Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, September 22, 1832, Image 1

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I { V : si, BY VAN NES8, BETIiUNE & CONE. THF. UNION OF THE .STATES, and THE Kl'V :RF.IONtT OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1832. fifth Volume—nemrer if. THE ENQUIRER IS PUBL1SHLD WEEKLY, A T three dollars per annum, payable in ad vance: or four dollars if not paid for before tire end of the year. Advkrtisekents will be inserted at the rates of scecntt/fice cauls per hundred words for the first insertion, and fiftu cants for cuolt week’s continuance. In all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even hundred, will be Considered us an hundred, and charged as such. When tho number of insertions of an advertise ment is not specified, it will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Sheriffs’ and other Ollicers’ advertisements in- sorted at customary rules. Letters to tho Editors on business must be frost-paid; and in all cases where it is not done, the postage will be charged to the writer. SALES OF LAND, by Administrators, Exe cutors or Guardian-., are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often iu the forononn and three in the 'afternoon, at tho coart-house in the county in 'which tho property is situate. Notice of these nre'to be given in a public gazette SIXTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. SALES OF NEGROES must be ut public Auction, on the first Tuesday of tho month, be tween the usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales in the county where tho liCttcrs Tes tamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, r may have boon granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS notice thereof, in one of the public ga zettes of this state, and at the door of tho court house where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sule of Personal Property must be given in like manner for FORTY DAYS ."previous to tire day of sule. Notice to tho debtors and creditors of an Estate mast be published FORTY DAYS. , Notice that application will he made to tire Court of Ordiaury for LEAVE TO SELLj LAND, must be published FOUR MONTHS.’ Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES jtaait be published fur FOUR MONTHS, be- *Srro any order absolute shall be made Ibcreou by tho Court. O. W. DILLINGHAM, * HAS FoR SALE ~fl BARRELS prime pickled Pork, put M. up under inspection ut Cincinnati. 20,000 lbs. tlucon. 00 bbis. Mackerel, 100 do New Orleans Molasses, 00 do Western Whiskey, 200 do 4 New Orleans, Sugar, . r »0 do low priced Sugar, 201) sacks Liverpool ground and Turk’s Isl- and Salt, 150 bolts Brown’s colobrated Kentucky cot ton Bagging, 100 sides upper Leather, 3.000 lbs. solo Leather, 80 coils halo Rope, 5.000 lbs. blue grit Grindstones. May 19—1 COTTON. T HE subscriber will wish to purchase for the French market, about 2000 bales of Cotton, in tho Pali, It must be clean, well gmned, in sqnnro bulee, to weigh not less than 41)0 and not over-lot) pounds, in strong bright bugging. GEO. W. DILLINGHAM. Aug. 2—11—f( THE •WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Business ILL be continued by the subscribers un- w* dor the firm of 8. Ii Hodges & Co. who, •while they feel grateful for former favors will en deavour to deserve u continuance of them. SEABORN JONES, SAMUEL K. HODGES. On CovsiaNMURT—And will he sold on accommo- dating terms: GROCERIES. bids. N. Orleans uad Florida Sugar, V W 20 htids. do. do. 300 sacks Coffeo, 250 sacks Liverpool ground ana blown Sail, “ ullum and hoinany _ do. 1.000 lbs Castings, pots, ovens, andirons, &c. )ftqr casks Lisbon Wine, Porter in bottles; Cider in do.; Axes; Tea; LonfSuiar; White Huvunuu do.; 75 pieces Kentucky Bagging; 40 “ Inverness do.; 50 coils Bale Rope; Bagging Twine; 15.000 lbs. Bacon; 40 kegs Lurd; 40 bids. Flour; 10 bbls Salts; 100 bbls. N.O.and Florida Molussos and Syrup J00 lihds. West India Molasses; 10 bbls. Pickled Fork, mess aud prime; Mackerel, No. 2; Hardware, Cutlery, &c. 4j|>,OCO -Scgars, various qualities; Trace Chains: Wrought Nails 60 kegs Nails, 4d to 20d DRY-GOODS. 