Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, May 01, 1860, Image 1

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Proprietory V HTR.CT OOWTRUCT.O* TUB OONST.TimoK-A* UONRST AND BCONOM.CAT. AUM.mHTRAT.OK swer to this meantime, ioRAToft, gailt) (fcnqturcr. 18 HJhLlSllM) ' w _ • l " Douglas do at CliarJeM y—Sundays ExpeWod. "‘J-'mll have n positive K3 g£R ANNUM 1\ADVANCE. [ jfiiion in a few , Vt J tfs^ZyC:::x «««■ <(.»'«. >« ... ** - I/Pttlmp preliminary questions, we take urea- ^ i /<L .fill Li , *i° n to rr|)cat the conviction with which tffkij? <C' | "'T'' 1,ee " that Doug).. vm*os ,A —°“ s “- * : 'T .*'“" r Kine " w.mick_ih,t ho Cists por ajaum, j w '" oil.ior he (he nominee hiaieclf or deoig. ujaaaiccc., or tuu^nm nnle inme one la lake the poiition, wi.h a reeorelnn lo himiriC at the end of font year.. «-* WU make a fn nil cun, b# (Varied where j Hat,,rsl "id prolonged effort to procure the ide before the e^’Iru'Jon of the ■ nomination of 1) luglu* himself, and they j mojr urge hi* claim* with such pertinacity produce a sectional schism, if the no, Mississippi ami Louisiana dole* unce. /square In the Enquirer * Rabsbo tcully in curliest in their expressed llZdwiJ^u!' ***** C ° ftUi “’ j »'» reuret hi* nomination even )!^uuU*he<) at the luatl rstre I 1 ’ dwuplion. "o rrgatd it as very Jpubt- I i to tlu* rnjuUiUons of it,a | ^bother Douglas can obtain the noiui- nation for himself. The manifestations of Black Republican strength at tLo North admonish the Ilernoctury that they must I *ol; to the South chiefly fur their ulectorol votes in Novemhi r, audit would ho thu tvor*t ol policy tor the tcciion that can do nothing toward* electing a Democratic President lu force on tho sretiou that is expected to do neutlv n ;| an unaccrptnhlp candidate. Dut, While Douglas may he l.>ro»d by ibis sectional character of the runvnsa to retlir ; it by no means follow* that hit opponents can obtain n !iiuin|)h in (lie nomination. U r do not belirv- that njllirr Hunter or Lunp, or any other candidate of t|„, Admin* isirntiun wing, rlar.ds a chanco at Chutlns- ion. I he Soutli may he rullh il on Hunter, a d iViuisyI'onia may bo drill.d by the AdminiMintion in’o bis column, but hr will ►till fall considerably short of tl.o iion.ino- t:ou. Luno may possibly d.» biiil belter utter Hunter and the other Non thorn can didates hio r. tiled, but Douglas’ friend* have n stronger eauno to resist the nomitta- inu to tho “hitter oml” than they ppoee that of Hunter nr any other j Southern man. being not only n Northwestern innu, but th« especial randi- I iThundr^”*’ A P*» £0- 1860. TltTISEMFyS ei at OsR^'ivaR per square, oo, and yrrr Cwirs f.>r every | tfnss charged »X tbs Teg. tended to nromnlc the private joratfons, Boricth-s, A-lomts charged as ariwrti'ciiicn's. .IVEfTlNVIGORATOR, '•EBIhlT.VTKK i TIKI I.V MtoM (if'IS. [ uislted fact, n Mamlant Approved liy all have used si lo «r|ih i-ontldeure In all the n- recommended. '••t* oj ‘•hi cure LIVER Con., raw ft 1‘Uiiite, Hfl!'-**- Aiinrk«, I ail Byspiqislw, Gh runic 1*1- tl.e nirlta-n, +timiner Coin- I o I trued S iOmUiis, ilrs-nlciy, Drop | 2 '.v.SourMoioarh. Ilaldt , ttH|tet:vrr.MS.n>oh NOT A.MEN A It 1 K TO KKHKItAl. LAWS. In ihc Mobile Register of the 10th in*t., w« find the dreisi ’n of Judge Joxva, of :he United Sutca District Court, in the case* of the United Stairs w. Horatio N. Could and others. The defendants were indicted for buying or illegally holding in hondagi African negroes recently imported into this country. Tho indictments against (him wera quashed, on the main ground that the oir.-ncc "'■* one punishable by State, and not by lVdoral Inwg. The nrgutneul of the Court on this point is thus briefly stain) by the Register.' “Slaves being by the Constitution placrd on precisely tho eanip footing as all other property, Messrs. Arru- ietea-.l & !!«»y]r« argued, the federal juris diction extends over them in precisely the r-ame manner and to the same extent, but no more than over ull other property. Thus, so long as unbroken merchandise arrives in unbroken bulk, tho Federal jurisdiction extends over it; but so soon ns tho cargo is broken and dm merchandise dispersed among the sevrul purchasrie, it can only bo reached by process of tiro Statu Courts. Hence, whatever laws Congress may enact against tho original importer of African slaves, they cannot be made to apply to the puichuser who acquired the property within •ho limits and by the laws of mi individual . Cliol.' j in, Klatnb-nce, ■ • ti. v\ » I.AI! Wbause »tli wilh the Invtffo* icr Hot tie. n shiny *.»U wal-r sill, b, ti , , »B«1 swallnw hi.ttt tojrcMt Price One UoltHr ALSO,- aAKrponu'a FAM1I.V ATHARTIC PILLS, 11 '*' COMPOUNDED FROM The Court sustained this position very strongly by nutliorilirs derived from the Koports of thu 8uprcmo Court of tho Uni ted Ntntcs, mid |»y n clear and consistent interpretation of tho several provisions of the Constitution bearing upon die qui stioii. Tho decisioii will no doubt be generally acquiesced in, nh«l by the 8-m'h wifi I P ! regarded a* t>n lmjiorUnl cotton of fc«tiito rights, cotiridcred it «!. rogatory it The Esquimau. V\ o were surprised about noon by din ap pearance of mi Esquimau. He came up he beach, ami wav ns much astonished n$ *ur«|ves. We recognized him na one of thoso who were nt tho ship last wilier. His name was Amalatok. After exchanging ‘Mutations, he Routed himself upon n rock with a cool dignify quite characteristic of people, ami began to talk in a rapid and nnitu-ited manner. cont inudu «| hird-akins, fcatheis turned in- wanl ; bear-skin pantaloons, hair outward ; tanned sealskin boots, an I tlog-skin stock ings. He (old us that ho lived mi the pas- tern side of the island {—that he had ;» wife, nut no children ; that hit* brother, who bail a wife and chiIJren, lived with him ; mid •hut they had hern visited by white men (kahlunet) not long vince. They were evi dently the same people whom Dr. Kane had i ‘""I ho met on his southern journey in August— •ii our viMitor’s description, his distant fr mi i ur camp about reo miles. It Could bo reichetl, m> auui, ly by climbing over tho mountain, which m a ddficull undertaking ; or by walking Mig the bench at low tide. He emrinl in s hand two little auks, il of seal (lit halt-putrid walrus flesh. He uraion round the island to set fox-traps ; and the flesh was intended tor king with us, he took up his auk*, twisted oil' tho head, and, Mr. Crittenden's Declination. At tho festival in Alexandria, on tho 12th iusl., tha birthday anniversary of thu im mortal f hy, Mr. Crittenden look occasion •° announce hi* declination in advance of •bn Frcsidenlial candidnry, in the following felicitous termc. We copy from tho Nntion- il Iutelligrneer J “Mr. t'rittemlcu then disclaimed nil ides n d all wish tor the Presidency, signifying •' ’ ‘ tiro and rest after a long period •f public srrvicn. He did not unde -taiiiMi, whatever ho might think of some nen win had held it. Jlo hnd no hope hr -mild liuvc it if he wanted it, mid does not vant it if he could have it. He said this ,U1 1 °f • n mock modesty ; lie hail always For himself, he had served out liiu •lire. Mr. Clay, r the Presidency three pier bladder filled long anxious lent. -hieI Mngisliuic. Not a man ol vacillation, ml a man of strong and good heart, «b t , ouhi *it here joyously among hi* fellow cit- .'.••nn to-nighl, mul to-morrow go with linn I make a strict oxerution Eurllifcr by the America.?; A t London *»he money market wn« report -d .1.5 ,'lv ,,,i f r ; 0<pd 'V 1 he bullion yi iho Hunk <> l.iiglaml find decfcascd ilirnc liundndam vinjity-seven lliousaud pounds 8fe»lin«». Hreadsitifla were reported dull, but » ** «ss«ly prices. , ,|ir holidays pre-locrd qut lly in all huriui-salrnnsacii'ms. Tnursda rday. •loll: I in lire dnr ‘ At I ill rc,' •Hlenns tre- i 'rdioaii and Has at UN francs, lor the week irncbcd 5.UW bal. 81 hand was l.l.’i.onti bales. I be not or ion «A liter . in prlxe fighter, ' had been arrested in Eng- p ilie peace, real Uixlcrn will ml ami !-.■ I'tep of his duty, i •hat should giro plseo -It was .lacksou’s for lave him bis popularit lent must have physic murage ; so ns to nice the North inserted the index linger of Ills right haioi 'breath upon his longua under tho integuments of (fie nock, drew it I * ,,s ' r . 1 "*«» Picsidnnt.” who could not do 0 a stouter and hcl- «’ of rhancirr that - A proper J’rc»i- 1 na well ns moral a man who *||ou!d •r iIm South with him, n the bml i his long thumb* , and us qn.i.k! 1 l lumps of fle%h, ivnleft uy body wi o wfluid . Iruded a great I f coming fru the heart to do this i„ fhfl leuht fracture iv ill he m "ho lias lO'f (it'" , Haiti Mr. • Vor ilia I' "ill be • t, thu Uuioi fit for the rico he in he found ho he ill linn that v '*'* ] 'bill’ll It-r. tilts •lapMticsc. "i'Ih of tho movements vc days’ anil of Wash* in J-ranciscouii the.'ith, press nh<il.l.! i upu only hshii should aho t<-1 Yrddablr Krtrucli, •"> • trill." .... r FAMILY CATIIARIIU PIU,|.»' gentle lint _rrtr# ( , atf..iri! ti the l<r»|.riftor tins used trprsctlee more than i-venly vear, ' on.iatolv I- r ,, rd to thel •fd w r t o p I ,t. ,• hi vfiAln the rsHi li <o i_ . i v--« rProfesdon well 1 nr*-«t, ihat differno ('« ^ IrKIt t'» set on « t S4 t»t >V V'tILY CVTtl*\ ■.<!.' l-IIL hi* wilh ■! _j ,: | , body, from * • ... . I!. cl«d, end mi a l ng (' -u-«- r, R CrVCpiDg >rn..,'i Ml Rintlsmu-o, 11. , . ill lunasi'nstory I) • ... ,. ilhetnnaUsn . a pn it the date of the Administrnli <i bi'lievo that Douglas’ friends would acqui esce in 1,1* nomination if made they l' u,c *' :l would probably organs separately, ' " tr Hurco's friends did in 1H18. Il this view tf the etriiggl. phases mul m the motives tt lie c »rrect, who is likely to bn Dougluh’ rtvcniontr? Whom will Warwick tnakj not ina ^ < '> and drag to p of a Noutlicm Ntute hold n Pile Federal at-sump I pc i son a rile cr industry, blit ith blood-hound bidden importations when s varying this usurpation bus b, the decision ubovo noticed Southern Stairs regain that high Upwn the hack—and it was skinned. He then null a'ling the bicn«lhti pro luced two fine fat | lie generoU'ly ollcn .1 t tske them. Ho evidently courtesy ; but the raw m such band* and treated m lliisnianne lilting. Peterson I'Xpl.timil io n bad j list broakfasted, mid beg- geil, must politely, that ho wool.I not rub hnnM-lf. It did not pb'ii-t-t him that "i clinod bis hospiuJity ; which Waa c\ill. K I kindly intended, mill Was In Slowed i sovereignly manner which allowed plainly that ho i, that t'. u- tin) iinpoiiiince of propneioiKhip. II.. not "ait for further mvicition. ,in.| took lunch with a gusto quite refreshing to washing it down with „ ,| rl „k o| ill linn, lit: ollered to u-; but iigi comprlli-il to commit the tlwcouriesy o| rhiiiiii* the prt-llricd atteniion. The leinsin- der ol hw oil, which m t u ,.j |„ r cooking two meals, the other bird, and the coil of thong, wo purchased of him for llm-e needles. Ho had, ho tnitl, no stock lor hu ... , , "hip, and he begged l-.r u pn-co ol wood, j thousand d'ollnra UH^.ceu'^aViproVnau'd ’’ K "'" ••> « « splinter lioin u piece of I ,r '"' 1 'ho c ty trunsury tu provide lor thorn hoard, which we carried lo patch Iho boat ! M "' ,ul ''*’ <'"'‘‘ r 'iuinnnni. All the Corpora- ,,in: I l,l! ‘ I hnc'nm Cnvc','’ , - nr " ,l, . nr * 01 1,10 rV,!