Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, June 28, 1861, Image 3

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SO U'T'S'fcjR N CON F E DEEACY. itm favttlmq [>AY, JUNE *8, 1*61. A font. IjIiU. I* oar Goa oral Traveling Agt | receipt <br eabooripilon* owl ad I far the “Boalbera Confederacy." Doran, of Bo«a, te also anchor Lin cook, ooj lira r»**lpt* far tb> LOa.feder.ej" Oola| <• Virginia. Bo;aoo will laara to-night (ffvi- .hroonJ. Mooaooor Jaaotloa aad £*.4*11 I onrry any loMara aoddailv- Loldion at lbooo point* if loft OBJ Cat Lbo Ueorgi* Railroad Do pot [or* isforwtd Uat Uatira A. C. , olooo tkair ttora *v*ry afternoon ia rvepoate la tko ruffortion f paper loot wtak. for •akaerlplloa* to tk* Crop pdofoaH at tko Confederate Slat**, | u nr eountj dap bafor* yeater- liaare that Judg* E. M. Taliaforro i Hit with on* half of kia Cotton t tht rorplaaof hi* ooro crop, what- |b*, With fair raacoao k* thlaka that i will amount to 26 or SO baler, i orop to apnaid* of 600 barrola. I okr farmer! fellow hlo example. aook Cotton rained in oar eoan- 1 and climate being better adopted I tb* Utter ie joet ae deeirabl* bp at aa tb* former, and rmall cub- I ohoorfallp aad tbaokfallp receir * “Step noj Paper.' ace* of the fevor with wkioh oar lean recoined bp tk* publio, bar* and moot gratifping to in. W* are mgb to eoppoeo w* bar* plowed or that oar niewe on all rabjeot* rpbodp’e approbation. Tkie hoe aeror will be, oar aim. Nobodp >n would oner think of andertak- e a took, aeon wore it deeirabl*. i boon, and will eontina* to be. iap*r to pltaat ouretlvee. It ic in Ip, In oar judgment, that* joarnal- ■deprndent. Wbenntr b* trie* to re, bp Uklng a poeltion againel h in moot, bo ir at one* a rlan* to tb* each perron or peroonc ae ho map ■ar to gratify, aad it no longer frt* ■dent. set oat to pablieb an independent . Oar object it to furnieb tb* pab- newr; and onr pollop ie to ban* wbaUner opioiono we ploaeeapon to pro it* or con rare whomeoener ir wo foal inclined, and think map labile good. W* hare no relfiob no partp to terno or injur* and no np or break down. In rhort, wo iioonneoted from all parti**, and digallonr to no man lining on the larth, ro for u the poliop of oar earned. teadeepintereet in erorptbing the public, if pablic good iedn- ehall take aide* when w* tee lit tip be that w* ehall adnocaU the lividual* to office; bat If ener w* I be dono decontlp, and not ae po em. Wheterer poeltion w* Uke joct, we rhell be iulloenced alone idgment, end ehall follow the lead pertp. g tbii poliop, to for, w* repeat we nore than gretitiod at the fanor onr enterprise baa been recelrcd j for although we know that oar ■ot ploaoed trerpbodp, and notb- nd he* been aimed at bp ae ; pet, all ear eabeoribor* (with a tingle an* been Intelligent and liberal, Ip appreciated oar poeltion, and token no oxeopliont. I etate of affaire continued rdent note, until petterdap.— time, a enheeriber hat become din- oar paper, ha* notidod at there- hit reeoont. Wo annex hi* let- tt hteratun, et epellatm, etpunctu- oalp emitting hi* name. "Mono. Oe Jan* 24 '61 Confederacy d Haute Go eokeoriptioo ie nearly oat A If ■Id repeat the tern* Plaae* • lop not with to Uk* or roceint nap ngee tk* people of Georgia (The ) To Ratify a foal A filthy A epa- nrip of a oonetitatioa Blowing Ad Denting the right of The peo- their Judiciary A in the Bam* irtlog Poeitiroiy that tkie Oon- net no changed onleea Bp eon- pooplo A laetly not Bpoeifyiog Barrie* of