Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, August 11, 1832, Image 1

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I sfs / % Colnmbiid 3mm “TMB UNION Or THE STATES, AND THE S<jy»EmWTV OF THE STATES.’’ BY VAN NESS, BETHUNE & CLINE. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1832. FIFTH VOLUME-NUMBER 13. . the: enquirer IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, A T three dollars per nnnnm, payable in ad vance: or four dollars if not paid for before tbe end of the year. Advertisements will be inserted at the rates of seventy-five cents per hundred words for the ^rrst insertion, and fifty cents for each week’s continuance. In all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even hnndtod, will be considered as an hundred, and charged as such. When the number of insertions of an advertise ment is not specified, it wijl be continued until . fbrbid, and charged accordingly. Sheriffs’ and other Officers" advertisements in serted at customary rates. Letters to the Editors on business must be .post-paid; and in all cases whero it is not done, tbe postage will be charged to the writer. 8ALESSt5P‘LAND, by Administrators. Exc- c cut or s or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in thp forenoon and three in the afternoon, at thn court-house in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these are to be given in a public gazette SIXTY DAY S previous to the day of sale. . SALES OF NEGROES must boat public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, be tween the usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales in the county where the Letters Tes tamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS' notice thereof, jn one of the public ga zettes of this state, and at the door of the court house where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Porsonal Proporty must bo given in like mannor for FORTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an Estate mast be published FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO SELL LAND, must be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must be published for FOUR MONTHS, bc- • (hre any order absolute shall be made thercou by tbe Court, rjNHE Subscribers have just revived and of fer for sale, upon accommodating tortns, tho following articles: “ — — ~ busheis ground Alum Salt, lbs.' 6* ' ' . Swedes Iron, 4.000 20,00011 J.000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1.000 lbs. German do. 1,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 500 Russia Sheet Iron 1,000 Hoop Iron, 200 bbls. New Orleans Sugar, 8 lihds. St. Croix do. 150 bags Greon Coffeo, 10 bags Java do. 40 bbfs. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 21 itoz. Lemon Syrap, 6 doz. Wine Bitters, 400 lbs. soil shelled Almonds, 30 kegs Dupont’s Powdor, 20 kegs common do. 250 kegs Nails, assorted sizes. 120 bbls. Molasses, 8 bbls. Loaf Sugar, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 15 bbls. Northern Rum, 20 bbls. Mnckerel, ~ 350 pieces best Kentucky Bagging, 125 coils Rope, 20,000 lbs. Bacon. Together with divers other articles, const] tuting a full assortment of Groceries SMITH & MORGAN. May 3-51-tf_ COLUMBUS HAT STORE. ^ NOURSE & CLARK H AVE reeeivod from the Factory by the late arrivals, Hats of the latest fashions —CONSISTING or— Blade, White and Drab Rocky Moun tain Beaver and Otter HATS, Of a very superior quality, makiog tlioir assort ment extensive and complete. —ALSO— CAPS, Consisting of Seal. Leather, Chinchilla, Circas sian and Children’s fancy silk. BEADY*MA'D1!I CIjOTHIA'C O’ Cash paid for Hutting Furs. Feb 17—40—tf 'i. wax. P. MALONE, H AS taken (lie store next door to Smith A Morgan, second from L.. J. Davies dt Co. corner of Broad and Randolph streets, where he has just received (eight days from New Oiloans) & general assortment of GROCERIES. 