Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, June 02, 1832, Image 1

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^A jftCML- . . sa BY VAN NESS, BETHUNE* CWNE THE EtfRUIRER IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, K TtAroo dttUri per annum, payable in ftd- ilL ranee; o>four dollars if not paid for before the anil of the year. A ADtiaTOtusu wilt be imerted at the ratea of istsMfJtte. cento Oar hundred words for the first insertion, and j|lfe rent* fur each week's continuance, in- alf at!verticements, tlie words that do not araoantfo an even hnndiod, considered as. an hundred, and charged os such. Whhn the number of insertions of an advents? mOnt ii not specified, it will bo continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Sheriffs' and other.Officers' advertisements In- oerted at customary rates.’ Lettkrs to the Editors on business must be post-paid; and in all cases where it is not done, th* postage .will ho charged to the writer. . SALES .OF LAND, by Administrators, Ere- eutors or Guardians', are required by law to be MftI Oa ths first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in'the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the court-house in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these areto be given in a public gazette SIXTY DAY S previous to the day of sale. SALES OF NEGROES most be at public auction, on the first Tnesduy of the month, be tween the nsnal hoars of sale, nt the place of GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. FBI H E subscriber has just received per achoon- . JL ere Maty, Hannah and-Elizabeth, and Erne- line, from New Orleans, the following groceries: 20.000 lt». Bandit, 60 barrels Pork, 60 do Whiskey, 16 hhds, primn New Orleans Sugar, 30 bbls. Rum, 160 casks Nails, (assorted,') 50 bbls. Flour, 100 coils bail Rope, 100 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 30 coils Manilla and tarred Rope, 0 pipes Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin, 50 bags prime Havanas Cufibe, 26.000 best Havanna Segars. The above, together with his stock on hand is the best assortment ever offered in this market, all of which tvill be sold low ibr caskor approved paper. C. E NORTON. Apalachicola, May 10—-1—tf “ COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1832. nP" R DAYS' notice thereof, in one of the public ga vottes of this elate, and at the door of the court house where such sales are to be held. Notice for the Sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner for FORTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of «n Estate mast be published FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO 8ELL LAND, mast be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must be published for. FOUR MONTHS, be fore any ordor absolute shall be ptadelheieon by the Court. HEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY g| AU. COMMISSION BUSINESS, Columbus, Georgia. T HE subscribers respectfully acquaiut their friends and the public that they have form ed a connexion m the above business, under the game und style of SHORTER, TARVER # C° They have commodious and extensive arrange ments in progress for the reception and storage of produce, and will be prepared to make advances on tho same while in store or under shipment to New Orleans or New York. E. 8. SHORTER, BENJ. P. TARVER, May—13—1 JAMES H, SHORTER. THE WARE-HOUSE AND r~n mm Commission Business W ILL be continued by the subscribes* un- derthe firmof S. K- Hodges & Co. who, while they feel grateful for former favors will on, dcavonr to deserve u continuance of them. ^ SEABORN JONES. 8AMUELK. IIODGES. Qjt Consignment—And trill be sold on accommo- diuing termss 400 bbls. Sugar, 120 sacks Coffee, 1,000 bushels Salt, 14 quarter casks Wine, 3,000 lbs. Castings, 20,000 lbs. Bacon, 4 boxes white Havanna Sugans, 6 dozen pairs Boots, 6 boxes Hats, various qualities, 10 bbls. Salts. 