Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, June 23, 1832, Image 1

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‘the union ok tiik states, and 1® so<bhku;nty OF THE STATES.” BY VAN NESS, BETHUNE & CLINE. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1832; FIFTH VOLUME—NUMBER C THE Elf QtTIRER 13 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, ^ Tthree dollars per annum, payable in atl- vance: or four dollars if not paid Ibr before the end of the year. Aovektibkmsnts wilt be inserted at the rates of scee.nty-fiot cents per hundred words for the first insertion, and fifty cents Ibr eaeh week’s continuance. In all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even bandied, will bo considered as an hundred, and charged as such. When the number of insertions of un advertise ment is not specified, it will be continued until ■forbid, and charged accordingly, Sberilfs’ and other Officers’ advertisements in serted at customary rates. Letters to the Editors on business must 1 be id; and in where it is not done, WXK. ?. MALONE, J J AS taken tho store next itom to Smith &. Morgan, second from L J. Davies & Co. corner of Brand and Randolph streets, where lie has just received (eight days from New Oilcans) a general assortment of GROCERIES, >00 bbls. Sugar, 50 bags Coffee, 300 sucks Salt, 100 pieces cotton B&gging. 50 coils Rope, Vlni postage wiH bo charged to the writer. SALES r- 1 OF LAND, by Adminiatrators, Exe cutors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in th< llwlll , s he month, between the hours often in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the court-house in the county in which the property w situate. Notice of these are to be gif'enin a public g izettc SIXTY DAY S .previous to the day of wile. SALES, OF NEGJtOES must be at public ith, be- ouction, on the first I’uesday of tho Tuontl tween, the usual honra of sale, q,t the place of public sales ip the county whore tho Letters Tes tamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may have beon granted, first giving. SIXTY DAYS notice thereof, in one of the public ga rottes of this state, and at the door of the court house where such sales are to bo held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must ho given in like manner for FORTY DAYS * previous to the clay of salo. Notice to the debtors ami creditors of an Estate must bo published FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Orcjinasy for LEAVE TO SELL XAND, ntueVbe published‘FOUR MONTHS. Noticefor LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must-be pnblishod for FOUR MONTHS, be- $>re any order absolute shall be made thereon by the Court. 50 bbls. Whiskey, 20 do. Northern Gin, 20 do. P. Ruin, 50 do. Molasses, 10 do. old Monongalia In Whiskty# 1 pipe Cfcgniac Brandy, 1 do. Holland Gin, 30 bbls. Mackerel, No. 3, 10 do. do. No. J, . 20 do. superfine Flour, • 75 casks Nails, 12,000 lbs. Bacon, Teneriffe Wine, Malaga do. Muscat do. 01 unit do. Cordial*, Lomoh Syrup, Raisins, Soap, loaf Sugar, Rice, sperm Candles, Tobacco, With many other articles in bis line, which will bo sold on accommodating terms. Columbus, June 0—4—if COLUMBUS Shoe Store. NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY E. WELLS & €>»■ e AVF. removed to tho Brick Building next door above VVm. D. Hargrove’s, in Broad Street, where they offer for sale, on reasonable terms, BOOTS AND SHOES of overy description, of their own manufacture, consisting of 200 pairs gentlemen's Boots 300 do. calfskin Shoes, high and low quarter, 100 do. calfskin Pumps, 75 do. buckskin Shoes, 50 do. sealskin Pumps, 200 do Brogapis 300 do. course Shoes, Ladies’ prunello Boots and Shoes of vyieus kinds, do. Morocco Shoos, do. ealskin do. do. Calfskin do. do. Leather walking Shoos and Hoots, Misses and children's Booto and Ehoes, of every description. N. B. All work of their own manufacture, warranted not to rip. July 2—7—tf Ct. W. DILLINGHAM, HAS FOR SALE | BARRELS prime pickled Pork, put 1*1 AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, Columbus, Georgia. NEW GOODS. have this ilay received per stcainor Bnl- T IIE subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and the public that they have form ed a connexion in the above business, under the name and style of SHORTER, TARVER Si. O They have commodious and extensive iWrungq. munis in progress for the reception and stotage of produc e, and will h*prepared to make advances up under inspection ut Cincinnati 20,000 lbs. Bacon. 