Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, June 10, 1863, Image 1

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BY ADAIlt & SMITH. A.tlanta, Q-oorgia^’"Wocln^sday EverLing, June 10,1863. VOLUME III -No. 103 «»>. W. ADAIR J. IIENLY .SMITH, IT,,US AND rBOPXIETOBS. ■B O.Bitlllt.U. D ,, ..jwatniMW LAKCtST DAILY CIRCULATION INTHE STATE The Southern Confederacy Office /> i WiringALL NT, noasly opposite Me A. R. ft. But ', afUz amtrmsaaef (basal Butt o'.< ’> ter riBirr fux»r.-s* ; • ceagle Salt Mauulee luting rompsuy. 1ITIDkHB No. 4. Tuc F’r. ideal ebJ Director* of tbo Georgia Sell Monulewmitt Cooptnj have declared a divideu I of eighty fire (86) pounds per iktra, at 10 < cuts per pound, Sacks, if retain*!, to be charge J at "§2 The distribution to lake place from date. dace otfc, 1863. H. U. TUOKKR, President. , A F. PLUMB, Secretary sad Treasurer, Asgsili B. PHILLIES, Geu’l Collecting sad Iiislribating Agent, juoeC lOt Atlanta Vjpctt rypes i Any parson haring any Nonpareil Type, in good condition—say from 100 to 300 pounds— can find sale for the same at this office— Scotch face preferred. We weald also pur chase a small quantity of common heal let ter— Nonpareil Bold Fees. junc7-tf Fine Domestic Liquors, 6 bbls. Estra Choice Peach Brandy ' 6-bb's EslrgChoice Apple Brandy 20 bbls. Extra Choice Cora Whiskey. On consignment end for sale by ANDEB80N, ADAIR ft CO , •junt7 fit Coambston Merchant si IftV’Oa* hundred bliss Cotton 'Yarns, eboioe numbers; Ojaabargs and OsnabtOrg sacks. For sals by PEA8E ft DAVI3, t Commission Merchants, Peachtree st. junto 5t „ ■, i t . i . Situation Wanted. A young gentleman, (Georgian), who is ex empt from conscription, has bad some expe rience in the mercantile basin ess, can give good', desiree a sitaation. Immediate communication staling full par ticulars will receive prompt attention, from OMEGA, june0-4t* Bus 133, Knoxville, Tenn. 1 Blockade. Atlah ta, Jane 9, 1863. We now offer for sale the following blockade goods in 6rst hands t Surgeon Needles. 3.000 yards Adbesire Plaster. 800 pair Ladies' sod Misses’ English Gait ers. Muslin, Lawns, and Prints. Toilst Soap, Hosiery, dec. Corns one, come all and bay. PEASE & DAVIS, Commission Merchants, June9-4t Peach-Tree Street. SOUTHEEN CONFEDEEAOY ATLANTA GEORGIA: WEDNESDAY EVENING. ‘UNE 10, 186C A Boom Wanted. A room, without board, famished for a ibauiber, is desired by a gentleman; location to be on the North side of the Railroad—Ma rietta prefurred. An unfurnished rooi£ .would be taken, if a tuvaiehed oae cannot be comcuii.ully obtaiaeJ. Apply at this office, i juai 10 tf ftollce ta Adverllsrrs. fforrons at a distance wilt be aide, to ascertain the prr-pci untouin of Disney to lead wtlli their advertise ments, by counting IS cents fur every line, (Of 8 words) always msklag altewanee far spare fakes by display where metier is Ialendcd (or Ike regular advertising columns: and counting *5 cants pe- line (of S words) if the emitter is defended to appear in our local reading column.' Tlie rates are the same for each insertion. ] Send the money with advertisements, and they wit} be attended to. tf To Advertisers. Advertiser* will oblige » by banging In their sards each day by 11 o’clock, as ur as possible. Tkay wilt theaalwaye appear In our evening edition. A greet many advertisements are orengbt 'r -a the evening or at night, and it frequently so happen^ that we are utterly unable ta get them into oar mom. tog editi m. Friends, bring us your cards in the more- lug, and before 12 o’clock, as Car as you can. It will ohlige bad (oral* tbterearlr insertion. inneddL . ^ ^ Attention Peach-Tree Dragoons. You are heieby commanded to asactable on horse back at ‘Squire Smith’s Office, at * ■o'clock, P. M , on Friday, I2<b inat. D. D. HALL, td . Captain Mechanics’ Benevolent and Library As sociation. * At a regular meeting of this Association, held at the Engine House of Mechanic Fire. Co. No. 2, on Tuesday evening, Jane 9. the follow ing officer j wets elected for theenening year i JAMES TOY. President HENRY GULL ATT, Vice Presd’l.. JOHN W. KEENAN,Secretary. JAM£S GUALLATT. Treasurer. • GEORGE EDWARDS. Librarian. ’ Juna9 It Coufcdcrata Taxes. The oMcfal laetrncUiM for the eoKectlMt of IheCoa- I. derate taxes have bees bunted by Use Secretary of Ike Treasury, she District Coll ctor is required to give pabbe notlee immediately after Us appeintmeaot of his being ready to attend at socb ptacee as be may app lat oa or before the 1st day of July, 1 u 1 (accord ing to aetiele * of these in-trutiaaQ or at the time J begiaaingbusiness, sad regietrr.ln the form to be pie- seritawt by the eemmisaioner of taxes, stress account of the name aod residence of cock person, Ina or cor. poeatian engaged er interested iu the Pistons, with a etaiemeat of the time far which, aod the ptsro[ahd manntr In which the same is to be conducted, and each other fasts’ as may be reqn'site to ascertain the amount of taxes upon each business for the past or future. At the time oftuch registry the district collector ■halt collect the specific tax for the year ending Slst December, If *1. nod each other tax as may be due on salet or receipts is' such bnsineea at the time of mdt registry, and the collector shall make such registry, and give a receipt for the amount to duplicate, specify ing therein ihe separatesiy>- received as.specific fax, and tax on sales or receipts; sad one receipt he vsslj deliver to the tax peyer, and the other he will for sard to tbs State collector, as 'a ease of other receipts for taxes. . There shell be a separate registry and tax forepch bneiness, and for each place of eaadoettog the same. Let no ttx :t required for ike mere storage of goods at a p ace other than tbs registered place of bonne-* — L’pon every ehsnge In the place of cc nducting a regie terad basinets, there shall be a new registry, bnt no addH'oaal tax, and to also upon the death of any per. ducting sech business, or upon ftt transfer to another parson, there shall bee near registry in the name of the parson to c-ntlnne the bsriness, bnt no additional tax shall be required * Tbs foil wing are the occupations, trades and per sons taxed under the provisions of the fith sec I ion of the Ux act and the specific and general tax ta be col lected at the time of registry: Auctioneer* pvy a speeiic tax of 850 and a general Ux at-ti of one per cent, on gross sales of stock or securi ties for money; 2}$ per cent, on gross valae of all othrr things firorn Mth April to 80th Jnne, 1868, both days in clusive. Apothecaries 890 specific rix and 1% per cent, on rose rales. Betaken $600 specific U»—no Ux on tales. Bremen tiM specific Ux; t)£ percent, on gross sales. Broken 8280 specific tax—no Ux on antes. Batcher* and Baker* specific tax. Bowling Alley* and Billiard Boom, 840 each, to be paid by the owner. Oxhaunioa ifebehants and Commercial Brokers, 883* specific ux, and 2% per cent on all sales. . Pattis Broken, 898 specific tax, and 2% per cent, on see sates. Vi s ' , , . Cirtus, 3100 specific ta*, and fto for each exhibition, to be paid by the manager. Cbn/cctioners 85) specific Ux, and 2]£ per cent.on grew sales. Dentists, 850 specific tsx. Distillers, 8 00 specific tax, and 20 per cent, on grots ales. Distillers of Fruit, for f ) days or less, CD and 50 cenU per gallon on first ten gallons, and 82 p r gaUan on all spt iu distilled beyond that quantity. Bateh; Aral cU-.e. hotels 155 ); second class, Ions,*30,, third class, taverns, 8250; fourth elase, Bating Houses, 8100; fifth class 8t0. Jugglers and Exhibitors of Shines, |53 specific lax. Lateutre, 890 specific Ux. Liters/StoNe Keepers, 850 specific ttx- Pawnbrokers, 8200 specific Ux. Ptdlars. 