100 pieces Bagging, Bale Rope, Iron, Steel, Nails, Shoes, Pumps, Ac. Upper and Soal Lculhar, Syrup, Sweetmeats, Sec. Sept. 17—18—tf SHORTER, TARVER & Co H AVE receivod by the late arrivals the fol lowing {foods en consignment, which they offer on favorable terms. 65 barrels choice Cider,' 30 boxes Newark pippin' do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 00 barrels N. Orleans Molasses, 12 hhds. Bacon,* 20 barrels pickled Pork, 10 drums Figs, 6 boxes Havannnh Segars, Del l'ino celebrated manufacture, 50 boxes Virginia and N. Carolina Tobacco, S quarter casks Malmsey Wine, 150 sacks Salt, 20 casea Lemon Syrup and Limo Juice, 30 barrels Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 sacks prime green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongahela Whiskey, 12 patent barehoar Ploughs, made hy E. Parsons, Enfield, Connecticut, Cognac Brandy, together with u variety of other articles. May 19—1 NEW _STORE. J. S. SMITH & C« H AVE commenced business in this place,and taken the Store next door to the Columbus Bunk, and offer foi sale a handsome assortment of Dry-Goods, Clothing*, Hats, See. AMONG WBICR ARE THE FOLLOnriNO: . Rich Prints, French Drilling Foulard Muslins, London do. White do. White silk Pongee Irish Linens and Lawn* Hdkfs. White Cambric Linen Fig’d do. do. Hdkik. Gentlemen's white and Bordered do. ' fig’d Cravats Borage Shawls Marble half Hose Crape Scarfs \Vhite do. do. Do. Shawls Lambswooldo. White and black- Lace Clark’s Spboi ColtSn Veils Pins and Needles Green Gauze do. Patent Thread Black Italian and Gros Shoe do. de Nap Silks Cotton and silkUmbrel- Fig’d changcabtes do. las Itu. and Canloo Crapes Bonnet Wire and Reeds Bl’k fig’d Crape Robes Osnaburghs, Fustians Ginghams Bed Tick* Furniture Prints Brown 3-4 Homospun Ladies white silk clock’d “ 44 do. H036 Chock’d do. Cotton do: do. . Carpeting Rags Shell, tuck and side Green Table Covers Combs and stumped Buize Brazilian do. Dunstable Bonnets i Binding, &c. 1 case fine Leghorns, &c. READY-MADE CLOTHING HAT3 a As we intend selling for cash, purchasers will find our prices low. J. S. SMITH & Co. Columbus, April 6—47—tf IKrorcrffSL T HE Subscribers have just received and of fer for sale, upon accommodating terms, the following articles: Shoe Store. E. WELLS & <}«■ k H AVE removed to the Brick Building (text door above Win. D. Hargrove's, in Broad Street, where they offer fbr sale, oh reasonable terms, . ... BOOTS AND SHOES or every description, of their own manufacture, consisting of 200 pairs gentlemen's Boots 300 do. calfskin Shoes, high and low quarter, 100 do, calfskin Pumps, 73 do. buckskin Shoes, 50 do. sealskin Puirips, 200 do. Brogans. 300 do. course Shoes, Ladies’ prunella Boots and Shoes of various kinds, do. Morocco Siloes, do. Sealskin do. do. Calfskin do. - do. Leather walking Shoes and,Boots, Misses and children's Boots and Elioes, of every description. N. B.. All work of their own manufacture, warranted not to rip. July 2—7»-tf t COTTON GIN# fOll SALE. INGLE and double breasted Cotton Gins, K7 with und without cast boxes, and of various aims, for Hilo on consignment, by, TAttVER & Co. May 26--2 NEW GOODS. L. C. ALLEN HAS RECEIVED AND IS RECEIVING, 1118 PALL AND WINTER „ GOODS, W HICH he will sell on accommodating terms. His stock is comprised in part of the following articles, viz: London Dufiil, Rose and Point Blankets, Super blue, black, brown and olive ClVliis, Black Lasting, Benvertoena, Fancy Cord, Red and white Flannels, Canton Flannels, Red. white and figured Valencia Shawls, Bombuzoltes ana Bombazines, Merino Circassians of vurious colors, Cashmere Handkerchiefs, -Bandanna, flagg, Pongee and plaid Silk Htlkft. Super Italian Cravats, various colors, Colored Crape Camblet, Cotton and Linen Drilling, Ladice’ silk, cotton, and worsted llosc, Gentlemen’s do. do. and half do. Ladies’ and gentlemen's Gloves of various