Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, May 22, 1860, Image 1

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-^vv / /' ) s' ' T jT , / IS RAGLAND & Co,,---Proprietors. XXXIII. A STRICT OOXSTKUCTIOX OF THE OOX-iTITIJTIOX—AX HONEST AND ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT. COM'MBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING. MAY T>, 18(50. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. HUMBER 21. j3;ulc (tnquirrr. Pay—aSutui&yii Excepted. LABS PKR ANNUM IN AbV AN'< If payment l* delayed s our Cause, ana nur Xominoe*. | National Constitutional Union Con- t'« ' nova. fell, ...ore than at j Veation. cot, lint cu.ltarra...uv..t ilH'iu-Itt t„ a | First I)«v, W»xin>iv. lack of .[Jaeo to ptll'liab ul oocc all the | I!il.TlJio«t, May 9.—Tin National Con- t,ie colu “ n ( “- Tl, ° j h “ i;oi.."iu-j iCAA'!,,t'A'Ai'V "i.'.'A-" 'A , .. ' Otttffklii (Lnquinr. ! either to :i lull l satlon ami prepart d lor : p rtcoifj ii* .trojim. » spirit which actu* striving, to wake MBku, amJ Kv, Til Wlit COII.niUO | ••litimonl ul thti pEi.pU*. Tlio greatest cml. us.asm were greeted wtia apphtuHo. 1 John J. Criiteuden, mid Gem r ay 1 :':;.; ' ' '<•“ I ' Morning, May 17.1S60. Two View*of 'bo Co»c. dee... i. be.., however, to devote oo, avail- ,. . able .pare lira! to .bo proceedings of lb. „| llo.i.V J. Cr...o..,ie„,' ,. bo. ,..AA- ‘ii it tho render's j ••'ice wa* gicetcd wiili grtnt upul i u*t\ ami ■' ; n tho uiriiitinif, wu want our political | with a list ol Vice Presuiu.ii* Iron. • u. n ul ,, ..well a. our l.i.nd., ,o bear,I j ’J,] Z'LZitJlZuZu 'inval anil Jpp|ju»e. about Mr. Dill*. r.corJ which we made the ' r day. We shall prove— 1st. That all his oppjHition to the Kansas- Nebraska bill win made in the interest of he South. 2-J. That he believed the .Missouri Com- promise prohibition ol Kovciy lo be uncon* ! mg 'l’lie President ulilie.ut d ihu Convention Gentlemen of the Convention : I man It you lur Hits unexpected ^ imimk htu' ul pleasure.. On tlio other hand, wo propose 1 ‘ (vcdoYawi intend lo burden our con- "I jmmilto'.h toleration will tltcuoree become Mm order ul tiioduy, nnJ I . I see signs I bn l is to become tlio per* itf smut -it spirit that ban been iruinu or B'.nee tlio rep. at ot the Mtssouii promise. ( I trust the time has come tragi* ilieir nprosi-iitaVtives. ot either ii. in hurl'll}' invi ettvo : ir) at lari'.*, North ul .South, Hast i. r We views were my views, ami tli«t my views were thou* views. 1 could hot find one point nf diHornico between us. All we lor a littl i' nc to com alt together, ami uD well bo well. I tell you, r. that llicro is an tipiLing u? the pi*, i'll*, .No: ... Houth, Ka»l and West, and we me d. mgmtd licfJ lo perlnrtil I., undue baste, and our action lu re will be hayn been repeat, dly * endangered. L.t •••rni."