50 bbls. Mackerel, 100 do New Orleans Molasses, 50 do Western Whiskey, 200 do New Orleans, Sugar, 50 do low priced Sugar, 200 sacks Liverpool ground and Turk’s Isl and Salt, 150 bolts Brown’s ©elebratotl Kentucky cot ton Bagging, . 100 sides upper Lenther, 3.000 lbs. sdle Leather) 80 coils bale Rope. 5.000 lbs. blue grit Grindstones. May 19—1 j. s. smith & c». kKXt DOOR TO THE COl.UMBl'S BANK, Have received a handsome assortment of S'JHMS?, CLOTHI1TC-, CONSISTING OF Black Bombazino C’OATS and COATEES, Do. Circassian / do. do. Brown and Green Merino Circassian do. Cisiuctt Frock uni Dress do. Black lusting do. do. do. HOUND jackets. Black Bombazine IRqumI Jacket:?, Brown l.inon and Cotton do. Do. Striped • do. ♦ VESTS. White and figured Marsailles Vest?, . D«. • do. Valencia do. Plaiu . do. 8i!k do. Do. do. Velvet do. Do. do. Swunsdownrdo. PANTALOONS. Black Bombazine and Lusting Pauinloour. Do.. Circassian do. Brown and black BrochiHns do. White and browu Linen Drilling, 1 - do. Do. (otton do. Drab Merino Casimere Pants, Do. Roan do. do. Cord urd Russia Duck do. Fustian do. Linen Shirts with Ruffles, White do. Biown do. Linen and Cotton Draw#, Negro Clothing. All of which they offer for sale at low prices. Columbus, April 14—48—rtf tjuiore, n general assortment of seasona- j on t | ie paine while in store or under shipmont to -l»1e good?, among which are the following arti- | ^j cw Orleans or New York. clcs, viz: DRY GOODS. *T0 bales and coses of 3-4 and 4-4 brown and bleached Shirtings ami Sheetings, Checks, Plaids, Bod Ticking, Five cases superior 3 4-and 4-4 French and Eng lish Prints and Chintzes, Bed Spreads, Carpeting, and Brussels Rugs, Twilled Cottonuotls^ a superior article for ne gro clothing. Beaverteens. Osnaburgs. Russia Sheeting, Ticklingburgs, furniture Calicoes, Patch Work Slniwls 4-4 and 5-4, fsinen Damask table Cloths, Nankins of different qualities, Plain and printed linen Drilling?, n fashionable article for pantaloons, Gentlemen’s rich fancy silk Handkerchiefs, French Cnssinetts and Rouen Cnesirneres. Ladies and gentlemen’# plain and fancy silk nwl cotton Hose, LUion cambric Handkerchiefs, plain uml printed borders, plain and fringed Muslins, Worked Capes, sewing Cotton, Tapes, <vc. A low pieces of Lustre, a now und superior ai ti de for ladies’ dresses, Furniture Dimity, cKton Shawls, Handkerchiefs of every dcsciiption, A general assortment of gentlemeu’s coarse ond fine Shoes and Brogans, One box suporfuie Morocco Pumps, One do. Tamos’ soring and high heeled Shoos, One case of Books, A good assortment of ready made Clothing. HAUD-AVAUE. A splendid assortment of llardivure and Cut lery, Casting* of every description, and carpe li ters’ tools. GROCERIES. '8 fouls. New Orleans, 1 box Jlnvnnnn, and 12 bbls. loaf ami lump Sugars, ulluf supe rior quality, tf> bbls. Molasses, 7 cisks fresh Bacon, 60 Ho. old Whiskey, \ 7 do, superfine Holland Gin, 9 do. domestic do. 20 do. Cogniac Brandy, 10 do. doinoslic do. 40 baskets superior Champaign-, J5 boxes Burgundy, 8 do. Hermitage, ’ . . 6 casks Claret, 4 do. Malaga, • 6 do. Lisbon Wines, 0 boxes Starch. 70 do. Soaps, fbrown and fancy,) 20 do.. sperm Candles, 500 lbs. dried Beef, (very line,) 50 bags Collet-, GO 1-2 bbls. Nos. 1 and 2. Mackerel _ 110 do mess and prime Pork, Spanish and common Cigar., 20 kegs of buck und assorted Shot, 20 kc--s F. FF. FIT. Powder, Jf> bbls. butter uml water Crackers, 2 tierces Rice, 20 Lemon Syrup. 