kinds, Cambric. Swiss, jaconet and book Muslins, Super bleached and brown Linens, Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic Plaids. Bed Ticking, Russia Sheeting, Printed Bed-spreads. Counterpunes, Italian Groa die Naples, Muslin Robes, BarSnet and Duchine Silks, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, <&c. Ladies, gentlemen's and children’s SHOES* A variety of men's,, youth's und children’s HATS & CAPS. HARDWARE 7 # CUTLERY, ©tocfceca nitlr «rlasg=toate. ALSO, One case superior SHOT GUNS. Nov 10—26—tf COLtMBITS BOOK STORE I HAVE just received at my Store, tho fol lowing now and other interesting publica tions: Kugene Aram* a novel, by the author ol relhain. The Forsaken, a tale, 2 vols. Tho Polish Chiefs, un historical romance, 2 vols Family Library No. 29, Court and Camp ol Bo naparte, Parly’s Columbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Rowlett’s Interest Tablos, Coleridge, Shelly and Kent'* works Scott's Napoleon, 3 vols. Cook's Morgagni, 2 vols. Dt pvecs’ Midwifery, EbOrle's Practice of Medicine, 2 vis Turner's Chemistry, Bichat’s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth's Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition.) Prayer Books (do.) Rhnd Boxes nnd Inkstands, •Port Folios. Visiting Cards, Blank Cnrds, &c. Together with a great variety pf books und fancy urticlos too numoroosto particularize. April 20 E. S. NORTON. BOLTING C L O T H S, O F the fi side by May 14—52—-If The Spring and Summer Atocftof ©o®®# O F the Subseribors have just been received and opened. The etock consists of every article usually found in an assorted stock, viz. Fancy and staple Dry Goods, Hats, Bonnots, Shoes, Saddlery, Crockery, Hardware nnd Gro ceries, all of which are offered at fuir prices either for cash or good paper. Purchasers arc request ed to cull und look through. LAW1ION &. HOWELL. May 4—51—3t o. w. DlliXtXXffaHADK, il.ts FOR SALE ~M AA BARRELS prime pickled Pork, put JL VIF up uudur'inspeclibn 41 Cincinnati, 20,000 lb... Bacon. 60 bbls. Mackerel, 100 -do New.Orluuns Molasses, 00 do Western Whiskey, 200 do New Orleans, Sugar, 50 do low priced Sugar, .200 sacks Liverpool ground and Turk's Isl- : nnd Salt, 150 bolts Browa’s celebrated Kentucky cot ton Bagging, 100 sides upper Leather, 3.000 lbs. sole Leather, SO coils bale Ithpo, 5.000 lbs. bine grit Grindstones. . May 19—1 it Cflottyf ug- " J. S. SMITH & O. NEXT DOCK TO THE COLUMBUS SANK, Hast:received a handsome assortment of STOCICSR CLOTHING, Consisting of Black Bombnzino COATS and COATEES, Do. Circassian do. do. Brown and Graen Merino Circassian do. Casinctt Frock and Dress do. Black lasting do. do. do. ROUND JACKETS. Black Bombnzino Round Jackets, Brown Linen and Colton do. Do, Striped do. VESTS. White and figm-ed Marseilles Vests, Do. no. Valencia do. riuin do. Silk do. Do. do. Velvet do. Do. do. Swansdown do. PANTALOONS. Black Bombazine und Lusting PuntaloonSi Do. Circassian do. Brown and black Brochillus do. White and brown Linen Drilling, do. Do. Colton do. Drab Merino Casimere Pants, Do. Roan do. do. Cord and Russia Duck do.' Fustian do. Linen Shirts with Ruffles, White do. • Brown do. Linen and Cotton Draws, Negro Slothing. All of which they offfer for sale at low prices. Columbus, April 14—48—tf 4,000 bushels ground Alum Sait, 20,000 lbs. i ' ‘ Swedes iron. 1,000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 |bs. Gorman do. l,.0t>0 lbs. Sheet Iron, 600 Russia Sheet Iron 1,000 Hoop Iron, 200 bbls. New Orleans Sugar, ~ 8 hhds. St. Croix do. IftO bugs Green Coffee, 10 bags Java do. 40 bbls. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 24 doz. Lemon Syrup, 6 doz. Wine Bitters, 400 lbs. soft shelled Almonds^ -30 kegs Dupont’a Powder, 20 kegs common do. 250 kegs Nails, assorted siZes k 120 bbls. Molasses, 8 bbls. Loaf Sugar, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 15 bbls. Northern Rum, 20 bbls. Muckerel, 350 pieces best Kentucky Bagging, 125 coils Rope, 20,000 lbs. Bacon. Together with divers other articles, consti tuting a full assortment of Groceries SMITH &. MORGAN. Muv 3—51—tf JUST RECEIVED By steamboat Gcorgiun, a general assortment of JAPAN WARE, Copper and Zinc Kettles, Pewter Basins und Plates, Sheet Copper, Do. Lead, Do. Zinc, Do. Russia Iron, Do. Brass, Hoop Iron. ALSO ON HAND, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF , TIST WARE. AH of which will be sold at tire lowest prides, wholesale and retail. CP Cash paid for old Pcwtor. HARVF.Y HALL. Columbus, Dec. 17—31—\f COLUMBUS ,F the first, second and third qualities, for STEWART & FONTAIN NOUR8E & CLARK UAVE JUST RECEIVED AH ASSORTMENT i>F WHITE BEAVER HATS, A eplehdid article. 4/-S0,-SUMMER CLOTHING May 14—52—tf ON CONSIGNMENT AND FOR SALE HY Shorter, Tarver Sf Co. liftibls. NEWARK ClDfiR, first quality. Columbus, M»y 25—jR' HAT STORE. * M * NOURSE & CLARK H AVE received from the Factory by the late arrivals, Hats of the latest fashions, —CONSISTING or — Black, While and Drab Rocky Moun tain Beater and OUer HAT#. Of a very superior quality, making their assort ment extensive and complete. .—ALSO— GAPS* Conflating of Seal* Leather, Chinchilla, Circa*- *um and Children’* fancy silk. READY-MADE CLOTHING O’ Cash paid for Halting Fur*. "• 10-if Feb 17-40 New L. J. DAVIES# Co. H AVE just received an elegant assortment of Spring Goods, and at reduced prices. Among them are the following articles, viz: Italian, Ibstring, sinCnew- and sarsnett Silks; Gro de Nap und gro de Swiss do. Colored Satins; striped Palmyreen*; Foulard Muslins (new style!) French and Belgian Ginghams; .Do. do. Calicoes; Sarsnett CAtnbric end Cambric Muslins) Swiss, book and mall Afuslins; Lace Capes, Caps and Collars; Bohkinct Lace and Thread Edgings; Crape and Gauze Hdkfs ; Muslin Bund6| Lthen and linen cnmbric Hdkfs.) White pongee do.; White and green gauze Veils; Gentlemen’s ranaoni silk Half Hose) Do. do. cotton do. Iaidics’ silk and cotton Hose; White and brown silk Gloves; Gentlemen and ladies’ Ilorseskin do.; Bead Bags and Puraes; silk dp.; Brown and green Parasols; Do. "do. Umbrellas! Leghorn and danstabic Bonnets Belgian stripe do.; Fancy, gipsy and open work do.; English chip do ; , Oil Cloths; Fustians; Tickings; Apron and counterpnin Checks. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF flfilKwar# Of nil kinds. ALSO,—A Urge assortment of STTICMEB. CLOTHING. (CHEAP.) White Sutin Beaver HATS—BOOTS AND SHOES Hardware St Cutlery, Crockery, Joiner*’ Tools f lye., April 27-<(h—tf GROCERIES, For Cotton, Pipe Staves, Hides or approved paper. CHARLES E. NORTON I NFORMS Morchonts and Planters visiting Apalachicola, that ho ha, just received from New Orleans, u largo and extensive assortment of Groceries, ujiich added to hia former supply from New York, makes tils assortment as com plete, if not superior, to any ho hue ever offered to tho public. His establishment will be supplied ns often as once a month, that Iris customers may be sure at any time of finding, a good aSfurtment. Merchants and i’lanfora will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, aa it is his intention to sell at moderate prices, for Cush, Colton, Pipe Staves, Sides or approved Paper. Just received at above, NUN sacks Green (MI by schooner cheap for cash. Apalachicola, Dec. 20,1831—34—istf r Havanna COFFEE* r Magellan, and to be sold L. C. ALLEN nAS DECEIVE!) PER STEAMtOAT BALTIMORE, Cognine BRANDY, Junmiaa and American RUM, Holland and American OIN, Madeira, V Mctsuillus, f WOTES, Sweot, . y Loaf and Brown SUOAR, Prime COFFEE. TOBACCO. A lurgo assortment of JOINERS' /TOOLS, Blue plains. Which he offer* for sale on his usual low terms. Dec. 10—30—tf ®f®090. POWEttS & NAFEW A re no\V opening their assortment of Goods tor the Spring nnd SumhiCr, consisting of super blue-, black and brown