Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, April 28, 1832, Image 1

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^P. It - •' J.-* -. A Sr’ ! , . L _ it ’ u l/j.i*. | \ , . .. ■) ifi 1 “TUR UNION OP Tlllt STATES, ANI> THK HOVRREIONTX OP THK STATES.” j BY VAN NE98, BETHUNE & LEYVIS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1832. — — —— r-i'Utt FOURTH VOLUME—NUMBEti 50. : l IB PUBLISHED WEEKLY, A T three dollars tier unnam, payable in ad- JM. vatlcb: or four Julian if not paid for boforo iho end of the year- AnvermsKMESTJ Will be inserted at the rates of sr.eenty-fim cents per hundred words for the first insertion, and ifty cents for each week’s continuance. In all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even hundred, will be considered os an hundred, and charged as such. When thb number of insertions of an advertise- mont is not specified^ it will'be couttnued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Sheriffs' and other Officers’ advertisements in serted at customary ratos. Lkttkrs to the Editors on business must be post-paid; nndio all eases where it is not done, the postage will be charged to the writer. SALES! OF LAND, by Administrators, Exe cutors or Guardians, arc required by law to lie held on the first Tuesday in the month, bttween the hours of ton in the forenoon and three afternoon, at tha court-house in tho county to which the property is situate. Notice of Uiese are to be given in a public curette SIXTY PA 1 pre"ious to the dny of sale. SALES OF NEGROES must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, be- twoen the- usual hours of Rale, ut the pluce of public sales in the county where the Letters Tes tamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may havo been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS notice thereof, in one of the public ga zettes of lhi9 state, and at the door of the court house where such sates are to be held. Notice furthe sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner for FORTY PAYS previous to tho day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an fstate must be published FORTY DAYS. , Notice that application will lie made in the Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO iSELL LAND, mast be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must lie published for FOUR MONTHS, be- foro any order absolute slmll be made theieon by tho Court. AYS WARE-HOUSE. AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. T HE undersigned having taken tho new Ware-House near the Wharf for the pre sent season, tenders his services to his friends and ihe public in the above business. Flu will he prepared to extend tho usual facili ties to liis customers, and hopvs by giving his per gonal attention, to share a part of the public pat ronage. WM. H. KIMBROUGH. Columbus, Sept. 24—19—tf WM. JONES & Co. H AVE just received a large and general as sortment of DPv7-OOODS 3 Hard- Ware, Crockery, Sad lery, Hats,' Shoes, Sfc. Constating in pnrt of the fullowing articles, vizt Superfine blue, black, brown, green and steel- mixt Cloths, Do. Cnssitneres and Sattinets, various colors and qualities, Cnssinetts, Erininctts and Nuvarino Cloths, White, red, green and yellow Flannels, Beavcrteens, Fustians and Cotton Cassinieres, 3-4 4-4 5-4 bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Do, do. do. brown do. do. Do. do. Plaids, British and American Prints, comprising many entirely new and fashionable styles, Plain, extracted and seersucker striped Ging hams, Fine and extra fine 4-4 Irish Linens, Russia, birds-eye and damask Diapers, White satin Drills, French, Gcrmnn and Irish Brown Linens, Plain and twilled cotton and linen Drills, Rouen Cassimeres and Cassinctts, Black and green Princellas Duettos, Circassians and Bombazults, Cambrics, jaconot, book, mull and Swiss Muslins, plain and figured, Cheeked Muslins, comprising a choico assort ment of foulurd primed muslins, a now aud splendid article for liulios’ dresses. Black, Italian, French and India Lustrings, Sinchew, Levantine nnd sursnet Silks, Colored