- v p'r for Canada An Arne... -Seilly Lliinda, It- that I lie ales will prohnbly leave nlungaiflr, pOHSibh*. [lit bntween Hoc cully cotton bolt. r. her all ilie nt*hi 1 )l« HOppO-, (), posted i ely postpotud. in coin maud n| the From Uio Washington States, lf»Ui. | f-opv of Clio t.'elebruu-d l.cttcr ol Pres- I Idem Hiiclianaii to Hun. Itubcrf J. Hulker, when Governor of Kuiibus. Wasihroton, July 12.1857. d/v Pair Sir: I duly received your letter " 1,10 ult. on Friday I nut, and read it 7, 7 Liibinei, (hen insL-es'on. 'I’he views w-lin-h ii coninined wero nut calculated to assure us of voui rrss, thou \ ■ di( - i despond. Hoik «nti«Jiuciiou we Eire In wt. Mniys. FEn.NANUi.VA, April 22.— About 4 oVIod •1*1“ morning n fire- ec-urred nt ,*»|. Nlnrv** entirely dc-ilroying Ihiriir Si c . n„ \|,||' ,,,, ucihcr with n|| iiio out l-.uldings. inrl lihnj “ - - • dwellings—also a large mum' * ‘ i Hoi an berk lying a i H'y of lumbe tlm wlim | was compelled n, rscntic the Ihmice. ndc'iird to Mr. W Fli'tidiati fiir abov convention held instant. im: point on whi' h your own success lepcndd is, thu aiibmicsion of tl.o constiiu* ion m tho people ol Km. s; ami by the teople I mean, tiie actunl howi fideicHidenis "lio have been long enough m mo Tcrrito- ry t«i identify tlictiiKi Iv. s with it* ime. Tl,t, legislature determined three month!, a* the period ol rt Hidenco io eniiilo individuals to 1 l‘>r mrmbura ol mu convention ; and in convention should think proper to it the same period to en'iilo individual* oto lor or ughiiiR'. iho oonstitution, it urn io im- if*-- w >uld bo reiiMonahlo. n tlm qije*itoil of submitiing the consti- to iliu /..»«<« fide rcMitcnt* of Kansaa, 1 willing Di stand or lull. It ia tlm prin* t Kimsi.i Nebraska law; the popular sovereignty, ami the ItiiJ kins. The JluiiNt-lioidcr. ‘Mr. liliikiiis." says mv wife on the morn- 1,1 e “f " a-liin«-day, •H-idgef rr»inp!nin« that • 'nothing is the mutter with the soft* water ■M'cll, n«y dear.’ I replied—I ant very 'rcfnl input in nil the H"'c tender expie- uvea o-i washing dny' ring found them •I * rv«» odmirnlily . -loliificrs at a u cii tv—*1 will arc about i.,’ quite finished rending my morn- ) had m.: pap- r. amt ai a moment to conclude the tecum of the Ins' fearful casualty, wlmn Unit.**.. 9 ., — thrust into tlm door, as an old-fashioned hrnaa iplo priiicipb principh - Tlm i -ill oiiudaiio! nit popular j • Bridge rul and bright warming pan. again.' •t wish you we didti’l rpenk K. Well,’ replied my wile, 'I've done «|| I i do nl-out it. unleea I am expected to -it nv the box and fix it. I expect every clay when I shall have lo do such work. A "onion's lib m l.nrd enough ai the best, but a little additional service would not hu-i her 1 dare say. Perhaps in the intervals --I household duties aim might toko in jobs of p.ttup mending.' #1 !. id nothiiiL'. ‘Mr. Hlifhinn.’ said Bee m tho pump V *'i“ U!l “ ‘■••‘d iti a 'one that complete' r.-iimn Ibe horror awakened hv the car d throwing the paper aside I pre ’said the, ‘thepump's gone crc,’ nroro to my lips, but I wile, 'will yet! ll-> isiblo Ktution. Tii • the Hi, I-S'./I. Rr; II. Habcork j - dispatch.— t Apprehended fahlnct Tronh WAsiiiNorort, April 21 m . , .'. vp .' ,l 'f ,f ‘ r indicntc* il * lustiniiinv l , and be lorgotton. In tic ),1 would ulvisti you io priiwipln ol ti,i> BnUnnsvion ion io thahouti jiJ, residimts proiiiincii:. On I J - Walker Uonn'itii- (hit. yi>ti will be irresistible, •ox . Ho!i. | With the question ol climate, ovory por onihliiuciit nil ritizi-tis who should vriituro to negro thus imported, not of the latter hranrh ■x Inch I i bV <*t tim 1 •.minis*y ih invited at tlm s,.|,. ' couiinittc.i Ini: Adinimslnilim iinuic ol (lie uii I of interfering driiialidrif to . i die upon Hi , '.I-' 1 'hat xvc 1 Im | iniorfrr . XViI: tiu fiolaung the principle of non- “• 'be founUa11on ..I in.- iv-uiKas ivuli lire Kausns policy, is f’tllu ilie qimation nt irhiic. ton ih tho (iiiveriirncut or* oi.i'D, ,-111 It wealing a voikutan.*lap. They Im el yea wiili great dtj^uit i April 20.-—'I hr Tribune corru3i),)i!tinnt mij-s ijmi , el Kntisbs, eli.-illciic* r| Ai ul Black io a duel, 'lor tl, jlhnspoi. lii-bi> S policy i-( build up „ | ilu re lo mumtu • Du! 1 rcniiiiiird iho honored rebuked by lil-utc .pfm, 1)3 III r bn* Ml . Price Three Dimes. LITER I.NYIOOK\TOIt i-ntl FAMILY CA- rc . U ^, ri1 l * v ,,r 'l^iiUi i- i-rRlly S. T. \\ . “A % 'I • Ii..’ Manufacturer ru-I Prnprlctnr, 333 BrodiTR) , New Ynrli. etkyall Dmrct-ts. s*- ’-• •> '•« • x. •■? PKMIiKRTON k CAHTKIt, ACRE A t\KlU*UN, j. a. wmTErmtK k r.o. 2l,l?c« drvly ICXN M. LXNIIJMGER it co. (KSTABI.IHIIKD t"-.t OLK IMI-iiKTKHS, No. J3S HiTtHiiwny, X. 1. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC »l|j d.tlgn*'! f-r tb« um cf tlm .Mieu it Pbo. x vnd the Y\vm v. tho\» vO r, i. «t c i:ve 1 r-rc-portie* (Toole »n«l Mnrstliqwhlrii l>*!on;r Old and PUItK «IX. Th« bnalness ol (trtaring apurioua Rina, and nfVrini; them an vik. uod-r tb* tit•••«. --AniraRlie,-- •Cordin’.. - »4kala4," *tf.. has li«K-onie »<• crmuioo. tliRt lb- ju*Uj suspicious of n-arIv everytLinr red under aimtlai (»rm*. »nd tin* trade bwu bmuytit Into illsrt-pnt-. Il ins re-1 •1 lor our house (utaUiahsd In 17T k ) to so| {! jr imjlsf popular nt^d. and to Inaugurat* ■ u-w (tbskUtory of tbs Trad#. Ms trust that our Wwl reputation—toiinds-1 up-m HU year* ct •are—abundantly vlndlcatusour rimm t<- pul- F ''“ 3NT. X3. ppwtssw of ‘l)lnlnx#r'i Old I-onden Dock Oln | «<b#ri ba&rlng ilrnllar n-imss. will satat'lbdi • ipHoctty.and males other Caution onn#c«i*ary '• *p In Quast Botti.m, in Oaaetof 1 and 2 del- Ji, rod aold tiirougbout lb# irurid by bruRgmis «. •!< ■nggistfl an»l Dealers supplied with Wines and Hranmfj*, '•rt from United .