Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 23, 1863, Image 1

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t l SOUTHERN BY ADAIR & SMITH. Atlanta, Georgia, Thnr.rsJ.ay Kvening, -July 33, 1863. VOLUME III---Mo. 139 OBO. W. ADATR J. 1IENLY SMITH, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, a 0 I'MITO, 1*. D, ..unatn nurc*. LARGEST DAILY CIRCULATION IN THE STATE The Southern Confederacy Office he* WHITEHALL ST, nearly o yotiU the O. R. BlR Aoixct, at the entraM> «ft« • «i / ZT«H Sniiliuy, TIE ST HtOOK.-fij* OR f As I Clayton Shot Iff Sales. The Sherit? Sales of flayion county hereafter be publivhed in the CoNFiiufucv. Sug*r for Bacon. All persons having Bacon to spare, can ex obMce the same for Sugar, if they desire to do •o, by bringing the Bacon to the store of Wil lis 4 Young, in this city. The exchange will b® road* at the price* established by the Im- yxjimsbt Commissioners for eaoh of these ar- „ J. F. CUMMINGS, )uns24-lm Major A. C. 8. Tranalctfl Advertising, AH trail Lent odvartiasnirats intended for tho CbqAd- rraey muit lnrstiably be accompanied by the rash, tv. buy nothing on credit, and .must iaabt ti. it others Ji. untons as we do anto theta. Its moral: HAVING REMOVED OUR OFFICE and Principal Store Roma to the specious Building roeently erected by Messre. .Salmons & tiiu- mont,on ALABAMA STRF.F.T, (second door from the Espress Office) we .hall always be glad to serve our numerous friends and custom ers at onr new place of business. , The Warehouse on Whitehall street. Collier' Block, will still be open for the Storage and For warding of nil descriptions of Mercbnndise. WILLIS 4. YOUNG, General Commission Merchants and Tobacco Agents, JyM—lm - Alabama street. Notice to Advertisers. F»r masons stated in a previous notice, we will rewrite no advertisement*, without a limit the lime they are to be published; All advertisements which have lately gone in- i.» the ConrsoERacY marked ••if.” will be dis* < mtinued at the expiration of the time lor which hills are presented, unless further Instructions are received from the advertisers. if ~wr Slieet’Copps r. •to psektges Beet Coperee too boxes Tobacco a ho ounces Morphine in (tore and for eale by ROBT L. CRAWLEY. Commission Merchant* jyfil-Si Franklin Building. Three Valuable Plantations, two of which have good Merchant Mills in fins running or dtr; also some valuable City Property. For sale by ROBT,L. CRAWLEY, jySKSt Frankling Building, *" Atltnts, (ft II Likely Negroes to Hire, Apply w ROBT L. CRAWLEY. Commission Alerchant, jy21»3t Franklin Building. • H’pq'a FntToR County Mrr.rru.) July SO, lt*3. > All officers, of thia command are hereby ors derod to appear alike City Hall on b’atnrdsy, the 25ih lost., at 10 A. M. In the meantime, complete year muster toils of six persons be tween the seen of 13 and (iUS fSM roopwtive distficts. Respond with energy to this cal). Let them bn no dodging in this hour of onr country's parII. JNO. M. C. REED, Colonel comd’g F. M W. L. Hraavto. Adjutant. ~ iyUS-td Haanu'ns Fclton Counw Miiitii, 1 Atlanta. July 21, 4863. J In obedience to instructions received from the Commahdeiwin*Chief, all white men between the ages of 18 and (5, who srs now reaidema of this county, are hereby commaaded to appear at the City Hall parade ground on Tuesday, the '4th day of August, prox., by II o’clock, A. M. on that day, to complete the number of troops wo are called upon to raise, in order to fill the requisition made Upoq tbe State by the Secre tary ol Wei, lor 8.000 men for "Local Defeni Tho county is required to furnish SOO soldiers, * rank und file. By reference to "General Order No. 16,” is* sued by Adjutant 4. Inspector General Wayne, very few exemptions are made. Persons who hate substitutes, discharges, Surgeons certifi cates, and foreigners, all have now .to hear their personal pan in this burden, when *ur very besitlwtonee are to bo defended. Not even those commissioned to the Militia eervice are < tempt; but will, no doubt, turn out on (hie occasion to volunteer. There will be perfected by the day, a most complute list of esary man’s name in the city ind county. All absentees tram parade will stand the first chance for tho draft. Therefore, all men whatever may be their oxen see, will do wall to he present. JOHN M. C. REED. Colonel comd’g F. C. M. W. 1.. Huaaaan, Adjutant; )uly.'--lld - ■ c : - * ■ . • LIST OP tJKCI.AlMkl) FREIGHT, RLOViVED Bf SOUTHERN KYPUEBa OuMPaltT, JULY 22. IMS GLnn. Tabbott 4 Co. box; J W Hsrvill pack age; B Kirkpatrick, trunk; C Frayza trunk; F M Lstson, boy; Stanford, 4 boxes; K S Thomas package; O- R, boa; Ronaford.4 Co, box; M 3 Robinson, hag; CC Benton,pack* age; J P Broadway. 2! boxes; H A Coleman, ■addle; Mrs G Coliar, package; E T Myers. bJi», James Wilkin,'Ur »:co(; aE Marshall, sack; Mr* M Edward*, hex; S and can II. II. WITT. July** Delivery Clerk.. AtlsmtloA Fire Company N*. >. There will bo a C*U Meetim on Frid.-y Prcxing, July 24th, at S o’eleek. Er»ry mem- bst is requested to ba present,' ns business «>; importance is to he transnsted. - By orderiof Foreman. W. H.iTULLER, jj28 It Attention—C»>ll*r Guards. You am ordered to appear at the City Hall on Fudey evening at 5 o’clock, p mi Cor drill.— Ferry man that expects to continue htaconacc- - “<*> with thia eompany ie e«pected to he pres ent. . tv-—-ll JOHN jollier. ■ Captain. * New Advertisements. By reference to ear adreritaiDg return t those oho de sire to bay snytkisg that the country affords oUlflnd “Kaad tho:-* having anythin* sell trill find a ma IteL The attention of readers u in rued to the foEonln* adreitltesnsou: Horn rea S»u.—“Campbell’* Hotel,’’ in tte pleasant hi tie city or Madison, Oa, ia now offered for sale'.- Tb is bouse has for public. nr year* enjoyed the lii*bem ontvtml patronage of the traveling CanuTsenu.-W. a Ibher A Co. have rt fi>Ujparctaa*JtheexteaAiT6 8oftpan<I Candle Fmc- tmj,lately eoned*y Means. DntsnWer demand wdl carry on tbs bnsa usual. fit moth —Mr.T O. Simms hat removed t> the far mer stand of Ilptey <* Wood, on Whitehall stmt, n here hole doing a general CotnmiwUon hnnnera,— Country produce of all kinds booth! or sold in an; quant Mite. Be ala* In* on hand a largo assortment Crockery and Glass wart. Heart*. Andesrjn, Adlar A Co hare on a large lot of Envelope,, to be disposed of at wtefaaalt. Bwux Hotrss rot gna.—A two«»ory brick Store Boos os Peachtree street, fa ogrred ter sal* by l). D. Hall ^®***** c * von Sun—a very dealrnUe residence on the corner of Callituand Gilmer streets la offered for ■ale by Mir I M. A. Edmund son Scussi roc Os rasa,.