8*0 specific tax, and per cent, on tiroes sal—. , . ■ Physicians, 850 specific Ux. Photographer* $50 specific tax, and per cent On ■o-s sales. Fefai’l Dealers, 820 specific lax, and 2}£ per cent, on gross sales. Betsil Dealers in Liamrs, 8133 specific tax, and.10 per cent, on grssa talcs. I’> Surgeons, 890 specific Ux. Theaters,858specific Ux, and t percent, on all re celpts. It be psid by owner of bnilding. - i ntaeuMist*, tio epecifio tax, and 2‘i'ptr cent oh gross sales. ’ Wholssale Dealers. 8200 specffic Ux, and'dJ4 per cent, on gross sales ifhalaal* Dealers in Liquor, 8230 specific Ux, and 5 per crnLon gross sales. The several peraons'atentiuned in a-tlele 18, who err required under the Ux act to nuke returns of Bales shall he required by the dietrirt collector to make furthed returns to the assessor at the end of every three months, frr-n the 1st July, 1868, of the gross amount of sales made by tliem during said quarter, and to pay the amonnt of tax which is chargeable thereon to raid collector The form for each return wifi be furnished by the coaonlasioncr ef taxes. • “ ' • * If, oa the let day of Jnlv, 1963, a commission mer chant holds in store, on acconnt of producers, or any other person, corporation or firm, any of the articles enumerated in section one of the tax act, or any of agrienUnral p-odacU of the growth or production of any year pteeeediog the year 1963, he will be required td make full return thereof to the assessor, and to pay the Ux af eight per -eentMai upon the value of such articles or products. The persons bolding such articles, whether aa owner, agen*. or fxctor, will be re quired td make thamara oml pay the Ux. 'So,'also, every parson who, as trustee, guardian, tutor, curator or committee, executor or administrator, or aa agent, attorney in fact, or factor, of -any person or persons, whether residing in the Confederate SUtes or not and every receiver In < hsneery, clerk, register or other officer of any court, chaU be answerable for the doing of a’l each ads, matters and things as shall be requir ed to be.doue In order to the assessment of the mon ey, properly .products and income under their control, and the payment of taxes thereon, and shall be fodeW nified against all aod every peraon for all payments on account ol the taxes in aa d account specified, and responsible for all taxes due from the estates, income, money or p operty in their posse ssion.or under t heir control. Attention Company. The Mechanic Fire Company (Military) are reqnaated to attend a meeting on Thursday night, llth instant, at 8 o’clock for the purpose of drill. By order of the Captain. C. C. RODE3. It • Secretary- When war is openly made open helpless women and child: en, growing crops and private sobeistvndowxd- •d, and ihie torch of ■ deelrucUon tad vertmolately ap plied, there can be no hope for the influence of httwvn- Ity to effect anything. The futeci have.already de clared the! every means af nnlyugatioa shall be. vipo- rn*Ay employed; and this is the only promise that we have reason to believe they will endeavor to moke good. Then why should we hesiixle to strike death to every negro who cornea armed against as, and every officer or man who assists or encourages snch demo- ninolerwets! It moor duly aod is demanded of ns by inaliee, and in Its performance we shall be sustained by the Me power that tame dowo upon the camp of Senacberih and demolished an entire army* to- oris night. THity, interest and necessity demand that we •ease U delay. The voice of the people, wh»re their kaowledgn en titles t'nqa t« speak, Ids never been discegardk><l by our UevernmenL Tliis revolution belongs to the peo- pie—the Oovernment or’y ratifies; nud there oam^t tmad-obtaato UiC eonrse of tile liovornwnt in rc- •gard to retaliation end a rigorous defense of onr lives and principles when the whole people, with one mighty stroke, sbsfi canse every Pisuireeiionist who pu'* his foot on our soil to come to the giii"otiu'.' Wo will he sustaioed. laws which would a man. ora nxtiou in taking the life of an enemy,in defense of his osrn.fore not worthy of reject. If a people whopwe sure t tried freedom were tr.ujyn-'Iicd l>y such laws iliey would declare for lib-rty, and defend themselves Itisfor that law whteh''reengn*res jctice In a’t eases. It Is not f.w the Government to incio a' fotinal iiian- gnrationaf this poliey. <Kli -i d proelsmalions n-e’not what wewant. ’ The proclamation which we moat need uaoutM u saclion oa the part of fie/pupil*. I Ail *:,e people rite lip in Iheit msjcxly, and pmcbi’-d to our Miemy that their invading Insurrectionists are fading liks lipe wheat before the"scythe, and as sure as elfool fol’owa caiue. ere this year shall close there will hot be a Yankee foot pflut ’om the Po*omac to the Cnlf of Mrx co - . Attention tfidettea t Yaw are hereby ordered to appear at Tallulah Engine Unites. Nj. i, on Ftiday evening at 4 o’clock, mounted lor drill. Bp order of the Captain. 2t W P. BERRY, O S. ' In retpohia to the pattiotic appeal of Hia Boaor the Mayor, and alaa in accordance seitb tcaolutiona paaaed by City Council, ike Atlanta Hook A Ladder Company, No. 1. at their regm Ur mealing, held ai the Track Houee Jane nib, oa motion, formed iheaMctrea into a Military Compiny, under ibe name of ILvtk Ltdder Uuaide, for the defease of ibe ci>y. arid elected the following officers: I. T. BANKS, Capt. N. R. FOWLER, ’.at Lieut. FRED COULTER. 2d Lieut. W. G. KNOXftO. L. - Holland, ', Co., Charleston, 3. C Wo invito the attention of merehaals every where to the card of this new Arm, recto ty eels) fished la Charleston. Tfcov srs wefi known here as respoqoibls, energetie genflemealy hosSaess men. Thatissnoagh to say about scy mtrees me house, COUSTESTSITS Fxoif a New QqxaTtK —We learnlbat socce newccuttetfeiis oi Confederate notes, of the deocmioation of 5, 10, 20 and GO dalUrg, recently put iucircaLtioa here, hivo, threugh the er.ergy of Offiojr Hicks, beejt trocei to soma of.the steamers which have lately reached this port from Nassau. Two individuals, who were found to have a quanti tity of the spurioas hills on their persons, have been arrested. The vigilant eye of the detective is now resting up -a other jarti^fl suspected of the s 'tne grave crime. The coun terfeits are tolerably well executed, and-our people will do well to be on their guard.