Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, November 10, 1847, Image 3

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of *»ix vcflin. 1.. A. iNiehet rwi ivod 93 vtilt 1 Henry G. Lamar 711, a d Blank V?. A* Judge of tin* Middle district. \V. V Holt received 88 votes, K Stares H 5, at Blank I As Judge of* the Southwestern district, Lo Warren received !M voles, Mr. Kaidoo 82,an Blank I. As Judge of the Chattahoochee district, F. 4 Hill received 106 votes, Challos Murphy O' and Blank 1. For Judge of the City Court of Savannal there were three hallotings. the two candidate, being twice tied by Mr. Blank. Hu the thin balloting Mr. Shelbill received 89, and Mr Hardin 87 votes. For Attorney.(ieneral there were three bal biting*. On the first Mr. Colvert received I vote-, Mr. Flournoy 48. Mr. Polhill ‘-*7, Mr Plnnizy 85. Oil the third balloting the Democrats math selection of Mr. Colvert. Ist bal. 2D bal. 3d bal Phuiixv, 86 withdrawn. Colvert, 15 75 94 IV Hull. 27 47 37 Flournoy, 48 52 42 Blank, I 1 The Legislature having lliriee balloted for Solicitor for the Southwestern district, became weaned, and look a recess until 10 o clock this morning. Yours, Sic.. A. Mii.i KDGKvn.i.r.. Nov. 0,1847. li k.\tlkmkn :—Yesterday, on the seventh balloting, Mr. Perkins was elected Solicitor for the Southwestern District: and on the tenth balloititig. Major Charles Williams was elected Solicitor for the Chatahoochee District. To day. on the twelfth balloting. Mr. K. W. McCniie was elected Solicitor for the Flint District. This unavoidable infliction is not yet over. Last evening the Whig party met at Beecher A Brown’s Hotel to take into consideration the propriety of nominating candidates for the IT. states Senate There were S,"> members of the I egislatiire present—the whole number of M big members being 92. Mr. GartrHl. of M 6ke*. was again absent from sickness, and Mr Sun| t T. of ('hathani. started for home yes terday on account of the dangerous illness of hi* daughter. Alter u lew happy and appropriate remarks from the R» \ . Mr Moseley, who was culled to the Chair, the meeting was addressed by seve ral g« iii.'emen. who only differed as to certain detail', hut all agreeing as to the main points, the- there should he a nomination, and that *>crv true \\ lug would abide by it. \boiii 9 o'clock. Mr. Stapleton suggested that a committee of three he appointed by the i hair lo wait on Messrs. Berrien. Crawford. Dougherty and Dawson, and invite their at iemlamv on the meeting. This proposition wa> put in writing by the Kev. Mr. Marks, who sustained it by a short speech, and it was n 11:1111- niouslv agreed to. The Chair appointed Messrs. Marks. Stapleton and Shockley the re quired committee, who ::r a few minutes return ed. accompanied by the distinguished gentle meii above named. Lach of them addressed the meeting 111 turn and gave their cordial and unqualified a.vsMil lo abide l»v iho decision tit ihnr party—and each expressed his surprise •hat such an assent should ever have been doubted. 1 tie scene was impressive and highly inter esting. It was a beautiful and simple illustra tion of tin' workings of popular government— the resistible summons of the people calling to their presence * 4 the magnates of the laud." and *hese acting in obedience to the acknow ledged source of political power with the most unalloyed cheerfulness. In this respect, at least, the often misapplied maxim, “ ror populi , , ruJ de 1.” may not lie inapplicable. The vene rable ex-Seiiator. the ex-Governor, the ex- Meiuber of Congress, the Judge with his ermine around him—whether they have borne their 1 honors meekly, with modestdignity, or super cilious austerity—must all bow to the mandate ol the people. "So mote it he.'* Hit' meeting resulted most harmoniously, and adjourned to Tuesday night to mak • the nominations. Yours. A. vilie Slate Elections. trom the Baltimore Amtricon—By Telegraph. Whig Victory in New York. Philadelphia. Nov . 2,11 P. M — The Penn sylvanian has a despatch from New York, an- * iioiifiring the election of all Whigs in the ei.v : and State a* fir as heard from. The vole polled £ in the city i- small, and the Democratic loss t amounts to several thousand. 1 \kw York. Nov. 3. | A. M.—The election 1 M die city of New \ ork passed olf in the most t qm.-t manner The Whigs have carried the : city by t tremendous majority, and the accounts : rom the counties come in less cheering. 1 II rmliou I ish. the \\ big candidate for Lieu- v tenant Governor. has about 4.000 majority in 1 the c.ty Ol New York. and there can be no d"uhl ol Ins election over his Democratic op p-meut. N iihan Dayton by a largo majority. Ihe only Democratic majority yet heard of -200 m >rh* iieeinoy. From the leturns thus far received there can tj l»e no doubt but that the Whigs have swept the • itiro > 1 alt . electing majorities in both branches ' •*f the and thereby securing the ‘I ♦•lection of a Whig V. 8. Senator in the place of Mr Dix r Th i. return* are not yet complete, but so | tdr is one <an judge from the counties heard r from,the \\ l;;gs will have 2d of the 32 Sena lor>, 100 ol the 12"* Members of Assembly— r mor* to in 1 a .i-diirds. On State officers their majority in -ome 30,000. 0 Ijoulslnian Klcrtion. Vi> rKRi* v> ■* 111 id brought us the result of the late *:« ctiun for members of ('ongress and the . Lej-isl iture. in the citv of New Orleans. The Democrats elected three Senators and teii meni h* r< of the llou-e. and llie Whigs ten mem I 1 hers of the House A few days will settle the charaeter of the Congressional delegation and the Legislature. 1 N 1 vv Jkkskv. — In this State (says the New 1 5 ork Courier) the Whigs have carried both branches of the Legislature, hut the candidate named 111 their behalf by the Whig Stale ( on ventioti held at Trenton, Hon. Win. Wright. I ha- been defeated. This result was not unexpected, for, Mr. Wnghl having permitted himself iti 1843 lo defeat, with the aid of hi* political friends and tlie opponents of the Whig party, the regular nomination of the Whig candidate for the fifth Congressional District, by running himself. 1111- • xliiigui-liahle objections were thereby raised in the nun * of many Whigs lo any further •aipport of Mr. Wright. lie was nevertheless pressed upon and car ried through the Convention without much outward opposition—bntthe Whig party would not h.* forced, and the result is seen in the de feat of Mr. W.. while the Stale in both branch es of the Legislature remains Whig. N y vv Jkksf.v Legislature.. —The Whig ma jority in the Legislature of New Jersey is 25 on joint ballot. Connecticut. —'Phe Whig Stale Conven tion met at New Haven yesterday, and nomi nated Cl irk Bissau f«r Coventor : Charles J MeCnrdy for Lieutenant Governor; John B Robertson for Secretary of Stale ; Joseph B. Gilbert. Treasurer, and Ahijah Catlin for (’omptroller. The following are the delegates to the National convention: C. W. Rockwell, Freeman Smith. J 11. Brockway, J. F. Bab cock. J. T. Trumbull, N. L. White. U edne-day, the result ofthe election in New \ ork city and State was announced by the read ing of a telegraphic communication from this city, received hv the presiding officer. When the convention made it* final adjournment in the evening, it was with nine cheers for New York, and nine more for Henry Clay. .Slave Riot at Mount Holly. —We learn that the slave case in Nevv-Jersey. in which three colored person*, two men and a woman, were claimed as the property of an individu I 1 n .Maryland, was decided on Wednesday. The court refused to touch the constitutionality of the law, hut gave the slaves a trial by jury. David Paul Brown defended the slaves; .Mr. Stratton, a lawyer in Mount Holly, was for the owner. The jury decided that the claim was good, and the court ordered the slaves to he restored to their master. The conn-room was filled with about three hundred colored and about fifty white persons. A scene immediately occurred which would have ended seriously but lor the timely precau tion of the court. The slaves made a rush for the door, assisted by their friends, the colored spectators. 'Phe other persons in court came to the aid of the officers of trie law. Sheriff Coiling immediately brought up the military, who were in readiness, and ordered all the col ored people who did not belong to the town to leave it instantly. These prompt measures had the desired effect—the slaves were lodged in jail to await the action of their owner, and the mob speedily took the sheriff*s advice. — Phil adelphia Ledger of Friday. The third Tennessee Regiment, about one thousand men, arrived in New-Orleans on the 3d inst , under command ofCol. Cheatham and Lieut. Col. Whitfield. They were transferred to the ships Boston and Palestine anchored oil the Point. 1i0n..1. M. Berrien. The Augusta Chronicle advocates the re election of Mr. John Macpherson Berrien as j Senator from Georgia, an event of which w* should regret—and such we a require is the senli merit of the Whig party throughout the Cnior -to believe there was the slightest doubt. Hi commanding talents, his lofty character, am his manly independence, have won for him reputation of which every Georgian has a rigli to be proud- Georgia, we are aware, has man able sons.—hut is it unjust to say that not one o them is more widely known or more sincere! honored than Mr. Berrien7 We trust that hi past course may he stamped with the approha lion of his political associates, by their nnnn mous assent to his re-election.— lUchmon> Whig Alabama Troop*. —The Montgomery Flu expresses the opinion that a regiment instead 0 a battalion baa been made up m that State. ICS. WEEKLY CHRONICLE & SENTINEL ml ... BY J, W, & W. S. JONES. Ott mi JAMBS M. SNVTHR* Associate Kdltor. TERMS; * • TWO DOLT.AHS PKH ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN* ADVANCE. th B A lI.Y, T K I-W F. F. Kl* Y A \V KKK LV. es fMfos in /Railroad Hank If 11 tidings. rd DAILY I*AI*KK , per miiuini tl« 00 Till >N KKKLY ' ‘ ■ «w» r - WEEKLY PAPER ** W U) AUGUSTA. GA: 15 T r - WKDNKSDAVMUUK’G.NOV. 1«, 1847* The Knitliak News* ! 'Flu* failure last night of the New York after noon mail, deprived us of our usual exchanges. The Herald of Saturday, however, came through, and from that and an extra from the Charleston Courier, made up from papers r brought hv the Southerner, we are enabled to £ lay before our readers a tolerable full report of the very gloomy ami disastrous accounts brought hv the Caledonia. 1 From the W ashington Vniou , 30 ihult. 1 Official. Treasury Dkpaktmknt, Oct. 20, 1847. 