhTiahed.”—Standard, Raleigh. “A welcome gusat at avwryfiraaiaa.” Advertiser, Montgomery. Ala. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—PAYABLE AL- WA\S IN ADVANCE. Blngla copy, par annum ft. Six cojjIf*, “ IS. Tao caplaa, “ 18w Twenty Copies, M 25. Specimen caplea sent gratis. The F1KLD AND PIRK8IDC will shortly sntar upon Ha third vohmm, and is now FIRMLY KTABLI8HBD. It is handssmrty ertotad, la fella farm, ter kind law, an fine pepor, and with clear type. Kvtry exertion la made to vindicate Its claim to be THE FIRST WKFKLT PAYER IN THI SOUTH. Joteeo Gardner. hafrtte, Oa. —AND— General Bastaess Agent, W ILL oitend promptly to ooy bo.In. trooted tobim. Swrolk rrukhi Bni on AlabnOis itrtto. ml KIRKMAN it LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ed down (be smoke-stack ef the Alooticello nod appeared to do the most execution.— Aibival of ths CeiaaAL Miianoi.-The British screw steamship Gen. Miremon, Capt. Gauldiog, arrived last evening trem Havana, which port abe left on tbs evening of the 28. h of May. From Mr. F. Ingste, owe nf thn passengers, we learn the following particu lars: Oo the morniog of 81et v she arrived ofif tbs mouth of the Mlasiasppt, and was chase t and captured by the U. 8. States niao»of war Brooklyn. A print crew wan fttt on beard, Lieut. Adnmn commending, and the Miramen eaa ordered to bo eerrled off Mobile Point to the officer of the Niagara, with a view of be ing sent North ae n prise. In the evening the No. 170, 8eoond Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Jonw Ktskuas, Jambs Woods, W QrbbkFibld, Nashville, Tenn. jnn f—3m WHGL9&ALE GROCER, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHfi. ORTRAITfi taken from Lite, er copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the Photgraph- AN® 00MWI88I0N MERCHANT, Alto DBALKK n ALL KOfDfi OF PRODUCE, XUMrOrtoA tototod WhWd»«r «■ Tfldr, Jttlamtm, Onr ft a. M.rch 3*. IGkorjihRii ENLARGED TO ANT SIZE, from Mlniklnro tort np to to, .is. of Lite. Fttmt k-Ting Dkkkrtrooty pro of dn- ekukd roirtiTW nnd frikndk, now h.r. tb, op portunity of tb.m eopitd to any airt nay may wi.h, and painted ap to th. Lift In OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with tba mrtemty of qaltinf a parfaot likankto ia a.ary reap««t. to*-Gallery an Whitehall Straak Atlanta, *ewn X Vntaa SAfltnM. aUkono. 1,3 Milaa—Faro, Ml l. TttSA I OkT eaanaanaa TWh JhhUto A- Mi BUTLER & PETERS, (Bueeartora to Blfh, BiiUar A Oo.,) Commission Merchants, PATTTEN ft MILLERS CKNKRAL COMMISSION -tito- tllery on Whitehmll Straak Atlanta, C. W. DILL, I. Photefrapkar. CONFECTIONARIES. F. M. JAOK,, ALMXiirvra *m eioras, ana hits, da. Eeary LadUa* andUlaart’ SHOES, atanafatonrdn In Pklladalpklk axpraatoy for nadappronckla, Ik* Mliwman firtd twa akto- todgano. ThnNiaftnaaan aaaia|np, an la- ,M(i(aiioa waa had. aid tb, Mirmaan waa to Iowm to aaiar tba Bay of Mobila for ouppllea, tho rapt ain tocapin, lo ooiao ool wltbia a rra. tonabl. time — JMiU ISfidtr. It Train! will not .GEORGIA, TTAV* la a bora, to tbolr Fira Proof Warn jn Hoaw, oa tho eoro.r of Foray th .Hrtiaad tho Railroad, (oppeaNa tho State Road Do pot.) 100 BARRELS LARD OIL; SO BALES YARN; 100 BARRELS LARD; 300 KEGS PRIMS LEAF LARD; ‘Whitehall St. ddanta, Gaorgia. If I EPS ooaatentl V on band an .Xoallaat utoak J3k »f CONFECTIONARIES. A Sarrnma P.raa ta aa Bawaniann la Loinoa.—A tetrortelha Now Tori "Herald,” Stood May II, raya: Into laid, an wbto aato b«aantodarnd(and aatbwrky, that e.oryihia, to to train lb, tho Saw barn ee|U erablag lit Mut to n Week or two, order tba aMtnroblp to abtof nf Mb. Mann biandW. Ula aaantopttea ef tba edU- arehla to Ubtoyi Dadar iba nnaplraa of tba Sanlbatn Eoebba- ay had ibw pan to Mr. Mean. London Sooth- THOMA& W. MURRAY, fnnantop at IK Cbnaban St, Haw York, ion linnMted WINES, BRANDIES, prat*raid to* of /tort/ Artloloo—lrt- flaS'bnfftbw Pahlto (dantoNt hraro- tortoad to rail wart. 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. Wantodl, ytyUfai^y