Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 14, 1861, Image 3

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SUCH Witt, Geiertl Agent, n* 8m*>» mii, I Ion bill and th* It* hi l««r bill (lo rale* 600,000 Volunteers) Inn passed. Gem Seott I* in consultation with M Ale- bam nlggsr, wbo KJt tbsrd mt fsglmente I bog Into to Inform tko otiiuoo at. At lanta, through yonr nltnblo psper, (bet our Recruit,, under th* oomoond of Umt. J. O. Rucksr, arrested two Yoalno •pint •* their woj to our setup They were erreoied et Pe- lereburg, k/ Umv Auoksr ead private A. D. Teal, ead tamed over Ur the dtp eutborhiea. Then are eeverel other eptee In (be *My jail. The Atlaaia Volunteer* ere all is gsttd' health and ophite, ead getting eleag teeljr. We bavajaii reeeired oar arm, wbiab are aa good it tbe GoveVwnkui afford*, and hope wo AN ASSOR' g®=*WE HAVE ON HAND RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Court Holts*. Among other iaforoalion, (be contrabaod (nigger) Informed Soott that ev erything iodloated the SoWttvmero were MILITARY GOODS: Wt tofahtbeia opleedld Caralrp front Chouthara ssnaty £>m VmhVW fc ordered to { t| itevfa*.,',itw jbWftM Him Mr. Taliaferro, a son-in-law of ex'&onstar Mesas, of Virginia, ban bean arraated aa a spy Tb* Patent ofBo* tlerke have beta dio- obargad. Want of money to pay (beet la al- lagod at lb* ra»»»*. a to amt# Tb* rtserr* of 80,000 m*o bore ban dwin- dled dow* lo 8,000. (What rtxrvt i* thin T) Georgia Grey Cassimeres, Georgia Green Georgia Brown },t **« MUll,aj * ta iMKUoiKi ill Atft»*lflW W4 prwai rW« with nUngaaeaentof tbavarion* dew*. prHot connected w(th. tha history • It i* pieparad by.Out. C. R. Uaa- »hf than I* aa mao better qeli- , It bi altogaUtar probable that aa rassbUtogot opeueh a hfttory. [httn oonaeeta dwith the pram at pdhrMeatilod with almoet every Senary at aasrapapen ia Atlanta, reputation a* a printer, wbtoh it fo that of aay mem in Georgia or Hit ability aa an editor, hi* taeU, at, ead fia* teas* of propriety la is moral tone to the paper* which etod, are worthy of all commonda- y nothing of tba political oharac Vpafoi tar, lib* all aasa who haee y bom ooaaeolad with party poti. no doubt found many to disagree They Nipeotfully, Beaune Bow, Va, Jaly It McClellan's oolama i* ctuiioaaly fading it* tray. Tha Sontbernari appear to h*r« been raioforood .aIns* tha approach of MoClallan, and ara working with greet energy,. Be will fool tba Bontbareer* this afternoon. A battle occurred y**terd»y at Kioh Moun tain. Th* Southerner*, 2,000 strong, aider Col. Pegnuet, *urr*ad*red. Tb* 8gbt laated on* hour and a half. Tba Sonlharnara re* treated, leaving 60 killed and many wounded and prieonera. Six guns and some horse* wer* taken. Th* Fedaral lo** is 20 killed— ■am* bor*** also—and 40 wounded. BAM’L i>. HAS LB FT. Thm following to th* proclamation Coder which the Afrccto in Baltimore were perpetra ted : Hbaqhabt*r* Dxr't or ArxarcLHi, \ Fort McHenry, July 2. | In pureuarooe of orders issued from Lb* head quarter* of th* Army At Wtuhington, for ths preserrstion of ths public peace is this de partment, l have arrested, and now do detain ia custody of the United States, tbe late mem bers of the Board of Polieo, Messrs. Chas. Howard, fn. Oatehel), Chas. Htakttad John W. Davie. The incident? of the past weak afforded full justification far this order. The headquarters uader ths charge of the Board, when abandoned by the officers, resembled itt some respects s concealed arsenal. After pub lic recognition and protest against ths suspen sion of their functioas, they continued their sscekmsdaily. Upon a forced »n<Lunwarrant able construction of my proclamation of the 29th ultimo, they declared that the Police Law was suspended, and tha police offioers land men put off duty for ths present, intending to leave the oily