Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 06, 1832, Image 1

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%Y VAN NE3S, BETHUNE & CLINE. THE ENQtlRER 18 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, A T three dollars per annum, payable in ad vance: nr four dollars if not paid for Wore the end of the y oar. AoVKiiTlswtxXTs will bo inserted nt the rates of scosntg-fioc cents per hundred words for the first insertion, and jijtu cents for ouch week’* continuance. In all advertfitements, the worth that do not amonnt to an even hutDlted, will be considered as an bundled, and charged no such. When tho number of inaortiona of an advertise ment is not specifiod, it will be continued until •forbid, and charged accordingly. -Sheriffs' anil other Officers' advertisements ra- ‘sortod at customary rates. Letters to the Editors on business must be post-paid; and in all cases where it is not done, tho postage will bn charged to the writer. SA'LEd OF LAND, by Administrator?. Exit- cutom. or Guardians, are required by InW to be hold en the first Tuesday ]n the month, between tho hours often in the forenoon and three in the nOornonn, at tho court-house in the county in whilh tho property is situate. Notice of these are to be given in a public gazette SIXTY DAYS pre-dons to the day of sale. SALE9 OF NEGIIOES must be at public u auction, on the first Tuesday of tho month, be- ar , tween the usual hdurs of salo, at tho place of »; public sales in the county where tho Letters Tea- tnmentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may haro been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS notice thereof, in ono of the public ga zettes of this state, ami at the door of tho cotlrt- hotiso where such sales are to be held. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must Do given in like manner for FORTY DAYS previous to the duy of salo. Notice to tho debtors and creditors of an Rotate must be published FORTY DAYS. Notice that appHoniidzi will be made to tho -Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO* St’IX COMMISSION AND STORAGE BUSINESS. fllHE Subscribers moke a tender (if their ser- JBL viccs to their friends aqd the public in the above business. They have in progress an exten sive Ware-Houso and Close Store, which Will be ready for the reception of prodiiee and merchan dise by the first September next, situated in O- fclethorpc street east of and near to tho Insurance' Bank. The convenience arising from its imme diate neighborhood to that part of the town in which the principal pint of the cotton wiil be sold, renders it a desirable place for the planters to deposit their produce. They will iVel grateful for any consignment or orders with which they may bn favored, assuring their friends that their unremitled attention will be exerted to promote their interest. They will be prepared to make liberal advances on cotton and other produce and when required. WM. tl. HARPER, FELIX LEWIS. Odlumhns, Aug. 11—1A—tf EW FtilM AT N APALACHICOLA. GENERAL. AGENCY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, rfllUF. subscribers respectfully ucquuint their JL friends and the public,that they have form ed a connexion in the above business,‘under tho name and style of BOURSE & TAYiOR. Their Wuro-IIouses aro extensive, and their LAND, must be publislioil FOUR MONTHS. 1 . Nelicefor LEAVF. TO SELL NEGROES 1 Himlitio.for transacting tlierr bumncis equal to must ba published for FOUR MONTHS, bo- toro any Older absolute .hull bo mado thereon by ltko Court. those ofuny competitor in their lino. IIIRAM NOUttSF., HENRY R. TAYLOR. Ropt. IStli 19?’