100 Mils Sugar, £{) bags Colfeo, 3(W socks Soil, J00 pieces cntlon Bagging, 60 coils Rape, 50 bbl$ Whiskey, 20 do. Northern Gin, 20 do. P. Rum, 50 do. Molasses, 10 do. old Mofiongahahl Whiskey, 1 pipe Cogninc Brandy, 1 do. iiollnnd Gin, 30 bbls. Mnckcrol, No. 3, 10 do. do. No. 1, 20 do. superfine Flour 75 casks Nails, 12,000 lbs. Bacon, Teneriffb Wine, Malaga do. Muscat do. Claret do. Cordials, Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Soap, loaf Sugar, Rice, sperm Candles, Tobacco, Willi many other articles in his line, which will be sold on accommodating terms. Columbus, June 9—4—if WAREHOUSE AND com mission Business, T H E subscriber having engaged in the nbovt business, respectfully tenders His services to Ins friends and the public, in tbe storage, Salk and shipment of Cotton uud other preface, and receiv ing and forwarding merchandise, tie is liuildiug and will iiave ready for the reception or Cotton by the commencement of (bo ensuing fall, a large new Ware-House, situated on Randolph street, which is constructed on the most approved plan, perfectly convenient to the business part of the town; and boing comparatively remote frdm other buildings, is measurably exempt from 'danger by fire. Trusting I shall buve it m my power to do amplo justice to those Who thuv bo pleased to fa vor me with their business, and to extend to them the most liberal accommodation and advances on Cotton, I flsttei myself that I shall be enabled to give general satisfaction, and earnestly solicit a patronage and friendly support. THOMAS MORRIS. Colmnbus, Aug. 1—12—tf TUF. WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Business W ILL be continued by the sabscrihots nh- dor the firm of S. K Hodges & Co. who, while they feel grateful for former favors will em deavoar to deserve a oontiuhance of theih. 8EABORN JONES, SAMUEL K. HODGES. On CotutaiMEST—And will tie ibid ml accommo dating terms t GROCERIES. O Agk bbls. N. Orleans and Florida Sugar, ♦f "Hr 20 hhds. do. do. 300 sacks Coffee, 250 sack* Liverpool ground and blown Sail, “ altnin and hen,any do. 1,000 lbs Castings, pots, ovens, andirons, Ac. 12 qr casks Lisbon Wine - . Porter in bottles; Cider in do.) Axes; Tea; Loaf Sueur; White Ilavannado.; 75 pieces KuutucUy Bagging; 40 •* Inverness do.; 50 coils Bale Rope; Bagging Twinel 15.0001b. Bacon; 4') kegs Lard; 40 bbk Flour; 10 bbls. Salts; 100 bljJ.. N.O.und Florida Molasses and Syrup 100 hlids West India Molasses; 10 bbls. Pickled Fork, mess and prime; Mackerel, No. 2; Hardware. Cutlery, &e. 50,000 Segars. various qualities; Trace Chains; Wrought Naftsi Brads; 60 kogH Nads, 4d to 20d DRY-GOODS. 40 pieces Linen, various qualities; NEW SiORE. J. 8. SMITH & C<> H AVE commenced business in this ulacSihnd taken.the Store hckl door to tho Columbus Bunk, and oiler Ibl sale a handsome assortment of Dry-Goods, Clothing, Hats, See. Jmoi*5 which Attic The following: Rich Prims, French Drilling Foulard Muslins, * London do. White do. White silk Pongee Irish Linens and Lawns j lldkfs. White Cambric Linen JFig'd do. do. Hakfs. Gentlemen's white and Bordered do. I fix'd Cravats Berage Shawls Marble hulflloso Crape Scarfs White do. do. Do. Shawls Lambswool do. White and black Lace Clark’s Spool Cotton Veils Pins anti Needles Green Gauze lift. Patent Thread Black Italian ufd Grot Shoo do. de Nap-Silks Cotton and siikUmbrol- Fig’d changejdilos do. las Its), and CanBa Cranes Bonftct Wire and Reeds Bl'k fig’d Cri)ie Robes Osnaimrghs, Fustians Ginghams I Bod Ticks Furniture Prints Brown 3-4 Homespun Ladies Whitciilk clock'd “ 4-4 do. Hose Check’d do. Cotton do. tit. Carpeting Rngs Shell, tuck aid fiido Grocn Talilo Covers Combs and stamped Baize Brazilian do. Dunstable Bonnets Binding, &e. 1 case fife Leghorns, A c. READY-MADE CLOTHING ... . EAT3**c. As we iritdntl selling for cash, purchasers will find our prices low. J. 8 SMITH & Co. Colnmhus, April 0—47—tf TEMPERANCE. dotting* J. S. SMITH & Co. WKXT DOOR TO THE COLUMBUS BANE, Have received a handsome assortment of SUMMER CLCTHI1TG-, CONSISTING (IF Black Bombazino COATS and COATEES, Do. Circassian do. do. Brown and Groen Merino Circassian do. Casinctt Frock and Dress do. Black lusting do. do. do. ROUND JACKETS. Black Bombazine Round JncUoLs, Brown Linen and Cotton do. Do. Striped • - do. VESTS. White and figured Moronities Vests, Do. do. Valoncia* do. l’laia do. Silk do. I)o. do. Velvet do. Do. . do. Swansdowndo. PANTALOONS. £1aek Bombazine ami Lasting Pantalobnn, Du. Circassian do. Brown and black Brochillas do. White and brown Linon Drilling, do. Do. Cotton <!