1 The r»ftM|»is into 1 lio Treasury during the quurler I ending llie 30di of September, 1847, were, as nearly as can now be ascertained : i From Customs 811,070.000 l do lauds 832,7(H) do miscellaneous 15,67(1 do loan of 1846 •• • II 1,000 do loan of 1847 5,144,700 617,174,130 Wk copy the above mainly to ask attention to the fact that the revenue from customs is at the rati* of forty-four millions a year. Coiisi • dering the smallness of most duties, it is obvi ous that the importation of foreign goods must be immense to yield so much money from im post*. We shall consume some sixty or seven ty 111 ill ions of yards of cotton prints, imported within a twelve-month, which might he fabri cated 111 the Slates where the cotton is grown. A hale ol this article will not make a yard more cloth in Lnglami or France than in Georgia. U liy then send onr cotton 4,000 miles to he wrought into cloth lor Georgia consumption ? Il the practice is advantageous, should we not send our wheat and corn lo Fngland to he m.inulactiired into flour and meal for home consumption, as well as onr cotton ? The anti- American policy, which would keep ns ever at the mercy of London and Liverpool* mar kets for the price of onr great staples, is fraught ' with incalculable mischief. We would not j oppose legitimate commerce. The large ex- 1 tension of the manufacture of cotton, woollen 1 andiron goods, in the Southern States would j operate to increase, rather than diminish their t foreign trade. t It would double their population, and quad- * rnple their means of paying for the products t of foreign industry. It is only those who are [ quite independent in their circumstances, that * can purchase largely of others, and pay with- j out inconvenience. As a community, the pro- r ducers of one or two articles only, no matter c how valuable they may he, can never occupy j' this independent position. The wants of ci- ( vilized society are quite too numerous for that. * I Goons.—Among the goods in the warehouse here, * we notice packages lor J.mesville ami Ross Hill in ? Virginia; and also for Columbus, Mississippi. ’ *j \\ e copy the above paragraph from the last J' Dalton Eagfe t to show to the people of Geor- tj gia the great importance lo them of the imme diate extension of the Stale road to Challauoo- c i I' ga. 1 Ins done, it must and will become the n great thoroughfare for the travel and transpor- a tation ol the products and merchandise of an immense district of country, which few, even llie must sanguine of its friends, ever anticipa- i< (cd tints increasing the revenues of the s l State, and in like ratio lessening the burthen of taxation. Indeed, we shall not he surprised, j s when the extension to Nashville is completed, d to see lire Stale road yielding a sufficient reve- * 1 j nne to support the Stale government. Prime, Ward & Co. |y lit*. IV.-Hi ua,l liirwciiun nf iii* w w #• ty n.inK übtaiiied a judgment sonic lime sine*: in the I Court of Now York against Messrs. Prime, vv Ward *N: Co. (or 880,000 ; ami the defendants subse quently mule payments which reduced the amount S 1 to about 870,UuU. In the course of last month an ac- 0 | tion was brought by plaiutitls on the judgment tor the recovery ofthe above mentioned sum. and immediate ly afterwards had them arrested under a Stillwell war rant, on the ground of fraud. After a patient hearing ol'ilie case Judge Kdmondsof the Supreme Court over ruleil all the objections umde by the dclendants, and B sustained Die warrant. The counsel of Prime, Ward i Co. applied for a postponeineut of the order until the h< iftcrnomi of Wednesilay, in order that he might m ike iL ap his mind what course lo pursue, whether lo bring jj Die defendants up by writ of habeas corpus to the >u prenie Court, or to appeal from the decision. The w Nl inliattan Hank, the next largest creditor has also (( isMietl a Stillwell warrant; and the Bank of Coin murce has also issued 11 Stillwell warrant for $40,315. r . P \\ f. regret to learn that the alfairs ol U this distinguished house are assuming a position in which Stillwell warrants, for fraud, are sns- tained by the Supreme Court of New-Vork. |, The current events of the day. both in Fug- h land and this country, strongly admonish all bu- ( 1 siliess men to exercise the utmost caution, lest s they become entangled in some one or more t of llie thousand snares of the credit system. I 0 The abuse of this system ruins thousands of I the most enterprising and intelligent men in all t commercial nations. They make haste lo gel I 1. rich, and if successful, redouble their speed to j become richer, and end in a failure. I j The Northern Mail. j ( Some days since we copied a paragraph j from the Richmond Times,in refeience to the J I difficulties between the Postmaster (ieneral ami I ' the contractors between Washington City and j . Richmond. Below we give the account ofthe i affair, as furnished by the Washington corrca- I • nomlent of the Baltimore Patriot —by which it j J will he seen that after the 10th of December I next, the Northern mail will be delayed twen- I . ty-fonr hours between those points, unless the 1 Department and the contractors agree upon terms. This will indeed he a serious evil, a-I gainst which the people on both ends of the I line should promptly remonstrate ; j “ This is the contractors’ showing of the case;—ln j 1842, when Die mails were not one-half so large a* I they now are, ih* contractors were receiving what a- I mounted to $30,000 per annum for thus transporting I .the mail. Hut ns they put no ice-boat on thermite, J th?y ask mi additional compensation, which was re- I fused. Finally it was left to arbitration. President j Tyler was the arbitrator, and he decided in favor ol j the contractors. They then received upward of s3l,- I 000. Last spring the Department advertised f**r propo- I sals for carrying this mail. The same contractors put I in »h* ir bid, which amounted lo $36,000. They had J no competitor. The Postmaster General opened their J bid, and wrote them that they would he allowed rates I which would amount to $29,000 per annum. They I replied that they would not carry it for that sum, and I contended that an their bid was the lowest, the contract I belonged to them at their terms, to wit, $36,000. I They, however, continued to carry the mail, agree- I ing until the Department could decide upon the mat- J ter, to receive the old rates, amounting lb something I over $31,000. On the first of October, when they I applied lor their quarterly pay, the Postmaster Gene- 1 rai ordered them lobe paid only at the rale ol $29,000. J They therefore held a meeting ami gave him notice I r that they would not carry the mail upon those terms j I alier the 10»h of December next. ; . The Postmaster General, resolving not to yield aril p inch, has advertised for proposals for carrying this mail by land, which will retard it twenty -lour hours ’ between this city and Richmond, and at the same time cost Uncle Sam more than $36,000 per annum, ! r * for the road is so very bud that the mail couches can get no passengers, and therefore lire contra dors will II have to charge tire Government for the whole ex- H pense. I- Passengers, parcels, newspapers, and so forth, will go as usual, by the steamboat and railroad route, and gain a * lay on the mail. A beautiful business in the line of modern democratic economy !’* 1* '* Louisiana Legislature.—As far as iieurd jj- from, the Whigs have gained one Senator ami five Representatives and lost one Representa tive. The N. O. Bee of the slh inst. says: e “ So far the prospect seems fair for a Whig a Legislature; hut this is yet a matter of extreme uncertainty. The Whigs are very apt to lose b. Representatives in their strongest parishes ,11 through dissentions and splits, and we must have many more returns before an estimate of l( j the result can be reasonably hazarded. hi At Boston, according to the Courier, money jy. during the past week has been more in demand, jy and usurious rates of discount have been freely ii* submitted to ; 9 per cent, having been paid on a - the first class paper. A slight movement in specie, together with some considerable appre (tension in regard lo the next tidings fron Great Britain, have also influenced the marke of and caused the exercise of extreme caution ii: the buiswM vyti financial circle*. LATER FROM EUROPI ARRIVAL OF TIIF STEAMSHIP CALEDONIA —— 1111 Ki l l: \ It AVN I. \ TF.lt. , Thr ((mil Monetary Depression— Fur Ihrr decline in Breadstuff's —tire at Drprrssio in the Cotton Marhet—More Extensive Fat ares—Austria and the Pope— Siritzer/and- Spnin — Famine. l\e -Co mmenced in Ireland - J P erhamtut Prorogmd. |fj. J Boston. Nov. s—(». I*. M.—The steaiiislii{ Caltuloniii, Capt Lott, which sailed from Liv erpool on the I9tli of (Ictoher, has jn*t arrived having been seventeen days on the passage She brings the following.suniiiinry oflho new made up by the eorrespoiuUmt of Dm Sun 11 Liverpool; Mlscellnneons ln<elll V ence. TI«o itloniiior lirilaniiln arrival mil un lit. iiionmiK of ih.. ir.il,. afi.-r a pl. asant n, tonr!...■ .a .lavs troni Ito.lon. Tito 1.0r.l Mayor of l.omlon Rnv .> a spl. n.li, .■iiliTtainiii. iit to il.,- I»iik«orrainhhJ({e an.li largo compniiv on Saturday woek. Tito uni tal.oiiN iiirliiili.il Ins i;\r..|lrn, v. 11... Arneriran Minisirr, ami ilirn- Polish Pritirvs. Mr. Ilau .•roll’s liraltli was propns...l, ami his addrvs, was r.,reived with thr greatest enthusiasm and resnect. Ferrera is about to he completely evacunted by the Austrian troops, and the Pofiewdlhe preserved undisturbed in Ins career of civil and adminislralive reform. llie ci\ il war in Swii/.erland is still impend ing. and serious disinrhanees have taken place in the two Sicilies. In Spain. Fspartero has been suddenly dis placed (rom the head ofthe new ministry, and Narvaez installed m his place. French influ ence has again been successful in that conn tF> .\ Ihe prospects of Ireland during the ap proaching winter are gloomy in the extreme. Famine *n an aggravated form has already re appeared, ami llie (Anecn has issued a letter commanding that a general collection he made in the ('hnreh establishment. Correspondence \. V. Commercial Advertiser. London. |Hfh Oct. 1847. Since my last letter there have been several meetings of the creditors ofthe large houses "bose failure I have previously nnnonnccd. ()f the most important has been Dial in connexion with the affairs of Reid. Irvin &. Co The balance sheet submitted showed liabilities for £ 1.027, 0(H). of which it was expected £000,0(H) would prove upon the estate. Against this the assets figured for £846,000 showing a nominal surplus of £186.000. hut these assets include a sum of £557,000 in the shape of claims and real estate in the Mauritius, and as it is by no means improbable that £IOO.OOO would he nearer the true value of these, the surplus is soon converted into an alarming deficiency. It was intimated at the meeting that a dividend of ss. in the pound might he collected before long, and the total which the creditors now seem to expect is about 7s. or Hs. A third meeting has been held also of the parties interested in the affairs of Sanderson A Co., at which it transpired that the liabilities of the firm have been reduced from £1,725,000 lo £ 1,060.000. and that they are expected by Christ mas to be reduced to £220.000. On the whole the liquidation appears to he going on satisfac torily. hm, as I anticipated in my letter, the re sumption of business by the firm has not been decided upon. Another meeting is to take place on the 12th of November. There can. I think, he no doubt, under any circumstances, ofthe firm paying2os. in Die pound. Another meeting lias been that of Lyall. Brothers & Co. This firm show liabilities, di rect and indirect, to Du* amount of £730,600, of which it is expected £340,000 will he the amount proved against the estate. Against these they show assets to the amount of £151,. 