40 pieceo Linen, various qualities; 6 “ Linon Dulling, White and Red Flannel; Blue Plains; Checks; Striped Domesticks; Silks; Sewing Silk; Spool Cotton; Calicoes; Colton aud Wool Curds; Sfusquito Netting; Writing and Idler Paper; Huts: Leghorn Bonnets; Boots &. Shoes. FURNITURE. \ Secretary aud Book-Case; , 2 Bureaus; 1 Ladies’ Work stand; l Portable Desk. July 10-9-tf SEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AND Auction Boom. , UllOAD STREET. COLUMBUS. T HE Subscriber informs the public that be is prepared and will attend to the receiving nnd selling of Goods by Auction The smallest favors gratefully received and piompBy attended to. E. S. NORTON, Auct’r. Aug. 15—14—tf Brads COMMISSION AND UfoliAss sirs£ftii^»7 FB^HE Subscribers make a tender of their ser- JL vices to their friends and the public iu the above business They have in progress an exten sive Ware-House aud Close Store, which will be ready for the reception of produce and merchan dise b) the lust September next, situated in O- glethorpo street east of and near to the Insurance Bank. The convenience arising from its imme diate neighborhood to that part of the town iu which the principal pait of the cotton w iil be sold, renders it a desirable place for the planters to deposit their produce. They will feel grateful for any consignment or orders with which they nmy be favored, assuring their friends ihat their unretnitted attention will he exerted to promote Uioir internet. They will be prepared to make liberal advances ou cotton and other produce aud merchandise when required. \VM H. HARPER, FELIX LEWIS. Columbus, Aug. 11—13— tf COTTON. jgjMITH & MORGAN will wish to purchase early in the Full, £000 bales of Cotton, in square puckages and Kentucky bagging,weigh ing between four hundred uod lour hundred and filly pounds, purposely for the New Orleans mar ket for which u liberal price will be given. July 11—9—tf ON CONSIGJffMIlNT, AND FOK Sa1.E UY SHORTER TARVER & Co. Si pieces Circassians; 3 “ Superfine Bombnzcit-s, assorted; 82 “ Fancy l’rints, do. <>8 “ Plaid and Striped Domestics; 3 " Negro Cloili (woollen;) 7 “ Satiinctt; 3 “ FItalians;, 32 dost, blue, pu: plo and red Plaid Ildkfs. 1 10 12 do. French llrilumiias do. 2 6-12 Britannia* do. 24 Leather Caps, 1 ps. 6-4 Table Diaper, 4 11-12 doz. Pocket Books; 2 ps. sup. black Crape; 0 ” Swiss Book Muslin; 2 “ Tambour’d Book do. 7 “ “ Lcno do. 2 “ superfine Merino Cloili; 4 superfine Green Table Covers; 5 do. blue do. 3 ps. Velveteens; 19 Coverleis; 1 duz. Cambric Hdkfit. 2 “ black silk Gloves; 18 12 do. white do. GROCERIES-. 20 bbls. Prime Poik; 9 “ Mackerel No. 3; 4 “ do. No. 1; 1 pipe American Brandy; 4 qi. casks Malaga Wine; 2 do. Tc-neriffe do. V Ionian bbl. Muscat Wine; 10 I bis. New Orleans Runf; 5 “ Loaf Sugar; 9 kegs Tobacco; 0 boxes Chanipaiguo; 20 “ Riusins; 6 baskets Sweot Oil; 20 boxes Cider; 8 “ Segnrs, fiist quality;; 5 “ Sperm Caudles; 12 “ Smoked Herring, 10 lings ColTeo. All of which articles will be sold by whole sale and on accommodating terms. Mer chants from the country, tvonld do well to call and examine for themselves. June S—4—tf E. WELLS & CO. H AVE just received ut tku sign or tbc-Gilt Boot, 4: doz. fine CALFSKINS. ALSO, Lining Skins, Binding, Sfc. June 28—7—tf COLUMBUS HAT STORE. NOHlsE &. CLARK H AVE received from the Factory by the late arrivals, Huts of the latest fashions, --cor**isrimi or— Black, IF Atte and Drab Pocky Moun tain Beaver and Otter IflATS, i Of u very superior quality, making thfcrr assort ! ment extensive and complete. 