—19, ■WAHE-HOtJSE AND commission business. T HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and former pationa. that he has ta ken for the*r.oming season, tho large and commo dious Ware-1 louse owned by Messrs. Cook & Fontaine, situated near tho Steam float landing, ill the town cf Columbus. There is also on the phith lot and attached to tho Wore-House, a close Store House, which will enable the subscriber to receive, store, and forward Merchandize ol all kinds. Cotton and Merchandize will bo stored and forwarded at the customary rates, and the usual facilities afforded Being aegnainted with tho transaction of the above business, and intending to deyoto his exclu sive attention to it, the subscriber hopes to receive & share of the public WHX .Sept- 4,18:12—17, Auction ISooni, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS* T HE Subscriber informs the public that he is prepared and will attend !o the receiving and selling of Goods by ,Auction The smallest favors gratefully received and piomptly attended io. - E. a NORTON, ilticl’r. Aug. 15——14—tf ■ THE WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Business ILL be continued by the subscribers un- W ▼ derthe linn of 8. K Hodges Co. who. 'while they feel grateful for former favors will on- dfeaYnur to deserve a coutinuunce of them, SEABORN JONES, SAMUEL K. IlUDGF.S. On Consignment—And will be Bold on accomvup duhug terms: GROCERIES. £Tl /Ttft bbls. N. Orleans and Florida Sugar, OtPvl 20 Mid*. do. do. 300 sacks Coffee, 250 sacks Liverpool ground and blown Salt, “ alluin and fiomupy ilo, A,000 tbs Custin’gs, pots, ovens, andirons, «Sta. 12 qr. casks Lisbon \\ ino, Porter in bottles; Cider in do.| Axe?; Tea; Loaf Sugar; Whito lluvunna do.; 75-pieces Koutucliy Bagging; i(l “ l aver ness do.; 50 coils Bale Rope} Bagging Tlvinci J5,000|bs. Bacon; 40 kegs Lard; 40 bids. Flour; 10 bbls. Salts;' TOO bbls. N.O. and Florida Molasses middy hip 100 hhds. West India Molusses; JO bh.Is. Pickled Poik, .nioss aad primp; Mackerel, No. 2; Hardwaie, Cutlery, &c. •Jx9,0C0 Scgars. vurious qualities; Truce Chains; Wrought Nftih* Briuls CO kegs Noils. 4d to 20d DRY-GOODS. 40 pieces Linen, various qualities; 8 “ Linen Drilling, White and Red Flannel: Bine Pluintq Checks; Striped Dome-ticks; Fresh Arrival. Columbu'j ilooa $c Statfouara Store, fS/GN OF THE BIBLE ) T HE subscrilier has just received at the ahovo Store, the following new and interesting works—-a few copies remaining on hand. Tho Ambitious Student, by the author of Pelham — Tho Adventures of a Younger Son 2 volV Ro mance nnd Reality, by'Miss Landon. Fulse Step and the Sisters. Tho Wreath, in2 volV hy Har riet Livermore. British Spy, new edition, with Biography mid Portrait ofthe Author. Virginia Housowilb. Splendid Albums, Lillies Sewrcwr. Note- Paper, $fc. ;c. Sfc Sopt 7. ^ E S NORTON. WM. P. MAX.ONU, H AS taken tho store next door to Smith & Morgan, second from 1<. J. Davies &. Cb. corner of Broad and Randolph streets, where he bus just received (eight days from New Oilcans) a general assortment of GROCERIES. 100 bbls Sugar. •, . 50 bhgs Coffee, 000 sacks Suit, J0O pieces cotton Baggiog, 50 coils Rope, 50 bbls Whiskey, 20 do. Northern Gin, 20 do. P. Rum, 50 do. Molasses, , , to do. old Monongahala Whisked, 1 pipe Cogniac Brandy, 1 do. Holland 4i»n, 30 bbls. Mackerel, No. tf, 40 do. t do. No. f. 20 do. superfine Flour 75 casks Nails, 12,000 lbs. Bacon, ' Teneriffe Wine, Mnlaga. do. Muscut ddv Claret del. . Cordialp. Lemon Syrup, ' Raisins, Soap, loaf Sugar, Rice, sperm Candles, Tobacco, With many other articles in bis line, which will be sold on accotiimodating terms. Columbus, June 9—4—if NEW STORE.! From “ Legend, of tho VVest.” • * ~ _ I JERRY SMITH’S WIDOW. * J. S. SMITH &. C<\ j . I left my residence in Kentucky a few H AVE commenced Internes?in this place, and ! years ago, and proceeded IQ Baltimore for lukun tlio Stare next iluor to the GolumhusJ r\ H . purpose of transacting some, business tvilli a inerchaetilo house, with which i hod been extensively concerned? No one Dry-Goods, Clothing, Hats, <&c. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER G. 1832. aiit ©roerrirs. T HE Subscribers have just received nnd of fer for sale, ujioh accommodating lerins, tho following articles: , bwshnls ground Alum Salt, :«VWio,000 lbs. Swedes Irbtf, 1,000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs. German do. 1,000 lbs. Shoot Iron, 500 Russia Sheet Iron li000 Hoop Iron, . 200 bbls. New Orleans Sug|a»\ 8 buds. St. Croix do. 150 bags Green Coffee, 30 hags Java do. 40 bbls. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 24 doz. Lemon Syrup, 6 doz. Wine Bitters, 400 lbs soft shelled Almond* 30 kegs Dupont's Powder, 20 kegs common do. 250 kegs Nails, assorted sizes, ' 120 Mils. Molasses, 8 bbls. - Loaf Sugar, 40 boxes Sperm < /’undies, 20 hblsi Mackerel, 350 pieces best Kentucky Bagging, 125 coils Rope, 20,000 1U Bacon.. Together with divers otlier articles, consti tuting 4 fuUwjvmrtmcnt uf Groceries SMITH «fc MORGAN. MnvJVrSI—tf FIFTH VOLUME- ■igpprowsiiiirrjMwi AMOVO WHICH Rich Frlms, Foulard Muslins, White do. Irish Linens and Lawns n TJIK l‘OI.I.(MVINO; French Drilling London do. Wluto silk Pongee Udkfo. sntned every duy a deeper nnd more dent like him. There was oft# object wbicli iutrodod inio all mv diranis. I need only name iis character, in Order 10 enlist tlm sympn- ihy of evei'v lender hearled feadhr. it was a young widow, for whom I felt a p/if- vlthrlnr regard, and to whom—if I must »poukour, l wasenguged to bo married on return home. She was my fust love* White Cambric Linen f’ig’d ilo. do. Hclkfo. Gentleincn's white and Bordered do. fig'd Oravais Borage Shawls garble bulflldse Crape Scarfs White do. do. Do. Shawls Lanihpwool do. White and blink Luco Clark’s .^pooi Cnftoa Veils Pins and Needles Green Gauze 4n. Patent Thread Black Italian and Gros ’Shoe do. rieNapSilkJ Cotton und silkUnibrel- Fig'd cliringeables do. Ins Bl’k fig’d Crqie Robes Osnaliurghs, , Ginghams Bed 'J’ioUs Furniture Prints Brown 3-4 Ilnrnr Ladies while silk clock’d “ 4*4 Ho3c Check’d do. Cotton do. do. Carpeting Hugs Shell, tuck and izido Green Table Covers Combs und shunned Buizo Brazilian do- , Dunstable Bonnets Binding, Ac. 1 case fine Leghorns. Ac. READY<4lAt>E CEOTillNG HATS a &-t. As vve inton'd selling for cash, purchasers will find our price* low. J. IS. SMITH A Co. Columbus, April (5—47—tf J ust ”iiE ceived I kiion' the object of my jotirimy; because, j being n hhcli,‘lor, in rosy, I w " s " n<Jr ' r to disclose loony j | mymMrc^es rn'l.e^ before'imF liurson more tlion I. llmucht proper. 1 mi.rri.lge, but w:,s too bnslifi.l to dec Jd myselfexplicilely; nml while I Imliincci! mm tors in my own mind, and sought by llio gentlest bints to d sclosc my passion, she, by some fatnlity-J-hy mere nccideni. as 1 have since understood, married 11 cer tain Jeremiah Smith, it fid low for vlutm, and for wlthse iiarno, l had iiltvays ente.*- laittcd a sovereign nnd special contempt. I did not hJante iter for marrying, for that was Iter privilege; but to we'd it follow named Jerry! anil of all the Jeirios in the world to pitch upon Jerry Smith, a dissi. paled, silly |iiofligalty not worth ii v singlo thought proper. left nty litrnt under the direclioit of a Inilii- j ttgitr; with the expectation of letoriting in [ » Ibw weeks. On my arrival iirUnlti- ! more, 1 found that it would he' necessary ; ‘.o proceed to New Oi leans. The vessel | in nltich 1 embarked, after being baffled | and detained by betid winds, nt length sprung a leak, mid wU were obliged to put 1 into Havana. > Here various delays occnrnd, nnd as t Itf d changeable* do. !n« j roultl neiilie* talk Spanish, play .billiards, Ifitl.and CaninitCrapes Bnnnot Wire and Reeds nor smoke cigqrs, the time hung so heav- POWERS & NAEEW A RE now opening their aaxoitnient of Goods for tho Spring nnd Summer, corieinting Of ftuper blue, black nml brown Clothe, Linens, Printed Munine, Cnlicoen, GinglmmH, Silks, Fahey