Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, February 18, 1832, Image 2

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(hnn u;U! to ali^Pi trial by jury or' establish tito «;,,pi,*iittnw-'L' jK tjjoro tint periml, iho ly'gtiliiiorflt- of ovory Southern Stans have denounced This ryitom m* r viotntiuil of thclrronstitutioit- «l riglm. It w.i* but itin last your, that South Cimtiim recorded nu tint jrfiittalx of. the Senate, bee solemn (wowst againm t>n utterly unconstitutional, grossly unequal, mid 0|>|m«ilvt, noil such mi! cent? Abuse of power m it fcKiwnimttbh’ nitli ihe principles of a free government inuj the great ends oY fclvil society.” I do itot kiN)W,am,ivtnrto the constitutional ob- ,ieciKMin to this system tire bettor summed »p, tits* in the very nddress of the Fret* Trado Convention of I'hiladelphiti, to whilst the gontlunvni tins referred for tin- r.'her purpose. The gentleman is ccr- tisinly mistaken, when bn relics on that exposition ns tut authority in hit favor. , Sir, ns I understand tint argument, it is not only admitted lint incidental protec tion ni ty bo afforded by defies imposed only for revenue,'but that the right it ox- prosily denied of “ imposing tiny addi tional duty fur the purpose of affording that protection." I dismiss ibis branch of tlio subject, withihit remark, that wltetber wo bn right or wrong in oilr views on litis 4uiitdfhh|ibectl not for revomfe, but pro* ill obtaining theiv Hty teeiioe, that ihey have been so long and and having their expenes dim minted 2 earnestly remonstrating ; and, tP tjfiel * " “ ***“ *" 1 r c ■r dbaoulbuls, the proposition is grave- *0 can ^ - Sfei ^ good behavior, by rX|M»sit% 'them to for-jly submitted,.to take off all the revenue e'lgii competition. Hut what spit of compc- duties, and to leave the protecting duties tinon it that to which they aro exposed, untouched. Sir, it is not so touch tlic a-, when ciitrenrlied behind a protecting tar- mount of tbit lax, as its inequality and in- iff, ranging from fifty to two hundred pen justice, which has roosed the whole South cent? f lure shown that the existing an-! m determined opposition. And how is it lies nr A, to a certain extern,■“pfiiliWittily;; proposed to relieve our complaintst By and when rite gentleman declare* hithsoli | RgL’ravatiinr dial inequality, nnd exten- Hgaiqst the pinhibilien, ,he *p:iH t lie ton-j ding mid porpeiualir.g that injustice.— taking off unnec#*aary,tsxes Op their cOli* sumption. Sir,- if this is ttf*become a manufacturing counity, wer must look to the markets of tins world. • A feeble and sickly existence msy be preserved at home by a system of protection and boon* ties—hut lo be pot op n sure fotmdaWMAfcii and to acquire that vigor, strenglli, and^Hmmi #4 m ®di-w» I ■ ■ 11 m I M I overthrew Ills polity.” fs Ehgktt# thpi *** »>" with a thousand ships, and thirty I £ thirty-five cents and pay d!I- t{(y—to provide that a duty of five per centum ad valorem shall be id bpon woollens, bin provide that 'bds which cost more than one dollar. orgy, which will enable them to i to successful competition'abroad., with lb» t .nanufacturcs of oilier countries, it is ne* |«rs pntuilillig 1**01 Mijiioiivt., swnnifiqbiwrvv ' j (icmiiaiion oflii* own rcsnliiuon, which! Wo t«H you dint ihu protecting «iu-! rcstary they should be picp«reu for- %m propoicrto retain tint existing system utt- tie* CNieraie as xr tax upon us, and a ' 1 ' ' c ~ “ . «*«n« touched, prohibitions hikI.iII.- 1 bounty upon the tariff States. We insist I come now to (be schemes advocated t lit it it is u violation of lliWF principles oil by the gentleman himself.. To take off: which our Government is funded, and the duties entirely from nil the uuprotcet- reduces os to if state of colonial vassalage; ed articles,'except wines nnd silks, and leave ilieni as they are upon’the protected articles. The first objection to rtii* scheme is, —“ a country governed in reference to the that it is proposed by it to take off hilly $6,000,000 of taxes, even lifter the Treas ury is tu bn relieved from a charge ol 12,000,000 by the extinction of the public debt. That ir proposes, therefore, to cre ate nn annual surplus of $6,000,OQO beyond the won is of the government, not only contest, bv being loft, in a great measure, i the government, to delect their pr*«' ic,! * lo their own unaided efforts. In one re, but who are tit league With tbo offenders , succt. the United