Florenco Silks, White and black Satin nnd Satin Levantine, Silk, dag and bandanna Handkerchiefs, Italian and Canton Crapes, Blnck French Bombazine, superior quality, Hosiery, u large assortment, Leghorn aud Dunstable Bonnets, Belt, bonnet and tafiity Ribbons. ALSO, Riflo and Shot Guns, Blacksmiths’ Tools, AMI, cross-cut and hand Saws, Plane Irons, Augers, Chisels. Diavving Knives, Screw l’latos, Hinges, Wallle and Wafer Irons Crockery and Glassware, .Saddles, Bridles and Martingales. Gentlemen’s best Beaver HATS.. Shoes nnd Boots, u handsome block. April 20—49—tf f l 4 I THE WARE-HOUSE AND jjgf Commission Business W ILL bo continued by tlm subscribers un- dor the firm of S.-K Hodges A-. Co. who. wliilc'tboy feel grateful for former favors will en deavour to deserve a continuance of thorn. SEABORN JONES. SAMUEL K. HODGES. O.v CoxstointxNT—And icill be sold on accoinmo- ■dating terms > 400 Mils. Sugar, . 120 sackB Cntico, 1,00(1 bushels Salt, 14 quarter casks YViuo, 3,000 lbs. Castings, 20,000 lbs. Bacon, - 4 boxes white Havanna Sugars, 0 dozen pairs Boots, U boxes Ilats, various qualities, 10 labia. Salts, 100 nieces Bagging, Bale Rope, Iran, Steel, Nails, Shoes, Pumps, &e. Upper and Soal Leather, Syrup, Sweetmeats, &e. Sept. 17—IS—If J. 8. SMITH & O. KKXT DOpfl TO THK COI.OMBUS DANK, Hans received a handsome assortment of SUMMER CLOTHI1TC", CONSISTING OF Black Bombazino COATS Atid'COATEltS, Do. Circassian do. do. Brown and Green Meritio Circassian do. Cisinett Frock and Dross do. Black lasting do. do. do. ROUND JACKETS. Black Bombazine Round Jackets, Brown Linen and Colton do. Do. Striped do. M, M M, NOU11SE Si CLARK H AVE received frotn tho Factory by the late arrivals, ;<jj Hois of the latcgvjashions, —OONSI8TINO OK — Black, Whito and Drab Rocky Moun tain Beaver and Otter HATS, their assort. do! , HATS, VESJJ'Sc ' - jpr a very superior quality, malting Maidlfliiea Vbsts t# a M'ncnt extensive und complete'. ilHCiflEfto A , —At .So— New Grocery. T HE Subscriber just received per steam er Baltimore, nnd upened in tha Store re cently occupiod by Smith & Morgan, Cognac Brandy, very superior, Domestic do. Old Jamaica Rum, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Domestic do. Malaga, Claret, Burgundy, Champaignc, Heimit- uge and Lisbon Winos. Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2; Pork, mess nnd ptime, Scotch llcrriugs; Tongues und Sounds; Sperm Candles; Lamp Oil; Spirits Turpentine; -Brown Soap; shaving do.; Epsom Salts; White Lead; Vordegris; Putty; Starch; Alum; Rice; Flour; Segnrs; Lemon Syrup; Cnmphirc; Blown nnd ground alum Salt; Window Glass; Water nnd Butter Cf ackers; Cavendish Tobacco; Buck Shot; Drop Shot of overy description; Bar Lead; FFFGun Powder;Ginas Hand Lamps; Buckley ond Gilbert's Axes; Coffee Mills; Cotton Curds; Wire Sieves; Bagging Twine; Unbleached Shirting und Sheeting; Plaids; Checks; Bnavertccns; White and figured Do. do. Plain do. J)o. do. ' Do. idd:-. SvV. tPANXAZOQNS. Black Bombazine and-Lit.-ting Pantaloons, Do. Circassian do. Brown ami black Brochillas do. White nnd brown Linen Drilling, do. Do. Cutton do. Drub Merino Casimore Pant.-, Do. Roan do. do. Cord ond Russia Duek do. Fustian do, I.'meu Shirts with Ruffles, White do. Brown do. Linen and Cotton Draws, Negro Clothing. All of which they offer for sale at low prices. Columbus, April M—48—tf Cash! Cash!!! If you want any of the above article, take a Ticket in the MILLEDGEVILLE STREET LOTTERY, WHICH HAS A SPLENDID SCHEME, SUCH A* THK FOLLOWINR : 1 PRIZE OF $ 25,000 3 “ “ lOOOD 4 " " 5,000 9 - " ijrfoo Besides many large and small prizes, too nume rous to particularize. The first day’s drawing will take place on tho 1st May, 1892. Wholes $ 10, hatvoR $5, quarters $2 50, to bo had in a great variety of numbers at the Columbus Book store. Orders from the country enclosing ill, postage paid, will meet with prompt ut- E. 8. NORTON, Agent for the Managers. Columbus, Jan. 14—35—tf Al.