—CA. BO. ■Mali rieipHpHII ft) conducting the war, our Osrernmsat has observed a degree of magnanimity towards the enemy which cannot foil to came np to the requirements of the strict est Christian rale. The right cheek has been indely smitten, and the left has been turned to tbe same en emy, who has net foiled to infliet donble blows. While wa have fought on the defensive, and while prisoners; of war from the enemy’s ranks have motived the most favorable treatment that we have hern able w afford which hAsibeqaenily depnVed our own wounded sol diers of comforts and attentions due them, our enemy has porsacdm widely different course. They have cor,- fcaed our citizens and soldiers in filthy hostile-, where they have been permitted to starve and freeze. In many instance# the* have been murdered in cold blood j which was merciful treatment when compared to what many who have been permitted to fiv« bare endu ed at the bands of oar mawnfMkmb foe. Ourlandkas been traversed by incendianes, private property and sacred rights bavv been violated, and tiur slaves have been stolen, armed and turned against their owners — These Inhuman crimee have been committed against us. and have been met only by soft answers for so long a time, and philanthropy and forbearance have been se tcnsrlonsly observed, all without say eoasiderafion from the esemy. except increased malignity, t-at the mo t rigid stickler for the strict observance of tbe meekest principles of Christianity, cannot foil to hold the South acquitted of any charge of rashness, if she should adept the policy of punishing, to the extent of her ability, every encroachment upon her natural rights by ber unnatural foe. We are proud to know that oar Government, after mofe than two years of bloody war prostituted natioo, and an arm* destitute of priaciple cia hold spelean hand* before the world, and show a record ol magnanimous philaothropby that aiU claim the admiration of all succeeding Christian nations While are arc gratified with the elevated moral post- Uoa which our Covet ament sustains, we have no con cept too ef any obligation, human or diviae, which-re quires a continued aobmisaien to the greas indignities which have been thrust apoa us. Indeed il would seem that if wc wcinld fartiu vbrtnc nourish the eqsirik chivalry, and cherish the principles which are the birthright of every true man; we must exercise that first, strongest and fost instinct, Which God has planted deep in tbe nstnre of every species of animat'd, creo- tnres to prompt then to seWdefeute, br the use of every means that ts pot in their power. Tmthcr delay to assert our natural rights and dignity, afid to avenge the eraekies perpetrated on] our own people, would amonnt to amsbandonraect of the great principles wb'ch give character to men and nations. What shall we lose by meeting our enemies in the manner which their contact has eslongceurteJ?— Fromrihe first of the wmr,withnfewisoUtad exceptions, the Yankees bare continually r.fused to be governed by the national rules of whr, or the common principles of civilization, except where necessity or'adrantage has prompted them. Alt their acts prove to ns coac’a- sirely tint they will continue to damage US ia every way that they dare to; nor can refolitfob. increase the Keen?,- which they hare assumed ts commit their heathenish depredations on onr country; and whils wc fight on our own soil, there is no degree of severity Our Special IKrlimonci Cot.-cspouilcttx-c- nt Ax-I *t gs-^lfu. 1- if* litatw-Blnsrt Itrti- torrad—A|e.'d,m Marnie.1 and li...k«idom C i fa- ,— Itol f r M -is sai-Vnltr ot' eorgis Tr. op*—Itriue f r. grnizitii.h- Pie.mie uf hi fine, s on the Boud Isaufig lairesuz—8 f ew Q enlat qt C-.sJit0i«»,—losmacc Changes. 1’ -cnstOhD, Jnne 6, 1863. The lain ue» • frrrn Euror.e tliexipate.v, for ever, any lingering hope lafit may have bt-en entertaiued by tbe over-crednlor? of European inter rent ton iu cue at, rifgln for independence; Eaglrnd has been agr-iuat ua einOA the'very firat gun was fired, f ,d v:ll be ag iinat us tin tbe war closes, bo <hft reat’H wbut it may.— While there urn deeper .mnlives at tbe boltam of Ih'e bes'ilily I) the Soulli which Briiuh atnte&men - ftudiously keep ''-om the public view, enough hss trmispir-i, both in nnd out of the liritinb Vorlioinent, to'eatiaty the dnil- ett i’rielle ’t nf tUc font that the game spirit of fanaticism which hra Ire informed the paople of the North, when they eel there foot on Southern soil, ‘ita devils incarnate, hat in fected the leadin'* men of EagUnd, until Ibe felt gpreitof abol'tlonhg - become ae intolerant in tbo councils of **ie Engl sh Cabinet as in tbe State Department at Waabingt-m. Front the date of my first letter ta the ConrsDEB.tCY, to the present writing, I have enterte : ned and express'd tlr’s op : r Ion. F.nglfcud ivegainst as, mi will coatinuo oo,- rntil her natural ael- fishneea may, t ,router, e-Aggeet the policy of conoi’ atinn at. 1 friendship; bat fur oil that, aha will never become the Cottou prodneor of the world. General Leo is med ; tV : ’)g movement that, if snccesjfu), wi'l change the .enl:*e aepeot of t-he’war in the Erst, and he baa the material for carrying them into effect. From Qooker’q,* Headquarters io the private closet of the Ape President, there ia a feeing of alarm, height-, cued by the very scoicsy with which General Lee ia conducting his operations on the Rap pahannock and the Rapidan. Several new cavn'ry.regiments have boon formed for Gen. Stuart’s commaud by select ing from the Texas and M’ aiaaippi regiments, the beat and moat expert horsemen. That firm of the Eervice now in Hookev’d front presenLt -twenty' thousand as fplend’d cava>tyuteh tfi ever drew a sabre Your readers may not bo mr*HtaiS« hefrr^o* amy moment; tif n" gtCBt* battle being fought on or near the old baltlo -round of Manassas, for, notwithstanding looker’d feint of yrsterdny, in aonding his pontoon bridges down the Rappahannock, some distance below Fredcr|fkahurg. he is baslcn- ieg up in the direction of Manassat wilh the main body brhta army, with a view to check rnato Home supposed movement of Lee in that rather dangei'ous proximity In Maryland and Wasbingl m. -Without any further allusion, to -mattcia that have transpired within the past ten days, I will merely say that whatovor may bo the ultimate object of Lea’s present ac tivity, be ia at the bead of the finest army on the continent. in the Yankee reports ol the battles around Vicksburg the highest compliment—I believe the only compliment yet tendered to Southern troops by the mendacious press ol New York,- has been given to Georgia? The New York Times, the vilest of the abolition inccndaries, keeps ait able correspondent with Grain’s army. In his account of ono' of the battles of Chant- non Hills or Baker's Creek, truth has torerd lint to record the following tribute to the hero ism of Georgians t The rebels who on ibis occasion were com minded by Gen. Pemberton iu person, fought with, the most reckless gallantry. They were mainly