Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, August 07, 1861, Image 4

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f SOiTJT'HUBN / CONFEDE'H Aie Y. Hardware, Mechanical & Farming Toots, House-Furnishing («oods. i^UTLEHY and FILE8—A largo hud well y j assorted slock ft*r tale by BM MsNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. /HIAIN3—Traoe, Coil, log, Fifth, Br,wt,.nd | pGAEti.nd EDGE TOOLS of the boetwake, Ij Halter Chains, for sale by i 1 io great variety, for aalo by ui20 MoNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO, I n ' 20 MoNAUGHT, OSMOND k CO. . county Iron, all shapes and sixes, c nportation, for sale by in20 MoNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. > kern, for sale by in20 MoNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. f ^HE attention of HARDWARE merchant#, i A and others, is respectfully called to the fore- j going advertisements. We are prepared to All I orders for all goods in our line at the lowest ■ prices for Cash. MoNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. Keystone Building, raarch20 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN FURNITURE JIAtfI FACTORY AT GKAYSVIF.LE, CATOOSA COUNTY, «A. AM Manufacturing and havo constantly on hand a large atock of FURNITURE, at rny Factory at Graysville, Catoosu county, Georgia: also at my Store in McNaught, Ormond A Co.'a Brick Block, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga , where I keep an extensive nsfiorlment of GEORGIA MADE FURNITURE I i got up in the latest styles, an and finish equal to any made ported from any other eectioo Those wishing to purchase Furniture in small or large quantities, will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock and prices bef< purchasing in any other market. To those who purchaae wholesale, to tell agahi, I will say that I am prepared to fill ord. for custom made or knock down Furniture, finished or in the white wood, as low as you c purchase the same class article in any other market. If you are disposed to encourage home enterprise, give me a trial. I likewise manufacture a superior article of COTTAGE CHAIRS, Which I ain prepared to sell wholesale or rotail on as good terms as any other Factory. In addition to my stock of Furniture, at my store In Atlanta will be found all the articles usually found in a Furniture Store, such as Looking-Glasses, Mattresses, Window Shades, &c. COFFINS furnished nt shortest notice, and Undertaking promptly atteuded to. All kinds of Furniture repaired with neatness and dispatch. All orders addressed to my Agent, D. M. Young, Atlanta, or to me at tho FaMory, Graysville, Ga., will have prompt atteulion. JOHN D. GHAY. July 20, ISfll.-dly. NOW IS THE TIME TO FOSTER SOITIIER.X ENTERPRISE, FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE BOOK BINDERY. WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE it CO., ? direct public ai- > their unequalled Desire tention facilitic and prompt execution of all work in their line, from — A Small Card to the Largest Volume ! The establishment, in its various departments, Iterhup* the most complete in the whole Southern country. It is the object of the proprietors to es tablish on a permanent basis a Southern Fuiush- ins House ! thereby effectuully removing every necessity for sending North to have works issued. Thus far the enterprise has proved highly success- pnetors feel assured that the lieuetieial results of such un undertaking have yet ‘iated by our people. The several departments receive the personal tu- » firm, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron. tfS^TIIE HOOK-BIXDING DEPARTMENT Is handsomely fined up with all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch Blank-Book* ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Magaxines, &< Unmd in nuy style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. > fl^- THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete in every particular; eonstnnl additions are being made in the way of such improvements as are introduced into the Ty)»ographieal world, by which the proprietors are ena