Cloths, Linens, printed. Muslins, Cnlicoes, Ginghams, Silks, Fancy Shawls end Scarfs, Ribbons, Bead Bags, Gloves. Sec, Also, Enninetts, Yellow Nankeens, Black Prlncetta, French Linens and Drillings, SUj. For gentlemen’s wear. Black and Drab BeoVer Hats, superior qyulity. Ready-made Clothing. Columbus, March 8—43 THE CORK ££0. From Talesand Sketches, bg ffeurp QlassfurJ Bell. “ Hu tvho lias beon at Rdtterdom will remeipber a house of two stories, which stands in the suburbs just adjoining the basin of tiie canal running between that city and tho Hague, Leyden, und other plnces. I say lie will remember it, for it must tfnve been pointed Out to him as having been once inhabited by the most ingeitirous artist that Holland ever pro duced, to sny nothing or his daughter, tho prettiest ntaidon over born within hear ing of tho croaking of a frog. It is not with the fair Blanche, unfortunately, that wo have m present any thjng to do; it is with tho old gentleman, her father. His profession wns'llml ofasurgicnl-instfunfont maker; but his fame principally rosted on tho admirable skill with which ho con structed wooden and cork legs. So groat was his reputation in this department of human science, that they whom nature or nocident had curtailed, caricatuied, or dis appointed in so very necessary an appen dage to thu body, came liotpitig to him in crowds, and, however desperate their ca ses might be, were very soon, (as tho say ing isl set upon their legs again. Many a cripple, who Imd looked upon his defor mity as incurable, and whose only conso lation consisted in un occasional hit at l’io vide rice for liuviog trusted his making to a journeyman, found himself so admira bly fitted, so elegantly propped up by Mynhcei Turningvort, that he almost be gun to doubt whether a timber or cork supporter was not, on the whole, superior to u more common-place and troublesome one ol flash und blood. And, in good truth, if you had seeu how very handsome and delicate wore the understandings fash ioned hy the skilful artificer, you would have beon puzzled to settle the question yourself, (ho moro especially if your real toes were tormented with gout or corns. One morning, just us Master Turningvort was giving the last polish to a calf and ancle, a messenger ontored his studio, to speak classically, and requested that lie would immediately accompany him to the mansion of Mynheer von Wodenblock. It was the mansion of the richest mer chant in Rotterdam; so the artist pm on his best wig, uod set forth with his three- cornered hat in one hand, and his silver- headed stick its the other. It so happen ed, that Mynheer von Wodenblock Imd been very laudably employed, a few days before, in turning a poor relation out of doors; but in endeavoring to hasten the o- dions wretch’s progress down stairs by a slight impulsovj posteriori (for Mynheer seldom stood upon ceremony with poor rotations,) ho had unfortunately, lost his balance, and tumbling headlong from tho top to the bottom, he found, on recover ing Ids senses, that he had broken his right leg, mid that he had lost three teelh. He at first thought of having his podt rela tion tried for murder; bill being naturally of a merciful disposition, ho only sent him to jail on account ofsomo unpaid debt, leaving him (hero to enjoy the comforta ble reflection, that his wife and children wero starving nt home. A dentist soon supplied the invalid witli three teeth, which lie had pulled tmt of an indigent poet’s head atlhe rate.of ton sti vers a-piece, hut lor which he prudently charged the rich merchant one hundred dollurs. Tiie doctor, examining his teg, and recollecting that ho tvus at that mo ment ruther in want of a subject, cut it Carefully off, and took it away With him, in Ids carriago, to locture upon to his pu pils. So Mynhcei Wodenblock, consid ering that ho had boon hitherto accustom ed to walk, and not to hop, and being per haps, somewhat prejudiced in favor