tk* Laglelatere Whelh- ,r or Ibrlif* Say at once 1 had Bay Tyranny atOnao Toar* Truly to neeeeoity for kit directing an aper. W* do that without in- •vorp cate, where nubecritiona ad at oar reader* map nnderetend ’ kit complaint, w* annex the 1 paragraph, which w* wrote, 'peered in our paper of tb* ltd he an comment* i "rat iLnonoo. >pl* going to forget tb* elaetion on ) teeond dap oi Jalpf B* tar* i rote to ratify tb* new Corn ti re tarry te *** earn oi our *o- ghtiog It, aed trying to kan* it- uterer objection* map be urged, J*o let poor *i»*oe on tb* praaent bratitUd.” At Wholesale or Retail. i WE are now prepared to furnish manufacturers and dealers with Hemlock Bole I.cuther, While Oak Do. French Calf Skin*, various kind* Philadelphia Do. Morocco Do. Goal Do. Lining and Binding Shine, Shoe Thread, Shoe Eplele, Lanin, Peg*, Nall*, And everything connected with the manufacture of Boots and Shoes. A Large Lot of the above Good* .TXTST RKCEIVKD, And for sale at Wholesale or Retail, by DIMICK, WILSON & CO. Jane 20—d&wlm INVASION ! I Stray Mffro. AEQUO DOT w*e left ie lb* train ‘i Read aa Monday morning mod I* bare oogn <b Ufte dtp. t 7tan old, dark oomptexioa, Mft. e«t i« military elvte aad a For kit delivery to i. if. Rlea, • Mating Hmeaa, ia Ikl* oity, a I'lSSP” >Mter L h..»tetelb.meu«l»eiw EV.ff WARM*, Supt. T0 THE WAR! A “GEORGIA LEGION’ I S BEING ORGANIZED. It it to eoniitt of four com pan ie* of Cavalry, of eighty men each; of four com pan iee of Light Infantry* to act with the Cavalry, a* Voltigenra; of two companiea of Heavy Infantry* and one of Ar tillery. The FULTON DRAGOONS have tendered to form part of this Legion. Thif Legion ia expected to go into Ser- vice before the 15th of Angnat, but the c >m panic* to be selected IN A WEEK; and to be thoroughly drilled before going into service. The Fulton Dragoons want about fifty able-bodied men, who can furnish good horses, and a cheap uniform. Gov. Brown will arm us—the Legion is to be tendered through hint. Here is offered a floe opportunity of going into service, in a Regiment of novel organisa tion, of pieked companiea. A distinguished member of the Confederate Congrats, from Georgia, who gets up this Legion, will doubt- loss be appoiuted Colonel; the other field offi cers—Lieutenant Colonel, Major and Adjutant are to be appointed by the President, from ex perienced Army officers. We appeal to the patriotism of our citiseos, not only of Fulton, out of other counties, who feel dispoeed to join the Fulton Dragoons, to send in their names at once to us, or to regis ter their names at thestoraof Lieut. Williams. We have but ona week to raise our number, to get in this Legion. All who want to go, in form us at once. Will our friends who can’t go encourage this movement ? B. C. YANCEY, Capt Fulton Dragoons. Z A. RICE, First Lieutenant. WM. M. WILLIAMS, Second Lieut Atlanta, June 33-tf. MILITARY BOOKS. Army Regulation*, for Confederate Stales. $8.00. Hardee’i Tactics, 2 volumes, cloth. All tbe Plate*. $8.50. Hardee’* Tactic*, 2 volumes, paper. AU the Plate*. $2.00. Bckool for the Guide*, 28 Plate*. $1. Camp Duly, for Infiuitrp, Guards, Pa trols, &c. 60 cents. Rules for Field Fortifications and their defence and Const Defence. 60 eta. Trooper’* Manual, for Dragoon* and Mounted Riflemen. $1.75. Science of War, Strategy, selection of ground, Ac. $1.00. Cavalry Tactic*, for Trooper, Platoon and Squadron. 8 volume*, $5.00. Cooper’* and Macomb*’ Tactic*, ibrlnfkntry, Cavalry end Ajrtlllery. $1.75. Artillery and Maury’* Drill. 