1 —— CAPS, Consisting of Seal. Leather, Cliinchilla, Circas sian and Children’s fancy silk. i READV-MADE CLOTHING I O’ Carl; paid for Hutting Furs. ! Feb 17- 4U—tf [eiotijiug* J. s. (SMITH & Co. j NEXT DOOR tO THE COLUMLLS HANK, • Have received a handsome, assortment of I SUMMER CiLOTEIlTG, CONSISTING OU ■ Black Bombazine CO A TS and CO A T£E8, Do. Ciroasniau do. do. | Brown und Green Merino Circassian do. CVtsinutl Frock and Dross do. liluck lasting do. do. do. HOUND JACKETS. Black Bombazine Round Jackets, Brown Linen-miii Cotton do. Do. Striped do. vests. White and figured Marxnillcs Vest* Do. do. Valencia do. Plain do. Silk do. Do. do. Velvet do. Do. do. sSwunsdowndo. COMMISSION BUSINESS, Columhus % Georgia. T HE subscribers respectfully acquuiat their friends aud tho public that they have form ed a connexion m the above business, under the OQine und stylo of SHORTER, TARVER & O They have commodious and extensive arrange ments iu progress for tho reception und stoiuge of produce, and will lie prepared to make advances on the same while iu store or under shipment to ISew Orleans or New York. Vs. S SHORTER, BENJ. P. TARVER. May—19—t JAMES H. SHORTER. SHORTER, TARVER & O M AVE received by the late arrivals the fol- I .ving goods on consignment, which they oiler or favorable terms. f>5 b /reIs choice Cider, 39 Ijuacs Newark pippin do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, <)0 barrels N. Oilcans Molasses, 12 lihds. Bacon. 20 bntrol* pickled Pork, 10 drums Pigs, 0 boxes Huvannah Sugars, Del Vino celebrated j manufacture, i 50 boxes Virginia and N. Carolina Tobacco, i 5 quarter casks Malmsey Wine, i 150 sacks Suit. j 20 cases Lemon Syrup und Liino Juice, • 30 barrels Sugar. ; Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 sucks prime green Coffee* 6 barrels genuine Mononguhela Whiskey, 12patentbarshoar Ploughs, made by E. Parsons, Enfield, Connecticut, Cognac lirundy, together with u variety of other articles. May 19—1 NEW STORE. (StmrriHi. FHXHE Subscribers huve just received and of- JL ferfer sale,,'puuuccqtnitodulingtorms. the fulluwiug articles; 4 HHR bushels gronnd Alain Salt, 9 2t),0UU lbs. Swedes Iron, 1.00(1 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs. German do. 1,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 500 Russia Sheet Iron * 1,000 Hoop Iron, 200 bbls. New Orleans SugiJe, 8 hlids. St. Croix do. 150 bugs Green Coffee, 10 bags Java do. 40 bids, best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, • 24 doz. Lemon 8yrup, C doz. Winn Bitters, 400 lbs. soil shelled Almouds, 30 kegs Dupont’s 1’owdur, 20 kegs Common do. 250 kegs Nails, assorted sinus, 120 bbls. Molasses. 8 bbls. Loaf Sugar, 40 boxes Sperm Caudles, 20 bbls. Mackerel, 350 pieces best Kentucky Bagging, 125 coils Rope, 20,000 lbs. Bacon, Together with divers other nitickta,const;-! luting u full assortment of Groceries SMITH &. MORGAN. Mnv 3—51—tf PANTALOONS. Block Bombazine und Lasting 1’untuloous. Do, Circassian do. Brown ant) black Brochilbis do- White and brown Linon Drilling, do. Do. Cotton do. Drab Merino Cnsimerc Punts, Do. Roan do. do. Cord und Russia Dugk do. Fustlun do. Linen Shirt*, with llulilus, White do. Brown do Linen und Cotton Draws, Negro Clothing. All of which they-nffor for sale ut low price*. Columbus, April 14—48—tf GEN. NEWNANS’ LETTERS. To the Editors of the Federal Union: Gentlemen—As many of ray cousti- moms have manifested much solicitude to ascertain ray views in repaid to the present critical affairs Of our beloved country, I seek this occasion to communicate them through iho medium of your paper. In the first place. 