*• Drab Merino Cashnere Pants, Do. Roan do. do. Cord and Russia Duck do. Fustian do. Linon Shirts with Ruffles, White do. Brown do. Linon ond Cotton Draws, Negro Clothing. All of which they offer for Sale at low prices. Columbus, April 14—48—tf ’ NEW SUPPLY. GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. T HE subscriber has jest received per schoon ers Mary, Hannah und Elizabeth, and Emo- lino, from Now Orleans, the following groceries: 20,000 lbs. Bacon, • .. 50 barrels Pork. 60 do Whiskey, 15 hhds. prime Now Orleans Sugar, 30 bbls. Rum, 150 casks Nails, (assorted,) 50 bbls. Flour, 100 coils bail Ropo, 100 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 30 coils Manilla uHd tarred Rope, 6 pipes Cognac Brandy mid Holland Cin, . . 50 bags prime Ilavanna Cuffec, 35,000 best Havanna Segars. The above, together with his stock on hand is the best assortment ever offered in this market, all of which will be sold low fot cash or approved paper. C. fc NORTON. Apalachicola, May 10—i—tf ON CONSIGNMENT, AND FOR SALE BY SHORTER, TARVER & C°. 5 pieces Circassians; 3 “ Suporfino Dombazelts, assorted; 82 “ Fancy Prints, do. , . * 68 “ Plaid and Striped Domestics; 3 *' Negro Cloth (woollen;) 7 “ Satlinett; 3 “ Fustians; 32 doz. blue, purplo and red Plnid Hdkfs. 1 10 12 do. French Britatuiius tio. 2 6-12 Britanuias do. 24 Leather Caps, 1 ps, 6 4 Table Diaper, 4 11-12 doz. Pocket Books; 2 ps. sup. black Crape; 6 “ Swiss Book Muslin; 2 “ Tambour'd Book do. 7 ** •• . Leno do. 2 “ superfine Merino Clolb; 4 superfine Oroon'Tablc Covers; 5 do. blue do. 3 ps. Velveteens; 1!) Coverlets; 1 doz. Cambric Hdkfs, 2 “ black silk Gloves; 1 8-12 do. white do. . GROCERIES. 20 bbls. Prime Pork; 9 “ Mackerel No. 3; 4 *• do. No. 1; 1 pipe American Btnndy; 4 qr. casks Malaga Wine; 2 do. Teneriffe do. 1 Indian bid. Muscat Wine; 10 bbls. New Orleans Rum; 5 “ Loaf Sugar; 9 kegs Tobacco;' 6 boxes Champaigtiej 20 “ Raisins; 6 baskets Sweet Oil; 20 boxes Cider; 8 “ Segars, first quality;* 5 “ Sperm Candles; 12 " Smoked Herring, 10 bags Coffee. . All of which articles will ho sold by whole sale and on accommodating terms. Mer chants front tho country would do well to call and examine for themselves. June 8—4—tf 8 11 Linen Drilling, Whito and Red Flannel; Blue Plains; Checks; Striped Domesticks; Silk,; Sewing Silk; Spool Cotton; Calicoes; Cotton and Wool Cards; Musquilo Netting; Writing and letter Paper, Hutay Leghorn Bonnets; Boots Sc Shoes. ISecre^/MilURE. 2 Bureaus*, 1 Ladies’ Workstand; 1 Portable Desk. July 10—0—tf SHORTER, TARVER & O H AVE received by the late airivals the fol lowing goods on consignment, which they offer on favorable irrm*. 55 barrels choico‘Cider, flO boxen Newark pippin do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, CO barrels N. Orleans Molushus, Pi hhde. tfaeph, . 