Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, August 07, 1861, Image 3

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<ff#ttfe4«*cg . S' 0»U T1H E! E N / OONFf B ERA- C Y. AUGUST 7, 1861 Paper* f Handing Rood Frtne fifty sod Weakly "Ct|fifali as. at five cent* per oepy. Notice* friend* hand in loco) ftnticea ioU too Into in Ike even ranee next norning. The r office at fix o’clock; and for »nra before they leave no tew tin. In order to insure In Did be famished to ns by two fidvertlalug. /has more than three times any paper in Georgia, North is fully equal to that of any We do not make this state* boast, or in order to convey pression, we say it candidly t we say—aad because it is ral Traveling Agent* ir General Traveling Ag't ipt for subscriptions and ad the “Southern Confederacy.” al, of Rome, ia also author- ash. and give receipts for the fsderscy." g for the Soldiers. ter, Quartermaster-General of jla, has issued a public address rglns; them to prepare winter loldiers now In the field from *a to transport the clotli of charge. point in the address, which proposition, and ask our read to avail themselves of the ad- proposition : ghborhood, or town, or village company or companies into the agree on a superintendent to ar es for the company. Let each ed by card, who it is from, who epreseutation of each company box up all the articles for each llely. On the box let the name name of the company, and 1 lent be plainly marked and ship- iis place. Let the 8upcrintend- ic, at the same time, a full state- and number of-men in compn- rles each is to receive, and they [lately, free of charge.” ern Confederacy Office, special letter and telegraphic t Manassas Junction—the great of battle at present. We have able correspondents from vori- irginia. Everybody wants to ad all important dispatches or ilved by ns, will be promptly mfederacy bulletin, log times it is probable that ex rs will get afloat. We caution st them, and beg everybody to they believe. y possible facility for obtaining Tills, however, costs os heavily, ery one who is so anxious to get dmlt the equity of subscr bing our paper. >er of names on our daily list and eekly, will be erased this week, options are renewed. We in- ending the paper at the tormina for which it is paid, s for the Daily nrc $5 per annum month—the cheapest Dally in gives the same amount of read ies, subscriber* to the Daily ill be charged at the rate of •nth for any length of time less • a very lai^c sheet, full of the ; matter. The cheapest way to to subscribe for the Confeder- tleman who cam* into our aanc- f, in our absence, and oarried ronid* A Sentinel,” will pi d llulldiug Association fular meeting of this aasociation it the City Hall on Thursday st 8th, at 8 o’clock, a may be paid to W. P. Inman of the North Western Bank, at cm Hall Hotel. DANIEL PITTMAN, Secretary. To Musicians. EMEN are needed for Yancey'a Jobb Legion. • equipped and well mounted, mediately to the Head-Quarter! of der the Athenaeum, f the Captain. ’Peached Again, afederacy" acknowledges soma Judge Hayden. Seven of them t pounds and a A a//—which if a n ahead of anything yet Atlanta Amateurs, lies and Gentlamen who appeared ■ion Movement” and “ Carnival” to maet at the Athenaeum this I afternoon, at 4 o’clock. W. H. BARNES, Manager- odget Volunteers* from Cept. Foe ter Blodgett to Constitutionalist, stats# that his bosn transferred to Gan. Toombs’ changed to Flying Artillery, to Manassas soon. vldeutlal Election. I of the Mississippi Legialatura nvantion, and nominated Jaf- President, and Alex. H. Bte- >-President. They have lika- 1 a full Electoral Ticket. **Ajer Bllwy Them peon. We find the following in the Richmond “Dia- •word from Mqjor Thompson, of the 1st Geor- gla Regiment, in the Cba*} •ngngenieBl. Tfc« kruft of the tester a that th. olpiufed •word was one whioh had bean presented to M^jor T We do pen* a*ne years previously, and waa with the baggage which they stole. The •word that he used In the engagement in ntill In his possession. The exploit was, therefore, nothing for the Hemien* to boast of. Stealing is one of thoir avocations, and this act adds another item to their disgraceful catalogue. They also stole Major Thompson's watch and a sum of money,” FOR THE “ 80UTHERN CONFEDERACY.” Vk#-President Stephens, The Richmond « Examieer,” Noticing the assembling of Congress on tha 20th of July, says: “Prominent among the groups of members exchanging congratulations in the Hal), was the Viee*President, (Hon. Alexander H. Ste phens, of Georgia,) his alight and bent figure, his wan face, and the