Shawls und Scarf’s, Ribbons, Bead Bags, Gloves. Ac. Afso, l' ( rminclts, Yellow Nunkcens BUck Princcttn. French Linens nnd Drillings, Ac. for gentlemen’s wear. Black And Drab Uoaver Hats,, superior •quality. Ready-made Clothing. Columhas, Mutch S—43 T |IE following artidus togcjiier with n largo 1 and fresh supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Class, fyc. viz. Swaim's Tnntfccn, compound Syrup of Bnrsnpn- riiln; compound, yxtruct (.’olocyntb: Ex I rafts of Gentian, Ulieii, Jalap, Acmutuiu. Valeiinrv. Cin chona, Sabina, (,’ircut.i; Donnrcoiireil Opii;^ Bbiclc-drop; Indelible Ink'; IVston’** Suits; Es- sonefi of Mustard; Bear’s Oil; Rowland's Mncut-- sur Oil; Rowland’s Essence of Tyre, or imperial dye, for changing rod or grey linir lo black or brown; compound Chlorine; Tooth Wash, for cleaning and preserving Che teeth and 'rums, nnd cleaning tho mouth; Otto of Roses; all the essen lint ()ils, und a general assortment of Perfume ries; nlso, Hydrometers, tor ascertaining the strength of spirituous lifjuors. CLIFTON A KENNEDY* Colnmhns. Aug 10—13—tf "“COTTON. 6^MITH A MORGAN will wish to purchase early in the Fall, 1000 bales of Cotton, lusquaro packages and Kentucky baggin#.weigh ing between four hundred and four iiundjod and fifty pounds, purposely foVthe New Orleans mar ket. for which a iiberul prieb will be given. DOLLARS A ITU’ Tickets’fur llui uhovo Prizn utny bo had hy applying wion. SFCOND DA Y’S DRAWING OF THP MiUcdgevillc Street Lottery. Will take pbiC'* on Saturday the 8th day of Do- cembor at the CTourl House in 10 o’clock, A. M., at which time will be deposited in the wheel the following SPLENDID PRIZES,'iz: i rniza of $10,000 1 700 raff) 500 m 200 In addilinn lo lUos»|»jaw fouling in the wlmol, \’\Ai \ OF 5 « f . a 24 100 And the first drawn No. will bo entitled lo u pnzo . of $1,1100.. It will be seen ihnl the chance tor a Hi Iks Sowing H1IU; CoUon; i prize is fur (-router Ihnti nt any previous drawing. Calicoes; Colton und Wool Caids; | Persons ut u distance will do well to order tickets immediately, us but lew remuio ou band Orders enclosing the rush, postage paid, will meet with prompt attention. Wholes »10—Halves $5— Q’-’s. $2 50 E. S. NORTON, Agent for the Managers, Brnad-strcet, Columbus—20—tf BOURSE &<^ARK HAVE JUST RECEIVED Al» ASSORTMENT OF WRZTB BEAV8& KAT8>, A splendid article. ULOTHINC; May 14—52.—if Musipiito Netting; Writing and letter Paper; Huts; Leghorn Bonnets; Bouts A Shoos. FURNITURE. f Secretary and Bouk-Cnsc; Bureaus; 1 Ladies’ Work stand; 1 Portable Desk. July 10—9—tf COLUMBUS HAT STORE. M. A NOURSE & CLARK H AVE received from the Factory by the lute arrivals, Hats of the. latest fashions, —CONSISTING OF — Iliad: % White and Drab itocky Motui- tain Beaver and Otter HATS, or a very wporior quality, making t^ur asrort mont extensive nnd complete. —ALftO— ^ . CAPS* Gon-.'isting of 8o»l. Leather, Chinchilla. Circas sian nnd Children’s fancy silk. READY-MADE CLOTHING O' Cnrli paid for Uidling Faij, Fib IT- Lfi-iJ SHORTER, TARVER & C» H AVE received by the late arrivals the fol- h wing goods on consignment* which they offer or favorable term*. 55 U /re 1* choice Cider, 30 bq A «s Newark pippiti do 70 barrels Gincinnuti Whiskey, GO barrels N. Orleans Molusst^, 12 hhds. Bacon, 20 hurrels pickled Pork, JO drums Figs, 0 boxes Havannali Segura, Del Pino celebrated manufacture, 51) boxed Virginia nnd N. Cnrohhn Todrcco* 5 quarter casks Malmsey Wine, 150 sack! Salt. 20 enaex Lemon fiyrup nnd Limo Juice* hO barrels Sugar. Barrel* Irish Potatoes, 20 sacks prime green Coff«e, 5 barrels genuine Monongahela Whiskey, 12 potent biirshear Ploughs, made hy E. Parsons, Enfield, Gonnectieut, Cognac Brandy, together with a variety of other Bttich:*. Mhv 19—1 ON COSgSX^MBHT, AND FOR SaLE liY SHORTER, TARVER & IX jw O |ii«ces Circussums; 3 11 Superfine Conibiizetts, '; 82 “ Fancy Prints, do. 68 “ Plahi mid Striped Donioslice; 8 “ Negro Cloth ^wouUenj) 7 11 Siiitiueti; 3 “ F ustiuos; 32 do 1 /.; blue, purple and red Plaid lldkfs. 