Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, September 18, 1861, Image 3

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ffluthrta Gtonfrtarg 40** Largest C ity Circulation! -®g WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1861. The Revival at Wesley Chapel. , The good work still progresses, and the meeting will be continued every night this week. Nearly twenty have joined the Church * and about thirty-five conversions have taken place, while the exercises are of the most deeply interesting character. The house is always crowded. Appointments of Prof. H. H. Tucker. Prof. Tucker, of Mercer University, General Agent for “Georgia Hospital A Relief Society,’ will address the citizens of DeKalb, Fulton, Coweta, Troup, Harris, Talbot, Meriwether, Fayette and Clayton counties at the following times and places respectively, to-wit: At LaGrangeWednesday, “ 18th. ~ At Hamilton Saturday, “ 21st. At Talbotton Monday, “ 23d. At Greenville Wednesday, “ 25th. At Fayetteville Friday, “ 27th. At Jonesboro’...Saturday, “ 28th. Prof. Tucker having been an eye-witness at Manassas, and elsewhere in Virginia of the scenes which he will describe, can give relia ble information on subjects of great interest, and of the utmost importance to the people of the Confederate States, especially to those who have friends in the army or about to join it. The public, end especially the ladies, are re spectfully invited to attend. War I War! The Companies tendered to the Confederate Regiment of Col. J. W. 11. Underwood having failed to rendezvous at the time appointed, F will now enter camps one at a time as they get ready, and will be put in drill and mus tered in as they arrive. All expenses will be paid by the Confeder ate Government after their arrival at Griffin, Georgia, and Conductors on Rail Roads will charge the transportation to the Government. Arms will be furnished at an early date, and full companies who choose to vote for the gentlemen who hold the orders and instructions of ths War Department, will be received as fast as they come. ts. • Coast Defence. SEPTEMBER 7th, 1861. The undersigned have just returned from the Seat of War, for the purpose of aiding in the coast defence during the winter. We pro pose to raise a regiment for that purpose, should we be needed; and, if not needed on the coast, for such field of action as the pub lic exigencies may demand. Companies wishing to join this regiment, will make application to the undersigned at once, as the regiment will be organized at an early day. R. J. COWART, fleptll-tf. E.P. WATKINS. The Wright Legion. The camping grounds of this Legion have been laid off in Kirkpatrick’s Grove, about four miles from this city, and the tents, camp equip age and subsistance for the troops are already on the grounds. The tents for one Company were pitched yesterday. Several other Compa nies are expected to arrive on Friday and Satur day. This Legion, it should be remembered, have a certain guarantee of arms. 4 a< sr - . jar Persons who have subscribed, or who wish to subscribe, to the Georgia Relief and Hospital Association, are requested to hand their funds, or subscription, to Hon. Wm. Ez sard, Rev. J. L. Rogers, and Gen. Jno. H. Rice, or either of them—these gentlemen being the Committee appointed to receive contributions in aid of said Association. .• e . The Sequestration Art. We publish, this morning, the retaliation < act of Congress. Let everybody read-it, and see what his duties are. Congressional. Hon. John A. Jones, of Polk, is announced in our columns this morning, as a candidate for Congress. We also publish the counties composing each Congressional District in the State. Let the people consult them, and bring out, in each District, their best men, regardless of all past party distinctions. It is time this matter was looked after. There it la! Where 7 Why, at the corner of Hunter and Forsyth streets. Don’t fail to read Mr. Gard ner’s advertisement this morning. He'll treat you right. Try him. Insane. On Monday night last, a gentleman passed through here from Fannin county, with an in sane man named Madison Painter, whom he was carrying to the Insane Asylum. He was secured with a chain around his neck. His mind had been diseased about four years. Sraan-tau Rvmor.