bled to furnish THl handsomest printing in the Confederated States! Everything, from n Visiting Card to u Mammoth Foster, tastefully executed in uuy style and color desired. Three oL llic.r six Presses are prope'led hy ’iTaa.M, and kept in operation day and night' Bnnk Checks, Bill Heads, Railroad Blanks, Professional Cards, Programmes, Circulars. Legal Blanks, Letter Heads, And every imaginahle variety of Priming promptly attended to at prices but a small advance ot New York rules! Printing in FANCY COLORED INKS, A N 1> WITH GOLD AND WILVKR 11UONZKH, IV TIIV U1UIIVHT STYLE OF Till AIT t pW' The Proprietor*, confident of their shiny to give entire satisfaction, solicit a share of public patronage. Orders from all parts of the country will receive their personal attention, and all work promptly forwaided j»er Express or otherwise, as may be directed. All letters should be addressed to WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE A CO. Atlanta, Ga-, 1001. | w. a. mum . ... |. y1 r ,. T. f. raaauiM. - 1; il / yA A WHOt.llSAl.K Produce Dealers, AND OSNBRAL COMMISSION MASONIC IIALL BUILDING, (Opposite Passenger Depot,) ATLANTA, Q-EO. pm- PROMPT attention -aa prn- PAID TO pm- FILLING ORDERS.- LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON THE CASH SYSTEM E—X—0—L—U—8—I—V—B—L—T ! Prices Current mailed to cuatomers weekly. Wholesale Produce House, NOW ON BAND, lard, i at r corn LARD, \ Amu, 1 CORN. LARD. J * Fleming, ( CORN MimiAIC I1AI.I,. In Store, BACON, BACON, BACON, , 1 Bonus, { ) it Fleming, ( ALL FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOIJR. ORDERS ) WILL BE FILLED, J f AT THE LOWEST [ PRICES. Barnes, dr Fleming, FOR CASH. Consignments solicited. Liberal advances made. Large Blocks kept on hand. Orders filled with dispatch. 50 Casks Bacon—to arrive. 800 Barrets Flour—to arrive. 5,000 Sacks Prime White Corn—in store. 40 Ferkin K’ga Fresh Lard—in store. General Commission Business attended to by BARNES St FLEMING, Masonic Building, March 18, 1881. Atlanta, Georgia. THE VOLUNTEERS’ MANUAL AND DRILL BOOK. 1 Vol. IHmo., 372 pp.; price 91.50. C OMPILED from the best and latest author ities for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States, by Lieut C<<! William H. Richardson, graduate and formerly assistant instructor of Tactics, Virginia Military Insti tute. Thia valuable book is a liberal abridgement of Hardee’s Tactics, including the School of the Battalion, and instructions for Skirmishers. The Balance Step and the Manual of Arms for the Musket, being introduced from GILHAM’S MANUAL. Also tbe forms of Parade for Reviews, Inspec tion, Dress Parades, Guard Mounting, Duties of Guards, duties of Csptain in Camp and Gar rison, Marches, Camps, Ac , Ac., together with Soldier's Rations, and mode of cooking them, and a few important sanitary suggestions to soldiers. A. MORRIS, Publisher. Sent bv mail on receiot of $1.70. For sale at the publisher’s price by J. McPHEKSON A CO., July 12—3m. Atlanta, (ia. Notice. I N consequence of the withdrawal of the 8teamers between Mobile and New Orle.cs, the Tnaouoa Us right Tamrr from New Or leans to Atlanta and Columbus, established in March 1881, is suspended until iurther notice GEO G HULL, SupL A. AW.P.R R. D. H CRANE, Bupt. M. A W. P. R. R. COX. BRAINARD A CO., Mobile and N. O. Steamers. june 8-dtf. N. A. MoLENDON WHOLESALE GROCER, A*D DIAL!E » FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Tobacco, Cigars, &o. f —4140— COBAN, LARD. CORN St FLOUR. JY,». 8, Cherokee Block, reach. Tree AX., Atlanta, Georgia. r J'hE attention of close Cash Buyers is re- To Bent, A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE of eix rooms, with eiosele and conveniences throughout the building, and one hundred and fitly feet of verandsh running round three sides of the house. This lovely suburban retreat is situat ed upon a beautiful sheet of water, one mile and a-halffrom the city, and presents induce ments whieh are unequalltd for a retired, f deasant and convenient location near At anta. For terms and particulars Ace. apply at this of- June2 8-tf. Bowdon Collegiate Institution, CARROLL