Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, June 05, 1860, Image 1

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>7 l: r O ■OMAS RAGLAND, —Proprietor. Kiiss: A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OF TIIE CONSTITUTION—AN HONEST ANO ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OF TIIE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, lSiJO. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 23. I ii (Enquirer. n PUBLISHED . p a y—Siindavs Excepted. ; pOLL A US PEB ANNUM IN ADVANCE, „ |f payment is delayed six month*. insplcuotsA'.y Inserted, at the t SSUrkl| tnqaim-. I, g jD EVERT TUESDAY MORENO. L Tw0 DoLLip* and Firrv Cists per nnrnm, r frran^bly in advance, or Tunics IpaUTu advsnoe. t,r»UI he discontinued while any arrearage Xsaioe at tl.e option of t! P»r Ushers; and liars will, ia ail cos's, be exacted where V, is not matte before the expiration of the advkrxtsf.ments p <*ly Inserted at Ox* Dollar per square, reinsertion,and F/rrr Ckst* for e»cry L^utcontinuance. A square In tfc Eaqnlt ,,»ee of eleTcn lines In small type, coutaln- L ■*. doe*, one hundred word*. nvtfTonrXMT* published at the nsaal tab strict attention to the requlsltloa* t 4 fine* charged at the re*- uBonkatioas Intended to promote the private M Intervals of Corporations, Societies, Behoofs rioal*. «V11 be charged as advertisements. [fORD’S LIVER INV1G0RAT0B, T sF.VKIl DKOlLfTATKS f . rOMPOCNDVD EXT!RELY FROM OWIR, r l „ M" OH! » ' *!'•» > r ' .known and approved by ad that havered C’ttoW res. 0 lt which Ul*s bKom L'.,. known m . —‘tarwbich it is rrcoim.itudc l. ^iJ ouiAn.l- m will cure I.TVF.H Con fcSJ{fo“e.r. g Ptalnf. »«»««■ Attack. £ < «i r e n up all T Dyspepsia, < hroiih- in- l*‘. .. it.* s’ nrrbn.-H, Huinnrer ‘ Ot L i r*ltrf as the rr arrna-H, .-mnin- r » nm- Pi in so l kited plaints, Dysentery, Drop t mv t*o»- W sy,8ouri*toinarli. Habit ^Tow. y Ou 1C M-o.CboUn, ‘ww’l'll I ' > I-• . K "‘" s K : ,-. l ,v '..-V. • ir dictate* of your ^ V will ■ jrvs? Cv™ 5;• ■ ■ •" ijsga^fl^A’vssfas. MurlnithJr testimony In tu favor. 2 MU water with in the mouth with the IntlK®- ^,04 swallow both together. Price One Dollar per Bottle. AI.HO, 0ANFOM>'9 FAMILY Uthartic pills, 1 COMPOUNDED FROM .. i »a'i. BtiraaU, and put up in O'.ait ('aro, ■ - Zi and trih kr*p »n on/ rl'm.i'r. tuy fAMIl.Y CATHARTIC I’lLMs a pentle but V irttn Oolhortic wfah • U Yn araetke more than tweuty year,. n^canstanUy inen a- tj\ r. fer.nre to this w-11 •■»- ^d*Band from thuso j tabllshed fart,bi. n coin- " t tong u*rd the 3 poun ,r,,n ' * vart.-tv rtMolhV ,' "I H •*[;' ’JS fSfSJKlS 2 .... •in acton llffermt 8 SToMAt II. Hl-idt" *», 'CBS of the bowels. H I’salnw fttfll.V CATJlAll <S l/'liis,« ostivi 1 »ln sili. has with due U and Pormess over win Weight onn« In C V HI FI UK of Ul« tody, I r^.Ktcd, end In a long » o in*, a Creeping • , Rrotlrssness, Head i, all Inflammatory Db | Adults, lUieuniatbin, » Price Three Dime*. Itm 1JVFR 1NVIOOKATOU and FAMILY CA - LaUTIC P1LI> are retailed hy Druggist* generally P TJdwhobsulrl.V th. I I'.ide b. Ml I,. jl, T. XV* IANFOUD, M. D., Manufaolnrer »n<\ Proprietor, 335 Drmlavuy, New tort,. **W»I-- ; ' . WHITI-lhlDL A < I Mir eh «,l«W ! ^Thursday Morning, May 31,1860. The Mall on Hell ami Everett. Wo copy in this paper the reply of the Montgomery Mail to our article nsking it whether it ever contemplated the support of the nominations of the Constitutional Union party. It will be seen that it adrnita its opposition to that movement from (he start. In fcther article* of the same date, the Mail discloacs its distrust and rppugnanco towards any national party, and ita favor towards what it calls “a Southern Slate Right* party," to “carry the election into the House,” «Scc. Ciftut the Mail accompanies this admission with some remarks relative to the course and opinion* of Mr. Hail, which we regret to eeo. It aayg that hia record "contains deadly concessions to anti'flavery senti* ment”; that he “always appeared to lean agaiuat slavery"; and that it ia “strongly probable" that a majority of bis Northern supporter* are "less friendly than himself” to slavery. These charges are inado in a manner so general and indefinite, that we presutuofour Montgomery coloinporary ha* too readily given credence to Democratic clamor against Mr. Bell, without carefully examining for itself his record—especially ns we find it, in another article, speaking of Mr. Bell's “voto in fuver of abolition petitions”! 4 Now, wo have, in this hurried article, only an opportunity to state in a summary manner Mr. Boll's opinion* and antecedents. but wo have already substantiated the statements which wo make, and we will prove the balance on demand : 1st. Mr. Bell is a Southern man and a slaveholder. yj. Ho believes that Congress has nc power to exclude slavery from the Territo ries, regarding its acts ot prohibition (inclu ding the Missouri Compromise) as both unconstitutional and unjust towards the South. 3d. Ho is opposed to siiuattcr sovereignty, hut is in favor of such non-intervention a» wss recognixod by th* Territorial set* of 1850, 4th. Ho voted against receiving abolition petitions (all the Abolitionists and many Democrats, both Northern and Southern, voting in favor of their reception); and tho only shadow of foundation for the chargo that I10 favored abolition petitions i* the fict that he voted against • miserable Democratic contrivance to dodge tho ques tion of their reception. When the question was squarely presented, 'Shall tho petitions be received 1* ho voted Not hut be would not lend his countenance to a swindling humbug concocted by the Democracy keep their parly united in Congress and ovado a decision of the question of reception. 