— A soldier who came up from Fort Pulaski last night reports that an engagement between the Lincoln fleet and the » Fori at Port Royal, commenced Monday after noon and continued through the whole of yes terday. The guns were distinctly heard from Fort Pulaski. -SawiniaA Republican, ofyester day. A similar rumor reached here yesterday, and we should not be surprised. •♦• - - ——- -■ Telegraphing. We find the following dispatches in the “In teUageneer * of yesterday morning: •• wXaataetOM, Sept, 15 Several petitions have been received from New York and Phil adelphia, demanding the auppreesion of the , orreepoudence of Russell in the New York Timeo.** •’ Mct'ieUau ha* visited the bank*.' We pay the »*•* agency and the telegraph company for us exactly the tame news it sends the “ Intelligencerbut we were not furnished with the forogoiag. We received a dtapateb from Washington, announcing that SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. petitions from New York and Philadelphia had been received in Washington, asking the ex pulsion from the country of Russell, the Lon don Times’ correspondent; and another dis patch, announcing that Gen McClellan had visited Gen. Banks. We think the telegraph company treated us rather shabbily! We hope they will do better hereafter ! It may be, however, that the telegraph com pany did not furnish the dispatches quoted to the “Intelligencer.” We by no means insinu ate that that journal manufactured the said dis patches. We only suggest the possibility of such a thing. Died, In this city, on the 14th instant, Lessie Pope, daughter of J. Hill and Lessie Pope Davis. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. FIRST DISTRICT. Appling, Glynn, Bryan, Liberty, Bulloch, Mclntosh, Chatham, Montgomery, Camden, Pierce, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch, Telfair, Coffee, Tatnall, Effingham, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne. SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Lee, Brooks, Lowndes, Calhoun, Mitchell, Clay, Miller, Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, Decatur, Thomas, Dougherty, Wilcox, Early, Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTICT. Chattahoochee, Stewart, Harris, Sumter, Muscogee, Schley, Marion, Taylor, Macon, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Bibb, Lawrens, Baldwin, Putnam,- Crawford, Pulaski, Jones, Twiggs, Jasper, Wilkinson. Houston, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Columbia, Richmond, Glasscock, Warren, Hancock, Wilkes, Jefferson, Washington. Johnson, SIXTH DISTRICT. Clarke, Morgan, Elbert, Newton, Franklin, Oglethorpe, Greene, Taliaferro, Hart, Walton, Madison, Jackson. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Butts, Monroe, Clayton, Pike, Fayette, Spalding, Henry, Troup, Meriwether, Upson. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fulton, Carroll, Haralson, Coweta, Heard, Cobb, Paulding, DeKalb, Polk. NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lumpkin, Cherokee, Milton, Dawson, Pickens, Forsyth, Rabun, Gwinnett, Towns, Habersham. Union, Hall, White. TENTH DISTRICT. Cass, Gordon, Catoosa, Gilmer, Chattooga, Murray, Dade, Walker, Fannin, Whitfield. Floyd, special Notices. are * ut horized to announce the name of Hon. JOHN A. JONES of Polk, as a candidate to represent the Bth Congrem’onal District in the next Con federate Congress. His record is before the country, and by that he is willing to be judged. Sept. 18—tde To t * ie Voters of the 39th Sen atorial District, consisting of the counties of Cherokee, Milton and