Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, July 10, 1860, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND,^—Proprietor. Volume xxxiii. V STHICT CONSTRUCTION OK THE CONSTITUTION— A.N HONESt AND IXONOMICAT. ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MOUSING, JULY 10, i860. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 28. i tnbday Knmir" July 5, 1*^60. “ GOV. J(ill",I'll* rhit gonllcrnin—i" imiulion ofjuhn C. *kil>rid,« *" 1856—1. “.lumpinR" in ,11 oftlio Dnogli* lickot, wbllh which 0 ,o nine i. t.»oci«teJ. Ho undo a epecch in Allanln on :t #m i another in Macon on 1 nJay ht. No newspaper report of either ba* Ureit Convention in Selma. i hgLMA, Ala., June 23,1*00. Editor Enquirer:—Your readers will no J doubt bo gratified to learn that the Conven tion which assembled in this place yesterday to ratify the n< ruinatious of Hell and Ever ett has turparsed, in number* and enthu siasm, the highest * relations of its most nor aterri<ori>ii legislature ha* ftotr/r la Ir/titldl* on t'.' .~nb~' \ tserpt * . f tr ot hi > ■ tntpaseesbn and try.) ,mr .. > their • property, nidi a led nnd condemned n- a violan, . . Constitution snd nn insidious und dangerous ■anguine friends. It is no meeting of the • infringement upon the rights oi the slave- politicians, hut the givy-heailcd fathers and ' holding Stales; und dial it is as indefensible — e — - | . ...... ; in principle and dangerous in practice as thtlOot. Johnson »t Macon showed very 1 the young sod hard-fisted jpomanry arc | ,j,„ wiimot Proviso—me most monstrous 1 i ,1.... nn difference in here from every portion of the State. They • do.ume ever advanced bv sn American lC l0fi*ely that there was >n } . j nnd ,| le pC op n ot the South aeip l e between Douglas and llreckm- tell us that, at this busy tune ol the year, ; 0|Jglu om |0 , #nf| convention will ( tod that the seceding Democracy, by they have lett ihe plough-share and come to j no i support for office any innu who is ita Bi'niti"! a .,««•« «""'■»• lik » "» * P 11 *''"**** of pa.rioii,..,; Ih.l J * n ” c I f^ | , od T|l „, opiBtoM fo[l| , iJgti had admitted the fact that their they can discern no other hope lor the pres- j j a th 0 procedius resolutions have received dare on Douglas ia hut a personal one.— J ttrvalion of this UnK w, deter resolutions oi that lie tins to relit therew 'he four candtoai" t lio V i.l on either hide f and beautiful How- ' of tlto walls of the i s li.-ulrd ! makes tbe fur fly,” it i* said—worse ( of Hell nnd E he forraeriy did when he was ••killing j past issuer, mi ,’•—*nd is drawing off numbers from J pplitics aro here m support of Bteckintidgc. We regret to j or ^ e | M i desperate that the friend* of the l*»t-named , joroloco-riddcn State ol Alabama, and fui idalo,at Macon, were rather noisy and ni*h ont- Mock, f.>r tho monument whirl atou* in applauding their favorite du- | 4 af UVfnibw w ,jj rcor to tlm Union, the Con !| the delivery of Gov. Johnson’s apet-ch. „ i|uUonf nml t . n force in eM tit tho l.iwr. OUe V. to* utGeorgla. i On Wednesday morning the 97th itist Tbe fact that, under tbe law of this State, j the Convention mraomllsd at a large nil videntiaf Electoral ticket rnu*t receive ( spacious hail, which the patriotic ladies of j involved Majority of all the votes east, or tbe elec- {.Selina had deoiulud with that elegance and will devolve upon the Legislature, | 4s i 0 which Southern American women ran t novei turn to tho contest in Georgia, j a i u no display. Conspicuous among its fen- Lrgislarurc has already hern cho». n n j t ur ,.* was an immense Bell, constructed ol Jit contains certainly a largo Democratic, .evergreens and suspended from the centre probably a amall Urcckinridgo majority. ' of , ho fe iii„g, T| tr t-tun«l or platform crec- tat the people, then, liy a majority vote, j |f ( , fop |hp 0 |ji ctr / () f t !, L . ( wa« , M the Electors, the probability i* that ttekiundge and Line will receive tbe»oi* Georgia, though e considerable uiaj": ity ii, e people apo opposed to them. Wb«t ought to be done to prevent this dc- M*lte result t We hold U t > be the duty iii good republican* to repudiate any ar- itjilO' nl whicu look* to tbe thwarting ol a ,j,ol»rchoice and devolving the election « body ol men nut choten in view of any cb contingency. For Ihe present L*tf"- ure ol Georgia to choose the l’rrsidcnli >i .i*tars would be no more an cxpres*i"n <d r popular will ot Georgia, than would f ■ edstiiintustion of the election, on uder- by the Cur ol Russia. We suppose that no on.: will dispute that i lbs papular election the Hull and Everett :'iit will be either first or second in the r|J. VV’e believe that that ticket will be K«/, but we aupposc that soma D m-- its will Iwaatingly dispute this. What, rii, is the ond should be the duly tbe divided party, i*cti wing "I wlu li (ltd* the drfest of it» rival »s nior* du rable than lliw.cbouaiog of Boll sud Ever- It out of the vote of (ieorgia 1 Msiii<e*ilv. I Dougjas Dom ciat- who pro isrkinridgo should v rrckinridgn Democrats who prefer 1111 l" j waglas should a.ho vote t r 1» M. W»h i ailtrrnate eb-ctorol body pecked ogainet ; ro of the candidates, while their Iri.nda, j ij. led, have a majority ol the popular, would he suicid.t on t!.e part "I both to rnuit the Lfgi»l*ture lodoiaiiume the cun* i,l in tovur ot n candidsio to whom hey it bo decidedly opposed. A"d, on tin’ her band, the Breckintidgi men mint eiceive that it will !