1 volume. $1.50. Ward’s Manual of Naval Tactic*. $4.00. Haawell’e Engineer’* Hand Book. $L7L Haawell’e Meekanie’t Table*. $1.85 Law’* Civil Engineering, (Lender Book.) $2.00. GlynM’kCranee, Ac, Leadsr Book. 75c. —— WSanil rt n n~* II WmI rn m Wnnb WniWn SSWOWSm ■ a ■ IW M»Wwm# $1.30. Hemck'a Field Book for Engineer*. $1 Tempt $uT j«27 j. McPherson k co. FOB THE - BOOTHEKN CONFEDERACY. 1 Tasman Pom, Jaaa 20.—'Tb. Angle Bax es from Liverpool, baa arrived. Rale* ef Cotto* far the week, 67,600 bale*. Speoula. tor* leok 8,600 eed exporter* 7,600. Tk* nerket closed qalat. Iaftrier grade* had da- •liaed |d, cloeiag (riser, viih an improved demand, gala* on Friday vara 10,000 balsa, Speculator* end exporter* look 2,000 boloe. Market olottd steady aad firm, at following prion : Orleans 8|d; Middling* 7}@7i ; Fair Mobile* 8J ; Middling 7|d. Fair Upland. 8J ; Middling 7 |d The stock of Cotton on hood tu 1,131,000 boln, of wklok 872,000 wot Amorloon Cot- ton. Bullion in tko Bonk of Eoglond bat in oreoeed £71,000. Tko Bullion la tko Bank of Franoo omooote to noorly 20,000,000 f. . .. ■■ Watnixarox, Jane 26.—Fiasaelsl affaire are baeomleg alarming. Direel taxation msat be reaortad ie. Tk* aetrtpapera, emesg ether thing*, have esggeeted aa laeem* sod a stamp tax. Hailxax, June 26—Tb* Europe bee arriv ed. 8alee of Cotton on Saturday 12,000 btloo. Speculators tod txportort took 4,000. Morkot olottd firm, at full prtoea. Braadttuffo dull. Cootoio 00. * Tb* Europa'o advices are to the 16th Juno. British guobostt arc ordered to join tbo .quad- n gslog to Amotlca, immediately. Tb* rocogaition of Italy by Franco ie im minent. The journal dee Debate say* tbsl if Auotrie erottoe the Minoio, Franc* will intv. itebly fight. Boonviu.1, Mo., June 26.— Gta. Lyon bet engaged wagont and bortot indicating o Southern movomout. Milwauki*. Wit., June 26.—All it quiet bar*. Foarnitt Moxncn, June 26,—The Ordi nance Depart meat he* preferred charges againit Qto. Butter for a violation of the Ar my Regulation! in allowing Sawyer to oonduot experiments. Tbe Thermometer te at 101 Nasivilli, Tui., Jaaa 26.—Tk* ofioial vote of Tasnatsao ebowe a majority for toooe- eiow of 61,176. Tbo volt woo tbo Urgent over polled la tko Slat*. J. W. HEWELL, Cincikhati, Ohio., June 27—There it no truth wheterer, in the statement, that Gen. McClellan has made a cum prom lie wtth Buckner of Kentucky, not to enter or occu py that State. Buckner has repeatedly made professions of a determination to prevent the entrance of secession troops into Ken tucky or their passage through ; butMcClel- len has made no agreement with him, or the Governor. New York, June 27.—The Chesapsake has arrjved from Fort Jefferson and Key West, the 19i1l The garrison ia well and abundantly supplied provisions, and ord nance. Alxxaxdbia, Va., June 20.—Lows in hi* balloon expedition having discovered scatter log companies in the vicinity,of Fairfax Court House. Lieut. Tompkins Cavalry company, and several companiea of Light Infantry pro- oeedep there. It waa rumored laat night, that tbo Cavalry waa cut to pieces. No official in telligence has yet been received. It is stated that Gen. Cadwallader has re oeived direct orders from Oen. Scott not to advanoe to Martingburg. Louisvillk, Kr., June 2G.