COUNTY, GA. T HE Exercises of this Institution'Will be re- a timed on the first Monday In August, un der the oontrol of W. A. Bass, Professor ef Mathematics, Ac. A thorough course of in- strqwMon wiH be given in aii the departments. AWy 15—lm. “tt ALMON8 V. Wholesale and Keteli Dealers la FOREIGN ft DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, Corner ol Whitehall and Alabama 8ta., Atlanta. Georgia. NEW SPRING STOCK ! ON E of our firm having returned s froin Market, where he has just complet ed an extensive pur chase of our 8pring 8tork ol we take this method of advisidg the public of the same. Our stock of STAPLED FANCY GOODS were never more attractive. The supply of BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND “ SHIRTINGS, ho., is ample. Crepe V'Anglais, Barege Anglais, French Chinle, JBoiamblque, a rode Rhine, and a splendid assortment of rtatn K Fancy lit Ike, Bilk .flanfirm Duetere, Me., be found among our assortment; also, may Ladi lea* ALEXANDER KID QLO YES, SILK MliS, Ac Every variety of Ladies’ and Misses' SHOES, ired i **’ “ CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS Orders promptly attended to. 8ALMON8 A SIMMONS. Atlanta, March 28. 1861. FRESIl w HIINNICUTT, TAYLOR t JONES, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Corner Peachtree and Decatur Streets. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. H AVING unequaled facilities for the pur chase and Direct Importation of goods, th< Proprietors would respectfully call the at ten tion of Physicians, Merchants, Planters and the public generally, to their extensive new and carefully seleoted stock of DRUGS. MED ICINES, PERFUMERY. FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, 0IL8, AND DYE 8TUFF8, which they are now prepared to sell on the moat rea sonable terms for Cash or approved paper Ie addition to their stock of Staple, Drugs and Chemicals, they havo a full assortment o TOOTH, NAIL, HAIR AND PAINT BRU8II E8. DENTAL AND SURGICAL IN8TRU MENTS, Ac., Ac pEr They are also Sole Proprietors and Man ufacturera of TAYLOR’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. march 30 *61 J. H. LOVEJOY, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROL’ER, AND DEALER I Tobacco, Wine, Liqaor, Cigari, it. Oharokaa Block, Peach-Trea Street, A.tlantai. Georgia. feb25-!y CUTTING & STONE, Wholeaale and Retail Dealera in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, C ONNALLY’S Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama Street aprll. Claiut MMf Patent Agency. B moniltmgw k BROTHER offer their ■ service U Attorneys f. ,r the Proeeculioo of (’lelmetftiWyof the D.pertn.nU or tho Government of the Confederate Bwlee. tod bo- fora tho Botrd ef Claim, for Auditing Cltitn, •gain,t tho 8tato of Virginia, and for the Iran<- aotloa of any buatneee pertaining to tho Pate at Oflda. lUferaaoan glean when required. Ollne on Franklin .treat, appoaita Law ■ ‘ flSih .treat. Rich. Building, Mar tha Corner of mond, Virginia. aug I-tf. THOMAS F. LOWE, Commission Merchant, For tha purchase and sale of Western Produce, Cotton, Groceries and Merchandise generally, franklin Building, Alabama Street, ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 5, J861. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAS WORKS. A LARGE quantity for sale at the usual price ef 124 cent per bushel. Feb. 21-dtf J. F. WARNER, Supt McNAUGHT, HEAHI) A CO. Commission anil Forwarding MERCHANTS, Bey Street, Mavannah, Georgia. Wa. K. Joan Dnanaa. mu SOUTHERN iiiii mm! FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE 0 M8MflAM©i f Officeoornwrof Whitehall and AUbama streets, over Salmons h Simmons’ Dry Goods Store. SAMUEL SMITH, General Agent. VIRGINIA FtRt AMO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CHARTERED IN 1R 3 JJ. Mas a bona flde Cash Capital af $200,000 Surplus....... 