Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, July 14, 1832, Image 1

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hueu. that db nor amount torn even h *Mt te*tl for each week's all aJvertiaemcntfc the words ft,uneven hundred, WillTje considered as an honored, .and charged as anch. VUMnnmt on UUHWVU) tiitfigvu mum ■nvi.. When tho number of inanitions gf an advertlae ment is n»tspo«lfied,it will bo ventinacd. until forbid, and.charged accordingly.. ‘ Vend'oujer ©(Bears'a*T advortisemonts in- Lstts«s to tho Editors on bosiMsa must be id in all oases, white it4s not done, will be charged fo the writer. post-paid; am the'postage » SALES OF LAND, by Admtinirtratora, Exe- • 1 bvj • ' • onth, 'held in the first Tuesday in the month, between the'hours of ton in the ibrenoonaa'd three In the afternoon, at aBe court-house in the county - • - * * i of thi which tbh lose onrt-bc ./ia3uiluti».' Notice are to be given in a pobliis gazette SIXTY DAYS preWobs to the day of sale. - V SAIJSS OE NEGROES must be at public i first Toe auction, ,4 the first Tuesday of the montl NwXOl " ‘ ’ '■ ■' be tween the osnnl hours of sale,. ,nt- the place of tameatary, of Administration or Gantdfanship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS; notice thereof, in one Of the public ga- zottaa of tins state, and at tho door of the court house wbpm sack sales are to be hold. ■ - Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given- in like manner for FORTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. ~ Notice to the debtors and creditors of an Estate published FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be ihade to the Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO SELL Court or urainary tor. u.mii iu odll LAND, meet be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must be pubtished for FOUR MONTHS, be fore any ordpr absolute shall be made theteou by Che Court. (WS< J.i SMITH & C». uriT uooit to the copumbus dairtt. Have received a handsome assortment of STOKER CLOTHING, ^ CONSHTING 6V * Black COAtS ^COAtZZS, Do.. Circassian, do. Ilrowtumd Green Merino Circassian do. O-isinett Frock and Dress do. Dlsek lasting do. do. ' do. . ROUND JACKETS. Iliack Bombazine Round Jackets, ' ' ' Drawn Linen and Cultuh do. Do. Striped • do. VESTS. • While and figured Marseilles Veals; Do. do. Valencia do. • Plain do. Silk , do. Do. do. Velvet do. . — do. Swansdowndo. —r- ilUV/tfd— * *— Dlsek Botnbazinoand Lasting Pantaloons, Do. Circassian ‘do. Drown and black Drochillss do. , White and brown'Linen Drilling, do. , Do. Cotton do. Drab Merino Cnsimcro Pants, Do. Roan do. * do. Cord and Russia Duck do. Fustiun do. Linen Shirts with Ruffles, White do. Blown do! , Linen und Colton Draws, Negro Clothing. 'All of which they, offer for sale at low prices. Columbus, April 14—18—tf NEW 8UPPL¥. GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. T HEjrabicriber has just received perschoon- JL ers Miry, Hannah und Elizabeth, and Eme- 1 mo,.(him New Orleuns, the following groebrius: HO.QOO lbs. Bacon, . door above Witt. D.Hargrove'*, in l,;vjbat* theyofitt for sole, on reu •’boots AND SHOES tir|& buckram AYE commenced business in this place, id have take* the Store formerly oceu- A Morganp anil offer fcr 'sole a mat of, . . ■ gods, Groceries, Hard ware, CtUUafa, Castings, - tSec.:£■. /•'*-v ... Among which are the following altielcs, vizi' every description, of their own taantdi - DRY-GOODS. W _ ; e6nstoUng ef * 10 bales 3-4 and 4-4 Plain and printed Dril- blown affd bleached lings; Shirtings df'Sheetings Rich fancy silk HUkfi, Checks; Plaids; Plain andftneygiik and .Bed-Ticking; cotton Hose; 5 cases supenoi 3-4 and Linen Cambric Hdkii. 4-4 French and Eng- plain and printed b»t- lish Prints &.Cbintze» tiers; Nankins; Bad Spreads, Carpet- Plain and figured Mus ing and Brussels Hug* dipt; Lustre; BeavOrteens; Cotton Shawls A Hdkfs, Omaburghs; A general assortment of Russia Sheeting) Shoes and Brogbans) Linen Damask Table Superfine Morocco Cloths; Pumps, Ac. Ac. HARDWARE. A i splendid assortment of Hardware aid 43et’ lery, Castings and Carpenters’Teo|e; , GROCERIES. 