5th. Mr. Bell mointains that every citizen of any State is by tho Federal Constitution entitled to pro/cclwn of his properly, recog nized as sqch hy tho laws of his own State, in any of tho States, on every sea, and in every Territory of the United States. Oth. Hu makes no apology for African slavery In the South, hut holds that it is right per se, aud ia inseparably connected with tho prosperity of the South. If tho Mail is in search of a sounder Southern man than Mr. Bell is, according to this showing, wo ure puzzled to know I where it will find bim. Wo do not bcliove that as good a man will be presented by rfhy other Convention—certainly not by one I c6ntnining representatives Irom any but the i cotton Stulcs. The only objection that con with tho I least show of rea-on be urged agaiust Mr. I Bell by Southern men, is that bis conterca- I titm bus on one or two occasions with- ! heM him from making demands which he I believed tho South had a right to makr. We allude especially to bis refusal to vole lor a repeal of the Missouri Compromise in 1851, though he then said it wj* unconsti tutional and unjust. But he respected it a* n long-maintained compromise of the sec tions, and would not vote to repeal it and thereby arouso sectional strife 1 unless assu red that tho South could succeed in Kansas, liven in this instance, hi* lurthlul predic tion of tho intensity and mo result of the Kansas struggle proves his far-seeing states manship; and we aro perfectly willing to let tho people decide upon the policy ippiy j restraining conservatism principle ho was with 1 littlo muro conservative than wo were. Mr. Bell has served an ordinary adult lifo-time in Congress, and (though we have not all of his record at hand) we fee I aa/e in challenging a citation to any instance i which he ever voted for the Wdmot Provis any other act excluding slavery from “Forewarned, Forearmed j»> Our renders will remember the Account, which wc published a short time since, of the Democrat in Cincinnati, who had nude and lost a bet with a Black Republican, tho penalty of which was that the loser should be kicked hy the winner a distance of n hundred yards or more in one of tho public streets. The Black Republican won, but never enforced tho penally. Reason—tho Democrat transferred tho brick from his hat to another part of his tippnrei, and the first kick made the Rcpublirnu howl with pain in his foot, his toes recoiling in ugony from the unexpected shock. Wo commend this expedient to our Geor gia secessionists who talk of breaking into the squatter sovereignty Convention ul Balt imore. That they will greatly heed some protection of that kind, is now almost cor- Wo copy front the Washington Slates (which fully approves it) the foilow- comtnont of tho Cincinnati Commercial Judge Henning's address recommending tho sending of delegates to both the Rich mond and Baltimore Conventions—which recommendation was approved by tho D* tn- ocratic mooting in this city. Tho delegates are threatened with a very hostilo reception at Baltimore, nud Wo wish to put ihoin on their guard “The proposition of tho diaunioniats In tho Culf .States is of the most fibrin/ char• acte.r. They propose to send the same dele gates to the disunion convention ut Rich mond, to tho Democratic convention ut Baltimore, and it ia a wonder tney did not think ol sending to the Chicago Republican convention ami lilt Baltimore American convention. They might certainly ns well mid properly have done it. Tho Richmond convention is un opposition body to the Democracy ns much ns either tho Repub lican or American conventions. It is made upof tho bnme sectional elements Republican,and is 1 ragconsly disunion John Bell at Louisville. Ills Itceonlhu Platform. [Correspondence of the New York Times,] IjOVsivilLR, Ky., May 17, I860, Mr. Be.ll this evening has been aorennded at the Halt House, aud, nhvr n htnultn>nio introduction bv llov. Morehcnd, has made (■onto earnest and patriotic remarks to a fair and attentive audience. It was the first tie hud rver addressed Kentuokiana on K tacky ■ nl, and It® Iclt pri/biundiy thankful for the respect now shown hint ns ^!iii standard-bearer ol the Union I'artv hy m many Kentuckian*. 'I ho selection of In in above all others—many more worthy—by tho very dibtinguitdicd Convention ut Rnlumotu, wits an honor ol which ho Mt most proud. Ii only the sentiment which pervaded that body and uutinaicd him could he thinned throughout ihe .country by the Union I'arty, posterity in all ages would call organization blessed. A va-t proportion ol Doth the oilier parties urn Mill ut heart loyal and national, but their heads have been misled and hituded hy oittbllious, uvciictou* and recklenb i arty leaders, who aro lor them stdves lirst, and lor the Union niterwards, or not at ull. Thu object nl tho new party U '■> m , >• tho would-be conservative masses id the other parties with a deep seu^c ut their country’s peril, to ciilntuto und utluin an alliuoto with tltem, to induce them to throw oil party trammels itliu yokes, to arrest, subdue and control extremists, indi cate und disuniontsls on both sides ; to Irown down and crush util secitonnliMii every where, to toippic** and extinguish the direlul partisan St ivory agitation, and to revolutionize tne policy and tho practices ul the Government,—now so corrupt, dtsor- organizing and destructive—muriuytitg and uluruinig every cnlightuni d and nidi pendent American, and doruittd and scorned ny lor-, cignersimd foreign nations. An Amo it*an citizen, when abroad, no longer displays Ills once Roman, like flits; ' ' Tho liberal will find thin tin y tttchmoiiJ, Mr. Bnnpimn lion to the Dull niiror in hi* c d pri’Mintod t advocating if.- • ftlrnnumm their views on t assuming tint tho f>eni'>rr<i’t£ n on l)ouKla>r~Mlnvcry JMs- cutmlou in the Senate. V’lato ol tins United States, on tin* , Mr. line having concluded hi* i Mr. !>iris' shivery resolutions— : length in oppusi- I icuine. 