States possesses an ad-{ and as to the condition ol things Ml our vantage over all the world, of which it j own country, thr. gemlaWHn has told us a seems to me, it would be madness not 10 | tale ibis day, which, if lie not himself avail ourselves. Wc can reduce the cost j deceived, shows what fearful progress of production iu•every department of Ml- fhese practices have already made- I he ditsirv, to the very lowest lutt*. Our : lime was when smuggling was absolutely I’cople me not necessarily borne down by • unknown any in tins country 1 , hi intetnsis of anotlier." I an almost insupportable weight of taxis- - it still is in the Southern State*, ins Sir, if we arc.right, this scheme amounts I liqn. We have no debt which can never j your protecting system Which bus mtro- to neither more nor less tlian a proposition j lie paid—no liurllieiwome establishment* . «luced it, guardians of her revenue ? Sir, do we shojl he deemed and taken to have cost not *ll know that smuggling is there a pro- two dollars and a half. This is like fm> fitable trade, and that the revenue laws of posing an income tax of fifty per Venn, Mat England aro cunslantly violated with rm- i then providing phat every man> income unity 1 And how is it with Spain 1 A • shall be deemed and tuketi to be three modern traveller alserts thkMberunren j thoosahil dollars; or a tax of fifty cents jfcf hundred thoupind person* urlluit unhappy | galhm upon stills, and providing-Unit «vu- c enmity who live by sinugglipg, and that | ry still shall bw considered ns r tfoetaining there are thirty thonsund otlters, |taid by fifty gallons. Now, are gentlemen pro- and litis it siibstuttlially dues, if wo are not mistaken in its operation, nnd Mr. Grat tan’s definition of u colony is the true one «It is the natural consequence question, the opinion is conscientiously nnd ! without the smallest necessity, but with almost universally'entertained throughout the whole South, that the protecting sys tem involves a gross violation of the so lemn compact which is tho bond of our Union. f come now, sir, to (he question of the policy which ought to bo ndoptod at litis important era in the history ol* our Guv- crnncni. Wu haveurrivud at a most in teresting crisis in onr national affttrs— one lo which the People have bean looking up with intense anxiety for tovitrul years past, They have contemplated the extinction of tbo public debt as the great day of jubi lee, win'll they were to be relieved hum tbo oppressions which they have so long patiently endured! The Pcoplu of the, .South, Sir, like the children pf Israel of old, iiuvo passed through tho wililtn ness, tho certain effect of changing the churac lor of your government and coriupiiitg (lie p"ojde. Why is this sorplus to be crcaiodi (las the gentleman given it single reason in its favor; or has he Hot himself sealed the condoiimalinn of his own proportion, when he admitted that no surplus ought to he crcaloij for distribution, for if it is not to be iu Sonto shape distributed, for what purposes it it to -be fiiiscd t Tile, nqxt objection to this scheme is, that it proposes lo relievo luxuries IrOm ail luxa tion, while the taxes on llieiflocusauiivx of lily are to remain just us they aro; subject to duties of /tom 00 lo 1Q0 .per cent. It il true that the gentile man, seeing, I; pre sume, the enormity of the proposition,in its original form, now consents that some very moderaio duty may bo levied on and iff.e miw i« sijjbi of Hie promised,land, wines and siilts. But, sir,.I should he Tlntyjstand Oil the top of Mount Piagah,'; glad to know, ill wlyl wines and silks d'f- ■uni loqk, wiili.ileliglit, at tliu goodly pros p'pet before ilicm—ami it is, for you this day lo determine, whether tboy siiu|l per- tali in tlto wildet'iicss, or ho permit ted to possess mid enjoy their- c elt iiiheiitaaou, Sir, I have shown that tbo w|iohi systont of duties is oppressive and tmeejmd—that the very action of tliu Govurnmeut is so— yet I do not wish gentlemen to supjMtso iltat we are disposed to posh our claims in un unreasonable extent. No, wo will lto( ask tint nurihvin manufactures shall be taxed, beettpsu duties, to whaiover extent imposed, operate ns a tux upon our indus- ••y. We aro willing to agree that the re- vi.ieia necessary fortlio ordinary purposes -i the Government sltull he levied by du- tin. upon imports. Tho facility with which ]t:.!ircciliuosmaybu collected affoids mi. i a inient ill their favor -to which wu tire Willing to yield, thq'igli wu well know that tei-y must apeiate must iujmiously on onr I'llerlyfls, But, in v ieidiug .lhis iqttclt, we have surely a right to,expect teat tip morn money shall bo iuviud mi ibis u av .tlupi tdtail bu absolutely necessary. Wo think ail luvu a right to insist, t'.ut eii the es- *iitciion of the public dubt, the twelve mill- qf dollars her endure annually appio- t {r l H |p.d to limf object,should u« invjt.