060—together with £146.000 packed up in India, of which probably not one half will ever he realized. At Die time of their failure, like most of other firms in similar circum stances, they ** hoped lo he able to liquidate in full,” hut in my letter of the slh 1 put down the probable dividend at 155., and it now ap pears that from ils. to 135., would he nearer the actual prospect. Thomas Ushorne *.V Son, of the Corn Ex change, whose failure was among the first that look place, have also had a meeting, at which their liabilities were shown to he £60,000 against assets £33.000. This would give about lls. in the pound, a sum which they have agreed lo pay in three speedy instalments To-day a meeting has been held ofthe credi tors of Cochereli. Lurpent A Co. 'Llie firm show a nominal surplus of £190,000 besides Die private properly of the partners, hut out of assets for £809,000 no less than £435.000 is locked up in India, so that every thing will ilepend upon the realization in that cotnilrv. The partners are held in strong regard arid they are to wind up the affairs ofthe house 1111- ler inspection. In my last letter I told yon that we were 011- y at the beginning ofthe end, and you will now 1 still repeat the same dismal propViecy! **tffuch vorse is yet lo come. At present the cause of all the mischief is hut Tightly touched. Meetings, for the suppression >f railway expenditure, are held in all parts of he country, hut the shareholders have no: yet jecii sufficiently squeezed to resort lo prompt iiui unanimous steps for their own protection. With regard u> the amount of bullion in the Bank of l.uglano. 1 may mention it has imder gone a farther decline of £304.000 —Die amount »eing now £8,408,000. Owing, however, to he high rale of interest now prevalent, gold is linding its way hack to this country from the ‘onlinent. and about £300.000 arrived last week. But this is merely u temporary move ment. Nevertheless, il will have Die effect of restoring confidence, and hence it is quite probable u sudden reaction may take place in Die prices of Die public funds. In cotton and grain we have no alteration. In the former, owing to the stale ofthe money market, the transactions have been unusually limited; and in the latter the only movement has been a decline in wheal of about 2s per quarter from the rales by the last packet. Look ing at the intensity oftne existing pressure, it is surprising in both cases that prices are main tained so well. The shortness of slocks is the only explanation. It is stated, distress was making further pro gress among the trades of Paris. After nearly two years of uninterrupted drain of Die saving hanks, averaging at least £IO,OOO per week, the withdrawals from llie Paris savings bunks ex ceeded the lodgment on Monday last by nearly 150,0001*. £6OOO. Il is stated Dial the managers of the Scotch railway* have commenced curtailing their ex penditure, and 1000 workmen were discharged last week. Oporto letters mention that the vintage ofthe year has commenced, and that it is pronounced all over the country to he the best and largest that has been known for years. The account* of the maize harvest are, however, unfavorable. It is fast progressing, hut the quantity will he only about one half the last year’s produce. East India Cotton. —'Phe following are the exports ofcotton in each ofthe following years from the Ist ofJanuary to the 27Di of August, from Bombay lo Great Britain :—1845, 80,376 hales : 1846. 43.772 ; 1847. 151.786. Cabinet Council —Another Cabinet Council was held at the Foreign Office to-day, October 18. The council was attended by nil the ministers in tow n. The cabinet will, it is 11 nderstood, decide imon the meeting of parliament early or lata. Ministers are said tube divided—Lord J. Russell and Lord Palmerston for an immediate meeting: Lord Grey and Sir Charles Wood, contra. — The later are understood to calculate upon an investment of three millions sterling of bullion 1 by Russia. From H'ilmer ip Smith's Times of Oct, 19. Commercial Review. I Since onr publication of the slh instant, up lo the present moment, the commercial distress described in our last number has gone on in- I creasing—•eucn day discloses the fact ol some 1 widely spread mercantile disaster; and it is I most difficult, amidst the general gloom which 1 prevails, lo discover any mode by which we I shall get speedily extricated from the dillicit 1- I ties which surround us. J !n Liverpool, consequent upon the failure 1 of the Royal Bank yesterday, distrust prevails I to such an extent that business is paralized, and J no sales of any kind of produce can he eflfect- I ed on our quoted terms, or without a conside- I rahle reduction from them. In the manufacturing districts a general stop- I page of the mills is threatened; and the great decline in the revenue for the last quarter 1 mli- I cates that a change is coming over the condi I lion ofthe people, which cannot but influence I the future consumption of articles of luxury I and necessity. I Since then, however, the intelligence receiv i I ed from the other side of the channel bcinj I again of a discouraging nature, has dampen I the expectations that were for a moment enter I tained of an amelioration in business, the gooi I ♦•fleets that would no doubt have been fell 1 from Die satisfactory character of the new 11 from the Slates have been entirely de*troyeil I and things have resumed the same gloomy aj penraiice as before. The buying has therefor I been of a 1110*1 limited description, within 111 S last few days, ami holders being anxious l b I realize promptly, a further depreciation «j 1 full 2f. has occurred, so that our quotations ur s I now lower than ul Die dale of our last repor I I vVe are hourly looking for the arrival of Di -M Union steamer of Iho Ist instant, but whalevi may he the feature of the advices hv her, 1 long as those from Fi.gland continue of so in y I propitious a character, very little if any in , 1 provemenl can he anticipated. *» Tin; sales from the 9lh lo the 15th of Octoiu y were only 2782 hales, including 1425 New O II j leans ut 82 a lOOf.i 576 Mobile ut 83(. 50, n 90f. 50, and 781 Upland at H 4 a 93f. The a „ rivals for the same period 5745 hales. Sim I* October 9. in |H4S 1H46. 1817. (•I America 11 54,000 45,300 45,50 Oilier kinds 1.500 200 4,00 11 . Toud 55,600 n (f notation*. “ * Hun nnlln n ('»urnii(ilMi||i . Iloa a «mlm petit rourmil, marvli N.-» Orleans 82 a !H) <l4 « <W I U'2 n 110 Moliilo Ri a H!) <»> n <H! —a U|>l«nil mil I'l i . HI n RH !l| n <ls —a L. S,M> Ihliiu.i .. . 175 a 28(1 300 a 350 100 a 750 Nlßtr us Trade > Mn nchratrr, Ocl. Ml.—Tim alii|i|iing traili r. cmiliiniiiH ili a |iniMuil, mill |tnci*«, (mill m yam in i UII<I Clolli, lire very irregular mill nin I nil ill I ,|.- i/. I •rill'll lire ln>lij liy niiiihi ol’iliii iigmirv liiiii.h'h '« « iJrruhlr I'iH'iii, whirh could not hr pxik-iiioil t'uvorahlv rnuiipli. hui iiiicorliiinl/ in Ihr rate oCiliaconnt for |iii|iit, nililnl In thr w,ini ol'ronfiilunre winch ri'siillafr tin, |inliin >m, ip every liunil. maki'a coimnctcuil men of every v- rlii'wrnrrfiillicnvlhiiy enler inlu new engngn •l. menu. Spinners ami nianiiliieiorers nrn lor "• I < ll ' rennin contracting ihu rnir of pro <" ilnrtioti, wlnUl iniHi are every week heine uilil -1,1 <‘‘* 1,1 '*«’ lul n( iliiiki, which have slopped iilm gelher. Mirny n| the iiiiiiller luviieiiN ilertine In ■ln hnmneiMal nil, escapl Tor cash. Morn in “* ihllrri'iirc is iiiaiiilrstej respecting ihe llirent ’** <‘ ,, <’<l turimu Inl llin n|ierntiviM en masse |),no •he recollerliiin nl’ n sinnhtr event in (H 42 "I wnnhl see wiirrinil, for it run hardly In, < - 'l>eei«i| that large hnilien nf men turned louse 1 <■ | >nn our slreets, whose improvident hahiis in ii a general way will have left Ilium wiilmul a i- week's provisions before hand, will wander <s about day by day and week by week, sensible <1 111 ihe dismay nod intimidation which their presence in such numbers ninst create, without d scenes ofdisarder. The day Cor the cessation e ill labor is not finally determined upon, hot the d Stockport and Ashton operatives contemplate so early a dale as the 21st insl. (Thursday I- neat.) 1 e Ireland. The Mar Agitation—Tenant High!.— Tlicir reverences the priests appear resolved to lake || the new agitation for '• tenant right, ” out of - Ihe hands of the I., dors, and Dohenys. and Con nors. They have issued their requisition for the meeting in theConnty of Waterford, which - bears the signatures of one M. I*., one mayor, 70 priests, and about liOO farmers. Here is the’ heading, with a portion of the body of the doc r nine,it : 0 * I maul /light—Monster Meeting at hii/nmc thomas. —\\ e the undersigned, alarmed at the present Stale of ihe country. and the inevitable min that threatens every class of the connonoi -1 ly. and believing that tins state of things arises S 1,1 a great measure Irom the nnsalisfaclory re f latinos existing between landlord and tenant, re -1 tpiosta public meeting of the landlords, tenanl . farmers, and the people at large, to he hoideii r at Kilmaclhomas, on Sunday, the 24th of Oct., I at the hour of 2 o’clock, for the purpose of as’ . lablishing a tenant league, to secure the reason- I able rights of Ihe occupying tenant, vv ith doe , regard to the just rights of the landlord ; and I also to petition the legislature on the same sob , ject. (Signed) “THOMAS M EACH Halt, M. I*.” The Potato Disease.—There are further ac cnnnls trout the county of Mayo, representing ' the extension us the potato disease. It has also I made its appearance in the county of Purina, nagh, but in neither district is it marked with tlie virulent symptoms of last year. France. Inauguration of the Sew Dock “Florida," at Harre. 'Thi* dork appropriated to the French Iraiis-atlantic sicaiimrs of* tin* company of Herout A cle Handel, was opened on the 14th nit., and received within its interior tne steamer New Vork, the largest ship ever tin chored at Havre, since the Grande Francois**, one of tlie largest frigates, during the war of Napoleon. Ihe New \ ork elicited, amid the 1 vast number present, the admiration which she ! 