Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, August 18, 1832, Image 1

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*THB ONION Of tint STATE8, AMU tit* ***''*»■ BY VAN NE9S, BETIIUNE & CLINE. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1S32. f !' r the: ElfaVIRER IS PUBLISHED weekly, A T thru dollars per annum, payable in ad vance: or four dollars if not paid for before tho end of the year. AovcnnsKiiKNTs will be inserted nt the rate* or seeentg-Jiee coots per hundred words for the first insertion, and fifty cents fur each week's continuance, in all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even bundled, will lie considored us an hundred, and charged os such. When tho number of insertions of an advertise ment is not specified, it will be continued until forbid, and chargod accordingly. Sheriffs’ audnthor Officers' advertisements in serted at customary rate*. Letters to the Editor* on business must be |tost-paid; and in all ruses whore it is not done, the postage.\yill be charged to the writer. SALES OP LAND, by Administrators, Exe cutors or Oiiardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at tho court-house in the comity in which the property is situate. Notice of these are to be given in a public gazette SIXTY DAY S r>redoes to the day of sufe. SALES OF NECHOES must bo at public auction, on tho first Tuesday of the niontli, be tween tin- usual hours, of sale, nt the plnco of public sales in the county whore the I*olters Tes tamentary, of Administration* or GuardianshiD, JfMft-V **avo k° eri granted, first giving SIXTY’ 30AY3* notice thereof, in ono of. the public ga zettes of this state, and at the door of tho court house wlicro.such sales are to he held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must ho given in like manner for FORTY DAYS previous to tho day of sale. v NBtice to tho debtors and creditors of an Estate iftnst he published FORTY i)AYt$. Notice that application will he made to the £oarl of Ordinary for LEAVE TO SF.LL LAND, must be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must be published for FOUR MONTHS, be fore any outer absolute shall be made thereon by tho Court. COLUMBUS HAT STORE. M Jt M NOURSE &. CLARK H AVE received from the Fuctory by the lute arrivals, Hats of the latest fashions, —-CONSISTING OF —- Black, White and Drab Rocky Moun tain Beaver and Otter HATS, . Of a very supdrior quality, making their assort tncnl extensive and complete. —ALSO— CAPS, . Consisting of Seal. Leather, Chinchilla, Circas sian and Children’s fancy silk. -READY-MADE CLOTHING (TT“ Ca.h paid for Hatting Furs. Fell. 17-40—If eutpwfl. J. S. SMITH- & Co. NEXT DOOR TO TUK COLUMBUS BANK, Jlave received a handsome assortment of STTMMEP. CLOTEI1TG-5 •CONSISTING OF Black Bombazine COATS and COATF.T.S, Do. Circassian do. do. Brown and Green Merino Circassian do. Casinctt Frock and Dross do. Black lastir.e do. do. do. ROUND JACKETS. Black Bombazint? Round Jacket*, Crown Linen and Cotton do. Do. Striped do. VESTS. ’ White and figured Marseilles Vests, Da. do. Valencia do. l’lain do. Silk do. Do. do. Velvet dir. Do. do. Swansdowndo. PANTALOONS. Black Bombazine and Lusting I’untulooijB, Do. Circassian do. Brown ami black Brocliillas do. - • White «nd brown Linen Drilling, do. Do. Cotton db. Drab Merino Cusimere Pants, Do. Kuan do. do. Cord and Russia Duck do. Fustian do. . Linen Shirts witli Ruflios, White do. Brown do. Linen und Cotton Draws, Negro Clotfling. All of whiclrthoy olTcr for sale at knv prices. Columbus, April 14—48—tf NEW SUPPLY. GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. T HE subscriber lias just received per schoon ers Mary, Hannah and Elizabeth, and Eme- liae, from New Orleans, tho following groceries: SO,000 lbs. Bacon, SO barrets Pork, SO -do Whiskey, 15 hhds. prune Now Orleans Sugdr, -30 bbls. Ruin, 150 casks Nails, (assoitcd,) 50 bbls. Flour, 100 sails bail Rope, 100' pieces Kentucky Bogging. 