11o said the •eli, « ■dpvm •nl i r spectacle ol mhc I're ihono who d uo express •• >object hslore the Senate. |*,o was ilie embodiment •*( i nrty, mill <‘H who oppose •kr i unwilling p A-autili* <m the Democratic Senators were wanton tun! unprovoked. Tho Bonalor hud dclcndrd his consistency, hut that was nut the issue between thorn. It was that llto ‘ itrdo » bargain, ami violated a: crime, adhering to id agreed to abandon A Wretched BualuesM—African Hlnvcs. Th® Federal fJovcrrimetu has now, on Key NVcut, in its poascsbinu somew hat more i!inn one thousand Ainraii i, captured on ta V> . Iftr it rl the VV I tint. \tu ut one hall aro in good condition, likely mid ncatihy ; the rcM urn moslly diseased and •uflertng from close (lacking and a hard voyage. All ure in cualody ol the United St itts M ir-hal ot the Southern ifoi’.ricl ol find* difficulty in mpidtiug New York, i oughti or by \ ul, bv tho Herald, jwr York Fi flagrantly and platform as the utluirs ol the Territories. Its dclcgub more at homo if That person w guilty ot unparalleled ing udnusHton to the non. Those who try are seeking mu,., when they rs-ay to ride i the disunion n und tho I ull'blooded Democratic e at ilaltlmoto. 'J'l.ry will l;nl . two—ignominiouBly und sbamttully f' 1 * 1 : j e Tho democracy will regurd the aid. rs and i ( abetters of llm disunion conclave at lvt' h• | ( ntond in tho smite light that they regard , t tho membors ol the nlebrutcd llnruoid , convention ul J8J I, us encitius not only <o 1 1 tlicir party, but traitors to their country Is it supposed lltnt men accredited to, um. | , Ire*h from, this disunion meeiiug, can ( obtain cntranco to tlio Democrutic temple t ut Ballitu'jre I “The proposition ta an outrage "■ loyal and Union-loving ol ol tlio nation. It i» an in*' hood, mid iheir intelhge another ideu cunticci> that is calculated avor, iruo «■««•'• ‘| I-'. Disunion convention t hold a threatening rod lions at Baltimore. It iiiuiuin to the latter, ami irig iicn • iii-m "•‘•* ocotnpliancn with their dumaiida hy thp ui- cncil boll* and meesstona. “There t* but one way to meet mi cl. cflrnntcry. Tho proud and powurlul n« - mocrary rl tin* country would consider it •Jiahououble .'■> i-imeoiiiD to ‘b»«•<»»» and menaces, h is not mane ol that r ow ..nily material. While the KeccsaiOntna tbrenten, they can only be mot with doftnnee. Tlio great mass ot tlio Democracy do United States i udmiruiimi. Unless there Kit rope no longe i m hr a co amt Mibmti < ..i a milttaiv dt poll!ii The Union l'arty c il tlio tuas.-is will rail Though ouly t six,". roi'rinin Irom the otl (ol not d* tailed wn ihousanil old Nvbigs i jMr, Hcnjaitiin tbeii ri ad net nail y c- pit d i<i ncm dupes Dougla,'. I) a „ !f M i hack, slop hy can ranks. Up I. lie had held at Louisiana tn mmenn state*- um t» lorloited, i be restored, lie had reptu bligmimts. Alter muking out home, bis knees laboring, k , who stood firmly mi prin*. ben ten, is the candidate lor , ol his party. Mr. Douglas, cd out I. hi filers I thing" . . ... leurclicully they danounre slavery. The President in Ins Hpociu] tnrasngo on • he subject, implores Congress to make liiu necessary appropriation to send H.eso no- grocs hack to Africa and to support thorn (hero until they ran lakorarsol iliemeclre*. Thus is tne 8outh plundered—lor tlio sta- ot the .south arc the principal founda- Ol all Federal taxes—a- a consequence 'ree Soil speculaiions lit Atric.iu flmli. 1 President estimates that at least SU'D,’ will bo required lor each cargo: iJi.ii ol Kcho hiving cost about $75,tkXL 1 hat these negroes Oosiro to stay From the Montgomery Confederation (Dent.) ? .Spoilt Capital—>Ir. i itluiot o uu Wuck Ucpubllcati, Mr. Fillmore has recently boen heralded until, as heving joined the ml hi Black Ropnbhcaiis. Tho et'ccssion paprrs have given it a wide cir culatiou, ujiparetiriy JouK'btin/f, but really i ng over it. aa it i light add to then capital in the hu«ino» ul emhiucring the about a disrupit-m >o mo gnvetinnciit. Bui, uias! ail mico ' UespictMo menr must cornu to nau.'ht tn the end. Tl New York F.xprusN, .1 r. Fillmoic's orgai l>ub)iflh(.d too following patriotic n Her ho him, dated 30:h salt.; u uoc» not U ok nun like be had joined tlio Black Republics i lor ho denounce* ihem ns ho does ibu d. uuioni,ts ot mu South, us “Domagngui tanning thv llamo lor Hc-lii^ti and umtutto objects j lix*. Puns I DENT FlLLfdORI ON TIIE HTA or THE C/OL'NTaV AND TIIK POLITICS uV T Day.—in a Jotter, doled April JOtb, JVj Filmorc w-rttes us tolbiwu : “1 profess to belong to no party but my country, nud lid taking no part hi politics: but, though a silent, 1 unt hy no iiuhiis nil tndilTerem spectator ul parsing events. On SoilUm is llie virtual destruction ul poor creatures, nr nl any rule ul their I ttnorests, physical and inorul, and that a immense cost to tint country. Wo do llot advocato the slave-trade, but I —tho negroes being undoubtedly slaves in I Africa—they should l»n confiscated, ns well as tlio vessels, and sold in tho .Southern States. Till* wit'll.I II. I... Mdi-siistntmng institution while it lasted— j nod it would lust u very little while. The great bone til would be, that it would be j ended hi a matinur tint would bo aattslac- I lory to all except fanatics: lor tho bonstble anil-slavery man would accept litis dispo sition ul Hie Alncuit u* the host that could l tie inado under I lie ctrciitnatiitice*. We dt' out doubt but that New York i Kre«) &»il Coiigressiunn are Homutiinc* in- | ienisled ut -.a.e ships. Mr. Sewurd'a Free i liiUll'.ut. till! ho needs of d;scv nay und in civil government. t np| prts ad tflu destruction « South? a ml the cause, seems |tktly to endt North and Syutli, fan ill aro likely to lio drawn i suvo onruolves.’’ years beluro our Revolution, , s between the North ut-d the -ml . i up t r eye Dos’ likely, tLiu turned a penny,’ ,vntd Intend to •n are going Convention,I .