• • n "to ,u< 1 leni, as a division ol tin Deni, e- un- par’v, i grasp u] surreptitious udvanloge Gy the etion of a body not represeniini; tin* poo- la upon this quesliof, Ilian i' ooul I Gr to isist ihc Opposition in noshing out the luuglaa organisation by flLmg t«*»* 'otr of le Stain to Bell and Eveml. Y, p . iT-r ohn Bell to them a* a cornpromiso esndi- sle, whose triumph would bo more accep- aide to their debated division tl»*n the access of the othrr by th« agrn. y ot n tekod Legiilatnrc. They both hnvc con- Jence in Bell os a Hojthein man. W. re aware thut they deny this in their j ar- *an appeal* to llio people. But wo an* pvakiog to them confidentially new, and u«t that iu hucii a uonb renre they will at expect tie to treat set j* by which tin y aeck i< • a stttteman not to he tho election ‘ the unqualifitd sanction ol ppral. nnd thr-rofore liquid be com.)doled • »sd. f.,ardl«. rf all I j ,^” rn who for years bavoigoorrd j the question in malw 1 •• «H>li' d ..nnd I 4. lleeoivod, n tho i ohd act*of .lol •lie epoechrs i p-riod of 33 high public tho loragoing latest Prom EmioifK. changed. J.atttt—Livkimoi., Thursday, (via Lon donderry.)—The nidus of Cotton f>»r tho two |ioi»l days readied 20 000 hates, ol \vhich spi-culniors look 10,000 hales. Tho iiiarkot doted with u better demand tor speculation and export , ’ni» ihem Ironi their bods to a stronqbold ',ppn*e Vh'.r I Ufeviously occupied, and there holding mill in a It. n !i>wtaau-l .m no! ,ure. fir, lliai naii, «u tlii • I puutu would not bo created till ol 'lie danger was measured, d had tins meeting tt i of a ! l, fN'"bs. sir, il the panic had been much or designed ;•» pn ! SREECII OF E3t,AairEVBRSTT, • •Meiit of ilie danger, the community wnr Arrival of th# Anglo Saxon. , „i,ie rautti narao in rANKni. hau, j l*. r / " i ™ 1 " 1 .""l»«£ Faitmr Saw*, 30.—The ; Om*,, p.,... xsao. , " : '. " r " ?,", " ” , (llio Aneln Sewm,. will. Liver puul dale, lol i • r . ,. 'mailed at iuium«lit by a the 20ili nisi., arrived iictu lo-diiy. Mr. Chairman c-.,/ Erl lam C,risen* : In "• twanty men. ciiicriii|f Hit* Harm '• ■ . ‘ 'f.." : i!. ‘ ^.M* .DA: 1 V*-. ,r v coll >11 lor the three past buaincss days wetc . orcaalnn, i idiiigc no m » In. words oi p 23,000 bales, of which apeculaiora and c.x • [ annal e*pltnoti»tt. I did not porters took 8,000 bales. The market waa | anything « uId occur which dull, but quoiatiotia were generally un I ma think it my ou'y to nj pea .Lpjallorm. on dcfa*l"'i »f . polUic.l ^ .. | nioro extpm'ivo than it was, the panics K ,,„„ „ ,,„ t llUVC ln . ell hert:n and bwvtt communiiiea uro no iritis* I II,,I |,y "r.i.iri"'"" i n.'kw.idh. could""Hruroo a" iiidictaicul years ago, to resign tin wbiidt 1 ihen filled in tin Stale of Trade.—Manchester advices I public service, it was with i.o expectation were unfavorable. Cloths wero flat^—! im wish, and no intention of over ncair Yarns were in better oeinund, but at low mingling ;*i ti.n scenes ol public lit**, price*. have accordingly, wills the partial reMoni' Lieut pool General Market* —BrcadatiifTs lion «.l my health, abstained If.n all par dull. Flour dull. Gut steady. Wheat lieipatnui its poluteal action ot any kind quiet 5 qubtaliona were easier, hut un- ' partly because I have found a m«>rc conyo changed. Com declining. I'rovisiOn# quiet. ; nm*. nut. 1 venture to think, a more uselu •Suvnr steady. Coflee duJJ. Rice steady. ! occupation in reeking to rally tlm nib cmoii Rosin steady. Spirit* of turpentine dull, t l my countrymen North snd South, ii London Money Market.—The money I that great name ana proclou* mentor) ►i..1 iluii ...i ■'.....itu .....• tinr.m'il Piminld i ,»i»i{.|, |* fell aluiost uloitn ol all the nuincf kindly awtouiutioiis, which once bound difl'ereni aectiuntt ot a :nal. titan fancy can paint, or tlio power? ol nan describe." Such, Sir, n* • matter of history, in,z. mrvilo insurrection. N’ow Irt •lance at tlm state of things in the South States, co-members as they whole people ; it sterna equally tn bad tuste n* least to try i a^ unver at a Statu like Virginia. Tho Drench arc reputed n gallant uud wailiko people; hut the letters from the late neat alter the great mukcl vvum generally unchanged. Consols [ which » ere quoted at j a *J3) for uccount. The Baden Conleicuce ended on the venter nth. The Freucn mid IVnasian Journala dc- victory of Solfcrino, u handful ol Austrians, •*|rn ruling into a village, put n corps of the French army—thousands strong—to flight. A hundred and fifty men overturned the French monarchy, on the occasion to which I have already aifudeef, in 1818. When the circumstances ol the case are tukcii into eiMi-iileration, 1 nuspect it will ho agreed M that any othor community in tho country, r* mi n't" vi ■ i". • «mil«rly Bituated, would have boon off< ; ted • r. q h re niiDtiH tncon- I air*' peace i rube is the only * neot , G.iriqgldj |woa orffahtaing fora : he lore the people loi i effort on ' same way. A conflict of auch iiiipit'cedcnted character,in which twelve lourixMi i an the two sides wero now ii, iii ihe course ol a lew hours, i G a ntttlcd to the I support of the American rthy to receivu the vote i i flag. 1 think I i n nd i united ,N»po!< until. iw York und tho Ad- ; funds of thu clisrttnbfe arrived hi Suiiihnmpioii. inemorating from 'itno i i reiuined to Paris on the eight' demi and tho ru »t otn elm fly in til)* liumblt n rmnn Princes were unanimous ! desecration and thy vii liininary Conference, on tho qur»- j property ihe homo and I »hJ : upon «viry tight ’ ut which levity u s. h i.kiug mum 3 Ol « i the r the tho rolHiionu of foreign ul obedience i mil- j cm . I.mvv m:*»■.