! Wul, let the question bo rcletrcd o,,,l rrpoi. ^ib.l ,. ward n» plaibu.o,'ll >' fitsult, ur.d b.’Citue bet'er ncqtiitiiiii'd with each other. In tho ineuniiiiio, lio hoped that Ins proposition 'unnyipmio llm ballot- speak, when' the Chair Hiiiiuunced that the ilel. i;.titon Ir.nii TiJi.'s w-re at the door ul the tin:ldiiio un.i first,ed ndini'iaticc. Tins .'mo unicm. at tuanratvnl With i aim - , anti Flfc riccgation pro. The Chairman ol the kind I delromtoti. A. II Norton. wore , mul :,*«• President ul Um I'nited States — I nun he made a vow that ho no would cut Ins heard until Henry Clay v Peniist Ivania, olieteJ tho refine «f 'h* 1 1 , there units, Ihri/ tirr volet, i Omvtnliun („f »•>« unjust towards t'.ie South ; I »• rvice, t >t p.iiiiotism, i. r ii.:,.i:, . nco, iChocts.j V 1 tin i. , " 1 “" J ' ur private v.rtm-, is uu ienu.i Air. Uiiiptfen, ul P see lions lot. R acquiesced in ; becsUbi* | I j | n ,'ihu ,l "*' 110 ‘"i ll,M gurdrd Mr. Douglas’ bill as deceptive U|lUU b .me .me n.ote'"'^„i:V,y am! rs n h^r V.. , U Pr. Mdeiit,’ an'd" liu','! ui'i- ' y , ,h„ See,..lii.e wine D' 1 ' »““‘b eordd nolRun i.riylbing by it, , , | l ul by n.ruld did, „ou.e *• ibe ii will be |"h> • iveil ho has most religiously i ‘'.dnsi;;i,£j(; | , ^::nr;;:t':^eeded. Hr s.itil iIiiiiT ItKVOkc us tho repr. Hfinafvo I*i • n, l *^ u * rr vu Jjjrif own j North u violent s.ctioual ngitmion which uio in the puMtn, the Utt«r •** 8 0in R ln j ^ | would be dangerous at once lo the peace ol j • "" : * * 1 Convenlien, ' ■»“« ' ‘"V.‘ * j ibr Fnion uud l„ Ibe righU of Ibe B„iitb. *“|| A‘"i" .jeriiy W oreef 111* , 3,1. Tint be adhere,I l„ llie ,;>u ,! end older ' ». T.fl.ow.i...p!..i»r*i..Uoo, |. iV[iii f lg4# „ Ld,. tnd how defiantly they hold t Iroai lbs Moblo lighter: I in v ^ , I w ll o..» h.ili 't^Uall Im dropped, ami the haih.l c..:i. j Th. I « 'pic "I Misnoiin want, d no belli 1 may ni) u i:ii ,,, in et I ul von * «• i :. uuiieis n hi'ini' to tlio ptiblti*. welfare, but ' U I 4th. That while ho is fur Co .cople ol tho Terrtlo- to decide tho slavery Ives in their Slulc i led ! <- Yl.rNoer rerl^ibe^.urb j rn.,1 II ,■ ore sfoit lor I. d life red from hi* Southern cullenguis in ; mm r,““.i " I'.'en'y." Yvi.lLYT 11 And.” ",‘i’ ai.i , ii., I' eint.ii.eoe » (Im* Ian.I n» «.• i*.«ll!ul< «| ninl I■ >t• rj.ul. il i v i .i. , • . t ; » v . ; Y l nrr.-.Aarv, «l.atet rr'w-■ d.!, t l'.I.I'li i\. , .|.' l ‘ l !!, \ u d ord ; and whelk • pi >| ,. v: : J-^an.. p, • , • , , Ili'SvL,,., ■YV'i, V'.\ ; ■ i’.IIi'.'.'r • ■ ii'!, it .'it Hint weary of II.. -.• *. < . i ,.-n SMB-SSr Ifhbor^ Crittenden had •triicietl to < tbt their votes lor tlio present executive ullicer ol thru State, Sum lions, tun, not Samuel, ns he had been hv some called, but ‘ Old Sam." tin. hero 'ul Sun : I I'l . . • ' 1. , 'll, ie Ml J'f ,.a~, thu brave and vatiant Hihlicr, thrice •'lifted at tho tralti.* ..I the Horse Shoe. r.