1 10-12 do. French Uriutunitia do. 2 0-12 Brimmiias du. 24 Leather Caps, 1 ps. 6-4 Table Diaper, 4 11-12 dos. Pocket Books.) 2 ps. sup. black Crape; <3 “ Swiss Book Muslin; % “ Tambour'd Book do. 7 “ “ Leno do. 2 “ superfine Merino Clolb; 4 superfine Ciecn Tnble Covers;. 3 do. blue dot 3 ps. Velveteens; 19 Coveilew; 1 do#. Cambric Hdkfib- 2 “ black silk Gloves; 1 8-12 do. wlmo do. GROCERIF.Si 20 bids. I*rime Pork; 9 “ Mackorel No. 3; 4 “ do. No. 1; 1 pipe American Bmiidy; 4 qr. casks Malaga Wine; 2 do. Teneriffe do. 1 Iiulian bbl. Muscat Wine) 10 bbls. New Orletins Rum/ 5 “ Loaf.Sugar; 9 kegs Tobacco; (3 boxes Champaignc* 20 “ Raisins; 6 baskets Sweet Oil*} 20 boxes Cider; 8 “ Sugars, first quality/ 5 “ Sporm Candles; 12 11 Smoked Herring, 10 bags Coffee. All of whicli articles will be sold by whole sale and pit accommodating terms. Mer chants from tho country would do well to call and examine for themselves. June 8—4—If lly upon my bauds., that 1 soon Irettcd tin self into a bilious fever. In tliiscon- ™pun (iditioir tnv captain left me, without saving so much ah good bye; and wheu at last I reached New Orleans, by'another Vessel, l found that the person with whom my af fairs Imd besn entrusted, was absent, nnd not expected to return lor several weeks. There was now no alternative left me, but either to abandoh the. object of my voyage, and'-risk the entire loss of n large sum, or by remaining, expose my uonsii- lulionpalreudy debilitated ahd. predisposed to disease, to tho dangers of n very sickly climate. Unfortunately I adopted the luitor course. I found the weather ns hot here as in Cuba, the language us incomprehensible), and tho billiard rubles quite ns devoid of ot interest. The sickly season was fast approaching, and as I Imd determined not to escape disease hy flight, 1 endeavored to avoid it by precaution. It is amusing enough to those who can look on I'rOm n distance, to see the various expedients by which men endeavour to contend with death; ns it ihe great dostroyer was n toe who could bo eluded by cunning, or baf- lied by force. The yellow Ifever assailed die iahabitan.s; 1 felt the malady, Or i bought I felt it, creeping slowly into my system, and resorted to every preventive July I i—1>—tf ft. W. DZLLU-JCiZAM, has ran sam: ll.VUItFL.S prime pickled Pork, put up a ode i iuKuection ut L'luciuuuti.. 20,00(1 Ills. Huron. 60 bbls. Mackerel, 100 do New Orleans Molasses, 00 do Western Whiikoy, gist do New Orleans, dugnr, 50 do low jiricod Sugar, 200 sacks Liverpool ground und Turk's Li ned Salt, , 150 bolts Brown’.? celebrated Kentucky cot ton Hogging, 100 sides upper Lumber, 3.000 Ills, sola Leather, HO coils miJo Hope, 5.000 His. bleu grit lirindatones,. Slav 10-1 IS f|* J. M. SMITH &. Co. r.KXT HOOK YU THE COLUMliUR HANK, Have rcccipcd a handsome assartment of SITMMZPs SLOTEIlTGj GO.' SISTINO DF Blavk Boinhaxinc CO ATS A nd COATEES, Do Circassian do. do. Brown and Grcon Merino Cifcassiun do. CheineU I’roi U und Drosa do. Black lasting do. do. do* HOUND JACKETS. Black Bombazine Bound Jackets, Brown Linen and Colton do. Do. Strijiod do. iv; ;s TS. White and figured .llnrmlllea Vests, 'll, ! brass farthing, was too bad! It was flying in the faco ftf propriety, and trenting her oilier lovers, who were numerous, wiilt in dignity. Poor girl! site had a find lime of it, Tor Jerry treated her worse thnn ft liruR; but ut the end oftwo years he had the grace 1o p'Op off, leaving her ponnylost and ns pret ty as over, It was n long time nfier Iter widowhood before we met; I could, not call on her, nnd as to cqurting Jerry Smith’s w idow, that Seemed out of the question. Hut when we did meet, site looked so stui nnd beautiful, nftd smiled so pensively, and talked so sweetly of old times, (Imt all her power of fascination vtver me revived. I began to visit Iter, thinking of nothing more at first, than to show tier my auperitority over Jerry Smith, and to convince bet' how great a slight she Imd shown to my merits In selecting him. But in trying to make myself agreeable to (lie widow, she becnnio so very agreeable to mu, that in spite of all my fot mer resolutions, I offered her my hand, which was accepted wiilt the most charming grace imaginable.