- , tat«-a Itouded Warehouses, •alaln Columbus, (la., by JOHN XV. 11 ROOKS, and UnQUltART A CHAPMAN, *7 Drugfists Konarally- no* «, '«F-dt»ly MBERTON& CARTER, •Wholesale Druggists, its vn Arrrrmt-v or ITSfCIANS, IVIERCHAmS AND I-I. A NT I.Its, URE DRUGS*,' MEDICINES, BMICALS, I’AINTS, OILS, fcc. ‘YI.NO mostly f.. r CASH, In larg# quant IH**. •t tbsHshl tlm# and In tl,# rLh! r l> • * yr«parw| to olt»r (irt-at lndur#m#n*« te u (a #v#ry arUci# u*ua11j I'-ui.d m a Ms. (. »• Store. W# pay particular attention tn ie Quality of our Goods, ‘id GUARANTEE every article we aril to be STRfcTl.V PURE 1 WR OFFER SPECIAL DAROAISB o Cn mix X> u y o X* « ! te*l c'.ufrd»nt they can do bett-r wilh u» AAYutllKR itoCeE IN 1IIE CITY 11" m. dooht Bred but trv u», and find the trutli ol portions. R-mpmuei? THE MOV or THE liXTB MOn.TJk.ri, *IXT Dt-oS AV-TI ‘Siinit h Booney's Tumlture F»oro. pya.tta^ Maick l, IMu d:u a. ai tolls ua that A. II. ii- Look ul tim n liimei-lf, which N '‘l'hons. id declarutious in •S'-'.v equally as ifiote of Doug I iin ctsHiuJ vtpreaaions of iii» bs ailiiuci-ti uguinal this , but tho dcclai Ini’ ilo whom limy pfci id in i • sy face, matted hair, ^Ubtmg propciieity t„ urink oil, bo' i innat il.-cotil l"uking iiativo I hnd 0-— -‘I ret te Ejpru.t inn. Walker from Hiiulist ihos, approving, ,• ept tlm rlmllongc. lly flic Ai 'jiTi.iNi', Me., April 2; ii^ p"( I HiIn tiinrnliiK. citiAoiiN generally iikI I'nlnsleii. '-Tt... AiiRfri.foKi.ti pro-tin very and free- n 1 il thu jiiuj rity ehoutd to obtain si-.di constiiu-, will H:curo iho rig lit« cl irnm the noee, ar ,1 m 1 plied the handle, the. pump gave forth a rumbling sound as ’• •' 1 " urr,J --urly in its refusal to yield '* ,r " ii«l"med supply. • i nn is n pr, tiy stato ol ihings for waah- day. mul my wife. 'Well, niy dear ’ said I, ‘I don’t see how you (;r,f blatnu mo lor ii—thou canal not tav l did it. y I immediately csruyrJ to take out the box. 1 im McrewH that Bccurcd tho top were rustv and refused to turn. 1 Dinkins,* said I, 'where’s the Imm-, 'flow thou is V slio replt- other j lip I'C llg.UIOl ftl.lM JV • l.;vciiolder» , '.n **'' • S| »• S and iin.iiii.iin all tlm laws 'he just right!* ol tlm 8,miii. You aro right hi vour copjeefuro na to tliot suau ol Judgo Wiiiinnis' appointment, ippout-d it xvotild be peculiarly accept- Id I know where the hammer ,( l• ‘J* probably whern you yx>» leave oveVything lor in< i ; >ker;)r«- ,,Iy father used to say, -.q ' " b"r «-vei viliitig, and everyming to its ict. I wish all men were us particular.’ r.Tiunil„:K-,i that 1 bad used the hnm- r 11 i ,lr !l chickt n-roop soiii.) weeks "c. p. - '••■■lit'., lu i io spot 1 found tt, cv an ! dirtv, h mg just wlirro I found A ' '*-ui !'(»'• it:.- ultwelr followed. < r “ v lutii:-inilvanince fora '"‘"V ' '.wb' r«* nn article - r.s iisnii would in in. .it., i ly Miggeat tlm np.,i whero it " ti- to Im fount;. Returning in th. k.'etum l coinmonc-d work. Tho rusty threads of {uaidmg d (lint lie pub P'Ti 1 able ti v mi is. II I carry to, I lian 1k-c ii app unit .1 lio' Tni. will. a lien Ins plat o it"! bri.-l period rtMtnr.d I l-'.-inr. s. an.l I f. i - mil v ' to fill it i \ ... ,,,, , n , Col. -'illuming Killing* a Tn.jail • r Joaiah Campbell. instruct Walker i t)l 111*) (JotlNlMllll ' of squatter strong and explu-i himself. Other ad ™svmViS t ’wi.V”5i iStUthwestern Dumocrsry. who, |>ku their pjlly everyW h* re, can always prove that a m iti is nyWicir ei<l« if he te on tho fence. Then, Stephens bus not only disconnected himself from tho AdminLlr.iUtin wnifue mi Douglas a it il b is I. tends, Hut hu d.clured such a w ttl.iiu -‘wick.illy foolish” and oiatle a pilgrimage to Illiii iis during tiles lust can vass to fjiVo mil aimI comfort tn the Little tiiant. Nor is this ull : Stephens is h Southern man, and if nominated now, thu Nurthwest cun in 1804 claim tho Demo cratic nomination as n simplu measure of junt fotution, especially if the nomination ia this year given to the Sooth by .North- western votes. The Warwick of lfc'fiU will bn the King of 1801. Now for lh« considerations that will tend to make Stephens nn available candidate for the Democracy of other Northern Htatos. The Northern flat#* that the Democracy have muni h«pe of cat tying it. the Vr»ai- denthil election art- JVitii-ylvuni.i and New Jersey; ond thefo are the two H'rongrst protective tariff Htntee in tho U.iion — their Dcmoorecy i« rumo dt-cidodly in favor of protection than tho Democracy of any other Mtstes. tVuii them, morn than anywhere else at the North, to* •-nigger" t« aubordi- nate to the tariff. And Stephen* fi-i* never, that xve Are aware ol, n nouncud bis sup port of a protective tariff. Ho carries into the Democratic camp this badge of Henry (Jlay Whiggeiy, and in I’ennsylvania lie would be run openly and almost exclusively an the tariff candidate. With the uid of the squatter sovereign* of tho Northwest , and the protcrlionistN of l’out.s)Ivania, the |*uw«rlu w ,t | , r , . Is* Drm< Soulli can easily «fleet Ins nomination ; j and if wu hud now* to gun* the nominee j (assuming that Dougins cannot a.cure ! two-thirds for himstll), we would uy Alex. 11. Stephen*. \> 111.1: r. • n tli" part of •Irn'ion could it Uuchiinuu’* ledC'lfl'I il <l Mx , Ak'l>iU’h.