•, that tli ut 1 - tho Senator I lying that Ini I ’ f, and ull lie | tormiiy to ihmr ov/n peculin . Ma Richmond l* t‘» jver the dclt'»era> t j lay down ulit- lv ■-,1.1II t lU.t U:« ami lloca to tho Untoit dag. Who altah suy that the. chaneoa ol tinu third or mnloio puny do not appear ns good, or even bcttei *bat tnuh.* ol oillior ol tho others/ (Mr. Hell n-pouted Ui id quest mu soverttl limns.) f hoto is ch roii.son to hopu lor the best. But n il doleitlod, tins Union niovonieiii wilt a inemoruhlu example, and will mimilo-i ireijglh, and vitality, »nd capacity lor elopement thill will aetwt *«* clnvk, and rampant aicttoii.ilitmi •m Is and ho mb. discus* tbo nil, containing w Iik Ii lie tliil behove was rllectmns on eat Political Fall life ot Die Paj r tin* caption tho New York llurm era to tho nomination ul He'd un can' mid Domvernlic pipers to b the Baltimore ticket a political lull- f, n i» ftlltnri«nU'tf{ uB : 'w»l J a i witho cept Air. I*ugh ««i<l 11,0 rJ *fii/tV'IlM* mliing cquivoc.l in tlio Kansae I l,e t'lncnuian I’Utiform. I be lvnn*i irov..letl the manner in which tbo “The Him Union candidates lor the I’n sidoney nn \ tan I'm id* nt y—Bell and F,vet signal l.tlluro, the greatest ol tbo pn sc day. Tlio Domocraltc and llopilbhenu j"ti mils vie with each other tn applying i sorts ..I disparaging epithets anil nickimm o these gentlemen, and endeavoring .how tl.iit as eantlldatns, they amount lutlitiig. Among llmse journals are tho Ric mmd F.nquirci, the A hany A'lm-. Argi md 11vemng Journal,anti the N.\ . I rthiir )iic ciiIIj Hell a Whig, another c.ills hi in obi logy, a third saya lie is dull, am: lonilli I lino themselves to tbo privilege. :ehsafed to them by their masters, Un northern wing of the Charleston Conven high ground to present lo the adoption of a Irco poepto—very high! In pursuit pt forth, tho Angus' leading organ r Squatter Deinocrc purpose of those wo represent to Hi a to CoiiVtuilion nt Milledgovillo lib of June, to “fill such vscai.cii Further hy the Arabia. IIamya.'., May 28.—Some accounts front •iictly *ny that Garibaldi hnd captured all he itnportant towns, except Palermo and Messmi. Tliero was great consternation in Naples. The troops hnd become dispirited, and tho royal family were picking up their jewel*, iml there were strong indications ol u gen eral insurrection there. Garibaldi was moving towards Palermo, in ! it ivna reported that Lamoriciere was idvancmg towards tho Legations, and •-'ardiniau force* were «mbarked to check him. Ii i* positively asserted that the French army ha* been ordered to evacuate Rome. Gen. Concha has been elected the Presi dent ol the Spanish Senato. Liverpool circulars report that the w'eath* r is tuvornblo for tho growing crop*.— Flour firm, and American description* nag- ieclcd. Wheat had advanced troni Id to id. Corn was declining, and all qualities worn slightly lower, and closed nominal. Heal was heavy. Pork cull but steady. Bacnn wits firm nt a plight advance. Sugar lo-cd linn. Coflee steady. Rico quiets Os, Rosin firm a quoted at -Is. Id. a ;*entinc steady ut Ills. 6d. At London, Amvriain poenritten bad uiirhtly declined, and ratlroud bonds were ,'fj»i JFiyers and llvennn (lifTivnlty has i* « n settled. Both nru to Ituviia belt apiece, and Bayera to retiro from thnpr.zu ring. I'.x PRF.smr.NT Fillmore run Bell —Tlte Jersey City Standard ha* seen a recent let- Irom Kx Prtuudum Fillmore, ill which gentleman says: i it wa* in my power, I would at once Me*ar*. Bell and Kvereit, than whom r uoiiuuatioua could not Itnve been made." 1,'ontrrehsional. Wabiiinoton, May 29.—lit the Senfta tn-cuy (ho HoumiiN (and bill question «n disc united at lougili and llso locontmenrUv lion ul a 1’acilic railway wa* adopted. interesting from Wnshliwrtnn. Wapiiinuton, May 25.—Senate.—Trum- j Imiu'm ainondmenl to Havin’* reaoluiiuiis, | Dim thorn i* no constitutional right to take I or hold Hlavts in tlio Term uric*, wa* re- j jeeted hy u vote i t 31 to 17. 1’tic lilih resolution wum ilinn adopted, by vo'f ul 35, against 2. Thu sixth resolu- n was adojtiod, by .U against 12. House.—Tlio hill rutaitng to the captured Ticairu was brought up. i\lr. Underwood moved to amend it, to sell tho neuroe* in sens, uaughtot). Hawes replied, and Under- wim it ichput.ded, and cries ol order, and cui( lor the police by Cobb. Tne Japanese Kmbasay dined with the The Treasury receipts for the tvpck, arc § 1,1.-1.000, being un increase on tho week ut am.Hi,000. Amount aubject to dratt Ulutiun 11 [»•» the It adds ; r had (I UIC public I lie, known plctc reeor I allowed mill on ul) questl nl tlie country tor n • Di-iminniHi lowsltip with the Den they liavo cnni.Ri *1 ihmi They must haul down rebellious Hag, and hi onstgu tn I'* I’l;* 1 taken back i preso U Ull I The Dim i tint l tlio itnproHi i iinmimiuoi! cannot i hi established I ,l«o nstilbli-h- it..I the cr-l a retorted the mndoninnnt nl hH ia*'"l' re.)- ined Dotijla pi v meant that idi id upon thu |»' i no i r ut is i* imit Loin airily rtqht. The Dee eated tty Hell and I .v Pennsylvania, Ne “Why do Savannah Hep. Mr. Inane V. F»»vb The Now York Tn/n nxpobttrool Mr. Fowler' the ulna lliei i, tbst the rnrythln* the trad* that vole. only a Icin’’ A. M. BININGER & CO. (V8TABURUKD 17"*,) SOLK IMPORTERS, No. 33H llroailwny, N. 1. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC I Mrperially disift tied tor the use of th* Mxmcal Vno- I and the Family, |x>siw*i»» those infnnnc nts- I ^dnal properties (Tonic and Dlurothfiwhleh tielomc j to all Old and PUUK CUN. Th* hualnesa ot waata*tarlnc spurious Rln», *nd offertng th*ni as .TsncWfuiuler th* titles, •• Aromatic,’OwdUl, I --Medicated," etc., has become so commc yabllc are justly suspicious of nearly i that U offered und«r similar forms, and Ui thus been brought Into disrepute. ■alnad for oar konse (sUWir.hod in 17T* the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era tn the history of the Trade. We tru«t that our established reputation—founded upon FO y**r» ot experience—abundantly vlndlratcaour * laim to pub lic eontldene*. NT. 13. A comparison of •Plnlnirer'i Old I/indon Dork Din vltk others bearln£ similar narnea, will establish iD ispertorlty, and make other Canttun unnec.saary Pot Up tn Q0a*T Borriwi, In Cases of t and 'J dot- •a saeh, and sold throughout the world l>y Druunalts j ^ territory of tbo United Hlitea . t. . for any bill licenetog squatter sovereignty Druggists anil Dealers supplied with _ n # Tcrrilory . or for any favor to abolition WlWES aud Hha'ndien, petition* except to dispose of thorn in tfi ' quietest and moat summary manner. I such a course is a “(caning against slavery, I tho Democrat cannot be named, who has national record, who stands nol decidedly opposed to the institution. As to Mr. Bell’s Northern supporters, have only to aay that they went to Haiti- moro from almost every non-slaveholding State, and not a tingle expression fell from the lips of one of them to which a Southern tiimi could object. Ail spoke of the noces- stiy and the purpose lo put down Northern anti-slavery agitation, to guarantee to each section the security of ita institution* and A hi ha < Our Filcnrl* In Alubum: On tho 23d in*!., a Stato Onvi tho Constitutional Union party was held in Hclmn. Only a few coimlio were raprowntvl, but tho proceedings woi of the most harmonious an brtcr. A'-lo and cloqm delivered hy (Jol. M. 'i North Carolina, Hob. C Mobile, and Hon. A. B. county. Their remarks responded to witlt much copy tho resolution* umbra of the Convention •' 1. Knsoivrd, That this f ■lilt tlm Iivolin j prediction* and Ins warning*. Tin- Slave llatli Wllllm tst., reported tbo mpiiiro i mi pul meal i,nil Kvrri'H nf.i I'.illi iiim, mid iititiiit tlio safest Him routi loniinatnd, under cximuiik rirmiinata An lor I Illusion ol whom *u much ban t he hy uity moon* a lie CMldOIlt lif l lid that the rupture Ui il tic very likely to tvnr, uiul Jurtnor~ Fowl, ns, nlthoneh urrvi, in Convention, the t r, < ru reliable assurances u nt. Appleton, Assistant Secrctnry of State, •. numinnitd lor Minister to Huasla. ! 'di-rr H. (taliugher. of Knoagnwa, Ju ( m. i* hero completing arrangement* lor u lino ot Clippers irom Now York to Japan. Before the Covodo Committee, it appear* that Attorney General Black wa* deputed i i tender the Post nllice blank printing to !• o. ney U ho w ould change fits course. The i ruii;s during Biiclianan'H term, were esu- tnaietl at 880,000. Forney dcclfned thn proposUmn. Mfiy 2ti.—-Senate.—Tbo Post Master General sent in a communication stating i hat (he facts of Fowler's defalcation wen* not known to tlio department Itll the tenth u! May. The hill relative to patents, trannlering Irom the commissioner to tne. President, w ith the consent ol the Senate,,the appoint- ol the new hoard of examiners in ctiicl, passed. Tho Indian appropriation bill was taken up. t** t'rcAtdeiu | IIocse.—The House discusaed tlio psy- Adminfstta- 1 moot ol mileage to members. 1 f* "I Wa uiNQToif. May SG<—SmoIi,—The Upon which | ( n diuu appropriation bill was paused. 1 ho Poaioiiicu lull wus taken up, and \ority of of any pir- r nt Charleston. tie state* that tho i (felalcaiion, which Mr tim ilminialratioti did kn»’ il spirited char- it addresses were Waddell, lain ol C. Jonper ol )) ilccx Vera received und enthUHiasm. )V« orrcspoiidcnt at that place litiler deiutU ol hi* affair. , , The Wynnrlollr, Cupl. Hlanley, arrived I nnd tiny Ahie iiand give* SVci ii wiin reported i rm wit* adopted, the candidates wanted to ,n winch In- could mil id Richmond Coiivmi- ,t ir ctindulnto. They line to Biltimo' > < Li.qinrer aud thn Balinnoio i at least three y eti, .support Mo Went that In* re Thn U'l/.im/otte i ifthl Thu ail'i Hm caul Isle ol Ptr A. Dougin* lilty- req it eiilly Mild n»t, un S-ruihorn Miitcn, Butta nr Bell, or bolongniK to wiiut wo uoncoivod to bn, (he cMUiftriiitur,' .Southern school.— Wo could not, villa all nor re pen lor them pursonally, Itavr aupported Bell hi t I’.vr of Jrdtn Bell ward Everett, lot Constitutional ( Vie red by tlm II’. 8 tlio | | y |„8 „,, „„d h.0 Iiullli" her, ifio HtTanponirhiH f*»r landing i vnntimi bails | being nearly r mipleted, A* .oon tlm noininu- ; If'i/arnlott would atnnd. I’bo North slavnry r deadly c r lift II Will tarns rnadfl * impcraurintmn < till) fblllVCII i'arty, reciintfy hold Baltimore, und pledge tj it our “truest und cordial suppo r l. 2. Rc'olvtrl, Thai wo icquire no other plutiorm lor our eannidates man tbo Coit- stitunou as interpreted bv tbo Supreme Court ol tho United State*, the Union of the State*, aud the Enforcement ol the Law*. 3. Resolved, That in'toi public and pri vate characters of John /Jell and Edward Everett, Ilietr integrity and eminent pub lic services, we have lbe biirt ft guarantee that tlm platform of tlm Constitiijionaf Union Party will be adhered to wait fideli ty and enforced with energy. capture ellected They I ol U.S . Mar Africans ore ^ t their nrrivul : bn| , *Merena,' v i the i»dy Wrwt from United SUtes Bonded WarsbousM. FornlsJa Oolumhu*. JOHN W. HilOOKf 1 * and UIQUUABT A CHAPMAN, tad ly Prugitlsti csnurslly. nov a,’io-dwljr in Notice to Shippers! ALL COTTON lnt^nd*d u> baSblpr*! otit h* Mobil* A (iirant mu*' liar* »h- ! i.m. ,, -|,i r.wvx* i* »i li , ti^-oth-r with IstTlBLAot tin* co**n»SI* dt*tlnrtljr marked nn Mrh hal*. As thu agrtits hare po*iU»« "rdrr* not to r- , eels* for any C«itt<>ii nuP ►•> *o mark«t. Tin t.rands WlU tie fnrnlshod l*> any of (L* V. arehou»*»s lo their rf»«U*wftUy of the Company N-'In* w|»h th* dxt*of th* rsraipt and whsn tits Cotton .. Resolved, T Union inon, of Alabama, bn requested to meet in every county in tbo Hun and elect delegates lo a Convention to bo lodd in the city of Selma ou Wednesday tho 27th day of June, proximo, for tlm purpose •>! nom inating an Electoral Ticket, and nflectiug a thorough organization ol tlio party that on thn following day, lo-wi day 2Htho( June, nil tho friend* Everett in the Stale be invited to n- «:mtii*i j at the sames place in Mas* Convention to ratify the nominations. nr Tho EJborton Star of the South gives sn account of a great excitement llart- wliat perplexed aa their proper disposal.