—Always gnvo llFi.ry Clav. .‘ lie •lie would not now. nnd then ^ Tlio President suiii—It ap fsffTOT? asssE; s •n„: r:;!: During the proprurHol iIiin hni!. wna culled to order hy tlm t hair. As •exlcriliiy. the hull'll.ip was eiowdeit, Ii waseii|uihie ul iiei.m cut put titer I ? n '’ ,l,u UtoaX^l oiuUumnum prevailed. A,.l I'ini.'ii. he wmid remark that largo uuwb.T ol ladi.*« tilled tlm wen K a f Um Cm! their a; would nut petil m.-n, Mr., lor tlm purpose ul !*e.m,l|ii*: llm motion ol llm geiilteman who as just spoken. | \pi>liiii»e.) The Slulu ; I Maryland in hero to day,sir. prepared to | 1 , nml viewed with intense tut. i« mi also a in kci headed I’coph ’h Union Ticket, laws. [Ap ton wll youth. I Applause.] They regard th 1 ' ‘I"" P" pl% do so. not ,r ' 1 robing prt Im m ur tli- * . • l.t: I i! f. ... IV l,„.H V“ '*)' r Wbi'" l | ;. , r','v'.'ih r .nT“. , n5i what 1 took it to be when I came here. Applause j |. ,t is for tho ro-, eimjily Hi., ilunrin., „f ibn old "t'.' I'*' 1 *. »„'l **j,l ll„, i„ r.Mv,',;,!rn'bl"":, , i”l"i',ia'r l.'.o'k.'an.l'al/auga 1 int.v U|,|u,.,r lo many ol you.l in lov„r '•->« „,I,I „„J mud,- "'•Hi ativ Hint nil iiieu wlm Htsnd up II ill, 1. I." should he nomina- Tiimtinn. L j Car,.linn.—The ( hairmini of^th* hound, l.y llu in'ftriieii.iim whii It^they re* ivia: ai tlm hand,. "I their cmmUtuents, to '' i ’l "i' ’ r v-rte.r lor \ »rlli Carolina's lavor- i . . :.:.n. V. . eanm Imre with in- struu'i u.H to unite w tilt . r.Ut Ri-t North Carolina n sou lo go er fiauj-I.U r's own lav rile son. Wo Yir-inia. a pneajf ^itln.'^wMh'Tiimblu d.lierud wyij mo in tliut selection; but, having every cmilidenee in tlm man who '• '* Henry ciu V. and whom Henry Clay had liotioruiP I ihoughl it would bo l. Im u I' Sil/m .m!| l "lor" 'li'im*.'l‘ 'havcdVi! charged this duty. I huvo tailed to occoni* -lituuun. f Applause. J I tise, ipp al loth ah personal preference* and plant tho ol In I ii. I mi.i. tilt 'd r | l *‘* ... Mow- nil dv.iru to bo lOgnMoMod ol | .lion, ilioi !,.• »o, cornel in bio o].|.r.,hcn- , 1 ,.:.i w In, 1, ,, M „. 1, ! will i..n :riio mi,-!, n idol loro) ihlibvr tbc Cl,*, Ir,l,,.i I |m) o| lht . ri: . u |,. I *ml l,..„l„y lu , i.v , , I ! .„.! ibvy *!., .In,» „nr.„ibl„ nml I ibol »b«ll cn., ,„ il,m wlmlo onuoity of filling V,c*l,cl„. A rail II tbr.v |.r m..k, , , I'l,,-,. 1 .. b-nl. . 1 v I l„„k ■ ' <l< <>>. 11 l„, v„ ulk.-.l ulmul |,l.,l„rin». Wo ,1, to oil who dc.irc lliun bo rvf,r„- , 1 , |, „ K „.„l iiroUtlwit mini, \v„ do n„t rnuotinclndo nil Nulionol Ocmocn.1,. „ rm Al nil ,1 wbo n, ibul linrty *10 II,« JOO of Ihe cuumry. To incluJr liny L V.,„lf, ll„ wns l,,t l!,„ only m.llll. „l ,,VOtd be n gloniig ab.u.dlly, bucli | irilt , Tllon (||„, «-■.,)» I in .!