almost boy iah and trem ulous tones of h!a voice, making him a marked objeot of interest, even without the nervous words in which he ie speaking of the greatness of our victory, and both the greatness and glo ry of its purchase. Mr. Stephens’ fsce, when ever we see it, always strikes us with that con centrated and weary expression of its sallow and pinched features. On yesterday, the old expression and manner were still there; but that old eloquent nervouaneee, too, which breaks out sometimes so suddenly in hia efforts of oratory, could be seen in the tremulous lip and lighted eye, as he shook bands with thosa around him, and spoke the congratulations of victory” Monroe Couuty, Tennessee. A friend writing to us from Sweet Water, on the 3d inat, saya : Our county has sent to the war six full com panies, and parts of others—one company be ing cavalry. Three more are being raised- one of these being cavalry also, and have the finest horses we can get, to say nothing of the big, brawny men. Our county will raise for our men from $20,000 to $25,000 b sides our produce loan of wheat and corn Many of our planters put down $1,000 in produce, which for us ia a stronger subscription than for the same amount among cotton planters of equal force. Our ladies are knitting and sewiog for the Tennessee and Georgia boys. Tennessee may be a little alow, but you know she is no one- horse team when she gets in harness. She loved the old Union, prestige and all, but God be blessed, we have preserved the integrity and spirit of our Fathers’ Constitution, while enemies have trampled its provisions un der foot. Weikinere*. August »!—Th* House bni fy- thorising the Presided to dismiss army offi cers, waa tabled, and tha House adjourned till Tuesdsy. TK. conSscation bill paised tb. House 60 to 48. In the Senate, the resolutions of tka Mary land Legislature, protesting against the Pres ident’s usurpations, were road and ordered to be printed. The Senate confirmed the following Ma>r- Gonerala; McClellan, Fremont, Dix and Banks. The steamer Yankeo is at the Navy Yard, with a shot in her engine room. Baysrd Clark is appointed a Brigadier Gen eral, and is authorised to form a cavalry school. Official dispatches to Gen. Patterson •how that the entire blame of the disaster at Bull’s Run rests on bis disobedience. His pos itivt orders were first to engagoGen. Johnston, and that being iinpossible, to got between Johnston and Manassas; that being impossi ble, toharrass his rear, and failing in that, to repair to Washington, and form a junction with Gen. McDowell, simultaneously with Gen. Johnston's joining with Beauregard. A military force is placed at Silver Springs, Maryland, (eld Frank Blair's residence,) to protect Blair’s property there. The correspondent of the “World” says, it is believed the Southerners have abandoned the idea of crossing the Potomac, and are vig orously concentrating lower down, establish ing a line of defense between Manaasus and the lower Potomac. They are certainly de ploying large numbers from Mount Vernon, southward, and increasing their batteries on the river. Members of CoDgress are paid ofT one-fourth in gold and the balance in Treisury Notes. The Government employees are hereafter to he paid in Tressnry Notes. The Anglo-Saxon has arrived at Farther Point. She found a bottle near the Hebrides, containing information solving the fate of tho i< stCoilins Steamer Pacific. Cotton has advanced 1 to 1. Gsn. Scott. Tha New York Tribune of the 27th of July says; We print in another place an interesting article from the Times, vindicating General Soolt, eo far ae he chooses to be vindicated, from complicity ia the disaster at Bull Run Ou the points presented, that vindication, if any were needed, ie complete. There are oome additional considerations that might be submitted at another ti whiob would be utterly out of place now.— Qeneral Scott is now the sheet anchor of the Republio, and everything that strengthens him strengthens the Nation. There can be no remaining doubt that he was right in the premises in choosing to postpone an advance, and that we who differed from him were de plorably wrong. Let every thought of dis* trust be banished, while we rally around the glorious old Chief and save the Union. Haudcufla for the South. The Richmond Dispatch truly says that the Southern press should keep before the people of the South and of the world the astounding and unparalleled fact that the army which ic- vadsdVirginia brought with them thirty thous and handcuffs, which were.taken with the oth er spoils from the enemy ! This