— He lina no plan- tn pul th, in. and there i* no , limber nl Key West attiinblr lor building | , vcn temporary accomntodatioii* l«»r them In addition lo this, both loud und water were becoming scarce, ilm sudden adiittiou | ol so large a number to the populato iug nearly nxbnuatctl the supplies I jjcSB necessaries, It wa* very generally hoped at Key Wc tliut tlm Government would take early mu lo l»avo tho two cargoes ol Alrieau* rent, ed. Tins was considered the more deuiral and im essary Irom the Dpprnhensioti, ve eluding, the Senate adjourn* liotli A Morll i , which ally « IhuiM- i Uall und j ul community. I lie account* bv these two arrivnl*, ju*til| iitt several oilier vessel* “ r " < ‘ *ni<iug a lavorabh opportuuii ;u their living l>U!L*lit*. i lumbied In. tiny Fawke*. oguupowdei pint" the ■r.lipses anything in tfiia ■cord. An old lady in this city, J bo riarneleas, overcome by the nnsequent on the performance of reputed her wuaiind limbs on a chairs during thn afternoon lor tho I ot joying a comfortable nop. Her •chievou* little urchin of five year* n old lady in the arm* of the drew i little sport Baltimore (Jonvolition hud moiiijMuled such a man m Fuller, ol IVnmylyauiu, ou n pultlnrid eoiiiuiiiiug ibu principles of llioi A hi hit tn a Auiorivan llmlorni ol 185f>, wo *liotlld most cheerfully and cordially liavo given ill our ndneulOii. At R tei witliont rh’linito expression* ol miy wort on great in- »ues—with a cumltdato who Inin always at loast appeared to lean niMiimu »lav< ry—with mv strung loonai'iiny, that o niaj.uuy ol in* Northorii supporters are le»s Inenuly than 11iIII*cII In liio rioulli, .m l tliy pruba'iliiiy | iionistauud men, wi. have nuoii noiuduceiueni to any Irmod ol <>ur ineiilutionv, to support bun. It ho were fleeted,and hia ticket swept tlio Norihorn Slates, wo should led und hullevo Dial tlio I controlling sentimnnt of tho lluusu >d Rej»- resentatives, u» it now exists, mnninft unaltered. Jl »» true that wc liolieve tliat tho Demo cracy u' Baltimore will an nothing tor tlio Smith. A iiMjuriiy, wn apptclieuC, look at | her right", only lo sco how tiicy Duuntle that there York post allied winm tin Ur's knowledge of ft is un trolled his artion, mil fi< i tile gulf. — llirhnio'iil U’l.i Tim Conuo AnuoANB at Key West.— The wlinln cargo ol Congo negroes b lind on beard tho captured slaver Wild.ire liavo been turned over to tho U. H. Murslint nt Key West. It is stated t l they scum to bo Ituppy, the Marshal I engaged a ft no band ol mtiniri for tin especial benefit. They sing and dure every day, und have expressed their wi» not tn bo returned to Africa, a* they bav all hoen slaves there, and would prefer b I remain in this country nnd bn slave* to the while inuu. A great many speak Spanish and have Christian names, and some of them soy they have been baptized in tho Uuthohc rvhfiion. ' What a Bear I 1 '—.*) claim whom they r< i will ovurnddci cum, tlui tlm corrupt) i ul one sc* ot p' llllcii who seek mull am onuly i ui or uiiwnrim- oh should diivo but the lloitun Duly Advertiser's : The Japanese oiiinarey liuvu exp wish to take homo with liietii a Ii ol an American lady, tn show couiitrymen. 'l’iiey will tind it v unci ntmoii tliii | making translc | will uii incumbraiicu. .... | JJr rnnn writes n Jelter lo Wilkot* Spirit, in which ho slain* that the fight between himself and Mayors for the so-called “Cham pionship of England," is to to renewed, | probably in Inland, nud that only filly [ persons will be present, principals, sreouds siul spectators, all told—Iwooty-fivo on each side. Another sporting paper Mates | that the day of the fight has been fixed lor June 1-Dli. How they t rtr'COUoL I portion of i contents * m<ly for itelWnrr at the Pt»t. • ’ ti they s-nt, u irupt tL* »bl>join«*A r. *".u U'.d Board of Mrsctori: ... ,, “kssoir-i. Tbm when good* *r* dfUrrmi n* th* I r j„bts, to abide faithfully by the ConaUtu- • 1- •*’ i tioii and iU compromises, and to enforce Ibe he delivered anti!! all U". ol the land, ch*Tf»* on ths atir.!* bill* srs jvild. JOHN llOMAKL, Eng. A Snp’t tsptSBbor ] 9.1X60 * <lwtl Dissolution. TN eonsequvnnrs the rt»ath «>f WILLIAM DAN- I ILL, the firm ..f lit OHtS. DAN. L A CO., was dissolved on the 6th of F-hrusry, 1-60. The un.l'-nlvm it, »« mrifrlne iiHrtner*, are ready lo sett e all claim, »,• aii. debttd to sal-1 Arm will | the business mu>t t>e < !o*r<l. kAW\ The nndorvtgncd, la the name and ityic of ■UK Hughes & Hodges, vrU) continue the Warehouse and Commlialon Business, a all Iheir branches. Office at the lxiwvi.i. \v are- bo«e. WM. U. lllimiQt, COFAKT.IfLKftlllP. T II* Baslne». of BAKRINGER * BROTHER I trill tMnutlnuad at tbs old stand by ths un- eeratgaad, who bare aasoeiatad Ummusc1t«« togethnr »>r the parj-o** i f a general BUILDING BUSINESS, tS»Oo«trar1s token for all kinds of BU1LDIN08, sad exerttud prtnnntij. MlDOORB, SASH It LIN DP. and all materia) used la th* construction of lloaeoa, furnlaho.1 and sent U aay part of tb« roontry. MuAI*-. I’LANP, ft PACIFICATIOS3 and Jteti- yaatee fur iialldlngs, N «*r»n.U», Ac. Ac. * MATIII.VP HARBINGER, J. L. MO&TUN. potaaUms, Ga^ Jon* 6,16M tw3t«tf hich was occaeioubrl in th well, Hart county, CJa., by tho arrest of half a dozen citizens there hy the sheriff of the county, in accordance with a requiatfon which ho recoivrd l»y mail, purporting to haye been granted hy Gov. Brown on tho application of tho sheriff of Anderson Dis trict, South Carolina. Tho Star publishes tho requisition, also a document called a “pertnittirnua” and a private note from Gov. Brown to tho sheriff of Hart—all of which camo in the same envelope. They arc curi osities in stylo, form, grammar, &.C., but as tho Govornor ia noted for occenlricitio* of this kind, Ahoy did not lead to suspicion, j The hotx was detected by an examination ginia, for 5fr20,000 on the latter, against of the seal, which was an iroprc*»ion of a $15,000 on the former, bar been made, and ! half-dollar. The justices thereupon released Their nomination of auch tnan as John Bell, with such a spirit animating their proceedings, it sufficient assurance to us that the South has no cause to distruat cither our candidate or his supporters. A Giut R,cs to Tam Tlacii.