-iV- iiitj, futtlier, that no mot •.money.' sh ill tiu raiaud limit may be necessary to tq,-ol tliu oidinary expenditures of the j'overrinteqJL Any vthor basis of roduc* linn than litis must bu founded on the idea o£m ciutteinpluied iucrease of the public expenditures. And why should duty lie incrcnxod? We have rullior a right to ex- p«ct tltut they should be dimitiisited. The piincipa! ohjocts of expenditure, lor tunny years past, have been c onnected with pros puraiioiix ftvr war; but, with the progress of our work* of defence, and tho ittcrca-c of our populultOBUjlie necessity for this dx- K mliturp will i|M| great jituaiuru cease. deed it does appo«i*to ittuthal Jt-will bo katdly necessary, Iterouftor, to seek other socuriiy ngajuxt invasion tlmtt will lie louttd jn the strong arms nnd stout hearts of our fellow-ciiixeus. But tbo gotitleaian in sists that our ruvtmue shall not be re- tkeed below eighteen niiliious of dollars, while wo all know that twelve nijjUons have herctofurc jitruishoil mi abundant supply f.*i tiverpTpuspoae, btcludiug u slid- ion a year fur intcriml improvements.— the gentium»n admits lliat wo ought not to provide for a surplus, uud savs, with groat Juice uud’lrulb, iltsl •divnioti of l| umo»g 'hot States would be u departure (rout all sound principles of government. For, said the gentleman, “ to give it beck to tin; Statu* ur llm individuals from whom ti w.ut drawn, iiybc tame propur'.ion, would l* a palp »hleatiWrdiiy,wlMle to distribute it m d Jferent proportions, would be alt act t i.’ ns iiijusiico." I submit whether this argument is mit equally applicable' to in- ('-■real iiupr™cuieiil. But,. waiving this l"•**»>• l'Would ask, if wo are tu Iiuvo nmpl'it, why raiw oiglitcon millions of wolla a—six millions more tlian the orilinu- ty. espoedtiuivs ol the government I _ To f-rsivitle, sava the geutlemaii, lor touting™- ciss. But, sir, is it not morally ccitain tliu: your receipts must exceed your osti-' mates—'.he reduction of Jutiet will increase importations—ayd, fu what standard you will, is.’ life upon it, w c shall have • sur plus, arid uot a deficit, unbass gentlemen meant* provido for some new and grand «chcme of national expenditure. Besides, qgipiisi accidental deficiencies, „ sufficient provision will bj found in the uncalled tor nppenpriationa, al««vs to be fomul in the iu the Treasury. Having shown tin* ex tant to which the revenue ought lo Ire re- -dueed, I proceed tu cousidar the mode in whieh that reduction might to be effected. The first ecbenie suggested by rite gentle* man, is a cottliauanco of existing duties on fur from tliu numerous other articles which by thegeiillujitHu'*. scllumH, aro to come in duty free. a list of some of them, and it will be for the Senate ami the country to say liotv far it is reasonable ot just, that the consumers of these articles shall contribute nothing to tliu public ru to relieve tin; tariff Stales from all laxa lion, anil to (brow the whole burden of the government upon the other Stales.— Il is admitted, that the prelection enjoyed hy the former, even noiv-exceeds the a- inuhtit of tile taxes which limy pay, hut Will they do pay their equal portion ofdu- liei on the unprotected articles. But when these tire taken off, they will be re lieved from taxes altogether. Gentlemen who now hear mo, will remember, that when the tariff of 1828 was under- discus- siAn here, a Senator from a tariff Slate rose in his pine.