1 deserves, lor her construction and her elegance | of form, rite Florida dock is one of the great- ( est works ever built by man. The .Marshal General Soult was very sick at , his residence at St. A mans, on the Ittth nit.— i The doctors who attend him fear for his life. < A terrible flood look place in the south of i France on the J Ith nit. The Rhone at Taras- « con, has broken its embankments and covered * all the surrounding country between Lainhest, ‘ Organ tff. Heniy, Arles, and Tarascon, com- , prising about forty miles in extent. j J Spain, i ,i We have Madrid papers of the JOrh and I Ith. , The ionrnals attack Serrano for his sudden j *■ desertion of his party and joining with Nar- ' vaez, and the attacks are conducted with that freedom from reserve which characterizes tlie Madrid press in personal controversies. It ' was said that General Cordova was Inspector I of Infantry. The Gazette contains a decree creating General Alaix Count de Vergara. Tlie papers of the 11th give a brilliant account of the reception held on the previous day, he- ing the birth day of her Majesty. * j ° Holland. | h The Hague Journals state the position of the j */ credit of the Hutch, inconsequence of their not I } having been affected with the railway fever. 11 has enabled the government not only to sell, u I J few days ago, by public competition, tlie thou- * >Si sand shares of the bank of the Netherlands, j q which it possessed, at the high rate, 100. of 101 s , per cent, hut it received offers of subscriptions s | to a far greater amount than that of the shares | * to be disposed of, so that it was under the neces- f Ul I*' 1 <l«»*l«v e * - •- * - correspondence with the amount of Hiibsrrlp- } lions, such is the present favorable position of the Batik ofthe Netherlands with respect to its ( credit. There are capitalists who are desirous of placing out their money on a secure bottom. , even at low rules of interest. In fact the hank shares referred to as purchased at IGI per rent., do not give a higher rate of interest Ilian four percent The development ofthe Dutch corn .j trade during the last four years is well known, l hut the prudence of their merchants has shelter ed them against the storm. * Liverpool Markets. Extracts from Letters received in this City, dated • LIVERPOOL, Oct. 19. —The intensity of the mo- 1 ney pressure ami panic has farther increased since the departure ofthe last steamer, and farther commercial I failures have added to the gloom and difficulty. The j stoppage of the 44 Royal Bank of Liverpool,” 10-day |< lias created an extraordinary sensation, and for the moment parnlizcd the local business ofthe port. The ultimate solvency of this institution is beyond all ques I lion, but the failure must create great temporary em barrassment at this time of pressure. The quantity j of cotton pressing on the market has continued greatly 1 to exceed the demand, and at the close ofthe past week prices had farther sunk about £d. p** r lb,, but chiefly in the lower qualities. The quotations then j were for fair Upland and Mobile sjd and lair Orleans J 6d; middling 5 a s}d, and ordinary 4 J ; but these J rates were not obtainable in quantity, and no doubt J lower prices were submitted to for cash in some in- I stances. The sales for the week ended loth inst., amounted to 21,700 bales of which 3900 were on speculation I and 1200 for export; on Saturday the 16th inst., the j business was about 2000 bales. While 10-day only I about 1200 have been sold, and those Jd per lb. be- I low the above quotations. Great gloom pervades the J manufacturing districts, and each week adds to the j number of mills on short tunc, or that arc closed alto- J gether. j Tlie Corn markets are of course influenced nufu- I i vorably by the extraordinary stringency in money matters. Fresh sweet Flour is quoted 245. 6d to 26s I i 6d, the latter being the highest rate for the l»es» Wes- J tern Canal, and Indian Corn has declined about 3s J per quarter, the lop quotation being 32s fir very prime, I while the general business is from 27s !« 30s per qnar I ter for fair merchantable parcels. Sour Flour 19s to J 22s and Indian Com Meal 14s. per *hbl. Occasional I forced sales are made for cash below these quotations. J I Brown, Shipley <fc Co. | 1 Correspondence Commercial Advertiser. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 18. —We have to continue the same unfavorable accounts as by the hist steamer. — Fresh failures have taken place in Guidon, and 10-day the Royal Bank of this place has been forced to hus i pend, adding much to the already gloomy condition of * a flairs. The amount of business done in Colton has been small, forced sales have been made nl very low rules —our quotations remain nominal as before. The quotations al the close ofthe week are : 1 Ord. to mid. fair to g’d. fair, g’d de fine. I? Sea Island ••••9a 1 Id. 12J a Isd. . 17 a 20d. ‘ Do, stained ••-.5 a 54 6j a74 9a 10 Upland 1| .i 5g 51 a 6J 6J u i- N. Orleans*• •I]a 5$ bj a7} 8a 9 s Mobile &, Ala.4j n sfl 5| a d The estimated stock, Ocl. 15. was 415,275 hales, I- (of which 304,499 American,) against 617,322, («•! which 425,289 American,) at the same lime Inst year. Taken lor consumption this year 415,275 bales, i- LIVERPOOL, Oct. 16. —Slate of’ 7Vnrfe. —There it y c h ' y e regret to say, no improvement whatever in j. the stale of trade at M ancliestcr. Purchasers of goods j_ for export, particularly fur distant markets, are doing , e little or nothing. Prices arc declining, and fur cash ‘ ' very low rales arc under tood to be accepted. Under y such circumstances it is not to be wondered nl, that spinners and manufacturers should still iarthcr reduce v ~ their production. ig At the present moment the consumption of cotton in id this country is not so great as it was nine years ago, if- while it has fallen oil as compared with the last year id upward of thirtylper cent. That so great a diininu |t tion in the production ol manufactured goods, prepares the way for an active demand for them at sonic lii j* lure period, cannot, wo think, bn doubted; but it is ’ evident that at present English capital and credit can- I*’ not be rendered available to any extent for carrying on the export trade of the country, and that w«* must await the period when the wants of foreign markets to become urgent, or until a change takes place in tin of slate of money matters nt home, before we can look ire for much activity in trade. r i # A. Dbnnkstoitn & Co. he I*. S. Ocl. 19. —The Colton Mark**! to-day Is in r most unsettled stale: die sales are only 1200 hales a* neither buyers nor sellers appearing lo know how it ,act. Prices are nominally $d per lb. under quotations in. 'fl*" < ’**n» Market isquiet, but prices are unchanged A fresh blow has been given lo confidence by tin announcement tins morning *»l the suspension of tin Royal Bank of this town. a Deport of the week ending Ocl. R.—ln the «nrb ’ part of the week the unfavorable circumstances ai «r- luded lo in the hist three circulars acted upon thii market with increased severity, and prices were ver irregular; In many instances forced sales of Amen ran were made for immediate cash payment, nt full] •Ml |d per Hi. decline; Ihe trade, however, have slmsri 00 more confidence, and throughout the week hnv bought fairly. Yesterday ami 10-day less cotton ha 00 best* utUred, and au improved Cone m perceptible ii the market. Novoriln li ss, all daMriplions, exceirtiiu ** s " rn '. ‘-Id to pH, are |«f to |.| |„ wr r than thr ) l««t quotati.ms S|mculators hnv#tgk< u 3200 Amen can mid 300 Surat, and exporters 960 American ami 200 Surat Tlie sales for the Week amount to 22,370 j bales. — Cnitrd Undcem. Ifr/utrt for the week; ending Qrl J 5. —We have lit |*aasrd another week of the most exit erne depression II "* 0,11 ro, t°»» marki l. The rlistrust nmf embarrass mem attending every o)h*ration of btißine«( can hard •y be ex< eetfed. Dkuuqls for lheb«*si bankers* bill ‘H ' '••“•nue 1., b. very difficult ami very dear. Hr.Aers* u uri epinures, to a certain extent « aDund facility, me II totally useless. Safes ..I prrslure, lb only remaining K mode ol raising money, circa inscribed, anti lh« usual ii pnymnQls, when received, of no immediate avail foi y •n'Tting nrrepied engagrineiila. Under snchcircum I- “ht'ico#, it is no Wonder that coni men ml houses, even f 11 j than ordinary prudence ami lair means, iffer much inrunvenience and apprehension. All |»erH<iiia who have been induced lo jtlncn ibeir names on |ni|nt, ii-* mailer bow guardedly, have to • meet their engagements under difficulties which could » hardly||iave been fbrseeti. S,, doubt one id the great causes ol this narrowed facility and great embarrass ineiil, is lb.* bonding of cash beyond lb*- dally ncces , silles lor meeting all pownble einergencics, to the » amount ol many miltiuiiK over and above the ••nsioina . *y 'cqnircmenla ~| buHiness. All institutions, ami , nearly all commercial houses, have more oi less been j "dopling a | roceeding of this kind. Want ol confi dence and general distinst in the financial j*»si!ion us 1 the country, must ever bring about a precautionary r mode of laying by fi.r protection. I* is mice nature ■ of things, audit would be difficult if not imjsjasiblc t<» |*°inl out n feasible remedy. I There can lie no doubt, however, that were (Ins vast amount of rash drawn from its hiding places, it would in itself suffice to give immediate easement, and |.er li;i|>nsufficient remedy for the extensiveeinbsrrnsMnient existing at this time. The article of cotton is urarcrly w orth three milions; whereas the slock lias often been double that value, and sometimes threefold. It, therefore, cannot be alleged that our great staple i.« usurping above its share of the aggregate capital ofthe country. Stiff wo are suffer ing depression ; ami low as prices were quoted last Friday, we must reduce them a little more to-day, say | on nil the middling sorts of American, and an inclination downward m t || kinds. 3990 American have been taken on iq»ei*u|a lion, and 1150 American and 130 Surat for export. Safes for the week 21,700 bales. Havre Markets. II A\ HE, (Sunday,) Ocl. 17. Our Cotton market continues drooping, the accounts from England firing discouraging. Yesterday, owing to the arrival of some spinners, 900 tildes were taken lor consumption, bin at rather lower prices. A farther am I )»er)i/i|M« large decline is anticipated, as there is no pr.sqiert of a belter slate of tilings on the other side of tlie chan nel. Our market closed dull yesterday lor all articles. A large decline lias taken place in prices lor Austrian Fallow. Our slock of Wheal ami Flour is nearly exhausted. HAVRE, Oct. 15.