&O- * CAPS, Consisting of Seal. Leather, Chinchilla, Circas sian und Children's funcy silk. READY-MADE CLOTHING ITT Cush paid for Hatting Furs. Feb 17-4(1—if Bagging and Carpeting; Shoes, Tin rogltans and Boots, Sic. Sic. Ac. All which will be sold at tho lowest market price O. W. BIRD. Columbus. April 12—48—tf noon sion the cash,| ieution. Received and for Sale, jk T the lowest price the mai ket will authorize, JJL. lire following uiticles, which, in additiou to mjf former stock, makes my assortment good: Western Whiskey, Castings, Apple Brandv. Iron, Molasses, ' Powder, Sugar, Lead, Cotfce, Tohacro, fpalt, Nails, cVc. 12. IM2AT11I2R STON. Columbus, April 11—*48-—4t COLUMBUS Shoe % Store. general agency AND t ~ * ■commission business, Columbus, Georgia. T HE subscribers temler tlieirservices for tlm transaction of the above business, under tfie firm of TARVER & SQUIRE, and are now ready to receive Merchandize and Produce for sale, ou consignment. They are al so now making arrangements for the erection ot u largo and extensive Ware-House for tho recep tion of Cotton,early next Fall. They are prepared to tmilte liberal advances on all Merchandize and Produce consigned to them, and will devote their whole attention to the mier- ast of those who favor them with thmr |mtronag,.-. BENJAMIN P. TARVER, HARVEY .H SQUIRE. REFERENCES. Messrs. James Hamilton & Son, New York. “ Geo. P. & IVm. C Bowers. N. Orleans. .. Brooks. Lutbrop & Co. Appalachian. Edward .1. Hardin, Esq. do. George W. Dillingham, tsq Columbus, Go. Hiram Nourse. Esi|. do. . COLUKSUS New Grocery. T HE Subscriber lias taken the store next dour to the Post Office nnd opposite Poin- roy & Montague's Hotel, where lie lias just opon- • I, nnd will soil nt reasonable prices, nn assort ment of well selected Fresh Groceries and Old Liquors, uuiong which are: Old Monongahela Whiskey, YVestor.': do. Old Jamaica Rom, Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Madeira Wine, Ale and Cider, • Loaf anil Brown Sugar, Bert Ton, Molasses, Rice, Full Mackerel,No. I, Iluvimmi Sugars, Best Tobacco. April 20—40—tf G. GRIEVES. AMONG WHICH AltK THK rOl.l.OWING 1 Rich Prints, Franck Drilling Foulard Muslips, Loudon do. White do. White silk Pongee Irish Linens and Lawns Ildkfs. White Cumbi'lc Lilton Fig'd do. do. Hdkfs. Gentlemen’s white and Bordered do. lig’d Cravats Borage Shawls Marble half Hose Crape Scurfs YVhite do. do. Do. Sliuwls Li-iiuhs\vool do. While and blnck Luce Clark’s Spool Cotton door above VVm. D. Hargrove’s, in Broad Veils Pins and Neodlos Street, where they offer for sale, on reasonable ^ack Hali.m nnd Gros Shoe dm terms, onniia ! do Nnp Silks Colton und silkUmbrcl- BODIES A«I> SMOH.8 Pi.’d cliangenbles do. las of overy description, of there own manufacture, , | til 1. on ,l Canton Crapes Bonnet Wire and Reeds ___ . consisting ot Bl’k fig’d Crape Robes Osnnbarghs, Fustians 200 pairs gent omen’s Boots Ginghams Bed Ticks 300 do. calfskin Shoes, high nnd low quarter, | FuI « itar0 Prims Brown 3 4 Homespun Ladies whito silk cluck’d u 4-4 do Hose Cotton do. do. Shell, tunic and ride Combs E. WELLS & Co jJJAVE removed to the Brick Building next From tho Globo, I AN EXAMINATION OF THE CHEROKEE I i QUESTION. ! It must |jb consolatory to overy Amer ican, and ill fact to till, wherever they mny ho, who regard with anxiety the progress and prospects of free principles through iho wot Id, that there is a sanatory influ ence in otar institutions, which, if it can not prevent, can heal tYithout difficulty ot danger those maladies, to which all pub lic bodies aro front time to lime, liable. In looking bafk upon lint history of our ca reer and prosperity, mid the generation has not vet disappeared which laid the loundaiioiJi ol'hoi It, many questiones verat/t appear, each of which ngilaied the com munity iu ht own briel duy, and some of which, either frotn tho magnitude of the interests involved, or from the excitement that prevailed, threatened the most seri ous consequences to tho stability of the government, and the prosperity of the country. But by the favor of Providence, oao after another these have passed a- way, leaving our Union and our institu tions unscathed. The present dny is not without