Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 03, 1861, Image 3

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SOTJ tf'ftEfitt- CONFEDERACY. BDAY, JOLT % 1«*». lYmattag Agaat. L k our ttewar*! TmnUl Agt 1 receipt for .abecriptLm, m4 *d- ifor the "South.™ Coaftdarmey." I D»*m <• , sate, aad fi« re**i|M far th* •fadaraay.” '< •vita apaalal atteutlaa *» lli «d j.fMrrere Bllrey 4 Do«gh«*r,l. Tb.j an d*Urai>«il te hi- jiao. and 1st th* paopl* km Ik Tb* Cnact. t Comet hat bean ob**rr*4 la tb* 1 tracing. paat Covaraar Brawn idad I ant night at tka Atlanta a a patriotic apaach. Tka BlecUan i yaalarday, raaaltad na followa: ....» _..8l | taglaaant Georgia Volunteer., for ataff offiaara of thin Ragi 1 yaalarday at Walton’a Spring, knowing raonlt: ....Q. T. Andarton. nal, T. L Quarry. ..Charlaa Good#. A Banal A Kingdom far a Hanoi on Dragoon. want to purohaaa aizly a koraaa. A Ca.alry horaa ahonld bo ad. sixteen handa high, and nat laaa an old. Our aouatry frianda who m for aaia, capable of doing good lea, ana Sad a market for thorn at MngatSeent Blockade. >y leaf, tkoS >nth Carolina whoon- aureeaefolly run tba bleekade at and waa not interrupted by Lin ateamera, which warn In eight, but re Hare in a aaaa for the Joto*. M Caat ar Llncaln’a War. Mnaaaof tha United Slate* Govern, meant, amount to about an* million td thousand dollars every day. At thia ha oak t 8,400,000 ontb 30.001,000 Mb. 108.000,000 438,000 000 a 878,000,000 •an. 8,180,000,000 Fort Fickena reinforced—it ia auppoeed, by Bll- 'a Haw York Fira Zouave*. The and the Illinois, which veaaels, era, araae, equipment*, Ac., sailed York some time ago, have landed at One of theas vessels left tba latter ia night of the 17th June—it ia sup ine York. In two waaka or less, w* A to get news from Piekeaa and Kay tha arrival of thia steamer at Hew Southern Climate allbeta the Yankee Troop*. from a member of tha Shod* Island -dated in camp, at Williamsport, iy, dune 16—gives tha following de- a recent march of that Regiment: ay moroing at seven o'elock, we >p sear Graeneastls, and marching a, arrived hero at an* o'eloek. It rful march, aa you may judge front that, out of 1,380 men, only 000 ‘ i with the column—many of these sick that they had to be carried ia J and the reel of them had to atdp road a mile or two back, and they on* or two at a time during the in artemoon. On* of th* tragon >14 me that he bad more than 73 ia at ossa. I stood it a* wall as any- aavs had no haadaeh*, although I kept a wet pocket haadkerchiel all th* time. HYMEMAJL. MOBTOH—Married, at Morton Wen eooaty. Georgia, on tb* 30ib of Rev. David H. Porter. Mr. J T. Thomas county to Miaa Vioroaia A , of Mr*. 8. Morton, of th* former LVEY & DOUGHERTY, jnst received a large lot of EW GOODS. ’-SKIRTS from 3 to 50 Springs. IGIN1A PLAIDS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MF8LINS, BAREGES, DRESS SILKS, [ lattoii, TriBBtifi tf lU kindt, UtLTTO BARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and RIBBONS, of great variety, t variety of lPLE GOODS. o, a splendid assortment of tr ‘By, WATCHES, dec. A heavy stock of KINDS OF SHOES. t for Cash, and will be sold cheap. | WLVKY A DOUGHERTY. • July 3. THE MRHUir. FOR (HI dgoUTHKRH OOXFBDBKAGY." BY ADAIR A SMITH. TERMS: Daily, one year, $6; six months, 33; one month, 50 cents. Wxxklv, one year, $2; six months, 11.25—invariably in advance. We *sk especial Attention of every family to oar paper. Those enjoying daily mail fbcllitlos, will find The Daily Confederacy tilled with the latest intelligence from the seat of war, both by telegraph, and from reliable special correspondents, of unquestioned abil ities and whose facilities for getting correct in formation are unsurpassed. We are laying out large sums of money and exerting every effort to umke ours a first class journal. HO LABOR HOR EXPENSE will be withheld that