romposed of Georgians, and were it not that their efforts were expanded in the cause ol treason, Georgia would luro reason to remem ber with lasting prido the day upon which her aons lought and died on Champion Hills. One entire regiment posted in snpport of a series oi batteries on the cresr, retreat’ when Hoveycame upon them, ' ami were to a man kil'ed, wounded or captured. Five-sixths of the regiment were killed were the* stood, refit sing the boon of life at the expense of being la ken prisoners. What Confederate wotff J not leet prnnd to be a citizen of Georgia ! over Ike Ailoivrey GcpctiiI b (Mr. Watts?) up'n inn ia 'He milter must be fins! fnr ‘He pi res eat. - . It may be necessary, next BCa?ion 11 pass an amendatory net. This would be the natural result of C aigresAionai 1’ukerlng on Depart ment hills alter they have been cfivefu'ly and property prepared. POST OFFICE CHANGES FROM SATUR. DAYMAY9TH, TO SATURDAY,MAY 23D, 1863. Ge««0ia— Hnpfiful. Burke county, discontin ued; Julies' Mills, Merriwclher county, site changed litres-fourths of a-mile; Homcrsville, Clinch emin'r, name changed to Forlesl. Joel Strickland, 1‘ M. |iutv appointment]: Poplar Lave). I'Mwnieu conuty, entablibhrtl, Daniel U Hodges P M: ColUitlen, Monroe enmity, di«con- tiuucd. North Ciroiuia—LinJIey’a Store, Alamance county, KorihiHgtaui, Cumlwrlaud county, Wa terloo, Granville county, Wysuking, Hyde conn- tv, Hogback , Valley, Jackson county, Jewell if ill. Madi«<ni; comity, White Rock, .Madison county, Phans' Mills, ^ and Watson's Bridge, Moore county; Watauga Falls, Watauga county, Mount Olive.tWayne county, Saratoga. Wilton county, all discontinued. Dundarrack, Robeson county, reestablished; Catharine McMillau, I* M. ,. Tf.fiNEsar.r. t-Stopkton’s Valley, Roane county discontiiimnl. 1 • South CaZomha—G.mrdin’s. Wiltiamslmrg District, matiHsliMl; J XI l>«ko, P. M. . Ai.abama—Tcxnsville, Barbour cminty. Sarali J Garay P M.dtiff Creek, Dale county, Ezekiel WatfordT M, Mercy Bay. Henry cpnnty, Josialt Kirkland P Alfllauliaoi’s Gap. Morgan county, Jas H li.istn.Mit' M, Bluff Port, Sumter county, Aid Dal la* l‘. M, ell re-established. Spring Garden, Cacrtfiten county and Fernvalc, Tusca loosa coanly. dicrimiinded. Bibb, Pike county, ro cslabli.-hril. Win Bny P AI. Mississippi vMoss Hill, Jasper connly. estab-, J E.Trfylor P M. Virginia -Btackwater, Sussex county, dis- routined. ABEANsis -Tishcmiugo, (effnrson county, dUcnntinncd. ; 4 CHEROKEE jPsit ilatlaou. The New Orleans Era of Sunday 24th .May—an exit*—lontainn the following:. Ueadq’pt U. S. Forces, 1 Near Port Hudson, \ May 23, 1863. ) The followi(ig good news hasjast been received from Col. Grierson: “We are htlf a m ; le north of the rail road.” J We have fottned a junction with the for ces of Major General Banks. ,, Major General AUGER. G. H. HALffiXATI, A. A. G. The Era publishes the following, dated -Port Hudsnn.Plains, May 82d: ■ Yesterday Augur’s whole division was’en gaged in a ninoji'iiira’ fight with the enemy.— T'he battlesfield' was Port Hudson Plains, four miles in the rear of Port Hudson, on the Bayou Sara road. ■ !, . ’ The rebels ward- thoroughly whipped. They had one brigade of infautry engaged, besides two batteries, s'nd a-considerable lorce of cav alry. j They had nmlmjcided at every outlet from the plains. Tiny were finally repulsed with heavy loss, leaving a large number of killed and wouuded on the field. A flag of trued was sent in at mbinigt Irom General GardnerTasking permission to bury the dead. We have taken about ono hundred pria one ft,. The-cneuiy were driven t hrec miles from his first posit ion aid Augur's division bivouacked for the night on ‘the field of battle. Our loss ■ in killed ik twifyo, and wounded filty-aix.— The 116th New iYork anj 2d Louisiana But tered most. ‘•Tho Hirald'f New Orleans oorrospondent Writs', under da':c of May 23d, in relation io tbe contemplated attack on Port Hudson : Since my lastlall the available force in this .department has bean concentrated near Baton Rouge, ill ordered to assist in the grand attack i - "" Aiify M "" tq »ri«d Etprorily l >r Ui« t- .-atlisr - List of Gcorqlau’s Wovutletl In Batierj- Ilnpltal near Bxkcr’a Cretk kiuI Cb> up* Ion util, Sllsa', r-om Baltics of Saturday, 16ift turn’.. DIED. Col. ffkid Harris, 43 R-'g’t wound moflnl, died May 171 If, 8 o’etook am. Msj Anderson, Ch'cf of Artillery, wound mortal, died m iy 17th, 2 o’clock a m., Priv. Seth Sogers, Co D 43d B'*g'i, wonirtl mortal, died May 21st.'' WOUNDED STILL IN HOSPITAL Wm A. Segcrs, Co D, 43 Rvg, shonlder, do- ihg well . Copt A Reinhardt, Oo A, 43 Beg, t It rough knee, lining Writ. Cat Win W Brawn, Co II, 52 Rrg, bcDi legs, doing well. PRIVATKS. Win 8 Postele, Co H, 62 Reg, through thigh, doing, wall. John Me Kenny, Go B, 62 Reg, in leg, doing well. , Wm H Chambsis, C > 1, 41 R;g, foot, doing well * ' . .lease T Wi'lloe, Cu I, 43 Reg,' side, doing well. llcnry I. Wood, C.> 1 43 Re(.. light I ip and leit kpee, Joing we". Wm II Vetb’-n, Co C, 41 Reg, lq. doing, well. J J Harman, Co F, dl Rag, left tb‘gU brok en and right; d. ing Well. J S Daren,4io F 43 Reg',-houlder,.ai.d tl-lgh broken, tloihg we'“. Wm C Vaughn, Co K. 62 Reg, < 'of.t,Aiapnt» ted. doing well. ! James K Leonard, Co B 43 Key, shoulder amputated at joint, may recover. Jeaao Beaver, Co U, 62 Reg, head, may re cover. \V HS Varner, Co L, 43 Ucjr. leg, doing well. VV W' Tt uclove, Co K. 43 ltcg, leg, doing welt. Jacob Hite, C.r G, 62.Reg, in ride, doing wall. " Jeremiah Brov>.t, Co C, 43 R.‘g, hip, doing well. W.a Hendrioks, Co C, 43 Reg, L ; g d -iiig well. James H Candle, Co D, 43 Reg, foot, doing wellli Tiros K Jones, Co F, 43 Reg. thigh bouc broken, doing well. Tbo9 G Spencer, Co A, 62 Itcg, thigh, dpif-g- well. Geo Wright,-Co G,.52 R-g, r- ol broken, do-, il' We". Aug C Toney, On I, 41 R«g, f'robgh pelf ia and hip, doing well. - James M Sanford,' Co C, 4) Reg, through pelvis, vory bad may reoover. Meredy Giles, Co F, 62 U'K' leg, doing well * Marlin V Yo k, C» F, 62 Reg, sltonMcr do ing well. N M Freeman, Co B, . 62 Rtg;fool, doi >*- well. Wm Hubbard, Co B, 43 Reg, shoe 1 dev, do ing web. James E Crow, GoE,43 Reg, through breast, doing well. Ira Watson, Co n, 41 Reg, ahon'der, doing well. Wm F McCrad), Co E 43 Reg, ttigh, doing wel'. ■ , B F Akons, Co C, 45 Brg, shoulder, doing well. J H Craw, Co B, 43 Reg, leg, doing well. J L Hunt, Co E, 43 R»g. neck, doing we’’. Wm HL-amb, Co E, 43 Reg, left thigh do ing well. James J Wallace, Co F, 46 Ala U-. g, foot, doing well. John H Covington, Co I, 52 Reg, through breast, doiug well. John Green, Oo I, 52 Reg, tlirongh body, died. JUtoiu l’iU't Ilndfan . *PJm nuiW ujpiidy of Uu» army ia tii day 1 doubtless between Bayou Sira and the enemy's works, while the divisions of Ocncrals Augur and Sherman are operating to the south and east of tho great rebel strong hold. 1 have no doubt in my own mind that before this letter is laid before the If&ald’s readers Pork Hudson will he occupied by our forces. ' ! 