its own share oi'doubtful Hnd dif ficult questions. Let us hope that they will be discussed in a spirit of mutual for bearance, and arranged ill a spirit of mutu al iiccominudatioii. Our nutioiml motto should remind us, that we havo become one from many, and if tho example and the blessings, which this Union has pro- . , ducud, are to be perpetuated, we must C ^ c "\" -<> -fay. in u leeling of patriotism, the true power of cohesion. Upon tho vir'ure and intelligence of the people tve must rely in eur seasons of dan ger. They havo thus far b<-en the ark of safety. It were presumptuous to doubt, that they will be most efficacious when they may be most wanted. Tito “ Cherokee question,” ns it hns been familiarly called, is onfe of those, which have divided public opinion. It may bo examined without ofTeuce to any one. Either to the State which claims ju risdiction, to the Kxoculivo of the general government, which lias submitted its sen timents to Congress and thu people, or to' the judicial tribunals, which have been called upon to investigate it, and to adju dicate cases arising under it. Wo pro pose, with that frJodum, which is the pri vilege of an_American citizen, but, at the saute limn, wilt/that respect which is due to thosq high authorities, to review and discuss this subject. Truth is always val- t'wfclr, and it is best attained by diligent enquiry. Thu public mind will eventual ly decide this matter, as it has decided so many others; wisely and safely; nnd in (lie moan tiiuc, overy contrilmiion, however humble, to t lie general stock of information, may be usclul, and ut any rate, will bo Iturmloss. With this conviction, wc pro ceed to the task boforo us. Without nat rowing the controversy to GROCERIES. for cash: 6 bills, prime Pork, 4“ . 1 do. Vinegar, • do. Sperm OiL summer strained,^, 3 lioxes Snirdshq Herrings, „ ■—- fi drums Fig» v ^v ’ * 3 Oisks Chucsa lV u>. ^ J tierce Ricsrf* 5 kegs Crockers. * TARVER & SQUIRE. Colnlnbds, March 8—43 NKW STOKJ2. jj. S. SMITH & Co „ H AVE commence J 1)u^ih*Ks in this place, ami liken the Store noxffloor to the Columbus Bank, uytd’oftft lot sale a us^)itniei»lof Dry-Goo^fi, Clothing, Hats, See. Cherk’d do. Carpeting Rugs Grocn.Tiblu Covers nnd stumped Buize Duustuble Bonnots hunter slate, wore entitled to claim and retain all the boundless loiosls, through which they might wander. If such pi-o. pie will usurp more territory than they can subdue ar.d cultivate they have no right to compl.tiii, if a nation ol cultivators pujj ill a claim for a purl.” This is the re ceived dortrino oil this subject, and has been maintained by Valtel, by Locke, by Montesquieu, by Smith, by Martens, and by many others. Principles Sanctioned - by these names, cun be neither unreason able in themselves, nor unjust in tlieir consequences, however lltev mav bo jeernd nt ns ** shameless and shallow .” These two faces of men,under cirrum- camstances s^Agcnt, and with objects so irrncon<y^^^H|Se, in the progress of evonts,broug^^^Fvbntnci with one .an other. They cannot exist in indepen dent attitudes. The effort of tire one is to subdue the earth, to extend over it tha blessings of cultivation und civilization, and provide a permanent residence fdr themselves and their posterity. The ef fort qf the oilior is to repel the invader who comes nmong them. To commeocq and continue a series of ways, in which barbarous trophies of victory may bo ob tained, and barbarous glory acquired. In which warriors may go forth to plunder, to devastation, to death, and return to ex- * hibit tlieir spoils, and recount their fonts. Return, to strike thepost in I heir nativevil- lage, and tell thu deeds, which have spread ruin over the land of the whito man. To stimulate themselves aud others to fresh exertions, by the applause of (he surroun ding multitude, always more generous, as the work of the spoiler is niote cruel. It must not be forgotten, that abstract speculations upon topics like these, seldom promote the cause ol truth. The investi gations are eminently practical, depth-, ding, for tlieir solution upon the Conmipti souse ot mankind, applied to the rchnivo situation of the parlies. Principles, r at- ried to tlieir extreme, will be found hVcon- sistent with tho best established l egutilftSus of society. And have, in fact, misled ma ny enthusiastic men who, with more ziir.l than judgment, havo entered upon their examination. What, then, in the position in which those parties are placed, is to be don< !