without any police protection whatever. They refused to recognise the officers and mao necessarily selected by the Provost Mar- shsi for its protection, and hold, subject to their orders, new and hereafter, the old police force, a large body of armed men, for some pur pose not known to tbe Government, and in consistent with its peace and security. To an- tieipate any intentions or orders on their part, I have placed, temporarily, a portion or the force under my command within ths city. I disclaim, on tbs part of the Government I rep resent, all desire, intentions and purpose to in terfere fn any manner whatever with the ordi nary munioipsd affaire of the oity of Baltimore. Whenever a loyal citixen can be named who will execute lie police laws with impartiality and in good faith to the United fHatee, the mil itary force wttlba withdrawn from the central parts of the municipality at once. No soldier will be permitted in tbe city, except under regulations satisfactory to the Marshal; and if any so admitted violate the Municipal law, they shall be punished according to the civil law, by the civil tribunals.' NATHANIEL P. BANKS, Major-General Commanding. Blue Broad Cloth, Cadet Grey Broad Cloth, Military Buttons, Georgia made Shirtings, suitable for Soldiers, OLD DOMINION OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Boston, July 12.—Tb* Prifatecr Jeff. De vi* has captured tbre* ves**l* off Cap* Hit ler**, N. C. Capital, .... #500,000. DIRECTORS. I. Davenport, Jr., Pre* C. E. Wortham, Seo’y. Which we will sell as low as can be afforded under the circumstances. Geb. Wortbem, John H. Greener, John Ruder., Geo. 8. Palmer, 8. M. Prioe, W. 8. Triplett, B. F. Ladd, 8. C. Tardy, J. Stewart Welker, Wm. Currie, I». B. Bpilmac, J. R. Crenshaw, P. 0. Warwlek, John H. Williams,, James 8. Kent, Mark Downey, Iloreoo P. Edmond, Thome* Jones, J. M. Talbott, E. A. Smith, G. B. Davenport, Robert A. Peine, G. W. Yance, R. F. William*, Jo*. Bruinna*], W. P. Ragland, Wm. Brent, H. C. Cabell, R. H. Maury, Geo. W. Royste. Tbla Company le prepared to receive appli cations for FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE, on favorable term*. SAMUEL SMITH, Agent, Offloe, corner Whitehall and Alabama street*, over Salmon* A Simmons’ Store. war* opened on Thursday night for rejoicing— though there we* no illumination. Tha Duteh garden keeper! and actor* ere not new *o proud of their fallows, Zeigler end Boernatein. Number* of foreigner* ere reported to bo leav ing in fright. Four hundred of Col. McNeil’s reserved Guard (Fedaral) removed the typo and paper from the Slate Journal’s offioe (a true Southern paper) on an order from Gen. Lyon, prohibit ing it* further publication. A tpeciel dispatch from Warsaw (in Benton -county, 00 or 70 mile* Bouth-Waet of Boon- i always bees universally ttntxcep tb* moral worth. W* fool very eora tl peruse tbla arliole of hie with Our SWORDS will be ready this week—a Southern made Sword—good tem- tr—fine finish—at a reasonable price. assay hideous newspaper wreck* red In oor pathway, H would seem entering upon a partisan voyage, (tea* have don* SO With confidence. nOMUoed le run a; new schedule, Hired that shall steer clear of W* think We knew exactly th* Mies between Soylla end Chary b- arpriee In this piece bee before at- levigate that channel steer of tbe ted to make th* ooilieiou *s light ( Wreck. Wff expect to put thro’ rocks ou which others have split. i hitch our enterprise on to the for- r petty, clique or individual, t* h eucceas or suffer with defeat, must stand on its own merits, as lent (net amUrai) newspaper, or it ra. We must succeed or fall on B tb* people want a nates journal, p them know what le foiag on in Wc are prepared to make up UNIFORMS for Companies at short notice an£ fair prices for CASH. June 2(1—dim. The StnUft of