30 coils Manilla and tarred Roue, 4j pipes Cognsc Brandy und llo^ind Gin, 50 bags prime Havanna Coffee, 35,000 boat Havanna Segars. The above, together with his stock on hand is the best assortment ever offered in this market. &U of which will be sold low for cash or approved paper. C. E NORTON. Apalachicola, May 10—1—tf ■ SbjHrtnjj POWERS & NAFEW A RE now opening (heir assortment of Goods for the Spring and Snmmer, cobsisting of super blue, black and brown Cloths, Linens, Printed Musins, Calicoes, Gingham*, Silks, Fancy Shawls and Scarfs, Ribbons, Bead Dags, Gloves, dec. Also, ErminctM, Yellow Nankeens. Black PriaceUa, French Lineus snd Drillings, See. for gentlemen's wear. Black and Drab Boaver Hats, superior quality. Ready-made Clothing. C »!mnbus, March S—13 mrettrfffs* T HE. Subscribers have just received and of fer for sale, upon accommodating terms, the following articles: 4 dkAdk bushels ground Alum Salt, qtUUwMw 20,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, 1,000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs. Gcriqnn.ilo. 1,000 Die. Sheet Iron, 500 Russia Sheet Iron 1,000 Hoop Iron, 200 bbls. New Orleans Sugar, 8 lihda. St. Croix do. 150 Imgs Green L'oflbe, JO lings Java do. 40 bbls. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 24 doz. Lemon Syrup, (> doz. Wino- Bitters, 400 lbs. soli shelled Almonds, 30 kegs Dupont’s Powder, 20 kegs common do. 250 kegs Nails, assorted sizes. 120 bbls. Molassos, 8 bbls. Loaf Sugar, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, ’ 15 bbls Northern Rum, 20 bbls. Mackerel, 350 piccos best Kentucky Bagging, 125 coils Rope, 20,000 lbs. Bacon. Together with divers other articles, consti tuting a full assortment of Groceries SMITH & MORGAN- May 3—51—tf Win. P. laAlONK H AS taken ilio store next door to Smith &. AfArgaa, second frdhi L. J. Davies & Co. corner of Broad and Randolph streets, whore he has just received (eigtitVloys from New Oileans) a general assortment of GROCERIES. 100 bbls Sugar, 50 bags Coffee, 300 sacks Salt, . 100 pieces.coUon Bagging, 50 coils Rope, 50 (Oils. Whiskey, 20 do. Northern Gin, ’ 20 do. P. Hum, 50 do. Molassi-s, 10 do. old Monongabala WHiskcy, 1 pipe Cngninc Brandy, 1 do. Holland Gin. 30 bbls. Mackerel, No. 3, 10 do. do. No. 1, 20 dd. superfine Flour 75 casks Nails, 12,000 His. Bacon, Tcncriffe YVino, Malaga do. Muscat do’.- Claret d*. Cordials, Lemon Syrup, llnisins, Soap, loaf Sugar, Rice, sperm Candles, Tobacco, With many other articles in his line, which will bo sold on accommodating terms. Columbus, June 9—4—if WAREHOUSE IUj[ AN ° • COMMISSION BUSINESS. T HE subscriber having engaged in the above businois, respectfully tenders his services to Ins friends and the public, in the storage, salo and shipmentol Cotton nnd other produce, and receiv ing and forwarding merchandise. He is building nnd will have ready for the reception of Cotton by the commencement of >lie ensuing full.-n lurge .new Ware-House, situated on Randolph street, which is constructed on tho most approved plnn, perfectly convenient to the business part of the town; and being comparatively remote front other buildings, is measurably exempt from danger by lire. Trusting I shall huvo it in my power to do ample justice to those who may lie pleased to fa vor nut with their business,and to extend to them thetnoet libera) accommodation ami ndvnncnson Cotton, I flutter myself that I slmll be enabled to give general satisluction. and earnestly solicit a patronage nnd friendly support. THOMAS MORRIS. Columbus, Aug. I—12—if ONCQWSIGNIWENtT AND FOR SALE BY SHORTER, TARVER & C<>. 5 pieces Circassians; 3 “ Superfine Bombuzetts, assorted; 82 “ Fancy Prints, do. (18 “ Plaid and Striped Domestics; 3 “ Negro Cloth (woollen;) 7 “ Sattittetf; ■ 3 “ Fustians; 32 doz. blue, purple and red Plaid Ildkfs. 