• fv»?. : tlio hriglit i 1 gladly icfign the | ir. the North nl I* 'Ward Evcrril, by jirinciples no bod ini in Measure* ol 1830, his pinions hi favor of the I powers. I nm and spprop dcneiono of tlio Supreme Napoleon rrpoulod hid peaceful assurance decline of llio. I am nm '• of every eit zcn to yield | at no interview with the I’rinco ol Ptos-ia. with ihe lavor with which , Ins pledge lo ; The iwo ricnmeru captured hy ihc Nca- j lub.i'* are rcg^irdcd by the great majority poliiai.*, roaialued iwetity-live itiousund liny countrymen ; nnd ku i uni- once how iiufantd powder, und conaideruble j ilit* Grigliteat pri a'.l agita* | bpeem. Tlicrowtre eight hundred urmed ii lid Ini' cordial j pu«*i‘ncera aboard, who wero mudo pribon- >» the plat lor in I crs. and everything taken to GaeU. iiominuied hint i Tho Sardinian Minister demanded the iiibIics smielnc- | rrsiiiuiion of tlm vi bni-Ih, ami ilm F.iiglish • ih il he ii* i ni> 1 Amhii.-Mulor NUpiioncd Ir 'isin t Ii ia great republican confede ub consult r over what sort of a popu lation u is, that soma persons among u* »hink it not only right and unmmenduhli-. but in the liiaheat degree heroic, saint-like, god-like, to extend the awful culami'y. .1 the S' Southwcat, hove ly, tut to* I y uruytd agaiusl ice lull i SlIpjlMt llio pen- i army in Tome.a, S mtl'Vll l>epai fure V.'.i! Ki.w Yoiik. Jill 1.atcr Okluvns, \. Tuylui llio l’lcdiuo i Lei • pres cople ol tl i regard mi n- ; lie'll nnd ISvcrcft Meeting in New Or i Mule of things, v n nod good pnliiu i* party projiet* r i mhIoii nil .iruumi ■ ( \riBtolle; t« Ms h, they do from small , sir, that when the til it ii i 1 y have he* mile d nod exasperated Gy ition, tho slightest oc- Upon the first ii. und f.'umpalRii- | i llllBl( Boll; i ppumti d, the Co ltd half past 7. i Riirolulions Ininq called up mi, a< aunty *U li gations then proceeded wero called i hut pithy si Jr.rEAXH, July 1.—Tho Hell nnd meeting, Iasi night,woe nn on- 3oiio. Delegate* wero appointed io mo l at Baton Rouge, nnd It wna iosolvod | dial, iii cnnool vuenm lea, tho delegate* he | empowered to iippoioi M'liiHiiiuieN, LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ! luturcktlng; News. Sr. Lnui*, Juno —Builernehi'- over- | I ii iiit ('uliturniu mail, wiih advice-1 » I Dili to nil— DougUi ■ » in this COIltert »rill i fiKhting, s t lie c lelegrupt) ! i id Ulogrnphic • honored public journal*, that wo have not made this days, and easo our own. Suppose a purtjr ol desper si uofrom me, misguided men, under a resolved and l i s v vi• g irl.-, had been organised in Vir- cl Wa.«h- ginn, to come and oublibh •lieinsclvcs hy ir be iiiiio* *icallli ii, Springfield in this Slate, intend- 1 s for the mg there, niter posvetsin/ tlieniaelvcs ut conienicd | dm unguarded hour of midnight of the liumbli' National Atmory, to <akc a'lvamago oi some aufce ol dianilfClion, suv the Icud lie- 1‘roti .ini* mid Callioiicx,;whtrli ltd •ry ilfpinraldo occurrence in tin* vi- a lew years ngo.) to riir up a aociuI i i; mat pikcH und riflen td arm live hundred mon had been procur- I ml mg cd oy loud* raised by extensive hubscrip- tionm throughout »lie South ; that nt the dead (d u Sunday night, the work ol des truction had beg iin by ahuoting down mt unturned man, who had loluscd m join tlm invading force; mai ciuxena id tno lir*i s'aml;iM' «• .o s.MAcd and imprisoned—three m four others kdied ; and when on thu en ure failure ol tiiu conspiracy, us leader had boon tried,— ably defended by counsel from the eountry, convicted and throughout Virginia which ■ i nt Inin I mb on hi* Intul errand, ami thu South generally, funeral hells should bo tolled, meeting* ol sympathy held, ii* at the death ol moiiio gnat public benefactor, mol lliu person who had ploliid to put n pike or a Mile tn llio hands ol twenty live hundred men, io bo usvd uguiimt tlieir fel lows, iniiuluiams ol the same town, in- mntes oi thu suuiu houses; withTiltoiiur utieioion mid purpose id wrapping the whole cuinmnuiiy in aci.ilwur ol ific deadliest type, ii winch n iiiui/h Iocs should be tlowo ■ I In* own lo uiclmld ; BUppose, 1 say, that person who pGiimidand plotted thin, and -«t hlussinga which j Willi Iiis own hand, or thut >d Ins asBociaieB ye,| midur the Cun- acting by t is coinuiand, had taken tlm liven j ol lust n " ■* | n vi lellow bo'ngs, should Go rxtull- tton, lo the Iiiiwl ca'iiBtrujihu, i uni tilled •I, in non i m-d. placed on u level whli i lio I with einuiioiis lo which no words can do ■ s , real imaioti ol iiumaniiv, nay. UHsiuiihued justice. There could td course ho but one n ii itie riuvior ol mankind ; and all llii* not lesuii, ond tiiut well deserving the thought' 1 n Im ellec; ol n Holimry individual impulse, l lul meditation ol iIiohu, il any such there j „ hi ihe rine Iruu ot o »y*teinsiic agitatim be, who itiiuk that the vvelUre oi the c«d- ,, rniilvd in llio Siiuih, unrehuked. lor j ored race could hy iniy poHsibilily be pro- I ear*! Vvhn*. Sir, Hliouhl we hel, tliink, | ui"ied by tlm success ul bucii a movement, | ny under eucli ti suite ol tliimrs ? Sliuu d .a weigh every phrase u* iudiguair which turned Ht. Domingo inton henpol bloody ashes in mil. There are hi t wee;, three and lour millioriB of rhe colored race scattered through tlie Southern mid South- Wcblerti Suites, in -mall groups in cities, towns, villages, umklarger hodiea on iec lated plantations: iii the Imu.-c, the . •- toryt and the liuld: mingled together with the dominant ruce in tim vuriou* par- suits ol lile ; the latter amounting in the aggregate to eight or nine miliums, ii I rightly recollect the numbers. Upon thtd community, thus composed, it was tho de sign ol Brown to let loose the bell hounds ol a M.rvilo insurrection, nod to bring on it struggle which fn£ magnitude, atrocity, and horror, would have stood alone in the history <d tho world. And these eight or ninu millions, ngaitirtt whom this lri*htlul war wan levied, are our fellow-citizen*, entitled with us to the protection ot that compact ol government, which recognize* their relation to ihu colored raco.