|jVslkst /niibikit xviuilil shock ntid uRtotiish t vorylnnlvj It is therein disclosed that Mr. Huchsnan did, in tho mutt punitive a ml utxc-quivocal nuuim-r, il any ect of turpn present Ft-diral A ^r'le thu country, Ft *'i«'-d tiersistently in yield, but is, and atti r n bail liour’i* sweat* I bad tlm to, removed ami .vmI the p-iu.p x in iny hand. Thera waa ' -.i , lci,i -uii# of decay in (he leatnor, and br. ■:! my natural ingenuity o bear upon .1 I hamm-M tl nod tacked ond cut and P • I in.' . I landed that l had attained per ini ion in my cf|.,rt. ‘M.,. Hinkin*,' nay* 1, in nnmentary i,mi. van you toll tun the differentia prunu f* a U ' an Nvl ‘° l»x>mpa nnd a tit t-uirsc site couldn't, and I told her that ifto other u plumber, to smile, though, " 11bal one ol the iiiom m-oniru: and a'bsent mimlnl pcrHons in Iho wot Id, except ,\| ,r- ii-irtM, i.i/ xiit", and k|io was lully Iiih equal. -I Inn i-hki. hll" i the s :iS 1 Alter nt.uid i i.d Dr. Josh, tode inin | : v ' Ji. bjHjlOMiT _ nn, l let Inui go ..Ir nn li-rt from the ground on lw->t pi" thu Doctor hud begun to build u to dry pe having 1 " y - 1 ' nl nl f*vi J hr u tiigumei; rcbuillf. und Margntet .fit ntllRAlOII lit" sole object of thu earnestly nnd by * subst qucnl dean- mg bu own insime- wnrfjro «-n Douglas for seconding hi* own policy, nra tho mionI outrageous net* of poltticdl treachery and dtiplioity recorded in our public hielory. Tho SjuII), too, will ere in this letter, uk in n liiirnir, the bail fatllt nnd hidden entuity toward# bur which prompted the srtlul aeficrotr to suggest to Wulkt r lo drop tho argument of “climoto"— Jim Atwood’: g got hi- mddlo/fixed so it toi-k the bridltq nnd pulling ci"l of il"- I (<•. !io *ir< ti ll' d ithiiut hull through, Jim Atwood, , who livi d about eight mile* distant, in. ti lling tho Dot-1or Ii>- wished lie •ink hi* saddle hi .1 villajrn -n u burr, • liuialii d bin hr tho 'Hsothoimnl lines” nnd other ohstaclra vvIikIi Walker "a* uAsuring the abolition- iit* of Kam-a* "oubl ksop slavery foreve out of llio Territory — and to make the ref crenco of itio (/’iiiiNUtU'i"') to Ilia people hi wilh I mo ho roilo on in Milence, intently fixed un Hnchun’a I’racUco, which lay open on tho snditlo bt- fore him. At length ho bi /nn to Icel tho rllectaol the lirreu rays ol n mid-day sun, and looking up Irutn Im book It" di: n iurt d oitiiortnblo look 1 | A iiih Margaret, who Ii i- two hqurs very busy in the gar made wit It u pitch duplicity i u l"'" " hK-h be und dotibis-dealii-)' with nil pai'K- vectiatiR tuoro j I.iinly revealed ! D - H.iutli vvur,(, or can she bo forced lo s" another dose of Noitiieru D. morriry It is the publication ol this litter that I convotaaimii, the Doctor launch h». p-.ju«ii i». c.n.»..i. D .i j ton which, wo me advised by tih-graph, in j orchard nl peach and applo tree liltrly to r.u«o » <li.rui.tion of tin. Ctul.iin-i. ' l-'-'V. » ho hail c«o*ln n ttlin.|. u , . i ...... . din bags, m id# n groat man Il "U4lit to consign lliu "hole Liilnnet to a | . lbuu , polilicsl Hibciis. j 'll What the 1-ilert of this letter may bn at * ,d )' Charleston remuins to be seen. It will lie a w j,i. bn tlm Im Nc.vy Yard nnd be mn-l l- exit, i i, | ( ,, v ,,| • .i.i corvettrfv niiuiii.inia. - dry-deck ut Maru Isluud | mi put in c* inpleie order | y to render tin* aceoi - It*i was Inti eurrylog hi* Government in <■ Mourner nil that he c r, Riot !«.. secilltll.-. e-tl in t).>- Kar'linlnti tetrlwiv iteinnnHtratlnu Thu James Uuuianan. xviioreat sli i ttiouAfhr rmhor dermively. ‘Now, \v.■ slinll see,’ snni (, putting in box. ‘iIn)• riiimpli o| g.-mus. Four in s. Hriffgot. iind on 1 pump you shall the tli water flow.' I munrt-il the hrukca, l.ut in vain tl o (fl'iri. No ell. ct xviis prod lie d but the most puinlitl sound—a sort ol uuilimaiin vvhecx* )ng, like that ol a porcino quadruped just expiring under tlm u' ltou ul it kurgtcnl •' upon hi* neck. My triumph _ . changod nnd my chipper note* partook ol a TI,"nTimr.l. Ko,", A f,;v“i-ot-.tro Am.,.-1 !*.M "• 1 •»»«".»** it und has actualie got d.>minton 1 ,lare «T» »ery merit. .Men have got no ■ ( . r tlm “ii.rnnl siinl.t ’ T.'i" patience. D lltey hnd fo hear as much tt* uxtraot lr<-m tlic log 1.1 tho bark I xvoiiiim do, 1 don't know xvliat would be come of them.’' • '.1'iin 1 llinisii Huunc , j Htrcngilt nnd ' 23th April | gree* 7 ininnua U.. Ion. '.(.I i j ittoh 6., loll ti strong Icpr "aiV i-1 t: ship upy . i fide < We innsrrihn ilm i tho signalurt-M in di the proponent nnd i '•rial among H t.".o Frol.nt II you will d > nly passe iirkor ut Washington ei-iding hi Diiluniore. j t nn I l.ui.-rH, lull omit .•It. go/ co, und Join'!', o' (toorgiu, III I III) I'llllJOCl of hl'lV"! y. Mr. Morrill, «d Vermont, i n a Fiotectivo Tariff. ndo rpcechca I XV isll(:H ol iho rospoll- I r-iToN, April 2, iHftU. • hi a nurry to ii.quire im deirayi d, >"" in limn lor Gitihtio ns ■ I-aier fi'oui llavniiu nnd Mexico. Nr.xv Oreran.*| April 23.—'Tlm atcnmsbip Ciihawhn, with Havana dnten tu thu ‘JUtli iiist., arrived hero to dny. At lluvnnn, h.tgar wus dull tnitl quutu- timiH nominul. ‘I’lio Cnptiiin Genera! bus scut u coinmiit- sioncr 'x> Washington, to uonlnr with tfin Spanish Minisior regarding tho captnro • >t thu Memncrn General Miruumii nml Mnr* Dodge, nrrtv.d ut weto tremhlmg. seo what was up ; tlm latter called < ut to go up tho Imcrigging nnd I ink over the |io)0. i did so, und saw un ciit-rmoUH ser pent shaking tho bou. prit vxiili In* mouili. Thcnt xviitt uhoul tliirty U-ct of the nerpcnt out of thu water uball ol our b'cm j iiiumI lyive been j( innu liuiidreti I- i t long ; wus about tlm eircuinfort lice ol Ii very w,du c-rinulino potticonl, with black back, ith.-ig- gy ttiunc, horn on Ins lorubcud, nml large glaring eyes, plncnd rather near tlm iioho, und jows u bo ia eight lent long. Ilo did not observe mo, and continued shaking the hoxvsprit mul ihruv. ing tho «ca ubiug.-ide alvcsion, with Vc ;:„„t v. -I "lint Guthrie Iiuh dm i in j >or i an' • if tbe Doug- J Ins w ife, "lio, lio v hni'py 'O nuko her Tho lady 'urmd tin: D-n-ior loid jii linullv took In* leave of her that lie would cal] o o Minm luriher c-onvcrM veiy (ieorglii will Itroreie-iitR'Iv In UmiKreM. IW hcnJtm Atw v. Kb los horse “Wliat on ai yelled Jim ; "j Ihc I uloug.” equal it* once, o outer the house, uml I gathered up thu mils, ! Mirnmon, wttli eighteen hundred ,v I- v upoALin- protniM- I mal.-! ! „ u .