1 have jnst learned "that Gon. Anger’s divis ion was engaged with the enemy yesterday on the plains,' about four miles from the outer works of Port Hudson, and that after A fight of nine hours’ duration the latter were driven within the eutrcnchmenls, having suffered n severe defeat, and a loss of many kiMed, and wounded nud pt'-oners. Our forces occupied the ground last night, and have renewed the attack this morning. Oar troop3 are said to have behaved, splendidly. General Sherman hea moveil his division, by means of trans ports, about fanrlesn mPes up the river, in or der to operate directly against the right ll itik of the enemy. These attacks are merely a commencement of the grand affair that fo to come off to-uoirow or Monday. General Banks, with the main body, ia yet to be heard from, and, from what I can learn of h*s move ments, I deem it sn utter impossibility for any of the enemy's forces t > escape cnplnre or de struction. That their heavy gnhs will be tak en is a'mest a certainty, C* ‘•TaHregloriorith y, teuex h lh-‘- Boathe .i tki—, Whr.—'bat wa. <t fear—the fear ,.f death duplw. Ifouer, tbs* na cores for thU frail hole* fee , Bat r.-h ncdaaated on tbe I) r»i.tU et- sl.V And, yet, this is the reeortl of. Georgia’s son's wherever thev have' unfurled their banners of ibrir noble old Slate. Davis’ brigade (I could not ascertain The. divi aion to whiFh it is attached) passed through Richmond this morning at 6 o’clock, for imme dine service. As raids are now the order of the day by the Yankees, every citizen of Richmond, in cluding every mantin the executive departments ia eurolied and under arms ready lor any enter geney, the whole under mtnmnnd ot Gen E‘zy. Tbe abolition thieves crept np during tbe late fight within . three miles of ibe city, and there is no dif guisiitg the fact, we were —well, we were taken by surprise, tint’s all. But let them try it again. Every town and city in tbe Confederacy exposed to the plan dering, hen-most rubbing raiders, should Uy to arms—old and young; and evety woman should carry n dirk in ber girdle for the last extiemiiy It is graiilyiog to notice with what alacrity and promptness the citizens of Atlanta have respon ded to your own timely and patriotic.appeals to organize and be ready. While the young men ol ihe different Stales are on the battle, field pouriifg out their blood iu the holiest libations that were ever offered np to the. cause oi face dom, those uho remain at home should, at least, stand between their uiveu and children and the vagabond bands that are dashing ih ough the country f»r pillage, devastation and lu-.t. I he rxtmple of Rome, during the recent inl« tided raid upon that town, allows what miy be dime by an efficient home organisation. I called to-day at Ibe Treasury Department for the purpose *>f ascertaining the amount of Treasury notes called in nndrr the funding act of the lost Congress, bnkmwibg to the heavy pressure upon the bond ifSdibg business nod the impossibility of receiving fall returns from the different Depositaries,throughout the Con federacy, the irfo. motion cannot be farnishel before the firit of July.. 8a aoin as I receive it. I shall transmit a fall statement. In several instances a question has ari en between ‘he Conscript t.fficers and those who have been accepted os mail contractors, under the TKent lettings in Georgia and other Stales. Aa the Colbnelsiu command have, in one or t wocxics.t eiiiHrii to di'chsrge.from ila-ir liabili ties as Conscripts, those to whom contrails hive boenawarded, the question mu3i necessarily be referred to the law officers of the Guvernmeu:. I have not yet learned Judge Reagan’e opinion on the questions that have been brought before him; bnt whetever it may bo, it will carry with it the weight which tha public usually at-' tach to the judgment cf an -able jurist, who __ unites to a profound erudition in the law, tha which we can to I rare advantages of sound, maturol, Tpraotic i- v enttheir malignity o= u ? . I 8«m«- A3 we have no Supreme Court, how- Sinking uf II. S. Cluitboat Olnclnuslt, Cairo, June 2, 1863. A dispatch brut from Vicksburg on Ihe 27ih tilt., confirms the report of the sinking of the gunboat Cincinnati by shot from (he renal bat teries She was ordered to move down the riv er, and whan turning the point was opened on by several batteries from above which were sup posed to have keen silenced. She maniged to return In a point just above the upper ball cry, where she sunk in fifteen feet of water. From fifteen to forty are reported killed, drowndeif and wounded. , The following description of the gunboat Cin- riunati is given ih the Herald. We htvo information that the IT. 8. gunboat Cincinnati has liecu sunk by the rebel batteriea. at Vicksburg. She was one of the seven built at the commencement of tho war, at St. Louis Her dimension I were aa follows : Length, 175 feet; breadth, 51J feel ; depth of hold, °ix feet; draught of water; with every- iliing.on bdatd, six feet three inches; thickness ot bottom plank, five inches ; thickness of li ning plank, three inches; thickness ol side plank, lour inches; thickness of deck plank four and a half invites ; flooring timber, te.n in ches square. She was flit bottomed and with out a keel, like all vo-mcI.s used in navigating ihe shallow waters ol Western rivers. Her sides spread cu: from tbe bottom at an angle of foiiy- tire degrees from the perpendicular until ihe detk nas reiehod when they lell in it tbe same augle.. This arrangement was intended to secure tho glancing of shot—those striking behw, the -tack being deflected inter the water, while those striking above would be throw u off into the &■> and over the boat. Tbe sideS above the main deck were called the casemates, and this cremating was carried across tbe deck at the bow and also at the fturn, presenting at all parts the same angle. From the top of the cw>ema'ea ihe upper deck was elevated about seven feet almve the gun deck, and made proof against any thing less than a twelve pound shot. The forwardca-.'-matcs were pierced for three guns, wete twenty-six inches in thick- neon, nud plated with boiler iron two ami a half inches thick. The after casemates were pierced for two gnn9, an.I in thickness and plating write similar to the forward ones. 'The ride casemates were of timber; ten inches thick, and, with the exception of sixty feet, were plated with hall inch iron. These sixty feet eaclocel the occupied by the engines, and were covered two and a half inch iron, whitft extended, two feet below the water.