—The Be. Ph'lip-' Parish K-lioal Was opened in April, and ha* ’wen steadily loereaUng ia cumbers and jferest, as may be seen t,y the report of the Prawdeat. M. c. Cares t Ce are adrerttslng a variety ef ties ira- ***• 8°*d^ which may be boefht at prtrau Mle Tbetv anetfoor are large and frrqornt'.nd are always sdrerlieed m the morning oi sale. Rewssm are offered for the apprehension of runaway negroes, by M. C. Cayce B Co and Chan. Hondamn Salt am Moluim—These v.ry important article] for families to haveatout, can now be bought of Messrs. 8. B. Robson B Co. Hoiimer Cioraiae. -/Messrs Hslomnns A Simmons are offering an eiten-m- aaeoi tme-nt of elegant clothing at reduced prices. Ihe lot is to be Hoa 4 wit Tory soon at hduIam ir not otherwise disposed of. R M.Paast* Oal-Thls popular nrm hare esiat, Ifobed their Anellon fuMnesa in ll>« ioinmoahous house occupied hy H. Erntmaller, on Wfcilehall street. They cantina* the ComMtdoa hasi**s* at their old stand- Accnox 8ui a 0raiTsoooo*.— I. Vaughan. City Auc tloeecr. will tell gr idaionea, safety fuse, blasting p w- der, foundry macklnerv, casting*, Mark unit I,s’ and stone cutter.' tool . Manilla rope, Ac, on i .tiir-lay tub inat, tt Chatta nog* Pnraaacta Com* mion Horse —R. M. Robertson A (Nh, of P*tenbiirg. advertise large, <j,isn(ities of Various brands oi ’ohacco. Mere.Uant* win, me In terested In the tobadco trad* m-y profit by noticing the AdrertisemenL Ntsma. Hascocx I Harr have removed from P.G fa sto.w.on’WhitehaU alrse't, to the old stand comer of Marietta and Peachtree ro* S.tu.—Mr. Samtiol Rutherford • house ninl lot in the village of res of land, SO In cultivation ami Inched, and will be sold with Ihe hour* end lot. This is * favorable cheuco for a good Fur* Piaxtati** rot Sal* —One of the best improved Plantations in ralttle deesgia is now pffered for sale. It is situated la a moat pteawat section of the K ute, and has tke nenesnary Improvements on ft to make horns comfortable tnd a farm profPable. Application to b* made to Semne! Katherfurd, on the premises; H sat forth in tbstdrarUsemo'nt. NtotoisroRStit.—Messrs Ple ds 4 Orisliam haves large gang of Negroes, of venous qutliN.-ations, fcr eat* ttlhalr dart on Pntfktre* street. Miuaron Mils.—The Forrest City Mills, iu Savannah, are Affored for asto qy Messrs. LeRm-he <f Bell. We leirn that Major M. H. Wright, Ordnance officer of this Post, ha* been promoted (o-the rank ol Colonel. <2*n Lee’*. Army Acres* the.Potomac. The following is n dispatch from General July 13-3 P. m: H. IF. J/aJlerJ ('tmmanier-ineChiet. My cuvnlry now occnpy Felling Water*, hav* ing overtaken and capinred a brigade of infa'n try, 1^00 strong, two gun* and caissons, two . ... ^ # | #rge nnm ^ r „f an|t || >rmg _ bettUi Hsgs Th« enemy are ell aero** the Potomac. G. G. MEADE tag FEELING IN WASHINOTON. WAenntoTOM, July 14:—This has been t gloomy day in Waahingion, the joyous anrici pationa ot bagging the whole of Lee’s army were lhi« afternoon diaeiptted by the officia'l eLel i' ' f intv rmation that the rebel armv had escaped, and soccaeded in croaaing the Potomac with out another battle, and leaving in our hands only about 1,500 prisoner*; ami two piece* ef artillery. The disappointment was aggravated by the ntelligence coming every hour of the increasing virulence ot the peopla of New York, and the spreading ot the mitehievoua-spiiit among the towns of New England.. Nothing else has been thought or talked of here Much chagrin i* Expressed in official circlet at Gen. Meade’s having permitted the enemy to rape without another light. The trouble in New York i< regarded here as the result ol deep laid plana of disloyalists and. rebel refugees who have made resistance to the draft ouly a pretext for an effort to cause embar* lament to the government. Gen. Hooker had a long fete a ntr with the Secretary of the Treasury This morning. It ia stated that Gen. McDowell ia to be or dered to duty in New York city.- Frota the N. V. Tiihan*. Tia Gist of It. We have received, by spiritual telegrapH, the (ollowing correapoxdonce between the President and the Ohio Committee -ol -VallanJlghem.— Though, probably, not literally, it is, doubtless, substantially atitbeatic: THE COMMITTEE T> THE PRESIDENT. Mr. Prttiitnt: \ V •' We have trustwoitby information that Presi dent Jeff, has givan our friend'Vai: a dean bill of health and frea passage through and out of hla domiuioua We want yon to lei him back into your and out tefrjtory. Say you do it. i; Yours, THE PRESIDENT TO THE CO EMITTER. Otnit: Of coarse. Vat. was able to satisfy Jed. tbit he was sound on the goose, and that it was his intern! to giva him a pass, u la Santa Aana.— Just satisfy me that -nr interest—our cause— that ot the Unioa—wtlfbe promoted by Utting Val. far* ear country, ami it shall be done at iroroptly and cordially at Jrff. let him *w . THE COM mil M THE PRESIDENT. Of course not. Can’t Jo jl. See yon Idee*- eJ first. ■ V . THE PP.ESIDBNT TO TUB OOMMITHR Then it U no itsde. By hy. A. L. jtm- Two gentlemen on Thursday look a hack lor SeoeaaiouvUI*. and were chargedjl4ti lor the trip, or *30 each, which they paid. Th# (act reached an officer on duty, near Seresaia*- ville. and the hack driver who wax congratula ting himself on driving a good bargain, waa tm- preswd into service. The example should be lowed to other cases. We need drivers lor ambalances. afd Quartermaster’s wsgons and other purposes, and good uae should he made ol Ue extortioner* who have -od are exacting out- reous pri-vs from the necessities or igoorance „ strangers. Any aohlirrsoi oih.rawbo suffer such extortion, should report the (acts prompt- ‘ .—Clnt. Cnnrier, IStA. ' la Ms i or—WnaaT-Tv. of the eoemj’s gnn- ohserved with ttags at half »*«t In the Etoao ou Fr-tey Prolfably -'*» Taakee naval offer higk rank hla leal his life (luring Ih* tomksrdaunt of list week- ' - ■ c ^-•-atplr* Eactiiijiwtst Mo. 13, X. O. O. P. ; A regular aeceting ot IBicsmpment will be bald n Masonic Hail, on :ird tv > veaingt next, 25th instant, at S o’clot kf 1 i J iJ|h.hlf attend- j •nee i* desired, as I isineaa o( inanrota;.. c w ill 1 0r* ,r »na*ct#d. _ Ws, WfL£ 11S,’C. P w - II., Scriie july23-2t ABKAHAM'J I.AMENT'. . TC3p-* AmM IjnngStm* "- - *T FROM AX. lilnd I was as gnat a* ietey-frier iv-.-er tksn maaffri mid ;..if-tt!.sll bate u-vi, B RklMOVAl.. ■ Av i* ' '* 4 Co. have removed trom tt* k r .1 .unl.v-l to in faiut*. Ob 1 that IU .-tod ID Idir.u.