1 10-12 do. French Britannia* do. 2 G-12 Britunnias do. 24 Leather Caps, 1 ps. 6-4 Table Diaper, 4 11-12 doz. Pocket Boults; 2 ps. sup. black Crape; 6 “ Swiss Boo); Muslin; 2 “ Tambour'd Book do. 7 “ “ Lena do. 2 “ superfine Merino Cloth; . 4.superfine Green Table Covers; 5 do. hluo do. . 3 ps. Velveteens; ID Coverlets; 1 doz. Cambric Ildkfs. 2 “ black silk Gloves; 1 8-12 do. white do. GROCERIES.- 20 bbls. Prime Pork; 9 “ Mackerel No. 3; •» 4 “ do. No. V; 1 pipe American Brandy; 4 qr. casks Malaga Wine; 2 do. Tc-ncriffe do. 1. Indian bbl. Muscat Wine; 10 bbls. New Orleans Rum; 5 “ Loaf Sugar; 9 kegs Tobacco; 6 boxes Champaignc; 20 “ Itaisius; 6 baskets Stveol Oil; 20 boxes Cider; 8 “ Segars, first quality; 5 “ Sperm Candles; 12 “ Smoked Herring, 10 bags Coffee. All of which articles willlve sold by whole sale and on accommodating terms. Mer chants from the country would do well to call und examine for themselves. Juno 8—4—if 6. W. DILLINGHAM, . HAS FOR SALK -• fkffK BARRELS prime pickled Fork, pat .1. Hv up under inspection at Cincinnati, 20,00(1 lbs. Bacon. 50 hbla: .Mackerel, 100 do New Orleans Molasses, 50 do. Western Whiskey, SOU do New Orleans, Sugar, 50 do low priced Sugar, 200 sacks Liverpool ground and Turk's Isl and Salt, , 150 bolts Brown's celebrated Kentucky cot ton Bugging, 100 sides upper Leather, 3.000 lbs. sole Leather, 80 coila bale Rope, 6.000 lbs. hluo grit Grindstones. May 10—1 ueiEsPuP O F various kinds and color*, just rccoived by U.W. DILLINGHAM. Juno 51«^' (f THE WARE-HOUSE AND . Commission Business W ILL lie continued by the subscribers un- dorthe firm of S..K Hodges &■ Co. who. while they feel grateful for former favors will en deavour to dcsorvoa continuance of thorn. SEABORN JONES, SAMUEL Ii. HODGES. On Consignment—And mltle sold on accommo dating terms : GROCERIES. O Jbib bbls. N. Orleans and 1 loridu Sugar, 49 HH 20 lihds. do. do. 300 sacks Coffee, OOP sacks Liverpool ground and blown Sail, “ allurn and timnuny 'do. 1,0(10 Ib9 Castings, pots, ovens, andirons, A c. 12 qr. cahks Lisbon Wine, Porter in bottles; Cider in do ; ' Axes; Tea; Loaf Sugar; White Havanna do.; 75 piocca Kentucky Bagging; 40 “ Inverness do.; 50 coils Bale Rope; Bagging Twine; 15,000 lbs. Bacon; ’ 40ltegs Lard; 40 bbls. Flour; 10 Mils. Salts; 100 bbls. N.O.nnd Florida Molasses and 3 vrnp 100 hhds. West India Molasses; 10 bbls. Pickled Pork, mess aAd prime; Mackerel, No. 2; Ilardwate, Cutlery, See. 50,060 Segars, various qualities! Trace Chains; Wrought Nail*; Brads; CO kegs Nails, 4d «o 20d DRY-GOODS. 40 pieces Linen', various qualities; 8 “ Linen Drilling, White and Red Flannel; Blue Plains; Checks; Striped Domestiohs; Silks; Sowing Silk; Spool Cotton; Calicoes; • Colton and Wool Cards; Mosquito Netting; Writing and letter Paper; Hats: Leghorn Bonnots; Boots & Shoes. FURNITURE. 1 Secretary and Book-Case; 2 Bureaus; 1 Ladies' Workstnnd; 1 Portable Desk. , July 10—0—tf . NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY St AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, . Columbus, Georgia. T HE subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and the public that they Imvc form ed a connexion in the above business, under the name and style of SHORTER, TARVER &C«- They iTavc commodious and extensive arrange ments in progress for tho reception and storage of produce, naflv ill be prepared to make advances ontho same while in store or under shipment to New Orloens or New York. E. S. SHORTER, benj. p. Tarver. May—19—I JAMES n. SHORTER. FACTORAGE ' and COMMISSION BUSINESS, • At Apalachicola. E dward j hakdin. thankful to hi* friends for tbe patronage already extended to him, respectfully solicits a continuance of tho sumo. To those who may hereafter fuvor him with their custom, he has tho pleasure to say, Ins arrangements arc such as to secure to them ,/fa- palch and economy in the conducting their busi ness nt the Bay, being the consignee of the boats belonging to the Columbus Steamboat Company, und of a regular