—! Oas hundred ant twenty toes cf iron-were used in building her: Thia peculiar construe tion produced a craft similar to nothing else afl -at, and resembles nothing on land except a big turtle. She ha l two independent engines, with cylin detanf six feerstroke asl twenty-two inches diameter. * Her wheel was placed a recess ia the fftern of the boat, inside the caiaaiafrn 1 . thereby insuring ita protection from shot and shell- It was, with Ihe exception of the pad dies, of iron, fine cost about $120,005, and w *= ■- £ ■ every retpe* t, at. I has d. nt good set rice during thercbeUi-.n, »ud her loss willbs silly felt io the Western waters. Juir Man i= a bundle of habit;, arid happy is he whose habits are his friends, Daniel Tailor, Co C, 43 R-g, shoulder, doing w« *. tfr-gaiftsa tsvfmr, c.vrir Rvgf v<rs« »k well. * . I, C Bradley, Co L, 43 R >g, shoulder, doing well. Russell Davis, Co B 31 Ala Reg, both knees, doing well. ■E M Hobbs, Co E, 31 Reg, foot, doing wAU. Wm Wile, Co U 40 R»g, leg, doing well. J W Baugh, Co D, 40 Rag, through body, doing well. Hugh Mallory, 1st Miss. L'Artillery, thigh, doing well. S F Uairison, Oo O, 21 Ark Reg, tMgh, do ing well. John J Bradley, Co E, 19 Aik Rog, hip, do ing well. James L Walson, Co C, 20 Ala Reg, leg, bad bnt doitlg well. The following ia a list of wounded ed me aa being in another Hospital one mire from here: I have not been there nnd cmnot slate the : r condition. 43d. Oa. Hegimeni. Priv. R C Fowler, Co U ; 8erg’t Wm Fowler, CoE; Serg’t John Hunt, Co E; Privates John Crow, Oo K;-Wm E*McCrady, Co E: J M-Gra vin, CoE; S M. Huggins Co 15: E N Wash burn, Oo E; 8 A Pruir, Co E.JS Dnren, Co F; Wm Hammonds, Co F ; J B Hancock, Co F; Sanuel Crawford, Co F, 43d Go. Regiment c& BY TELEGRAPH. XlUtSS ASSOCIATION DISL’ATCUKS- - CtriJEr/r^, C. IL, Va., June 9 Ti Gets. S. Cooper, Adjutant General s Tho enemy crossed the Rappahannofck this’ thnrni.i/at 5 o’clock , at .various fords from [lav- erly’a to Kelly’s wilh a large force of cavalry, act impinicd by art'Hcry. After a severe conv teat till 5 P. M. Gen. Stuart drove them back across the river;' *Sigaed> R. E LEE. ' Rronasso, June 9.—.Advices from the Rapps- liannook state that the enemy still remain in their entrenched position at Dt9n» Run, a mile ■ below Fredericksburg, and rxtending their lor- iHiaations. '.YegV.ehIaf afternoon tho bat lories on the op'- posite side opened 'on our pieke's, shelling a short period without tlimece. Fredericksburg will bo hald by onr troops. Northern datos lo the 7th have been tcceidel. A dispatch from N tshville the ti'h, says tho fight at Franklin tin the 4th. was with four br’gaoee olLtlie rebels commanded by Forrest;- that the. Yankee held Hie rebels' ol bay until the removal of ad the. Federal stores was affected when ivielorcf menu camo up and drove ;Jje rebels beyond the town, taking fifty prisoners. Cob'A Fanlkner was badly wounded. Revoking Kxeqnntor or -, Her Alejtsty’s Letters t’ntenl nearer Moore Consul Ute jKWaKaoN Davis, President of the C. Stat es of A atari. . Wheriffi.'^GloBos iiloeihi, Eiqitiff, - H Brittairnia Msjosly’s' Con til for the port'of Richmond, j» id Slate of Virgil"'*, (duty ro- eognized ns by.tlic Exequatur iriiucd -by a former Government, which w.«, at the time of-tlio ipiuc, Ihe duly nul lioriacdti»fn(ioT*that purpose df the Slttfo of Virginia,) did recently assume lo' act as Cousul for a place other tluu> the city ttf Richmond, nnd a '8tatc olUer.lhnn the State of Virginia, and wag, thereupon, Wl the 2t)lh day of Bobtuary last, 1868, ’..guested h1 ' y 40 6 “ u by the Secretary of Stain to submit to the Da- partmcnt. pX,Stale his Cousultr Commission, as well os any other authority ho may hewre received tonal iu behalf of the Governutf-nt'oi Her llriltannic Majesty before further corres- psnlcnoe could be held with him as Her &fa- jesty’s Consul s', tlto port of Richmond; nnd whereas tbe said George M.oore lias lqtely, wiihout acceding to said request, entered 1 into cor respondence as Her Mslcsly’s Consul wilh the Secretary of War of these Confederate Slates; thereby disregarding- the fagitlreatc anlhorHy of this' Government. These, therefore, are to declare .that I do *o longer recogni/.j the faid George Maorc its Her Britjanuic Majcf iy’a Consul iu nny part of iheae Conlcder.ateS(ates, nor permit him to cxcro'tac or enjoy any of the Junctions, -pow ers, or privileges allowed to thoConsul of Great Britain, and 1 do wholly revoke and nnnul, any exequatur heretofore given to the said G-’orgv Moore-by tho Government which was formerly authorized to grant snch Exequalor as agent of tbeJtafa of Virginia, and dp de clare the said Exequatur lo be absolutely mill and void front I hi s : d iy forward. - ]tt-tesliiuouy whereof, I have cousc-1 these letters to'he made patent, and the Se\f ef the Confederate SI ales ofA-ueVica {o' be herewith aflixo 1. • , —vs,. G i vcr. sny hand this'filth day. < L. s.. )of June t in Ihe year ef our Lord ope Pitiful Kay lug 1 The Ne w York Ttilnne contains the follow* ihg letter' hrotu General Hunter. He i9 a crazy man; •• ' ' ' . IlEAnqrunTEKa Departxekt of the South, \ Post Royal, S. C., April 23,1863. ) J, Person Distii, Rich aland, Va.: - 1 Tbe United States flag mnal protect all ita de-' fenders, white, black or yellow. Several negroes in the employment of the government in the Western Department have been cruelly mur* Jcred by your authorities, and others sold into slavery. Every outrage ot this kind againat the laws of war nnd humanity, nhich may take place in thia Debarfmcnt, shall be followed by the- immediate execution of the rebel of highest rank in my poss<xi4lon; man l»r man,-these ex-, editions will certainly take plate, for ever* one murdered,or sold into slavery, worse than death. On your authorities will rest .tho rerposibility ol having ’inaugurated this, barbarous policy, and you will be held responsible in thi* world and the world to come, tor all the blood thus shod. In the month ol August last, you declared all those engaged in arming the negroes to fight for their country, to be felons, and directed the inn mediate execution nf all such at should be cap tured 1 have given you long enough to reflect on your folly. I now givo you -notice, that um> less this order is immediately revoked, 1 will at ouce cause the execu ion of every rebel officer, and every rebel fdsvehnldcr in my possession.— This sad state of thinga may bu kindly ordered by an all-wise Providence, to induce the good people-nl the North to act earnestly, nnd to reala was thi «kfry at ware-’- Tha—tads of lives may time be saved. file poor negro is fighting for liberty in its truest sense; and Mr Jefferson has beautifully said—"itj Bucfi a war, there is no attribute of the Alnreghiy which will fttJuce him to 6ght on the Ymi say ybirtre fighting for ‘liberty. Yen, you are fighting for liberty—liberty to keep four millions ol your lellow-dteing in ignorance and degradation-Mihcny fo' separate parents and hiidren, husband aud wile, brother and siatfft— liberty to s'.daLtlic prddueta of their labor, ex» rtany a cru -I lashlsnd bitwr tear— y to seduce their wives and daughters, and o soli your own children iulo bondage—liberty to kilt these children with impunity, wjten the fcJ «"te of pure white •ifflod.f This Is the krnd of liberty— the libarty to do wrong—which Satan, chief of the fallen angels, was contending for when he was cut into hell. **» I hare the honor to be, ’. Very respect Tally, You, most obatKent avt., D. HUNTER, Major Gen. Com’g. MH IMIIII I