~ TltiS was just before my journey, and as that could not bo postponed, wo agreed to pot off the wedding iltitH my return. Such was tho heamifut vision that hail smiled npnn me through all nty wander- which my own reason, or iho experience I j ngs . bftt which now w'as presented to my Do. do# Vjilijociu do. Plain do. Silk do. Du. do. Velvet do. Du. do. SwutiNdowu do. PANTALOONS. Black Bombazine and Lasting FantnlonSa, Do. Circassian do. Brown und bluclt Brochnias do. White and brown Linen Drilling, do. Do. Cottun dtl. Drub Merino Cusimoro Punts, Do. Roan do. do. Cord and Russia Duck do. Fustian do. Linen Shirts wall Bullies, WliiU) do. Brown do. Linon and Cotton Draws, Negro Clothing. AH of which they offer foV suit! at low prices. Columbus, Aprit-t4—4H—tf e7wells&co. of others suggested I first tried the Snngrndo plan; drunk water - , ate vegetables, and suffered phlebo tomy, But I soon found thut 1 could not endure starvation, nor carry on the func- linn? id lilt, w?ilimn a line suytply of the ! cit dilating medium. I resorted to Stimu lants rind tonics—n mint Julnp in the morning, bitters nt noon, nnd wine alter dinner; but ulas! with no beltci success; for every timo tliat I looked in the glass, 1 discovered, by my sallow visage, that tint enemy was silently making Ins ap prontiies. My eyes became jaundiced— mv pulse heavy—my skin dry—nml my complexion received a new coat of yellow every day, deepening at first into a delicate orange, (hell to saffron, and lastly to a re- a) copper color, until I began to fear that i was actually degenerating into a Span iard, a Quarteroon, or a Clt orokee. " Coming events throw tlioir shadows before,“ nnd on this occasion tho shadows tinging my face were but too prophetic. The dreadful fever came ut liist and I sunk into a stale ofhclplcss misery, which none can truly estimate but those who have felt its poignancy, I was. a Stranger, far front home; in a climate tainted with disease; nnd attacked by a disorder supposed to bg lalal. That niulady, among other, dis tressing characteristics, has ono which is peculiarly aggravating, I know not wheth er others are similarly affected, but to me a fever brings a state of excitement and sensitiveness which produces the most ex quisite torture. My who'e nature is sub- tilined—every feeling is quickened—and every sense sharpened into a puinful acute ness of perception. The judgement is wcukened, but the imagination acquires a supernatural activity: the body sinks, but the spirit is feelingly alive. Sucti was my J state. In thp early stages of my disease,'a iboiisnnd wild visions were in my bruin. I made rhymes; repeated pages of Latin, al though in a moment Of sanity I could not have connected a sentence; 1 saw people whoso faces had been forgotten for yenrs; I citllcilMp events wbicli had transpired in my childhood; I planned novels, composed essays, and devised theories; I fought bat tles ; I recalled the joys, and repeated the sins of my whole life. I was a madman, philosopher, n devotee, and n wag, in the the same hour. At one moment I prayed fervently; at another I dropped the doc- tor’s nostrums in my sleove, nnd amused myself With inventing ingenious answers to deceive him and feigning symptoms which Hidnoi exist. I jested, mornliaod, H AVF. Juki received at tho sign iff tho tiilt | groaned, wept, and laughed; and