20 barrels pickled Fork, 10 drums Pi^s, 6 boxes Ha\ unmih Segars, Del Pino celebrated manufacture, 50 boxes Virginia and N. Carolina Tobacctv 6 quarter casks Malnifiey Wine* 150 sucks Salt* 20 codes Lemon Syrup and Lime Juice, 30 barrels Sugar. Barrels Irish Potatdes, 20 socks prime green Coflee* 5 barrels genuine Mononguhola WhiskpV, 12 patentbarshearPloughs, made by E. Parsons, Knftoltl, Connecticut, Cognac Brandy, together with a variety of other articles. May 10—1 . . NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AND rr ♦ A DOWERS & NAFEW A RF. now openirig their assortment or Goods A. lor the Spring and Summer, consisting of •oper btuo, black and brown Cloths, Lihent, Printed Musins, Calicoes, Ginghams, Silks, Faaey Shawls and Soarfs, Ribbons, Bead Bag*, Gloves. Sia. Also, Enninclts, Yellow Nankeens. Black Princetta, French Linens and Drillings, *0. for gentlemen’s wear. Black and Drab Beaver Hats, superior quality. Ready-made Clothing. r.olsmbas; March 6—4.3 COMMISSION BUSINESS, Columbus, Georgia. T HE subscriber* respectfully acquaint their friends and the public that they have (prrn- ed n connexion in tho above business, under the name and style of SHORTER, TARVER & C»- They have commodious and extensive arrange ments in progress for tlio reception and storage of produce, ond will bo prepared to malto advances on the same while iu store or under shipmout to Now Orleans or New York. Fs. 8. SHORTER, BENJ. P. TARVER. May.—19—I JAMES H. SHORTER. FACTORAGE NOURSE Si. CLARK havf. just nr.cEtVKP an assortment of WHITE BEAVER HATS, A splendid article. also.—SUMMER CLOTHING May 14—gg—tf Talbottvn, 5lh July, 1832. Samuel W. Flousnuv, Esq. Dear Sir,—In .pursuance of n Resolution of the Temperance Society met in this place on tho 4th intt., yon are hereby requested to famish mo With a copy of the Address aeliv fore tho Society on that day. S. C LKEcTl, Rcc.'Snt'y. Talbotton, 7th My, 1832. Dear Sin,—In compliance with tbe request made through you by the Temperance Society in this place, I herewith send you a copy of. the Address delivered on the 4th inst. Unambitious to appear conspicuous in a cause which has en gaged the attention of abler men, I havb reluc tantly consented to the publication of the address, a copy of which has been requested by the reso lution alluded to in your note. If, however, it is deemed by tho society worthy of being sentfoith to tho world, 1 do not leel myself at liberty to withhold it. With respect, . SAMUEL AV. FLOURNOY. S. C. Lf.ccii, Src’rjp, ADDRESS. Fellow Citizens!—I have been 'de puted the humble organ of tho Utility, pro priety and importance, of tin association, recently formed In your village for the' suppression of Intcniperanco. In assu ming the delegated trust so flatteringly be stowed, I should come to the perfortn- iince of the task with every feeling of hope, w ith every emotion of pleasure, if I did not recognize in my bosom tho oxiS tnnee of those misgivings, which a con sciousness of incapacity to perform an al lotted duly, so naturally, so fearfully and so powerfully excites. In mi ago ol stend ily progressive public improvement; in on era of enlightened philosophic enquiry; on a day sacred to tho contemplation of the virtuous deeds of thooC,- witose unhand ing determination, drove hack the dark and lowering clouds that hung in the sub limitv of approaching desolation over the lives, the fortunes and the freedom of bur fathers; it would seem but littln better than ii slander on the memories bf the dead; but little less thah a calumny on the characters and condition of the livini urge the' universality of an existing Vico, or attempt a enueehtrution of public feoj iug nndipulillc action, to arrest this vice in its disastrous progress. Far lie it from me to cast one shade on the purity of our national character. Far be it from me to (ling an Undeserved censure on the con duct of the veriest wretch that tolls' in your streets'. Embarked in a novel und adventurous enterprise, I shall seek no ill- natnrari Miiuowny, uor .hull I lift re to shun tho responsibility of its coitseducH- ecs, if it comes unsought. It is pleasant * 1 iiuu mu ginllo. It is tear E. WELLS & Co. H A - VE just received at the sign of the Gilt 4- doz. fine CA1.V orrjjtrsj ALSO. Linins; Shins, Binding, 8?c. Juno 28—7—tf ' NEWSPAPER AGENCY. T HE iuburriber informs ihopublic (lint ho has been nppointed Agent lor the following Publications: Tht Ladies' Book, a monthly, at $3 per year, The Casket “ “ $2 SO per year, The Saturday Evening Post, weekly at $2 per year. Life in New York, weekly, at $3 per year. Medico- Chirurgieal Review, quarterly, Jt 5 per year. Names forwarded with the nmonntof subscrip tion, postage paid will meet witli prompt 'atten tion.. E. 8. NORTON, Agent. Columbus, May 3l--3 Collins' 1 Cast Steel AXES, G. W. DXLLXHGHABK, HAH FOR HALE -g dTftA B ARRELS prime pickled Pork, put 1 Hlr up under inspection at Cincinnati, 20.0&) lbs. Bncort. 