I-IM3 JCItl «•* UUl 12’JAU tint ' thniisand eitrltl hundred and sixty three... (Signed) , JEFFERSON DAVI8. i By tlie President: (Sigued) J.,I’. Cf.njamim, . • - Secretary of SUte. i t —- h i j CotiFruEEATr. SrATr.a of America, 'i l)tr*r,i'MtNr of Staie. f’ lUphniond, June,5, l«6d. e J Sir: Tin-President of the Gonfedarnta States has been informed that in conaequehec hr your assuming to aid in fod'alf <d the government ol Her ltrilianft: in nt^ixe(a.qc^nriuc in the Stale bt TttiSSisTippi; yon Avere fCntte cqui-jit'd mil lo this Department jujqr ConSfily coinmif sion,' as u-oll as any other authority held l.v you to act in behalf ol Her Majesty’s govrrumini, In-fore further eorrru p >.)di:iu-o could be ht-hl with you’As British Gmiaill fori lie Port of ft foil mond. Ho lias furllicr liecn informed tit it you hxvo am arcadad to request; and that, in disre gard of the legitimate authority of this Govern ment, you have agiit- ’ lately corresiMnutaJ, qs Her Majosty’a Consti'. for this port, with the Hccrctary of War of the Confederate States — The President considers it as ineentistanl with ihe respect which it i t his oflico lo enforce life ’wards this Government that you should any longer lie permitted lo excry-tso the functions or enjoy tlie iiriviliges.of a Consol, in ' t|eyri 3Coii' frderatc Sta’es. lie has consequently thought proper, by the letters patent, ol .which I enclose yon a.eopy, to revoke the Cxeqtiatrtr 'liirciolore granted to you, and to in ike public these Utters patent. I have the honor to be. Respectfully, vour obd’t aers’t. J. P BENJAMIN, - : i. Secretary of State. Geo. Moore, Etq , IIcTBrittailic Majesty’s Con aul, Richmond, Va. From tbe G.-at'aaoog* HoImI. Copt. My*r« Uetllvlus.—A (lalr-Evcuiltli Evcapti Tho foPoa ing'communication explains it- lf: Capt J M Story, eo G, 43d, slightly wounded Corpl j Espy, co G. 43d; Privates J F Ad dington Co G, 43d; J W .Coker, co G, 43d; T V Hudson, co G. 43J; J F Marlcc,. co G 43d; II F Kidd, co G 43d; M P Wood, co G; VVm Nix col; Marion Eakes. eo I; Mathew Cox. co K; R W Reeves, co K: Win Smallwood, co K; Hi ram Smith, co K; Phillip Smith, co K; Ifsrri son Tanner, co K; Corpl J L Solcslmry. co Lf Corpi J M Poole, co L; Private. Colnmhut Aclcs, co E; Sergt Alfred Harrison,-eo E; l’tid vate A W Barret, co E.‘ * The following is a list of deaths t>x lurnUhid me from the above hospital, t _.ieut J J Tliorutqn, co G; Lieut C C Bo2er, ro 11; Sergt W S Ragsdell, co U; Seigt Tailor Armour, co K; Corpl J M Lackey, eo G; Corpl Benton Hendricks, co E; Sergt P B Chapman, co K; Ptivalca Wm II Culpepper, co G; W L. Davis, co G; E J Lay, co G; Win A Fowler. c<i 3; Thorton Rsgadnll, co B; Norman E Hutch' ns, co E; W C Wallace, eo K; Cicere. Graviu. co E. m: il Vandyke, Surgeon 43d Ga: Regt. Accioebt to a S’, BAMBB—The feeauiiful Rlr-nm :-hip Alice having on board over one thousand bale< of cotton, had the misfortune to get her after compartment filled wilh water at au early boor on Monday morn<ng. Thfo' serious mishap, wfo'oh has damsged most-, of. tbo ootton in that part of the sl'p, is supposed to have occurred by the steamer having Colli 1 ded with the prow of Ihe i-on-efo-l gunboat CKicofa while .the Alice, was in the act of get ting into the wharf; but some pei^ops have expressed doubts of this mode of explanation, and the causo wi*l only cerla^'y ho known when the leak is expoi id t > view. The steam pomp’and a steam fire eng'ne were at work on ber yesterday afternoon, and-nt dark moit of the water had benn taken out of I er, and they hail commenced removing the ce-go.—Ck. ‘Courier, 2th. Pissnic tiie OBiTSt’crioNs —Wc have relia ble informatteil that the Yankees have made an effort to pass the obstructions at the head rf the‘*Narrowa" on the- Apalachicola river. As yet they have (ailed in their attempts, and steps are being taken by Gen Cold* that we hope wid cffceinar.y repulse and drive them back. A section of Echola’ anillery leu bsre thia moro- inz. which we hope trill arrivs in time. Other reinforcements are being spot down. We pre sume ihe principal object of the Yankees at this' time is to destroy the C. S. gjnboit “Chatta hoochee,” now lying in a disabled condition in ibe vieinity of Bristol.. We hope however they may >>e d-fested and driver: baek, whatever may be their object.—Qtmey Dis,6>h. ttkfr.htnv Detected.—X man representing hitneelfas captain C. B. Duval, of the 7th Flor ida regiment, arrived in our city ono day last wpek, qnd circulating some time about the city, cailedupon captain A M Allen, of the Subsists euca Dcparftnffiit, in our city, for raiioua for tho snid regiment, winch he staled would pass thro' tho city on the following Sunday on their way to the West. He succeeded in satisfying Capt Allen of his authority to drijw. these rations, and they wete ccordingly delivered to. him. AstSrwards he called upon Mayor Wilkins, and stated that the 7th -Florida regiment would pass, through the city on their way want on Sun day altcruoon, and asked that provisions might Vie made-to give ihe boys something to eat on their uaeoagn. The Mayor, supposing alt was right, relied upon the.citizens ttrough the Even-, ing Times, for food, for the. aforesaid regiment. Everything being arranged to the satisfaction of Hie’saitF Captain Duval) he proceeds to sell and deliver tho provisions turned over to him by (jy IWain Allen for Uie rcgiment, to Mr Jas Ligon intending, doubtless, before tha thing qonld leak opt, to take the midnight train for Opelika. It VS arroldr and trite saying that “tasrder will out;’’ and proved in this ease. How it got out, wo are not informed, but it got to tho ears of mar city-officers, and -instead of taking the cars for Opelika at midnight, Capt Duval found himself safely lodged in prison, and will, \re presume, have a hearing before the proper authorities to day,. He had a chum which the police-nod Deputy Sheriff John Ligon are look- iji Rafter; and we tyustlwill iffcofced hi overhauling. Tenn-, May 29; 1863. j I wish to conlrtvltcl the alatumunl oc-urri i j; your issue of the 29th iosL; stating that "Capt. D. E. Myers of M .rgan’a cimtuan'J was ki'led ami captured’.ttuir'Readyviilc, on tha 20.h insl.” On that oecreion I was very pai.,fully wounded thrpggh the foot, and re ceived ir Ecvere. ihe face with t bine clubbed, which mu’ilute J my /sea ler) ritdy, and placed mo complctsly "hot s dff My 1 horse'being,wounded,.'nd(fad ing him nnah e to carry me further, I tone ’■ aSaut to the oiterny who.weTh then close upon toe, nnd held, up my hand. They did not seem to rcccgfoz; iny formal tnrrender, bnt keq t np their fire'np-n ihe. 1 perceiving their in- tcui. -u to murder me, Uotormiaad to sell cut to them r < dearly as p.>rsilil«, wbcretipon, ] shat two, of ‘hum dead, while A third complete ly tizihoTPed me by a etfnke across iho face.— Rovesal.