the Cufedonto Itatoo: CATOQSA SPRINGS. J J. HARMAN raspeetfolly annoaaoe* to . LI. .1.11... ..J at L11 Hare just received a large lot of J . hi* former visitors, and th* public gen erally, that bs has entered late a oo-parlaatr. •hip with Mr. J. S. Ntcnou, of Savannah, Ga, for tb* tawing season at tbla CELEBRATED WATERING PLACE. Thankful for the patronage heretofore ex. tended to him, h* would eolieit a con tin sen ee of tba earn* for tb* Ira, who will endeavor, at nil tiara, to provide for the labia, her, be-, nv- ary luxury attainable. Our cook* will be tbe meat experienced that tbe SeriA oca produce, together with an effi cient force at attentive servant*. There will be aa exeellant BRASS aid STRING BAUD of superior Mariettas attached to (be Hotel. The medical virtue* ad these many and va- ried Mistral Waters ere sow too wall kaowa to require an extensive description. Ia addi tion to th* Bed, White aid Black Sulphur Springs—many of them combined with Iran end Magnesia—le an lasxhauetabl* wall of th* purest Freestone. Wut aonatomedatfoee ara vety extaheitto— VALLEY OF VIRGINIA NEW GOODS Locistilli, July 12.—Tbe following dis patch bee been reeeived here: “CixctsxtTi, July 12. ■*0. D Prentice, Esq., ‘■Editor Louisville Journal: Gen. Model lan has captured the entire oamp of lb* ene my et Laurel Hill—guns, tente, wegone, and many prieonera—among whom were several offioers. Tbeir Ion in killed Is eeveu—our* very email—no officers lost on onr eld*. (Signed) “LARZ ANDERSON.” A dispatch from Roaring Bun to tbe Cincin nati Gesette before the battle, eaye tbe Feder alist* ere 10,000 strong, and that Pegram’e commend numbered only 2,000. Dispatcher from St. Louie and Chicago ere unfavorable to the Southerners et Mount Ver non, South West Miseouri. From Quincy, 111., ia tbe neighborhood of tbe buttle of Mea- roe Station, end from whom reliable Infor mation ooaeerning It wae expected, we bare nothing. Judge Logon, one of the presiding Judges in th* Railroad case, publishes a dissenting opinion. WINCHESTER, VA. Notes axn Qtruatee —A Netohe* correspon dent, •• J. D. 8.," noticing our oommeutary on the proposition ot a cotemporary to adopt *e th* national motto of th* Confederate States Cash Capital,. Surplus,. fsatiy grstified at our sc cel a thus Ireedy bar* a dally circulation of thousand, which I* rapidly lucroaa- STS bop* aad son A dose* for tbs to- ritlutandisx thpse bard Urn**, and HOOP-SKIRTS from 3 to 50 Springs. VIRGINIA PLAIDS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, MtfSLINS, BAREGES, DRESS SILKS, ■Hitary Bolton, Trlmmioyt of ill kiodi, MOSQUITO BARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, and i RIBBONS, of great variety. Incorporated la ISM. DIRECTORS i . S. Carson, Pros’!. William L. Bent, Sec’y. jhu Vara, Lewis P. Hartman, teeph S. Carson, William Miller, obert Steele, Wm. B. Baker. ffiffi- Aggregate Lessee paid in 8 years end- if July let, 1881, $588,202.19. This old Company insures Buildings, Mer. approves of oar objections, end thee goes on to say i * Whatever doubts may have existed ee to the theory of State eovereigaty under the Con- Ititutlon of the lets United States, there can be no doubt that tbe principle is clearly rrcog- louAf taeiaes*. Which has oat eff , tb* 4iel eejjrooe at ptofit- lo a w* Lave been eble thn* for to pay at enkncrlpliane elnnn. If tb* peo- twin at, they eboll beanmpeneeted. This eld Company cheadisn, Huusehold property in eity, towt •Me terms aa other responsible Heat* aad vicinity are eer- I meet el tb* City Hall, on at 10 e’eioek, for tha pur- i per man tot <■ SOLDIERS’ r,” which will pledge itself ■ of *U tbe brave Companies i eity—Th* gallant "Gale- and Alabama Streets, over Belmone A Sim- meet’ Dry Goode Store. STAPLE GOODS. rUle,0eii Also, a splendid assortment of JEWELRY, WATCHES, ' dfco. nWsatSRkESs’ ■•re P*r tingle month. Visitors who wish to sngsgs board by the eeaeou, with tbeic fomi ll*., will he losrM at Thirty Dollars pm ■ in mum n i — <.1 New York, July IS.