surpasses all that we have ever beard of Russian or Austri an despotism. It is almost impossible to re alise that, in the United States, boasting itself as the freeeet and the most civilized of all na tions, the most deliberate, inhuman and atro cious plan should have been formed to degrade and enslave a free people of whioh there is any reoord in this or any other age. Who ev er heard, even in despotio Europe, of any in vading army traveling with thirty thousand handcuffs ae a part of its equipments 7 Office Supieimtiediet W. A A. R. R. \ July 23d, 1801. / The solioitude about friends who were in the great battle at Manassas Junction on the 21st nit., will cause meny in Georgia and Alaba ma to hurry to the place. For their benefit 1 will Elate that if they go by the Virginia route they should leave Montgomery by the morn ing train—leave Atlanta by the 7 P. M. train on this Road—the connection by this train is close, going through from Atlanta to Richmond in about fifty-dhree hours. 1 will further state that if tbo East Tenues see Roads are short of Cars this Road will help them to es many Care as may be needed in the emergency. JOHN W. LEWIS, Superintendent. SPECIAL NOTICE* cash exclusively. Owing to the state of the times, scarcity of stock, Ac., we are necessarily compelled for the present to edopt this svstem, and trust our friends will appreciate Ibis and no one will k for credit. We have now in store a good stock of Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, and Findings, which we will aell at the lowest market prices for CASH. As we are anxious to our Books as soon a* possible, we would respectfully esk those having unsettled accounts with us for last year, and previous to 1st July, to call and settle, either by note or ceab. DIMICK, WILSON A CO. Atlanta, Aug. 7-lm uimvillk, August .6 —Two of Rossesu'l privates were struggling among their former companions on the levee. One drew hie pis tol, when a small by-stander made him awal- a tooth or two, (struck biin in the mouth.) The only regretable injury done was to E. D. Crutchfield, Eiq , a well known and respecta ble man in the community. When the contest became animated. Crutch field hurrahed for Jeff. Davia, eotto voce. He was insulted and threatened, when he h rahed for Davis again. Pistols were drawn, but his friends prevented any injury to him at the time. He then came into the city, and waa alone the reception room of the Galt House, when a party of five, led by Tom Salvage, well known in political circles here, assailed him. Crutchfield fired once—probably twice—aad wounded Salvage in the breast. Six shots were fired—four or five by Salvage’s friends— one taking effect in Salvage's arm, and one in groin. The last will probably prove fatal—at least it will takeaway his manliness. Crutchfield received a blow from the ham mer o f a pistol, putting out his left eye. Oth erwise be is not seriously injured. The election ie one-sided- the Soulheruers not generally voting. Wasbixcitom, August G —General Butler in a letter to the Secretary of War, says, that, in drawing the forces from Fortress Monroe, his schemes for capturing a large number of slaves is interfered with. A Fanvlr Spr.—The correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing from Western Virginia, says a female spy has been discov. ered in the First Kentack V Regiment. She is from Georgia, and enlisted at Cincinnati. She was delected by writing information in regard to the movements of oar troops to the enemy 8he is a member of the Knights of Golden Cir cle, says she knows the punishment of a spy is death, and is ready for her fate. She is to be sent to Columbus. A Cowardly Color*l.— A Colonel of a West ern Regiment, it is currently reported, Jelt his men ou tha field, jumped into a private car riage, drew his revolver ou the driver and commanded him to drive on, leaving behind thoso who had hired the coacb. Upon being interrogated at Fairfax as to where his regi ment was, the brave Colonel informed his friend that he supposed they had “all gone to h—1. Gen. 8cott is pained beyond description at the conduct of the officers in command of our forces'— Washington Star. Resignation*— Judge A. B. Clitherall, of Al abama, Register of the Treasury, resigned his office on Saturday. Horse Thibvss—The Federal soldiers, who seised all the horses and vehicles in their reach to “facilitate their retreat” from Man assas. C AT JUNGS. J J. HARMAN respectfully announces to e hia former visitors, and the publio gen erally a that ha baa entered into a co-partner ship with Mr. J. S. NrcaoLs, of