“hoti were fixed at me afierT Yell, bnt owing to my prostrate position they OV; r-bot roefoa few bonever toak efi'set in my c’ot'ie*' Fortunately I had a small pocket pistol about my person which these •■vandals’’ in their ex v citeiucnt, and anx-'elT to capture the entire ifrailcd lo tit: 'over. The entire Yankee squadron j ap&yl me except ops -Dutchman,' (lately! mporteiffovihb wag dctailod to gn*V,l me. As soon as they git oat of sight, and I had recovered slightly from the shook which 1 had rfcotved, I caught the sentinel off his guard, shot him dead, made good my escape into the cedars, aud thence rate our lines,' where I. procured conveyance to this point — There were six yaukt. left dead on Ihe field: our loss, two horses di.*atdetl. Respectfully, 1) B. MYERS, Morgan’s Cavalry. ari. G. T. B*ava*oa»d. —Thia difftingniah- fid soldier and hero, accompanied by his Med ical Inspector, Burgeon IJuprie, arrived in town by an extra train from TallahavaffS on Wc-'iiuwdavlltat about noon. The General pat up at the Headquarters of Brig. Gen. Cobb, selves of tha. oppertanity effored of seeing a great military leader, who ham. taken such a distinguished petition at the head of our ar mies, and whose soldierly quaUiiea, heroic deeds and gentlemanly bearing have wan, tha hearts had admiration of tha Southern people. Gnn. Beauregard la as unassuming and unpre tending .{& hit manners aa bis military conduot has been brilliant and glorious. There is none of that display of brass buttons and gold iaoe —no unbecoming attempt at official digdity, or an authoritativo appearance in his Tnipir- eouree with his. inferiors, snch aa wsoaUy mark the oondoot of wonM-he great men and officers in charge Of htifftmy posts.' We earn estly hope to see the day when all, 'both offi cers and people, will fully recognise the faot that true grcpbjeaaconeiits in Something more than the display of gaudy uniforms ana offi- ci ^ ipR^^cnco,—{Fla.) Dispalph, ttfc Commercial. <>T v! t. y- , AUGUSTA MARKET^JUNE 8—3, P. M. (v.rroN.—Tlie demand Car cotAoa omtianaa aao4,but the Offcnurstocks are . light, and prioea Uod slightly upward. . bales hare liecn made dunn* tha weak at pricea ranghu; from 38 to 39 cents ;er pound; accord- ing to quality. It mieht be iatereaUag to ear commer- ci»l renders to give the receipts and shipments, end total sales of tlie .staple, for tlie present srasons at compared with paat ooesons; bul it will be obrioua to thew llma^mnrdcatlal reoaont we withold the desir ed information. Kutliee il ta say, however, mat the receipts arc very tight, as thepotrietism of ear plant ers lets induced them io plant- very smalt crops for the. past two seasons, aud carnage aptly nearly all transactions ora mode with reference to the eld crop, and principally lor speculation, though ra-ioma caoea purctiases arc made (or ehapment either oa Govern- mpptivc private account, aud tome tor domestic use amr manufacture. t ed. ’t here is very Utile of the nevr crop. coming into tlie market os yen but in about two weeks it Is probe- tic that it wiilbccin to come in pretty freely, when, it hoped, tlut the abundant yield of that grain will le- doeeits price, a# wellts that of fl-iur. OatzaAznotzs.—All ether articles are unchanged and dull, and priers continue about the seme a* at .ottr laatwaek’s qnotaUoase-Coastitalimalltt. . • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i\OTI€E. FULTON EXPORTING AND IMPORTING CONIJ? tor Stock .n thU Com; .i-y, the atockboUcri have de- ■Armtncd toinern , it to r ^OjQOq, Tbs to dri will t.i ,p;n for «,.irf-rip:ioa rtf par, for two ortli.-ecdadsylcuily, fiouiihiidite . « WM. McSACQHT, ’ Jan.TOtt PrMdenA. The Case of Her ax.,—It turns out that Capt. C B Duval, the faithless “commissary,” * who was arres.u <i on Saturday.evening for-breach of trust, ia in lact no “commis'>ary” at all, but merely mfimpjMtM. ' ilai bad forged- his credeu- lials and thus imposed upon tbe authoritice here for ihepnrpo eof raising rome private funds.— He has since destroyed the papers on which he. obtained tha .ipptiea—confesses himself guilty of the iraud, aiui excuses himself by saying that lit was ‘-'uard np” and knew not how otac to raise tlie money! He has been turned over A Good at-1 a’Brave Soldier Coat,. Fszarticz-IZCAO. Va, Miy ft, tSD Mas Fttzrurra VixosoX—Dm>- Molim: P rmU me to ex; n m the det-p empathy I feclAr yae ta the toi of yoe- noble t -n Itgvu >*■ Be wit Ibefrut a-Vdier ever kiiew—brave eai ski lful. Iftw-« the b -u ti .titer I ever nr. By h's grod c.esancl and g I' ant sal: in m ly liee-lcg. ha had attracted m, aUeotioa and vow’ rvter-r, *ad I looked forward to h'i proaotioh vvTf-Vgreat Interest. He wzsamoog lUomost promisicx sddie s et ae 19th Ot irfia Brgimtni, Jaatly eatMwud thatu t aa 1 brsr stregiowot from curFtlte aiilast words’ ti * tea l v .site! Li u St the Hospital, wire, Ihit he w. ail never he t f any mare rieoaat. 1 refo-itd .ka' 1 bspad he -woalJ; that if any manmid recover from such. w fords Iknawhetraafd;'bo’. al,», uisworitf’we.-at» icae. His manly tad hxndiov iefo*m now fitia ajbrava I'-lil i'i grave. Lot ms ta cshsoMoqlrecajcltalzo hte groat km*, k- owiag that na ts treed from tha tolhi an 1 bar ’ships of ths tkr, sad tb« ftoirotra of iLis onhAppf ioiW: be I>vBd li» was ije’ered honreJ* a d jn death te is injurced by *11 who knew cai appre- eliteVbia Inv.tlroahU-irorth 1.U ms Kilgfo my tis-s, Eew Hsdadi, with the gti-f strictei m-tber wh-. uvl tb. honutotexv ivchafreUt t oy. .* ' Very rcia-c’.fallf, : nr chadi i.t •,r»snt, 'i- - . WH. T. WOTFOBT), •-' -* ' .... BiigsdierOcneral. To the Public. Hecbiftlvt, va<« tbit d«y expelled from e/ the Armoxy ofM« sm C<ok & Bro. by the nchnioaons voice cf iLe hand« Ibete eirplajed, in coitqakEce cf coceiftQt espretsiensof eauiLy io ihis oer comuion ciujg d*n lc oatry,under tbe tV» of haviiig BrfHeh pro:ccli;n. f**- -1-i-3 bo pnbibh'il throigh »ut tbe Con'ederacy a « - ' * • :< •'• \' , V. MOUUIK. I ' OVmTDfVH, IchJtn . - , JUde'Crt-liUlX, * WM uu'im-nvr, 7 ’ .freii.lfof iho • SOVKiMs, j linplayecs. WMJviiBV I i»l 5!' amtisBDRY.) 3 Jf± Beech Teee Leaves.—Tits leaves of ihe beech tree, collec'ed at autumn, in dry weather, form an admirable article for filling bi ds. Tbe smell . . is grateful and wholesome, they do not harb >r to tbs military authorities at Savannah for trial I vermin, are very elastic, an l miy b: replen ;'nv by ihe Confederate Court.—Cel. Stm. ed annually without cost Machinery for Sale. IN ROME, GEORGIA. O b'THC lb! TCK-BAY il JULY, TH* »0LWWlNa Mschu.c v wiU bo sold, in Irani tf gvo, McKown A ■Co’e Sh-ip, TAF.: * Tarfoiug Lithe C r Iio-»; 1 M *v r. WcoJ; j f&okfc Latlit; 1 Hul. U.*tin* Mac i!n»; 1 Mo ti. ing Mwhm vsrith Hub Att»^hnh3ut; 1 ,»!ri S Msc'.tiut ; -: 4 Vice* C r 1a.<l; 2 . u er o,; 1 Teao. Michina for Ppoka 4 ; ' * - aU idscr; ' M. l Tjivt He- Kr; 1 D4lr Pul All Sotlei; - li PrlUiiifo- M.t hfatfi (one C>r hend); 4 Bie kim'.tLJff B jUov«, aovi e» Ac; . -= - 1 hk-wi^K Mtnchioe, Lr ilitchicg leather. Bnidw vutoos Other H tide, tro lattons to mention All ot wLidi msr Lc st the Shop of Kve, Mcftawn A o,\ R,.-no tia told for dinaiou aud hettiv'ment of Co, Ruao «a. toia nr oi ZVX k B1M> . John 0. iv* Suryfritg Fartier. jnnelO-td _