line of packets running both to New York and New Orleans. Liberal advances will be made on produce consigned, when re quired, nnd hills of exchange purchased nn New York. Charleston, New Orleans and Mobile. O* A liberal price will be paid in CASH for several hundred thousand good pipe and hogs head Staves and Heading, delivered at Apalu- -Jiirolu. Columbus, 20lh July—10—tf s COTTON. MlTH & MORGAN will wish to purchase early in the Fall, lOOO bales of Cotton, in square packages und Kentucky barging,weigh ing between four hundred aad four hundred uud fifty pounds, purposely for the New Orleans mar ket. for which a liberal price will bo given. July 11-9—tf T COTTON. HE subscriber will wish to purchaso forthc French market, about 2000 bales of Cotton, in the Full. Il must be clean, well gtnned, in square hales, to weigh not less than 400 and not over 450 pound*, in strong bright bagging. May 10-1 GEO- W. OILujionA-M. NEW STORE. J. s. SMITH & Ge H AVF* commence j business in this plnce.mul taken the Store next door to the Columbus Bank, nnd offer foi sale n handsome assortment of Dry-Gbodo, Clothing* Hats, &c. AMONG WHICH ATIK THE FOLLOWING: Rich Prints, French Drilling Poulard Muslins, London do. White do. White silk Pongco Irish Linens nnd Lawns HdUfo. White Cambric Linen Fig’d do. do. Ildkfr. Gentlemen’s white and Bordered do. * lig’d Cravats Borage Shawls P.Iarblc half Iloso Crape Scarfs White do. do. Do. Shawls Lambswool do. White and black Lacc Ckuk’s Spool Cotton Veils Pins ami Needles Groon Gnuzodo. Potent Thread Black Italiau nnd Gros Shoe do. do Nap Silks Cotton and silkl/tubrcl* Fig’d changeable^ do. las ItJtl. and Canton Crnrtcs Bonnet Wire and Reeds Bl’k fig’il Crape Roues Osnuburghs, Fusions Ginghams Bed-Ticks Furniture Prints Brown 15-4 Homespun Ladies while silk clock’d “ 4-4 do. Dose Check’d do. Cotton do. do. Carpeting Rugs Shell, tuck and tide Green Table Covers Combs nnd stumped Bni/.o Druzilian do. Dunstable Bonnets Binding,&c. 1 case line Leghorns, &c. RE AI>1 -MA DE CLOTH INC HATS,'** I COULD NOT HELP IT. NO NOT L A plngoe upon the men, I say !• They’ll never leave poor girls alono I Tliuy'rc toazing, tvoziog night and day, 'Tilt they have won us for their own. And yet that women love the moil, 'Tta eurely folly to deny, For nine will answer out of ten, I could not help it 1 —no, not I! I told young Edward 'tothor day, I never would bocome a bride; But sore ho took a certain way, ■, To tell mo truly that I lied; First with it kiss he stopped my bioath, And softly said—swoot creature, why? Ami though he squeez’d ino most to death, I could not help it, no not I! Well, what d’yo think at last I soid 7 . ■ I never slmll forget, I s-w-o-n r! I tell you pluin I'll never wed. So touzo mo now sir, if you dnre I But oh! lie kiss'd mo then so swoot, And look'd si charming in my eye! I vowod nt r.hurch tho youth to moot— I could not holp it—no not I. ' SCENES IN JAMAICA. t.XTIIACT t'llOM X JOUnNAK.- “Tlm parly at dinner wus a largo one; every thing in good style, wines superb; tut lie, &c., magnificent, and the compa ny exceedingly companionable. A Mr. Francis Fyall, (n-greut planting attorney, that is, an ugeitt fara number of proprie. tors oi' cslntcs, who preferred living in England nnd paying a commission to.liim for managing in Jamaica, to facing the cli mate themselves,) to whom I hud an in find our prices low. Columbus, April fi J. S SMITH & Co. -47—If p .wjj , m.iiiv Ii.«.iiioi.i»v,o^ »»»*wiu a IIUU till Hi- As we intend selling for rush,.purchasers Will j irodticlioti, rather posed me, by asliinu id nnr low. J. S SMI TH »Vr (!n. 1 ^ » *. 1 . f a , me during dinner, if I .would tape any tiling in the long way with him, which lie explained by saying lie Would be glad to take u glass of small beer with me. This after n deluge of Madeira, Champagne, and h.11 manner of light wines, was rather trying; but 1 kept my countenance Its well ms i could. One thing I lomember struck me as reniurkitblc, just us wo were rising to go to*the drawing-room, a cloud of winged nms burst in upun us through tho' SHORTER, TARVER & Co. H AVE received by the lute nirivnls the. fiil- h wing poods on consignment, which they offeror fiivorutiloterms. 