Savaqnsh, Go., (or the ensuing season at this Celebrated watering place. Thaukfdl'fcr Ike patronage heretofore ex tended to niaa, be would solicit a continuance of the same for the firm, who will endeavor, al all times, to provide for the table, bar, Ac., ev ery luxury attainable. Our cooka will be the most experienced that tho South can produce, together with an effi cient force of attentive servants. There will be an excellent BRASS and STRING BAND of superior Musicians attached to the Hotel. The medical virtues of these many and va- riad Mineral Waters are now loo well known to require an extensive description. In addi tion to the Red, White ktad Black Sulphur Springs—many of them combined with Iron and Magnesia—is an inexbaostable well of tha purest Freestone, Our accommodations are very extensive.— We have many pleasant cottages separate from the main hotel, where families can be as quiet and retired as in their own homes. Catoosa Borings are in Catoosa county, Geor gia, two ana a quarter miles from the Western A Atlantic Railroad. A fine Omnibus and good Hacks will be at the platform on the arrival of each train. The Spring* have a direct Rail road communication with Charleston, Savan nah, Augusta, Macon, Milledgeville, Columbus, Atlanta, Montgomery, Nashville and Chatte- noga. Terrs or Board: Two Dollars per day, Twelve Dollar* per week, and Thirty-Five Dol lar* per single month. Visitors who wish to engage board by the season, with their fami lies, will be boarded at Thirty Dollars per month—children and servants half price.— Thoee who wish to engage board by the season would do well to address June 7-d2ui. HARMON A NICHOLS. OKS. IRA R. FOSTER. J. L. QUEER FOSTER & QUEEN, GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ■ARIETTA STREET, Atlanta, Georgia, K EEP constantly on hand all kinds of Pro visions and Family Supplies, buy and sell all kinds of Tennessee and Country Produce; also, sell Goods consigned to the best advan tage, and render accounts of sale promptly.— Patronage respectfully solicited. A fine lot ot Pure Country Corn Whisky on hand, and for sale by FOSTER A QUEEN, may 5. 500 sacks prime Rio Coffee, 500 sacks Salt, 100 barrels New Orleans Syrup, 25 hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, 100 barrels A and B Sugar, 150 kegs English Soda, 100 boxes Do. papered, 50 bags Black Pepper, 10 bags Spice, 10 bags Ginger, 1,000 pounds Blue Stone, 3,000 pounds Copperas, 200 pounds Indigo, 25 boxes best Starch, boxes Star and Adamantine Candles, 50 boxes Southern-made Candy, 20 boxes Raisins, 200 pounds best Green Tea, 200 kegs Nails, 300 ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, —AND— General Business Agent, W ILL attend promptly to any busiuess an trusted to him. Store in Franklin Building, on Alabama street mlfi-ly BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Manufacturers and Dealers in MEN'S A BOVS CLOTH!NB, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, OLOTITa, CASSIMtKXS AND VKSTIXOS, Markham’. Iron-front Building, White hall, Street, r. n. i»rao», I ATLANTA, GEORGIA, r. «f. lEiti.o.r J April Id, 1861. i. o. McDaniel, WH0LB8ALB DEALER IE BHAIN, BACON, LABB, FLOUR, AND LCADINQ GROCERIES. BunUr Street, between Whitehall A Loyd Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April 1$, 1861. I MONTOOMKRT LITTLE, | Bhelby vllle, Tenn. POINDEXTER & LITTLE, SLAVE DEPOT, 48, IAIONNI ST11ET, . NEW ORLEANS, F OR Receiving. Forwarding and Selling, for Merchants, Planter* and Traders. Also, «pa constantly on hand a good assortment of eld Hands, Mechanics and House Servants. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., &c., FOR SALE BY A. C. WYLY & CO., Comer Peach-Tree and Walton Streets. ATLANTA, Al’G. 1, 1861. Moral Reform. T HE Temperance 8tar Society, at their reg ular meetingon THURSDAY NIGHT next, •1 Payne's Chapel, will have under considera tion an address to the public, on Moral De pravity aad its Remedies. All interested in promoting the good of soci ety, are invited to be present, aug. 6-d3t. THE SEAT OF WAH U 7ILL be published, in a few days, a full, authentic and carefully compiled MAP OF THE SEAT OF WAR! Showing the location of every important point in Virginia. The Map is now in the hands of one of the beet Lithographers in the Sonth, and will be for sale during the coming week. Size, 20x24 inches. Price, 75 cent# per single copy; three copies, $2 ; five copies, $3. A liberal discount will be made to dealers. Orders accompanied by the cosh, will meet with prompt attention. Ad dress T. A. BURKE. sugS-tf Morning News office, Savannah. FLOUR. J