—n com pact which every sworn officer ol the Union or of tho Slate* ia hound by his oath to support! Among them. Sir, ia a lair pro portion of men and women <»f oducaumi and culture,—ol moral nnd religious Gve* and characters,—virtuous lathcts, mothers, sons, nnd daughters, person* who would adorn any station ot society,in any coun try,—men who read tho shiiic Biblo that we do, and in thu iiumn of ;hu same Mas- tor, kneel at the throne ol the same God,— terming a elass ol men Iroin which have gone lortli some oi the greatest ond purest sharaciera which udoru our history,— Washington, Jefferson, .Mndibon, Monroe, Marshall, in the single .State ot Virginia, ugainsl which the first blow hn* been struck. These are. tho nun, the women lor whose boaouia pikes und rillrs lire manulacturt'd iu New- lingland, to bo placed in the hands ol an i^i"Mutii miG, • race, supposed, most wrongfully, as r« <■ .. events hnti nliown, to I.o wailing . i. ) > r an opportunity lo use them ! Sir, 1 have on time or lour different oc- casion* in early lih. ami nioro recently, I | visited all ihe Southern ami South- Slate*, with Hie exception ol i_ and Alabama. I have vtijoyrrl tlm ftoifd- * V oi miny ol the cily hiuI ihc country ; and I j n, r '"cni.i to hove sa d n word on tho Navy of 'ul l.'niu I •'*'later : nnd the rich inheritance ol ii t.imoii glories. Shall we give up ,V • !«' Hu' memory of our Fathers—of i im m* happy days w hen tho men of the N" .1; and South Stood together for tho c • r ry, oi Imrd fought fields; when the - .i.:n .rr.i Washington to Masiscliu- • i.-. - - J New England sent her Greene to Carolina—mail this forgotten t "is all tlm Icjunsel that wo two have short d nil ihe I'.int labor* lo lound this great Republic * iliiu "dll lorgot f" and will we permit (his fn*t great experiment of Confiderate G pui.licanisui, to l.i-como a proverb arid a byo-word to the Nations f No, feilow- citixcns, no, a thousand times no ! This '•'.G'ri-ma Union shall not perish ! Precious V -.1 our Father , il shall go down, B|^JPIh : .mnri'il . id to our childrsn. th« varit . •' unborn *tmll enjoy its prlvi- . sml ii wc leave all l.pside*-, wo will transmit •hi-ii' the boundless wealth ot i s bless-. Culculattug llio Cltauccs. Tlio Hoston Courier, nu able and high* toned journal, gives ihe following as the reaull* claimed by the political leaders of the lour gn ;u parties now in the field : For Mi . Breckinridge—Pennsylvania,87 ; N,:w Jcr cv, 7; Cuhlornia and Oregon, 7; Virginia 13; South Carolina, 8 ; Georgia, ID; J'Toriila, 3; Kentucky, 19; Alabama, J ; MiBsispippi, 7 ; Texis and Arkansus 4 ouch, e-iiy. F"r .Mr. Boll—Maryland, 8; Tennessee, 1; North Carolina, 10; Rhode Island, 4 ; LouiM.n.a. 6 ; Delaware, 3; Massachusetts, have had lliu privilege bi-lure . lavuriug audience*, to It-.Id up to tor i.l llio Father ol his Country, •noub-aie mu blestings of the L'i r l a'ln-i done il here at home, and in <>> of llie land. I have been sdm c .niiiiencr nl thu domestic ci llie hi.nicit Icotirigs. by which ib-ii circle, in ail rs meitiiM r*, tucli and low, master and fairvanl, can bo. bound together; and when l contemplate the horrors Hint wotiGi have ensued nnd the tragedy on which the curium tost-ai lLrpor’s Furry licim ueltd through all its scenes ol lire and a word, murder, ol rapine and de*o!u- liusl cm net, I For Mr. Lincoln—Michigan, 6;' New York, . ' ; Vermout, 3; Now ilan.pshire, 3 ; Maine, 8—39. I t .Mi. Douglas—Illinois, 11; Ohio, .'.i; lows, *1 ; Wisconsin, 3; Com.octicut, Jtoubtlui .Stales—Indiana, 13; Missouri, 9 ; und iMinncHotu, 3—25. Upon which the Courier thus corns ‘ : '.j then) i* no dioputo betweon tho ')(•" ;i <h nnd Breckinridyu men as to "prin- ■’ >• quito posMblc that they will 1 a iu hi tin doubtful S.stes, ‘ ’'"G" • i "'' 'il "ml halt" electors. Mr. Breckinm; « '* iitc.i..* will, m all probsbili-, i , Kurrvnucr tiiu • mire Nortbwustto Mr. Douglu*, amt in icturn tor Ins toiicoesion, : will aid Air. Brroklnridao in tihylvunia and New Jersey. Should iltchigan,and Iiis friends for iimi. .Mr. LlOCOln'i b • "> down to 53; and tins would ii out oi the IK'Uhf. But it should m mind all the time that New * buc-n rendered quite dotibtlnl iu ‘•co <>l thy dcicai ol Ml. Seward truuchqrv ; and aside Ironi this UiB.i.tlislaction, lliu wing* and is hold the balancoul power ia that und I I At th last election, tho only esndi- ’ • ii i«i • ffice wero ihoso i'poricd by the miitoriiy puny, I IllH Ici ll'lg Uy i I . I'tius, iIh.ii, alter the lo*s if New \ ■'! , Mr. Lincoln'a whole vole would Y bo ih. We know tiiut his Irionds claim .M i lot.uaotts lor linn ; but with this Siato would swell Ins aggregate vote to ■ J i. (' ."noi get into thu llouse ut Reput- ii(i.11v(:■. Siiuuld the battle bo tought .. in die i.iui-r indicated, .Mr, Lincoln ill no w.dully beaten. Wo do noi suo y Impc n.r linn, according to this showing, the campaign botore us." Springlii I I a Ii * ititl. spit.) of ull tho hi , bis i.cnii) will (u.nhlu | . . the T , ! Americana have be " ■ i i> .\rinner, The Centml Overland Pony iv^pri'ils, hf ( i to watch j ,) lt , in q ru.urned mi account of sever- ( 'ape train j nl at.<itoitn having been destroyed by ihc | local vice- Indians. rrrtain thu i A parly of twenty picked men lull ilm | popularity, I Uarsoii Valley » ntgn* My . par- istwurd, ml su.iiii a Ih. The I ml In i ply *he B'ai Ita vi. lii.'d Mill I .d n lempoiory pis K >» Mi« open air, und j (."a. IW | cnl-UM c<>lliiiwinhut by ' intmii. It vvsh then- | m to ttic street, where j barrels wux hurtling !