55 h /nils choice Cider, 30 IioaCs Nawark pippin do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 09 barrels N. Orleans Molusses, 12 hhds. Bacon, 20 barrels pickled Pork, 19 drains figs, j ..mjcu uim umai in upun no mruugii m« 0 boxes Havunnuh Segars, Del Pino celebrated , °P P, t windows, ami had it not bet’ll lor tho manufacture,- ' glass shades, would have extinguished the candles; but tvheh they had once settled' on the jable, they deliberately wriggled ihcmsclvcs free of tlieir wing*, as one would cnst off a great coat, and crept n way in their simple npd more humble ca pacity of creeping things, Noxt day 1 went to wait on my relation Mr. S 60 boxes Virgtnip und N. Carolina Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Malmsey Wine, 150 sacks Salt. 20 cases Lcmoii Syrup nnd Litno Juice, 30 barrets Sugnr. Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 sncltn prime green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongtliela Whiskey, 12 patent hnrshenr Ploughs, made by E. I’arsous, Enfield, Connecticut, Cognac Brandy, together with a variety of other articles. May It)—1 NOUItSE&CLAR$ • HAVE JUST RECEIVED AS ASSORTMENT 0T WHITE BEAVER HATS, A splendid article. also.—SUMMER CLOTHING May 14—52—tf E. WELLS & Co. H AVE just received ut the sign of the Gilt Boot, 4 doz. fme Calfskins. ALSO, Lining .Shins, Binding, June 2^ -7—tf NEWSPAPER AGENCY. subscriber informs the public Hint he has M been appointed Agent lor die following Publications: The Ladies' Book, it monthly, at $3 per “ “ $2 50 Post, weekly ut yeui, The Casket par year, The Saturday Eocnin, §2 per'year, Life in New York, weekly, at $3 per year. Medico- Chirurgical Review, quarterly, gt 5 per year. Names forwarded witli the amount of suliscrip- tion, postage, paid will moot witli prompt atten tion. E. S. NORTUN, Alt Columbus. May 111—3 Agent. Collins' Cast Steel AXES, WITH 8TEFL HEADS, For snlu by Juno 15—5—tf G. \V DILLINGHAM. ON LON8IGNMEN T and Poll SALE UV Shorter, Tarver fy Co." 5o bbls. NEWARK CIDER, first quality. Columbus, May 25—2—tf L rtrp LAAI), OT 10/ in the ‘Jth district of Murnogce comity for sale by June 9-4 GEO. W. DILLINGHAM. JUST PUBLISHED A ND received by the Subscriber, at the Co- Iambus Book-Store, a now work translated | from the French, with nn account of all the capi tal operations performed during the whole of NAPOLEON'S WARS. er BARON II. J. I.ANSEY. So rgeen trad hief of the Hospital of the Royal Guards, Ex-Inspector General of the Military Staff, Ex-Prime Surgeon of tho Grand Arrnv in Russia, Saxony, Arc. This is one of the most entertaining works to tho Surgeon over published in tins country. ALSO, Adventures on the Columbia River, Including the narrative of e residence ef six years nn the weitero side ol the Rocky Mountains, a-, meng various trilies of Indians hitherto unknown, together with a Journey across tho American Con tinent, by ROSS COX. Together with a great variety of Medical and other works loo numerous to particularize. June 28-7 E. S NORTON. I had a cuufoumledly hot walk through tho burning sandy streets, nnd was nearly bliudod by ibc reflection from them, as i ascended the from stairs. There are no carpets in the houses in Jamaica, but the floors, which nro often of mahogany, aro beautifully polished, nnd shine iiko a well- kept dinner table. They are, of course, very slippery,and requiro war/y walking till one gels accuslomed to them. The rooms are mado exceedingly dark during the heal of tho day, according to the pre vailing practice in ull nrdeut climates.