„, Tvtrllnrinl ’nnl'bTo nmMl'onk"',', 1 "h'm'V" i lrgl»lolion „l l«bU, l„r wl.irli w„ bnv* vvvr notroopcoivd coulrmleJ, *nd orbicli flunk ought lo deal lo d lu to.) 1 cay, sir, that when C.) Vrens ol tlm llHh any Southern the CicorRla Tapers are Divided, j thin. Tltc U. t.. t . Wu are iudehled to sumo friend ammtp tiled by an overwhelming majority I l|lH lm . Ulb|ir , , lir u ,!,,, „| ,| 10 K„|e.yh (N eioncrttic parly of (ieorgta (win-rein , with it.) It *■»>• that «. il ls® tiUvnd*, tlm only iKmocrattc j V|I|l , |0|| ' ol ,' h „ K , l( *. (/ *. Ul lhut ci ,y. We r in the Mate which uuequivocally | („„„ t | M . prececvlmgs on ll.M day lliut •naliet. The Atlanta lntelii^rncer, U I U|n U(t||> (i t , orRtf U„ kley in his coulrov. r»y ul .Nuw Orleans. Tlm Irral olliceis, and Cen. Csurge Uickley was . .ml harJty know, which way to u||BI11|nolu| elt . cle j |* rt . gl d olll u | the third .ud ihe Timet of ibis city is "on the of (Jovornilltf y r|ldrll „ cll ,. The lollowiug —probably ou account of thu sickness oj iiepartim nts weto «!*•) el cte.l : • editors. i K. C. Tyler, jnrlcrm .«:et (iencral ; N.G. • Cknmcle undomlao, the ,tr«tigtll 8coU Auburn, Al.., I'nyinn.lrr . B.IUmnr, or l'ooglu |,,ity- • u " I „ tn |. j, u> . lJunf.oi, M. 1)., Huryvon itivNrrnli If. M. Wvmi br, i:„»li.w Ucn- of III.; K v. Isaac Hpuitgler, Chi .plain * “ "" ""'s 1 «»"• r „|; A. II. Wc(i,bb„n.-y t „f M.,„i e .„„.-,y, •• *S" ““ ll ‘° •* lr " j Ale.) Folic, (l.-iivrol. (i. ii.vkl.-v n- „,.lh.»ui. to ,.buk„ lb. Sccocion umlfl| .Bj.mni.nv.H „| |i„»,.l ,.l ..ol,chiricicricing ii ,» n "w.y ln„l- j Al |, i|„, ,.b.,v,..„«,u.a 1).- mg.” *n-i JoeUiiog th.i tbo ,,, u„. ,.1 *Pgtl 10 ilomooil KcJornl |.r.ileetioli tUi j ||wjf ,,, ,,, 0 , lici .„ .,l,i,U,< „«y in lb* No doubl . ,-.... , i„„.l .ur!. „ „nn.,i. '» H II, ,v.olu,„„.. *J„|,ivJ, Ibo Colonel, ol ( 10 uro t" no commissioned by tlm He- 0. of lb, Titnti who wool j (i. nvr.I.i thv „l .buogli lie relumed will, * chill tilv , in ee.rl llicu ,.wn Md hy lb. cold oorWcr th.H a „j Fn.n.a.lrr flcm rnl I* ChcilMtot,), lint been .rvuM',1 1 Uurv.iu end enl.u.led will, ihe luiiJ. of e IS ell which he ju.tly j ol the older. ^ V '’ ry 13T TLJ .‘Seceding Druiuciavy ul Georgia ‘ ,nK may manage to crawl Imck into tho squatter . sovereignty emp und ohr t in forg.veiuss »l hlilli.i.ore, hut there dues im’. scent to ho j si.y 1. ipe for their confederates ... Alabama. ,|, r j J'he squatter soteieign* llu re have called mil.- urt '" (J.nibeli'ion, and the Hen. I Mobile lle^itlcr, the h-aJ.i.g Douglas paper, j j.-,, urtiuum, ur anyv icoplc, Norti. ai.d S' i«j >ie.) i .. put away «,! umi.i nd wlm h.l a nil i ml on Urn table, lie »l.mi»}ln,wo all had hud ! uic.iao ^tipplttiiee.j ^ Show tm thu man, it, ei ami lilmti'# o| llm iiistingi.inh- | pM-*u h.u .('o*yj»i',-tion -nd ii;iiu cM'u. will, tlm nomiimiiun. Whut I "'o wn.u nootl.or platlorn Itril.rr do we want to know Hint dm- ho la. at tin* Intlo Siam ol i"lM.i**l.r>l .mm, Julio I D ll, ol Tennessee f— coniiid.^ | \ pplnuse. 