*, and supported the bill on the single ground that il operatml as a bounty of a million nt dollars per nnuuni to llm State he represented. Let us as sume that calculation to Itavo been cor rect, and that the State in question now pays loilf a.milli >n in luxes on llm uap/u- t acted articles. When you take off tbo lax ami leave the bountv, the bounty will obvi ously he incrctisudhvjiisl baft* a million, and Mte State in question will bo, relieved entire ly from tnxation. Such is the compromise proposed to llm .South.,,The evils of which we complain are lo bo increased— the protecting system, is lo he rive'tod it- port the couefiy beyond all hope of relief; and, we are told, we ought to receive all this a* a concussion.. Sir, wo say to you, wo are willing lo submit to have tbo for- ign manufactures for which we exchange no Kings, Lords, nud Comutorts, to eat | of high duties—the evil wns/oretold, Hnd, out the si hsiance o! the People. In ibis j as we predicted, it bus come upon usc— pared lo say that such a system ak lifts with hH its imperfections on its hoad, is tp Uto held as sacred as the laws of the Medos nnd Persians? J trust not. i Let not gentlemen so far dcceivrt. them selves as to suppose, that the opppsitibU ; of ldte South to the protecting system is no', based on high,and lofty principle*, jit lias nothing to do with party polities, or ifte mrtre elevation of intti. ft rises far it- ’ hove all.such considerations. Nor is it influenced chiefly by calculations ef inter ests, hut is founded in much nobler impul ses. The instinct of self-interest, might UUl till* bl'U!<ltHltt Ui ,ll|C I I-Wliiv • » r » « ■ , t , | • a V consists our great advantage, anil it will The protecting system Was already, in the j have taught its ufi <«isr-r way of relieving be our own Crnlt if we do not avail onr-1 minds ofhiany, removed tire odium, which j Ourselves from ibis oppression. U wanted, . . r . e . mi.'. ! i*. i.. ( « h tL;. .muet'icn ft «t’n« Imt ilio will. t« liuvf* !knn*iltcd oiirinlVrti' that wriricli was kindled in the bosom'of oor fathers, when they were made the victims of opotesaion, nnd if it has not dis played itself in the sum* way, it is because we liavo cver cherished the strongest fcef- vettue, wlillo tbo honest l.diming item is to | our produciious taxed lor revenue, though he taxed front Si 4 to 100 dollurs on cvety i we know (but sticlt tax must operate as a hundred dollats which he expends on -llm! bounty to tint domestic maiitifacitire, and waollens, and the (1 innels, tttn iron andsu-j no Itirtliniinish the value of our prodoc- gar, which arc indispensable to the health i lions; lull wo invoke you not to attgiavato uud comfort of himself and family. tire injustice; and inequality ol litis sys- Il isouoof tliu grandest-farces ever! tom, by extending the tax beyond the just M 1 f'ln -k'Jis entirely on os. Above all, j smiled To bh an' ekfensivii infttmfbcmrerj we odtr itj-.on you to tenmmber, that the in which lie says: ^ , Bri'ii'U ynijtiifietmes on wlticli yon pro- “ The only true friends of ihe ntanu- post; to throw almost llm whole burden of fmciurers are those folio nntosrck torrpeal the goverinmrnl, are those which were- the rcdiculous Tariff of 1828. Tut a ceivn in exchange for our j.i bdm tioes— j duty of revenue alone no cloths, and ie- lliaj lo'laodcii them is to Irtndim ns, and move the duty on‘yvool. It would be ID pi. attempted to bu played oil' (Spun a free people, to see an attempt made to rodure llm taxes on olives and capers, anchovies and brandy fruits, mace, cloves, nutmegs, precious stones, alahnstur ornaments, cor dials, perfumery, artificial llowuts, billiard halls, baltlodoros nnd shuttle-cocks, coral bends uud gold sttiijl* boxes, silver specta cles ami ivory beaded nines,'velvets mid luce, mill! uiuadus and gioss tic Naples, camel's,bait shawls, tuorOcco and prunnlln .•.Units, flu's cambrics, plated clialittg dishes poixclaiu tmd- china dinner and tea set*, gold watclies, LBi.uApnigu an ) Burgundy wines, (a attces nnd pine aiudos, nnibtoid. erv, ivory fans, fine. Irish linens, parasols, catttrn tublur; gilt bunks, pier looking pi**- sos, vermicelli and muranmi, 'Italian mar- ! men! VliFcli 1 lore* idimittcd, is fbtttvled file, mantle oruiHueuis, rouge,, essences■] on the just p.rioi:i;ih s I have advocated, and court plaster, chessmen, sweet Meu'.vd 1 Tim ajrunp uieul pf the do.tailr wo are soap, silk storking., gold ami silver (hint- j willing 10 leine to tbe rhinadtlee. We hies, uinatle time pieces; tooth-powder; I dh p6Tpropasyt id di-sttoV, or even tnlo- wax dolls, utvl a hundred utliur things used j jure, the manufactures. We me M illing hy l|tu .licit. Wc say, it is one of the ! they should have tlm incidental protec- grandost farces'over play^ ojf tiptm it ‘ lion afforded hyn fair revetum system, and free |mople, that such articles as tlmsonve i on any plan of reduction, llm duties and have *)mhmrated, should bu exempted i ihqrgrt on