75.000 T HIS long established Company insures a- gainst loss and damage by fire and tbe seas, Dwellings, Stores, Merchandise, House hold Furniture, and all kinds of insurable property on the most reasonable terms. Tbe policy of this Company has uniformly been to pay all its honest losses at once, on presentation of proof of lots. DIHECTORH , W. L Cowardin, Pres'L W. Willis, Jr., Sec’y. A. W. Parker, Joseph Allen, 0 W. Purcell, Wm. Beers, Thof. Sampson, U. A. Claiborne, J. E. Wadsworth, W. L. Cowardin, B. L. Winstoa, J. N. Gordon, J. P. Winston, J. A. I aloes, H. L. Kent, Win. Palmer. SAMUEL SMITH, Agent, Office, corner Alabama and Whitehall streets, over Salmons A Simmons Store. OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Capital, §500,000. DIRECTORS. I. Davenport, Jr., Pree C. E. Wortham, Sec’y. Gab. Wortham, John Knders, 8. M. Price, B F. Ladd, J. Stewart Walker, L. R. Spilman, P. C. Warwick, James 8. Kent, Horace P. Ednioud, J. M. Talbott, G. B. Davenport, G. W. Yance, Jos. Brumme], Wm. Brent, R H. Maury, Thii ~ John H. Greane Geo. 8. Palmer, W. 8. Triplett, 8. C. Tardy, Wm. Currie, J. R. Crenshaw, John H. Williams, Mark Downey, Thomas Jones, E. A. Smith, Robert A. Paine, R. F. Williams, W. P. Ragland, H. C. Cabell, Geo. W. Royste. DH, J. H. Nell 8THEMBTHINIH8 —AND— BLOOD Pimii TBS 0aS4.n*T BKMt] In ike World MOST DELICIOUS Delightful < or-| dial EVER TAKEN. rpifE IhoaMnda „p, A ou Uiouaauda whg are daily uainy Me-, ’Lean'a Strenythenln* Cardial, certify that it la absolutely *, edy for renovating and I«noo«iTi* 0 dlaeaaed system, purifying and eurlc storing the sick, suffering Invalid t0 HEALTH AMD STRENi There Is no mistake about It; U «r plaiat, Dyspepsia, Dlarrhosa, l)>a«Dt prsaslon of Spirits, Fever and Ague, lal Breath, or any dloease of the Liver " als. GENTLEMEN, do you wlah to and VtgorouaT law LA DIE8, do yoa want the mount to your Cheeka again 1 Then po McLean’s Htreugthenlng Cl Blood Purifier. Delay not a moment; It Is warranted tlon. U will cure any disease of or Bladder; Fainting,Obstructed of tl\e Wotuh, Barrenness, or any dl Chronic or Nervous Debility, It is an For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, be Healthy, Strong and Kobuat ? fhe Laaa's STaraoTBRXiKo Cortial, (see each bottle,) It is delicious to take. 0T One Uble-apoonful, taken evu Ing, Is a aure preventive against Chilli low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing every ■ Cadtios.—Beware of Druggist* o u*.> ..y to palm upon you a bottle of parllla, (which they cau buy cheap,) i as good. There are even men base er of my name to dub their vile decocth infamous pirates and their villainous < for Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Purifier. Take nothinr elae. It is Ui« will purify your Blood thoroughly, time, Strengthen and Invigorate then It is put up in large bottles—#1 per ties for »5. DK. J. H. McLKAN, 8c. Corner of Third and Pine 8ta, DR. MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL For Liver Complaint, Biliousness, T HERE has never been a Cathartic to the public, that list given such < as McLkam's UKivrKtfAL Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are pei and can be token by the most tender inf and powerful In removing all Bilious i or Impure, Feted Matter from the Slot they are tbe ouly Pills that should be districts. They produce no Griping, Sickness, Strnnacn or Bowels, though very activ In their operation, promoting healthy _ Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer fr< Headache, sod Foul Stomach, when ean be obtained ! Keep them cons diyl Dr. J.l ioffl Company is prepared to receive appli cations for FIRE AND MARINE IN8U. RANCE, on favorable terms. SAMUEL SMITH, Agent, Office, corner Whitehall and Alabama street#, over Salmons h Simmons' Store. INSURANCE COMPANY, VALLEY OF VIRGINIA. WINCHESTER, VA. Ca«h Capital S3HO.OOO. •• Incorporated In 1852. DIRECTORS! J. 8. Caraon, Proa't. William L. Bent, 8cc’t. John Vera, Lewie P. Hartman, Joseph 8. Carson, William Miller, Robert Steele, Wm. B. Baker. pm- Aggregate Losses paid in 8 rears end ing July 1st, 1881, SM8, This old Company insures Buildings, Mer chandise, Household Furniture, and personal property in oily, town or country on ae layor able terms ae other raeponaible Companies. Apply to SAMUEL SMITH, General Insurance Agent, corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, orer Salmons A Sim mons' Dry Goods Store. months of sickness. Ask II Universal Pills. Take no other, are tostelcn. Price only 25 cents per . sent by mall to any part of the United 81 J. II. McLEAN, 8,.le ' Corner of Third and Pine Sts., Bt.| Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic ment. 771 s Rest External in Vis World, for T HOU8AND8 of human beings lav of decrepitude and misery, by thi uable Liniment. It will relieve Pain atmo* ly, and It will cleanse, purify tnd heal ■ In an incredible short time. McLiai’s \ Liximxmt will relieve the most Inveterateci matlsra, Gout, or Neuralgia. For Par.lysd Muaclea, Stiffness or Weakness in the Joi Ligaments, It will never fail. Two appilcatl Sore Throat, Headache, or Earache. Scalds, or any Pain, It is an InfalJiablen and you will find it an IndirpenrJWe r always on hand. Planters, Farmers, or sny one having ck es, will save money by using McLean’s vol Intent. It Is a speedy and infallible < Sprains, Chafes, Swelling, Lameness, Wounds, Scratches, or any external d and you will be convinced. J. II. McLEAN, Sole PH March 7, lS«l-dAwly. Salnt| MET' For sale in Atlanta by G. HAMILTON,and by MASSEY A J and Dealers everywhere. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital Authorised $500,000 Cuah and Surplus, 1st May, 1861.. 311,850 DIRECTORS: Jo*. R. Anderxon, Willaim G. Paine, Jamea L. Apperxon, William Breeden, David J. Burr, Wm. H. Chriatian, John Dooley, L U. Glaaebrook, Lewie Ginter, Samuel J. Harrison, Roecoe B. Heath, Edward McCarthy, E. Miller, 8amuel Putney, John Purcell, John D. Quarlea, David J. Baundera, Wm. MoNadomt, Jamib OanoMD, mar 20 Nails! Nails! Nails! T HE ETOWAH MINING k MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, Ioc.UmI in Dm emit- ty, Georgia, are now making, and prepared to fill large orders for any and all aixea of, a very auperior CUT NAIL. Addreea. or apply to W. 8. COTHRAN, | A. SHORTER, } Tru »*«*«- Rome. Oa., May 24, 1861 -m26-3m MARSHALL HOUSE. BY WM. COOLIDOB, SAVANNAH, QEOAQIA. March II, IMl-tt Franklin Stctrna, John C. Sinton, Ed. H. Sklnkar, timrgo G. Sumner, Thoa. Taylor, Jr., William 0. Taylor, Garrett F. Wataon. A. PLEASANT, President. John II., Secretary. Thia favorite Insurance Company continue# to ineure, both in town nnd country, ell kind# of Insurable property on the moat favorable terms ; also, Marine Insurance. SAMUEL SMITH, Agent, Corcer Whitehall nnd Alabama Blreati, Over Salmons A Simmons’ Dry Goode Store. ALABAMA INSURANCE COMPANY, MONTGOMERY. CAPITAL $306,604. and paying IU loeaea, baa gained a reputa tion which haa placed it among the Aral claaa of Insurance Com panic# in the country. It in- aurea all kinda of inanraUn property on the moat favorable term#. K. II. Metcalf, 8oe*j. Wm. C. Bibb, Preadeat. 8. L. Arrington, J. If. William#, Wad# Ka John A. Elmore. S B. OATMAX, proprietor, • Italian, American and E01’ u ,7 Monument#, Totnbd, Tablet*, ilei Btonea, Urna, Vaaea, Marble an Slate Mantcla, Statuary Figure*, i ing Marble of all deacripLon*. Alwaya on hand a fine menta, both PiaiQ *ad Carved, of ali| pricea to anit. _ Call and aeo apecimena, at Ware * Yard, oppoaite Georgia Railroad I *' tabJ5-tL ICE-CREAM SALC T HE aubacriber haa fitted a i in connection with hia Luof« Whitehall atreet, where La<lio«»u may procure a flrat-rate article of I of patronage ia aolicitci May 24. F M. JACK Eulogy on Governor BY HENRY R. JACK801 Thia eloquent Addresa, upon th| Publio Bervicea of Gor. Caxa. J. ^ delivered by lion. Uenrv R. Jacl*® etta, Georgia, on the 2Gih of April ready for aale. It ia a finoly | of ihirty-aix page#. Price: Single Copy 25 cts ,* or 1 dred. Addreae, WOOD, HANLEITER. RICS june 8-dlw. Publiabera, Atlaj F. M. Gilmer, D. A. Clark, Wm. H. Rivet, J. D. Uotchaaon, •rom, . Elmo SAMUEL SMITH, Ajeut, k Ain k Simmons’ Dry Office, corner nl k AJnfcnaa i over 8.1 moo. k Simmon.’ Dry Oond. July 11—1C ( VHINA, Glue, 8ilver, rieted J Parian Figere., Keroeine Lna sticks, Te. True, T.ble Meta, Shades, T.ble Cutlnry, *«., *•, CHEAP FOX CAS# White Granite nnd common wholesale, at Cb.rise ton pnow, ' •He Beeoh k Root’., Whlwh^l r** A tlaota, April Id, 18*1.