of (ho former mode of locomotion, sent for our friend at the cahal basin, in order that he might give him directions about the re presentative with which he wished to bo supplied for bis lost member. The aril* ficer entered the wealthy burgher’s apart ment. He was reclining on » couch, with Ids left leg looking as respectable as ever, but with his uuhappy right stump Wrapt up in bandages, as if conscious and ashamed of its own littleness. ' Turningvort, you liavo heard of my misfortune—it has thrown me into a favor, and all Rotter dam Into confusion; but let that pass. You must make me a leg, and it must be the best leg, sir, you ever made in your life.’ Turningvort bowed. * I do not care what it costs;’ Turningvort bowed still lower; JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR BALE AT Tile cDlumbus book-store, , the LOST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH, A N Hi-fpricpl Novel) connected with tiie Indr an War ot the South, in tho years 1812,13, 14 and 15, and Gen. Jackson, now President of the United States, BY DON PEDRO CALENDER. A tow copies roinniuing on hand. E. S. NORTON. May 19—I „ Insurance. PM^IlE Augusta Insnrunee and Banking Com- R pony will insure produce and merchandise against the dangers of llivcr Navigation «n good •teamhoata and other rivet cruft, and upon good vessels from Apalachicola to New Orleans or the Atlantic cities. ThoV will also tnke fire risks upon buildings, itierehandiso und produce. GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, Agent. Nov 6—26—tf JOB PRINTING Neatly Executed at this Office. I coroplishinglt that very morning provided it outdoes every thing you have yet mado. I am for none of your wood en spindlcshanl^. Make it of cork; let it be light nnd elastic, and Ciam It full of springs as a watch. J know nothing of -the business, und cannot be more specific in my directions; but this I am determined upon, that I shall have a leg as good as the ono I have lost. 1 know such a thing is to be had, antfif I get it from you, your reward is a thousand guineas.’ The Dutch Promeiheasdeclared,that, to please Mynheor Von Wodenblock, he would do more than human ingenuity had ever done beforehand undertook (o bring him, with in six days, n leg which would laugh to scorn the mere common legs possessed by common men. This assurance was not meant as au idle boast. Turningvort was a man of speculative, its Well as pructical science—there was a favorite discovery which lie had long been aiming at, and he beltevbd he had at last succeeded in ac- Lihc FIFTH VOLUME—NOMEBS 3. ajl other manufacturers of tern he had ever found the chief bn his progress towards perfection, KWOttsiet m us being upparontly impossible to Tn- troduco into ihedfany thing in the shape ol joints, capable of being regulated by the will,and of performing those impor tant functions achieved under the present system by means of the admirable median- mm of thp knee and ancle. Our philoso pher had spent years in endeavouring to obviate the grand inconvenience; and al though I to had undoubtedly, made’ greater progress than any one else, it was not till now that he thought himself oomptotcly master of the great secret. His first at tempt to carry fl into execution Was to bo in the leg ho was about to make for Myn heer Von WodontJlock, It was’on the 0 voifing of tiie sixth day from fbat to which 1 have already aliuded, that with thh ratu gic log, carefully packed up, the accurals artisan again made his appearance befbrs Uio expecting nnd impatient Wodoh- bmck. There was a protid twinkle io Turningvort’s grey eye, which seemed to indicato that hb valued even tho thou* sand guineas, which he intended for Blan che’s marriage portion, less than the cole- brity, the glory, the immorality of which 1m was at length so sure. He united hia precious bundle, und spent some hour* is displaying end explaining to tho delighted bdrglior tiie number of additions he had made to tiie interna) machinery, and the purpose each was intended to serve.