tlie loreura niaimtavtnrn.. will from taxation; whilst iron and sugar,' not fall much slum of 33 1-3 per cent. 1 woollen rlotlt imd fl nine}, nml ninny other j and »nrelv. Sir, if, with a protection equal called. -Tho mannlactmps'liow urn lAi pels respectable men to violate your 1^ ..... • , c , Ict down without a shock, from the post- you force them to disregard its injunctions, have scorned m a Contest for orir rights to lion ( ilwy Inivo hcvH id j in order lo (.liiile il opj)W«ioi). It wj,s resort lomiy hul ^>en iiiid fnir ntcufts IP elevated. They will, now be remurieru-1 his |>crfect conviction, that lltelC was not. nnd it tail) dtont, Tim spirit with which we l id for nnv diminution of thefr prb'tcclidn, 1 a viriuons bine tlirougbpul rite Union, who have entered into litis business, is akin to but if the plan p.mposed iu ihegemleiuan’t j waold now think it criminal to smuggle io- — fc: *-"** 1 ** ■ 1 *“ “ r resolution should prevail, the immediate i to the country every article consumed in effect will be an increase of their protcc- | it—and tjdiy I Depose yon (iffco tbein tion, tin enlargement of tlteir bounty, nnd, i to it in sell do.'unce.” -Sir, when these of course, if these are lo bo reduced j sent interns shall birome prevalent, wliat. hereafter, the shock will be much grreter tlvitric volt will become bf tlifti th'wtem l | ings of cotifrulciniiy towards onr Irtcihrerv thnn that to which thev would now he tub-1 How long will it last after the payment of: and tho warmest mtd most devoted itltnclt- jeclcd. Sir,. 1 do consider iltat, in nto- j duties sltull come to be considered ns a tnetit to llin Union; If we have been in king mv proposition, i am proving myself • badge of aervilitde ? , anj degree, divided nntong outselves iu a ti ne Ji tend to the manufacturers—and•! Mr. President, the proposition of the | this matter, tlm aourc^ of Ifiat division, let that they are their worst enemies (wliat- j Senator from Kcnttirkv is, that the pro-1 gentlemen be assnirrdy has tu* arisen so ever' tliey may themserves believe) Who j lecthlg system, as it now stands t much from any diflerence of ejiinion, us would adopt tho policy embraced in the : statute-hook, ‘snail remain mitoin Vrd—j <o tin; true cliaructer of the xippression, ns gentleman’s re*oluli*n. l a this opinion, i that nil ilk cnniradiclory provisions,' iis from .the different degress ofltppp, of re- sir,! find I am not singular. The man-1 absarditie*, injustice, mid inequality, shall ( dress. AM parties harp for years pust ufaefurors themselves, and some of their! bo niaintuiued inviolate. Let us look, | liven looking forward to this crisitfor tbe ablest and most zealous advocates Imvo u . t then, at some of the existing provisi.mS*l ; Inlfilmciit of llicir hopes, or tbo cenftr- vowed tbe same sentiments, lit a wor k just j this system. Some of them, in tbe ex- j million of their fears. And God guyil put into my bunds, containing rtt e.xposi- ; position to-winch I have before referred, jiliat the result may be auspicious, lion of eviikuce about to be suoinitticdro ! are detailed with a clearness to wb'cli no- 'Sir, 1 call upon gentlemen on all side* Congress in siipjiort of the mciitoiinl of j llpng can bo added by me. Here aro tu- i of the House to meet us in tlie litre spirit tbe free trade coil vent ion, hpcly assent- bias of the duties on woollens, fl.lnirtls, I of copcilintinM nnd concession. Remove; bled at Philadelphia, (a work to whielt l!, and carpelinc, ranging from forty- i l earnestly iKSvech yott, from among us, earnestly invite the aittmtiqn'-of every I five lo upwards of two hundred per cent, [ibis never failing source of contention,— member of (his body,) I find some ex- ! I will read a few extracts in illnstcation of! Dry up at iissoetc* this fountain of the wa- treels 'from the Register of Hexekitfli | tlie effect of those duties. [Here Mr. J tors of hilterness. Restore that harmony Niles—certainly one of the tnosr unconM i Hayno read several’ extracts frum ti.e] which has been disturbed, (hat mot wit promising champions of tbo llm protecB work in question,showing that the ditties nffeclioti and confidence which has (teen ing system—which‘furnishes decisive au-j on coarse woollens, such os ato used by ) impaired. It is in, yonr power to do il pon the protected articles to relievo the tlmrity in favor 61 my opinion. 