1 believe that tiny member of the Union upon her own resDonsibility, nnd ns a free, Sovereign und intlepundont State, lias tho right to pursue such a course as she may deem the best calculated lo urrest the mischjevioiis aud destructive effects of the odious, unequal tied unconstitutional tariff net of 1832, 2d. I believe the proposition for assem bling delegates in convention from all the counties in ibis State, Rt Milledgeville, in November next, lo lake into consideration our grievances, nnd the proper remedy for their removal, is a wise and prudent mnnsure; nnd I am willing to abide by the decision of the couvunlion if ratified by u majority of tho people. 3d. I am opposed to a separuliou of the Slates, unless wo uro driven to this expe dient, by cunlimtcd robbery and relentless oppression : ami rather thuu support uoy measure which 1 thought calculated to weaken the Union, 1 would acquiesce iu 'the present tariff, bad us it is, fur a few years longer provided 1 could now be con vinced, that il would gradually, und in u short time, be ieduced lo u proper revenue standard. 4th I am opposed to a Southern Con vention, for I uin iipprnheusive^thut in it wo would have to encuunler the wiles of a “ magician,” and the projects of high tar ill, constitutional tariff, and protesiaudo men; and like the Philadelphia Convention it would prove lo be an abortion, and some what similar to the miserable hoax dial was pro up at Baltimore io the month of May last. Oil). I believe die tin iff bill of llio last session of Congress, as much opposed to die true spirit bf tiro constitution, and as burdensome upon die protected articles used in the South ns the net of 1828; and viewing it in iiiis light, 1 full conscien tiously bound to recoid my vine against its passage, and 1 rejoice from subsequent reflections aud examination, in having done so. At die same time 1 have the charity <o believe, that many Southern men who voted for the bill were governed bv good motives. DANIEL NEVVNAN. August 29.1932. a r 1 00 23 34 1 15 8 2 10 2 2 23 j 7W1HE subscriber would inform the ritizeufl of j S. Columbia, nnd other* visiting thin flection i of country, tliut lie lias just opened iiifl Eivyj 8tables on Er.iwford-street near the river, whol j ♦*vory nrrungeraent has been made to accommo- ! dale the puhliein his line of business, on fho most | liberal terms. He will keep horses by tho year, j month, or day, at tho customary rate*, and thorn) ! entrusted to liuc&ro, shall receive the strictest at- FACTORAGE COMMISSION BUSINESS, At Apalachitola. E dward j haiidin, thankful to bin friends for the putrouage already extended to him,respectfully solicits a continuance of the same T® those who may hereafter favor him with their casum, he has the pleasure to say, his arrangements are such as to secure to them tits- patch and economy in the conducting their busi ness at the Bay, being the consignee of the liOats belonging to the Columbus Steamboat Company, and of a regular line of packets miming both to New York and New Orleans- Liberal advunces will be mad6 on produce consigned, when rc- required and bills of exchange purchased on New York. Charleston, New OrlctinB and Mobile. . IT \ liberal price will be paid in CASIf for * .several hundred thousand goad pipo and hogs head Stave* and Heading, delevered at Apala chicola. Colftnbtta. SQlU J. S. SMITH & C>. H AVE commenced business in this place, taken the Stoic next door to the Coluiu Bank, mid oiler for sale u hnmlsomo assortment of Dry-Goods, Clothing, Hats, &c. AMO50 W1I1CU AUK THE FOLLOWING* Rich Prints, French Drilling Foulard Muslins, Loudon do. White do. White silk Pongee Irish Linens and Lawns Ildkfs. White Cambric Linen Fig’d do. do. Hdlcfs. Gentlemen’s whito and Bordered do. lig’d Cravats Berage Shawl* Marble half Hose Crape Scurfs White do. do. Do. Shawls Lambswooldo. White aud black Lacc Clark’s Spool Cotton Veils Pins aud Needles Green Gauze do. Patent Thread Black Italian and Gro* Shoe do. do Nap Silks Cotton und adUUmbrel- Fig’d cbungeables do. las Ital. nnd Cunlon Grope* Bonnet Wire and Reeds Bl’k fig’d Crape Robes Osnaburghs, Fustians Ginghams Bed Ticks Furniture Prints Brown 3-4 Homespun Ladies whitesilk clock’d 44 4-4 do Hoje Check’d do. Cotton do. do. Carpeting Rugs Shell, tack and aside Green Table Covers Combs nud stamped Baize Brazilian do. Dunstable Bonnets Binding, &c. ] case fine Leghorns.