1 ^ volition was opened with prayer H<*l!, ami mm !ur Kdword Hvorett. \,\n. totidugiuH imro, to c by tlm Rev. Dr. Met'run. ph.imoj I J' tHev and luako it Uenort ot the liutities* Commit!, Mr. Uro New Ymk. . • ' IK ' tlu* I ..Ion ul tlmeo Siuii-h now vor. , Applauw I rose ^fur the J"hn Hell, ol Tennc-eo. | Applause.) Nr./' Jersey.-1 Inn. J. K., nnid : Some years ago 1 had th" honor and pins*- • ii- ' - l " .1,-1,u ii'il.UH .Speaker nl tlm II .use ol Keureacti- intive.d, ami it nllord( me no Icfa pli-nsure mutt pride to be authorized by my lellow w' U \V'!".w' l ' r |*"“ i:d l “ ,t, 1 ’ u ' 1 l f ir tl.ut platlorms n.lop eil In- the part.sail t'mi- to imslead and deee.vo llm people, and at tlm haum time tu widen tlm ,- im.N ol dm country, by tim creamm ami eiicourugonmnl ul geographical und scc- Uesolved, That .< \n both tho pnrt ol rj"* " u - F'lB t.'uN»rti«T |oa ot J iiK Cot .(i t;v, The I'.vtox ot j tih .Ti ATt-H, a'VO**- • •»»* ‘1’llt l'wM'OKUKM K.N f ol- Till, i, A WN J - und me lon —In-- rt-.:or.l ineleitr ai d j ns to ptdiiteul lutu.o lias taken strotiu ilmeoxered by hm linterest polttieal I co.imry. J'lm question is linked, •*lluw lung 1 gl nous Union really in dange r f” We uiu " " I" rind ol e.ilm lo luku our rc' kon mg .mil how tar tlm old ship ol 1.0, . , I • I,., re.. ou lor , .day, und no , .Staio him drilled Iron, its true e ntree--to cm- J am .im lu re, Mr, lo .Imiurl. with otic ' id, mui to c tlm people ul this counrry, unit!, a* I bultcvi.*, tlm voice nm Siam ol Maryland* that wo should r ! Apphtiiae.j Now, sir, Iroin the distiuguisi ; ud nm Him have been prcaoniod to tl *.. Hie rush str.le ol j « oi.M.lerntioii ogl.c Slate ..I Maryland, v oci'iip.eJ l.y me two ;;i ,|e or ( .'.»fd/.atiuim whleii -"w jg'ii ii ' •■'ooli'ilun .'nul ilie I ’uimd Si'iu'n "und that , ^"' t '"l 1 *'^• "•"r.'-H*Nu't/nu.'l m.uUi,Ku.t un-l V* H. t ihe United Sta'es, iin.l.-r the Gon* ! i. tins ur has not a light to lugislu'o I <1 to the subject ul slavery in tlm | mm; n ‘at a 11[ I... ug liter, j** w'hat j l.y ioat, Mr. ( m tins, that •iv*..11 it... wind.- dill,unity Miu,.ly pledge ourselves to inniuiniti, protect, .lei. nd. separately nmf unitedly, lliouo g just rights ol tt.u^l'uople, and ul tlm al urellaro. and seeuro tlm IiIosmurn ..t v m ourselves uud our posterity. vvliteli way Us valisliiny buctisl. Ucsolved, Thu*, m balloting I. know it it was i; he doqioii-m ol parly, lie came there t Northern ma lie lio pel ey. lApplauso.] Ten yearn uro, hi a mccettug in C.imIo G-rdm, Im raised hia hand and there swum that im would m e every parti dashed into ten tit ntsand pieci*M t.elore im would billow tlm banner ol an aboliti'in louder. (Great cliccting.) And Im hud kept hm word. i the peril ol Ins Bcll.ol Tet iiessi’t*. J Applaueo. | Ohio.— Wr. N. G. I'efdleton said he was direelej l.y tlm del.