50 hbls. Mackerel, 100 do New Orleans Molasses, 50 do Western Whiskey, 200 do New Orleans, Sugar; 50 do low priced Sugar, 200 sacks Liverpool ground and Tnrk’A Isl and Salt, 150 bolts Brown’s celebrated Kentucky cot ton Bagging. 100 sides upper Leather, 3.000 lbs. sole Leather, 80 coils bale Rope, 5.000 lbs. bluo gril Grindstones. May 19—1 HOMESPUNS O F various kinds nnd colors, jnst received by O.W DILLINGHAM Jueefd—5— tf AND COMMISSION BUSINESS At Apalachicola. E dward j haudin, thankful to hit frienda for the patronage already extended to him, respectfully solicits a continuance of tho same. To those who may hereafter favor liitn with their custom, he has the pleasure to say, his arrangements are such os to secure to them dis patch uni economy in tho conducting their busi ness at the Bay, being the consignee of the boats belongiogto the Coiutnbea Steamboat Company, and of a regular lino of packets running both to New York and New Orleans. Liberal advances will be made on produco consigned, when re quired, and bills of exchange purchased on New York, Charleston, New Orleans and Mobile. (L? A liberal price will be paid in CASH for several hundred thousand good pipe and hogs- head Staves and Heading, delivered at Apala chicola. Colnmbns, 20th July—10—tf ^ With steel heads, Fur sulo by juho 15—5—tf' ir sulo by U. W DILLINGHAM. COTTON. Cl MtTK A MORGAN will Wisii to purchase 551 early in the Fall, lOdO bales of Cotton, In square |)ack»gea and Kentucky bairging,weigh ing between four hundred and four hundred and Ally pound*, purnoaely for the New Orleans mar ket. for which a liberal price will be given. July 11—9—tf COTTON. T HE subscriber will wish to purchase forthe French market, about 2000 bales of Cotton, in the Fall. It must be clean, well ginned, in square bules, to weigh not less than 400 and nefl ON CONSIGNMENT AND pen SAt.F. BY Shorter, Tarver Sf Co. 55 bills. NEWARK CIDER, first quality. Columbuij May 25—2—tf . ■ is Amy. c „ L Ol 107 la tji« 9th district of Muscogee county for sale by 10—4 GEO. W. DILLINGHAM. JUST PUBLISHED A ND received by the Subscriber, at the Co- Idtnbus Book-Store, a new work translated from the French, with nn.ecconnt of all the capi tal oporations performed during the wholo of NATOISON'IB WARS. B» IIAItON D. J. i.ANNEV: S prgeon nno liief of the Hospital of tho Royal Guards, Ex-Inspector General of the Military Staff, b’x-l’nme Surgeon of the Grand Arinv in Russia, Saxony, Ac. This Is ono of the most enterttwning works to the Surgeon over published in tills country. ALSO, Adventures ori the Columbia River, Including the narrative of a residence of six years on the Western eido Ol tho Rocky Mountains, a- mong various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, together with a Journey across the American Con tinent, by ROSS COX. Together with a groat variety of Medical and oilier works too numerous to particularize. June 28—7 E. S NORTON. COTTON GIN8 LOR SALE. S INGLE and double brearted c otton Gin*, with and without cast botes, and of various sizes, for nale on consignment, by SHORTER, TARVER A Co. GAMUTS Etr file at this Office, to sail on ocean's ho»o zephyr plays upon its surface. t fill to bo driven on rocks and quicksorts when tho angry genius of tho troubled wa ters moves in tho mingling din of elo- mental warfare. Modern'® courage may nvircn >ri,t. -uiinilencc to tho batilo field, backed by the chivalry of a world ih arms, but it would trouble the spirit of