> had hern hastily ; famentabie reduction of the glsu pro^iarnme ; but even tin* too tpo h. The Brockmiiiltd. thu ndiniiiHtra'ioi. at i>* bonk, In.j.orioi.i mtt.eri flll'llt- III l\ iu IK ol Ii • Tl . the Mr. Bill lb. XV August Uilmonle, tho New York | tin taker in aaiociation with ‘he Brest firm j Rt >f die Rolhchild*. is the chairman of tbe | in >9fglaa National Executive Committi-e.— J »d i il also stated that the gr:at b-.dy ol the "1 Itsrsin the United Stales ate l»r D-iuglss, j p‘ tnd some pcr«on* atirioutn this to hi* s"t M , T 1 vrl by this partner of the great bankers, i Whatever may be tbe cause ol this genftrnl , ‘d *lr*w predilection, it is certainly not a t nr alter to bo regtclicd that the clinislt and j 1,1 reign vote ot ihe country is likely to h« | U »iJed in tho approaching Presidential j 1 Ktion. The Dutch population ot the j "I 1 tmbrrn and North-we*loin Slate* wiil , •aerally support Lincoln, and th«- I’i«!t of i 1,1 ess regions Dough*- Tbe Irish v-.te ol the I' *utb, we pretum*', will be very much «!i- 1 **‘ •'Jed, and «va do not dr*,'air ol ►•vitig a ; l M is proportion r.f it c»«l fir Hell ur.J 31 rrett, me only really national rxndidati-s n ‘ the fi.ld, for nearly oil Iruktnrn tr.- good Uuioo tin u here, though tbiy were »• alt-union in th* “.dd country. ' VV A dtspai^n from W asb:ngl<-n, Juni m 9lb,«ay«: -lit* now arranged Ihst Duuk- >, • a shall address tho Democratv ul Albion. « Ga., and Johnson aiuuip the Slat* : *r bmi." Douglsa will draw on imuirnart r.-nw I u ,, MJsmi, and Jo; QMiii'i nitfi-ting* will n*. vv foubt he largely attended. Mr. BrecXtu- \ •dge little iboughi, four years ag<>, wbun ; |.< b inaugurated ti.e innovation of ••flump* : p. 'bg ' by candidates for national support, a dial it would soon be followed up to defeat ' tl, tun ‘‘tn the bouro of itis iMtud*.’’ Doug- , ct • J * will be met ol his Southern appoint- ' taenia by tinprccc'leuted number* of tbe j i«cple, and he will surely touch distinct | •fid divide (he Southern Democracy. Gov. dohnsou Hunt lu Edify! | ^ The Allsuta f*3nfederaey, (Douglas pa- ! P r i) denouitcea . o »e<y acverv It ret* tt.» N» ^aoduet of a portion ot the political oppo- J ' a»ou of Gov. H. V. Johnson, who, n Iran.*, j ^ung m effigy by them in Mecun, on V.#rd#y night last, after ht* speech in thut ,, “ty. We will not copy the ba'»h denun- . u ‘ration* of the Confederacy, although we n •egard the act with all the and which that paper manifests; Yut w* wish it to say whether ita infoir,va cation implicates any of tbs frivt.d* of 'Wit and Everett in the tnd gn.iy. It dora J i distiucify charge the outrage upon the -'fsrkumjgf mi u axcluaivdy, nu we be- i*ve rfasj |j| # j a!«rne ure guilty. hy numerous genllatncn from ov of t!te*8tate, and thn mm!I hour tng h>nl amvrd belor* it tiinpar* At U o’clock on the -’8ih, thu I re-asst-mbliil, and with perfect n11«t untid iii* utmost enthusirsir olutmns which I emloio wh Hrvrriil genllemrn, pending the id uii.l hi itllliy n.itional i ' nomtiiutvd K. K. •Ile.l i i addre.s: . ii.treantili. ond t I G.!, (n’t,illy i muni'iirs with nice iliscriniinniion among ' iin- Mine.-. 'Im-b • wlmnt wo mi^ht believe, however y nii*leu by I itniustly, to be dirceily or indirectly cou- y tli - putty Denied in the murderous aggression ? n the pony I Mr. Chairman, those who look upon tho eiubivel v ler ii" ir i!nii" , ■ m ni ,.i ilm .'-'miiliii* Gieii- v me ilu:)t>cri>u*ly ignurui.t ol ih« | ,, r exiravu^unl, have. 1 tear, formed ; n .it- i.G it '.I the nature m such ri-iit’ll ot mu country, i tjruslly ' U n a.iciopt a* Hint winch w-a« mnrle ul ■ im in i • ' I i'i< • hi.muni' y in " - || n rp r • Fuiry vvsa iiitundi-ii to bu ami G mi? ucciiHi'.iiicd i.> unit alt uGirm > Itavn been, bad it proved successful. I nioi ■. • 11 • '■ , i "i r i|.'< lion un i!>iv tiiont that •y lor i i >'. , v .. i : .. i n'. • m net, th I any civililed mi n', or tl smi'i ru, lit" rustil. ol ( man t. Iii* ngtit mind, and still more any i.nudity, I * ii v *i until tel tl.e.iiM Ivin U | iutclligeuco ami ctornl tliscernmotit, ure ihe i- "mi mill'll" urjioury «•! | j, t oilier respects, can l.u fnuml to upprove iimi? danger. It ismy own ilubbor'iio , mid sympathies with it. 1 am sure it *uclt "" I'.rmed Ir on some «p|joriuititics persons will bring In me to their minds, in i.l (*b*( t vsimii, tnd tinnt Irn-niliy j ,|,y (ii*iinci conception, tlio real nature ul nidi nt*'* w11ii oilier pan* ol the I ||,„ undcriuking, they would ho tlieniaelvcs , (uo.iijh J carry mi m>,>r nl n polii ; ,j ihsi they had ever given it thoir trijilnii wo ure on tin* wry v»ri?). ! H ympathy. It appears Iroin Ins own siaie- v«11 ., wlm-ti will Hliuk" tIn t'mi'i. 1 mrmH m,c( Hiom nt Iii* dfludi-d associsles, ntiiid.iiii.ti ; und «Ii.»I it lew mure ,,| |,i^ biograpltur, und ol In* wroirhed wile, rwmil, in tlie ilirnnion iii which 11,„, t|,n unliappy man who lisa just paid live ui'Hi d lor a lew years past, will 1 ||„, I'Ule^sil |ns lilo hod lor yeara medita- i to tlm euijH'ropliu. | d-d ii ocnecsi iiisurroction iu tho SotUborn ) In ard it ur^'td on lormcr occitriona ; SmieH ; tHrliv thought tlio time had now c tt I a i m. that ii 11111*1 Im yrouiidlefc*, j come hi effect it; tliat the slave* wore rea- liiisiiit i* ir>it!* "it nv usual,—and ,| v to rise and the iion-alavehoiding whites Iren ure "ji'ii, und snn-kv keep up. |,, j , in them; und both united wore pre- u: uppi'urnni'i'e n.ny ml ti* (li lusivu. |.ar«-«l to form a new; Commonwealth, cl :»t eociul i.i lLliine iii'ivv* v.