UST RECEIVED 8 hundred smoke ot Flour from Empire Mill,. For aala low hr n. a. McLendon. August 4-481. A BOLTINV CLOTHS : FULL SUPPLY ot tha baal Ancor brand, for aala hr F. W. LUCAS, July 17—dim. Athens, Ga. COLDHED PHOTOGRAPH*. F IRTRAIT8 taken from Lila, or oopied from Old Daguerreotypes, he., by Iho Photgraph- ie proeaaa, and ENLARGED TO ANT SIZE, from Miniature niaa up to the aim of Life. Persons haring Daguerreotypes of their de ceased reletiree and friends, now hare tha op portunity ot haring them copied k> ear nae ttey may wiah, aad painted up to the Life ja OIL OB WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the oertaiuty of gettiog *> perfect likeaaaa in erery retpeoL JW-Oellery on Whitehall Slraet, Atlanta Georgia. 0. W, DILL, Apri t. Photographer. May 13. WANTED! S OM E eitb t or ten good journyemen Hatters, to make Wool and Fur Bats. Steady employ- nient and g«>od wages. Apply to mitt. J. M. HOLBROOK, Atlanta, Ga. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, •reel, fot aprlL WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Moss and Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C„ PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE AGENTS FOR— Wrignt’s Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. may 17 doors from Alabama Street. THOMAS F. LOWE, Commission Merchant, For the purchase and sala of Western Produce, Cation, Groceries and Merchandise (cnerollj, Franklin Building, Alabama Street, ATLANTA,. GEORGIA. April 6, 1861. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAS WOBK8. A LARGE quantity for aala al tha aauai price of 121 cent per bushel. Feb. 21—dlf. J. F. WARNER, Supt BfcNAUGHT, HEARD dk CO. Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia* Wh. MoNaeorr, I j Wn. K. Baaaa. Jesse OoMoap, } marl# ] Jons Deane*. IVaiUI Nail*! IVaila 1 T HE ETOWAH MUTING A MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, looted Is Cm. om- lT, Gaorgit, »r« uow miking, ud prepared to dll Itr,e order, for toy inn all (ima of, ft Tftry lupirlor CUT NAIL. Addrata, or apply to W. ». COTHRAN. iT. - A, SHORTER, } Tra * U “" Romo. Oft., M»y 14, lMl.-mlt-Jm. HAMILTON, MARKLEY & JOYNER, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. of carrying on th. ^ In all its branches. We have lately been enabled to replA- iah the Block with about twelve hun dred gallons of va rious kinds of OILS, ALCOHOL, See. We can also now offer Gum Opium, Cream Tartar, Sulphate Quinine, Super Carb Soda, Bulpbate Morphine, Bal Soda, Gum Camphor, Sulphur, Ac., Ac., With the usual assortment of CHEMICAL#, DBIG6, Ac. We giv* notice to our easterners that the earlieet day ships can wo me into a Southern port we shall commence to IMPORT DIRECT our supplies of Foreign Drugs, Spices, Cognac Brandy, Wines, Glassware, Ac. pB* Terms strictly and invariably CASH. HAMILTON, MARKLEY A JOYNER. Juljg 27, 1861-if. Steam Tannery for Sale. T HE undersigned offers for sale thair STEAM TANNERY, situated on Decatur street, near the Rolling Mill. There are attached thirty-six Tanning Vata, Lime-House, Curry ing Shop, Drying LofU, aad Shoe Shop, with allneoeaaary Machinery and Tools. Also, on the premises, a two-story Brich House, two frame Dwellings, tWo wells, and a branch of water running through tha lot. Capitalists will find this one of the beet investments aver offered In this city. Apply, on the premise#, to McMILLAN A BELLING HATH. March 18-tf. JUST OUT! THE ONLY IMPROVED EDITION HARDEE’S RIFLE AND INFANTRY TACTICS! 2 Vol«., 24 mo., cloth platoa $2.60 2 Vola., 8ro., papar, plate# 2.00 2 Vola., 8to , paper, no platee 1.60 FOR SALE BY July 7 J. McPherson * co. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. P ARTIES writing to ue for information will pleaaa encloao tha pottage for the aaawer. Wa will cheerfully write repliee to enquiriee, hot can’t afford to pay poatega alio. Jana 7. McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. A 160 Gallons Karoaana Oil- (of light color, and odorless.) 1,000 Galloni Aloohol. 100 Bottles Chloroform. 1,000 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine. 26 Bottles Calomel. 26 Bottles Blue Maee. 1,000 Bottlee Quinine. 160 Bottle Morphine. jnly 30-tr MASSEY A LANSDELL. ora BBLB LARD OIL Just rnoeiTod on oon- OU signmont and for aala hr June I BUTLER A PETERS. SCHOOL OP THE GUIDES, O RTHS PRACTICAL SOLDIER, designed for the uee of the Militia of tha Oonfode- rate Stales—sent by mall on tha receipt of one ■‘tilar. ’ — - — Jnne I. 1. McPherson a oo. YITHIBEY I-M0 barrels Pore Corn Whisky VV in Store andfor a ate by juneU .BUTLER A PETF2B,