— Cotton. —Throughout the pa«t week, our market has exhibited the same depression that has lately characterised it, produced by the same causes that have been alluded to in our preceding circulars. The extreme flatness in the transactions led lo a farther decline of 1 a 21. in prices in American Cottons on Saturday last; but on the following Mon day, owing to the more wholesome complexion of the accounts from England, a revival look place in the I demand, and aided by the favorable tenor of the ad vices ol 23d till, from the IT. States, by the Washing ton steamer, prices recovered the ground they bad previously lost, Sptcial &oticf3. liZr He not Occci ve<J.--Be not deceived with vain hope—lay nut the flattering unction foyonr soul, that disease will cure itself; especially if that disease | bo Consumption or Liver Complaint. I you would I l»e restored to benefi' you must use the rleans which | benevolence and a kind Providence have placet! with- I in your reach. The great and universally fsipiilar remedy lor consumption and all rbron-: diseases, is 1 for sale in every city and imjiurtani lovu in tlie cotin- I try', and at a price i«sj that any one con allbrd to pay. ? ou have no excuse, therefore, for inflecting to save your life and liealih. Be not deceive! with quack nostrums, or any imitations of this it valuable medi cine. An individual u( Charleston,B. C., recently purchased four bottles of a doubtful k nd - one of the most celebrated physicians in the city told the diseas ed patient he must send that article back, and ex change it for Dr. WistaFs Balsam if Wild Cherry. ' 5- Be not deceived— remember that it is Dr. Wistaria > Balsam that cures; it is Dr. Wisiar’sthat brings back the bloom of health to the cheek. listre to the eye, * strength to the system, joy and glatpess to the soul, and happiness toman; it is Dr. Mistar’s that has 5 gained such celebrity among the snj<, astouishigg the world with its effects, and is recocuncnded bv the best physicians throughout the land. * S O’ None genuine milecs signed I. Butts <»n the •* wrapper. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Havi land, Kislev ik Co., T»ios. Barrett &Co., and Hfuggisls generally in Georgia, nS-lw&w |j*Clove Anodyne Tuotliaehc Drops.— The Great Cure.—No pain is comparable to that of the Toothache. All the Isxly may be in health but the most trivial thing, comparatively sjs-akino, excites in a little while the whole frame to anguisli. I lie great question then arises bow to relieve it, and n in as speedy a manner as possible. The comfort that should besought for is tlie Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops, a remedy that while it removes the pain, pre- *, serves th«* I'-etli, and thus blesses as well as benefits. . These Drops have been extensively used, and thou sands will bear grateful testimony to their value ns a , sjioe ly and permanent cure lor Ihe Toothache. Those subject to this horrible pain should remember that this Clove Anodyne will certainly cure it in one minute, ~..j retail by A. H. & D. Sands, 11)0 Pulton-«trc»*t, Nuw- York. So!<l also by Ha vila no, Ris lev & Co., ami by Dniggists generally throughout the United States. nR-di&w i MARRIED. ” • In Columt in county, on Thursday evening, Nov. 4th, by Henry NV . Massengalo, Mr. Egbert Shank lin to Mrs. Jane Darsev. * In Warren county on the 2d inst., by the Rev. P. ‘ N. Maddux, Mr. William J. Lung to Miss Susan • Ann Heeth, all of county. On tfi.- 2d inst., in lumiiia county, by the Rev. | A. L. Kennedy, Mr. C. Estes t» Miss Mabv A., | daughter of Mr. Michael Reid, DIED. i ■ —— ■ ■ —______ i At bis residence in Lexington, Ga., on the 6th of 1 October, Dr. Robert Billups James, in the 42d 1 year of his age. He was born in Sumter District, S. 1 C., but settled permanently in this place in the year IS3S. He expired suddenly aUuit 10 o’clock at night, having just arisen from a kneeling posture, in w hich he had been engaged in family devotion. He 1 complained of feeling very sick, and tottered to a bed, on which he tell—be lore anything could be don*' he i exclaimed, “I am dying,” and in a few minutes was a corpse. It is somewhat remarkable that he had | been heard more than once to express a wish that he 1 might be allowed lo depart this life precisely in that way. Friendship cannot forbear, when such a man as he was sinks into the tomb, lo attempt a feeble tribute Ito his memory- Though his demise was sudden and 1 unexpected, he was fu 11 j prepared. In the year 1533, he connected himself with the Methodist Kpts- I copal Church, since which event he was “ instant in I season and out of season” in the service of ids Mas- J ter; ho labored unremittingly ami diligently to make I “ his calling and election sure.” The ilark valley I had no terrors for him, for it was illumined bv the J glory of the cross. His piety, though meek and un- I obtrusive, was deep, fervid aud active m the advance- I ment of every enterprise which promised to extend I the limits of the Redeemers kingdom on earth, or I meliorate the moral condition of bis fellow -men. I The church, of which be was a prominent and in fluential member, mourns over the extinction of one I of Us shining lights, whilst the sobs and tears of the J large concourse that assembled lo pay the last sad J offices of respect to his earthly remains, attest the I sense ofthe community that it had sustained an irre- I parable loss. His mind was quirk and penetrating, J and had been improved by n liberal education, auper- I added t<> extensive reading and reflection. In his intercourse with ihe world, he was open, J generous, sincere and hospitable. Strict punctuality I and unswerving integrity marked nil Ins dealings. In the di-charge of every duty of citizenship, he was faithful and sedulous. It was his highest gratification J to succor the needy, relieve the afflicted mid comfort J the distressed A lender, affectionate and devoted j husband, he left behind a heart-stricken widow, for j whose consuming grief the world contains no refuge, I hut whose sole consolation is the hop* of a blissful j reunion in the Paradise of God. Four fatherless I children are left to the protection ol the orphan's I God—some of them old eiioucli t«» be impressed by I paternal example and precepts, which, if properly im- I proved, w ill conduct to uenfuln#£s ami respectability I here and happiness never ending beyond Ihe grave. J Farewell, dear friend! Thou wort faithful unto I the end, and now wearest » crown of righteousness. I Eulogy cannot reach thee in thy cold and silent man- I sion, nor add to thy paradisial joys, in which thy di#- 1 embodied spirit rebels. Though thy mouldering I frame is forever hidden f rom our view, whilst breath 1 and pulse remains, we will remember thee. j. b. j Commercial. AUGI'STA MARKET. Tuesday, P. M. Business generally during the past week has been I rather quiet for the season ofthe year. I his may be ; j attributed to the very light receipts of Cotton and all ' I other kinds of produce, and the very unsettled stale i I ofthe Cotton market. t* I COTTON. -As above staled the receipts have boon I unusually light, and the sales as re|*orlfd below, have II I J r> i . , t 1 been ton very limited extent; most «>l our planters are r I storing—very few feeling willing to submit loth# very I reduced rates offering. Wc quote Fair lo Good hail i- I 74 u7f cents, as the ruling rale at which sales have is I been made; Middling lo Middling Fait 7 a 7) cents; *' I extremes ol the market 64 a7} cents. The extent of ,!j I the sales ibis week from Warehouses only reach 453 Is I bales, at the following rates : 6 bales at 04 ; 4 »l 6| ; k j al 11*10; 23 at 7; 00 at 7|; 71 •• 7| ; 141 at 174 ; 53 nt 71 ; and 3 bales at7f cents. L*-day there I was bub: or nothing sold, all awaiting 3*" letters by n I the t 'aledomu. HUY GOODS, HARDWARE, A. -Our wlmlr. is. I sile drain n continue to supply a gtiod / number ol 4- I merchants from the interior, with thoir tiocka, and we |, r I n ve pleased lo re|»urt (list they express er.dnii •ntisfac- I lion at the iiKsortiiientN and the prices »t which they ly 1 are offered, ami we believe that many l*'*re who go •I- j further would find it to their interest In *ipp|y thein- I selves in this market. j GROCERIES.—In the lending #r«4l*a auiongal ly our grocery dealers, we have no to re|*ort Vl> I the almost daily arrivals of (ha boats ad<lb> tUnr al v# I I ready heavy slocks, and we know Ist Uw arlie.lei ill I llial are scarce. ig i :OpFEK -Ssb>H of about MO bigs Kio OWf. j" have brm made in dlfleront lots nt firm 9| loHJc ><l SAGGING AND ROME —W, n.. • two, 0 K> r.|«'rt in '.ur m.rknt far H,gKin K . Kniinrky eia Ilnur. lol.a -4.1 .1 l,„„, | 7 j | SrUI Bll j ri„nn " S»(Sgmg »l 21* u. Ti ,n 11,1,. " * c * rp ® <• •nlltn* «l In,n lIJ m(0 rla. • ORN, Wr li.trr no lu r.:j..il j -|5 cl l • <x»ily ifatainad Itr On. .rtirlo liru.i .1..1 <" *"' •< '<«• l«n ..11. .0.l ,t„. „„rk. i K EI.OI'K -Tim MtKk •rf'illia nrlirl. .. >q...l u> il. , *l. iiiuii.l, m.'l ptinnn rr.nnin -ilh'Hil cljau^i-, 'j DACON AND (.AMD Tl.n Mock .4 H»c.« i.. ih 1 [ -l»,l 1., Hi. ilnmnnil; llin >.. 11 4y i.l D.r . | rrr * ' *'*• niltti'r4e|rcM'4 tll. market, an.) wtle ; I'arc been maUe ,| (J t, ||ir, , Hl' riKK. - Seve.nl Inline parrel. ..r Te.lt.eMUW ( ll.iller bare lately 1.,.,.,, rerc.veil, anil m 4.1 nt Iren I j 1t i 5 r.I». , SALT. Tlie aupply .4 Hulk Sell i. fully e.|iinl li , i III.' lleiiiaml, 1.11,1 111,, leeeiil arrival, have inrrrnM., the .Ink nf Hark Sail, *,1... „f wluel, (, n , c (u-ei | | nioHe fruin (lie wliarf, by ibe .|uoiitny, at «1 b4| tb- | retail |iri c « •!.75 n a . bKA I HERH. I b,- .upply ~f ib| M article in g.-el mill they nre ({eneially held nl 2Hn.UI cu. exchange.—ci.eek a continue at 4 cl. premium on New ork, ami par on < 'bar lest on und Haraniwb. I* RFdGHTS. - Remain * ifbout change. Allis.ugfe onr River is low, our light Iwain arrive r» gularly, and there is 110 (Jvlrulioh of goods by the river. AUGUSTA PRICES CURRENT f or reeled Meekly lor the Chronicle and Sentinel- Drue*. HAtx(alN(« | Kentucky •• *|ier yard 17 a IP Gunny • • - “ 21 a 2 2 BALE ROPE, Kentucky - ..per lb. 9 a 10 BACON, Side* ... “ j <j n “ Sfmuldera “ 3 a 9 “ Hams scarce-*.. “ 00 n U BEESWAX ** 20 a 23 BUFFER, Gowben “ 25 a 31 Country “ 12 r 15 COFFEE, Rio “ 8 a 19 “ Ji * v * “ 12 a 11 , Mocha ‘I 20 a 22 CANDLES, Spermaceti ... ** 33 j 371 ; 4 , Tallow » 15 a fHKKSK, Northern •• 10 a 12 t ’ l l f rr bid. 700 u 850 CORN |>erbushel. 4> a 50 FISH, Mackerel—No. I per Mil. 12 00 a II of< No. 2*. “ I 9 Off a 900 11 “ No. 3.. i 650 a 7 (JO “ Herrings ,a. r box. |OO a I 25 FLOUR, Canal per bbl. 750 a 8 I,HJ “ Country “ 500 a 6 00 GLASS, Bby 10- |,er box. 250 a 3 00 “ 10 by 12 »* 275 a 350 IKON, Swedes, assorted - • -|*.j Jb. I 44a 5 “ How P “ 7 a B “ Sheet »* i H a 9 “ Nad lio«is ‘ 4 fia 7 f’fcAD 4i 6 a 6* LARD... II « 124 MOLASSES, New Orleans* per gal. 40 a 42 “ Wert India.. . •» 27 a 30 Sugar House “ , 60 a 75 NAILS ... per lb. 54a 6 OIL, WinterHtrain’d Lamp- {>er gal. 120 a 1 374 “ Summer “ 75 a 1 00 “ Linseed*. “ ' 80 a 100 “ Tram 44 50 a 00 “ Lard- 4 * 75 a 1 00 OA I S per bush. 40 a 45 paints, wime L-ad p«rib.j b h 10 PEAS per bush. 50 a 02 PEPPER, Black per lb. 9 a 12 POR FER ALE, l»nd<»n • [»er doz. 300 a 350 “ American*fier bbl 850 a 9 o<f RAISINS, Malaga per box. 250 a 300 KIO'E |»erlb. 44 a 5 SUGAR. White Havana- *•• 44 10 a 12 * 4 Brown 4 ‘ 7 a 8 44 St, Oroix 44 9 a 11 44 Porto Rico 44 8 a 10 *' N*-w Orleans .... 