—Tbs passenger travel between the North and South is entire ly free from delay or annoyance. Freight matters are not definitely decided. There is a strong movemont depreoating Col. Rossean’s enlitting men. Tbe movement is rsgarded by the Unionists as unnecessary and uselessly irritating. The bridge on the Ohio & Mississippi Rail road, at Seymour, is down, which prevents regular connection. St. Louis, June 20.—John Ross, the Chief of tbe Cherokee Indians, has issued a procla mation of neutrality. Two regiments sre moving under Csptai Girardsan, threatening General Watkins in Southern Missouri. ^Monday’s dispatch in tbs “ Republican,'’ from Camp Cole, is oontradicted by Mr. Jones from Nasho. He reports six Missourians kill td and six wounded ; and 68 Abolitionists killed—the wounded not ascertained. The Republican” of Tuesday has too later mes sengers from Camp Cole, and adheres to Mon day’s statement of the battle there. Nbw York, June 26.—Tbe case of the crew of the Savannah It now before the Grand Jury. Frxdbrick, Md., June 26.—The Legisla ture has adjourned till the 13th July. Graftov, Va., June 26.—Reinforoements are arriving. The New York Tribune says it is not true that there ie a co-operation between Adems’ Express and ths Post Offioe Department to carry lettere to and from the Confederate Slates. That subject belongs exclusively to the War Department. It is reported that the Southerners, 6,000 strong, were momentarily expeoting three more regiments, on whose arrival the whole will move to Phillippa. Baltimorr, June 26.—The New York Her ald says that Gen. Scott and his advisers, and the Cabinet, havt been in session on the sub ject of tbe campaign. The matter was die cussed, but nothing has been made publio.— It is believed that a blow will soon be struck. Irdiarafolis, Ind., June 26.—Tbe Gov’nor ealls for eleven additional regiments. Richmond, Va., Juno 26.—A party of Federalist* from the steamer “Star,” on Monday afternoon, attempted to land near Urbana, on the Rappahannock river, for the purpose of stealing provisions. The Feder al had dispatched boats containing about fifty soldiers, with swivels and small arms, for the purpose. Twelve of them with muskets wer marching towards the residence of Mr. Gresham. They were met by a com pany of Confederates and repulsed. Some four were killed and wounded. The bal- lance returned to the boat*, and put back to the Steamer, ffiome 80 shots were fired from the steamer—17 pasting through Mr. Greah- ham’s bouse. “Nobody hurt” on the Confed erate side. This news comes from Col. Hall In a Uttar written at Gresham’s house, after the fight Passengers from Manaasee Junction, and other potato to-day, report nothing of onus- ual Interest Trenton, N. J., June 27.—Gov- Olden has received orders to send three regiments to Washington. Richmond, Juae 27.—Hurlbut is still in Jail, awaiting the reception of a warrant from Confederste Commissioners at Charlas- Foetrris Monror, Juno 27.—The Gun* boat Mouticsllo went np the Rappahannock, and sent a party on shore which wore sur prised—nine wort wounded, one mortally.— Tbo Montieello oponed firo with ohot and •bell. Tbo Southornero retired. (This is from an abolition source. See our Richmond dispatoh on this matter.) Tbe Quaker City had a brush with a num ber of dragoons near Cepe Henry. One sea* man waa killed. The shell* of the Quaker City dispersed the Southerners. The Amelia of Liverpool, from Charleston Cape, with a flag of truce, covering 50 refu gees, has arrived hare. It ie reported that the Confederate eoldere at Sewell's Point, regard Sawyer's gune with contempt, Yorktown being made a stronghold. IIaobbstown, Md., June 27.