—Tbe match between the race horae. Daniel Boone end, over tho A.hl.nd Cottrie, Vtr. jiitirnnl* i JWurreg " fi»*k «f powder fr..rn( mir atnr# ..l', ''V.nM.'.-o n rel'ilm* I WlNGCLAU IK ’I'Ut’K.— A *pur»*maa of I, the little wretch i itnko lor the Soulti. wo .l.oli 1 muell e«| inform, tlio,, 1 „ .1 .Hike egniii.l it. -Meul. Mail, tlM/i. (Pe.) L'nion. that ,» not ami supplying n — j on record of u *lul going mad fr<>m uny h!ow fuse, quietly withdrew to another part j '|.|»c l.ulo l*ostinn*ter, I cause, and tliat ho h«* known if seven! nl Ibe room, watched the result, l'rosnnlly j |'„p,j,. r |,,ft thi* city mi tho IRtb in I instances of th ’ir being bitten by dog*, tlio fuso was consumed. A sudden 11 **h, | M"srs Taylor for Havana, whence but never knew even tbon of their going succeeded by a smoko, und. two nr« o |, r will go to .’Mexico or snuic- I utad. - . unearthly yells followed. I in* old holy w (, er# (n South America, to esrapn United ^ * orgiuizutioii und Hal- jumped up a* though h!io had horn shot, Htstea treaties for tho surrender of’crimi-l 1’knnbylvanIA 1 nals, and try to recover hi* fallen fortunes, *t°m iVruisylvan How, from tho day of tho announcemeet or,,, y conceded of his defalcation, Hunday, May 13, on u '>d Lvcrcl* " 1 to the 18th—fire days—be escaped iJm United fcttatea Marti al and his deputies, | mmiirintod and how hn got oil into tho Mosca Taylor, j hgenrer. ~ are New York puxzloa which only tho ini tiated can unravel. Tho officers and ship men were, doubtless, blind, nil blind, nnd did not see. Mr. Fowler had mnuy powqr- tul friend*, endeared to him by n warm and generous, (/ riot an erjUitshly just Ma ture, ami by many Jiospitslitios—not al ways his own, it would seem, bceuuiu they tho fruit of others' money. " fulling ini" line i* 1 ml*. The Colurnli of the mu*i extrrir and iofluendsl wi National Democratic orginization and Mil- jumped up u* tliough hIio Iiu«I been shot, limoro Convention in one of the most pithy j kicked over lh« chair* and yelled murde sensible articles that wo have lead for a long tho disciple of Fawkes in the meantime time. Hon. 11. V. Johnson, Judge Nesbitt, | tanking a bee Ijne for the stable. lion. A. K. Wright, and Hon. Robert Me- The «>Jd lady, after giving herself a few Millan, aro oil out for the Baltimore G-ii- shakes, discovered that one of her arms was vention and tbo Nutioua! Dmiocracy. Wo , n Imte hurried, nnd tliat her hair had been believe that every Democratic paper in sing'd, but fortunately nothing of a serious Georgia, except one, has taken tho same ! character had tiunspircil, 1 ho dutiful son, viow. Tho disruptioniaU are doomed to having »om* curiosity tn know tho result of a perfect Waterloo in the Einpiro Htute of bis amusing nnd eminently practical joke, tho Boulh. Alabama will not bo far in the , returned l» the room, hut no sooner hud h • rear; and by election day in .November she | f„rm darkened the doorway, than Ibe old will be ready to roll up her accustomed old ; Udy, sti/mg him by the top knot, grabbed iiiajurly for the noutinoo of thu National j i| l0 ••pucificator” si ways to bu found on the un llxu,.—A gentlemaii n-Nurcs mb that il is gen- f'liilitdelphiu, that Bell mil carry l'ennayivaiiia iigaitiet any HejiuidicMi wlm cun Ii t Chicago.—Petersburg lute. I and longihy debate ensued, which fiiuTMiiii yet (crmniuted. This Dili calls for :>repu-al* lor carrying the mails Irom Gmtii'.ton via Savannah and Kuy West to Havana, fitutiud of restoring thn contract in itiu ownutn ol tlm slc'tm ship Isabel. ■ Tito busmuBS lit thu IIoiiho was ummpor- rite Irrepressible Cuiilllrt" lit thn M. E. Church. The question how the Cliutch will ruin n reference to it* sioveholdlng member*, - perhaps the most abuurbing one which sliall come up tieluro tho Alethorliat Con- h rent " now in st-Rsiuii. A brief history ol i i!' slavery agitation in tho American Methodist .Society will conduce to u belter undursiaiiding ol thu merits ol the cjii- irovur*y. Methodism ia now about a hun dred yenrs old in this country. In tho early church Hum* ol tho membership were in- trn.mly oppoHcd to tluvuholding, and in IU ), a Bttingcnt law was paaucrl by th® clergy, nqinriiig Methodivt Hluveholders to i.niimci|)utc or wttlidruvv Irom the com- miiiiiuii. Tin* Hivcre enactment, however, \\ nt tempered with a proviso, which nulli fied the obligated) to emnneipato when this wa* incomputttile with tho State law. Th® opposition to the unlorcemcnt ul this rule, even as modified, wa* *uch as to necenst. 'ate n Huspenuion ol legal proceedings.— Tlm arrestment ol tb6 suti-slavery process Uok imdoratood to b® ** tiff tho delthera- teins of u Intiiro Conference." From 17^4 [till 1114 tlm iMethutiiui tntorcHt at the South bo.iteiued to srrengthcii and increase. At tic General Conlorence in tlio latter mom- nabli) year it was lound that even one of he Bishops held slaves. The Cun/erencn remonstrated, but tlm Southern delegate* |tnsi*ti d that lie should remain in the e.