1 there j singe drivers, walennvii, and other labor- this day—but there is but one nteans uth- ilTStali's from all taxatimi, and lo throw | find a letter liom a person who is repre- ; ers, for groat coals, pea-jackets, &c. are j der heaven, j>y which it can—hy doing so exorbitantly taxed, as to raise the cost j Kqt.-Ai.'U'STtcr. to am.. And bv assured, of rife article lo a belli ‘‘llnec times the j that he tbyvhum the country slnttl la- irr— price which;the English laborer lias to • debled for'rilis hlfcssbtg, will be cowsWmvd as the serortd founder of ilie Repnblij:.-^ He will lie regarded,,in nil after times, as tlie ministering angel visiting the troubled waters ol onr political disscnlions, and rc- revenne XtHiidare!, and by so'arranging tlie duties ns to threw the burden entirely tltut tbu t'lid oi all tiu- tony, will he. that we sb til li best enstonivrs and be • IV'KUru market fu inn . liaceo. Tltp, pel Wy liet'rtved .'four it etl‘11 ntit tbe nu- tion, uce, mid to- pay for tlio same kind of clothing— that tlm Wcsjectj farmer, in gonscqiietrce of the highdtityVis compelled to nay four dulfafs if yhri| jjbf Ktlojji avldcl costs ilie much better for us, if wo were placed in j Englisli farmer but one dollar*ovcnTy-five England ; for we could there, Willi our j renii'V that flannels, to iudispelBublt tu privsenl hands and advaiilages, make cloth, | alt the women andcb'rtdre n i n the country, the nmend- of life, which are required to render the situation of our w orking peo ple comfortable, should continue to be heavily and unequally burdened,” I ask for the reason for this distinction which relieves luxmins trnm taxation; and throws them upon the necessaries of life, which burdens tlm poor and exompts the rich; and I am told it ix necessary to protection. W.hosc protection! Why, tho wool thy proprietors of mmtiffncluring slock; 'inch who are inukting enormous tif oW-lh’inl of the cost rtf llm article, our m.inufartmes cannot he maintained, they ought to he nbmidoncd til once, since no thing can tir'clearcr than that they ’would then be sustained at it rerniin loss tn the country. We do not in-isi on an imme diate reduction, to llm lowest revi uhe standard. As the public debt is nut yet paid, we are willing that tlm reduction on the protected articles should tie gradual- ami spread, if gentlemen please, over two send it to New-Yofk, pay the duties, and take more money tlian we do imw. The difference, is in the slot I. :■ mid this differ ence ait.-ibutiihle to the absurdities of tint American System, as it stands. Tire duties on dye-stuffs, oil, soap, .mid - wool, taken in connexion with the derangement of trade, bv making the'manufacturer an exporter, amounts to u much higher pro tection lo the forcignci, than nil tlm tariff affords lo us. Such me (lie J'hcis, nnd such the fruits, of tlm 'System' which the American manufacturer lias toiled to sup port." Thus, Sir, it will he seen, that we who propose to repeal the Tai i'ff of *96, “are the only true ti iends of the manufacturers, and ilml 11 icy me tlteir worst enemies wire are striving tu perpetuate tho ‘absurdiiie* of llm. American Sextet arff^sulijected to M fluty hr from jflfitely To a hundred - and fifty per rent, whereby,an article which cost in England from, eight to nine cents, is sold hero fur twenty c«tito, and that which cost in England twemt"'- nine cents, our nmnufiictmer can obtain ) fvot, and a lamp to titif jiitffli, fifty cents fur; that rollons ure charged ) rer oftliat libeity'’w'itich'WaXhiitglon n- witlt u duty of fretin twerey-fivo to two ; t hieved, the man u who saved the Con- hundred per cent, whereby tlie cost lo thp i siitutiou even at it* last gasp”—— 1, American consumer is, in many instances, |* Jun-misox. increased one half; iTud tlnit the duly yp- iii) irmi is from mi hundred.. lifiy in two hundred and eighty [ier cent. On this point Mr. Iluyne read front the report nn the blacksmiths’ petition, made to the Semite during their last session, and quo- I to the acquisitions of opr oUWn induatu' ted the tesijpiony of John Satchel, a wit- j * • enlightened by U b^flgn’religilfii ness ex'u.iimd on oath before tl|u Com mittee, from which it n|i|’»aied, “that pn- Next we J di*r the existing rale of duties, a ton of have the opinion of Mr. Niles liimsclf, 1 hamnieri and s|y(ghs|pan«iH hnpyrletl, for “ Still one tliii*> mure, fellow'-cil'wens “that the act of 182i> qas the rcftilt of a \ the ttSn bf the Amcnciiii'niamiJacuircr of —a wise ' ‘ '* political batgiiin, uud