50 kegs Nails. 00 dozen London Porter and superior Cider in boxes,. 'One superfine Sola, and two ladies wotk Stands, Manilla Rope and Cotton Bugging, A large assortment of Heines, Paints and OU$. May—IP—I R. H SHORTER, BKN.J. P. TARVER. JAMES II. SHORTER. THE WARE-IIOUSE AND Commission Business W ILL be ofmtinnod by the subscribers un der tho itruiof S. K Hodges &■ Co. who. while they feel grateful for former favors will en deavour to deserve a continuance of them- SEABORN JONES, SAMUEL K. HODGES. SHORTER, TARVER & O JJAVE received by tho In ft* arrivals thu.ful- lowing good# »n consignment, which they offer on favorable terms. 55 barrel# rhoico Cider, 30 boxes Newark pippin do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 60 barrels N. Orleans Molasses, 12 hhds. Bacon new supply. GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. T H E subscriber hns just received perHohoon- ersMary, Hannah and Elizabeth, and Etna liny, from New Orleans, the following groceries: 20,000 lbs. Bn con, 50 barrels' Fork, 50 do Whiskey, 15 liluls. prime Now Orleans Sugar, 30 bbls. Bum, J50 casks Nails, (uesurled,) 50 bbls. Floor, .100 coils bail Rope, . 100 pieces Kentucky Bngj: "30 coils Manilla and tarred Rone. 6 pipes Cognac Brandy mid Hoi) 20 barrels pickled Pork, h Ox Consignment— And tcill be sold on accommo• dating terms: •400 bids Sugar, J20 sucks Coffee, 1.000 butdiels Salt, 14 quarter casks Wine, 3.000 lbs. Castings, 20,000 lb?. Bacon, 4 boxes white Hnvanua Sugati*, 5 dozen pairs Boots, 6 boxes Hats, various qualities, 10 bbls. Salts. 100 pioccs Bagging, Bale Rope, • Iron, Steel, Nails, Shoes, Pumps, «V<j. Upper and Seal Leather, Syrup, Swoetmeat:., &c. Sept. 17—18—If 10 drums Figs 6 boxes llavannali Segars, Du! Pino celebrated manufacture, 50 boxes Virginia and N. Carolina Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Malmsey Wine, 150 sacks 8alt. 20 cases Lemon Syrup and Lime Juice, 30 barrel Sugar. Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 sacks prime green Coffeo, 5 barrels genuine Monongahela Whiskey, 12 putentbarshoar Ploughs, made by E. Parsons, Enfield, Connecticut, Cognac. Brandy, together with a variety of other articles. May 10-1 /Banff Gin, 50 hags prime Havanna Coffeo, 25,000 best Havuimn Segars. The alibvc, together with his stock on hand is tho best assortment ever dieted in this market, NEW STORE. J. S. SMITH & O f AVE commonccd business in this place,and all of which will bo sold lowTor cashm paper. C. E. IS OUT Apalachicnhi, May 10—1—if NEW OOOI38 L. C. ALLEN '|IA8 ai'ICBIVED ANO 13 ItMCIRVINO, MIS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, W HICH ho will cull on accommodating trrtrts. Hi>i Mock is comprised in purt of tho following nrticlos, viz: London llullil. Koso und l’nint Blankets, Super blue, black, brown uml olive Cloths, Black Lifting, BeqvCTtocns, Funcy Cord, Rod nnd white Flannel,. Canton Flannul., llud. white and figured Vnlenciii Shawls, FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF EUROPE. BY !*. ». WILMS. Tlic Cholera—A Masque Ball—the Gay World— Mobs—Visit to the Hotel Dieu. Yon si-o by the papers, I presume, the ! ofltrinl uccomils of tho Cholera in Paris, i It eems very terrible to you, no doubt, at | your distance from tho scone, and truly it j is terriblo enoucli, if ono could realize it any where; but many here do not trouble 1 themselves about it, and you might bo in | this metropolis a month,, and if you ob- j served tho people only, and frequented ! only tho places of amusement and the ' public promenades, yon might never sus- i peel its existence. The weather is June i like, deliciously warm nnd bright; the trues are just in the tender green of the j now buds, and tho public gardens uro | thronged all day with thousands of the { gay and idle, sitting under the trees in I groups, laughing nnd amusing ihemsclvos, I