—Sales of cotton five hundred bales et 15) @ 151- East Suppose It. What a noisy creaeure a man would be, weft bit voice, tb proportion lo bis woigbi, a* loud a* i bat of a looual. A locust can be heard at the dielance of oae-eiateentb of a mile. The gotdea wren le said to weigh bat half an ounce, an that a middling sited man would weigh dawn not shoes of 4,00$*f them, end b (olden wrc« wool* probably outweigh four of (for teeuele. Supposing, therefore, that a medium sited men weighed et much aa 16,000 or onr locueit, and that tbe not* of a locust otn bo beard one sixteenth of a Bile, a nan of eornmea dimensions, aad sound ia wind aad limb, ought lo make biteeeif heard e diatanoe of 1,000 tail**. Sob* ponderous meueeuld be beard Ml 2,000 miles end prob ably rare. Singing would bent a dleeeuM end concerts wwnlda'i "pay.’’ If aaeU le ren dered softer aM eweeter by dfotnaee, It would be* defer tbe eudlewoe le be within lees than lMOmtlee ef tb* Bseieiape, aed we Imagine very ifkw >oald be trilling t^ walk tkat dietenen fur tae or tbre* btinra'e enjey ■ leyd Mineral Eprings, fringe ere eltaeted ia tb* North, ' at Floyd «amtiy, on the mid-way twaun Armuobee ead John's creeks, l allies tram sack. The Oostanohla, Cub »s4 Surplus, let Mey, 1881.. 811,85* DIRECTORS: Joe. R. Anderson, Jem** L. Apporeon, William Braodan, David J. Barr, Wm. H. CkrieUaa, John Dooley, L. H. Olasebrook, Lewie Ginter, Semael J. Hsrrison, Boeooe B. Heath, Edward McCarthy, E. Miller. CiacinsATi, July 18.—Anderson has things mixed. The oemp at Laurel Hill baa aot been takes. ALL KIND* OF SHOES, Portland, Jul? 11.—Th« Mat? Qoodcll liu xrriyed. She report* being boarded by the prieaieer Jeff Paetop which hee eaptnred eer- era! yeteeli Within the week. All bought for Cash, and will be told cheap. 9ILVEY & DOUGHERTY. Atlanta, July 8—dhwtf. ah, white “ Jshn’e Mountain,” tend raniScatioaa of the Blue |« proximity os the ether eJdo. Illy, aad aside from tb* etrree Herat. Wrier, # opens e broad treaifoiiiet aad 'the’seeker’if for Ashing sad the halting of IL mors hntwaaa Mobile aad Haw Orlnaon, Fnwewv Tax.rr from Now Or- i AiUmu ead Colmbu. Httoliaks^ im •apt- A.-A W. F. Ik. ft. Baltikori, July 12 Four men hive been arretted, impliaated is th* SL Nicholes afieir. isos, iay.’or, or., Willfom O. Taylor, Wataon. A. PLEASANT, President. Jona H. Moavatso, Secretary. This favorite Inauraa0* Company eontiaaa* to ioear% both in towa and oosatry, all hiada of ioearabie property on tba moat favorable terms; also, Mena* laeurtnc*. SAMUEL SMITH, Agent, Career Whitehall aad Alabama Slreate, JOHN FfCKEN, Importer, Manufacturer aad Dealer in Bichuoxd, July 13.—No newt ef interest bee brsa brought by passengers to day on • NUgJfc FlPEEi Wholesale and Ratal), at th* Sign of jtttaatm cigar JleetiAwterg, The last Newham (N. C.) ’• Ptogress” re port. that Hfteen tho.l wer* exchaagsd with a federal Steamer and tb* Fort at Cap* Hat- teras. Thn Tort was uniajnmd. Thn steam- *r drew eff, atad Was thought l* be dilabied. OTICE TO COHRESPtikDBWTB. ARTIES writing to ue for Informatlop will pie*** eaeioae th* ppajaA (or the ea.w.r, sa* T. Me NAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. ALABAMA INSIJIARCE COMP ANY MONTGOMERY. JarvnaSow’Cmr, Mo., July It—Th* MbteCtt- riens am gathering arsuad Bocavilla. Th* invadare (Federal) hare been under arms eve ry night since Wodnnnday, an,eating aa at tack. Tbe tome condition of things • slate at tawtagff Batafarueaeenle—eepocially at artillery—era aegfad (Vy th* Fodsmte.) ‘ • New Oubib, July ]*.—Ool. Bmax's m- main* errl rod thh tdarhiag-sAtwrts* byapor- N.A.MeLENDON, WCOlESALE^GRBCIfi r I ,m. k * I 'ttl’ ibto 8jm