4 ‘ 7 a 9 44 Muscovado 44 7 a 9 44 Loaf and Crushed* 4i 11 § a 124 44 Powdered 44 12 a l2i SPICE 44 14 a 10 SOAP, No. I, Yellow Bar*. 44 9 a 10 14 No. 2 44 44 .. 44 5 a 7 SALT, Liverpool Bulk **per buoli. 40 a 45 • •|»er sack. 162 a 1 75 STEEL, German per lb. 1 10 a 12 14 Blistered 44 6a 10 “ Cast “ |6 a 20 SHOT, all sizes j»er bag 1 6*2 a 1 75 SPlßlTS,Brandy,Otard,best* gal 300 a 4 00 44 Comma Frih 44 1 50 a 20 0 “ American •* 4 ‘ 50 a 75 44 14 Peach “ 75 a 1 00 . 4 * Apple 44 45 a 75 44 Gin, Holland 41 125 a 150 44 44 American* ••• 44 40 a 50 4 * Rum, West India** 1 Iff a I 50 44 44 Northern*.•• 44 33 a 37^ Whiskey, N. Orl’iih 44 30 a 3 A 44 Mon<»ng’a 44 65 a 100 44 Irish&Scotch 44 >SO a 4 00 TEA, Hyson |*er lb. ! 75 a 150 “ Gunpowder 4 * '\oo a 150 44 Black .. *‘ ; 65 a 100 T\\ IXE, Kentucky 44 13 a *25 VINEGAR, Cider |>cr gal *25 a 37* White W.ne** 44 40 a 6‘2j WINE, Madeira “ 200 > 3 50* “ Sherry " 250 a 350 “ Teneriffe “ | 60 a 100 44 Sweet Mala.ua •• • 44 i 55 a 70 44 Claret- • • • 2 rt 3 s(} 44 Champagne- ••• per basket. >loooa 16 VV From the Charleston Kr. \eirs. — /ly 'Felegraph. NEW YORK, Nov. 6, 5 o’clock 40m. P. M.— Cotton has declined in New York 4 C * —market hea vy. SAVANNAH. Nor. s.— Cotlon. —Arrived eiiie the 29th ult., 2,445 bales Upland (1,596 by Railr<xid ) and 3 bales Sea Island. The exports for the same j»- ri<nl are 1,316 bales Upland, \i/. : 947 to Now Yort, 91 to Philadelphiu, and 273 loCharleston—leaving-, strs*k on hand and on ship-board not cleared «*f tif] bales Sea Island ami 7,451 bales Uplaixl, against 3!J bales Sea Island and 13,254 bale* Upland at sao»* time last year. Tb** receipt# of" (.’ofton continue very light and t*- slock for sale in exceedingly small. A moderate bm ness has been done early in the week at our last qa taiions. On Wednesday holders slioweri a dis|>x tioii to relax their prices, and the sales were more c tensive at a decline of 4t04 of a cent. The sales »f the week sum up as follows : 75 bales at 74; 114 t 7|; 328 at 7J; 231 at 3; 466 at 3J; 370 at 74 ,t S|; and Jf6 nt 84*"*> n all, 1,814 bale*!. We q*ke square bales as to! lows ; G*»od Mi<ldling, 7} Middling Fair, 3 Fair to Fully Fair 84 a 94 STATEMENT OF OOTT <N. 1346-47 1345-jj. Stock on hand, Sept. 1 6,942 5,45< Received ibis week 2,450 8,75| 44 previously 9,121 21,705 Total receipts 13,513 35,91! Exported this week 1.316 8.11 44 previously ... 9,746 14,51 Total 11,062 22 6f Remaining on hand, Nov. 4* *7,451 Dice.-~ The market has been animated througboilhe week, and sales have l*een ina«le at an improve*-;.! upon last week’s prices, we should say of fully )f a cent. The sales of (he week comprise 1,672 cks. ns follows; 252 at 3 11-16 a 3|; 549 at 3s; If at 3 9-16; 224 at 3J; 300 at 3J; and 179 casks ivior at 83 a 834* Groceries. —The week has been very dulfihe only sale of c*mßequencc we notice is 50 baijßio Coffee at 3 cents. Four. —We report sales of 50 bids. Geo)a at 86), and 20 d<> 865, ami 3,000 lbs. 83, and 4.0 do at 83J per 100. Damn —ls selling in small quantities, say at 34 a 9J; Shoulders a3, and Hams 11J t<» lt' M ’ s * (orn. —A cargo Beach Island, unshello was 1 sold this week, MV 3.000 bushels, at 60<*. It rell ingjf'rom st«»re at TO cents. Hay.— W notice sales of 77 bundles !Wt» .1 j 35. and 70 do. nt 90c. 200 bundles Eastern 81 a 81.124. I Bagging.- We have no change to reporii this article. A small lot of choice Kentucky for 22 cents. > 1 Lard.-- Sales of 40 Uhls. Georgia at 11 jV Exchange. —Sterling is nominal. The Hkstre checking on the North «t J per ct. pre in. *|v pur chase sight lo 5 ilny hills nt |wr; 30 day N at f ; * IK), 1 § dis. 1 J Freights. —There are two vessels loading) Ha- ( vreal 1 cent for square, and 14c. for round ba. The 1 Margaret has also Ix-cn put up for Li v*-rpiv.|4t ihe ( rate of freight is not yet established. The U*s to New York arc 4 to 5-16 for Colton, and 75 (cask for Rice, and 6jc. |*er bushel for Corn. To |ad**l phia, | a Jc. for Cotton and 81J for Rice. Iktlti more, $ Ibr Cotton, square and round and 81 Bice. To Boston, ia 4 for Cotton, ami 81J for Ricq CHARLESTON, Nov. 6 Co'ton. —Tlnt*it<m ’ market since our report ol the 30th ultim as at limes continued to suffer under the influence the very unfavorable advices brought 0,1 by the 1 Bn- 1 lish steamer. Thor, was a fair inquiry for »rti- 1 cle on Saturday, but purchasers were prvwsifor a further reduclum on tin* prices current nl these of the previous week ; holders, however, refutaleld ing to the extent of their demands, and the isac- 1 thins were consequently limited to some 4tHd--s. 1 Although the former would occaxtonallv oh ca * liter more favorable terms, no |*omiivo rttion 1 1 was esinblishctl during tin* day. Iluyetvere < early in attendance on Monday, ami ihngoi 1 , and depression which were the predominant hits ofthe market throughout Saturday, were M«d«*d by a good deal of activity, and under the mlb# ol' 1 mi active demand prices rallied, ami during «lav B holders obtained l»etter terms than they had b#ble to realize for smtte days pn«*r lo thta dale salp xr , * 2000 bales. The tlemand fell ulf lunlcriallv o|es f day, as only 500 bales changed hands, and ilhu-M j paid on tbr preceding day were n«4 sitataittedTln transactions on Wednesday were also bgMSO 4 bab*s) —and at the close of buainew* on that davices were even a shade lower than on Sat unlit vt. o 'Thursday was s«*t apart ns a day of Flunking, , ami business was entirely aitspeuded. It wnswn at an early hour yesterday, through a lebihic despatch, that the Fraoch steamer hsd arm but nothing lieyoml the simple announcement tshe had reached her port ol destination was m 3. Umler the cireumstances, purchasers immfely e withdrew, ami it was tlnmglit that Ih«- day wpiu away without a amgle ojK’ralion ; such, lutwrWas not the case, one or two |tarlies wero nnxioo i ni y ixe, and forced salsa were made of upward-R3O u bales at a (sieitivc decline of 4to |c. on the rent al the o|*ening «»f the week. This iti *n, taken in connection with the unsettled sis' the market lor the Inst two or three days, has rei<l it ■* impossible for us to give quotations al presell* in* time, since We»luesdav last, has Live* fan 1- ;■ otton hern worth over 3|c. The receipts I ‘U»« 1 Inst c«m>priM7326 tmles, and the sales m th«- hldwc f«s»l up 3660 bales, as li>|lows 38 bales at |6 «l 64: 32 at 64: 79 at 7|; 27 at 7|i UK) at 7|: I 4 4. If.- 16S«r H; 70»< 81; /hH •<«(; r > r > •' -■ r > 17 *< h. (657 .1 H|; 20*i R9-I6; 276 *i H(. 27* •< Hf, *wl I bales at Hf«. We ba»a ik> Iranaarfiona in rejs.rl i »K*' M ny of (be deaenptuma closoed un*l*r the b* .ol of l/s> »n fy'utlnn. nv T*r* fMme>,ng mu mlatcnunl t»f the r r*tpta ind eh- i u * cotton Kami anrlon aKipt*ourtl mat rtrureU, at th* f< me cpe.cliv* ftiareenamed - I<s47-H IHI6 » Rac'ts. ■»!«• k K»< 1 • di«.f k is Yew Oilcans, Oil 7)..L«7 U *'*" WV> 'U* . 4obile, 0.1 tu I 771 ZV*: *'*o 'U.< Florida. Ocl I r, 'A’U h%i I*** H » trass, On Zl »f»H { 1 91 ... Nov. 4 11IX h »"7 ’7/•* I U 4 ,t0 ‘ |>o. Islsnd Aft ** m i #roliM, No# IfO < • Do r.l |»l«ad 'u klf) ttt i(L h« > Carolina, «»e' 1T).... J* M r j Virginia, Nov. 1.. 6*o 1010 ** «• Total ImoUITI 1 :Afr4» IGJi.Vn il li* Nov 177 U •»<*•) Vogusls A flsmUurg, Nov 1,,..4U7i'» sfilit **• Philadelphia. »>r* »i M \‘j dr** *n Vorh, f>ci a. .140/7 9UJM Tot s| VtiSt hIUX i/» Dire. On Tuesday, wan* 7(fo tierrm lirt rhaii^d bamla, without any p«ki(i>r change */o the prices nir rent at ill*- cb**e <d the previous week ; on W**Jr»e» ■lay, however, sr. era I parrels w err edd at « dm line | <d -in eighth <•! n (idUr je-f foindred On Tbonwlay WMdoiMh Yemerd*y holder# urer# ibk u, ,| * bub; letter, Il nomi Ue i*jrn«r in iiiiod lbat |*r«.- •tot prices ay# mkainad eoiely by the light voc#ap(e. t urn.-- The market remains sitbsit ai*y cliange u in prices. Owing to U»e rontmue.l bgbl re» aijair >,.ir k r r^w,, » qu*it;»li*j«» fia»e t/e r „ sustained. Nslee »n Ufdl lou Imvc been in .de at rxt/emes ranging Ivmi 65 to 7Or Ji»r Ifijsiie) * r/«y--- liisin.nl „ u , ,* r,h *</«■•«'• 500 *°—■ s 75aad -h-i* ; uml thr tillaf atlist , ll'ifon und Einl ■ Fh»- market foe ledb irti'lcs IwbMn uauxu'ljr fl.| mllTr , Mr 1.,. Viv lisve no Iransactoms to r> p»,n 1 Flour.— -The baker* me-etu to rxtufnr ij.e.r ft . U nis dime! enlire'y t., onjolry Floor, (be n cr.jo { wluea nave marenaily incrMiart since the- date of oor former poidaraiirjn ; and li older* in thenr inn riy -«11, have -übmuted u, u rodw ivtn 0* pno. r .or rent tlm |<r«vioua week Guo.l breruls have been s-dd it pneee i# nginf J nm 5j to N) pi, b A Wo •■xlri ut' H 5 a sij p-r barrel, but woiild remark that nr outside figure is only obtained frm unedy ~r , m , article, m small parcels. Suit. -Safes io a biiuled extent have i^ n made in Liverpo.il sack al 1,15 and 81,20 per mn< k. Groceries. Fl*.,- tir»s-.cry market has t»e. n v#-ry quiet during the week jurt brotighl to a ckss* ■. The frade bad Mippl.e.J tbormelves la ihe pre*.m wrtn the leading articles, vi/. ; Sugar, ri<dfe« and Mol from tlie ejiienaiveaiiclionaai«-sofibe preceding week and Uv transactions have c «r<aequeoily I/em confined io small o(«rralion» lo s<jpply the retail trade. Domestic lAijuorl he transactions ol the week have been confined to the following sales, viz ; 60 N.-w Orleans M’hiskey in two iota, at Z7. ;L5 Par n-l» Dotueolic Hrawly at 35c ; and 1| d-., do. Gin at 35c, frr gallon, iiaggini’. Srimli of Kentucky have e n *Ad at 17 a 17jc Rope.— The transactions in (bis article hare also been confined In small lt*a of Kentuck y and Philadel phia at extremes ranging fr*nn o to 9c. ErchanfftM.— Bills on England 10 per eent preui , on France $ 5 224 ; < he* ks on V-.rk Phila delphia. and Baltimore, l percent pretn. Tb> Bir,*. p*irch ifao Bills on England at ?4 a 74. and on at ft 324 Frt ight». —We quote to \jiverpo ol at |d fmOotum in srpiare t*aga; and to Havre at |r. To New York. 50c for fJotUKI per bale ; and 374 f*er fierce f* Rir *■ ; sod to IVeton 5- 16»h* for t’-AUm »n square areJ 81 f*er tierce for Rice. NEW ORLEANS Nov. 3. Cotton. Krx.veA I since the 29th ultimo, of Louisiana and Mivisaipp* 13,119 bale*, Tennessee 1302, Arkansa* 400; t/.gr.- ther 11,981 l»ales. t'(eared in the same tim.- for Ha vre 1752 bales, New York -06. H*anon 363. Phila delphia 451 ; together 3372 bales rnak>ng an addi ti'in t<* stock of 11.509 bales, and leaving on hand, in clusive ol all im sh'p-‘aoar<l not cleared on the 2d m»t a stock of 100,391 bale* Our lart r*q*»rt lefi the Colton market man exceed ingly unsettled and deprease*! stale, the receipt - f Ui*- Kuropean letter* by the Cambria having presented the *tate of thing.