—Intelligence received indioeter that Gen. Wise haa gone to attack the force reported aa advancing up tbe Kanahwa River (West Virginia.) The Southern foroee at llomney is 1,600.— Col. Jackson, with five regiments, art oppo site Williamsport; 4,000 at Falling Waters, five miles from Williamsport; and 8,000 are at various poins beiween Hancock and n&r per’s Ferry. Fanoy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Corner 'Whitehall Sc Alabama Sts H ATLANTA, 0IOI OX A Feb. If—ly. BUTLER & PETERS, (SucefiMora to High, Butlw A Oe.,) Commission Merchants, NOB TBB ruaCHASB AND SALS OF TBJVJYE8BEB PEODUCE Cotton, Groceries, Stc. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, House, the Railroad, (opposite the State the corner of Forsyth street and Road Depot,) 100 BARRELS LARD OIL; 50 BALES YARN; 100 BARRELS LARD; 200 KEGS PRIME LEAF LARD 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. Maj 4. P. E. MoDANIEL, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ana nusa m ALL KXHD8 OF PRODUCE, Hunter Btraat, batman Whitehall 0*4 Prior, Jllsate, (ssrfM. March JO. CHINA DEPOT. OOLE & WYLIE, Tf holetalr and Retail Dealert tn ftHINA, Glass, BiWar, Plated Wara, Tanaa, A/ Parian Figure., Karoalna Lamps, Candle sticks, Ten Tran, Table Mete, Baskets, Glow Shades, Tabla Cutlerj, Ac., A., CHEAP FOB CASH. White Granite and oommon Crockary nt wholesale, at Ckarlaaten pnoaa, nearly oppo site Bench A Root’s, Whitehall streat, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2d, 1S«1. THE FINEST WATERING PLACE IN THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, MBBnfBTKBR CO0NTT, GIOROIA, W ILL be open for the reception of Visitor* on the first of May. The Water, as a Tonic and Invigorator, has no equal. The 8prings are easily accessible from either Co lumbue or Macon. ap!2-3m. C. B. LEITNER. Washington, June 27th.—It is thought a change of programme is the result of yester day’s conference. It indicates a movement eoon to take plaoe. All reports about the President, tbe Cabi net, General Scott, or anybody else, favoring complioity or delay are unfounded. Chase will recommend to Congress a mode rate revision of the Morrill Tariff. jgThe N. Y. Posts’ despatch says that leading Congressmen are determined to confine legis lation to War matters. A letter from the Colorado at sea, says : After a break in the machinery, an examine tion showed a piece sawed out t and replace with saft iron, carefully painted over other parts of tbs machinery ban been tampered with. The same engineer had charge of the Colorado, that tampered with the Mississip pi's engines. The Baltimore *• Clipper” declares that a number of sealed oars passed through that oity from Washington a few dayssinoe, which were filled with the government archives, re moved to Philadelphia by order of the Admin istration. POST-OFFICE. Post Ornci, Atlanta, Juno 12,1861. To acrotnmodat« ths pablic, ill sams for postfige, or stamped envelops of one dollar or more, will be receiv ed tn bankable fbnda, but no specie change will be given for paper. T1109. C. HOWARD, P. M. Post Ornca, Atlanta, Ga., ) June let, 1860. j All letters dropped in the Poet Office with United 8tates Stamps on them will be treated m other unpaid sealed matter, and forwarded at once to the Dead Letter Office. All letters for a greater distance than five hundred miles, ohargeable at the rates of ten cente for each eingle letter, and must be pre paid on mailing the tame. TH03. a HOWARD, Post Master. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. lfe«t« quarterly on tba third Monday eveulng In Jan uary, April, July and October. WM. BAKNE8, Chief Knglnear. ft. ft. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant, a. P. MADDOX, ad Assistant. P. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN P. KZZARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA PIRI COMPANY No. 1, me«U first Monday In each mouth. t. H. MKCA8LIN, President. W. K. Miaos, Secretary. MECHANIC PIRK COMPANY, No. 2, meets first Priday nlf ht In oach month. LBVI RICHARDSON, PraaidanL O. C. Bonn, Secretary. TALLULAH PIRI COMPANY, No. t, meets 1st Wed nee day In each month. JOHN P. EZ7.AKD, Proa Id *L Joss Mcuesnon, Secretary. NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE lot of new ami desirable Goods, consisting, in part, of the following arti cles: HOOP-SKIRTS, from 3 to 50 Springs. VIRGINIA PLAIDS, for servants. PRINTS, both Solid and Fancy col ors. GINGHAMS, large and small Plaid A large lot of CAP and BONNETT RIBBONS, BELTS, GLOVES and HO SIERY, JEWELRY and FANCY NO TIONS. Also, a large lot of SHOES, suitable for the season, all of which was bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold at tha lowest price, either to wholesale or retail customers, for Cash only. SILVEY & DOUGHERTY. Atlanta, Juna 16. SMO REWARD. L EFT MY PLANTATION, near Adairsville, Cass county, Georgia, on tbe 24th instant, my bov Isaac, taking with him a dark, chea nut-colored Horse. The boy is about 25 years old, copper colored, a little below medium height, and is a bricklayer and plasterer. The last two yarn be was hired to C. A. Whaley, Esq., of Atlanta. Tha horse hae white legs, heavy marked of tha collar, and paces under the saddle. I will give thirty-five dollars for the boy and fifteen for the horse. Tbe negro may have been decoyed off by some white man : if so, I will give one hundred dollars for the apprehension of the latter. JOHN H. FITTON, June 27—d3t. Adairsville, Georgia. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY. workmen) can obtain constant employ ment at good wages and prompt pay, by ap plying at once, to STARR, ORR k STEWART, June 23—dtf Oxford, Georgia. Notice. j* of tha wl Steamers between Mobile and New Orleana, the Taaouea Frkiort Tariff from New Or leans to Atlanta and Columbus, established in March 1861, is suspended until further notice. GEO. G. HULL, Supt. A. k W. P. R. R. D. H. CRANE. Supt. M. k W. P. R. R. COX, BRA1NARD k CO., Mobile and N. O. Steamer*. june 8-dtf. TO PRINTERS. derstends and is willing to work both at tha Casa and Press, can obtain steady work, with good pay, by immediate application at tha office of the " REPORTER,” June 16. LaGrange, Georgia. WANTED! feme Steady employ- lent and good wares. Apply to ml9. J. M. HOLBROOK, Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE TO CORRESP. IN VENTS. P ARTIES writing to ne for information will pleaee aneloee tbe postage for tbe answer. We will cheerfully write repliee to enquiries, but can’t afford to pay postaga also. June 7. McNAUGHT, ORMOND k CO. LORBILLABD’S SNUFF. IN BOTTLES AND BULK. For sale in quantities to Jobbers by R. A. ROBINSON A CO. WXolualt Drugyutt, VouUvillt, Kentucky, A» M. A. A C. A. SANTAS, Xer/elk Virginia. May 24—2m n. a. McLendon, WHOLESALE GROCER, ▲an dbalbr » FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Tobacco, Cigars, &o. f —ALSO— COBAN. LARD, CORN Is FLOUR. •Vo. 8, Cherokee Block, Peetck- Tree S1. t Atlanta, Georgia. T HE attention of close Cash Buyers is re spectfully invited to the above stock. March 28 GEN. IRA R. FOSTER. J. L. QUEER FOSTER & QUEEN, GROCERS —Aim— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MARIETTA STREET, Atlanta, Georgia, K EEP constantly on hand all kinds of Pro visions and Family Supplies, bay and sell all kinds of Tennessee and Country Produce; Also, sell Goods consigned to the best advan tage, and rander accounts of sale promptly.