us if there was no plague in tho air, j though hundreds die every day. The churches lire nil hung in black, tlioro is <t j constant succession of funerals ; ami you i cross tho biers and hand barrows of the t sick, hurrying to the hdspitids, every turn, in every quarter of the city. It is very I hard to reali/.o such things, and it would seem, very hard even to treat them seri ously. I was at a masque hull at tho Theatre dcs Varietc* a night or two since, at tliu colebralioti of the Mi Carctuc, or half lent. There were some iwo thousand people, I should think, in fancy dresses, most of them grotesque nnd satirical, and the hall was kept tip till seven in the morning, with all tho extravagant gaiety, noise and fun with which tho French peo ple manage such matters. There war a cholera trallz and a cholera galopadt, and ono man immensely tall, dressed ns.a per sonification of the Cholera ilsolf, with, skeleton armor, lilood-slmt eyes, and oth er horrible appurtenances of a walking pestilence. It. was tho burden of all the jukes, anil till (hit cries of tho hawknrs, and all the conversation; mid yet probably nineteen out ol twenty of those" present lived in the quarters most ravaged by the •disease, and many of them had seen it face to face, and know, perfectly its dcudly character 1 As yet, with few exceptions, the higher classes of society havAs escaped. It-seems to depend very much oh the manner in which people live, and the poor Have been struck in every quarter, often nt tho very next door to luxury. A friend told me this morning, that the porter of a large nnd fashiunnbln hotel, in which lie lives, had been taken to the hospital ; nnd there j and Bombazines Bank, and offer foi sale a handsome assortment of j SmwnirXmbiefr"* ’ Dry-Goods, Clothing,, §£*»£ Hats, &c. nnc i Colored Or.ipo Cnmlilet, - Cotton ami Linen Drilling. ! Ludioa’ sill:, rollon, anil worsted Hose, ' Gentlemen's do. do. and half do. : Ladles' and gentlemen’s Gloves of various kinds, ' Cambric i^viss, jaronol and book Muslins, 1 Super bleached and brown l.inens. 1 Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic I’lnids. lied Ticking, Russia Bhiteiing, j Printed lled-spreads. Counterpanes, ! Italian Gros do.Nnples, Muslin Robes, Harsnet and Dachine Wilks, Silk anil Cotton Umbrellas, ste possible not to be struck very forcibly with our otvn exquisite' enjtiyrtients olJkie. I am' suro I never felt my veins fulfil pleasure,of health and motion; and : er saw a day when every thing utfmit mo seemed Letter worth .living for. The splendid palaco of thb Irouvre, with its long facade of neatly half a mile, lay in the mellowest sunshine on our left; thd lively rivet, coverod with boats, and pnn- neled with hs magnificent and crowded bridges on our right; the view of tho isl and, and its massive old structures below, and tlte fino gay towers of ibe chmrh of IStitre Dame, rising dark and gloomy, in the distanco, rendered it difficult to ronliie arty thing but life and pleasure. That uiiilor those Very lowers, which added so much to the beamy of the scene, there lay n thousand nnd more of poor wrctche3 dying of n plague, was a thought my mind Would not icrain a thohient. . Half an hour’s walk brought ns to (ho Place Notre Dame, ort oneside of which, next this celebrated church, stands tho hospital. My friend entered, leaving me to wait till ho had found tilt acquaintance of whom lie could borrow u diploma. A Itearso was standing at the door of tho church, and I went iti for a moment. A few mounters; with the nppnnruuco of ex- tromq poverty, were kneeling round a ccffin, at one of thb side allies; and u sol itary priest, With an attendant liny, was murmuring tlte prayers for tho dead. As I came out, another hearse diovu up, with n rough coffin, scantily covered with a pall, and followed by one poor old man. They hurried in, and I strolled around tho square. Fifteen or twenty tvator-carriers were filling their