-itli * sio- winch itic constitution was orgunizad and , that ou 'ii l'i.- MUddcnly kiopiied , i|„ ,.nicer* chosen. With this wild, but linnry npt-i.i t nu* nl Itu-ini:** wont th .roughly matured plan, lin provides ■mice, in tl.c nv.diin *n"l 1729,^1111 j woiiiiins tor tltoso nn whose rising he euleu" iitilaiion ol the circulstin^ u'cdinm n t Uarpet’* Ferry ; lie seizes Ihe n»- top "* ovrryiliing mat required it* 1 t lotml ursctini. vvhete tliero wu* u supply of ke. ttiestre* sod nil tlie other phees I „ r ,„ M i„ r hundred tlioitsund men ; and Its e HiMv'enicni wciu crowd, it m mint- ! iiuemled, it unable to maintain himself at llio teigit nl t'.iror. Tlm French I mu-e in tho otieri uountry, |u retreat lo tho invim hio.'d G.-iw r than In ' did in j m.iuut^jn*. and trout tho, hstrnes, it ilm 2l*t nl J'* t.rnury. 1818. On i parulyx), and nt length revolutionize i i ol Him in mill I. mu 1‘ldlltp|ni unis | .South. To talk of llte pike* und nllea i i.i diHguui- ii mi In* capital ; ilm i t.eing intendud lor offrnsivo jiurposes, • , Wei« i.uSi. 'l, ii nd Ilm oldest moil* eimply ubsurd. Tlie fir> i ol thu t down a free colored man, • i l"iy were attanip'tni! to impress, and ! "I Ironi tltODi. One iniglit sh well im I!,.- rifled ordnance of Louis Napu- ;v ii * iiiionded only for soll-deoncs, not used iinlu** the Auniriuit*should un* ke to um*t hi* march. , tor, it wun nu attempt to do on a miii!m what wn* dono iu St. Domingo • I, where tlm colored population was i equal to thut ol Virginia ; und il mis in the record tin Bill und Ho Bill; nnd •Gould j mid chvmusiy ur ol D iiii*Ins And j >!in ckiiiri'Jgn umi l.nno melt .-Lruiii. irom tin Whir pi Among 'lie Don *, F. h. Rivet-, T , Henry L. Hopk Brec May it* brightest anUcipaUom ralized, and may the American ' it in iii.on our distracted country , n It i lo homogeneous l.u ri*l, CMiiiiOdL.iii • ucci *!>ion — a I'.M, N"lUl upon ttin solid l«r Dougla fliciV rage* between ull the houiitern Hint ridgo *1 un irrepressible trends of both, in 'VI'"' *'>»'"»"« iijinui"! icst sou pstnoitc j | (| ,, kUlr Dcinocrnts of Virginia and i ...i no vole lor Hell umi Lvorel l ( .. lore rs*ortnig Iu li accuou to gum liy u u n*o1u iii, with reference to t/iut ler which llircs'ciis t*» destroy 1 11 ti,. mi 'night liurnmgfl, the wlndcsalc inns- , 1 "l ' III e • "! U III 'lid - ai legislu ,,,,( (', he u,iuio(l by chrisunn cars — i.i met in- ,,| wine'., too niiuner.vbly atrocious nine unu" | (jr Emdioh Untiusgt, are of mctssily i word ami (it the nhscurtty “I the Ln'in tutiguo ict.oiittic A || nw to read you a lew sentences I ' it | MM * 1,11 ruu ^ >rv,n *' ,w orrran of "counrcla* ’ ” in tlm town itself, tlie general belief ,j r ,* ary ’ lor nunc time wan, that the rovolt wss by • I or wi.-j • no means un extensive one, but s uuddeit uje in .» uud partial imwrrocUon only. The largest 'iinrhMf 1 -ugar piantaiein on Ihe plain was that of t ( ' ' VI.his. Uiultlet, situated about tight miles f , f , • if,,in ih* town, the negroes bdonging n mi i', n t v\Inch had always honii treated wiilt allot ml Li ci. i kindue** and Itbtiultiy ond pot-apsaed «• 1UM li(t • -aaity adviuituge*, luut it became a pfover rtblc qots. j blal e>.preas;o» among thu lower white it. 1 uik i people, in apcaking . _ iron over i f"nuno, it heureua cos,me un nrgredc complaint i Gallifet (he t* «* h*PP.y laitoit ol St.. Domingo nun.iiuit-d to i.ut little ration ot n hull million, while llio ! white* umoitntvd to only tinny thoiiaauup Tlie while populuiioii of the Sotitinru StaiCH, tit tin. aggregate outnumber* lliu colored race in tlio ratio ol two to one ; in tlm Dillon at larco iu the rutin ot m;vi ii tootle; audit (winch iieuven uvon) they tdmuld bu brought into conflict, it could end only in (tic extermination ot llio tan. r alter ncencu ol woo, lor winch language t* too limit; und lor which tlio liveliest fancy tins no Hdcquntu tmugos ol horror. Buclt being the case, pouiu ono may n*k why doc* nut tlio 8ouiIt forulv hcrcell ogoiiiHt tlio possible occurrence of such a cutnsiroplic, l.y doing away with thu one great source tioiit which atone it can spring? This ia a question easily naked, and 1 am not aware that tt isourduiyni llte North tu answer it ; but il may bu i.lm-rvud great nnd radicul changes iu (lie frame work of Hocioly, involving the rrlutmtib ol twelve million* ul men, will not wait nu the bidding ol an impatient philanthropy.— They can only bo brought about in the lapse o| tune, by lliu eteiuly operation ol phytdcil, economical, and moral t in:'' il^vo tltoso, who rebuke the .Smith It t coniinttuncu id slavery, eonnuered that neither the presout generation nor the pre ceding unu in responsible bn h cMsicnce ? Tit# Alrtcan slave trauo wu* prohibited by Act ut Congress liny-one year* uuo, mid many year* earlier by the separate .South ern Status. Tho entfre colored population, with the exception, perhaps, nl a lew Hun dreds Biirrtp'uiouidy iiiunduccd, is native to the soil. Tlieir ancestors were eonv ltd Irom Africa in the shin* ut Old Englund and New England. They now number between three and lour million*. Has a: y person, ot uiy party or opinion, promoted, in sober earnest, n practical method <n wholesale untancip.itioii ‘ i bcltavu most persons, in all part* ol the country, are ol uptnion, that tree labor is sieadtly guiinn.; gtoutid. D would iu my ludgmeut have already prevailed in tho two northern tiers ol the Bluvultoldmg HtutflN, had its advance* not been unhappily retarded by ilm irrita ting agitations ut the day. But has any person, whose opinion is entitled to ihe ■lightest respect, ever undertaken to sketch out the details ol u pluu lor t-fleettng the change at unco, by any Icg