— Patronage respectfully solicited. A fine lot of Pure Country Corn Whisky on hand, and for sale by FOSTER k QUEEN, may 5. THOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For tha purchaaa and .ala of Woetern Produce, Cotton, Qrocerle* and Mtrenondtee generally. Franklin Building, Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April », 1861. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Manufacturers and Dealers In MEN’S A BOVS CLOTH INC, GENTLEMEN’! FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS, CASS1MRRKS AND VKSTJNOS Markham's Iron-Front Building, White hall, Street, t. u. sRTsojf, ) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. T. Mo bbaumort j April 2d, 1861. . j. romoszToa, I New Orleana I L moftoomut uttu, Bhelbyvllle, Tenn. POINDEXTER & LITTLE, SLAVE REROT, NO. 48, BAROXNB STURT, NEW ORLEANS, F OR Receiving, Forwarding and Selling, for Merchants, Planter! and Traders. Also, keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of Field Hands, Mechanics ana House Servants. May 13. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domes tie DRY GOODS, C ONNALLY’S Block, Whitehall streat, four doors from Alabama StraeL aprll. McNAUGHT, BEARD Ss CO. Commieeion emd Forwarding MereheuMe, BA rSTREET (Savannah, ------ Georgia. Wm. McNaucbt, I ( Wm. K. Beard. James Ormond, J mar20 (JommDimmam. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Mannfeeturer and Daaler in HATAIA CIBAHS, T01ACG0 SNUFF, PIPES, foe., Whole**!* and Bateil, at tha 8tgu of Jtttanta Cigar Manufactory, Whitehall Streat, AUaute, Oaorgia. March 24. A. ioarxLL, Cuhlar. AGENCY CENTRAL EAILHOAD A EANKIHG COM- FANY-Oa« on Al.bow HUM. A. W. JONES, A*ert. AGENCY GEOEGIA RAILROAD * BANKING COM. PANT—Office.* WOltekMI terart ooor tee EaUroad. WM. W. CLAYTON, AM ATLANTA UiOBANCS OOMTANT- Iq G*rt*te Eellrea* Nook. J.f. VOGAN, fred4ert. /YONFEDERATE BONDS, or Notea, will V b* received by tbe uodersigoed in payment of Crockery, China, Qlaee Ware*, Ac., or in payment of aeoonnte. T. B. HIPLEY, Jan* IE. Whitehall Bl, Atlanta, 0*. OLD DOMIN’10IT SAWS. NICHMOND.’ VIROINIA. I N oonaaqnan— of tha aaeoaeion of Virginia, w* ehall hanafur offer oar etoek of " Cir cular,” “Croaa-out,” "Malay,•"‘Mill Sawa," Ac., at foreign prioaa. MB No dutieo added. McNAUQHtT ORMAND k Co. apr 22-lm. WANTED, A GOOD Milch Oow.wllh good quallttee, aad havtag^a y*nng calf. Apply at tha" Con- jaaalMf. ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, Wkilcitle ud Retail Sealer la PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, -AND— Genera I Business Agent, W ILL attead promptly to any box!none an te—ted to him. Store in Franklin BaUding, on Alabama etreat. nlg-ly ICE-CREAM SALOON. T HX eabeoribor baa fltted ap a neat Mae tn aoanaatioa with hii Ooufoetionory, _ Whit-holi > treat, wkaro Lad lot and ffiamtemnn may proaan * Sent-rote dktioJa of Ica-Cneart any hear daring tha day or otnaftm. Aehoro of pateaeif* i* artteited. “•y *4. T. ML JACK, Agent.