will add to the attractive- ness and interest of our paper- To reimburse us for the heavy expenses we have incurred— not simply the ordinary expenses of publishing a paper, but for our correspondence and tel egraphs, we must rely in a great measure upon receipts from subscriptions. We ask our friends everywhere to assist us in getting subscribers. Every man who takes our paper, so far os we know, is pleased with it We feel very sure that we bare not a single subscriber that could not at least send us one more with but little ef fort, while many could semi us a dozen or more. Let every friend be assured that with the in crease of our circulation, our ability to make a better paper will be greatly enhanced, and such means shall be used to the best advantage. We hope those who have subscribed for our Daily for a short time, will renew their subscriptions and GO IT FOR THE WHOLE YEAR. It will benefit us more, and save considerable trouble in erasing and re-writing names on oar mail book. Our Weekly is one • 1 the largest and most attractive news papers in America, and will be tilled with the choicest reading matter—made up from the cream of our Dally issue. In ftiture it will he mailed punctually every Wednesday mornlug on the Georgia, the Mucon <& Western, aud the State Road trains. Send in your orders. f Postmasters are authorized to act as our Agents In obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money—for which they will be allowed to retain, as commission, twenty-five cents on each Weekly, or fifty cents on each Dally subscriber. r* Persons getting up Clubs of five, ten or more subscribers, will be supplied with the copies ordered st V2X per cent less than oar regular rates. r No name will be entered on our books until the money Is paid; and all subscriptions ore discontinued when the time expires for whieb payment is made, unless the same be renewed. JUciuoav, July 1.—About thirty Federal prisoners were brought here this morning. They were captured at sea last week by iftesa Marylanders. Apparently reliable reports state that Com modore Hollies st Baltimore devised e plan for seising the steamer 8L Nicholas, plying between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Capt. Thomas, disguised as a female, with several others, took passage for Philadelphia. At soma point below Baltimore, Commodore Hol lins, with others, wont aboard; afterwards the whole party armed themselves and took charge of the steamer with little opposition. Report says Capt Thomas was disguised as a French lady, and Hollins reeogoiaod hsr as a Parisian acquaintance many years ago. A long French oonveraatioo ensued, ned at one o’clock Saturday night the party appeared thoroughly armed with firearms, eutlaeses, do., and took possession of the steamer. Universal gratification is expressed at this achievement. They also took a Baltimore bark, with 8.006 sacks of coffee, and a schooner with 200 tons of ice, bound for Washington, nnd a schooner with 200 tons of coal for tha Federal fleet The St. Nicholes was brought to Fredericks burg. The bark and achooners were landed on the Rappahannock river, above the Confederate batteries. The steamer St Nioholas was a valuable mail steamer, and believed to have on board interesting dispatches, money, and a valuable freight The prises are safely secured. They are val ued at about $400,000. Com. Hollins, with the Captain of the 8t Nichols*, arrived Id Richmond this afternoon. Gaarrox, Va., July 2d.—Skirmishing con tinues; but the results are suppressed by the Federal ists. Address, JaM.lSet ▲DAIS A SMITH, Atlanta, Georgia St. Loots, July 2.