&c. It E ADI-MADE CLOTHING EATS, As wo intend selling IbrAMish, purchasers will find our prices low. J. S SMITH tfC'Uoi Colnmbu*, April G—47-^-tf WM, F. IWA 7.0KE, H AS taken the store next door to Smith iV Morgun, second from I. J. Davies iV, Co. corner of Broad and Randolph streets, where he lias just received (fight davslVom New Oileum) u general assortment of GROCERIES. 100 bblti SutMi, 50 bn.f. Coffee, 300 (suck* Suit, 100 |tiece9 entten Buggin-, 50 coils Kune, 50 bM* Wliinkey, 20 <io. Northern Gin, ,20 do. P. Rum, 50 do. Mnlnsse9, 10 do. eld Monungulmla Whiskey, 1 pipe Cognine Brandy, 1 dn. Holland Gin, 30 bbls. Mackerel, No. 3, 10 do. do. No. 1. 20 do. superfine Flour 75 casks Nails, 12,000 Ihs. Huron, Teneriffo Wine, Malaga do. Muscat 8o. Claret do. Cordials. Lemon’Syrup, Raisins, Soap, loaf Sugar, Rice, sperm Candles, Tobacco, Willi many other articles in his lino, which will he sold on accommodating terms. Columbus, June 9—4—'f I teutioh. . I Ho will also keep horses, carringes, gigs, lul- • kies, 1(C. to hire liv the day or for a longer period, j un reasonable terms: 111 horses will be well trained end in good mil.:, .us notions -tillbo wnntingon his part,to promote tho comfort and convenience of the pat rons of the establishment JOHN WHITESIDES. April 28—50—fim To Col. William Cumming, J. King and Augustus Slaughter. Gentlemen :—Always acknowledging the right of the people, to know tho senti ments of thuir public servants, upon all important matters, contracted with their interests, I have already responded, to what I believe was their wish, in lira last Federal Union. To ibis communication, efer you, as a reply to your loner to mo <7T the 20th ultimo, which I have just rend. Having discharged, I believe with •ut complaint, the duties of lira several important, appoiuunents, with which I have linen honored bv the Stiito, for lira last twenty-five years; and after having in my Vomit, often, and fieely, shed inv blood, in defence of the dearest rigltls of oar common country; 1 cannot now believe, ihntmny person, who is acquainted with me, can for oue moment entertain nn 500 pieces blue and other . dark prints Superior stout calicoes, full yard wide. Ell wide common calicoes, 23 yards, for Yard and a hulf wide demaskss, for table rlotlis.yard. 500 pieces double width incri-. nos, all colors The very finest French do. Strip! furniture glazed Good large cloth cloaks each Large camblet and plaid do. Men's stout lambs' wool stockings dozen How quick it weuld ruin iltil country to buy at sucli prices! Mow soon it would bring our laboring clissus to the most nnk- erablu and degraded cdndilldrt; tb be able to buy a whole suit of clothes for $5.— Tariff, protect us front *0 Ihothnlg a con dition ! We beg leave lo add; the plice of sugar in tho West indies is from $1 lo $3 25 per hundred weight. Will any one deny thtsi The frcIgliLfroift thence to Chut lesion is we, suppose about half a ceb't, so that freight and insurance added, the price ol sugar should lie horn $2 to $4 50 per huqdred. W liv is it nioiet because lira tariff requires the importer to pay |2 30 per hundred, as a toll heture it can Imid. rdr tohu. is this toll required! confessedly, that about five hundred of lira richest men in toe United States taay get double price for their su- g“ r - The price of Swedes Iron is in Sweednt one dollar per hundred pounds, in England bar iron sells from uno to two dollars. Why it is increased in price here? because o.:r government will nnt allow it to laud, ur-tii n pays a toll t)f ninufy cents the hundred pounds on tho lowest quality, and up us high, on olhur kinds of iron," ,sg2 50 pur < wi. Who is taxed by tins? E.erv man who uses ti pound of iron. Who is’bene- fitted? lira rich manufnctureis of iron. We to know if tnoro is a country ill the win Id, but our own, that pay* as much us $2 50 per hundred for iron.’ The pried ut Stilt, ni rut k> Island, and we believe in other markets, is six cents u bushel Why is it liiore here? because ihu gov ernment lays a loll upon it of\iboiil 12 cents per bushel, fthat is 10 terns tor 56 lbs.) Who pars this tax? Every nun who up s suit. Who receives it? the rich salt ma ke's, and they are all ricti. Is not this currying lira hard earnings ’nf the many poor, into lira pockets of the rich few. And has it not already built op an order of nobility, us insolent nud arbitrary us ever lorded it over any people? Wo soy all pay u lux upon salt who use il; we are wrong. Our northern brethren, who use it in their fisheries, not only do not pay the tax, but uro puid for using it —for every bushel which they use aud pay 12 cents for; they received u draw back ot 20 coins, getting a bounty of 8 cents for every bushel which they use.— Whilst we pay a tax of 12 cents fur all which wn use, and ;he government that does ihtsjis no tyruny, und must not be com plained of! CIlOLERA among the cattle. A gentleman who bus loccmly speut It few duys with iris fritted* in Galway, Sir ruioga county, informs us tbut then was considerable alarm in tliut place from sev- or*d death* among horses and horned Cat- opinion, that in tho wnnn ot life, I would t tie—mid that on examination of the bodies JUST RE t i T HE fiillowing articlns. together with a largo nnd fiHsli supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, S^c. viz. Swaim’s Panacea, compound Svrup nf Sarsapa rilla; cmnpiiuiid extract Colocynth: Extract* of Gentian, IMieii, Jalap, Aconitine Valerian t’in- clinnn. Sabina, Oircutn; Domircntiri'd Opii; Black-drop; Indelible Ink; Preston's Salt*; Ea rn nen of Mustard; Bear's Oil; Rowland's Macas sar Oil; Rowland's Essence of Tvrc, or linporial dye, for changing rod or grev hair lo hlnck or j brown; compound Chlorine; Tooth Wash, for cleaning and preserving the tenth nnd gums, nnd cleaning tho mouth; Otto of Roses; nil the essen tial Oita, and a general assortment of Porliune- ries; olso, Hydrometers. fi. r ascertaining the strength of spirituous liquors CLIFTON &. KENNEDY. Columbus, Aug 10—13—tf POWERS & NX FEW A RK now opening their assortment of Good) tor tho sSpring and Hummer, consisting of super blue, black and brown Cloths. Lin«ns, Printed Muffins, Calicoes, Gingham*, Hilk*, Fancy Shawl* and Scarfs, Ribbons, Bead Bags, Gloves. aVc Also, F.rminetts, Yellow Nankeens. Black Princetta, French Linens and Drillings, Ac. for gentlemen’s wear. Black and Drub Beaver lints, superior quality. Ready-made Clothing. Columbus, March fi—43 NOIIltSE & CLARK H4VK JUST RKCKIVED AN ASSORTMENT OF WHITS. BEAVER HATS, A Splendid article ALSO,-SUMMER clothing Mu; 14—5‘J—if EEATHERS, £4 M/TH Ac. MORGAN have just received, a supply of Btft live geese FEATHERS, Which they offer lo sell on reasonable terms. ttg.24—15c—tf TEWITAIT ACADBlffi? MiK Trusteed of the institution would t.iko the pleasure of informing the public, thut it is now in operation under the superintendance of the Rev J. Y Alkxandf.ii, assisted by Mrs. Kliza Bikd. They would also state that no pain* will ho spared to advance tho morals, and promote tile intellectual improvement of the stu dent* Board may he had in private families upon moderate terms. And as it regards health, we feel confident in saying that Newnan is un surpassed by any village