found in Bwa. ouch new mood that came ovor me, a pang 4 doz. fine CALFSKINS. .ALSO, Lining Shins, Binding, Sfc. iutws 28—7—tf LAW BLANKS rojn salb at Tnte orj jw\ L OT 197 io the UtU district of Muarogec county for «ale hy June g»4t GE(L. \Y. DILLINGHAM, FIFTY OR 8INTY MILCH COWS, W ITH yopnp Calve*, and » male yearling of the Durham «hort*hnrii breed; and a First-rate Dearborn Waggon, r!l £ept. 1. La^uiro at tbvUffk's- pang equally agonizing to that which I had suf fered in tho one that had just passed off. Such is fever! an excruciating bodily pain, a brilliaucby and stiength of intelle,- tnnl vision which looks balk to infancy, and forward to eternity, and around upon die whole scene - .if life, while Ibe menial eve is crowded with images, Whose mini her and viveilness weary and distract the brain. Los* of strength, stupor, and mel ancholy succeeded. ^ 1 lb, light of home, of mysoli; and dcatnf atm uiy vision# as- distempered fnnry, arrayed in the brightest colours, In vain did 1 sometimes try to banish it. I thought of business, my fnmt, my negroes, my tobacco—bftt anon canto the graceful widow, with that sapie sinild and blush that she wore when she faintly murmured * no 1 und expressively looked ‘yes,’—them she was, bringing fondly over incatid chiding nty delay. This could not last for ovyi j anil just when every hotly thought that I was about lo die, I grftw better; und to my great joy was put on board a steam boat bound for Louisville. For a day or two I continued to recritit; change of air, scene nnd food, did wonders; but tho happiness ol speedy recovery was Pol fated to be mine. I bad embaiked in a steam boat of tiro largest class, on board of which worn four hun dred pessengers. The weather was ex cessively hot, thoro wore many tick among us, und the atutosphero between tho decks soon became impure. Thu yellow fever was then said to bo on board: and our comfortless situation was rendured'dreud- ful by the panic tlmt ensured. I re lapsed, and-was soou pronounced • past recovery. 1 had tho yellow fever, end was con sidered a fatal hearer of contagion. It was thought proper to remove me front the boat, and to abandon me to my fate, rather than endanger the lives of others. 1 was accordingly put on shore; but whon or how it happened I know not. I have a fnintjrecolloction of being lowered into tho yawl, and seeing people gazing at mo; I hoard ono sav “ he'll die in an hour;’’ another inquired my name; on» voice pitied mo; and another said I hud made a liftppv oscupe from pain. I thought they were about to buy me, and became sonc-less. When i 'covered my consciousness, I found myself in a cabin on the shore of the Mississippi. A kind family had received und nursed me, nnd had brought mn Intel, to lifu after I hud been long insensible.— They wrre poor people, who made their living by Cuttfng fire wood to supply th«J steamboats; a lean nnd sallow family; whose bilious complexions, and attenuated forms, ultested tin; withering influence ol* i corrupted atmuspbere. For two weeks I was unable, to rise from the miserable bed with which their kindness had supplied me. I counted every log in tho wretched cabin; my eyo became familiar With all the coats, gowns, and leathern hunting shirts that hung from the rafters. 1 noted each crevice, ami set down in my memory all the furniture and cooking utensils. For loin teen long summer days my eyes had no other employment but to waa- der over these few objects again and again, until at lust nothing was left to her discovered, Hltd I closed them in iho dis gust occasioned by the sameness of tho scene, or strainer’ them in search of soma- tiling new, Until my eye balls ached. But I had no more foverisli- dreams, nntT when I thought of the widow Smith, it wus with the delight of newly awakened hope; and with the confidence that bolter (roaclodod on fourth page.)