passed on princi pies disrejmtiilde to a Congress of the Uniteal Slates," Ip which llui enlightened aiilhut of tno expositinit very justly adds, “ that nothing cau he more oliviutis than the folly of pretendmg lo encourage mail .... „ or throe years; mid,if they desire it, we 'dividends, drawn from the pockets oft he ! will not olijvrt to making an innneduile | sen pie. Sir, no other reason fur this ills- { reriuctimt utt the unprotected articles, oil ufaclming industry, and nt the same time tinctivii has been, or.cun bo given; for it Is J I Oor I5p»r emit. ' Tile imnierlin'* effect j to tax tbu raw materials, iron, hemp, flax, acknowledged by ull the wt/ild, that Ibxn* I of this filan, sofirfnlm being injurious to ' wool, lead, indigo, and oilier eomponmtl ties are the projler subjects I'nr la.xatioo, [ the m innfactiti'ers, will, l am piirsitaded, parts of mthtuiacturcs, end conalituting and ought l ightfnllv to be taxed higher j s*|v» wither uvaireiigilieii ilteiw. aiid oven llm principal value of them, front fifty tp two hundred percent,'* And lterO I um than tlm necessaries of life. Bill here the' hints' nltimatv lesnlis, tin mamtlTu'iuie will in mtifuclureis intmposo ihoir claims, utid j he injured , that does not depend on prn- llte claims of jnelice mo disregarded. ' A-* I tertion lor its existence, and is pot sustain- gain, Sir, these ui;e articles of gvnentl coit 11 ej'iiTlIlrt'putlliccxpVnse. Sitpimse the duties sumption;at least untDitg the wultlty; and • . -rere consumed equally, too, all over the coon* try; und yet they must come in duty free, and llie w holo icvenue of the country h* gradually to thp true revenue standard levied on articles, in relation to which, the ! what would' bn .(lie effect of this first re- duties operate most unjustly and unequal-' dtirlion of ten pgr emit.! If a yard of ly; being in truth a bounty to certain por- j KnglisU cloth efist a dollar, paid a dutv.ol lions of the people, and a'burden upon ( fifty ;»ei vent, und, with tliu iiddition.„.of others; and yet the Senator tells ns lie bad charges, could ho retailed nt two dollars, the effect of this reduction would ostlv be willirg In test my case. The act of i828, Mr. Niles affirms, “ ioat the result of a political bargain, mi t lie, (jfconcp'vfi! it ic Igs were now . redo-; and passed on principles disreputable (o ced ten pet* «e«r. below ilmir present rales, Congress of Ihe Vnitcd Slate?." and !iv subsequent steps carried down hoped that such n proposition ns this would not only have met the appiobatiotr of all parlies but would have been received nx u concession to tlie complaints of the South; How it was |Mssib)o for the goulldrikau to have indulged such uu expectation,'’1 am' utterly unable to comprehend. Sic, wbnt single concession or tlm slightest approach towards it; is made by such a proposition! D im it consist in ngreeing to take off art millions of taxes, when the demands on the Trevisory aro to bo reduced to double 'hat amount! lias the^Suutli ever MtteCwd one ward of complaint against tlm duties which it is prop'Med to reduce! No.— These were impos'd for revenue; nnd a- gainst dutiesfuiilv levied for that purpose. the unprotected article*, und euryitg up they have uever complained. It is against manufacturer^ it appears tame, consist* The gentleman complains of frauds upon the revenue-— and fraudulent invoi ces nnd smuggling—but il is his si/stem which has produced these evils. Smug gling, from very ualure of things, must s'oriiigrte the element iis holding vittuer. 1 wil| conclude hy invoking llm authori ty ofono whose imino is deservedly dear People; u hose life was the practice of virtue; frbnt whoso lips lltcri! constantly floored the IcsSons Vf po litical wisdom, mid w hose i x.implq will be to the remotest generations n light to pin' The resto- iti Mr. Jidierron's fmqignral Address, lie bears tho following strung testimony in favor of the true.Amerttun System : “ Euterlaiuiiig a ttuo sense of onr e- qttal rights Pi lin' mil' of our own faculties, whit nil these blossings, vvltirt more is necessary tu nmke us pi happy anil h prosperous people 1 and frugal government, which, rusti aining men from iiijiiring one nnoliter, shall leave them otherwise, vue.r: re BK6L - L'atk Tilt’.iH own 1‘Unten s of industry and in)proccment-—nnd shall nut take frum tlm moutii (d labqr, l|u!bread it hnsearittH 1 . This is the stmt of good government ; hiiiI tills is