patriot ism itself to stand single-handed in the hour of conflict. Tho alarmed and timid purpose that starts back affrighted front the trembling leaf, finds a renewal of its Impes, a dissipation of its foars, in tbe com munity and courage of the thousands that support if, Tho feeble effort, however, that goes lorth in the wilderness of dis sipation, and wanders among the profiign cy that covers the bosom qf this moral Golgotha, (eels the misgivings of its high intent, when the living victims of this o- dious despotism riso in one unbroken pha Innx against its success. The mind whilst it contemplates tho recklessness with which man rushes down to sure destructi.on,whilst it travels over the illimitable iuin, the un measured destruction that follows in the withering train of intemperance,desires not to grapple in its sickening progress with tho prejudices, the passions or the impii- ritios of our nature. Yet to battle against a long cherished vice of the communilyi to publicly arraign the votaries of a pine* lice, whose universal acceptance has thrown around its followers the almost impcnetrablo shield of universal impunity; to nwaken public attention to tho impor tance of an effort, Which the alarming magnitude of an increasing evil hoi arou sed; to robuke the destroying power of this evil as it marches forth in all its giant strength; and to vindicate the (neasurcs and motives of a society forlnod for these laudable purposes, is not only tho busi ness, but the duty of him Who lias this day assumed the responsibility of ilto fearful undertaking. Tho tash is indeed one of doubt; nnd dread, and difficulty. It would indeed be an easy tnntlor to demonstrate the dangers bf prebable inebriety, nnd paint in colours of living light the loath some picture of positive degradation. Hu man nature has, however, ueen so consti tuted, ad to cling with an unyielding perti nacity to the multiplied vices of past exist ence, without listening to the perilous presngos of the present, or looking for ward to the ruinous results, that -are ex hibited in the awfnl devetopements of the future. Man, gifted with the high, distin guishing attribute of reason, erases from memory’s register, the deep impressions engraven there by the burning pen of ex perience, and madly stumbles in the dark ness 'which his own vile nature has select ed, whilst (he light of insiioct, and the truth of revelatioo, are pouring around the pathway oT his pilgrimage, the brightness that would illumine, and the hearts that would cheer the waywardness of his wan. . cn "S footsteps. There is ah innovation in the objects of the association tfbofl these perverted dispositions bf mankind; there is an apparent disavowal of their operntiVe influeneb on thb minds of iti members, which lias drawn down upon ihtui the unmeasured censure and satire ol those, who, ns they Were born under the curse of original sin, are willing to dio under the. condemnation of actual trans gression. • It was not supposed by the most sanguine of its friends that, tbe causa ol temperance would move Without opposi tion, ahild tho cherished habits, and deep- rooted prejudices of Hie 'drunken and the dissolute. But surblv it is cbntrarv to the avowed principles bf the followers of tho primitive saints, far the h.bri ih.t .hould have wiped (ho tear from the Widow's eye, to aid in plaining the bitterest anguish in Iter heart; for the tongue that should have beon eloquent in the condemnation of vice, to pour the withering poisonits rebuking indifference on the* Infant strug- -lesof virtue. All this has been done, t was not enough that the sot had hic- cuped his disapprobation; ft WtTx not enough that the less abandoned had smiled in scornful derision on tho hopes and prospects that seemed brightening aronhd ust something still more formida ble, still more discouraging, is reserved. The feolings of a portion of the Christian world Have boBtt arrayed infill their