Forsyth: Being an old resident of the latter county and a citizen of said District, I take this method of announcing myself a candidate for the Senate of said District at the ensuing election. Sept. 14-tde. JOHN T. EZZARD. we are authorized to announce the name of Colonel L. J. GAR TRELL as a candidate to represent this (the Eighth) District in the Confederate Congress. Septi S-tde. To ttie Voter* of Fulton Coun- H3r***3A ty : Seeing there is yet a vacancy for Representative from your county in the next Legislature, I have concluded to place my name before you as a candidate to fill that vacancy. COLUMBUS A. PITTS. Atlant*, Sept, 12-tde. To the Voter* of Fulton County : I announce myself a candidate for your suffrages, to represent Ful ton county in the House of Representatives of the next Legislature. J. J. THRASHER, Atlanta, Sept ll tde. To the Voters of Cobb. Fulton and Clayton Co untie*: As the time for the election of members to the State Leg islature approaches, and there seems to be no one enough Interested in the subject to bring it positively before the public—nearly all eyes being attracted toward* the battlefield—and being physically unable to enter upon the ac tive duties of the soldier, and being further unwilling to allow the great events of the pres ent struggle to pa*« by without taking sons* humble part therein, I have concluded that the demands of patriotism would, in some de gree, be subserved by volunteering my service* for the humble dulie* «f civil life, and, there fore, place my name before you a* a candidate for Senator of the District composed of the counties of Cobb, Fulton and Clayton. Aug. 28-tde GREEN B. HAYGOOD. | BY TELEGRAPH ) FOR THE “ SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY.’’ Richmond, Sept 16—Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, has resigned, and it is un derstood to day that Attorney-General Benja min will attend tempcrarily to the duties of the War Department. Several names have been mentioned as successors to Gen. Walker, and among them Bishop Polk and others. The Norfolk Day Book of Saturday reports a naval engagement on James River on the 13th inst. The Confederate steamer Patrick Henry dropped down the river near Newport News, for the purpose of using the Federal vessels, Savannah, a large aloop-of-war, and the gun boat Daylight, as targets, to try the range of her guns. The Patrick Henry opened fire and the Fed eralists replied. The Daylight advanced, when she received a broadside which forced her to retreat. Advancing again, she was met in like man ner, and again forced to retreat. The engage ment lasted half an hour, and was only dis continued when it was dark, and the Patrick Henry retired out of James River. Passengers by the cars to-night report that a sharp engagement took place on Friday last near Arlington Heights. A detachment of the Washington Artillery and a portion es Win der's Regiment attacked Hall’s house, and burnt it. The Federal loss was four killed, and many wounded. On the Confederate side there was none injured. The Fairfax Court House correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch, under date of Sept. 12, says that an action took place on the 14th instant, near Munson’s Hill, in which the Washington Artillery, with two rifled cannon and two howitzers, supported by three compa nies of infantry from Kemper’s regiment of Artillery and Infantry, did great execution.— The Federals were in strong force, but were panic stricken, and fled, leaving their guns, hats, haversacks and coats. The Confederates were 400 strong, and the Federals nearly 4,000. None of the Confederates were hurt, but the Federalists suffered severely. The steamer California goes to Mobile on Tuesday morning. Communication with Mobile, it is appre hended, will not be cut off on the withdrawal of the Confederate troops from Ship Island. The New York Herald of Friday last gives a circumstantial account of the total loss of the steamer Sumter, on the Island of Trindad, on the 20th of August last. It says that one of the crew, who deserted, says that the vessel was probably intentionally wrecked by a dis satisfied crew. The Herald urgently calls on Gen. Dix to de clare martial law throughout Maryland. St. Louis, Sept 16.