-gnttuii Iroin Ohio, t.iden elaru lio tr vole, uhicli had been in h-‘i.i. ■ r. • -11 v»■■ I herdiilorc, should now he given tor tno Hun. John Bell. [Ap« platlnC. I Mi'touri -SIr. T. A. Harris conpratu- InteiMlm Convention, ^Irom tht^ lact that lied that would lull llm death knc.l ol the Dcniucraticparty. |(’io.*i*r».| Missouri in- strueti-d Iiiul 1u nay that Iter nine votes would nis i hn cost lot HHI-U.o national l!:*ll of Tonneaaea. | Appiuuao.] Illinois, uls" reepomied through its Chair* sim changed Imr vote to John od i.ei In ad. Hill lie find he dev!r:idj’uamd I»|| : | I InUuh failed upon shortly alter WQids, p i* Imps Home three or lour years ago. in niteml ltd tiygoiiea to he bygone*, lie, ninu there hell tend tlio Motuli, as tlm cliampiuri ul same as me cons.rvutivu principles ol the North. Tiny *uouid reniemlcr Hitt me Slam of N« >• Yorj^ mid u peeultar people. must break, ami i! tm y lire, und, rJst bko thu conjuier, all ended in id Hm Northern people, t limit there that wished lers ii * fpctious ol tho t f so,,,,, other few York tin y had i vory elas* , "lit/ would ndi the ill how limy eurntd | •d Whig party, I any other ticket in y tlm Hih '/ hniod’ti U nuUgonisrn to (Jen. Jackson's I y, nut ag nr, him | - : —nally, and I Henry Clay, to llm genii, (iisu who lias been Two uud u hull • .h emed the Stum I Y"fk, nml hy banners uud by .in”, nr, iiii> ii. In iiio»T,| turn llm von- i.e tukc.i on , ,| lie riatiorm an 1 the liral tea dution. j pen; Tlm vote w-d» put by Urn President nml ktucktngr. f>' Goggm, relating to fed districts. HllhT IIAhh'iT. | i i "7 ll rr...iR«"'„m. 1 . oernt. (M-o.-Mr. l’endl ion said s There is but •I Mutton lorgut their old Whig presenting his name ; they only limy weru patriots, and that r,;j beg th at her llall.ol Ten ? G f •? f ~ w '£■ :: | dedeguinm iron, Dinu differ from that ol .V.ny/im/ —Mr. Yellolt, ol Maryland, 3 | • p- £ ? I | V 7 k ;, a i M 'r* f '»m 11 e rn a I i°l r ml i ^Te x im 1 * ” ,CCl ’ KI,,Z,,d ““ ! I ! f I I M I M wf^' L wan. r ‘a’NVhlg‘and u %™Uem"'v!u!g. i ':uuJl.tVrTr’lMT"' 1 as.?“ImA 0 Ir!"n^reTu-V*''! As I II >amd upon me pi n .1 i a uf tho Mml to fl/ii/ i id pml l Con* Uimk that they w.ll not eat their own . h.iiliVci,loll■’* ill 1 “"' J * -,' 1 »« I'**' »“« h » -< »' '» ‘-..I I .,ll-.v.|.-c«v»*Moc*,..*l„ll,wn. . . .N*. la.ucin flojicv,, th, CiiMii. lot »bich I “* r ‘"f-iitnMn vl.cly *»“■'», *" d W I:., lev, wh.icvcr. Tli.l p*f»r | “ « " ol !ull f.llow.bij, ,n,l communion will. A Very Imimi-tnut Vole. *ncry wn,g of tho Alabama Democ- The vote in tlm liou»c ol iUpreseulstives •nd we would as soon hove expected j D f lhe L„.ted Mate*, on Friday last, on the ^ Proviso, is the most tmpuitaltl exprr wil'ich'TouM 1 «*p!m' ,‘i! i'l. •, ,V • y.we sn-uld. . ,lla r > m ge -nal i*;*,' I'i'.V.’*.!' -!M|‘N'..r*'».!'V LlV'^f.Ti 0 \»* r st'.'‘V'tV."* 'll/.'.'o'.’’’.'..";; u J o u o o 0 o ?. I >n ,.i ii.,....- .1 l-.r tlm purp •*.