in the State- Tho term* of tuition are proportioned to the hardness of the times. The second term of the School will commence on Monday the Dth of July. E. L. WITTICII. Wry. June 23—7—tf FIFTY OR SIXTY MILCH cows, mi(7Tni voung Calves, end a male yeailing of the Duilium short-horn breed ;und a First-rate Dearborn yVuggoit,- -All the uetvest patterns dark for rolcj inquire at this ullice. ebiols take any step, not calculated lo cement, (instead of severing) tho Union. From this view of the subject, I entertain some hope, that your fears may be somewhat mitigated, ir. regard lo tile evils, which may arise, from mv supposed association with Hie ** rata hend and bloody bonst” of your letter. [Nullification.] If) could see in your chutcchisiu, solely, » fine, lofty and patriotic regard, for the good nf our common country, and oppressed Georgia, I wonid lie nmong the first to acknowledge aud appreciate it—but’ pardon, and bulieve mo gentlemen, when 1 tell you, thut I cannot, fur my life, divest my mind from the belief that your strange concoction, is intended more foi the ucrom|>lishinciit of certain political projects, than to promote Southern rights and Southern internals. DANIEL NEWNAN. From tlm N. Y. Journal of Commerce. ONE FACT 18 WORTH A THOUSAND THEORIES. in looking over a parcel of London papers our eyes were arrested for a moment bv mi advertisement with the following ’Extraordinary lists of prices.* Wo have calculated the prices nt the established par of exchange, with JO per cent, premium: Good wide Welsh flannel, yard* $0 12 1-2 Extra smut do. full yard wide 18 Blankets 2 yards long, pair 1 25 Extra stout, do. 21-2 yards loug 1 62 Largo sizo counterpanes, colored 37 1-2 Large worsted do. While do. 2 1-2 yards wide Good stout Scotch linen, for shirts, yard Full yard wide bleached linen sheeting 2 2 12 y’ds wide, do. requiring no seam Stout cottonbedtick, yard Wide and stout linen do. 25 87 1-2 12 12 12 1-2 20 7 19 of two of tlranl, there was an indication of tho same causes of deulh, as are found in the human body which had died of chole ra, viz: the blood thick und coagulated at the brcusi. [Albany Daily Adv. It is a fact worth uoliciog that every matt who carries u watch on a sunny day has a ready, nnd efficient means of obtaining ./fee,when lira suit is near his muridinn alti tude. If the crystal of the watch bo opeu- ed and filled with water, it forms a plano convex lens, by which the Solar rays *ro reduced lou focus, which being thrown on any dark colored combustible body will cause it take firo,—Salem Register. Absence of Mind,—A ludicrous example uf ibis kind of absurdity is related of Mr. K——, a courtier of the reign of George III. This personugo went one birth, night to White’s coffee-house, St. James’s, full dressed except his stockings, which ho had forgotten, ns he accidently discovered in consequence of spilling somo hot coffee upon his legs. Hu immediately sent tho waiter lo bring him a pair of whim silk stockings, expressing his ustonishmettt at the inadvcrteuco he had committed, and congratulating himself on having so fortu nately found it out. Tho stockings being brought to him, he put them both on end eg, and went tocourt Good Advice.—In ono of courts in New York, a blacksmith who had n gift of stammering to perfection, was called into court as u witness between two journey men of his, in u law suit; the amount il* qui-stiou being about 75 cents. The judgo. after hearing his testimony, asked bin* why he hud nor advised his workmen to. settle, the cost being five timos the amount of the disputed sum. In reply the witae&t observed: ‘Tl-t-t-t-old the foo-oyols to settle, ls-s-said tho eon-con-slablc would ike liteir co-o ats, tho lawyers their sb- lii^ts, and by j jiug if they got into vnur lion-Honor’* court, you’d ik-sk-sk-sklu ’em.” ,