— A block footman, very handsomely dress ed, all to his bare legs (I thought yl first he had black' silk stockings on,) preceded me, mid when lie reached tho drawing- ronm door, asked my name. 1 told flint, ‘Mr. Cringle'—whereupon he sung out to my dismay—'Massa Captain Ringtail to wait pan Missos.' ■ This put me out a lectle—especially as l hud heard some onb say—'Cuptuin who —whui a very odd natnel’. But I had no time for reflection, ns I had not blundered three steps out of the ylure of the Piazza, into tire palpable ob scure of the darkened drawing-room, bluck n*night from the contrast, when 1 cap sized headlong a ottoman in tho mid dle of the apartment, and floundered right into the middle of a group of young la-, dies, and one or two lap-dogs, by whom it was conjointly occupied. . Trying to recover myself, I slipped on the glass- like floor, and came down stern foremost and being now regularly at the slack end, for I could not well get lower, I sat still scratching my caput in tho midst of a cay company of morning visiters, enjoying''the gratifying consciousness tints I was dis tinctly visible to them, although ray daz- /.led optics could as yet distinguish no- . thing. To add to hiy pleasurable sensa tions, I now perceived from the coldness of the floor, that in my downfall tho ca tastrophe oftny unmentionable* had been grievously rent, but 1 hud nothing for It but sitting patiently still amidst the sup- ghter of tho company, until I COTTON GINS I-OR SALE. Cf INGLE and double breasted motion Gins, W with and without cast boxes, und of varioas size., for .ale on consignment, by SHORTER, TARVER & Co. GAMUTS For sale at this Office. pressed luughter bocumo accuslomed to the' twilight, and they, Iiko bright stars, began to dawn on tnytfrewildered senses in nil their love liness; und prodigiously handsomo women some of them were, for the Creoles, so far as figure is concerned, ore generally perfect, while beautiful features are not wanting, and my travel had reconciled me „. VIUUCU Iluu laR „ n we precau . 10n ro , rh,pk° 8 m*"m “/ ,h ° r0S0 M f, °"] ,heir U P (be logs of his trowsers, and to tie tin chtek. My eldest cousin Mary (where- tightly at the Un»o with his garters, wh is there a name like Mary?) now approach- gave him tho appearance of a Dutch sk ed; she aud 1 were old friends, and many per; and in all the consciousness of bei a junketing wo used to have in my father’s nenr properly arrayed, lie walked un house during tho holiday*, when she was oue of the men in authority.—a small o a hoarding-school girl in England. My bellied gentleman, and set himself to hardihood and self-possession returnod, terccde for the atlacking-cofumn the hi under the double ■’ratifieniim, nf „r ...i.;,i. „.;il * my lower canvass, Mary, and I budge until your mother lends mo *f neiti* coni.” “A ivhait you aro crazy, Tom’’— “Not a whit, not a whit, why I Itavo split my—ahem.” “This is speaking plain, an’i ill" Away tripped the raylp'n-likc girl,mm! m a twinkling re-appeared with the desired garment, which in a convulsion of laughtor she slipped over my I sat on tlio floor; nnd having fastened it properly round my waist, | rose and paid my ro wels to my warm-hearted relations. But hat petticoat—Jt could pot have been (he old woman’s, there could have been no such virtue iu an old wotnun'a petticoat; no, no, it must eilher'have been u charm ed garment, or—pr—Mary’s own; for from thm hour I was a lost man, and tho -devoted slave of her latgo black eyes, nnd high pale forehead. "Oh murder—you speak of the sun dazzling, what ia it to the Ipitrc of that same eye of. jours, Ma in the evening I escorted the ladies to bull, (by tho way, a West Iudia ball- room being a.pcrfcct lantern, open to tho four winds of Itoavon, is cooler than a ball room any where else,) end'd very gny af fair it turned out jp bo, although I h-d more trouble in gening admittance than l bargained for, and was witness to ns com- ical a row (considering the very frivolous origin