—Nine Missourians, with powder for the purpose of blowing up bridges, have been arrested at Chilicotbe, Ohio, and lodged in jail. The last advices from Gov. Jackson are that he is at 8tockton with 2,000 troops. A pioneer leaves to day, overland, for Cali fornia. Tha overland telegraph is progressing, and emigration is heavy. Fortress Monroe, July 2 —Two Regiments will advance to-morrow to New Market Bridge. It is raining incessantly. Col. Carey Jones, of Hampton, has been ar rested in consequence of letters found upon him in relation to the British prize ship Tropic Wind, implicating several notables. An attack on Newport News by the Confed erates on Friday night was prevented only by incessant rain. At Newport News four hundred disabled volunteers were discharged to-day. J LixAEDBU, July 2.--No indications of sn advance of the Federal troops from here. Anothet skirmish took place last night—two federals were killed. Two Southern Regiments are at Harper's Ferry. They have destroyed the balance of the Railroad Bridge, and crossed over to the Maryland side, capturing many boats. A dispatch to the Tribune, says a forward movement of the forces is impossible until more wagons are provided, and that one thou sand will be ready by the 15th of July. DenveaCitt, June 25th.—A large secession force left their rendezvous, near Cherry Creek, to-day, for the purpose of fating Forts Wise and Garland in New York. They were well equipped. There is much valuable property and money iu the Forts. Ricemond, July 2d.—The British Consul in this plsoe states that the British schooner, '•Tropic Wind,” lately seized by the Federal fleet in Hampton Roads, and sent to Washing ton, has been released, end given back io charge of the master of the vessel. Waseinqtov. July 2.—Captain Craven is in command of the Potomac fleet. The "Freeborn” is so badly crippled that it will probably be condemned as unfit for fur ther service. [Thanks to our brave troops at Acquia Creek and Mathias Point ] Fourteen Confederate youths attacked the picket at Shutter’s Hill, last night, killing one and wounding anothor. [Shutter’s Hill is io Virginia, near Washington.] The Speakership of the House is a subject of cousiderabls excitement hers, just now. Tbs changes are in favor of the success of Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania—thus imperiling the prospect of J. W. Forney, for the Clerk ship of the House, who is working for Frank P« Blair, Jr., for 8peaker. The Herald says the Government does not regard tbs occupation of Harper’s Ferry as of any consequence, since everything there is destroyed. The Journal of Commerce says " recent de velopments indicate that Qen. Scott intends no forward movements into Virginia this summer. On Saturday, it was generally believed hers, that the Federal forces would advance the com- iog week. They would have moved before ; but Gen. Scott desired to have full military control, leaving no enemy behind tofirt on Kim in the rear. Five regiments arrived lest night, making fifty-one thousand troops in and around the oily. A large force is advancing to the support of tha Southerners. Gen. Johnston is at Winchester with 15,010 men. One thousand Federal troops are within twenty miles of Gsn. Magruders entrenchment at Yorktewn, awaiting re-en forcemeats. The ship St. Nicholas has been seized by Southern passengers off Baltimore. No diplomatic appointments will be mads until after the adjournment ef Congress. Hanry C. Harris, a oitizen of Richmond, was killed while attacking Federal pickets near Alexandria. Tha Poehshorn tea sod Pawn# have sailed for Mathias Point. Frank Blair, of St Louis, was seranoded and mod# a speech loti night K# compared the members of the Maryland Legislature to West ern eopper-beed snakes; spake tauntingly of tho Southern chivalry amusing Itself by pink ing off federal pickets J declared for wnr UU no enemy wan left; abominated compromise, and eom pitmen ted Gen. Lyon. The Federalists want Fairfax Court House by the Fourth of July. Tho Southerners are running ears within ten miles of Alexandria, and the Confederate