ngcassurt! fu clfete tbo circle *f our felicities. thou*xy.ry.nrticlcis, let*c.ost,than die bar iron fretn M’lticli they ate hustle ; (Ihd wlieel-nro has’iicually been Imported, in n finrsltud slate, for dbtMt forty-seven dol lars a toulwidlu bur itdn, tfkitlrbbt' lor llm purpose, is sotting for ntjotiraiiueiy dollars tho ton: thatTeit-tinys cluT be i’inpoiiod for Itall aht pyctj of tlie rnpr iM|eri.A(A hf whicrj they are mnnulitetmed; ktm-1 That God may inspire' us, gentlemen, ■me needles lor u hmidred anil JurUrtUrei: j and all who nro enlrusled with the adnshV out of qltidt tliey ure uiado; and lliat tliu j necessary couscquetiru (pis beep, that « > imniber of workers in iron, and cl me- - __ , . HAMIIaTON ACADEME. fRYHI'* (riends or lUerutura i*ru inlurmed that -K-,u.'« exiimned ai tini, Imuilrod it,..., ! i t|ic niBtituliofi i, dil| in operation under llw Chaim s, esttmtilea at «t»e Imndred thou- su^ rinteodiHiuo of. Mr, j^n jKj, and Miss Sin- sHiidg iiuu llioir |»rulii« so iliiniiiiMHid, tliut iiu ilcyikui. ilx> Cirjtyiy t^p'iiq^ f l*ho tnixtuFi 1 Mr, Sarclll't IlHd declared; il|at lie had r,l<; * tlieuwolvi's I'uliv at liberty to shite to tlio uuhn ‘ - '*— rtSr uever seen mtv blacksniitlit so poor, ot ] IC 'd*** 1 every neevwuuy iqopos will be cin|doyi 10 prouioto Ilie moral and intellectual improve- cnirvingoiil bss pfoxiiefOiiS bosmoss, rtlin ( nmnlalll.B Studem,. Tbe mlranlagcs of Ilime exist, when thodulies exceed the risk and | those of the United States, owing, Iis he ilton,as tofiuuIUi. uioniti, Ac. are so wed known expense of tbe illicit intercourse. Eof a believed, to the high duties they ure com-! u»to need no comment. Boarding can be hail nt season, sir, the high moral seriseofu young ! polled to pay on the raw iron." I nnd aeooniinudaHog tastns. Owing tii the ftIBU IV UM lltu KIW HUM* - _ » . » . »r » • 1 I , to reduce the price in one dollar and nine- j *tjd micorrupted people, may oppose seine j 4.00 k, ^optitmed Mr. llntne, ilgough ■ U^ddBcSinof Umpriaw ifftuiUom tv cents. So lint the protection tu the obstacle lo these practices. No govern- j your whole osmecliim system, voui dn-1 Amoricuti manufacturer would be lessen- nimuyiu curb can pi.evenL them. N.ipu- ties every Wltoic are sit artimccxl aw Hi fall cd only five jmr cent. Now if this pro vision were accompanied by nn immedi ate reduction of ihe duties on thq uupru- tectod articles from -fifty |ier cent, to fif teen, would uot tbe munufsciurer* derive some compsa«sti»a in tin dintraitlied cost of nvory^tirtiele which enter*, intti riteif consumption! nnd if,da additium ** (fit, there should bo n considerable rwdoetion of duties on lk* raw qwtetiil, I.wroubl submit lo their serious consideration Wheth er their condition than would be sroree than it is now. Tire true policy of tbe \ lebe, in the phtuiMirie of hit power, Was unable to maintain bis comiuiminl system, ilisproltlbi tionsSttdrestrtefions were con stantly violated with impunity. Yes, sir, he who sported with kingdoms, who con structed thrones on rite reins of empires, and uppoiuled the officers of his house hold tu fill lltetii; whose erratics were his custom-house officers; who drew In's cor dons around tbe nations which he conquer ed, was utterly unable to put dowu the great principles of free trade. It bus bMa wuit mid, air, “ tltnl wide all Eti- rv|ie wasobediept to!tts nod— tlie smug \ ^ " 3 wn^t cX u[mn a roiluctiuit vf Ills prices uf tultiua. Tlm prices, ns reduced, are: For Reading, Writing. AriUunctic and ltouk-kHcpiug (pur quarter,) $3 Qfi most huuvily jipun tlie poor. Tho Ar#r ! „ u^k-kyd"*** lp«r i|Marur>) ■ UY matt is tnxVd five dollars ..pot. a j EnBltsbUrmnuur,..tseogmph, ..a Kufe 4 ^ which cost Ituii inn, and u.ticb inpil ten u- | Chemistry. Natural*Moral and latellectn- |HI|I one wiricli cost him forty—a tax ofj at 1‘hilosophy^Uie dMeraot broaebes *f. eight dollars upon coarse- editous for his wife and children, which cpst no more tlian eight ; and the rich mite but eight dollats, for what cost bint upwards of thirty. C*n any thing be conceived' more monstrous than rite system of mini mums, to ipipose a duly of iw*nty-fiv« per centum ail valo rem on cotton goods, but provide, that if they should coal less ihnntlliirtv-Rve cents pot yard, they shall bn deemed and taken Mathematics, Rhetoric, laMte.aPolilkul Economy, and llw Latin aM Brcck Lau- «•«N Kfainkp'it-sf.*, fa , 6 5.1' SO. ■ xsa.'joirri H . October 22—83 V-tdff.