slativo meniim: that could bu udupted ? (Consider only. I pray you, that it would be to ask the South to give up otto thousand millions ot proper ty, winch she holds hy a title satisfactory to horscll, as tlio first Htep. Then e a innate the cost ot an adequate outfit lor tlie self support ul tlie emancipated millions; ilicn reflect on tliedorangt-meni ol tho entire in dustrial nysium ol thu South and ull thu brauchu* ol commerce uud ntuiiufuciurt'* that depend on ns great staples; then ihc necessity of conferring equal political privi leges un the emancipated race, who being treo would bo content with nothing lesi, if uuything less was consistent with out political system ; then tho consequent < r- gsnixstion ot two gteut pulttictl parties on the bssi* ol color, and Hie denial teuJ wlticli would rage between ; and finally tho oveiliow into tI.o lie both sides 'llte .Split in Virginia. That there is "something to be said on hi regard to the attversl tiomi* Democratic party hu* already in n liliiBtruled nt I’ete sburg, Vtiginia. At .in impromptu cult a large meeting an- suinliitid nt thui patriotic ct yon Saturday evening. A cummitict wu* npputntcd, ot wliit li tlie il"ti. Fr.u.eis tiufvcs (lorn.erly in Congrcbtd was i It airman, and rutoluilons were reported endorsing tho'* nomination of ■ r. D * ii ,: 11 h lor the l'i/.*Njdency, and cun'* d . ' c df.ioo ..t tim secedera. An ani- n. "'.! ■:.mutun lolluvvcJ between Messrs, i'lniuiii) K .. . i nos. Wallace,and Titos. Brum i iii I "or, and hy Messrs. Win. R. Joiiii* J. 11. L’liiibornc, and J. Mintutrre in "Ppi aiii'in. 'I'here was much enthusi asm on h'ltii etdt-s, but further uettun was poiiponod until Titcsduy evening. Upon ru-aascmbUng on Tuesday evening ' i.o ■ ■„ ** as addressed by Mr. Davis, ot im ( utiri i, \ irginia, and Mr. Seward, of Geor*.iu, tmili ol whom were dctegaies to haminoro Convention, and both of . ii'.iii iciuscd to cceede. Messrs. Timothy ILvos, Ttiomas Branch, and other gentfe- 1111.11 iiddrusseii the meeting, which wnn in : essioii ut so lam nu hour tttni the result is The Democratic AsNociation of Poters- Hg IhIJ a meeting on the lxiiiu evening, i" speeches from Messrs. ■ r• ■ ■•'!. How uud Yancey, the hitter Irom Ai.ii.iium, tho lriends ot Douglas having w tihdrowu. Tlirt o resolutions wore adopt ed, the promiiH-ni one oi which deemed u imxj edteiu at titi* umo to de.ermine the . uoiM.i.l the Associstioti inrcterunco loth# two Democraliu cuudidutes. .Major Mood uud the Presidency. Mayor W.".d arrived here this morning. Iln l.j. I."H conltrring to-day with Mr. Br.-> ktnnduc, Judge Dniigla* and tho nd- mii.i-Hiilioii, u* to the proper course to pur sin' ill the coining campaign, ilo suggests tiiai there should Im i.ut ono clcciorol ticket in il/c Siato ol New York, with (he Efccto- 1.11 College unpledged to either candidate, but to throw tho voiu lor citlior, ■■ ntsy be most politic, and thus secure tho Mato Irom the Republican.!. Him proposi tion mccim to meet with (uvor from both i" < . His influence arises Irom tho fact • Gat he i- not pledged to either, hut desires to Hccuru llte Stain to the Democracy. It, Go xi ver, tlit-so pacific cm tinsel* ahull not pre vail, and ti.e administration ilnea not throw nseli into tho tight, the probability is that. Mayor Wood will go with the popular sen* • intent "t tlm State, which he thinks in favor of Douglas. It io understood that tho » Inilnibiration nro in council to-day upon tins vvrv tubjeci. I'hc impression is that ii" • -'id throw their whole power in lavor of ! reckmrid: <■ und II so, every "ti. tmidi-r will liavo to thow iiis hand or ml will drop into the basket. A word > the v o.&c.—N. Y. Jleratd, 27th. Reto’ved, ’1 nt u* uik mil 1 oi m r country, and upot. a suspension sil»lk* slavery agitatnm winch Gas ill «.ur defunct J’residtnttst parties t forty year*. [A. 1. HtralJ (Adm) party, but to c preventing the t i Im and n«» longer lollow j disputed pod scat'ered 1 v.ics tor it.ill und hy ’ the a of M . G*l M.’Udeluc, an attorney, ... _j iins plantation, ws* a member t.-iy whothor uny- oi the Guncrst A-sombly, tnd being fully i,>i|.iog "i bo boptd, ! pursttad-’d mat thu nogroe# belonging •■• InvxNTios.—Tl. hi Our townsman, , n«• invented a luuogi 1‘snola, j Dent' i and Ihe Ut i.ku tder l!' election ol Linculn. \ trgiiiia, und u-dly* lor Bell and E i will bo gloriously | d, and the South racredly protecift her right* and iiitcrotis t rs ut trie Constitution nnd i J thereto, tbi ieJ te slavery t oCeutiy nil large i i he* the Co'isttiution; snd, s* ,1averv F* rocogmtted cud sanctioned by the Cousmuuon, Chm,grass, which derives all j n« I,.,\,, i irom tiiui inatrument, cannot leg- , piesssuv .u*. »r -• lg | a ^ me subject ot siavcry, except I climate. Me shall have un#as tor its protection, us property, whole it { can g* t it n»adu. legally exists, that the territuriea * . . cutomon properiy of^ nil _|^° H ,.*, U >,^ | The Boston Fuat call* a mariisgd certifi' i a a W iit of attain'd Iter; and the gxtu Protecting Slavery* !i!d The Democracy in iltf 8ouili claims gr icd I fur ilietr dtvuiion to the slave inn r ! R tf voiu. i,. isi, and at the same lime Inatsta Hint pro* , t . UUlJ , teexioo to slavery in the Territories ts a i i: ' j cardinal prineiide which cannot bo sbs/)* I VHry „| ,,j > d'-nod. Dow do they piscin e upou this | % e iv«.