—* The evening wore away in these discus sions concerning wheels Within wheels,and springs upon springs. When it was time m retire to rest, both were equally satisfied with the perfection of the work; and at his employer’s earnest request the artist con* sented to remain where bo was for tho night, in Order that curly next morning he might fit on tho lintb, and see how if performed its duty. ' Early next morning till the necessary arrangements wore conij|)loted, and Myn heer Von Wodenblock walked forth Id the street In ecstacy, blessing the inven tive powers of one who wait able to make so excellent a hand of his hag: It seemed. Indeed, to act to admiration ; in the mer chant's mode of walking there was no stiffuess, no effort, no constaint. All tho joints perforned their office without the aid of either bone or muscle. Nobqjfy, not even a couhoiseur in lameness, would have suspected any thing uncommon, any great collection of accurately adjusted clockwork unde- the full Well-slashed pan taloons of the substantial-looking Dutch man. Had if not been for a slight trek mulous motion; occasioned by the rapid whirling of about twenty small wheels in tho interior, aud a constant clicking Ilka that of a watch, though somewhat . louder, lie would even himself have for gotten that ho was not, in all respects, ss he used to oe, before he lifted his right foot to bestow a parting benediction On hit poor relation. He walked along in the renovated buoyancy of his spirits until iio came in sight of the Sladt House ; and just at tho foot of tho flight of steps that led up to the principal door, ho saw his old (friend Mynheer Vanouterti Wait ing to receive him. He quickened bis pneo ; and both mutually held oat their hands to each other by Way of congratu lation, before they, wore near enough to be clasped in' a friendly embrace, At last the mierctiant reached the spot where Vunouiern stood ; but what was that worthy mim’s astoniihptent tu see him, I hough ho still held out his hand* piss quickly by, Without stopping, even for a moment, to say, ’ How-d’ye do t* But this seeming want of poliuAieft arose from no fault of our hero’s. His own aston ishment was u thousand times greater, when he found that he had iio, power whatever to determine either when. Where, or how his leg was to move. As long us his own wishes happened to coin cide with tho manner in, which the ma chinery seOpted destined to operate, oil hod gone on smoothly: and he mad* mistaken his tacit compliance With its independent and self-acting pmOeSs for a command over it, which he now found Iio did not possess. It Had been his most anxious desire to stop to Speak with Mynheor Vanoutern, bet bis teg moved on, and he found bimoelf liadttib • neces sity of following it. Many an attempt did he make to slackeo hiSpnce, but evry attempt was vain, He caught hold of the rails, walls,'.ned houses, but his leg tugged so violently, that he Was afraid of dislocating his artns, and wag obliged to go On. He began to get seriously uneasy as to the consequences of this most unex pected turn which matters had taken ; and his only hope was, that (he (mazing mid unknown powers, which the compli cated construction of Lis leg seemed to possess, would speedily exhaust them selves. Of this, however, heyp»£d as yet discover no syriiptoms. He happened to be going in the direction of tho Leyden Canal; and when he orriVodC iO iqql of Mynheor Tumingvort’s jppso, be Called loudly upon the artificer to comq to Ms as sistance. Tho artificer fooked out from Ids window withifaeoofwonder. ‘Vil- linn!’ criod Wodenblock, * come out to me this instant! You have made me a Teg with a vengeance) It won’t stand (till for a moment, t have been walking xtruit forward ever since I lift my own house, ond,tmle(syoti slop me yourself, Heaven