morri strength, and marshalled in the ranks of their greet ettemyi The professed’follow- ers of that light which illumines the dark ness of the grave; have been fouhd with the Bible in one hand and the bottle in ibo other, dofi'ttding at-the same inoment tho spirit of the Most High, from the attacks of infidelity; and that spirit which leads to'' 'the lowest deep, from the ujtiled action that threatened its destruction. F.ven this was insufficient to fill ilia cup of diffi culty lo the brim. From thnt fair quartet^ 'Wltenco we had least expected it} frorti those who in every age of the World liavo reared thcmsolves betWeen the progress of vice, ahd the perishing virtues of man kind; from thoso whose frowns havo crushed the giant forhts of evil, whoso smiles haVo renovated tho diooping spirit of good, the error of a-tjritnkon indulgence has beon indirectly denied; tho probable utility of n society to suppress it, has been openly denounced. It might bo'the pari of indecision, to shrink before the combi nation of these discordant materials. 'Pru dence might dictate the propriety ofsilenc o, when the leWd ahd the lighr, the grave aha, ll!* uh s' r u%6- ttrognhcon* combination; tho feeble vyaiL ings of individual rfcrtSon; find the louder appeals of universal huhianity. But my friends, it is a feeble evidence of patriot ism, a poor murk of fi Soldier's courage, to hear his mighty vapouring when dis tant dangeis are suggested; ahd then be hold his eoWard nature quail when pre sent peril calls hifo to the conflict, Why stand we hero idlct Tho enemy is al ready iu the field. The trump of hiw approach may bo heard in the groans of tliedjing,—the pathway bf his invasion, may be traced on thb pallid features of tho dead. His dismal flag, hoisted by worse than a d&mon's hand, streaming with the widow and the orphan's teats, is now floating in Satanic triumph over the prostruto peace, arid perishing prosperity of its followers. This unresisted destroy er, is even now going forth in tbe dark insidiousness of its invisible ruin, moving' in tho desolation of the thoughtless mind; and pausing in tho destruction of the un wary hoarts, grasping in its deadly em brace the towering intellect of tho' mighty, artd trampling Cotossns-like on tho fairest arid ftesliest flowers that blootq in thb Whbie wilderness of our moral ex- istonce. No sacrifice can appease, no^ suffering can satisfy the cravings of this unfeeling despotism, which preys in the Wrangling# of its insatiate rapine, on the genius; tho courage and the chivalry of the ceuntry. Whero will it stop? When shull the tide of its destruction ebbT What means must bo adopted to effect the great purpose of humanity in the suppression of the ravages of this heartless monster! These questions it behooves the intelli gence of this people to answer, for the experiment has been tried, and the evil will not work its own cure, nor will iito demon of itself depart. Ail the ordinary means devised lor tho improvement of tho moral and social condition of our species, have failed. All tho exbftions of indivi dual benevolenco, have proven unsuccess ful in the unequal conhict. The denun ciation of Heaven's minister falls unheed ed on the fearful realities cf this practised degradation. Tho restraints imposed on civilized society by tho sovereign power of public opinibn, lose their efficacy,when human reason totters to its downfall. That instinctive sonso of all-controlling self- love, Which rises unbidden to the rescue - of its possessor, sleeps amid the drunken revelry of tho sot; and dies in tho despera tion of tho delerious drinker. The finer sensibilities' of the heart; the distinguish ing characteristics of human Intelligence; 1 tho daring struggles of unfledged genius; the loliy aspirations of chaatenod ambi tion; the sweet and social communings of domestic peace, perish and pass away be fore tho withering malignity af ibis relcet* less conqueror,