-, And had not plajed the fool! SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY ATLANTA, GEORGE: TDUR3DAY EVENING. JULY 23, 18C3 lit verily Johnson tad th* Lincoln Usv- ernmeni. This great lawyer was invited in sddrc-*a Fourth e,{ July celebration In UslUmore. Ue declineJ, isiL ins letter almost as long as an oration. Ia tins docu-nent he administers a scathing retmke to Unrotn and his political coadjutors. He tells them that they have trampled nnder foot all the securities for preserving the States as integral pad* of the Fid.ral system aad all the guarantees of popular liberty. He ad. vi*es them that the 4th is the appropriate day for the confession of Uudr {>olit(cjl sips, as tn atouomout for tho violated Constitution- of their country. He, iu a Yew. brief sentences, fur- aishes an epitome ot their critn s against the lavra of civilised carfare ia these emphatic words: "Such odl- fagesare bringing upon us the indignant contempt of the world. Slighter enormities ot like kind, occurring during the wars of TC, and ’12 met With our own' uni venal reprobation. The burning ol th: public build ing in Washington at the latter period caused Welling ion to Utah for the good name of Bug land, ho sensi ble was be of lire disgrace, that it u known that ho never permitted the. subject to Is- referred to in his presence.” Bat Mr. Johnson labors tinder tire hallucination of a recons’rncted Union. -Ilois of opniou that Ui«re pre vails snfhcient Union feeling at Ilia South to win it beck to Ike old loyalty, when it* venose ed the Consti tution, hy a milder policy iu the conduct cf tiie war. Mr. Johnson, we presume, is a reader or history. Can he lay his Huger on that page or human annals in which a dissevered confederacy was erer lean tti under similar circumstances? Can he And in tho vast volume that chronicles dvU wars any warrant for the c Delu sion that a people, possessed of one spark of self-re •peer, that is not debased to the condition of brutes, have ever renewed their as-ociati u with those who hare ravaged th -jr country, laying it waste with lire sword, Jriring, with dmiomscal haired, from their home* all ages und conditions ot IIV, end 1,raping tn- •ut and wrong on all tho e wfiorn brute force hss n captives? Never ! THE CASE OF TIIE ALEXARDBE. The Yaukees are tuaeh exercised by the deefai hi < the English Court of Exchequer, in (lie rasa of Ih Aterandre, which our readers will recollect was Otting out ata British port for tire'Confederate service, (Turn the work on -her was arrested. Tire Court d-cl that for British subjects to -t/f ships to toUigeicnts, or any of the material of war, did not conflict with the provislrns of tire British Foreign Enlislm nt Act. The Yankee journals protest against this interpretation of the act. They more than insinuate that tlicte has been preconcert between the Government, the Judg« aad the .Tory to decide in a way that will do the most' injury to the Interests or the V lted Stales. It is as- Ilimed that this is evidence ot settled iiostilily lo the Federal Government, and it is hinted that there ought to be instant preparation lo make reprisals, by author ising Ore Biting out of pr.vkteers to cruise against Brit ish commerce. . _ Bat these writers appear to have forgotten that their government has cat themsclvesoff Torn the resource of privateering, in retaliation on English shipping. In care of war with Er gland. Their great Mufti, -reward, has given up lb* rigl.tfW^apture British property on the high seas t.y private armed vessels, in assenting to the Pans Deelara'iou, and this without any equiva lent. - This is not the only fact of which those who threaten retaliation on the Uritirh Government and people are oblivious. They have strangely forgotten that they claimed Ihe very exemption in the Bu-sUn war with tiie A Bias that they wisli to deny to the British. They told warlike supplies lo Russia—they.niruhli-d' her with naval stores for a valuable consideration— They c'aimed tiie privilege of a neutral in this traffic. The Yankee nation were the almost exclusive gainers this can merer-—fiat then it was your hull th,! gorcl my ov. Mexico. It excited surprise on thia side of the AHaniktW the French Invasion of Mexico should have led to no opposition iu Kumn, —r- -.-r .awi.'sto- *((- know tbe.acqtilsltion of Savoy by'.hetigh trltb tho apparent sanction oFSardinia, of which coun try it had been for c ntnriea the hereditary poi-sc-sor, had nearly produced the ruptuae of existing European relations. But here in a conntry about to foil into th* lapof.France of large extent, of boundless wealth, washed on two sides by the waters of n gulf and those of an ocean, and containing, of itself, the e’emente of powerful empire. Not a word of dis-ent isane: from any Cabinet in Europe against this great territorial «c- quiai tlon. Eteri Great Britain, the most interested of the European States; to prevent this extension and in cites# of French power, adding immensely to the com me roe, and with It the marrltime resources of France, ailenlly acquiesces in the aggrandisement of a rlral. Th’s admits cf explanation, but In two ways: 1st,That Mexico is outside of th* nircie of F.uropean interns, tioual relations, consti tilting no part of' tiie European balance; or, 2nd, That whatever augmentation of the French power may indirectly follow from the aeqniti- tionof Mexico, the benefits to Enrope will outweigh the disadvantages, from the establishment In the former of settled government. - Whether a rrinprebensive theory or nn equilibrium would not embrace territorial acquisition lieyond tiie limit* of Enrope cou?d scarcely admit of question — Whatever changes the relative power of States undergo whether itbe territory, population, the acquisition of mines of gold and silver,' commodious harbors, etc,, must, in the end, if not immediately, disturb the po- liticalreqnipofae. Colonies that add greatly to the wealth and commerce of any one of the European power* cannot fait to give It qn advantage orer the ethers'. Bnt this would mote peenharly involve, In the caae of Franc# acquiring Mexico, Ihe Interest of Crest Britain, between whom and France there is an increas ing commercial and maritime rivalahip. This would, Is true, only remotely affect the former, while the benefit to her foreign trade, by liberal arrangements under settled government in Mexico, vonldntford some compensation for the aggrandisement of a rival. Why Ihe other European Powers shoaid have con gratulated Letti* Napoleon on his Mexican acquisition less dlflk nlt to understand. They are interested in the suppression of all signs of insubordination to es- taWUhei) authority in every part of the world. Mexico, in Shis respect, was a standing nuisance. She has been In a Hate of chronic revolution, with only short