— If tlm barbarian acquire the ascendancy, Ids rival is not merely conquered, hut cu- stroyed. If, on the contrary, the eivthz. d man assort and in.iaitnin tho superiority, duo by physical in morn! force, bath par ties mny be preserved. And even if uim .mist fall, tho law of self-defence gives to cither the right of conquest. It follows thereforo, dial tho now com munities, springing up in the heart of a boundless wilderness, hud a right to assume such a jurisdiction over tho barbarous people around and untong them, ns whs nocesSftry to the safety of both. And to assume this, peaceably or forcibly, as (lie course of •vents might require. The great object Would be to impress upon the 100 do. calfskin Pumps, 75 do. buckskin Slices, 50 do. sealskin Pumps. 200 do. Brogans. 300 do. course Shoos, Ladies’ prunelle Boots aud Shoes of various | |) mK i|i an do. kinds, < Binding, Sc. do. Morocco Shoes, 1 do. Sealskin do. do. Calfskin do. do. Loathur walking Shoes and Boots, ■ . , - , , ... Misses and children's Bools und Elioes, of every j . As we mtend selling for cush.^urelmsers w,ll a singlo point, wo understand it, in getter al terms, to bp this: has tlm Stute of Goor- j uncivilized party tho cnnviction of their gia a right to extend her laws over the inferiority. To leach them their ow n ex- Chemkeo lands, within her boundaries'!— isteuce required that their passions should The consideration of this subject will lead | be restrained, tlieir warlike propensities to the investigation ot those principles of 1 subdued, and the peaceful duties of life intercourse, which have been established encouraged and- promoted. A peace to- i case fine leghorns,&c. j between civilized and barbarous men, and | dny ond a war to-morrow, and the estab lishment of mutual independence would never efTect this. Nor would promises nnd professions and conventional obliga description. N. IJ. All work of their own manufacture warranted not to rip. July 2—7—tf READY-MADE CLOTHING j'»» retrospect of tlm practice ami profes- tr * sions of the different nations, who hnvc ® , * , ... ! planted colonies ill America, nd HHlIinc for cash, purchasers will • 1 .... . ... | find our prices low. 8 J. 8 8Mrfll Co. | VVIwu the Liiropenr* Imided upon tins Colunihus, April fi—47—tf GARDEN SEEDS, R AISED liy the Shaker Societies, at Enfield und Lebanon, for sale at the line of NEW GROCERIES, For Cotton, Pipe Staves, Hides or approved paper. CHARLESES NORTON I NFORMS Merchants and Planters visiting Apalachicola, that he has just received from (J ‘ ‘ * ’ BOOK STORE •* HAYE iust received at my Store, the fill- I lowing new nnd other interesting pobhon- Ungene Arum, n novel- *“ lll0r of Pell,u,n ' p°r!n ChiefiT'an Wsiorical romance, 8 vols. WuhSt *. Court and Gamp of Bo- nnparte, | Parly's ColamiMis, I Universal Bangster, Fiate Instructers, i Rowlett’s Interest Tables. j Coleridge, Shelly and Kqat » worii * Scott’s Napoleou, J vole- Cook’s Morgagni. I voU. Dewoes' Midwfferv, rt , Eberle'a Practice of Medicine, - SsKSSSSianv**®. prayer Booka (di) . Sand Bnxes and Wkgwta’ ^ ^ Kher wI^g^tvonoty of kooks and fancy armies ton mtinerons *o paiticu xqoitTON- ] Ami' ‘W New (trlcnns, a large and extensive assortment of Groceries, which added to his former supply from New York, makes his assortment as com plete, if rio* suporior, to any ho has over offered to llio public His establishment will he supplied as often as onre a Inonth.that his customers may be sure at any tithe of finding n good assortment. Merchants and Planters will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, aa it is his intention to sell at moderate prices, (hr Cush, Colton, I ipe j Staves, Sides or approved Paper. Just received as above, I sucks Green Havanna COFFEE. | Olr by schooner Magellan, and to bo told i cheap for cn^h. , . . ! Apalachicola, Dec. 20.1831—34—1911 ! ^lUST RECEIVED i Bv steamboat Georgian;'a general assortment of I ' JAPAN WARE, j Copper nnd Zinc Kettles, Pewter Basins nnd Plates, Shout Copper, Do. IaOUd. i Do. Zinc, I)o. Russia Iidn, ■ Do. Brass, Hoop Iron. ALSO ON HAND, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Ol’ TIN WARE. All of w hich will he sold at tho lowest prices, wholesale and reiail. ITF Cash puid for old Pewter. ..... 