8 hlids. New (Moans, 20 boxes Sperm Can- j IIIIU3. ivetv VliuniiP. Md uo 1 bdx Havuhnu, arid dies; , •10 bids. loaf nnd lump 00 half bffls. Noe.' I and Sugars, ull of oujiorior 2 Mackerel; r iality; >t> . -Superior Havanna and bhls. Molasses' common Cigars; 7 casks fresh liucon; 20 bags buck and assort- 5 boxes Standi; ed Shot; 50 bbis. old Whiskey; 20 kegs F FF anil FFF 7 do Holland Gin; Powder; 9 do. Domestic do. 15 bbis. butter and tta- 20 do. Cogoac Brandy; tel Crockers; 10 do. Domestic do 20 doz. Lemon Syrup; 1 Capper Still and 50 kegs Nails, assorted . Worm, a good article, sizes; A large assortment of 60 doz Newark Order; Wines of various 1 superior Sofa, and 2 kinds, sup. quality; Ladies’ WOrk Stands; 8oups(brown A fancy,) Manilla Rope and Cotton 50 bags Coffee; Starch; Bagging. -A i.Anoe assortment ot JBrtrtefiu#, Jjafntia nuR ©fls. Tile above articles will be sold as lew as can bo pdlehased in the Market. BIRD A BUCKUAM. July 7-8—tf ' ■ • • NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AND lowing goods on consignment, wl offor on favorable terms. '55 barrels choico Cider. 30 boxes Newark pippin do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 60 burrels N. Orleans Molasses, 12 lihds. Bacon. 20 barrels pickled Po A, 10 drams rigs, 6 boxes HavannaieSegitrs, Del Pinotol ■manufacture, 50 boxes Virginia and N. Carolina Tobt 6 qaarter casks Malmtey Wine, .-150 sacks-Salt. SION BUSINESS, ofumbus, Georgia. dljH rjY HE subScnhots respectfully acquaint their friends and the public that they have form ed a connexion in the above business, under tbe J^yla nr. SHORTER, TARVER A Co. They havo oommodious and extensive arrange- monts in progress for tho receptioo and abuage of produce, ana .will be prepared to make advances on tho same while in store or undtr shipment to Now Orleans or New York. ; • ’E. S. SHORTER, , • BE.NJ. P. TARVER. May—19—l JAMES H. SHORTER. do Whiskey, 15 Midi. prime New Orleans Sugar, 30 bbis. Rum, ISO easkeNails, (assorted,) . ■ 00 bbis. Fleur, .100 coils bail Hope, us Manilla arid tarred Hone, pes Cognac Brandy nml lloltand Gin, SbdfflSSfiavaSma Segura, nvunns Coflhe, The abdqf, together with his stock On liand . M the best amort meat ever offered in this market, nil of which will be sold low for casAor amrtmd ffxr - . • C. E NORTON. , Apalachicola, May 10—1—tf hat’stobe. NOURSE & CLARK * ’ H IW)UR.SE •& CLARK. AVE receited frdm tho Factory by th© lj*te arrivals, Hats of the latest fashions, —cousuTtuo or— . Black, White and lhrab Rocky. Moun tain Beaver and Otter Mats, o/ a very superior quality, making their assort moot extensive and complete. —ALSO— 9 APS, Consisting of 8enl. Leuthor, CTiincliilla, QirCas si an and Children’s fancy silk. - READY-MADE CLOTHING 4EP Cash paid for Hotting Fan. peb Wwdo-ir• ■ ™J|fclrfAFEW- , RE peer opeaiag thsir assortment of Goods for the Bpriag and Sommer, eonsisting of sopor bleo, blaek .and brown Cloths, Linens, Printed Mualint, Calicoes, Ginghams, Silks, Fancy Shawls and Scurfy, Ribbons, Bead Bags, our cosrsxtuniKBXffT, AND FOR SALE BY SHORTER, TARVER At Co. pieces.Circassians; . 3 V Superfine ISombnzotU, nssortn^ 82 “ Fancy Priuts, do. ^ 68 “ Plaid njiri Striped Domestics; 3 “ Negro Cloth (woollen;) 7 " Sattinoll;v 3 “‘Fdsliuns;' 32 dok. blue, purple and red Fluid lldkfs. . 1 10 12 dir. French-Britafinins do. 2-6-13 BrituRoios do, 1 do. do. do. 3 ps. Indelibto Ink, 24 Leather Cnph, 1 ps. 6 4 Table Diaper, . 4 11-12 doz. ■Pocket Books; ’ 2 ps. slip, blrfck Crapp; 6 " Swiss Bdcik Musi Hit; 2 “ Tamboirr’d Book do. 7 “ n Leno do. 2 “ superfine Merino Clollr) 4 super fine Green Table Covers; 5 do. blue do. 3 ps,.Velveteens; ID Cpverleis; ■ .' . 1 doz. Camlrric fldltfs. 2 “ black silk Gloves; 1-8 12 do. white do. . • GROClJhlES. 