in- tervals of regular government, for upwards or twenty- five yeara. To abate this nnisanca was the interest, not only of Enropo. bnt of the whole civilised world, was especially the policy of the absolute monarchies Europe, that Hit disorderly spirit and factions of Mexico altoald be suppressed. Arid they hove, onnse. qnently, m-cepted the agency (,r France far the p ur . pose. • O. This led to her itefl. .Her residence is in Gooch land County, but ,4- was' at lire time on a pretended friendly visit to till family of Rev. Dr Hodge, In the city of Richmond, the occasion being the death and funeral of one of tie little cMIdien of this good man, who is now gone io Europe te procure Bibles for the Confederate rilates. ’ Through the sacred amenities friendship expressed for a worthy Minister of th* Gos pel and his household, Mrs. Allan had been received into the famiiy—tbt detnly Northern asp Into the garden of Southern hospitality Her visits were fre quent, and her stay protracted, the more perfectly to probe into the secret! of political significance, of which she knew Fr. llodge-'aa the associate of public men, and his family and vWfors. through Mm, were more er Its? cognizant of. Dtps th- lamented Jackson visited, and its roof often sheltered his head, ahen in Ihe city; here his wife, and aftsrwaids his widow, made her tem porary home. Though it is t.ot to lie presumed that Gen. Jocks n imparled military movements to hi nearest and dearest companions, (be fact of ?he pres ence of stick s woman In tach a place, sacred to Saotti- ern honor acd integrity, makes loo plain to be denied that tiie treacherous -py s light it out as a most con venient and jwculmrly adapted point trom whence to operate. Finding her a gnestat Dr. Hedge’s house, where the d ad child w -»then Msg awaiting interment, theofB cers cent to arrest her Yorfaire to distuib the privacy and grief of tbs amBy' .tiB the funeral was over, bnt informed her of tlicV^'jcct of their visit and kept wateff over her till Ibe'proper time, when she was ar rested and carried behjfe Don Winder. She preserved njfroid turvilfance over tier. A* the examina ion, wiiibjjJs-.-i* ciuljr lurti*?!/ waier«?»1 iutd* several intercepted wo c produced. She At denied their authorship,lit it afterward* admitted that she htui wriiien < ne but, as they were aft iu te wntiue h*?r oente slou or deyial was of little consequence. These letters were evidently not the liret from her pen sent «ver the same lfoe. 't he manlier in which ilia operated to concent the reil character other correspondence wns, to incios ? the let ter addrrMc.l to the person fur whom it wa» intended in an outride envelope, directed to some female tn the Xorth, on intimate t* rm^ »nd of like leutiments with tU^ writer* to lie maile.t f«» its proper nddreca. One of the envelope* ‘*on«J a few lines,’* Addressed to a young female iu Baltimore, cmduined a long letter directed] ‘•Rev. Morgu i !»ix, New .V**rk,” the brother of Major General Dix., Ia this letter she imparts the names of prominent clergymen of NVw York City, and the name . ivcd connections of a Udy. hi&h in Southern circles in Baltimore, all of whom!%he accuses of rympathizin^ with the rebellion. The villftinou^ ingrstc nays in t>»in letter that Dr IfoJ^e’s j-eal tni.-sion t<» diuriipe is to influence the English in furor* of the South, and that tho procuring o' Bibles is only a pretense^a blind; u.unea the time whet and by what flteamur he will return, and «aja he oiigfit to hd arrested and kept In continement daring the war, and recommends an effort to t>o made to cap ture the steamer in which he will come over. Tho names of owners, and the locaticn of a nnmlier of plantations on the Jmiocb river ere given with rain- nteness. She suggests that they ought to be destroy* ed; names prominent points commanding for artllery etc., etc. .She expresses n strong hope that the “r* bein’* may aoo.r nil be “crushed on*,*’ and concludes the letter thus: *:ff the Uni'cd States doos not suppresa the re- lieilion they do not merit -’he respect of the world.’* A second letter. addre«*.ed to her Me*er, “Miss Jen* ule V. Wilson, Cincinnath Ohio,’* gossipped over tho Slonerouu raM abound Ri.*l;m«n<h the practlcnbiPty of vhlch was first doubtless comraiuicatej to the J.lncoin Government in some of her previous letters. In the letter to her sister, tliy writer exprsescs great petu* Inhco over what ehd terms the ‘ failure of Gen. Stone man to devastate ami destiny went ** Shb-stytes him n “white gloved gener#J," and thinks he was “too easy and timid with ihe rebels’* 8he Is downright mad with him, and blames him t.rr pot Vmrnlng the residence of Hon. James A.Feddon, -ihe rehell 8 crelary of War,” win*** plantation H in Gout bland, near one owntdhy her husband. While the Stomemnn raid was In progress, Mrs. Al lan was at her husbandV plantation in tiie Jine of itoneman’aroute. It is said Stoneman himself alight* etl with his. stafl' ju- he parsed dowrr, and did her tiie honor of .n visit. ♦ , However this may he, cergwn members of his cavalry orps are known to hare s opjped tiicre.and refreshed ttemsMrcs, and departed without InjQring a triads of grans except tlioee their horae..; trod upon and bat. ARRKST OF SIRS. PATTBtf SON AhhAN IN RICUHONU. The RU:tkim*nd papers give the part culars of ttio ar rest of this prominent fcmale^tr^RotJuiJU^py-^Hte- JWgwirrrtfiyssH’e'wasbopn in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a daughter of Dr. Wtlson, s physician of the Themp- soman school* who kept a botanical store upon Main •tceet,in Cincinnati. The mother was an ambitions woman, and gave her children finished education*. Having gotten together some little money* the family went on a European tour, and while in Italy Mr. Allan met and miTtied his present wife. Sbe Is said to be a woman of terriliio temper, and approaches the natnre a virago. The Ex*Mintr says the maiden name of the accused Mary Wilson, and afce Was born In Cincinnati, Ohio. Der Sober was a steam doctor, but died abroad poor with' his foully about him* A few years ago, while traveling-in Europe with hla mother. Me, Allan met the Wilson family fn Romo, lUJr, and becoming enam- ored of MiMary, married.hert Bis-wealth imme diately placed the family in a competency* and th*. two families returned'to tfcis country* Mr. AU*n bring* Inr his* Wife to Richmond, hts place of residence.