—F. P. Blair, Jr., is order ed to report himself under arrest, on a gen eral charge of using disrespectful language when attending his superior officer. Gov. Jackson publicly announces his inten tion to move his camp to Lexington, which is now doubtless in possession of Gen. Price. Whether the Legislature, which adjourned iu May last, to meet again to-day, be ready to proceed to business cannot be ascertained. Louisvillk, Sept. 17.—Gen. ZMlicoffer is 14 miles in Kentucky, strongly posted at Cum berland Ferry, and Log Mountain heights. Rustin’s bill is again postponed. Nzw York, September 16.—Four vessels were seized to-day. Seven Southerners were arrested to-day on board the Citv of Manchester. Nothing treas onable was found about them, and they were released. Mr. McMasters, the editor of the Freeman’s Journal, was, and lodged in Fort LaFayette. Mobile, Sept. 17.—8 y request of the Govern or of Albama, the banks here suspended spe cie paymeuts, and take on deposit and pay ments of debts Confederate notes at par. Washington, Sept. 16.—The proclamation of the Captain General of Cuba regarding ships bearing the Codfederate flag, occupies the at tention of the Cabinet. A schooner run the blockade at Galveston from Vera Cruz, having a cargo of coffee. Capt. Morris of the British Navy at Port Roy al says : “We are ordered to observe a strict neu trality, and if the Confederate steamer Sumter was to come here to-morrow, she would receive the same attention paid to U. S ships.’’ A Frenchman who deseited from the Confed erate steamer Yorktown, (on York River near Fortress Monroe) says she is iron plated to pro tect her sides and upper machinery. Darnkstown, Montgomery county, Md., Sep tember 16.—The Confederates attacked the Federal picket* opposite Pritchard’* Mills, and were repulsed. Eight of them are reported killed. Federal loss, one killed. R chmond, Sept. 17.—The Enquirer to mor row morning will publish a letter from Lees burg, West Va., stating that Floyd and Loring had surrounded Cox yesterday, and a fight was expected to day. Notice! ALL persons indebted to the undersigned are earnestly solicited to make immediate payment, as I will, in a short time, leave for ■ the war, and am desirous of closing out my i book* before leaving. Beplß-tf. W. W. DURHAM. M. D. Attention, Soldier*! SWORD and Pistol Belts, Camp Chairs and Stools, Enameled Oil Cloth. sutUb e forsol ; diers’ wrappers; also. MILITARY' CAP ; FRONTS. STRAPS, and SWEATS, made toor i ! der, by applying at H. B. GARDNER’S Carriage Factory. Corner Hunter and Forsyth Street*. Atlanta, Georgia. . j Also, all sizes Packing Baxes, as cheap a* the cheapest Carriage work done at the usu- I •1 SeplS-lm. I | Lost : 1 ’ ON Friday the 30th of August, on the w*v to Mr Lamar’s residence, in DeKalb, * ■ • I pair of gold framed spectacles. The finder i , ♦ will confer a favor by leaving them with Dr. I > Thompson, at the Atlanta Hotel. JAMES C. PATTERSON. SeplT-lt LIST OF LETTERS ■ (Published in the Paper having the Lar gest Circulation,) REMAINING in the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, September 15th, 1861: A. Austin, Mrs 51 Austin, R Awtrey, C Anfoux, Dr T Atkinson, B Adams, J Alexander, G S 2 Abels, A J B. Brown, R F Batchelor, P Brewer, Mrs E Bell, Mrs 51 Brown, W P 4 Beaty, WII Blackman, Airs H Beaty, J IV Brown, G S Bennett, J A Branch, D W Baumann, F T Brown, J Baker, Miss 51 J Brown, 51rs M A Bennett, B F Brantly, G B Barker, S G Bolling, J Ballard, Mrs S A Bruce, Mrs E Bennett, T R Bowie, slrs N E Barnes, A Bale, Wm Bently, J W Brown, G P C. Crawford, 51 Camp, Mrs M J Croull, ELD