20 bbis. Prime Park; — ■» — - - 9 “ Mackerel No. 3; 4 ** do. . No. t;, ,• 1 pipe Ainericnii .Br andy; 4 tjr. casks Malaga \Vinof 2 do. Tt-ncriffe do. I Iniljan bbl. Muacar Wine; 10 bbis. New Orleans Ruin; 5 “ Loaf Sugar; 9 kegs Tobacco; • 6 boxes Champuiguc; 2Q “ Raisins; .6 baskets Sweet pit; 20 boxes Cider; 8 “ Segars, first quality; O’) 1 Sperm Candles; 12 " Smoked Herring, 10 bags Coffee. All of which articles will be sold by whole, sale und fin nccomtuodaiitig terms. Mer chants frdhv the country would do well to call and-vxoptine for themselves. - Jufte 8—-!4-r*f E. WELLS & Co. 200 pairs gentleman’s Boots 300 do, calfskin Shoes, high and loW qi 100 do. enlfskin,Pomps, 75 do! buokskin Shoes, ‘ f Pumps,. 50 do. sealskin I 900 do Brogans. 300' do. course Shoes, Ladies’ prunelle Bpoti and Shoes of' ' prunell kinds. do. Moroeco Shoes, do. 8eeldtm. do. do. Calfskin do. do. Leather walking Shoes and Boot Misses and childreo's Buots and Ehocs. t description. N. B. AIJ work of their own atsnnfij Warrantnd not to rip.' July 2—7—tf o. w. DZLxnsraHAJ . ^ IIAS poll SALE ■g /kdk B ARRELS printe pickled Po JL up under insnection urCincii 20,000 lbs. Bueon. 50 bbis. Munkercl, 100 da Nuw Orleans Molasses, 50 do Western Wh'ukey, 800 do New Orleans, Bogar, SO do low. priced Soger; 200 sacks Liverpool ground and Turt andSnlt, , 150 bolts Brown’d celebrated Kcnlucl too Bagging, 100 sides upper Leather, 3.000 lba..sol« lieatiier, 80 eoiis bale Rope, 5.000 lbs. blue grit Gr»IH]>iO!iC0. ' Wne j jtfay ^ SHORTER, TARVER | H AVE received by. the late arrividt, lowing gauds on consigninant, wfflt 20 cases Lwiroa Syrup and Lime Juice, barrel. Sugar. 3« Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 sudks prime green Coffee 5 barrels genuine Mnnnngaheln Whisk I2pat«atl,arehear Ploughs, made by E. - _.EnjSel(LConnecUcut, . ~ . ^ Cognac Brandy, together with a v enter articles. May 19—1 ■ NEW STOlt J. S. SMITH & O’ AVE conimencotjrbiisio'esB iu this ri mC taken tho Store next door to the - Bank, and offer foi sale a handsome’aaaoj Dry-Goods, Cl Hats, &o, AMONG WHICH AHE THE FOLLOW! Riqh I'rints, French Drilling! Foulard Mbslins, London do, White do. White silk'Poai IrishLinensand Lawns’ Hdkfs. • ° White Cambric Linen Fix’d do. do. Hdkfir. Bordered do. Berage Shawls Crape Scurfs Do, Shawls Gentlemen’s wj fix'd Crava farble half Ii Marble half; White dd. do. LambsWpoldb, White and black Lace Clark’s Si ■■I spool ( Veils' Pins andJileed! Green Gauze do. Patent Thread Blacik Italian and Gros Shoe do. j do Nap Silke Cotton and gill Fix'd changeable* do. Its. ltd. and Canton Crapes Bl’k fif'd Crape i Ginghams Bonnet Wireai ies Osnoburgbs, E , Bed Ticks i -'niniture Prints Brown 3-4 Hal Ladies whitesilk clock'd- “ 44 <1 Hose Cheek’d,"',' Cotton do. do. Carpeting Rq Shell, lock and ride Green T Combs Brazilian da. Binding, Ac. and ■ Damn. 1 casetine l READY-MADE CT As -we intend selling for caslib find onr prices low. - J. 8 a Oelumbu«, April 0—47—tf I'j. , Pjp H ^Subscribers have just roooij ferffor sale.npon ayomir. following article,: 4.000 fiehhels groiwji I.OOflib,. Cast SUfcl, 1,000 Ies. German’do. ao.ooolb*. See 1,000 lbs. Sheet Iren, hemlron 500 Russhi 8 -. 1,000 Hoop Iron, 200 hbls. New Or! 8 hhds, St. Crpi: 150 bags GreefiXi Wbags Java 40 bbis. Gloves. At Also, Ennineite, Yellow Nankeens. . iliack * “ JJAYK just received at the sign of the Gilt Boot, Iliack Princetlo, French Linens Mid Drillings, <fcc. fbr geotlsman’s wear.' Rlack and Drub Denver Hats, soperior quality. Ready-made Clothing. Col orchil", .11 arch 8—|Jl 4 define CALFSKINS. ALSO. Lining Shine, Binding, Sfc, June 28—7—tf 6 doz. 400 lbs. salt si 30 keg" Dnpont's Powder^ 20 kegs uemman < 0 . ssx sast’ 1 8 bbis. LoafBugar, . .fW 40 boxes Sperm Candt-, /: 15 bbis Northern Rum, .'jy 20 bbis Msdtcrel, 33(1 pieces b*ri Kentucky Ba 125 evils Rope, . 20,000 lb*. Ilaaqg. Togotheryr'dh divers other! luting a fell assortment a RSRTB i Mav 3—51—tf l