— fifince that time, Mrs. Allan, though a Northern lady, w She hM,fhwa a. proriitute that position''to- the basest ot etieaee. norite all tha honorable conditions of life, in th* hop* of advsaeiog in the South thg trinmi-b of no accnraed purpose held at Jke North, her Mrth pl*M v . It seem* that the anjhoritiris had'for eome time beru Mrate that treaelferone eorveapriiadcnre was being car ned on bet.eai Richmond 1. i "partie- ia the North. l»d been jiinfcleto trace itop. Hermolc of pro- teduve appears to'have-teen this: SLe vfoul-l «*u.l a tier by a'seraant'a nanA/nddrcssed to a well kriami of un.ioubieJ loyalty, tre'.-tall tel.} Ukbte man. Tfiey 'affict one and a very dear friend only.'* Tiafetfera wou’d be r.veu into the hands oi ‘nfeoof uuJoubfel Ala*! I*m gone: Jell Daft*, here’s j our i f K*nrti!l’ R- Hoax *lree’, firat J*jor from the £L MXSSINa LETTER. cj'HL' iaJitiduol who rco*.,T^J i.y mtiitake from thePoc: i a tjnic-o. A i.TTTfcl* *JJit»- d U th« *ob*Cf1b&f, alJ ! Advort^teJ ou ti 6 fih li;*'. will conf«r a fav^r by »»&ri!r-g ! II tu n». Ot Li CiKANtilk, Ctt* t„.i I Jy»f* \ WU L ROBIXSiN. ces-c. One of the fetter, overhauled and evijene’-arainst her dispatch- J by eenyer, a negro bey. t - i-nat ,.n Iimej rii er. to the earn of a party.»ho W>ld coannucicafe, th- Federal gunboat* The cunseue-i Was .-splureil Lj the Confederate pickets, and the letter wllh him, a«d both the nrgro and the Inter were -ccnffjcned to the .-<atedy or ..-r. Wrn.ler. . EorOlwir — \> c-l irFftnOh*- Borol'llUr.ViBcorA tvwj in : iru. ij.c-- - r.i proceed lorthwilli to anrcll Wounded—J C George tight baud, alight; Missing—privates Reuben Elrod, J C Co k E P Baker, J C Montgomery. Co B, Capt G A Ctoper cotnd’g. Killed— private John Thomas. Wourded—private Leopold Silzefont in right shoulder. Misaine—corpl W Sullivan; privates J A Col Una, w M Jones. R Massengale, John Wince, Jack Poole, J J Phillips J G Smith- Co C, Capt F M Dwight, comd'g. Killed— A Drum, J A Low, M E Wooda'I, John 11 Limb. Wounded—Capt FM Dwight tight hip,slight; Lt J B Griffin held, alight; sergt M L Pope lelt leg. vinca amputated; privates T U Hen dricks, Jelt arm. severe: Newton llatdie lelt arm, •ever*; R G Sullies right arm, alight; Amos Kirksey left lout, slight,since died ul'disrsse; A \V Key right arm, slight; R H Parsons lelt arm, alight. Missing—F K'rksey, corpl J G Cheatham privates J 11 Brannou, T S Brannon, T M Bras well. R S Braziel. J G Bond, W Elrod; A N Eoana, W C Hopkins, W Robins, W W Smith. R T Sexlon, J Thompson,.! A Odell,N V Rider, W J Freeland, W G Gilbert. Co D, Lt Willis Martin, comd’g. Killed— Lt D W Loudermilk, privates G A Bing. JP Bing, 'JaaFurgiaon, H|F Holland. D Gaudy, Co'or Bearer; A Shaw, Felix Cantrell; Wounded—Lt W Martin lido, slight; privates J F King right shoulder; Wm Bratton side, vere. Missing—Cspt John I.oudcnni'k, privates G B Foster, Isaac Keller, » liwiu, Win Irwin, R It Pugh, D Roperson. CoF, Capt G B Hudson, comd’g. Killed— corpl J T Pritchard, Privates J J McMicken, L D Warmick, M W Wells W H Jolly. Woulded—W E C Wilson right side and arm. mortally; corplg S S Middleton lelt arm, slight; A J Simpson left thigh tnd ank'e.seriniia; priv'te A .T Cochran thigh, slight; S T M* Elroy, leg, amputated; M D Pritchard right thigh, serious: C T W right right hip. serious. Missing—corpl S V Flowers, privates W B Anderson, J F Bostwick, J S Bunt, L W Cash, W B Clark J M DeLong, W II Hampton, A J Lunsford, E M Kiihrridgu,- J P Maddox, \V K Nash. J w Nash. Win Penefi. W T. Ray. J S Rutledge, J W Turner. J P Wells, J .3 Wright. Company 0, Lieut J P Smith com tunneling. Ktil«d: J It Nicholson, Corporal J Nations, irut J M Rogers, Private S (J Davis. Wounded: Corporal I S Robinson in loll hip, slight. Mil • Jissing: Sergeant .1 C lluff.tore, PrivalesU Tyler, B H C&rlile. Company II, Win Q Harris commanding. Killed: Lieut Thos B McRntyre, Lieut W J Beck; privates Andrew Anderson, A J M-j D nald, Wm J Laymancc, U C Arrowood, J P i’o'eel, John E Simmons. Wounded: Corp James Masters in left hip, iigbl; Privates-Wm A Crouoh in left thigh, seriously; James B Dunn in left arm, seriou*; James M Roberts in left hand,' serious; Samuel West in loft -(high, slight; E Naylor in left hand, slight. . Missing: Corporals Wm Ctimbse, N D Mitch ell Privates M F Compton. John Hardosstle, B J Mullinax, R Philips, J N Rambeau, James Smithy, John Arnold, James F Hill. Company I, -Capt J L Morgan commanding. Killed : Sergeant T G Stokes; Privates Lewis Edwards, James Buroh, Adam Brookelt. Wounded; Privates John Stokes in left thigh, serious; J Beanobamp in left thigh, slight; John Parker in loft shoulder, slight;- John Horton in left arm- slight; Jesse Querela In right arm, slight. Missing: Privates J Hubbard, A J Hentley, B Dover. Company K, Capt A A Dyer oommai.dlng. Killed : Private 0 P Veal. Wounded.- Sergeant W B Minor in arm, elighl; Corporals T H Dyor in left arm, alight; J ill Bagwell in loft knee, slight; M Dutton in right arm, slight; Thos M Creswold in bead and loiVarm, slight. Missing: Sergeants W A Carroll, W R Wal lace, Corporal J A Nash; privates E P Brooks, M D Hopkins. W K Mathews, S H Pickins, J ” Ross, W J Veal, W A Richardson. all man l-. tr.-'ll 40 tin.1 45*Mq.ti> tear .arms. XVu ad- tIv all i,>.n linbfe nndPr ihedate call to make their arrungetneutr ar p.'.ru as* pc-rilde, and volunteer In •onto, raiment of thair choice. This they can do by going to the Enrolling officer and telling him the com pany and regiment ; l« wit ch you with to volunteer Heir bound to receive all persona thusjnasonting themselves or volunteers, and give them transports- 'lion, dc. They ale-- will receive (lie bounty offfr). But if men wait for him to hunt them up,-they will be sent to the service as Conicriptr. and perhaps to some command which they would not prefer. If any one wisher to make some arrangement* for hir family before leaving, ho can go to the Enrolling offieerand volunteer, and grtpi tin lough for two or Free .ihv", we have n>« alonj.t: Come up and robin leer Be Rcattjr, We I, atu on the most undoubted nuthotiiy that Roscctans is otgsniy.irtg a heavy lorce ot cavalry with which to attack North West Geor gia, this city and the _ railroads in Alabama.— Whatever our people intend to do tor home defense, must he done in haste. Vol , ) division. > B, 1863 j omclai Report of Col, Jet nee A. Glenn .30111 On. Heglmrut, In Ilia Hattie of Baker’* pink, H’n Qdat’rs dt'.Tn Rab’T Ga Vol , Cununiny'e Brigade, Stephenson's JPinition, Camp Near Vicksburg, Miss., May IB, Capt. C fr. Phillis;/, A. A 6 : Slit—la the engagement of the 16'h Inst, my Regiment was put in poaitioh in lino vt bat tle, st right angles, on the rijjht of Col. John son’s Regiment, 34 b Georgia. The filing commeu.