steamer, George Page, is cruising in the vldn- Uy of 4cquia Crank. Col. Stone is to oecupy Maryland Heights, commanding Sapor's Ferry. * Wm. Brent of South Carolina, and Henry Scott of Maryland, allagsd to be spies, were arrested yesterday. % John C Fremont has been commissinutd a regular Major-General, ranking n«xt to Mo del (an. An order has been given to supply the whole foroe on both sides the Potomao with extra ra tions for six days. Gsn. Patterson’s delay in advancing keeps everthing waiting. The Government has de termined to taka him oat of the way. A gen oral advanoe, it is believed will occur about the Fourth of July. Memphis, July 2.—An express hes arrived at Littla Rook, Arkansas, from Fort Smith, bringing tbs news that Missouri was being overran by Federal troopa. Illinois Lincoln- itee possessed the town on each side of the Missouri River Springfield, Illinois, is filled with Federal troops, intending to invade Arkansas through Fayetteville. Ben. McCullough has issued a proclamation calling on the Arkapsasi&ns to rendezvous promptly, drive away the block invaders, and sustain the Missourians. LEATHER! LEATHER! At Wholesale or Retail Baltimore, July 2.—Since two o’clock this morning startling proceedings have taken place. Detachments of artillery aad infantry ware posted in Monument Square, Exchange Place, the Eighth Ward, Broadway and other points before daylight. All the members of the Board of Police,«xcept the Mayor, were arres ted before the plot was discovered. Commodore Hollins, late of the Susquehan na. went on the 8t. Nioholas disguised as a woman. He afterwards seized the vessel and captured three other vessels, laden with ice and coffee, and took them to Fredericksburg, Virginia. New Orleans, July 2.—The enemy has seiz ed tbs telegraph instruments at Pass a Loutre. The U. S. war steamer left the bar yesterday, and the Confederate war steamer 8u mter, went to Sea. The operator at South-West Bass sav ed his instruments—though the enemy bad a a guard over him about 23 hours The |tele- graph office at the head of the Passes, is hour ly expected to be attacked. Louisville, July 2.—Mr. Burnett End Mr. Breckinridge ere here, en route to Washing ton. Mr. Powell, the other Senator, will also go. Three half filled compauies of Col. Rosseau’s two regiments have gone into camp at Silver Creek, opposite here, in Indiana. Their exo dus excited more laughter than indignation. A very rag-tailed set. * Richmond, July 2.—The New York corres pondent of the Baltimore Sun of Saturday says, the officers aud crew of the Privateer Sa vannah are comfortably situated in the toombs. They appear cheerful and hopeful of an early releaae. Some New York morning papers have raised the price of subscriptions. A State Convention of the. friends of peace was held at Dover, Delaware, laiht Thursday, aud was immensely attended. It waa composed of the bone and sinew of the country. Ex Governor Temple was President with thirty one Vice Presidents. The first resolution declares in favor of peace in prefer ence to oivil war, and an acknowledgement of the independence of the Confederate States, in preference to an attempt to conquer and hold them as subjugated provinces. Other resolu tions denouncing Lincoln, and expressing grateful thaoks to Senators Bayard and Bauls- bury, were enthusiastically and unanimously adopted. The first new wheat raised in Maryland, waa exhibited in Baltimore on Friday. New Yoek, July 2.—The Times has a letter from Mr. Russell, the London correspondent, denying the report that his correspondence had been tampered with in the South. Cotton is firmer with an upward tendency. Sales 1,200 bales at 14}. Indcfendcoce, Mo., July 2.