- in Great Bniam in a much more gloomy aspect than the prmie<l advices. The imioe dialc effect of these advices, a** we Mated in our It*', was a decline of one cent per pound, and the market baa continued to droop since from day b» day, until the rales are now three and three quarters lo four eta (»er pound below thoae current at the opening of lb*. ■ea«on. On Saturday buainei-c f<> a gorsl extent w;** tran»acted the <«alcH having reached wane 6500 bale*, but prices were rather easier f«*r purchxxer>-. our ir i-ide figtmtof Fritkv iwn the pgrxifiag mu - On M<mday about 4500 bales were din\t*icr;d of. pr.ce» -iill tending in favor of buyers ; but yesterday, owing mainly to increased difficulties in the way exchange negotiations, the *-ales were confined to some 30 (/J ...I--, priei - closing at a tad (c decline from wrq . - latinos of Friday last, in conErxnity with which our figures have been reduced. The total busmes of the 1 *ostthree days sums up 14,000 bales, taken almost ••ntir* ly for France, Spiin, Continental |*>rts. an<l the Nonh, English buyers having continue d to keep aloof; .m«l the qualities in request have ranged from G-vcj Ordinary to Fair, the finer grades being still neglect ed and nominal. The receipts at thi* port since Ist -v ptember (eiclusiv** ofthe arrival* fr-»m Mo.uiie and 1-lorul.t) ar»; 141.623 bal»?>. against 95.134 bale- io -mm.- dateUatyear, and IN,m9 bales the > ■ : r*- STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stock on hand, September 1, 1547 23,493 Arrived since to date 141.929 Arrived to-day 931 , T «*l (66,352 Exported to .Ute 65.186 Exported to-day 4,241 69.427 Stork <»n hand and on ship-board not cleared*• -96,926 yjoTasses. —3UUT>bls. were add at 22* a 73c. Four. Hidden*are giving wav, and 375 b:>U choice Ohm were sold at 85.20; and 500 bbl*. Oh out ot flattxxii at 85. ( urn. This article is also lower. SaP*; -41 v Pn.n- Vrll'.w«t 45r.; an,l 900 Prime While end .Mixed 40c. b«»th <<IJ. Also 550 sacks new at 45c. freights. AA v bear us no new engagement 6>r Eurcq<e. >ix thqvi and one bark arrived this after noon. improremeat. Loodooil a B per cent, premiam; Francs 5C42| a Sf.47^; New A :k. t.o days 3a percent, discount; !»>.. Sight 14 » G p**rcen». disc. ; Trc.isury Notes par. GLNiIRAL 10vaTTL’id uM n ~ T\ tSL THIS 7 “^Fifteen 0 U NDf tyiio HAS BEEN RECEIVED with . j V T marks of Royal favor, by all the pnocqnl I rr -wne.l heads of Eurofie, and who has performed t t !ore five* millions of persons dnring the last four years will hold HIS LEVEES, at the MASONIC II ALL. in Augusta, on Saturday. Monday. Tuesday and < Wednesday, the 13»h. 15th. 16th ami 17th Novem »er, and positively no longer, as be exh-btu in Sa vannah <*n Thnrwlay evening, the ISth mat. The Little General will appear in all hi* Perform- t ances and IL’autifnl (.ivt'iiupii, including Dances. Grecian Statures, Imitations of Napole m. Fr« <lenck the Great, Highland Chief, his Beautiful 1 Court Dress, worn l»efhre Queen Victoria. Ac Hi.- 1 1:1 ' - “ ficem Preftrta, Jewels, ftc . w U e exl His Miniature Bqui(Mige. consisting of Ponies ami i a triage, with Elfin Coachman an.l Pootmaa, in Livery, may be seen in Trent ofthe Hall at the dare of each day levee. Ladies. Families and Children arc respectfully ad- 9 v'»ed to attend the day levees, as they are usualK t less crowded than (hose of the evening. The General is accompanied in his travels by hi- t bather anti Mother; P. T. Haniuui, K*ij., Pr\>pnetpr ol the American Museum, New Yrk ; a Precept.*. a I ianisL, Gruoiu, I vicbin.in and Footman, making in » all a retinue «>f eleven p rseus HOI KS OK EXHIBITION -S.mrJ*-. t n .„. 7- , to'Jl’. M. and XI Monday And Tix-ttlav If: jj t. f. , and from7) lo 9P. M, On Wnfawblar thorn will 6- two d«y porlWuianc-'S, and dno node* ol' the hour. 1 will l»c given. (>o..rs open half an hour in adrance. Admiaaoxi 5.1 cents —Children half prices. PnTctw A. C. No-hols, a crMmiad Pianist from , New-Yosk, willa- -omi«nv ilie General in Ins rwr- j formaners. n9-dj -1 s * UMIMSTKVTOHSs.VI.E <■ xV on Thursday, ihr ilhh day ,« Drrrmnrr no at <1 a: ihr lair rrsidrnrc o. Mrs. Marram Hurhanan .irl coasr.l. in N""ion rouoly, all Ihr prraonal <■ to thr rstatr ot said drrmard. ronsiaUna of 1 Caltlr, Corn, K .ld. r, and rannua mhr, , ir . I Uelcs. 5.1,1 raldv loihe last will said decraa ed. Terms on the dav. • KENNEDY H. BLAKE, Nor. 10. 1547. Ado. r. with Ihr wdlannrtrd • VUJIIMSTHVTOUttSMK WlHbn aahl ! at ihr latr rrsidrnrr ol NrU-n Gamrlt. latr of I.mi otncounty, (krenaad on Tlmrsdav, Wa-ntrr;ii | i d.y of Drrrmhrr nr\t. all thr prrwvial ol said ilrrrasrd, ronsistim; of Hnrsrs. Muh I'attlr Shrri-, Hogs, Cotton, Corn, Pnidcr, Blarkmth ' 1.».15, I'lmtT.v.l-, H' 1.-I, .Id and K>:. i,rn Pur- 1 nilurr, and many .ahrr artirlc., t-«- ir.hons to mrn- , tion. Terms on the di\ . No*. 10, 1847. AARON HARDY \ >,• , ijNXKCUTOR-* sale; ba anUoa Mon -A Jay, tin- 20<h Jay ot Daeambcr neat al tin- ; nr rrrnlrnrrol Sa.nnrl drrrawsl. >n Mrni ». Ih. . < otinly. Ihr la-rannal |m.|*ny tod «, e m c to ol said Jrrrarril, Con.i.lmr of Corn. E.vfdrt, D Call 10, onr yokr ol ovrn. « I.rat, boinrlH-ld and kilrh rn formlurr, and .an. Mis olhrr am. Ir. h.> ir>l..".s 1 ■ mention. Trnna on thr Jay ol sale NOAH K LEWIS, Kirs.i- Nmrtnhri 1(1 lU(7 tAXKCttOR* SALE IV, I;. :u. ’ A dnj of 0t • > ' rra*dence of Richard Eubank, Into of Colombia 1 county , #o. od betwn > (ho inu c*. - , tin wM •>! the P* raoual JviN>pcrl \ «>? *aid «le e.VH ,1. nr;ns-*i \ cept.-d.) ctNlsirtmg of ||>uae«. Mule*. C'.illle. 11-**.- ‘ Sheep and Goat*, Com, Fodder Oau, I* A 14 M i.-Ms, BarxMichc, Planta i I ; - . loots, Housrh*4«i aud Kiteheu Fuiiutur* and iu.au* other article* too Iptlioiu l.< menli.Mi Sale t«» f<n tinue lr*»m .lav U**la> until I'mnfbinl I'enu- «u.vl< know n luvlhe day WATERS DUNN.I »*i Nov ember 10, I “'I?. BtSfl’ONW) > VDMINIHTM ATOK A SALE. Will Iw reld | on the filleeuth da\ .»f D< vembn next, al the j lair residence *»l Fleet Fallen, dev raw'd, the |<cn»li | aide property «*l Haul decr *-ed. CtUiaialing •‘f • •'tn. 4 Foiitiei, Oat*, IlnrvrM, •'attic, H ■ \\ >*ur .*w m*. l.'t Plantali.Mi Hiarh.dd and Ktlclien Ftirni I \ lure, with van.Hia *ahei artirlea to., tedtou* to men- , tion; a<lil K*r the benefit ot the hnra Term* on the | day H HUNT, Ailin’r j Oelolwr 28, 1847. I3QVR BII4NTIIH attei dale ap|«lu aluM* will br r made I** the ht*norai*le thr Intntor C.*urt <*» Jet- t lei«**n county, when nttmg fi*c «*rdinary pun«»e», ku I lea«e to aril (lie real ratate *>t IWnjxmm 6l**»rr, Ulr I ol oaul county, decraaed Nov B, 1647. JkkSSF GLOVER. AOu* i I • : posmmpT of BY THIS MORNTINOS MAI] f rom fhr \rtr OrUaat Piatynar. fit, inti * I.ATKU FKO.M MEXICO. Arrl»«l at the Mo.in.kip *,,» Orl. B ». -n The >trainahj|i New OrUau.. Copt*.,, \„u ■'■J arrived thi. morning. having left Ve„ r r „ro Jt ill*? )•! m«t. f/ n*r f.'iunff arrived «; \ e/a 1 , i( ,ii Jlm of haemy frft N4ik-< of, rhe » " , « , o Ur»* ««lerNl P«*W« fhf |i*h fHr » . „ • 1000 Iliftfi hikl mis fAft/r* of afttllfi , an »a«| * > I U -SAfiUi Aqim 'lltf UHt-r ojqH m V thiuff Unit >** ihe Pinal * Gen. South lui ’.wi •|ifyniiVft<l <«ii*t-rry f of the »,t **f M*llco. Gen UuitiMh i« io return I-’ailed G-n. ‘‘hieJda, f»{X. Phli fc. ,rr. ■. I Coftl l» I K . ? • .-r ‘ company him Krini the Jotinul of I {(ft ul( <• >7 lived the tnf'/muHiori that the I * irigm’.t V>tc* f nuntth hfrtt» ftn III* wafer* of Maza’lan on the 22, < "I Irani M/rr.!/.rfy, *n f'aliform* I’ I f». Or«l*lr-Ijrtjf «f ifot fr l/ate-* i I**’*!? the </)«w ««'l • Hi M'loit-rry 7 I the la* -e;/»-ifiher. MuzaUm, ami »a*j Hi*- »r*- ( I"* U»'*“ '•( Mb J Ac aytdtCO. 1 The health 'd* fli#- army >■ t»r from o* / fU> climate »d u>« »aliey of Mfftro IB wf. «I 1! e/Mi/emal »** the ' 'tfmOOjlt'yfta '/ ftpe *rf*jlh It t a jij* I «■ enervating nr* l fatal u, the tumkrrtu am • ■ (hat o V «rr« < ru/. l/» Ihe t**Ah-n$ r r*amtUiXua.a Tlte r€*€X i»r ttre* <f the *-wi/r armv m rad .'♦*! ten -< Jior, par feat I he city of M ii/o *»« fo-"j with r ii*or> of jge* f' w»- -afdft <* « fj'i-fuffi me* •( th«t the tu*y*it) /]« ided >n (a*-Jt <4 mjt #m»e«hie «-J JUHUicH Os tfifta oitiea Ff»« tram *j ;» t-, ff/wn <a;ii ee jutir-r r oriufiMfi'l »/" f '4'Aial H*mey. A g/r a s o-.a*o*r / »»'wiid< d »»#fi eia */• U> iKOMitptoy. M-ij'tf fadifie« ( f * CWi* M CU/ # 1 apt* W-miy, IWUo'J ni-»fi H-r/fr« com j. it.#-. -;.ij w> ir> eMi f Mr, Hditkltfta J, tf*», Bntifij M , «io. imred*'. U r« f;roz orj tlwr 3(M, <4 if 4/J/ j i*e,j «. :f, . t*ry honor*. A I* >r from art k,u/ha:i It'•*** P f>- .'/rf wCflij f'l* ftrfin-J «■ V <-fl Cf>| whxfa -rji corre«|KMuien; m*k-ai '.*ar a*ir.et # Peuu, On 2D 1-17 Howafn, »■ r'O* ■, KMA it«>a our - - ■n.M.K.,,00 open f., iV/ Awm.m 1./, , . »ilh eight pe«i*or anllert All,- . **■ 'Jtvi/rKtuxj, with very ■* .r- .p, r^ Ur» h«»t* nty y#-t IranapiM rj T1... a, ll tv,.-, r;„. raiHU -•"/ • >-i •>'». •!* if arn ... wlfKh lutft 'bun? erf rr. j, , fiformfU*) caroe fr-«m .■ ’\* \**,.\*' \ ■ ■r.t kmtmdtrnie m k great diapwHioa ... ~ „ ... ... . ’„ W J If finn'ifal ,«r of ■■.■ i„r, „ ,^,, r 'fit- - hi.W•*/*»! mnnur-i - H .»• , lie,ng entirely „npr. , (»iO* iwJ ) iitudar lnei, f, 11 liamei* ./ the 21 Ar ,Wr . >mt -te-l of In* wiiinii, II WMifl aiM W«- Mlfrva truly lUt 4 W*t«», of tu- Hir- wan kiileaf m »(»*• «ff« r r* H • W. left the c«»ila of V~mte rn Oißiwtr,J ,/ fiif*- COafMhi M *fi*aarr rjf Gan > in NioeuMfawaoutii of P ja» I, ha M»r a«f., m i u, or ofHlar Ifwr romroar* of Santa Anna Ir rh «r* f v ‘ VV r- -Itr/J , » e . :?ae i>ely. ami aiw, kw( a Hf by a raowm H , aotarooiat in th# rU nT f ao<j Ur^rf.j hilO, »»• « •worn fenrcaorr * jr V\ (flit •,» f »n Iha- c/a*Birt. «r*d hv VillMT « h«-. ka r—r » w tW(I L»a*la fr-'Ot hi* r» ••.|» r r ‘ *(K foyaH &f,.i fl.tt a.nr, 'ar/unted fnarrfuiri*, «nff fr .a. m ta f , / |*. H #p.. are «!*. > known to ti*»a: • talker. A Ili-i i!.:,a.rj • Ha r,-*» MiierprHer for <*•** Walker .. rhargr ot aruil* r . < 4 NTffllba wn «. t>aM ifc* Mr 1 . f , , Turrea, the tv Monitor /tcpul. tec. r. wan cow hided lor aapar»«ia|r ha racier f * hi. A dad mm feoght near Vetm Cnu miii thi g» . ■ .Mercy, on the 1*« inax . beiwrm * *;/ Wirr if- Whitt, «ali ». • t hi Wan ria-ghy k■ a. j• , , v ... ar AonCkate avl i«»> ilira---. fXi , > mr •.■junm n*»r fonc wi'iff in ifie twr-ir of Vera * -~r \ auppuorwi, will !>e totally |cr. A w.. •• k - ; •hout liae 24th ult, :>#■•»( i;J t p nr ,, ami Cape. Archer n/ (he V . ./uer» A* •►.*• • fire Capl. Archer »*■ -fr4 m etniome» a :»ul Dot a iianja r.Mta wunoj lien. Mr» . V .at Mcfl - lint. Shackelford, ts the | Ar lert ...» j bh wooad A ■ . t ; loviadSiw - • r fence ihti though a* yet we fia*e not .a j;n a ■ r- . • •*ur letiers or paper*. The Annins Scar n?i the American* have entered Or : * Th* : • - •»*. •how 100 ■ -o<aappoaeprii ■. • \ m w :»h tiietn. The ateato frigaU Mwaiaupfa am*-.; at V*n * _r 00 the 22d oH. Gen. Paocma 1 * conunai : .*• est To* Croi ! ■ . Fhe Tam Hanyang I • ... 