-cd And was- continued fierce and terrifio 1 held the position in wbioh I was placed, under a severe Ure on my front and enfiladed nt my left, and a revere fire at my rear by a left-oblique froti tho enemy, who had driven Col Johnson's Jhjgfmont from his position and advanced opposite lo my colors before I gave the command (^retire. At. this point Cap!vn Glenn, who wv noting Major, was wounded in the right shoulder. The officers ar <1 men in ray Regiment acted with commend il.lo courage, u jt a man brqf^t ing the alignment until 1 gave the oomraand to reliro. At this place I foal about -one hundred acd fifty men of my regiment, in killed, wounded and capture/. I could not' retire in good order, hccaueejlke enemy wae alvancing in liunof haltle oppisrie, and caver ing my entire left wing. I sn.rro-dod tri rally- Lug. my tncu ii- tbe rpa.l I •>-tlrakl«ft of Captain Waddoll’a Battery, when my t}en fired c.wlly and delilierat- ly, UoMing in <-j)eek the enemy ad ancii-g on my front, which .position I held nntil a force' advanced from Ibq right of tho Battery. Seeing my right curlptetely turned by the enemy, .1 again- gave trip command to retire, which was done-in fair ;atd»r acres* a ravine to a fence, hf tlie fight at the toad. I lost five'men and Gu-tavua Uaeriine, my Adju tant, who acted with commendable courage At the point in t be road I rtv-rived (Valuable aid from Major Mayo. Brigada'Ca&mUeary ; Mrj John.). Reeves, Geo.' Stephenson's A \. O., and Lieut- Wise, Ordnance Officer; alt oi whom acted with e. inmcndabln bravery. 1 instructed Capt- Morgan to go overdo the house in the field and qrganixs the men that were .there ; which hn did, and marched them book lo (ho road, and.they w-tfo again pat into the fight by M«j. Broyles, on tho left of Col. Barkedalo's Hrgimeot. - -Having ssrer- rained that fw? of my Uouif.itrites, which had beoo thrown out-os akfrmishera,- were in a pJ- eition to do no good, I or b red them up, tiuJ, with nmaz Alabamiana on-.t Miet -tiriai. ,- f had rallieJ, I arrived on our line .of l.iUte itoute-li- ately before tho order wksgivta to falllmok By this I was unaided to^umeofi the field with the main bulk ot tay Regiment' . My otficera and medl>ehaved lr->d during the entire' engagement, with the etrepiuin that the men fised tou fast when the tOSBmfSMJM firing on ne from three direcii-.H >,kt the place where lb* tine of l..»tf le w v% first selected. - Very reapecifutly, . nr ... i ser. IKdSHA. GLENN. Cel f .•tuuiaiid’g LIST or Jv.-'J tLrilM A Mtewart, W A Stevens. R B Welkin? Wounded Lient J W Brown in head, slijpit; Sergeant J E llurch in right atm, slight; Pri vates E Thomas in left thigh and right should er, serious;;Tiavid Otks in left side, serious. Mfsting: Corporal H D Keter, Privates A J Stevens, D L Stewart, W H Wiliams, J Paoh. C4SUALTIE3 OF THO HEGIHENT IS THF. TRENCH ■S ItEFtiRE VICKSBURG DURING THBUK4E. FiKr.n and Staff. Wounded—Cul Josse A Glenn toll hand and shoulder, seriously; (Now at home end doing well.) '. ’ Co A—Killed ; Carpi D-H Laymatice. Wounded—Privates L E Brown arm, slightly; Jo eph Ezzard back, do; Lemuel Wnikiiis, ne<-k, do. , Co B— Killed: Sergt James Dempsey, Pri vate. A Holland, J Dempsey, Wesley Latch. Wounded—Privates J PhillipsTtgB, severer Jesse Dunn arm, slight; A Hays leg, since am putated; Jno Sparks head, slight. Co C—Killed: Private M-D Evans. Wounded—Lieut J J Buttles, thigh Irar lured. Co D Wounded: Wm Coleman, flesh woTind nt leg. Co E—Killed : Private G W Wilkie, Lt T U Jeflerson. Wounded—Privates ,S R Sutnorer hark, se vere; L Bozemtn back, slight; J Dooly thigh, severe, _ _ -— Co F—Killed : Sergt J A Roberts, Private s ff Adams. Wounded—Dr B F Chapman side, alight; Private M E Dougherty groin, slight. Co G—Killed : Private J K Douglas. Co I—Killed : Private W R Jones. Wounded—Privates James Manning, fingers; Lieut W R Russell chest and wrist, serious; Private W W Willie side, alight. Co L—Wounded : A B Nowell, shoulder, slight. > (Sitncd) J. R. MoAFEE, . Surgeon 36th Ga. Regt. BY TELEGRAPH. Instructions to Unrolling Officers. CII4RLK1T0K—THE t'KOTLE RESPONDING—NSW YORK HIO.S-FOREItiN NEWS. Kirnuoxo, July 94—Lt Col Hey, acting t-hiaf of the Bureau oi Conscription has issued a cir cular which gives the following information in relation to the recent Proclamation of the Preai dent extending ite conscript age to 45 years. All enbstitutiona ha/e ceased to be valid/ if the aubotilnte is less titan 45 years- old and is not otherwise exempt under the law. Members, whether officers or privates, iii lo cal organizations for home defense or special aorvice.liare no cUim to exemption from Coofed, crate service in the field; neither does service ii_ to the ca-e of militia officers Written Xxprettly for. the Otetederacy. POXBS ON 1 NUMBER fifteen. BY A. *. WATSON. MANASSAS. Tvro year, (gone, au.| the deep mediae thro*. Boding a nation's birtli, rant earth and sky; A sea ar flams mod* hill and valley glow, ^“^dderu* eotth shrank from tba horrid cry Of hell hounds, rushing froa their hideous fair, Wild with ths tameless fteuxy of despair. tho miHtia, nulees i of the several Since iu commission end daiv vu ilified. “Hereafter, any one furnishing a substitute, becomes liable in hi* own person, whenever tho services of the substitute ar* loti to the Gov. eminent from any can-* other than the casual ties of war. All application* fin- exemption must 'first ho addressed to tho iccal angoHiag. officer. H ad. dressed to a higher-authority, a will he refer red back tor local examina'ion and report An official dlgjut%£~IJwu <leu. Beauregard to-day, oaya thtfllRmy recommenced shellihg yeeterday—a few casualties on our aide. In tie battles of tbe ISA, wo had T60 killed and wounded The enemy’s loss, iucludiog pris oners, is about 2,000. Right handled wero buried under fit-; of truce. Col. Putnam, acting Brigadier Uct e al, and Col. Sbaw, coni' mantling negro reg'mnnts, wero killed. Sinoo the fall of Vioksburg, the martial spirit of the oountry is revived. Many per sons heretofore in the service, avow their pur ple to return. Others, who have forninhed substitute-, or are otherwise exempt, are, in numt-rona instance*, preparing' to go tuto the army in support' of the. President's call. ssoond dispatch. Northern dates to the 20:h iu th * alternoon have been received The great riot in New Yotk seems, externally, to bo suppressed. Gov Seymour has issued orders stating th it a sufficient force had krrived to enable the civil authorities lo maintain the public peace anden- force-ordcr, and the citizen vo nnteer organiza tions have been relieved from further duty — Three thousand troops still guard the seventh avenue arsenal. * The draft will not begin until flie exact quota or the city is definitely determined. A week mat’ first elapse. The Ilansa lies arrived with foreign advices to the 8tli July. The reW* is unimportant. A powerful iron plated ram, feaid lo be for the rebels, had been launched from the Mrnsri Laird’s yard in Liverpool. Political disturbances have occurred in Ber lin Gen Petrigrew'e retinitis arrived here tbit P M by the Central train, and was e cofled lo the Capital by a long profession of the military. - The body, will be taken lo North Caroline to morrow. The Yankee Raid oa Rocky Mount. Goldsboro’, N. C., July 22.