—Ten thousand Missourians crossed the Marias River, (in the Indian Territory,) one hundred miles South of this place, and are awaiting orders to advaocs- F0HEI3N NEWS. The -Etna and Havana have sailed for America. A French division, under Admiral Reynsud, is about to sail for America. The New Orlsaus correspondent of tbs Lon don Times says it is impossible to resist the conviction that the Southern Confederacy can be conquered only by means irreaisiible as those which subjugated Poland. An article on Italian affairs is published in the Paris Patris and copi d into the Moniteur’s paragraph, which insinuates that the South ern American States will succeed in establish ing a separate Republic. The Neapolitan towns—San Marco and Ve- griano—revolted. They have been taken by assanlt and burned. The British House of Commons rejected the bill for the abolition of Church rate# by the casting vote of the Speaker. A most significant artie’a, published simul taneously in the Paris Potrie and Moniteur, foreshadows the coming recognition of the Confederate States. Tbs Emperor announces, for himself and other European Powers, that the Confederacy has the same claims to ac knowledgment os the New Kingdom of Italy, when It shows that it can maintain iteelf nnd international relations can be established with its rulers. 1 WE are now prepared to furnish manufacturers and dealers with WANTED, a 8KRVASTT—food bo*tl*r, white *r blaek, A to is with aa .Steer W th* war. Apply at thia *•**. July 8—It Hemlock Sole Leather, White Oak Do. French Calfskins, various kinds Philadelphia Do. Lining and Binding Skins, Shoe Thread, Shoe Eylets, ■•Hut*, Pegs, Kails, And everything connected with the manufacture of Boots and Shoes. A Large Lot of the above Goods JUST RKCKIVED, And for sale at Wholesale or Retail, by DIMICK, WILSON & CO. June 20—d&wlm J. W. HEWELL, WHOLES A LB i * BRAIL DBA LEE I Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’8 BLOCK, Corner ‘Wliiteliall Sc Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, QEOBGIA. Feb. 15—ly. INVASION I TO THE WAR! A “GEORGIA LEGION” [S BEING ORGANIZED. It ia to conaiatof L four companies of Cavalry, of eighty men each; of four companies of Light Infantry, to act with the Cavalry, as Voltigeurs; of two companies of Heavy Infantry, and one of Ar tillery. The FULTON DRAGOONS have tendered to form part of thia Legion. This Legion is expected to go into Ser vice before the 15th of August, but the c mpanies to be selected IN A WEEK; ‘ to be thoroughly drilled befoie going into service. The Fulton Dragoons want about fifty able-bodied men, who can furnish good horses, and a cheap uniform. Gov. Brown will arm us—the Legion is to be tendered through him. Here is offered a fine opportunity of going into service, in a Regiment of novel organisa tion, of picked companies. A distinguished member of the Confederate Congresj, from Georgia, who gets np this Legion, will d'>ubt less be appoiuted Colonel; the other field offi cers— Lieutenant Colonel, Major and Adjutant are to be appointed by the President, from ex perienced Army offioers. We appeal to tha patriotism of our citiseos, not only of Fulton, but of other oounties, who feel disposed to join the Fulton Dragoons, to send ia tbeir names at once to us, or to regis ter thtir names at the store of Lieut. Williams. We have hut one week to raise our Dumber, to ? ;st in this Legion. All who want to go, in arm us at once. Will our friends who can’t go encourage this movement? B 0. YANCEY, Cant Fulton Dragoons. Z A. RICE. First Lieutenant. WM. M. WILLIAMS, Second Lieut. Atlanta, June 23-tf. Administrators’ Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Coart of Ordinary of DeKalb county, will he sold before the court bouse door in the town of Spring Place, Murray county, on the first Tuesday in September does, within the usual hoars of rale: Lot of Laud No. S4I, in tba Sd district of Murray county. Sold as the prop erty of Robert D. Grier, deceased, late of De Kalb county. Terms of sale made known os tha day. A. L. PITTS, Adm’r. M. A. GRIER, Adns’x. July S—wtds. p. x. modaniel, WHOLESALE GROCER, ABC OOMMIMIOK MBBOHAlfT, Aim MALES fll AIL KOTOS OF PBODUCX, Hunter Btreat, batw**a Whitehall aad Friar, illarla, Swrite Marsh 88. CHINA DEPOT. DOLE 6c WYLIE, Whole tale and Retail Dealers m Parian Figure*. Xaroaia* Lamp*, Can41.