„ t hud arrived at tho Cnpitul. The gov '" I 1 I " ^P’-'-iiiniHlo in-lt Ruclt a L-rurupiit worn cuiburrusMd. Gen A j i r a - '“ y Ill-Ill III"! ."Ml i. Ill'll'. I' ll. I ... fie. (Jam »•;'! “ Mom^nal M) atgncu by thu j , U jr„ ri |nig tbn captured su-ntricra. I 1 ' 1 MlillUlI'll. i. «tlU"l. | K , gM „ tro BWaltlna ., Yours, roturn dtsj.aldioa. J In lt< t]ion)c. . ^__ Hat TIM"?E, April I, IN>0. | 'fo tin- Mucon T«-lrKiapli. ' "iirs ol the 2d lias just readied i Dcmocratlr N'ntioiiul Goiivciitiun. in too III nob engag'd at ptexoiit to | HKI.’ON 1) HAY. A "?, I tav * Cutum. April 11... Co.ivonllmi o Democratic I rn'oeiion. I am a j WB|| |, t . r u,.,i, c m|y orgiinxcd to-tl.iy by tbe ' | B appointment of Caleb Cuainn rich i nl daubed i a lather ol fun til It hre you doing, D- l ofi ihut log an Cpttixg tiieiu Allixu.— In Hie House of j IlrprcNcnlalivcs, n f.-w dsv* ago, Mr. Gar* j licit, a Ynginin Democrat, denounced tho | foreign-horn citix-n# ol the country in n I »(>*- — — ».!",* „f ••Know Notbn:it- I I Min” Ha pronounced them “tha offsenur* I mg< of Litropeau counlrie*, and bi>fii for i any piirlftinalion in our political or j pri* t'eges.” Tt (Demo thatth It is very vaguely “said,” th ratio of the apportionment lias not yet been j; r#t determined mi, nor h»» th« census even Ins It been completed. Wo venture the prodic ,idi '' faithful census will Doctor niter i i greatly uaionisbcd ut ‘ t tninutusit got timnigh ! I been ull tho morning n Ins own door yard ! i''hosm I’r# ’"llllrain .N'cxv York PTIONAL UNION CONVENTION, a Convention of tho Consiitti* ii Forty me m Troy on the 18ih I'llHarit C. Ilaubroii'-k, K*q. was lidctu. Filty-two countic ■'Iiii sot is• I’tCRideiu. Iliirty-iiir ’ I idcnts nnd ditri) -three 8ei.-re.j ^ A long disciiRsioii lollovvt d u llio privilege ot voting iih ho |i j rt-Hsoii o! tho motion xvub 'but , gMtos were instructed in voir, v u loam uotil llio lorn nwny ol tho riiip. Tl.o serpen erf ul enough utihough tin- snip mg ull sail, und going ut ub >ui ■ 1 will tiring mechanics,” said i, a iittln aubdued, "and they slinll bring ll.c pump.” J mimcdia'ely amigltt Lit-i.b. “Sond xv rltiiii n," said 1, “oh, man ol leml-pipe nnd solder nnd mend that, with- out wl.-i h, wa-'iing day become* a Hobbntli xvitiiuui a sermon ; tor wlinl were washing day without water f" J'w') men accompanied inn to my homo— phiUntliropiais, vyiih diapjoitinn umt ability in relieve the difficulty under which J la- “Now. my bpya," said I, na I introduced liiem to tbe field of their operations, “put her through.” Tim term “her” struck Mr*. iJlifkins a<« Irrelevant und somewhat |i"r»oiiNl, ns I judged from her looks. No bmometcr “Look here, sir,” snid i trying tho liamilo, “there with tho pump.” boom sail* and rigging, went by lit" board, tho tnoiistcr nxvu lowed tho l"rutnpmo*t stuysatl and dying jib with rhu greatost tip jinn ml uuso, ho nl;--* stujipi-d tho llnckuM ol the rigging asunder like thread, lie sheered oil u inti" niter ibis, uod iciur. cd appareutly to ecrnluli hi>n•«If a.rainst tin- lid" Ol llio slllp, lllilktlin ft ti ! fill 1)1 l (till of the rnon, nothing the , i. ut j Ilia It r wttli tilt) pump." , ,, ,. ! “Then what is t n matter with the in- o jib- j brm.l thing,” 1 naked excitedly. i priaeipal ra aon ia, I think, air, tltst tha cistern' in-* gin out.” 1 looked at tlm man xvondcringly. but Ii h b i .•;.() c.iiivineed tun that Im wua cm* core, and niter examination proved the “Mv friend,” said I, “Item is a trifle for t :i. i.i. i 1 will settle with Lamb. Don't say <ii) thin-' about it.” I never knew how the matter c.imn out, bin ulwaya thought Mrs. Uifaims must have i xUrfoidii.a A whale ter it like liu Mr. • il dole- - scrvan Republican | !J u t rd for poll!- i New ^ ork j be nicessu'V tbe recent 1 —— —re.^*e- Ferry difficulty tbe fust blood j j-jr a case on trial before Judge Rapier, that ol i 0 f city Court of Mobile, on Iho 18th inst., elicited rjiicIi interrat in that city. It , ‘ . 7?*^**~ . ,,. ■ t ..l., trac an application fora mandamus, sued I- orney • rrtu says tost Col. Lander I » r Fotter*# zsab'Ua eecinid in his diflirulty with Fryer, is a Douglas roan, ntnl Will take the represented. The lion. Wi Who Dr.ovt tim: Uritihi otr m New -, n d j;,h-iu B Hronka wero Wcsichcs'ur Mmft'r '!•*• Ittllo villigt:# nl at l#rgn t*» the HnIiiiiu , , . , ... ton niin \ »*»«»• w hat lond ot biaglaaaof toddy, nnd ut \ pointed . itmty*xme lio of apporiionmenl fuuy up t - , honginfl around the bar-rooma ol tho vtllugu | dclegutos for tlto two rcinoming ^ distric-is statue deprive her of one of her Representative*, tr.vernn, in hear the gneaip, und occasi nutty i uro yet to be appointed Iiih cloqil piper) snys it I ic*l considerations. Mr. Harr Democrat, retorted veiy | rernindir-g Mr. Garnett Harper' • pilled in defence of Yirg an Iri#hin»n. f hor Representative*. i#.v know |,ow vast a population • “indulge,’’ and aumclimcs to an excca* of | njsoluiion wav , .1 which lie wan afterwards very much oshniu iiitally adopted : led Northwest will number, ' , it„ ... ■ ■ - 7 - *■>■ l Culh. Tho™ followit'C tlm Conatitutio length tUl. TilAt>. OLIVER. Elam & Oliver, XTTOKNtiYS AT LAW. •mu Vlita. R&rion County, Ot i-lpre#tic# In tb*,nntfntlr« of Marlon, Mam. jjvwt. Tayior. C)uttiabnr>rh#R rd# *oy of •- enuntl** whm thvlr sarvir## •4 la Hw* h# iHstriet < ’rtreaUr M, lass Marion Betliuno, attorney at, TalbuUou, Georgia. JLl prepar# Iredaratlpn* fr»r p-/s«ns cntitlad t<* »'*BtT Loud and P#ostons. under the )>)!• 1 af Oaagraw ; aad proareute t i elaire* of that M»tch 6, ’^Air-lt .. Beni. P. Rooso, attoiTnly at i,aw OOLCMBCi, GEORGIA, ^GHWrvsr J Esau A Co's Hardware JRnre. lump lor Douglas should he bo nominated at Charleston. This it only intrreating n •bowing the political atiinity between the Ulack Repuhlicsr.a and tho Douglas Dt-rn- orrary. It »h»uld he rerueutlnrcd, loo, that Pryor, to say the least, i* very willing to • upport Dough*, and therefore tbcie could be no prreonal c*u*c« moving a Doug!.