—Dataila of tho Yankee depredations, commencing last Mon day, at Rocky Mount, come in elnwly and con fusedly. - lt appears that about 300 of their cavalry proceeded to Rocky Monnj, white 200 remain ed to depredate around Tarboro; These loiter wore attacked, whipped and routed on Mon day evening, by three companies of our envoi * ii ' ior * — . ry, and about 100 of our men, Msjor Keunedy commanding, who were etallonsdnear Daniel's Sohoolhouse, two and a bait miles from Tar- boro, sonth of Tsr River. Tpe Yankees left six dead and fifleon wounded on the> field.’’ Eight horses and 40 horse accoutrements were otptm-ed by our boys, 'Our loss was three wounded—among them Capt Thompson, by a ball through hie right wrist. He arrived in town this mo; ‘ Company L, Capt Thos Williams ootr,m«p.t _f?*n Ula myratM-. . . , —i —-r- P T iau.te tTcrgcgR Tt I|fSwV.T rrivales W _ T'lie Yankees are paid to have cs/ried off nl.out Ptel on paol foe brifowing Grander shook Tbs frighted nations or the asrth, and sU Tha sons of Traadom can a ling-ring look Of wondering mateneboty, a* the battle-pall. Ros) dark and boding on the aulphnrous air, tfasUog a shod* of UesofaUon Ultra. The land grew farid with tho bursting flame , Hearts waited tmnbUng for tha mighty end; Tha throna of Freedom tottored ; but her natno Saiote fury ia the souls that coatend' Fhr Truth and Justice—uirt for glory and renown— And nerved their arms to strike th* tyrant down. Ah I what deep tearing* sho * the frenzied esrih IVhan flratthaaa lithtninga flashed along tho sky, And to* chained thun-lere burnt in terror forth Were chilled Udeu with horrid shrieks, west howling I blast, past. And then Vwas dona; and rottiag masses Us To show wham death-* high carntrsl hath been; Fame w*pt to sae her noblest offspring die, But gloried still to non ter porpeea win ; And an ter Uigtest tempi* oT rattown 8as waors eon NAan>waux ovatss roRxaxa k,k-» Atlanta, July St. - *. , ’ Blockade—tYhile tho friends of Mr. Cionrcnt L. Valhtndirham are besieging Waehingi bn and invoking Mr. Lraaoln tb rehere that gentleman flroui tha judgment that confines him to the bonntUried of the Southern Confederacy, Mr. VaUandlz- hnm Mmsalf lrwtts the judgment and the pow ers that decreed it, with profound oo»..mri by boldly Boltin -, b >th at defi:inco Tho pbinl nowe yesierday informs ue (hat Mr. Vailandig- ham tome liino since "run the blockade." (thus treating, with marvelous dlsrcspeet the Secretary or the Navy,) and that he is already enjoying British protection at tho Island oTBer muda; *o that the candidate of the Ohio Do- mcoraey would asem to be no longer ia need of the President’* pardoning grace. A 'compromise might be made of the possi ble future complications -of Mr. Vallxndig- ham’eoaso to this effeot: that he, VaUandig- ham, shall agree to remain out of the country till he i* elected Governor of Ohio. Wo are fully persuaded that Mr. Linooln would and ought to make peace with the Vallandfoham- mers on this basis. One onrion* feature of VaUandigham’e case' remains to bo explained. A Richmond paper says he delivered himself up to the rebel* as a prisoner of war, and was “ held as such while be remained in the Confederacy." 1 f so, how did ho get away? Who pardoned him 1 Who exchanged him?—A'. T. Times. New Advertisements Notice of Dissolution. JfJSiSSf* ** toUu * uo'W iteutM ora. L HAV ER’JAOOUK * OG, will baPImolvwlon th. 1st ©t AOfUl next. The btuiuaMwUlte eoatteard .t th. GM Stwid wed * Jh* J»*fe'•( M^YXR O JACOBS All pant** tevfax on. sod tho, Indteted tj, ihe oM Item, wlri '““ focw.ttt f* arttlmMW. Thuktul fcr past rora-Atetew fir« w.a’d box * a.ut Inntrr* of Ih* »m>>. D MAYER, JACOBI A CO. House and Lot For Sale. Bapreme Court Decisions. Si. J. Calloway, Suit-Enrolling Officer, Pi'if in Error, t'l TAos N. -Hoj,kins—Jrum IVilkes Superior Court. In this case Titos N Hopkins waa enrolled, sent to the camp of. Instruction, he<tiin. ' The enrolling officer apteequetely inpWf in- enrolled him and sent hijn to tho ( am, ... struetion, where lie wu conscribed and retained in service. lie sued out a writ ot habeas corpus upon tho ground that the previous discharge was final, and tbst he could not be re-enrolled. The ease came before Judge Thomas tt Wilke* Su perior Court, who discharged Hopkins. The enrobing officer brought the caae up -o the So. preme Court, who affirmed the decision oi the court below, upon the ground tliet the enrolling officer had produced no evidence to show that tbe discharge was improperly granted, or that be wae not subject to irreducible hernia. Folly Jackson, vs Administrators of Randal Raley,deceased, from Wilkinson Superior Court. This was a suit brought by tbe mother of three bastard children, to recover from the estate of Riley, alleging that he wee the lather or her children, tnd that .be had never brought suit against him in bis lifetime, for .their maintain* ance, because oi his promise to maintain them ' 1 and leave his property to them if she would not bring suit under the laws concerning bastardy. A motion was made by Felly^'« attorneys lor a new trial before tbe Superior Court. The Judge- charged tbe jury that' her forbearance to prore- cote wae no consideration, as any one coald presecate that saw fit tb do so.' The Supreme Court decidsd'that a promise or agreement by the father ol a bastard child lor the benefit of fke child or children in considers* tion' that site would not prosecute him forther offehte of bastardy, wss a suffici*"! considera tion to snpjiort such promise or agreement. Riobt.—We observe that Major General Buckner has issued very stringent orders againafafbe practice so indiscriminately iudutg*. ed i?l by minor military officiate, . of interfering, w ith cilizeua. He Ia) c down the rule distinctly that' tho military Uss.noihuvgto do with the ■ ondnet of the citizen, except lor violation *of military law, and officers who make-arrests tie tu be hctd^accoaniabtA in cases' ol Improper d** teniion. . • . — —“ i, .! ... t jStali. < ol Jess. \ Given, h.; I ,-t!