- Traya, Tabl. Kate, Baskets, C , Qlnm otloke, Tea Tran, Shad a., Tabl. Catlary, Ae, A., CHEAP TOR CASH. White Granite and oaaaaon Creak ary at vholaaala, at Charla.Ua pnaaa, aaarly appa- ■ite Beach A Boot's, Whitehall .treat, Atlanta,.— Georgia April Sd, 1881. REVENUE. Car Cuu'a Orrica, Car Httx, I Atlanta, July I, 1.61. j C ITY TAX PATERS will pleaw remember that the Ordinance a* th* subject of City Taxre require* that th* tame shall be paid by th* (rat day of August d..l I will b* at my oOc* aaah batinem day, from now until tha tret of Auguat last, ready tha asms. to raeafr* ■ lire pay meat aud raaaipt ter tha aama. i null saou. aadambraaa tha apporiunily, (A* over ermded^ut *gj (001| duly 3—Ua. OLOOMBX, Clark eld OoUoetor. LORRILLARD’B SITUTF. IN BOTTLES AND BULK. For aula la quantltte. to Jobber, by R. A. ROBINSON A CO, Wholesale Dnyyiete, Lnfnfllt, Mentueky, SMS It. A. A 0. A. SANTAS, Norfolk Ftryuii*. May 34—Sm a N, A. McLENDON, WHOLESALE GROCER, AXP DEAI.EE VK FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC LIQUORS, TobMooo, Cigars, &o., —ALSO— COBAN. LARD. CORN it FLOUR* J%V 8, Cherokee Block, Bemch- Tree ft, Atlanta, Georgia. T HE attention of close Gash Bnyera is re spectfully invited to the above stock. March 28 SEE. IRA R. FOSTER. J. L. QUEEN FOSTER & QUEEN, GROCEE8 —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MAEIBTTA 8TEEBT, Atlanta, ..Georgia, K EEP constantly on hand all kinds of Pio- risioDM sod Family Supplies, buy and sell all kinds of Tennessee and Country Produce; also, sell Goods oonsigned to the best advan tage, and render acoounts r.f sale promptly.— Patronage respectfully solicited. A fine lot of Pure Country Corn Whisky on hand, and for sale by FOSTER A QUEEN, may 5. THOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For the purchase and sale of Western Produce, Cotton, Groceries sad Mereaeodlse genersUj, Franklin Building, Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April 5,1861. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Manufacturers and Dealers la MEN’S St BOY’S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS, CASRIMERER AND VESTINGS Markham’s Iron-Front Balldlng, White hall, Street, m. Barsov, 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA. m. Beaumont j April Id, 1861. i. FOIRDBXTSa, I montoombbt Lima, I tJhelbjrrllle, Tsnn. POINDEXTER & LITTLE, SLAVE DEPOT, XO. 46, BAEONNB STEBET, NEW ORLEANS, F iR Receiving, For ward ins and Selling, for Merchant#, Planters and Traders Td May IS. ling, for u Also, constantly on hand a good asoortmentof Hands, Mechanics and House Servants. CUTTING & STONE, Wholssale and Retail Dealers in Foraign and Domestic DRY GOODS, 1 door* from Alabama 8treat. aprlL 88eNA(TGHT, BEARD * GO. Cmmmiooion meed Nmsmrdtmg Merthmmte, BA r 8TRBET Havana.h, ------ Georgia. W«. UcN.saar, I fWu. K. Ba.aa. Jauaa Oaaaaa, j marlt (Jos* Daiaaa. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Ifaaufaetarar aad Daalar la KATAIA EIIABI, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, Re., Wholaaal* and Retail, at tb* Riga of Alleeeetm Cigmr JWmemtfmetmry, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 38. ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, WkilisiM is4 kUll Idler la PRODUCE AHD PROVISIONS, —ABD- Geaeral Business Agent, W ILL ‘““dprompUT to aay basis*** aa- vv trusted te.kiaa, Btoniiu Praahlia Bufidlac, •L Ml*-ly THOMAS it ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlaate,aaoatia. OSaala Smith’s BulMlag, Whitehall .treat. G.KTamiaa, j.ilu Baa. P. Abbott.