buckets |t the fountain opposite, singing nnirl laughing; and ut tlte same moment four different litters crossed- towards tho hospital, each wilh moor three .Jbllowors, women and children, Iriends br relatives of the sick, accompa nying them to the door, « hero they pnr led from them, most piebaldy ('.never. .Tho' litters Were set down tor u moment before 'ascending the Steps, the crowd pressed around and lifted tlte coarse curtain ; fare wells are now exchanged, and the sick alone passed ill. I did not sen any grt ut Ueioor.strtiiiohs of feeling In-tho' peculiar lenses that wbro before me; and 1 can I conceive, in the almost deadly certainly- of i this disease, that tilt se hasty partings ut the door of the hospital might often bo’ scenes of unsurpassed suffering and dis tress. • I waited perhaps ten minutes mere; Iti thb Whole tiuio \(wrt 4 w i lYiVx-nr, twelve litters; bearing the sick, had enter- (I .thb Hotel Dicu. As 1 exhibited tho have been ono or two. cases in (ho oily ' Jorr owed diploma, the thirteenth orrived, quarter of St. Germain, it: the-Xante Street * ani j j( a young man, w hose violent and with Mr. Cooper, and nearly opposite Several physicians and medical students on coiesi&arassNT, and for sale by SHORTER, TARVER & O. do. The above articles will be sold as low as can ho uurchasod in the market. June (I—4—tf. BIRD * BUCKHAM. COLUMBUS HAT STORE. JBl K& j1$ m JTOlP®® & CLARK 1TAVF, received fi°‘ n thu Factory by the late U. arrivals, Hats oj the latest fashions, —cowsiaTisa op — Blacic, White anil Drab Rocky Jlioioi- tain Beaver and Otter HATS, 0/ a very superior quality, malting their assort I comply. o pieces Circassians; B “'Superfine Bbmbazetls, assorted; 82 “ Fancy Fl ints, do. (>S Plaid nnd Striped Domestics; '3 “ Negro Cloth (woollen;) 7 “ Snttinett; 3 “ Fustians; 32 do/., bltic, purple and red Pit-id Hdkls. 1 10 12 do. French Uritnuuiasdo, 2 ()-12 Brititniii is do. 1 do. tin. *2 pa. Indelible’Ink, 24 Leather Caps, 1 ps. (i-4 Table Diaper, 4 lt-12 di>7,. Pocket Bo^ 2 ps.-sup. black Critpe; (i “ Swiss Bonk Muslin; .2 “ Tambour’d Book do. 7 “■ I.eno do. 2 “ superfine Merino Clpth; 4 supeiliue Gtecn Table Covers; 3 do. blue do. 3 ps. Velveteens; ID Coveilets; 1 doz. Cambric Mdkff, 2 “ black sdk Gloves; 1 8-12 do. white do. groceries," 20 hhls. Prime Pork; 9 “ Mackerel No. 3; 4“ do. No. 1; 1 pipe Atnerie u. B- ndv; 4 qi. casks Malaga Witte; 2 do. T- ttcriffi: do.- l.Iiitli'iri bhl. Muscat Wine; lo’bids. Now Orleans Runt; . r > “ Loaf Sngai't D kegs Tobacco; (j boxes Champttigue; 20 11 Uaisir.s; G bnskeis Sweet Oil; 20 boxes Cider; 8-" Segars, first quality; 5 “ Sperm Candles; 12 “ Smoked Hurring, 10 lings Coffeo. All of which articles w'dl^te sold by wholo- AMOSG WHICH AnE THE FOLLOWING: Rich Prints. Ffoneh Drilling Foulard Muslins, London do. White do. • White silk Pongco | Irish Linens nnd Lawns Hdkls. Whilo Cambric Liuou Fig’d do. do. Hdltfs. (ienlleinon's wliito and Bordered do. fig’tUIravnts Bernge Shawls - Mtirble halflloso Ctapo Scarfs White do. do. J Do., Shawls Lambswooldo. I White and black Lace Clark's Spool Cotton Veils Pius and Needles I Green Gauze do. Patent Thread I Blnck Italian and Gros Shoe do. de Nap Silks Cotton and silkl'inbral- Fiefil chungeables do. his | U.d. nnd Clinton Cruries Bonnet Wirn and Reeds I Ill'll lig’d Crape Roues Osnalmrglis, Fustians G-nglmins Bed Ticks Fmnitoro Prints Brown 3-4 Homespun j LndiuswhitosiUffclook'd “ 4-4 do- , llo-.o Clierlt’d do. Cotton do. do. Carpeting Rugs Shell, tuck and ride Green Table Covers have tlit-ti too, but the majority ol these live with the narrowest economy, anil in the parts of the gay city ilia most liable to impure effluvia. The balls go on still in the gay world ; and I presume they would go fm if there were only musicians enough left to make an orchestra, or fash- lonists lo compose a quadrille. I was walking home very late from a party iho night bufoic last, with'a captain in