*. dee! an* wy ul*: !,: l>-to c llm pco|,I .* wi.leh diall nlaMUh \«« jLnlly!.!.' -j | *g u n 0 g ,! !■ '■’» It-.I the Mui, will rrt.rJ with more 0* Inlet which w* *re .u|,parti,.; ftat which Ihe Timet wHI .uj.poif. hot prefer John 11.11 to nny l)om- icritrin Uuiiin l^ (iodjoi^ | . Appi^o.o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Rcoolvod, Tlial I Wo regard it c* a loir on,I | Isnuio, li.q . of ^*» lh. 4th of June, -for lh„ . upon wh.t coum- of policy pur.ucd hy them in the pre.ent The Committee e.y that • coucerVRliee f.iende ol the South oil North ern men who eoled lo def.ol thoeo hill, end Yiiuijr, end »• her in.tmre all whoaup- d Ihe lull. >< reiiorted. Wo hole to Foster to the bensle ol the United for (he turn of six vests, lie is a You can find ruy lext in us In I are it I that he meant I. Johu, chap- one ll.ig ; w«; *' and upmi nnuoiiut ground, i St-»i« lie rcqucsied to upp'iitii nun ol their tfC^K > * * a 'msy^oppose tinont w li.c:i l'rovidunco hits e.iirustcd to | und tl^it^escl^person thus tu.i.iiuated shall the iioailua- 67 us'421 j VI ij y; : srsjftE 4 - During Hm inking ul tlm first ballot th. r<* was con.tdershlc debate, and thu following .. -asaraKs ii,.: Us I.mi l thought when l arrived tu li tl MU,ore I would iika to uscortatn lor my sell what kind ol nisn there wero way down K.jst^ [Daughter.] ^Iu accordance wtjh r °M11 souai.—Tlm favored child of Ken- I mi was 'bo Inns star I I 'llBlI.fl. ■ it Marvli . I guvu hall a vote tor General mo her ol Prt t.lcnf, and she Im, some . tori th - im I..' Maryland. though riot yet the mutticr n| a *ing|« I’res* Did Dominion. ( born utnl servsd private in the in lor licit mi l lor llousim,. I\nntylvuHia.-rMi. i.t ilc said :_In r.** ply lo tlm gui.tlcm.iii Irmn Now York, who utniising speech, I am ii.struc cd by my !d»»“.nj Nm «*aw»_yy .^IwwtoJkiei.. 1 .!. iird 10 Wltoro untciudenm 1 hero cult bo no universal tratirnity und union, ’l imy iu> nm 10 hay that under no utner cir- nccs vvtiuhl ihuy cum into tin* C . ,, Itut to rt pudiu'o ait nasi issues , tu mail wlm cun hetrusii j by tin um"jd Im succeed ur lail, Hut n U»t* amplest success. [Applsus. 1 Wu *ay to you. gentlemen, to n iueinb. ilut you aru thu I .noli puny. 1 am ir. ; iv H lo ; Mcl.r all, l.' I, ,ve ii.nt -.1 um lo cast Hm vote ul Mr.G1T .1d ol New York, said that wltolt Mato unanimously lor John Bell. Iiot 111 tlm sense ul a Loco loco, but' under the general acceptance ot tno term. 7V.(u.—Mr. Norion suids In rdcronco Van llurr.n. (I.augl.tcr.) . - tu ur.--Mr. Rockwell said that s inhtructed by his delegation to proclivities 01 party, and the y l f}sV'£ r 'ii!v?imf'o! , T.f‘ tho* Ldtiuill* lApplausc ]* I a in ono Henry Clay, and ono wu» c«n ray (and tlm l‘ov( d Ii J an - lioiiored. Wu livrdtu tho light Ol In. clear magnificent eyo; we Dial Union party ol ilia John Bull. o. Tci >. to Mr. Bell, not 1