of it, tint) the quality of tl|p par ties engaged iu it) ns ever took place in that peppery country, whore, i verily be lieve, tho temper of the people, generous though it be in the main, is hotter than tho climate, nnd that, Iloitycn knows) is sudoriferous enough. I was walking through the entrance saloon with my fair cousin wt my arm, stepping out like a he ro to tho opening crash of a fine military band, towards tho entrance of tho spleti- didban-rom, fifled wid. elegant company, brill.nptly lighted up bud ornamented with the most rare and beautiful Shrubs and flowers, which no European conservatory could have furnished forth, and arched overhead with palm brunches and a profu sion of evergreens, whtlo the polished floor, Iiko one vast mirror, reflected did fine forms of tho pain but lovely black- eyed and black-hatred West Indian dames, glancing amidst the more sombre dresses of their partriors, while tho wliolo group was relieved by being here and tbtfro spangled with n rich naval or mili tary uniform. As wo approached, n cob- stable put his staff across the doorway, “ Beg pardon, sir, but you aro not in full dress.” * Now this was tho first night,whereon I had sported nty lieutenant's Uniform, nnd with my gold swab on my shoulder, tho sparkling bullion glancing in the comer of my eye at tho very moment, my dress- sword by my side, gold buckles in my shoes, nnd spotless white trowsers, I had, iu my innocence, considered myself n deuced killing follow, and felt proportion- nbly mortified at this address. • ? ne can k° 8 (Indued in trowsors. sir, said tho man. “Shiver my timber!" I could not help the exclamation, tho tranfhetions of the morning crowded pn my recollection; •shiver roy .timbers! is my fate in this strange country to be forever irrevocably bound up m n pair of breeches!” My cousin pinched my arm. “Hush, tom; go homo und get mamma's petti coat. r • Tho man was poremptory; and ns thcro was no use in getting into a squabble a- bout such a trifle, I handed my partrtor over to the caw of n (•.nlleraan of tho party, who was fortunately accoutred ac cording to rule, ahd stepping to my quar ters, I equipped myself in a pair of light nether integumonts, und returned to tho ball-room. By this time there was tho dovil to pay; tho ehlranco saloon waa crowded with militury and naval men, high iu oath, and headed by oo leis a per sonage than a general officer, and a ono* armed mau one of the'chief civil officers in the place, and who had been a sailor in hio- youiji. I was just # in (into to sue the a4- vanco of the combined column to the door of the ball-room, through which they drove the picket of constable* like chaff- nnd then halted. Tho onearmed func tionary, a most powerful and very hand somo man, now detached himself fronuho phalanx, and strode tip to the advanced guard of stewards clustered in front of tho rQoitt t like eo ninny frightened hares* The pluco being now patent to mo, *| walked up to comfort my party, and coula see all that passod. Tho champion of the Excluded had takpn tbe precaution to i under tho double gratification of seeing her, and the ceriaitny that my blushes (for my cheeks were glowing like hot iron) could not have boen observed in (tie sub dued green light that pervaded tho room. “Well, Tom, since, you are no longer dazzled, and see us all now, you had bet ter gel up, bad’nt you—you seo mamma is wait ng there to embrace you?" “ Why', 1 think myself 1 hud better; but i it i 7 v ,,,us * nave ueeo a tailor!—Lbaree when I broached-to so suddenly, 1 split [ fi ue follows, agd throw the constables of which was still lowering at the door. But I ho little steward speedily iniorrupti “ Why,,Mr.——, rules must be mai lamed, and let me see,”—here he peer, through his glass at the substantial an porters of our friend;—” as I livo yi yourself are inadmissible." The giant laughed.— 4 '—— the bod he must have been a tailor!—Charge, n