* man to lake the part of a lilack Republican • gainst him. pT Tbe United it'll AiTrebai fur Ohio ha# reported to the Administration that J.ihn Blown, jr., ia protected from airest by tbe people of Ashtabula county, Ohio, who drclara their purpose fo resist the procesa for hi# appearance at Washington. This will test tbe question whether a Democratic Adn»inht»*tion ba u P on cxrcuto Ian# against the opposition of Northern abolition aentimenl* V\ e repeal, what the country moat need# i* a faithful and itnpsrtial “enfoiceruent ol the” ign-peopled jNorUtweal will number, ' H"Wcin by’the panto ol' “OSJ Sam.” | "RrsolvrU, Tlial the action of the c i* possible that this high ratio will i iu,.j vvu* really n very entertaining person- v.itivo Union innu ol tl.n Stair ,, III. mur.lTr «( Hr,...- j «!•«•• U- I-"-' W«.lil"t"-", '""I i .i.k nu.nin.i.ull and»' ' ii vi ii a, H'i:ording to hts own aiory, llio oanso . .ii-tmct olcctotnl ucki-i aiall »'• l within the require I limit. | llt) Urtii*h evacuating Iho city. “Como, j itruiincU in a Stato Convention, L . j fSatn,” some village tavern-lounger would i tttno arid pluco a» thu 8tato any, “tell us about driving the ii.itiali out of Cominittoo slinll appoint. New York.” ‘'Well, now, 'Squire, I don't j An cnthuniastic uihs* meeting nut lly auy that 1 did do it, but FH give you tlio fuels, nnd you cun draw your own con clusions ; You si-c, tli*- tact was. I knew tho British waa in Now York ; and I knew, and we all felt tliot they bad been there lung enough, and lor on* J was determined they shouldn't bn «hore any longer. Gnu night, nfier xve hnd boon talking about it Dr aorna turn, before going to bed I said 'o our lolka : '1 shall go lo the city io*niorri w morning, and be (litre before daybreak ; and I snail po armed!* 1 went right out to the stable, wnlt ii lantern, three hour* brfuro daylight, sad dled our old white inarc, put two loaded pistols in tlm holatera of the saddle, and took my failit-r'a ‘awoard’ that lie carried at llunkMllili, and I gotinto New York curlv III l^H^ruii'g, ami — the British had lift!" *‘ l evacuated the city, do you rticuu tu sdj^p “1 mean lo say they had retreat- vd—away—! Now. I don't that tiro llrittah kurw that 1 hut 1 do say, that it looked in reference tu iIm p_ . . und bis reference lu tho they consulted with I ii— it.ii..-, i'M...I i,| iho impeaching him. I* was durio uml Im j i ....... )r,ifi tits setijeuients, Jl**i ilia thrilled llio vast A-*snmhly. more otdetly to-duy «iiy than yesterday. Thu Coiiiiinltco oil the .ipr.otiiicd liy dib-gHtnuis, n •d (Mi I’lsifonti “ " M ,r, by Hen- Lana Posoy, E»q., against tho Mayor of Mobile, to compel the latlcr to • bow causi) why ha refused Posey tho right to practice in the Mayor’s Court. Mr. Posey argued the case on hia own aiJe, and R. H. Smith, E*q., sustained that of the Mayor. The atgximenl <>n both aide# xviis able and apicy, end Mr. Posey was cheered by an excited audience irt hia denunciations ol Mayer Wither# ua a “tyrant and a rnon- a:er," Ac. Judge Rapier was lo have remitted hia decision or* the TxtLoa Cuinit On tho 14th instant, •pccial elections w«re held in Taylor county, Ga., for ait Ordinary, u Clerk, and a Justice of the Inferior Court, to fill vacancies. J. J- Huff, Opp.. elected Ordinary; Jams# T. Harmon, Opp., Clerk ; and John Childs, Deni., Justice. tar Hon. Alex. H. Mephsns am! Hon. Benj. H. Jlill aro tbie week attending Polk Superior Court, at (’rJartown, where Ihey are opposing counsel in u murder case* _ held ..t 14 jj E HUll I * IC A N MATE CONVENTION. The Republican Sinto Convention met nt Syracuse uii the ImIi instant, and elected the Hun. Kims W. Leavenworth uermononi Pres deni. Twenty four Vice President* ami eight Becrotnnos wore ohusun. At tue .Souih ' " pioneer and iiiesseug Grurgta. ' Iwcti* of very i kt il ! A Remark able Man.-—There is a man in ihiscouniy who never rodo un a railrusd, on % steamboat, or in a stage coach. He m.ver »aw two peraon# light, and never had a light hiinsell; lie never waa insulted by any jieraon ; ho never lost or won a dollar, at cards, tn liia hie ; he never «kw iho Cap- iiul of the 3mio : he never lias been beyond the limits of Georgia, and ia now fi(ty«threu ,,r lifty^four years ol age.—Carrollton Ad- shirt-, Brown ul Vermont, Butler ohuietifl, Brmllcy of Khodu 13 In mi, Jiuwuid ol Connecticut, Croaawell ol New York, WilliatnRon ol Now Jersey, Wright ut PoiinayIvamo, Bayard ul Delaware. John- sou ul Marylanu, Barbour of Vitg' Avery «f North Curolina. Preston Carolina. Wmgtield Florida, Hr win ut Alabama, Hunter Lmiifciann, Barksdale ol Mississippi, 8i"— . dale of Texas, Harrow of Arkansas. (Mir- [ I'layfj*J* reriK®** afternoon session tho following resolution I »ourt not announced.) Mifiegan of 'loiiuoa- wna received with great applause and I "Co, Williams ol Kentucky, 1 ay no of Onto adopted unanimously : Dunning ol Indiana. Ftcklin “J uVaoived, That u.t Republican Electors ' Lathroi* ol Michigan. I aimer *•! W of tbe S'aio of New York represented in 1 8amuel “I Iowa, Jvuvuiiaiigli ilia Cuivvnvttoti present tlic name of Wi - “ — gun. 