Cash. W 51 Clark, F N Chapman, A 51 Couturier, J R Cason, T Colley, D 2 Carroll, Mrs E Coper & Wells, sless Carter, W B Cobb, R Campbell, Mrs 51 A Christian, VV P Carns, J Childers, J A D Camp, J B Calwell, E C Cain, M Carter, R L Carmichael, J D. Daniel, Miss E T Darby, 51rs A Davis, slrs A E 2 Davaul, Mrs Hsl Devenport, Dr Dasher, Mrs 51 A Degnan, Alias L Dulleay, M E. Edmonds, J VV Ellis, J M Elliott, Mrs L Ellsworth, John Ellson, John Eure, J H F. Fudge, R R Ferrell, S Flourney, Mrs A E Fain, sliss 51 E Foster, J W Ferrill, J 0 Frederick, J Ferguson, W H G. Geesling, Miss 51 Green, slr Goings, D 3 Gridea, L C Goss, N II Gresham, W M Gudman, 51 T Griffin, Miss M Godsen, John Gates, J C Grady, 51 B 2 11. Hughes, C C 2 Hamilton, Miss 51 2 Holcomb, J C Henderson, II Holon, Airs Al Head, R 51 Humphries, N N Harvey, Wm Hollis, slrs S C Henderson, H W Holland, Miss M Harris, F Hopson, J S Harper, E Harrice, Mias 51 Hendricks, slrs E Harwell, C P Hester, E P Hall, John 3 Hill, R Hamilton, J Holland, Miss 51 J Harvey, D Hearn, Airs Al E J. Jones, D A Johnson, J A W Jones, B F Johns, W 51 Jones, L 51 Johnson, G VV Johns, Mise M Jackson, D H Jones, slrs S E James, W M Johnson, Airs N B Jackson, T Al K. Keel, A J 3 Kerns, W B Kershaw, John L. Lee, J F Langford, J C Lee, John Lovin, Wm C Land, J L M. Aloore, Thomas Mann, W R Alyers, Miss S 2 Mallett, Airs E Alurphey, Aire O A Alason, John Monague, G Mattocks, J A Morris, G VV Meyar, Airs A S Alartin Alias E Mabra, M Mahaley, D Mayer, Mies Al Me. McMillen, Wm H McKinnie, R McMillen, D McCraken, Alias J McGinice, G McNabb, M 2 McDuffee, D McMillan, R McDuffee, Airs M T Mclntyre, H R McHand, Thomas MoCaudlasa, Mrs S A MDoonald, G McGhee, Alias S N. Noble, S Nash, J N P. Powell, J Plaster, J VV Pharr, Mia* M G Pike, Mias J E Poole, T A Parker, Sarah Poujand, Mrs M M Payne, R Poole, Alias M Patterson, C D Pope, T T Payne, Mrs L M Polk, W J Prioleau, T G R. Reese, Mrs S C Bautin,jVVm M Rice, Mrs N Ray, C Randola, Miss 8 A Robertson, Mrs R S Rapp. A Rice & Crussell, Mess Ray, Mrs N H Richardson, John Ray, G Ruthterford, M V A S. Sewell. N Smith, Mrs C E Scott, Wm B Smith, S Seals, A B Smith, Miss S Sewell, Mm 8 Smith, L J J R Settles, A G Stuard, Wm Solomons, M J Stubbs, Miss 8 Smith E Sharp, Miss M E Smith, J 2 Shipley, Miss E Smith, H A Shinn, R Smith, VV H Sharpton, D Smith, J D Stanford, Miss M J Sprewell, VV E Shipley, J S T. Tanner, J R Turner, Mrs M E Turner, J D Thompson, Miss E Tucker, Mrs E R Thornton, V Turner, Mrs FN E Thrower, T L VV. Weaver, Mrs M C Williamson, James Wells, Miss M J Wiggins, J West, C J Wilmot, D 11 Webster, R Wingate, P Watkins. Wm VV Wood, Alias S Williams, .1 H Woodruff, Mrs M A Wilson, J W White, Miss H H Wilson, P G White J A Wells, Mrs M J Wadsworth, M C Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say they are “ Advertised.” 1 Sept. 18th.T. C. HOWARD, P. M. Isoot: ON Sunday morning, the 15th instant, on Peach-tree Street, a CAMEO BROOCH— The finder will be suitably rewarded by leav ing the same at the store of PEASE A DAVIS, Winship’s iron front building, sept. 17-dtf. Peach-tree Street. I Wl—3oo barrel* Pure Corn Whisky | » » in Store andfor s ale by | )un«l9 .BUTLER A PETERS, B R I Nr , , —OFFER FOR SALE,— Q O FOR CASH ONLY, MILITARY GOODS, OF ALL KINDS. Cloth for Uniforms for Soldiers, Hickory for Soldiers’ Shirts, Military Buttons, Brass Buckles for Soldiers’ Belts, Uniforms for Soldiers “ready-made,” Osnaburgs, Cotton Bats, Blue and Grey Cloth for Officers’ Uniforms, Linsey Shirts and Hickory Shirts ready-made, Salicias, Cambrics and Canvass, Colored Blankets, Bed Blankets, Machine Flax Thread, ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF WINTER CLOTHING, FOR CIA'ILIANS, Which we offer at Wholesale or Retail for CAISXX OJNTH.Y. W. F. HERRING & CO. ATLANTA, SEPT. 10—Im. PHILANDER J. PEASE, LUCIENS B, DAVIS. PEASE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, In