the English army. The gray of the morning was just stealing into tlte sky ; und nftor. uncontrolled grief worked so far on the soldier at the door; 'hat he ntlowe'rkhi'ih lo pass. I followed the boarers to the Ward, interested exceedingly to observe the first vroatmeni and htanner of reception. Thoy wound sldwly tip the stone staircase to the tipper story; and entered the female department—a long low room, containing nearly a hundred biiris, placed in alleys scarce two feet from each other. Nearly all were occupied, and those which were empty my friend told me' were vacated by death yesterday. They sat tfoVva tint lit ter by the stdo of a narrow cot, ’ with stopping a moment m tho Place Vendomt, coArsu bul deall s , leel!1 nnd n Saur dc to look at the column, stretching nppar- charitc, with a white cap, und • Goss at ently unto the very stars, we- badei good , ir(1 , cun , e nnd tol)U 0 ff ,ho oano- morntng, and parted, lie bad hardly left A y WO man of apparently (wen- 1 I . 1 c - "t 1* I .IV* J * J uu,, k WVUIUSI of lipprireiltl LadioR, guntlenien'sund cliildrpii’e SHOES. \* ,c ^ SU 'J» when lie heHrd ii.friglitfijl wus benoath, nbsolhlt-ly convulsed A variety of men’s, youth's and ohihlren'H j scream from one of the Houses til the w j((, agony. Her eyl-s were started froiu HAT'S & CAPS. K“ c st - tfonore, and thinking there might |h(jir sockytS( , lor n / 0llth f 0itIllu d and her ho some vtoUmco going oil lie rang at the .... HARDWARE &. CUTLERY. ©votUfvi? anH ejlaassluacc. Combs i Brazilian do. | Binding, &c. nnd fltamnnd llaizo Dunstable Bonnets I case fino Leghorns. &.c. READY-MADE CLOTHING . ALSO, ’ One rase mpnrinr SHOT GUNS. Nov 10—20—tf INSURANCE. T IIE Augusta Insurance and Banking Com- HATS, . As we intend selling Ibr cash, ptm-liaseis will find our prices low. J. S. MITH & Co. Columbus, April ri—47—tf (tent-extensive and coinplclo. —ALSO— CAPS, . , , Consisting of Soul. Leather, Chinchilla, Circa# | sa | n and 0 n accommodating terms. Mo ■ian and Children's fancy silk. i chants'froni tho country would do well 10 READY-MADE CLOTHING cuU and examine for lliemselvr.-s, F , h n^t0^ ; r iJfOrH,tU "* F " r '' 1 Jttno 8—4-*tf ; t’KX 111'. Suliscribers have just received and of- t for for sale, upon accommodating lories, the | following articles I bushels ground Alum Salt, 20,000 111*. Swedes Iron, ! 1,000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1.000 lbs. Gorman do. 1.000 lbs. Shoot Iron, 600 Russia Sliest Iron 1,000 lloop Iron, 200 bbls. New Orleans Segal . 8 folds. St. Croix do. loO bugs Greon Coffee, 10 bags Java do. 40 bbls. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 24 doz. Lemon Syrup, (i doz. Wino Bitter,, 400 lbs. soft shelled Almonds, 30 kegs Dupont's Powder, 20 kegs commou do. 250 kegs Nmls, assorted sizes. 120 bills. Molasses, 8 bbls. Loaf Sugar, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 15 bbls Northern Rum, 20 bbls Mackerel, • 350 pieces best Kentucky Bagging. 125 coils Hope, 20,000 His. Bacon. Together with divers other articles, consli. tuting a foil assortment of Groceries SMITH As MORGAN. . pi against the dangers of River Navigation on good stuuiiihiiut, and other rivei ernft, and upon good vessels IV tm Apalachicola to New Orleans or the Atlantic cities. They will also take lire risks upon buildings, merchandise and produce. GICO. \V DILLINGHAM, Agent. Nov 5—25—-tf gate.und entered, mounting tho first stair case tlint presented. A woman had just opened the door, and fallen on tho broad stair ut tho top, and was writhing in great agony. Tlte people of the house collected immediately ; but (he moment my friend pronounced llin word cholera, ihoro was n.general dispersion, mid he was left alone with the- patient. lie took Iter in his arms, and curried her to a couch stand, without assistance, nnd driving to tho Hotel Dicu, lelt Iter with the Srciimdc Cliarite. She has since died. As if one plague was not enough, Iho