1 HARVEY IIALL. Colwnlns, Dec. 17—31—tf White Onion, Yellow- Onion, Red Onion, Blood Beet, Early Turnip, do. French Sugar, do. Mangel YVirrsel, do. Orange Carrot, Bloou Catrot, Guernsey Parsnip, Long YVhite Parsnip, Long Cucumber, Long Green, do. - Early Cucumber, Enrly Cluster, do. Prickly Gherkin, YVntermolon, Muskmelun. Nutmeg-melon Cnutclojic. do. G. W. DILLINGHAM. Early Spring Flat do. Long Hanover, do. Rutabaga, do. YVliito Flat, do. Cauliflower, Sage, Squash Pepper, Cayenne, do. Double Peppcrgrnss, Vegetable Oyster, Tomatoes, Solid Celery, Summer Savory, Curled Parsley-, Dwuif Curled, do. Now Zealand Spinage, Round Spinage, Ijoug White Okta, Asparagus, Nasturtion, Dutch Summer Squash. Roquctte, a line salad, Cioekncck Summer,do. Garden Ciesx, Cronkncck Winter, do. English Suriel. White Head Ioitture, White Mustard, Icc Head, do. Brown, do. Ice Coss, do. Leeks, lioperiul .Sugar Early Sugar Corn, Sabbago Head, do. Early Washington J’cus, Salmon Radish, Early June, do. Scarlet, do. Early Chailton, do. Scarlet Turnip, do. YVhite Marrowfat, do. Scarlet Short Top, do. Strawberry Dwaif.du. Drum Head Cnbbago, Dwarf Blue lmperialdo Early York, do. ' Early Cli. Dwarf Beans, (freon Savoy, do. Early Moli’wl; Dwarf, do Yellow Savoy, do. YVhite Kidney Dwarf, do Early Sugar Superior YVliito Pule,do Green Glazed, do. Craubnrry Polo, (Jo. Red Dutch, do. Limn Polo do. Norfolk Flat Turnip, January 7—34 INSURANCE. T HE Augusta Insurance and Banking Com pany Will insure produce and merchandise nguinsl the dangers of River N«vigstion on good steamboats and other river mil, and upon good vessels from Apalachicola to New Orleuns or tho Atlantic cities. They will also lake fire risks unon buildings, merchandise und produce. P GEO. \V. DU.L1NGHAM, Ager.t. * No- C-26-sf | coniinont, they found it inhabited by ttu- ’ : morons tr-lies of savages, indepondont of j ono another, and generally engaged in | hostilities. Tlieso men wore in tho ru- L. C. ALLEN j dest State of barbarism, thinly scattered has itucr.iviiB a no is REctJlviNo, ms j 0V cf an immenso region, subsisting princt- FALL AND WINTER i pally by (ho cliuceand by fishing, destitute GOODS ! o( ai ls and sciences, ignorant of the true W HICH ho Will sell ou accommodating! pm.ciplos of religion und morality, nc- terms. His stock is comprised in part of; knowledgoing no law but the law of lorcc; tho following urticles, viz* tnwl tniinUt frnm ituuf*t/. hv nriifunl London Dunil. ttoae und Point Blanket^, Super hlu*», black, brown and olive Cloths, Blnck Lasting, Benvertoens, Fancy Cord, Rod and white Flannels Cunton rlnnncls, R<*d. whito und figured Valencia Shawls, UombiiZBltes nud Bombazines, Merino Circnssinns of various colors, Cashmere Ilandkcrchiefn, Bundnunn, flngg, Pongee and plaid Silk Ildkf-L cll«iracter. Super Italian Cri ‘ ] und taught from their infancy, by precept 1 and example, that war ivos the great bu siness of their lives, und its dangers and i-glories, the great object of pursuit. Such i wore the Indians then, and such are they j now, wherever their contact with the I white man hus not changed their primitive ir Italian Cravats, various colon, Colored Crape Camhlot, Cotton and Linen Drilling. Ladies’ silk, cotton, and worsted Hose, Gentlemen's do. do. and half do. ^ Isudicg’ and gentlemen’s Gloves of various lrindu. Cambric 8wiss, jaconet und hook Muslins, Super bleached and brown l.inens, Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic Plaids. Bed Ticking, Russia Sheering, f Primed Bed-spreads. Counterpanes. Italian Gros do Naples, Muslin Robes, .Siii.suet und Duchine Silks, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, &c. # La diet, gcntlomcn’s and children's SHOES A variety of men’s, youth’s and children’s HATS &CAPS. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. CfocUera a»Oi (Grlaflflstoare. ALSO, Ono case suporior SHOT GUNS. Nov 111—2ti—if POWERS & NAFEW H AVE just receiver! und for sale the fallow- ins mtieles -. 1/jndon Duff Blankets, Bristol do Soperfine and common, white, und red Flannels, Sattinets. Cumhlets, ladies' marine Hose, Black cotton do gentlemen's merino and lambs Wool Half llnse, Minds and children's do Suocpinc bonnet Ribbons, taffeta dn A Vitof Guns; among which arc choice Rifles, and flcrcqssinn Fowling pieces. Colajnbns, Dcp. 3—83 , The new race of men destined, in the rout se of ages, to produce such doptora- , |)|o effects upon the fortunes of these p< o- j pic, were influenced by other motives, i, j and govejned by oilier principles. We | will not here enquire, tvltolher, in taking ; possession of iho country, in reclaiming ' it from a state of nature, mid in laying the foundation of that it.vuluuble heritage, j which has come down to us, they were I r i c lit or wrong. Wc shall endeavor here- ! alter to show, that the great command, to be fruitful und multiply, und replenish the ■ enrth and subdue it, has been considered ! as one of universal obligation. That u civilized community has u right to go forth i anti take possession of unoccupied and un- ! cultivated regions. That the hunting mi- j grations of nomadic tribes do not consti | lute such an occupancy, us ought to givo I llieiu nn exclusive title to more territory, | tliuu is necessary for their comfortable subsislance, in the mode to which they have been accustomed. That Vatti-I, tire great expounder- of the law of nations, was right, und so were his nssocintes in ihis investigation right, when they main tained, ” that the cultivation of the soil was mi obligation imposed by nature upon ; lions. Feeble indeed, would be such barriers against the tide of Indian power, impelled by Indian passions. Under such circumstances, jurisdiction is well assumed, und its extent must de pend upon the opinion of the domluent party. The doctrine is well stated by > the Supreme Court. “ The U. States,” says Chief Justice Marshall, “maintain, as nil othois have maintained, that disco very gave on exclusive right to extinguish the Indian title of occupancy, either by purchase or conquost: and gavo them al so a right to such a degree of sovereign-. ty, as the circumstances of the people would allow them to exorcite.” Wltst thut degree of sovereignty is, must be determined by the civilized, and not by tha communities. The latter are incapable of weighing the cir cumstances, und of appreciating their im portance. And the very necessity of assuming jurisdiction, so inconsistent with the ordinary principles of public inter course, is founded upon the moral inca pacity of one of tho parties. “ I know of no half way doctrine ou this subject,” says Judgo Spencer.— “We have either an exclusive jurisdic tion pet vailing every part of the Suite, in cluding the territory hold by iho Indians, or tve have no jurisdiction over them, while noting within their reservation.” Theic is no principle short of this, nliich will stand tho test of ciaininalioa. Nor is irnecefsarily harsh in its applications. The nature of tho intercourse, already i described, would lead to the inevitable de struction of the tvoakor power, unless Its operation wero stayed by the intervention of other considerations. Every thing, short of this ultimate rusort, is so much go ined for the cause bUumn nit v. I f the safety of one partwAumld justily the complete sabjugntiot^fr destruction of thu other, tvero there no hitermediute mea sure! which would obviate such a necessity, the adoption of a measure that can alone mHiikii.d, and that the human rare could accomplish this object, is nut only proper not will subsist or greatly multiply, ifrudc! but just. What (hut is, busaltcady beuu.