Winship’s Iron Front Building, Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Ga. Have on hand and for sale LOW FOR CASH: 500 Sacks Salt, 2,000 lbs. pure White Lead in Oil, Also Chrome Green in Oil, Black Paint dry, Whiting, 50 Kegs Nails, Tobacco and Snufi, Cigars, Tea and Coflee, Crushed Sugars, Rice, Meal and Flour, Butter and Lard, Syrup and Molasses, V inegar, Neat’s-foot Oil, Camphine, and Spirits Turpentine, And many other articles too numerous to mention. Aug. 25—Im. A Bargrain Offered in Iron. THE ROME RAILROAD COMPANY have about 200 TON of OLD FLAT RAIL ROAD IRON for sale, and will deliver at Kingston or Rome any quantity not less than 1,000 lbs. to purchasers, at 2Jc. per lb., cash. This Iron has been tried in the Blacksmith Shops, and found to work well, and suited for ordinary plantation purposes. W. 8. COTHRAN, Sup’t R. R. R. Rome, Ga., Aug. 23, 1861. aug. 25-2 m House Wanted. THE advertiser wishes to rent a neat Cottage House, with some six or eight rooms, hav ing garden, lot and stable, and good water.— Apply at the Reading-Room of the “Confed eracy ’* office, or address A. B. C., through the Postoffice, stating locality, terms, Ac. A promt and careful tenant can be had if a suitable house is offered. Sep.B-tf HAVING secured the services of Dr. H. Warmouth, a graduate of several French and German schools of Ph arm -cy.our Prescrip tion and Chemical Departments will be under his entire control. Pharmaceutical Chemicals and preparations can be furnished at short notice. july 30-ts MASSEY A LANSDELL. TURNIP SEED. HAVING just received a large and carefully selected lot of Turnip Seed, we can furn ish orders for any quantity. Seeds reliable. july 30-ts MASSEY A LANSDELL. BBLS LARD OIL just received on con- O V signment and for sale by jane 1 BUTLER A PETERfI. GEN. IRA R. FOSTER, - - J. L. QUEEN, - - N. R. FOWLER. N jE W JF I R M. FOSTER, QUEEN & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND all kinds of Provisions and Family Supplies; buy and sell all kinds of Tennessee and Country i Produce; sell Goods consigned to the best ad* ; vantage, and render accounts of sale prompt ly. Patronage respectfully solicited. Sept 11—t5may’62 LARD ILARD! 250 KEGS NO. 1 LEAF LARD, FOR SALE BY w. r. McEntire, Aug. 23—ts. Successor to Daniel A McEntire. Army Blankets. E are now prepared to furnish over SIX THOUSAND LINED ARMY BLANKETS, as heavy, and much more durable, than the best Blankets. Sizes, 69 by 60 and 70 by 60. Orders solicited. Address JAMES G. BAILIE A BROTHER, 205 Broad-Street, Augusta, Ga. Aug 18d6w4 LATEST DISPATCH. TAX! TAX! TAX! THE Books are now open for collecting State and County Tax for Fulton County. I can bo found at Woodruff’s Carriage Repository (opposite the Georgia Rail Road Bank Agency) during the business hours of Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week up to the Ist of No vember next. A. J. COLLIER, Sept. 3, 1861. Tax Collector. Im Brass Band Wanted. COL. JOHN W. H. UNDERWOOD is desirous of securing a competent BRASS BAND for his regiment, which encamps at Griffin, Georgia, on the sth of September. Papers printed in musical localities would confer a favor by letting this be generally known. aug. 31-dtf. Attention, School Teachers. THE Board of Education for Fulton county will meet at the City Hall in Atlanta at 10 o’clock A. M., each Saturday in the month of October next, to examine teachers. Those that have not been examined will please take no tice, and attend for examination, if they wish to draw any of the public school funds. WM. WATKINS, aug27-lm Pres’t Board Education. FOR CASH! i ,000,000 m SBS per thousand. Sent to any part of the Confederate States by express. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIPMAN, BUTLER A CO, aug24-3m Forsyth Georgia- ‘suobjesT canvassed HAMS, PRIME LEAF LARD (in kegs,) for sale low by WM. W. DANIELS, Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts Sept. 6-1 m