-it I l ,ul ° l f ' itit-r.) in no rnurt. ( Will the .South goin any gruatcr siability fur her social sysicin, —uny larger omnuiCL into tiiu vacant pub- lie tctriioiM * ? NY 'll tlm North led uny one objru, wbicu by any shade ul upiii. m, ixtrome or i deemed tb si ruble ; on tlio contrary, not every evil mu drt»tr#e to rent* Jy bo tinned end aygravatod f il this vtn lilt Biibieci bu wxri-ct, what can bo mon wise, wh*< tnoro suicidal, than to s tltoso d iirnt iu tnotr obedience, pu r thither to cncourapc Hit.m in opposing the insurgents ; to vvhtch ii,d ho disircd tho as*i«tnnco ol a lew oldtors from the town guard, which was ifltc- pranitd hint. Ifo proceeded accordingly, run I tit min ol neudv and helpless ei grants, who, being cxcludtU Irom many them, would provu doubly burdmauii where they t-ru udmiltcd Sliu ti Id «•*, i with all our sympathy lor the colored ri (und 1 do stm t rely sympathize with tGl and lo ail wiioiii chance throws iu my wt 1 have throoundtii) extended all *.nu re. . and aamaianco in my power,;• give u n good t ordtal reception to ty.»x or throu hundr thousand dcftll’UlU otiiunuipaiud sUvi*l Djcs not evtry candid muii scu, ' evt one ol iheve suq.s presents diflinilmi tho inuBt lortnidable charac.oi,—ditlicuit! lor wi.icii, m» Isr as 1 know, m> tniwi and party lius proposed a s .iunon A couple of old topers got into a quarrel, nn I for u limo hurled all tba approved biickguardiims of the pothouse at each other, when ono of them, determined toex- linguifth tho other immediately, oxclsimsd: "Go ! 1 have no mote to say ! 1 scorn you •s I Jo a glass of oold w*ipr.’’ Eli* ••Turn m God on# dostli." Iii* dificiplea said : man kn .w ih* day ot bid risvvered s "Therefore turn •y ; fur perhaps you ntay die iln i uiiot any approaching the .. , prise- and pnof. Ijo fuur.4 all the negroes in ' is uu iiio unfa ol tho iebt-1*. and (Itorr d tellj their standard was the body of * d recently impaled m: hud advanced loo PPHUH -- tmtd, and both ho J a friend who liad accompanied him, Hi must ol thoNioldiers. were killed with t ineicy. Two or three only of the rol escbtiad by flight, and conveyed ti. States, and. i ibarefore me people ..lull the State#J a»# the light to enter upon " wtih their slaves, j nd occupy any ierr»n.*y property, 1 blerVs heaven a put- ., ..known that the Territorial . „ Logialniuic of Kunsas paused laws prutiih- i u 111 * slavery. On Friday, the fills, Mr. I Grtcn, Democratic Senator from Missouri, reported adversely upon a proposi'tor. to piotoct slave property in Kansas. The Democratic Senate agreed Ur the report. So that with sit their pretensions to guil S.uil.ern men into their suppori, they re- love protection when the question centos up.—Jfiihinond Whig. , xiiiclt will leave llio two fji&i c country tn u worse Condition i incut, with reference to tin-, , lor which they a how thorn* dreadful tiding impelled lo the dreadful oon- i *v> vv » sum* .on. But 1 all imaginary lactiilous _ which there is no substantial esuso—lit suoject tor ridicule rattier than serious thu inhabitants oi the of the white iety. , By (fail — I h. loM perlups Ills' all Ibis i. i wll J , 1 ' ' d t " 1 "" '"“fi™ ih.l ih.Vt.rn! .' ihe H..urh is I' 1 p»»*. " , ‘,-“‘, r, , d i ”i“.L'“ d .i“ •; ft tiuildu.g* and csnc*ficld* wero everywhere sot ou tirs; and il.u conflagrations, which were visible lion, tlio town, tn a thousand different quarters, furnished • piospect signs of panic ........ .xceptlora lew hours at Harper’s Ferry wherein the confusion ol tho first surprise, xud in profound ignorance ol the shocking, and reflections more dies And is ti. »ir, lonliuattiinni*.. t of nl" • -li ro maiiilesily iinprscticsblo, pui-ucd, ion, by thu bloody painwu;* ot treason und murder, that we will ull >w the stupei-dcis evil whiw.ii now ttiroiitcns ts, locomo iip> n tho country ? tShuii wo permit tots curi ously comported body poli'ic, tlio nicest ad justment ul human wtbdom, lu go tu pi*ce»/ Will we blast title btsunlul symmeinc turm; paralyze ibis puwcrtul »nn id' pu'.n strength ; smite with imbecility ’ Nanuiial intellect 1 Where, sir, will Lu the list: ul the United .Siato ! Where our rapidly increasing influence i the lamily ol nationsAlready titcy si rejoicing in our divirmhs. Tlie last lot, :j journal winch I have read- ut omnnu n'tn upon the event «t Harper’s Ferry, duel, upon it as aometbiiuf that "will corn pc I u koe*t the peucu with the power* <>i Lu Hone nun use words m riflemen do baf» 1 : . Tuej say little. The levs wards used go ngbt to thu mark. They let you talk, and guide with their oyo and face, nn and "ii, t II wlist yt n say can bn uiywcred iu a word or two, thou they launch out a sentence, •i'*rc« the rmuter lo the quick, and are done. where you stand with rope," and that means lo lukc il Irom them in oqr international relation ., i meant tu have spokm ol ih«. wreck ot thui magnificent and mutuully lyn-ii.-ial coin- uitruial itttercourau whieU now exists be tween the produemj snd ninnutacturing States t—ol tlm ho*ttlo tariffs in lime ut peace and tbe habitually recurring border war#, by which it will H vqmk l#"d. I them. Yuur coi>v*rsstion iaIL into their minds a* rivers l*H into the deep chasms, and ar* lust from sight hy its depth and dur*n>M. They will sometimes curpris# you with a low words, that go right to the gteui i uisik itks a gun-shot, uud then they ar# stlsnt again, as it ibov were reloading. \ I.' cr Irom JCcy West, FIs., of ths 21st Jniic, >- iyu t "The three caryoes of negroes an "'ting slung very well, the reduced .. 1 J t'Tiu tied by di»eu*o drop off, sod up Iu thi* date 190 have bee t buried.—Charles* ton Mercury. Thta, peihaps, ia correct, with an impor tant qualification. We lesru Bom pretty good authority that the healthy ones “drop well as the "reduced snd attenuated,' auil that notwithstanding 192 coffins may have been butied, il is by do means certaia thut each one contained a negro'.—.Say, Hepul/lieon* v