city NEWSPAPER AGENCY. ....... T IIK subscriber informs thopublic llmt tiu has | j, still alive iu the fauxbourgs with revolts. n ( n bren appointed Agent tor llio following j k JSl the rajijirl war heat ull over the town, tho national guard called to Publication The Luuics' Book, a monthly, at $3 per year, The Casket “ “ $2 50 per year, The Saturday livening Pest, weekly ut $2 per year, Life in New York, weekly, at S3 per year. | Namcsforwurtlei! with tliu amount of subscrip- 1 lion, postage paid will meet with prompt atten tion. B. Si NORTON, Agent, j Columbus, May 31—3 L.C. ALLEN nss nzcKtvin ptn steauiioat nat tiv Cogniac lilt A XI) I', Jamaica and American f l AT, Holland and American G/.V, WINES, Loaf and Brown SVG All, Prime COFVEJi. TOBACCO. A largo assortment of JOIMLBS*'100LS, • BLUE PLAINS. Which he offers for sale on his usual low terms. Dec. 10-30—tf May 3—31—'f HOMESPUNS O F various kinds and colors, just received by ' f}. W. DILLINGHAM, ^ntie J”rf arms and marched to tho Porte. St. Denis, : and tho different quarters whore tho mobs 1 yvore collected. Many suppose there is no cholera ox- j topi such ns is produced by poison , and i the Hotel Dicu and tho other hospitals | are besieged daily by tbo itiliniatod inob, | who swour vengeance against tho govern- ' ntont, for all tlte mortality they witness. I I have pist returned from a visit to the i Hotel Dicu, tho hospitals for (lie Cholera. | Impelled by n powerful motivo, which it ; is unnecessary to explain, I hud previously j made several attempts to gain admissiotf m vain; hut yestorday I fell iu fortunately with nn English physician who told me I could puss, with it doctor’s diploma, which he ofieied to borrow for me of some me dical friend. lie called by appointment at seven this, morning, to uccotnpnny me on my visit. . It was like one of our loveliest mornings iu June—an inspiriting, sunny, balmy day, all softness and btfauty—und wo crossed the Tuileries by one of its superb ave nues, and kept down thu bank oi tlte river lo the Island. • With the errand on which no wero bound in our mioris, it win im* face was of n frightful livid pnrple. I never saw so hot t ilth) a sight. She had been taken in perfect health only three hours before, but hnr features looked to mo nityUod’ with a year of pain'. The first attempt to lilt Iter produced violent vomi- .ting, and I thought she must die instantly. They covered her up in bed, and leaving the man who canto with her bunging over her with the moan of one deprived of hii senses, thoy went to receive others, who were ontering in the same manner. I inqitirod of my companion Imw soon they would bo attended to. He said, “ possi bly in an hour, as the physician is juSt commencing bis rounds.” An hour afier ibis I passed (lie bud of this poor woman, and site Imd not yet been visitod. Her husband answeicd my question with A clinking voice and a flood of tears. I passed down the ward, and found ninctoen or twenty in the Inst agonies of death. Thoy lay perfectly still, und seem ed benumbed. 1 .felt the limbs of several, and found them quite cold. The stomach only had a little waimth. Now and then half n groan escaped' thoSo who seemed the strongest; bul with tlic. exception of tho universally open mouth mid upturned ghastly eye, there was no signs of much suffering. I found two who must bavo beau dead half an hour, undiscovered by llio attendants. Ono of them was nn old woman, nearly gray, with u very bad ex pression of face, who was perfectly cold —lips, limbs, body and nil. Tho other was younger, and looked as if sba died in pain. Her eyes appeared us if they bad been foiled half utit tho sockets, and her skin was of tha most livid and death ly pmple, The woman in tbo next bed told me she had died since the Sauer dc Charite Imd been (hero. It is horrible to think how these poor creatures suffer in the very midst ol pro- vrsfotrs that uro made professedly for the^ J L 1 J'