4 ; ‘ 2Qth r the u • J ■ }■; KjM f G V »* ’em Crox ■ <. ■ Patterson. !! will ut*,: till G*n. 8.. -r» •' ' -1 • -• t \ K M < • . amreij at Vera Crat from Habile or. t *e v j ße tL2-ll.lt V-lilOl- sH Kn *- ,n t. m ... . , The steamer P:..nda wa* ?n ih** va? had : throw firei-GjaH a ji her aju!e». > ..... • lb. - ‘ »P< Huddle..!,, at th. M'h Inf.n-rv n . i-Tiuer Os m, WOMlfa, and ihe iaf.er of a rca.- plaint. Tbeae » ere oor< ral .1, .I.* of in V Mexico on »h- monuar of the 2~i of Oct mdagainai midmirhi -ntheSth. T»**y d .• . , te bav. very «..re, »v no dama£< mx. d‘ i, d.eciiv vnhtivi ei.epiKe, o( C r..-a . . ' A ne. PM«h*«bec. x ah. a, . . ■WUbao. I- ;. pnhhrbailoptarf. m SnnM .... democntic jiber »nd «dr«,.„ u.,' d . rp-r.i.i.. >ur ;UM- K uer.>, of 7„" . , ““ '••- “«■' ■ • . • -. God W. M iJnfOc: UeouAwnh I». Horeo. « uae mb I I died on the l-(h ui:.. oi w mads rorrrveu a; the ;* t of Charobaac. Th. ««.,»,« A Mrso.ir., c , 14th ult , ray sit haarrcet.ed leften (nao U :erUr m «hach >1 la staled :ha! Gea. Upon b». .« „ rv ■ ed ;brr» vilb marked c '..irrmr by a*,- perwv* . k ••.,e-«edl,b» ,«.« in power; iod .: ... leer, • bat,he v» ere coocoeriw. ymnebomu .... ... be bvrful G reromeoi. fb. KanbAon a.-, a r-■ W -«».-ie!ied mthe capia.l, , a .l p.bb>bod •„ ..a 'rpoonhood Eogliah, P* l» d*a; a .- —v *Ti piiliu ■ . , ~rfmm£ a yit.'a h..e ~ . f . r iCn. . 1 .oa ll ddmi tiw Pri oda ol „ . I*r. WiUion of the bedical , . i ached io tb. s;h louotry uSvrreo, Mtd w •> 1 ' «f“I,J W'llel u llw K aj. V,u, «.p 1 ‘ 1 , - ■ ■' i4 - ; ‘ Um ed a, M , C "°° V ,e lhh d-d«rrl«. He ... ; rv..;i th- l»i» leu Vera Cn.a. Copt. Pmox. Ittk died „ Uhh ult., O. woutKl? received siomi--’-* « Ron, the Met an Seciwar s moer the iMr.d*, «P.o. v »W k re. ■ ... la Au.,a « IV.C Inwn Tol rc. Verier b ;tr . k . c “ , ts *rmy lo Gee. fcocoo , h . e-dudio the hdobonfado.il !.y »ra mxjr e~,o«i m c~.rt tnar.ial Tim ofi-er •« tbe Me.in ormy. who h. I , W., „ rhl.iea wer. le«e,l. ~ b , , k , _^, Uo<ia .... uten and »««, »,J ma.ee y dar-.• V- t,0., in b. !(K TV-.- , the n»d .et.ren Q e-rrt,m and the'ealrtal ,rei .re plundering .eery intreller ‘hev -nret g i.r.- , the I 11, dl, «et.el „ -he e,p,„| from Q ierwan leu. J I.a, bod |OM .n . . lew l»epu:«. auk.aj th. tm.l „. ;a . e, n ,»„• ~ ...-on, •.,•> It ..uh, . - « «.Mi.d be made at once lo ■re,„,„.(i,„r t e™ wloeu w.« W «,le the ~. p,,., „ r a qu,wuat rfC.uacre*. r«|d V ametnMed •• . • P.I SSf‘ Almmiew c.ndela.e . * n ‘‘ W ,eel UW C .. tmeermu M M( , a „ . ■ aoopfutnp |va|t.ek Neat., a, e- A-ei,.e;k, ■. sogejarmv W«tv a; Uueretat an, , ■ boed to d. vtu «ai-ulenc. The miat.ra vm, a- WWeu«»e.u*eed « atx. t 1000 eatali. a-id lain try, W it, «a (ieco art ..«» f. X.G .. .tain, ,e, .bar tV c t.tnaoad uicn. Hen-dia, l a 5 ..1- 4v. . a Met ran :n-t . »1 G .M.I .Uyam '.-1„ ~ . VI. . .p- o. tV ehurrb. The Star t.. Ilk. darre M wveeth.ne to P* t' t« and ' ■ e , , - . I - S • Itith, says tl. aaraHt , , i.. u ,icon >...,■ , : k e HwK—l had again cotnaxat ed. Srtrr. a> I d l!« Rife, wu k . ed the tw t.< t rial, itfoaroflhcuth . v ny,tr ». . ■.> rtl and il wu . .. .b* . it k I. \ can ami Spanishthea:ie. -a «cn»i , r\ .wwom. f . I I K*rth<)uak< *. nbv< \ r' \ uh., are at the jvnv it time cert (n>|um <vc irr <. | t(|la| .u. , a B* l ' » h*v * - > -,i r 1 rr ’ \*ti,., ainkr. •r. w « .mh-.v amt t'.u* t- »r. ;v .hat\h. " ha»c had km »*4 »j ,«s> . ;A*» . i» •oce on ivcujwuvi or u I 'I i , I ?. an .1 -.una! .u>t ... n «%f at . ■, T •« ral • tor alibcg not licj.-e»c in Uaiion* that may load «•* an • a. ' J lililormce*, a ll* IMO '»*l l*.’» *i-rb*r Id* vie. - < *»< I A ,»C4.C om-.C :,*n.c. l -v.s ami the A*no’ ». i-4 «hc j I north will «••*» hi *'*«« »* ,s * u j 1 at»!< j’ INAi • » 1 1 ill M «h*» arc ivm: ca » . »o*i • v * k .... .... I ■ |l,- V.l » t| .1 Uichwi, h■■l It . tad* t• • M M | mu K4ih )«i \x v l‘ hm N t X k \, » i r \ < 11 Col. !* t \\ • » M ■ • 1 . 81. *- 'I Ul' V \x Ir • i \i Irri . M ■ \X >\ I • \f K rr, « K.'hert At- ‘;x v I’h \: . l*!*l p K ■;«» Ui • \ I" M K *t •( •'■ * I l*t • b mmm .J■ ra W.n r, ISth l P R X ! x * U s Int ;Ja in *l*. H i < • \\ 1 •* ' I X K . ’ ' 1 K r > i Vsh; Wm. N, Ira 1 I X |n« - IS l J a M IVnimr umi X ol.i.if o . James M rt»\ . f> ; \ |* Churchill. Volnnle* * town H Prisfr, hh I •ib . IHamhh * I oMannMaMMimlVobcnmc *. I *»* ill . v • I* kjfhi x .i | ~ 11 r i No* \ «k ' ' hnrloo \ i 1 . t%m - m I BrodhfwJ. \.t i • Ihli lift Mo T its »» .». .11 I' t * vlrmlor, t'nliMHK'f I 't4}M , |‘H » \x *» «v ■. n- •* x ih VolnWoorii I mimm (ten In > ICMi !■ ! , XX \ Newhauy '♦'•h In’. . XX n* >1 Henry IV XV, d* \hh Inf , M-*nt**bore K wenernnka, N« * * Inf . Xl|4ta«f.i*e P' l*aU»iri. ‘*»li lut . hUiwarxl J*4m»>< 4»h Inf ; Kdlaanl »* Hivntun, !•» Artillcft ; t*l»aric% 11. JiMM, Nra XmW X oi.mNNua ; XX u» Kiwwn *lv» , rLlewelty, Moom*.! *,*». M \\ , n Bur.« „ P IW ’ U fruat.Utam I da. • l IL B,k " M.nnel orpa; John » .War South tejT ''y.Wr do ; G KuX la H *’ ■ R 11 *rtknr do' p ■ W ” M*rdV Id iTrayuooa * Me.T r i'7-, b *’' *7" i<riae»..r, T i_7, i!. "Vr Rocarao d.Uiari Mr K„_. n . b '* n * m-'J’Hieai m f.ua fJm of,, ""“ k * '-—f Hana. .... the **• Wf Da** it r ><i .ie-. in.. ,n '*>-« OO r*»iw thrra t/ arrange tc •i. * i fu,, 7 u> thr fdtUtr that ft" nhr he l« . ». ■ ■ ■ m •‘WBiaaoa. .... -* -* *« • re! .Vi.,y. aO.l .«b toKMog yrm^tn* -“I wpedaatie year. • • •'■'•w. 1 ’ ff'iiy .urfMil Slit. 1V ae onm . ,y .... . 1 y “ d dd—'•*««/ 04 -docotwrf, ,„d :i mofJT I. [ n f. rs r-d wle«. fee .Voow.l .oil tel.eeiual mifraomon! nf thn yonno . >. "" •Mining,, -rfapaby . . -f. •>••’ P--’. ■i; *’* ' .. to . ... , of. I uf .n, r-'O.t-y,., of 7 '‘"•f— <V (-de.ierrfy .. ! rely T-, f#e. •,,, “J, ■'■' • • '• '■■"■'• ■ | ■ li. la I vrary ..... tUtU . , •' Ur .r Veil io Ike >uv, I . T *r Urolity of tha tom.- aft,,. „ . o< 4 '' rt- 1 * “ ■'•■' ■* l 1..p, t J-' ;*’.*; *t ' U,fe * *•' f - " lea.ea • > o " e .d. -oCiremooc ' tM 1 * •«-: . .uwip-.0, - - .o.ee! ~t tu -V. f , aod rated .mam . • <h erery ;*r -/ Sd> ; J H-Wf-J M-ay !* tarnarf fcm Pw*ai* m# UrfW W< Uaitv-ft Wlla .„ r , mr '. ■.* i.pac at almaD* wd vt t / ‘A kdUaarrfi !>•- c at hrattf, m & mt* r farad , ~f •* «iom tota/y . " fl r f f Vt’ r*u af| ha U'.rV u e -,'l .Hi rs ea %C »- f*-«» P mb'.bf Pad*ladTifPry ate! W. f Wvrk , , *n »■*. ! FfM.j • - r •*• Mr* lif/TH Alt T « V( > irfrfW .* ;»>a P a Wair •**> > Jd- , r e Pw l i* J tM* Piaaa. J f'raw;*£ «ad Pa» -atumg I Clh 1 >rirtf*rf*Ul Nf« ]y a gi 4 (ay V• 1 *A'-wa ■ ... jo <y ; f ,4 *r./4 • • '-tsa ei 'M |« it- f *ary - -ca th« lot I w#a*rr « - l > l/ odie#* raba«rwii wait taw •den**’’* * ' <*•(« W Pa/e A«. hiarltM «M fr -■ «v<i ,'«arraiir. A jOHVA(>> '*~rr«'ar. ' v K« . ~ M .**a <>r: } —47 4S-«koi| Mlf All) NHI. fII U'M x * BOAHLISO AICD DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LA DIES no BfcOAL MKKU, AtGl-fA GP>» f r»lis I•nTITl Ts OX a** W» »Va • - A d.feci** »> .id > H viraa Hr far, av . a« f *>UM|4!lkc Crfcbwf, 'ia* ifri -a** "** ‘ '• »-WM-*p «•*'•*». «» it dir a,/rf( -» ImM uupc 7- . * • •'b'frcj »a P/ £toa/y Jdtf%a *ccj »*r* *' f> *'‘ ' '-tw i latiwiKa ea'a.r*r «* > ' ' ' i '* • * kma ar~». s '■ * * /'h I ' ;-#/• '»ra <ar fh-Mstn im P r v ** ) t tb< d anm tb* -rj, * •*— ■ !r. A/ " W t -•« ta-c iptfitf* • . / - .'iv* ytr yvarUr at ii k*«k« iU ' . - w A * ; COTTO If SEED HAVIbL. SO UTbltl lot trios a -.'b I ■ ■ »: .|,e C . es. U . . *• *' iaaa .:.£ I «u. nro-waa- . u ( >r~" • d . ti- * ft tad' -r-. 4 4, «, tit r*, m onona ne.*a* ;. .-1 nl;j . # • ' '■ 1 * - ■ 1 ' ' a, I - I Twit I Ilk Omm mamk ■-* IHu §Mai ‘*'' ' ' ' ■ - v ■ ■rr . a • -Vri it.: . * » , - only a kl a* ites nsy 1 <on *.** *l* i.nn rctfv* c. e: ix.* : i.* . •*. t -j* I -* l {*— bA*.laf ***< r*try 'OI wt _*c ’ r 4 ' ‘ ' * —a-wea: iT >- aa*j jfi* I how rfentii r / -eC -.be yield; rammiir oece «r •a * rr<z :> -** 1 --.rr. *. c, >- - r. - . V « : .• V* f ; ; T Va- k **-- XX : Ir- . a : -, 'i >*, Mt «e: »u. at tuck «er- I • I ■ r Oaobc : . - ... My - H 1 • c. - ' 1 ■ - • P* '* G : M-.uil TL-*e b-e; ar- - £ •>: --a'. t - . •» -i! '. Uir «e> tD-i !or . ,l thee c •aI- at a daman*- - • he raaote demaz.: ibd «« u* mt.»; ;--c.arti:;—» 1 j• ■ - , t Iha• •nc *«.* » e ghadl nee • a.:* <« -t »«' •£*» » - - w •A I ■' ’ '■ ’ ** t a * ■ : * 1 ' l • -Jf . ~•>/. ,- w, . _ 1 ‘i * - be * ’ hnndc *!->•--%• j, M - - - .. . , “'**• ; '■ .. . ■- 2 per reot « r . . ' 1 -- lap * f »a ; ■ - » - - - • • *- *- J «A * s— - .In ■ V XX P*r.:»* Kdttmerer \f ’ - - • ny ihns fonne. nni I A ' m ■-- • ■ a Andirons Fenders and Shovels and Tongs V. AV. 4k XV. P. ( XKMKHXKL - -- r~ ■ s Kn*» AN * HON* -HOV*'l> - r- F»RP 1• K H i •’ n • ‘' • •. IUCOLX n ' S Ak R .mQiAntMa nc iv mt - .v x<* .»■- . *4 mitl, ikvnwi T tm -a • • t. . «* r« HI .H HKX:'fRH*X • < * x U’ILKKA «X>l NTX ».V 'K .IX XX >« F- «R \ixVfw. v,f*TS'*-.s*r*“ t • eMkr c-* T T -wi th imonavA ‘ s a» IrV-- % .ti'dS'o .>r Mi.: e*a»?a Tke*a ar. '.tmtTtorr v nv and aAaaas-w; * a' o« ami *.*«<** a: n« oiur »*aa u> -r.- -• -CT >rxl . » a•, k.-. • .-mar i: < -*e\ a»«r, » a* ietti > hii.'t....: _n< 4fr»- t\i I • • >N N : >4* ii r. NORMxN (^KORUIA.VIOKhXNii'IXn No N I .-»■ xx 1m Mi x f | A*. ' ■ * - Cb.t«r ; aft'kh-;- n>~- »rr tSeffrinre to < r srvi a.f~.-b-<i.-« v 1” 1-- »WS s • ' -c k’» -drst* a. •<— ■ 1-st v , 7X* i*> b* and atdfwMhi at w * crfScc wxhc* the : • r ;■% 1»«. caow, it m ifri Xnr a *7xl W.irr* t,twnKi« »tbxwt.i w.w lv crw-'.nt •» fvl Al t nab »> '. 1 \ » N—« "X xItNO Li d n»n HHU UH XIX .f 'lit.; x IX V. »\ J v «' I.- .V, k »c. -M - k .» . X *rtx\v,t, iv\'f4*aL a / ya «« ■.T W-; *n 1*• -s del :r <cj *j -a e r.< x. -tr«idfr W . u>.i I.’ a x t * , X- 1 ' ’ « S“d V* •. f■. 1 :w a;-.- »}7yw: *1 bay -A e, w ASr- • the u«m* yr* ••■d'svi *•! !m • *V'A »ew v » *X , kne s M «n«( IfMdra «hv<r ixi (Ot C i iirfc' i*iVi ns« Xin 1 s *Acr X rvy***;' \ . -i OAMtSkJUIMS ilrfl (101.1 XHHICIM \n liFOKull xx •a. J'Wm k'ardte.hcs-, 1? a amnfi'v ,xa the J V V ... - X iMwwc. l|b-ai «hl m>:p f ew a.-vd '.VrrMd* U> etc* m >.vh*A a>l a ■ I '■’»* a -v-.itst in . restiS.Mdb .- *.l ..t .«e*v-ea*- U «s »w»i »)X«« •» no A<* *ut.« the t .nc p.- • wrnlMNj 1 Uw, : »how .ao*r, any ihn h**c w . M .i i*i«cr> shvHiUi Iks te (taattbi. ta • • >« .■ : » ’*o .vi Svl N *N !<4* i:\HKIKI Jx'Nf.N » ; I’AIH K MOX Tim i*ifi .u t '. ;■*> s- » m . r XX . ii» • !an. a .e «f*n< t-.- X'.-ra-n *s«r • a« 1., s, sV <IVPHI \ X.KAN x;« a N-.. fi 1 i<i: \OTIC K.— A . |wrmwi ha* xk*maa«fe* 1.*.;, , • K ‘.\nl t oak w»u a , ca-smty . .. caw vi, »np rv-v,vc*Urxi K* pnrarei them |r |M * * ' •»<« vi. a* the .aw arrsls, iibj a ;tocu« ta te< • «a>,l estate »rr i*-x* I xke d* rat XX XTP'K'* HI NX Pie* N -.. . vr |R 1947 aFLENDID CARPETS AUUITIOS U. XI PPLIK*. >\»nv m \ a sm \k HHkJl'l KCfllUll In— Nc- d .a . •dvk .r iul 111,1'.) .< »|HfaJai I HKI k I*l X INGK XIN aut X t'.Np Cl\% l r >,*«l an c», atisi idj .he U*«»( ywi ct ua, w td- h, w •heir (Hrs v* rev « n<o, y4»%-c» !!*<•.» 10 psw»* , i' ! *\r v*l the ri.ct< .f «m a ih.s erttr. which will l*c Wdixl al rar\ t~>--