'i'he Convention adopted a resolution that , tho Platform should bo agreed upon before Valley, arrived with two very largo bottles, the nomination, and that all ri solutions | marked bentedam Schnapps, rttsuuk win 11 thu Imik-rs ore blowing * IF lucaclii-d witliii a t.iiln ol tlm h! limn, and tin serpent darted ofl'i a iIohIi nl l*).liining, Hiriktng (bu bin tuil, aluving in all tito Riurboarti quutttr galley. Saw no more ol it, but rauglit a young "in- in tho uftornoon, und brought it 1 n to Mclnourno. William Wal lace, Master, British Banner. [GniCMto, Port i.oiti*', Mauritius. [’J’fto Haiwmr ur- rivotl at Liverpool on Sonduy, nml is now 111 the Albert Dock. Captain Taylor declares 1 lint tho above Rlatoinerit 10 perfectly cor-* reel.) extraordinary I-Jlcctiuii in Callfuniln. A corroRpondcnt, who dute* from Feath er River, Cslilornta, shown how lio nn-i n Irund elected a new chief of tho Digger Indian*, who l- cate thereabouts -. The old chief died in lN;*u, and bin man tle fell "it tlic shoulder* ol in: list "film Diggers, and lie drunken imbecile, unlit oven to tie a rooter. I rinimod “Du Ilo bocamo #0 unpopular with the trihu 1 ^ t> thojr«H»uliod w.ij. .di | A willy >.>«ng itimogh Ih. town of ,m Al>*l'ains, not long since, wanted sohih wtiisky, and knowing it could nn election wo'ilil he In-Id un the -frli day ol j M*lf an order, siguing 11'with bre.’»" ,n b,m " July, for ill' jiiiipuse of elect ng a big cap to whtcli a i"s(..„,| ^ ^ " t n ' "me, —-*• — - 1 " ■ 1 i«J it .1 (he lira? Btor^dl n B.n.Vr- man, who though unrecngniK-d by him, pro- old arquatritance. “Hallo, told ol il. KT A droll fellow was asked by an old lady to read tit" newspaper, and taking it up began as lolloxva t • Lori night* ye.-teidny morning, about two o'clock in the afternoon, nuforo break- last, r hungry boy about forty years old, honglu a ng cu-tnrd for a levy, and threxv it through a buck wall nine feat thick, and jumping over it, broke hts right ankle iff ab*- 0 tho b-ft know, fell into a dry miii pond and xv.1.1 drowned. About forty yum a uiicr that, on tho sjino dny tin old cat had mno turkey* goblors; lugh wind blow V'nnkco Diodlo on a frying pan, nnd knocked the old Dutch churn down nnd killed a row and two dead ptgs at Boston, xvliuro a U"*l and dumb man wus talking bused,'und to whoso hands all tho great interests ol the nation may he salcly milted. Sixfy-i tl.o r*(-rw.eiit.iivo ... 1I.0 | louohlo« il .l'»uldfe.-lili«.h. Commill... cle. upon l(r|iubli".n p.-.y i. Judge Meek oflereJ Ih. Alabam. Kn,"lu. * . . -.1..-— 1—-J- -'' .i... «•*"' I tiotre whtcli were referred to the Committee. Tho Georgia Delegation harmonious, al though embarrassed by niirnhers. . del«»-e. and aix.y-all alter- I Th« Commil... nn b.*e nu. „ crc , ; ,|.cm".d .0 llio Chicaso Con. reporiad. i-u. .ho B onor»l opinion .. .ha. Ihn »fl„i„o lor Ih" "uramaltul. nl n l'ro,idon. | Woou delo(l«le. w.llhn r.duded. ond Vi, T;"->i*n. ol .).« Unilnd »>»««. „ c chp."o.. nl' fail Llaud. uml Wot. C'irtia IVoyo. and Janion W, Nyo wore Bpj'"ini**l detc|(0t«. ,t luff.. C.illo.n n Inu.l w. !".*• .dvlco. -#•♦«»> — from the North Pacific to the .fOtli. iho Peaches-— Contrary to our expectation, English Home Government had ordered a un |„„l upon .lion, Ih.. .ho company ol ll.c Koyal Marin., lu ban Juan „ „„ Aih.n.i»Cl..k..,.ll.,«.lMa«l • l »" d - '« -I J*";; u«;'P*"y, in accordance with the proposition ol (ton. with Irutt* If tbero shall be no mora f os , rioo it. They haxo selected their cutup tlm present will doolHle«s l>« an abundant g rou|l( j on ,| 1M north end «»l th" island some fruit crop.—Athene Watchman, I , ( x miles Iroiu the Amurtiau quarters. lusting one. there warn some candidates.- One )outig, noble, lino*looking follow «as ■ ' nominated ut tlm Digger Mute Convention, ,, .. on account cl killing u big -bu gftxxly with 1 ' 1P » '"'ft"'* did you *01 **» « u pistol. Hi- naino w*iu Ptt.uuk tlua;d.) j doctor^” I’m not a doctor. “Why, what s Ho Hpnkc English pretty well, mid was" this M. I), fo your name for, hen !” Frank guod tiiurksmaii. nil excellent hunter, und j ho was c.u.ght, hut determining to useful lo tho emigrant* and tmuers ire ; ,,,.,kpthe best of it, put on s very innocent an stria y ion- . ami ncekly answered: “Ob! th«t’s A* aonri.o lion and I rai.od iho ...ra and ] ' * i,n J '« *«“'•« h« ">• ion ol a giguunc fir tree. 1 ' Wiu#ky* e Doodin and die Star Spun* J “♦**♦*•" glud Banner un an old lu.-, I'red" a epcech Hunk Fallui'n In Tciinefuer. plonouu privilcgo ul univcol au(- ] Thc L, wrcllc ,„, lrc |, U,„k,,. Lawronc •h, Tmosmm, It ia rsporjsd* baa filled* Inspector, A* w«- l,..d ull tlm ’.tick: t* writ- *«•••■ <»*'*» ms'ituifon, at“l owner* ar* ten out with I'Hstuk's name on, be run a not known, nur can they be, at piossnt, U *• very largo niHj nity, ’l tio olec ton rluBCd covered. Tho circulaiton "f the bank is J ill) L"", an old reaidont ul But | C4I| | t „ t,„ nurei.IrrsMc —pmbablv $250.U0U and very little, if any of i', wiil be re- dremed. The paper III Nashvil'e is tfgard- r.l «• iM-atly wurthivas. The nutet hsvo lusined quite a calculation in Virginia, dulgcd siighiuslly; the MohaU* hjuuwr took sornu ; the old Injittea wcccd their ltp<* nod wanted more* but we wore utraid ••• injuring tliotr constitutions, and roiamid one bottlu tor inodictiiai purposes. Pitsauk was inaugurated. First "*• ducked linn in tbe river; then greased him well with doer taiJuw ; then put astovo-pipe hat on hint and a pair ol lliuttel drawer*i put un old musket mi Mr bunds; then mar ried him 10 a likely Mobutu ; put tho llsg un hia bark marquee, and u-lt Imn alone in bis glory. Hu lias made a good chief, and done more for tho wntits than any Indian tmithe mountain#^___ Tr An Euglioh paper 'bsl General Draff 8coll MMtnanda iho lfnit#ff Visits •fu»y* Mississippi und Arksnsss—Atlanta Amer. Fatal DtrricuLTY.—A falal difficulfv oc curred last Haturday, in this county, be tween Patrick Carrol, overseer fir Singlelon Thornton, and one of Mr. Thornton’a ne groes, in wh ch Mr. Carrol wa* killed. Car- tol i.rdsred the neirio to finitli a pi»ce of Work, which ho refused t» do, when a quar rel ensued, in which Mr. Carrol received » blow on ti." In ml with a rail, fracturing hia ►kull, from which h»- died in a few horns. — The negro mads hi* tstap*. — Cuthbert R(« pur Ur.