—(Iu-:avu„ 11 ret line, tijjstit ;. \\'.,.irdrd- Actnii' Msjut J Orderly. Mnnr—- C CoA.I.i G W K-" - r-i ... Wash! l-?xs Dpmoka bv LifiHTxtto' We r.^r.-t lo ie&rti-that’the two wart i. isees at .S^ffold, Ga., on tbe Chattahooeh.-- riser, con taining; about 2.000 bales Of cotton, beside* I other property, wero deMvojfeJ by fire I <)Q 'he laih instilaL Tbe bnlldic:;* both i 500 negroes. I.e«i.le horses and other property. They eaiiipe.t last night at Guasley’s meeting house three and a hall miles from Snow Hill, Greene county, (35 miles south o' Tarboro, and VO miles east ot All the bridges over their rente have liven burn'. Col Claiborne ond others are on track of them All sorts of rumors as to' their whereabouts are afloat,'but their is nothing definite outside of military circles. * Latest—The Yankees are juppoEcd to have etcaped by way ol Scuflleiown.: From the Western Army. Mo).toh, July 21st—via Mobile 22d—No change in affaire to day. The enemy are busily engaged in tearing up the track between Bran, dou and ' Jacksen.- They, Joined tho depot at the latter place last nightr TJrant is-preparing to tall ba. k, as their is no watev in his front.' Rorallatton, IMPORTANT FOREIGN NEtVd. ltionMOND, July 23.—A telegram from Foit- rvss Monroe, rays that Gen. Rany Lee and Captain Winder have been placed in close confinement and the Rebel Government noti fied that 1 if Captains Sawyer and Flynn are executed, Lne and Winder wilt be, in retalia tion. The- Washington correspondent of tha New York Express says, Grant will soon relist* Meade in the command of the Army of tho Potomac. SECOND DISPATCH. This Paris correspondent of tho New York Herald, writing on tke 7tb July, tay a: The Monitor (the Emperor’s offioinl organ) has at length given the Imperial Torsion of terview between Napoleon and Itoebuck. . , It says the Emperor expressed to Koobnok and Lindsay a desire to see ptane established in Ameriea; but observed that the proposi tion for mediation addressed by him to Lon don last October, not hiving been agreed to by England, he did not think it his duty to moke odq before he was sura of Us acceptance.— Nevertheless the Ambesstdot of Franco at Lon* don would receive instructions to eound the in tention of Lord Palmerston on thia point, and examined by the surgeon and discharged on th£ ‘;,' hVm to under.tTnd th.t if the EnXh Cal. ground tlrat he wa. affleted with irtedu, i.bfeT£« M?eved therecognirion of the South would' end the war, tbe Emperor would-be disposed to follow England in this direction. The Herald's correspondent says tbe Seoee- sionists there oonsider this document a dsoi- ded t xpression of opinion on the part of tha French Government, in favor of- tho recogni tion of the Confederate States, and'asserts that it will take place in the course of a month. Sli-iell is said to have freely express el this opiuiou. From Charleston. Cuuttai, July 22.—Occasional firing is continued to-day—no important change initia tion to the disposition of the forces. The steamer Alice airivdd from Nassau last night-heavy rein and thunder this evening. flpadal Disyo’eh to 1te Moblla Tritea*. LATEST EROM NEW ORLEANS. plscioour.a | Julg SO -Tho Now Orieaaa pc pers received here to-day contain no news of importance. The steamer Imperial iud. arrived at. New Orleans from St Louie with a lull cargo of pro dues. She was received with a salute of a Inin, dfed gnu*. - ' ' Loss of mi SrasstE* Rsicooit .-The steam er Rtecoon. Cspttdh Harris, from Nassau, waa burned off'onr bar yesterday morning.? The Raccoon was owned by Messrs J..ho Fraser 4 Co., anil waa lying off tiro Bar fof the past four days, ;0n Stfndoy night she steamed in, but'on approa.'king the Bar alte was headed oil by two of. the bloc trader., each ol which t.t«i at her.— Tire Raccoon changed her course Vsouthward. but o.ron ran afoul of the Iiwi.iiJ. ..passing near throw a bifiit on barrJ. Ths eus • then ordered to put op all'Etcxnt, the stirred op,and a, ctjrak .d^flamoia- .mokestack, mating .the Rat- tor the wbcb iieet. Tb Ihe Minim ea.ry prey, aud ueliberately, but the Rac- jUred, and aped her .way ■She diattnred ihe enemy, ui.for dnateiy ran astound on Drunken IVA Shoals, where she M iABiill within tango ol the gun* of the fleet Tbs email boars v ere instantly lowered.and '.OFFER FOR' BALE MV lIOOfaE ANO k.T,oattoaKtu <t < Aiia u4 r-lfaR artUifa- hateyala writHJA^Iaal^F ■*- TtaafotcauWn.lisir.sac s.'a-d'l wall cf water, and othsr Ii a trod kltchsa, for I«* te (OM un ths prarolMs from « to 10 o’clock, A If, rafewdaya. . ’ Jr* 8 -*-* Wfe U A EPMDNDSCN, For Sale. Avvv,, - 1 fakrsll, iisnwn j * cS55 “ d nraru “ " I ' Jftelo* Coll at A GDNST’i. opposite W K Y«nn« *Oo’s, Whitehall ttrsri. St Philip’s Parish School. TTHE SOnODL for tho Ohfldron aad Otetens of c l brara Eoldlora hariag tesa la operaUcn t htes tamthr, tb* Commltte* lo Cb" r,;*t Ma" U doo to th. IfeartU oaafat'- •■Warns of Atlanta, to *rqai’ ' sacs of ttet Warns of Atlanta, to acquaint ttemwfth tha “2? 1,r 5 te* *:teiidou th-lrsffikte. Tha 3.hcol was cpacod on tte 20th of AptU, wl h •atlstacc*of Monitors, nod tho gratuitousIttancotd * thanks forth* vara liberal donations from also, gtstations Printing by tho OommoTwrafu/; t r tte pajmsat of ths School Room to renew their toy- Mra t B.WRroiiT.^rifaSa* 1 Mr* Dr 0 PELT9, fleerstaty, . Jy2felt . V/ANTED, A BLE-BODTKD NfamtOEU, to t Wlttm Fultoa cjunty. Foil o>I« , ic on Defeases wlibta Fallot c.unly. Fail pilctr ood easternary ration* gfyaa. L PGR ANT. J)2J-lw* • Cspt sin Engineer l, P A 0 8. AUCTION SALE. R. M. PARKS & 00., FRIDAY, JUI.Y *4tb, 1863, IO O’Cloeli, A. M. . 48 OFFICE CHAIRS; 2 Barrels BICE; .LFine Second-hand CARPET; 1 RUG; 's' 4 WINDOW BLIND3; - 1 BEDSTEAD; 1 Piece MATTING; 1 Box GINGER; Ad ! sersral otter artle'si of HOUSEHOLD 00038, WUIOH WILL BE SOLD WIT 000 r KISER YE. — ALSO — • » ' . 15,000 Pounda SNUFF; • 50 Sacks SUGAR; 10 Hhda SUGAR; 10,000 BSOARS; ? 1 Fine CARRIAGE: 2 BUGdfE : and HARNESS. JjS«-lt R M PAItKS As CO. TO CAPITALISTS!!! FLOt'SSI \<h )I5U, CORN MILL AND. SAW MILL FOR SALE, . Eligibly located at UNION POINT, (tatereec- ttenof Attena Brs-^b nn j Qtor*‘ > Kstlrcod.) 91 PBRIOR h:\QINE, 40-Itors* Power, Al! in good order, nearly New.; cue ii rvEt axd good ' Water. /Pidyto FRANK WILLIAMS, AUCTION SALE ' - OF -- SUMMER CLOTHING!!! Webav- cn t'ornigoment ar. EirgaU Lot :t Summer* ('UjUtin*;, ACOTlOK.ftt u exiiy A uich xrtf I. Uf’t riro! IU .... t *,.r’fi alt!*. 'In- 1 .r.«iUt.Hi."ii* , a;it ine,- o'l.t-* • •' l. ro u*- .i : I in-*u COAT S * A n..« &h..dosest cf Littf-n, Maraeilica nn At d t»D ei* \ N I> r N T S :