\er» ms episcopal functions without cen- disability. The Conference deeidcri *e, and the result wa* Hie grand -< (VHsmri of 184-1. Hence came the “Ale, Church Mouth"—a body now com* [pris>ug 7UO.OOO tnuiiibi-r* and 250U preach* . A* tbo issue on this occasion wa* not illr absolute sinlulnesRol slavery per *r, but rather on tlio question n| retaining a "luvcMoJdjMg Bishop, the ucotrwsion did not try with it the entire aluvcholding com- TheBta'caot Delaware, Mary land, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkan* saain.d mo District ol Culuntbiu, a turri* (••ry holding snout 100,000 Metliodiais, attU inung to their mother cunnnc’ion. Ju this dihtrict ur«j located tlie “Border Conlur- eucoa,*' wh ch compriso ovor U.iO.OOO .MeiJrodiata; 600 traveling nnd WOO local preaabers. It is ustimaicd that Irom live to tun tli'iUBund ot this momb(ir*liip ar® slovoliolders. From Wii lo 1K52, allOM- tlon wu* not especially directed to tho ex istence ol slavery in tho border conlorence*. Up to JN.'ui, nowfver, it was warmly dis cussed, and iti tl.o Cuuleroiico ol that year, two pinna were proposed lor reaching the question ol slavery; first, in the insnriidn ot n now exiirpatory law among tho General Rules, a* lin y are called ; second, the en. act molt ol a chapter On slavery, In (be [siuiiu ofliict, in tlio placo ol the existing the race will come off oji the 12th of October DCXt * Cr Tho seventeen year locusts have made their appearance at Lynchburg and Petersburg, Va., in geeat numbers. As yel they have indicted no damage upon vege tation. AsoTaci# Dodqla* Gain.—Tho aeat of Mr. Fowler in the Baltimore Democratic Convention will be filled by bis alternate, I fon. Schuyler Crippen of Otsego county, who is a zealous advocate of Mr. Douglas, which Mr. Fowler was not. lbs prisoners, who bed counsel assisting their defence} and a auhsequent inquiry addressed to tho sheriff of Anderson Dis trict wa* answered that ho know nothing of the proceedings. ry The Baltimore Clipper aays of the Black Republicans, that “they have too much platform and not enough candidite.’* Then is evidently much disssttsfsetion ot the nomination of Lincoln, and the proba bility ia that he will be repudiated by thou sands of Republicans of tho “American” division. Democratic Convention. Tlio car of the poople'a opinion will roll over and crush the disunioniats in Alabama in u inaunnr that will give posco and tranquility to tho country for a long time to come. Let (he clamorous and noisy Jisruptionists and se cessionists go on and enjoy their brief career liko tbo butterflies—this summer is their last. Bo says tho Montgomery (Ala.) Confederation— Wash. Stales (Douglas.) C7* The cxiraordiuary outflow of tho population of Ireland, by means of tho American steamers, two of which leave (Queenstown weekly, begins to create foars tbat the Emerald Isle will soon be left without laborers enough to cultivate the •oil. mantle pi- ing up, ml there t decidedly detrimental to lho | mode of livinn \ young grmlcnian’e happiness for the tic** half hour.— Memphis Argus. Akkxnsas.—A gent Ionian Irom Arkansas assure* u* thut tin* Stare i* utmost certain to voto lor tho Union ticket—or, to u*o his own word*, il Douglas is not nominated. Bell i» certain to carry it, and il ho ta, it will go lor him any how. So we confident ly enroll Arkansas a* a Stair* which will • fpr The Petersburg Intelligencer figures up the actual State debt ol Virginia to be upwards ol •48,000,000, and with no proa* poet of any diminution. t hoyoiid his salary and its prrquisities; hut his liberality to others, however endearing, wss certainly out of money not hts owr.. lienee, with such a host of friends, he was kept, and well kept, in secret for days, in this city, and found means at last, in a steamtug, to join an outward bound stehtner, which seems to Usis been expecting an illustri ous guest. All such transactions, of course, provoke comment, but we forbear. [A’. Y. News, U'Jd. I ?' The Ho*nm Commercial Bulletin aays more difficulty is now experisneed in pro curing vessels to lo*l for New Orleans, than t any lime before in the laat fifteon years. All Whig paper* ■ exception, approvo t support the noiiiinatio ett. Wo mittht f<H *i incur, hut tt is not in Cs’azette. Virginia, without ondorse, and will of ltd! arid Ev« r . »**ryAlexandria tfT Tho President hu* tendered to John in Duron tho appointment of Commis sioner, under the Paraguay troity, to bcttli claims aijmnst that government. He b not yet signified his acceptance. “ Patrick,” taid a pedestrian, " which is tho road to Burlingtou 1” Who told you my name!” said Pal. ** Why, I gurnard it.” “Then, bejahbera, guc** the road to Bur lington,” retorted lire effsoded Hibernian. At ths Woman's Rights National Con vention, in New York, last Thursday, Mrs. J. K. Jones, of Ohio, ••presented a declara tion declaring that woman'* apllrre cannot ba bounded”—a *sff*e»ida,tt proooailtou to all who live in this age of crinoline. chapter .nt ilint subject. Tho former win* called tin- indirect process, beenu*f it wuuJd ji juir- the concurrence of threo*fourih* ot all thu uieitibora o! tho several Annual Conference* present and voting, with iwu- thirdaof th® General Conference, while thu latter was called til® direct process, becaua® itcoul I be done by a bare majority ol any Getter >1 Conference. The lormer prove** wa* adnntcd, and the three Rules known th tho Cincinnati, Providence and Erie Ruli'*, intruded to elm- lire General Rule, \ ••re submitted i., in* Loiilerencua lor llreir votes. The Erie rule hit* obtained tin* ugliest vote ol tlm three, but it has fallsit nr hiiort ol obtaining tho requisite majori- y. eo that the attempt to change the Slav*. , rule is auinitted to bo a failure. Th* •"iiiost ill tire present Conlorence will moat ■ kGy be on the enactment of a new diap er on slavery in the place ol lire one which iow exists in tho Discipline.—-Bstf'n/o durier. M. Auguste Marietta, ail omineut French archeologist, writes from Egypt hat he lua discovered the remains of a srge palace in granite in the immediate vicinity of the Sphinx. Jl* lakes this oslsco to be that of t’hephrem, who hulit lie great pyramid. No lass than seven *latues ofthis Pnuce have he* u found m tho palsc*.